Middle Eastern Clothing Practical Primer

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The document discusses two main Middle Eastern clothing styles - Maghreb and Central Asian styles. It also mentions some common fabric types like linen and provides a basic overview of clothing elements.

The two main clothing styles discussed are Maghreb, associated with North Africa, and Central Asian styles. The Maghreb style includes tunics, pants and cloaks while the Central Asian style includes rectangular coats, undershirts and pants.

Some of the main fabric types mentioned include linen, cotton, wool and silk. Linen is described as being analogous to cotton in modern clothing for the Middle East region.

Middle Eastern Clothing Practical Primer

Middle Eastern Clothing Practical Primer

asim al-talib (mka Woodrow Jarvis Hill)
[email protected]
Last Edited April the Twenty Seventh, A.S. XLI

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On almost any level, the attempt to codify period clothing from the regions
best-known as the Middle East is a tough undertaking. There are a multitude of
styles and clothing concepts, and if it is not as diverse as the range of European
fashion in period, it is more than complex enough to defeat any simplistic analysis,
to point to one clothing style and say it represents all Middle Eastern clothing in
period. This document can only server as the most basic of overviews for this topic.
Not only is the topic broad, but my knowledge is limited. However, so many people
have the impression that there is such a thing as “Generic Middle Eastern garb”,
that I present this document to you as a short introduction to the topic, by way of
two very basic frameworks, the Maghreb and Central Asian clothing styles.
So, please note -- this is raw basics, here. Not a lot of theory, or book-
learning, but the stuff you need to know to find out how to make something that
passes the 10 foot rule. To start down the road towards making kick-butt garb in
the Islamic styles you've come to admire.

What will you get out of this? Three things:

• One pair of pants,

• Two clothing styles, and
• Four fabric types.

And Four Content Warnings:

• This garb is about the 10-ft rule,
• Not a lot about accessories,
• We avoid patterns on the fabric, and
• Practical conflicts with Period, sometimes.
So, what is period Mid-East Garb, anyway? It's about a lot of things, but a
critical one is layers. Unlike Franji (European) clothing, tends to be, especially in
late-period, Mid-East clothing tends to be more fluid, both in construction and ways
of wearing. There are a number of theories as to why, but you'll notice that Maghreb
clothing is very loose, allowing the air to flow – important in a desert climate, even
though much of it is not desert per se.

asim al-talib February 9, 2008 Page 1 of 4

Middle Eastern Clothing Practical Primer

I can make the “period fabrics” commentary very simple – you cannot go
wrong with linen. In period, in the Middle East, linen was in a position roughly
analogous to cotton in modern clothing. I’ve seen many references to almost every
garment in this document done in linen, and the variety of weights make it a very
flexible choice, now and today.
Cottons, and cotton-polyester blends, are the easy to get and cheaper modern
fabrics. If you can find them, and they work for you, use them. Do be wary of too
much synthetic fiber, as it interferes with the ability to wick off sweat, and to
properly trap heat.
Wools have a similar flexibility, but I would save them for abas, overcoats, and
the like, since it’s hard to find lightweight, or summer-weight, woolens in modern
fabric stores.
Similarly, silks are usually so warm (unless they are very thin) that you’d be
wise to try them only in cooler weather, despite their status as the King of Fabrics.

Maghreb Clothing

The Maghreb is better known as North Africa, roughly speaking. It seems, in

period, to have had many parts; Stillman’s work1 points out a number of aspects, as
well as works like Social Life under the Abbasids. For purposes of this work, though,
a beginning breakdown of the basics is simply a tunic, pants, and an optional aba.


It's debatable which cultures wore pants at which time; there are modern
cultures in the region who only wear long tunics, it seems, so it's possible this
occurred in period as well. However, the vast majority of evidence I've seen indicates
that pants were worn across the board. These are not the well-known “harem
pants”2, however, but are known by a number of names in period. They are baggy in
the crotch, yet taper down by a number of design mechanisms to meet the ankle
more like modern pants.
There are two excellent patterns for such pants online, by Jennifer Davis and
Charles Mellor, which I recommend over the pants in From Turban to Toe Ring3. Of
those two, I recommend Mellor’s patterns for a more detailed description.


