Focus 21st Century Skills PDF

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4 Does he give any money to charity?

listened to her speaking.’

5 Which charities does he give money to?
6 ‘What ?’ ‘She’s working for peace,
6 Have you ever met him?

FOCUS on 21st Century Skills

democracy and human rights.’
7 What is he doing now?
8 Are you similar to him in any way?
a No, never.
b Different African charities, I think.
Teaching upper secondary students to use English confidently in the 21st century
He’s developing the first ever spaceport.
Richard Branson.
e Yes, in some ways, I am. is no longer a special feature for an ELT course - it is an essential one.
f He owns Virgin Atlantic.
Yes, he’s very generous. Find out how 21st Century Learning is embedded throughout FOCUS.
Because he’s so energetic and successful.

4 Put the sentences summarising the email in the correct

order (1–5).
Writing task
Study Skills Collaboration
a San
Aung basicSuu
Kyi about yourself
b a greeting and information about why you are writing
c say you are looking forward to seeing him/her
Critical Thinking Skills
You recently received an email from Jenny, an
English teenager you are going to stay with in
5 Complete the questions about the subject (a) and England. Read part of her email and write your
The Word Store is quintessentially learner d finish with a friendly goodbye
FOCUS requires that students collaborate FOCUS was developed to be meaningful
4.2 Grammar
about the object (b) of each sentence. reply to Jenny.
e information about your likes/dislikes/hobbies, etc

training - students are encouraged to organise 1 a Viv enjoys

with each other on a regular basis. b swimming.
5 Which of these phrases are used in the opening of the
aemail enjoys
Whoand whichswimming ? closing part? Write O
for teenagers – it encourages them to form
Present Perfect with for and
are used in the 4 CD 2.17 MP3 61 Choose for or since and complete the comments
It’s great to hear thattheir own opinions andof the
express themselves
• •

new vocabulary in a variety of useful and C. does V iv enjoy ?

since you’re going to come
with and
the Present Perfect form verbs in brackets. Then
Pair workTime
2 a 1Neil
has tried
to finish. for about
b Japanese food
6 Givea my
third ofhello
love/Say each unit
stay with me and my family for two
memorable ways. a 2Who I can talk
? b What
I hope you’re well. to …about actions that tell
? started in the
me something
listen check.
about yourself. What music and
I Grammar
WORD STORE 3 Going– places includes reflective and 7 I’mdiscussion activities
3 a 3Rosie
a 4Who
speak b three
can’t wait to see
? you.
past languages
8 It
continue to … until
was good to hear ? Couchsurfer
now.films do you like? What do you do in your free time?
Richard Branson as well as 5 answer
Bye for now.
b How many
from you.
Exercises ask 1 students to relate the content
WORD STORE 3A WORD STORE 3D 4 a Dave has visited b London
a Who
+ -ing form or1 verb
? b Which
wascapital city unusual
the the
most ? place? A
. the places where you have slept. What
+ to-infinitive
Write in
to 100their
email in about words. Include
I ’ve been (be) a member 2for / since three years now.
own 3Forlives / Since Iand
a member,their
I4 opinions.
Collocations – travel Compound nouns – travel
3 Read the GRAMMAR FOCUS. Then complete the I can use
6 Complete
5 apurple
different verb patterns.
email. about b food
Tom isinthinking
words in
ATTITUDE TO in thirty-two countries in different types of
these points.
1 board     a ship/a plane/a ferry • in my bed • in a hotel Broad selectionaccommodati of editable on. I 5 worksheets, testsstudio

beach incar
examples. Look at the questions blue in company
Exercise 2.
2             a ticket/a flight/a hotel room leader school ski a Who
pairs, matchFOCUS
? b What
the words in the • onbox
a flwith
oor the clothes• on a train CLOTHES?
• Thank Jenny for her email. (stay) in a luxury
• Say how you feel about staying in England. apartment in Manhattan, on a houseboat in Amsterdam
3             a train/a bus/aGRAMMAR
plane FOCUS1 a car   /a return JOURNEY 6 (a–f) in thethe
Complete pictures.
A personal email/letter
Which of thethem
to make clothes
• on a couch
you own?
you. assessment examine
• other • Tell her about the sort of music and films youand students’ abilities to think
1• (SPEND) a basement flat in London – all for free!
4.1 Vocabulary
4             Europe/the sea/a river tenses – question forms 1• I’m reading a
Start the email/letter with a at the moment.
friendly greeting.
5             a train/a bus/a• flTo
2 a      
make questions, you put3an
     /a business TRIP
a TRAVEL   verb ( do , be
         /agent, have ) 2
I spend most
Dear Nick/
jacket 2 suit
Hi onJo.
1 . What is couchsurfiA Ing?
free time.
a lot of critically
money on and
clothes. express
Write about some of the things you do in your
their opinions.
before the subject of the main sweatpants tie uniform
Wouldtoyou get like to do it? Why?/Why Inot?
4 a verb.
Host and homes • Phrases
6             Sydney/your destination 3• ItDon’t
mefull forms. Use contractions.
minutes to school. • BAsk can’t
about afford ‘Show What
to spend much money
you Know’ section as aandunit
TOUR            /guide Jenny’s interests.
7             the sights Present Simple: Why 5 a      you
skiing HOLIDAY 4 Iyou’re
go shopping
(not you for clothes
are)/ (not I am).a year.
• Sayongoodbye.
clothes. Houses with make do
2 Tick the sentence that best describes your Focus opinion
2, U.1.5 b
Present Continuous: What6 a      he doing
now? 5• IUse useful
usually phrases
have lunchtowith
give information about . yourself. C I prefer opener
II can myhelps
describe(be) students
houses ng
and place
use their
for own
/ since
phrases with experiences
make and do.
about clothes.
      /a seaside RESORT
WORD STORE Focus 3,Present
3BGoing U.3, Wordstore
places 6 I’m interested ininspires
…/I’m good at …/I’m Usefulgoinglanguage
TORE 3 Perfect: you ever met him?
3 me.
two years now and I (already/meet)

