Statement Racial Diversity March 6, 2019

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124 W. Michigan Avenue – Ninth Floor

Lansing, MI 48933


Wednesday, March 6, 2019 517-230-4904

Statement from Mayor Schor on Racial Diversity and
Sensitivity in the City of Lansing Government

As Mayor of the City of Lansing, I am committed to continuing to work toward racial equity.
We must all work together to ensure that no one is left behind or treated differently based
upon race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other distinguishing
characteristics. The city must lead by example through a diverse workforce that is both
trusted and representative of our residents.

My second executive order as Mayor established the Mayor’s Diversity and Inclusion
Advisory Council. One of their tasks is to provide recommendations addressing disparities
or the lack of participation of people of color, in employment and other aspects of city

Both our Lansing Police Department (LPD) and Lansing Fire Department (LFD) are
tremendous assets to the City of Lansing and the entire region. LPD has made it a priority
to recruit, train, and retain a diverse police force. All new LPD officers are trained in racial
sensitivity at the Ferris State Jim Crow Museum, Holocaust Memorial Center, and the Arab-
American Museum. Furthermore, LPD has partnered with the Department of Justice over the
past several years to train all officers in Fair and Impartial Policing, Implicit Bias, and
Procedural Justice. LPD continues to keep cultural competency training as a priority.

LFD is one of only eight departments in Michigan to achieve a Public Protection

Classification of Class Two, meaning we are in the top 2% of all fire departments in the
country based on comprehensive ranking of fire suppression abilities. In addition to
consistent professional excellence, our department is very diverse when compared to
national averages. Furthermore, LFD works with our Human Resources Department to
provide training during our recruit academy for our new employees, which is supplemented
by annual online classes. In 2017, two separate training sessions were held for all fire
personnel. And, when I came into office in 2018, we held racial sensitivity trainings, and we
have plans to continue and expand these trainings.

All that said, we must maintain vigilance and continue to make progress in the area of
diversity. For that reason, I am implementing an action plan to ensure that there is racial
sensitivity and fair treatment within LFD ranks. This plan will include:

1. Creation of a Cadet Youth program: We know that nationally, there is a lack of

young people who want to become firefighters. The City of Lansing will create a
cadet youth program, similar to the Lansing Police Department explorer program, in
order to engage with young people and show them what a great and honorable
profession this is. A paramedic requires 2,400 hours of training. We need to get
young people involved early, then we can hire cadets from Lansing, similar to what
the Lansing Police Department does. Additionally, LFD and LPD have held the
Lansing Public Safety Youth Leadership Academy for kids between the ages of 13
and 16. Thanks to a partnership between LPD, LFD, Lansing Parks and Recreation
and the Lansing School District, the program offers five days of comprehensive
learning experiences focused on police and fire professions. The program has been
very successful in building and strengthening the relationship between first
responders and the Lansing youth. We will offer this program again in summer of

2. Create an appropriate mix of paramedics and EMTs to ensure efficiency and

diversity: LFD is the only fire department in the region that doesn’t require the
hiring of paramedics; paired with dozens of retirements and promotions, we needed
to hire paramedics to ensure that we could adequately respond to calls. For this
reason, the most recent firefighter class hired by the City of Lansing was all
paramedics. While all of the new hires are very qualified, the diversity of the class
was not what I had hoped. This group has my deepest confidence that they will do
a great job, however, we still need to bring in additional firefighters. Hiring a mix of
paramedics and EMTs in the future will ensure a considerably larger pool of
candidates, which will help facilitate the retention of a more diverse workforce
while still providing the response that is expected by Lansing residents.

3. We must strive to maintain a workforce demographically representative of Lansing’s

diverse community, especially in public safety: I am proud that LFD closely matches
the diverse makeup of our city, and I would put our numbers up against any other
fire department. LFD is currently 19.5% African American, for a city with a 23%
African American population; 7.6% Latino, for a 12.5% Latino population; 1.2%
Asian, for a 3.7% Asian population; 0.6% other, for a population that identifies as
4.3% other, and 6.2% mixed; and, 71.5% Caucasian, for a 61% Caucasian population.
Right now, our numbers closely match our community, but we can strive to do
better and be a more diverse workforce that represents our city. We need to have
the candidates apply, though, and the minority candidate pool is not currently out

there for Lansing or other cities. We will try to create our own candidates through
the Cadet Youth program, and a mix of Paramedics and EMTs that ensures
appropriate response as well as a diverse department.

4. Training – LFD will continue to have regular racial sensitivity trainings in the
department that are more than just online.

5. We do not, and will not stand for discrimination or racial insensitivity in any

6. We will continue to have qualified firefighters that are ready to respond to any
emergency in the City of Lansing.

7. We will have concerns addressed appropriately - Any concerns raised internally will
be thoroughly researched by our Human Resources Department. Citizens can raise
concerns with our independent Fire Board of Commissioners. Additionally, we have
an independent investigator that works with the city as needed.

We will continue to proactively engage with our young people, and will continue to be
open and transparent through our partnerships with One Love Global and other parties in
Lansing. We will also engage the Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation framework in
Lansing to actively inform and discuss these issues with the citizens. Though we know
trainings, programs, etc. will not completely solve the problems facing our nation, we do
know these are necessary steps that we can take in the short-term to work toward meeting
our long-term goal of racial equity.

The City of Lansing will be vigilant in ensuring that the public safety needs, as well as the
needs associated with the other city services, are met. I have complete confidence in our
employees to get the job done on behalf of our citizens, and I will do my best to remove
any trust barriers that may exist in our community.

I look forward to working with all members of our great City of Lansing to move forward
together for the benefit of ALL citizens of Lansing.


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