Primitive Society

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 Primitive man moved in order to satisfy a felt need or necessity.

 Hunting in the forest or by fishing along rivers and streams.
 Physical activities of primitive man were not organized.
 Their motives for physical activities were mainly to search for food and to to protect
himself from his enemies
 The gregarious nature and their innate to drives for mating and propagation gave them
the desire to dance and play


Ancient China

Two factors that the Ancient China’s Policy of isolation :

- Topography of the land which provided natural and necessary protection against invaders, and
the Great Wall

 A sedentary life was much favored by their concern with memorizingthe teaching of
Confucius, the Great Teacher at that time.
 Ancestor worship was characteristic of their religious belief.
 Chinese classics show that rich families engaged in music, dancing, and archery.
 The popular dances were the skill dances

Split- Feather Dance

Whole-Feather Dance
Battle Dance
Humanity dance

 There was also wrestling, jujitsu, polo, tug-of-war, kite flying and water games.
 As early as 2698 B.C. a form of medical gymnastic developed. The people felt that the
cause of their illnesses was their inactivity due to their sedentary life.
 Kung-Fu was the the earliest exercise recorded in history and been met with much
enthusiasm by the present generation in the Philippines after World War II


 Their religious belief stressed reincarnation of the soul before being united finally
with Brahma, the supreme goal
 Hindu Dancing as the oldest organized dancing
 Favorite past time of people on this era were throwing balls, dice, tumblings, chariot
races, marbles, riding elephants, plowing contest horse riding, wrestling,
swordmanship, boxing and dancing.
 Their greatest contribution in physical education is yoga which is composed of
exercises in postures and regulated breathing.



 Egyptians believed in living full of life.

 Egyptians young boys were instructed in the use of various weapon war, such as the
bow and arrows, lance and shield.
 They engaged in many sports and gymnastic exercises
 Egyptians woman danced for royal entertainment


 Their main objective was building of an empire through military aggression.

 As early as 529 B.C. King Cyrus the Great encomposed the area now reffered to as
middle east
 The state trained the six-year olds in such events as running, slinging, shooting the
bow, throwing a javelin, hunting and marching.
 Soldiers were trained to endure all sorts of hardships which included travel without
food and clothing
 There was no training for intellect
 The program physical activity was directed toward the building of strength, conquest,
and aggrandizement



 Their main objective of physical education was to contribute to a strong and powerful
 Only the strong and vigorous babies were allowed to live in this military state.
 Mount Taygetus a place where newborn infant who found weak or defective was
left to this place to die
 All boys after six years of age are subjected to a conditioning program a rigid training
in the public barracks and entered the agoge which was a system of public
compulsory training
 The physical activities consisted of wrestling, jumping, running, throwing and discus
and the javelin, horseback riding, hunting and marching


 Enjoy individual freedom

 Their main objective of physical education was for physical perfection wiyh emphasis
on beauty of physique
 Gymnastic for physical development (body) and music was considred important for
the intellect(soul) . These are the two most important subject in the curriculum
 Palaestra is the building for exercises and open space for jumping and running
 Paidotribe – the proprietor of the palaestra who was also responsible for directing
the activities
 At the age of 14-16 Greek Youth coming fom palaestra enterered the gymnasium
which was the physical, social, and intellectual center of Greece
 Gymnast is the special sport and exercises
 Gymnasiarch is chief official and overall in charge in theentire gymnastic program

Greece laid the foundation for the present Olympic which was first held in 776 B.C. and
continued every four years thereafter


 Herodotus – Physical Education as an aid to medicine early as 5th century

 Galen - Physical Education for hygiene and subordinate for medicine
 Hippocrates – law of use (body are strengthen) and disuse ( muscle atrophy/ weakness)
of parts of the body
 Socrates – health to achieve one’s purpose in life
 Plato - music and gymnast as two most important subject in curriculum
 Aristotle – close interrelationship of body and soul
 Xenophon - Physical Education is important in military

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