The French Revolution

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Garvit Kataria

French Digital Assignment -1

The French Revolution

Name - Garvit Kataria

Reg. No - 17BIT0101

Slot - G1

Topic – 3. The French Revolution

The French Revolution was a watershed event in new European history that began in 1789
and led to the late decennary with the ascent of Emperor. throughout this era, French voters
destroyed and redesigned their country’s political landscape, uprooting centuries-old
establishments like absolute autarchy and also the social system. The upheaval was caused by
widespread discontent with the French autarchy and also the poor economic policies of King
King of France, who met his death by guillotine, as did his married woman Marie Antoinette.
though it didn't reach all of its goals and occasionally degenerated into a chaotic massacre,
the revolution played a vital role in shaping modern nations by showing the globe the facility
inherent in the will of the individuals.

Kingship in Disaster

As the eighteenth century drew to an end, France's pricey involvement within the American
Revolution, and indulgent payment by King Louis XVI and his precursor had left the country
on the brink of bankruptcy.

Not solely were the royal coffers depleted,

however, 20 years of poor harvests, drought,
cows unwellness and skyrocketing bread costs
had enkindled unrest among peasants and
therefore the urban poor. several expressed
their desperation and enmity toward a regime
that obligatory extravagant taxes –
nevertheless did not give any relief – by riot,
pillaging and putting.
Garvit Kataria

In the fall of 1786, Joe Louis XVI’s controller general, Charles Alexandre First State
Calonne, planned a monetary reform package that enclosed a universal property tax from that
the privileged categories would now not be exempt.

To garner support for these measures and forestall a growing noble revolt, the king
summoned the Estates-General (Les états généraux) – Associate in Nursing assembly
representing France's priesthood, nobility, and bourgeoisie – for the primary time since 1614.

The meeting was scheduled for could five, 1789; within the in the meantime, First
Statelegates of the 3 estates from every neck of the woods would compile lists of grievances
(cahiers de doléances) to gift to the king.

Rise of the commonality

France’s population had modified significantly since 1614. The non-aristocratic members of
the commonality currently portrayed ninety eight percent of the individuals however they
might still be outvoted by the opposite two bodies.

In the lead-up to the might five meeting, the commonality began to mobilize support for
equal illustration and therefore the conclusion of the noble veto – in alternative words, they
wished selection by head and not by standing.

While all of the orders shared a standard want for business and judicial reform in addition as
a a lot of representative variety of government, the nobles above all were loath to offer up the
privileges they enjoyed beneath the normal system.

Tennis Court Oath

By the time the Estates-General convened at Versailles, the extremely oral presentation over
its selection method had erupted into hostility between the three orders, eclipsing the initial
purpose of the meeting and therefore the authority of the person UN agency had convened it.

On June 17, with talks over procedure stalled, the commonality met alone and formally
adopted the title of National Assembly; three days later, they met in a very close indoor court
and took the supposed court Oath (serment du jeu DE paume), vowing to not disperse till
constitutional reform had been achieved. Within a week, most of the clerical deputies and
forty seven liberal nobles had joined them, and on Gregorian calendar month twenty seven
King of France grudgingly absorbed all three orders into the new assembly.
Garvit Kataria

The Jailhouse And Therefore The Nice Worry

On June 12, because the National Assembly (known because the National Constituent
Assembly throughout its work on a constitution) continuing to fulfill at Versailles, worry and
violence consumed the capital.

Though captivated with the recent breakdown of royal power, Parisians grew frightened as
rumors of associate degree imminent military coup began to flow into. a well-liked rebellion
culminated on Gregorian calendar month fourteen once rioters stormed the jailhouse
defensive structure in a shot to secure explosive and weapons; several contemplate this event,
currently commemorated in France as a legal holiday, because the begin of the revolution.

The wave of revolutionary fervor and widespread hysteria quickly sweptwing the rural area.
wicked against years of exploitation, peasants empty and burned the homes of tax collectors,
landlords and therefore the seigniorial elite.

Known as the good worry (la Grande peur), the

farming struggle hastened the growing exodus of
nobles from the country and impressed the
National Constituent Assembly to get rid of
social organisation on August four, 1789, sign
language what the student Georges Lefebvre
later referred to as the “death certificate of the
previous order.”

Declaration Of The Rights Of Man And Of

The National Citizens

On August four, the Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the
national (Déclaration DEs droits de l’homme et du citoyen), an announcement of democratic
principles grounded within the philosophical and political concepts of Enlightenment thinkers
like author.

