FM & HM Laboratory: Gudlavalleru Engineering College

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FM & HM Laboratory

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Verification of Bernoulli’s theorem experimentally


The apparatus consists of a receiving cylinder to store water to the required head, a closed
conduit of uniformly varying cross - section, number of piezo meters take along the path
of the conduit to measure the pressure head at the point, and a controlling valve to control
rate of flow of water. A collecting tank is provided to find out the actual discharge.
According to Bernoulli’s theorem, the sum of pressure head, velocity head and elevation
head is constant for all points along a continuous conduit of frictionless flow.

P/W + V2/2g +Z= C


 Bernoulli’s equipment
 Stop watch
 Metre scale


1. Start the motor ,Open the gate valve and allow the water to flow through receiving
2. Slowly open outlet gate valve and adjust the supply such that for a particular head
in the receiving cylinder, the inflow and outflow are equal.
3. Note the height of water (R) in receiving cylinder.
4. Note the height of water above the center of conduit in each tube.
5. Collect the water in collecting tank say 1cm or 2cm and note down the initial
6. Collect the water in the collecting tank upto the level more than 3/4 of the collecting
tank and note down the rise(r) of water level and corresponding time (t)taken to rise
that level
7. Calculate the area of cross–section of the conduit at points where the pressure heads
are measured.
8. Change the discharge by opening the gate valve and repeat the procedure.

1. Area of cross –section of flow at different points, a1,a2…….a8 = cm2

2. Diameter of the collecting tank (D) = …………… .cm
3. Elevation head, Z ……………. cm


 D2
1. Area of cross section of collecting tank, A = =……… cm2
2. Height of water in the receiving cylinder(R) = …………. Cm

3. Volume of water collected in the tank V t = A*r =……… cm3

4. Actual discharge Qa = Vt/t……………….. cm3/sec

5. Velocity of flow at a point v = Qa/a ……………… cm/sec

6. Velocity head at the point = v2/2g…………………… cm

7. Pressure head at the point (p/w)= …………….. cm

8. Total head at the point = V2/2g+P/w+Z ………………. cm

S. Height of Piezometer Press Rise of Area Volume Area of Actual Velocity v Velocity Total head
No water tube No. ure water level of of water flow Discharge =Q/a head V2/2g P/w+V2/2g
level in head in the collect collected a cm2 Q= v/t cm/sec cm
(p/w) collecting ing V =A*r cm3 /sec
tank tank Cm3
Rcm A
r cm t Sec
1 5
2 5
3 5

Model Graph:
1. A graph between Total head on Y-axis and No of tube on X-axis is drawn which is a straight horizontal line

1. Note down the readings with out parallax error

Result: Bernoulli’s theorem is verified experimentally


To determine the efficiency of a centrifugal pump and plot the operating characteristic curves .


A pump may be defined as a mechanical device which mean interposed in a pipe line, converts
mechanical energy supplied to it from some external source into hydraulic energy, thus resulting in
the flow of liquid from lower potential to higher potential.

A centrifugal pump consist of an impeller in a volute casing. The impeller has number of
vanes(curved) to the eye of the pump a suction pipe is connected. at the other end of this pipe a foot
valve with a strainer is connected. The water enters at the centre and flows out ward to the
periphery of the impeller. In the delivery side of a pipe a delivery pipe with a valve is fixed. The
energy supplied to the motor is measured by means of an energy meter. Suction and delivery
pressure gauges are fitted to suction and delivery pipes respectively near the pump.

A centrifugal pump may be driven with a constant speed or a variable speed motor.

The flow rate can be adjusted by operating the valve provided on the delivery pipe line. The
pressure drop a cross the pump is measured by the pressure gauges. These centrifugal pumps are
coming under rotodynamic pumps type and these centrifugal pumps are used for more discharge and
its working on the principle of forced vortex. The main parts are impeller, casing suction pipe with
strainer delivery pipe, foot step valve with strainer.

In the case of centrifugal pump, work is done by the impeller on the water. The expression for the
work done by the impeller on the water is obtained by drawing velocity triangles at inlet and outlet of
the impeller on the same way as for a turbine. The water enters the impeller radially at inlet for best
efficiency of the pump. Which means the absolute velocity of water at inlet makes an angle of 900
with the direction of motion of impeller at inlet and work done by the impeller
1/g{Vw1 U1- Vw2 U2


 Centrifugal pump
 Collecting tank with piezometer
 Pressure gauge
 Suction gauge
 Stop watch
 Energy meter
 Meter scale


