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Studies 2018-19
Question Bank Second PUC
Question Bank
II PUC Business Studies 2018-2019

Chapterwise Weightage and Marks allotted accordingly

Chapte No. of Total 1 2 4 8 5

r Hrs Marks marks marks marks marks marks
1 10 11 1 1 - 1 1
2 8 7 1 1 1 - 1
3 5 6 - 1 1 - 1
4 5 7 1 1 1 - 1
5 10 11 1 1 - 1 1
6 12 13 1 - 1 1 1
7 12 11 1 1 - 1 1
8 6 7 1 1 1 - 1
9 10 7 1 1 1 - 1
10* 10 13 1 - 1 1 -
11 21 19 1 1 2 1 1
12 6 7 1 1 1 - 1
13 5 5 1 2 - - 1
120 124 12 12 10 6 3/10

Sectionwise Questions in a Question Paper

Section Questions to be Questions to be

given answered
A 12 10
B 12 10
C 10 7
D 6 4
E 3 2
Total 43 33
Table showing KUAS pattern of questions

(with special reference to II PU Business Studies Text book)

1 Knowledge Questions relating to simple meanings, one word

answers, years, expansion of abbreviations, very short
2 Understandin Questions relating to Definitions, meanings, short
g answers, long and essay type answers requiring
explanations like features, importance, benefits, etc.
3 Application Multiple Choice Questions and questions relating to
examples, answers requiring contrast, distinction or
comparison, sequential steps/procedure involved in a
4 Skill Diagrams, Practical Oriented Questions

Preferable Percentage of KUAS criteria in Question Paper

Knowledge 30%
Understanding 35%
Application 25%
Skill 10%

Definitions on which Understanding based questions are framed

in this Question Bank

No. of
Chapter number and title Definition Title Definitions given in the
text book
1. Nature and Significance Management 3 (Part-1)
of Coordination 3
5. Organizing Organizing 2 (Part-1)
7. Directing Motivation 4 (Part-1)
Leadership 4
8. Controlling Managerial Control 1 (Part-1)

11. Marketing Marketing (AMA) 1 (Part-2)

Marketing Management 1
(Philip Kotler)

Practical Oriented Questions based on Skill

Chapte Practical Oriented Question Required

r Answer
Assuming that you are the manager of an
organization, draw the neat diagram of different Diagram
1 Levels of Management to specify that authority-
responsibility relationships create different
levels of management.
As a general manager, list out any ten Fayol’s 10 Principles of
2 Principles of Management which you would like Management of
to adopt in your business organization. Fayol
Show the different Elements of Business
3 Environment that influence the success of Diagram
business Enterprises with a neat diagram.
As a manager what logical steps you follow in
4 7 steps
Planning process before executing a project?
Draw the Organization Chart showing Divisional Diagram
and Functional Structure.
As a HR manager, list out any ten sources of
6 recruitment, to fill in the vacancies in your 10 sources
Draw the neat diagram of Maslow’s Need
7 Hierarchy. Diagram
(Triangular diagram)
As a manger of an organization, what are the Any 5 out of 6
8 modern techniques of controlling you would like techniques
to adopt?
As a Financial Consultant, give the list of any Any 10 out of
9 ten factors which affect the choice of Capital 14 points.
10* No Practical Oriented Question to be asked in
this chapter *
As a marketing manager, suggest any five Sales Any 5 out of 11
Promotion activities to boost up the sales.
As an exploited consumer, write a complaint
letter to your nearest District Consumer Forum Complaint
claiming reasonable redressal. letter