The document declared the Assembly’s commitment to interchange the regime with a system
supported civil right, freedom of speech, standard sovereignty and representative
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Drafting a proper constitution evidenced far more of a challenge for the National Constituent
Assembly, that had the additional burden of functioning as a assembly throughout harsh
economic times.

For months, its members wrestled with elementary questions on the form and expanse of
France's new political landscape. as an example, the UN agency would be answerable for
electing delegates? Would the priesthood owe allegiance to the Roman Christian church or
the French government? maybe most significantly, what proportion authority would the king,
his public image additional weakened once a failing conceive to take to the woods the
country in Gregorian calendar month 1791

Adopted on Sept 3, 1791, France’s 1st written constitution echoed the a lot of moderate
voices within the Assembly, establishing a constitutional autarchy during which the king
enjoyed royal veto power and therefore the ability to appoint ministers. This compromise
didn't sit well with important radicals like Maximilien DE subverter, Camille Desmoulins and
Georges Georges Jacques Danton, UN agency began percussion up standard support for a a
lot of republican variety of government and for the trial of King of France.

French Revolution Turns Radical

In Gregorian calendar month 1792, the fresh electoral legislature declared war on Republic of
Austria and Prussia, wherever it believed that French émigrés were building
counterrevolutionary alliances; it additionally hoped to unfold its revolutionary ideals across
Europe through warfare.

On the domestic front, meanwhile, the political crisis took a radical flip once a bunch of
insurgents crystal rectifier by the extremist Jacobins attacked the royal residence in Paris and
in remission the king on August ten, 1792.The following month, amid a wave of violence
during which Parisian insurrectionists massacred many defendant counterrevolutionaries, the
legislature was replaced by the National Convention, that declared the conclusion of the
autarchy and therefore the institution of the France.

On January twenty one, 1793, it sent King King of France, condemned to death for top
treason and crimes against the state, to the guillotine; his mate Marie-Antoinette suffered
constant fate nine months later.

The Reign of Terror

Garvit Kataria

The Reign of Terror was a session of intense violence led by Robespierre’s Jacobins,
throughout that the guillotine became the foremost potent political tool and repression the
most important political task. although way fewer than the millions who lost their lives
throughout the Napoleonic Wars, 17,000 folks — counter-revolutionaries also as dissident
thinkers inside the revolution — were dead by the guillotine. Tens of thousands additional
were killed while not trial or died in jail — scholarly person Timothy Tackett estimates a
complete price nearer to 40,000.

The inheritance of this era remains a

lot of debate. however, it's laborious to
dispute that the fear emerged in
response to the imperative would like
for political and military defense. The
previous figureheads of the
government were quite mere symbols
of luxury or historical tyranny; several
were active antagonists of the
revolution, operating to dismantle its
progress and assassinate its troopers exactly at the time once the revolutionary transformation
was most vulnerable.

The End of the French Revolution and Napoleon’s Rise

On August twenty two, 1795, the National Convention, composed mostly of Girondins who
had survived the Reign of Terror, approved a replacement constitution that created France’s
initial bicameral assembly.

Executive power would

belong to the hands of a
five-member Directory
(Directoire) appointed by
parliament. Royalists and
Jacobins protested the
new regime however
were fleetly silenced by
the military, currently led by a young and prospering general named Napoleon Bonaparte.The
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Directory’s four years in power were riddled with money crises, well-liked discontent,
unskillfulness and, above all, political corruption. By the late decennary, the administrators
relied nearly entirely on the military to take care of their authority and had ceded a lot of their
power to the generals within the field.

Causes of The French Revolution

The 3 main causes of revolution are as follows:

1. Political Cause

2. Social Cause

3. Economic Cause.

1. Political Cause:

During the eighteen Century France was the center of autocratic autocracy. The French
Monarchs had unlimited power and that they declared themselves because of the
"Representative of God".

Louis XIV was the exponent of this read. The French Monarchs engaged themselves in
luxurious and extravagance at the royal court of Versailles. They enjoyed unlimited power.
By the Letter Diamond State Catchet, they inactive any individual at any time and captive
them. They paid no attention to their subjects. Louis XIV (1643-1715) of the Bourbon
dynasty was a robust monarch. He was AN economical, hard-working and assured ruler. He
participated in several wars. prize fighter XIV’s thought of unlimited royal power is disclosed
by his far-famed remarks, “I am the State”.

