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Document Name: ASTM D1692: Test for Flammability of Plastic Sheeting

and Cellular Plastics
CFR Section(s): 29 CFR 1910.103(c)(1)(v)(D)

Standards Body: American Society for Testing and Materials

Official Incorporator:

Designation: o 1692 - 68

Standard Method of Test for

This Standard. i~ issued u~der th~ fixed designatio~ p 1692; the number imI?~diately following the designation indicates
the year of ongmal adoptIOn or, III the case of reVISIOn, the year of last reVISIOn. A number in parentheses indicates the
year oflast reapproval.

1. Scope by such factors as density and direction of rise

1.1 This method covers a small scale lab- in the case of cellular plastics, and the thick-
oratory screening procedure for comparing ness of the specimen. These factors must be
the relative flammability of plastic sheeting considered in order to compare materials on
and cellular plastics. This method should be the same basis.
used solely to establish relative burning 2.2.2 Round-robin results between five
characteristics and should not be considered laboratories indicate that burning extent can
or used as a fire hazard classification. be determined with a precision 0-[ ±2 mm
1.2 Materials that exhibit pronounced (±0.1 in.).
shrinking, curling, or melting away upon
3. Apparatus
heating cannot be evaluated by this test, un-
less they are preconditioned to prevent dis- 3.1 Test Chamber-Any enclosure is
tortion of the specimen while under test. satisfactory that is large enough to provide
1.3 This method is not applicable to ma- quiet draft-free air around the specimen dur-
terials that cannot be ignited under the condi- ing test, yet will permit normal thermal circu-
tions of this test,' or to materials that exhibit lation of air past the specimen during burning.
progressive combustion without flame (con- A hood is recommended in order to remove
tinued glowing or,charring). the sometimes noxious products of combus-
NOTE -The values stated in U.S. customary
tion. If a test chamber is used, it- should be of
units are to be regarded as the standard. The metric such a design that it can be used in a hood.
equivalents of U.S. customary units may be ap- For referee purposes, test results with the
proximate. chamber should be the same whether or not
2. Significance the hood exhaust is on. In cases of discrepancy,
values obtained with the damper closed or the
2.1 Tests made on a material under condi- ho~d fan off, or both, will be considered valid.
tions herein prescribed can be of considerable 3.1.1 The recommended test chamber
value in comparing the flammability charac-- should be constructed of sheet metal or other
teristics of different materials, in controlling fire-resistant material, having inside dimen-
manufacturing processes, or as a measure of sions 300 mm (12 in.) wide, 600 mm (24 in.)
deterioration or change in flammability prior long, and 760 mm (30 in.) high, open at the
to or during use. Correlation with flammabil- top, with a y~ntilating opening approximately
ity under actual use conditions is not implied. 25 mm (1 in.) high around the bottom. A view-
2.2 This method is not intended to be a ing window of heat-resistant glass should be
criterion for fire hazard. Fire hazard more
properly includes such other factors in addi-
tion to burning rate and flame spread as ease 1 This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM
of ignition, fuel contribution, intensity of burn- Committee D-20 on Plastics and is the direct responsibility
of Subcommittee D-20.30 on Thermal Properties,
ing, products of combustion, and others. Current edition effective Sept. 9, 1968. Originally
2.2.1 Burning characteristics are affected issued 1959. Replaces 01692 - 67 T.
0 1692