Draw the neat diagram of Efficacy-Desirability

13 Matrix to check the ability and willingness of Diagram


Chapter I – Nature and Significance of Management

Sl.N Question K/U/A/S Marks

Part - A
1 What is Efficiency? K 1
2 What is Effectiveness concerned with? U 1
3 Give an example for top level/middle
A 1
level/supervisory level management.
4 Which of the following is not a function of
(a) Planning (b) Staffing A 1
(c) Cooperating (d) Controlling
5 Management is
(a) an art (b) a science
A 1
(c) both art and science (d) neither
6 The following is not an objective of management
(a) earning of profits
(b) growth of the organization
A 1
(c) providing employment
(d) policy making
7 Policy formulation is the function of
(a) Top level management
(b) Middle level management
A 1
(c) Operational management
(d) All of the above
8 Coordination is
(a) Function of management
(b) The essence of management A 1
(c) An objective of management
(d) None of the above
Part - B
9 Define Management. U 2
10 State any two Organizational Objectives of
K 2
11 Define Coordination. U 2
12 Justify the importance of coordination by any two
A 2
Part - C
13 Explain the Objectives of Management.
U 4
14 Give any four grounds to say Management is U 4
(importance of Management)

Part - D
15 Explain the characteristics of Management.
U 8
16 “Management as an art and a science are not
mutually exclusive, but complement to each other”-
A/U 8
Elucidate. (3+3+2)
17 Define Coordination. Explain the characteristics of
Coordination. U 8
18 ‘Management is a series of continuous interrelated
functions’- Comment. A/U 8

Chapter -2 Principles of Management

Sl.N Question K/U/A/S Marks

Part - A
1 Who is known as the Father of General
K 1
2 Name any one new technique of Management
developed on the basis of Principles of U/A 1
3 Who is called the Father of Scientific Management? K 1
4 Who advocated separation of planning and
K 1
execution functions in any organization?
5 What is Standardization according to Taylor? K 1
6 What is the aim of simplification according to U
How Simplification differs from Standardization
7 according to Taylor? A 1
8 Who strongly advocated Piece Wage System? K 1
9 What is the objective of Method Study according to
Taylor? U 1
10 State the number of principles of management
K 1
propounded by Henri Fayol.
11 Which management principle of Fayol advocates
that there should be only one boss for every U 1
individual employee?
12 Principles of management are NOT
(a) Universal (b) Flexible A 1
(c) Absolute (d) Behavioral
13 How are Principles of management formed?
(a) In a laboratory
(b) By experiences of managers A 1
(c) By experiences of customers
(d) By propagation of social scientists
14 Which of the following statement best describes the
principle of ‘Division of Work’?
(a) Work should be divided into small tasks
A 1
(b) Labour should be divided
(c) Resources should be divided among jobs
(d) It leads to specialization
15 ‘She/he keeps machines, materials, tools, etc.
ready for operations by concerned workers’. Whose
work is described by this sentence under functional
A 1
(a) Instruction Card Clerk
(b) Repair Boss
(c) Gang Boss
(d) Route Clerk
Part - B
16 Give the meaning of Mental Revolution as
propounded by Taylor. K 2
17 What is Discipline according to Fayol? K 2
18 State any two differences between Unity of A 2
Command and Unity of Direction.
19 What is Scalar Chain? U 2
20 What is Gang Plank? U 2
Part - C
21 Discuss the significance of Principles of
U 4
Management by explaining any four points.
22 Explain the Principles of Management contributed U 4
by F.W. Taylor.
23 What are the four aspects of work study developed
U 4
by Taylor? Explain.
Part - D
24 Explain the Functional Foremanship of Taylor. U 8
25 Explain the nature of Principles of Management.
(7 points with introduction, explanation and U 8

Chapter 3 Business Environment

Sl.N Question K/U/A/S Marks

Part - A
1 What is Business Environment? K 1
2 Which of the following does not characterize the A 1
business environment?
(a) Uncertainty (b) Employees
(c) Relativity (d) Complexity

