Geotextile Membranes 2016 PDF

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part of ecogrid ltd
what are geotextile
Primarily, there are two main types of geotextile: permeable and impermeable. Permeable, or porous,
geotextile fabrics will allow water to pass through and drain into the ground naturally. Impermeable
geomembrane is designed to prevent water passing through.

Permeable membranes can be split into two categories again: woven and non-woven (or fibre). These
are more commonly used in the landscaping and construction industries than impermeable. Woven
geotextile is ideal for stabilisation and reinforcement within the ground, whilst non-woven provides
unparalleled separation and filtration properties. Both types of fabric are highly versatile and can be
used in unison for highly effective results.

Impermeable geomembranes, as logic would dictate, are used in applications where water needs to
be blocked from travelling through certain areas, or contained in a specific location. This can range
from damp-proofing of walls to storm water attenuation tanks.
non-woven fabric
Probably the most popular form of permeable geotextile membrane, generally thanks to the high
performance to cost ratio it offers. As aforementioned, non-woven is best suited for separation and
filtration, but there are very few applications where it cannot be utilised. EcoGrid Ltd offer a wide
range of strengths and thicknesses available from stock, meaning your solution is always on hand.

Non-Woven geotextile membranes are used to provide porous separation between different layers
in the ground, such as surface to sub-base or sub-base to sub-grade. They also, typically, offer great
filtration properties to allow water to drain naturally into the ground, as opposed to pouring into
drains and gutters which can potentially overflow and impact flooding. Thicker non-woven fabrics are
used as protection for impermeable geomembranes in attenuation tanks or damp-proofing areas.

Also referred to as fibre membranes, non-woven geotextiles are manufactured by orientated

filaments, either randomly or directionally. This is usually done via a thermal bonding process. More
heavy duty grades are also needle punched to provide greater strength and resilience.

woven geotextile
The other half of permeable geotextile membranes, woven products are designed to offer reliable
ground stabilisation and weed prevention capabilities. Longevity is key for products providing ground
reinforcement in either domestic or commercial applications, which is achieved by EcoGrid Ltd. All
products offered are CE certified and rigorously tested.

Woven geotextile membranes boast high tensile strengths compared to non-woven, meaning their
mechanical strength is considerably more impressive. This makes them ideal for road construction
and plant applications, where resilience and durability are of utmost importance.

Often described as having a “crosshatch” type style, woven membranes are manufactured by the
interlacing of two or more sets of yarn, fibre, filaments or similar.

eg80 non-woven
The most recent addition to EcoGrid Ltd’s range of
geotextile fabrics, EG80 is a lightweight non-woven
membrane suitable for a wide variety of applications.
This product has been approved by EcoGrid Ltd for use
with their world leading porous paving system. It can be
used in domestic patios and driveways or heavily trafficked
areas thanks to the highly effective grid and geotextile

Pictured left is BREEAM HQ, where EcoGrid and EG80

Membrane were used in conjunction to provide an
effective, sustainable ground reinforcement solution.

EG80 provides a separation layer between grid and sub-

base, whilst boosting stabilisation and weed prevention.

technical applications
tensile strength (MD) 6kn/m private driveways
tensile strength (CMD) 6kn/m walking and cycle paths
tensile Elongation (MD) 40% patios
tensile Elongation (cMD) 40% french drains
cbr puncture resistance 1000N resin bound stone
cone drop 40mm artificial turf
characteristic opening 155µm
size suitable for heavier duty uses
permeability 130x10-3m/s such as car parks when used with
waterflow normal to 120l/m2/s the ecogrid porous paving ground
the plane
reinforcement system.
waterflow in the plane 1x10-7m2/s
thickness under 2kpa 0.8mm eg80 is the preferred geotextile
weight 80g/m2 of ecogrid ltd for general
roll length 100m landscaping projects.
roll width 4.5m

 all ecogrid ltd geotextile membranes meet CE Certification and

BS EN ISO standards

join our network and become a stockist, reseller or installer today!

utilise a monthly credit account by having product sent straight to site
or into your own stock.
nw8 non-woven
The renowned NW8 geotextile fabric forms the backbone
of our non-woven range. Its incredible versatility allow it
to be utilised in a vast range of operations, ensuring
effective separation and filtration for the area.

