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5th Grade Lesson Plan

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Teacher: Radu Andreea Radu

Date: 25th February 2019

Class: 5th grade

Number of students: 30

Time: 50 minutes

Level: starter

Lesson: ”Every day- free time activities”

Topic: free-time activities

Text book:`Limba modernă engleza`, Jenny Dooley, editura Uniscan

Approach: Teaching vocabulary and grammar


 writing, reading, speaking,listening.


By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

 use the correct form of the –ing verbs;

 develop their vocabulary on a specific topic;
 develop and practice productive and receptive skills (writing, speaking);

A. Cognitive objectives:

 to check and improve vocabulary;

 to encourage students to talk freely;
 help students talk about holiday places;
 to give students more practice on pronunciation, vocabulary and the structures
previously taught.
B. Affective objectives:
 to make students confident in their ability to use the language;
 to create interest in the topic of the lesson;
 to create a relaxed atmosphere, proper for studying;

 worksheets
 pictures
 song
 conversation
 dialogue
 exercise
 game
 explanation
 observation
METHODS: Communicative approach

RESOURCES: worksheets, laptop,video projector, pictures,flashcards,whiteboard, notebook.

Stage of Teacher’s activity Student’s Intera Skill Time Purpose

lesson activity ction

Warm-up The teacher says Ss get ready for T-Ss To greet the
“Hello” and asks ss the lesson and students and
“How are you today?” pay attention to Speaking encourage them to
The teacher greets the teacher. 5 min about their mood/
students; themselves
The teacher asks ss the
To create proper
date and write it on the Ss answer and Ss-T
environment for
blackboard. copy the date
Writing learning English.
into their
To get Ss involved
The teacher asks ss to notebooks. in the lesson.
name some activities. To encourage ss to
Brainstormi She shows them T-Ss speak.
ng flashcards in order to
help them speak about S-S
free-time activities. Ss answer
(annex 1)

Homework If there is any Teacher and Ss Ss-T Speaking To notice how

check-up homework, the teacher check the responsible the
asks ss to read it. homework and Reading 5 min students are and to
correct it if T-Ss correct the
necessary. eventual mistakes;
Lead-in The teacher begins the The ss listen To motivate the
lesson telling ss that carefully at the students and to
they are going to teacher’s T–Ss Listening 10 provide context for
complete a worksheet: instructions. min the next activities;
`What do you do in
your free time?` First, He’ll/She’ll an S- T To familiarize
the teacher asks them themselves with
to number the pictures the topic of the
according to the swer with lesson.
activity and check one/two
their work. Then, ask activities.
his/her classmate the
They exchange
question above.
roles with their
Lastly, a memory S-S
game: `How many
activities can you
remember?` The
teacher monitors their
activity.(annex 2)

The teacher writes the Ss copy the title T-Ss Writing 3 min To announce the
title of the lesson on in their lesson topic.
Announcing the board:` Free-time notebooks.
the lesson activities`.

The teacher informs To fix the

The children T-Ss Listening objective of the
the ss that the lesson
aim is to learn listen carefully to lesson;
vocabulary on free- the teacher.
time activities using
like/love + -ing verbs.

Practice: The teacher asks ss to The students T-Ss Speaking 10 To comprehend

work in pairs and work in pairs and min the vocabulary
First complete the activity. answer the part.
activity: The teacher monitors questions.
Teaching S-T Writing
them . (annex 3)

Second The teacher tells ss that Students listen T-Ss Listening 5 min To get further
activity: they are going to listen to the song and practice in
Song to a song. Then, they answer the S-T Speaking learning the
are asked to enumerate questions about specific
the activities they it. vocabulary.
remember from the
song. The teacher tells
them to write the
activities on the board.
(annex 4)

Third The teacher shows two Ss pay attention T-Ss To find out
activity: pictures on the board. to the teacher differences in
The ss come at the and complete the S- T Speaking 10 order to practice
Find the board and talk about worksheet. min speaking skills.
differences Writing
the differences
between the images.
(annex 5)

Homework Teacher announces the Ss write down in T-Ss To let the students
and homework for the next their notebooks know what they
feedback: lesson.(annex6) what they are Listening 2 min have to prepare for
supposed to do the new lesson.
Worksheet for next lesson.
To let them know
Ss listen the the teacher’s
teacher’s T-Ss opinion about their
appreciations and achievements.
(if needed).


1. Jenny Dooley ,`Limba modernă engleză`, editura Uniscan;

2. Dawn Watson, `Cambridge YLE Practice Tests Movers`, Hamilton House Publishers, 2018;

3. Jim Scrivener, `Learning teaching`, second edition, MacMillan books for teachers.

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUIL9ivP8kE


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