CPM Group Assignment 1

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PART A Project Initiation

Preliminary Investigation ............................................................................................................. 2-4
Job Description ................................................................................................................................5
Weighted Scoring Model .................................................................................................................6
Project Charter ............................................................................................................................. 7-9
Work Break Down Structure (WBS Chart) ...................................................................................10
Tabular Form .................................................................................................................................11
Gantt Chart with milestones..................................................................................................... 12-13
PART B Project Planning
Stakeholder Analysis ............................................................................................................... 14-19
Quality Standard Requirements .....................................................................................................20
Weekly Progress Report Template and Sample....................................................................... 21-22
Communication Approaches .................................................................................................... 23-26
Interface Design ....................................................................................................................... 27-31
References ......................................................................................................................................32
Video games is an electronic game that is played on the computers, any gaming console, or even
mobile phones. There are two different types of video games platform which are computer games
and console games. The development of social networks, tablets and smart phones has brought a
new category which are mobile and social games. Video games have developed in so many ways
and one of the most amazing thing is the graphics and they tend to prompt reality.

Computer games started off as a simple and plain technology in the past years, but it then
drastically became a popular and a great influence for the youth of that day. Computer games were
not only like a hobby for certain youths but they actually created a sort of culture that youths were
a part of. Moreover, computer games literally formulated a new type of generation where they
were appreciated and honoured for their quick reflexes and intelligence in planning strategies
where athletic capacity was not needed.

Computer games is a very big industry as it involves billion dollars business for many years.
According to a studies research by Statista, global video games revenue for 2011 to 2016 has
reached a value of 101.62 billion dollars. Top company come up with a game every year as
technology changes very quick in a short time.

The main company and their best selling product in market is, Capcom with revenue making up to
$952 million dollars. The most commonly spoken games from the Capcom boundary is Street
Fighter. Moreover, there are so many other companies who are currently making millions of dollar
of profit in their computer games, such as Nintendo EAD, RockStar North, Konami, Ubisof,
Activision Blizzards and Electronic Arts. According to statistics, the top computer games in 2016
was Call of Duty : Infinite Warface, Battlefield 1 , FIFA 17 and Grand Theft Auto. Not to mention
online games such as DOTA 2, League and Legend, Overwatch and CounterStrike are also the
best online computer games available out there. Not only computer games, mobile gaming have
been rising from year to year due to the rising of smartphones technology to support all sort of
games. Company like Supercell, Niantic, EA , and Gameloft has been dominating the mobile
games industry with top download of their mobile games. In 2016, Clash Royale from Supercell
has been awarded as the mobile game of the year where it reached more than 10 million of

download across the Android platform. The download rate is still increasing despite after one year
of release due to increase in complexity of the game.

According to a study, it is proven that a part of American adults play video games. Amid the adults,
they prefer computers as their gaming platform whereas amid the young adults probably aged
around 13 to 17 years old, they prefer gaming console. Virtual world such as “Virtual Reality”
barely only attracts only a small amount of consumers. American adults aged around 18 and above
play video games, and about 1 in every 5 adults play games every day or approximately every day.
Therefore, it is not realistic to say that only children who is playing video game these days. It has
become a culture boom to our current society.

In these present days, people who play games a lot are called “gamers”. Gamers play a huge role
in making a mark in the entertainment market, meaning they tend to come up with a range for
companies to put their spotlight on endorsing their dollars. These gamers are now adults who spent
years playing old video games that were classic at those times, and now have the money to spend
and manage all the biggies that are released, releasing and to be released. These adults play the
roles as consumers too for the companies that come up with the new games and as the prime reason
for them to succeed. This has make the gamer to earn their living by just playing games and some
of them actually earned more than 10,000 USD per month, which is considerable huge of amount
of money considering what they are doing.