Air travel (from departure to arrival) – WORD STORE 3E

1 •I Ask
want to lookto
questions good
all want
7 In pairs, ask and answer questions about the
a reply.
2 (GO)
• Thanks for … in more
relation to the
than thirty people.content.
At the
c moment Miki
compound nouns; verb phrases • When you ask about the subject, you don’t use the 2 I What
enjoydo wearing comfortable
you enjoy things.
doing at weekends?/What SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW
in ?Exercise 6.We asked CS employee
WORD STORE 3D Going • It was good to hear from is you.
visiting from Tokyo. I 9 (only/know)
A 3 Present places Wild .animals
Simple auxiliary do/does information
3 I’m not interested
in clothes.
different question words.
I enjoy 3
writing to tell you about/apologise for clothes.
vel Departure
Compound nouns – travel Dan about the world’s 1 her 10
Thinkfor about
/ since a week,
your but and
house I’m sure we’ll remain
complete the task. You have five
Who inspires you? NOT Who does inspire
bear buffaloyou?eagle leopard A:• What areemail/letter
Finish the you readingwith aat the moment?
friendly goodbye. Byou
I don’t
for …mind 4 shopping for

ane/a ferry 1 go to the check-in desk           
3 Read the GRAMMAR largest
FOCUS. travel
Then community
complete the . friends.
minutes.We have so much in common. Miki is happy
beach STORE
car 3D
company lion ostrich rhinoceros wolf B: AAllbook
the best/5
about Steve Jobs. clothes.
• How are you?/How are tooyou doing?
get your school
boarding passski • Notice the position of the preposition in wh- questions: examples using the verbWhat patterns in blue in Exercise 2. – she 11 (study) English 12 for / since
ight/a hotel room
l Compound nouns – travel is it? •CI Imust be going
refuse 5 now. • List all the different
shopping rooms.
us/a plane 3 go through security Which charities does he give money to? Grammar Focus page 112
in theAemail ten years, but she (never/have) the chance
e/a ferry 1 a car   /a return JOURNEY 7 Does the person worldwide
sound liketravel
your ideal 2, U.1.2 • Looking forward to hearing from/meeting you.
e sea/a river
ht/a hotel room
beach car       company
4 wait in the
a            /a business
exchange student? What details would you change?
network connecting 3 • (BUY)
See you soon.
to •speak
Put the
with rooms
a in order
native according
speaker to the Itime
before. When showyou spend
a guest in them.
us/a flight
35 ago to the  gate         /agent 14
and board the plane Verb +Discuss in pairs.
-ing form or verb + to-infinitive 1 my
Oxford, I seebedroom
my own city(I spend most
in a new way.time in here.)I
For example,
a plane TRAVEL travellers with people A I love 6
new clothes every
ur destination caryour   /a
1 6a put return
    bag       /guide                         After
4•     some verbs and verb phrases you usually use B Use season. • List
the ideas in the WRITING FOCUS
(not visit) the Natural History Museum 15 for / since I was
at least six items you can find in each room.
and the
ea/a river 4 a TOUR
2 a            /a business TRIP
1    eagle    2            3            8      
Which of these people who
do youoffthink
er free
would be a good
at primary school, but I’ll go there with Miki. She 16 (be)
57 afasten
HOLIDAY the -ing
(G) form
or notofso
a good
verb. (NG) exchange student for you? model to help
B I only buy you.
clothes when I need them.
a flight
3 a TRAVEL            /agent accommodati on. 2 In pairs, combine your lists. How many words for rooms and furniture
68 athe
     plane takes
      /a off RESORT
seaside Compare your answers with a partner.
Examples: avoid, can’t stand, consider, don’t mind, enjoy, here 17 for / since nearly a week, but e she 18 (notFocus
feel) 2, U.4.1
destination C I avoid 7
new clothes for
did you think of altogether? d
B 4 a TOUR      M01_FOCUS_SB_02GLB_7887_U01.indd 14
hate, like,
Who is it for? 30/06/2015 C Check.
homesick because she says I make her feel at home.
eparture to arrival) –
Arrival 1 love, miss, prefer, spend time as long as possible.
a            /a
STORE skiing
3EHOLIDAY I’m quite cheerful, Peoplebutwho don’t want
sometimes I to stay in hotels, butyou
✓ Have wantanswered all the questions in the task?
9 Focus
the plane lands 3, U.3, Wordstore I enjoy comfortable things.
to meet local people and experience4new
; verb phrases 1
6 a     
Wild animals       /a seaside RESORT get in a bad mood. ✓ (WEAR)
Havecultures. 5 email
you organised your into paragraphs?
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning
10 get off the plane 5            6            7            8           
• After some verbs and verb phrases you usually use ✓ Have you used informationtoandthe phrases
first. from
Use the verbs in brackets.
How much does it cost? A I refuse 8
parture to arrival) –
desk            bear
11 go through
2 I don’t like sports very much and I’m quite unfit. the model, WRITING FOCUS and Useful
lion ostrich rhinoceros wolf WORD IN FOCUS the to-infinitive. 1 sweatpants
I met my best friend two years ago.
phrases 12 collect
Wild animalsyour luggage in the baggage reclaim Nothing! It’s free. Blanguage
I love 9box? at home

3 agree, can’t afford, choose, decide, myhope, manage, for comfort. I‘veandknown (know) my best friend for two years.
bear buffalo eagle leopard GO I love school andHow longand
studying have you worked for CS? ✓ Have you checked your spelling punctuation?
need, pretend, refuse, want, would like, would prefer C I wear sweatpants all 2 Ithe time.
esk            WORD STORErhinoceros
                  lion ostrich wolf favourite subjects arebeen
I’ve sciencehereand
it started in 2004. I’ve worked joined this English class three months ago.

