Powder Metallurgy

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Powder Metallurgy of High Density Helical Gears

Richard Slattery
Capstan Atlantic
Wrentham, Ma 02093

Francis Hanejko, Arthur Rawlings,

Michael Marucci
Hoeganaes Corporation
Cinnaminson, NJ 08077


Powder Metallurgy is a proven technology to produce high strength gears for the automotive industry.
Advances in powder production, compaction, and sintering combined with double pressing have enabled
overall part densities up to 7.5 g/cm³ in spur gears. However, helical gears are more difficult to produce
to these same densities because the geometry does not lend itself to the DP/DS process. Described in this
paper is a P/M parts making technology capable of producing single pressed and sintered helical gears
with core densities approaching 7.4 g/cm³. Description of a prototype run will be presented with the
resulting sintered part densities and part-to-part variability. To further enhance the performance and
geometry of these helical gears, they were subsequently surface densified via rolling. Improvements in
the surface density and gear quality will be described.


Powder Metallurgy (P/M) techniques have proven successful in displacing many components within the
automobile drive train such as: connecting rods, carriers, main bearing caps, etc. [1] The reason for
P/M’s success is its ability to offer the design engineer the required mechanical properties with reduced
component cost. At the present time, P/M is successful in two primary performance areas. The first is in
density ranges below 7.1 g/cm³ with low to medium strength requirements. The second main application
area is fully dense P/M via powder forging. Here a sintered preform is hot forged to near pore free
density, maximizing the mechanical properties of the P/M component.

To close the gap between conventional P/M and full density P/F, a process is needed that enables the
P/M parts producers to manufacture parts with sintered densities > 95% of pore free via single press /
single sinter processing. This higher density provides enhanced mechanical properties with a higher
elastic modulus. [2] Although high density provides better mechanical properties such as tensile
properties, fatigue, and impact toughness; even minor amounts of porosity can have a significant negative
effect on certain characteristics. In particular high performance gears require full density in the critical
stress region to withstand the high Hertzian contact stresses. Secondary processing such as surface
densification enables the production of a highly engineered porous core component with full or near full

density in the critical stress region of the gear. [3] What is needed is to merge the practice of surface
densification with higher core densities to expand the potential applications for P/M.

An example of a part family that offers significant volume opportunities for the P/M industry are helical
gears used in the planetary gear sets of automatic transmissions. The requirements of these gears are high
surface hardness, good core toughness, fatigue strength for tooth bending, rolling contact fatigue
resistance, and high density to resist pitting and sub-surface spalling during service. [4] Currently, these
gears are machined from either AISI 8620 steel or AISI 5120 steel carburized and machined to meet the
dimensional specifications. Conventional press and sinter technologies offer low production cost to
produce these parts; however the corresponding mechanical properties are inadequate. Powder forging a
blank and then machining will give the required mechanical properties but at a cost that is prohibitive. It
is speculated that a technology enabling core densities > 7.4 g/cm³ with a fully dense surface will meet
the mechanical property requirements of this application, yet be economically competitive.

In an effort to satisfy the diverse mechanical requirements of these helical pinion gears, Capstan Atlantic
and Hoeganaes Corporation collaborated on the implementation of a new compaction technology
(AncorMax D™) that enables the attainment of high core densities without the need to preheat the
powder. The advantage of this process is its greater flexibility in the manufacture of high-density P/M
parts. It will be demonstrated that this process can produce helical gears with sintered densities
approaching 7.4 g/cm³. Following compaction and sintering, Capstan employed their proprietary surface
densification technology to densify the high stressed region of the gear. This technology coupled with
the attainment of the proper heat-treated microstructure can produce gears that approach the performance
of wrought steel gears.

The AncorMax D™ Process

The AncorMax D process is a patent pending premixing technology that optimizes both the lubricant and
binder additions to achieve an increase of 0.05 to 0.15 g/cm3 in density relative to a conventional premix.
[5,6] Coupled with this increase in green and sintered densities, the AncorMax D process offers reduced
alloy segregation, reduced dusting, superior flow, and enhanced die fill. [7] These factors give the
opportunity for greater consistency and higher quality P/M parts.

