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Food Order System Usingmobile

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Food Ordering System Using Mobile Phone





University Tunku Abdul Rahman

in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of



Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

(Perak Campus)

Jan 2016

I declare that this report entitled “Food Ordering System using Mobile Phone” is my
own work except as cited in the references. The report has not been accepted for any
degree and is not being submitted concurrently in candidature for any degree or other

Signature : _________________________

Name : _LEONG WAI HONG_________

Date : _20 APRIL 2016 _________

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering

Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (Perak Campus), UTAR. ii
First of all, I would like to express a deeply thank to my supervisor, Mr. Ku Chin Soon
for his demonstration of guidance, giving useful advice, conceptualize the project which
enabled me to have clear understanding of my final year project. Lastly, I would like to
thanks again to my final year project super visor and whoever has guided me most of the
time and supported me throughout the project.

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering

Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (Perak Campus), UTAR. iii

The purpose of this project is to develop a computerized and mobilized food ordering
system that can be used to revolutionize the traditional ordering system that currently
implemented in majority of the food and beverage industry. The traditional system that
using by most of the food and beverage industry is the traditional manual ordering system
which means all works and procedures is recorded through manpower manual work and
it consist of a huge amount of paper work that is not effective and efficiency. This cause
the business to encounter trouble which regarding human error due to the huge amount of
manpower manual work that operating in each business routine. Thus, this computerized
and mobilized food ordering system is designed to assist the business routine in term of
having better management as well as easier to handle daily business operation.

This system is designed for small medium enterprise food and beverage industry. The
chosen methodology for this project is throwaway prototyping methodology. This is
because majority of the targeted user do not have the experience in using computerized
system in food ordering procedure as they implement traditional ordering system
previously. Therefore, this methodology enables developer to communicate with target
user through using the prototyping, which can let target user to review, evaluate, visualize
and learn about the system before the actual implementation of the final system.

Furthermore, the system is a cross platform system which involve desktop based and
mobile phone based which is in Android operating system. It is also the highlighted
feature of the system which does not limited the ordering procedures to desktop based as
portable and mobility is the current trend. Besides that, with this feature it also provide a
degree of level of self service for targeted users’ consumers, as they can place order
themselves through using the mobile application.

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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (Perak Campus), UTAR. iv
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................ viii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Project Overview.................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Project Background ................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Problem Domain .................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Project Objectives .................................................................................................................. 4
1.4.1 Provide convenience for both employees and consumers ............................................... 4
1.4.2 Assist restaurant to plan ahead ........................................................................................ 4
1.4.3 Prevention of food serves not in sequence ...................................................................... 4
1.5 Project Scope ......................................................................................................................... 6
1.6 Impact, Significance and Contribution .................................................................................. 7
1.7 Chapter Summary .................................................................................................................. 8
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Wireless Food Ordering System ............................................................................................ 9
2.2 Online Ordering System ...................................................................................................... 12
2.3 Electronic Menu Card for Restaurants ................................................................................. 15
2.4 Chapter Summary ................................................................................................................ 17
CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................... 18
3.1 Proposed Methodology ........................................................................................................ 18
3.1.1 Planning & Analysis ..................................................................................................... 19
3.1.2 Analysis, Design & Implementation of prototype ........................................................ 19
3.1.3 Design Prototype ........................................................................................................... 19
3.1.4 Design ........................................................................................................................... 19
3.1.5 Implementation ............................................................................................................. 20
3.2 System Planning................................................................................................................... 20
3.2.1 Project Timeline ............................................................................................................ 21
3.3 System Analysis ................................................................................................................... 23
3.3.1 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................. 23
3.3.2 Non Functional Requirements ...................................................................................... 24
3.3.3 Hardware & Software Requirements ............................................................................ 25
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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (Perak Campus), UTAR. v

Table of Contents
3.3.4 Use Case Diagram ......................................................................................................... 27

3.3.5 Activity Diagram .......................................................................................................... 28

3.3.6 Class Diagram ............................................................................................................... 40
3.3.7 Object Diagram ............................................................................................................. 41
4.1 Project Design ...................................................................................................................... 42
4.2 Graphic User Interface Design ............................................................................................. 42
4.2.1 Computer Side .............................................................................................................. 42
4.2.2 Mobile Phone Side ........................................................................................................ 56
4.3 Database Design/Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) ........................................................ 60
4.4 System Architecture Design ................................................................................................ 61
CHAPTER 5 SYSTEM TESTING ......................................................................................................... 62
5.1 Project Implementation & Testing ....................................................................................... 62
5.2 Implementation Issues & Challenges ................................................................................... 62
5.3 Development Tools .............................................................................................................. 63
5.3.1 Database Environment .................................................................................................. 63
5.3.2 Web Technology ........................................................................................................... 63
5.3.3 System Platform ............................................................................................................ 63
5.3.4 Project Management Tool ............................................................................................. 64
5.3.5 Visual Paradigm Community Edition ........................................................................... 64
5.3.6 NetBean IDE and Android Studio IDE ......................................................................... 64
5.4 Test Plan .............................................................................................................................. 64
5.4.1 Unit Testing .................................................................................................................. 65
5.4.2 Functional Testing ........................................................................................................ 71
5.4.3 System Testing .............................................................................................................. 78
5.4.4 Acceptance Testing ....................................................................................................... 78
CHAPTER 6 SYSTEM EVALUATE AND DISCUSSION ......................................................................... 79
6.1 Proposed System Completion .............................................................................................. 79
6.2 System Strength and Limitation ........................................................................................... 80
6.2.1 System Strength ............................................................................................................ 80
6.2.2 System Limitation ......................................................................................................... 80
6.3 Future Enhancement ............................................................................................................ 80
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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (Perak Campus), UTAR. vi
Table of Contents

CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSION.............................................................................................................82
APPENDIX A USE CASE DESCRIPTION...........................................................................................85

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List of Figures


Figure 1 Logical Wireless Diagram..............................................................................................10

Figure 2 Context Level Data Flow Diagram of Online Order System..........................................13
Figure 3 Entire Process Flow of Electronic Menu Card System...................................................16
Figure 4 Diagram of Throwaway Prototyping processes..............................................................18
Figure 5 Timeline for Project 1....................................................................................................21
Figure 6 Timeline for Project 2....................................................................................................21
Figure 7 Timeline for Project 2 (cont)..........................................................................................21
Figure 8 Project Timeline.............................................................................................................22
Figure 9 Use Case Diagram..........................................................................................................27
Figure 10 Activity Diagram for Place Order using Mobile Phone................................................28
Figure 11 Activity Diagram for Generate Report.........................................................................29
Figure 12 Activity Diagram for Update Menu Info......................................................................30
Figure 13 Activity Diagram for Validate Order............................................................................31
Figure 14 Activity Diagram for View Order Queue.....................................................................32
Figure 15 Activity Diagram for Void Order..................................................................................33
Figure 16 Activity Diagram for Add Menu Info...........................................................................34
Figure 17 Activity Diagram for Delete Menu Info.......................................................................35
Figure 18 Activity Diagram for Make Payment...........................................................................36
Figure 19 Activity Diagram for Make Reservation......................................................................37
Figure 20 Activity Diagram for Place Order by Staff...................................................................38
Figure 21 Activity Diagram for Add New Staff............................................................................39
Figure 22 Class Diagram..............................................................................................................40
Figure 23 Object Diagram............................................................................................................41
Figure 24 System Screen Flow Diagram (Computer-Side)..........................................................42
Figure 25 Welcome Screen...........................................................................................................43
Figure 26 Login Prompt...............................................................................................................44
Figure 27 Open Sales...................................................................................................................44
Figure 28 Place Order..................................................................................................................45
Figure 29 Submit Order...............................................................................................................45
Figure 30 Verify Order.................................................................................................................46
Figure 31 Customer Reservation..................................................................................................47
Figure 32 View Table Details.......................................................................................................47
Figure 33 Void Order....................................................................................................................48
Figure 34 Payment.......................................................................................................................48
Figure 35 Void/Refund Transaction..............................................................................................49
Figure 36 Menu-Management - Category Selection.....................................................................49
Figure 37 Add New Food.............................................................................................................50
Figure 38 Edit Food Information..................................................................................................50
Figure 39 Kitchen Dashboard.......................................................................................................51
Figure 40 System Setting.............................................................................................................51
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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (Perak Campus), UTAR. viii
List of Figures

Figure 41 System Currency Selection..........................................................................................52

Figure 42 Tax Setting...................................................................................................................52
Figure 43 Add System User.........................................................................................................53
Figure 44 Update System User Information.................................................................................53
Figure 45 System Report..............................................................................................................54
Figure 46 Daily Sales & Order Void Log.....................................................................................54
Figure 47 Monthly Sales..............................................................................................................55
Figure 48 System Screen Flow Diagram (Mobile Phone -Side)...................................................56
Figure 49 Select Table Section / No.............................................................................................56
Figure 50 Main Menu...................................................................................................................57
Figure 51 Display Selected Food Information..............................................................................58
Figure 52 View Submitted Order Information..............................................................................59
Figure 53 Diagram of System Architecture..................................................................................61

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering

Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (Perak Campus), UTAR. ix
Chapter 1 Introduction


1.1 Project Overview

This project works is aimed for developing an efficient food ordering system that can be
used in the food & beverage (F&B) industry which can help the restaurants to quickly
and easily manage daily operational task as well as improve the dining experience of
customers. It is believed that still have a lot of restaurants are using the traditional method
for food ordering processes. By using the traditional method, it arise a lot of human error
while the restaurant’s employees deal with large amount of customers, this issue will did
a great impact to the restaurant in terms of profitability. Thus, this project is to propose a
suitable food ordering system for F&B industry to solve the problem that mentioned
above. The system will become an important tools use for restaurant to improve the
management aspect by utilizing computerized system to coordinate each and every food
ordering transaction instead of traditional method. In addition, it can also provide
efficiency for the restaurant by reducing time consuming, minimize human errors and
providing good quality customer service. In terms of the integrity and availability of the
system provided, it can be concluded that this system is a suitable solution for the F&B

1.2 Project Background

Nowadays, people are more and more frequent to dine-in at restaurant for their meals.
Especially in Kampar, it has roughly 35 thousands to 40 thousands of citizens staying in
this small town. Therefore, it will have a lot of people especially students of UTAR
(University Tunku Abdul Rahman) looking for restaurant that they prefer as their meals
such as breakfast, lunch and dinner. At this moment, it arise a lot of troublesome to
restaurants which are still using traditional food order method as their food order process.