s go + -ing = go somewhere to do an activity I want 2 good at all times.
with people from all over the world 5
board the plane Phrasal verbs – travel
I’d like to go skiing this winter.
for (GET)
more than I (be) in this English class three months.
11   deal     2 =
    take      3     
action       a 4
(to solve           
problem) 4 I’m obsessedtenwith pop Together,
years. music. we want to create A a global 3 My dad gave Imy
               They went backpacking last year.
4 Complete the questionnaire with the correct form of I hope 10 a job where canmum this watch when she was forty.
ard the plane
2             = leave your home (for a holiday)
the verbs
5 in brackets.
community. wear all my favourite My clothes.
mum (have) this watch she was forty.
go + a place I watch a lot of DVDs, especially horror films.
Home is where the heart is.
3             = leave a place (to go to another place)
                    1    eagle    2            3            4            What time does he go home?
B I want 11 4 I abought
job where
my last I can
pair of trainers last Christmas.
4             = begin (a journey)
She goes to school by bus. 5 Do the questionnaire. Then 3 compare
Read theyour answers with
GRAMMAR FOCUS. Then wearcompletepractical, comfortable
I clothes. (not buy) any new trainers last Christmas.
6 I’m crazy about shopping! I spend lots of
5             = spend the night Have you ever been abroad? a partner. the examples with C I’d like
the Present Perfect forms 12
a jobbreakfast
where I can
5            6            7            8            A PROVERB 5 I had at 7 a.m.
6             = visit somewhere (on your way to another money on clothes. wear a uniform or a suit.
6 Complete the sentences withinto blue in or
place) IN FOCUS
gone to or been to? wear . I (not eat) anything 7 a.m.
7 I love animals and I’m a volunteer at an
ge in the baggage reclaim
Ron has gone swimming. Then tick the sentences that are true for you. 6 (THINK) 6 My dad was born in our house.f
    GO       6      
= arrive
7            or8 after
delay) (= He’s there now.) animal centre. GRAMMAR FOCUS A In the morning, I spend
C   Have you ever been to Paris? 1 I can’t stand formal clothes like suits. Myadad lot of time (live) in our house he was born.
+ -ing = go somewhere to do an activity (= gone and come back) 2 I don’t mind
Present Perfect with for and since 13
sweatpants at home. about my clothes. 21
in the baggage reclaim Focus 3, U.3, Wordstore
I’d like to go skiing this winter. You use the Present Perfect to talk about 6I don’t
Use spend
the prompts to write sentences that are true for you. Use
B In the morning, much
ction (to solve a problem)
GOThey went backpacking last year. go in phrases
3 I refuse U They’re
skinny jeans.
unfinished Nsituations
I TFocusL Athat
too 2, N G U AinGthe
started E past
time and
14 the
aboutPresent Perfect and since or for.
my clothes.
Focus 2, U.4.1
our home (for a holiday) uncomfortable.
place (to go to another place) gogo++-ing
a place
= go somewhere to do an activity
We’re going on holiday next month. continue A until
N Dnow. SKILLS C I wear the same clothes 1 I / every
know /da (name
y. of your neighbour) …
go. 4 I hate
It was just a baby fish, so we let it M01_FOCUS_SB_02GLB_7887_U01.indd 21 heavy winter coats. 30/06/2015 18:20
I’d like time
to godoes hethis
skiing go home?
past and continue until now. Co
1 Tick the places where you have slept. What I 1’ve
was the most unusual place? Discuss in pairs. 3
in th
• in my bed • in a hotel

• on a floor • on a train
Vocabulary emphasis and extra practice (Word Store) „Focus on culture”
• on a couch is •embedded
other throughout apart
and in

help embed essential vocabulary in students’ minds. the course. Would you like to do it? Why?/Why not?
2 Read US TODAY. What is couchsurfing?

FOCUS constantly sets communication tasks Host

Interactive speaking videos model I6 (be) a cou
for students. conversational English for students and allow them US TODAY two years now and I 8
more than thirty peopl
We asked CS employee is visiting from Tokyo.
to ‘converse’ with the actors to practice their Dan about the world’s her 10 for / since a week
A contextual approach to grammar teaches appropriate, largest travel community. friends. We have so mu

communication skills. What is it? too – she 11 (

situational English. A worldwide travel
ten years, but she 13
to speak with a native
network connecting Oxford, I see my own c
Grammar animations illustrate grammar rules in practice. travellers with people
who offer free
(not visit)
at primary school, but
accommodation. here for / since nearl

Who is it for? homesick because she

People who don’t want to stay in hotels, but want
to meet local people and experience new cultures. 5 Complete the secon
to the first. Use the
How much does it cost?
Nothing! It’s free. 1 I met my best frien
How long have you worked for CS? I‘ve known (know
I’ve been here since it started in 2004. I’ve worked 2 I joined this Englis
with people from all over the world for more than I (be) in
ten years. Together, we want to create a global 3 My dad gave my m
community. My mum
4 I bought my last p
3 Read the GRAMMAR FOCUS.Focus 2, U.4.1
Then complete I (not b
the examples with the Present Perfect forms 5 I had breakfast at 7
in blue in US TODAY. I (not e
6 My dad was born i
My dad
Present Perfect with for and since
You use the Present Perfect to talk about 6 Use the prompts to
unfinished situations that started in the past and the Present Perfect
continue until now.
1 I / know / (name o
The ‘floating city’ in northeast Italy is famous for its unique The statue of Christ the Redeemer is 38 metres high and
beauty and wonderful architecture. The city consists of 25
dominates the city of Rio de Janeiro. It is one of the
• You use how long to ask about the length of
around 117 islands and 409 bridges. You can walk through the
narrow streets for hours and then sit in a square and admire
best-known sights of this lively city. When visitors go to the
top of the Corcovado mountain to visit the statue, they get
I’ve known Barr
the impressive buildings. St Mark’s is the most famous square a breathtaking view of the city. From there you can see other

time until now.
and the central point of the city. The public transport system
is fantastic. For example, the famous vaporetto (river bus) 30
famous sights: the Sugar Loaf mountain, the Atlantic Ocean,
the harbour and the long sandy beaches. As you drive up the
2 I / live in / (name o
only costs about 5 euros. It takes you all the way down the narrow road to the top of the mountain, you pass favelas
How long
Grand Canal. Alternatively, you can1pay around 150 euros to
do the same trip on a gondola!
you for CS?
(slums), rich neighbourhoods and green rainforest. 3 I / like / (name of y
• You use since when the answer is a point in time
4 I / have / (make of
(e.g. since 1998, since last week, since I was born). 5 I / be interested in
6 my dad / have / (ty
I2 here since it started in 2004.
• You use for when the answer is a period of time 7 In pairs, write quest
THE GREAT BARRIER REEF, AUSTRALIA The lost city of Petra is located in the rose-coloured Then ask and answe
(e.g. for six hours, for amountains
fewofdays, for Thisa ancient
long city wastime).