3 Which of the following is an example for social

(a) Money supply in the economy
A 1
(b) Consumer Protection Act
(c) The Constitution of the country
(d) Composition of family
4 Liberalization means
(a) Integration among economies
(b) Reduced government controls and restrictions A 1
(c) Policy of planned disinvestments
(d) None of the above
5 Which of the following does not explain the impact
of Government policy changes on business and
(a) More demanding customers A 1
(b) Increasing competition
(c) Change in agricultural prices
(d) Market orientation
Part - B
6 Give the meaning of Globalization. K 2
7 What is Privatization? K 2
Part - C
8 Explain any four features of Business Environment. U 4
9 Explain any four points to explain how important the U 4
understanding of Business Environment for
managers is.
10 Explain any four challenges that were to be faced
by business and industry due to changes in U 4
Government Policy.
Part - D
11 Explain the features of business environment. U 8
12 Explain, with examples, the various dimensions of A 8
business environment.

Chapter 4 Planning
Sl.N Question K/U/A/S Marks
Part - A
1 What is Planning? K 1
2 Which function of management involves decision U 1
3 State the first step in Planning Process. A 1
4 What is Single Use Plan? K 1
5 What is Standing Plan? K 1
6 Give an example for Single Use Plan. A 1
7 Give an example for Standing Plan. A 1
8 Give an example for a plan which is neither single A 1
nor standing plan.
9 State the meaning of ‘Rule’. K 1
10 What is a ‘Budget’? K 1
11 Which of the following statement is not correct with
regard to planning?
(a) It is a mental exercise
(b) It provides direction for the future actions A 1
(c) It is end function in the process of management
(d) It involves setting objectives and developing
courses of actions
12 Which of the following is not the feature of the
(a) It focuses on achieving objectives
(b) It involves identification and division of work A 1
(c) It is the primary function of the management
(d) It is a pervasive function
13 Which of the following is an example for the single
use plan?
(a) Policy (b) Procedure A 1
(c) Budget (d) Method
Part - B
14 State any two features of Planning. U 2
15 Give the meaning of Planning Premises. K 2
16 What do you mean by ‘Objectives’? K 2
17 What is a ‘Strategy’? K 2
18 What is a ‘Policy’? K 2
19 What is ‘Procedure’? K 2
20 Give the meaning of ‘Programme’. K 2
Part - C
21 Explain the importance of Planning with any four U 4
22 Explain any four features of Planning. U 4
23 Explain any four limitations of Planning. U 4
24 Explain any two types of Plan. U 4
Part - D
25 Explain the importance and limitations of planning. U 8
26 What is Planning? Explain the various features of K 8
27 Explain any four types of Plans. U 8

Chapter -5 Organising

Sl.N Question K/U/A/S Marks

Part - A
1 Which management function translates the plans into K 1
2 What is Organisation Structure? K 1
3 Which type of organisation structure is suitable for U 1
enterprises having large variety of products?
4 What is Delegation? K 1
5 What is Authority? K 1
6 What is Responsibility? K 1
7 Can Accountability be delegated? U 1
8 When can one say that an organisation is U 1
9 What is Decentralisation? K 1
10 Which of the following is not an element of A 1
(a) Accountability (b) Authority
(c) Responsibility (d) Informal Organization
11 A network of social relationship that arise A 1
spontaneously due to interaction at work is called
(a) Formal Organisation (b) Informal Organization
(c) Decentralisation (d) Delegation
12 Which of the following does not follow the scalar A 1
(a) Functional Structure (b) Divisional Structure
(c) Formal Organisation (d) Informal Organization
13 For delegation to be effective, it is essential that A 1
responsibility be accompanied with necessary
(a) Authority (b) Manpower
(c) Incentives (d) Promotions
14 Span of management refers to A 1
(a) Number of managers
(b) Length of term for which a manager appointed
(c) Number of subordinates under a superior
(d) Number of members in top management
15 Grouping of activities on the basis of functions is a A 1
part of
(a) Decentralized organization
(b) Divisional organisation
(c) Functional organisation
(d) Centralised organisation
Part - B
16 Define Organizing. U 2
17 Give the meaning of Organizing. U 2
18 Write any two differences between Functional and A 2
Divisional Structures.
19 Give the meaning of Formal Organisation. K 2
20 Compare and contrast Authority and Accountability A 2
(any two).
21 State any two differences between Delegation and A 2
Part - C
22 Explain the steps in the process of Organising A 4
23 State any two advantages and two disadvantages of A 4
Functional Structure.
24 Write any two advantages and two disadvantages of A 4
Divisional Structure.
25 State any four features of Formal Organisation. U 4
26 Mention any four features of Informal Organisation. U 4
27 State any two advantages and disadvantages of A 4
Informal Organisation.
28 Distinguish between Formal and Informal A 4
Organisation by taking any four bases.
29 Explain briefly the elements of Delegation. U 4
30 Explain the importance of Delegation (any four U 4
Part - D
31 Explain the importance of Organizing. U 8
(1 for introduction + 7)
32 State the advantages and disadvantages of Formal A 8
33 What is Decentralization? Explain its importance. U 8

