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Effectiveness of PBL Through Concept Map To Improve Problem Solving Skills of Primary School Students

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International Journal of Educational Technology

and Learning
ISSN: 2523-
Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 41-47,

Effectiveness of PBL through Concept Map to Improve Problem Solving

Skills of Primary
School Students

Issufiah Dwi Nuryati1

Sri Anitah W.3
1,2,3,4 Sebelas Maret University of Surakarta, Indonesia

Efectiveness of PBL Through Concept Map to Improve Keywords:
Problem Solving Skill of Primary School Students, 2017. Concept map
This research aims to knowing the efectiveness of Problem solving skill
Problem Based Learning (PBL) through concept maps as
to improve problem solving skill for primary school Licensed:
students. Research conducted in March-June 2016 at a This work is licensed under a
primary school in Surakarta The method in this research is Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 License.
the research experiments with models of post test only
control design. The study subjects consisted of three
schools as a control group and three schools as Publisher:
Scientific Publishing Institute
experimental groups. Uji efectiveness using independent
t-test to tell the diference between a group test results
mean experimental and control group. The results of the
independent t-test between experimental group and the
control group on three pairs of States that t count is larger
than the t table.The results of the independent t-test
between eksperiment 1 and control 1 tcalculate 5.065>table t
= 2.000. The results of the independent t- test between
eksperiment 2 and control 2 tcalculate 8.341>ttable1.990.The
results of the independent t-test between eksperiment 3
and control 3 shows tcount 5.262>ttable 2.000. The third pair
of shows there is a significant diference between the
group's experiments with the control group, then the
stated learning is more effective than with the learning of
problem solving.

1. Introduction
Teaching and learning undertaken by teachers should put more emphasis on
activities that explore and develop competencies that have been owned by students. It
aims to prepare learners meet the challenges of globalization. The nation's children sued
has the ability to communicate, clear, critical thinking, creative problem solving, have
strong skills, become a citizen of a democratic, and accountable.
In the events of world level academic competitions, often losing compared to
developing countries in the world. Average math and science achievement scores are
still significantly below the international average score. (Ina, 2012). Tests in TIMMS and
PISA emphasizes on how to think of creative thinking, reasoning, and problem solving.
Indonesia cannot achieve achievement in the event because in not much learning leads
to critical thinking skills and solve problems. During this time most of the learning of
mathematics and science only in the level of basic skills math and memorizing the low
level not much maximized on the eforts of reasoning and problem solving.
The problem in this research is how big the efectiveness of learning model of PBL
through concept map in improving student ability in solving problem. This learning
model for hoping to enrich the science education so that it can be applied by
teachers, in order to be able to assist students in understanding the subject matter.

2. Theoretical Review
2.1. Education in Primary School
Education at the primary level is an early stage education of children after them
through the early stages through the play in early childhood education. Early childhood
education to prepare students who will be

International Journal of Educational Technology and Learning, 2018,
Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 41-47

