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Chapter Food Security in India

Overview In the 1970s, food security was

• Food security means availability, understood as the “availability at all times
accessibility and affordability of food to of adequate supply of basic foodstuffs”
(UN, 1975). Amartya Sen added a new
all people at all times. The poor
dimension to food security and
households are more vulnerable to food
emphasised the “access” to food through
insecurity whenever there is a problem what he called ‘entitlements’ — a
of production or distribution of food combination of what one can produce,
crops. Food security depends on the exchange in the market alongwith state
Public Distribution System (PDS) and or other socially provided supplies.
government vigilance and action at Accordingly, there has been a substantial
times, when this security is threatened. shift in the understanding of food security.
The 1995 World Food Summit declared,
What is food security?
“Food security at the individual,
Food is as essential for living as air is for household, regional, national and global
breathing. But food security means levels exists when all people, at all times,
something more than getting two square have physical and economic access to
meals. Food security has following sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet
dimensions their dietary needs and food preferences
for an active and healthy life” (FAO, 1996,
(a) availability of food means food
p.3). The declaration further recognises
production within the country, food
that “poverty eradication is essential to
imports and the previous years stock
improve access to food”.
stored in government granaries.
(b) accessibility means food is within reach a national disaster/calamity like
of every person. earthquake, drought, flood, tsunami,
(c) affordability implies that an individual widespread failure of crops causing
has enough money to buy sufficient, famine, etc. How is food security
safe and nutritious food to meet one's affected during a calamity? Due to a
dietary needs. natural calamity, say drought, total
Thus, food security is ensured in a production of foodgrains decreases. It
country only if (1) enough food is available creates a shortage of food in the affected
for all the persons (2) all persons have areas. Due to shortage of food, the prices
the capacity to buy food of acceptable goes up. At the high prices, some people
quality and (3) there is no barrier on cannot afford to buy food. If such calamity
access to food. happens in a very wide spread area or is
stretched over a longer time period, it
Why food security? may cause a situation of starvation.
The poorest section of the society might A massive starvation might take a turn
be food insecure most of the times while of famine.
persons above the poverty line might also A Famine is characterised by wide
be food insecure when the country faces spread deaths due to starvation and
42 Economics

epidemics caused by forced use of Do you know who were affected the
contaminated water or decaying food and most by the famine? The agricultural
loss of body resistance due to weakening labourers, fishermen, transport
from starvation. workers and other casual labourers
The most devastating famine that were affected the most by dramatically
occurred in India was the FAMINE OF increasing price of rice. They were the
BENGAL in 1943. This famine killed thirty ones who died in this famine.
lakh people in the province of Bengal.

Table 4.1: Production of Rice in the Province of Bengal

Year Production Imports Exports Total Availability

(Lakh tonnes) (Lakh tonnes) (Lakh tonnes) (Lakh tonnes)

1938 85 – – 85
1939 79 04 – 83
1940 82 03 – 85
1941 68 02 – 70
1942 93 – 01 92
1943 76 03 – 79
Source: Sen, A.K, 1981 Page 61

Let’s Discuss
1. Some people say that the Bengal famine happened because there was a shortage
of rice. Study the table and find out whether you agree with the statement?
2. Which year shows a drastic decline in food availability?

Picture 4.1 Starvation victims arriving at a Picture 4.2 During the Bengal Famine of
relief centre, 1945. 1943, a family leaves its village
in Chittagong district in Bengal.

