A Comprehensive Study of Automotive 48-Volt Technology

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SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SSRG - IJME) – Volume 4 Issue 5 – May 2017

A Comprehensive Study of Automotive 48-

Volt Technology
Aditya Kumar Kumawat1,Amrit Kumar Thakur2
B.Tech.,Automobile Engineering Department, Arya College of Engineering & I.T., Jaipur, India.
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Arya College of Engineering & I.T., Jaipur, India.

The increasing rate of pollution due to
With the increasing number of automotive
vehicles has forceddown all the major nations to set
along with the increment of exhaust emissions, the
the new limits of emission rate as well as fuel
emission standards for various countries are becoming
consumption rate, for both present and future. To meet
strict. US, China and Europe have already set their
these limit values, theautomotive industry is
targets for vehicle economy and emission control. Car
continuously developing various technologies such as
makers in the US have to double their average fuel
improved aerodynamics, lightweight design, more
economy up to 54.5mpg by 2025, while China being
efficient transmission, regenerative braking, advanced
strict on carbon emission has set the limit to down
exhaust pipe, low rolling resistance tires etc. But
CO2 to 117gm per km by 2020 and for same year
almost all the technologies have reached their
Europe has set fleet averages of 95g/km only [1].
performance limits and their further improvement
results in very small changes. The advantages of high
voltage system have already been purposed by the
Hybrid vehicles and Electrical vehicles.The
introduction of 48V technology has produced highly
efficient and advanced mild-hybrid vehicles which are
showing improved results compared to both the
normal and hybrid vehicles. The 48V technology is
advanced to the other high voltage technologies as
well as being within the safety limits of 60V for
prevention of human shock. The system has introduced
various new technologies such as Starter-Generator
which can work as the starter as well as torque
provider during the motion of avehicle, advanced
regenerative braking, electrically driven rearaxle,
electric compressor, electric pumps, electric power
steering pump etc. The best feature of the technology
is that it can be installed easily in any vehicle segment
along with the conventional 12V system, with slight
variation in thearchitecture of vehicle, in both Figure 1: International CO2 Targets
gasoline and diesel engine vehicles. The 48V system The automotive industry has made many
can provide from 12 to 15kw power, reduced fuel advancements to achieve higher efficiency and lower
consumption by 10-20% and reduced exhaust emissions, especially after the introduction of the
emissions up to 15%. The technology gives an emission standards. For the efficient vehicle,
advanced base for the further trend of future automotive companies have designed various types of
technologies such as advanced electronic powertrains, engines, transmissions, chassis, exhaust system,
replacing the conventional mechanical and hydraulic suspension system, electric system, tires and other
loads from powertrains with the electrical loads and automotive parts. They have also come up with
the new electrical components in vehicles, resulting in completely new concepts of additives in fuels, full and
further improvement in performance and efficiency. mild hybrid vehicles, alternative fuels etc. to sustain
The commercialization of 48V technology can bring a for the future competition. The developments in
new revolution in theautomotive industry. theelectric system of vehicles have resulted in highly
efficient models. One more advancement has been
Keywords — 48V technology, emissions, fuel successfully implemented by few automakers that is to
economy, high-voltage, mild-hybrids. change the existing electric system of 12V to 48V.

Although at the beginning of the 90s, major

vehicle manufacturerswere evaluating the benefits of
high voltage and even a 36/42V system was

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SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SSRG - IJME) – Volume 4 Issue 5 – May 2017

introduced in two car models in Japan and US. The A study by HELLA, a German-based automotive
system was effectively a 36V system which was supplier, found that a 48V mild-hybrid system has the
named as the 42V system [2]. Thought it ensure three best potential to reduce CO2 emissions for all car
times the voltage as the 12V system but at thattime it segments for both NEDC (New European Driving
was not cost effective compared to the functional Cycle) and WLTP (Worldwide harmonized Light
benefits. Further at that time, the importance of high vehicles Test Procedure) [4]. Various automotive
voltage was neglected which resulted in thefailure of companies like Delphi with Honda, Mercedes-Benz,
the36/42V system. But in recent years again the BMW, Continental, Schaeffler with Audi, Daimler,
importance of high voltage was recognized because of Porsche, Volkswagen etc. have already made
increased number of electric circuits in a vehicle and prototypes or models with this technology. Leading
need of high efficiency along with low emissions. A auto-industry experts also say that the 48V system can
new system of 48V came into existence which gives be really promising in lowering the emissions to a
four times the voltage and being under the limit of great extent along with capturing energy lost in
60V (the maximum permissible contact voltage)[2]. braking and can provide a good torque even in the low
rpm range to start-stop hybrids [3].