In other businesses, the product that is out is most of the time determined on the firmness of the
title or name of the game. Titles that are big often attract and gain more respect and this is because
the titles are awaited impatiently by people who decide what they want to buy by looking at the
titles. There is no need to say that the companies that come up with the awaited titles or names
make more money.

According to a study, adults buy more computer games compared to children. This is primarily
because adults earn money, get an income so it is easier for them to get computer games compared
to children who are still financially dependent on their parents. Besides that, there is also a proven
study to show that older generation as in senior citizens play games more frequently compared to
the younger adults. 36% of gamers in the age 65 and older play games everyday or nearly everyday.
They have come up with a conclusion that senior gamers play more frequently because they are
probably retired and have more leisure time compared to the younger ones who work.

There are various kind of way for the games to be distributed. One of them is through hard copy.
Hard copy basically means the computer games can be obtain physically from the retail stores.
Besides, computer games can also be obtained through download from the official website of the
game developers. It also can be downloaded through third party application such as Steam, Origin,
Garena and etcetera. Those third party application contains over thousands of computer games that
can be downloaded by the user. Some of them are free to play with option to buy content computer
games and they also has fully paid computer games. A free to play games normally has a Beta tag
which means the game is under testing stage and the tag will be removed once it has enough
resources to maintain the game without any problem.

In my personal experience, I’ve been playing video games for so many years since my secondary
school. Nevertheless, not much money has been spent. This is because I am mostly a free to play
user rather than a play to win user. The only time that I have invested some money in DOTA 2 is
when there is a special event in the game where I will get exclusive items in the game and quest
to be completed. The total amount of money that I have invested the game is estimated around
RM120. Last but not least, spending some money in the game does not simply means wasting our
money but to support the hard work and dedication of the developers in making the computer

A project manager is a person who coordinate and lead he team to accomplish a project. In another
word, it is a very important person in the team. So, the selection for a project manager is a vital
process for the project to be successful. Therefore, a job description will be used as an indicator to
select the best candidate for this position.

First of all, the education background for a project manager is where the candidate needs to have
a minimum of bachelor degree in information system or computer science because this project is
regarding the computer market and software. Moreover, it is advisable for the candidate to have
bits of knowledge in business and liberal arts which helps in the dealing with business processes.
However, certification such as Certification Association in Project Management, Project
Management professional and any other credentials is a bonus for the candidate.

As a project manager, they need to have leadership’s skill to lead the crew. You must maintain the
pace within the workspace, resolve conflicts, motivate the employee and also make crucial
decision for the project. A project manager also need to have the understanding and knowledge in
application area, including the specific standards or regulations. It is also important for a project
manager to be good in verbal communication because communication is a form of bridge to
connect people and product. Trusting in co-worker is also important as there is no one man show
in a project. Efficiency of employee will also increase if there is trust in between project manager
and employee. Time management is as important as criteria above because time is gold and project
manager will be dealing with so many people at once. So, it is very important to adjust and maintain
the time according to the pace of the project.

These days, ethics in project management is also needed in a project. A project manager need to
the skills to value what is the “right” and “wrong” things. It is extremely important in all the
professions as project manager often faces ethical dilemmas. If the candidate has a Project
Manager Professional certificate, he or she is already agree to follow the PMP code of ethics and
professional conduct.

Criteria Weight Nitashini Chun Jason Heyxel Lance Jane
Leadership Skill 30% 90 80 80 60 20 40
Confidence 10% 60 75 80 70 90 10
Skill 25% 80 80 80 80 70 90
Time management 15% 95 80 50 70 80 80
Problem solving
skill 20% 70 95 75 75 55 40
Weighted Scores 100% 81.25 82.5 74.5 70.5 55.5 55.5


Weighted Score By Candidates





Jia Chun


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Weighted Score By Candidates

Project Title: Computer Game Market Software Project
Project Authorization: January 8 2017
Project Start Date: January 8 2017 Project Finish Date: April 4 2017

Key Schedule Milestones:

Milestones Completion Time
 Project Concept Developed 2 FEB
 Current Business Process Analysis 25 FEB
 Developing product 17 MAR
 Product testing 27 MAR
 Testing completed 28 MAR

Budget Information:

A budgeted of RM100,000 has been allocated for the estimated time for 4 month to ensure that
hardware, software and outsourcing data is completed including all the internal and external costs.