pursuing an education in the elementary school (Indriyanto, 2004).Education in

primary base is aimed at laying the Foundation of intelligence, personality, attitudes,
knowledge, and skills for independent living and following further education (RI
Permendiknas No. 23/2006 standard of competence of graduates for the units of primary
and secondary education)
Primary school education curriculum aims to develop the ability and penchant for
reading, writing,
numeracy skills, as well as the ability to communicate. The curriculum is developed in
primary schools should be emphasized at the formation of the following things: 1)
literasy, refers to an understanding the learners about the diferent phenomenon in her
environment in tailoring the behavior in life; 2) ability to communicate, that is, the ability
of learners to understand the phenomenon in her environment and put it in the language
of Indonesia; 3) ability of solving problems, which refers to the ability of the learners
in the feel there is a problem, identify problems, find information to solve problems,
explore alternatives to problem solving, and chose the most viable alternative, 4) reality
ability, which refers to the ability of learners in using logic and evidence in system and
consistently to arrive at conclusions (Wardani, 2009).
Primary School students’ age ranges between 7 and 11 years. In Piaget’s theory, this
age is on concrete operational stage. Concrete operational thinking is a cognitive
milestone enabling the students to think and to act just like what they do, and requiring
concrete object to conceive a concept. Children can think more logically than that in
previous age. Concrete operational period can do logical reasoning replacing intuitive
reasoning through concrete examples (Santrock, 2010). Generic competency the
students should achieve includes three domains: afective (attitude), cognitive
(knowledge), and psychomotor (skill). Afective domain is divided into two: spiritual and
social attitudes. Graduation Standards (Permendikbud [Culture and Education Minister’s
Regulation] Number 21 of 2016) the Primary School students should achieve in spiritual
dimension include: receiving, implementing, and appreciating the religion tenets they
hold on. In social attitude domain, students can show of honest, discipline, decorous,
self-confident, caring, and responsible behaviors in interacting with family, friend,
teacher, neighbor, and state. Knowledge dimension includes conceiving factual,
conceptual, procedural and metacognitive knowledge at basic level by means of:
observing, questioning, and trying based on curiosity on themselves, God’s creatures
and their activity, and objects found at home, at school, and in the playground. Skill
dimension includes the abilities of thinking and acting creatively, productively, critically,
independently, collaboratively, and communicatively in clear, systematic, logical, and
critical language in esthetic work, in the movement refecting on healthy children and
action refecting on the children’s behavior corresponding to their development stage.
As the attempt of mastering several attitude, knowledge, and skill dimensions, a
scientific learning should be created that can involve the students to be active and
creative, and to think critically and joyfully. Such the learning models include PBL, Project
Based Learning, Discovery, and Inquiry Learning.

2.2. Problem Based

Learning (PBL)
The essence of PBL, according to Howard S. Barros in Kek & Huijser (2017) includes,
among others, 1) authenticity, 2) problems should present as they do in the real world
and permit free inquiry by learners , 3) problems should present as they do in the real
world and permit free inquiry by learners , 4) student-centered ,
5) Self-directed learning skill development , 6) integrated knowledge, 7) small group
collaborative learning, 8) reiterative , 9) refective, skilled tutors, 10) foundational. The
success of PBL is not only limited to its learning process, but is also supported with
curriculum foundation, learning material, teachers committed to managing the learning,
and students’ persistence and cooperation in collaboration.
Problem based learning focuses on the problem given to the students so that
problem solving process occurs, and cooperation is often conducted in small groups
to find solution (Wurdinger,S. & Rudolph, J.
2009). PBL emphasizes on the problem as the starting point of learning process. This
PBL is a constructivist approach with many advantages (Kartikasari & Widjajanti.
2017). The theoretical foundation of PBL is collaboration considered as capable of
practicing the students to express their opinion, to build reasoning on knowledge they
have, and all acquisitions as the result of activities in interacting with others (Firdaus,
Wahyudin, and Herman. 2017). With regard to relatedness for collaboration, student
having the opportunity to talk with and socialize with their peers and feeling a sense of
community are important aspects of school for many students (Dole, et.al.2017).
International Journal of Educational Technology and Learning, 2018,
Vol. 2, No. requires
2, pp. 41-47the students to be responsible for
identifying problem, observing
their choice, and
formulating solution (Tilman, 2013). The problem solving in PBL uses scientific method
involving: problem definition, brainstorming process, hypothesis development, simple
research, discussion about phenomenon obtained from the result of observation, and
conclusion drawing as the solution to the problem (Yaqinuddin,
2013). Meanwhile, in teaching using scientific method, teachers should encourage the
students to develop better understanding in the research, even if possible teachers
should present the scientific methodology as well as possible (Keyes, 2010).
The principles of PBL are as follows: student-oriented learning, problem serving
as starting point,
working in group with peer, problem solving sought for from many sources, and students
collecting information and knowledge from real life independently (Tilman, 2013). Hung
(2013) highlights the practical dynamic of PBL as the learning method preparing the
students to solve problem in the context of real world
the students find easily. The problem solving process is conducted by collecting
information and processing it in order to be the solution to the problem studied. The
information collecting process should be organized through planned process, thinking,
discussing, reviewing information and communicating (Baysal, 2017).
Through PBL gives the students the opportunity as wide as possible to try finding
something new. PBL as the constructivism-based learning strategy is a concept in
which the students construct their own conception by connecting concrete
experiences to acquire new knowledge through collaboration and refection process (Ajai,
B.Imoko, E. O’kwu. 2013). The students will learn from the existing events in surrounding
environment, thereby can create and modify their conception on reality surrounding.
One instrument of collecting, organizing, and processing information from
surrounding world to solve problem is to have scientific process skill (Zoldosova and
Matejovicova, 2010) and the students should conduct the activity directly (Rozhana &
Fidiastuti, 2017).
In contrast to conventional learning, in PBL students can organize their thinking
orderly and it is very
important to help solve the problem (Ajai, Imoko, and O’kwu. 2013). Wynn & Okie
(2017) has proved that PBL as an ideal instructional method practices collaborative and
deliberative skill, and efective conclusion drawing skill. Roopashree (2014) states that
the learning cycle using PBL model is as follows: it starts with the problem given to
students, conducting experiment or data collecting activities, identifying the concepts to
master in order to solve problem, assembling again to have discussion and to share
experience learnt, and determining solution collaboratively with their peer in group.
The problem-solving and learning process, PBL students collaborate to solve the problem
and learn in small groups. This collaboration component is to help students develop
social, interpersonal, collaborative. In this learning environment, students are
acculturated to practice these skills and ultimately internalize them into their
fundamental dispositions toward learning (Hung, 2013).