4.6 Speaking
It is one of the most amazing natural wonders of the world. It
southwestern Jordan.
is located in the Coral Sea and covers 2,600 kilometres along
once a busy trading centre and the capital of the Nabataean

the northeast coast of Australia. It consists of around 3,000
with people from all over the world
3and hundreds of tropical islands. It is a popular
coral reefs 45
empire. It had a population of around 20,000. They made
spectacular monuments from the pink limestone rock. The A: Who is your ne
destination for scuba divers. They love the clear and shallow city was ‘lost’ for centuries. Nobody knows exactly when or
sea water and all the different types of fish. The golden
Making suggestions
for more than ten years.
sands of the tropical beaches attract about 1 million tourists
why people left the city. Luckily, European travellers ‘found’
it again in the nineteenth century. Today you can visit the 4 CD How
A:•2.28 MP3•long have t
72 Complete
each year. spectacular ruins on foot, on horseback or by camel.

I can make and respond to suggestions. with words from the SPEA
FOCUS on 21st Century Skills

7 Choose one of the places you thought of in Exercise 6

listen andFocus
check. page 1
Focus 2, U.4.4
and write a paragraph.
8 CD•2.24 MP3•68 Complete WORD STORE 4E. Listen
The most spectacular historic ruins in my country
and repeat the names of places in the city and in the
1 Imagine you are visiting London.
are at Stonehenge. Stonehenge is an ancient
monument, but nobody knows exactly who built
In pairs,
country. discuss
Then add them to the diagramwhich
their distance from your school or city.
of these
according to A: Do you fancy 1
activities you
it or why. The stones would
change like to
colour depending on do and why.
the time of day. They are most beautiful when the
sun rises or sets. Stonehenge is a popular tourist B: That’s 2 good
destination and millions of people come from all
over the world to visit these impressive ruins. want to see?
TO DO IN LONDON A: The new film with Jennif
B: Oh no, I’m not 3
M04_FOCUS_SB_02GLB_7887_U04.indd 53 London by speed boat 01/07/2015 13:32

comedy. I’d 4
◆ Seven
M04_FOCUS_SB_02GLB_7887_U04.indd 50 days a week, all year
A: OK, let’s see the new Jam
◆ Suitable for all ages!
B: Great. How 6
◆ £35 for fifty minutes
before we go?
A: Why 7 ! We 8
Shopping new burger bar in town.
◆ Oxford Street shops : Mon–Fri: 8.30 a.m.–9 p.m.,
5 You are planning a day out
Sun: 11.30 a.m.–6 p.m.
Look at the tourist informa
◆ Camden Market: clothes, music, souvenirs,
pairs, follow the instructio
10 a.m.–6 p.m. daily for your day. Use the SPEA
The London Eye to help you.
Get the best view of London! A: Suggest an activity for th
◆ 10 a.m.–9 p.m. daily B: Agree and suggest some
◆ Adult: £19 afternoon.
15 and under: £10 A: Disagree and suggest so
The London Dungeon for the afternoon.
Prepare to be scared! B: Disagree and suggest so
◆ ninety-minute tours: £20 the afternoon.
◆ 10 a.m.–6 p.m., seven days a week A: Agree and suggest some
IMAX cinema B: Agree.
Watch the latest films in 3D for £15!
You’ll feel like you’re in the film!

Grammar animation videos Madame Tussaud’s

Come and see the Royal Family!
◆ 9 a.m.–6 p.m. daily
◆ Adult: £30 – save fifty percent when
you book online!
Interactive speaking videos National Museum of Scotland
10 a.m.–5 p.m.
2 CD•2.27 MP3•71 Listen. What do Marcus and Ann decide to do?
Which activities do they reject and why? Focus 2, U.4.4 Botanic Gardens
10 a.m.–6 p.m.
3 CD•2.27 MP3•71 Read the SPEAKING FOCUS. Then listen again Climb a hill to get great views
and underline the phrases you hear. Two hours to climb up
Visit Edinburgh Castle
SPEAKING FOCUS 9.30 a.m.–5 p.m.
5.6 Speaking
Expressing and justifying SPEAKING FOCUS
Technology an opinion
I can express and justify an opinion.
Discussing different options
Let’s start with this one.
Health literacy
What about this idea?
FOCUS covers up-to-date 1 In pairs, look technology
at three suggested logos for
a new eco-school. Which one would you
FOCUS encourages students to use
What do you think? FOCUS covers plenty of health related
I think this is a great idea.
topics and social issues. It also provides
choose? Why? online the language they have learnt in new
I’m not so sure. topics, including:
learning system and interactive solutions,
I think logo 1 is the best logo because it’s
clever and effective. and creative ways. It opts for a ‘guided
You’re right.
I completely agree with you. healthy school meals i.e. Focus 2, U.8,
such us: 1 creativity’ approach and gives students
The problem with that is …
health myths i.e. Focus 3, U.4,
Choosing an option and justifying the choice
2 plenty of idea would
I think the best support
be … because … and suggestions what makes a healthy diet i.e. Focus 3, 4.2U.4,
MyEnglishLab interactive exercises and gradebook, Future time clauses
to stimulate their imagination and ideas.
4 Read the text and choose the correct verb forms.
I prefer/I’d go for/I’d definitely choose this one because …
6the scandal of global food waste i.e. Focus 3, U.4,
.2 Grammar
I can use future time clauses to talk about

ActiveTeach IWB software, I think those are good ideas, but for me … future plans, predictions and conditions. MORE TRUTH ABOUT FOOD
Out of these ideas, I’d go for … 1 Do you think the statements are true (T) or

writing text types i.e. blogs and emails.