Project Manager:
Nitashine, (018) 435 8559, [email protected]
Project Objectives:
Create a new sub-business line for our company where penetrating the (computer game)
entertainment industry successfully by the indicating whole new project. Expend the company
business infrastructure and dominate market shares in the business and IT industry. Most
importantly is to create whole new level of game style suitable for all age instead of following the
existing trend which only focus on adult market.

Project Main Success Criteria:

Segmented market correctly is the key factor of success future business, defined characteristics of
the new software product (Video game) and study the potential customer purchase behaviors and
delivering their desire result or more than their expectation.


• Assess the needs of the system components for software application, database and website.

• Create a database that has the ability to provide the support the application software which
handling of games and the customer’s feedback.

• Determine a way to measure the value of the intranet site in term of reduced cost and new
revenues and this information during the project and 4 month after project completion.

• Research software to provide accurate security for online payment, construct user friendly

• Develop a proper mechanism by testing result and effectiveness of the system and how the
customer view the product

Project scope statement:

This application software will run on PCs running Windows and Vista and will support the
retrieval of information and data of all user that have been admitted throughout the internet access.
The built-in tutorials are designed to provide instruction to a new user so that they are productive
within the first time of use. In the future, we are planning to standardize our project or product
which carry out Marketing Requirements Document (MRD) is to be created that outlines each
approved Requirement. Also, there will be a design and implementation guide written by
engineering as soon as the team exits the initial Planning process with more accurate format while
developing a game or application. In addition, we need to recruit expertise team will be engaged
at the start of the project to ensure that quality standards for this release are met.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Name Role Position Contact Information

Jia Chun Sponsor CEO [email protected]

Nitashine Project Manager Manager [email protected]

Jason Team Member Testing expert [email protected]

Heyxel Team Member Design Consultant [email protected]

Lance Team Member Programmer [email protected]

Jane Team Member Programmer [email protected]

Sign-off : (Signatures of all the above stakeholders)


“I want to be heavily involved in this project. It is crucial to our company’s success and I expect
everyone to help make it succeed” - Walter



1.0 Project Management

1.1 Weighted scoring model
1.2 Project scope statement
1.3 Project charter
1.4 WBS chart
1.5 Gantt chart
2.0 Analysis
2.1 Stakeholder analysis
2.2 Define requirements
2.2.1 Define user requirements
2.2.2 Define content requirements
3.0 Design
4.0 Implementation
5.0 Testing
5.1 Error handling
5.2 Troubleshooting
6.0 Rollout
6.1 Manage and report configuration status

7.0 Manage change request


Stakeholder analysis is the findings of important and significant groups of people who involves
in the project and are likely to be affected or affect the project. Sorting them out accordingly will
help to help us to know who has the most influence and interest in the project. It consist of
sensitive information such as name and organization, their unique facts, unique facts and
etcetera. Below is the table of key stakeholder involves.

Key Stakeholders

Name Tiger Eric

Organization Project Manager Market Analyst

Role on To lead the team to project To help to study the market to aid client
project completion and employee in making decision
Unique Fact Has experience in project Nice guy, love to play games and a
management and market research, young market analysts trying to make a
computer games enthusiast, still breakthrough in his career. A happy go
enjoy with the Atari system, very lucky guy.
demanding, enjoy playing games
with his children. Very concern
on selling violent and sexist video
Level of Very High High
Level of Very High. Leader of the team. High. Still a young market analyst but
Influence marketing research is very important in
this project

Suggestion on Always inform him the progress. Let him have some freedom in giving
managing Consult him when facing any opinion and guide him as much as
relationship problem and follows his lead. possible Ensure not too much pressure
on him.

