Lease Agreement

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The key takeaways are that this document outlines the terms of a residential rental agreement between a landlord and tenant including details about the premises, term of lease, rent payments, use of property, and responsibilities of both parties.

The terms of the rental agreement include details about the premises, initial term of the lease, rent amount and payment schedule, delivery of possession, use of the property, and provisions for lease renewal or termination.

The tenant's responsibilities include paying rent on time, using the property only as a single family dwelling, notifying the landlord of any issues like leaks or pests, and following all rules in the rental agreement.


1. PARTIES: This agreement is between ___________________________________ Landllady/Property

Manager, and _____________________________________ Tenant.

2. PREMISES: The Premises hereby leased by Tenant from Landlord is described as follows:_et
hereinafter called "the Premises."

3. TERM: The initial term of this lease shall commence on the ________ day of
___________________________, 20___, and end on the _______ day of __________, 20___. This lease
agreement will be automatically renewed on a yearly basis unless written notice of termination is given
by either party at least 30 days before the end of the initial lease term, or renewal, or extension period, or
unless the parties enter into another lease.

After ________months this tenancy may be terminated at any time by mutual consent of the
parties, or by either party by giving written notice to the other not less than thirty (30) days before the
date of termination. Any provision of this lease may be changed by Lessor in like manner. In the event
of a sale of the property, landlord may terminate this lease upon no less than thirty (30) days notice to

4. USE OF PREMISES: The Premises will be occupied and used solely as a single family dwelling by
Tenant and no one else except: (list any other persons) __________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________ Resident agrees to
pay P each month for each additional person who shall occupy the premises
in any capacity. If Tenants fail to inform Landlord of additional people occupying the property, the
Landlady reserves the right to evaluate and make changes to the Rental Agreement.

5. LANDLADY’S PROPERTY: The following items of personal property are included with the
Premises: _______________________________________________. If anyone removes any property
belonging to the Landlord, either personal or real, without the express written consent of Landlord, this
will constitute abandonment and surrender of the premises by Tenant and termination by them of this
Rental Agreement. Landlord may also take further legal action.
Any appliances or equipment provided by Landlord are for the use of the Tenant. Landlord retains the
right to substitute any appliance or equipment for the existing appliance or equipment if it is found to
need repairs in excess of Landlord's determination of an "equitable repair". Landlord does not guarantee
the replacement property will be of the same type or style as the property removed.

6. DELIVERY OF POSSESSION: Possession of the Premises shall be delivered to Tenant on the

commencement date unless: a prior Tenant of the Premises should hold over without Landlord's
permission, or delivery of possession is delayed due to construction, repairs, or cleaning, in which event
Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant for such delay, and this Lease shall remain in effect subject to the
following terms: (a) rent shall be abated on a daily basis during such delay, and (b) should the delay
exceed 5 days after commencement date, Tenant may terminate this Lease by giving written notice to
Landlord of such termination and Landlord shall immediately refund to Tenant any deposits and rentals
paid. Neither party shall thereafter have any obligations to the other pursuant to this Lease. Minor
maintenance, cleaning or repairs to be performed on commencement date shall not prevent delivery of
possession to Tenant.

7. RENT: Tenant agrees to pay Landlord the total sum of P ______________, payable in equal
monthly installments of P___________ per month. Such rent shall be payable monthly in advance and
without demand on the first day of each calendar month, unless the first falls on the weekend or a legal
holiday, in which case the rent will be due on the first business day of the month. If the Rent is not
received by 5:00 p.m. on the date due, then Landlord will institute legal proceedings as necessary.

8. PAYMENT OF RENT: The initial payment of rent and security deposit under the terms of this
Rental Agreement must be made in cash or cash equivalent. Thereafter monthly rent payments may be
paid by check until the first is dishonored and returned unpaid. Time is of the essence and no excuses
will be accepted.
Rent payments shall be mailed at tenant's risk to: _____________________________________________
______________________________________________________. It is the tenant's responsibility to make
sure payments are received on or before the due date.