From private driveways to separate sub-base and sub-

grade; to keeping sand and stone apart in entry level riding
arenas; to lining and reinforcing trenches; to protecting
penetrable impermeable geomembranes in waterproofing
applications; there are many uses detailed below for which
the NW8 is ideal.

The competitive nature of the geotextile market in the UK is as strong as ever, with many new
products being manufactured and marketed in an attempt to reach the top of the food chain. The
105gsm NW8 has enjoyed great success for many years, due mostly to its scale of use alongside
competitive cost.

technical applications
tensile strength (MD) 8.5kn/m private driveways
tensile strength (CMD) 8.5kn/m impermeable protection layer
tensile Elongation (MD) 40% road construction
tensile Elongation (cMD) 45% french drains
cbr puncture resistance 1500N entry level riding arenas
cone drop 32mm soakaways
characteristic opening 125µm
size ecogrid ltd offer a unique cutting
permeability 110x10-3m/s service to all clients so that no
waterflow normal to 110l/m2/s material goes to waste and end
the plane
users receive exact requirements.
waterflow in the plane 5x10-6m2/s
thickness under 2kpa 1.05mm nw8 is an equivalent product to
weight 105g/m2 multitrack 1000, geotec 1000 and
roll length 100m is superior to terram 1000.
roll width 4.5, 2.25
or 1.125m

 all ecogrid ltd geotextile membranes meet CE Certification and

BS EN ISO standards

join our network and become a stockist, reseller or installer today!

utilise a monthly credit account by having product sent straight to site
or into your own stock.
g90 woven
The mainstay of EcoGrid Ltd’s woven geotextiles, G90 is a
durable product designed to provide stabilisation and
reinforcement over long periods of time. Whether in a
patio or commercial car park, G90 offers a resilient layer
within the build-up.

As the majority of woven fabrics are black, they are highly

efficient at suppressing weed growth, meaning G90 is a
worthwhile addition to planting beds and gardens.

It also offers resistance to erosion and can aid with some

separation, overall making it a very adaptable membrane.
Furthermore, G90 can be used alongside the drainage layer of equestrian riding arenas, offering high
stabilisation properties under the aggregate. Please note that woven geotextiles should never be used
in the top layer of riding arenas.

technical applications
tensile strength (MD) 16kn/m driveways & patios
tensile strength (CMD) 13kn/m weed prevention
tensile Elongation (MD) 17% road construction
tensile Elongation (cMD) 14% car parks
cbr puncture resistance 1800N entry level riding arenas
cone drop 18mm erosion control
characteristic opening 300µm
size ecogrid ltd offer a unique cutting
waterflow normal to 15l/m2/s service to all clients so that no
the plane
material goes to waste and end
thickness under 2kpa 0.47mm
users receive exact requirements.
weight 80g/m2
roll length 100m
roll width 4.5, 2.25 g90 is an equivalent product to
or 1.125m fastrack sg 609, rhyno geotextile
and terram 1000.

 all ecogrid ltd geotextile membranes meet CE Certification and

BS EN ISO standards

join our network and become a stockist, reseller or installer today!

utilise a monthly credit account by having product sent straight to site
or into your own stock.

non-woven heavy duty
EcoGrid Ltd offer a great variation of non-woven fabrics.
This is to ensure differing project specifications can be
met with ease, since the thickness and weight required of
a geotextile membrane is typically determined by the top
surface loading, the strength of impact on the material
and the surrounding build-up.

These geotextiles are split into two main categories: NW

(Non-Woven) and SNW (Superior Non-Woven). NW fabrics
are thermally bonded yarns and filaments, forming a
flexible product that is ideal for all kinds of applications.
SNW products are needle-punched geotextiles, offering
optimum performance per unit weight, which results in
high quality mechanical robustness and permeability.

The next few pages display specifications for our most commonly recommend heavy duty (HD), non-
woven fabrics. The types of scenarios these materials are often utilised in can be found below.