Food Security in India 43

engaged in seasonal activities and are paid
Suggested Activity very low wages that just ensure bare
(a) What do you see in Picture 4.1? survival.
(b) Which age group is seen in the first Story of Ramu
picture? Ramu works as a casual labourer
(c) Can you say that the family shown in in agriculture in Raipur village. His
the Picture 4.2 is a poor family? why? eldest son Somu who is 10 years old
(d) Can you imagine the source of also works as a pali to look after the
livelihood of the people, (shown in two cattle of the Sarpanch of the village
Pictures) before the occurrence of Satpal Singh. Somu is employed for
famine? (In the context of a village) the whole year by the Sarpanch and
(e) Find out what type of help is given to is paid a sum of Rs 1,000 for this
the victims of a natural calamity at a work. Ramu has three more sons
relief camp. and two daughters but they are too
(f ) Have you ever helped such victims (in young to work on the field. His wife
the form of money, food, clothes, Sunhari is also (part time) working
medicines etc.) as house cleaner for the livestock,
removing and managing cow dung.
PROJECT WORK: Gather more
She gets ½ litre milk and some
information about famines in India.
cooked food along with vegetables
Nothing like the Bengal Famine has for her daily work. Besides she also
works in the field along with her
happened in India again. But it is
husband in the busy season and
disturbing to note that even today, there
supplements his earnings.
are places like Kalahandi and Kashipur
Agriculture being a seasonal
in Orissa where famine-like conditions
activity employs Ramu only during
have been existing for many years and
times of sowing, transplanting and
where some starvation deaths have also harvesting. He remains unemployed
been reported. Starvation deaths are also for about 4 months during the
reported in Baran district of Rajasthan, period of plant consolidation and
Palamau district of Jharkhand and many maturing in a year. He looks for
other remote areas during the recent work in other activities. Some times
years. Therefore, food security is needed he gets employment in brick laying
in a country to ensure food at all times. or in construction activities in the
Who are food-insecure? village. By all his efforts, Ramu is
able to earn enough either in cash
Although a large section of people suffer
or kind for him to buy essentials for
from food and nutrition insecurity in two square meals for his family.
India, the worst affected groups are However, during the days when he
landless people with little or no land to is unable to get some work, he and
depend upon, traditional artisans, his family really face difficulties and
providers of traditional services, petty self- sometimes his small kids have to
employed workers and destitutes sleep without food. Milk and
including beggars. In the urban areas, the vegetables are not a regular part of
food insecure families are those whose meals in the family. Ramu is food
working members are generally employed insecure during 4 months when he
in ill-paid occupations and casual labour remains unemployed because of the
market. These workers are largely seasonal nature of agriculture work.

44 Economics

Let’s Discuss run his family even with small
earnings from rickshaw-pulling?
• Why is agriculture a seasonal activity? The social composition along with the
• Why is Ramu unemployed for about inability to buy food also plays a role in
four months in a year? food insecurity. The SCs, STs and some
• What does Ramu do when he is sections of the OBCs (lower castes among
unemployed? them) who have either poor land-base or
• Who are supplementing income in very low land productivity are prone to
Ramu’s family? food insecurity. The people affected by
• Why does Ramu face difficulty when natural disasters, who have to migrate to
he is unable to have work? other areas in search of work, are also
• When is Ramu food insecure? among the most food insecure people. A
Story of Ahmad high incidence of malnutrition prevails
among women. This is a matter of serious
Ahmad is a rickshaw puller in
concern as it puts even the unborn baby
Bangalore. He has shifted from
at the risk of malnutrition. A large
Jhumri Taliah along with his 3
proportion of pregnant and nursing
brothers, 2 sisters and old parents.
mothers and children under the age of 5
He stays in a jhuggi. The survival of
years constitute an important segment of
all members of his family depends on
the food insecure population.
his daily earnings from pulling
rickshaw. However, he does not have
a secured employment and his According to the National Health and
earnings fluctuate every day. During Family Survey (NHFS) 1998–99, the
some days he gets enough earning for number of such women and children is
him to save some amount after buying approximately 11 crore.
all his day-to-day necessities. On
other days, he barely earns enough The food insecure people are
to buy his daily necessities. However, disproportionately large in some regions
fortunately, Ahmad has a yellow card, of the country, such as economically
which is PDS Card for below poverty backward states with high incidence of
line people. With this card, Ahmad poverty, tribal and remote areas, regions
gets sufficient quantity of wheat, rice, more prone to natural disasters etc. In
sugar and kerosene oil for his daily fact, the states of Uttar Pradesh (eastern
use. He gets these essentials at half and south-easter n parts), Bihar,
of the market price. He purchases his Jharkhand, Orissa, West Bengal,
monthly stock during a particular day Chattisgarh, parts of Madhya Pradesh and
when the ration shop is opened for Maharasthra account for largest number
below poverty people. In this way, of food insecure people in the country.
Ahmad is able to eke out his survival Hunger is another aspect indicating
with less than sufficient earnings for food insecurity. Hunger is not just an
his big family where he is the only expression of poverty, it brings about
earning member. poverty. The attainment of food security
therefore involves eliminating current
hunger and reducing the risks of future
Let’s Discuss hunger. Hunger has chronic and seasonal
• Does Ahmad have a regular income dimensions. Chronic hunger is a
from rickshaw-pulling? consequence of diets persistently
• How does the yellow card help Ahmad inadequate in terms of quantity and/or
Food Security in India 45