9. PRORATION OF FIRST MONTH'S RENT: Upon execution of the Rental Agreement, Tenant will
pay to Landlord one full month's rent plus the required security deposit in cash or cash equivalent. If the
commencement date is not the first day of a calendar month, the prorated rental from commencement
date to the first day of the next month is P_________, and will be paid as the second month's payment.
All remaining payments will be for full value.

10. LATE PAYMENTS: Tenant hereby acknowledges that late payment will cause Landlord to incur
costs not contemplated by this Rental Agreement, the exact amount of which will be extremely difficult to
ascertain. In the event rent is not received prior to 5:00 p.m. on the first of the month, regardless of cause
including dishonored checks. Neither ill health, loss of job, financial emergency or other excuse will be
accepted for late payment. Notwithstanding any notations on a check, all payments by Tenant shall be
applied: first to non-rent items due, if any, and then to rent. Landlord may require that all sums due
hereunder be paid in cash, money order, or cashier's check. Tenant and Landlord agree that all rights of
Tenant and all duties and obligations are expressly conditioned on prompt payment of rent, and use of
the premises by Tenant is conditioned on prompt payment of rent.

11. SECURITY DEPOSIT: Tenant agrees the security deposit shall be in the total sum of
P____________________________, payable to Landlord at the signing of the Rental Agreement. The rights
and obligations of the parties hereto regarding the security deposit are described below.

A. Refund: Refund of the security deposit by Landlord shall be conditioned upon the following:

1. All rents must be paid through the last day of the initial lease term or any extension
thereof. Tenant may not apply any part of the security deposit to rent.

2. The term of the Lease and any extension thereof must be ended.

3. Tenant must give Landlord at lease 30 days written notice of his intention to vacate
the premises prior to the last day of the lease term or any renewal or extension
thereof. Verbal move-out notice is not sufficient under any circumstances.

4. Tenant must vacate the premises on or before the date specified in the notice to
Landlord. Tenant agrees not to stay beyond such move-out date without the prior
written permission of the Landlord.

5. Tenant must provide Landlord, in writing, notice of the Tenant's forwarding


B. Amount of Refund: Tenant shall receive the full amount of the security deposit, less damages or
unpaid obligations owed by Tenant to Landlord pursuant hereto, including, but not limited to, unpaid
delinquent rents, costs of damages or repairs to the Premises and cleaning charges. If required by local
government rules, Landlord shall pay interest on the security deposit as required. The Tenant will be
given _______ keys at the commencement of the lease term. After subtracting lawful deductions, the
security deposit balance and an itemized list of deductions shall be mailed to Tenant within 30 days after
Tenant surrenders the premises and keys and delivers Tenant's forwarding address to Landlord in
writing. Tenant agrees to pay Landlord any excess of lawful deductions over the amount of security
deposit. Tenant is urged to make an appointment with Landlord for a move-out inspection.

12. LEGAL OBLIGATIONS: Tenants hereby acknowledge that they have a legal obligation to pay

their rent on time each and every month regardless of any other debts or responsibilities they may have.
They agree that they will be fully liable for any back rent owed. They also acknowledge that defaulting
on this Rental Agreement could result in a judgement being filed against them and a lien being filed
against their current and future assets and/or earnings.

13. CONDITION OF PREMISES: Tenant has thoroughly inspected and accepts the Premises as is
except for conditions materially affecting the health or safety of ordinary persons, and Landlord has
made no implied warranties as to the condition of the Premises. Within 7 days after commencement of
the lease, Tenant shall note in writing on the Inventory and Inspection Report given to Tenant with their
Rental Agreement, any defects or damage to the Premises and deliver or mail in to Landlord; otherwise,
the Premises will be deemed to be in clean and good condition. Tenant agrees to surrender the Premises
at the end of the term of this lease and any extension thereof in the same condition as of the date of
possession, reasonable wear and tear excepted. Reasonable wear means wear which occurs without
negligence, carelessness, accident or abuse. If Tenant fails to thoroughly clean the Premises, exterior
cleaning prior to move-out, reasonable charges to complete such cleaning shall be deducted from the
security deposit.