Chapter 6 Staffing

Sl.N Question K/U/A/S Marks

Part - A
1 What is Staffing? K 1
2 Name one internal source of recruitment. K 1
3 Name any one external source of recruitment. K 1
4 Mention the first step in selection process. A 1
5 State any one type of selection tests. K 1
6 What is meant by Interview in Selection Process? K 1
7 What is Training? K 1
8 What is the meaning of ‘Development’ in Staffing K 1
9 Name on-the-job training method given to plumbers, K 1
electricians or iron workers.
10 State the off-the-job training method given to K 1
employees before handling sophisticated machinery
and equipment.
11 Which one of the following is not a function of staffing A 1
(a) Recruitment (b) Training
(c) Compensation (d) Directing
12 Which one of the following is an internal source of A 1
(a)Transfer (b)Employment
exchange (c)Advertisement (d)Campus
13 Promotion of employees results in A 1
(a) Increase in pay (b) Increase in
(c) Increase in job satisfaction (d) All of the above
14 Which of the following is On–the-Job method of A 1
(a) Case study (b) Coaching
(c) Vestibule Training (d) Computer
Part - B
15 Why is staffing both a line as well as staff activity? A 2
16 Write any two factors which influence the way of U 2
recruitment, selection and training of employees in
any organisation.
17 What is Recruitment? K 2
18 Give the meaning of Selection. K 2
19 What is Placement? K 2
20 What is Orientation? K 2
21 Give the meaning of ‘Transfer’ as an internal source K 2
of recruitment.
22 State the two types of direct financial payments U 2
which an organisation can adopt to pay its
23 State any two differences between Training and A 2
24 What is Job Rotation? K 2
25 State any two merits of external sources of U 2
26 Write any two demerits of external sources of U 2
27 Mention any two merits of internal sources of U 2
28 Mention any two demerits of internal sources of U 2
Part - C
29 Explain any four types of tests used for selection of U 4
30 Explain the internal sources of recruitment. U 4
31 How does training and development of employees A 4
benefit the organizations?
Part - D
32 Explain the stages in Staffing Process. U 8
33 Describe the steps involved in Selection Process U 8
34 Explain the four methods of On-the-Job and any four U 8
ethods of Off-the-Job training.
35 Explain the benefits of training and development to U 8
the organization and to the employees

