Wifi Wimax

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WiMax versus Wi-Fi

A Comparison of
Technologies, Markets,
and Business Plans

Michael F. Finneran
dBrn Associates, Inc.
Telephone: (516) 569-4557
Email: [email protected]

June 1, 2004
Wireless LANs based on the IEEE 802.11 or Wi-Fi
standards have been a resounding success, and now the
focus in wireless is shifting to the wide area. While Wi-Fi
has virtually obliterated all other contenders in the local
area, the wide area market is still up for grabs.

The cellular carriers got into the market first with their
2.5G/3G data services, but their offerings are positioned as
an add-on to what is essentially a voice service. Sales have
been lackluster to say the least. The real challenge to the
cellular data services will come from the two emerging
data-oriented technologies, WiMax and Mobile-Fi. With
chip-level components due for shipment in the last quarter
of 2004, WiMax will be the next to debut.

WiMax, short for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave

Access, is defined in IEEE 802.16 standards, and is being
promoted by the WiMax Forum. The Forum looks to
develop interoperability test suites to insure a multi-vendor
solution that will result in lower cost products based on
open standards. Internationally, a European
Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) initiative
called HIPERMAN addresses the same area as
WiMax/802.16 and shares some of the same technology.

With increased market recognition for WiMax, it is now

regularly compared with Wi-Fi. While the two do indeed
share some fundamental technical characteristics, they are
approaching the wireless space from completely different
perspectives. Further, different design approaches will
make it unlikely that the two will actually compete except
by coincidence. The purpose of this paper is to provide a
technical and market comparison of the Wi-Fi and WiMax
technologies highlighting their similarities and fundamental
differences, and to identify the applications each will
address in the coming years.

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WiMax/Wi-Fi Market Overview

The most fundamental difference between WiMax and Wi-

Fi is that they are designed for totally different
applications. Wi-Fi is a local network technology designed
to add mobility to private wired LANs. WiMax, on the other
hand, was designed to deliver a metro area broadband
wireless access (BWA) service. The idea behind BWA is to
provide a fixed location wireless Internet access service to
compete with cable modems and DSL. So, while Wi-Fi
supports transmission ranges up to a few hundred meters,
WiMax systems could support users at ranges up to
30 miles.

This difference in focus helps to explain why there has

been less “market buzz” surrounding WiMax. Where Wi-Fi
marketing targeted the end user, WiMax is intended as the
basis of a carrier service. As a result, the WiMax Forum
has been working primarily with component and
equipment suppliers to develop base stations and premises
equipment that carriers will use to deliver the service.

The market view of WiMax has also been confused by the

range of applications for which it has been proposed.
According to Margaret LeBrecque, Marketing Manager for
the Broadband Wireless Division at Intel Capital, and
former president of the WiMax Forum, three major phases
in development are anticipated:

* Phase 1--Fixed Location Private Line Services or

Hot Spot Back-haul: The initial application for WiMax
type technology is a service that provides traditional
dedicated-lines at transmission rates up to 100 Mbps
using outdoor antennas. These systems typically use
radio equipment that pre-dates the WiMax standards.
Companies like TowerStream offer wireless Internet
access at speeds ranging from fractional T1 to 100
Mbps (see “TowerStream Delivers”).

Recognizing the proliferation of Hot Spots, WiMax is

also being positioned as a means of aggregating that

© dBrn Associates, Inc, 2004 3

traffic and backhauling it to a central, high-capacity
Internet connection. Equipment suppliers have also
found a market for these point-to-point systems
internationally, where they are used for cellular
backhaul or to deliver basic telephone service in hard-
to-reach areas.

* Phase 2--Broadband Wireless Access/Wireless

DSL: The first mass-market application for WiMax
would be broadband wireless access or wireless DSL,
offering data rates between 512 Kbps and 1 Mbps. The
key will be to deliver low-cost, indoor, user installable
premises devices that will not have to be aligned with
the base station--the antenna in the premises
equipment would be integrated with the radio modem.
In the late 1990s, Sprint and MCI pioneered this type of
service, deploying point-to-point systems in about a
dozen markets. They subsequently shelved the idea
while waiting for a functional non-line-of-sight radio
technology like the one described in the WiMax

Currently dozens of small-scale BWA services are

cropping up around the country using pre-standard
WiMax technology. The website BBWExchange.com lists
the top 10 wireless access suppliers in the U.S., the
largest being DTN Speed of Omaha, with 5,100
subscribers as of April 2004.

The WiMax Forum hopes to see that figure grow

exponentially when larger carriers begin deploying
networks using low-cost (≤$200), silicon-based
products early next year. Currently Verizon, Bell South,
Nextel, and Earthlink are all testing BWA services.