14. INVENTORY AND INSPECTION RECORD: An Inventory and Inspection Record has been
provided for the Tenant's use. Only after this has been filled out (within the 7 day time limit) will the
Landlord take any action to complete necessary repairs. Landlord warrants that all major systems will be
functional and in good repair at time of possession. Light switches, wall plugs, doors, windows, faucets,
drains, locks, toilets, sinks, heater etc., will either be in working order or will be repaired once Tenants
have completed the Inspection and Inventory Record. Tenants are encouraged to report any necessary
repairs, no matter how slight, in writing, but they are hereby advised that Landlord does not normally
repair or replace nonfunctional items such as paint, carpets, etc., every time a property changes
possession. Those items are scheduled for repair/replacement at regular intervals regardless of tenant

15. TENANT RESPONSIBILITY: Good housekeeping is expected of everyone. Tenant agrees to keep
quarters clean and in a sanitary condition. The Tenants agree not to permit any deterioration or
destruction to occur while they are occupying the property.

16. ALTERATIONS: Tenant shall make no alterations, decorations, additions or improvements to the
Premises or its contents without the prior written permission of Landlord, provided, however, Tenant
may hang pictures, using standard picture hooks. Landlord shall furnish light bulbs where required in
all fixtures at the time of possession which will be replaced at Tenant's expense. Tenant shall not remove
Landlord's fixtures or furniture from the Premises for any reason. Tenant shall not paint, carpet or wall
paper without the prior written consent of Landlord. All alterations, additions, or improvements upon
the premises, made by either party, shall become the property of Landlord and shall remain upon, and be
surrendered with said premises, as a part thereof, at the end of the term of the Rental Agreement.

17. LOCKS: Tenant has inspected the locks and agrees they are in good working order and sufficient
for the protection of his person and property. Tenant shall not make changes or additions to the locks
without Landlord's prior written permission. Landlord shall change locks if Tenant requests and pays a
reasonable charge.

18. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR: The Tenants hereby acknowledge that they have been informed
that the Landlord and/or his agents are not always available to provide support services to Tenants.
Tenant agrees to maintain the Premises and perform minor repairs such as repairing leaking faucets and
changing of air conditioning filters. Tenant shall be responsible for failure to make such repairs and shall
be liable for damage resulting from such failure.

Major repairs shall be reported promptly by Tenant to Landlord in writing and shall be performed
by Landlord within a reasonable time and during normal business hours. Tenant shall notify Landlord
immediately of any emergency repairs. If, in Landlord's judgment, there is substantial damage to the
Premises, Landlord may terminate this lease by giving written notice to Tenant; the rent shall be
prorated, and the balance (less lawful deductions) refunded to Tenant. Tenant shall pay Landlord for any
property damage and/or cost of repairs to the Premises caused by the negligence or improper use by
Tenant, Tenant's guests or other occupants. The cost of such may be deducted from the security deposit.

The Tenant is to be fully responsible for any damage to property of Landlord or of others which may
result from the maintenance of the pet. Tenants agree to pay for pest infestation services after
termination of occupancy and agree if such services are not done they will be completed at their expense
and deducted from the security deposits.

Landlord reserves the right to revoke this consent on three day's notice to Tenant, if in the opinion of
Landlord or Landlord's employees, the pet has been a nuisance to other residents or has not been
maintained according to these rules. In the event consent is revoked, Tenant agrees to forthwith
discontinue maintenance of the pet, and failure to so discontinue shall be a breach of the Rental
Agreement. Any animals on the property not registered under this Rental Agreement will be presumed
to be strays and will be disposed of according to law, at the option of the Landlord.