EcoGrid Ltd offer a bespoke manufacturing service to ensure site requirements are satisfied. Swift
production times are offered to ensure project deadlines are abided by. Both roll widths and lengths
can be determined by the client. Minimum order quantities may apply for these services.

car parks commercial soakaways
road construction attenuation tanks
riding arenas sports pitches / fields
horse paddocks industrial projects
erosion control specialist weed prevention
impermeable geo protection root protection

 stock or specially made, ecogrid ltd can meet any specification

required via their thorough design & manufacture process

 all ecogrid ltd geotextile membranes meet CE Certification and

BS EN ISO standards

join our network and become a stockist, reseller or installer today!

utilise a monthly credit account by having product sent straight to site
or into your own stock.
non-woven heavy duty

nw13 specification
tensile strength (MD) 13kn/m waterflow normal to 100l/m2/s
tensile strength (CMD) 13kn/m the plane
tensile Elongation (MD) 45% waterflow in the plane 3x10-7m2/s
tensile Elongation (cMD) 55%
thickness under 2kpa 1.4mm
cbr puncture resistance 2200N
weight 160g/m2
cone drop 21.5mm
roll length 100m
characteristic opening 100µm
size roll width 5.25m

nw16 specification
tensile strength (MD) 16kn/m waterflow normal to 85l/m2/s
tensile strength (CMD) 16kn/m the plane
tensile Elongation (MD) 45% waterflow in the plane 1x10-6m2/s
tensile Elongation (cMD) 50%
thickness under 2kpa 1.55mm
cbr puncture resistance 2400N
weight 200g/m2
cone drop 19mm
roll length 100m
characteristic opening 85µm
size roll width 5.25m

nw20 specification
tensile strength (MD) 20kn/m waterflow normal to 65l/m2/s
tensile strength (CMD) 20kn/m the plane
tensile Elongation (MD) 50% waterflow in the plane 3.5x10-6m2/s
tensile Elongation (cMD) 55%
thickness under 2kpa 1.7mm
cbr puncture resistance 3100N
weight 235g/m2
cone drop 16mm
roll length 100m
characteristic opening 70µm
size roll width 5.25m

join our network and become a stockist, reseller or installer today!

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or into your own stock.
superior heavy duty
snw40 specification
tensile strength (MD) 22kn/m waterflow normal to 60l/m2/s
tensile strength (CMD) 22kn/m the plane
tensile Elongation (MD) 50% waterflow in the plane 3x10-6m2/s
tensile Elongation (cMD) 55%
thickness under 2kpa 2.4mm
cbr puncture resistance 4000N
weight 300g/m2
cone drop 12mm
roll length 100m
characteristic opening 90µm
size roll width 5.25 or

Snw80 specification
tensile strength (MD) 46kn/m waterflow normal to 40l/m2/s
tensile strength (CMD) 46kn/m the plane
tensile Elongation (MD) 65% waterflow in the plane 8.5x10-6m2/s
tensile Elongation (cMD) 65%
thickness under 2kpa 4.4mm
cbr puncture resistance 8000N
weight 650g/m2
cone drop 4mm
roll length 50m
characteristic opening 70µm
size roll width 5.25m

These five products are EcoGrid Ltd’s most commonly specified heavy duty non-woven fabrics; with a
range of 80-520gsm for the standard, thermally bonded non-woven; accompanied by a range of 120-
1200gsm for the superior, needle-punched geotextiles.

If unsure as to which grade your project requires, or need a bespoke membrane, do not worry!
EcoGrid Ltd have the expertise and product availability to assist with specification, sale and supply.

join our network and become a stockist, reseller or installer today!

utilise a monthly credit account by having product sent straight to site
or into your own stock.
woven heavy duty

Woven geotextile membranes are primarily

used to aid with ground stabilisation, applications
reinforcement and weed prevention. Their ground reinforcement
high resistance to puncturing ensures a reliable road construction
separation layer in the ground, reducing car parks
movement and strengthening the surrounding riding arena base layers
build-up. Naturally, this robustness increases erosion control
the higher the grade of geotextile. Thanks to coastal protection
this, and their impressive tensile strength, embankment reinforcing
EcoGrid Ltd’s heavy duty woven membranes industrial projects
are not required to be as thick as others on the hard standing areas

40/40 specification
tensile strength (MD) 40kn/m waterflow normal to 16l/m2/s
tensile strength (CMD) 40kn/m the plane
tensile Elongation (MD) 18% thickness under 2kpa 0.7mm
tensile Elongation (cMD) 7% weight 174g/m2
cbr puncture resistance 4500N roll length 100m
cone drop 11mm roll width 5.25m
characteristic opening 164µm