* Phase 3- Mobile/Nomadic Users: Initially, WiMax was

conceived as a fixed-location wireless technology.
However, with the use of lower frequencies (2-11 GHz),
and the development of the IEEE 802.16e Mobile WiMax
standard, the technology could also support mobile
subscribers traveling at speeds up to 75 mph. The
mobile service will operate in the lower part of the band
(<6 GHz), and will use the same access protocol as the

© dBrn Associates, Inc, 2004 4

fixed-location systems. The mobile service is planned to
operate on a shared 15-Mbps channel, supporting user
data rates around 512 Kbps.

According to Margaret LeBrecque, Wi-Fi and Mobile WiMax

could potentially be supported on the same card, so a user
could access the Internet in a 100-meter hot spot or a
6-km WiMax Hot Zone. The 802.16e specifications are
expected by the end of 2004, and this will put WiMax in
direct competition with 2.5G/3G cellular services and the
emerging IEEE 802.20 or Mobile-Fi standard for Mobile
Broadband Wireless Access.

Figure 1: A WiMax Cell

Hot Spot

Home User


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TowerStream Delivers

While many potential carriers are waiting for lower-cost WiMax-compatible radio
equipment, TowerStream has been delivering wireless Internet access to
commercial customers for almost four years. According to CEO Phil Urso, the
company currently operates networks in six markets including New York, Boston
and Chicago, with plans to expand.

A citywide network typically includes several points of presence (POPs)

interconnected by point-to-point 18-GHz radio links with connections to two or
more ISPs. The POPs are connected in a ring configuration with an automatic
fail-over that provides SONET-like recovery.

Each POP covers a cell with a radius of about 10 miles, and connects customers
on links that range from 512 kbps to 100 Mbps. According to COO Jeff
Thompson, the customer access uses a pre-standard version of 802.16 that
offers many of the same capabilities, including QOS support. Rather than the
WiMax preferred 256-channel OFDM, their systems use a single-carrier TDD
radio link that provides flexible frequency reuse. Access links operate in the
unlicensed 5-GHz U-NII band using either line-of-sight or non-line of sight radio
equipment, depending on the transmission rate required. To improve reliability,
each customer site is homed on multiple base stations, and switchover takes
less than a second. So the network features both backbone and access

The company claims 600 customers, from financial services to universities and
hospitals. In one case, the Boston Public Library dropped a 32-node frame relay
network and replaced it with an MPLS-based VPN service using TowerStream’s
radio access network.

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WiMax versus WiFi Radio Technology

Besides the obvious difference in transmission range, there

are a number of improvements in the radio link technology
that distinguish WiMax from WiFi. The IEEE 802.11
wireless LAN standards describe four radio link interfaces
that operate in the 2.4 G or 5 GHz unlicensed radio bands;
the four are summarized in Table 1. The WiMax standards
include a much wider range of potential implementations
to address the requirements of carriers around the world.
The original version of the 802.16 standard, released in
December 2001, addressed systems operating in the 10-
66 GHz frequency band. Those high-frequency systems
require line-of-sight (LOS) to the base station, which
increases cost and limits the customer base. Further, in
line-of-sight systems, customer antennas must be
realigned when a new cell is added to the network.

We will focus primarily on the 802.16a standard released

in January 2003 that describes systems operating between
2 GHz and 11 GHz. The lower frequency bands support
non-line-of-sight (NLOS), eliminating the need to align the
customer unit with the base station.

Table 1- IEEE 802.11 WLAN Radio Link Interfaces

Standard Maximum Fallback Channels Frequency Radio

Bit Rate Rates Provided Band Technique
802.11 2 Mbps 1 Mbps 3 2.4 GHz FHSS or DSSS
802.11b 11 Mbps 5.5 Mbps 3 2.4 GHz DSSS
2 Mbps
1 Mbps
802.11a 54 Mbps 48 Mbps 12 5 GHz OFDM
36 Mbps
24 Mbps
18 Mbps
12 Mbps
9 Mbps
6 Mbps
802.11g 54 Mbps Same as 3 2.4 GHz OFDM

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WiMax Where all WiFi implementations use unlicensed frequency
Frequency Bands bands, WiMax can operate in either licensed or unlicensed
spectrum. Within 802.16a’s 2-11 GHz range, four bands
are particularly attractive:

* Licensed 2.5-GHz MMDS: In the U.S., the FCC has

allocated 200 MHz of licensed radio spectrum between
2.5-2.7 GHz for Multichannel Multipoint Distribution
Service (MMDS). Sprint and MCI used this band for
their original point-to-point services.

* Licensed 3.5-GHz Band: A swath of licensed spectrum

roughly equal to MMDS has been allocated in the 3.4 to
3.7-GHz range throughout most of the rest of the world.