1. Keep the delivery close position

2. Start the motor
3. Keep the deliver valve and suction valve open
4. Read the delivery pressure and suction pressure
5. Note down the time taken to 5 revolutions of energy meter
6. Measure the diameter of the collecting tank
7. Collect the water in collecting tank say 1cm or 2cm and note down the initial reading.
8. Collect the water in the collecting tank upto the level more than 3/4 of the collecting tank and
note down the rise(R) of water level and corresponding time (t)taken to rise that level
9. Operate the delivery valve and change the flow rate
10. Repeat the experiment for different openings of the delivery and suction valves


 Electric service: 180-250V AC, 3-Phase, 50Hz with earth connections

 Motor: 1Hp, 1440Rpm
 Centrifugal pump: 1hp, 2-stage- Suguna motor
 Belt size: A40
 Pressure gauge: 2kg/cm2
 Suction gauge: 0-760mm of hg
 Watt meter: BHEL made
 Control valves: for suction and delivery
 Measuring tank: 300mm x 300mm


Diameter of collecting tank.(D)=………………………m

Energy meter constant =---------------------


 Suction head(hs) = (ρm x gauge reading) /ρ x 1000……………m

 Discharge head(hd)= gauge reading x10………………………m
 Total head (Th)=2( hs+ hd)= ………………………………………….m
 Area of collecting tank(A)= π/4*D2…………………………m2
 Raise of water level in the collecting tank (R) = …………m
 Volume of water collected in Tank(V) = A x R= …………m3
 Time taken for collection(t)=…………sec
 Actual discharge (Qa) = V/t…………………………………m3/sec
 Brake horse power(B.H.P)= Qa x g x Th………….kw
 Indicated horse power(I.H.P)= (3600 x n)/K x tm…kw (k= 150)
 Number of Revolutions(n)= 5
 Time taken for 5 revolution of the meter scale(tm)= …….sec
 Efficiency of pump= B.H.P/I.H.P
Tabular form

S. Suction pressure Discharge pressure Total Rise of Volume Discharge Time taken I/P power Output Efficiency
No head water of water Qa= Vt/t for (3600 x n)/K Power =
Th= level in collected m3 /sec 5 rev of watt x tm Qa x g x Out put
2(hs+hd) collecting Vt= AxR meter scale kw Th Kw power/
Ps hs Pd hd m tank m3 tm sec input
mm of m of Kg/cm2 m of (R) power
Hg water water m

Model graphs

1. Draw a graph between Th Vs Qa

2. Draw a graph between BHP Vs Qa
3. Draw a graph between η Vs Qa
Precautions :

 Reading should be taken without any parallax error

 The suction and delivery valves are completely opened before experiment started


 The average efficiency of Centrifugal pump=……………


Determine the efficiency of Francis Turbine at constant head and constant speed.
Francis turbine, test rig, tape and hook gauge
Francis turbine consists of runner mounted on a shaft and enclosed in a spiral casing with guide
vanes. The cross section of flow between the guide vanes can be varied, known as gate opening. It
can be adjusted ¼, ½, ¾, or full gate opening. A brake drum is fixed to the turbine shaft. By means of
this drum the speed of the turbine can be varied. The discharge can be varied by operating a throttle
valve on the pipe line. The water after doing work leaves the turbine through a draft tube and flows
down into the tail race. A rectangular notch is fitted across the tail race for measuring discharge.
1. Keep the nozzle open at the required position i.e., fully opening or 3/4th opening.
2. Start the pump.
3. Allow the water in the turbine, then the turbine rotates.
4. Note the speed of the turbine.
5. Note the readings from manometer.
6. Note the pressure of water in the pressure gauge.
7. Load the turbine by putting weights.
8. Note dead weight T1 and spring weight T2 and weight of hanger T0
9. Repeat the experiment for different loadings.
 Height of mercury column in left arm (h1) = cms
 Height of mercury column in right arm (h2) = cms
 Dead weight(T1) = kg
 Spring weight (T2)= kg
 Weight of hanger(T0) = kg
 Speed (N) = rpm
 Diameter of brake drum = 0.4m
 Thickness of rope = 0.015 m
 Resultant dia (D) = 0.415 m
Head H = h2 – h1
Qa = 0.0055 * H1 = m3/sec
I.H.P. = 1000 * QH /75 =
Resultant load = T1 – T2 + T0 = Kg
B.H.P = DNT / 75 * 60
Efficiency of Turbine = BHP/IHP
1. Speed Vs
2. Speed Vs Output power
3. Speed Vs Discharge
S. Head Manometer reading Discharge Speed T1 T2 BHP IHP BHP/
No H Q m3/sec N, rpm IHP
Cm h1 h2 h= H1
cm cm h1- =
h2 12.6
cm h



Determination of efficiency of Pelton wheel at constant head.


Pelton wheel test rig, tape, hook gauge and thread.