2.3. Concept
A concept mapping facilitates strongly the meaningful learning. Concept map helps
the students consolidate their conception on knowledge they have learnt and practice
their problem solving ability (Sun & Chen, 2016). Students’ conception on the learning
outcome through task (assignment) and inquiry can be summarized into concept map,
so that the learning can run more efectively and efficiently (Chichekian & Shore,
2013). The learning with concept map helps focus attention and understand the
concepts of knowledge. General knowledge can be studied by elaborating it into more
detailed concepts, in order to be more understandable to the students (More, et al.,

There are several stages in developing a Novakian concept map

(Davies, 2010). a. Develop a declarative-type focus
question (e.g., ‘‘What is infation?’’)
b. Devise a ‘‘parking lot’’ of concepts and ideas that are related to the concept
of infation, and the question to be answered. The purpose of this stage is
brainstorming. The concepts are placed in circles or boxes to designate them as
c. Put concepts in hierarchical order of importance in a provisional map. An ‘‘expert
skeleton map’’ can be started by an instructor in a class to scafold the learning
process, aid student participation and give students confidence. Students can
complete the map themselves with the focus question and concepts provided.
d. Link lines are then provided between the hierarchical concepts from top to
bottom. The conventions have changed over the decades since the inception of
concept mapping. Arrows were originally only used when it is necessary to link a
lower concept with a higher concept. Devise suitable cross-links for key concepts
in the map. Verbs and prepositions/prepositional phrases are used most
frequently, for example: ‘‘requires’’, ‘‘to work with’’, ‘‘will lead to’’, ‘‘involves’’,
‘‘during’’, ‘‘of’’, ‘‘through’’, and so on. The aim is to show the relationship
between the key concepts and their subordinate or super- ordinate elements.
e. Add examples to the terminal points of a map representing the concepts. These
are not enclosed in
boxes or circles to delineate them as instances of a concept.
2.4. Concept of Problem
Critical thinking skills in giving the right direction in thinking and work, and assist in
determining the interconnectedness of things with the other with a more accurate. The
ability of critical thinking is urgently needed in the problem solving/search solutions,
and project management. The development of critical thinking ability is the
integration of some parts of development capabilities, such as observations, analysis,
reasoning, judgment, decision-making, and persuasion. The better development of these
skills, then we will be increasingly able to overcome problems with satisfactory results.
According to Polya (1985) problem solving as a business seeking a way out of a
difficulty to achieve a
purpose which is not immediately achievable. D'Zurilla and Nezu (2001) defined as the
process of solving cognitive behavioral self help where someone tried to identify or find
an efective solution to a particular problem and adaptive encountered in everyday life.
Problem solving can also be interpreted as measures to
overcome the gaps, while the activity of problem solving itself is a human activity in
applying the concepts and the rules that obtained previously (Dahar, 1998).

