Ch. 4 - Losses of Precipitaiton
Ch. 4 - Losses of Precipitaiton
Ch. 4 - Losses of Precipitaiton
A few terms related to evaporation are defined below:
a. Temperature: Evaporation is highly dependent upon temperature. Higher the
temperature, greater will be the evaporation.
b. Surface area of water body: Evaporation takes place from free surface of
water body. Larger the area exposed to atmosphere, greater will be evaporation.
g. Depth of Water: Greater the depth of water, lesser will be the evaporation.
Estimation of Evaporation
Evaporation can be estimated by:
a. direct measurement using pans, or
b. indirect or theoretical method
From theoretical point of view there are three recognized approaches and are
named as:
1. Water Budget Approach,
2. Energy Budget Approach, and
3. Mass Transfer Approach
E = P – R – L – S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (4.1)
Example 4.1
P = 50 mm R = 35 mm
L = 10 mm S = 0
E = P – R – L – S
E = 50 – 35 – 10 = 5 mm
The energy budget approach makes use of the law of conservation of energy which
indicates that the total energy reaching a body of water must be equal to the total
energy leaving the water plus the increase in the internal energy of the water body.
The continuity equation for energy budget approach is given below.
Qe = Qs - Qr - Qb - Qh - Qt Qv - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (4.2)
Qe = the energy available for evaporation.
Qs = the solar radiation (short wave)
Qr = Reflected solar energy
Qb = Long wave loss
Qh = Latent heat between the water surface and the atmosphere.
Qt = Heat transfer to and from the lake
Qv = Increases in stored energy.
All these quantities can be measured or estimated indirectly. The evaporation then
is estimated by some relationship between heat available for evaporation and
evaporated water quantity. Many researchers have worked on relationship. A
simple one from Bowen is given below:
Example 4.2
Calculate the evaporation rate from an open water surface using Bowen’s Equation
from the following data:
The mass transfer approach contains Dalton’s original idea that evaporation ratio is
determined by a combination of influences including wind, humidity, sunshine and
surface characteristics. His equation is given below:
In this equation the evaporation ‘E’ is a product of the vapor pressure gradient
existing between the evaporating surface ‘eo’ and the air above the surface ‘ea’ and
a constant including wind and empirical functions given by following equation:
Example 4.3
Calculate evaporation from an open water surface in a region where air pressure is
105 KN/m². The vapor pressure of water is 3.167 KN/m² and that of air is 1.583
KN/m². The wind speed measured at elevation of 1.75 m above water surface is
2.7 m/s. Assume height of surface roughness as 0.3 mm. The density of water and
air may be taken as 1,000 kg/m³ and 1.2 kg/m³ and the Von Karman constant is
case, precipitation is more than evaporation, then water from pan is to be
Evaporation Pans
The pan is the most widely used evaporation instrument. There are three types of pans.
a. Sunken pans
b. Above ground or surface pans
c. Floating pans.
Sunken Pan
This is installed inside the earth surface. (see figure 4.1). This pan tends to
eliminate objectionable boundary effects such as radiation on the side walls and
heat exchange between the atmosphere and the pan. The results obtained from this
pan are more accurate than those obtained from other pans.
This pan is circular in shape. These are 1.80 m in diameter and 0.60 m deep.
These are sunken into the ground to a depth of 0.55 m and 0.05 m above the
ground i.e. total depth is 0.60 m.
2. Colorado Pan
These are square in shape. These are 0.90m x 0.90m and 0.45m deep. These are
American pans, with 5 cm of rim projecting from the ground. The water is
maintained two inch below the rim.
Fig. 4.1 The Colorado Sunken Pan
3. Young’s Pan
It is also circular in shape, about 0.60 m in diameter and 0.90 m deep covered with
a 6 mm wire mesh screen. Other conditions are same as that of Colorado pan.
