Tutor Neurological Examination ..Pocket Tutor.. 2nd Edition 2017 PDF

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pocket tutor

John A Goodfellow
Honorary Clinical Academic Fellow

University of Glasgow
Glasgow, UK

Editorial Advisor

Neel Burton BSc MBBS MRCPsych MA (Phil) AKC

Tutor in Psychiatry

Green Templeton College
University of Oxford

Oxford, UK

© 2012 JP Medical Ltd.
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I turned out to be the only neurologist from my year at medi-

cal school, and would not have predicted that outcome at the
time. Richard Smith (former editor of the British Medical Journal)
described the neurologist as ‘a brilliant and forgetful man with
a bulging cranium, a loud bow tie, who reads Cicero in Latin

for pleasure, hums Haydn sonatas, talks with ease about bits
of the brain you’d forgotten existed, adores diagnosis and rare
syndromes, and – most importantly – never bothers about

treatment.’ I do like making a diagnosis, talking about the brain,
and enjoy quoting eponymous syndromes but the rest has,

thankfully, never been my experience.
Like most medical students, many GPs and other hospital
specialists when asked later in their careers, I too once suf-

fered from what has been termed by several commentators as

‘neurophobia’. Now I feel the excitement of a test pilot when

approaching the consultation, and it has become one of my
own passions to help dispel this fear and share the knowledge

needed to ‘fly’ a neurological case.
Accepting there is a core of principles that will allow all cli-
nicians to interpret and localise neurological symptoms is not
dumbing down, but a welcome blast of common sense in an

increasingly specialised world of medical practice. Neurological
disorders will become more prevalent as populations age, and
a high proportion of acute medicine already has a neurological
flavour. Yet only a tiny proportion of medical school curricula
are dedicated to the teaching of clinical neurology and few
non-neurologists experience any at postgraduate level.
John Goodfellow ‘got it’ as a medical student and now his
book will help others overcome their phobia. He has distilled
a large volume of information to present a coherent structure

for ‘thinking neurologically’. A few secure principles go a long
way in neurology and they’re all here. Happy flying!

Martin R Turner
Consultant Neurologist
John Radcliffe Hospital

Oxford, UK
Richard & Joan Doll Clinical Tutorial Fellow
Green Templeton College
University of Oxford, UK

January 2012

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Clinical neurology is often seen as complex, esoteric, mysteri-

ous, difficult and therapeutically nihilistic by many medical
students and non-neurologist physicians. Although there is
no doubt that the examination of the nervous system is an
involved and detailed process, it only remains mysterious

and difficult to those who do not bother to learn how to do it!
For many patients the management of neurological disease
remains supportive, but on many fronts there are exciting

breakthroughs that keep the specialty at the boundaries of
emerging therapeutic strategies.

Pocket Tutor Neurological Examination aims to strike a
balance between simplifying the neurological examination
to an accessible level, and being a clinically useful reference

tool. Medical students should find in it enough detail to pass

examinations with confidence, and junior doctors should find

enough detail to feel confident in examining patients with acute
neurological signs and symptoms.

Chapters 1–5 cover the core examination techniques that are
essential to every interaction with neurology patients. Chapters
6–8 cover less commonly required routines that will be used
when the remainder of the clinical assessment indicates more

detailed examination in these areas. Chapters 9 and 10 cover
the assessment of the stroke and coma patient, respectively.
These chapters are included because such patients require an
adapted and targeted neurological examination. Students and
doctors should all be aware of how to approach these common
clinical scenarios with a specific and well-rehearsed routine.
Chapters 11 and 12 cover a screening neurological examina-
tion and the neurological examination in undergraduate finals.
Together these offer a final polished routine that can be used
in final examinations or for general assessment in routine
clinical practice.

All clinical examination technique is perfected through prac-
tice, and this is particularly true of the neurological examination.
I hope this pocket book will serve as a guide and reminder as
you learn at the bedside.

John A Goodfellow

January 2012

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Foreword v

Preface vii


Acknowledgements xii

Chapter 1 Clinical skills in neurology

1.1 The consultation 1

1.2 The neurological history 1

1.3 The neurological examination 4

1.4 Case summary and synthesis 5

1.5 Presenting patients 6

1.6 The junior doctor’s neurology toolkit 6


1.7 Ethicolegal considerations 7

Chapter 2 Gait and general inspection


2.1 Anatomy and physiology review 9


2.2 Clinical features and pathophysiology 12


2.3 General inspection 16

2.4 Abnormal posture and movements 18

2.5 Assessing gait 22


2.6 System summary 24

Chapter 3 Head and neck (cranial nerves)

3.1 Objectives 27

3.2 Anatomy and physiology review 27

3.3 Clinical features and pathophysiology 38

3.4 General observations 49

3.5 The nose (CN I) 50

3.6 The eyes: part 1 (CN II and III) 52

3.7 The eyes: part 2 (CN III, IV, VI) 59

3.8 The face (CN V, VII) 62

3.9 The ears (CN VIII) 67

3.10 The mouth (CN IX, X, XII) 71

3.11 The neck (CN XI) 73

3.12 System summary 74

Chapter 4 Upper limbs

4.1 Objectives 77

4.2 Anatomy and physiology review 77

4.3 Clinical features and pathophysiology 85

4.4 General observations 88

4.5 Tone 89

4.6 Power 90

4.7 Reflexes 96

4.8 Co-ordination 98

4.9 Sensation 99


4.10 System summary 103

Chapter 5 Lower limbs


5.1 Objectives 105

5.2 Anatomy and physiology review 105

5.3 Clinical features and pathophysiology 109


5.4 General observations 111

5.5 Tone 112


5.6 Power 112

5.7 Reflexes 117

5.8 Co-ordination 119

5.9 Sensation 120

5.10 System summary 124


Chapter 6 Cerebellum

6.1 Objectives 125

6.2 Anatomy and physiology review 125

6.3 Clinical features and pathophysiology 127

6.4 General observations 128

6.5 VANISHD 129

6.6 System summary 134

Chapter 7 Higher cortical function

7.1 Objectives 135

7.2 Anatomy and physiology review 136

7.3 Clinical features and pathophysiology 138

7.4 Bedside testing of cognitive domains 141

7.5 System summary 148

Chapter 8 Autonomic nervous system

8.1 Objectives 151

8.2 Anatomy and physiology review 151

8.3 Clinical features and pathophysiology 155

8.4 History 156

8.5 Bedside examination and tests 157

8.6 System summary 159

Chapter 9 Examining the stroke patient

9.1 Objectives 161


9.2 Anatomy and physiology review 161

9.3 Clinical features and pathophysiology 163

9.4 Stroke history 167


9.5 Stroke neurological examination 169

9.6 Stroke general examination 171

9.7 Thrombolysis 172

9.8 System summary 173

Chapter 10 Examining the coma patient

10.1 Objectives 175


10.2 Anatomy and physiology review 175


10.3 Clinical features and pathophysiology 175

10.4 General observations 178


10.5 Eyes and reflexes 180

10.6 System summary 182

Chapter 11 The neurological screening


examination in 4 minutes
11.1 Objectives 185

11.2 Sequence 185

Chapter 12 The neurological examination

in undergraduate exams
12.1 Objectives 187

12.2 Common conditions in examinations 188

12.3 Examination instructions 188

12.4 Questions and answers 189

Further reading 191

Index 193


From the author

Thanks to Paul Mayhew and Richard Furn at JP Medical for their
guidance, enthusiasm and patience. Thanks to Neel Burton for
taking time out from his own writing to review the manuscript

and offer crucial advice. Thanks to Martin Turner for writing the
foreword in the midst of busy clinical and research commit-
ments. Thanks to Jakub Scaber for all the helpful neurology

Thanks to my wife, Rosalyn, for her support, encouragement

and enthusiasm.
Thanks to the neurologists and neurosurgeons who have
taught and inspired me over the years: Professor Hugh Willison,

Dr Martin Turner, Professor Kevin Talbot, Dr David Hilton-Jones,

Dr Margaret Esiri, Professor Angela Vincent, Dr Saif Razvi, Dr

George Gorrie, Dr Krishna Dani, Mr Edward St George, Mr Mario
Teo, Miss Emer Campbell and the whole team at the Institute
of Neurological Sciences in Glasgow.