3. Method
This research was conducted in three primary schools in the city of Surakarta, that
school of Serengan II, Kemasan II, and Slembaran. Research time in Mater-June 2016.
This type of research is experimental models of post test only control design. Three
schools as an experimental group and three schools as a control group Experimental
group were given preferential treatment by the model of PBL through concept maps,
while the control group with the model of problem solving. Data processing with diferent
test endependent t-test. Prior to test t, first performed its homogeneity and normality

4. Research Results
4.1. The Results of the Analysis of the Experimental Group 1 and the Control
One of the prerequisites for the independent t-test test, done and test the normality
of its homogeneity. Test results of its homogeneity, normality, and knowing the level of
significance was done with SPSS such as indicated in the following table. The table below
shows the test result one pair experiment group 1 and the control group 1 namely
school of Kemasan with Bunderan.

Table-1. Independent t-test experimental group 1 and the control group 1

Group N Mean SD Nor-mality Homo-genity DF

T Sign.
Kemasan 24 71.33 0546 0818 57 5,065
(Experimental) (p > (p > 0.05)
10.52 0000 *
Bunderan 0437
35 57.09 10.67
(Control) (p > 0.05)
Note: * p < 0.05

Table 1 shows the count test normality distribution data show that both group is
normal with the p of
0,546 greater than 0.05 (p > 0.05) to experimental group 1 and p of 0,437(p > 0.05)
tothe control group 1. Both of these groups revealed normal data. Next done test of its
homogeneity, obtained the results that this research subject in homogeneous, with the p
of 0,818 greater than 0.05 (p > 0.05). The next test is done hipotesis with independent t-
test.The results of the independent t-test between eksperimen group 1 and control group
1 of 0,000< 0.05 with tcalculate = 5.065 and ttable = 2.000. The results of the
experimental group was declared tcalculate greater than ttable 0.05 (tcalculate> t table).
This shows that there is a significant diference between both eksperiment group 1
and control group 1.

4.2. The Results of the Analysis of the Experimental Group 2 and

the Control Group 2
The second test in this study is to group the second experimental group i.e. couples
from SDN Serengan with a control group of SD Al Islam 2 Jamsaren.Test the
independent t-test for experimental group 2 and control group 2 can be seen in table 2

Table-2.Independent t-test Experimental Group 2 and control group 2

Group N Mean SD Nor-mality Homo-genity

DF t Sign.
Serengan 35 83.06 (p > 0.05)
(Experimental) 0551

Al Islam 2 39 65.69
(Control) (p > 0.05)
Note: * p <
72 8,341
(p > 0.05)
0000 *

Table 2 shows that thethe mean of experimental group 2 of 83.06 while the
control group mean 2 of
65.69. Test results showed normality distribution data of both groups are normal with
the p of 0,190 (p >
0.05) to experimental group 2 and p of 0,927 (p > 0.05) for the control group 2.
Furthermore based on test
results obtained by its homogeneity that subject in research is homogeneous, with the p
of 0,551 (p > 0.05). Because requirements are met furthermore conducted a test of the
hypothesis using independent t-test.The results of the independent t-test between
eksperiment group 2 and control group 2 of 0,000 < 0.05 with tcalculate =
8.341 and ttable= 1.990 (tcoun >ttable) shows that there is a significant diference between
the eksperiment group
2 and control group 2. Because tcount>ttable, then there is a significant diference
between the mean of the test
results experimental group with the
control group.

