Matrikon OPC UA Tunneller Datasheet

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Matrikon® OPC UA TunnellerTM

Take the Guesswork out of OPC UA Migration!



Increased connectivity requirements, along with the rise

of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Industrie
4.0, have created a challenge for the automation industry
to standardize network protocols on more functional and
interoperable platforms.

Growing demand for the OPC Foundation’s next-

generation communication standard, OPC Unified
Architecture (OPC UA), is pushing the technology into
mainstream adoption. OPC UA breaks down
communication barriers stemming from modern data
security concerns and a lack of third-party data



Automation vendor adoption of OPC UA continues to

accelerate in response to industry demand for open,
secure, and reliable data connectivity. With this shift,
engineers, IT, and System Integrators alike need to
properly integrate new OPC UA-based data sources (i.e.,
devices and applications) into their existing OPC Classic-
Figure 1 Matrikon OPC UA Tunneller facilitating OPC Classic
based architectures. Such integration of OPC Classic and OPC UA Interconnectivity
assets with OPC UA components is critical because a
“rip-and-replace” strategy of existing OPC Classic
infrastructure in favor of OPC UA-based technology is
Use Matrikon OPC UA Explorer to extend the productive
not economically feasible.
life of your OPC Classic infrastructure.

For the past 10 years, Matrikon® OPC Tunneller™ has SECURE AND ENHANCE OPC CLASSIC
delivered a best-in-class solution to eliminate the COMMUNICATIONS
majority of OPC Classic connectivity problems via a
single, easy-to-use package. With Matrikon OPC UA Matrikon OPC UA Tunneller maintains the tried-and-true
Tunneller, Matrikon continues this legacy while adding features of the original OPC Classic-focused Tunneller
powerful functionality to extend the useful life of your while offering expanded capabilities using a common,
OPC Classic components. user-friendly interface to enable you to get your OPC
connectivity up and running quickly.
Matrikon® OPC UA
Matrikon® OPC UA Tunneller addresses the top five Tunneller:
issues encountered using OPC Classic components
based on Microsoft’s Distributed Component Object Optimize All Your OPC
Model (DCOM). Using this solution will allow you to: Applications

• Eliminate permission issues encountered across

domains and workgroups Simplify OPC UA migration planning
• Enable OPC Classic data transfer through firewalls by with Matrikon OPC UA Tunneller by
eliminating the use of DCOM
seamlessly integrating your OPC UA
• Compress OPC Classic traffic to reduce bandwidth
utilization (compared to DCOM-based traffic) Clients and Servers with your OPC
• Overcome OPC timeout issues and disconnections Classic architecture without
caused by DCOM
• Encrypt OPC data between OPC Clients and Servers to replacing existing assets. This makes
provide data privacy it easy to add new OPC UA-based
Matrikon OPC UA Tunneller is the right choice where components while protecting existing
secure, reliable connectivity between Classic-to-Classic investments and complying with IT
and/or Classic-to-UA data components is needed.
best-practices for maximum security.


Key Features:

• Seamless OPC data transfer through multiple mediums across geographical locations
• Easy configuration
• Operates in the familiar Microsoft Windows environment
• Smart defaults requiring minimal user knowledge of OPC UA
• 64-bit support for both client-side and server-side connections
• Built using the Flex OPC UA SDK from Matrikon
• Filtering functionality for optimized large tag browsing efficiency
• Ample Status tags for OPC real-time data health monitoring
• DA functionality now available
• OPC UA DA real-time support

Customer Benefits:
• Allows easy access to OPC Classic sources
• Aligns OPC Classic connectivity with IT best-practices
• Eliminates rip-and-replace of OPC Classic assets