From the publisher
The photos used in figures 3.5, 3.6 and 4.1 were originally pub-

lished in Pocket Tutor Surface Anatomy (© 2012 JP Medical Ltd)
and are reproduced courtesy of Sam Scott-Hunter, London, UK.


Clinical skills 1
in neurology

1.1 The consultation

The majority of clinical neurology is practised in the outpatient

setting, usually by consultants or registrars. However, neuro-
logical emergencies and chronic neurological conditions are
common enough that every junior doctor needs to be skilled
in their assessment and key areas of management.

The key clinical skill in neurology is history taking. This stage
will almost always be the most informative, and time well spent

here will make the rest of the consultation more meaningful.
The history and other areas of the consultation enable the le-
sion to be localised and likely pathological processes identified.

Rather than the history, the physical examination is the

part that most inexperienced juniors are nervous about and

likely to spend most time on. The value of the examination is
in confirming abnormalities suspected from the history and

in detecting dysfunction not reported by the patient, thereby
further assisting in localising the lesion. If the history is taken
properly, there should be no surprises!
Investigations should be considered as an extension of

the physical examination, that is, to confirm or refute specific
findings from the history or examination. Many patients who
consult a neurologist expect a brain scan, but this is not always
in their interest; most patients can be reassured by nothing
more than a thorough history and examination.

1.2 The neurological history

This is the central aspect of the neurology consultation. The
three aims are to:
1. detect abnormal symptoms that suggest a lesion

2. localise the lesion through knowledge of neuroanatomy

2 Clinical skills in neurology

3. identify potential pathogenic processes, largely though

establishing the time course and progression of symptoms
and the remainder of the medical history
When taking the neurological history, always ask yourself the
question ‘Which part of the nervous system would have to be
damaged to produce these symptoms?’

Meeting the patient
When first meeting the patient:
• ask their name, age, handedness and employment history

• establish rapport

Presenting complaint

To determine more about the presenting complaint, ask an
open question to identify the patient’s main concern, such as

‘What is the main problem?’ If there are multiple problems,
approach them separately and in turn.

History of presenting complaint

For each problem establish:

• the time of onset: ‘When were you last well in this regards?’
• progression: ‘How has it changed since it started?’
• relation to other symptoms: ‘Which came first? Then what?’

• time course
• aggravating and relieving factors

Time course
Establishing the time course of symptoms is crucial but easily
passed over. Determine as exactly as possible the day, week
or month of symptom onset, the order of onset of symptoms
and their progression.
The differential diagnosis of neurological conditions is
greatly influenced by whether the symptoms are acute, sub-
acute or chronic.

Neurological systems review

Specifically ask the patient about each of the following, and
then explore any findings as above:
The neurological history 3

• loss of consciousness
• abnormal movements
• headaches
• weakness
• sensory symptoms
• balance problems

• visual problems
• seizures
• speech problems
• memory or planning problems

• skin problems
• infections

Past medical history
When taking the past medical history:

• establish all previous med-
ical and surgical problems
• include any childhood ill-
Clinical insight

nesses Always clarify what a patient means

• clarify dates and precise when they use medical jargon or

diagnostic terms. They may mean
meanings of any medical something completely different from the
terms the patient uses established meaning!

Social history
This is an important element. Ensure a full history is taken,

• employment history (‘What age were you when you left
school?’, ‘What was your first job?’, ‘What was your next?’,
etc.), including occupational exposure to chemicals and
other potential hazards
• travel history
• unusual diet
• smoking and alcohol history
• recreational drug use
• human immunodeficiency virus and other blood-borne virus
risk factors
• where the patient lives and with whom
• levels of stress at home and at work
4 Clinical skills in neurology

Clinical insight Family history

To determine the family
It is often easier to ask about the ‘family
dynamics’, the psychiatric history and
what the patient thinks is wrong with • draw out a family tree
them and why at the first consultation. • include all causes of death,
This is a thorough approach to history- neurological illness and

taking, and is usually perceived as such other major illnesses
by the patient. It also makes it easier to
return to discussing these topics if they
are subsequently thought to be important Drug history

A full drug history should be
contributors to the presenting problem
(e.g. psychogenic pseudoseizures).
taken. The current or past
use of antidopaminergic

drugs should be documented in patients with movement

Systems review
Thorough questioning about other systems should be carried

• include cardiac, renal, respiratory, gastrointestinal, psychi-

atric and ophthalmological symptoms as standard

• ask yourself whether the neurological disease is contribut-
ing to the systemic symptoms, whether disease of another

system is contributing to neurological symptoms or whether
there is an underlying multisystem disease

1.3 The neurological examination


At the end of the history there should be a number of neurologi-
cal symptoms detected and a range of differential diagnoses to
account for them. The subsequent examination will be either a
brief screening examination or a more thorough assessment. A
succinct screening exam is appropriate when the likelihood of
signs is low (e.g. in patients with suspected simple migraine),
whereas a detailed assessment is appropriate if the differentials
include disorders likely to have physical signs, for instance, in
patients with suspected myasthenia gravis.
Patients sometimes find the neurological examination to be
a strange experience, with a doctor asking them to obey odd
Case summary and synthesis 5

instructions that seem completely unrelated to their reasons

for seeking medical attention (‘I’ve been having double vision
so why is the doctor asking me to stand on my feet and close
my eyes?’). Explain at the outset that the purpose of the tests is
not only to assess the problem they have but also to assess the
function of the rest of their brain and the nerves and muscles

in the rest of their body.
The remaining chapters describe the various parts of the
examination. With experience, it becomes easier to decide
how detailed an exam needs to be and how to focus the exam

according to the differentials. For example, in acute stroke, a
brief but targeted screening examination (see Chapter 9) allows
classification of the stroke syndrome, which is important for

immediate management decisions, but does not delay treat-
ment by searching for minor neurological signs. In contrast,

patients with Guillain–Barré
syndrome need detailed Clinical insight
assessment of all peripheral