of sufficient size and in such a position that 5. Conditioning

the entire length of the specimen under test 5.1 Unless otherwise agreed upon between
may be observed. The chamber should be the purchaser and the seller, materials shall
readily opened and closed to facilitate mount..: be conditioned prior to test in an atmosphere
ing and ignition of the test specimen. having a temperature of 23 ± 2 C (73.4 ±
3.2 Burner-A standard 9.5-mm CIs.,.in.) 3.6 F) and a relative humidity of 50 ± 5 per-
barrel bunsen or Tirrill burner fitted with a cent, so that successive weighings at 24-h
48 ± I-mm (Cis ± 1/ 16-in.) wide wing top. intervals do not differ by more than 1 percent
3.2.1 The wing top opening may have to be of the sample weight. Tests shall be made in
adjusted to approximately 3.2 mm Cis in.) to this atmosphere or immediately after r~moval
provide the flame required in 6.3. therefrom.
3.3 Fuel Supply-Propane gas of at least
85 percent purity. 6. Procedure
3.4 Specimen Support-Hardware cloth of 6.1 Clamp the hardware-cloth specimen
6.4-mm C/4-in.) mesh using 0.8-mm CI32-in.) support horizontally so that the bottom of the
diameter steel wire. Cloth sample 76 by 216 hardware-cloth support is 13 mm CI2 in.)
mm (3 by 8 /12 in.) shall have 13 mm CI2 in.) above the top of the burner wing top, as
of length bent to form a right angle. This will shown in Fig. 1. Burn off any material re-
form the specimen support as shown in Fig. 1. maining on the hardware cloth from previous
3.5 Specimen Support Holders-Any hold- tests or use a new screen for each test. If a
ing devices which will clamp the hardware- new 'screen is not used for each test, the old
cloth specimen support horizontally so that screen should be cool to the touch before being
the bottom of the bent-up portion is 13 mm used.
CI2 in.) above the top of the burner wing top, 6.2 Place the specimen on the support with
as shown in Fig. 1. A typical arrangement one end touching the 13 mm CI2-in.) berit-up
consists of two laboratory ring stands with two portion of the support and with the longitudi-
adjustable flat-surface clamps which may be nal axis parallel to that of the support. The
locked in place by set screw or lock nut. end of the specimen nearest the gage mark
3.6 Timing Device, accurate to ± 1 s. should be away from the bent-up end of the
3.7 Measuring Scale. specimen support, so that the gage mark is
3.8 A device to _. ensure correct relative 127 mm (5 in.) away from the bent-up end,
positioning of burner and specimen. as shown in Fig. 1.
6.3 Adjust the burner with the wing top to
4. Test Specimens' provide a blue flame whose visible portion is
4.1 Ten specimens 51 by 152 mm (2 by 6 38 mm (1112 in.) high with a clearly defined
in.) are needed. inner cone 6 mm C/4 in.) high. Place the
4.1.1 Cellular plastic specimens shall be burner under the bent-up end of the specimen
cut from uniform density material. Materials support so that one edge of the flame is in
supplied in thicknesses over 13 mm CI2 in.) line with the vertical section of hardware cloth
shall be cut to 13 mm CI2 in.) thickness and and the other edge of the flame extends into
any skin removed. Materials foamed in thick- the front edge of the specimen, as shown in
nesses of 13 mm CI2 in.) or less shall be Fig. 2. The center of the wing top shall be
tested at the thickness supplied. Care should directly under the center line of the specimen.
be taken to remove all dust and cut particles 6.4 Start the timing device when the flame
from the foam surfaces. is first applied to the specimen. After 60 s,
4.1.2 Sheet samples shall be cut from a remove the burner at least 150 mm (6 in.)
thickness of sheet normally supplied or com- away from the test specimen. Note the time,
pression molded to a desired thickness. Edges in seconds, when the flame reaches the gage
of the cut specimens shall be filed smooth. mark, if this occurs, or when the flame is ex-
4.2 Each test specimen shall be marked tinguished before reaching the gage mark, if
across its width by one line 25 mm (1 in.) this occurs. The time at which the flame front
from one end. reaches the gage mark is designated t g , and
D 1692

the time at which the flame is extinguished 8. Report

before reaching the gage mark is designated 8.1 Unless otherwise agreed between the
te, or "extinguishment time." If the flame purchaser and the seller, the report shall in-
is extinguished before reaching the gage mark, clude the following:
the "burning extent" is equal to 152 mm 8.1.1 A description of the material tested,
(6 in.) minus the distance from the unburned including any prior treatment or conditioning
end to the nearest evidence of the flame front, of the material before testing, other than cut-
such as charring, along the upper surface of ting and trimming.
the specimen. Note burning characteristics 8.1.2 Density and direction of rise of cellu-
such as intumescence, melting, dripping, or lar materials: direction of rise can be reported
smothering. as 13-mm C/2-in.) parallel, 50-mm (2-in.)
6.4.1 In some cases, extinguishment may parallel, or I50-mm (6-in.) parallel, depend-
occur in the first 60 s. In such cases, the dis- ing on the specimen dimension parallel to the
appearance of the yellow or characteristic foam rise direction.
flame shall be construed as extinguishment. 8.1.3 Thickness of the specimens to the
6.5 Discontinue testing if three specimens nearest 1 mm C/32 in.), and presence or
out of the ten have been found which burn absence of skins.
past the gage mark. 8.1.4 Average, high, and low values of
burning rate, in millimeters per minute (or
7. Calculations inches per minute), to the nearest 2.5 mm/
min (0.1 in./min).
7.1 If the flame front passes the gage mark,
8.1.5 If no specimens burn past the gage
the burning rate is equal to 762/tg cm/min
mark, average, high, and low values of burn-
(300/tg in./min). If the flame is extinguished
ing extent in millimeters (inches) and extin-
before reaching the gage mark, the burning
guishment time in seconds. Report the sam-
rate is equal to 60 times the burning extent
ple as "self-extinguishing by this test" (SE)
divided by the extinguishment time te.
with subscript data specifying average 9urn-
7.2 If in all ten specimens the flame is
ing extent to the nearest 2.5 mm (0.1 in.) and
extinguished before reaching the gage mark,
average extinguishment time to the nearest
the average burning rate, burning extent,
1.0 s.
and extinguishment time of all ten specimens
shall be calculated: -'.
7.3 If one or more specimens have been SHu in., 65 " and SEo.y in., 38 s
found which burn past the gage mark and 8.1.6 Number of specimens tested, and
others do not, the burning rate of the sample number of specimens in which the flame front
is equal to the average of the burning rates of did not reach the gage mark.
the specimens ~hich burn past the gage mark, 8.1. 7 A description of burning character-
and burning extent and extinguishment time istics such as warping, intumescence, melting,
are not calculated for the sample. dripping, charring, or smothering.
Logo 0 1692

FIG. 1 Relative Positions of Burner Wing Top, Specimen, and Specimen Support.

SPECIMEN 13 mm (1/2 ")


'C WIRE SCREEN 6.4 m (1/4") MESH


38mm (1-1/2") HIGH
. . . . - - t - - - - PROFILE OF INNERCONE
6mm (1/4") HIGH

FIG.2 Relative Positions of Burner Wing Top, Flame, Specimen, and Specimen Support.

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