Land Titles in Indonesia
Land Titles in Indonesia
Land Titles in Indonesia
All primary land titles are certified and registered with the National Land Agency (BPN) forms of land
title are regulated by the basic agrarian act No 5 Year 1960
The title has no limit and may be sold, gifted, exchanged, and bequeathed, and may be made the
subject of a security interest in the form of a mortgage (hak tanggungan).
The holder of a hak milik may also grant inferior titles over the land to third parties, while retaining
reversionary rights.
This is the most common title for residential, commercial and industrial properties. Indonesian
citizen, Indonesian legal entities, including foreign and domestic capital investment can own this
land title.
The right is granted for an initial 30 years and may be extended to 20 years. HGB can be sold,
gifted, exchanged, bequeathed by an Indonesian, and/or or encumbered by a mortgage.
The holder of a primary title contractually grants secondary land titles, including hak sewa (right
of lease), hak usaha bagi hasil (right share cropping), hak gadai (right of pledge), and hak
menumpang (right of lodging). The most relevant secondary land title is hak sewa.
Hak sewa (right of lease) grants the holder the right to build or to use buildings on the duration
of the lease. The right cannot be encumbered by an Indonesian mortgage nor can it be registered
with the national land agency. It can’t be sold or transferred without the consent of the lessor.
Strata Title
Strata title can be acquired in numerous office and residential properties in Jakarta.
The qualification of ownership of a strata title depend on the underlying land title, e.g. If the
underlying title is HGB, only persons who qualified to hold HGB titles may purchase a floor or
unit within the strata title building.
in HGB, HGU, Hak Pakai, the title holder is entitled to make use of the land for profit.
The secondary land titles are based on agreement whereby a primary title holder grants the
secondary title to third party.
Only Primary titles are appropriate to establish a business.
3. Right to Use (Hak Pakai/HP) HP gives right to use state-owned land or land owned
by others for a specific purpose as agreed by both
parties such as for social activities, religious worship,
embassies and international organization.
4. Right to Manage (Hak Gives right to operate state-owned land for a specific
Pengelolaan/HPL) purpose as approved by the authorities.
6. Right of Strata Title Ownership on title issued to the owners of residential, commercial
Multi-story Building Units or retail units in multi-story buildings such as
(Sertifikat Hak Milik Rumah Susun) condominiums, strata-title offices and trade centers.
The title’s validity period depends on the expiry date
of the land right of the plot on which the building is
7. Tanah Wakaf (Endowment) Kind of property rights, both individuals and groups
that have been represented / handed over for public
/ social purposes.