Pelton wheel is an impulse turbine which is used to utilize high heads for generation of electricity. It
consists of a runner mounted on a shaft. To this a brake drum is attached to apply brakes over the
speed of the turbine. A casing is fixed over the runner. All the available head is converted into velocity
energy by means of spear and nozzle arrangement. The spear can be positioned in 8 places that is,
1/8 , 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, 5/8 6/8, 7/8 and 8/8 of nozzle opening. The jet of water then strikes the buckets
of the Pelton wheel runner. The buckets are in shape of double cups joined at middle portion. The jet
strikes the knife edge of the buckets with least resistance and shock. The jet is deflected through
more than 160o to 170o. While the specific speed of Pelton wheel changes from 10 to 100 passing
along the buckets, the velocity of water is reduced and hence the impulsive force is supplied to the
cups which in turn are moved and hence the shaft is rotated. The supply of water is arranged by
means of centrifugal pump. The speed of turbine is measured with tachometer.


1. Keeps the nozzle opening at the required position i.e., full opening or 3/4th opening?
2. Start the pump.
3. Allow water in the turbine, then the turbine rotates.
4. Note the speed of the turbine.
5. Take the reading from manometer.
6. Note the pressure of water in the pressure gauge.
7. Load the turbine by putting weights.
8. Note dead weight T1 and spring weight T2 and weight of hanger to
9. Repeat the experiment for different loadings.


1. Height of mercury column in left arm (h1) = cms

2. Height of mercury column in right arm (h2) = cms
3. Dead weight(T1) = kg
4. Spring weight (T2)= kg
5. Weight of hanger(T0) = kg
6. Speed (N) = rpm
7. Diameter of brake drum = 0.4m
8. Thickness of rope = 0.015 m
9. Resultant dia (D) = 0.415 m

Head H1 = (h2 – h1) (S-1)

Qa = 0.0055 * H1 = m3/sec
I.H.P. = 1000 * QH /75 =
Resultant load = T1 – T2 + T0 = Kg
B.H.P = DNT / 75 * 60
Efficiency of Turbine = BHP/IHP

4. Speed Vs
5. Speed Vs Output power
6. Speed Vs Discharge

S. Head Manometer reading Discharge Speed T1 T2 BHP IHP = BHP/IHP

No H cm Q m3/sec N, rpm
h1 h2 cm h= H1 =
cm h1-h2 cm 12.6 hcm


To determine coefficient of discharge for a given orifice meter.


Orifice meter is used to measure the discharge in any closed surface. Orifice meter works on the
principle that by reducing the cross section area of the flow passage, a pressure difference between
the two sections is developed and this difference enables the determination of the discharge through
the pipe.

In a water distribution system and in processing industries it is necessary to measure the volume of
liquid flowing through a pipe line. The orifice meter is introduced in the pipeline to achieve this.
Hence knowledge of the value of the coefficient of discharge of the orifice meter is a must. Orifice
meter consists of a flat circular plate with a circular hole called orifice, which is concentric with the
pipe axis pressure tapings are connected to pipe wall on the both sides of the plate. So that the
difference in the fluid pressure on both sides of the orifice plate are measured. As the fluid passes
through the orifice meter, a lot of eddies are formed and there is a loss of energy due to which the
actual discharge Qa, is far less than QTh and is given by

Cd a1a2 2 g (h1  h2 )
QTh 
a12  a22
Where Cd is the coefficient of discharge
a1 is the cross section area of pipe
a2 is the cross section area of orifice
H = h1 – h2 = difference in piezometric readings of upstream and down stream of orifice plate.

The actual discharge Qa, is determine by collecting water over a know period of time.
Coefficient of discharge for orificemeter (c d) = Actual discharge/ theoretical discharge

Apparatus required:

 Orifice meter setup

 Differential manometer
 Collecting tank with piezometers
 scale


 Record the diameter of inlet (d1) and throat (d2) of the Venturimeter. As certain that
manometric fluid levels in the manometer limbs are the same.
 Start the motor ,Open the gate valve and allow the water to flow through pipe full
 Reject the air bubbles if any by slowly raising the pinch cock
 Open the inlet and outlet Nipples to allow water into the two limbs of the manometer
 Note the manometric fluid levels h1 and h2 in the two limbs of the manometer
 Measure the diameter of the collecting tank
 Collect the water in collecting tank say 1cm or 2cm and note down the initial reading.
 Collect the water in the collecting tank upto the level more than 3/4 of the collecting tank and
note down the rise(R) of water level and corresponding time (t)taken to rise that level
 Repeat the above procedure by gradually increasing the flow and Note down the required

Observations and recording:

1. Diameter of pipe (d1)…………………cm

2. Diameter of orificemeter(d2)………………….cm
3. Diameter of collecting tank(D)…………………………


1. Area of cross section of inlet (a1)= π/4 * d12…………….cm2

2. Area of cross section of orifice meter (a2) = π/4*d22……………cm2
3. Area of collecting tank(A)= π/4*D2…………………………cm2
4. Raise of water level in the collecting tank (R) = ………….cm
5. Volume of water collected in Tank(V) = A x R= ………….cm3
6. Actual discharge (Qa) = V/t………………………………….cm3/sec
7. Theoretical Discharge
(Qt) = (a1a2*sqrt 2gh)/(a12-a22)…..cm3/sec
8. Coefficient of discharge for orificemeter Cd= Qa/Qt…..
Tabular form

S.No Manometer reading Rise of Area of Volume of Actual Discharge Theoretical discharge Coefficient of di
water collecting tank water Qa= Vt/t Qth= scharge for
h1 h2 h = (h 1 –h level in A collected Cm3 /sec (a1a2*sqrt 2gh)/ orificemeter
2) the Cm2 Vt= AxR (a12-a22 Cd= Qa/Qth
cm cm ( s-1) collecting
cm tank Cm3 Cm3 /sec

Model graphs:

1. A graph between on Qa on Y-axis and H on X-axis is drawn. It is a straight line passing

a1a 2 2g(h1  h 2 )
through origin. Cd = K/C where
a1  a 2
2 2

2. A graph is drawn between Qa and Qth and the value of Cd is determined.

3. Draw a graph between Qa Vs h
4. Draw a graph between logQa Vs log (sqrt h)


1. Conform that there are no air bubbles in the flow of water

2. Readings should be noted without any parallax error


1. Coefficient of discharge Theoretically = ………

2. Coefficient of discharge from Log Qa Vs Log (Sqrt h)……
3. Coefficient of discharge from Qa Vs (Sqrt h)

Aim :
To determine the coefficient of discharge of a V- Notch

A notch may be defined as an opening provided in the side of a tank such that the fluid surface in the
tank is below the top edge of the opening. The water flowing through the notch is known as nappy.
The bottom edge of a notch over which the water flows is known as the sill and its height above the
bottom of the tank or channel is known as crest height. The notches are usually classified according
to the shape of openings. The edges of the notch is leveled on the down stream side so as to have
sharp edged sides and crest, resulting minimum contract with the flowing liquid.

The equipment consists of supply tank supported on a strong iron stand. perforated sheets are fixed
to the up stream side to serve as baffles When water flows through baffles, the oscillations are
damped out and a steady and smooth flow is guaranteed.
The front side of the supply tank is provided with interchangeable notch plates, which can be screwed
to the tank front. An inclined Piezo metre is fixed to one side of the tank, which serves the purpose of
finding the levels of water surface.
A collecting tank is used to determine the actual discharge. Water is supplied to the main channel
from water through a gate valve, which is employed for regulation of discharge. A drain cock is
provided at the bottom side of the channel..

 Triangular Notch setup
 Differential manometer
 Collecting tank with piezometer
 Scale
 Stop watch

 Fit the required notch, Close the drain cock

 Allow water in the channel
 Regulate the gate valve so that water just flows over the sill.
 Take reading in the inclined piezometer.
 Allow more water and the discharge is maintained constant by regulating the gate valve.
 Take the reading in inclined piezometer.
 Measure the diameter of the collecting tank
 Collect the water in collecting tank say 1cm or 2cm and note down the initial reading.
 Collect the water in the collecting tank up to the level more than 3/4 of the collecting tank and
note down the rise(R) of water level and corresponding time (t)taken to rise that level
 Repeat the above procedure for different heads .
 The observations are tabulated and coefficient of discharge of rectangular notch is computed


 Diameter of the collecting tank (D)= cm

 Angle of V- Notch (θ) =
 Inclination of Piezo meter (α)=


xD 2
 Area of the collecting tank (A) = 4 = …………..cm2
 Rise of water level(R)= …………

Volume of water collected Vt = A*R……………..cm3
 Actual discharge Qa= Vt/ t……………….cm3/sec
 Net head (h) = (h1-h2)*sin α…………………
2 g tan / 2 xh 5 / 2
 15
Theoretical discharge Qt = …………..Cm3/sec

Coefficient discharge Cd= Qa/Qt


Name Piezometer Net Rise of Time Volume of Actual Actual Discharge

S.N of the reading head(h) = water taken water Discharge Qa = AR/t Coefficie
o notch (h2-h1)*sin level in to collected Qa = AR/t nt of
Initia Final α the rise R Vt = A x R discharg
l h2 Cm collectin cm Cm3 Cm3/sec eCd =Qa/
h1 Cm g tank Cm /sec Qt
Cm R cm t sec

Model Graphs:
 A calibration curve between the head on the notch H on x-axis and Qa on Y-axis is drawn.
 A straight line graph between Qa on X-axis and H5/2 on Y-axis is drawn. From the graph the
Qa 
K 3 C
2g Tan
values of H is determined. Cd = K/C, where 15 2
 A graph between LogH10 on X-axis and
log10 on Y-axis is drawn.