20. SUBLETTING: Tenant shall not sublet, make an assignment, or change co-tenants without the
prior written consent of Landlord and Landlord shall not be obligated to grant such consent. If Landlord
grants such permission, Tenant shall remain fully liable for the terms of this Lease, but shall receive credit
for all rentals paid by succeeding Tenants. At Landlord's option, there may be a surcharge for allowing
subletting of this agreement.

21. NUISANCE: Tenant shall not permit any nuisance to be created on the Premises and Landlord
may prohibit or regulate motorcycles, boats, trailers, recreational vehicles and inoperative vehicles on the

22. UTILITIES: Resident will be responsible for payment of all utilities, garbage, water and sewer
charges, telephone, gas, or other bills incurred during their residency. They specifically authorize
Landlord to deduct amounts of unpaid bills from their Security Deposits in the event they remain unpaid
after termination of this agreement.

23. ENTRY BY LANDLORD: Landlord or other persons engaged to do so by Landlord may enter the
Premises during reasonable times and for reasonable purposes, including, but not limited to the
following purposes: Inspections, repairs, preventive maintenance, emergency safety or fire inspections,
prevention of property damage, prevention or waste of utilities furnished by Landlord (if any),
enforcement of Landlord's lien, retrieval or recovery of property belonging to a former tenant, showing
Premises to prospective tenants or purchasers, building inspectors, fire marshalls, lenders, appraisers or
insurance agents. Landlord shall leave written notice for any entry made in the absence of Tenant.

24. NONWAIVER: Failure by Landlord to enforce or demand performance of any obligation of

Tenant hereunder, or to seek remedy for breach thereof, shall not operate to waive or excuse defaults or
other obligations nor further defaults of the same obligation.

25. LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY: Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant, Tenant's guests or other
occupants or persons on the Premises for personal injury, property damage or other losses to such
persons or their property; caused by other persons, theft, burglary, assault, other crimes, fire, water,
wind, rain, smoke, or any other causes. Tenant agrees to indemnify and hold Landlord free and harmless
from any and all liability for injury to or death of any person or persons, including Tenant, in or about the
leased Premises with the express or implied consent of Tenant. Landlord recommends that Tenant secure

insurance for Tenant's own account to protect Tenant from the hazards of such losses as are described
above. Landlord shall have no duty to furnish smoke detectors or additional locks, except as required by
law. When smoke detectors are furnished, Landlord shall test same and provide initial batteries as
required at the time of lease commencement; thereafter, Tenant shall pay for, test, and replace smoke
detector batteries as needed.

In the event Tenant retains or requests Landlord's employees or contractors to render services not
contemplated in this agreement, or without prior knowledge and consent of Landlord expressed in
writing, such employees or contractors shall be deemed the agent of the Tenant whether compensated by
the Tenant or by The Landlord, and Tenant agrees to hold harmless and indemnify Landlord for and
from all liability for the acts or omissions of such persons.

26. DEFAULT BY LANDLORD: Upon default by Landlord of any obligation imposed hereunder,
Tenant may terminate this lease upon the following conditions:

1. All rent and other charges must be current;

2. Tenant shall make written request for performance or cure of any such obligation or
default and allow Landlord a reasonable time, which shall in no event be less than seven
days after the date of actual receipt by Landlord of said request, and which may be more
than seven days, considering the nature of the default and the availability of materials,
labor and utilities or other resources for cure of the default. After such reasonable notice
period, if performance or cure of the default has not been completed, then Tenant may
terminate this lease by giving Landlord written notice of his election to do so and Landlord
shall thereupon refund Tenant's security deposit(s), less proper charges, together with any
unearned portion of any rent paid.