quality. Poor people suffer from chronic
hunger because of their very low income
and in turn inability to buy food even for
survival. Seasonal hunger is related to
cycles of food growing and harvesting. This
is prevalent in rural areas because of the
seasonal nature of agricultural activities
and in urban areas because of casual
labourers, e.g., there is less work for
casual construction labourers during the
rainy season. This type of hunger exists Picture 4.3 A farmer from Punjab standing in
when a person is unable to get work for a field of one of the High Yielding
the entire year. Varieties of wheat on which the
Green Revolution is based
Table 4.2: Percentage of Households with
‘Hunger’ in India success of wheat was later replicated in
rice. The increase in foodgrains was,
Type of hunger however, disproportionate. The highest rate
Year Seasonal Chronic Total of growth was achieved in Uttar Pradesh
and Madhya Pradesh, which was 44.01 and
Rural 30.21 million tonnes in 2015–16. The total
1983 16.2 2.3 18.5 foodgrain production was 252.22 Million
1993–94 4.2 0.9 5.1 tonnes in 2015–16.
Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh
1999–2000 2.6 0.7 3.3
recorded a significant production in field
Urban of wheat which was 26.87 and 17.69
1983 5.6 0.8 6.4 million tonnes in 2015–16, respectively.
1993–94 1.1 0.5 1.6 West Bengal and UP, on the other hand,
recorded significant production of rice 15.75
1999–2000 0.6 0.3 0.9
and 12.51 Million tonnes in 2015–16
Source: Sagar (2004) respectively.

The percentage of seasonal, as well as, Suggested Activity

chronic hunger has declined in India as
shown in the above table. Visit some farms in a nearby village and
India is aiming at Self-sufficiency in collect the details of food crops cultivated
Foodgrains since Independence. by the farmers.
After Independence, Indian policy- Food Security in India
makers adopted all measures to achieve Since the advent of the Green Revolution
self-sufficiency in food grains. India in the early-1970s, the country has
adopted a new strategy in agriculture, avoided famine even during adverse
which resulted in ‘Green Revolution’, weather conditions.
especially in the production of wheat India has become self-sufficient in
and rice. foodgrains during the last 30 years
Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister because of a variety of crops grown all
of India, officially recorded the impressive over the country. The availability of
strides of Green Revolution in agriculture foodgrains (even in adverse weather
by releasing a special stamp entitled conditions or otherwise) at the country
‘Wheat Revolution’ in July 1968. The level has further been ensured with a
46 Economics

Graph 4.1: Production of Foodgrains in India (Million Tonnes)

Source: Pocket Book of Agricultural Statistics, 2016, Government of India.

before the sowing season to provide

Let’s Discuss incentives to farmers for raising the
Study Graph 4.1 and answer the following production of these crops. The purchased
questions: foodgrains are stored in granaries. Do
(a) In which year did our country cross you know why this buffer stock is created
the 200 Million tonne per year mark by the government? This is done to
in foodgrain production? distribute foodgrains in the deficit areas
and among the poorer strata of the
(b) In which decade did India experience
society at a price lower than the market
the highest decadal increase in
price also known as Issue Price. This
foodgrain production?
also helps resolve the problem of shortage
(c) Is production increase consistent in of food during adverse weather conditions
India since 2000–01? or during the periods of calamity.
carefully designed food security system by
What is the Public Distribution
the government. This system has two
components: (a) buffer stock, and (b) public
distribution system. The food procured by the FCI is distributed
through government regulated ration
What is Buffer stock? shops among the poorer section of the
Buffer Stock is the stock of foodgrains, society. This is called the Public
namely wheat and rice, procured by the Distribution System (PDS). Ration shops
government through the Food Corporation are now present in most localities,
of India (FCI). The FCI purchases wheat villages, towns and cities. There are
and rice from the farmers in states about 5.5 lakh ration shops all over the
where there is surplus production. The country. Ration shops also, known as
farmers are paid a pre-announced price Fair Price Shops, keep stock of foodgrains,
for their crops. This price is called sugar, and kerosene for cooking. These
Minimum Support Price (MSP). The MSP items are sold to people at a price lower
is declared by the government every year than the market price. Any family with