How to summarise a case
nerves to enable close moni- Suspected multiple sclerosis: example

toring of progression. case summary

A 27-year-old, female, right-handed
1.4 Case summary supermarket worker presents with a
2-week history of slowly progressive

and synthesis

paraesthesias in both legs. Her past
medical history includes an episode of
The neurological case is often transient right visual loss 2 years ago, and
lengthy and detailed in terms a 2-week episode of acute ataxia and

of the complete history and vertigo 6 months ago. Examination reveals
examination findings. It is a sensory loss of pin prick to her skin to the
region of the T10 dermatome, clonus in
helpful to routinely sum- both ankles and brisk knee reflexes. There
marise the relevant positive is no family history of multiple sclerosis or
and negative findings when other neurological disease.
writing in the case notes. This Opinion: multiple sclerosis seems
a likely diagnosis. Other causes of
step helps to clarify the case
demyelination need to be excluded.
and synthesise the various Plan: MRI brain and spinal cord; lumbar
elements. It should come af- puncture for cell count, protein and
ter the examination findings glucose, and oligoclonal bands; consider
and consist of just a para- visual-evoked potentials if the above is
not diagnostic.
graph or two of the findings.
6 Clinical skills in neurology

This should be followed by an opinion on the differential diag-

nosis and a plan for further investigation, treatment and other

1.5 Presenting patients

Presenting patients with neurological problems can be a daunt-

ing task because of the often complex history and examina-
tion findings. The key is having thought through the case and
being clear what the relevant positive and negative findings

are. It is helpful to start the case presentation or referral with
a brief summary that highlights the working diagnosis and/or
management plan. For example, in a patient with suspected

myasthenia gravis, it would be helpful to begin with:
This 35-year-old right-handed man with no past medical
history presents with facial, bulbar and proximal limb weakness

that is consistent with myasthenia gravis.
In an examination situation the examiners may simply allow

students to proceed to describe the usual history and examina-
tion findings. However, since you have already clearly identified

and summarised these, the impressed examiner may in fact skip

this altogether and ask about investigation and management,
thereby allowing more advanced discussion.

When referring patients to neurologists, for example over
the phone, it is helpful to begin with a brief summary or back-
ground such as the above. This shows that the patient has been

carefully assessed and allows the neurologist to see where the
referral is going from the outset.

1.6 The junior doctor’s neurology toolkit

Figure 1.1 shows the author’s own ‘junior doctor’s neurology
toolkit’. This is a collection of tools for routine neurological as-
sessment on general hospital wards.
The toolkit includes:
• an ophthalmoscope for fundoscopy
• tropicamide (a pupil dilator): can be obtained from an oph-
thalmology ward or emergency department and is used to
allow better examination of the retina
Ethicolegal considerations 7

Figure 1.1 The junior doctor’s neurology toolkit


• tuning forks for vibration sense testing (assessing the dorsal
• pins for pin-prick testing (assessing the lateral columns)

• a few small objects (e.g. key, battery) are good for assessing

• tongue depressors and throat swabs are helpful when the

gag reflex needs to be formally tested

It is also useful to carry a Snellen pocket chart for testing
acuity and to use Ishihara plates, e.g. on a smartphone, when
indicated. A variety of tools are available for bedside screening

of cognition. For example, the Queen Square Screening Test for
Cognitive Deficits is a small book available directly from the Na-
tional Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in London for

£10 (€12). The Addenbrooke’s cognitive examination is a shorter
alternative, freely available online (http://www.stvincents.ie/
dynamic/File/Addenbrookes_A_SVUH_MedEl_tool.pdf )

1.7 Ethicolegal considerations

The diagnosis of a neurological condition often carries sig-
nificant and lifelong morbidity and social restrictions as well
as having implications for driving and obtaining life or travel
insurance. Patients should be referred to someone with ex-
perience in dealing with these issues to make them aware of
the implications of their diagnosis and answer any queries
they have.
8 Clinical skills in neurology

Driving restrictions
There are driving restrictions for those diagnosed with certain
neurological disorders, and such a patient should be referred
to the relevant public authority (e.g. the Driver and Vehicle
Licensing Agency (www.dvla.gov.uk) in the UK) for up-to-date
details on driving restrictions. Some patients will be eligible

for disability welfare support (e.g. Disability Living Allowance
(DLA) in the UK).

Expectations of imaging

Many patients expect or want some form of neuroimaging for
reassurance. Although it is now relatively straightforward to

obtain this for almost any neurological symptom, it is impor-
tant to discuss a number of issues with patients. CT scanning
involves radiation exposure and is not, strictly speaking, a

harmless investigation.
MRI avoids this but often identifies incidental abnormalities
that are unrelated to the presenting problem and of uncertain

significance. This occurs in around 10% of scans and is a major

consideration in the design and implementation of neuroim-

aging research studies that utilise ‘normal’ controls. As well as
increasing anxiety in patients, there may also be health and

travel insurance implications.


Gait and general 2

The initial general inspection and observation of gait should
be done in all patients. There are far too many neurological
syndromes to know, let alone summarise, here. However, a
few are sufficiently common or important that the generalist
should be aware of them. Abnormalities of posture and
movement should be precisely described in order to direct
further investigation. The nomenclature can be confusing, but
a few moments of reflection on the groups of muscles involved,
the nature of the movement and a few other features allows a
straightforward classification.

2.1  Anatomy and physiology review

Posture can be thought of as a steady state requiring ongoing
co-ordination of sensory input and motor commands.
Abnormal postures can reflect abnormal input, integration
or motor output. Abnormal movements are the result of
dysfunction somewhere within this complex neural system.

Sensory input
The dorsal column–medial lemniscus pathway carries
proprioceptive input from the joints and muscles in the
periphery to the dorsal column of the spinal cord. It ascends
ipsilaterally to the level of the medulla, where the primary
sensory neurons synapse on secondary neurons in the cuneate
and gracile nuclei (see Figure 4.3). These then decussate (the
internal arcuate fibres) and ascend as the medial lemniscus to
synapse on neurons in the ventral posteromedial and ventral
posterolateral nuclei in the thalamus. From here there are
diffuse projections, most importantly via the internal capsule
to the primary sensory cortex (the postcentral gyrus).
10 Gait and general inspection

The vestibular system provides sensory information about

body position and balance. The vestibular nuclei are anatomically
and functionally closely linked with the cerebellar nuclei and are
discussed in more detail in Chapter 6.

Guiding principle Pyramidal system

Th e py ra m i d a l s ys te m
Dorsal column–medial lemniscus
pathway: proprioceptive fibres → describes a major component
ipsilateral dorsal column → cuneate andof the control of movement
gracile nuclei in the medulla → cross whose main outflow tract is via
as the internal arcuate fibres → ascendthe‘pyramids’in the brainstem.
in the medial lemniscus → ventral
This largely comprises the
posteromedial and ventral posterolateral
nuclei in the thalamus → primary corticospinal tract.
sensory cortex. The corticospinal tract
begins with the pyramidal
cells of layer V of the primary motor cortex (these are called
pyramidal because of their shape, not because they are part of
the pyramidal system). Their axons pass through the internal
capsule and form the pyramidal tract. 90% of pyrimidal tract
fibres cross sides (decussate) in the medulla; the remainder
stay ipsilateral.
These fibres travel down to the a-motor neurons in the
anterior horn of the spinal cord (or the motor neuron in
the cranial nerve nuclei), which they directly synapse onto
(mostly excitatory) or indirectly
Guiding principle synapse through a complex
network of interneurons
Pyramidal system: layer V pyramidal
cells in the motor cortex → internal
(mostly inhibitory).
capsule → cross at the pyramidal This system controls much
decussation in the medulla → synapse of voluntary movement and
on α-motor neurons and interneurons in is also a major pathway for
the anterior horn of the spinal cord. the extrapyramidal control of