A wide variety of shirts were in evidence, with the t-tunic framework being the
basic outline. Some like the Mid-period Egyptian shirt in Cut My Cote4 are
1 Arab Dress.
2 In addition to the name being rather frustrating (harems were not nice places to live for women), the style itself is post-
period, dating from the Victorian era.
3 For citations of all three works including URLs, see the Works Cited at the end.
4 The line pattern is on page 11, with another period shirt just before it on page 10.
asim al-talib February 9, 2008 Page 2 of 4
Middle Eastern Clothing Practical Primer

somewhat form-fitting, in fact. Many shirts were embellished, as they were the top,
visible layer. Brown(62-3) has a good, basic pattern one can use for a shirt from this
region, as well as the Cote patterns.


The aba, or rectangular cloak, is often worn throughout the Maghreb in

period. Simply constructed, it serves to protect the body through a wide variety of
circumstances. The pattern is simple, to fold in a length of fabric so the edges come
close to meeting in the middle, but leave room for the neck. Stitch the top, and cut
armholes, hem and you’re done.

Central Asian

As one travels West from the Maghreb, you encounter more mountainous and
rugged terrain. The changes in weather led to a very different style of clothing.
Although the rectangular coat stretches back to China, most Scaidans know it best
in the form of the so-called, and inaccurately named, “Ghawazee Coat”. The
Rectangular Coat, an Undershirt, and Pants define this style in a simplistic manner.


Pants in this region are very similar to ones worn in the Maghreb, tightly-fitted
ankle and all. Indeed, the patterns I reference are based upon Ottoman-era pants,
called “sirwals”.


Styles differ quite a bit, from the “bell-shaped” style of many Ottoman coats,
called kaftans, to the Mongol “cross-front” style. They all have in common a fitted
style, not tight to the body but close enough that air does not circulate a great deal,
keeping in warmth. The length is usually from mid-calf to floor, depending on the
culture and many other factors.
Online, the Dupuis pattern seems to be good, even if I’ve never tried it.
Brown(60-1) has a “Anteri/Yelek” pattern that can work.


Coats were always protected by a simple undershirt. A bog-simple t-tunic

design works, as it is not to be seen by itself. It usually goes down to mid-thigh.
Any shirt pattern can be tried here, the simpler the better.

asim al-talib February 9, 2008 Page 3 of 4

Middle Eastern Clothing Practical Primer

Works Cited
Ahsan, M. Social Life under the Abbasids, 170-289 Ah, 786-902 Ad. New York: Long-
man, 1979.

Appleton, David B. (a.k.a Da'ud ibn Auda). Islamic World: Food, Clothing, Heraldry,
and Naming Practices of the Islamic World.

Brown, Dawn and Barry Brown. From Turban to Toe Ring. Roseville: Ibexa Press,

Burnham, Dorothy. Cut My Cote. Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum, 1973.

Davis, Jennifer. "Salvar." Roxane Farabi's Web Site. 25 Feb. 2007. Society for Creat-
ive Anachronism. 28 Feb. 2007 <http://www.roxanefarabi.com/PatternPages/Sal-

Dupuis, Tammie L. "Rectangular Constructed Coats." Recreating 16th and 17th Cen-
tury Clothing: the Renaissance Tailor. 24 Jan. 2006. 28 Feb. 2007 <http://www.ver-

Friedman, David, and Elizabeth Cook. "Cariadoc's Miscellany: Notes on Islamic

Clothing." Cariadoc's Miscellany. 24 Sept. 03. Society for Creative Anachronism. 28
Feb. 2007 <http://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/cariadoc/islamic_clothing.html>

Mellor, Charles. "Dar Anahita: Rashid's Patterns." Dar Anahita. 6 Sept. 2004. Society
for Creative Anachronism. 28 Feb. 2007
Scarce, Jennifer. Women's Costume of the near and Middle East. City: Curzon Pr,

Stillman, Yedida and Norman Stillman. Arab Dress. Leiden: Brill, 2000.

asim al-talib February 9, 2008 Page 4 of 4

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