KP Astrology Ascendant SSL Understanding PDF
KP Astrology Ascendant SSL Understanding PDF
KP Astrology Ascendant SSL Understanding PDF
Rule: 1
Health (1st)
If the sub lord of the Asc. be in the star of the occupant of the house 1 or 11, health is normal.
If the sub lord of the Asc. be the significator (i.e. in the star of the occupant or owner) of the house 6 (sickness)
or 8 (danger to life) or 12 (hospitalization), it is not good for health.
The native may suffer from sickness or disease, during the joint period of the significators of 1 and 6, or 1 and
8, or 1 and 12.
Rule: 2
Disease (6th)
If the sub lord of the 6th cusp be the significator of 6 or 8 or 12 and connected with 1, the native may suffer
from disease during the sub period of this cuspal sub lord of 6.
If the sub lord of the 6th cusp be connected with Saturn, disease becomes chronic; if with Mars disease is acute,
sudden and painful, and causes operations; if with Mercury disease gets complicated; and if with Rahu or Ketu
disease remains undiagnosed. Rahu is similar to Saturn and Ketu is similar to Mars in effects.
If the sub lord of the 8th or 12th cusp be the significator of 6 or 8 or 12, then native suffers from the disease
and permanent defect, which is related to sign and house of 6th cusp sub lord and its star lord.
Similarly, if the sub lord of the 8th or 12th cusp be the significator of 6 or 8 or 12, then native suffers from seri-
ous illness or chronic disease or the disease which might bring some permanent defect, related to sign and
house of 6th cusp sub lord and its star lord.
During the joint period of the significators of 1, 5 or 11, disease is cured
Rule: 3
Cure (1,5,11)
If the sub lord of the 6th or 8th or 12th or 11th cusp be the significator (i.e. in the star of the occupant or
owner) of 1, 5 or 11, disease is cured or the native is saved from any danger or otherwise.
During the joint period of the significators of 1, 5 and 11, disease is cured or the native is saved from any dan-
ger or otherwise.
Astrologer needs to select from sub lord of Asc., 6th or 8th or 12th as per his experience, and it is advisable that
first examine all the cusp sub lords and then come to any conclusion.
Cusp 6th (Scorpio 280.24’.33”): The sub lord of the 6th cusp is Moon. Moon is in the star of Rahu and sub of
Jupiter. Moon is occupant of 11, owner of 1. Star lord Rahu is occupant of 10. Rahu is in sign of Taurus. Hence
represent Venus. Venus is occupant of 4, owner of 11. No planet in the star of Venus and Venus is CSL of 4, 12.
Sub lord Jupiter is occupant of 4, owner of 6, 9. Thus 6th sub lord Moon signifies 4, 11, 12 and connected with
11, 1, 4, 6, 9. Hence Moon indicates 4, 12, 6 of disease. Her 6th cusp’s connection with Rahu makes her disease
remain undiagnosed.
Cusp 8th (Aquarius 170.44’.13”): The sub lord of the 8th cusp is Sun. Sun is in the star of Mercury and sub of
Rahu. Sun is occupant of 5, owner of 2. No planet in the star of Sun and Sun is CSL of 8. Star lord Mercury is
occupant of 4, owner of 3, 12. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 10. Rahu is in sign of Taurus. Hence represent Ve-
nus. Venus is occupant of 4, owner of 11. No planet in the star of Venus and Venus is CSL of 4, 12. Thus 8th
cusp sub lord Sun signifies 4, 3, 12 and connected with 5, 2, 8, 10, 4, 11, 12. Hence Sun indicates 8 (danger to
life), 12 (hospitalization). So there is chance of disease and permanent defect.
Cusp 12th (Gemini 280.24’.33”): The sub lord of the 12th cusp is Venus. Venus is in the star of Jupiter and
sub of Mercury. Venus is occupant of 4, owner of 11. No planet in the star of Venus and Venus is CSL of 4, 12.
Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 4, owner of 6, 9. Sub lord Mercury is occupant of 4, owner of 3, 12. Thus 12th
cusp sub lord Venus signifies 4, 6, 9 and connected with 4, 6, 11, 12. Hence Venus indicates 6 (sickness), 12
(hospitalization). So there is chance of disease and permanent defect.
Running Bhukti is Saturn. Saturn is in the star of own and sub of Jupiter. Saturn is occupant of 12(Moksha),
owner of 7(badhaka), 8(danger to life). Sub lord Jupiter is occupant of 4, owner of 6, 9. Thus this bhukti is signi-
fies 12(Moksha),7(Badhaka), 8 (danger to life) and connected with 12 (Moksha),7 (Badhaka), 8 (danger to life),
6 (sickness). So there is chance of disease and permanent defect as well as danger to life.
Nature of disease:
Cusp 6th (Scorpio 280.24’.33”): The sub lord of the 6th cusp is Moon. Moon is in the star of Rahu and sub of
Moon indicates breast, tumor, uterus, womb, tissues of the body. Moon is in the sign of Gemini indicates nerv-
ousness, difficulty being treated with chemical drugs, delicate nerves, weak lung, pneumonia, asthma, nervous
stomach. Moon is occupant of 11 which indicates blood related diseases, hemoglobin; owner of 1 which indi-
cates vertigo sharp pain, rupture, neuralgia.
Star lord Rahu represents Venus. Venus indicates blood diseases like blood disorder, blood poisoning, blood
pressure high or low. Venus in the sign of Libra indicates insufficient kidney action, fallopian tumor. Venus is
occupant of 4 which indicates breast, tumor, uterus, womb, tissues of the body, cancer causing attitude, cancer-
ous growth, stomach ulcer; owner of 11 which indicate blood related diseases, hemoglobin; No planet is in the
star of Venus and Venus is CSL of 4, 12 which indicates bunion, coma, deformity, serious state of ill health.
Sub lord Jupiter indicates asthma, back pain, blood corruption, blood putrefaction, bone marrow, cardiac affec-
tions. Jupiter in the sign of Libra indicates poor venous circulation, fatty kidneys, hormonal disturbance, acne,
ovarian and fallopian cysts or tumors. Jupiter is occupant of 4 which indicates breast, tumor, uterus, womb, tis-
sues of the body, cancer causing attitude, cancerous growth stomach ulcer; owner of 6 which indicates bowel
disturbance/obstruction, 9 indicates disease caused by excesses, insomnia, liver problem.
My opinion: If we check above explanations of disease indication, possible cancer related to blood,
breast, tumor, uterus, womb is repeatedly seen. The current running joint period of Mercury – Sat-
urn (cancer causing attitude) from 01-11-2009 to 11-07-2012 is also danger to life for her.