Basal ganglia/extrapyramidal system

The basal ganglia includes the:
• striatum
• globus pallidus
Anatomy and physiology review 11

• substantia nigra
• subthalamic nucleus
Their inputs, internal connections and output pathways
are very complex (Figure 2.1). A detailed knowledge is
not required for clinical practice except in the rare cases of
small unilateral lesions and for functional neurosurgery for
movement disorders. The clinical syndromes that are caused by
basal ganglia dysfunction are
classified on clinical grounds Clinical insight
rather than on anatomical
Hemiballismus is an involuntary
localisation of the lesions.
flinging movement of a limb, most
The basal ganglia affect commonly seen in stroke patients.
cognition, emotion and, in It is usually caused by a lesion in the
particular, movement. They are contralateral subthalamic nucleus. The
involved in selecting individual lesion reduces the excitatory input to the
globus pallidus from the subthalamic
actions and motor plans. They nucleus. This in turn disinhibits the
are therefore at the centre thalamus, which thereby increases its
of motor function, between excitatory output to the cortex, resulting
planning and execution. in the hyperkinetic movements. It is a
loss of descending inhibition.
There are more neurons in the cerebellum than in the rest of the
brain. The cerebellum is located in the posterior fossa and forms
the roof of the fourth ventricle. It is covered in more detail in
Chapter 6. Briefly, its chief function is the execution and control
of fine movements, ensuring proper timing and accuracy in
particular. It is a major site for the control of learned or automatic
movements. It can be thought of as a massive switchboard,
connecting incoming cortical and basal ganglia movement
plans with the cerebellar output nuclei, which in turn project
back to the spinal cord, vestibular nuclei and cerebral cortex.
It comprises two cerebellar hemispheres connected by the
vermis. The flocullonodular lobe is tucked in at the base. There
is somatotopic organisation with the head represented on the
anterior lobe, the upper limbs and upper trunk more posteriorly
and the lower limbs and lower trunk more posteriorly still. The
midline of the body is represented on the vermis and the distal
limbs laterally.
12 Gait and general inspection


Thalamus Striatum
Substantis Substantia Globus
nigra pars nigra pars pallidus
reticulata compacta interna

Excitatory glutamatergic axons

GABAergic inhibitory axons
Dopaminergic projections

Figure 2.1  Basal ganglia connections. Dopaminergic input from the substantia
nigra and input from the motor cortex are modulated as they pass through the
pallidum and back into the thalamus and cortex. There are separate, parallel,
direct and indirect loops through the GPi and GPe/subthalamic nuclei back to
the thalamus and cortex. GPe, globus pallidus external; GPi, globus pallidus
internal; SNr, substantia nigra pars reticulata; SNc, substantia nigra pars compacta

2.2  Clinical features and

General inspection
These include:
• Parkinson’s disease
• Bell’s palsy (idiopathic inflammation of the facial nerve)
• acromegaly
• myasthenia gravis
• Sturge–Weber syndrome (encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis)
• Huntington’s disease
• ataxia telangiectasia
Clinical features and pathophysiology 13

• Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease (hereditary motor and sensory

neuropathy (HMSN))
• dermatomyositis
• myotonic dystrophy
• neurofibromatosis
• tuberous sclerosis
• Wilson’s disease (hepatolenticular degeneration)

Non-neurological disease
Manifestations of cardiac, respiratory, endocrine or gastrointestinal
disease may be evident on general inspection. Do not overlook
these as they may provide clues to the underlying aetiology of
any neurological deficits.

Pronator drift
One arm will slowly pronate when the arms are in front and the
eyes closed. This is a quite sensitive marker of an upper motor
neuron lesion in the corticospinal tract.

Wasting and fasciculations

Wasting and fasciculations generally indicate lower motor
neuron lesions:
• wasting: guttering of the interosseous muscles; flattening
of the thenar or hypothenar eminences. This indicates a
lower motor neuron lesion or chronic upper motor neuron
• fasciculations: spontaneous single muscle fibre contractions
appearing as rippling of muscles. These indicate denervation
and re-innervation of the neuromuscular junction, usually
from lower motor neuron lesions

Abnormal posture
Abnormal postures may indicate distinct patterns of weak­
• pyramidal distribution of weakness: there is greater
weakness in the arm extensors than in the flexors, leading
to a flexed elbow and wrist. This indicates an upper motor
neuron lesion, e.g. cortical stroke
14 Gait and general inspection

• dystonia: intermittent or constant contraction of agonist(s)

and antagonist(s) muscles to produce an abnormally
positioned body part
Dystonia This is described by the body part affected:
• focal dystonia: only one body part is affected (e.g. torticollis
from contraction of neck muscles)
• segmental: two or more adjacent parts affected.
It is classified by the underlying cause:
• primary: dystonia is the only clinical symptom
• heredodegenerative: e.g. Wilson’s disease, Huntington’s
disease, neuroacanthocytosis
• secondary: hypoxic injury, stroke
Dystonia can occasionally cause rhythmic contractions, leading
to a tremor resembling parkinsonism.

Abnormal movement
Movements may be reduced or excessive. Reduced movements
include bradykinesia, which is a slowness or lack of movement.
This is the hallmark of akinetic–rigid syndromes such as
parkinsonism. Additional (excessive) movements include
tremor, which is an involuntary rhythmic oscillation of a body
part. It can be physiological or pathological, and is classified as a:
• resting tremor: present at rest, but may be exacerbated with
distraction, e.g. Parkinson’s disease
• action tremor
• psychogenic tremor: common. Usually it is variable,
dis­­tractible, occurs inconsistently and may be entrainable (i.e.
when the patient is asked to tap another limb at a different
frequency from the tremor, the limb with the tremor then
oscillates at the new frequency)
Action tremors There are several different types of action tremor:
• postural: occurs when maintaining a posture, e.g. essential
tremor, renal or liver disease
• kinetic: occurs during a voluntary movement
• intention: occurs at the end of target-directed movements,
and is caused by cerebellar lesions
• task specific: occurs during specific tasks such as writing or
playing a musical instrument
Clinical features and pathophysiology 15

Tics These are rapid and stereotyped involuntary move-

ments. They can be motor (e.g. eyelid movements or facial
distortions) or vocal (e.g. cop-
rolalia – expletives or socially Clinical insight
inappropriate words) tics.
Rarer types of tremor include:
Causes include Tourette’s syn- • Holmes’ tremor: this is an irregular,
drome, neuroacanthocytosis low-frequency tremor occurring at
and antipsychotics. rest and with movement caused by
lesions in the thalamus or midbrain
Chorea and athetosis Cho- • neuropathic tremor: this is usually
rea is involuntary, brief, jerky from peripheral nerve demyelination
movements that flow con- • palatal tremor: seen in essential
tremor (when it is associated with
tinuously. Athetosis is slow- clicking in the ear from the eustachian
er involuntary movements tube), or in a lesion of Guillain–
that also flow. Distinguishing Mollaret’s triangle (red nucleus–
between them can be difficult olives–dentate nucleus)
and not usually clinically
useful. Many patients have both: choreathetoid movements.
Myoclonus This is involuntary and brief muscle twitching. It
has confusingly disparate classifications according to the body
part affected, clinical presentation or site of origin. More simply,
it is described as positive or negative:
• positive myoclonus: sudden, brief, shock-like contraction of
a muscle
• negative myoclonus: sudden, brief, shock-like loss of
contraction of a muscle (e.g. asterixis)

The gait can be broadly symmetrical or asymmetrical, and
generally broad- or narrow-based. The patient may have
difficulty initiating movements or turning.