The traditional food order method is not efficient enough for restaurant to deals with
crowded situation in their restaurant. The traditional food order methods can be classified
into 2 categories which are paper based and verbal base. For paper based food order
method, the waiter will record down foods that customers order and pass the food order
paper to the kitchen for further process. This is the method that implement by most of the
restaurants in Kampar. In addition, this method still consider efficient if restaurants are

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering

Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (Perak Campus), UTAR. 1
Chapter 1 Introduction

not crowded, but however it will arise a lot of human errors while restaurants are
crowded of customers such as food serve not in sequence, missing of food order paper,
mistake in record down the food name and etc.

Second, verbal base food order method is even worse than paper base food order method.
Because, verbal base food orders method require employees to remember all the
customers’ food order by relying on their memory and then employees will reach the food
order message to the chef in kitchen physically. Verbal base food order method contains
the weaknesses such as causing the employees unable to memorize all the food order
during the restaurant is crowded of customers and the problems that mentioned above.
Thus, this kind of weaknesses will did a great impact to the restaurants’ profitability.

As a conclusion, this proposal is written to propose an efficient food order system to

enhance and improve the existing traditional food order management system and provide
convenience, availability and integrity to restaurants. At the end of the project, it will be
very useful and did a huge contribution for restaurants which are located in Kampar to
deals with crowded situation during operation hours.

1.3 Problem Domain

Difficulties in food order ticket tracking

For those restaurants which are using traditional method for food ordering processes, this
is a problem that can’t be eliminated. Because the entire manual process which involve
waiters, pen and paper. Each and every food order transaction is noted down on a piece of
paper and the waiters pass the food order ticket to the kitchen for further processing.
While the food order tickets have passed to the kitchen, the sequence of the food order
ticket might be interchanged with other ticket. Therefore, it will cause the restaurant not
be able to serve their customers in sequentially according to the customer order sequence
especially in peak hour, so customers would complaint to the restaurant in turn it will
affect the customer relationship of the restaurant.

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Chapter 1 Introduction

Potential to increase cost of operation

The cost of operation of a restaurant will be increase from days to days because of the
economic inflation. When the inflation comes in, the cost for each and every fresh
ingredient that used to support the restaurant daily operation will be affect too. Therefore,
the restaurants have to make changes to the food price accordingly in order to maintain
the profit, and then all the food menu cards have to reprint to reflect the updated price. By
doing so, it will raise the cost of operation to the restaurant because we will not know
how frequent the inflation occur in the economy. Next, if the physical areas of the
restaurants are very large. It might need to employ extra worker in order to serve their
value customer and thus it will increase the cost of operation too.

Difficulties in updating menu card information

The information that printed in the menu card is very important because it will lead
consumer to made different order to the restaurant based on the information that the menu
card given. If the food and beverage details changed but the employer do not update the
menu card information, it may cause some possible issue such as consumer
dissatisfaction to the restaurant, consumer cannot make their preferable decision and
conflict during consumer make their payment.

Difficulties in providing appropriate and updated food information

The fresh ingredient that used to support the restaurant daily operation may vary
depending on the market supply. Therefore, in order to provide this unexpected
information during the food order process, those staff has to remember all the food
availability and told the customer at the beginning of ordering process. For example, if the
supplier does not supply “Salmon Fish” recently. Staff has to remember and inform
consumers that all food that contains “Salmon Fish” is not available. But most of the time,
the staff may forget this unexpected information due to the heavy workload. Hence, it may
reduce the rate of satisfaction to the consumers after they had make decision but at the end
the restaurant does not serve them accordingly.

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering

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Chapter 1 Introduction

1.4 Project Objectives

1.4.1 Provide convenience for both employees and consumers

The system will provide an experience of convenience to the restaurant employees while
they are on duty as well as the consumer who dine-in at the restaurant. This system allow
the staff to serve customers with the minimal delay compare to the paper based order
system, because what the staff need to do is just record down the food that the customer
wish to order then the staff place an order via the computer, the food order will be send to
the kitchen computer simultaneously. After the order have been successfully placed one
copy of the food order with it details will be printed out for customer review. It
significantly shorten the time needed to take an order, assume that kitchen area is on
ground floor but currently the staff is taking order at second floor. If the restaurant is
using paper based system, the staff has to deliver the food order to ground floor and walk
all the way back to second floor, it take a lot of time and time consuming. Therefore, by
using this system it can eliminate this minor section of the order taking process. Besides,
it can let consumers to enjoy their meals within a short period of time and thus it can
increase the satisfaction and turnover rate of the consumers.

1.4.2 Assist restaurant to plan ahead

Whenever the staff places an order for consumers, the food order details information will
be store to the database for further analyzing to perform forecasting. The employees can
check previous food order details to solve any misleading and misunderstand incident
while it occur. For example, staff can manage to inform the consumer estimated times
that require to prepare the food during business hour especially peak hour and hence it
can help reduce conflict occur. Therefore, it is very important to keep all the necessary
business data for further review.

1.4.3 Prevention of food serves not in sequence

This objective will be achieved because whenever employees place an order into the
system, the system will schedule the food order details in a queue then the chef will
prepare the food according to the food order queue. In paper based system, the employee
will deliver the food order ticket into the kitchen and the chef cook whatever foods that

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering

Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (Perak Campus), UTAR. 4
Chapter 1 Introduction

are recorded on the paper, due to the order details are recorded on each and different
pieces of paper it is very troublesome and possible to leads the chef to cook food without
following the order sequence. Hence, when the employee serves foods to consumers
without sequence it will cause consumers to be unhappy and dissatisfaction and it will
affect the images and reputation of the restaurant. Therefore, the system can help prevent
this kind of incident to be happening.

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering

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Chapter 1 Introduction

1.5 Project Scope

The project aimed is to developing an order system that can be used in the small medium
enterprise food & beverages (F&B) industries which can help the restaurants to
simplified their entire daily operational task as well as improve the dining experience of

The system will be in 2 platforms which are mobile and computer based. For the mobile
based platform will developed to let user to view the menu card information of the
restaurant and able to let user place an order via the system. In computer based platform,
the system will be able to let staff to update and make changes to their food and beverage
menu information. Next, it also allows staffs to generate report that they wish to generate
such as monthly sales report. The most important function is to allow staffs to make
billing statement for consumer to make their payment after dine-in.

At the end of the project, it will improve the restaurants productivity, efficiency,
effectiveness and as well as accurateness. Because of this system, it will minimize all the
manual work by replacing the traditional order system into a computer system. It will
eliminate the manual work such as workers physically deliver food order ticket into the
kitchen, manually replace the price tag of the food and manually calculate billing price.
These are some main functional module that will exist in the system.

Food & Beverage Ordering Module

This module will be developed in mobile platform that let staff pass over the mobile
devices such as tablet or smart phone to the user for viewing the restaurant food menu
information. User can also place an order thru the mobile devices after they make their
decision and also some extra remarks that customer wish to request.

Order Queue Module

This module can help queue the food order that had been placed and display to the
kitchen staff accordingly.

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Chapter 1 Introduction

Reporting Module

User can view the overall performance of the restaurant in chart report. The report can
generate according to the time period and the time period can customize by user.

Menu Management Module

In this module, user can update the latest and updated food menu information to the
system such as name, code, price, and food availability. After the information changes,
the mobile devices will retrieve the latest food menu information and display to user.

Billing Module

This module will gather the order information and print the billing statement for user to
make payment and keep for their reference.

Good & Services Tax (GST) Calculation Module

This module will be able to calculate the total GST that have collected from consumer
pay the amount of money to government.

1.6 Impact, Significance and Contribution

After the system was successfully developed, it will bring lots of convenience to the
restaurant employees when they perform their duty within the restaurant as well as
improve the consumer dining experience. It will rapidly increase the productivity of the
restaurant compare to the paper based system as it shorten and simplify the entire process
food order, make payment, food deliver and minimize human error.

On the other hand, the restaurant can provide better customer services to their valued
customers by fully utilizing this system. With a good customer services, is a good starting
point to fulfill customers’ satisfaction as well as customers’ wants and needs. Meanwhile,
after customers experience and satisfied with the customer services that provided from
the respective restaurant, they would share their experience to the popular social website
nowadays. Apart from this activity, it was indirectly advertising the restaurant to the

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering

Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (Perak Campus), UTAR. 7
Chapter 1 Introduction

1.7 Chapter Summary

This chapter will be discussing about the difficulties issues come together with the
traditional approach for restaurant food ordering system. In addition, it also mentions that
those people who will be facing the problem. Lastly, the project objective and project
scope have been listed and discussed. The overall structure of the proposed system has
been justified and project contribution is stated. Next, will be further discussing about the
concept of existing restaurant management system.