Personally, I wouldn’t go for that idea because …
malaria facts i.e. Focus 3, U.6, 5
Second Conditional wish/if only •
I can talk about imaginary situations in the present.
CD•3.7 MP3•96 Listen to Ron talking to a friend.
false (F)? Read the text and check your ideas.
What problems does he have with the following?
1 Carrots are better for your eyes than
Do you know the expression ‘If you 1’ll eat
fish, you 2are / ’ll be more intelligent’? We
certainly good for you and it contains Ome
which is important for the brain. But fish w
1 awareness of disabilities i.e. Focus 3, U.2.4.
other vegetables.
the cat the window the neighbours
The reason I wouldn’t choose that idea is because … What do you know about first aid? Do the quiz. Then compare his foot the2 Bananas
doctor’s give you more
phone energy than sugar.
5 you more intelligent unless you 3also stud
study a lot.
your answers with a partner. 3 Breakfast is just as important as lunch
6 and dinner.
CD•3.7 MP3•96 Match the two parts of the Some people say you’ll live longer if you 4’ll eat / eat
4 Imagine that a school wants its students to understand more sentences about Ron's problems. Then listen chocolate. In fact, dark chocolate can be good for
you. However, you won’t live longer unless you
about environmental problems. Look at the diagram. It shows DR. MAXWELL’S FIRST AID QUIZ again and
TRUTH ABOUT FOOD have / ’ll have a healthy lifestyle and long living genes.
10 5
CD•2.45 MP3•88 Listen to a teacher and two 1 I wish the cat wouldn’t
some things the teachers are thinking about doing. In pairs, LISTEN TO DR. MAXWELL’S PODCAST TO Has anybody ever said to you, ‘If you
students discussing the three logos. Which 2 If only it wasn’t eat your carrots, you’ll have better My granny used to say, ‘As long as you 6’l
follow these steps. CHECK YOUR ANSWERS.
3 I wish they wouldn’t eyesight’? Well, it’s not really true. garlic, you 7won’t get / don’t get a cold!’ Sh
logo do they choose and why?
2.4 Reading
Carrots contain Vitamin A and this is wrong. When you 8’ll cook / cook with garl
4 I wish I wasn’t
• Talk to each other about whether you think these are good ways to 1 If I had a nosebleed, I’d … 5 If only I had
5 important for healthy eyes. But lots of

different fruit and vegetables contain 15

certainly add flavour. However, garlic won
colds because colds are caused by viruse
3 CD•2.45 MP3•88 Listen again and complete the
help students understand about environmental problems. hold my nose and look up. Vitamin A. As long as you have

conversation with one word in each gap. Then hold my nose and look down.
Gapped text
so hot. a balanced diet, you’ll get all the 2 In pairs, discuss the kinds of jobs that a pe
b so clumsy.
• Decide which of the things it would be best for the school to do. 2 If I burnt my hand, I’d … I can understand
vitamins you need.
the main points of an
5 Choose find diffi
the correct cult.
conjunctions. Then decide who is speak
listen again and check. c the doctor’s phone number. a parent (P) or a child (C)?
hold it under the cold water tap. put oil on it. d article
come into about house.ifParalympic
the energya
10 Another common belief is that you’ll
athlete. an actor an athlete a doctor
7 Put the sentences in order to make a story. 3 If I twisted my ankle, I’d … e
get more
play loud music
you eat sugar.
at night.
when you need an energy
1 You won’t get any ice cream when / if / until you finish your
a software developer
vegetables. a teacher a
T = Teacher B = Boy G = Girl Which of
4.3 task
put it in a bowl of hot water. put ice on it. 1 Read UK
boost, TODAY
a banana andbetter
will work answer
than the questions. 2 As soon as / Unless / Before this programme finishes,
1 Last summer I was on holiday
things in the countryside
put upwith 4 sugar. SugarFOCUS II and findboost.
will give you a short
If I got a black eye, I’d … 3I promise
Read I’llthedo article on page 29 and answer th
T: So, what do you think of these three designs? organise a talk these put ice on it. put some eye drops in.
example 1
15 What
of each
as soonin as itof
goes the 6.UK
out population are
of your
my homework.
3 I’ll lend you money unless / as long as / until you pay
bloodstream, you’ll feel tired again.
disabled? 1 How old was Katy when she started running
B: Personally, I think they’re all great. The three my best friend, Jake.
by a weather would it be posters in the 5 If a bee stung me, I’d … GRAMMAR FOCUS II me back.
Multiple matching EXAM
wish/ifFOCUS2 How Multiple
many disabled matching people use wheelchairs? 2 What
/ If / Asdid
longshe achieve inrevision,
the London 2012 P
logos focus 1 the environment. Logos expert best
It finally did, but we for completely
were the classrooms
wet. Your teacherI can
take you totablets.
some antihistamine write put a astory. Your
plaster on the
the main points of a short monologue.
Who wasonly
people think that
can helpbehind
you lose the
weight. In
4 Unless
pass your exams.
as you do some you won’t

6 If I cutwith
story must begin this sentence.
my finger and it was bleeding, I’d … 4• YouCD•can
2.22 MP3 wish/if
•65 Listen toPast
fact, four Simple
if you people to say
don’t have a that
good breakfast,
5 Will you call me as soon as / if / until you get there?
EXAM FOCUS Gapped text
After walking forschool to do?we stopped for lunch. you
about Paralympic
want a present
diets. 20Games?
Choose from to be
the different.
2 and 3 are attractive and amusing. But I think three hours, wash and dry it and then put a plaster on.
1 In pairs, look at the photos below and decide whether they show
you’ll probably
morning and
hungry by mid-
fattening snacks. 6 We’ll get a dog before / when / if you promise to look after
wish I 4
I (A–G) How
wasn’t many
so athletes
clumsy. says tookabout in the
their firstYou
the best option would be logo number 1 healthytieorsomething around
unhealthy my wrist to stop the blood flowing.
dishes. diet. Use the letters
won’t lose weight successfully unless
only in once. There arethat 4 Read the article again. Choose from the se
It got dark and started to rain heavily. • You use disabled
wish/if onlygames
+ would
you eat + 1948?
three to say
healthy meals a day. 6 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in bra
it has a serious message about I was sunbathing on the
2 Take The healthy beach
diet test whenyour
and compare something
answers with
you wantextra letters. present behaviour
5 somebody’s
How many countries were represented in the
one which fits each gap (1–5). There is one
As soon as I 1 get (get) home today, I 2 (have) a
We hid under a big tree and waited for the rain to change.London
Speaker 1:2 Look2012 snack.AThen,
theredevastated (notand gave upatrunning
home, I 4 fo
cold touched2 my back.
a partner.
Focus 3, U.6.2 Focus 3, U.4.2 be) anybody
CD 3.6 MP3 95 Listen to Dr. Maxwell’s podcast and check your
• • at theParalympic
sentences inGames? the text with the
learning. answers to Exercise 1. wish they2:
I Speaker wouldn’t play loud
conjunctions music
in blue. at night.
Answer the questions. B television
(watch) She thought running
for a bit. However,would be a good
if my parents 5
to stop.
visit take students watch Speaker 3: 1 Are the sentences about past, present or
Note: at home, I 6
C She liked to (go) to my room. In my room, I’ll switch on
be active and kept up with her
G: I agree, but the 3 with logo number 1 3 Read GRAMMAR FOCUS I and answer the questions.
The healthy diet test
events? computer and I 7 (probably/listen) to music unless my
If only 4:
is stronger than
is that it doesn’t mention eco-school. Logo We were
a recycling planthaving lunch when suddenly, documentaries
to a beach the weather 1 Are the example sentences about real or imaginary situations? 2 Which tense do you use after the conjunctions? friends 8
and the(be)
swimming pool.
online. If my friends 9 (be) onlin

