100) For 149 Countries Included in The 2016 SDG Index
100) For 149 Countries Included in The 2016 SDG Index
Rank Country Score Rank Country Score
102 Honduras 51.8 127 Sudan 42.2
103 Nepal 51.5 128 Burundi 42.0
104 Ghana 51.4 129 Togo 40.9
105 Iraq 50.9 130 Benin 40.0
106 Guatemala 50.0 131 Malawi 39.8
107 Lao PDR 49.9 132 Mauritania 39.6
108 Namibia 49.9 133 Mozambique 39.5
109 Zimbabwe 48.6 134 Zambia 38.4
110 India 48.4 135 Mali 38.2
111 Congo, Rep. 47.2 136 Gambia, The 37.8
112 Cameroon 46.3 137 Yemen, Rep. 37.3
113 Lesotho 45.9 138 Sierra Leone 36.9
114 Senegal 45.8 139 Afghanistan 36.5
115 Pakistan 45.7 140 Madagascar 36.2
116 Swaziland 45.1 141 Nigeria 36.1
117 Myanmar 44.5 142 Guinea 35.9
118 Bangladesh 44.4 143 Burkina Faso 35.6
119 Cambodia 44.4 144 Haiti 34.4
120 Kenya 44.0 145 Chad 31.8
121 Angola 44.0 146 Niger 31.4
122 Rwanda 44.0 147 Congo, Dem. Rep. 31.3
123 Uganda 43.6 148 Liberia 30.5
124 Cote d'Ivoire 43.5 149 Central African 26.1
125 Ethiopia 43.1 Republic
126 Tanzania 43.0