Name Michelle Krishna

Organization Outside consultant Web Guru
Role on project Assist team in finding Do web research on computer
research on computer games games
Unique Fact Used to work in several A young Web guru who
major computer games enjoys playing games. Still
firms. young and has a lot more to
take to become a good web
guru. Loves sport and knows
more than 2 language.
Level of Interest Medium High
Level of Influence High. She has massive Low. There are lots more
experience regarding the candidate out there and still
project. A pretty important young.
figure in the team.
Suggestion on managing Listen to her past Let her to do the research and
relationship experience. Ask her to focus ask her to focus more on the
on the objective of this project goals.
project and listen to her
opinion only if necessary.

Name Katie Nita
Organization Business Analyst Programmer
Role on project Research the business domain To build the program.
and help in documenting the
business processes.
Unique Fact Experienced business analyst Game enthusiast, have broad
who never play games. A very knowledge on gaming and
patience person. Concern on programming skills to develop
lack of girl-friendly games good games. Key to project
and educational game. success.
Level of Interest Medium Very High
Level of Influence Low. Has experience in Very High. Critical person to
business analyst but less success and hard to replace.
experience in computer
Suggestion on managing Make sure she knows the Keep her happy and try to
relationship goals and objective of the listen to her opinion if
project well. Listen to her possible. Give her time to
opinion and learn the business make the program happens.
process from her.

Name Lucas Jack
Organization User User
Role on project Help to give review on the User of the program.
Unique Fact Father of 3 kids. He feels that 5 year old kid. Love to watch
edutainment can be the future cartoon and easily attracted to
of learning resource. Game colorful thing.
enthusiastic and hope that his
kids will have good learning
exposure and experience.
Level of Interest High Very High
Level of Influence Low. Not the actual user. May Medium. The user of this
give important opinion but program but can be easily
can be replaced easily. replaced.
Suggestion on managing Let him try the program once Try satisfied him and get
relationship it is done and get feedback some feedback from him.
from him constantly if there is
any update.

Name Adam Audrey
Organization Lawyer and ethics specialist VP of marketing
Role on project To maintain compliance Investigate the opportunities
with legal law to prevent of the growing video game
regulatory and ethical market. Makes requirement
violation for the project.
Unique Fact A 40 years old guy who is Opportunity seeker and wants
proficient in law. Has 2 kids to involve more in children
in primary school. games.
Level of Interest Low Very High
Level of Influence Low. There lots more Very High. Has a lot of
candidate out there and easy decision power and in charge
to be replaced. in making strategies to
develop this project.
Suggestion on managing Make sure we follow the Keep inform progress and
relationship law and ask for his opinion make sure to satisfy all the
regarding regulations and requirement stated.
ethics if feel unsure.

Below is the stakeholder map constructed according to the table above.


Stakeholder Quality standard Description

Outside Reliability  The game software should be of good quality.
consultant  It must be working well without any slow
(Michelle) performance.
Lawyer and ethics Maintainability  Since kids will be using the game software, they
specialist tend to make mistakes a lot in making selections.
(Adam)  So, it is important to make sure the software can
recover fast when a certain wrong selection is
 The repair action should be done a few seconds
Web guru Correctness  Proper amount of research is done for before
(Krishna) designing and implementing the software.
 Research is important to make sure what is being
implementing is according to the requirements
Programmer Effective information  Create a game software that has short and
(Nita) management convenient information.
 The information should be easily understandable
Users Accessibility  Kids should be able to access it without any
(Kids) complications.
 Kids prefer easy to use software because they will
not prefer complex steps to play the game.

