Piping Systems For Dry Chlorine 2005

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Pamphlet 6

◗ May 2005
Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Chlorine Institute Stewardship Program...................................................................... 1
1.3 Definitions.................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Disclaimer.................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Approval ...................................................................................................................... 3
1.6 Revisions..................................................................................................................... 3
1.7 Reproduction ............................................................................................................... 4

2. GENERAL................................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Precautions ................................................................................................................. 4

2.2 Certification ................................................................................................................. 5
2.3 Materials...................................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Selection...................................................................................................................... 6
2.5 Welding ....................................................................................................................... 7

3. PIPE AND PIPING COMPONENTS ........................................................................... 7

4. VALVES .................................................................................................................... 17

4.1 Types of Valves......................................................................................................... 17

4.2 General Valve Selection Criteria ............................................................................... 20
4.3 Valve Selection Tables.............................................................................................. 21
4.4 Valve Materials Table................................................................................................ 24
4.5 Valve Preparation - Identification Requirements ....................................................... 27

5. OTHER COMPONENTS ........................................................................................... 27

5.1 Rupture Discs............................................................................................................ 27

5.2 Pressure Relief Valves .............................................................................................. 28
5.3 Liquid Knockout Pots................................................................................................. 29
5.4 Transportation Valves on Stationary Equipment ....................................................... 30
5.5 Liquid Expansion Chambers ..................................................................................... 31
5.6 Check Valves ............................................................................................................ 31
5.7 Expansion Joints ....................................................................................................... 32
5.8 Hoses ....................................................................................................................... 32

 May 2005
6. INSTRUMENTATION................................................................................................ 32

6.1 Electrical Enclosures ................................................................................................. 32

7. NONFERROUS METAL TUBING SYSTEMS .......................................................... 32

8. TRANSPORTATION CONTAINER CONNECTIONS ............................................... 34

9. PLASTIC MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION ......................................................... 35

10. PIPING LAYOUT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ...................................................... 38

10.1 Clearances ................................................................................................................ 39

10.2 Supports .................................................................................................................... 39
10.3 Routing ...................................................................................................................... 39
10.4 Valving....................................................................................................................... 39
10.5 Hydraulic Thermal Expansion Design Considerations .............................................. 39
10.6 Design Considerations to Prevent Condensation...................................................... 39
10.7 Vaporization .............................................................................................................. 40
10.8 Insulation ................................................................................................................... 40
10.9 Painting ..................................................................................................................... 40

11. PREPARATION FOR USE ....................................................................................... 40

11.1 Cleaning .................................................................................................................... 40

11.2 Pressure Testing ....................................................................................................... 42
11.3 Drying ....................................................................................................................... 43
11.4 Testing for Leaks....................................................................................................... 43


12.1 Routine Maintenance ................................................................................................ 44

12.2 Preventative Maintenance......................................................................................... 44
12.3 Periodic Inspections .................................................................................................. 45
13. REFERENCES................................................................................................................ 47

13.1 Institute Publications ................................................................................................. 47

13.2 ASME Standards....................................................................................................... 48
13.3 ASTM Standard Designations ................................................................................... 49
13.4 Other References ...................................................................................................... 51


APPENDIX B – CHLORINE SERVICE – FLUID CATEGORY................................................... 63


OF MOISTURE IN DRY CHLORINE ............................................................... 67

APPENDIX D - CHECKLIST ...................................................................................................... 69



1.1 Scope

This publication is intended to provide useful information concerning chlorine piping

systems. This pamphlet's objective is to offer practical suggestions in the selection of
material suited for the indicated service. Use of materials other than those
recommended herein may be technically desirable in specific producing/ consuming
sites. This pamphlet does not intend to override specific technical needs. Underground
(buried) chlorine piping system design is beyond the scope of this pamphlet and should
be undertaken only by engineers experienced in that field. Recommendations given in
Pamphlet 60 (13.1.4) may be a useful reference to the designer.

All parts of this pamphlet should be consulted before deciding on the components of a
piping system. Listed are pipe, valves, and fittings suitable for use with dry chlorine in
either the liquid or gaseous phase, at temperatures between -150ºF (-101ºC) and 300ºF
(149ºC). Reference is made to Pamphlet 100 (13.1.8). Material selection based on the
recommendations of this pamphlet shall take into consideration the operating conditions
and the possible corrosive nature of chlorine, particularly when moisture unintentionally
enters systems. Sound engineering principles should be applied in the selection of all

The Chlorine Institute does not approve, rate, certify, or endorse any product or
construction except for certain equipment used in transportation. In each such case,
there is an approved Chlorine Institute drawing. If equipment does not comply in
every respect with such drawings, its manufacturers are not authorized to use the
Chlorine Institute name in advertising.

It is recognized that facilities built prior to the publication of this edition of this pamphlet
may be operating successfully without adhering to all recommendations contained
herein. Operators of such facilities should evaluate discrepancies and validate that they
do not pose disproportionate risks to safe operation or the environment. Continued
operation without adhering to all aspects of this pamphlet is generally acceptable
provided that:

• Previous successful, long-term operation coupled with periodic hazard

evaluations show that risks to safe operations and the environment are
sufficiently low

• The system does not violate applicable codes or regulations; and

• Consideration is given to modifying the system to meet recommendations

contained in this edition of the pamphlet when redesign or replacement projects
are planned.

1.2 Chlorine Institute Stewardship Program

The Chlorine Institute, Inc. exists to support the chlor-alkali industry and serve the public
by fostering continuous improvements to safety and the protection of human health and
the environment connected with the production, distribution and use of chlorine, sodium
and potassium hydroxides, and sodium hypochlorite; and the distribution and use of

hydrogen chloride. This support extends to giving continued attention to the security of
chlorine handling operations.

Chlorine Institute members are committed to adopting CI’s safety and stewardship
initiatives, including pamphlets, checklists, and incident sharing, that will assist members
in achieving measurable improvement. For more information on the Institute’s
stewardship program, visit CI’s website at www.chlorineinstitute.org.

1.3 Definitions

In this pamphlet, the following meanings apply unless otherwise noted:

ANSI American National Standards Institute, Inc.

API American Petroleum Institute

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASTM The American Society for Testing and Materials

chlorine the chemical element in either the liquid or gaseous state

CPE chlorinated polyethylene elastomer

CWP cold working pressure

dry chlorine dry as defined in Pamphlet 100

ECTFE ethylene chlorotrifluoroethylene

ETFE ethylene tetrafluoroethylene

FEP fluorinated ethylene propylene

gas purge the use of clean, dry, oil-free compressed air or nitrogen, dried to a dew
point of -40ºF (-40ºC) measured at the operating pressure

Hastelloy a registered trademark of Haynes International, Inc.

Inconel a registered trademark of Inco Alloys International, Inc.

Institute The Chlorine Institute, Inc.

Kalrez a registered trademark of DuPont Dow Elastomers

kPa kilopascal

liquid a sudden velocity change of a flowing fluid (liquid or gas) which

hammer results in a pressure wave that travels through the fluid at the speed of
sound for that fluid causing an audible sound; this sudden velocity change
in liquid or gaseous chlorine piping is often the result of rapid vaporization

or condensation due to large temperature differentials and the extremely

low heat capacity and low heat of vaporization of chlorine

Monel a registered trademark of Inco Alloys International, Inc.

MSS Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve & Fittings Industry,


NPS nominal pipe size

OD outside diameter

PFA perfluoroalkoxy

ppm parts per million (can be weight or volume basis)

psia pounds per square inch absolute

psig pounds per square inch gage

PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene

PVDF polyvinylidene fluoride

Sch Schedule

UNS Unified Numbering System

Stellite a registered trademark of Deloro Stellite, Inc.

Viton a registered trademark of Dupont Dow Elastomers

1.4 Disclaimer

The information in this pamphlet is drawn from sources believed to be reliable. The
Institute and its members, jointly and severally, make no guarantee and assume no
liability in connection with any of this information. Moreover, it should not be assumed
that every acceptable procedure is included or that special circumstances may not
warrant modified or additional procedures. The user should be aware that changing
technology or regulations may require changes in the recommendations contained
herein. Appropriate steps should be taken to ensure that the information is current when
used. These recommendations should not be confused with federal, state, provincial,
municipal, or insurance requirements, or with national safety codes.

1.5 Approval

The Institute's Storage and Transport Committee approved Edition 15 of this pamphlet at
a meeting held on March 22, 2005.

1.6 Revisions

Suggestions for revisions should be directed to the Secretary of the Institute.

1.7 Reproduction

The contents of this pamphlet are not to be copied for publication, in whole or in part,
without prior Institute permission.


2.1 Precautions

Chlorine is a hazardous material. It is normally used and processed as a liquid or gas

under pressure. For general precautions in chlorine handling, the reader should refer to
the Institute's Chlorine Manual (13.1.1).

This pamphlet outlines practices that industry has found to be safe and environmentally
sound. Extraordinary practices such as the use of double wall piping are not required as
long as the system is installed, maintained and inspected per the recommendations
contained herein.

Particular care must be taken as follows:

a) Assure that all piping is thoroughly purged of chlorine before burning or welding.
Dry chlorine can support combustion of carbon steel and other metals.

b) Protect piping from over pressure where chlorine can be trapped between closed
valves. Liquid chlorine has an unusually high coefficient of thermal expansion
that can cause piping to rupture as temperature increases, unless the piping
system is protected with items such as expansion chambers, relief devices, or
other suitable means.

c) Assure that dry chlorine systems are protected from the intrusion of moisture.
Moisture from wet compressed air or from exposure to ambient air can cause
severe corrosion and rapid failure of welds, valves, hoses, and fittings.

d) Do not use titanium in dry chlorine service. Dry chlorine reacts with titanium to
cause corrosion or combustion. Titanium can only be used with wet chlorine.

e) Assure that dry chlorine systems are thoroughly cleaned and dried and are free
of oils, grease, and other materials which would react with chlorine to cause fire,
corrosion, pressure increase, or harmful deposits (Section 11).

f) Inspect all chlorine piping systems at regular intervals for signs of leakage,
internal or external corrosion, insulation failure, adequate identification and
supports (Section 12).

g) Consider fugitive emission issues when designing piping systems for chlorine.

h) Assure liquid chlorine piping is adequately protected from liquid hammer

damage. Chlorine liquid has a high density that can result in large hydraulic
shock forces.

i) When evacuating liquid chlorine piping systems, ensure nitrogen trichloride is not
concentrated to dangerous levels (Pamphlet 152 (13.1.9)).

j) Historically, producers have not designed chlorine piping systems for Category M
Fluid Service (ASME B31.3). It is important to note that the decision to design to
Category M rests with the system owner. Users may wish to incorporate
provisions of Category M requirements that have been found to enhance safety.

2.2 Certification

Manufacturers or suppliers of chlorine piping components must certify to the user, when
requested, that their product complies with recommendations in this pamphlet. In
addition, limitations and any deviations from the recommendations contained herein
shall be specifically noted.

2.3 Materials

This pamphlet provides minimal recommendations for the components of piping systems.
In general, carbon steel or alloy steel piping are recommended for handling dry chlorine.
The Institute believes these materials are suitable for the indicated service. Where
reference is made to specific materials, other materials may be used so long as the user
has evidence that the alternate materials are equal or superior in the intended service.

Specific components (e.g. piping, fittings, gaskets, nuts and bolts, valves, etc.) have
been organized into service classes in Sections 3 and 4 according to the operating
pressure and temperature of the chlorine gas and liquid. These service classes are as

Service Class Fluid State Pressure Temperature

Vacuum to 150 PSIG -20ºF to 300ºF
Class I Gas Only (1034 kPa) (-29ºC to 149ºC)

Vacuum to 150 PSIG -50ºF to 300ºF

Class II Gas Only (1034 kPa) (-46ºC to 149ºC)

Vacuum to 150 PSIG -150ºF to 300ºF

Class III Gas Only (1034 kPa) (-101ºC to 149ºC)

Vacuum to 300 PSIG -20ºF to 300ºF

Class IV1 Gas or Liquid (2068 kPa) (-29ºC to 149ºC)

Vacuum to 300 PSIG -50ºF to 300ºF

Class V1 Gas or Liquid (2068 kPa) (-46ºC to 149ºC)

Vacuum to 300 PSIG -150ºF to 300ºF

Class VI1 Gas or Liquid (2068 kPa) (-101ºC to 149ºC)

Piping classes corresponding to the fluid state “gas or liquid” are to be used for all liquid-only lines and
gas lines where the possibility of liquid entry exists or where there is the possibility that gas in a line may

Chlorine has a low atmospheric boiling point, and its vapor pressure rises rapidly with
increasing temperature. Therefore, it is important to select materials that have adequate

strength and maintain ductility at low temperature. The following are several material
selection examples based on industry experience:

• For service temperatures above -20ºF (-29ºC), fine grain carbon steel pipe such as
ASTM A587 can be cold bent, but other carbon steel pipe should be normalized after
bending. To ensure rigidity and protection from outside abuse, pipe of ¾" nominal
size or larger should be used. Nonferrous and nonmetallic tubing and fittings of
appropriate size may sometimes be used (Sections 7 & 9). Cast iron or malleable
iron fittings and general-purpose valves are not recommended for chlorine service.
Ductile iron per ASTM A395 may be used for valves and strainers designed for
chlorine gas service (Class I) only.

• Temperatures below -20ºF (-29ºC) may be encountered in chlorine systems, and

below this temperature some steels become brittle. ASTM A333 carbon steel and
alloy steel pipe and corresponding fittings are recommended, with grades specific to
the expected low temperature. Stainless steels of the 300 series have useful
properties for low-temperature service, but can fail due to chloride-stress corrosion-
cracking in the presence of moisture, particularly at ambient or elevated

• Butt-welded and flanged joints are recommended for all sizes. Screwed and socket-
welded joints are alternatives for nominal pipe sizes up through 1½" in some classes
(Section 3).

• When thermally or electrically applied coatings are applied to fasteners for corrosion
protection, the coating process should be reviewed to ensure against the possibility
of hydrogen embrittlement or altered mechanical properties (de-tempering).

• For service temperatures between -20ºF (-29ºC) and 0ºF (-18ºC) where thermal
shock or liquid hammer is anticipated, the use of impact-tested steels or the use of
Class V material is advisable.

• There may be situations where the user contemplates chlorine service outside the
process conditions defined in this pamphlet. In those cases, the user is advised to
review each aspect of the service class in this pamphlet which is closest in process
conditions to the contemplated use, individually determine which aspects of the
recommendations are acceptable, and engineer revisions to those portions which are
not acceptable.

2.4 Selection

All parts of this pamphlet should be consulted before selecting the components of a
piping system. When making design decisions, the designer should consider variable
operating conditions including start-ups, upsets, shutdowns, and system evacuation.

The recommendations contained herein are generally in accord with ASME B31.3
(13.2.8). Within that standard there are three fluid classifications. They are “D”,
“Normal Fluid Service”, and “M”. Typically, chlorine piping systems have been
designed for “Normal Fluid Service”, but elements of Category M design have appeal
to users.
The Institute position relative to Category M (Appendix B) design is as follows:

• The owner is responsible for determining fluid class

• A single exposure to a very small quantity of chlorine does not cause irreversible

• Current design practices have been adequate to prevent significant releases and
several elements of Category M design would eliminate use of currently proven

• It is good practice for users to develop site-specific chlorine piping specifications that
use the recommendations outlined herein as a base and consider including elements
of Category M requirements (such as NDT examination) that enhance reliability at
their sites.

2.5 Welding

Specific details covering all situations for welding are beyond the scope of this pamphlet.
However, welding of pipe must be performed by qualified individuals currently
experienced in the specific metallurgy. Procedures and welder qualifications must be in
accordance with ANSI/ASME BPV-IX (13.2.10) and ASME B31.3 (13.2.8). Care must
be taken to insure the use of proper welding procedures; correct filler metal and
adequate preheat or post heat treatment especially where alloy steel piping is used.

A welding non-destructive testing program should be in place where welded systems are
contemplated. The program, at a minimum, should follow the examination guidelines
outlined in ASME B31.3 (13.2.8).