Symmetrical abnormal gait

A symmetrical gait can be broad-based or narrow-based.
Broad-based These include:
• cerebellar or vestibular lesions often cause an ataxia that
produces a gait in which patients spread their legs widely,
appear very unsteady and may seem reluctant to lift their
16 Gait and general inspection

feet at all. They will tend to veer towards the side of the
• peripheral nerve sensory lesions cause a similar wide base, but
patients may lift and slap both their feet more prominently
Narrow-based These include:
• Parkinsonism usually presents with a slow shuffling gait.
Patients are stooped forward and have a reduced arm swing.
They struggle to initiate movements and take several steps
to turn
• diffuse vascular disease may cause the marche à petits
pas (march of a thousand steps, literally, ‘walking with very
small steps’), in which the narrow-based shuffling gait is
accompanied by a more upright posture
• a myopathic gait appears waddling as there is weakness in
the proximal muscles

Asymmetrical gait
An asymmetrical gait can result from a wide range of problems:
• the hemiplegic gait is narrow based, although the affected
leg will swing out to the side with a tilting movement of the
hip during the movement
• foot drop: weakness of tibialis anterior from any cause will
result in reduced ankle dorsiflexion and the characteristic
floppy foot. Causes include L5 radiculopathy, common
peroneal palsy and a cingulate gyrus lesion
• magnetic gait: this describes gait apraxia, in which the
patient seems stuck to the floor. Causes include stroke and
normal pressure hydrocephalus

The functional gait

This is inconsistent, variable and utilises inefficient movements
(e.g. crouching movements).

2.3  General inspection

The objective of the general inspection is to identify any
neurological syndromes or obvious weakness, deformity,
abnormal posture or movement, wasting or fasciculations.
General inspection 17

Patients strip to their undergarments, having been warned that
they will be inspected closely.

Use the following sequence:
1. ask the patient to undress, but to keep on their underwear
2. inspect the patient from front and from behind, noting the:
• posture
•  skin colour, pigmentation, lesions, naevi
•  muscle bulk, wasting, fasciculations

Key differential diagnoses

There are innumerable syndromes with neurological
manifestations, including:
• Parkinson’s disease: patients have bradykinesia, hypomimic
facies, tremor
• Bell’s palsy: patients have lower facial nerve palsy and may
be wearing an eye patch
• acromegaly: this is caused by a growth hormone-secreting
pituitary tumour that results in excess growth of hands, feet
and jaw; bitemporal hemianopia; and hypertension
• myasthenia gravis: antibodies directed against the
neuromuscular junction cause muscle fatiguability; there is
also bilateral ptosis and facial weakness, and obesity from
steroid dependence
• myotonic dystrophy type 1: this is caused by a CTG
trinucleotide expansion in the DMPK gene; patients
have frontal balding, cataracts, muscle wasting, distal
weakness, facial weakness and wasting, neck drop, cognitive
impairment, cardiac conduction defects and cardiomyopathy,
diabetes mellitus, dysphagia and chronic type 2 respiratory
• Sturge–Weber syndrome: this is caused by cerebral angioma,
and patients have a port-wine stain over the distribution
of V1
• Charcot–Marie–Tooth diseases: these are genetic syndromes
causing peripheral nerve axonal or myelin disruption; a high-
arched foot and claw toes
18 Gait and general inspection

• Huntington’s disease: patients display chorea–athetoid

• dermatomyositis: this is an inflammatory myopathy with
characteristic skin changes: Gottron’s sign, erythematous scaly
lesions on the dorsum of the fingers; heliotrope rash, violaceous
rash over the eyelids; shawl sign, a flat, erythematous rash over
the chest in a V-shaped distribution
• neurofibromatosis: type 1 (von Recklinghausen’s disease),
there is an autosomal dominant mutation of the NF1 gene
on chromosome 17q, and patients have neurofibromas,
café-au-lait patches and phaeochromocytomas; type 2,
there is an autosomal dominant mutation in the NF2 gene
on chromosome 22, and patients have bilateral acoustic
neuromas and meningiomas
• tuberous sclerosis: there is an autosomal dominant mutation
of the tumour suppressor genes on chromosomes 9q or 16p,
and patients have adenoma sebaceum (red papules on the
face from angiofibromas), subungual fibromas, shagreen
patches (elevated connective tissue naevi) and ashleaf
patches (depigmented lesions best seen under a Wood’s light)
• Wilson’s disease: this is caused by an autosomal recessive
mutation in the ATP7B gene encoding a copper-transporting
protein, and patients have liver disease, movement disorder
and Kayser–Fleischer rings (copper deposition in Descemet’s
membrane in the cornea)
• ataxia telangiectasia: this is the result of a mutation in
the DNA repair gene ATM, and patients have ataxia and
telangiectasias of the skin and eyes

What happens next?

After following the initial sequence described above, examine
posture, movements and gait.

2.4  Abnormal posture and movements

The objective of the next stage is to identify any abnormal
movements and to classify them.
Abnormal posture and movements 19

Observe the gait without explicitly warning the patient as this can
cause them to either involuntarily suppress abnormal movements
or to manifest functional signs. Instead, during the history–taking
part of the assessment, try to note any abnormal movements.
To further assess abnormal movements and to elicit latent
signs, patients are usually asked to perform some specific tasks.

For this part of the examination, pen and paper are required.

The following sequence is used to assess abnormal movements
and to elicit latent signs:
1. when taking the history, note whether there are any abnormal
movements. Start at the patient’s head and work down
looking for a lack of movement or additional movements
2. note whether there is a general poverty of movement (i.e.
reduced blink rate, hypomimia, slowed speech)
3. note:
• facial movements and head position
• arm positions and movements
• leg positions and movements
• any resting tremor
4. ask the patient to hold their hands out straight in front of
them with their fingers spread out. Note any tremor
5. ask them to cock their wrists back and hold them there.
Observe for asterixis
6. ask them to lift their arms out to the side and bring their
fingertips together in front of their nose by bending their
elbows and to hold that position (Figure 2.2). Note any
dystonic posture or tremor
7. ask them to touch their forefinger to their thumb and to
open and close that as fast and as fully as they can. Note
any slowed speed or decreased amplitude
8. ask them to write a sentence and draw a spiral. Note any
micrographia or oscillations that indicate a tremor
20 Gait and general inspection

Figure 2.2  Testing for dystonic posture or tremor

9. assess tone in their upper limbs (see Chapter 4), noting any
cogwheeling or rigidity