The intercept of the straight line on Y-axis measured from X-axis gives the value of


Log Log h5/2

Log k

1. Readings should be taken with out parallax error
2. Sill level reading should be taken exactly

1. Average coefficient of discharge experimentally equal to ………………..
2. Coefficient of discharge from graph Qa Vs h5/2……………………………..
3. Coefficient of discharge from graph log Qa Vs log h5/2……………….

To determine the co-efficient of friction for a given pipe
The fluid flow through a pipe line are characterized by energy losses. Energy loss is characterized as
major energy loss and minor energy losses. Major energy loss is due to the friction and minor energy
loss is due to the change in pipe line geometry. Energy loss due to friction is much more than the
minor losses so that minor losses can be neglected. While the nature of flow depends upon the flow
Reynolds’s number, the frictional resistance offered to the flow of fluid depends essentially on the
roughness of the surface of the conduct carrying the flow. in laminar flow the frictional resistance is
due to viscous resistance of the fluid to flow. in turbulent it is due to the resistance offered by
viscosity of fluid and surface roughness of the conduct.
The frictional resistance varies with
 With the degree of roughness of surface with which fluid comes in contact.
 With the extent of area of surface coming in contact with the fluid
 Directly as the velocity in laminar flows and as the square of velocity in laminar flows and as
the square of velocity in turbulent flow
 Directly as the density of fluid
 Inversely as the velocity of fluid
The friction loss for a pipe line is determined by Darcy – Weisbach equation which is capable to both
laminar and turbulent flow in a pipe line.
The loss of head due to friction is given by the Darcy’s Formula. hf =4fl v2/2gd
h f 2 gd
f  2
The coefficient of friction 4lv
 Pipe friction apparatus with pipes of different diameters fitted with inlet and outlet Nipples.
 U-Tube manometer
 collecting tank
 Stopwatch
 Metre scale
1. Connect the U-Tube manometer to the pressure tapings of the pipe for which coefficient of
friction is to be determined.
2. Start the motor ,Open the inlet valve to allow uniform flow through the pipe
3. Reject the air bubbles if any by slowly raising the pinch cock
4. Open the inlet and outlet Nipples to allow water into the two limbs of the manometer.
5. Note the manometric fluid levels h1 and h2 in the two limbs of the manometer
6. Measure the diameter of the collecting tank
7. Collect the water in collecting tank say 1cm or 2cm and note down the initial reading.
8. Collect the water in the collecting tank up to the level more than 3/4 of the collecting tank and
note down the rise(R) of water level and corresponding time (t)taken to rise that level
9. Repeat the above procedure by gradually increasing the flow and note down the required
1. Diameter of the collecting tank (D) …. cm
2. Diameter of the pipe( d) …………….cm
3. Length of the pipe (l) ……………cm
D 2

1. Area of collecting tank (A)= 4 ……. Cm2
2. Rise of water level in the collecting tank (R) =….. cm
3. Volume of water collected in the tank (V) = A * R ………. Cm3
(Q) 
4. Discharge t …………cm3/sec.
d 2

5. Area of the Pipe (a) = 4 ……..cm2
6. Velocity of flow (v) = Q/a ……….cm/sec.
h f 2 gd
f 
7. Coefficient of friction 4lv 2 1
Tabular form:

S.No Manometer reading h f= h (s- Rise of water Area of Volume of Actual Velocity h f 2 gd
1) level in the collecting water Discharge ( v) = Qa/a f 
collecting tank tank collected Vt= Qa= Vt/t Cm/sec 4lv 2
cm of R A AxR Cm3 /sec
water cm Cm2 Cm3
h1 h2 h=
cm cm h 1 –h 2

Avg (f) =
1. Draw a graph between hf Vs v2
2. Draw a graph between log hf Vs log v2

Log hf

Log V2
log k


3. Readings should be taken with out parallax error
4. Remove the air bubbles from the manometer tubes

4. Average coefficient of friction experimentally is equal to ……………
5. Coefficient of friction from graph hf Vs v2 ………………….
6. Coefficient of friction from graph log log hf Vs log v2 ………………


To conduct an experiment on the Jet on vane apparatus and determine the vane efficiency.


The study of impact of a jet of water is essential to understand the principle of an impulse turbine
such as Pelton Wheel Turbine. When high pressure water from a source such as a dam flows through
a nozzle in the form of a jet, the entire pressure energy of the water is converted into kinetic energy
at the nozzle. When this jet of water hits a vane positioned in front of it, the vane deflects the jet and
due to the change in the momentum of the water jet, a force is imparted to the vane by the water.