The surface pan which has found international recognition is U.S. Weather Bureau
class-A pan. This is made of galvanized iron (G.I.) sheet. The pan is placed on a
wooden frame to allow free access of air at the bottom (see figure 4.2). The
principle advantage of the surface pan is the easy operation and maintenance.
However more evaporation takes place as compared to the sunken and floating
pan but this type of pans are most widely used all over the world. Certain
correction factors are applied to every pan.
Floating Pans
As the name indicates the floating pans float over the surface of lake ( Fig. 4.3).
With a certain arrangement the pan is installed in the lake so that it could float over
the surface of lake. Evaporation from a floating pan is approximately the same as
that directly from the lake, because the atmospheric conditions around the pan are
the same as those for the lake. Lake evaporation measured by such pans is free
from the effects of the atmosphere.
The depth of water evaporated from a pan is always greater than the evaporation
from water bodies. So evaporation depth measured from pans must be multiplied
by a factor to get actual evaporation. This factor is known as Pan Coefficient. It
value ranges from 0.60 to greater than unity.
EL = Lake Evaporation
E = Pan Evaporation, then
E L = kp E
Where kp = Pan Coefficient
Example 4.4
The rainfall during a particular day was 10 mm. Class - A Pan is installed in this
area. If water added to Pan on that particular day was 12 mm, find the
evaporation. Take the Pan coefficient as 0.60.
Rainfall = 10 mm
Water Added = 12 mm
Depth of water evaporated from pan =10+12 = 22 mm
Evaporation = 0.60 x 22 = 13 mm
Example 4.5
If the Pan of Example 4.4 is installed near a Lake having surface area of 500
Hectares, find the volume of water lost due to evaporation. Other observations
remain same.
On that particular Day, evaporation = 13 mm = 0.013 m
Surface area of lake = 500 Hectares = 500 x 10,000 = 5,000,000 m²
Volume of water lost due to evaporation = 0.013 x 5,000,000 = 65,000 m³
Measurement of Evapotranspiration
There are many methods of measuring evapotranspiration. The instrument most
commonly used for the measurement of evapotranspiration is known as
The lysimeter consists of a small tank filled with soil and having the same
vegetation cover as that of the adjacent area. It contains a drain and all facilities for
measuring the quantity of water entering and leaving the tank. The vegetation in
the tank is either watered from lower side of the tank by maintaining a constant
water table or from above. Some of common uses of lysimeter are:
The infiltrated water may move horizontally, vertically or in both the directions.
The horizontal movement of water is called Interflow. The interflow joins streams,
lakes and rivers. In large reservoirs substantial movement of water towards the
reservoirs is observed due to interflow from the adjacent areas.
The vertical movement of water from deeper layers of soil is called percolation.
The percolated water moves as Groundwater flow.
Infiltration is measured in terms of depth of water lost in unit time. This is
necessary as amount of infiltration varies with time (storm interval for example). At
a particular instant, infiltrated depth of water divided by time is called
Instantaneous Infiltration Rate. If total infiltrated water depth is divided by total
time, it is known as Average Infiltration Rate.
Measurement of Infiltration
Infiltration rate can be measured by simultaneous measurements of rainfall and
runoff. Infiltration may be determined by using equations or infiltration indices.
f = fc + (fo-fc)e-kt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (4.6)
f = infiltration rate at any time ‘t’
fo = Initial infiltration rate
fc = final infiltration rate
k = a constant having units of 1/t
Integration of Equation 4.6 gives total infiltration as given by equation 4.7 below.
Figure 4.4 shows typical plot of Horton’s Equation. The area under the curve gives
total amount of infiltration. Usage of Horton’s Equation requires three parameters,
the initial Infiltration rate, the final infiltration rate and value of constant.