This section provides minimum specifications for pipe, fittings, and components for dry
chlorine piping systems. The Institute believes these materials are suitable for the
service shown. Specific components have been arranged according to the Service
Classes I through VI as indicated in Section 2.3 and according to the following

■ Threaded Construction
• Classes I and IV

■ Socket-welded Construction
• Classes I and IV
• Classes II and V

■ Butt-welded Construction
• Classes I, II and III
• Classes IV, V and VI

Table 3-1. Threaded Construction

Nominal Pipe Classes II, III, V &

Component Class I Class IV
Size (NPS) VI
Pipe Through 1½” ASTM A106 Grade B ASTM A106 Grade B [See Note 3]
Sch 80 carbon steel Sch 80 carbon steel
seamless seamless
ASME B36.10 ASME B36.10

Fittings Through 1½” ASTM A105, ASTM A105, [See Note 3]

Class 3000 Class 3000
forged steel forged steel
threaded threaded
ASME B16.11 ASME B16.11
[See Note 1] [See Note 1]

Flanges Through 1½” ASTM A105, ASTM A105, [See Note 3]

Class 150 Class 300
forged steel forged steel
raised-face or raised-face or
tongue-and-groove, tongue-and-groove,
threaded threaded
ASME B16.5 ASME B16.5
[See Note 4] [See Note 4]

Unions, Through 1½” ASTM A105, ASTM A105, [See Note 3]

Flanged Class 150 Class 300
forged steel, forged steel,
raised-face or raised-face or
tongue-and-groove, tongue-and-groove,
threaded threaded
ASME B16.5 ASME B16.5
[See Note 4] [See Note 4]

Unions, Through 1½” ASTM A105, ASTM A105 [See Note 3]

Hammer Class 3000 Class 3000
forged steel forged steel
lug nut unions, lug nut unions,
threaded threaded

Branch Through 1½” Fittings per Table 3-1 Fittings per Table 3-1 [See Note 3]
Connections threaded tees, threaded tees,
reducing tees, reducing tees,
tees with swaged tees with swaged
nipples or threaded nipples or threaded
olets. olets.
Bushings not Bushings not
recommended. recommended.

Table 3-1. Threaded Construction

Nominal Pipe Classes II, III, V &

Component Class I Class IV
Size (NPS) VI

Bolts All sizes ASTM A193 ASTM A193 [See Note 3]

Grade B7 alloy steel Grade B7 alloy steel
quenched and quenched and
tempered, stud bolts tempered, stud bolts
and cap screws and cap screws
ASME B18.2.1 ASME B18.2.1
[See Note 6 & 8] [See Note 6 & 8]

Nuts All sizes ASTM A194 ASTM A194 [See Note 3]

Grade 2H carbon Grade 2H carbon
steel heavy hex nuts steel heavy hex nuts
ASME B18.2.2 ASME B18.2.2
[See Note 6] [See Note 6]

Gaskets All sizes [See Note 7] [See Note 7] [See Note 3]

Gaskets All sizes Chemical lead with Chemical lead with [See Note 3]
Tongue & 2-4% antimony 2-4% antimony

Thread Dope All sizes PTFE tape PTFE tape [See Note 3]
[See Note 2] [See Note 2]

Gasket Dope All sizes Fluorocarbon grease Fluorocarbon grease [See Note 3]
(if required) [See Note 5] [See Note 5]

The complete titles of specifications are listed in Section 13.

Note 1 The number of threaded connections should be minimized.

Note 2 Additional types of thread dopes that have been used successfully include PTFE
paste and white lead paste. Paste, if used, must contain only materials suitable
for chlorine service. In all cases, care must be taken to prevent the thread dope
from entering the interior of the piping system.
Note 3 Except for connections to transportation equipment, instruments and special
process equipment, threaded construction should not be used for Classes II, III, V,
and VI. In any case, threaded connections should not exceed 1½" NPS.

Note 4 Two bolt flanges are acceptable in bulk container unloading systems (see Drawing
118 (13.1.9)) and have been used in rigid piping systems. Care must be taken to
apply the gasket loading forces uniformly by tightening both bolts evenly.

Note 5 Gasket dope must contain only materials which are nonreactive with chlorine.
Consideration should be given to the possibility of gasket degradation.

Note 6 Threads shall be to ASME B1.1. Bolts shall have a Class 2A fit and nuts shall
have a Class 2B fit.

Note 7 The Institute's Pamphlet 95 (13.1.7) contains a current list of gaskets that have
been tested and have performed satisfactorily by member companies.

Note 8 Stud bolts are preferred on in-line piping components that do not have tapped
threads. Cap screws may be used for tapped piping components and

Table 3-2. Socket-Welded Construction - Classes I and IV

Nominal Pipe Classes

Component Class I Class IV
Size (NPS) III & VI

Pipe Through 1½” ASTM A106 Grade B ASTM A106 Grade B [See Note 4]
Sch 80 carbon steel, Sch 80 carbon steel,
seamless seamless
ASME B36.10 ASME B36.10

Fittings Through 1½” ASTM A105, ASTM A105, [See Note 4]

Class 3000 forged steel, Class 3000 forged steel,
socket weld socket weld
ASME B16.11 ASME B16.11
[See Note 1] [See Note 1]

Flanges Through 1½” ASTM A105, ASTM A105, [See Note 4]

Class 150 forged steel Class 300 forged steel
raised-face or tongue- raised-face or tongue-
and-groove, socket weld and-groove, socket weld
ASME B16.5 ASME B16.5
[See Note 2] [See Note 2]

Unions, Through 1½” ASTM A105 ASTM A105 [See Note 4]

Flanged Class 150 forged steel Class 300 forged steel
raised face or tongue- raised face or tongue-
and-groove, socket-weld and-groove, socket-weld
ASME B16.5 ASME B16.5
[See Note 2] [See Note 2]

Unions, Through 1½” ASTM A105 ASTM A105 [See Note 4]

Hammer Class 3000 forged steel Class 3000 forged steel
lug nut unions, socket- lug nut unions, socket-
weld weld

Branch Through 1½” Fittings per Table 3-2 Fittings per Table 3-2 [See Note 4]
Connections socket-welded tees, socket-welded tees,
reducing tees, reducing tees,
tees with swaged tees with swaged
nipples, or socket-weld nipples, or socket-weld
olets. Socket-weld olets. Socket-weld
inserts are not inserts are not
recommended. recommended.

Table 3-2. Socket-Welded Construction - Classes I and IV

Nominal Pipe Classes

Component Class I Class IV
Size (NPS) III & VI

Bolts All sizes ASTM A193 ASTM A193 [See Note 4]

Grade B7 Grade B7
Alloy steel Alloy steel
quenched and quenched and
tempered, alloy steel tempered, alloy steel
stud bolts and cap stud bolts and cap
screws screws
ASME B18.2.1 ASME B18.2.1
[See Notes 6 and 8] [See Notes 6 and 8]

Nuts All sizes ASTM A194 ASTM A194 [See Note 4]

Grade 2H Grade 2H
carbon steel carbon steel
heavy hex nuts heavy hex nuts
ASME B18.2.2 ASME B18.2.2
[See Note 6] [See Note 6]

Gasket All sizes [See Note 7] [See Note 7] [See Note 4]

Gasket Dope All sizes Fluorocarbon grease Fluorocarbon grease [See Note 4]
(if required) [See Note 3] [See Note 3]

The complete titles of specifications are listed in Section 13.

For notes applicable to Table 3-2 refer to notes after Table 3-3.

Table 3-3. Socket-Welded Construction - Classes II and V

Nominal Pipe
Component Class II Class V
Size (NPS)
Pipe Through 1½” ASTM A333 Grade 1 ASTM A333 Grade 1
or Grade 6 Sch 80 carbon steel, or Grade 6 Sch 80 carbon
seamless, ASME B36.10 (Charpy steel seamless,
test at ASME B36.10 (Charpy
-50°F/-46°C) test at -50°F/-46°C)
Fittings Through 1½” ASTM A350 Grade LF2 Class 3000 ASTM A350 Grade LF2
forged steel, socket-weld ASME Class 3000
B16.11 forged steel, socket-weld
(Charpy test at ASME B16.11
-50°F/-46°C) (Charpy test at
[See Note 1] -50°F/-46°C)
[See Note 1]

Table 3-3. Socket-Welded Construction - Classes II and V

Nominal Pipe
Component Class II Class V
Size (NPS)
Flanges Through 1½” ASTM A350 Grade LF2 Class 150 ASTM A350 Grade LF2
forged steel, raised-face or tongue- Class 300
and-groove, socket-weld forged steel raised-face
ASME B16.5 (Charpy test at -50°F/- or tongue-and-groove,
46°C) socket-weld
[See Note 2] ASME B16.5 (Charpy test
at -50°F/-46°C)
[See Note 2]

Unions, Flanged Through 1½” ASTM A350 Grade LF2 ASTM A350 Grade LF2
Class 150 forged steel, Class 300 forged steel
raised-face or tongue-and-groove, raised-face or tongue-
socket-weld and-groove, socket-weld
ASME B16.5 (Charpy test at -50°F/- ASME B16.5
46°C) (Charpy test at

Branch Connections All sizes Fittings per Table 3-3 Fittings per Table 3-3
socket-welded tees, socket-welded tees,
reducing tees, tees with swaged reducing tees, tees with
nipples, or socket-weld olets. swaged nipples, or
Socket-weld inserts are not socket-weld olets.
recommended. Socket-weld inserts are
not recommended.

Bolts All sizes ASTM A320 Grade L7 ASTM A320 Grade L7

alloy steel stud bolts and cap screws alloy steel stud bolts and
ASME B18.2.1 cap screws
(Charpy test at -150°F/-101°C) ASME B18.2.1
[See Notes 5, 6 and 8] (Charpy test at -150°F/-
[See Notes 5, 6 and 8]

Nuts All sizes ASTM A194 Grade 4 ASTM A194 Grade 4

alloy steel heavy hex nuts alloy steel heavy hex
(Charpy test at -150°F/-101°C) or nuts (Charpy test at -
Grade L7; ASME B18.2.2 150°F/-101°C) or Grade
[See Notes 5 and 6] L7; ASME B18.2.2
[See Notes 5 and 6]

Gaskets All sizes Chemical lead with 2-4% antimony Chemical lead with 2-4%
Tongue & Groove antimony

Gaskets All sizes [See Note 7] [See Note 7]

Gasket Dope All sizes Fluorocarbon grease Fluorocarbon grease

[See Note 3] [See Note 3]

The complete titles of specifications are listed in Section 13.

Note 1 Socket-welded piping is acceptable for chlorine service through 1½" NPS.

Note 2 Two-bolt flanges are acceptable in bulk container unloading systems (see Drawing
118, (13.1.19) and have been used in rigid piping systems. Care must be taken to
apply the gasket loading forces uniformly by tightening both bolts evenly.

Note 3 Gasket dope must contain only materials which are nonreactive with chlorine.
Consideration should be given to the possibility of gasket degradation.

Note 4 Socket-welded construction should not be used in Classes III and VI.

Note 5 ASTM A193 Grade B7M bolts and ASTM A194 Grade 2H or 2HM nuts may be

Note 6 Threads shall be to ASME B1.1. Bolts shall have a Class 2A fit and nuts shall
have a Class 2B fit.

Note 7 The Institute's Pamphlet 95 (13.1.7) contains a current list of gaskets that have
been tested and have performed satisfactorily by member companies.

Note 8 Stud bolts are preferred on in-line piping components that do not have tapped
threads. Cap screws may be used for tapped piping components and

Table 3-4. Butt-Welded Construction - Classes I, II and III

Component Pipe Size Class I Class II Class III
Pipe Through 1½” ASTM A106 ASTM A333 Grade 1 ASTM A333 Grade 3
Grade B Sch 80 or Grade 6 Sch 80 Sch 80 alloy steel
carbon steel carbon steel seamless or welded
seamless seamless or welded ASME B36.10
ASME B36.10 ASME B36.10 (Charpy test at
(Charpy test at -150°F/-101°C)

Pipe 2" through 4" ASTM A106 Grade B ASTM A333 Grade 1 ASTM A333 Grade 3
or A53 Grade B Sch 40 or Grade 6 Sch 40 or Sch 40 or 80 alloy
or 80 Type E or S 80 carbon steel steel seamless or
carbon steel seamless or welded welded
ASME B36.10 ASME B36.10 ASME B36.10
[See Note 1] (Charpy Test at (Charpy test at
-50°F/-46°C) -150°F/-101°C)
[See Note 1] [See Note 1]

Pipe 6" through ASTM A106 Grade B ASTM A333 Grade 1 ASTM A333 Grade 3
12" or A53 Grade B Sch 40, or Grade 6 Sch 40 Sch 40 alloy steel
Type E or S carbon carbon steel seamless or welded
steel seamless or welded (Charpy test at
ASME B36.10 (Charpy test at -150°F/-101°C)
-50°F/-46°C) ASME B36.10
ASME B36.10

Table 3-4. Butt-Welded Construction - Classes I, II and III

Component Pipe Size Class I Class II Class III

Fittings, Through 12" ASTM A234 Grade ASTM A420 Grade ASTM A420 Grade
Wrought WPB or WPB-W WPL 6 or WPL6-W WPL3 or WPL3-W
carbon steel (bore to carbon steel (Charpy alloy steel (Charpy test
match pipe) test at -50°F/-46°C) at -150°F/-101°C)
ASME B16.9 (bore to match pipe) (bore to match pipe)
ASME B16.9 ASME B16.9

Fittings, Through 12" ASTM A105 forged ASTM A350 Grade ASTM A350 Grade
Forged steel (bore to match LF2 forged steel LF3 forged alloy steel
pipe) (Charpy tested at - (Charpy tested at -
[See Note 4] 50°F/-46°C) (bore to 150°F/-101°C)
match pipe) (bore to match pipe)
[See Note 4] [See Note 4]
Flanges Through 12" ASTM A105 Class 150 ASTM A350 Grade ASTM A350 Grade
carbon steel LF2, Class 150 LF3 , Class 150
raised-face, weld-neck carbon steel raised- alloy steel raised-face,
or slip-on (bore to face, weld-neck or weld-neck
match pipe) slip-on (Charpy test at (Charpy test at
ASME B16.5 -50°F/-46°C) (bore to -150°F/-101°C)
match pipe) (bore to match pipe)
ASME B16.5 ASME B16.5

Branch Through 12" Fittings per Table 3-4 Fittings per Table 3-4 Fittings per Table 3-4
Connections Use tees for size on Use tees for size on Use tees for size on
size, tees or reducing size, tees or reducing size, tees or reducing
tees for header sizes tees for header sizes tees for header sizes
2" and less, and stub 2" and less, and stub 2" and less, and stub
ins or welding olets for ins or welding olets ins or welding olets
all other components for all other for all other
components components

Bolts All sizes ASTM A193 Grade ASTM A320 Grade ASTM A320 Grade
B7, alloy steel L7, alloy steel stud L7 , alloy steel stud
quenched and bolts and cap screws bolts and cap screws
tempered stud bolts (Charpy test at (Charpy test at
and cap screws -150°F/-101°C) -150°F/-101°C)
ASME B18.2.1 ASME B18.2.1 ASME B18.2.1
[See Note 3] [See Notes 3, 6 and [See Note 3 and 8]

Nuts All sizes ASTM A194 Grade 2H ASTM A194 Grade 4 ASTM A194 Grade 4
carbon steel alloy steel heavy hex alloy steel heavy hex
heavy hex nuts nuts to be Charpy nuts to be Charpy
ASME B18.2.2 tested at -150°F/- tested at -150°F/-
[See Note 3] 101°C or Grade L7 101°C or Grade L7
ASME B18.2.2 ASME B18.2.2
[See Note 3 and 6] [See Note 3]

Gaskets All sizes [See Note 5] [See Note 5] [See Note 5]


Table 3-4. Butt-Welded Construction - Classes I, II and III

Component Pipe Size Class I Class II Class III

Gasket Dope All sizes Fluorocarbon grease Fluorocarbon grease Fluorocarbon grease
(if required) [See Note 2] [See Note 2] [See Note 2]

The complete titles of specifications are listed in Section 13.

For notes applicable to Table 3-4, refer to notes after Table 3-5.