Over the past few years, there has been an
increased load on theelectrical system of vehicles due
to the advanced engine technologies, sensors, safety,
infotainment etc. to make smarter vehicles, but this
increment in electrical components are at the same
time becoming challenging with the conventional 12V
system. To meet the challenge of high voltage,
automakers have also developed Power Electronics
Circuits which make the system smaller and lighter.
This provides the basis for improving the fuel
efficiency as well as providing sufficient power to
other electrical components [5]. Thus the increased
electrical circuitshave led to the demand of high
Figure 2: Voltage Ranges voltage system such as 48V system.

The 48V electric system in mild-hybrid The best thing about the48V system is that it
vehicles has resulted in downsized engine with higher doesn’t replaces the conventional 12V electrical
fuel efficiency and minimum loss of engine system of a vehicle, rather it is connected to the 48V
performance along with the lower exhaust emissions system via a DC-DC converter [1]. This also provides
[3]. The existing non-hybrid vehicles can barely a benefit of using the 48V system in the vehicles
continue to meet the coming emission standards, while which are runningon the 12V system. The automakers
on other hand full-hybrid vehicles are highly costly. have presented various possible architectures of the
So this new concept of mild-hybrids has been more 48V system. Delphi has proposed a 12V-48V Base
promising in both aspects of efficiency and cost. The Architecture which can be installed in all types of
introduction of 48V technology helps to replace the vehicle i.e. Non-Hybrid, Mild-Hybrid and Full-Hybrid
components of theconventional 12V system that runs vehicles [2],[6].
the engine with advanced electrically driven systems,
resulting in improved performance and efficiency.

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Figure 3: 48V Base Architecture

The base architecture comprises the functions have power levels around 500Wto 5kW.
conventional 12V system being powered via a DC/DC Currently, the automakers are not planning to
converter at thepower of 3kw, and the 48V system at substitute the whole 12V system with the48V system
12kw for high voltage requirement such as for since the conventional 12V system is standard
Motor/Generator, acceleration support etc. with a worldwide [6].
storage device on 48V. After the installation of
the48V system in a vehicle all the functions of high
power can be easily operated as almost all the

Figure 4: 12V/48V Electrical Architecture

In mild-hybrid vehicles, the electric energy is With the installation of a 48V system, not
mainly used to enhance the overall energy from the only the high-voltage issues are resolved but also the
combustion engine. With the proper control system of electrical architecture has theadvantage of four times
the two energy sources of themild-hybrid vehicles, the voltage than the normal 12V system, hence the
significant savings in fuel can be obtained typically up vehicle gets four times the power at the same current.
to 10% - 15%, but even up to 30% has been obtained Though this 48V electric architecture is comparatively
in some demonstrator vehicles [7]. costly but far better with the simple and less
dangerous than the current electric systems. With the
48V architecture,the vehicle can run on 12V for low-

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power accessories and on 48V for high-power systems The reduction in CO2 emissions can be 12%-15% for
at the same time [8]. passenger cars and light commercial vehicles. In
addition to this, the 48V system can also provide the
III.BENEFITS boost in engine performance up to 15kw [15]-[17].
The main purpose of the 48V system is to reduce
the emissions with advanced ignition technologies, Figure 6 shows the additional power gain
start-stop features, powering high load components with the increment of voltage level along with keeping
etc.The 48V system gives an advantage to the the current limit at the safety limit [6].
components like air conditioning compressors, coolant
and oil pumps, power steering pump etc., which can
be run on high voltage directly, to be cut-off from the
engine. Furthermore, the high voltage gives the
advantage to use more efficient fuel technology and to
run the additional electric components such as
superchargers. Thus directly resulting in high
performance with high efficiency and lower emissions
[9]-[11]. Furthermore, the installation of 48V
technology provides additional torque which gives
abetter dynamic performance and handling over the
conventional 12V system [2].