80/80 specification
tensile strength (MD) 82kn/m waterflow normal to 18l/m2/s
tensile strength (CMD) 86kn/m the plane
tensile Elongation (MD) 14% thickness under 2kpa 1.35mm
tensile Elongation (cMD) 8% weight 300g/m2
cbr puncture resistance 9500N roll length 100m
cone drop 9mm roll width 5.25m
characteristic opening 300µm

join our network and become a stockist, reseller or installer today!

utilise a monthly credit account by having product sent straight to site
or into your own stock.

ecoflex udg
EcoFlex UDG (Urban Drainage Geomembrane) is a non-
permeable, or impervious, membrane designed to prevent
water from flowing through the sub-grade, helping to
maintain the ground structure. Instead, it directs the flow
of water or contains it within a specific area. To do this, all
joints must be welded or taped, thereby ensuring the
entire installation remains waterproof.

EcoGrid Ltd’s EcoFlex Geomembrane often requires a non-

woven fabric to act as a protection layer, just like the vast
majority of impermeable membranes. This is to prevent
puncturing or damage which may result in leaks.

EcoFlex is manufactured from high performance polymers in the UK, where every major development
is examined for risk of flooding. EcoFlex, and other SuDS (Sustainable Drainage Systems), have a great
impact on this by attempting to manage all drainage at the source and direct it into appropriate
watercourses. Thanks to the CfSH (Code for Sustainable Homes), using EcoGrid Ltd’s EcoFlex improves
developers’ sustainable rating, when used in conjunction with an underground stormwater system.

technical applications
tensile strength 20/21n/mm2 attenuation tanks
elongation at break 790/880% pond lining
resistance to impact 250mm reservoirs
nail tear 340/350n landfill sites
thickness 500mu damp proofing
puncture resistance 135n mining operations
weight 460g/m2 animal farms
roll length 12.5m power plants
roll width 4m agriculture

 ecoflex udg can be supplied fabricated or can be taped. to

undertake this on site, specialist udg tape is required

 all ecogrid ltd geotextile membranes meet CE Certification and

BS EN ISO standards

join our network and become a stockist, reseller or installer today!

utilise a monthly credit account by having product sent straight to site
or into your own stock.
black non-woven

The vast majority of non-woven geotextiles in the UK are white or grey, making it distinctive from the
black woven alternative. However, in some scenarios, white membrane does not provide a practical
solution. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as white standing out too much compared to
dark surrounding colours, or black being more effective for suppressing weeds as it blocks out light
more effectively. Combining the two ensures no sacrifices in performance.

High grade black non-woven fabrics, such as 300 or 650gsm, have been tested and utilised alongside
polymer products to aid with pollution prevention. To achieve this, polymer captures and solidifies
hydrocarbons between the layers of specialist geotextile membrane, which provide durability for an
even spread of the organic hydrogen and carbon compounds.

EcoGrid Ltd have the facilities to produce any geotextile membrane to meet requirements. This can
include specific weights, colours and roll sizes. One example that has become a regular order would
be 250gsm black 2m x 100m, generally used as a heavy duty underlay to protect the vital pond liner
and ensure it continues to hold water within. This product is made especially for EcoGrid’s resellers
who take the product into stock and distribute themselves.

Thanks to hi-tech engineering, EcoGrid Ltd can manufacture to almost any roll width required.

Geotextiles produced on request can be needle-punched or thermally bonded as per the client
requirements. EcoGrid Ltd can also assist with the design and specification of said membrane to
ensure suitability and effectiveness for the project.

 all ecogrid ltd geotextile membranes meet CE Certification and

BS EN ISO standards

join our network and become a stockist, reseller or installer today!

utilise a monthly credit account by having product sent straight to site
or into your own stock.
recycled fabric

Recycled geotextile membrane can made to meet

virtually any specification. To the right is an example
e.g. technical
of our most common; a 300gsm non-woven. maximum load md 7kn
maximum load cd 12kn
These geotextile fabrics are primarily manufactured extension at break md 142%
from multi-coloured fibres, containing polypropylene extension at break Cd 109%
and miscellaneous synthetics. thickness 3.9mm
weight 300g/m2
Being produced from these recycled fibres doesn’t cbr puncture resistance 1540n
affect this membranes strength and durability; only displacement 83mm
its appearance. EcoGrid Ltd’s recycled fabrics offer
a cost effective, environmentally friendly solution for
large projects, whether residential, commercial or

This specialist geotextile can be used for liner

protection, stabilisation and separation projects,
whilst allowing water to permeate through.