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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (Perak Campus), UTAR. 8
Chapter 2 Literature Review


2.1 Wireless Food Ordering System

In the pass decades, the rapid growing of network and wireless technology did a great
impact for how people communicate with each and other remotely. At the same time, this
technology also leads different kind industries to change their entire management aspect.
F&B industry is one of the industries in the market that apply these technologies into
their business processes that assist them to be much more convenience and efficient.

From the message above, Wireless Food Ordering System is a system that integrated both
concept of intranet and wireless technology (Khairunnisa, K. and Ayob, J., 2009). This
system provide user to access the data, information and services from a remote server,
which enable user to access the central databases distributed across the restaurant
network. Most of the handheld devices have implemented and support wireless
technology and thus mobile devices is an ideal hardware device that use to support this
system in order to allow user remote access to the database for data retrieval.

The system requires the user to build an intranet network within the restaurant and there
will be a central database server resides in the network and the client can perform data
retrieval by using the mobile devices such as PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) connect to
the wireless access point.

Wireless food ordering system is a solution that can help the restaurant to expedite their
customer services as well as management aspect. After the system has been implemented
in the restaurant, the flow food ordering process will be changed to computerize. Waiters
have to take orders by choose the food that wish to order from the menu on the mobile
devices as the input and the data will be send to the central database, after that the
computer reside in kitchen will retrieve the data from the central database and display on
the computer screen. After the food is being cooked, the employee in kitchen can confirm
the food order and update to the database. This will signal the waiter mobile device to
acknowledge the waiter the food is ready to serve the food to respective customers.

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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (Perak Campus), UTAR. 9
Chapter 2 Literature Review

Figure 1 Logical Wireless Diagram


The system eliminates the need for a waiter to take order with pen and paper. Moreover,
the waiter only needs to carry the mobile devices for the entire operational hour to
perform food order process instead of using pen and paper. While using pen and paper to
take order, it bring a lot of troublesome such as the waiter busying in replenish the order
paper that they carrying. Other than that, this system also can help in terms of
environmentally friendly by reducing the usage of paper.

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Chapter 2 Literature Review

Weaknesses and Limitations

The limitation would be all the client devices are connected via the wireless access point
in order to let client perform data retrieval from the central database. Unfortunately, there
might be a problem in wireless signal coverage is not strong enough to cover the whole
restaurant area and thus cause the waiter’s mobile device disconnect from the server.

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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (Perak Campus), UTAR. 11
Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.2 Online Ordering System

In our generation era, computer has become a key component to our daily life because of
the advancement technology of World Wide Web that becomes an internet that allow each
and every user connected with theirs’ computer for information sharing throughout the
whole world. The World Wide Web did a great contribution to a lot of enterprise which
use this mechanism for information sharing within the enterprise and also outside the
enterprise (Kapchnaga, R, 2014).

From the benefit of World Wide Web, a lot of fast food industry applies a system known
as Online Ordering System to assist their business processes. Online Ordering System is a
technique that allow customer to order their favourite food online via the internet by
using a web browser that installed in their respective computer or smart phone.
Implementing this system can help fast food industry to solve the problem that they face
while using the traditional food ordering processes.

The system greatly simplifies the food ordering process for both customer and restaurant
compare to the past. The customer can place an order everywhere and anywhere
whenever internet connection is available for them. Customers access to the website and
choose the food that they prefer from the online menu display then customers have to
choose whether the food is delivered to them or it will be packaged for pick up and the
payment method will be upon delivered or pick up and lastly it will show all the order
details to the customer for double checking and confirmation.

On the other hand, the system also greatly lightens the work load on the restaurant’s end.
Once customers have place an order via the internet, the data will send to the restaurant
database and place in a queue in real-time. In addition, the data will be display on the
computer screen along with the corresponding option. It allow restaurant employee easily
manage the orders sequentially, produce the necessary item with a minimal delay and
help reduce human error.

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Chapter 2 Literature Review

Figure 2 Context Level Data Flow Diagram of Online Order System


The system is very suitable for fast food industry due to it provides ability for customer to
place order anywhere and everywhere and also minimized the time require during the
order processes. Customers do not need to physically go to the restaurant for food
ordering instead of just using their mobile device to place an order via the internet and
when the customer reach the restaurant they can directly have their meal without waiting
for the queue. Meanwhile, it help the fast food restaurant to have a better customer
services because the most important factor that fast food industry concern about is
quickness therefore the restaurant should serve their customer without any delay.

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Chapter 2 Literature Review

Weaknesses and Limitations

The main weaknesses of the system will be internet connection depended. The system
will not be operating without the internet connection. Because customer have to place
order via the internet as a medium and the data send to the restaurant database for further
process, the customer will not be able to access the web service if no internet connection
available. Furthermore, if the Internet Service Provider (ISP) is under maintenance it will
did a great impact to the restaurant that relies on the online order system for their

Other than that, the system is not effective enough to target all the customers on the
market. Because have a lot of senior citizen are without computer literate, so they do not
really understand how to utilize the web service. Thus, if they want to place an order by
using the system it will be a very troublesome incident for them.

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Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.3 Electronic Menu Card for Restaurants

This order system overcome the drawback of traditional paper based order system, it
change everything from paper based into computerized. First of all, the system will be
programed with the food availability from the respective restaurant and display on
touchscreen devices that have been setup in each of the tables within the restaurant. In
addition, the touchscreen device will have a very attractive Graphic User Interface (GUI)
that displays the food menu for customer to make their choices and enable customer to
place an order by touching the particular food image that display on the device screen.

Next, when the customer placed an order, the food order will be send to the kitchen and
the chef can prepare for the food. This system eliminates the issue from traditional paper
based system that the waiter has to manually deliver the order to kitchen. Other than that,
the system provide a sub-module that enable restaurant owner to update the food details,
food price and etc. It was very convenience compare to the traditional paper based system,
because paper based system require the restaurant owner to dispose all old food menu
cards and re-print the latest food menu card to serve their customers.

Last but not lease, the system was fully rely on the gadgets and the gadgets doesn’t need
leave or vacation and thus it can work efficiently 24 hours per day and 7 days per week.
Therefore, it can reduce the excess manpower need in the restaurant business by reducing
the number of the employee within the restaurant.

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Chapter 2 Literature Review

Figure 3 Entire Process Flow of Electronic Menu Card System


This system will help in reducing the number of employee that need in the restaurants
hence it will directly help in considerably reducing the long-term cost of restaurant
management. Second, the system also helps reducing the manual customer services
activities and thus eliminating the human error and human mistakes.

Weaknesses and Limitations

Although this system provide a lot of ideal solution that can help a restaurant to solve the
problem that they encountered in their working hour, but it need the restaurant owner to
invest a huge amount of money in these systems. For many restaurant owners, they might
not take risk to investing a huge amount of money into this system.

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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (Perak Campus), UTAR. 16
Chapter 2 Literature Review

System Pizza POS Software Restaurant Manager Proposed System

Function Touch Screen POS

Require staff to N/A Yes Yes
perform transaction
Fully automated N/A Yes N/A
Portability N/A N/A Yes

Food & Beverage Yes Yes Yes

Menu management N/A N/A Yes

Internet connection Yes N/A N/A

Online Ordering Yes N/A N/A

Comparison of system functionality between 2 existing systems with the

proposed system

2.4 Chapter Summary

As a conclusion, this chapter had pointed out the strength, weakness and limitation for
each existing system that have been reviewed. Next, the strength of the proposed solution
will be combining the strength of each reviewed existing system. Proposed solution is
provided to solve the limitation and weaknesses of the existing system, thus it can be
apply in small-medium restaurant enterprise.

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Chapter 3 Methodology


3.1 Proposed Methodology

The software methodology that choosen to develop this System is Throwaway
Prototyping. Throwaway Prototyping Model is especially useful when the project needs
are vaguely and poorly laid out. It functions by providing proof that something can
indeed be done in terms of systems and strategies. Throwaway Prototyping Model is used
for certain projects and will eventually be discarded after the project has been completed.
It is also known as Close-Ended Prototyping. Throwaway Prototyping Model is
implemented through the creation of prototypes and thereafter gathering feedback from
end users to check if they find it good or not. This is valuable to get a better
understanding of the actual needs of customers before a product or service is developed
and delivered. The reason to choose Throwaway Prototyping to develop this system is
due to it can develop a new system in a short time compare with other software
methodology. Other than that, user might not clearly understand what they really require
in the system. Therefore, Throwaway Prototyping is where the objective to develop the
system rapidly and to understand the user’s requirements and hence develop a better
requirements definition for the system. The prototype concentrates on experimenting with
the user requirements that are poorly understood.

Figure 4 Diagram of Throwaway Prototyping processes

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Chapter 3 Methodology

3.1.1 Planning & Analysis

First and foremost, in planning phase will conduct Joint Application Session (JAD) with
users in order to gather and understand the business needs and system requirements that
users are not clear. During the JAD session, will make use of CASE tools such as
Microsoft Visual Studio.NET, Microsoft Visual Paradigm and so on to generate the user
interface that shows users to verify the user requirements. Furthermore, the activity of
observation on the users’ daily work in order to understand and has clarity viewpoint of
the business process that operate every day.