* Unlicensed 3.5-GHz Band: In the U.S., the FCC has

recently moved to open an additional 50 MHz of
unlicensed spectrum in the 3.65-3.70 GHz band for
fixed location wireless services.

* Unlicensed 5 GHz U-NII Band: In the U.S., 555 MHz

of unlicensed frequency has been allocated in the
5.150–5.350 GHz and 5.470–5.825 GHz bands. That
spectrum is called the Unlicensed National Information
Infrastructure (U-NII) band, the same band used for
802.11a wireless LANs. The allocation was increased
from 300 MHz to 555 MHz by an FCC order in November

Dynamic While carriers might be leery of delivering a service using

Frequency an unlicensed band, the WiMax standards incorporate
Selection a Dynamic Frequency Selection feature where the radio
automatically searches for an unused channel. In remote
areas, the chance of interference should be minimal.

WiMax Another confusing attribute of WiMax is the range

FDD/TDD of options that were included to accommodate the various
Options carrier requirements around the world. First, WiMax
systems can be configured for dual-channel
(inbound/outbound) Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) or
single channel Time Division Duplex (TDD) operation. In
TDD operation, separate timeslots are assigned for

© dBrn Associates, Inc, 2004 8

inbound and outbound transmissions so the channel is
essentially full duplex. While it does reduce the
transmission rate by more than 50%, TDD systems use
half the radio bandwidth of FDD systems. The WiMax
standards also define an optional mesh configuration,
though no manufacturers seem to be pursuing it as yet.

Wi-Fi: All Wi-Fi networks are contention-based TDD systems

Half Duplex, where the access point and the mobile stations all vie for
Shared Media use of the same channel. Because of the shared media
operation, all Wi-Fi networks are half duplex. There are
equipment vendors who market Wi-Fi mesh configurations,
but those implementations incorporate technologies that
are not defined in the standards.

802.11 Radio WiFi systems use two primary radio transmission

Modulation techniques.

• 802.11b (≤11 Mbps): The 802.11b radio link uses a

direct sequence spread spectrum technique called
complementary coded keying (CCK). The bit stream is
processed with a special coding and then modulated
using Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK).

• 802.11a and g (≤54 Mbps): The 802.11a and g

systems use 64-channel orthogonal frequency division
multiplexing (OFDM). In an OFDM modulation system,
the available radio band is divided into a number of
sub-channels, and some of the bits are sent on each.
The transmitter encodes the bit streams on the 64 sub-
carriers using Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK),
Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK), or one of two
levels of Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (16-, or 64-
QAM). Some of the transmitted information is
redundant, so the receiver does not have to receive all
of the sub-carriers to reconstruct the information.

The original 802.11 specifications also included an option

for frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS), but that
has largely been abandoned.

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802.16 Radio The 802.16a standards define three main options for the
Modulation radio link:

* SC-A: Single Carrier Channel

* OFDM: 256-Sub-Carrier Orthogonal Frequency Division
* OFDM-A: 2,048-Sub-Carrier Orthogonal Frequency
Division Multiplexing

The first wave of products to hit the market will use the
256-Sub-Carrier OFDM option. As a result, the WiMax
Forum is initially developing test suites and interoperable
test plans for that option initially. It also conforms to the

Channel The WiFi standards define a fixed channel bandwidth of

Bandwidth 25 MHz for 802.11b and 20 MHz for either 802.11a or g
networks. In WiMax, the channel bandwidths are
adjustable from 1.25 MHz to 20 MHz. That will be
particularly important for carriers operating in licensed
spectrum. The transmission rate of that channel will be
determined by the signal modulation that is used.

Bandwidth There has been considerable confusion regarding the

Efficiency- actual transmission rate of a WiMax channel. While many
100 Mbps? articles reference 70 M or 100 Mbps, the actual
transmission rate will depend on the bandwidth of the
channel assigned and how efficiently it can be used. The
basic issue is bandwidth efficiency. Bandwidth efficiency is
measured by the number of bits per second that can be
carried on one cycle of radio bandwidth (i.e. bps/Hertz).
The transmission rate is determined by multiplying the
bandwidth efficiency by the bandwidth of the radio channel
the signal will occupy. The fundamental trade off is that
the more efficiently the transmitter encodes the signal, the
more susceptible it will be to noise and interference.