Food Security in India 47

a ration card* can buy a stipulated amount The introduction of Rationing in India
of these items (e.g. 35 kg of grains, 5 litres dates back to the 1940s against the
of kerosene, 5 kgs of sugar etc.) every backdrop of the Bengal famine. The
month from the nearby ration shop. rationing system was revived in the wake
*There are three kinds of ration cards: of an acute food shortage during the
(a) Antyodaya cards for the poorest 1960s, prior to the Green Revolution. In
of the poor; (b) BPL cards for those the wake of the high incidence of poverty
below poverty line; and (c) APL cards levels, as reported by the NSSO in the
for all others. mid-1970s, three important food
intervention programmes were
Suggested Activity introduced: Public Distribution System
Visit your area’s ration shop and get the (PDS) for food grains (in existence earlier
following details but strengthened thereafter); Integrated
1. When does the ration shop open? Child Development Services (ICDS)
2. What are the items sold at the ration (introduced in 1975 on an experimental
shop? basis) and Food-for -Work** (FFW)
3. Compare the prices of rice and sugar (introduced in 1977–78). Over the years,
from the ration shop with the prices several new programmes have been
at any other grocery shop? (for families launched and some have been
below poverty line) restructured with the growing
4. Find out: experience of administering the
Do you have a ration card? programmes. At present, there are
What has your family recently bought several Poverty Alleviation Programmes
with this card from the ration shop? (PAPs), mostly in rural areas, which have
Are there any problems that they face? an explicit food component also. While
Why are ration shops necessary? some of the programmes such as PDS,
mid-day meals etc. are exclusively food
security programmes, most of the PAPs
also enhance food security. Employment
programmes greatly contribute to food
security by increasing the income of
the poor.

Suggested Activity
Gather detailed information about some
of the programmes initiated by the
government, which have food
Hint: Rural wage employment
programme, Employment Guarantee
Scheme, Sampurna Grameen Rojgar
Yojana, Mid Day Meal, Integrated Child
Development Services, etc.
Picture 4.4 Discuss with your teacher.
48 Economics

the coverage of PDS was universal with
**The National Food Security
no discrimination between the poor and
Act, 2013
the non-poor. Over the years, the policy
This Act provides for food and related to PDS has been revised to make
nutritional security life at affordable it more efficient and targeted. In 1992,
prices and enables people to live a life Revamped Public Distribution System
with dignity. Under this act, 75% of (RPDS) was introducted in 1,700 blocks
the rural population and 50% of the in the country. The target was to provide
the benefit s o f P D S t o r e m o t e a n d
urban population have been
backward areas. From June 1997, in a
categorised as eligible households for
renewed attempt, Targeted Public
food security. Distribution System (TPDS) was
introducted to adopt the principle of
Current Status of Public the targeting the ‘poor in all areas’. It was
Distribution System for the first time that a differential price
policy was adopted for poor and non-
Public Distribution System (PDS) is the poor. Further, in 2000, two special
most important step taken by the schemes were launched viz., Antyodaya
Government of India (GoI) towards Anna Yojana*** (AAY) and Annapurna
ensuring food security. In the beginning, Scheme (APS) with special target groups

Table 4.3: Some Important Features of PDS

Name of Year of Coverage target Latest volume Issue price

scheme introduction group (Rs per kg.)

PDS Up to 1992 Universal – W-2.34


RPDS 1992 Backward blocks 20 kg of W-2.80

foodgrains R-3.77

TPDS 1997 Poor and non-poor 35 kg of BPL – W-4.15

BPL foodgrains R-5.65
APL APL-W-6.10

AAY 2002 Poorest of the poor 35 kg of W-2.00

foodgrains R-3.00

APS 2000 Indigent senior 10 kg of Free

citizens foodgrains

National 2013 Priority households 5 Kg per person W-2.00

Food per month R-3.00
Security Coarse-1.00
Act (NFSA) grains

Note: W - Wheat; R - Rice; BPL - Below poverty line; APL - Above poverty line
Source: Economic Survey