At the end, a work plan which includes the project’s Gantt chart, Network Diagram,
resource sheet, resource usage and cash flow management will be generated. Then, will
follow Gantt chart and Network Diagram as a guideline to perform the tasks that
scheduled to develop the system.

3.1.2 Analysis, Design & Implementation of prototype

After gather the user requirements from JAD session and observation. Will starts make
analysis, design and implement each and every module base on the user requirements that

3.1.3 Design Prototype

In this phase, the work is to assemble every modules that had been implement in the
previous step to complete a finalize system prototype. Prototypes will be introduced to
end users who will utilize them for testing and evaluation purposes. At this time, they will
be providing feedback, clarify needs and relay requirements. As per requirements of end
users derived through feedback and testing, the prototypes will be continuously altered
until such time it has reached near-perfection. (Repeat step 2 to step 3)

3.1.4 Design

Once everything has been set and issues have been properly addressed, the prototype will
then be “thrown away” which means discard and the system will be design, taking into
consideration the feedback derived during the verification process.

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Chapter 3 Methodology

3.1.5 Implementation

This is the last phase, which will develop each and every finalize modules within time
frame from design phases and assemble it to be a final version system and deliver to end

3.2 System Planning

First of all, in planning phase the system for development will be identified and selected
in order to solve the problem that discuss in chapter 1. Several studies are needed to have
more clearly understanding about the system requirement. In addition, the SWOT
analysis techniques will be used interpret the strength, weakness, opportunities and
limitations of the basic requirement for the propose solution. Next, a project timeline will
be created to have a clearly understanding of what should do according to the project life
cycle. The project timeline typically is a graphic design showing a long bar labelled with
dates alongside itself and usually events labelled on points where they would have

In this semester, the Documentation for Final Year Project will be complete in seven
week. The Documentation include of the design of the system, this will serve as a
reference that allow me to develop the prototype of the proposed project more efficiency.
Start from week 8, the prototype of the proposed project will start develop.

After that, the full project development will start in the new coming semester and
continue until the testing phase. The system will being test and the system will be debug
to solve any error that found during testing. The feedback get from the system tester will
collect and use as the reference in the system.

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Chapter 3 Methodology

3.2.1 Project Timeline

Figure 5 Timeline for Project 1

Figure 6 Timeline for Project 2

Figure 7 Timeline for Project 2 (cont)

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Chapter 3 Methodology

Figure 8 Project Timeline

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Chapter 3 Methodology

3.3 System Analysis

In system analysis phase, interview will carry out with potential user of the propose
solution to gather and collect useful information for the propose system. Next, system
requirement such as user requirement, software and hardware requirement will be
generated and based on the system requirement, project scope and objective is defined.

3.3.1 Functional Requirements

Order Management

 The system shall let the user to place an order for their consumers.
 The system shall prompt and ask user to verify the order that have been placed.
 The system shall allow user to add in extra remark regarding the order.
 The system shall allow user to void the order that mistakenly placed or
exceptional case occur.

Reporting Management

 The system shall generate a report that based on the time period that customize by
 The system shall retrieve related information from the database and generate the
report to user.

Menu Management

 The system shall only allow management level user to edit the menu card
information by having an authorization login checking.
 The system shall allow user to update their restaurant menu card information.
 The system shall save the updated menu card information to the database.

Billing Management

 The system shall retrieve data that needed and arrange in a meaningful structure
then print for user as a reference.
 The system shall let user to choose the payment channel that they wish to use.

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Chapter 3 Methodology

Goods and Services Tax Management

 The system shall calculate the total amount of money that need to submit to
government at the end of the month.

Order Queue Module

 The system will update the queue display whenever a new order is placed.
 The system will merge the amount identical food that needs to be prepared and
display on the screen.

3.3.2 Non Functional Requirements

Operational Requirements

 The system should operate in Window platform environment.

 The system should prompt user to make a backup at the end of the operational day.

Performance Requirements

 The system should let user to place an order in a short period of time.
 The system should complete perform the billing process in a short period of time.

Security Requirements

 The system should validate the username and password in order to login and
make changes to the system.
 The system should request the current password of the user in order to let them
change to a new password.

Usability Requirement

 The system should have an easy understand graphic user interface that deal with
the user.
 The system should let user easy to understand the functionality of each modules.

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Chapter 3 Methodology

3.3.3 Hardware & Software Requirements


I. Intel ® Core i3 CPU 3.0 GHz or

above II. 8GM RAM
III.500GB Hard Disk Drive (HDD) + 24G Solid State Drive (SSD)
IV.USB port 3.0
V. Monitor
VI. Wireless Access Point

In this project, a computer with sufficient processing power is needed. The computer is
require for the developer to have project development such as coding for the mobile
application, database creation and modification. For the complete system to work, several
hardware requirements must be met. First, it require an android based smartphone in
needed to deploy the software application and this smartphone is require to connect to the
wireless access point to perform request and respond processes that access to the database.
Next, database is a must for the entire system to store and retrieve the necessary data.
Furthermore, a laptop or desktop is required to host the database and manipulate the entire

Description Minimum Requirements

Processor 1.6GHz or faster processor

RAM 512MB or more
Hard Disk 5GB of disk space available or more
Video Card DirectX 9
Table 1 Hardware requirement for staff computer

Description Minimum Requirements

Processor 1.1 GHz or higher

RAM 512 MB or more
Storage 2GB free or more
Wireless Connection YES
Table 2 Hardware requirement for staff smartphone
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Chapter 3 Methodology


 Front End : Android Studio Development Kit

 Back End : MySQL Server, Wamp Server
 Operating System : Window XP/Window 7/Window 8 and Android 5.0 or above
 Programming Language : JAVA, SQL

Description Minimum Requirement

Mobile Operating System Android 5.0 or above

Windows Operating System Windows 7 or above
Development Kit Latest version of Java Development Kit and
Android Studio Development Kit
Interface Design Netbeans IDE 7 or higher and Android Studio
Development Kit
Table 3 Software requirement for development

The software install on the operation android smartphone will be developing using Java
programming language with Android Studio Development Kit installed. Next, NetBeans
IDE 7 or higher will be cope with Java programming language to develop the software
for the computer based side and the database configuration will be using MySQL
Workbench database software.

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3.3.4 Use Case Diagram

Figure 9 Use Case Diagram

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3.3.5 Activity Diagram Activity Diagram for Place Order using Mobile Phone

Figure 10 Activity Diagram for Place Order using Mobile Phone

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Chapter 3 Methodology Activity Diagram for Generate Report

Figure 11 Activity Diagram for Generate Report

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Chapter 3 Methodology Activity Diagram for Update Menu Info

Figure 12 Activity Diagram for Update Menu Info

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Chapter 3 Methodology Activity Diagram for Validate Order

Figure 13 Activity Diagram for Validate Order

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Chapter 3 Methodology Activity Diagram for View Order Queue

Figure 14 Activity Diagram for View Order Queue

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Chapter 3 Methodology Activity Diagram for Void Order

Figure 15 Activity Diagram for Void Order

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Chapter 3 Methodology Activity Diagram for Add Menu Info

Figure 16 Activity Diagram for Add Menu Info

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Chapter 3 Methodology Activity Diagram for Delete Menu Info

Figure 17 Activity Diagram for Delete Menu Info

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Chapter 3 Methodology Activity Diagram for Make Payment

Figure 18 Activity Diagram for Make Payment

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Chapter 3 Methodology Activity Diagram for Make Reservation

Figure 19 Activity Diagram for Make Reservation

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Chapter 3 Methodology Activity Diagram for Place Order by Staff

Figure 20 Activity Diagram for Place Order by Staff

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Chapter 3 Methodology Activity Diagram for Add New Staff

Figure 21 Activity Diagram for Add New Staff

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3.3.6 Class Diagram

Figure 22 Class Diagram

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3.3.7 Object Diagram

Figure 23 Object Diagram

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Chapter 4 System Design on Food Ordering System using Mobile Phone



4.1 Project Design

At the end of the system requirements collection, several relevant diagrams have been
generated in order for the preparation of system model design. The design phase activities
include the design of project architecture and graphical user interfaces, develop relational
databases, business logic and file specifications.

4.2 Graphic User Interface Design

4.2.1 Computer Side

Figure 24 System Screen Flow Diagram (Computer-Side)

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Chapter 4 System Design on Food Ordering System using Mobile Phone Welcome Screen

Figure 25 Welcome Screen

This is the first interface that will display when user run the computer side client program.
User can choose from the six buttons what he or she wants to perform.

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Chapter 4 System Design on Food Ordering System using Mobile Phone Login Prompt

Figure 26 Login Prompt

A login prompt will pop out when user wants to perform some action which required to
authorized and authenticated. Open Sales

Figure 27 Open Sales

This is the open sales interface which user can place order, make and claim reservation
for customer, verify order, make payment and view transaction history.

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Chapter 4 System Design on Food Ordering System using Mobile Phone Place Order

Figure 28 Place Order

This is the interface which user placing order for customer. User is required to enter order
quantity and extra remark for the order. Submit Order

Figure 29 Submit Order

This will be the interface that displayed when user submit the order. It displays all the
order information for confirmation.

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Chapter 4 System Design on Food Ordering System using Mobile Phone Verify Order

Figure 30 Verify Order

This interface will display all the order detail which the order is placed by customer
through using mobile application. Staff verifies order which is without any doubt or
exceptional issue, if the order has exceptional issue staff will clarify with customer.