Members Weekly Report Template

Project Title : Computer Game Market Software Project

Report Week : Week-[ ]
Starting Date : Ending
Date :
Name :

Task Achieved This □

Week: □

Problem/Challenge Description (Solved/Need Advice)

Next Week Plans :

Writer Signature: Project Manager Signature:

Writer Name : Project Manager Name :

Date : Date :
Project Manager Comment Section

Sample Weekly Report
Project Title : Computer Game Market Software Project
Report Week : Week-[ 12 ]
Starting Date : 27 -MAR - Ending 2 – APR - 2017
2017 Date :
Name :

Task Achieved This □ Charts Design

Week: □ Stakeholder Analysis
□ Requirements
□ Design Part

Problem/Challenge Description (Solved/Need Advice)

Design Knowledge was not enough,
Design Part solved by referring lessons online Solved

Next Week Plans : □ Error Handling

□ Troubleshooting

Writer Signature: Project Manager Signature:

Writer Name : Project Manager Name :

Date : 2 – APR -2017 Date : 3 – APR - 2017
Project Manager Comment Section
Good to know the problem is solved, any doubt please come to me.

Name : Jason Fong
ID : I15009071
In the process of a working on a project or in a working environment, there are many kinds of
users with different characteristic that would be interacted. Some are easy to work with, while
some are not, however, we cannot expect to always get the chance to only interact with those that
are easy to communicate with. When it comes to difficult or hard to work with people, in my
opinion, instead of changing them, we should change ourselves, our perspective when faced. Here
are the two approaches of what I think best to apply when dealing with a hard to work with user.

The first approach is to stop always assuming we are right. It is undoubtedly people would always
think they are right, you rarely see a person who says that they are wrong at first. People could
come with many and many justification of why they are right, even if they are wrong, unless some
very logical fact struck their senses.

This also happens when we are dealing with a difficult user or person, in that occasion, we both
might think that we are right too, but here is what I suggest, instead of hardening the egos, we
should seek first to understand. What this means is that we should try to understand the other
person’s perspective, why is she behaving like this? Why does she keep on literate this point?
What fact is promoting and motivating his will? By thinking this way first, chances are we might
find that we are the ones that is wrong, and there will be something we can reconsider and adjust
accordingly, this approach would not always work, but then it teaches ourselves to lower our ego
instead of thinking of a way to win the situation, this way we can be more open-minded and more

Another approach is to diverge the focus, hard to work with people usually like to place attention
on you as to make you uncomfortable or inadequate, they usually like to add in the point of what
is wrong rather than finding out a solution, they sometimes could be harsh and unreasonable.

The thing we shall do is to diverge the focus back to them, not to create an argument but to stop it,
this could be done by simply explaining to them that you felt disrespected, and would discontinue
the communication if he or she persists the act. Often times, when people feel that they are being
aggressed, they would defend themselves, and this only makes the aggressor feel more powerful

over you and, you will least likely able to come out of the loop to solve the issues on hold. Once
the aggressor had stopped, we could go back to work on solving the existing issue.

Name : Nitashine a/p Baskaran

ID : 14006239

1. Have more meetings with them

This is essential because the hard-to-work-with person must always be monitored and made
sure that they are progressing with their job. Hard-to-work with users tend to need more
attention as they may delay in working on time. Working on a project and procrastinating
on work is a very big deal. Therefore, it is important to have more meetings with this person
more often. We can tell them to show their progress on each meeting. If they have any
problem with the work they have been assigned to do, then the rest of the team members
should discuss and find a solution for the specific problem. As much as making them
complete their job on time and what not, it is as important to make them feel like they don’t
have a burden on them. If that happens they will flip out and neglect all their responsibilities
which is a disaster for the whole team.

2. Change it Following from Leading

This applies when a person is more like following what another person say. This person
can be hard to work with because they wait for someone to lead them or tell them what to
do or they might just rant about what is wrong in all the team member’s opinions. In a
project, you need to make your own initiative to check whether what you are doing is right
and contact the team members to know what to do next and it is important to respect
everyone’s opinion. This can be solved by changing the topic whenever this difficult person
tries to bring the negative vibes in the discussion. This shouldn’t be done as obvious they
might feel they are being neglected. Another way is to use questions to counter them like
make them explain more and see whether their point makes sense or else just explain to
them why they are wrong.