In manufacturing these geotextile fabrics per

specification, clients can determine the roll widths
and lengths to suit their requirements.

 all ecogrid ltd geotextile membranes meet CE Certification and

BS EN ISO standards

join our network and become a stockist, reseller or installer today!

utilise a monthly credit account by having product sent straight to site
or into your own stock.
orange hi-vis
EcoGrid Ltd’s “alarm” membrane, the Orange Hi-Vis is a
woven geotextile fabric designed especially for use in
areas of contaminated ground. As well as the general
reinforcement woven membranes provide, Hi-Vis offers a
separation layer to aid against contaminated soil particles
migrating upwards and spreading. Furthermore, its bright
orange colour acts as a warning layer to any future
contractors potentially excavating the area; signalling that
the ground underneath is polluted and could be
dangerous. Hi-Vis is stored and delivered to site/stock in
polyethylene wrapping to protect the geotextile from
ultraviolet radiation. EcoGrid Ltd strongly recommend
leaving the product wrapped until installation, whereupon
it should only be exposed for a maximum of 14 days.

EcoGrid Ltd also offer high-visibility geotextiles in other colours, produced on request. Non-woven
geotextile membranes are also available for situations where filtration and/or separation is a primary
concern over stabilisation. These are available either thermally bonded or needle-punched to match
the variety of heavy duty grades found within EcoGrid’s regular range of geotextiles. This ensures all
types of project are catered for, no matter the type of pollution present.

technical applications
tensile strength (MD) 12kn/m contaminated ground
tensile strength (CMD) 12kn/m warning layers
tensile Elongation (MD) 22% civil engineering
tensile Elongation (cMD) 18% potential hazards
cbr puncture resistance 1800N reclaimed land
cone drop 14mm
pore size 90% finer than 200µm please be aware that certain
permeability 18x10-3m/s types of contamination can
roll length 100m require specific membranes.
roll width 4.5m

 all ecogrid ltd geotextile membranes meet CE Certification and

BS EN ISO standards

join our network and become a stockist, reseller or installer today!

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or into your own stock.
inbitex / sp

Inbitex is a renowned, vibrant green geotextile membrane. EcoGrid Ltd stock and offer this product
along with a direct equivalent, EcoGrid’s SP Membrane. Both of these products are designed for the
same function and boast almost identical properties.

technical Inbitex has been specifically developed to optimise

the cleansing of water entering the underground
tensile strength (MD) 8.5kn/m
system. Various characteristics have been combined
tensile Elongation (MD) 28%
to create a unique geotextile that aids the
cbr puncture resistance 1575N
development of naturally occurring microbes and
trapezoidal tear 325N
resistance offers them refuge during periods of drought. These
pore size 0.145mm microbes then digest hydrocarbons within the sub-
air permeability 2875l/m2/s base. Research undertaken at Coventry University
water flow 80x10-3m/s has shown that a system using Inbitex/SP is capable
water breakthrough head 50mm of degrading at least 70g of oil/sqm/annum.
weight 130g/m2
roll length 100m Inbitex and SP are both highly unique products,
roll width 4.5m manufactured from both polypropylene and
polyetyhylene fabrics. During this process, small
dishes are created on the surface of the hairs from which the geotextile is manufactured. This is very
important in the early establishment of a biomass responsible for eating and degradings oils in water.
It’s also important during dry periods when the microbial population can retreat into the dishes to
find moisture, thus when it rains again, biomass is quickly re-established.

 all ecogrid ltd geotextile membranes meet CE Certification and

BS EN ISO standards

join our network and become a stockist, reseller or installer today!

utilise a monthly credit account by having product sent straight to site
or into your own stock.

Securagrid is a biaxial geogrid made from bar structures which are

welded at rigid junctions to provide strong reinforcing properties.

EcoGrid Ltd offer three main types of Securagrid for various types of
application: 20/20, 30/30 and 40/40. This refers to the tensile strength
of the product, ranging from pedestrian areas to airport runways.

It’s most common for Securagrid to be used alongside a non-woven

geotextile fabric to ensure it’s protected and therefore functions as desired. Again, the grade of fabric
needed, and weight of geogrid, would be determined by the intended application. If unsure of which
products are most suitable, please contact EcoGrid Ltd.