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Chapter 4 System Design on Food Ordering System using Mobile Phone Customer Reservation

Figure 31 Customer Reservation

This interface displays the reservation information and allows staff to claim reservation
for customer. View Table Details

Figure 32 View Table Details

This interface displays all the placed order details of the particular table.

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Chapter 4 System Design on Food Ordering System using Mobile Phone Void Order

Figure 33 Void Order

This interface allows staff to void the order with a valid reason. If the “Served” status is
“Yes” this interface will not pop out. Payment

Figure 34 Payment
This is the payment interface that displays all the order details and amount details of the

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Chapter 4 System Design on Food Ordering System using Mobile Phone Void / Refund Transaction

Figure 35 Void/Refund Transaction

This interface allows staff to void the transaction which is successfully done previously.
It shows the total amount that need to be refund. Menu Management – Category Selection

Figure 36 Menu-Management - Category Selection

This interface displays all food categories that are stored in the system.

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Chapter 4 System Design on Food Ordering System using Mobile Phone Add New Food

Figure 37 Add New Food

This interface allows manager to add new food for the particular food category. Manager
required to fill in all the relevant information. Edit Food Information

Figure 38 Edit Food Information

This interface displays the food information that is store in the system and it allows
manager to edit the food information.

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Chapter 4 System Design on Food Ordering System using Mobile Phone Kitchen Dashboard

Figure 39 Kitchen Dashboard

This interface allows kitchen staff to view all the order details and update order status. System Setting

Figure 40 System Setting

This interface display choices when manager clicked “Setting” button.

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Chapter 4 System Design on Food Ordering System using Mobile Phone System Currency Selection

Figure 41 System Currency Selection

This interface allows manager to choose the price currency for the system. Tax Setting

Figure 42 Tax Setting

This interface allows manager to enter the taxes percentage which will apply to all
transaction into the system.

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Chapter 4 System Design on Food Ordering System using Mobile Phone Add System User

Figure 43 Add System User

This interface enables manager to add new system which can access the system. It
required to fill in all the relevant fields. Update System User Information

Figure 44 Update System User Information

This interface display existing staff information and allow manager to update the staff

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Chapter 4 System Design on Food Ordering System using Mobile Phone System Report

Figure 45 System Report

This interface displays the three report type can manager can choose to generate report. Daily Sales & Order Void Log

Figure 46 Daily Sales & Order Void Log

After manager choose the report type, manager need to select a date to generate the report
that according to the selected date.

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Chapter 4 System Design on Food Ordering System using Mobile Phone Monthly Sales

Figure 47 Monthly Sales

This interface will display, while manager choose to generate monthly sales report type.
Manager need to select a year and month.

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Chapter 4 System Design on Food Ordering System using Mobile Phone

4.2.2 Mobile Phone Side

Figure 48 System Screen Flow Diagram (Mobile Phone -Side) Select Table Section / No

Figure 49 Select Table Section / No

This is the first interface that will display while customer runs the mobile application.
Customer can select table section and number that he or she current occupied.

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Chapter 4 System Design on Food Ordering System using Mobile Phone Main Menu

Figure 50 Main Menu

This interface will be shows up after customer selected table section and number. It
allows user to select food category and food will display according to the selected food
category. Next, user can clear the order which is placed to the order list and lastly submit
the order to server.

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Chapter 4 System Design on Food Ordering System using Mobile Phone Display Selected Food Information

Figure 51 Display Selected Food Information

This interface will displays all the food information and user can enter the number of
order quantity and add to the order list or back to the main menu interface.

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Chapter 4 System Design on Food Ordering System using Mobile Phone View Submitted Order Information

Figure 52 View Submitted Order Information

This interface displays all the order details that are submitted successfully.

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Chapter 4 System Design on Food Ordering System using Mobile Phone

4.3 Database Design/Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

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Chapter 4 System Design on Food Ordering System using Mobile Phone

4.4 System Architecture Design

This system requires user to have a smartphone which is with android version version 5.0
or above, for example in this project the test case will be conducted using Oppo Find7A
with android v5.0 Lollipop. Other than that, we are expected and assume that all users
have the basic knowledge of how to operate an android phone such as connect to a
wireless network using Wi-Fi. Although this application is developed under android
version, but however it will not be publish to the public Google Play Store. Therefore,
user are require to download it from the official restaurant website and sign up for a rules
and regulations policy that to prevent misuse of the application and information. The
system architecture that implemented in this project would be client-server architecture.
Clients are required to connect to the server that hosting the centralized database and web
services in order to request server to perform task and respond with the results.

Figure 53 Diagram of System Architecture

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Chapter 5 System Testing


5.1 Project Implementation & Testing

At the end of the system design, it is the beginning for the actual coding to develop the
proposed system. During development phase, the table structure of the database will be
first built in order to provide a suitable data types that suit the system back end
development, system connection and data transfer. Next, the computer side client
program will be developed and follow by will be the web services that allow mobile
phone client program to communicate with the server and lastly mobile phone side client
program will be developed. In testing phase, several test cases will be carry out to test the
system in order to determine the system reliability and system accuracy. According to the
test cases, a system testing report will be generated for further review to figure out the
system weaknesses and made improvement accordingly. In the deployment phase, several
training will be provided for the particular restaurant staff such as how to operate the
system, the procedure of handling different event and several instruction that need to be
follow when operating the system.

5.2 Implementation Issues & Challenges

During the system implementation phase, several challenges need to be confront because
it involve end users to test the production system with various situation. The possible
challenges may face are as following:

User without background

The users are required to have basic knowledge of how to operate a computer system and
android mobile phone in order to use the system. This will be difficulty to give training to the
user as the basic knowledge information can be obtained from internet easily.

The screen size of different device

This would be one of the issue that will encounter while implementing the system. Because
user are able to download the mobile application from the official website and use it as a
client device to place order. Therefore, if the user device screens size are too small or too big.
The content and interface of the application may not consistence.

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Chapter 5 System Testing

Server performance

During real time system implementation, three would be a huge number of client that
access to the server at the same time. Therefore, it may slow down the connection and
performances of the system and even causes the server down if the issue goes beyond
the level of acceptance.

5.3 Development Tools

5.3.1 Database Environment

The proposed system will need a database system to support in order to store the huge
amount of data. MySQL database system will be chosen to support the proposed system
because it is well-known open source relational database management system. Other than
that, MySQL database system provides software developer with a client program with
easy understanding graphical user interface that can communicate to the MySQL
database server named as MySQL Workbench 6.3 CE. By doing so, software developer
can interact with the database system with the user friendliness client program and
without using the command prompt, at the end it may speed up the development progress.

5.3.2 Web Technology

The proposed system is a cross platform system, which include Windows desktop client
and Android mobile phone client. Therefore, it require to implement web services in
order to support the Android mobile phone client device to fetch data from the database
server and store data back to the database server. In this project, WampServer is used to
support the issue that mention earlier. WampServer is a Windows web development
environment that built-in comes together with the Apache, PHP and MySQL database.
Furthermore, PHP will be the programming language that used to create the web services
that store in the server and it is able to call by the Android mobile phone client to perform
particular task.

5.3.3 System Platform

The project is a cross platform based system which includes Windows desktop client
device and Android mobile phone client device in order to operate the proposed system

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Chapter 5 System Testing

software. Therefore, IOS mobile phone client device will not compatible with the
proposed system.

5.3.4 Project Management Tool

For the rule of thumb to develop a system, it requires to have an intact system planning
which serve as a guide line during the development phases. Microsoft Project is a project
management software program and it has been used in the project to design the system
planning, project timeline, managing of resources, tracking development progress and etc.

5.3.5 Visual Paradigm Community Edition

In this project, Visual Paradigm software has been used to create document for several
system planning diagram such as Use-Case diagram, Activity diagram, Class diagram and
etc. By doing so, software developer are able to visualize the system communicate
information much more concisely and clearly.

5.3.6 NetBean IDE and Android Studio IDE

Both Android Studio IDE and NetBean IDE is integrated development environment that
are supported by Java programming. Furthermore, NetBean IDE is used to develop the
computer client side program and Android Studio IDE is used to design and develop the
mobile phone client program.

5.4 Test Plan

After the system has been developed, it will move to system testing phase. In system
testing phase, the developed system is required to install on appropriate devices for
testing purpose. After the system installation has been completed, the system testing task
will be performed by different roles of user such as manager role and staff role. The
purpose of system testing is to identify and determine the degree of system stability. At
the same time, it is given an opportunity for developer to figure out error or bug that has
not been raise and encounter during the system development phase. Those error or bug
that has been found during the system testing activities will be solved before the system
release. Each and every testing before system testing phases is actually tested by the
system developer itself. Therefore, it might cause some biases toward the testing due to
the system developer have knowledge about the system software logics and lead the

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Chapter 5 System Testing

result to be inappropriate. There are four types of testing that will be used to test the
developed system which includes unit testing, integration testing, system testing and
acceptance testing.

5.4.1 Unit Testing

First of all, unit testing will be the first testing method that used to test the developed
system. It consists of testing activities that test the system module by module which has
not been integrated as a whole. By doing unit testing, developer are able to identify error
and bug easily since it is finding the error and bug through a unit part of the system rather
than finding error through the complete system. In addition, developer will test the unit
part of the system with the validation and the correctness of data value. Valid and invalid
input will be entering to test and ensure the system processes perform with an expected

Unit Testing 1: Login as system user

Testing Objective: To ensure user can login into system correctly with valid ID and

No Event Attribute and Value Expected Result Result

1 Verify that ID and password Login ID: validID Login successfully. Pass
that enter by user and match Password: validPassword
the data in the database
when user click “OK”
button on the login prompt.