Name : Heyxel Low

ID : I15008803

A successful project management communication is always as every team member being connect
and in touch with facing the challenges in the project, try to understanding the potential issues may
occur within the team. Everyone in the team play important role throughout the whole project
phase where having a good time and some challenging times could happen. Communication is not
just only about socialize speaking to and listening from people, it is about understanding the whole
meaning with complete message which maximise the effectiveness of communication.

If delivering an incorrect message could resulting a serious issue that people are found confused
and misunderstanding the real meaning. Provide leadership in the team would directing the
member to clear and precious project vision to ensure that visualise the achievement result as well
as their common goal. Being present, visible and engaged to every team member can be more
effective and efficient project communication.

In order to minimize and eliminate those real issues, we implemental the first approach is
encouraging communication. While many project progress meeting, there are always have the
team member’s mouths are faster who always talkative and concerns the accomplishments and
another way around is to blaming, criticism others member. When the thing go wrong, they will
keep blaming and self-centre their own opinion and ignore less talkative member. Let every team
member expressing their own stand or idea in the correct way would solve those critical problems.

In addition, another approach is about use online collaboration tools such as telephone and web
conference. Collaboration tools help to speeding the project progress and facilitate process of
collaborating with team members. Our group always using the Facebook massager and Wechat to
doing the project commination instead of meet up face to face meeting regularly. It would help to
find some resource on the internet as well as the dividend the project’s work more efficiently.
Enhanced technology allows us to communicate easily where ever the team members and also a
key of influence on the success of the project.

Name : Jia Chun

ID : I15008512

Communication is fairly important in doing a project as having a good communication within a

team is the key for a project to be success. Besides, having effective and good communication is
what define a good and bad leader. Having communication in line among team member will aid
the decision process as well the progress of the project. This will boost the productivity among the
members as well. In doing the assignment, various way has been used to communicate between
team members.

The first approaches that we have used is by holding an open meeting. Open meeting is the very
first approaches that we had made. This meeting is important as it can show the passion and first
impression among the members. Open meeting can help to solve the problem because face to face
meeting is very effective in problem solving. You also can see and feel what the member is saying.
In another word, it is more reliable approach because we do not know what they feel by just looking
at the text or message. It can also maintain healthy relationship within member by using this
approaches because it will make the members to meet more frequently in real life rather than just
on the phone.

The second approaches that we have used is the social media. Nowadays, everyone has at least
one social media account. It is almost inevitable to say that everyone is on the social media and it
is a very effective communication if it used in a correct way. Social media like WhatsApp,
Facebook and Twitter are must to have for our current society. We have group chat to help in our
communication. Member can immediately ask any question if they have any doubt and meeting is
arranged by discussing in the group chat. Member also can constantly update their progress in the
social media group chat and it will allow a more transparent environment for all the member to see
each of everyone progress. Besides, some member might be introvert and they are extremely shy
to ask anything in meeting. So, they will tend to ask more in the group chat instead.

Last but not least, this is the two approaches that we have used to communicate in doing our
assignment. Everything went well and I am glad we used this two approaches.




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5. Latumahina, Donald. "Dealing With Difficult People: Alternative Approaches". Life Optimizer.
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6. Lenhart, Amanda, Sydney Jones, and Alexandra Macgill. "Adults And Video Games". Pew
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7. Lofgren, Krista. "2016 Video Game Statistics & Trends | Big Fish Blog". Big Fish Games. N.p.,
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8. "Quality Standards And Requirements - Community Options, Inc.". Community Options, Inc..
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9. "Scope Statement | Project Documents | PMBOK Templates". Projectmanagementdocs.com.

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