Food Security in India 49

of ‘poorest of the poor’ and ‘indigent senior eaten by rats. Graph 4.2 shows the
citizens’, respectively. The functioning of difference in foodgrain stocks in Central
these two schemes was linked with the pool and its stocking norms.
existing network of the PDS.
Some important features of PDS are ***Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY)
summarised in Table 4.3. AAY was launched in December 2000.
The PDS has proved to be the most Under this scheme one crore of the
effective instrument of government policy poorest among the BPL families
over the years in stabilising prices and covered under the targeted public
making food available to consumers at distribution system were identified.
affordable prices. It has been instrumental Poor families were identified by the
in averting widespread hunger and famine respective state rural development
by supplying food from surplus regions of departments through a Below Poverty
the country to the deficit ones. In addition, Line (BPL) survey. Twenty-five
the prices have been under revision in favour kilograms of foodgrains were made
of poor households in general. The system, available to each eligible family at a
including the minimum support price and highly subsidised rate of Rs 2 per kg
procurement has contributed to an increase for wheat and Rs 3 per kg for rice.
in foodgrain production and provided income This quantity has been enhanced
security to farmers in certain regions. from 25 to 35 kg with effect from April
However, the Public Distribution 2002. The scheme has been further
System has faced severe criticism on expanded twice by additional 50 lakh
several grounds. Instances of hunger are BPL families in June 2003 and in
prevalent despite overflowing granaries. August 2004. With this increase, 2
FCI godowns are overflowing with grains, crore families have been covered
with some rotting away and some being under the AAY.

Graph 4.2: Central Foodgrains (Wheat + Rice) Stock and Minimum Buffer Norm (Million Tonnes)

Source: Food Corporation and India

50 Economics

Subsidy is a payment that a
government makes to a producer to
supplement the market price of a
commodity. Subsidies can keep
consumer prices low while maintaining
a higher income for domestic producers.

Let’s Discuss
Study the Graph 4.2 and answer the
following questions:
• In which recent year foodgrain stock
with the government was maximum?
• What is the minimum buffer stock
norm for the FCI?
Picture 4.5 Farmers Carrying Bags of Grains
• Why were the FCI granaries
to the Granaries.
overflowing with foodgrains?
Mor eover, as the pr o c u r ement is
In 2014, the stock of wheat and rice
concentrated in a few prosperous
with FCI was 65.3 million tonnes which
r egions (Punjab, Haryana, Wester n
was much more than the minimum
Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and to
buffer norms. However, these remained
a lesser extent in West Bengal) and
consistently higher than the buffer
mainly of two crops— wheat and rice—
norms. The situation improved with the
increase in MSP has induced farmers,
distribution of foodgrains under
particularly in surplus states, to divert
different schemes launched by the
land from production of coarse grains,
government. There is a general
which is the staple food of the poor, to
consensus that high level of buffer
the production of rice and wheat. The
stocks of foodgrains is very undesirable
intensive utilisation of water in the
and can be wasteful. The storage of
cultivation of rice has also led to
massive food stocks has been environmental degradation and fall in
responsible for high carrying costs, in the water level, threatening the
addition to wastage and deterioration sustainability of the agricultural
in grain quality. Freezing of MSP for a development in these states.
few years should be considered
seriously. The rising Minimum Support Prices
The increased food grains (MSP) have raised the maintenance
procurement at enhanced MSP is the cost of procuring foodgrains by the
result of the pressure exerted by leading government. Rising transportation
foodgrain producing states, such as and storage costs of the FCI are other
Punjab, Haryana and Andhra Pradesh. contributing factors in this increase.

Food Security in India 51

As per the NSSO report No. 558 in rural is almost as high as open market price,
India, the per person per month has so there is little incentive for them to buy
declined from 6.38 Kg. in 2004-05 to 5.98 these items from the ration shop.
Kg in 2011-12. In urban India, the per
person per month consumption of rice, too Role of cooperatives in food security
has declined from 4.71 Kg in 2004-05 to The cooperatives are also playing an
4.19 Kg in 2011-12. Per Capita consumption important role in food security in India
of PDS rice has doubled in rural India and especially in the southern and western
increased by 66% in urban India since parts of the country. The cooperative
2004-05. The per Capita consumption of societies set up shops to sell low priced
PDS wheat has doubled since 2004-05 in goods to poor people. For example, out
both rural and urban India. of all fair price shops running in Tamil
PDS dealers are sometimes found Nadu, around 94 per cent are being run
resorting to malpractices like diverting by the cooperatives. In Delhi, Mother
the grains to open market to get better Dairy is making strides in provision of
margin, selling poor quality grains at milk and vegetables to the consumers
ration shops, irregular opening of the at controlled rate decided by
Government of Delhi. Amul is another
shops, etc. It is common to find that ration
success story of cooperatives in milk
shops regularly have unsold stocks of poor
and milk products from Gujarat. It has
quality grains left. This has proved to be
brought about the White Revolution in
a big problem. When ration shops are
the country. These are a few examples
unable to sell, a massive stock of
of many more cooperatives running in
foodgrains piles up with the FCI. In recent
different parts of the country ensuring
years, there is another factor that has
food security of different sections
led to the decline of the PDS. Earlier every of society.
family, poor and non-poor had a ration Similarly, in Maharashtra, Academy of
card with a fixed quota of items such as Development Science (ADS) has
rice, wheat, sugar etc. These were sold facilitated a network of NGOs for setting
at the same low price to every family. The up grain banks in different regions. ADS
three types of cards and the range of organises training and capacity building
prices that you see today did not exist. A programmes on food security for NGOs.
large number of families could buy Grain Banks are now slowly taking shape
foodgrains from the ration shops subject in different parts of Maharashtra. ADS
to a fixed quota. These included low efforts to set up Grain Banks, to facilitate
income families whose incomes were replication through other NGOs and to
marginally higher than the below poverty influence the Government’s policy on food
line families. Now, with TPDS of three security are thus paying rich dividends.
different prices, any family above the The ADS Grain Bank programme is
poverty line gets very little discount at acknowledged as a successful and
the ration shop. The price for APL family innovative food security intervention.