2 Verify the invalid ID and Login ID: validID Login failed and Pass
password that enter by user Password: invalidPassword prompt out the error
and match with the data that OR message to user.
store in database when user Login ID: invalidID
click “OK” button on the Password: validPassword
login prompt.

3 Verify the situation that user Login ID: null Login failed and Pass
does not enter any value Password: null prompt out the error

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Chapter 5 System Testing

into both ID and password message to user.

when user click “OK”
button on the login prompt.

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Chapter 5 System Testing

Unit Testing 2: Create new system user

Testing Objective: To ensure new user can be created properly.

No Event Attribute and Value Expected Result Result

1 Create new system user. System user information. Prompt new user has Pass
been created
successfully message.

2 Create new system user All blank field. Prompt require field Pass
without entering any error message.

3 Create new system user Enter duplicated staff Prompt error message Pass
with duplicated staff number and click create indicate that
number. new user. particular field has

4 Create new system user that System user information Prompt require field Pass
has at least one or more with some field leave error message.
field that is leave blank. blank.

5 Update existing system user Edit and replace the system Successfully updated Pass
information. user details. Eg: Name: system user details
into system.
Carson to Name: Carson

Unit Testing 3: Enter service tax and GST percentage to the system

Testing Objective: To ensure the taxes percentage is store properly into the system.

No Event Attribute and Value Expected Result Result

1 Manager enters numeric Service Tax(%): 10 Taxes percentage is Pass
input for both and click GST Tax(%): 6 stored into the
“OK” button. database.

2 Manager leaves taxes blank All fields are blank. System will detect it Pass
and click “OK” button. is null value and store

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Chapter 5 System Testing

it with default value

which is 0.0 into the

3 Manager enters invalid Service Tax(%): 0.01.1 Prompt error message Pass
input for taxes field and GST Tax(%): 6 indicate that invalid
click “OK” button. input has detected.

Unit Testing 4: Add new food category to the menu

Testing Objective: To ensure manager add new food category into the system properly.

No Event Attribute and Value Expected Result Result

1 Manager enters the category Food Category Name: The entered category Pass
name and click “OK” Soup name is store into the
button. database and
refreshes the food
category panel with
the new added

2 Manager leaves the category Field is blank. System will detect it Pass
name blank and click “OK” is null value and
button. prompt error

3 Manager enters duplicated Food Category Name: soup Prompt error message Pass
food category name and Or indicate that
click “OK” button. Food Category Name: duplicated food
Soup category has been

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Chapter 5 System Testing

Unit Testing 5: Add new food to the menu

Testing Objective: To ensure manager add new food into the system properly.

No Event Attribute and Value Expected Result Result

1 Manager enters all valid Food Code: S002 The entered food Pass
food information and Food Name: Mushroom Soup information is store
chooses an image that Price(RM):12 into the database and
represents that food and Food Availability: Yes refreshes the food
click “Add” button. menu panel with the
new added food.

2 Manager leaves the food Field is blank. System will detect it Pass
information blank and is null value and
click “Add” button. prompt error

3 Manager leaves some Food Code: System will detect it Pass

required field to blank Food Name: Mushroom Soup is null value and
and click “Add” button. Price(RM): prompt error
Food Availability: Yes message.

4 Update existing food Edit and replace the current Successfully updated Pass
information. details. Eg: Food Price(RM): food information into
25.00 to Food Price(RM):

Unit Testing 6: Make reservation for customer

Testing Objective: To ensure user can make reservation and store into the system

No Event Attribute and Value Expected Result Result

1 Staff enters all the Customer Name: Carson The entered Pass
reservation information Pax: 5 reservation
and click “Save” button. Date: 02 – 13 -2016 information is store

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Chapter 5 System Testing

Time: 8.00PM into the database and

refreshes the
reservation list with
the new created

2 Manager leaves the Field is blank. System will detect it Pass

reservation information is null value and
field blank. prompt error

Unit Testing 7: Payment for the ordered items

Testing Objective: To ensure payment make by customer working properly.

No Event Attribute and Value Expected Result Result

1 Verify food order record Food information and taxes Display all food Pass
belong to which table and information. information that
calculate the amount. belong to the table and
calculated correct
price amount.

2 Verify the price Subtotal: RM10 Store data into Pass

calculation is correct. Service Tax(10%): RM1 database and back to
the open sales
GST Tax(6%): RM0.60 interface.
Grand Total: RM11.60
Amount Receive(RM):
Changes(RM): RM3.40

3 Verify the cash amount Subtotal: RM10 Payment cannot be Pass

receive from customer Service Tax(10%): RM1 make if the amount
receives from
must more than or equal GST Tax(6%): RM0.60 customer is less than
to the grand total Grand Total: RM11.60 the grand total
amount. Amount Receive(RM): 10.00
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Chapter 5 System Testing

Changes(RM): -3.40

5.4.2 Functional Testing

After conducted the unit testing, functional testing will begin to test the developed system.
Functional testing is performed to verify that the system application processes that
perform and functioning appropriately according to the design specifications. In
functional testing, the core system application functions will be tested with several test
cases in order to ensure that the entire system functioning as a whole and perform task
that with the expected results.

Functional Testing 1: Login with different user role

Testing Objective: To ensure user with different role login according to restricted system

No Event Attribute and Value Expected Result Result

1 Login as “Staff” Login with Normal staff Successfully login. Pass

2 Login as “Manager” Login with manager Successfully login. Pass


Functional Testing 2: Place order by staff using computer and by customer using
mobile phone

Testing Objective: To ensure order place by staff is stored to the system and work

No Event Attribute and Value Expected Result Result

1 Place order according to Food Quantity and extra remark Order details Pass
what customer request for that particular food. submitted successfully
and store into the
database system.

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Chapter 5 System Testing

2 Edit or void order detail Edited food quantity or void Cancel the order Pass
before the order being the ordered item. process and redirect
submitted back to open sales

3 Edit or void ordered Change order quantity with Voided order will Pass
item after order has been valid reason. Eg: From 2 units update immediately
submitted. to 1 unit and reason is and void log will store
“Customer Request”. to the database.
Void the ordered item with
valid reason. Eg: Cancel the
entire order of the particular
item and reason is “Out of

4 Customer used their Selected table and selected Order details Pass
own device or restaurant food order quantity. submitted through
prepared devices that mobile phone to
installed with the mobile database system
application to place successfully.

Functional Testing 3: Make reservation for customer and claim the reservation

Testing Objective: To ensure the reservation information store properly and is able to
claim by customer.

No Event Attribute and Value Expected Result Result

1 Staff enters all the Customer Name: Carson The entered Pass
reservation information Pax: 5 reservation
and click “Save” button. Date: 02 – 13 -2016 information is store
Time: 8.00PM into the database and
refreshes the

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Chapter 5 System Testing

reservation list with

the new created

2 Staff verifies the Verify the reservation by The reservation claim Pass
reservation information customer name and it details. successfully and
that match with the remove from the
customer information reservation list.
and claim the
reservation for

Functional Testing 4: Make payment

Testing Objective: To ensure the reservation information store properly and is able to
claim by customer.

No Event Attribute and Value Expected Result Result

1 Staff select the Selected table and order Each and every order details Pass
particular table that details that belong to the will be display, taxes
customer request to selected table. amount and grand total
make payment. amount will be calculated

2 Staff and customer are Subtotal: RM10 Store data into database for Pass
responsible to verify the Service Tax(10%): RM1 future reference.
entire order item and the GST Tax(6%): RM0.60
price calculation is Grand Total: RM11.60

3 Staff receive cash Subtotal: RM10 Payment cannot be make if Pass

amount from customer Service Tax(10%): RM1 the amount receives from
and enter the amount GST Tax(6%): RM0.60 customer is less than the
into the amount receive Grand Total: RM11.60 grand total amount.
field. Amount Receive: RM15

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Chapter 5 System Testing

4 Manager is able to Manager login Login successfully and Pass
check transaction that information display transaction history
has done after login. records.

5 Manager is able to void Selected transaction and Transaction will be updated Pass
the transaction and selected refund item that with the latest grand total and
refund to customer after contain in that amount to be refund will be
the transaction has done. transaction. calculated and display.

Functional Testing 5: Update menu information

Testing Objective: To ensure the menu information is updated and works properly.

No Event Attribute and Value Expected Result Result

1 Manager intends to Food Availability: Yes The particular food will Pass
update the food Or disappear from the food
availability due to the Food Availability: No order interface both desktop
fresh ingredient client and mobile phone
shortage. client devices according to
the food availability.

2 Manager intends to Change the food price to Updated food information Pass
update the food the current updated will store into the database
information with the pricing. Eg: Edit and the updated information
latest information. selected food price from will reflect to the food order
RM10.00 to RM15.00. interface for both desktop
client and mobile phone
client devices.

3 Manager intends to add Food Code: New food information will Pass
new food item that able NewFoodCode store into the database and
to serve customer. Food Name: NewFood the latest food information
Price(RM):12.00 will reflect to the food order

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Chapter 5 System Testing

Food Availability: Yes interface.