Adaptive Both WiFi and WiMax make use of adaptive modulation and
Modulation varying levels of forward error correction to optimize
transmission rate and error performance. As a radio signal
loses power or encounters interference, the error rate will
increase. Adaptive modulation means that the transmitter

© dBrn Associates, Inc, 2004 10

will automatically shift to a more robust, though less
efficient, modulation technique in those adverse
conditions. The WiMax OFDM standard defines nine
different modulation systems using BPSK, QPSK, 16-, 64-,
and 256-QAM modulation and yielding different levels of
bandwidth efficiency. According to Gordon Antonello,
chairman of the WiMax Technical Working Group, the
WiMax radio link incorporates adaptive burst profiles,
which adjust the transmit power, signal modulation, and
forward error correction (FEC) coding to accommodate a
wide variety of radio conditions.

Table 2- IEEE 802.16a Modulation Options

Modulation Uplink Downlink FEC Coding Bits/Symbol

BPSK Mandatory Optional 1/2, 3/4 1/2, 3/4
QPSK Mandatory Mandatory 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 1, 4/3, 3/2
5/6, and 7/8 5/3, and 7/4
16-QAM Mandatory Mandatory 1/2, 3/4 2, 3
64-QAM Optional Mandatory 2/3, 5/6 4, 5
256-QAM Optional Optional 3/4, 7/8 6, 7

Forward Error When a more bandwidth efficient signal modulation is

Correction (FEC) used, the likelihood of encountering errors will increase. To
offset that, digital radio systems typically include some
form of forward error correction encoding (FEC). The idea
behind FEC is to include redundant bits in the transmission
that will allow the receiver to detect and correct a certain
percentage of the encountered errors. So while the FEC
coding increases the transmission rate, the overall impact
is an improvement in performance. Wi-Fi’s original
802.11b radio link did not include FEC, but a convolutional
coding FEC was incorporated in 802.11a and g. WiMax
uses both convolutional coding and a Reed-Solomon FEC

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WiFi vs. WiMax Given the data rates supported on its 25 MHz channel (1 M
Efficiency to 11 Mbps), 802.11b delivers bandwidth efficiency
between 0.04 and 0.44 bps/Hertz. The 6 M to 54 Mbps
transmission rate supported on an 802.11a or g 20 MHz
channel yields a bandwidth efficiency between .24 and
2.7 bps/Hertz. In WiMax, the combination of modulation
and coding schemes yields bandwidth efficiency up to 5-
bits/Hertz. That would deliver a 100-Mbps transmission
rate on a 20-MHz radio channel. The bandwidth efficiency
will decrease as the transmission range increases, so a
maximum of 3.5 bits/Hertz or 70 Mbps on a 20 MHz
channel would be more realistic.

Other WiMax Mr. Antonello notes that the WiMax radio link incorporates
Radio Link features to take advantage of advanced antenna systems
Features that are now becoming available. To improve overall range
and performance, an optional Space Time Coding feature
allows the use of two transmit antennas at the base station
and a single subscriber unit antenna that can combine the
two signal images. Longer term, the working group
envisions use of multiple input-multiple output (MIMO)
systems to improve overall range and transmission rates.

TABLE 3- Summary of 802.16 Radio Links

802.16 802.16a 802.16e

Spectrum 10 – 66 GHz 2 – 11 GHz <6 GHz
Configuration Line of Sight Non- Line of Sight Non- Line of Sight
Bit Rate 32 to 134 Mbps ≤ 70 or 100 Mbps Up to 15 Mbps
(28 MHz Channel) (20 MHz Channel)
Modulation QPSK, 16-QAM, 256 Sub-Carrier Same as 802.16a
64-QAM OFDM using
64-QAM, 256-QAM
Mobility Fixed Fixed ≤75 MPH
Channel 20, 25, 28 MHz Selectable 5 MHz
Bandwidth 1.25 to 20 MHz (Planned)
Typical Cell 1-3 miles 3-5 miles 1-3 miles

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MAC Protocol/Quality of Service (QoS)

While there are a number of similarities between the Wi-Fi

and WiMax radio links, the access protocols are completely
different. The WiMax standards describe a sophisticated
media access control (MAC) protocol that can share the
radio channel among hundreds of users while providing
quality of service (QoS). Unlike the contention-based MAC
protocol used in 802.11 wireless LANs, WiMax uses a
Request/Grant access mechanism similar to cable modem
systems. That mechanism eliminates inbound collisions
and supports both consistent-delay voice and variable-
delay data services. The protocol also features Layer 2
error correction using automatic retransmission in the
event of errors.

Wi-Fi’s IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs use a media access control

CSMA/CA protocol called Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision
Avoidance (CSMA/CA). While the name is similar to
Ethernet’s Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision
Detection (CSMA/CD), the operating concept is totally
different. As we noted earlier, WLANs are half duplex-
shared media configurations where all stations transmit
and receive on the same radio channel. The fundamental
problem this creates in a radio system is that a station
cannot “hear” while it is sending, and hence it impossible
to detect a collision.