Experimental setup:

The equipment consists of a high efficiency gun metal nozzle fitted to a 25 mm dia meter pipe supply
line with a gate valve. Vertically above the nozzle, a gun metal vane is fitted to a bracket of a
differential lever which balances the upward force of the jet from the nozzle. The lever is provided
with an adjustable no load screw mechanism. The force due to the jet on the lever is counter
balanced by metric weights placed on a hanger. Different types of vanes can be fitted to the bracket.

The complete assembly is enclosed in a framed structure housing with two leak proof transparent
sides for visual observation. The water deflected by the vane is collected in the collecting tank of the
hydraulic bench.
For experimental purposes, two brass nozzles with nozzle outlet diameters of 8mm and 10mm and
two gunmetal vanes of the following shape are provided.
1. Semi-circular vane (180 deg. Angle of deflection)
2. Horizontal flat vane (90 deg.angle of deflection)

Experimental Procedure:

1. Fit the required vane on the lever.

2. Measure the differential lever arms and calculate the ratio of lever arms (2.0 in this case)
3. Balance the lever systems by means of counter weight for no load.
4. Place a weight on the hanger.
5. Open the gate valve and adjust the jet, so that the weight arm is balanced.
6. Collect water in the collecting tank.
7. Note (a) The pressure guage reading – P.
(b) The weight placed – W.
(c) Time for 5 cm. rise in the collecting tank –t
8. Calculate the discharge
9. Calculate the vertical force.

1. Area of collecting tank A= 0.5 x 0.5 sq.m.

Rise in water level R = 0.05m (say)
Time taken t = -------seconds
Actual flow rate Q = AR/t cu.m./sec
Actual mass flow rate M = 1000 Q kg/Sec.

2. Nozzle diameter d = ----------------m

Nozzle area a = 3.14 x d2/4 sq.m.
Jet velocity = Q/a m/sec
3. Angle of deflection of the vane to the jet = T1-T2
Mass flow rate of water = M kg/sec
The lifting force = Change in momentum per sec. In vertical direction F =
M x V x (Sin T1-Sin T2)
For Horizontal flat vane, T1 = 90 deg and T2 = 0 deg. F= (MxV)/g

For semi circular vane = 90 deg and T2 =-9 0 deg.

F= (2 x M x V)/g
4. Actual lifting force measured = W x lever arm ratio kg.
Fact = 2.0 W
The efficiency of the jet = Fact/F

Sample Calculations:

Water inlet pressure H = m of water

Jet velocity V = m/sec
Mass flow rate M=1000 AR/t= 1000 x R/t kg/sec
Theoretical input force F = MV(SintT1-SinT2) = kg
Actual lifting force 2W = kgf
Vane efficiency =

Inlet Pressure Jet Time for Vane

Vane Mass force Counter
PH velocity R cm rise efficiency
type M Kg/sec Load
Kg/ m of water V m/sec t seconds (2W)/F

To determine the efficiency of a reciprocating pump and plot the operating characteristics of the Pump


Single acting reciprocating pump which consists of a piston which moves forwards and backwards in a
close fitting cylinder. The movement of piston is obtained by connecting rod. The crank is rotated by
means of electric motor suction and delivery pipes with suction valve are connected to the cylinder the
suction and delivery valves are one way or non return valves. Which allow the water to flow in one
direction By rotating the crank in the position θ= 0o to 1800 and 1800 – 3600 we get the valves.

Discharge (Q)= ALN/60

Weight of water per sec = ρgQ
Work done = (ρg x ALN x (hs+ hd))/(60x 100)………kw


 Switch on the pump and open the discharge valve of the pump fully
 After steady state is attained note down the suction pressure and delivery pressure
 Note down time taken for 20revolutions in the energy meter
 Measure the diameter of the collecting tank
 Collect the water in collecting tank say 1cm or 2cm and note down the initial reading.
 Collect the water in the collecting tank upto the level more than 3/4 of the collecting tank and
note down the rise(R) of water level and corresponding time (t)taken to rise that level
 Operate the delivery valve and change the flow rate
 Repeat the procedure for different flow rate by regulating discharge valve from maximum to