Key differential diagnoses

Abnormal posture
Differential diagnoses include stroke and dystonia.
Stroke A hemispheric stroke may cause contralateral arm flex-
ion and hip extension and ankle plantarflexion. A brainstem
stroke can cause an ipsilateral arm flexion and contralateral
hip extension and ankle plantarflexion
Dystonia This is an awkwardly
twisted neck and/or limb.
Clinical insight Decide whether it is focal,
Dopa-responsive dystonia, or multifocal or segmental. There
Segawa’s disease, is a rare autosomal are many causes, but it is
dominant inherited dystonia caused by important to exclude drugs
mutation in the GTP cyclohydrolase
1 gene: and Wilson’s disease, and to
• it usually presents in childhood or check for genetic syndromes
young adults in younger patients
• there may be mild parkinsonism;
often, older patients are misdiagnosed Abnormal movement
with Parkinson’s disease
• L-dopa has a profound effect on the
If there are reduced move­
symptoms ments, the key differential
diagnosis is parkinsonism: the
Abnormal posture and movements 21

patient will have bradykinesia

plus increased tone, resting
Clinical insight
tremor or postural instability. Parkinson’s disease is idiopathic
parkinsonism. Typically, there is unilateral
If there are additional onset and persistent asymmetry,
movements, differential di- rest tremor and slow progression of
agnoses include tremor, tics, symptoms. The patient’s initial response
chorea and athetosis and to l-dopa is good, but diminishes over
myoclonus: time. Common symptoms include:
• anosmia: this may have begun years
Tremor There are three main previously
groups: • urinary symptoms: if these are severe,
this suggests multiple systems
• rest: the main differential atrophy; the patient may have
diagnosis is between postural hypotension
essential tremor and • restless legs syndrome: again, it may
parkin­sonism (Table 2.1). pre-date the movement symptoms by
• action: for postural tremor,
• cognitive impairment: if this is severe
causes include essential at the early stage, it may indicate
tremor, physiological dementia with Lewy bodies
tremor, drug-induced
tremor and alcohol withdrawal; for intention tremor, causes
include cerebellar disease
• psychogenic

Tics Causes include Tourette’s syndrome or it may be psycho-


Feature Parkinson’s disease Essential tremor

Prevalence Less common Very common
At rest Worst Less severe
On action Suppressed Severe
Family history Rare Very common
Effect of alcohol None Alleviates
Head tremor Almost never Common

Table 2.1  Comparison of the tremor of Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor
22 Gait and general inspection

Chorea and athetosis Causes include:

• drugs: dopaminergic therapy
• Wilson’s disease: check the patient’s eyes for Kayser–Fleischer
rings, check serum copper and caeruloplasmin
• Huntington’s disease: there is usually a family history
• neuroacanthocytosis
• new variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease: patients usually also
have acute or subacute dementia and myoclonus
• Syndenham’s chorea (post-streptococcal)
• stroke (often unilateral)
• drugs: e.g. amphetamine, cocaine, oral contraceptive pill
Often this is due to coexistent renal, respiratory or liver disease.
Drugs are also a common cause in hospital inpatients. A wide
range of aetiologies can give rise to myoclonus, such as focal or
syndromic epilepsies, encephalopathies of any kind, dementias,
hereditary degenerative diseases and focal lesions of almost
any kind.

What happens next?

The next stage is to examine the patient’s gait.

2.5  Assessing gait

The objective of this stage is to assess the co-ordinated sensory,
planning and motor skills involved in walking.

Observe the patient walking and performing a few movements.

No equipment is required for this part of the examination.

The following sequence is used:
1. ask the patient to stand as able
Assessing gait 23

2. ask them to put their feet together and close their eyes.
Ensure they do not fall. This is Romberg’s test. If the patient
sways markedly and loses their balance, the test is positive
and indicates loss of proprioception
3. ask the patient to walk to the other end of the room. Observe
the stride length, pattern, width of base, dorsiflexion of the
ankle, speed, turning and arm swing
4. ask them to turn and come back
5. ask the patient to walk away again, heel to toe; if they manage
this, have them walk heel
to toe backwards Clinical insight
6. ask the patient to walk on
Examining shoes in patients with
their toes, then their heels abnormal gait can be informative:
7. ask them to squat down • worn-in shoes are good indicators
and stand up without of the usual gait pattern and may
touching the floor confirm that the observed abnormal
gait has been consistently present for
8. test for retropulsion by some time
standing behind them and • shoes with a normal pattern of wear
pulling their shoulders may suggest the gait dysfunction is
towards you. See how intermittent. This does not exclude
many steps they take to organic pathology but could suggest
a functional disorder or deliberate
steady themselves, but do malingering
not let them fall

Key differential diagnoses

These include the following.
Parkinsonism Patients have a slow, shuffling gait, reduced
arm swing and take many steps to turn; they may take several
steps to avoid falling on retropulsion. This results from basal
ganglia dysfunction.
Hemiplegic gait Patients walk with an extended hip and
ankle that swings out to the side. It is commonly caused by
hemispheric stroke.
Scissoring There is bilateral extended hips and ankles from
a spastic paraparesis. Causes include multiple sclerosis and
anoxic brain injury.
24 Gait and general inspection

Ataxia This is covered in more detail in Chapter 6; it appears

as a broad-based unsteady gait. Broad categories of cause
• sensory: from loss of proprioceptive input – Romberg’s
positive; causes include numerous peripheral neuropathies
or posterior column lesions (e.g. alcohol, cord compression,
vitamin B12 deficiency)
• cerebellar: from a lesion there – Romberg’s negative;
patients fall to the side of the lesion and have poor heel-
to-toe walking; causes include alcohol, stroke, cerebellar
• midline or vermal cerebellar lesions: often cause an
unsteadiness of the head, neck and trunk even while
sitting or standing with the eyes open. Patients will
struggle to stand with their feet together even with their
eyes open
Antalgic gait Patients struggle to bear weight on the affected
leg and shuffle along. There is a wide range of causes from or-
thopaedic to rheumatological. Nerve root lesions are typically
very painful and may restrict movement.
Myopathy Proximal myopathy may cause a waddling appear-
ance and patients will struggle to squat and rise.
Weak toe walking This is caused by a weak gastrocnemius.
Poor heel walking This is caused by a weak tibialis anterior.

What happens next?

Referral to a neurologist with a specialist interest in movement
disorders is recommended for all patients with parkinsonism,
dystonia, unexplained myoclonus or athetosis or chorea. MRI is
indicated to investigate cerebellar lesions or suspected spinal
cord pathology.

2.6  System summary

The examination of gait and general inspection is summarised
in Table 2.2.
System summary 25

Inspection Expose and inspect

Observe during history
Abnormal posture Note position of: head, neck, trunk, limbs
and movements
Observe for: poverty of movement; tremor, tics,
chorea, athetosis, myoclonus
Observe: outstretched arms; cocked wrists; fingers
touching under nose; open and closing finger
movements; writing; spiral drawing
Check tone in arms
Gait Stand patient up
Romberg’s test
Walk to end of room and back
Heel to toe
Walk on toes
Walk on heels

Table 2.2  The key aspects of general inspection and examining the gait

Head and neck 3

(cranial nerves)

3.1 Objectives
Examination of the cranial nerves is a vital skill for students and
junior doctors. The principles are identical to any other portion
of the neurological examination but many students and physi-
cians find this part daunting. It need not be so.
This chapter is on the ‘head and neck’ rather than on ‘cranial
nerves’ to remind the clinician that the neurological assessment
includes not only the nerves themselves but also the whole
neuroaxis from the muscle or sensory endings, neuromuscular
junction, peripheral cranial nerve fibres and brainstem nuclei
to the higher centres.
As with other parts of the examination, the key principles
are to:
• detect abnormal signs
• localise any lesions
• identify potential pathogenic processes.

