Amity International School Noida Science First Term Exam 2015-16

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First Terminal Examination 2015 - 2016 NO ~

Class - VII
. Subject - Science ~I(
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 90

General Instructions .

(a) Read the questions carefully.

(b) Attempt all the questions in the sequence .

(c) Do all the parts of a question together.

.td) All answers must be correctly numbered.

(e) Use pencil to draw diagrams.

1. Choose the correct options for the following questions: (1 x1 0=1 0)

(a) Animal with a thick layer of fat under the skin and strong sense of smell is likely
to be found in :

(i) Desert (ii) Tropical Rain Forest

(iii) Polar region (iv) Ocean

(b) A steel rod is dipped in a cup of ice. Its other end will become cold by the
process .of :

(i) Convection (ii) Conduction

(iii) Radiation (iv) None of these

(c) Motion of the moon around the earth is an example of :

(i) Oscillatory motion (ii) Periodic motion

(iii) Non-periodic motion (iv) None of these

(d) A green plant which depends on insects for nitrogenous food is

I (i) Cuscuta (ii) Lichen

(iii) Pitcher Plant (iv) None of these

(e) On burning of magnesium, the new substance formed is known as

(i) Magnesium dioxide (ii) Magnesium oxide

(iii) Magnesium hydroxide (iv) None of these

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(f) Silkworms are fed on

(i) Banana leaves (ii) Mulberry leaves

(iii) Neem leaves (iv) None of these

(g) The function of mucous secreted by the lining of stomach is

(i) To kill bacteria

(ii) To break down proteins

(iii) To protect the lining of the stomach

(iv) None of these

(h) A drop of milk of magnesia is poured on turmeric paper, it turns

(i) Green (ii) White

(iii) Red (iv) None of these

(i) Cyclones are caused by

(i) High speed winds (ii) Air pressure difference

(iii) Both (i) and (ii) "(iv) None of these

U) Amoeba engulfs the food particles with the help of :

(i) Feeding tube (ii) Pseudopodia

(iii) Tongue (iv) None of these

2. Name the following (1x7=7)

(a) The mode of nutrition in which organisms take food in the solution form from
the dead matter.

(b) A carbohydrate that is found in grass.

(c) Most common silk-moth.

(d) It prevents mercury from falling on its own in a clinical thermometer.

(e) The substances that are neither acidic nor basic.

(f) The day-to-day conditions of the atmosphere at a place.

(g) = Speed x Time.

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3. Define (ANY SIX) (1x6=6)

(a) Indicators (b) Sericulture

(c) Digestion (d) Wind

(e) Conductors of Heat (f) Adaptation

(g) Sea-Breeze (h) Neutralization

4. Differentiate between the following giving two points : (2x7=14)

(a) Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Nutrition

(b) Small Intestine and Large Intestine

(c) Clinical Thermometer and Laboratory Thermometer

(d) Polar Region and Tropical Rainforest

(e) Cyclone Alert and Cyclone Warning (one point only)

(f) Shearing and Scouring

(g) Uniform and Non-Uniform Motion

5. Give appropriate reasons for the following 'questions : (2X7=14)

(a) A farmer does not need to add Nitrogen fertilizer to the soil in which leguminous
plants are grown,

(b) We get hurt when someone pulls our hair but not when we get a hair cut.

(c) In winters, if you are given a choice of using either one thick blanket or two
thin blankets together, which one would you use and why?

(d) An antacid like 'Eno' is taken when we suffer from acidity.

(e) The tropical rainforests have a large variety of plants and animals. Why?


Elephants found in tropical rainforests have .large ears.

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(f) The shape of a can with hot water gets distorted when cold water is poured
over it.


We should not use an umbrella with metallic end during a storm accompanied
by lightening.

(g) The Distance-Time graph for uniform motion is a straight line and for non-
uniform motion, it takes any shape. Why? (Give reason for both)

6. Write brief answers. Draw diagram wherever required : (3x8=24)

(a) Lichen is a partnership of which two organisms? What type of nutritional

relationship exists here? Explain.


Explain the mode of nutrition seen in Pitcher Plant.

(b) There are numerous finger like outgrowths in the inner wall of small intestine.
What are these known as and how do these help in digestion?

(c) Draw a flow-chart showing the steps in the processing of fibres into wool.

(d) Look at the figure given below carefully and tell in which place/part, the heat
is being transferred by :

(i) Conduction (ii) Convection

(iii) Radiation


Steel Pan


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(e) Complete the given reactions

(i) Copper Sulphate + Iron ---+) + .

(ii) Vinegar + Baking Soda --~) + Other substances

(iii) Magnesium + Oxygen ---+) .

(f) Write any three adaptations found in polar bear and how do these adaptations
help the animal.

(g) With the help of an activity, explain that the increased wind speed is
accompanied by reduced air pressure.

(h) What is Time-Period'? Calculate the time-period of a pendulum if it completes

10 oscillations in 1 second?

7. Name the source of Litmus. What is Litmus used for? What will happen if we
add (5)

(a) Blue litmus to Hydrochloric acid?

(b) Red litmus to Sodium hydroxide?

(c) Red litmus to Vinegar?

8. What is Rusting of Iron? Represent this process by an equation. Write any two
ways to prevent rusting of iron. (5)

9. Draw a labelled diagram showing feeding in Amoeba. (5)


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