Attaining high-density single press single sinter P/M parts has been an objective of the P/M industry for
many years. ANCORDENSE™ processing was introduced approximately 8 years ago; it is a technology
that requires preheating the die, punches, and powder to approximately 120-150 °C (250 – 300 °F). [8]
The challenge of maintaining consistent temperature during the compaction process has prevented wide
spread acceptance of this processing technique. The AncorMax D system requires only die heating in the
range of 60-70 °C (140 – 160°F). The powder remains unheated until it enters the die cavity.

The advantages of this system include the aforementioned density gain of 0.05-0.15 g/cm3, less ancillary
equipment, and reduced powder waste. Limitations include a maximum part length of approximately 25
mm (1.0 inches) due to limited heat transfer in the powder and the continued need for a heated die. Also,
compaction pressures above 550 MPa (40 tsi) are a prerequisite to attain the improvement in density.
Shown in Figure 1 is a comparison of the green density vs. compaction pressure for an FLN2-4405
material made via regular premixing, ANCORDENSE premixing, and AncorMax D premixing. General
observations from this chart are as follows: the ANCORDENSE premix gives the highest green densities
at the lowest compaction pressures and the maximum green density achieved for ANCORDENSE and
AncorMax D are nearly the same. The benefit of the AncorMax D processing is observed at compaction
pressures greater than 40 tsi (550 MPa). The maximum density achieved with either the ANCORDENSE

or AncorMax D technology is dependent upon the pore free density of the premix with a limiting value of
98% of the pore free density (PFD).

Green Density (g/cm3)

AncorMax D
7.00 Standard Acrawax
300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Compaction Pressrue (MPa)

Figure 1: Comparison of the compressibility of a regular premix with ANCORDENSE and

AncorMax D.

Properties of AncorMax D FLN2-4405

To illustrate the potential benefits of using the AncorMax D process a comparison of the mechanical
properties of an FLN2-4405 premix processed via two routes was performed.
Table 1 shows the test alloy matrix.

Table 1
Alloy Test Matrix (FLN2-4405)

Base Material Ni, w/o Gr, w/o Lube, w/o
1 FL-4400 2.0 0.6 0.75 Std. Premix
2 FL-4400 2.0 0.6 0.55 AncorMax D

Reference is made to Figure 1 for the compressibility curve for the two materials. It is noted that
compaction pressures above 550 MPa (40 tsi) show an increase in the green density. However, with the
compaction pressure at 415 MPa (30 tsi), the increase in density is minimal. In addition to
compressibility samples, standard MPIF dog bone tensile samples were compacted with a die
temperature of 63 °C (140 °F). Rotating bending fatigue samples were produced by machining standard
test samples from blanks also compacted at a die temperature of 63 °C (140 °F). All samples were
sintered under the following conditions.

! Continuous Belt Furnace
! Standard Water Jacket Cooling
! Sintering Temperature: 1120 & 1230°C (2050 °F & 2300 °F)
! Time at Temperature: 25 min
! Atmosphere: 75-vol%H2 - 25 vol%N2

Increasing the density of a P/M component increases the tensile and fatigue strength of the finished part.
Figures 2 and 3 demonstrate that the 0.10 g/cm3 increase in density achieved with the AncorMax D
processing results in a 10% increase in ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and yield strength (YS) at
equivalent compaction pressures. Additional increases in strength can be achieved with increasing the
sintering temperature from 1120 °C to 1260 °C (2050 °F to 2300 °F) by comparing the data presented in
Figures 2 and 3.


AncorMax D

Strength (MPa)



300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Compaction Pressure (MPa)

Figure 2: Strength of FLN2-4405 sintered at 1120°C (2050 °F).


AncorMax D

700 UTS
Strength (MPa)


500 YS


300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Compaction Pressure (MPa)

Figure 3: Strength of FLN2-4405 sintered at 1260°C (2300 °F)

The rotating bending fatigue data (rbf) presented in Table 2 demonstrates the same beneficial effect of
increasing density on the fatigue survival limits. The 0.10 g/cm³ increase in density yields approximately
a 10% increase in fatigue life.