Table 3-5. Butt-Welded Construction - Classes IV, V and VI

Nominal Pipe
Component Class IV Class V Class VI
Size (NPS)

Pipe Through 1½” ASTM A106 Grade B, ASTM A333 Grade 1 ASTM A333 Grade 3
Sch 80 carbon steel or Grade 6, Sch 80 Sch 80 alloy steel
seamless carbon steel seamless or welded
ASME B36.10 seamless or welded (Charpy test at -150°F/-
(Charpy test at -50°F/- 101°C)
46°C) ASME B36.10
ASME B36.10

Pipe 2" through 4" ASTM A106 Grade B ASTM A333 Grade 1 ASTM A333 Grade 3
or A53 Grade B, or Grade 6, Sch 80 Sch 80
Sch 80, Type E or S carbon steel seamless alloy steel
carbon steel or welded seamless or welded
ASME B36.10 (Charpy test at (Charpy test at
[See Note 7] -50°F/-46°C) -150°F/-101°C)
ASME B36.10 ASME B36.10
Pipe 6" through 12" ASTM A106 Grade B ASTM A333 Grade 1 ASTM A333 Grade 3
or A53 Grade B, or Grade 6, Sch 40 or Sch 40 or 80
Sch 40 or 80 80 carbon steel alloy steel
Type E or S carbon seamless or welded seamless or welded
steel (Charpy test at (Charpy test at-150°F/-
ASME B36.10 -50°F/-46°C) 101°C)
[See Note 1] ASME B36.10 ASME B36.10
[See Note 1] [See Note 1]

Fittings, Through 12" ASTM A234 Grade ASTM A420 Grade ASTM A420 Grade
Wrought WPB, or WPB-W WPL6 or WPL6-W WPL3, alloy steel
carbon steel (bore to steel (Charpy test at (Charpy test at
match pipe) -50°F/-46°C)(bore to -150°F/-101°C)
ASME B16.9 match pipe) (bore to match pipe)
ASME B16.9 ASME B16.9

Fittings, Through 12" ASTM A105 ASTM A350 Grade ASTM A350 Grade LF3
Forged forged steel (bore to LF2 forged steel forged alloy steel (bore
match pipe) (bore to match pipe) to match pipe)
[See Note 4] (Charpy test at (Charpy test at
-50°F/-46°C) -150°F/-101°C)
[See Note 4] [See Note 4]

Table 3-5. Butt-Welded Construction - Classes IV, V and VI

Nominal Pipe
Component Class IV Class V Class VI
Size (NPS)

Flanges Through 12" ASTM A105 ASTM A350 Grade ASTM A350 Grade
Class 300 carbon steel LF2, Class 300 LF3, Class 300
raised-face, carbon steel raised- alloy steel raised-face,
weld-neck or slip-on face, weld-neck or weld-neck
(bore to match pipe) slip-on (Charpy test at (Charpy test at
ASME B16.5 -50°F/-46°C) -150°F/-101°C)
(bore to match pipe) ASME B16.5
ASME B16.5

Branch Through 12" Fittings per Table 3-5 Fittings per Table 3-5 Fittings per Table 3-5
Connections Use tees for size on Use tees for size on Use tees for size on
size, tees or reducing size, tees or reducing size, tees or reducing
tees for header sizes tees for header sizes tees for header sizes
2" and less, and stub 2" and less, and stub 2" and less, and stub
ins or welding olets ins or welding olets ins or welding olets for
for all other for all other all other connections
connections connections

Bolts All sizes ASTM A193 Grade ASTM A320 Grade ASTM A320 Grade L7
B7 alloy steel L7 alloy steel stud alloy steel stud bolts
quenched and bolts and cap screws and cap screws
tempered, stud bolts (Charpy test at (Charpy test at
and cap screws -150°F/-101°C) -150°F/-101°C)
ASME B18.2.1 ASME B18.2.1 ASME B18.2.1
[See Notes 3 and 8] [See Notes 3, 6 and [See Notes 3 and 8]

Nuts All sizes ASTM A194 Grade ASTM A194 Grade 4 ASTM A194 Grade 4
2H heavy hex nuts heavy hex nuts heavy hex nuts
carbon steel alloy steel (Charpy alloy steel (Charpy
ASME B18.2.2 test at -150°F/-101°C test at -150°F/-101°C
[See Note 3] or Grade L7 or Grade L7
ASME B18.2.2 ASME B18.2.2
[See Notes 3 and 6] [See Note 3]

Gaskets All sizes [See Note 5] [See Note 5] [See Note 5]

Gasket All sizes Fluorocarbon grease Fluorocarbon grease Fluorocarbon grease

Dope [See Note 2] [See Note 2] [See Note 2]
(if required)

The complete titles of specifications are listed in Section 13.

Note 1 The decision to use Schedule 40 or Schedule 80 pipe should be based on sound
engineering judgment taking into consideration such factors as internal and
external corrosion allowances, the presence of insulation (which may hide and/or
accelerate external corrosion), unsupported span versus allowable pipe deflection,
and the need for greater mechanical strength in the piping system.

Note 2 Gasket dope must contain only materials which are nonreactive with chlorine.
Consideration should be given to the possibility of gasket degradation.

Note 3 Threads shall be to ASME B1.1. Bolts shall have a Class 2A fit and nuts shall
have a Class 2B fit.

Note 4 The reference standard will vary depending on the forge fitting used.

Note 5 The Institute's Pamphlet 95 (13.1.7) contains a list of gaskets that have been
tested and have performed satisfactorily by member companies.

Note 6 ASTM A193 Grade B7M bolts and ASTM A-194 Grade 2H or 2HM nuts may be

Note 7 For gas only systems, where system pressure precludes use of Class I
components, Schedule 40 pipe is acceptable.

Note 8 Stud bolts are preferred on in-line piping components that do not have tapped
threads. Cap screws may be used for tapped piping components and


Valving for chlorine service require special attention by all associated with the
application. This includes the manufacturer, the supplier, the installer, the operator, and
the maintainer. Chlorine service valves are highly engineered products and cannot be
considered a routine commodity valve application. An understanding by all involved of
the following sub-sections will provide for a successful application.

This section will discuss the types of valves currently in service, the criteria for selection
of valve features, valve section tables, materials of construction tables, valve testing
guidelines, cleaning and packaging guidelines.

The information presented is based on extensive experience of the Institutes

membership and relevant information furnished by valve suppliers. There was no
intention to exclude the use of other valve types and materials provided there has been
sufficient testing to ensure safe operation.

4.1 Types of Valves

The valves commonly employed in dry chlorine service are the globe, ball, plug, and
butterfly types. Each valve is available in several basic body patterns, employing
different design features often suited to a particular service and/or specific application.
For example, globe valves in several angle-body patterns are used extensively for
chlorine shipping containers, ranging from small cylinders to 90-ton rail tank cars;
whereas, the upright-pattern globe valve is more commonly used in facility piping

4.1.1 Globe Valves

Globe valves offer several important safety features, including tight shut-off in both
directions (bi-directional seating) without trapping liquid inside cavities, multi-turn
operation that prevents quick (and sometimes accidental) opening and closing, and a
positive means to verify valve position (open or closed).

The recommended configuration includes a blow-out proof stem, a bolted bonnet

employing four (4) bolts minimum, and a gland with outside screw and yoke (OS&Y) for
external packing gland adjustment. Either metal-to-metal seating employing Stellite
hard-facing or soft-seating using a PTFE insert will provide satisfactory service.

Particular attention should be paid to the design of the stuffing box since even minute
stem leakage will cause corrosion of the valve stem by means of chlorine reacting with
humid air. For this reason a bellows seal or a long stuffing box, using either PTFE or
flexible graphite packing and a Hastelloy C-276 (UNS N10276) and C22 (UNS N06022)
stem, can be chosen for extended service life.

4.1.2 Ball Valves

Ball valves can provide tight shut-off and minimum resistance to flow when fully open.
They are generally easier to operate than plug valves of equal size. Some maintain that
the 1/4-turn stem movement lends itself to an inherently more reliable stem seal design.
Ball valves should incorporate a blow-out proof stem design and a means to externally
adjust the stem seal. The sealing material generally is a fluoropolymer resin, although
fluoroelastomer O-rings are sometimes employed as the outer secondary seal.

Ball valves may be furnished either full-bore or reduced-bore. Flanged valves may have
either a long (standard) or short body pattern. Full-bore ball valves have openings
throughout the length of the valve with a diameter equal to their nominal pipe size.

Ball valve design must ensure that excess pressure, resulting from expansion of liquid
chlorine trapped in the ball and body cavity when the valve is closed, will relieve
spontaneously in the direction of higher line pressure. This relief may be accomplished
by providing a relief hole in the ball, providing a passage in the body to the high pressure
side, or by using cavity pressure self-relieving seats.

If the relieving method is directional (bored hole or passage), the valve body must be
supplied with positive indication of the direction of pressure tightness. If it is possible to
reverse this direction through improper reassembly of parts, a stainless steel tag with
precautions must be securely attached to the valve.

4.1.3 Plug Valves

Plug valves can be used for chlorine service and have generally provided satisfactory
service. Their primary drawback is a need to balance turning torque and shut-off sealing
capability. Like the ball valve, this valve can provide tight shutoff and, with the 1/4-turn
stem movement, lends itself to an inherently more reliable stem seal design than one
employing linear stem travel.

Plug valves have an inherent blow-out proof stem design and should be provided with a
means to externally adjust the stem seal. The sealing material generally employed is a
fluoropolymer resin.

Plug valves normally have a reduced bore and like the ball valve are also likely to trap
liquid chlorine when closed. Therefore, the plug and body cavities also must be
provided with a relief hole vented toward the direction of higher pressure.

If the relieving method is directional (bored hole or passage), the valve body must be
supplied with positive indication of the direction of pressure tightness. If it is possible to
reverse this direction through improper reassembly of parts, a stainless steel tag with
precautions must be attached to the valve.

4.1.4 Soft-Seated "High-Performance" Butterfly Valves

Soft-seated, high-performance butterfly valves can be used in chlorine applications,

particularly in the larger pipe sizes. These valves are distinguished from fully-lined
butterfly valves primarily through their ANSI rated pressure capability.

Most soft-seated high-performance butterfly valves use standard adjustable packing, a

wetted shaft/disc arrangement and a one-piece soft-lip seal.

Soft-seated butterfly valves can provide tight shut-off and, with the 1/4-turn stem
movement, lends itself to an inherently more reliable stem seal design than the rising
stem valve.

4.1.5 Fully-Lined Butterfly Valves

Fully-lined butterfly valves can be used in wet or dry chlorine gas applications. No
metallic part comes in contact with the media, as all internal surfaces of the valves are
lined with a fluoropolymer resin. The fully lined butterfly valve should incorporate a blow-
out proof stem design.

The fully lined butterfly valve can provide tight shut-off and, with the 1/4-turn stem
movement, lends itself to an inherently more reliable stem seal design than the rising
stem valve.

The fluoropolymer resin liner (seat) is given its resiliency by a fluoroelastomeric back-up
liner. This back-up liner is located behind the fluoropolymer resin liner and is not
exposed to the media.

4.1.6 Single-Seated Segmented Ball Valves

These valves differ from conventional ball valves in that they do not trap liquid when
closed. Seat material and design and the resulting ability to provide tight shut-off is
dependent on the application (on-off or control). This valve is typically used as a control

4.1.7 Fully-Lined Ball Valves

Fully-lined ball valves can be used in wet or dry chlorine gas applications. No metallic
part comes in contact with the media, as all internal surfaces of the valve are lined with a
fluoropolymer resin. Like metal ball valves, the fully-lined ball valve can provide tight
shut-off and, with the 1/4-turn stem operation, lends itself to an inherently more reliable
stem seal design than the rising stem valve. The fully lined ball valve should incorporate
a blow-out proof stem design and a means to externally adjust the stem seal. The stem
sealing material is generally a fluoropolymer resin.

Fully-lined ball valves may be furnished in either full-bore or reduced-bore designs with
flanged end connections. Due to the thickness of the fluoropolymer lining, full-bore
valves will have port openings which are generally less than their nominal pipe size.

Fully-lined ball valves are limited to gas service. However, designs must ensure that
excess pressure, resulting from expansion of liquid chlorine inadvertently trapped in the
ball and body cavity, will relieve spontaneously in the direction of higher line pressure.
This relief is usually accomplished by providing a relief hole in the ball or by providing a
cavity relief seat design.

If the relieving method is directional, the valve body must be supplied with positive
indication of the direction of pressure tightness. If it is possible to reverse this direction
through improper reassembly of parts, a stainless steel tag with precautions must be
securely attached to the valve.

4.1.8 Rising Stem Ball Valves

These valves combine the high seating pressure of a globe valve with the ability to
achieve full port flow characteristics of ball valves. They do not trap liquid when shutoff.
The falling action of the stem acts through a cam device to turn the ball from the open to
closed position. When the ball reaches the closed position the final action of the
stem/cam forces the ball against the seat. Rising action of the stem reverses the action.

4.2 General Valve Selection Criteria

When specifying valves for chlorine applications it is important to consider the following

4.2.1 Stem Seal

When dealing with applications which have frequent or large temperature fluctuations,
the specifier should consider alternative methods of stem sealing such as bellows seal
or live-loaded packing to prevent a leak through the stem seal.

4.2.2 Directional Shut-Off

If the application calls for bi-directional shut-off, a unidirectional valve should not be

4.2.3 Ambient Temperature

Ambient temperatures and process temperature should be considered during material


4.2.4 Potential for Wet Chlorine

When selecting valves for an application where the chlorine is normally dry but has the
potential to become wet as defined in Pamphlet 100 (13.1.8), consideration should be
given to choosing materials suited for both applications. Other than in Class 1 service,
lined valves that do not have ductile iron bodies may be advantageous if the potential for
moisture contamination exists.

4.2.5 Throttling

Valves used in throttling applications can experience extremely low temperatures due to
the high differential pressure. When specifying a valve for those applications, consider
selecting one that meets the classification for the lowest temperature anticipated.

Engineering principles for sizing the valve should be used to ensure flashing and
cavitation does not take place. Modified trim or characterized ports might be required.

4.2.6 Potential of Solids, Impurities and Contaminants

Under certain conditions, impurities and contaminants which can affect valve
performance may be present in dry chlorine systems. Consideration should be made for
such conditions in the selection of valve type and materials of construction.

4.2.7 Chloride Stress Corrosion

Stressed parts of a valve that are wetted or can be exposed to chlorine due to leakage
(i.e. stems, plugs, fasteners and spring washers) should not be made of 300 series
stainless steel.

4.3 Valve Selection Tables

A valve selection guide is provided in Tables 4-1 through 4-7. These tables are intended
for use in selecting various types of valves that have been found satisfactory in chlorine
service. It is not intended to prevent the use of valve types other than those designated
as "satisfactory" in a particular service class. However, the user is cautioned against
such practice unless ample testing has been conducted, with documentation, to assure
safe operation.

Table 4-1. Globe Valves

Nominal Common
Primary Form
Pipe Size End Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI
& Rating
(NPS) Connect
Through 1½" Threaded Forged API
[See Note 1] Class 800
Socket- Forged API
Welded Class 800
All sizes Flanged Forged or Cast
ANSI Classes S S S S S S
150 or 300
Butt-Welded Forged or Cast
ANSI Classes S S S S S S
150 or 300

Legend: S = Satisfactory NR = Not Recommended -- = Insufficient Experience

Note 1 Except for connections to transportation equipment, instruments, and special

process equipment, flanged valves are recommended for Classes II, III, V, and

Table 4-2. Unlined Ball Valves

Nominal Common
Primary Form
Pipe Size End Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI
& Rating
(NPS) Connect
Through Threaded Forged or Cast
1½" [See Note 1] ANSI Classes
150 or 300 S S NR S NR NR
pressure rating
All sizes Flanged Forged or Cast
ANSI Classes S S S S S S
150 or 300
Legend: S = Satisfactory NR = Not Recommended -- = Insufficient Experience

Note 1 Except for connections to transportation equipment, instruments, and special

process equipment, flanged valves are recommended for Classes II, III, V, and

Table 4-3. Unlined Plug Valves

Nominal Common
Primary Form
Pipe Size End Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI
& Rating
(NPS) Connect
Through 1½" Threaded Forged or Cast
[See Note 1] ANSI Classes
150 or 300 S S NR S NR NR
pressure rating
All sizes Flanged Cast
ANSI Classes S S S S S S
150 or 300
Legend: S = Satisfactory NR = Not Recommended -- = Insufficient Experience

Note 1 Except for connections to transportation equipment, instruments, and special

process equipment, flanged valves are recommended for Classes II, III, V, and

Table 4-4. High-Performance Butterfly Valves

Nominal Pipe Primary Form
End Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI
Size (NPS) & Rating
All sizes Wafer Plate or Cast
ANSI Classes S S -- S S --
150 or 300
All sizes Lugged Plate or Cast
ANSI Classes S S -- S S --
150 or 300
All sizes Flanged Cast
ANSI Classes S S -- S S --
150 or 300
Legend: S = Satisfactory NR = Not Recommended -- = Insufficient Experience

Table 4-5. Fully-Lined Butterfly Valves

Nominal Common
Primary Form
Pipe Size End Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI
& Rating
(NPS) Connect
All sizes Wafer Cast
150 psig CWP
All sizes Lugged Cast
150 psig CWP
Legend: S = Satisfactory NR = Not Recommended -- = Insufficient Experience

Table 4-6. Single-Seated Segmented Ball Valves

Nominal Common Primary
Pipe Size End Form & Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI
(NPS) Connect Rating
All sizes Wafer Cast
ANSI Classes S S -- S S --
150 or 300
All sizes Flanged Forged or
S S -- S S --
ANSI Classes
150 or 300
Legend S = Satisfactory NR = Not Recommended -- = Insufficient Experience

Table 4-7. Fully-Lined Ball or Plug Valves

Nominal Common Primary
Pipe Size End Form & Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI
(NPS) Connect Rating
All sizes Flanged Forged or
Class 150

Legend S = Satisfactory NR = Not Recommended -- = Insufficient Experience

4.4 Valve Materials Table

Table 4-8 lists materials recommendations that have proven to be suitable for valve
parts in dry chlorine service. Materials are listed by the applicable standard/ material
designations. This guide is not intended to prevent the substitution of other materials
known to be suited for the intended chlorine service as agreed upon between the
manufacturer and purchaser.