3.2  Anatomy and physiology review

Relevant anatomy, physiology, connections, functions and arte-
rial supply of the 12 cranial nerves are summarised in Tables
3.1–3.3. The locations of the nerves as they exit the brain are
given in Figure 3.1. Key points of anatomy and physiology for
each cranial nerve are listed below:

CN I: the olfactory nerve

The olfactory nerve:
• is a purely sensory nerve
• runs in the olfactory groove
• is prone to damage from head injury
28 Head and neck (cranial nerves)

Cranial Motor Sensory Autonomic Brainstem

nerve innervation input component nuclei
I Olfactory – Bipolar – –
cells of
II Optic – Axons – Thalamus
from Midbrain
III Levator – Preganglionic Parasym­
Oculomotor palpabrae parasy­ pathetic
superioris mpathetic Edinger–
Superior fibres to Westphal
rectus sphincter of iris nucleus
Medial rectus (constriction Motor
Inferior rectus and acco­ Oculomotor
Inferior mmodation) nucleus
IV Trochlear Superior – – Pons
VI Lateral rectus – – Junction of
Abducens pons and

Table 3.1  Cranial nerves of the nose and eyes.

CN II: the optic nerve

Testing the visual field produces characteristic abnormal find-
ings depending on the location of the lesion (Figure 3.2).
The optic nerve:
• is a purely sensory nerve originating as retinal ganglion
• passes through the optic foramen and groove
• contributes the afferent limb of the pupillary reflex
(Figure 3.3)
Anatomy and physiology review 29

Cranial Motor Sensory Autonomic Brainstem

nerve innervation input component nuclei
V Muscles of Mucous Ciliary, Motor nuclei
Trigeminal mastication; membranes pterygopalatine, in pons
tensor of mouth, otic and Sensory
tympani nose and submandibular in pons,
paranasal air ganglia brainstem
sinuses and and spinal
skin of head cord dorsal
and face horn nuclei
VII Facial Muscles Taste fibres Parasympa­ Motor in
of facial from anterior thetic pons
expression 2/3 of the secretomotor Sensory in
Stapedius tongue fibres to medulla
muscle of Sensory sublingual and
middle ear fibres from submandibular
external ear salivary glands,
lacrimal gland
and nasal
VIII – Bipolar spiral – Cochlear
Vestibulo­ ganglion nuclei in
cochlear cells medulla
Vestibular Vestibular
fibres nuclei in
medulla and

Table 3.2  Cranial nerves of the face and ears.

CN III, IV and VI: the eye muscle nerves

CN III, IV and VI:
• control eye movements (Figure 3.4)
• IV and VI are purely motor
• III is motor with a parasympathetic component of CN III
mediating the efferent limb of the pupillary reflex via the
ciliary ganglion (Figure 3.3)
• III innervates all eye muscles (inferior oblique, inferior rec-
tus, superior rectus, medial rectus and levator palpabrae

Cranial nerve Motor innervation Sensory input Autonomic component Brainstem nuclei
IX Glosso­pharyngeal Stylopharyngeus muscle Pharynx and posterior 1/3 Parasympathetic Motor in medulla
of the tongue secretomotor fibres to the Parasympathetic in pons
X Vagus Muscles of larynx, Larynx Parasympathetic Motor, sensory and
pharynx and palate Portion of external innervation of bronchi, parasympathetic in
involved in speech auditory meatus bronchioles, atria of medulla
Viscerosensory from heart, liver, gallbladder,
gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, oesophagus,
lungs, heart and aortic stomach, gut (to colonic
arch flexure) and kidneys
Head and neck (cranial nerves)

XI Accessory Cranial roots: muscles – – Cranial root in medulla

of palate, larynx and Spinal root in spinal cord
Spinal roots: trapezius
and sternocleidomastoid
XII Hypoglossal Muscles of the tongue – – Medulla

Table 3.3  The lower cranial nerves.

Anatomy and physiology review 31

CN I Olfactory
CN II Optic
CN III Oculomotor
CN IV Trochlear
CN VI Abducens CN V Trigeminal
(ophthalmic branch)
CN VII Facial
(Maxillary nerve)
Glossopharyngeal (Mandibular nerve)

CN XII Hypoglossal CN XI Accessory

Figure 3.1  Location of the cranial nerves

superioris) except superior oblique (IV) and lateral rectus

• pass through the cavernous sinus and the superior orbital
fissure and can be involved in a lesion in either

CN V: the trigeminal nerve

The trigeminal nerve is:
• a large nerve with ophthalmic (V1), maxillary (V2) and man-
dibular divisions (V3)
• mixed motor, sensory and autonomic (Figure 3.5)
Each division courses to a different area of the head and face:
• V1 passes through the cavernous sinus and carries sensation
from the forehead and upper eyelid and nose
• V2 passes through the foramen rotundum and carries sensation
from around the cheekbones and from the sinus and nose
• V3 passes through the infratemporal fossa and carries
sensation from the lower jaw and innervates the muscles
of mastication

CN VII: the facial nerve

The facial nerve:
• is a mixed motor, sensory and autonomic nerve
Left Right Left Right

Unilateral visual loss

Bitemporal hemianopia g
a f Unilateral nasal hemianopia
c h
Homonomous hemianopia b
Head and neck (cranial nerves)

Homonomous superior quadrantonopia

d c
Homonomous inferior quadrantonopia i
d i
Homonomous hemianopia
Homonomous hemianopia e
(with macular sparing)

Figure 3.2  Localising visual field defects

Anatomy and physiology review 33

Pupilliary muscle

ganglion cell

Ciliary ganglion

Portion of the
oculomotor nerve

Afferent limb Midbrain
Efferent limb

Figure 3.3  The pupillary reflex arc involves CN II (afferent limb; grey) and CN III
(efferent limb; blue) at the level of the midbrain

Figure 3.4  Primary direction of action of muscles involved in the control of eye
34 Head and neck (cranial nerves)

Figure 3.5  The

distribution of the
trigeminal nerve. V1
ophthalmic division; V2
maxillary division; V3
mandibular division; C2
2nd cervical nerve.



• controls the muscles of facial expression, stapedius muscle

of the inner ear (problems
Clinical insight with which lead to hyperacu-
sis), taste from the anterior
Think ‘face, ear, taste, tear’ to remember two-thirds of the tongue and
the basic functions of CN VII.
innervation of the lacrimal
• passes through the cerebellopontine angle and the parotid
gland (Figure 3.6)

CN VIII: the vestibulocochlear nerve

The vestibulocochlear nerve:
• is purely sensory
• mediates hearing and vestibular balance
• passes through the cerebellopontine angle with the facial

CN IX: the glossopharyngeal nerve

The glossopharyngeal nerve:
• is mixed motor, sensory and autonomic
• passes through the jugular foramen (Figure 3.7)
Anatomy and physiology review 35

Figure 3.6  The facial

nerve passes through the
parotid gland. Tumours
here can cause lower
motor neuron facial nerve

Figure 3.7  The

glossopharyngeal nerve
mediates the afferent limb
of the gag reflex

• elevates the pharynx and larynx

• carries sensation from the pharynx and posterior one-third
of the tongue
• carries parasympathetic fibres to the parotid
36 Head and neck (cranial nerves)