Figure 6: Additional Power at 48V

The 48V provides a very good torque at

engine start which helps in a quicker engine start with
less vibrations. In addition to that, it gives better
torque even at low rpm rangeand improves the start-
stop function. The strong electrical system easily
allows the internal-combustion engine to shut off in
more situations directly resulting in enhanced fuel
saving [9],[13]. The industry experts believe that the
48V system can also help in reducing the engine size
for the same power output and efficiency without the
loss of engine performance [12]-[13].

There is increasing trend in the additional

features in a vehicle such as automatic air-
conditioning system, automatic headlamps, automatic
parking system, advanced infotainment system and
various safety features like more number of airbags,
rain-sensing wipers, advanced rearview and side-view
mirrors, various sensors etc., which totally depends
upon the electric system of thevehicle. Here the 48V
system provides the ease of using all the electronic
Figure 5: Benefits of 48V system components because of availability of more voltage
and current than the 12V system. Further development
The leading automotive developers working
of such new technologies will directly have the benefit
on the 48V technology are claiming that hybridization
of the48V system [6]. In addition to that, there is no
with 48V technology can reduce the fuel consumption
requirement of protection system such as High
from 10% to 15%, and with some additional
Voltage Interlock System (HVIL) for anelectric shock
technologies, it can reach up to 21% [12]-[14]. The
as the 48V system is under the limit of 60V (the limit
reduction in fuel consumption is mainly due to the
of DC-Voltage of ashock for humans) [5].
removal of additional loads of engine which can be
directly operated by ahigh voltage of the48V system. IV. LIMITATION
Furthermore, the recovery of the kinetic energy lost in
The main challenge to the 48V system is
braking helps to make an efficient system [14]. Delphi
converting the huge number of vehicles to 48V
claims that the 48V system can significantly reduce
systems when the 12V system is being standard from
the NOx emissionsas well which directly result in
the beginning [9]. Though the 48V system does not
alow cost of exhaust after-treatment components [13].
replace the 12V system, but still the manufacturer

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needs to redesign the components and electrical testing of the 48V system. Though the system has
system which will run over the48V electrical system. been applied only on mild-hybrid vehicles because of
Furthermore, the 48V system will need space in two obvious reasons: first the use of advanced hybrid
thevehicle to be installed and that mean redesigning of technologies such as Start-Stop feature, Regenerative
thecar for that additional system, electrical circuit and Braking, Advanced fuel system etc. by almost all the
required space. OEMs in their vehicles and the second reason is the
less cost-effective benefits on applying the 48V
In addition to that additional safety system on very normal vehicles.The leading
precautions are needed while designing the 48V automakers Audi, BMW, Daimler, Porsche and
electrical system. Even a single malfunction between Volkswagen originally proposed the use of the48V
48V and the12V electrical system will lead to short system in vehicle [7]. After then many other industries
circuit and this can damage the complete 12V system and researchers are developing the 48V technology
due to overvoltage. Since chassis is common ground continuously to bring a new emerging technology in
potential for both 12V and 48V, loss of this common Auto-Industry.
ground may lead to the damage of 12V system due to
the reverse voltage on the12V system [6]. Audi was the first who used the 48V technology in
its production car SQ7. Though the car wasn’t hybrid
The components running on the 48V system rather it had a 48V driven turbine so as to force
are to be designed accordingly, for example, the belt additional air into thecombustion chamber to provide
should be designed for increased torque, change in surplus power when needed. The car also has active
tension load and start-stop feature, crankshaft bearing suspension system running on 48V [10]. Audi has
is to be more durable etc. The 48V system increases shown their 48V electrical system in their concept cars
the cost from $800 to $1000 of a car, while almost all RS 5 TDI and A6 TDI, which works alongside the
the manufacturersare working on decreasing the cost conventional 12V system.Audi believes a 10kW gain
of the vehicle. Hence this system is only practical of power from the48V system. Audi is using 48V
when it gives a good cost/benefit ratio [9]. Lithium-ion battery so as to supply 48V to the system
when theengine is not running, while a DC-DC
V. DEVELOPMENT & IMPLEMENTATION converter provides 12V supply to the accessories
The incompatible benefits of the48V system running on 12V. It also comprises a 48V compressor
over the 12V or another volt systems (less than 60V which can feed extra air to theengine to have
i.e. in therange of safety for theshock to human) have increased acceleration independent of the load. Audi
been identified by various automakers, hence they believes the reduction of up to 10gm CO2/Km and
have made their prototypes and models for the real saving of around 0.4-liter fuel per 100Km [18]-[19].