Chapter 7 Directing

Sl.N Question K/U/A/S Marks

Part - A
1 What is Directing? K 1
2 State any one element of Directing. K 1
3 What is a ‘Motive’? K 1
4 State any one assumption of Maslow’s Hierarchical U 1
Theory of Needs.
5 State any one Leadership style. K 1
6 State any one pattern of formal communication. K 1
7 Name any one type of Grapevine network. K 1
8 Which one of the following is not an element of A 1
(a) Motivation (b) Communication
(c) Delegation (d) Supervision
9 The motivation theory which classifies needs in A 1
hierarchical order is developed by
(a) Fred Luthans (b) Scott
(c) Abraham Maslow (d) Peter F. Drucker
10 Which of the following is not an element of A 1
(a) Decoding (b) Communication
(c) Channel (d) Receiver
11 The highest level need in the Need Hierarchy of A 1
Abraham Maslow is
(a) Safety Need
(b) Belongingness Need
(c) Self Actualization Need
(d) Prestige Need
12 Grapevine is A 1
(a) Formal Communication
(b) Barrier to Communication
(c) Lateral Communication
(d) Informal Communication
13 Status comes under the following type of barriers A 1
(a) Semantic barrier
(b) Organisational Barrier
(c) Non semantic barrier
(d) Psychological barrier
14 The software company promoted by Narayana A 1
Murthy is
(a) Wipro (b) Infosys
(c) Satyam (d) HCL
15 The process of converting the message into A 1
communication symbols is known as
(a) Media (b) Encoding
(c) Feedback (d) Decoding
16 The communication network in which all A 1
subordinates under a supervisor communicate
through supervisor only is
(a) Single Chain (b) Inverted V
(c) Wheel (d) Free flow
Part - B
17 What do you understand by Supervision? U 2
18 Define Motivation. U 2
19 State any two features of Motivation. K 2
20 Define Leadership. U 2
21 Write any two features of Leadership. K 2
22 What is communication? K 2
23 State any two elements of communication process. K 2
24 State any two psychological barriers to K 2
25 State any two personal barriers to communication. K 2
Part - C
26 Explain the characteristics of Directing as a U 4
managerial process.
27 Explain any four points which emphasise the U 4
importance of Directing.
28 Briefly explain any four benefits of Motivation. U 4
29 Explain briefly any four semantic barriers to U 4
30 Briefly explain any four organisational barriers to U 4
Part - D
31 What is Supervision? Explain the role played by a U 8
32 Explain any four financial incentives and four non- U 8
financial incentives.
33 Explain the qualities of a good leader. U 8
34 Suggest the suitable measures to improve A 8
communication effectiveness.

Chapter 8 Controlling

Sl.N Question K/U/A/S Marks

Part - A
1 What is meant by Controlling? K 1
2 What is ‘Standard’ in controlling process? K 1
3 Expand PERT/CPM/MIS. K 1
4 What is Ratio Analysis? K 1
5 Controlling function of an organisation is A 1
(a) Forward looking
(b) Backward looking
(c) Forward as well as backward looking
(d) None of the above
6 Management audit is a technique to keep a check on A 1
the performance of
(a) Company (b) Management of the
(c) Shareholders (d) Customers
7 Budgetary control requires the preparation of A 1
(a) Training schedule (b) Budgets
(c) Network diagram (d) Responsibility centres
8 Which of the following is not applicable to A 1
responsibility accounting?
(a) Investment Centre (b) Accounting centre
(c) Profit centre (d) Cost centre
Part - B
9 Define Managerial Control. U 2
10 State any two traditional techniques of managerial K 2
11 State any two modern techniques of managerial K 2
12 Give the meaning of Break-even Analysis. K 2
13 What do you understand by Budgetary Control? U 2
14 What is Responsibility Accounting? K 2
Part - C
15 ‘A good control system helps an organisation in A 4
many ways’-Justify this statement with any four
16 Explain the limitations of Controlling. U 4
17 Explain briefly the relationship between planning and U 4
18 Explain briefly the steps involved in Controlling A 4