Distributed Because of this, the developers of the 802.11

Control specifications came up with a collision avoidance
Function (DCF) mechanism called the Distributed Control Function (DCF).
While the details are rather complex, the basic idea is to
define a system of waiting intervals and back-off timers to
help reduce, though not eliminate, the possibility of
collisions. A Wi-Fi station will transmit only if it thinks the
channel is clear. All transmissions are acknowledged, so if
a station does not receive an acknowledgement, it
assumes a collision occurred and retries after a random
waiting interval. The incidence of collisions will increase as
the traffic increases or in situations where mobile stations
cannot hear each other (i.e. the hidden node problem).

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WiMax is The WiMax Request/Grant protocol was designed with the
Full Duplex assumption that networks will use separate channels for
inbound and outbound transmissions. Those channels are
separated by either time (TDD) or frequency (FDD). As
with a cable modem system, outbound transmissions are
broadcast in addressed frames, and each station picks off
those frames addressed to it.

WiMax In WiMax networks, access to the inbound channel will be

Channel Access controlled by the base station. Users wishing to transmit
inbound must first send requests on a contention-based
access channel. Exclusive permission to use the inbound
traffic channel is then allocated by the base station using a
system of transmission grants. As only one station is given
permission to send at one time, there are no inbound

Request/Grant The major benefit of WiMax’s request/grant protocol is that

QoS Capability it supports Quality of Service (QoS). As inbound access is
controlled by the base station, WiMax’s access mechanism
can support four primary types of service. Those
connection typees can be set up dynamically:

* Unsolicited Grant-Real Time: Consistent delay (i.e.

isochronous) service for real-time voice and video,
where a station is allocated inbound transmission
capacity on a scheduled basis.
* Real Time Polling: Another real-time service that
operates like the 802.11 Point Control Function (PCF),
where the base station polls each user device in turn.
* Variable Bit Rate-Non-Real Time: Variable-delay data
service with capacity guarantees akin to frame relay’s
Committed Information Rate for high-priority
commercial users.
* Variable Bit Rate-Best Effort: An IP-like best effort
data service for residential Internet users.

The grant mechanism specifies that the entire capacity of

the inbound channel can be allocated to one user for a set
time period. There is also a unique inbound allocation
mechanism for OFDM channels where multiple
simultaneous user transmissions (up to 16) can be

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supported by allocating different sub-channels to different

Wi-Fi QoS There are plans to incorporate quality of service (QoS)

(802.11e) capabilities in Wi-Fi with the adoption of the IEEE 802.11e
standard. The 802.11e standard will include two operating
modes, either of which can be used to improve service for

• Wi-Fi Multimedia Extensions (WME)- Mandatory

• Wi-Fi Scheduled Multimedia (WSM)- Optional

Wi-Fi The WME option uses a protocol called Enhanced

Multimedia Distributed Control Access (EDCA), which is
Extensions an enhanced version of the Distributed Control Function
(WME) (DCF) defined in the original 802.11 MAC. The “enhanced”
part is that EDCA will define eight levels of access priority
to the shared wireless channel. Like the original DCF, the
EDCA access is a contention-based protocol that employs a
set of waiting intervals and back-off timers designed to
avoid collisions. However, with DCF, all stations use the
same values and hence have the same priority for
transmitting on the channel. With EDCA, each of the
different access priorities is assigned a different range of
waiting intervals and back-off counters. Transmissions with
higher access priority are assigned shorter intervals. The
standard also includes a packet-bursting mode that allows
an access point or a mobile station to reserve the channel
and send 3- to 5-packets in sequence.

Wi-Fi As it still operates on a contention basis, EDCA does not

Scheduled include a mechanism to deliver true consistent delay
Multimedia service. It simply insures that voice transmissions will wait
(WSM) less than data transmissions. True consistent delay
services can be provided with the optional Wi-Fi Scheduled
Multimedia (WSM). WSM operates like the little used Point
Control Function (PCF) defined with the original 802.11
MAC. In WSM, the access point periodically broadcasts a
control message that forces all stations to treat the
channel as busy and not attempt to transmit. During that
period, the access point polls each station that is defined
for time sensitive service.

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To use the WSM option, devices must first send a traffic
profile describing bandwidth, latency, and jitter
requirements. If the access point does not have sufficient
resources to meet the traffic profile, it will return a “busy
signal”. The reason the WSM is being included as an
optional feature is that all access points must be able to
return a “service not available” response to stations’ profile
requests. The 802.11e specification is going through its
final review cycles and should be ratified by mid-2004.