52 Economics

Food security of a nation is ensured if all of its citizens have enough nutritious food
available, all persons have the capacity to buy food of acceptable quality and there
is no barrier on access to food. The people living below the poverty line might be food
insecure all the time while better off people might also turn food insecure due to
calamity or disaster. Although a large section of people suffer from food and nutrition
insecurity in India, the worst affected groups are landless or land poor households
in rural areas and people employed in ill paid occupations and casual labourers
engaged in seasonal activities in the urban areas. The food insecure people are
disproportionately large in some regions of the country, such as economically
backward states with high incidence of poverty, tribal and remote areas, regions
more prone to natural disasters etc. To ensure availability of food to all sections of
the society the Indian government carefully designed food security system, which is
composed of two components: (a) buffer stock and (b) public distribution system. In
addition to PDS, various poverty alleviation programmes were also started which
comprised a component of food security. Some of these programmes are: Integrated
Child Development Services (ICDS); Food-for-Work (FFW); Mid-Day Meals; Antyodaya
Anna Yojana (AAY) etc. In addition to the role of the government in ensuring food
security, there are various cooperatives and NGOs also working intensively towards
this direction.

1. How is food security ensured in India?
2. Which are the people more prone to food insecurity?
3. Which states are more food insecure in India?
4. Do you believe that green revolution has made India self-sufficient in food
grains? How?
5. A section of people in India are still without food. Explain?
6. What happens to the supply of food when there is a disaster or a calamity?
7. Differentiate between seasonal hunger and chronic hunger?
8. What has our government done to provide food security to the poor? Discuss
any two schemes launched by the government?
9. Why buffer stock is created by the government?
10. Write notes on:
(a) Minimum support price
(b) Buffer stock
(c) Issue price
(d) Fair price shops
11. What are the problems of the functioning of ration shops?
12. Write a note on the role of cooperatives in providing food and related items.

Food Security in India 53

Secure India: Issues and Policies. Institute for Human Development, New Delhi.
SAGAR, VIDYA. 2004. 'Food Security in India', Paper presented in ADRF-IFRI Final
Meeting on Food Security in India, September 10–11, New Delhi.
SAXENA, N.C. 2004. 'Synergising Government Efforts for Food Security' in Swaminathan,
M.S. and Medrano, Pedro (Eds.), Towards Hunger Free India, East-West Books,
SAXENA, N.C. 2004. 'Reorganising Policies and Delivery for Alleviating Hunger and
Malnutrition' Paper presented at National Food Security Summit, New Delhi.
SEN, A.K. 1983. 'Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation'.
Oxford University Press.
SHARMA, REKHA AND MEENAKSHI, J.V. 2004. 'Micronutrient Deficiencies in Rural Diets'.
Towards Hunger Free India: From Vision to Action. Proceedings of Consultation
on 'Towards Hunger-free India: Count Down from 2007'. New Delhi.
FAO 1996. World Food Summit 1995. Food and Agricultural Organisation, Rome.
Government of India. Economic Survey. 2002–03, 2003–04, 2004–05. Ministry of
Finance. New Delhi.
IIPS 2000. National Health and Family Survey – 2. International Institute of Population
Sciences. Mumbai.
UN 1975. Report of the World Food Conference 1975. (Rome), United Nations, New
Food Corporation of India; (

54 Economics


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