Louis XV (1715-1774) succeeded Louis XIV He was a ‘butterfly monarch'. His defective
policy weakened the financial condition of France. King of France fought the Seven Years
War against European country that brought nothing for France. France became bankrupt
because of over expenditure on wars and luxury. He accomplished it presently. Before his
death, he cried-‘After me the Deluge’.

After King of France, King of France (1774-1793) ascended the throne of France. throughout
that amount, the financial condition of France became weak. King of France was an innocent
Garvit Kataria

and straightforward man. however, he was influenced by his queen Marie Antoinette who
forever interfered within the state affairs.

Out of frustration, he uttered-“Oh! What a burden of mine and that they have instructed me
nothing.” queen was the female offspring of Marie Theresa, the Austrian Empress. She
forever felt proud as she was the female offspring of Austrian Emperor. She forever enjoyed
luxurious and indulgent life. She sowed the seed of the revolution. Thus, the autrocratic
autocracy, defective administration, extravagant expenditure fashioned the political
explanation for the revolution.

2. Social Cause:

The Social condition of France throughout the eighteenth century was terribly miserable. The
then French Society was divided into 3 classes— the priesthood, Nobles and customary

The priesthood belonged to the primary Estate. The priesthood was sub-divided into two
teams i.e. the upper priesthood and therefore the lower priesthood. the upper priesthood
occupied the highest position within the society. They managed the churches, monasteries
and academic establishments of France. They didn't pay any tax to the monarch.

They exploited the folk in varied ways in which. the upper priesthood lived within the interior
of shocking luxury and extravagance. The folk had a powerful emotion towards the upper
clergy. On the opposite hand, the lower priesthood served the individuals in true sense of the
term and that they lived a really miserable life.

The Nobility was thought to be the lords temporal within the French Society. They conjointly
didn't pay any tax to the king. The Nobility was conjointly sub divided into 2 groups-the
Court nobles and therefore the provincial nobles. The court nobles lived in elegance and
luxury. They didn't pay any heed towards the issues of the folk of their areas.

On the opposite hand, the provincial nobles paid their attention towards the issues of the
individuals. however they didn't fancy an equivalent privilege because the Court nobles
enjoyed. The commonalty fashioned a heterogeneous category. The farmers, cobblers,
sweepers and different lower categories belonged to the current category. The condition of
the farmers was terribly miserable.
Garvit Kataria

They paid the taxes like Taille, Tithe and Gable. Inspite of this, the clergies and therefore the
nobles used them in their fields in curve. The bourgeoisie fashioned the highest most cluster
of the commonalty. The doctors, lawyers, teachers, businessmen, writers and philosophers
belonged to the current category. that they had the wealth and rank. however the French
Monarch, influenced by the clergies and nobles, hierarchic them because the commonalty.

So they influenced the individuals for revolution. They aroused the folk regarding their
rights. Thus, the folk became rebellious. The lower Clergies {and the|and therefore the|and
conjointly the} provincial nobles also joined their hands with the folk beside the class. that
the revolution is additionally referred to as the ‘Bourgeoisie Revolution’.

3. Economic Cause:

The financial condition of France fashioned another cause for the eruption of the revolution.
The financial condition of France became poor because of the foreign wars of Louis the
Great, the seven years War of King of France and different pricey wars. throughout the reign
amount of King of France, the royal treasury became empty as extravagant expenses of his
queen .

To get obviate this condition. Louis XVI appointed Anne Robert Jacques Turgot as his
minister of finance in 1774. Anne Robert Jacques Turgot tried to minimise the expenditure of
the royal court. He conjointly suggested the king to impose taxes on each category of the
society. however because of the interference of Queen, King of France fired Anne Robert
Jacques Turgot.

Then lover was appointed because

the minister of finance in 1776.
He printed a report on the
financial gain and expenditure of
the State so as to arouse the
individuals. however, he was
conjointly fired by the king. The
next one who was appointed by
the King because the minister of
finance of France in 1783 was
Callone. He tailored the policy of borrowing so as to satisfy the expenditure of the royal
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court. however because of this policy, the debt of France inflated from 300,000,000 to
600,000,000 Franks solely in 3 years.

Then Callone projected to impose taxes on all the categories. however he was fired by the
king. during this state of affairs, the king eventually summoned the assembly. The economic
instability fashioned one in all the foremost necessary causes of the revolution.


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