Wi-Fi The other major difference between Wi-Fi and WiMax is

Security privacy or the ability to protect transmissions from
eavesdropping. Security has been one of the major
deficiencies in Wi-Fi, though better encryption systems are
now becoming available. In Wi-Fi, encryption is optional,
and three different techniques have been defined:

• Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP): An RC4-based 40-

or 104-bit encryption with a static key
• Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA): A new standard from
the Wi-Fi Alliance that uses the 40- or 104-bit WEP key,
but changes the key on each packet to thwart key-
crackers. That changing key functionality is called the
Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP).
• IEEE 802.11i/WPA2: The IEEE is finalizing the 802.11i
standard, which will be based on a far more robust
encryption technique called the Advanced Encryption
Standard. The Wi-Fi Alliance will designate products
that comply with the 802.11i standard as WPA2.
However, implementing 802.11i will typically require a
hardware upgrade, so while the standard should be
completed in mid-2004, it might be some time before it
is widely deployed.

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WiMax Given that it was designed for public network
Encryption applications, virtually all WiMax transmissions will be
encrypted. The initial specification calls for 168-bit Digital
Encryption Standard (3DES), the same encryption used on
most secure tunnel VPNs. There are plans to incorporate
the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). As a result, we
anticipate none of the security concerns that plagued early
Wi-Fi implementations.

Mobile WiMax One last option is the 802.16e specification for

Mobile WiMax, which is due out later this year. While the
details are still being worked out, that standard will
describe a mobile capability with hand-offs for users
moving between cells. The basic requirement is that it be
backward-compatible with the fixed location service. One
of the imperatives will be to reduce the power
requirements for battery-powered mobile stations. The
plan is to support data rates up to 500 kbps, essentially
equivalent to the highest speed cellular offerings (e.g.
Verizon Wireless’ 1xEV-DO service).

Wi-Fi Roaming The IEEE has begun development of a roaming standard

for Wi-Fi, though the specification is not expected until
2005 or 2006. In the meantime, WLAN switch vendors like
Cisco, Aruba, and Airespace have developed their own
proprietary hand-off protocols. We have seen similar
capabilities in the Wi-Fi mesh products. However, that
means that providing a hand-off capability requires
implementing a vendor proprietary solution.

Table 4 compares the major attributes of the WiMax and

Wi-Fi technologies.

© dBrn Associates, Inc, 2004 17

Table 4- Comparison of WiMax and Wi-Fi Technologies

WiMax Wi-Fi Wi-Fi

(802.16a) (802.11b) (802.11a/g)
Primary Broadband Wireless Wireless LAN Wireless LAN
Application Access
Frequency Licensed/Unlicensed 2.4 GHz ISM 2.4 GHz ISM (g)
Band 2 G to 11 GHz 5 GHz U-NII (a)
Channel Adjustable 25 MHz 20 MHz
Bandwidth 1.25 M to 20 MHz
Half/Full Duplex Full Half Half
Radio Technology OFDM Direct Sequence OFDM
(256-channels) Spread Spectrum (64-channels)
Bandwidth ≤5 bps/Hz ≤0.44 bps/Hz ≤2.7 bps/Hz
16-, 64-, 256-QAM 16-, 64-QAM
FEC Convolutional Code None Convolutional Code
Encryption Mandatory- 3DES Optional- RC4 Optional- RC4
Optional- AES (AES in 802.11i) (AES in 802.11i)
Access Protocol Request/Grant CSMA/CA CSMA/CA
- Best Effot Yes Yes Yes
- Data Priority Yes 802.11e WME 802.11e WME
- Consistent Yes 802.11e WSM 802.11e WSM
Mobility Mobile WiMax In development In development
Mesh Yes Vendor Vendor Proprietary

© dBrn Associates, Inc, 2004 18

Markets for Wi-Fi and WiMax

While we have focused on technical issues up to this point,

the fundamental difference between Wi-Fi and WiMax is
that they are designed for different applications. Wi-Fi
began as a data technology designed to add mobility in
local area networks. WiMax on the other hand is intended
to provide the basis for a carrier-provided metropolitan
area wireless service to support both voice and data
applications. Whether the full set of WiMax capabilities
make it into the marketplace will depend on which parts of
the specification the carriers choose to deploy.

Wi-Fi Network The picture has become somewhat confused as service

Services providers have used Wi-Fi to deliver services for which it
was not originally designed. The two major examples of
this are wireless ISPs and city-wide Wi-Fi mesh networks.

• Wireless ISPs (WISPs): One surprising business that

grew out of Wi-Fi was the Wireless ISP (WISP). This is
the idea of selling an Internet access service using
wireless LAN technology and a shared Internet
connection in a public location designated a hot spot. T-
Mobile and Wayport are currently the largest operators.
While the proliferation of hot spots has been widely
reported, no one seems to be able to make any money
at this. There are two fundamental obstacles, one
technical and one business oriented.