27. DEFAULT BY TENANT: If tenant shall default in the prompt payment of rent or any other sums
due herein, abandon the Premises, or violate any of the terms of this Lease, Landlord may terminate
Tenant's right to occupancy by giving Tenant a three (3) day written notice to vacate by first class mail or
personally delivered to Tenant or left in a conspicuous place on the Premises, and Landlord shall have
the right to file a Forcible Entry and Detainer suit in the proper court for possession. After giving such
notice, or filing suit for possession, Landlord may accept payment for sums due herein without waiving
or diminishing Landlord's right to proceed against Tenant for eviction, property damages, past or future
rent, or other sums due herein. Landlord may report any unpaid sums due herein, breaches of this Lease,
or property damages, to credit reporting agencies for addition to Tenant's credit files.

28. ACCELERATION OF RENT: In the event Tenant, prior to the end of the term of this Lease, or
extension or renewal thereof, (1) abandons the Premises, (2) gives Landlord verbal or written notice of
intent to move out prior to the end of the lease term or renewal or extension thereof, (3) removes
property in contemplation of moving out, or (4) is judicially evicted, all monthly rentals for the remainder
of the lease term or renewal or extension period shall be accelerated automatically without notice or
demand, and shall immediately become due and payable.

29. RELETTING OF PREMISES: If Tenant is evicted or moves out and all rent is not paid in full for
the entire lease term or renewal or extension period, Tenant shall remain liable for all rents due, and shall
also be charged for costs of reletting the Premises, which reletting costs shall not exceed one month's rent.
Landlord shall attempt to relet the Premises, and all rentals received from such reletting, if any, shall be
credited against Tenant's liability for future rentals. Such reletting shall not relieve Tenant of Tenant's
obligation to pay all rent due.

30. HOLDOVER: If Tenant holds over and fails to vacate on or before the contracted move-out date
(end of lease term, or any renewal or extension period, or the move-out date agreed to by the parties),
Tenant shall be liable to pay rents for the holdover period and shall indemnify Landlord and/or
prospective tenants or purchasers for damages (i.e., lost rentals or profits of sale, lodging expenses and
attorney's fees). Rents during the holdover period shall be due on a daily basis at the rate of 150% of the

normal daily rent unless otherwise agreed in writing.

31. ABANDONMENT: If Tenant (1) is absent from the Premises for five (5) consecutive days while in
default of this Lease, or (2) has been evicted, or (3) leaves personal property after the termination of the
Lease, all personal property found in the Premises may be deemed by Landlord to be abandoned and
Landlord or its representatives may peaceably enter, remove and dispose of such personal property as
Landlord sees fit without any liability or duty to account for such personal property to Tenant

32. CONTRACTUAL LIEN: All personal property on the Premises is hereby subjected to a
contractual lien in favor of Landlord to secure payment of rent. In order to enforce said lien in the
event of a default in the payment of rent, Landlord, or its representative, may peacefully enter the
Premises and remove and store all non-exempt property therein. Landlord shall be entitled to
reasonable charges for packing, removing and storing property taken hereunder. If Tenant is not
present when property is removed hereunder, written notice of Landlord's entry shall be left at the
Premises. Landlord may sell all property subject to Landlord's lien at public or private sale after
giving Tenant 30 days written notice by certified mail of the time and place of such sale to Tenant's
last known address. Sale shall be to the highest bidder and Landlord shall credit the proceeds thereof
first to all costs and expenses incident to the removal, storage and sale of the property, then rent due
and any excess shall be mailed to Tenant at such address as Tenant may furnish. The foregoing lien
rights may be exercised by Landlord with or without resort to judicial proceedings.

34. MULTIPLE TENANTS: Each Tenant and each Tenant's share of the total security deposit is jointly
and severally liable for all obligations and sums due pursuant to this lease agreement. A lease violation
by one Tenant is a violation by all Tenants. Notice by Landlord to one Tenant is notice to all Tenants.
Entry permission or service request from one Tenant shall be from
all Tenants. Security deposit refund may be in one check jointly payable to all Tenants and such refund
check and itemization of deduction may be mailed to one Tenant only.

