Endogenous Notes PDF
Endogenous Notes PDF
Endogenous Notes PDF
Goods-producing Knowledge-
sector producing sector
s Output 1–s
New knowledge
Investment Consumption
B aK K aL L which means growth rate of A (our old g)
o Note that = 1
depends on the amounts of K and L devoted to research and is constant if those
amounts are constant.
o Replication argument cannot be used to justify CRTS here
Same knowledge produced by two people is not twice as valuable
Positive spillovers could yield increasing returns to scale
Are other discoveries substitutes or complements for the next discovery?
No depreciation and constant saving rate mean K t sY t
Exogenous growth of labor force: L t nL t
Y t A t 1 a L L
A t
B a L L
A t
Output is proportional to A and the growth rate of A is a constant, so this
model has a constant growth rate of output that is determined by B, aL,
and L (and ).
Higher R&D productivity, more labor being used in the labs, and a bigger
population all lead to a higher growth rate (not just to a higher, parallel
growth path)
For the full model (with K), we have two state variables, A and K
o We denote the growth rates of A and K by gA and gK
Dynamics of K
K t sY t s 1 a k 1 a L K t A t L t
1 1 1
o The term in brackets is a constant (over time) that we shall call cK
o The growth rate of K at every moment t is
A t L t
K t
gK t cK
K t K t
o We seek a steady state in which K grows at a constant rate gK , so we want to
analyze the change in or growth rate of the growth rate
g K t
o 1 g A n g K using our rules for growth rates
gK t
g K t 0 if g K t g A t n
g K t 0 if g K t g A t n g K 0 : gK* g A* n
g K t 0 if g K t g A t n
The g K 0 curve is a line with slope of one and intercept on the gK axis
at n ≥ 0.
Below the line, g K 0 and above the line g K 0 , so the arrows
point vertically toward the line
Dynamics of A
A t
gA t BaK a L K t L t A t
A t
o The term in brackets is constant over time and called cA
58 David Romer’s R&D model
Slope of g A 0 line is 1 , so it is steeper than the g K 0 line
gA* gA
The economy will move into the channel between the lines and
then growth in both K and A will accelerate forever.
Intuitively, a bigger economy means more scientists means more
discoveries means faster growth. As long as n > 0, the exogenous
growth in the labor force leads to accelerating growth.
If n = 0, then the two lines coincide
Economy converged to the line and on the line, both growth rates
are constant and equal (because the line has slope of one)
Microeconomics of R&D 61
Microeconomics of R&D
The key question that we have dodged in Romer’s R&D model: What determines aK?
o Capital owners must decide whether to build factories or labs
o Economists would assume that the choose the use of their capital that provides
the higher rate of return
So in equilibrium the amount of capital in the two sectors would have to
balance the marginal rates of return
o Rate of return on factories is straightforward: They produce output that is sold to
earn revenue
How do labs earn money?
o In the real world, there are lots of funding sources for R&D
Corporate funding
Government grants
Tuition from university students
Since we don’t model government or university research, we are
interested mostly in corporate-funded research and development
o In our model, knowledge is purely non-rival and non-excludable
Any discovery is immediately useful to all producers
62 Model of Learning by Doing
A t BK t
Y t K t B 1 K t L t
o A t BK t
Yi t B 1 K t K i t Li t
1 1
This means that all firms have the same that is equal to the aggregate
Setting Ki/Li = K/L,
K t
r t B K t
1 1
L t
B1 K t K t L t
1 1
BL t
This rate of return r is constant over time (with n = 0) and depends on
the rate of knowledge accumulation through investment B, , and the
size of the labor force
Note that the marginal social product of capital (varying K as well as Ki) is
larger than the marginal private product
K i Ki K
C t
r BL
In this case, r t r and g
C t
o To satisfy the economy’s budget constraint, Y must grow at the same rate as C, so
the economy grows at g at every instant.
o There are no convergence dynamics: wherever an economy is, it just grows at g
from there. (Poor countries with same parameters do not catch up.)
o Growth rate g depends on parameters of economy: , B, L, , .
o Once again, we have “scale effects” because a larger L means a faster growth
If we allow n > 0, then we have both endogenous and exogenous growth
and the growth rate accelerates over time.
(Paul) Romer model (not worth doing the details) 65
Are scale effects realistic? Some argue no, but Kremer’s argument for
Eurasia, Australia, and Tasmania seems to provide some support.
In addition, there is much evidence that growth has accelerated over the
centuries (as population has grown).
o Non-optimality: social planner would internalize the knowledge externality and
use r * BL r BL
1 1
leading to faster growth at g * g
K t sY t K t
A t gA t
L t nL t
k t sf k t n g k t
s 1
k 0 k k *
n g
Human Capital in the Solow Model 67
L / N
It is intuitively clear (and mathematically easy) that 0
Dynamics of increase in E
Initial effect lowers Y because fewer people in labor force but no immediate increase in
the education of those who are working
In steady state, the two effects noted above are in conflict and we don’t know which will
Y / N Y / N Y / N L / N
E E L / N E
o The first term depends mostly on G E and the second is negative.
o If G E is large, then Y/N is likely to rise with an increase in E
68 Human Capital in the Solow Model
o This makes intuitive sense: if education is highly productive it will raise per-
capita income; if it is not, then it drains people who could be working into useless