Table 4-8. Valve Material Selection Guide

Classes III &

Product Forms Parts Classes I & IV Classes II & V
Castings Bodies, ASTM A216 ASTM A352 ASTM A352
Bonnets, Grade WCB Grade LCB or LCC Grade LC3
Covers A216 Grade WCC (to -50°F/-46°C) (-150°F/-
A395 [See Note 1] A352 Grade LC1 101°C)
A352 Grade LCA (to -75°F/-59°C) A352 [See Note 12]
(to -25°F/-32°C) Grade LC2
[See Note 12] (to -100°/-73°C)
[See Notes 11 and 12]
Forgings Bodies, ASTM A105 ASTM A350 ASTM A350
Bonnets A181 Classes 60 & 70 Grade LF2 Grade LF3
& Covers A182 Grade F1 (to -50°F/-46°C) (-150°F/-
A350 Grade LF1 [See Note 11] 101°C)
(to -25°F/-32°C)

Rolled Plates Bodies, ASTM A516 ASTM A516 ASTM A203

& Shapes Bonnets Grade 70 Grade 55, 60, & 65 Grade E
& Covers (Charpy test at (Charpy test at
-50°F/-46°C) -150°F/-101°C)
[See Note 11]

Table 4-8. Valve Material Selection Guide

Product Forms Parts Classes I & IV Classes II & V Classes III & VI

Body, Bonnet Bolts & ASTM A193 ASTM A320 ASTM A320
& Cover Bolting Stud Bolts Grade B7 Grade L7 Grade L7
(Charpy test at (Charpy test at
-150°F/-101°C) -150°F/-101°C)
[See Notes 13 and 14]

Nuts ASTM A194 ASTM A194 ASTM A194

Grade 2H Grade 4 Grade 4
heavy hex nuts heavy hex nuts heavy hex nuts
(Charpy test at (Charpy test at
-150°F/-101°C) -150°F/-101°C)
[See Note 13] [See Note 13]

Other Metal Stems Hastelloy C22 (UNS Hastelloy C22 (UNS Hastelloy C22 (UNS
Parts (Shafts) N06022), C-276 N06022),C-276 N06022),C-276
[See Note 3] (UNS N10276) (UNS N10276) (UNS N10276)
Monel 500 Monel 500 Monel 500
(UNS N05500) (UNS N05500) (UNS N05500)
Monel 400, R405 Monel 400, R405 Monel 400, R405
(UNS N04400 & (UNS N04400 & N04405) (UNS N04400 &
N04405) [See Note 6] N04405)
[See Note 6] [See Note 6]

Balls, Monel 400 Monel 400 Monel 400

Tapered (UNS N04400) (UNS N04400) (UNS N04400)
Plugs, & [See Note 2] [See Note 2] [See Note 2]

Other Metal Bellows Monel 400, R405, Monel 400, R405 Monel 400, R405
Parts [See Note (UNS N04400 & (UNS N04400 & N04405) (UNS N04400 &
8] N04405) Hastelloy C -276 N04405)
[See Note 3]
Hastelloy C-276 (UNS N10276) Hastelloy C-276
(UNS N10276) (UNS N10276)
Seats & [See Notes 4 & 5] [See Notes 4 & 5] [See Notes 4 & 5]
Other Parts [See Note 5] [See Note 5] [See Note 5]
Non-Metallic Seats, Fluoropolymer Resin Fluoropolymer Resin Fluoropolymer
Parts Sleeves Resin
& Seals

Packing Flexible graphite, Fluoropolymer resin or Fluoropolymer

Fluoropolymer resin or asbestos. [See Note 10] resin or asbestos.
asbestos. [See Note 10] [See Note 10]
Bonnet/Bon Fluoropolymer resin or Fluoropolymer resin or Fluoropolymer
net Gasket asbestos. [See Notes 7, asbestos. [See Notes 7, resin or asbestos.
9, 10] 9, 10] [See Notes 7, 9,

The complete titles of specifications are listed in Section 13.

Note 1 Ductile iron per ASTM A395 may be used for valves in chlorine service in Class I

Note 2 Hastelloy C (UNS N10002) and Hastelloy C-276 (UNS N10276) affords superior
corrosion resistance over Monel.

Note 3 Use Monel Alloy 400 (UNS N04400) per ASTM B564 (annealed) for forgings and
ASTM B127 (annealed) for plates.

Note 4 Hard-faced seating surfaces of Stellite 21 (UNS R30021) and/or Stellite 6 (UNS
R30006) are recommended for metal seating surfaces prone to the combined
effects of corrosion and erosion. Monel K500 (UNS N05500) also possesses
good hard-facing properties. Integral seats eliminate corrosion and leakage
associated with screwed in seats.

Note 5 Other parts (such as yokes, yoke nuts, glands, gland bushings, studs, and hand-
wheels) shall be of material suitable for the service and as agreed upon between
manufacturer and purchaser. Series 300 stainless steels should not be used for
bolts, nuts, and studs (2.3).

Note 6 Valve stems of Hastelloy C22 (UNS N06022) and Hastelloy C-276 (UNS
N10276) can improve operability and minimize leakage through the stuffing box
by extending the integrity of the stem sealing surfaces which are most prone to
moisture penetration and accelerated corrosion. Monel K500 (UNS N05500)
also possesses good hard-facing properties. One piece construction for valve
stems is preferred.

Note 7 PTFE should only be used in a fully-confined joint.

Note 8 Bellows shall be designed for a minimum of 10,000 cycles and to operate at the
maximum allowable working pressure of the valve at ambient temperature.

Note 9 Spiral wound Monel 400 (UNS N04400) or Hastelloy C-276 (UNS N10276) with
PTFE, graphite or asbestos filler.

Note 10 Only qualified individuals familiar with proper handling procedures and
techniques should be allowed to work with asbestos. Regulations may limit the
use of asbestos.

Note 11 Type 316/316L stainless steel (ASTM A351/A744 Gr CF8M/CF3M) valves or

components can be used in specialized service based on long term end-user
experience. Use in new locations should be limited to installations which have
been thoroughly evaluated.

Note 12 Castings shall be traceable, conforming to the ASTM grade listed.

Note 13 ASTM A193 Grade B7M bolts and ASTM A194 Grade Grade 2H or 2HM nuts
may be substituted.

Note 14 Stainless steel bolting should not be used. Alloy 20 bolting is recommended for
stainless steel valves.

4.5 Valve Preparation - Identification Requirements

All valves identified by the manufacturer as meeting the recommendations in this

pamphlet for chlorine service shall meet the following requirements.

4.5.1 Valve Testing

Each valve shall be subjected to the following pressure tests:

■ a shell test in accordance with API 598 (13.4.3) at a minimum of 1.5 times the
100°F(38°C) rating rounded off to the next higher 25 psig increment or a body
hydrostatic test at 1.5 times the 100°F(38°C) rating rounded off to the next 25
psig increment prior to assembly.

■ all shutoff valves shall be closure tested with inert gas or air in accordance with
API 598 (13.4). There shall be no leakage for the minimum specified test

4.5.2 Cleaning and Packaging

All valves shall be degreased, specially cleaned, dried, and prepared for use in chlorine
service including the use of special chlorine compatible lubricants for valve assembly.
Valves shall be packaged in a manner which prevents moisture from entering the ends
once preparation is complete. Care should be taken by the receiver to protect the
integrity of the packaged valves until they are placed in service.

4.5.3 Identification

If a valve passes the leak testing specified in Section 4.5.1 and has been degreased,
cleaned, dried and packaged according to the requirements in Section 4.5.2, then the
valve is considered ready for chlorine service. A securely attached tag designating the
valve has been cleaned and tested for chlorine service in accordance with Chlorine
Institute Pamphlet 6 will be used by manufacturers to indicate the valve has been
prepared for service.


Components other than pipe, valves, and fittings that commonly are used in chlorine
piping systems are addressed in this section.

5.1 Rupture Discs

Rupture discs in chlorine service should be installed with the understanding that these
devices do not provide reseating capabilities such as those provided by a pressure relief
valve. Once the disc has ruptured, the process fluid will continue to escape through the
disc until blocked by some other means. For this reason, these discs are used most
commonly in conjunction with a pressure relief device or expansion chamber. They
function well under a pressure relief valve as a preventative measure against corrosion.

Rupture discs used in conjunction with expansion chambers are referenced in Drawing
136 (13.1.22). Vacuum support should be included, where appropriate.

Common materials used in the construction of rupture disc components are:

• disc holder forged carbon or alloy steel (connection type and pressure
rating of disc holder should conform to the class specification
of the flanges and piping systems)

• disc Monel alloys K500 and R405 (UNS N05500 and N04405),
tantalum, armored impervious graphite, silver, Hastelloy C
and C-276 (UNS N1002 and UNS N10276)

CAUTION: If impervious graphite discs are used under pressure relief valves,
fragmentation of the disc upon rupture may damage valve parts or plug the valve,
rendering it ineffective as a pressure relief device. Disc fragments may be projected out
the vent pipe and impede the reseating of the pressure relief valve.

5.2 Pressure Relief Valves

Pressure relief valves are the preferred relief devices since they reseat. Inlet
connections should be consistent with pipe class and specifications.

Pressure relief valves should be inspected and/or tested on a scheduled basis. The
valves should be installed in a manner that ensures there is no obstruction of flow
between the pressure relief valve and the piping system or vessel it is intended to
protect. The pressure relief valve vent system should be adequately sized and piped
such that the discharge is unrestricted and is exhausted to a safe location (Pamphlets 5,
86 and 89 (13.1).

Rupture discs or breaking-pin assemblies may be installed under pressure relief valves
where it is appropriate to protect the valve from corrosion. Where it is necessary to
satisfy the ASME Code, a pressure gauge or other suitable telltale indicator must be
installed between the rupture disc and the pressure relief valve, and checked for proper
operation on a regular basis. Pressure in this section of piping may indicate premature
failure or pinholes in the rupture discs.

Types of pressure relief valves include:

■ Conventional

Generally, these have conventional angle body with closed bonnet and a cap over
the spring adjusting nut. However, a unique, straight-through design valve (Style
JQU) developed for the transportation industry has been adopted for use on
stationary equipment (5.4).

Materials of construction typically used in Class I and IV services are:

body: carbon steel

trim: Hastelloy C or C 276 (UNS N10002 or UNS N10276) or Monel alloy 400
and R405 (UNS N04400 and UNS N04405)

spring: carbon steel

Materials of construction for other classes should be consistent with piping


■ Soft-seat

These valves employ a captured plastic insert that is either statically compressed by
the metal seats or dynamically loaded between them by the inlet-side pressure to
affect optimum seat sealing both prior to opening and upon reseating. The insert
usually is an elastomeric O-ring (Viton or Kalrez rubber for chlorine), with a few of the
static sealing designs employing PTFE.

Soft-seated construction, particularly in conjunction with a bellows-sealed valve, may

negate the need to provide an inlet-side rupture disc or breaking-pin assembly.

■ Bellows

These pressure relief valves employ a convoluted bellows that isolates the stem-
guiding surfaces and valve spring from the flowing fluids (or other foreign materials
that may be encountered in the discharge piping) that could contact and accelerate
corrosion of these vulnerable parts and render the valve inoperable. The bellows
usually is constructed of minimum 2-ply Monel alloys 400 and R405 (UNS N04400
and UNS NO4405) metal for chlorine service. However, Hastelloy C and C 276
(UNS N10002 and UNS N10276) may be a more prudent choice if the discharge
system is likely to be humid from water intrusion.

A balanced-area design valve permits use where high or variable back pressures
(equal to or less than 50% of the set pressure) may be encountered. The ASME
Code permits the installation of a rupture disc on the outlet of a balanced-area,
bellows-sealed pressure relief valve. The burst rating of the rupture disc employed in
this manner should not exceed 50% of the valve set pressure.

5.3 Liquid Knockout Pots

A knockout pot or drip leg is useful for the protection of gaseous chlorine systems from
damage or process upsets that may result from the entry of liquid chlorine.

Conditions under which liquid may be expected are:

• on start-up, after any period of no flow in a chlorine line

• during periods of low flow and/or cold weather

• in operation at a temperature and pressure which approach saturation (refer to

Figure 9.1, The Chlorine Manual (13.1.1)

• in vaporizing systems (Pamphlet 9 (13.1.3))

Minimum requirements for knockout pot installations are:


• Materials of construction and specifications should be consistent with expected

operating temperatures and pressures.
• A liquid knockout pot should be sized for maximum gas flow.

• The pot is to have minimum liquid retention before alarm or notification of liquid
presence in the pot.

• Insulation should be considered for all above-ground chlorine lines and pots
unless operating pressure is low enough to prevent condensation.

• Block valves may be installed on the inlet and outlet of the knockout pot.
Automatic valves should be considered depending on the impact of liquid
chlorine on the process and equipment. The block valve installation should
include provisions for periodic testing; a by-pass with valve may be useful.
Where block valves are used, provision should be made for over pressure

• The system should contain a controlled heat source or pressure reducing

equipment for vaporizing any accumulated liquid chlorine. The heat source must
be controlled to avoid accelerated corrosion and spontaneous ignition of iron and
chlorine at elevated temperatures (Pamphlet 1 (13.1.1))

• Nitrogen trichloride can accumulate in the knockout pot due to long term
vaporizing of liquid chlorine if the chlorine has trace amounts of nitrogen
trichloride. Periodic service of these knockout pots should be planned including
evacuation, cleaning and drying. Reference is made to Pamphlet 152 (13.1.9)
for additional information.

5.4 Transportation Valves on Stationary Equipment

In general, other types of valves are preferable to transportation valves for use in
stationary piping systems.

■ Transportation Pressure Relief Valves

These valves with breaking-pin or rupture disc assemblies have been used in
chlorine piping and storage systems. The valves are approved for bulk chlorine
transports and are not ASME certified. However the valve can be specified and
purchased to meet ASME certification.

Consideration of local emission standards in relieving to the atmosphere is


CAUTION: These valves are not designed to function properly if there is

back pressure.

■ Standard Tank Car Angle Valves

Although acceptable for stationary piping systems, these often are not the best
valves for the application (Drawing 104 (13.1.12).

■ Excess Flow Valves

Excess flow check valves are suitable for stationary piping systems. However, it
should be noted that these valves must be installed in a vertical position to
operate properly. Also, these are high-pressure drop-valves and, as such, may
not function well as emergency shut-off valves. Their performance is highly
dependent upon flows and downstream pressure drop considerations (Drawings
101, 106, 114, 162, and 163 (13.1)).

5.5 Liquid Expansion Chambers

Liquid chlorine has a very high coefficient of thermal expansion. If liquid chlorine is
trapped between two valves, the pressure of the blocked-in section will increase as the
line temperature increases. The pressure can rise beyond the pressure rating of the line
with the potential to cause a connection leak or line failure. An expansion chamber is
connected to a pipeline to allow expansion room for the liquid. An expansion chamber
should be installed on top of the pipeline and be filled with dry air or an inert gas. The
gas in the expansion chamber is compressed as the pressure in the line increases and
protects the line from experiencing the extremely high pressure that can be caused by
liquid-full hydraulic expansion. Recommended configurations and use conditions for
expansion chambers are referenced in Drawing 136 (13.1.22).