Fig. 4.4 Plot of Horton’s Equation
Example 4.6
A storm occurred and lasted for 2 hours giving a total rainfall of 50 mm. If initial
infiltration rate is 15 mm/h and final infiltration rate is 8 mm/h, find the total
infiltration depth if value of ‘k’ is 1 h-1. If other losses are negligible, find the
effective depth of rainfall.
fo = 15 mm/h fc = 8 mm/h k = 1 h-1
Infiltration Indices
Although rate of infiltration varies with time, for practical purposes, it is assumed
constant. Two types of infiltration indices are used:
a. Index
b. W Index
It is mean infiltration rate for a particular storm. (pronounced ‘Phi’) index can
be found if rainfall occurrence with respect to time is known. It is assumed that
total depth of rain minus ø gives depth of runoff. value is found by trial and
error procedure. A value for ø is assumed and subtracted from total rainfall for
each time interval. The sum of values after subtraction should be equal to total
direct runoff. That value of which gives this value is taken as index.
Example 4.7
A flood was measured from a catchment of 375 square kilometers. The direct
runoff from this flood was found to be 3.58 cm. The time distribution of the rainfall
is given below in Table 4.1. Find the index for this storm. Also find total
infiltrated volume of water.
The first step is to assume a value of ‘f’ in cm and calculate rainfall excess for each
hour of rainfall. This rainfall excess is summed up to give total depth for the storm.
Next, another value of ‘f’ is assumed and total depth of rainfall excess determined.
This procedure is repeated till a sufficient set of ‘f’ and rainfall excess is
determined. Now, plot ‘f’ values against rainfall excess (direct runoff). The value of
‘f’ corresponding to known depth of runoff is index read from the plot.
Calculations on the basis of above procedure are given in Table 4.2. The ‘f’ Vs
‘Rainfall Excess’ plot is shown in figure 4.5. The value of comes out to be 1.45
Table 4.2 Calculations for ‘’ Index
W Index
W index gives the average rate of infiltration. It can be found by subtracting the
sum of total direct runoff, interception and depression storage from the total
4. Define ‘Pan Evaporation’ and ‘Pan Coefficient’. Discuss the merits and
demerits of the three pan exposures.
6. What is Lysimeter?
1. A reservoir operator has to release water from reservoir for being picked
up at a distance of 50 km for downstream users. The average width of the stream
for the anticipated discharge is 40 m. The mean daily class A tank evaporation for
this season is 0.5 cm. Estimate the mean daily evaporation from the stream in
Acre-Feet per Day, if the pan coefficient is 0.7. Assuming 15% losses due to
seepage, find discharge at the head of canal if the required discharge at tail is to be
50 m³/s.
4. For data given in Example 4.4, find total infiltration during the storm
period using Horton’s Equation assuming fo = 1.5 cm/h, and fc = 0.5 cm/h.
Hour (Time) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Incremental Rainfall (cm) 0.4 0.9 1.5 2.3 1.8 1.6 1.0 0.5
beginning of the storm. Find total infiltration during 10 hours if A = 10 mm/h1/2 and
B = 5 mm/h.
7. For a 3-hours duration 225 mm of total rainfall was observed over a 3,200
square kilometers catchment area. The infiltration capacity curve for this area can
be given by Horton’s Equation (Equations 4.6 and 4.7) in which fo = 10 mm/h and
fc = 0.5 mm/h. Evaporation and other losses during the storm period were
observed to be 50 mm. Find excess rainfall over the catchment. And also estimate:
10. In a storm, total rainfall is 2.29 cm and the total infiltration loss is 0.88 cm,
calculate the rainfall excess. Neglect evaporation during the period.
11. Determine the runoff from a catchment of area 2.3 km² over which 7.5 cm
of rainfall occurred during 1 day storm. An infiltration curve prepared indicated an
initial infiltration capacity of 0.6 cm/h and attained a constant value of 0.15 cm/h
after 12 hours of rainfall with the Horton’s constant k = 3 h-1. A class A Pan
installed in the catchment indicated a decrease of 2.5 cm in water level on that day.
All other losses were found to be negligible.