4 Manager intends to Selected food The deleted food Pass
delete a particular food information information will update to
that is no longer the database system and the
available to sell. deleted food will disappear
from the food order

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Chapter 5 System Testing

Functional Testing 6: Generate report

Testing Objective: To ensure the report is generated appropriately.

No Event Attribute and Value Expected Result Result

1 Login as manager. Manager login Login successfully and Pass
information. display report type

2 Manager generates daily Select the specific date A PDF file daily sales report Pass
sales report at the end of to generate the selected will generated according to
the day. date daily sales report. the selected date with its
records. If the selected date
has no record found from
the database, it will prompt
a notification indicate user.

3 Manager generates daily Select the specific date A PDF file daily order void Pass
order void report at the to generate the selected report will generated
end of the day. date order void report. according to the selected
date with its records. If the
selected date has no record
found from the database, it
will prompt a notification
indicate user.

4 Manager generates Select the specific year A PDF file monthly sales Pass
monthly sales report at and specific month to report will generated
the end of the day. generate the monthly according to the selected
sales report. year and month with its
records. If no record found
from the database, it will
prompt a notification
indicate user.

5 Manager clicked Selected date, month or The system will not perform Pass
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Chapter 5 System Testing

generate report without year is null any processing to generate

select a specific date or the report.
year for all three type of

Functional Testing 7: Update Order through Kitchen Dashboard

Testing Objective: To ensure the order queue and order status is updated and reflects to
the open sales interface.

No Event Attribute and Value Expected Result Result

1 Kitchen staff updates the Information of the selected The selected order Pass
order status when it is order. status is updated and
preparing to be served. reflects to the open
sales interface and it
is no longer able to
be void.

2 New order that are New order information that are The order queue will Pass
placed and submitted to placed. automatically refresh
the system. with the new order
that are placed.

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Chapter 5 System Testing

5.4.3 System Testing

System testing of the software and hardware is a testing conducted on a system which is
complete, integrated system that works as a whole. System testing is a critical testing
procedure that must be conducted by software developer before the system released.
During system testing it can evaluate the system’s compliance with its specified
requirements according to the system design. Furthermore, several testing activities in
system testing test not only the design of the system, but also the behavior and the
believed expectations result from the customer. In addition, various complex test cases
that used to test the system are according to the business process requirements which are
collected from the user. Meanwhile, errors or bugs that detected during the testing is
required software developer look into it from the initial step of the business process to the
end of the process to ensure it have expected result in order to solve the errors or bugs to
determine the degree of system stability.

5.4.4 Acceptance Testing

Last but not lease, acceptance testing also known as user acceptance testing would be the
final testing procedure that perform to test the developed software system. In acceptance
testing, the testing activities are different compare to the testing activities that mentioned
previously because the tester that tests the system will be the final user which do not have
knowledge about the system logic. If the final user encountered an error while using the
system, system developer are required to maintain the system as soon as possible and
release a new patch for the existing system to recover the error. Meanwhile, final user
will use the system that visualized as to support their real business routine operation,
therefore software support team are required to stand by to provide technical support
while final user need any help or support that regarding the system. If there is no errors
detected by the final user while using the system for a long period, the development job
of developer is consider as complete and the system will be a final system product.

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Chapter 6 System Evaluate and Discussion


6.1 Proposed System Completion

The proposed system is designed and developed to solve all the problem statements
which are stated in chapter one of this report. First of all, the developed system provides a
feature that is able to solve the problem of difficulties in food order ticket tracking and
achieve the project objective of prevention of food serves not in sequence. By using the
system, it allow staff to placed order ticket through using the system and the system will
automatically queue the food order information according to the first come first serve
basis and kitchen staff is able to follow the food queue to serve customer accordingly. It
also eliminates all the manual processes that involve in the traditional method of
delivering food order ticket. In addition, the developed system allows manager to update
all the food information as it is needed. This features helps restaurant to eliminate
duplicated physical menu card which contain misleading information and also allow staff
and customer to view the latest updated food menu information through using the system.
By doing so, it helps restaurant to solve the problem which regarding difficulties in
updating menu card information, difficulties in providing appropriate updated food
information and the potential of increase cost of operation as the system will
automatically refresh all the updated information that is edited by manager. Furthermore,
the project objective which regarding provides convenience for both employees and
consumers has been achieved because the system allow consumer to view all the updated
information through the mobile phone client devices and it reduce the number of manual
work which restaurant staff need to be performed. Last but not lease, the project objective
of assisting restaurant to plan ahead has been achieved due to the system allow manager
to generate several types of report in order to assist the restaurant to plan ahead. By
analyzing the generated report, manager is able to carry out a planning for the next
business routine of the restaurant in order to improve the restaurant operation efficiency.
In a nutshell, the system has fulfilled all significant outcomes that according to all the
problem statements and project objectives that are stated.

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Chapter 6 System Evaluate and Discussion

6.2 System Strength and Limitation

6.2.1 System Strength

The system provide customer with good dine in experience as it allow customer to view
food information and place order through using the mobile phone device. The mobile
application also provides ease of use because it has easy understandable graphic user
interface and minimal instruction to follow while place order through the application.
Next, it helps restaurant staff to serve their value customer in minimal delay.
Furthermore, the system can be implemented with low cost and is affordable for most of
the small medium enterprise restaurant, because the hardware requirements are not
required to be high end powerful in order to support the system. Lastly, server and client
are communicating within the restaurant which is intranet therefore it does not need to
have internet access.

6.2.2 System Limitation

The system is not compatible with IOS mobile devices as the mobile application is
developed in Android environment. Therefore, for IOS mobile phone user may not able to
install the application in their mobile phone and experience the system. Meanwhile, the
restaurant has prepared some Android mobile devices which are used to resolve the issue
that mention above. Next, due to the mobile phone client devices are required to connect
to the wireless intranet in order to communicate with the server. It is very important to
identify a suitable location that used to install and set up the wireless access point in order
to ensure the wireless signal coverage is able to reach the entire restaurant area.

6.3 Future Enhancement

The system can implement a feature which is real time notification from the mobile
phone application to the service desk. This feature enable customer to request customer
service through using the mobile application rather than verbally call restaurant staff to
approach them. In addition, the mobile application also can implement a feature that
allow customer to update the food serve status. For example, customers fine dining at the
restaurant they can request the food to be serve through using the mobile application and
if the customer finish the main course and feeling full, the customer may request do not
serve the following food through using the mobile application. Last but not lease, the

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Chapter 6 System Evaluate and Discussion

mobile application may implement some mini game that is able to entertain customers
while they are waiting for the food to be served.

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Chapter 7 Conclusion


After a decade, the advancement and innovation of technology help people to manage
their task easily and efficiently. In many other industry area have been used management
system to assist their business grow long time ago, therefore it is also a trend that cause
F&B industry to make use of a management system for their business. At the end of this
project, the system can reduce and replace the human manpower task, reduce the time
consume for each transaction and generate report for further management purpose by
fully utilizing the system.

Obviously, the propose system can help improve the productivity of the restaurant and
thus directly did an impact to the profitability of the restaurant. Furthermore, it can also
help restaurant to reduce the cost of operation in term of manpower, because the system
have already facilitate majority of the business process by using the system. Therefore, it
is believed that the system can lead the restaurant’s business grow from time to time.

On the other hand, the technology nowadays allows the portability requirement easy to
achieve. Therefore, portability has become one of the factor that have to take into
consideration in the system development process. Because portability bring a lot of
benefit to user while they using the system such as it provide convenience, accessibility,
easy to communicate and etc. Hence, portability has done an impact to the social that
everybody is much more preferable to complete their task with portable device.

In order to fulfill these all requirement, our proposed method is combined the food
ordering system which is in mobile platform into the restaurant management system
which is in computer platform. The integration of both features which develop a system
that can let user to have an experience of portability which is user can process their food
ordering through using their smart phone or tablet. Besides, restaurant manage their daily
operation management through using the computer platform it is because computer have
some other features such as it has a wider screen, other compatible system that can help
to manage the restaurant and some other driver that needed to communicate with those
necessary hardware.

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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (Perak Campus), UTAR. 82


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http://eprints.uthm.edu.my/5726/1/Wireless_Food_Ordering_System.PDF [Accessed
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Qwerteam.wordpress.com, (2014). Part 2: Review of Related Literature | QWERTEAM'S

BLOG. [online] Available at: http://qwerteam.wordpress.com/category/part-2-review-
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Rashid, M., Izzuddin, T., Abas, N., Hasim, N., Azis, F. and Aras, M. (2013). Control of
Automatic Food Drive-Through System using Programmable Logic Controller
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http://www.sersc.org/journals/IJUNESST/vol6_no4/4.pdf [Accessed 16 Nov. 2014].

Resham, S., Neha, D., Priyanka, T. and Sushmita, S. (2014). Design and Implementation of
Digital dining in Restaurants using Android. [online] http://www.ijarcsms.com/.
Available at: http://www.ijarcsms.com/docs/paper/volume2/issue1/v2i1-0113.pdf
[Accessed 16 Nov. 2014].

Sarkar, S., Shinde, R., Thakare, P., Dhomne, N. and Bhakare, K. (2014). Integration of
Touch Technology in Restaurants using Android. [online] Academia.edu. Available
nts_using_Android_ [Accessed 19 Nov. 2014].

Shashikant Tanpure, S., R. Shidankar, P. and M. Joshi, M. (2013). Automated Food

Ordering System with Real-Time Customer Feedback. [online]

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[Accessed 16 Nov. 2014].

Vikas, M., Vaibhav, V., Madhura, B., Ashwini, A. and Raviprakash, S.