5.6 Check Valves

Check valves (spring-loaded or gravity-operated) are not recommended for chlorine

service in situations where total isolation or total elimination of reverse flow is desired. In
these cases, automatically operated control valves with appropriate instrumentation are

Check valves may be useful in chlorine service in applications such as pump headers,
where a small amount of reverse flow is acceptable. These check valves should be
constructed of materials consistent with piping and valve specifications.

Suitable materials of construction are:

body: carbon steel or alloy steel per service condition, ductile iron
for Class I

body liner (optional): PFA, PTFE, ETFE, ECTFE, PDVF or equally lined carbon
steel or alloy steel

disc, metal seal, and trim: Alloy 20 or Monel alloys 400 and R405 (UNS N04400 and
UNS N04405) and Hastelloy C-276 (UNS N10276)

spring (if used): Inconel alloy 600 (UNS N06600)


5.7 Expansion Joints

Expansion joints should be restricted to Class I gas service only.

Chlorine piping systems shall have sufficient flexibility to prevent failure of the piping
system due to thermal expansion or contraction. When flexibility cannot be introduced
into the system through pipe routing, bellows expansion joints can be employed to
absorb the differential expansion while containing the system pressure.

These joints are engineered products which should not be purchased and used as
commodity items. Expansion joints shall be kept to a minimum, but when required shall
be metallic with a minimum bellows metallurgy of Hastelloy C and C-276 (UNS 10002
and N10276) or Monel alloys 400 and R405 (UNS N04400 and N04405) and shall
comply with ASME B31.3 - Appendix X (13.2.8). Periodic maintenance is

5.8 Hoses

Neither metallic nor non-metallic hoses are normally used in permanent piping systems
and are not recommended for permanent piping connections. Refer to Section 8 and
Appendix A for transportation connections.


Dry chlorine piping systems should be protected against overpressure, overheating,

overfilling, etc., by installing dependable instrumentation. This instrumentation may be
pressure, temperature, level, or flow type, and may use indicating, regulating, recording,
or alarm devices. A new pamphlet, under development as this edition goes to press,
Instrumentation for Chlorine Service will provide recommendations on critical
instrumentation issues related to chlorine applications.

6.1 Electrical Enclosures

NEMA 4 (water-tight) or NEMA 4X (water-tight/corrosion resistant) enclosures should be

considered (13.4.1).


Nonferrous metal piping or tubing is generally used for flexible instrument or

nonpermanent connections. Aluminum, titanium, and tin must not be used because
chlorine reacts with these materials at ordinary temperatures. Where flexible
connections are required between transportation containers and rigid piping systems,
copper and copper alloy construction may be used.

Because of the reaction between chlorine and tin, no tin should be used in brazing alloys
for flexible connection fittings. Therefore, silver brazing alloys must contain no tin and
should contain at least 44% silver. In situations requiring protection against external
corrosion, protective coatings such as cadmium or zinc plating are recommended.
Hydrogen embrittlement is not a typical failure mechanism for non-ferrous metals.

Tubing components should be limited to a single manufacturer since connectors are not
compatible between manufacturers.

Table 7-1 identifies some commonly used nonferrous metals and special alloys.
Consideration should be given to the mechanical protection of tubing systems from
external damage.

Table 7-1. Nonferrous Metal Tubing Systems

Material Common Use

Item Fluid State Type Comments
[See Note 4] [See Note 5]
Tubing Copper Gas or Liquid ASTM B88 Seamless, Container
[See Note 1] Type K or connections

Monel Gas or Liquid ASTM B165 Cold-drawn, Instrument

[See Note 3] annealed connections,

Fittings Monel Gas or Liquid ASTM B165 -- Instrument

[See Note 3] connections
Copper Gas or Liquid ASTM B75 Solder Type Container
[See Note 6] connections
[See Note 2]

Adapters/ Aluminum- Gas or Liquid ASTM [See Interface

Adapter Nuts Silicon-Bronze B124, B150 Drawing 130] connections,
(Alloy B) UNS C64210 Container

Leaded Gas or Liquid ASTM B140 -- Interface

Commercial UNS C31400 connections,
Bronze Container

Note 1 An external coating (e.g. cadmium or zinc plating) is recommended in situations

requiring additional corrosion resistance. Hydrogen embrittlement is not a typical
failure mechanism for nonferrous metals.

Note 2 Gasketed-type fittings are preferred where connections are disconnected and
reconnected frequently. Flared type fittings are not recommended.

Note 3 Instrument tubing of ¼ - to ½-inch (6.35 to 12.7 mm) OD shall be ASTM B165 Monel
alloy annealed, seamless tubing with a .035-inch (0.89-mm) wall minimum, to be
used with ASTM B165 Monel alloy (UNS N04400 and N04405) ferrule-type tubing

Note 4 Other alloys may be used based on specific experience such as Alloy 20 and
Hastelloy C-276.

Note 5 For periodic disconnect/reconnect connections, such as container applications, the

yoke and adaptor (CGA Connection 820 or 820C) is recommended. For connections
between tubing and stationary piping, a union nut connection (such as CGA
Connection 660) is acceptable.

Note 6 Silver brazing alloys must contain no tin and should contain at least 44% silver.


Connectors and fittings to permit unloading chlorine transportation containers are, in

general, considered nonpermanent installations. These connectors and fittings are
identified below in Table 8 and some of their uses are cited. Details on each item can be
found in the indicated drawings. Non-permanent installations should use yoke-type or
flanged connections since threads that are used repeatedly and exposed to a chlorine
atmosphere may fail prematurely. Two bolt flanges are often used on unloading loops
(Drawing 118 (13.1.19)). Care must be taken to apply the gasket loading forces
uniformly by tightening both bolts evenly.

The information in Table 8-1 is generally for liquid or gas service between -20ºF and
150ºF (-29ºC and 66ºC) and from vacuum to 300 psig. Some components, notably
transfer hoses, are rated for higher pressure.

Table 8-1. Connectors to Transportation Containers Guide

Item Fluid State Comments Common Use
Tank Car Unloading Gas or Liquid Unloading loops Connects permanent piping
Connection [See Drawing 118] system with barge, truck or
rail car

Chlorine Transfer Hose Gas or Liquid Metallic reinforced and Transfer hose is more flexible
special non-metallic with than tank car unloading
protection connector and may be more
[See Appendix A] adaptable for special needs

Small Union Connection Gas or Liquid [See Drawing 171] Connect flexible connectors
to auxiliary cylinder valves or

Cylinder Valve Adapter Gas or Liquid Brass or Alloy “B” Connects valves to flexible
[See Drawings 112, 130 connectors
and 189]
Lead commercial bronze

Table 8-1. Connectors to Transportation Containers Guide

Item Fluid State Comments Common Use

Cylinder Valve Yoke Gas or Liquid [See Drawings 131 and Yokes may be used for non-
189] permanent connections to
cylinders, ton containers or
piping systems with cylinder

Header Valve Gas [See Drawing 113 for Used on gas pressure
valve parts and Drawing headers to permit
112 for material connection to flexible copper
specifications] tubing
(does not require fusible

Gasket Gas or Liquid Gasket replacement is

[See Pamphlet 95]
[See Note 1] recommended after each

Note 1 Joint design is a critical factor in selection of gasket material and should be limited to
a confined joint, such as tongue and groove.


For purposes of this section “plastic piping systems” refers to fabrications other than valves
where plastic is used as a liner.

Because relatively inexpensive, high strength metals can be used successfully in dry chlorine
service, plastics are rarely used as piping materials to handle chlorine under pressure. On the
other hand, in wet chlorine service (e.g. cell gas, chlorinated water, vent collection systems,
etc.), or in vacuum service (dry or wet), where most metals are subject to rapid corrosion, and
where pressures are relatively low, plastic piping systems can be used very successfully.

Plastics are also used extensively as lining materials for metallic piping components and valves.
The plastic protects the metal from corrosion and the metal protects the plastic from external
forces and enables the system to operate at higher pressures than would be possible with an all
plastic component.

Since plastics can offer good resistance to wet chlorine, when properly specified and used,
plastic piping systems offer many benefits. However, they do have limitations that must be
taken into account. These include:

• Many plastics (generally those that are not fluorinated or chlorinated to a high
degree) will react with chlorine and may fail rapidly and catastrophically as a

• Many plastic piping materials have limited pressure retaining capabilities and are
subject to rapid degradation of structural properties (strength) with increasing
temperature. Use should therefore be limited to temperatures well below those
at which the physical properties of the plastic are reduced to the point where the
pressure rating of the pipe does not have an adequate margin of safety.

• Many plastics are subject to degradation on exposure to UV light. Additives and

coatings should therefore be employed to minimize the effect and exposure to
UV light. Chlorine has the ability to permeate through the microstructure of many
plastics. When using plastics that exhibit this phenomenon, precautions must be
employed to account for the permeation (e.g. the need for vents should be
considered on piping lined with plastic materials, proper precautions should be
taken when using such plastics in poorly ventilated areas, etc).

• Because many solid plastic piping systems (Solid plastic meaning that the entire
piping component is plastic, as opposed to lined piping) can shatter when they
are over-pressurized, they are not recommended for use in pressurized chlorine
gas service (e.g. PVC, CPVC, PVDF, ABS, others). Pressure in gas service
should be limited to 6 PSIG when using plastic materials that are prone to this
type of failure. Gas service at pressures higher than 6 PSIG should be
considered only after a thorough evaluation of the piping system.

• Liquid chlorine is usually handled at high pressure or low temperature and it has
physical properties (high specific gravity, high coefficient of expansion) that could
damage plastic components. Therefore, solid plastic piping systems should not
be used to handle liquid chlorine.

• Plastics are subject to damage by external forces. Plastic piping systems should
therefore be well supported and should be protected from impact.

• Plastic tubing is sometimes used to transfer small quantities of chlorine for

sampling, instrument inputs, etc. When using tubing, care should be taken to
provide generous radii of curvature, to protect the tubing from physical damage
and to avoid contact with hot surfaces. Tubing should be heavy wall, limited to
½” maximum OD. Use with appropriate fluoropolymer tubing fittings.

• Plastic Lined piping systems may be subject to external corrosion. In such

cases, care should be taken to protect the pipe with suitable coatings and
frequent maintenance.

Typical limitations on the use of plastics in chlorine service are shown in Tables 9-1 and 9-2.

Table 9-1. Plastics in Gas or Liquid Chlorine Service Piping Systems (Note 3)
Plastic Abbreviation Pressure Common Uses
Polytetrafluoroethylene PTFE [See Note 6] 400°F (204°C) Transfer hose, instrument
(ASTM D1457) limit on plastic tubing, valve parts, pipe and
fitting liners, gaskets and

Table 9-1. Plastics in Gas or Liquid Chlorine Service Piping Systems (Note 3)
Plastic Abbreviation Pressure Common Uses
Perfluoroalkoxy PFA [See Note 6] 400°F (204°C) Valve parts, pipe and fitting
(ASTM D3307) limit on plastic liners
Fluorinated Ehylene FEP [See Note 6] 300°F (149°C) Valve parts, pipe and fitting
Propylene limit on plastic liners
Polyvinylidene PVDF [See Note 6] Pipe [See Note 4], valve
280°F (138°C)
difluoride parts, tube fittings, pipe and
(ASTM D3222) fitting liners
Ethylene ECTFE [See Note 6] 300°F (149°C) Valve parts, pipe and fitting
chlorotrifluoroethylene liners
(ASTM D3275)
Ethylene ETFE [See Note 6] 300°F (149°C) Valve parts, pipe and fitting
tetrafluoroethylene liners

Table 9-2. Plastics in Gas Only Chlorine Service Piping Systems

Plastic Abbreviation Pressure Common Uses
Polyvinyl chloride PVC 130°F (54°C) Pipe [See Note 2], pipe
[See Note 5]
(ASTM D1784) fittings, tube fittings, valve
Chlorinated CPVC 212°F (100°C) Pipe [See Note 2], pipe
[See Note 5]
Polyvinyl chloride fittings, valve parts
(ASTM D1784)
Acrylonitrile ABS 150°F (66°C) Pipe [See Note 2], pipe
[See Note 5]
butadiene styrene fittings, tube fittings, valve
(ASTM D3965) parts
Fiberglass- FRP 212°F (100°C) Chlorine cell covers, duct
[See Note 5]
reinforced work
polyester [See
Note 1]
Polyethylene PE 130°F (54°C) Tubing, valve parts
[See Note 5]
(ASTM D3350)
Polypropylene PP 130°F (54°C) Tube fittings, valve parts
[See Note 5]

Note 1 Resin must be specifically selected for chlorine service.

Note 2 Schedule 80 with screwed joints. May be schedule 40 with solvent cemented
socket joints.

Note 3 Do not use solid plastic pipe in liquid chlorine service.


Note 4 Schedule 80 with screwed joints. May be schedule 40 with thermally fused
socket joints.

Note 5 Limited to from full vacuum to 6 psig (41 kPa) maximum in solid plastic pipe. For
lined pipe, see note 6.

Note 6 Consult manufacturer of piping component for temperature/pressure limitations.


Good piping layout will enhance safety, reduce maintenance costs, and provide efficient
operations at effective costs. The following are several important considerations in
designing piping layout.

■ Pipe sizing should be engineered to minimize the possibility of corrosion / erosion that
may be caused by high fluid velocities. Particular attention should be paid to sections
of the system where local velocities can be excessive such as downstream of valves,
bends, pump discharge lines and orifice plates. However, with proper design, high
velocities have been employed successfully in many cases.

■ Avoid trapping liquid chlorine between closed valves and/or provide expansion
chambers (see Dwg # 136 (13.1.22)) or pressure relief. Although the intent is to
reduce risk, in some cases, small expansion bottles can increase the risk of leaks
because they add complexity and are themselves subject to failure. Therefore,
expansion bottles may be omitted if all the following apply:

• If the chlorine contained in the trapped section is less than ten pounds of chlorine
and if all the block valves needed to trap a section of piping are within arm’s
reach, so that operating procedures can be used to avoid trapping chlorine.

■ Consider a layout of piping to facilitate future clean-out operations. Arrange and

support piping to permit removal of process equipment and components.

■ Avoid installing chlorine lines next to steam lines, acid lines, etc., that could cause
corrosion of the chlorine line. Protect chlorine piping from potential sources of
excessive heat or fire.

■ The use of vent and drain branches in a chlorine pipeline should be limited to the
minimum necessary for the removal of dirt, liquid or gas. However, all sections that
can be blocked in should have sufficient connections for clearing the chlorine.

■ Provide for linear thermal expansion, preferably by pipe loops. Bellows-type

expansion joints should be avoided.

■ In addition to piping design, operational procedures should be incorporated to

minimize the possibility of liquid hammer.

■ Chlorine lines should be readily identifiable.


10.1 Clearances

Road and walkway clearances should be set to minimize the potential for impact
damages. Barriers or guard rails should be considered. Railroad and roadway
clearances may be regulated by federal, state, provincial or local laws. If chlorine piping
must pass through a wall or bulkhead, proper side clearances must be maintained.

10.2 Supports

Piping should be adequately supported to prevent sagging and resting on structural

steel. Do not hang other piping from chlorine lines and, conversely, do not hang chlorine
lines from other piping. Piping should be supported with hangers or pipe shoes that do
not allow metal to metal wear or corrosion. If located in an area where seismic activity
can be significant, review local code requirements to determine if special design
considerations are necessary.

10.3 Routing

Chlorine piping should be routed the shortest distance practical with consideration given
to flexibility, line expansion and good engineering practice. Changes in elevation should
be minimized. This pamphlet considers above ground installations only. If the piping
system is buried underground or crosses waterways, then refer to Pamphlet 60 (13.1.4),
which contains special requirements for underground protection, etc.

10.4 Valving

It is important all valves and controls be located in accessible areas. Control valves and
relief valves should be located where they can be serviced conveniently.

Block valves must be located as close to equipment as possible, preferably on the


Block valves should be located in branch lines at the main header and, where practical,
located to allow lines to drain away from the valves.