 Diameter of collecting tank.(D)=………………………m

 Energy meter constant =---------------------


 Suction head (hs) = (ρm x gauge reading) /ρ x 1000……………m

 Discharge head(hd)= gauge reading x10………………………m
 Total head (Th)= hs+ hd= ………………………………………….m
 Area of collecting tank(A)= π/4*D2…………………………m2
 Raise of water level in the collecting tank (R) = …………m
 Volume of water collected in Tank(V) = A x R= …………m3
 Time taken for collection(t)=…………sec
 Actual discharge (Qa) = V/t…………………………………m3/sec
 Brake horse power(B.H.P)= Qa x g x Th………….kw
 Indicated horse power(I.H.P)= (3600 x n)/K x tm…kw (k= 1200)
 Number of Revolutions(n)= 20
 Time taken for 20 revolution of the meter scale(tm)= …….sec
 Efficiency of pump= B.H.P/I.H.P
tabular form

Suction Discharge Total Rise of Volume Time I/P Outpu Efficie

pressure pressure head water of water Discharge taken power t ny=
S.No Th= level collecte for (3600 x Power Output
hs+hd (R) d Vt= Qa= Vt/t 20 n)/K x Qa x g power
AxR rev of tm x Th /input
Ps hs Pd hd watt power
m of m of meter kw Kw
mm wate Kg/c water M m3 /sec scale
of Hg r m2 m m3 tm

Model graphs

4. Draw a graph between Qa Vs Th

5. Draw a graph between BHP Vs Th
6. Draw a graph between η Vs Th

1. Reading should be taken without any parallax error

2. The suction and delivery valves are completely opened before experiment started


The average efficiency of reciprocating pump=

Rectangular Notch

Aim :
To determine coefficient of discharge of Rectangular Notch

 rectangular Notch setup
 Differential manometer
 Collecting tank with piezometer
 Scale
 Stop watch
A notch may be defined as an opening provided in the side of a tank such that the fluid surface in the
tank is below the top edge of the opening. The water flowing through the notch is known as nappy.
The bottom edge of a notch over which the water flows is known as the sill and its height above the
bottom of the tank or channel is known as crest height. The notches are usually classified according
to the shape of openings. The edges of the notch is leveled on the down stream side so as to have
sharp edged sides and crest, resulting minimum contract with the flowing liquid.

The equipment consists of supply tank supported on a strong iron stand. perforated sheets are fixed
to the up stream side to serve as baffles When water flows through baffles, the oscillations are
damped out and a steady and smooth flow is guaranteed.
The front side of the supply tank is provided with interchangeable notch plates, which can be screwed
to the tank front. An inclined Piezo metre is fixed to one side of the tank, which serves the purpose of
finding the levels of water surface.
A collecting tank is used to determine the actual discharge. Water is supplied to the main channel
from water through a gate valve, which is employed for regulation of discharge. A drain cock is
provided at the bottom side of the channel..


 Fit the required notch, Close the drain cock

 Allow water in the channel
 Regulate the gate valve so that water just flows over the sill.
 Take reading in the inclined piezometer.
 Allow more water and the discharge is maintained constant by regulating the gate valve.
 take the reading in inclined piezometer.
 Measure the diameter of the collecting tank
 Collect the water in collecting tank say 1cm or 2cm and note down the initial reading.
 Collect the water in the collecting tank upto the level more than 3/4 of the collecting tank and
note down the rise(R) of water level and corresponding time (t)taken to rise that level
 Repeat the above procedure for different heads .
 The observations are tabulated and coefficient of discharge of rectangular notch is computed

 Diameter of the collecting tank (D)= cm

 Length of notch (l) =
 Inclination of Piezo meter (α)=


xD 2
 Area of the collecting tank (A) = 4 = …………..cm2
 Rise of water level(R)= …………

Volume of water collected Vt = A*R……………..cm3
 Actual discharge Qa= Vt/ t……………….cm3/sec
 Net head (h) = (h1-h2)*sin α…………………
2 g tan / 2 xh 5 / 2
 15
Theoretical discharge Qt = …………..Cm3/sec

Coefficient discharge Cd= Qa/Qt

Piezometer Net head(h) Rise of Time Actual Discharge Theoretical Coefficient of

S.No Name reading = water taken to Volume of Qa = AR/t discharge discharge
of the (h2-h1)*sin α level in rise R cm water (Qt )= Cd =Qa/ Qt
notch Cm the collected 8
collecting t sec Vt = A x R Cm3/sec
2 g tan / 2 xh 5 / 2
Initia h2 15
l Cm tank Cm3
R Cm3/sec

1. A straight line graph between Qa on x – axis and H on y – axis is drawn. From graph the
value of K= Qa/ H 3/2 is determined. Cd = K/C
L 2g
Where C =
32 Qa
 A graph between
log10 on X-axis and
log10 on Y-axis is drawn.

The intercept of the straight line on Y-axis measured from X-axis gives the value of



5. Readings should be taken with out parallax error
6. Sill level reading should be taken exactly

Log k
Result: Log Qa
7. Average coefficient of discharge experimentally equal to ………………..
8. Coefficient of discharge from graph Qa Vs h5/2……………………………..
9. Coefficient of discharge from graph log Qa Vs log h5/2……………….