Table 2
RBF Data for AncorMax D Processed FLN2-4405

Compaction Sintering 90% 90% % of UTS

UTS, Density,
Pressure, Temp., Survival Survival (90%)
MPa g/cm³
MPa °C Limit, MPa Limit, MPa %
690 1120 261 266 759 34.4 7.34
830 1120 285 292 745 38.2 7.41
690 1230 247 252 759 32.5 7.38
830 1230 268 273 841 31.8 7.44

The rotating bending fatigue (rbf) survival limits for the samples sintered at 1230°C (2300 °F) are lower
than the samples sintered at 1120°C (2050 °F). This superior fatigue performance of the 1120 °C
sintered material is related to the heterogeneous microstructure. At 1120 °C, the admixed nickel does not
completely diffuse into the iron matrix resulting in a nickel rich second phase that acts to arrest crack
propagation. Conversely, the homogeneous microstructure of the high temperature sintered samples lack
these crack arresting particles with a resulting decrease in fatigue performance. [9, 10]


To verify the production capability of the AncorMax D process Capstan Atlantic and Hoeganaes
Corporation collaborated in the compaction and sintering of the helical gear shown in Figure 4. During
this effort, a standard premix material consisting of FLN2-4405 composition (Table 1) was compacted as
a reference at pressures ranging from 550 to 830 MPa (40 tsi to 60 tsi) in non-heated tools at a press
speed of ~ 8 strokes per minute.

Figure 4: Photograph of helical gear pressed in the collaborative effort. Note gear has a 22°-helix
angle with an OAL of 22.5-mm. The major diameter of the gear is 42.5-mm and the ID of the gear is

Phase two of the trial involved compaction of an AncorMax D premix of the same FLN2-4405
composition (with the exception of the lubricant addition and type) utilizing the same helical gear
tooling. Compaction pressures of 550 MPa to 830 MPa (40 to 60 tsi) were utilized with a die
temperature of 65 °C (150 °F). In both compaction trials, the part height was varied from 6-mm (0.25-
in.) up to approximately 25-mm (1.0- inch).

Results from the compaction trial are summarized in Table 3. Similar to the results achieved with
laboratory test samples, the AncorMax D gears exhibited an overall density increase of approximately
0.05 to 0.10 g/cm³ compared to the standard premix at equivalent compaction pressures. One notable
aspect of this work demonstrated that the AncorMax D with its reduced lubricant level gave satisfactory
compaction and ejection up to a part height of 22.5-mm. Compacting gears with over all lengths (OAL)
greater than 25-mm resulted in high die ejection forces with corresponding poor surface finishes.

Table 3
Green Density Results of Helical Gear Trial

Green Density at Green Density at Green Density at

Premix Gear OAL, mm
550 MPa, g/cm³ 690 MPa, g/cm³ 830 MPa, g/cm³
Std. Premix 12 7.12 7.26 7.26
19 7.13 7.25 7.28
25 7.03 7.25 7.28
AncorMax D 12 7.24 7.34 7.38
19 7.25 7.32 7.34
22.5 7.05 7.28 7.34

Part-to-part weight variability of the gears produced with the AncorMax D process showed reduced
scatter relative to the standard material (Table 4). This reduced scatter will lead to reduced dimensional
variation in the production of the actual component.

Table 4
Part-to-part weight variability @ 830 MPa

Process σ gms
Var. 1σ Range gms.
Standard Premix 0.48 1.66
AncorMax D 0.20 1.10

After compaction, the gears were sintered at 1120 °C (2050 °F) in 90-v/o nitrogen and 10-v/o hydrogen
sintering atmosphere for approximately 30 minutes at temperature. The sintered gears were evaluated for
sintered density; the results are presented in Table 5. More than 3000 gears were compacted during this
pre-production effort. Twelve sectional densities were evaluated via sectioning a part into 4 quadrants
around the diameter and into three height regions. The result of this analysis is shown in Table 6. It is
worth noting that the density gradient from top to bottom and around the circumference is uniform within
+/- 0.02 g/cm³. This uniformity of density is significant because uniform density throughout the part
minimizes distortion during sintering.