number 2 looks attractive, but it doesn’t changed. clear-up in class A Write your story in about 100 words. Remember
2 Are they about the present/future or the past?
8 The
Write 3 diet:
sentences using
you are
is based onnot
I wish
you put or if only to
the conjunction
fresh local
well with
at the beginning
these situations.
as in the middle of the sentence?
I 10 D But(chat)
E Many
them. When
she Icould

for dinner.
up to
Katy13as a
if there
3 Do you have to begin a conditional sentence with if? (not be) anything else to do, I 14 (do) my homework.
B1 changed 3 when he/she was thirteen. model.
school or learning. So We couldn’t wait to get back and have some warm to: the more ticks you Iget, UKallergic
C doesn't
to nuts.
to Exercise 2.
FOCUS and check your
ThereI are
wasn’ t allergic
eleven to nuts.people in the UK –
million disabled
F Katy’s
7 Complete favouritewith
the sentences thing
was ‘Shark atta
Then compar
choose number 3 because it’s clever tea and dry clothes. the healthier
a are! D2 doesn't involve
near any cooking. a partner.
• give yourSecond
story Conditional I don’t live
eighteenthe percent
beach. FOCUS
of the population.
Focus 3, U.5.5

FOCUS on 21st Century Skills

E3 used to include a lot of sweet things. 1 When school finishes today, I’ll go for a bike ride.
and simple. The weather was fantasticGLO
Our teacher gives us clauses
a test every week.
You use the Second Conditional to talk about the present or future
Future time
and we hiking.
B: Personally, I wouldn’t 6 for number 3.
RMING • make your story
I ofdon’t interesting
an imaginary
1 much for the reader.
eat too situation.
F4 is
G5 has
I don’t
I can’t
on percent of
a motorbike. disabled people were
When you are talking about the future, you use
the the
present es.
tense after the conjunctions if, when,
25 If it’s
in thelive
3 I’ll always box.
raining at the statements
weekend, …
in this area as long as …
about Katy Sulliv

I’d definitely 7 logo number 1 DOE

I will never go hiking again without
RE • give yourIfstory
+ Past Simple,
salt (e.g.
a strong ending.
fast food).
➞ result
in crisps and
would (’d)/wouldn’t + verb
6 My friendunless,
• Many won’tbefore,
disabiliti esme
let after,
are notuntil,
copy hisashomework.
visible andasfewer
and as than
long as. 4 I’ll stop studying English as soon as …
5 I probably won’t get a jobchance
until … childhood
As long ofas disabled
you have apeople
balanced diet, wheelchairs.
you’ll get all
weather forecast first! SUNSHI ten percent need
because it’s 8
effective NE If I burnt my hand, I’d hold it under the cold water tap. 59 CD
Complete •the
•2.22 MP3the sentences
65 vitamins the so they are(1–4)
need. truewith
for disability record roles shape
Useful language you. Then write Second Conditional Grammar Focus page 119
I’d put ice on the sting if I didn’t have any tablets. the The Paralympics
You Then
won’t listen
lose again
weight and sentences
successfully unless you eat
the other two, and the message 1 Katy had an active childhood .
7 In pairs, read the opening sentence of a story and think 2
I don’t eat too much
to explain three
a Who• Doctor
couldn’t Gutt
meals a day.
amann, a spinal injury specialist,
1 I wish my parents/sister/brother would/ 2 Katy moved to Los Angeles to do a          
sugar (e.g. in sweets
is clear. The words suggest that we are of a story that could follow it. Use the questions to • It was the4 fiComplete
the Second
zzy verbs
Conditional sentences with the correct
of our
brackets. Then tickholiday.
the sentences that are
was the inspirati
b Who has a lot of energy?
wouldn’t 50…
on behind the modern Paralympic
3 Katy loves acting, but she hasn’t played an
c WhoGames.
supports animal rights?
responsible for the future of the planet. help you. • When/While …
true for you. I wish my sister would get her own
d Who rarely eats with his/her family?                   on television.
• Gutt mann treated soldiers with terrible injuries
1 If I didn’ t feel (not feel) well at school, I               (go) home. laptop. If she had her own laptop, she 4 Katy took up running because she wanted
T: 10
of these three logos, I’d choose • Suddenly,3… e Whofrom
doesn’t use animal
the Second
t use mine.
World War. He believed
2 I’m not a fussy
If I               (have)eater.
hay fever, I                (get) some passionately in the benefits of competitive sport
M04_FOCUS_SB_03GLB_8099_U04.indd 50 stay in                   .
logo number 3. I 11 choose the logo When I got on the bus, it was very crowded and I • After that, …antihistamine tablets. PRONUNCIATION
2 I wish I had/didn’t haveFOCUS
for his patients.