Figure 7: Audi RS 5 TDI 48V system

The renowned technology developer Bosch 10kW power along with the increase in fuel efficiency
has developed 48V technologywith Audi. Bosch by 15% along with providing more dynamic
believes that the 48V system could provide up to acceleration. The company also says that mild-hybrid

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concept allows theuse of less expensive components Founding the advantages of 48V system,
and claims that with the use of ultrasonic sensors, the ACCUMOTIVE, subsidiary ofDaimler, will produce
48V technology can assist in theautomated parking Lithium-ion battery for Mercedes Benz’s 48V mild
[20]. hybrid vehicles [24].

Schaeffler presented a 48V mild hybrid Delphi has developed a48V system with a
concept vehicle, based on Audi TT. The demonstrator customized vehicle architecture so as to obtain
vehicle comprises a 48V belt-driven starter generator. maximize battery power and to reduce the burden on
The vehicle has an electric rear axle running on theengine with more advanced technologies. Delphi
the20kW motor while the front axle being driven by has designed the 48V system in such a manner that it
theengine. The rear electric axle can provide pure can work along with the existing 12V system of a
electric driving up to 35Km/h along with a starting vehicle without any specific change in thedesign of
torque of up to 2,000 Nm and smoother driving after thevehicle, with sticking on its 48V system
70km/h. Further, the use of two axles provides more architecture. Delphi is focusing mainly on passenger
improved torque vectoring to the wheels improving cars and light commercial vehicles and claims that it
both the driving and safety of vehicle [21]. can significantly improve torque in low rpm range,
regenerative braking, start-stop feature and can
UK’s leading automotive companies and quicken engine starting with less vibrations [13].
academia Ford, Ricardo, CPT, EALABC, Faurecia Delphi also purposed of using 48V technology for
and the University of Nottinghamare working together dynamic chassis control. Further adding to its uses
on a project known as ADEPT, which is a 48V mild Delphi says that the components running on engine
hybrid system comprising various advanced mild power such as ac-compressor, power steering pump,
hybrid technologies. ADEPT has been implemented coolant pump etc. can be removed from theengine and
on demonstrator car Ford Focus,using an advanced can directly be run on 48Vsystem. Delphi believes
Lead-Carbon battery [10],[17],[19],[22]. It has an that car can also start for 100m with electric
advanced water-cooled starterwhich offers advanced propulsion [16]. Delphi is testing the 48V mild hybrid
and fastacting Start-Stop feature. The starter provides system on Honda Civic 1.6–liter turbo-diesel and have
additional functionality of working as asupplementary found significant results [25].
motor drawing current from the48V system, giving
better torque-assist at launch and quick acceleration,
improved cruising, in-gear coast-down and leaner fuel
calibration along with harvesting more energy from
regenerativebraking [10],[19]. The ADEPT team also
believes that the 48V system along with turbocharged
technology can provide same power output with 1-
liter engine as that obtained by a normal 2-litre engine,
hence providing the reduction of engine size and other
components at same power output, reduced fuel
consumption of 10-12% and lower emissions
[10],[17]. The ADEPT claims that its powertrain
concept can also be used in gasoline and other
alternative-fuel driven vehicles [17].

Mercedes-Benz is introducing 48V mild-hybrid

technology in its S-Class series which will have a 48V
crankshaft-mounted Integrated Starter Generator along
with a powerful 48V battery [12]. The company is
developing a new series of both the petrol and diesel
engines which will run on 48V technology. The 48V
technology enables the company for developing new Figure-8: Delphi’s 48V system architecture
advanced technologies such as Integrated Starter- Delphi claims to have anincrement of fuel
Alternator (ISG), advanced intelligent turbocharging saving up to 15% along with areduction in CO2
and electric auxiliary compressor, providing excellent emission up to 15% and asignificant reduction in NOx
engine response and no turbo-lag. Mercedes-Benz emissions as well. It also says the reduction in engine
claims that with the 48V technology on thenew engine size is possible without any loss of engine
a boost of up to 15kw and energy recovery of up to performance and with the48V system up to 10-12%
12.5kw can be obtained. Further, the company claims extra power can be obtained from theengine. The 48V
to have improved fuel economy, Start-Stop feature, system can provide 70% of benefit compared to the
cylinder activation-deactivation, coasting with engine- higher voltage mild-hybrid vehicles at only 30% of the
off, quick start and lower exhaust emissions [23]. cost [13].