4.3. Experimental Group 3 and the

Control Group 3
Test the independent t-test for the experiment group 3 and the control group 3 can be
seen in table 3 below.
Table-3. Independent t-test experimental group 3 and the control group 3

Hom DF t Sign.
Group N Mean SD
Nor- o-
malit genit
y y

Slembaran 41 76.78 (p > 0.05)
(Experimental) 0000

0832 69 5,262
Danukusuman (p > 0.05)
30 65.53 (p > 0000 *
12.38 0.05)
Note: * p < 0.05

Table 3 shows that the mean test results experiments group 3 of 76.78, where as
the mean test results from a control group 3 of 65.53. From these data it appears that
there is a diference of mean test results from experiments with conrol group test results
mean. The second data distribution groups are normal with the p of 0,470 (p > 0.05) to
experimental group 3 and p of 0,832 (p > 0.05) for the control group 3. Furthermore
based on test results obtained by its homogeneity that subject in research is not
homogeneous, with the p of
0,000 (p <0.05). According to (Azwar, 2001) an analysis of the diference can be done
without having to do the inspection in advance against the respective assumptions are
not fulfilled, such as the assumption of normality and its homogeneity. If the respondent
research is already quite a lot, then the assumption of normality is not unduly influence
the results of the analysis. So was assuming its homogeneity, this assumption can also
be ignored without a large risk for respondents in both groups amounted to relatively the
From those results can proceed on the hypothesis test usingindependent t-test.The
results of the independent t-test between eksperiment group and control gorup 3 the
test results showed that t of 0000 <0.05.The result tcalculate = 5.262 compared to table t =
2.000, then tcalculate = 5.262is larger than thetable t = 2.000 (tcalculate >ttable). It can be di
interpretation that there is a significant diference between the both eksperiment group
3 and control group 3. The results of the Independent t-test the third pair/group that each
value tcalculate is greater than t table (tcalculate > t table), so that there is a significant
difference in the mean results of the experimental group with control group.

T test results on a pair of experimental group 1 and the control group 1 is the school
that has almost the same standard. The condition of the characteristics and background
of the students is also almost the same. The two schools simultaneously given the same
material with diferent treatment during three meetings. After being given the post test
for three times, the experimental group gets an mean 63.95; 73.13; and 76.87, if on
average be 71.33. If seen from the treatment for three times, increasing student
achievement. It can be assumed that learning is applied in the classroom the more
acceptable by students and teachers more clever in applying this model. The results of
the control group in this couple was also given the same test three times, but his
education with problem solving. The mean test results is 64.14; 47.29; and 59.85, if on
average becomes
57.09. Regardless of the statistics independet t-test it appears that mean far
higher experimental group compared to the control group mean.
As well as the results of the experimental group 1 pair, test results from the
experimental group pairs 2
and 3 also show nearly the same results. Couples experiments group 2 and 3 is a
partner school with almost the same standard. Mean of 2 and 3 is also an increase in
student achievement test results of the meeting of 1,
2, and 3. Experimental group test results mean 2 of three times the meeting was
83.06, where as the control
group 65.69 mean. It seems clear that there is a diference in test results. Mean test
results than experimental group 3 and control group 3 is 76.78 with 65.53. There are
also groups of 3 couples diference mean test results.
The efectiveness of PBL learning model through concept map is supported by
student maturity process.
Through regular and continuous training, students' ability to solve problems will be
more honed. As Jean
In PBL students can organize their minds in an orderly manner that is essential to help
problem solving (Ajai, Imoko, and O'kwu, 2013). Wynn & Okie (2017) have proven that
PBLs are an ideal instructional method, practicing collaborative, deliberative, and
efective decision-making skills.
Whimbey (2013) that an efective way to improve problem-solving skills for
students is to work with
friends, think hard, learn from each other, and look back at previous problems that are
almost identical to the problem. (Baysal, 2017) PBL is able to generate student
motivation to learn, students learn to make connections with real life, gain concrete
knowledge, can exchange information, think critically, students have confidence, practice
language skills, and trained students to spend time efectively.

A summary of this research is that learning with PBL models through concept maps
by students followed by enthusiastic, fun, train students to learn to think critically,
creatively, and independent. PBL models through to concept maps proved to be more
efective than the learning model of problem solving. PBL models through this concept
map has advantages, such as: a) train students to perform observation, experiment,
solve simple problems encountered in the environment, b) train students to cooperate
in discussion activities, c) train students to dare argue and communicate through
discussions and presentations, d) train students to assess the results of the study for
either him self or the assessment between friends , e) learning with concept maps very
help students to understand the concepts learned and trained to think critically of the
existin g concept of linking with the other fields.

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