From a technical standpoint, access to the service is

limited based on the transmission range of the WLAN
technology. You have to be in the hot spot (i.e. within
100m of the access point) to use it. From a business
standpoint, users either subscribe to a particular
carrier’s service for a monthly fee or access the service
on a demand basis at a fee per hour. While the monthly
fee basis is most cost effective, there are few inter-
carrier access arrangements so you have to be in a hot
spot operated by your carrier in order to access your
service. Some are now predicting that the real business
model will not be fee-based services, but a free service

© dBrn Associates, Inc, 2004 19

that is offered by the property owner to attract
customers. That’s not a “business” plan, it’s a charity!

•City-Wide Mesh Networks: To address the limited

range, vendors like Mesh Networks and Tropos
Networks have developed mesh network capabilities
using Wi-Fi’s radio technology. The idea of a radio mesh
network is that messages can be relayed through a
number of access points to a central network control
station. These networks can typically support mobility
as connections are handed off from access point to
access point as the mobile station moves.

Some municipalities are using Wi-Fi mesh networks to

support public safety applications (i.e. terminals in
police cruisers) and to provide Internet access to the
community (i.e. the city-wide hot spot). However, the
mesh technology and hand-off capability are not within
the scope of the Wi-Fi standards, and so it is vendor
proprietary; that means you must purchase all of the
equipment from the same manufacturer. In the final
analysis, we are cobbling together a set of wireless
LANs to do the job for which WiMax was designed.

Whither WiMax? The market forecast for WiMax is not clear at this point.
Clearly, the major target will be broadband wireless access
or “Wireless DSL”, though carriers must first choose to
deploy the service. Their success will depend on the cost
and functionality of their offerings when compared to other
broadband access alternatives like DSL and cable modems.
When chip manufacturers like Intel begin delivering WiMax
compatible chipsets in late-2004, we will have the
possibility of consumer devices costing $100 or less.
However, the carriers will have to invest in the base
station equipment and they must decide if there is
sufficient demand and an adequate business case to justify
the investment needed to deliver a broadband wireless
access service.

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Three Potential As we noted at the outset, there are three potential
Markets markets for WiMax--private line, broadband wireless
access or mobile service. Let’s take a brief look at each of

§ Point-to-Point Systems
Point-to-point systems for delivering basic telephone
service, hot spot, or cellular base station backhaul should
continue to be a viable, carrier-oriented market niche. This
is particularly true in lesser-developed countries that lack a
wired infrastructure. In the US, TowerStream is planning
an aggressive build out of its wireless Internet access
service in major markets. They will have to compete with
much higher-capacity fiber access alternatives from the
ILECs and CLECs. However, deploying wireless access to a
customer’s building should be faster and cheaper than
providing fiber access. Carriers like WinStar and Teligent
failed in that wireless local loop segment in the late 1990s,
but the redundancy built into TowerStream’s service is
clearly superior to those first-generation offerings.

§ Broadband Wireless Access/Wireless DSL

Broadband wireless or “wireless DSL” offers the greatest
near-term potential, but it also faces the greatest
competition. A late arriver in the market, WiMax-based
systems will have to compete with entrenched cable
modem and DSL services that are available to roughly 80
percent of U.S. households.

Carlton O’Neal, VP of marketing for base station maker

Alvarion, sees opportunities both in migrating dial-up
subscribers and extending broadband access to unserved
communities. O’Neal notes that since only 20 percent of
U.S. households currently subscribe to broadband access,
the battle is just beginning.

Further, a wireless solution should have a significant cost

advantage in reaching the 20 percent of households where
broadband access is currently unavailable. Extending cable
modem and particularly DSL to those thinly populated
areas will increase the cost per subscriber, and with a
lower-income population, the take rates will likely be less
than in urban areas. With chip-level WiMax certified

© dBrn Associates, Inc, 2004 21

components, manufacturers will be able to deliver low-
cost, user-installable, indoor stations that can mimic the
cable modem/DSL experience.

The advantage of a wireless solution has not been lost on

the DSL carriers. Verizon has been testing BWA on licensed
frequencies in Herndon and Centerville, VA using
equipment from BeamReach Networks. To minimize the
cost, they are installing the antennas on existing cell
towers. BellSouth has begun trials using equipment from
Navini Networks in Palatka, Port Orange, and Holly Hill, FL
to assess cost and technical viability. BellSouth has also
been testing a first-generation wireless broadband
technology in Houma, LA since 2000. Nextel has
announced its Nextel Broadband wireless access in the
Raleigh, Durham, NC area using MMDS spectrum it
acquired from MCI. In March 2004, wireless pioneer Craig
McCaw acquired Texas-based BWA carrier Clearwire
Holdings. In June, McCaw announced plans to turn up
WiMax-based BWA service in 20 markets by the end of

§ Mobile WiMax
A mobile WiMax services could produce a real dust-up,
however. Intel has been the primary backer for WiMax,
and hopes to repeat the success it’s had with Wi-Fi.
However, Cisco and Motorola are backing a competing
standard called Mobile-Fi (IEEE 802.20). Mobile-Fi
proponents note that their solution will be optimized for IP
in high-speed mobile environments. While technology will
be as important, being first-to-market with an all-
encompassing solution (i.e. at home and mobile) can be a
major advantage for WiMax.