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The Advanced Lead-Acid Battery 92 gm/Km and reduction of NOx emissions by 10%
Consortium (ALABC) and Controlled Power [14]. Continental claims to have 13% more fuel saving
Technologies (CPT) are working on a program called at affordable system costs with the 48V technology
as low-costlead-carbon LC Super Hybrid which is [31].
based on 48V technology [26]. The technology is
being experimented on a 1.4 liter Volkswagen Passat VI. CONCLUSION
car, which has shown impressive results on their The automotive industry has to evolve itself
existing 12V LC Super Hybrid technology. The to meet the requirements of the current as well as
technology is aiming CO2 emissions of 120g/km with future limits of fuel consumptions, emission standards,
theacceleration of 0 to 100 km/h in less than 9 seconds electric components, improved performance etc. and
and additional 4-8% improved fuel economy with the conventional 12V system it is very difficult to
compared to its 12V LC Super Hybrid [27]. The meet all the requirements. The 48V technology is
technology is further claimed to be advanced to use more promising, highly efficient and cost effective to
the other advanced technologies as well with 48V meet all the current and future requirements for both
which are suggested and being used by other mild-hybrids as well as non-hybrids.The outputs of
companies, but at a comparatively low cost [15]. 48V technology and its potential have been found by
various automakersand they are continuously working
Valeo has developed the 48V technology, on the development of this technology on the vehicles.
which can be installed in all vehicle segments, to both
petrol and diesel engines, and is well suitable even for The Navigant Research firm predicts that by
the commercial vehicles. Valeo has made a 48V 2024 there will be nearly 60 million vehicles will have
e4Sport Hybrid system which consists of three thestart-stop technology and more than 7 million
components: a 48V Belt Starter-Generator with vehicles will have the 48V technology as mild-hybrids
integrated electronics, a 48V electric supercharger and [9]. Delphi’s chief technology officer says that by
a 48V electric rear-axle [28]-[29]. The system is 2025, 10% of new vehicles across the world will be
claimed to provide quicker start/stop of theengine, mild-hybrids based on 48V technology [25]. Bosch
high torque at low engine speed, more efficient also expects that by 2020 around 4 million new
regenerative braking and overall improved vehicles worldwide will be based on its 48V mild-
performance [29]-[30].Further, the fuel economy is hybrid technology [20]. The Global Insight IHS
claimed to be improved by 3-8% in medium duty anticipates that 1 out of 10 cars sold across the world
vehicles, 5-10% in light-duty vehicles and up to 20% will be a 48V mild hybrid by 2025. By thesameyear, it
less CO2 emissions [29]. is also expected that more than 95% of total mild
hybrids and around 50% of fullhybrids will be based
Continental is also producing 48V hybrid drives on the48V system [13].
which will be used in Renault’s new diesel models:
Renault Scenic and Grand Scenic. They say that with
the 48V drive, theengine can be started in 0.2 seconds
only. Renault is aiming an improved fuel consumption
of 3.5 Liters per 100 Km, reduced CO2 emissions of

Figure 9: Growth rate of 48V System Worldwide

The interest of the technology developers 48V system will not just reduce the fuel consumption
clearly shows that the 48V technology will be one of and emissions, rather it will give more vehicle power,
the new leading technology in the future vehicles. The active safety systems, advanced electrical systems and

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reduced cost of electrical components. The technology developments of new technologies based on the48V
will provide a more advanced platform for the system will set a different trend of development in
development of new future technologies such as smart theautomotive sector and the technology will soon
connectivity between cars and traffic system, dominate the future market.
automated parking, advanced electrical features etc.
[25],[32]. Definitely, the continuous improvement and
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