5 Katy wanted to compete in Beijing, but had
3 If only I was/wasn’t …
showing vegetables because it doesn’t look couldn’t find a seat. •
3 I               (take) a cold shower if I               (have) sunburn.
I was completely
4 4 IIfhave asurprised!
I               diet
(have) flu, –
I               (not come) to school.
6 CD•2.23 MP3•66 Listen and repeat. Notice the
4 I •wish
GuttI mann
knew … organised the first disabled games in missed the                   .
same sound
1948. in eachdisabled
Sixteen group. soldiers took part and the 6 In the London 2012 Paralympics, in the 100
serious. I like logo number 3 for two reasons. 5 II eat a variety
             (have)of different
if I              (not be) allergic to them. 5 If only I could …
• I finally realised
6 kinds
…of fresh
a cat
food. 1 coffeeonly sport was archery.
orange cauliflower Katy set a new world                   .
, because the glasses suggest 1 Where were you?E If I               (hear) a mosquito in my room, I              

WE ONLY HAV 7 Her family, friends and fans think Katy has
2 beef beans
• What a relief!/What
(not be able) to a sleep.
nightmare! Grammar• The first Paralympic
Focus page 122 Games took place in Rome in
learning and 13 , because I think we 2 When were you there?
3 grapes cakeswere 400 athletes from twenty-three
1960. There overcome her                   .

• In the end, 574… 4 banana avocado

3 Who were you with? .

I eat fish at least countries, competing in nine events. 8 Everybody thinks Katy has fulfilled her      
need the words eco-school in the logo. So let’s 5 cabbage spinach
once a week. • Since 1960 the games have grown in size and
go for number 3. I’ll call the designer. 6 Are the statements in Exercise 5 true (T) or
IT. like?
importance. London 2012 welcomed 4,200
What AFTthe
K was B Use the ideas in the WRITING FOCUS and the
M06_FOCUS_SB_03GLB_8099_U06.indd 74
7 CD•2.24 MP3•67 Add the words in the box to
athletes from 164 countries to compete in twenty
the correct group in Exercise 6. Then listen, 06/07/2015 18:08
answers in the article.

5 What happened? 6 I don’t

model to help you.
eat red meat check different
and sports.
repeat. 7 Complete the questions with the correct fo
more than three in blue from Exercise 5.
6 What could you see? 67 times a week. cauliflower
1 Did you have a very active childhood ?

7 What could you hear? C Check. 2 Do you think most people f               their
3 Do your parents do anything to s              
I feel well – I have
8 How did you feel? ✓ Have plentythe correct
tenses to tell your story?
of energy. WORD STORE 4D 4 Have you ever p               a r               in
5 Do you want to d               a d               w
9 What did you do next? ✓ Have you made it interesting? 8 CD•2.25 MP3•68 Complete WORD STORE
M05_FOCUS_SB_03GLB_8099_U05.indd 67 06/07/2015 18:05 4D. Tick the nouns that collocate with each 8 In pairs, ask and answer the questions in Ex
10 How did it end? ✓ Have you8divided your
I look well story into paragraphs?
– my skin adjective. Then listen, check and repeat.
and my hair look
Focus, Interactive Whiteboard Software 8 Use the questions in Exercise 7 to write a story ending
✓ Have you used adverbs, adjectives and
Focus 3, U.4.7 exclamations?
9 CD•1.39 MP3•39 Complete WORD STORE 2E.

with this sentence. verbs with their definitions. Then listen, chec

✓ Have you checked your spelling and punctuation?

At last it was over and I breathed a sigh of relief! 3 Focus 3, U.4.3
CD•2.21 MP3•64 Listen to a nutritionist giving advice. Which 28 Focus 3, U.2.4
statement in The healthy diet test does she not mention?

M02_FOCUS_SB_03GLB_8099_U02.indd 28
Financial and economic 7.5 Grammar
Environmental literacy Global citizenship
Quantifiers 5 Read the

FOCUS covers many environmental issues, literacy I can understand countable and uncountable
FOCUS teaches students to be global citizens
nouns and use appropriate quantifiers.
Q: How did T
including: FOCUS covers topics such us: by introducing topics
1 In pairs, discuss like:
the questions.
A: When Blak
a few time o
1 Which of these types of shoes have you got? and she tol
natural disasters i.e. Focus 3, U.5, jobs and qualifications i.e. Focus 2, U.6.3, TOMS •shoes
pumps that support• boots children in the worldcountries
• flip flops w
a shoe com

problems of over-population and the solutions, work experience i.e. Focus 2, U.6.6, without
• high heels
• sandals • trainers
are i.e.
your Focus
favourite2, U.7.5, Q: How muc 4
2 Which shoes? Why?
5.1 Vocabulary make to s
vertical farming i.e. Focus 3, U.5, Fairtrade i.e. Focus 2, U.7.2. 3 When was the last time you bought a pair of shoes?
Natural world Verb collocations
I can talk about geography and natural disasters.

how to be a good citizen! i.e. Focus 3, U.6. A: A pair of sh
how to make a school more eco-friendly 2 Read the text. What happens when you buy a pair of a child. Firs
SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW TOMS shoes? shoes prote
i.e. Focus 3, U.5, 1 In pairs, choose the odd one out in each group and explain why. allow childr
ONE WORLD 1 Cyprus Munich Naples children to
deforestation in the Amazon forest i.e. Focus 3, U.5. 2
the Himalayas the Nile the Pyrenees
Africa China Europe
4 the Atlantic the Pacific the Sahara
5 the Mediterranean Niagara Falls the Baltic 6 Complete
1 Cyprus is the odd one out because it’s an island. Munich Simple fo
and Naples are cities.
1 There