10.5 Hydraulic Thermal Expansion Design Considerations

Liquid chlorine has a high coefficient of thermal expansion. Relatively small increases in
liquid chlorine temperature can create enough pressure to cause a blocked-in section of
piping to rupture or leak at the connections.

The need for liquid expansion chambers, as shown on Drawing 136 (13.1.22), should be
evaluated if liquid chlorine can be trapped between two closed valves. For small trapped
volumes, such as around control valves, administrative draining procedure may be
preferable to the installation of a small expansion chamber. These expansion chambers
should be adequately supported and located in an accessible area for routine inspection
and maintenance.

10.6 Design Considerations to Prevent Condensation

Condensation or reliquification can occur in gas lines when the temperature drops below
the pressure-temperature equilibrium. To prevent gas condensation, heat tracing and
insulation, or the use of a pressure reducing valve is recommended. Any heat tracing

installation should be designed such that the surface temperature of the pipe shall not
exceed 300ºF (149ºC) to eliminate the possibility of chlorine-steel reaction which occurs
near 483ºF (251ºC), see The Chlorine Manual (13.1.1).

10.7 Vaporization

Vaporization or flashing can occur in liquid lines due to pressure drop, elevation change,
or temperature increase. System design should assure that chlorine remains in its
intended state under all operating conditions.

10.8 Insulation

Chlorine pipelines (liquid and gaseous) often operate at pressures and temperatures that
cause condensation and ice formation on the outside of the lines. For this reason, the
insulation must provide a sufficient moisture barrier to prevent corrosion under the
insulation. A water-resistant insulating material such as cellular glass, urathane or foam
rubber should be used. Engineered access methods which do not compromise the
system moisture barrier may be used to accommodate thickness testing or exterior

10.9 Painting

Protective coating on the pipe should be considered to limit external corrosion.


11.1 Cleaning

All portions of new chlorine systems must be cleaned before use, because chlorine can
react violently with cutting oil, grease, and other foreign materials. Cleaning procedures
must emphasize the importance of removing all residues, because chlorine may also react
vigorously with water and most solvents, including hydrocarbons and alcohols, any
equipment received in an oily condition should be cleaned and thoroughly dried before use.

There are several cleaning techniques available, but there is no best method. The
appropriate technique will depend on the nature of the system and the type of
contamination. For any technique employed, the user must establish a written
procedure. Each step of the cleaning procedure should be closely monitored. The
procedure should include criteria for written acceptance of the effectiveness of the
cleaning. Reference material for developing procedures can be found in CGA's
Pamphlet G-4.1 Cleaning Equipment for Oxygen Service (13.4.5).

Procedures should be in compliance with all federal, state and local regulations. The
recommendations of the manufacturers of the cleaning product and the equipment to be
cleaned should be followed as applicable.

Three common methods used to clean chlorine systems are described below.
Sometimes, a combination of methods is most useful in a given situation. Particular
attention must be paid to joint areas where cleaning solutions could collect.
Consideration should be given to valve removal prior to cleaning operations or
hydrostatic tests and gasket replacement after cleaning.

11.1.1 Aqueous Cleaning

Aqueous methods are used for both new construction and plant maintenance,
particularly for equipment already exposed to chlorine service. Examples include
detergents, surfactants, coalescing agents and inorganic solutions. This must be
followed by thorough flushing with water to remove the residue. Steam is often used to
purge the pipe and raise the temperature to aid in drying. Care must be taken to ensure
the system is properly dried.

11.1.2 Abrasive Cleaning

This method is used primarily on large piping sections for new construction. Types of
abrasives include sand, dry ice, steel shot, garnet, corn husks, etc. Care must be taken
to isolate valves, instruments, and process equipment from potential damage. All
blasting residue must be removed from pipe sections prior to installation. If care is taken
to exclude moisture, the assembled system will be ready for dry air or nitrogen drying.

11.1.3 Solvent Cleaning

Solvents are most often used for cleaning individual components (e.g. valves, relief
valves and instruments), especially parts that can be cleaned in commercial vapor
degreasing equipment. For large chlorine systems, this method is not normally used
due to the need for addressing environmental and industrial hygiene risks. Many
solvents are excellent cleaning agents but pose significant risks due to toxicity,
flammability or reactivity with chlorine. The best overall solvent must be available as a
liquid in convenient containers, be nearly nonreactive with chlorine, be nonflammable,
have relatively low vapor pressure, a low toxicity rating and must be capable of removing
the contamination. Although most solvents do not meet the above criteria, the user must
prioritize these criteria and select the best solvent for the application.

Historically, the Institute recommended solvents have been chlorocarbons or

chlorofluorocarbons. Many of these are suspected ozone-depleting compounds and are
subject to bans on manufacture. Solvents suitable in limited applications are methylene
chloride, perchloroethylene and trichloroethylene. These compounds have been shown
to be carcinogenic in certain animal test systems and, under certain exposure
conditions, could be carcinogenic to humans. Because of this potential toxic risk to
humans, precautions should be used to keep worker exposures below the
recommended amount set forth by OSHA.

There is no known, universally acceptable, solvent. However, new water based, non-
toxic, biodegradable solvents are available and continue to be developed. Some are
suitable for cleaning chlorine equipment in specific applications. Any solvent usage
requires personnel safeguards, good work practices, suitable collection, and safe,
environmentally acceptable disposal of residual materials.

11.1.4 Standards of Cleanliness

Potential contaminants include oils and grease and particulate matter. Some method
must be used for evaluating the effectiveness of the cleaning process.

Where practical, initial inspection should be done visually to look for gross
contamination. For solvent and water washes discoloration or visible particles in the
spent liquid may indicate contamination.

Parts that have high surface area and that do not dissipate heat, such as metal packing
or mesh pads require special scrutiny. Extra care should be taken to ensure such parts
are adequately cleaned and free of residue. Special precautions should be taken and
consideration should be given to ensuring that there is no surface contamination. This
may be accomplished with black lights (which will cause most oils to fluoresce) via
laboratory analysis, or other suitable techniques.
Inspections should be done before and after assembly. An example is inspection of pipe
components and spool pieces followed by inspection of the completed piping system.

11.2 Pressure Testing

All chlorine new piping systems must undergo pressure testing. ASME B31.3, Process
Piping testing requirements should be applied as a minimum standard. There are three
types of acceptable testing methods: hydrostatic testing, pneumatic testing and the
alternate test method. Minor repairs and additions made after the piping system is
initially tested may have the retest waived by the owner when precautionary measures
are taken to assure sound construction. When it is not considered practical to isolate a
piping system from a vessel, the piping may be tested with the vessel at the owner’s
option provided the pressure is not less than 77% of the original piping test pressure.

11.2.1 Hydrostatic Testing

New chlorine piping should be hydrostatically tested to one and a half (1½) times the
maximum pressure to which the system may be subjected. Pressure gages, relief
valves, automatic control valves and other components which may be damaged should
be removed and openings should be blocked off prior to testing. After testing, all
moisture-absorbing gaskets and valve packing should be replaced. It is essential
chlorine systems be thoroughly dried prior to being put into service. There are some
circumstances under which drying cannot be accomplished after hydrostatic testing with
water. For situations where hydrostatic testing is undesirable, the pneumatic or alternate
testing methods may be used.

11.2.2 Pneumatic Testing

Pneumatic testing involves the hazard of released energy stored in compressed gas.
The test pressure shall be 110% of design pressure. The pressure shall be increased
until a gage pressure which is the lesser of one half the test pressure or 25 psig is
attained, at which time a preliminary check shall be made. The pressure should be
gradually increased and leak check made at intermediate pressures.

11.2.3 Alternate Testing Method

As an alternate to pressure testing, weld examination techniques may be used.

Circumferential, longitudinal and spiral groove welds shall be 100% radiographed. All
other welds shall be tested using the liquid penetrant method or the mag particle
method. Additionally, the piping system must undergo flexibility analysis and sensitive
leak test. The sensitive leak test is described in the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code -
Section V, Article 10 and involves checking for leaks of a gas such as helium.

11.3 Drying

Chlorine piping systems must always be dried before being placed in service. Even if
water has not been purposely introduced into the system for hydrostatic testing or
cleaning, drying is required because moisture may enter the system from the
atmosphere or other sources. Where steam has been used for cleaning, the steaming
can be followed directly by the introduction of nitrogen or dry air. Heating the purge gas
will aid considerably in the drying process. The temperature should be limited based on
the equipment and insulation type, but 200ΕF (93ΕC) is typically an acceptable
temperature. The purge gas flow should be started at high volume rates to sweep the
moisture out of the piping system, and then reduced. The system should be dried until
all the vent gas streams leaving have a -40ΕF (-40ΕC) dew point, measured at normal
system operating pressure, or reasonably close to the entering purge gas dew point.
The purge rates should be at an absolute minimum, allowing adequate time for the
purge gas to reach equilibrium when the dew point is taken.

Drying using ambient-temperature dry air or nitrogen purge may take an extended period
of time. This time can be decreased and the effectiveness increased by the use of a
pressure cycling technique. Consideration can be given to using the services of
commercial system dehydrators. These vendors normally dry piping and equipment by
circulating or purging with large volumes of heated nitrogen.

11.3.1 Valves

Valves require special attention. Consideration should be given to valve removal for
disassembly and drying if water has entered the piping system. Most valves, regardless
of style, have pockets where water can be trapped, especially if the valve is fully open.
Valves left in the piping system must be fixed in the half-open position when the system
is being dried. Valves removed temporarily from the system during the drying operation
must also be checked to ensure that water or moisture is not trapped in a cavity. These
valves must be dried thoroughly prior to replacement in the piping system if they are not
dried with the rest of the system. Personnel responsible for drying the system should be
familiar with valve construction and aware of places where water or moisture can be

11.4 Testing for Leaks

Leak testing should be done once the piping system is completely assembled. The
purpose of a leak test is to ensure all connections and components will not leak chlorine
when pressurized. Leak testing is not a substitute for pressure testing. If the system
was not disassembled and reassembled as part of the pressure testing and drying
process, the nitrogen/dry air test (i.e. Step 1) may be omitted.

■ Step 1
Pressurize the system to 150 psig (1034 kPa) or to 110% of design pressure
(whichever is lower) with dry air or nitrogen. Use a soap solution to test for leaks at

■ Step 2
Introduce chlorine gas (never liquid chlorine) into the system and raise the pressure
to approximately 5 psig.

■ Step 3
Test the system for leaks with aqua ammonia. Care must be taken that chlorine has
diffused throughout the piping system before leak checking with ammonia.

The reaction of ammonia vapor with escaping chlorine forms a dense white cloud.
The most convenient way to use ammonia for this purpose is to direct the vapor from
a plastic squeeze bottle containing 26 degree Baume’ aqua (ammonia solution) at
the suspected leak. Do not squirt liquid aqua ammonia on pipe fittings.
Never attempt to repair leaks by welding until all chlorine has been purged from the
system. When detectable leaks have been repaired, the line should be retested by
repeating Step 3.

Any effort to detect the source of a leak should be carried out with full consideration
for potential hazards. Appropriate protective equipment must be used.

■ Step 4
Slowly increase the chlorine pressure and continue to check for leaks at several
intermediate pressures until the operating pressure is obtained. If leaks are
detected repairs should be made and step 4 continued until the operating pressure
is achieved.


12.1 Routine Maintenance

Written procedures specific to chlorine piping maintenance are required according to

OSHA regulations (29 CFR 1910.119 (13.4.2)) and should be used to ensure long term
integrity of the system. Personnel that work on chlorine piping systems should be
trained in the proper maintenance procedures. After any routine maintenance, the
effected area of piping should be dried as necessary and checked for leaks.

12.2 Preventative Maintenance

As part of a good overall preventative maintenance program, consideration should be

given to ensuring that the following items be checked periodically and corrected as

• flange bolt condition and tightness

• valve packing leaks

• valve operation

• insulation condition

• paint condition

• condition of supports

Consideration should be given to repainting on a regular basis, with timing determined

by individual site conditions. This will maximize pipe life and minimize leaks by
minimizing external corrosion.

12.3 Periodic Inspections

Chlorine piping systems should be inspected on a regular basis. The inspections will
help to find problems prior to failure. Criteria for initiating replacement or repair should
be developed for each facility. There are multiple ways to inspect these systems.
Useful methods include visual inspections, ultrasonic thickness checks and non-
destructive radiography checks. A thorough visual inspection is an important activity that
can be done by trained operating personnel as well as by qualified Inspectors. Other
methods can be used as a supplement. The results of all inspections should be

12.3.1 Visual

A visual inspection should include a leak check of all flanges, valves and other fittings
and attachments. The slightest smell of chlorine should initiate a thorough investigation
to find and repair the leak. Particular areas of concern should include such things as
pipe supports and areas with paint or insulation damage. Where insulation is damaged
further inspection is warranted. Special note should be taken of weld areas, as these
areas corrode most quickly. Any significant observed pitting or wall loss should be
investigated further, and should be corrected as necessary.

12.3.2 Non-Destructive Testing

Non-destructive testing methods detect pipe wall thickness, pit depths and internal and
external erosion/corrosion. These methods include ultrasonic thickness measurements
and radiographic measurements.

Due to normal variations in pipe dimensions, it is important that the same points be
measured each time they are tested. This can be accomplished by developing "maps"
or orthographic sketches of the system, with test points clearly identified and marked.
Routine testing will show the corrosion rates typical for the system, so that the timing of
major repairs can be estimated. Consideration should be given to checking areas of
high fluid velocity more frequently due to possible internal erosion.

Radiographic techniques are available to check pipe wall thickness through insulation.
This permits checking piping systems without breaking the vapor barrier of the
insulation. If test methods are used which require the removal of insulation, care must
be taken to restore the insulation vapor barrier integrity.

12.3.3 Inspection Records

Written records are an integral part of the process safety OSHA regulations. These
records should include the original inspection report, as well as recommended further
inspections and corrective actions. Documentation of all follow-up actions should be
appended to the original report.


13.1 Institute Publications

13.1.1 Chlorine Manual, ed. 6; Pamphlet 1; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 1997.

13.1.2 Bulk Storage of Liquid Chlorine, ed. 7; Pamphlet 5; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington,
VA, 2005.

13.1.3 Chlorine Vaporizing Systems, ed. 6; Pamphlet 9; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington,
VA, 2002.

13.1.4 Chlorine Pipelines, ed. 5; Pamphlet 60; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 2001.

13.1.5 Recommendations to Chlor-Alkali Manufacturing Facilities for the Prevention of

Chlorine Releases, ed. 4; Pamphlet 86; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 2001.

13.1.6 Chlorine Scrubbing Systems, ed. 2; Pamphlet 89; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington,
VA, 1998.

13.1.7 Gaskets for Chlorine Service, ed. 3; Pamphlet 95; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington,
VA, 2003.

13.1.8 Dry Chorine: Definitions and Analytical Issues, ed. 3; Pamphlet 100; The Chlorine
Institute, Arlington, VA, 2002.

13.1.9 Safe Handling of Nitrogen Trichloride, ed. 1; Pamphlet 152; The Chlorine Institute,
Arlington, VA, 1998.

13.1.10 Excess Flow Valve with Removable Seat - 7000 lbs/hr, Drawing; DWG 101-7; The
Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 1993.

13.1.11 Studs, Nuts and Gaskets for Chlorine Tank Manway Covers and Valves, Drawing;
DWG 102-9; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 1993.

13.1.12 Standard Chlorine Angle Valve Assembly, Drawing; DWG 104-8; The Chlorine
Institute: Arlington, VA, 1997.

13.1.13 Excess Flow Valve with Removable Gasket, Drawing; DWG 106-6; The Chlorine
Institute: Arlington, VA, 1993.

13.1.14 Valve for Chlorine Cylinders and Ton Containers - Assembly, Drawing; DWG 110-4;
The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 1994.

13.1.15 3/4" and 1" Fusible Plugs for Chlorine Cylinders and Ton Containers: Specifications
and General Notes, Drawing; DWG 111-7; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA,

13.1.16 Valve and Fusible Plugs for Chlorine Cylinders and Ton Containers, Drawing; DWG
112-8; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 1993.

13.1.17 Valve Details for Chlorine Cylinders and Ton Containers - Parts, Drawing; DWG 113-
7; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 1997.

13.1.18 Excess Flow Valve with Removable Seat - 15,000 lbs/hr, Drawing; DWG 114-6; The
Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 1993.