Table 5
Sintered Density of Helical Gears at 1120 °C (2050 °F)

Premix Gear OAL, mm @550 MPa g/cm³ @690 MPa g/cm³ @830 MPa g/cm³
Std. 12 7.12 7.24 7.28
19 7.12 7.25 7.29
25 6.99 7.18 7.23
AncorMax D 12 7.26 7.41 7.45
19 7.28 7.43 7.45
22.5 7.07 7.43 7.45

Table 6
Density Variations Within a Sintered Helical Gear, g/cm³

Position North (front of die) South East West

Top 7.38 7.40 7.37 7.41
Middle 7.37 7.39 7.40 7.39
Bottom 7.41 7.39 7.40 7.40


Achieving higher sintered density is perhaps the primary method to improve the performance of a P/M
part. However, recent experimental work has shown that heat treat practice and secondary operations can
also have a significant effect on actual part performance. This section will review recent advancements
in these processes and demonstrate how these advances can lead to improved gear performance.

It is well known that carburizing produces favorable compressive stresses on the surface of components.
This phenomenon applies to P/M components as well. Several researchers have found a 15% to 20%
improvement in rotating bending fatigue properties. [11,12] In addition, the lower carbon core produces a
material with greater impact toughness and core ductility. Despite the positive effect of carburizing on
mechanical properties, one key material characteristic in which P/M falls short of wrought steels is in the
area of rolling contact fatigue resistance. In rolling contact fatigue the high subsurface stresses resulting
from the gear contact area and relative slip has shown the need for full density in the critical stress
regions to withstand the Hertzian contact stress associated with rolling contact fatigue of high
performance gears.

To improve the gear performance of P/M components, surface densification is sometimes used to densify
the highly stressed region of the part, while unaffecting the core characteristics. Benefits of surface
densification can include:

! Provide a composite structure with a pore free case and a porous core
! Potentially lower component cost because the high density region is only in the critical stress
region of the part
! Improved gear geometry and tolerance because the P/M gear is rolled against a precision roll die
! Potentially add the ability to crown the tooth of the densified P/M gear

Surface densification is a process that locally densifies the surface of a pressed and sintered P/M
preform. The concept of densifying only the surface is that maximum Hertzian stress in a gear is
developed in the near surface region of the gear and diminishes with increasing distance from the surface.
Thus, a gear with a surface densified case (to the appropriate depth) will give equivalent rolling contact
fatigue properties to a wrought steel gear. Process development at Capstan Atlantic showed that the
depth of the pore free densified layer can range from a minimum of 0.35-mm to greater than 0.70-mm.

Figure 5 presents metallographic analysis of the porosity distribution for cylindrical test specimens that
were densified via surface rolling to two distinct depths. Near full density was achieved at subsurface
distances up to 0.75-mm (0.030-inch). Beyond the densified layer the porosity level increases to the level
of the as sintered component. The data shown in Figure 5 demonstrate the versatility of the rolling
process in producing densified layers but also the ability to densify to specific depths depending upon the
requirements of the final application. This densified layer produces improvements in the rolling contact

fatigue results as shown by Sanderow. In addition to the benefits of improved rolling contact fatigue, the
surface densification has the added benefit of improved gear geometry and the possibility of
incorporating crowning on the surface of the gear. Figure 6 is a photograph of a helical gear undergoing
surface densification.

% Porosity

Initial Attempt
Second Attempt
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Distance from Rolled Surface, mm

Figure 5: Porosity profiles of roll densified test samples

Figure 6: Helical gear undergoing roll densification.

Production of Surface Densified Gears

This section of the paper will describe the actual production of a surface densified helical gear shown in
Figure 4. The intent of this section is to outline the steps necessary to achieve surface densification and
the resultant gear geometries and densification profile.


P/M is often considered a net shape process that requires little or no machining. However, machining is
sometimes required to incorporate undercuts, cross-holes, etc. Machining is also used to improve the
dimensional accuracy of some P/M components. Machining of P/M gears, unlike its wrought steel
counterpart is limited to the inside diameter. The benefits from this single machining operation are:
precise inside diameter tolerances and near perfect alignment of the gear teeth to the central axis of the

Shown in Figure 7 is an as sintered AGMA 7 gear blank at the machining stage. This gear, after
machining will increase in AGMA classification to 9, as the pitch line runout to the inside diameter will
be qualified to within 0.02 mm. An additional rolling operation if required, can be incorporated to correct
lead error, which will further increase the AGMA quality level of this gear.