A lot of
NATURAL DISASTERS Do you have too many pairs of shoes? How many pairs do you 4 A lot of
Let nature be your teacher. need? Most people have a few pairs of trainers, some smart shoes, 5 Lots of
What’s the most dangerous thing about the place where you live? Have you ever
experienced a drought, a hurricane or an earthquake? Do you live near an active a pair of boots and some sandals. But can you imagine living 6 A lot of
volcano? Does your local river flood regularly or do you live on the coast in without any shoes at all? TOMS.
a tsunami zone? Probably not, but some people are not so lucky. Four people tell
us what it’s like to live in a place where natural disasters have happened before Blake Mycoskie was shocked when he found out that a lot of 7 Read REM
8.6 Speaking
UNIT LANGUAGE and will probably happen again.
AND SKILLS children around the world were growing up without any shoes. Exercise 6
Vocabulary: FLOODS Ying, 16 So he set up a company called Shoes for Tomorrow (TOMS). Every very few.
• Show what you know – geography
• geographical features
I live in Zhengzhou on the banks of the
Yellow River. The river flows for 5,464
time he sells a pair,talking about
he gives a pair of new advantages andHe
shoes to a child in need. 4 In pairs
1 There a
have to do much advertising – when people hear about you wo
• verb collocations; word families
• compound nouns – the environment 10
kilometres from the glaciers of Tibet, across
northern and central China and along the disadvantages
• adjective-noun collocations foothills of the Himalayas. 400 million TOMS, they tell one another. Over the years, he’s given lots of shoes R5EM
• Word in focus – one people live in the river valley, but the Yellow I can give my opinion and identify advantages and pairs
River is dangerous because it floods a lot. to people in need – more than a million, in fact. TOMS has become debate
Grammar: The worst flood was in 1931 – four million disadvantages. little reason
• articles: no article, a/an or the
• non-defining relative clauses
15 people died. Our government is building the One for One™ company who give eyewear as well as shoes to
twenty-six dams to control the river and
Listening: reduce the risks, but I’m still worried that it 1people
around thetheworld. Withina as
sentence little imagination
many ways as you a lotthink
andcan of of. few friends
will burst its banks and flood my city.
• an interview about an eco school
work in, Mycoskie
pairs, discuss your ideas.
has transformed the lives of a lot of people. BUT
• an article about satellite technology and A good person is someone who … a littlehome
the environment
A good person is someone who is honest and kind. a few SCHOO
FOCUS on 21st Century Skills

• expressing and justifying an opinion
Focus 2, U.1.1. Motion:
• describing and contrasting pictures I live in the wonderful city of San Francisco. 32 Look
at MP3
the•135 Read
nouns thequantifi
and texts and
erslisten to Robert
in blue and Sonia.
in Exercise
Focus 2.
2, U.7.5 Everybo
8 Make the
20 It’s located on a peninsula, so the city
Writing: What do
Which ofthey
the decide to do?nouns are countable and which
5.2 Grammar
is surrounded by water. We get small
a ‘for and against’ essay
• earthquakes all the time, but scientists
think a major earthquake will strike in the are uncountable? not many
FOCUS EXTRA next thirty years. 100 years ago, there was 6 CD•3.47
Grammar Focus page 121 25 Articles: no article, a/an or the
a major earthquake in San Francisco – it 3 CD•2.36 MP3•79 Complete the text with a, the

• WORD STORE booklet pages 10–11 killed 3,000 people and destroyed eighty
I can use articles correctly. or Ø (no article). Then listen and check. What Read the GRAMMAR FOCUS and complete it with
Workbook pages 56–67 or MyEnglishLab percent of the city. has Jack Ng invented and why? 1 I work.
eat a lo

• MP3s – countable or uncountable.
1 In pairs, guess the answers to the questions. Then read the text
home teachers students parents 2 I from
send Ea
and check your ideas.
1 What was the world population in 1900? What is it now? What will
Vertical farms GRAMMAR
7 I drink a
Photo courtesy of Sky Greens Singapore

it be in 2050?
2 What is the biggest change in where people live?
Focus 3, U.5.1 in Singapore Quantifiers 4 I SPEAK
do a lo
M05_FOCUS_SB_03GLB_8099_U05.indd 60

3 What are ‘megacities’?

06/07/2015 18:03
1 The biggest problem that
1 You use different expressions
2 3
to talk about quantity: 5 I Then
megacities have is how to 6 I talk to
• With 1 nouns you use:
The world’s For the first time in history,
more people live in cities than
provide 2 Ø food and
water for their very few/a few/too many/how many?
9 InInpairs,
my opa
in the countryside. Across the
globe there are 27 megacities – inhabitants. One small country school da
to doing
cities with more than 10 million • With 2 nouns you use:
problem inhabitants – and by 2025 the
United Nations predicts the
may have found 4
solution: Singapore is 5 very little/a little/too much/how much?
the topics
makes pe
less fortu
A famous scientist said recently 20
total will be 36. Megacities
are more common in Asia,
country which is famous for
• With both 3 and 4 nouns you use:
do exer
if you do
that there’s a growing problem
particularly in India and
innovation. 7 tiny country has very little listen to
in the world, and the problem is
China. The biggest space to grow 8 food. But Jack Ng, 9 farmer, Help younger pupils lot of/lots
any/some/a Help theofelderly in your Raise money for charity. problems
people – there are just too many of
us! Because of economic growth, megacity is still Tokyo, has invented 10
vertical farm. It only produces a with school subjects. community. Organise a sale: A:doing
How vom
food has improved, health care has
with a population of Note
Are you : at a
good Elderly people are often second-hand clothes,
improved and people are living 34,500,000. few different kinds of vegetable, but there are plans
Usually, you use B:person
Lots. –H
longer. During the twentieth century, to expand 11 vertical farm to include 12 particular subject? Are a few , a little
lonely. or some
Promise in affirmative
to call cakes orsentences
the population of the world grew more plants. you patient?
and manyYounger on an
, much or any in elderly
negativeperson two
sentences and questions. Very l
from 1.65 billion to 6 billion. Today pupils need your help. or three times a week. First of a
it is 7 billion and by 2050 it is Grammar Foc
predicted to reach 9.2 billion. 4 Read the sentences and cross out the article if advantag
it isn’t necessary. I think th
1 The poverty doesn’t exist in big cities.
3 CD•3.46 MP3•135Complete section A of the SPEAKINGFocus 3, U.8.6
FOCUS disadvan
2 The cheapest form of public transport is the bus. Focus 2, U.1.2 with the words in the box. Then listen again and check. take up a
2 Read the GRAMMAR FOCUS and complete the examples with Focus 3, U.5.2 3
The food is mainly sold in big supermarkets.
The education and the healthcare are free. work cou
the words in blue in the text.
5 The capital city is located in the north. good into not rather thing friends, o
GRAMMAR FOCUS 6 The pollution is only a problem in major M07_FOCUS_SB_02GLB_7887_U07.indd 90

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