13.1.19 Chlorine Tank Car Unloading Connection, Drawing; DWG 118-4; The Chlorine
Institute: Arlington, VA, 1991.

13.1.20 Standard Chlorine Cylinder and Ton Container Valve Adapter, Drawing; DWG 130-5;
The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 1997.

13.1.21 Chlorine Cylinder Valve Yoke, Drawing; DWG 131-3; The Chlorine Institute:
Arlington, VA, 1994.

13.1.22 Chlorine Expansion Chambers, Drawing; DWG 136-7; The Chlorine Institute:
Arlington, VA, 1999.

13.1.23 Excess Flow Valve with Removable Seat - 30,000 lbs/hr, Drawing; DWG 162-4; The
Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA, 1994.

13.1.24 Small Union Connection, Drawing; DWG 171-2; The Chlorine Institute: Arlington, VA,

13.1.25 Closed Yoke Chlorine Container Valve, Drawing; DWG 189-2; The Chlorine Institute:
Arlington, VA, 1997.

13.2 ASME Standards

13.2.1 Unified Inch Screw Threads (Un and UNR Thread Form), ASME B1.1, an ANSI
standard; The American Society of Mechanical Engineers: New York, NY, 2003.

13.2.2 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, ASME B16.5, an ANSI standard; The American
Society of Mechanical Engineers: New York, NY, 2003.

13.2.3 Factory-Made Wrought Steel Buttwelding Fittings, ASME B16.9, an ANSI standard;
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers: New York, NY, 2003.

13.2.4 Forged Steel Fittings, Socket-Welding and Threaded, ASME B16.11, an ANSI
standard; The American Society of Mechanical Engineers: New York, NY, 2001.

13.2.5 Valves - Flanged, Threaded and Welding End, ASME B16.34, an ANSI standard;
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers: New York, NY, 2004.

13.2.6 Square and Hex Bolts and Screws (Inch Series), ASME B18.2.1, an ANSI standard;
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers: New York, NY, 1996.

13.2.7 Square and Hex Nuts (Inch Series), ASME B18.2.2, an ANSI standard; The
American Society of Mechanical Engineers: New York, NY, 1996.

13.2.8 Process Piping, ANSI/ASME Code for Pressure Piping; ASME B31.3, an ANSI
standard; The American Society of Mechanical Engineers: New York, NY, 2002.

13.2.9 Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe, ASME B36.10M, an ANSI standard; The
American Society of Mechanical Engineers: New York, NY, 2004.

13.2.10 Welding and Brazing Qualifications, Section IX, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code; ASME BPV-IX, an ANSI standard; The American Society of Mechanical
Engineers: New York, NY, 2004.

13.3 ASTM Standard Designations

13.3.1 Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated Welded and Seamless, Book of
ASTM Standards; A53; American Society of Testing and Materials: West
Conshohocken, PA, 2004.

13.3.2 Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping Applications, Book of ASTM Standards; A105;
American Society of Testing and Materials: West Conshohocken, PA, 2003.

13.3.3 Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service, Book of ASTM
Standards; A106; American Society of Testing and Materials: West Conshohocken,
PA, 2004.

13.3.4 Carbon Steel Forgings for General Purpose Piping, Book of ASTM Standards; A181;
American Society of Testing and Materials: West Conshohocken, PA, 2001.

13.3.5 Forged or Rolled Alloy-Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for
High-Temperature Service, Book of ASTM Standards; A182; American Society of
Testing and Materials: West Conshohocken, PA, 2004.

13.3.6 Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High-Temperature Service, Book
of ASTM Standards; A193; American Society of Testing and Materials: West
Conshohocken, PA, 2004.

13.3.7 Carbon and Alloy-Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure and High-Temperature
Service, Book of ASTM Standards; A194; American Society of Testing and Materials:
West Conshohocken, PA, 2004.

13.3.8 Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Nickel, Book of ASTM Standards; A203;
American Society of Testing and Materials: West Conshohocken, PA, 2003.

13.3.9 Steel Castings, Carbon, Suitable for Fusion Welding for High-Temperature Service,
Book of ASTM Standards; A216; American Society of Testing and Materials: West
Conshohocken, PA, 2004.

13.3.10 Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and Elevated
Temperatures, Book of ASTM Standards; A234; American Society of Testing and
Materials: West Conshohocken, PA, 2004.

13.3.11 Alloys Steel Bolting Materials for Low-Temperature Service, Book of ASTM
Standards; A320; American Society of Testing and Materials: West Conshohocken,
PA, 2004.

13.3.12 Steel Bars, Alloy, Standard Grades, Book of ASTM Standards; A322; American
Society of Testing and Materials: West Conshohocken, PA, 2001.

13.3.13 Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for Low-Temperature Service, Book of ASTM
Standards; A333; American Society of Testing and Materials: West Conshohocken,
PA, 2004.

13.3.14 Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Forgings Requiring Notch Toughness Testing for Piping
Components, Book of ASTM Standards; A350; American Society of Testing and
Materials: West Conshohocken, PA, 2004.

13.3.15 Castings, Austenitic, Austentic-Ferritic (Duplex) for Pressure Containing Ports, Book
of ASTM Standards; A351; American Society of Testing and Materials: West
Conshohocken, PA, 2003.

13.3.16 Steel Castings, Ferritic and Martensitic, for Pressure-Containing Parts, Suitable for
Low-Temperature Service, Book of ASTM Standards; A352; American Society of
Testing and Materials: West Conshohocken, PA, 2003.

13.3.17 Ferritic Ductile Iron Pressure-Retaining Castings for Use at Elevated Temperatures,
Book of ASTM Standards; A395; American Society of Testing and Materials: West
Conshohocken, PA, 2004.

13.3.18 Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Low-Temperature
Service, Book of ASTM Standards; A420; American Society of Testing and Materials:
West Conshohocken, PA, 2004.

13.3.19 Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, for Moderate and Lower Temperature
Service, Book of ASTM Standards; A516; American Society of Testing and Materials:
West Conshohocken, PA, 2004.

13.3.20 Electric-Resistance-Welded Low-Carbon Steel Pipe for the Chemical Industry, Book
of ASTM Standards; A587; American Society of Testing and Materials: West
Conshohocken, PA, 2001.

13.3.21 Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, High Strength, for Moderate and Lower
Temperature Service, Book of ASTM Standards; A612; American Society of Testing
and Materials: West Conshohocken, PA, 2003.

13.3.22 Castings, Iron-Chromium-Nickel Corrosion-Resistant for Severe Service, Book of

ASTM Standards; A744; American Society of Testing and Materials: West
Conshohocken, PA, 2004.

13.3.23 Pig Lead, Book of ASTM Standards; B29; American Society of Testing and
Materials: West Conshohocken, PA, 2003.

13.3.24 Seamless Copper Tube, Book of ASTM Standards; B75; American Society of
Testing and Materials: West Conshohocken, PA, 1999.

13.3.25 Seamless Copper Water Tube, Book of ASTM Standards; B88; American Society of
Testing and Materials: West Conshohocken, PA, 2003.

13.3.26 Copper and Copper Alloy Forging Rod, Bar, and Shapes, Book of ASTM Standards;
B124; American Society of Testing and Materials: West Conshohocken, PA, 2004.

13.3.27 Copper-Zinc-Lead (Leaded Red Brass or Hardware Bronze) Rod, Bars and Shapes,
Book of ASTM Standards; B140; American Society of Testing and Materials: West
Conshohocken, PA, 2001.

13.3.28 Aluminum Bronze Rod, Bar, and Shapes, Book of ASTM Standards; B150; American
Society of Testing and Materials: West Conshohocken, PA, 2003.

13.3.29 Nickel-Copper Alloy Rod, Bar, and Wire, Book of ASTM Standards; B164; American
Society of Testing and Materials: West Conshohocken, PA, 2003.

13.3.30 Nickel-Copper Alloy (UNS N04400) Seamless Pipe and Tube, Book of ASTM
Standards; B165; American Society of Testing and Materials: West Conshohocken,
PA, 2003.

13.3.31 Nickel Alloy Forgings, Book of ASTM Standards; B564; American Society of Testing
and Materials: West Conshohocken, PA, 2004.

13.3.32 Low-Carbon Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Rod, Book of ASTM Standards;

B574; American Society of Testing and Materials: West Conshohocken, PA, 2004.

13.3.33 Low-Carbon Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Book of

ASTM Standards; B575; American Society of Testing and Materials: West
Conshohocken, PA, 2004.

13.4 Other References

13.4.1 National Electric Code; NFPA 70; National Fire Protection Agency: Quincy, MA,

13.4.2 Code of Federal Regulations. Title 29. Part 1910. Office of the Federal Register
National Archives and Records Administration. U.S. Government Printing Office:
Washington, DC, (revised annually).

13.4.3 Valve Inspection and Testing, ed. 7; API 598; American Petroleum Institute:
Washington, DC, May 2004.

13.4.4 Brazing Nickel Alloy Filler Metal; ANSI/SAE Aerospace Material Specification (AMS)
2675; Society of Automotive Engineers, 2002.

13.4.5 Cleaning Equipment for Oxygen Service, ed. 5; Pamphlet G-4.1; Compressed Gas
Association, Inc. Arlington, VA, 2004.

For further assistance and information on items referenced, contact:

American Society of Mechanical Engineers Superintendent of Documents

Headquarters Government Printing Office
Three Park Avenue Washington, DC 20402
New York, NY 10016-5990 202-512-1800 (sales)
1-800-843-2763 (publications) American Petroleum Institute (API)
http://www.asme.org Order Desk
1220 L Street, N.W.
The Chlorine Institute, Inc. Washington, D.C. 20005-4070
1300 Wilson Boulevard 202-682-8000
Arlington, VA 22209 202-962-4776 (Fax)
703-741-5768 1-800-854-7179 (publications)
703-741-6068 (Fax) http://www.api.org
American Society of Testing Materials
National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel (ASTM)
Inspectors 100 Barr Harbor Drive
1055 Crupper Avenue West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Columbus, OH 43229 610-832-9500
614-888-8320 610-834-3636

National Fire Protection Association Manufacturers Standardization Society of

1Batterymarch Park the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.
Quincy, MA 02269-9101 127 Park Street, NE
617-770-3000 Vienna, VA 22180
617-770-0700 (Fax) 703-281-6613
703-281-6071 (Fax)
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
New York, NY 10036 400 Commonwealth Drive
212-642-4900 Warrendale, PA 15096
212-302-1286 (Fax) 724-776-4841

Compressed Gas Association

1725 Jefferson Davis Highway
Suite 1004
Arlington, VA 22202-4102
703-412-0900 ext. 799
703-412-0128 (Fax)



1. Scope: This document describes parameters to be considered in the design,

fabrication, installation and maintenance of chlorine transfer hoses used to connect
chlorine shipping containers to stationary equipment and piping, or as temporary
connections to purge and evacuate chlorine containing equipment and piping.

2. Pressure and Temperature Ratings:

2.1 Maximum Allowable Working Pressure: The minimum MAWP rating shall be equal
to the pressure setting of the pressure relief device on the shipping container or
system to which the hose is attached, but not less than:

2.1.1 375 PSIG at room temperature for hoses larger than ½” nominal diameter.

2.1.2 500 PSIG at room temperature for hoses equal to or smaller than ½” diameter.

2.2 Vacuum: Hoses shall not collapse or deform when subjected to full vacuum at room
temperature in any configuration that does not exceed the minimum dynamic bend
radius. Consult hose manufacturer for vacuum capabilities at elevated operating

2.3 Test Pressure: Prior to initial use in chlorine service, each hose shall be tested at
room temperature to either 2.3.1 or 2.3.2. Any indication of leakage is cause for
rejection of the assembly.

2.3.1 Each hose assembly shall be leak tested at two (2) times the MAWP with air,
nitrogen, or helium (helium shall not be used for non-metallic hoses) gas for a
minimum of three (3) minutes under water. For safety reasons, it is suggested that
this be preceded by a hydrostatic test at the same pressure. If the hose is
hydrostatically tested prior to gas leak testing, the hose must be subjected to a
drying procedure (e.g. for a period of time at an elevated temperature or equivalent)
to assure that all moisture is removed from the interior of the hose. If the chafe
guard does not allow for visual inspection of the braid, the pressure test is to be done
prior to installing the chafe guard.

2.3.2 Each metallic hose assembly shall be pressure tested at two (2) times the MAWP
and shall be Helium Mass Spectrometer tested to a maximum leak rate of 5 x 10-6
std cc/sec. If the hose is hydrostatically tested prior to Helium Mass Spectrometer
leak testing, the hose must be subjected to a drying procedure (e.g. for a period of
time at an elevated temperature or equivalent) to assure that all moisture is removed
from the interior of the hose.

2.4 Weld Inspection: All pressure containing welds shall be 100% radiographed and/or
dye penetrant tested and/or Helium Mass Spectrometer tested to a maximum leak
rate of 5 x 10-6 std cc/sec.

2.5 Burst Pressure: A representative sample hose, at least 18” in length (not including
end fittings), and fabricated using the same materials and procedures as the hose to
be used in chlorine service, shall be hydrostatically tested to failure (bursting or
otherwise breaking at any seam or joint). The sample hose shall not fail at a
pressure less than five times the MAWP. A sufficient number of sample hoses are to
be tested in this manner, at a frequency sufficient to assure the hose supplier,
fabricator, and end user that the integrity of the hose (design and manufacture) is
being maintained.

2.6 Design Temperature: The hose shall be capable of operating at the MAWP between
-40oF (-40oC) and 122oF (50oC).

3. Hose Dimensions: The length of the hose should be kept to a practical minimum.
This will limit the hose weight and minimize the chance of twisting or kinking of the

The nominal hose diameter should be the minimum required to achieve the desired
chlorine transfer rate, but not less than ¼” or greater than 2”.

4. Materials of Construction: Hoses shall be of either metallic or non-metallic

construction as described below:

4.1 Metallic Hoses:

4.1.1 The inner core shall be Monel 400 (UNS N0440) or Hastelloy C-276 (UNS N10276)

4.1.2 The braid shall be Monel 400 (UNS N04400), Hastelloy C-276 (UNS N10276) or
Hastelloy C-22 (UNS N06022).

4.1.3 The outer covering (chafe guard) shall be Series 300 stainless steel

4.1.4 The wetted end fittings shall be constructed of the same material as the inner core

4.2 Non-metallic Hoses:

4.2.1 The inner core shall be virgin, unfilled PTFE with or without fiberglass reinforcement.
An inner layer of carbon black filled PTFE, or through-thickness carbon impregnated
PTFE core (Note: the addition of carbon may increase the permeability of chlorine
through the hose), can be used to increase electrical conductivity if static discharge
is a concern.

4.2.2 The braid shall be PVDF or Hastelloy C-276 (UNS N10276).

4.2.3 The outer covering (chafe guard) shall be one of the following: Chlorinated polyethylene (CPE) with sufficient openings along the entire length of the
hose to permit chlorine, which may permeate the inner core, to be vented. HDPE spiral guard with open pitch to allow inspection of the braid.

4.2.4. The wetted end fittings and collars shall be Monel 400 (UNS NO4400) or Hastelloy
C-276 (UNS N10276)

4.2.5 Chafe guard collars shall be 300 series stainless steel

5. End Attachments:

5.1 Metallic Hoses: End fittings shall be attached by a welder qualified (per ASME
Section IX) to weld the specified materials and to make the required joint(s).

5.1.1 The weld joints shall be either Method 1 or 2, as illustrated in Fig.1.0

5.1.2 Welding dissimilar materials on pressure retaining, wetted joints is not permitted.

5.1.3 The outer covering (chafe guard) shall be attached at both ends of the hose by
welding to the end fitting at least 1 inch past the wetted pressure retaining joint.

5.2 Non-metallic Hoses: End fittings shall be attached by crimping the inner core and
braid in a Monel or Hastelloy collar. The outer covering (chafe guard) shall be
permanently attached to the end fittings.

5.2.1 Dimensions that are used for quality control in hose assemblies should be specified
in hose assembly procedures. A crimp dimension should be specified for the collars
that are used to secure the end attachments of the hose, braid and guard to the end
fitting of the hose. The hose manufacturer should have design and testing
documentation that verify that the crimp dimensions when within the specified
tolerances will produce a hose assembly that meets the performance requirements.