Matrikon OPC UA TunnellerTM Software - Datasheet ©Matrikon Inc. 2017

The Encryption feature in Matrikon OPC UA Tunneller™ 4. Timeouts and Disconnections
software enables it to secure your communications from
both inside and outside system attacks by hackers. Users Plagued with timeouts? Need recovery faster than the
are provided with more control over the security of their unconfigurable 6 minute timeout that comes with
OPC systems. DCOM? Matrikon OPC UA Tunneller™ software has
configurable timeouts to work best with your network and
The Data Compression feature of Matrikon OPC UA reconnects to OPC Servers in a fraction of the time.
Tunneller™ software allows users to reduce the load on
their networks. Data sent over satellite and other per- 5. Data Privacy
Megabyte connections can be reduced for significant
cost savings. Historical data can be compressed to a size OPC UA Tunneller™ software now features data stream
much smaller than the original data, all without any data encryption. "Man in the middle" type of attacks can now
loss. be thwarted, because OPC data is not readable without
the key. Encryption can be selected from 64, 96, or 128
MATRIKON OPC UA TUNNELLER™ SOFTWARE bit AES. OPC UA Tunneller™ software can also limit client
SOLVES 6 MAJOR ISSUES ENCOUNTERED USING connections from only the IP addresses you define.
6. Easy Configuration
1. Cross Domains and Workgroups
Depending on your system, configuring DCOM just to the
Authentication difficulties make DCOM connections point of getting communication can take days! OPC UA
across different domains or workgroups extremely Tunneller™ software reduces your integration time to
difficult or impossible. Leap past this limitation with OPC minutes!
UA Tunneller™ software. Essentially, if you can ping the
PC, you can get to it with Tunneller. • Install Matrikon OPC UA Tunneller™ software on both
the OPC Client and OPC Server nodes
2. DCOM and OPC through firewalls
• On the client node, define an IP address or computer
DCOM uses a wide variety of ports, making it almost name to connect to.
impossible to configure a firewall with. Not to mention,
DCOM is a prime target for viruses and worms such as • Start communicating!
Blaster. OPC UA Tunneller™ software lets us firewall our
PC’s for maximum security against viruses and worms, Matrikon OPC UA Tunneller makes OPC data
yet still allows us all the benefits of OPC. connectivity painless regardless of whether you need to
connect between different enterprise levels or across the
3. DCOM needs a lot of bandwidth globe.

DCOM works best in environments with low latency and FOR MORE INFORMATION, GO TO
high bandwidth; typical of an office LAN. This causes
considerable difficulty when communicating over tunneller.aspx
satellite, modems, radio, and other bandwidth-limited
communication types. Matrikon OPC UA Tunneller™
software features lossless data compression, which
reduces load on networks and saves cost when paying
per MB of data.

Tunneller Tunneller
Number Update Tunneller
Test Compressed vs Compressed vs
of Items Rate (sec) Plain vs DCOM
DCOM Tunneller Plain
Test1 1000 1 54.84% 12.54% 22.87%
Test2 4000 1 54.93% 12.54% 22.29%

Matrikon OPC UA TunnellerTM Software - Datasheet ©Matrikon Inc. 2017


Matrikon OPC UA Tunneller provides an intuitive, user- • OPC DA (OPC Data Access) 2.05a
friendly interface to help you get your Classic-to-Classic • OPC UA (DA)
OPC connectivity and Classic-to-OPC UA bridging up-
and-running quickly and efficiently.
COMMUNICATION Software Requirements:
• Microsoft Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
• Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)
The OPC UA Tunneller UA-to-Classic Bridge for COM
• Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (64-bit)
OPC Servers provides OPC UA Clients with access to
legacy COM OPC DA and HDA Servers using the OPC UA • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit)
specifications. The UA-to-Classic Bridge exposes COM • Microsoft Windows Server 2016
OPC Servers as folders in the OPC UA Server’s address
space and can be configured to host multiple OPC Hardware Requirements:
Servers. • Intel CORE i5
• 4 GB RAM
Matrikon OPC UA Tunneller helps future-proof your • 80 GB 7200 RPM Hard Drive
control infrastructure in anticipation of increased
utilization of OPC UA. It takes the stress and uncertainty
out of deploying new technology and ensuring reliable More Information
OPC Classic/OPC UA interoperability and cross-network To learn more about Matrikon, visit
communications. Greater efficiencies in terms of design, or contact
engineering and testing can also be realized. your Matrikon account manager.
Phone: +49 221-96977-0
Modern industrial operations need to be able to fully [email protected]
leverage their current OPC Classic-based assets. The
answer is Matrikon OPC UA Tunneller, which allows OPC Americas:
Phone: 1-780-448-1010
UA-enabled client applications to communicate with
Fax: 1-780-448-9191
OPC Classic Servers and Clients, as well as OPC UA
[email protected]
Servers and vise versa. For example, a human-machine
interface (HMI) that is still utilizing OPC Classic could be
adapted to interface with OPC UA devices. As a result,
Phone: +61 (2) 4960-1000
operators are able to remain on their current systems Fax: +61 (2) 4960-1212
while gaining additional insights and connectivity with [email protected]
UA-enabled equipment as it is added.

Matrikon OPC UA TunnellerTM Software - Datasheet ©Matrikon Inc. 2017

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