Granular particles become compacted in the

Securagrid, partially penetrating the apertures.
This locks and creates a load dispersal effect, ground reinforcement
increasing the shearing restistance within the soil, tree root protection
in turn improving compactive and reducing the need car parks
for a thick sub- base. As a result, both installation time motorways / roads
and costs are drastically reduced, making for a less railways
labour intensive process. airport runways
building foundations
Securagrid is an alternative to Tensar TX160, CellWeb
and similar products.

 all ecogrid ltd geotextile membranes meet CE Certification and

BS EN ISO standards

join our network and become a stockist, reseller or installer today!

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or into your own stock.
combigrid 2in1

Double the product, half the work! CombiGrid is the

result of welding non-woven geotextile fabric between
geogrid reinforcing bars, culminating in a state of the art
product. This essentially combines all the qualities of fleece geotextile membrane with Securagrid,
offering high performance in; separation, filtration, reinforcement and stabilisation. Both contractors
and end users can reduce installation times by 50% since only one product has to be rolled out and
secured, as opposed to two or three.

CombiGrid is an ideal solution for areas of low strength sub-soil (approximately under 3% CBR). This
is because the sub-base thickness is significantly reduced due to the reduction in layers, eliminating
any need to replace weak soil, therefore benefitting labour, resources, time and expenses.

CombiGrid can be installed in virtually all weather

applications conditions without heavy equipment or specialist
road construction techniques. Panels are simply joined together and
areas of weak sub-soil continuity is assured via simple overlapping. If
sub-base reinforcement necessary, basic cutting tools can be used for on-
foundations site trimming or to form geometrical shapes where
access roads steep slopes are apparent.
pipeline trenches
root protection CombiGrid boasts excellent resistance to chemicals,
UV and weather.

 all ecogrid ltd geotextile membranes meet CE Certification and

BS EN ISO standards

join our network and become a stockist, reseller or installer today!

utilise a monthly credit account by having product sent straight to site
or into your own stock.
ecocell 10

EcoCell is a honeycomb, permeable platform primarily designed for tree root protection and safe-
guarding of heavily vegetated areas, although it can also be used in trafficked environments. For best
results it’s recommend for infill with clean, angular gravel. EcoGrid Ltd’s EcoCell is available in 100 and
200mm depths, supplied in 31sqm sections. The HDPE system is simply stretched out and pinned in
place with galvanised steel J-pins and accompanied by a non-woven geotextile membrane such as
NW8 or EG80.

The cellular walls reduce the amount of vertical pressure against the tree roots, keeping them safe
from harm. Further root disruption is avoided since EcoCell requires very little excavation, with only
the surface vegetation requiring removal. Reducing the need for digging and sub-base thickness can
save users up to 50% on infill materials.

EcoGrid Ltd advocate using EG80 or NW80 fleece

fabrics in conjunction with EcoCell to offer reliable applications
separation between soil and aggregate. Using a tree root protection
geotextile is also beneficial in case of any spillages, areas of vegetation
such as oil, since the spill become trapped by the shoreline control
membrane and degrade aerobically within the ground reinforcement
pavement construction. It is proven that highly foundations
permeable pavements have a low concentration pavements / driveways
of pollutants, adding to their eco-friendly nature. earth retention

 all ecogrid ltd geotextile membranes meet CE Certification and

BS EN ISO standards

join our network and become a stockist, reseller or installer today!

utilise a monthly credit account by having product sent straight to site
or into your own stock.

base layer
In almost all equestrian arenas that EcoGrid Ltd have supplied over several years, G90 has been
the specified base layer geotextile. High tensile strength coupled with a large pore opening size
make woven fabrics ideal for this application. Since this layer is below the aggregate/stone, and
therefore never comes into direct contact or any general stress from horse riding, there is no
requirement for a heavy duty woven geotextile.

One of the key aspects of a flawless riding arena is the drainage, often affected by the porosity of the
ground. The base of the drainage is usually formed by perforated land drain or linear drains. These
guide the flow and ensure water is dispersed via the correct channels. Perhaps the most common of
layouts for this is the herringbone pattern as shown below.