To determine coefficient of discharge for a given venturi meter

Venturimeter is a device invented by Ciemens Herchel in 1887 and named by him after Venturi , who
experimented with diverging tubes for the measurement of rate of flow in pipe lines. The basic
principle on which Venturimeter works is that by reducing the cross-sectional area of the flow passage
, a difference of pressure is created and the measurement of the pressure difference enables the
determination of the disharge through the pipes. The fulid flowing the pipe is led through a
contracting section to a throat which has a smaller cross section area than the pipe, so that the
velocity is accomplished by a fall in N/m2. the magnitude of which depends up on the rate of flow so
that by measuring the pressure drop, the discharge can be calculated. Beyond the throat the fluid is
in a pipe of slowly diverging section, the pressure increasing as velocity falls.
In a water distribution system and in processing industries it is necessary to measure the volume of
liquid flowing through a pipe line. The Venturimeter is introduced in the pipeline to achieve this.
Hence knowledge of the value of the coefficent of discharge of the Venturimeter is a must. The
velocity of flow through a Venturimeter is obtained by applying Bernoulli’s theorem. The theoretical
discharge can be calculated by using the velocity obtained.

a 1 a 2 2gh
a2  a2
Q= 1 2

Where a1 = Cross sectional area of a pipe

a2 = Cross sectional area at throat of venturimeter
h = differential pressure head between entrance and
throat of venturimeter
g = gravitational acceleration

The actual discharge is determine by collecting water over a known period of time.
Coefficient of discharge for Venturimeter (c d) = Actual discharge/ theoretical discharge

Apparatus required:
 Venturimeter
 Differential manometer
 Collecting tank with piezometer
 Scale
 Stop watch

 Record the diameter of inlet (d1) and throat (d2) of the Venturimeter. As certain that
manometric fluid levels in the manometer limbs are the same.
 Start the motor ,Open the gate valve and allow the water to flow through pipe full
 Reject the air bubbles if any by slowly raising the pinch cock
 Note the manometric fluid levels h1 and h2 in the two limbs of the manometer
 Measure the diameter of the collecting tank
 Collect the water in collecting tank say 1cm or 2cm and note down the initial reading.
 Collect the water in the collecting tank upto the level more than 3/4 of the collecting tank and
note down the rise(R) of water level and corresponding time (t)taken to rise that level
 Repeat the above procedure by gradually increasing the flow and Note down the required
 The observations are tabulated and coefficient of discharge of venture meter is computed

Observations And Recording:

Diameter of inlet of Venturimeter (d1)…………………cm

Diameter of throat of ventrumeter(d2)………………….cm
Diameter of collecting tank(D)…………………………
Specific gravity of manometric fluid S = ……………… cm

 Area of cross section of inlet (a1)= π/4 * d12…………….cm2
 Area of cross section of throat (a2) = π/4*d22……………cm2
 Area of collecting tank(A)= π/4*D2…………………………cm2
 Raise of water level in the collecting tank (R) = ………….cm
 Volume of water collected in Tank(V) = A x R= ………….cm3
 Actual discharge (Qa) = V / t………………………………….cm3/sec
 theoretical Discharge (Qt) = (a1a2*sqrt 2gh)/(a12-a22)…..cm3/sec
 coefficient of Venturimeter Cd= Qa/Qt…..

Tabular Form

Sl.N Coefficient
Manometer Reading Volume Theoretical
o of
Rise of water Time of water Actual discharge Qth
Area of Venturimet
h= level in the taken to collected Discharge
collecting a 1 a 2 2gh er
h1 h2 (h1-h2) collecting tank rise R cm Vt = Qa= Vt/t
tank A Cm2 Cd=
cm cm (s-1) R cm T sec AxR Cm3 /sec a 12  a 22 Qa/Qth
cm cm3
Model graphs:
 A calibration curve between differential pressure head H on X-axis and actual discharge Qa on
Y-axis is drawn.

 A graph for Qa on X-axis and H on Y-axis is plotted. The graph is a straight line passing

through the origin. Qa = K H where K is a constant for a given meter. Cd = K/C where
A 1 A 2 2g
A 12  A 22
C= and from graph K = Qa/ H
 Cd is determined by a logarithmic plotting between log10H on X-axis and log10Qa on Y-axis. It is
a straight line intercepting the Y-axis. The intercept above X-axis is log10K and cd = K/C.

3. Conform that there are no air bubbles in the flow of water
4. Readings should be noted with out any parallax error
1. Coefficient of discharge Theoretically = ………………..
2. Coefficient of discharge from LogQa Vs Log (Sqrt h)……

3. Coefficient of discharge from Qa Vs (Sqrt h)……..

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