(2014). ELECTRONIC MENU CARD FOR RESTAURANTS. [online] http://ijret.org/.
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Academia.edu. Available at:
ROPOSAL [Accessed 16 Nov. 2014].

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Place Order Use Case Description

Use Case Name: Place Order ID: 1 Importance Level: High

Primary Actor: Customer Use Case Type: Detail, Essential

Stakeholders and Interests:

Customer – wants to place an order

Staff – wants to validate customer’s order and save to the system
Brief Description:
This use case describes how user can place order in
system Trigger: Customer want to order some food

Type: External
Association: Customer, Staff
Include: Submit Order
Normal Flow of Events:
The customer view menu using the device.
The customer chooses and places an order for the preferable food.
The customer would continue place order until finish order.
The customer submit the order when finish order.
The system will update to the database and wait staff to verify the order.
Sub Flows:

Alternate / Exceptional Flows: Not applicable

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Use Case Name: Make ID: 2 Importance Level: High


Primary Actor: Staff Use Case Type: Detail, Essential

Stakeholders and Interests:
Customer – request to make payment for their order

Staff – perform the billing process using the system

Brief Description: This use case describes how user can make payment using the system
Trigger: Customer want to make payment for their order and leave the store.

Type: External
Association: Customer, Staff
Include: Calculate GST, Print Receipt
Normal Flow of Events:
The customer request to make payment.
The staff prepares the payment details by using the system.
The system calculates the payment transaction details based on the customer’s order.
The system calculates GST.
The system generates the bill for staff.
The staff click “Print” button to print the bill.
The customer pay the bill according to the bill printed.
The staff receives cash or credit payment from customer.
The staff saves the transaction using the system.
The system generates receipt for staff.
The staff prints the receipt that generated.
The staff provides the transaction receipt to the customer.
Sub Flows:

Alternate / Exceptional Flows: Not applicable

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Use Case Name: Generate ID: 3 Importance Level: High


Primary Actor: Manager Use Case Type: Detail, Essential

Stakeholders and Interests:
Manager – wants to generate report
Brief Description: This use case describes how user can print report using the system
Trigger: Manager click on the report button and select report type.

Type: External
Association: Manager
Normal Flow of Events:
The manager log in to the system.
The manager request to generate particular report.
The system generates the report.
The manager view the generated report.
Sub Flows:

Alternate / Exceptional Flows: Not applicable

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Use Case Name: Void Order ID: 4 Importance Level: High

Primary Actor: Staff Use Case Type: Detail, Essential

Stakeholders and Interests:
Customer – wants to cancel previous ordered
Staff - perform void order process using the system
Brief Description: This use case describes how the customer request to void order
Trigger: Customer placed an order and afterwards want to cancel the order

Type: External
Association: Customer, Staff
Include: Check food queue status
Normal Flow of Events:
The customer request to cancel order.
The staff voids the order that the customer wish to cancel using the system.
The system checks the food queue status.
If the food status is “Preparing”.
The system will notify the staff that the food is preparing.
The staff will inform the customer that the food is preparing. Hence cannot be void.
The system will cancel the order from the food queue.
The system will update the order queue.
Sub Flows:

Alternate / Exceptional Flows: Not applicable

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Use Case Name: Validate ID: 5 Importance Level: High


Primary Actor: Staff Use Case Type: Detail, Essential

Stakeholders and Interests:
Staff – verify the order that placed by customer.
Customer – clarify order details with staff.
Brief Description: This use case describes how staff validates order using system.
Trigger: After customer submit an order then system will notify staff to verify.

Type: External
Association: Customer, Staff
Include: Update order queue
Normal Flow of Events:
The system notifies staff to verify the order.
The staff checks the order.
If the order have some exceptional issue.
The staff will clarify with the customer
The staff will click “Verify” button to verify the order.
The system will update the order queue.
Sub Flows:

Alternate / Exceptional Flows: Not applicable

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Use Case Name: View Order ID: 6 Importance Level: High


Primary Actor: Kitchen Staff Use Case Type: Detail, Essential

Stakeholders and Interests:

Kitchen Staff – wants to view the food queue to prepare food accordingly.
Brief Description: This use case describes how kitchen staff view food queue using system.
Trigger: Kitchen staff wants to prepare food.

Type: External
Association: Kitchen Staff
Extend: Update dishes status
Normal Flow of Events:
The kitchen staff selects view type using the system.
If selected to view “New” type.
The kitchen staff will view on new type order.
If the kitchen staff wants to start prepare the new order food.
The kitchen staff will update the dishes status using the system.
The system updates the dish status.
If selected to view “Preparing” type.
The kitchen staff able to view on preparing type order.
If the food on preparing food queue has completes prepare.
The kitchen staff will update the dishes status using the system.
The system updates the dish status.
Sub Flows:

Alternate / Exceptional Flows: Not applicable

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Use Case Name: Add Menu ID: 7 Importance Level: High


Primary Actor: Manager Use Case Type: Detail, Essential

Stakeholders and Interests:

Manager – wants to add new menu info to the system.
Brief Description: This use case describe how manager can add menu info using the system
Trigger: Manager wants to add new menu info into the system

Type: External
Association: Manager
Normal Flow of Events:
The manager log in to the system.
The manager request to add new menu info to the system.
The manager key in all requires and necessary details to the system.
The manager submits the menu info to the system.
The system validate the require field.
If any require field are blank.
The system will notify the user.
The system saves the record.
The system saves the record.
Sub Flows:

Alternate / Exceptional Flows: Not applicable

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Use Case Name: Delete Menu ID: 8 Importance Level: High


Primary Actor: Manager Use Case Type: Detail, Essential

Stakeholders and Interests:

Manager – wants to delete some outdated menu info from the system.
Brief Description: This use case describes how the manager delete menu info from the system.
Trigger: Manager wishes to delete some unnecessary menu info.

Type: External
Normal Flow of Events:
The manager log in to the system.
The manager looks for the unnecessary info that wants to delete.
The manager click “Delete” button to delete the unnecessary info.
The system prompt user for a confirmation.
If manager click “Cancel” button
The info will not delete.
The system will save the record to the database.
Sub Flows:

Alternate / Exceptional Flows: Not applicable

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Use Case Name: Update Menu ID: 9 Importance Level: High


Primary Actor: Manager Use Case Type: Detail, Essential

Stakeholders and Interests:

Manager – wants to update particular menu info to the system.
Brief Description: This use case describes how to manager update menu info.
Trigger: Manager wishes to update some outdated menu info.

Type: External
Association: Manager
Normal Flow of Events:
The manager log in to the system.
The manager search info that wishes to update.
The manager key in and update the require info to the system.
The system asks for confirmation to save the updated info.
If the manager click “Confirm” button.
The system will save the updated information to the database.
The information that edited will not save.
Sub Flows:

Alternate / Exceptional Flows: Not applicable

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Use Case Name: Make ID: 10 Importance Level: High


Primary Actor: Customer Use Case Type: Detail, Essential

Stakeholders and Interests:

Customer – wants to make a reservation for their future dine in.
Staff – perform make reservation process using the system
Brief Description: This use case describes how to staff make reservation for customer.
Trigger: Customer request for making reservation.

Type: External
Association: Staff, Customer
Include: Save Reservation Information
Extend: Claim Reservation for Customer
Normal Flow of Events:
The customer make phone calls to request reservation for future dine in.
The staff answer phone call and enter reservation information.
The staff clarifies reservation information with customer to get confirmation.
The staff answers accordingly.
If the staff enter wrong information.
The staff has to reenter correct reservation information.
The staff submits the reservation information.
The reservation information will save to the system.
The staff submits the reservation information.
The reservation information will save to the system.
Sub Flows:

Alternate / Exceptional Flows: Not applicable

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering

Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (Perak Campus), UTAR. 94

Use Case Name: Place Order ID: 11 Importance Level: High

by Staff

Primary Actor: Customer Use Case Type: Detail, Essential

Stakeholders and Interests:

Customer – wants to place order.
Staff – perform place order process using the system
Brief Description: This use case describes how to staff place order for customer.
Trigger: Customer request for place order.

Type: External
Association: Staff, Customer
Include: Submit Order
Extend: Add Remark
Normal Flow of Events:
The customer request to place order.
The staff place order according to the customer requested.
If the customer have extra remark for the order.
The staff key in remarks accordingly.
The staff place order until customer finish ordering.
The staff submits the order.
The order details will be store to the system.
The staff place order until customer finish ordering.
The staff submits the order.
The order details will be store to the system.
Sub Flows:

Alternate / Exceptional Flows: Not applicable

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering

Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (Perak Campus), UTAR. 95

Use Case Name: Add New ID: 12 Importance Level: High


Primary Actor: Manager Use Case Type: Detail, Essential

Stakeholders and Interests:

Manager – wants to add new staff that can access the system.
Brief Description: This use case describes how manager add new staff information to the system.
Trigger: Manager intends to add new system that able to access system.

Type: External
Association: Manager, Staff
Extend: Update Staff Information
Normal Flow of Events:
The manager login to the system.
The manager navigates to create new staff interface.
The staff enters all relevant information.
The manager verifies all the information.
If have mistaken during staff enter information.
The staff re-enters information.
The manager save the staff information.
The staff information will save to the system.
The manager save the staff information.
The staff information will save to the system.
Sub Flows:

Alternate / Exceptional Flows: Not applicable

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering

Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (Perak Campus), UTAR. 96

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