Malandog Socioeconomic Baseline Survey

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Socioeconomic Impact Assessment for Selected Areas Under the Malandog Development
Geotech Solutions
March 2019


What is your livelihood? _____Farming _____ Fishing _____Self employed ________ Employed
Note: Business Type________ Employer _________

If Farmer/Fisher: Fulltime_____ Par time______


A full time farmer/fisher has farming/fishing as their primary occupation, engages in farming/fishing the
whole year, and farming/fishing income comprises the majority of household income.

A seasonal farmer/fisher has a primary occupation (for example, farming, boat operator, tricycle driver),
engages in farming/fishing only during specific months of the year, and fishing income supplements the
income from primary occupation.

Questionnaire Number: ____________________

Region: ____________________
Municipality: ____________________
Barangay: ____________________
Name of Respondent: ____________________

Name of Interviewer: ____________________

Date of Interview: __________ Time Interview: Start: ________ End: ________

To be filled by Geotech Solutions:

Checked by: Name of Field Supervisor: _______________Signature: ______________Date:__________

Encoded by: Name of Encoder: ___________________ Signature: _____________________________



A. Respondent information (circle response or fill in space)

Relationship to Age Sex Civil Status Highest Educational Vocational Length of stay in Including
Household Attainment Course/Skill current residence in yourself,
Head barangay? how many
people live
in your
Codes: Codes: Codes: Codes: Codes: Codes:
1-Head 1-Male 1-Single 0-No grade 0-none 1- less than 1 yr
2-Spouse 2-Female 2-Married 1-Elementary Level 1-Yes, 2- 1 yr to 5 yrs
3-Son 3-Widow/er 2-Elementary specify 3- 5 yrs to 10 yrs
4-Daughter 4-Separated Graduate 4- more than 10 yrs
5-Grandparent 5-Others 3-High School Level 5- since birth
6-Other (specify) 4-High School
Relations Graduate
7-Non-relative 5- College Level
6-College Graduate
7-Others (specify)

B. Respondent livelihood (circle response or fill in space)

Primary Livelihood Secondary Livelihood Estimated Monthly How many years have you
0 - unemployed 0 - unemployed Income (Pesos per been engaged in your
1 - fulltime fishing 1 - seasonal fishing month) primary livelihood?
2 –seaweed farming 2 - seaweed farming Note: Combination of Codes:
3 - farming (terrestrial) 3 - farming (terrestrial) primary and secondary 1-less than 1 year
4 - business or self employed 4 - business or self employed sources of income) 2- 1 to 3 years
5 - government employed 5 - government employed 3 - 4 to 6 years
6–others, specify e.g. Tourism 6– others, specify 4 - 7-10 years
services? _____________________ 5 - more than 10 years

C. Respondent standard of living(For each question, indicate all that apply)

1.What is your usual source of drinking water in the household? _____

1 - Local district/municipal/barangay piped supply (pls. specify ___________________)
2 - Tube well, borehole, motorized pump with pipes
3 - Dug well fitted with pump
4 - Dug well without pump, bucket used
5 - Spring
6 - River
7 - Rainwater
8 - Mineral water / reversed osmosis
9 - Others, pls. specify ________________________

2.Where is this drinking source located?_____

1 - Inside respondent’s house
2 - In respondent’s yard
3 - Water delivered by vendor
4 - Respondent or family member hauls water to house
5 - Others, pls. specify ________________________

3.Type of toilet facility of household? _____

1 - Flush toilet
2 - Water-sealed toilet
3 - Latrine, antipolo
4 - Open pit
5 - None, use field, canal, seashore
6 – Others, pls. specify ________________________

4.Usual method of garbage disposal. _____

1 - Collected by a garbage collector
2 - Burning
3 - Composting
4 - Dumped away from house
5 - Dumped around or near house
6 - Dumped in river/stream/open sea
7 – Others, pls. specify ________________________

5. What type of lighting does the household usually use? _____

1 - Electric
2 - Kerosene
3 - Oil
4 - LPG (e.g., Gasul, Shellane)
5 - Candle
6 – Others, pls. specify ________________________