35. RENT INCREASES: No rent increases shall be allowed during the initial lease term. At least 30
days prior written notice is required for any rent increase.

36. SIGNS AND SHOWING: During the last 30 days of this lease, a "For Lease" sign may be displayed
on the Premises and the Premises may be shown at reasonable times to prospective tenants. During the
term of this lease, a "For Rent" sign may be displayed on the Premises and the Premises may be shown at
reasonable times to prospective takers. Tenant agrees to cooperate with Landlord/agent in showing
property to prospective tenants, prior to termination of occupancy.

37. SUBORDINATION: This lease and Tenant's leasehold interest hereunder are and shall be subject,
subordinate, and inferior to any lien or encumbrance now or hereafter placed on the premises by
Landlord, to all advances made under such lien or encumbrances to the interest payable on any such lien
or encumbrance, and to any and all renewals or any such lien or encumbrance, and the rights of such lien

38. TENANT'S PHONE NUMBERS: Tenant(s) shall keep Landlord informed at all times of Tenant's
current employer and Tenant's resident and employment phone numbers, listed or unlisted.

39. ROOF AND TERMITE ALERT: Tenant agrees to notify Landlord immediately if roof leaks, water
spots appear on ceiling, or at the first sign of termite activity.

40. PEST-CONTROL POLICY: Resident is responsible for any ongoing pest control service, if the
Resident desires such a service. Landlord is not responsible for any damage done to the Resident's
person, or property by such pests, or to the person or property of Resident's family or any other persons
on their premises.

41. WAIVER: All rights given to Landlord by this agreement shall be cumulative in addition to any
laws which exist or might come into being. Any exercise or any rights by Landlord or failure to exercise
any rights shall not act as waiver of those or any other rights. No statement or promise by Landlord, its
agents or employees, as to tenancy, repairs, amount of rent to be paid, or other terms and conditions shall
be binding unless it is put in writing and made a specific part of this agreement.

42. LEGAL BINDING: Tenant hereby states that they have the legal rights to sign for any and all
other residents and to commit them to abide by this contract.

43. TERMS: In this agreement the singular number where used will include the plural, the masculine
gender will include the feminine, their term Landlord will include Landlord, Lessor; and the term
Resident will include Tenant, Lessee.

44. GENERAL: This written agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties. No oral
agreements or representations have been made. This agreement may be modified only in writing signed
by all parties. Landlord has relied upon every part of Tenant's rental application, and any false or
misleading statement therein shall be cause for termination of this agreement or any attachment hereto
shall not invalidate the remainder. In any legal proceeding pursuant to this lease, including a suit to
enforce this lease or to collect damages for its breach, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover
attorney's fees, costs of court and interest at the rate of 18% per annum upon all sums due from due date
from the non-prevailing party. Tenant may not withhold rent or offset against rent. This agreement shall
be binding upon and inure to be construed under an in accordance with the laws. This agreement shall
be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors,
administrators, legal representatives, successors and assigns.

45. FULL DISCLOSURE: The Tenants signing this Rental Contract hereby state that all questions
about this Rental Agreement have been answered, that they fully understand all the provisions of the
agreement and the obligations and responsibilities of each party, as spelled out herein. They further state
that they agree to fulfill their obligations in every respect or suffer the full legal and financial
consequences of their actions or lack of action in violation of this agreement. Signature by the Tenant on
this Rental Agreement is acknowledgment and he/she has received a signed copy of the Rental

46. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: _________________________________________________


50. VALIDITY OF LEASE PROVISIONS: Any provision set forth in this Rental Agreement which is
contrary to the local laws shall be treated by Landlord and Tenant as void and as if it were not set forth
herein, but all other provision of the Rental Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.


____________________________________ ___________________________________

____________________________________ ___________________________________

Date:_______________________________ Date: ______________________________


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