Chapter 9 Financial Management

Sl.N Question K/U/A/ Marks

o. S
Part - A
1 What is Business Finance? K 1
2 State the primary objective/aim of financial K 1
3 What do you understand by ‘Capital Structure’? U 1
4 Write the meaning of ‘Financial Risk’. K 1
5 Give an example for fixed asset. A 1
6 Give an example for current asset. A 1
7 How do you calculate Net Working Capital? A 1
8 The cheapest source of finance is A 1
(a) Debenture (b) Equity share capital
(c) Preference share (d) Retained earnings
9 The decision of acquiring a new machine or opening A 1
a new branch is an example for
(a) Financing decision (b) Working capital
(c) Investment decision (d) None of the above
10 The decision of how much to be raised from which A 1
source is an example for
(a) Financing decision (b) Working capital
(c) Investment decision (d) None of the above
11 Companies with higher growth pattern are likely A 1
(a) to pay lower dividends
(b) to pay higher dividends
(c) that dividends are not affected by growth issues
(d) none of the above
12 Current assets are those assets which get converted A 1
into cash
(a) within six months (b) within one year
(c) between 1 and 3 years (d) between 3 and 5
13 A fixed asset should be financed through A 1
(a) a long term liability
(b) a short term liability
(c) a mix of ling and short term liabilities
(d) None of the above
Part - B
14 What do understand by Financial Management? U 2
15 Give the meaning Investment Decision with an K/A 2
16 What is Financing Decision? Give an example. K/A 2
17 Give the meaning of Dividend Decision. K 2
18 State the twin objectives of Financial Planning. K 2
19 What is Financial Leverage? Write the formula to U 2
calculate Financial Leverage.
20 Give the meaning of ‘Trading on Equity’. K 2
21 Write the formula to calculate Debt Service Coverage U 2
Part - C
22 Explain any four factors affecting financing decisions U 4
23 Explain any four factors affecting dividend decisions. U 4
24 What is Capital Budgeting decision? Explain briefly U 4
the factors affecting capital budgeting decisions.
25 Explain with any four points the importance of U 4
financial planning.
26 Explain any four factors affecting the fixed capital U 4
requirement of an organisation.
27 Explain any four factors affecting the working capital U 4
requirement of an organisation.

Chapter 10 Financial Markets

Sl.N Question K/U/A/S Marks

Part - A
2 What is Money Market? K 1
3 What is Stock Exchange? K 1
4 What is the benchmark index of BSE? K 1
5 What is the benchmark index of NSE? K 1
6 Name the first and the largest depository presently K 1
operational in India.
7 What is meant by Depository? U 1
8 Give the meaning of Dematerialisation. U 1
9 Primary and secondary markets A 1
(a) Compete with each other
(b) Complement each other
(c) Function independently
(d) Control each other
10 The settlement cycle in NSE is A 1
(a) T+5 (b) T+3 (c) T+2 (d)
11 The National Stock Exchange of India was A 1
recognized as Stock Exchange in the year
(a) 1999 (b) 1993 (c) 1994 (d)
12 A Treasury Bill is basically A 1
(a) An instrument to borrow short term funds
(b) An instrument to borrow long term funds
(c) An instrument of capital market
(d) None of the above
No Questions in Part - B
Part - C
13 Explain briefly the functions of a Financial Market. U 4
14 Explain any four methods of floating new issues in U 4
the primary market.
15 Write any four advantages of ‘Electronic Trading K 4
System’ in Stock exchanges
16 Distinguish between primary market and secondary A 4
market (any four points).
17 State the objectives of Securities and Exchange K 4
Board of India.
Part - D
18 Explain any four money market instruments. U 8
19 What is Stock Exchange? Explain the functions of U 8
stock exchange.
20 Briefly explain the steps in the Screen based Trading A 8
and Settlement procedure in a Stock Exchange.
21 How does the Demat System works? Explain. A 8
22 Explain the functions of Securities and Exchange U 8
Board of India.