6. What fuel does household usually use for cooking? _____

1 - Electricity
2 - Kerosene
3 - LPG (e.g., Gasul, Shellane)
4 - Wood/charcoal
5 – Others, pls. specify ________________________

7. Does respondent/household own the house in which they live? _____

1 - Yes
0 – No

8. Does respondent/household own the land on which the house they are living in is built? _____
1 - Yes
0 – No

9.What kind of material is the respondent’s house made of? (Check all that apply to respondent’s house)

Bamboo walls [] Glass window [] Nipa roof [] Cement floor []

Wood walls [] Wood shutter window [ ] Tin roof [] Wooden floor []
Cement walls [] Open window [] Wood roof [] Tile floor []
Other,__________[ ] Other ______________ [ ] Other ________[ ] Dirt floor ________ []

Salvage house [ ]

10. What household appliances do you have? (Check all that apply to respondent’s house)

DVD player [] Rice cooker []

Radio [] Electric fan _____________________________
Refrigerator [] Computer []
Television [] Cellphones []
11. What are your top 3 important household expenses

12. How would you rate your household income level, based on your expenses?
______ Usually not enough to cover important household expense
______ Just enough to cover important household expenses
______ Usually have some left after important household expenses


A. Gross Revenue
Check only one: ___ Fisher ___Farmer ___Seasonal Fisher/Farmer ___ Self-employed ____ Employed

Question / Description Indicate Number / Amount / Period

2.1 How many years have you been fishing / farming /
employed / self-employed?
2.2 Are you engaged in fishing / farming / employed / self-
employed near Malandog River or its tributaries?
Code: 1 – yes 2 – no
2.3 For Fishers:
Do you own a boat for fishing?
Code: 1 – yes 2 – no
2.4 If yes, is your boat motorized?
Code: 1 – yes 2 – no
2.5 Did you borrow money for fishing/farming?
Code: 1 – yes 2 – no
2.6 If yes, from whom: 1- bank
2-Cooperative 3-Fish buyer
2.7 What is the interest rate?
(response in %, pesos or catch share)
2.8 What type of gear do you use for fishing?
1-Gillnet 2 –Hook & Line 3-Others
2.9 What is your estimated cash earnings (take home)
gross from fishing.
Peso per day
Days per month
2.10 For Farmers:
Do you own the land you are farming?
1. Code: 1 – yes 2 – no
2.11 Do you own farming equipment/farming animals?
Code: 1 – yes 2 – no
2.12 Did you borrow money for fishing/farming?
Code: 1 – yes 2 – no
2.13 If yes, from whom:
1- bank 2-Cooperative 3-Fish buyer
2.14 What is the interest rate?
(response in %, pesos or catch share)
2.15 What type of gear/facility do you use for farming?
1-Tractor 2 –Carabao 3-Water pump 4-Irrigation (IRA)
2.16 What is your estimated cash earnings (take home)
gross from farming?
Pesos per day
Days per month

B. Costs
Variable costs per day Unit / Amount

Fuel (li)

Boat rental (per day)



Other supplies, ____________

Other supplies, ____________

Sub-total variable cost per day

Labor costs per day

Hired Labor (8 hr man/day)

Cash Wage per day

In-kind (catch share)

Family Labor (number)


In-kind (catch share)

Sub-total labor cost per day

Monthly costs

Change oil

Boat repair


Sub-total monthly cost

Annual costs

License fee

Boat registration

Membership fee in fisherman


Sub-total annual cost

Variable costs Unit / Amount


Equipment rental (per day)




Other supplies, ____________

Sub-total variable cost

Labor costs per day

Hired Labor (8 hr man/day)

Cash Wage per day

In-kind (harvest share)

Family Labor (number)


In-kind (harvest share)

Sub-total labor cost per day

Monthly costs

Land Rental / Share


Sub-total monthly cost

Annual costs

Land Rental


Sub-total annual cost

Interviewer: Thank the respondent


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