Note: the drainage channels/tubes can be wrapped in a non-woven geotextile so that clay and silt
don’t cause blocking.

herringbone pattern

perimeter drain


central spine

When incorporating the herringbone, it is recommended to use 100-150mm collection pipe as the
central spine, along with 75-100mm perforated drain to create spurs at 45o degree angles, ideally
five metres apart. Please note different pipe types may be required for varying arena sizes.

 all ecogrid ltd geotextile membranes meet CE Certification and

BS EN ISO standards

join our network and become a stockist, reseller or installer today!

utilise a monthly credit account by having product sent straight to site
or into your own stock.
top layer
EcoGrid Ltd take several factors into consideration when specifying a non-woven geotextile fabric
for top layer installation, above the aggregate of an equestrian riding arena. These include:
 frequency of use
 length of use per session
 use intensity
 type of activities

It is absolutely vital to use a

suitable product for each job
to avoid damages and steep
increases in cost should the
geotextile layers have to be
inspected and, likely, replaced.
EcoGrid Ltd offer three main kinds of manege packages depending on the quality required and the
budget that is available.

Entry Level is for privately used arenas where horses and riders alike enjoy a leisurely time with
nothing too laboursome taking place. This includes NW8 100gsm.

Prestige packages vary in weight, typically incorporating NW16 200gsm, SNW40 300gsm or SNW80
650gsm, depending on the exact usage. EcoGrid Ltd advise these for a range of arenas, from highly
intense domestic to light and heavy grade commercal, or even regular competitions.

Premium packages revolve around the world leader of porous paving, EcoGrid. This removes the
need for a woven geotextile base layer, as EcoGrid offers unparalleled drainage and reinforcement
qualities. EcoGrid can also be used for horse walkers, paddocks, wash-down areas and similar.

Take note that the horses should never come into direct contact with the geotextile membrane.

The equine industry offers many different methods for joining arena geotextiles together, such as
glue, heat guns or stitching. However, through extensive market research, EcoGrid Ltd find that these
solutions are only applicable with very specific products (e.g. different geotextiles require different
types of heat gun), or they simply aren’t cost effective. That is why a tape and overlap approach is
generally preferred. Typical overlaps are 0.33-0.5m.

 all ecogrid ltd geotextile membranes meet CE Certification and

BS EN ISO standards

join our network and become a stockist, reseller or installer today!

utilise a monthly credit account by having product sent straight to site
or into your own stock.
joining tapes
Double-Sided Butyl Tape is generally designed for use with impermeable
geomembranes for waterproofing and damp-proofing applications.
However, it can also be used with standard porous geotextiles such as
EcoGrid Ltd’s NW8 and G90 membranes.

It’s available in 50mm x 20m and 100mm x 15m rolls.

EcoGrid Ltd’s Single-Sided Cloth Tape is a cost effective and highly popular
method of joining overlaps; whether it’s a simple garden installation or a
complete equestrian riding arena.

It’s available in 100mm x 50m rolls.

Take note that certain geotextile fabrics and geomembranes require their
own specialist fixing methods. Please contact EcoGrid Ltd if you you would like
further advice.

ground fixings
EcoGrid Ltd’s 150mm barbed plastic pegs have been tested against
competitor’s products and were proven to have greater holding
power in ground, even compared to pegs up to 50% longer. The
barbed design improves grip and durability.

300mm long x 5mm thick, EcoGrid Ltd’s J-Pins are robust and reliable. They can be used with porous
paving, geogrids or heavy duty geotextile membranes; ideal for slopes,
embankments, or areas with steep gradients.

Both the plastic pegs and galvanised steel pins are sold in packs of 100.
EcoGrid Ltd also offering fixing methods such as U-Pins; get in touch for

If unsure on the type of fixing product required for the project, or

whether one is needed at all, don’t hesitate to contact.

join our network and become a stockist, reseller or installer today!

utilise a monthly credit account by having product sent straight to site
or into your own stock.
get in touch
EcoGrid Ltd hold UK and Ireland distribution rights for the world leading, ground reinforcement grid
system, EcoGrid. The company also has sister sites, focusing on geotextile membranes and recessed
manhole covers, as seen below. These three sectors of EcoGrid Ltd put the company in a strong
position to cater to the needs of contractors, merchants and end users across the industry.

Details of these ranges can be obtained via an extensive network of resellers and installers, or contact
EcoGrid Ltd directly:

[email protected] | T: 0151 639 4281 | F: 0151 675 0030

Crystal House, Units 28-29 Wheatland Business Park, Wheatland Lane, Wallasey, CH44 7ER

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