Philippines Ports Authority Vs City of Iloilo

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Philippines Ports Authority vs.

City of IloIlo
GR N0. 109791

PLAINTIFF: Philippine Ports Authority

DEFENDANT: City of IloIlo
DATE: July 14, 2003
PONENTE: J. Azcuna


 This is a case wherein City of IloIlo filed an action for recovery of sum of money against Philippine Ports Authority a
government corporation created by PD 857
o Seeks to collect from PPA real property taxes as well as business taxes, computed from the last quarter of 1984
up to 4th quarter
 City of IloIlo alleges that PPA is engaged in business of arrastre and stevedoring services and the leasing of leasing of
real estate for which it should be obligated to pay business taxes
o Declared and registered owner of a warehouse – therefore subject to real property taxes
 City of IloIlo demands the aggregate amount of 500k plus interests and penalty
o PPA then filed its Answer
 During the Pre-trial conference, factual and legal issue were clarified
 Court – held PPA liable for Real Property Tax
 PPA seeks review of the case
o It decreed a property of public dominion (port facility) as subject to realty taxes just because the mentioned
property is being administered by what it perceived to be a taxable government corporation.
 Respondent in its comment, points out that petitioner never raised the issue that the subject property is of public dominion
during the trial nor did mention it in the memorandum

Issue: W/N PPA may change its theory on appeal, NO


As a rule, a party who deliberately adopts a certain theory upon which the case is tried and decided by the lower court will not be
permitted to change theory on appeal. Points of law, theories, issues and arguments not brought to the attention of the lower court
need not be, and ordinarily will not be, considered by a reviewing court, as these cannot be raised for the first time at such late
stage. Basic considerations of due process underlie this rule. It would be unfair to the adverse party who would have no opportunity
to present further evidence material to the new theory, which it could have done had it been aware of it at the time of the hearing
before the trial court. To permit petitioner in this case to change its theory on appeal would thus be unfair to respondent, and offend
the basic rules of fair play, justice and due process.

Petitioner however cites an exception to the rule, as enunciated in Lianga Lumber Co. v. Lianga Timber Co., Inc.,[11] wherein we said:

[I]n the interest of justice and within the sound discretion of the appellate court, a party may change his theory on appeal only when
the factual bases thereof would not require presentation of any further evidence by the adverse party in order to enable it to properly
meet the issue raised in the new theory.

Petitioner contends that its new theory falls under the aforecited exception, as the issue does not involve any disputed evidentiary

Contrary to petitioners claim, we find that the new issue raised is not a purely legal question. It must be emphasized that the
enumeration of properties of public dominion under Article 420 of the Civil Code specifically states ports constructed by the State.
Thus, in order to consider the port in the case at bar as falling under the said classification, the fact that the port was constructed by
the State must first be established by sufficient evidence. This fact proved crucial in Santos v. Moreno,[12] where the issue raised was
whether the canals constructed by private persons were of public or private ownership. We ruled that the canals were privately owned,

Under Art. 420, canals constructed by the State and devoted and devoted to public use are of public ownership. Conversely, canals
constructed by private persons within private lands and devoted exclusively for private use must be of private ownership.

In the case at bar, no proof was adduced to establish that the port was constructed by the State. Petitioner cannot have us
automatically conclude that its port qualified as property of public dominion. It would be unfair to respondent, which would be deprived
of its opportunity to present evidence to disprove the factual basis of the new theory. It is thus clear that the Lianga exception cannot
apply in the case at bar.

Moreover, as correctly pointed out by respondent, we cannot ignore the fact that petitioners new position runs contrary to its own
admission in the pleadings filed in the trial court.

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