6. Types of End Fittings: End fittings shall be Schedule 80 stub ends or nipples with
hex wrench pads (1 inch minimum width). The end fittings shall be fabricated without
elbows or tees and shall have a maximum length of 6 inches. For chlorine cylinders
and ton containers the CGA 820 connection is acceptable. The ends shall be one of
the following types:

6.1 Male NPT.

6.2 Type A lap joint, 300 Class ANSI flange with carbon steel (ASTM 105) back-up

7. Miscellaneous Design Requirements:

7.1 Inner Core (metallic hose): Minimum thickness of the inner core is to be as follows:

7.1.1 1 inch diameter and above: 0.010” thick anywhere along the core after forming the
core convolutions.

7.1.2 Less than 1 inch diameter and greater than ¼ inch: 0.008 inch thick

7.1.3 ¼ inch diameter: 0.006 inch thick

7.2 Inner Core (non-metallic): One continuous length of convoluted (smooth bore
optional for ½ inch and below), virgin PTFE with or without fiberglass reinforcement.
Minimum thickness of the inner core is to be as follows:

7.2.1 1 inch diameter and above: 0.045 inch thick

7.2.2 Less than 1 inch diameter: 0.035 inch thick


7.3 Braid: Multiple monofilament fibers or wire shall be braided in a diamond or basket
weave pattern and permanently attached to both ends of the hose. Multiple layers of
braid shall be used to meet the pressure specifications, as required.

7.4 Bending Requirements: The minimum bend radius (for metal hose as defined in
SO 10380) shall be no greater than 12 inches for hoses less than 2 inch nominal
diameter and no greater than 15 inches for 2 inch nominal diameter hoses.

7.4.1 Hose supports should be designed in such a manner that the hose is not subjected
to a bend radius smaller than the manufacture’s specification. Hose supports should
be designed to prevent kinking when stored but not connected to shipping containers
or a process.

7.5 Permeability: The inner core of non-metallic hoses is subject to some degree of
permeability of chlorine. The braid and chafe guard shall be designed to allow
chlorine which permeates the inner core to escape to atmosphere. Use of non-
metallic hoses shall be limited to applications where adequate ventilation has been

8. Cleaning and Shipping:

8.1 Prior to shipping, each hose assembly shall be cleaned to remove hydrocarbons,
foreign materials and standing water. (Note: prior to use in chlorine service, the hose
shall be cleaned and dried at the site of use as required to meet cleaning
specifications of Chlorine Institute Pamphlet 6).

8.2 Hose assemblies shall be wrapped in water tight packaging and boxed in containers
that will prevent damage to the hose in transit. Alternatively, hoses may be shipped
with securely fitted pipe caps on the end fittings.

9. Marking: Each hose shall be identified with the following information, permanently
attached to the hose, by coating, stenciling or stamping:

9.1 A unique serial number, assigned by the final hose assembler that can be used to
obtain hose documentation.

9.2 The final assembler company’s name

9.3 The date of final assembly (month and year)

9.4 The minimum allowable bend radius

9.5 The statement “Chlorine per C.I. Pam. 6” to indicate compliance with all
requirements of this document.

10. Documentation: The following documentation is to be kept by the final hose

assembler’s company and made available to the customer:

10.1 Hose design qualification (pressure, temperature, vacuum rating, bend radius,
materials of construction, etc.)

10.2 Assembler training and certification records

10.3 Positive material identification documents.

10.4 Final crimp dimensions (Non-metallic hoses only)

10.5 Pressure test records and certification that a sample hose, built to the same
specifications, has passed the burst test within the last 12 months.

10.6 Radiograph and/or dye penetrant and/or Helium Mass Spectrometer reports for all

10.7 Certification that the hose has been cleaned as required by this document.

10.8 Final inspection reports

10.9 Certification of compliance with Chlorine Institute Pamphlet 6, dated (year)

11. Installation and Use:

11.1 Hoses shall be installed in accordance with Fig.2.0.

11.2 A visual examination shall be carried out prior to each use of the hose to detect any
signs of discoloration, excessive bending (kinks), tears or other signs of stress.
Hoses with visible signs of deterioration shall be removed from service.

11.3 The use of external supports, such as slings, should be considered to reduce
stresses on the hose and to aid in handling of the hose assembly.

11.4 As a preventative maintenance measure, hoses should be replaced on a periodic

basis, based on statistical data collected at each user facility. However, hoses
should not be kept in service for more than 24 months.

12. Manufacturers, Distributors and Owners

12.1 Dimensional and material specifications should be controlled for the components of
the hose assembly and be identical to qualified prototype hose(s).

12.2 An acceptance process should be used for component manufacturers.

12.3 Hose component and assembly quality assurance practices need to demonstrate a
“continuous positive material identification of the chlorine hose throughout the supply

12.4 Hose assembly procedures must be documented and strictly adhered to.

12.5 Hose testing per the requirements of this Pamphlet must be documented.

12.6 Persons involved in the manufacture, assembly and testing of hose components and
assemblies should be trained in the procedures pertaining to these activities.
Records of successful completion of training to be available.

12.7 Non-conforming hose components or assemblies should be documented and

corrective actions taken to prevent a recurrence.

12.8 Manufacturers’ Responsibilities

12.8.1 The hose manufacturer’s role is to produce a hose assembly that meets the
customer’s specifications.

12.8.2 The hose manufacturer will have the systems in place to assure that the hose and its
components are correct.

12.8.3 If the hose manufacturer has a distributor assembling hoses from component that it
supplies, then, the manufacturer must have a system in place to verify that its quality
assurance procedures are being followed.

12.9 Distributors’ Responsibilities

12.9.1 The role of a hose distributor that performs hose assembly is to produce a hose
assembly that meets the customer’s specifications following the manufacturer’s

12.9.2 The hose distributor’s role is to use hose storage practices that do not damage or
contaminate the hose assembly.

12.9.3 The hose distributor must supply a hose assembly that meets the customer’s

12.10 Owners’ Responsibilities

12.10.1 Audit the manufacturer and/or assembler companies to verify that they are complying
with the requirements of this Pamphlet.

12.10.2 Upon receipt, owner should make an inspection and verify material via the
traceability reports.
12.10.2 Install the hose correctly to avoid excessive stresses on the hose.

12.10.3 Use the hose in applications that do not exceed the hose design criteria and that
minimize ingress of moisture into the hose at all times.

12.10.4 Inspect, maintain and replace the hoses on a regular basis.

13. References

ISO 10380 – Pipework – Corrugated metal hoses and hose assemblies, Second
Edition 2003-02-01



The Chlorine Institute began issuing detailed recommendations for piping systems in 1960.
Since 1976, those recommendations have stated that chlorine piping systems be built to
conform to the specifications set forth in the ASME B31.3 Process Piping code section (13.2.8).

ASME has recognized that the level of risk is best determined by the system owner and has
called for the owner to be ultimately responsible for the system design. That philosophy was
formalized in the 1976 edition of the Code, where three categories of fluid service were
identified. One of those was Category M.

The Chlorine Institute reviewed the Category M definition in 1981 and formally concluded that
chlorine did not meet the criteria outlined for Category M Fluid Service.

Issues of Pamphlet 6, the Chlorine Institute publication on piping systems, continued to

recommend design to B31.3, but did not recommend fluid service as that was the responsibility
of the system owner.

The Category M issue was reviewed by the Chlorine Institute in 1988 following ASME’s Code
revision of that year, and the Chlorine Institute did not change its opinion. (The Institute is not
aware of anything that has occurred that will change this position.)

A 1998 Institute review has developed the following policy:

The membership of the Institute is against any blanket requirement relative to Category M Fluid
Service design for chlorine systems.

This statement is based on the following facts:

The owner is required to determine fluid service based upon a decision process outlined within
the ASME code.

It is the policy of the Institute and its members that technical decisions should be made based
on detailed risk analysis. While some portions of Category M requirements can lead to safety
improvements, there are cases where strict design adherence to Category M service may lead
to increased risk due to need to substitute less desirable materials for currently used piping

Within the code decision process, two key parameters must be met for the code to require
design to Category M service. A copy of the ASME decision chart is attached. Following are
comments on those parameters.

The first parameter in the code decision process states “a very small quantity causing
irreparable harm, even when prompt restorative measures are taken”. ASME has, in the past,

formally declined to define a small quantity. Two separate groups have assessed the health
effects due to exposure to chlorine. Their findings are summarized below:

On October 30, 1997, EPA proposed in the Federal Register recommendations of its
National Advisory Committee pertaining to acute effects of exposure to several
substances including chlorine. The committee has developed Acute Exposure
Guideline Levels (AEGLs) for four exposure periods (30 minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours
and 8 hours) for each of three severity levels: AEGL-1, AEGL-2 and AEGL-3.

Airborne concentrations below AEGL-3 but above AEGL-2 represent average

exposure concentrations for the defined time period which may cause irreversible or
other serious, long lasting effects or impaired ability to escape in the general
population, including susceptible but excluding hypersusceptible individuals. These
levels have been developed without consideration of prompt restorative measures
which may mitigate any potential health impact. The 30 minute AEGL-3 and AEGL-2
were proposed at 28 ppm and 2.8 ppm, respectively.

The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), Fairfax, VA has reviewed a

similar body of scientific evidence as the EPA advisory committee. AIHA has
published an Emergency Response Planning Guideline (ERPG) for chlorine and
many other chemicals. Three toxic severity levels are used: ERPG-1, ERPG-2 and
ERPG-3. ERPG-2 is the maximum airborne concentration below which it is believed
that nearly all individuals could be exposed for up to 1 hour without experiencing or
developing irreversible or serious health effects or symptoms which could impair
their ability to take protective action. Prompt restorative measures were not
considered when developing the ERPGs. The ERPG-2 for chlorine is 3 ppm.

The IDLH (NIOSH) for chlorine is 10 ppm.

Several researchers have evaluated the effects of chlorine exposure. Ellenhorn and
Barceloux (1988) compiled a listing of chlorine exposure thresholds and estimated
clinical effects which are listed below:

1 - 3 ppm -- mild, mucus membrane irritation, tolerated up to 1 hour

5 - 15 ppm -- moderate irritation of the respiratory tract
30 ppm -- immediate chest pain, vomiting, dyspnea, cough
40 - 60 ppm -- toxic pneumonitis and pulmonary edema
430 ppm -- lethal over 30 minutes
1000 ppm -- fatal within a few minutes

Clearly, these values indicate that a single exposure to greater than a very small quantity of
chlorine does not cause serious, irreversible harm on breathing or bodily contact.

The second parameter deals with system integrity. Through history, chlorine piping systems
have not experienced “significant” releases as noted in B 31.3 that would have been prevented
by the design changes required under Category M. Chlorine leaks from piping systems

historically start from either physical damage or as very small leaks resulting from corrosion due
to moisture intrusion.

While many aspects of design requirements listed within Category M can enhance system
integrity, several are based on refinery and other high pressure, high temperature applications
where mechanical properties of steel become limited. Some of these can introduce safety
issues into chlorine systems. There are many examples where system integrity could be
compromised or substitutions to less reliable components may be required for strict adherence
to Category M. Three of them follow.

• Thermoplastic construction is universally used in drinking and wastewater chlorination. This

construction gives the optimum balance of corrosion protection and mechanical integrity in
this low pressure, wet chlorine environment. Nonmetallic construction is prohibited within
Category M.

• Connections to chlorine transportation containers are made with either reinforced metallic or
reinforced fluoropolymer hose. Depending on type, either nonmetallic pressure containment
elements or brazed joints are integral components of the designs. These are not allowed
within Category M. Mechanically sealed swivel joint systems would have to be developed.

• Miter bends are often used in pressure relief device vent systems to limit backpressure.
Substitution to standard elbow components to comply with Category M will not enhance
system safety.

It is good practice for users develop site- specific chlorine piping specifications that use the
recommendations outlined in Pamphlet 6 as a base and consider including elements of
Category M requirements (such as NDT examination) that enhance reliability at their sites.

In summary, The Institute position relative to Category M design is as follows:

• The owner is responsible for determining fluid class

• A single exposure to a very small quantity of chlorine does not cause irreversible harm.
• Current design practices have been adequate to prevent significant releases.
• Chlorine piping system reliability can only be assured by a combination of site-correct
specification and design coupled with proper operation, inspection and maintenance.




This document addresses concerns of moisture intrusion into dry chlorine systems.

Material Specifications

At ordinary temperatures, dry chlorine, either liquid or gas, does not corrode steel. Wet chlorine
is highly corrosive because it tends to form acids. These acids react with the steel.

Dry liquid chlorine is defined as liquid chlorine with its water content dissolved in solution. Dry
gaseous chlorine is defined as chlorine which contains moisture exerting a vapor pressure of no
more than 2 millimeters of mercury. Application of these definitions and analytical descriptions
are given in Chlorine Institute Pamphlet 100, Dry Chlorine – Definitions and Analytical Issues.

Carbon steel is the general material of choice for dry chlorine systems. The following Chlorine
Institute publications outline detail material choices for chlorine equipment:

Pamphlet 6, Piping Systems for Dry Chlorine

Pamphlet 5, Bulk Storage of Liquid Chlorine
Pamphlet 9, Chlorine Vaporizing Equipment
Pamphlet 95, Gaskets for Chlorine Service

Moisture Prevention and Corrective Measures

Chlorine in commerce as produced and shipped contains less than 100 PPM moisture. This
moisture level is well below the defined limit for dry chlorine.

Chlorine consumers should take all necessary precautions to keep chlorine and chlorine
equipment dry. Moisture might be introduced into chlorine systems under the following

Start-up and Shutdown: The chlorine system should be thoroughly dried before use and
following maintenance. The chlorine system drying procedure usually involves heating
the system followed by purging with a dry gas until the gas exiting the system is at a
dewpoint of –40oF (-40oC).

Wet pad purge gases: If compressed air is used to pressurize shipping equipment for
chlorine transfer, the air system should deliver reliably dry air at a dewpoint below –40oF
(-40oC) at the operating pressure.

Exposure to atmosphere: Chlorine systems piping, valves and containers should be

closed or capped immediately to keep out atmospheric moisture when not in use.

If the chlorine system becomes contaminated with moisture and corrosion is indicated by
buildup of ferric chloride, the system should be emptied, purged of chlorine, washed out and
then dried.

Adverse Consequences

Excessive moisture in chlorine results in metal loss and formation of ferric chloride.

Metal loss can affect the system integrity and necessitate component replacement. There
should be an inspection program for corrosion products. Periodic thickness checks of system
components, particularly at elbows or other potential high turbulence areas should be part of the
plant preventative maintenance system.

Ferric chloride can plug small lines, especially instrument connections, leading to potential loss
of process indication.

A combination of metal loss and buildup of ferric chloride can cause valves to leak through and/
or stick in position. A periodic valve test program for both manual and actuated valves should
be part of the plant operating plan.



This checklist is designed to emphasize major topics for someone who has already read and
understood the pamphlet. Taking recommendations from this list without understanding related
topics can lead to inappropriate conclusions.

Place a check mark (Τ) in the appropriate box below:

Yes No N/A

… … … 1. Systems are in place to assure that no burning or welding is done on piping

containing chlorine. {2.1}

… … … 2. Expansion properties of liquid chlorine have been considered {2.1}

… … … 3. Dry chlorine systems are protected from intrusion of moisture {2.1}

… … … 4. No titanium components are used in dry chlorine service. {2.1}

… … … 5. Chlorine systems are properly cleaned and dried prior to being placed into
service. {2.1}

… … … 6. A chlorine piping inspection program is in place. {2.1}

… … … 7. Materials of construction are based on temperature and fluid state. {2.3}

… … … 8. Design and construction are appropriate for the intended service class {2.3}

… … … 9. Pipe and piping components are consistent with Institute recommendations. {3}

… … … 10. Valve type and materials are consistent with Institute recommendations. {4}

… … … 11. Pressure relief devices are designed consistent with Institute

recommendations. {5.2}

… … … 12. Transportation valve components are only used in appropriate locations. {5.4}

… … … 13. Expansion chambers are installed where required. {5.5}

… … … 14. Non-ferrous system components are consistent with Institute

recommendations. {7}

… … … 15. Transportation container connections are consistent with Institute

recommendations. {8}

… … … 16. Use of plastic materials is consistent with Institute recommendations. {9}

… … … 17. Piping layout and design is appropriate for the intended chlorine service. {10}

… … … 18. Proper procedures are in place to assure that systems are correctly prepared
for use. {11}

… … … 19. A system for periodic inspection and maintenance is in place. {12}

… … … 20. Chlorine transfer hoses are consistent with recommendations of

Appendix A {App A}


Users of this checklist should document exceptions to the recommendations contained in this pamphlet.


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