Figure 7: Machining of a P/M gear blank to improve the runout


As briefly described earlier, another potential operation for the enhancement of gear geometry, as well as
tooth fatigue endurance is gear rolling. With the incorporation of a specifically engineered rolling
process one has the ability to achieve optimum tooth alignment while surface densifying the gear teeth to

depths in excess of 0.7 mm. An additional benefit of this operation is a “mirror like” surface finish
achieved on the tooth flanks resulting in a much quieter running gear, which is critical in satisfying ever-
increasing NVH requirements among our customer base.

Shown as Figures 8 and 9 are the gear traces evaluating gear tooth lead error and involute profile.
Beyond the necessity to densify the surface and improve gear quality, another challenge presented by this
application is the requirement of a “crown” central within the face width of the gear (shown in the lead
traces) along with a peak involute at the pitch diameter of the gear (shown in the involute traces).

First, looking at the lead traces (Figure 8), notice that the start and stop points of the trace are at the same
level, while there is a positive crown in the middle of the trace. Typically with P/M we would see a
hollow in the central region of the face width of the tooth caused by the low dense region at or about the
middle of the gear’s face width. We call this the “density dip” effect. The compaction of a high density
gear perform with uniform density top to bottom, minimized this “density dip” thus in combination with
a specifically engineered rolling process a 0.01mm crown was created, on both gear flanks.

The involute profile of the gear, or the “tooth shape” is a function of not only the rolling operation, but
also the as pressed tooth shape. To yield a specific involute profile one must utilize more of a systems
approach. Note on the involute traces the peak positive involute at the theoretical pitch line of the gear.

In addition to the dimensional and surface finish benefits realized by rolling, surface densification can
also occur. Typically, where required, gear tooth flanks are densified to a depth of 0.3 to 0.7 mm. The
primary benefits of this surface densification are increased fatigue life by inducing compressive stresses
on the tooth surfaces and wear resistance. Shown as Figure 10 is the photomicrograph of the surface
densified helical gear. The gear was sectioned at a 22° angle to the vertical to show the uniformity of
densification on the leading and trailing sides of the gear tooth. Figure 11 shows the depth of
densification on the gear. This first attempt at densifying the helical pinion produced a less dense case
than what was developed on the toroidal test samples. The reasoning for the more porous case is simply,
the conditions of rolling were not optimized. Prior experience at Capstan Atlantic has produced
densified layers in gears equivalent to the test samples (data shown in Figure 5). What made this
particular effort more challenging was incorporating the crowing on the gears. Rolling a P/M gear with a
crown has not been attempted prior to this effort, thus the deformation behavior is not completely
understood. Additional trials with rolling this gear form are certain to produce the desired densified layer
and form detail.

Figure 8: Gear tooth lead error traces on rolled densified helical gears taken at 90° intervals on the

Figure 9: Involute gear traces on rolled densified helical gears taken at 90° intervals on the gears.

Figure 11: Photomicrograph of rolled densified helical gear tooth taken through crowned

Porosity (v/o)

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Distance Across Tooth Center (mm)

Figure 12: Density gradient of rolled densified helical gear tooth measured at crowned


The sintered density distribution within a P/M component is paramount to obtaining good
mechanical property performance. Described in this paper is a new parts making process
utilizing a unique binder/lube system (AncorMax D) that enables the production of high-density
P/M parts through a combination of moderate die temperature 65°C (145 °F) plus higher
compaction pressures. It was demonstrated that sintered densities up to 7.4 g/cm³ are possible
using laboratory test samples of an FLN2-4405 material. In addition to the high density, it was
demonstrated that the density uniformity from top to bottom and around the circumference is
quite consistent.