Mobile service can also change the picture for the cable
modem and DSL carriers. They currently dominate the
fixed-location market, but they will have to develop service
adjuncts to support users outside of their homes. The free
Wi-Fi capability that Verizon now offers its DSL customers
is the first such add-on, however it is only available in
Manhattan. In the meantime, the cable companies are
pursuing joint marketing agreements with Wi-Fi-based
wireless ISPs to round out their offerings. A combined

© dBrn Associates, Inc, 2004 22

home/mobile WiMax-based offering will put the onus on
cable modem and DSL suppliers to provide an on-the-go
capability or face the prospect of losing customers to a
more flexible wireless alternative.

The cellular carriers will likely come out on the short end of
the data battle. Their 2.5/3G data offerings have been only
moderately successful; Verizon Wireless noted recently
that only 3% of their revenues came from data services.
Further, those sales have been tied primarily to new
consumer-oriented applications like camera phones, short
messages, and downloadable ringers rather than bread-
and-butter network access for commercial users. With
higher-speed, data-oriented services coming on the
market, the cellular carriers will have a much tougher time
winning over enterprise data buyers. Further, if wireless
voice over IP (VoIP) starts to catch on, the cellular
companies might find themselves in a defensive battle to
hold on to their basic voice business.


WiMax signals the arrival of the next wave of wireless data

technologies. Unhampered by the short range and data
orientation of wireless LANs, these technologies hold the
promise of taking high speed wireless out of the coffee
shop and out on the road.

The flexibility of the WiMax technology gives it a significant

advantage, addressing both fixed and nomadic users,
operating in licensed or unlicensed bands, providing both
consistent- and variable-delay services while operating in a
carrier-scale environment. On paper, WiMax looks like a
strong contender. Now we will have to see if the
proponents can translate that technology into marketable

About the Author: Michael Finneran is an independent telecommunications

consulting specializing in wireless networks and technologies. Besides his research
and consulting activities, he writes a regular column called Network Intelligence
for Business Communications Review and teaches their seminars on Wireless
Technologies and Wireless LANs. The can be reached at [email protected].

© dBrn Associates, Inc, 2004 23

Acronyms Used

AES: Advanced Encryption Standard

BPSK: Binary Phase Shift Keying
BWA: Broadband Wireless Access
CCK: Complementary Coded Keying
CLEC: Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
CIR: Committed Information Rate
CSMA/CA: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance
CSMA/CD: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (Ethernet)
DCF: Distributed Control Function
DES: Digital Encryption Standard
DSL: Digital Subscriber Line
DSSS: Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
EDCA: Enhanced Distributed Control Access
ETSI: European Telecommunications Standards Institute
ED-VO: Enhanced Version-Data Only (Data Optimized)
FCC: Federal Communications Commission
FDD: Frequency Division Duplex
FDX: Full Duplex
FEC: Forward Error Correction
FHSS: Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
Hz: Hertz (Prefix Kilo = Thousands, Mega = Millions, Giga = Billions)
IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
ILEC: Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier
ISM: Industrial, Scientific, and Medical
LAN: Local Area Network
MAC: Media Access Control
MIMO: Multiple Input-Multiple Output
MMDS: Multi-channel Multipoint Distribution Service
NLOS: Non-Line-of-Sight
OFDM: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
PCF: Point Control Function
x-QAM: x-level Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
QoS: Quality of Service
QPSK: Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
RC4: Ron’s Code-4
SONET: Synchronous Optical Network Interface
TDD: Time Division Duplex
TKIP: Temporal Key Integrity Protocol
U-NII: Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure
VoIP: Voice over IP
VPN: Virtual Private Network
WEP: Wired Equivalent Privacy
Wi-Fi: Wireless Fidelity
WiMax: Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
WISP: Wireless Internet Service Provider
WLAN: Wireless LAN
WME: Wi-Fi Multimedia Extensions
WPA: Wi-Fi Protected Access
WSM: Wi-Fi Scheduled Multimedia
WPA: Wi-Fi Protected Access

© dBrn Associates, Inc, 2004 24

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