Chapter 11 Marketing

Sl.N Question K/U/A/S Marks

Part - A
1 State any one Marketing Philosophy or concept. K 1
2 Give an example for the marketing of services. A 1
3 Give the meaning of Product? K 1
4 What is Packaging? K 1
5 What is Labelling? K 1
6 State any one feature of convenience goods. K 1
7 What is a Brand? K 1
8 Name any one Distribution Channel. U 1
9 What do you mean by Zero Level distribution U 1
10 What is Publicity? K 1
Part - B
11 What is Marketing? K 2
12 Define Marketing. U 2
13 Define Marketing Management. U 2
14 State any two features of Marketing. K 2
15 State any two examples for the things that can be A 2
marketed other than product?
16 What is Standardization? K 2
17 What is Grading of products? K 2
18 How do you describe Marketing Mix? U 2
19 What do you mean by Consumer Goods? K 2
20 Give two examples for Convenience goods. A 2
21 Name any two examples for Durable Products. A 2
22 How do you describe Shopping Products? U 2
23 State any two functions of packaging. U 2
24 State any two objectives of Pricing. U 2
25 State any two distinguishing features of advertising. K 2
26 What is Personal Selling? K 2
Part - C
27 Discuss briefly any four differences between Selling A 4
and Marketing.
28 Explain the elements of Marketing Mix. U 4
29 State any four features of speciality products. K 4
30 Briefly explain any four characteristics of industrial U 4
31 State any four considerations to be kept in mind U 4
while choosing a brand name.
32 How does packaging acquire significance in the U 4
marketing of goods?
33 Explain any four functions performed by a label. U 4
34 Explain briefly any four objections against U 4
35 Explain any four functions performed by public U 4
relations department of an organisation.
Part - D
36 Explain any eight functions of Marketing. K 8
37 What is Branding? Explain briefly its advantages to U 8
marketers and customers.
38 What is Pricing? Explain the factors affecting price U 8
39 Explain the advantages and limitations of advertising. A 8
40 State any eight differences between Advertising and A 8
Personal selling.

Chapter 12 Consumer Protection

Sl.N Question K/U/A/S Marks

Part - A
1 State any one unfair trade practice of manufacturers K 1
and service providers by which consumers are
2 State any one regulation which provides legal K 1
protection to the consumers.
3 In which year the Consumer Protection Act was K 1
4 Who is a Consumer? K 1
5 Name any one redressal machinery/agency set up K 1
under Consumer Protection Act to redress consumer
6 What is the monetary limit of claim in District U 1
Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum?
7 State the monetary limit of claim in State Consumer U 1
Disputes Redressal Commission.
8 What is the monetary limit of claim in National U 1
Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission?
9 Name any one Consumer Organisation/NGO K 1
engaged in protecting and promoting consumers’
Part - B
10 What is Consumer Protection? U 2
11 State any two reasons to emphasise the importance U 2
of consumer protection from Consumers’ point of
12 State any two reasons to emphasise the importance U 2
of consumer protection from the point of view of
13 Write any two Consumer Rights. K 2
14 Who can file a complaint before the appropriate K 2
consumer forum? (any two)
Part - C
15 Explain any four Rights of consumers. K 4
16 State any four responsibilities of consumers while K 4
purchasing, using and consuming goods and
17 Explain any four ways in which the objective of U 4
consumer protection can be achieved.
18 State any four directions which can be issued by the U 4
consumer court to the opposite party.
19 State any four functions of Consumer Organizations U 4
and NGOs for the protection and promotion of
consumer interests.

Chapter 13 Entrepreneurship Development

Sl.N Question K/U/A/S Marks

1 Part - A
2 Who is an Entrepreneur? K 1
3 Who introduced the term ‘Entrepreneur’ for the first K 1
4 Expand N-Ach./N-pow./N-Aff./N-Aut. K 1
Part - B
5 What is Entrepreneurship? K 2
6 State any two characteristics of Entrepreneurship K 2
7 Expand KASH as explained in the context of U 2
8 Draw the SVO analogy figure. S 2
9 Differentiate between Entrepreneurship and A 2
Management by taking any two points.
10 State any two functions of entrepreneurs in relation U 2
to economic development.
11 Draw IDS Analysis for Entrepreneurial Opportunities. S 2
12 State any four competencies for Entrepreneurship as K 2
identified by EDI.

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