The laboratory testing was extended to the prototype production of a helical gear with a 22°-
helix angle. As observed in the laboratory production of test samples, the AncorMax D showed
a similar density improvement in the helical gear of 0.05 to 0.10 g/cm³ greater compared to a
standard premix of FLN2-4405. The prototype production of the AncorMax D premix had
reduced part-to-part weight variability giving reduced finished part variability.

Beyond the development of the new binder/ lubricant system, surface densification is a
manufacturing technology capable of producing full density on the surface of the gear with full
densification ranging from a minimum of 0.38-mm (0.015-inch) to a maximum of 0.70-mm
(0.028-inch). This surface densification creates a composite component giving the benefits of
pore free density in the critically stressed case region of the part with ~95% density in the core to
provide for the required core properties. In addition to the densified case structure, the surface
finish of the rolled part is better than that of a ground finish.

The processing route proposed for the high performance helical gear is as follows:

! Compact to 7.3 g/cm³ + density using the AncorMax D processing

! Sinter
! Machine bore for concentricity (if necessary)
! Surface densify up to 0.70-mm (0.028- inch)
! Carburize heat treat
! Finish machine as required

This processing offers the mechanical properties of a high-density part, the surface fatigue
resistance of a wrought part, and potentially the low cost inherent to P/M processing.

Surface densification gives the following advantages:

! Pore free tooth surface

! Excellent (mirror) surface finish
! Increased wear resistance
! Reduced noise
! Improved corrosion resistance
! Minimal Tooth-to-Tooth & Total Composite error
! Redirects helix angle to improve gear tooth lead while incorporating a tooth crown
! Customized tooth profile
! Improved fatigue endurance

It is worth noting that the carburizing step develops a hard wear resistant surface layer plus produces
desirable surface compressive stresses that give enhanced bending fatigue characteristics. Increases in the
survival limit of rotating bending fatigue samples are on the order of 15% to 20%. Additionally
carburizing gives a desirable acicular martensitic microstructure in the case region. [13] The synergistic
effect of surface densification and carburizing offers the end user the potential for wrought steel gear
performance with the low cost inherent with P/M processing.

Finally and perhaps most significantly, surface densification has the added benefit of producing a part
with high dimensional precision. Lead and involute gear checking of the as rolled gear shows that the
gear error is equivalent to a conventional machined wrought steel gear. Additionally, the roll
densification process was able to produce a crown on the gear that further enhances the NVH
performance of the gear. Gear crowning is impossible to achieve through P/M part compaction, the
consistency of the crowning is a direct consequence of the uniformity of sintered density through out the
part and expert engineering of the rolling process to produce this feature.

Additional experimental work is required to produce the helical gear with the depth of densification
achieved in the test samples. However, significant progress was made in the potential production of this
component via P/M processing. The next steps include:

! Densifying the gears to 0.030 inches (0.70 mm).

! Carburizing the part to measure the potential distortion during heat-treatment.
! Simulated gear testing to verify the performance of the proposed processing
! Actual gear testing of the finished gears to qualify the process.


The authors want to thank the management and staff of both Capstan Atlantic and Hoeganaes Corporation
for their support of this work. A special note of thanks to Craig Gamble who operated the press and
handpicked the more than 3000 test pieces produced in this study. Also to Tom Murphy who performed
the density mapping shown in this report.


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2. Material Standards for P/M Structural Parts, 2000 Edition, MPIF Standard 35, Published by
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7. F. Semel and M. McDermott, “Recent Application of Binder Treatment Technology”,

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8. H. G. Rutz and F. G. Hanejko, “High Density Processing of High Performance Ferrous

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9. H. Rutz, T. Murphy, and T. Cimino, The Effect of Microstructure on Fatigue Properties of

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10. K. Narasimhan, S. Polasik, and N. Chawla,” Surface Replication as Means of Monitoring
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11. S. Saritas, W. James, A. Lawley, “Fatigue Properties of Sintered Steels: A Critical Review”,
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12. A. Taylor, F. Hanejko, A. Rawlings, “Advanced Sinter-Hardening Materials and Practices,

”Advances in Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials, Part 13, pp. 13-48 – 13-59,
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13. W. Jandeska, 2002, General Motors Corporation, private communication

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