• carries sensory information from the carotid sinus and

carotid bodies

CN X: the vagus nerve

The vagus nerve:
• innervates some of the muscles of speech
• carries much of the parasympathetic innervation of the chest
and abdominal cavity
• passes through the jugular foramen and over the hilum of
the lung

CN XI: the accessory

Clinical insight nerve
Any lesion in the hilum can cause a The accessory nerve:
phrenic nerve (a branch of the vagus) • is purely motor
palsy • has cranial and spinal
• passes through the foramen magnum and jugular foramen
(Figure 3.8)
• cranial roots are essentially a caudal portion of the vagus
• spinal roots innervate trapezius and sternocleidomastoid

CN XII: the hypoglossal nerve

The hypoglossal nerve:
• is purely motor
• passes through the hypoglossal canal
• innervates the muscles of the tongue

The pupillary reflexes

The pupillary reflexes include:
• the light reflex to adjust retinal exposure
• the accommodation reflex to adjust focus
• vergence to co-ordinate binocular focus

Light reflex
The afferent limb of the light reflex consists of the retina,
optic nerve, optic chiasm, optic tract, superior colliculus and
Edinger–Westphal nuclei in the midbrain. The efferent limb
consists of the Edinger–Westphal nucleus, preganglionic
Anatomy and physiology review 37

Cranial root
Foramen magnum
Jugular formen


Innervation of
sternocleidomastoid Innervation of trapezius

Figure 3.8  Accessory nerve. The spinal roots pass up through the foramen
magnum and join the cranial root, which then branches off to run with the vagus
nerve. The remainder forms the main body of the accessory nerve and innervates
the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles

parasympathetic fibres in the

superficial oculomotor nerve,
Clinical insight
the ciliary ganglion and the Afferent refers to the sensory or input
sphincter muscles of the iris portion of a reflex. Efferent refers to the
output or effector portion of the reflex.
and ciliary body. The neurons Remember that A comes before E and, in
in the Edinger–Westphal a reflex, the Afferent limb comes before
nucleus send the efferent the Efferent limb.
signal to both oculomotor
nerves, meaning that shining a light into one eye will constrict
the pupils of both (the consensual reflex).
38 Head and neck (cranial nerves)

Accommodation reflex
A normal accommodation reflex is for the pupils to constrict
as the patient focuses on near vision. The afferent limb of this
reflex begins with the frontal eye fields in the frontal lobes,
rather than the optic nerve. The efferent path is the same as
the light reflex.

3.3  Clinical features and pathophysiology

Relevant abnormal findings, corresponding location of lesions
and common cranial nerve and brainstem syndromes are
summarised in Tables 3.4 and 3.5. The key pathological findings
are as follows.

Swollen optic disc
This is an elevated disc with blurred margins, venous engorge-
ment and loss of venous pulsation.
Pathophysiology This results from either papilloedema or
• papilloedema: swollen disc caused by raised intracranial
pressure; pressure on the retinal vessels and nerves can
cause irreversible loss of vision (late)
• papillitis: swollen disc caused by inflammation; Retinal or
optic nerve inflammation causes acute visual loss (early) and
pain on moving the eyes

Pale disc
A pale white colour suggests optic atrophy from any cause.
Pathophysiology The causes of a pale disc include retinal
or nerve head ischaemia or a chronic phase of optic neuritis
leading to degeneration of the retinal ganglion cells.

Diabetic retinopathy
There is rubeosis (blood vessel formation over the iris), cataracts
and other key features:
• proliferative changes: new blood vessel formation,
haemorrhages, scars, retinal detachment
Syndrome Cranial nerves Location of lesion Typical causes Clinical features
Bell’s palsy VII VII nerve Idiopathic Unilateral lower motor neuron facial nerve
weakness, hyperacusis, loss of taste, dry eyes
Tolosa–Hunt III, IV, VI (V1) Polyneuropathy Idiopathic inflammation Unilateral orbital pain over weeks
Cavernous sinus III, IV, VI (V1) Cavernous sinus Carotid dissection, carotid Progressive ophthalmoplegia, painful
syndrome aneurysm, thrombophlebitis of diplopia, exophthalmos
sinus, infection of sinus
Ramsay–Hunt VII (V) VII nerve Herpes zoster Acute unilateral facial palsy following ear pain
syndrome with vesicles in auditory meatus
Jugular foramen IX, X, XI Jugular foramen Glomus tumour, meningioma, Unilateral hoarseness, loss of gag
syndrome acoustic neuroma, metastases, reflex, uvula deviates, dysphagia,
trauma sternocleidomastoid and trapezius weakness
Cerebellopontine V, VII, VIII Cerebellopontine Acoustic neuroma, lipoma, Hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, facial numbness
angle angle vascular malformation, metastases
Bulbar palsy Bilateral lower Nuclei of affected Guillain–Barré syndrome, motor Dysphagia, dysarthria, loss of gag reflex,
motor neuron X, nerves or peripheral neuron disease, sarcoidosis tongue fasciculations
XI, XII nerves
Pseudobulbar Bilateral upper Corticobulbar Motor neuron disease Dysphagia, dysarthria, exaggerated gag
palsy motor neuron X, tracts, supranuclear and jaw reflex, pseudobulbar affect, slow
Clinical features and pathophysiology

XI, XII lesions spastic tongue

Table 3.4  Cranial nerve syndromes.

Brainstem Cranial nerves Location of lesion Artery affected Clinical features
syndrome nuclei involved
Medial medulla XI Medial medulla Distal vertebral artery CL: arm and leg weakness, loss of PP and Vib
syndrome IL: tongue weakness
Wallenberg VIII, IX, X Lateral medulla Distal vertebral ± PICA CL: loss of PP, Temp
syndrome IL: limb ataxia, loss of PP, Temp, Horner syndrome
(lateral medulla Vertigo, nystagmus, nausea, vomiting, hoarseness,
syndrome) dysphagia
Medial pons VI, VII Medial pons Basilar perforators CL: arm, leg and facial weakness, ataxia
IL: abducens weakness
Paralysis of conjugate gaze to side of infarction
Head and neck (cranial nerves)

Lateral pons V, VII, VIII Lateral pons AICA CL: loss of sensation on body
IL: limb ataxia, facial weakness, Horner syndrome,
deafness, tinnitus
Vertigo, nystagmus
Weber III, VII Midbrain peduncle PCA CL: face, arm and leg weakness
syndrome IL: medial rectus weakness, mydriasis
Impaired vertical gaze
Midbrain III Midbrain PCA CL: limb ataxia, choreoathetosis, hemiballism
tegmentum tegmentum IL: medial rectus weakness, mydriasis
Impaired vertical gaze

Table 3.5  Brainstem syndromes. AICA, anterior inferiorcerebellar artery. CL, contralateral. IL, ipsilateral. INO, internuclear ophthalmoplegia. PCA,
posterior communicating artery. PICA, posterior inferior cerebellar artery. PP, pin prick sensation. Temp, temperature sensation. Vib, vibration sense
Clinical features and pathophysiology 41

• non-proliferative changes: microaneurysms, dot and blot

haemorrhages, hard (lipid) and soft (ischaemia) exudates
Staging of diabetic retinopathy is shown in Table 3.6.
Pathophysiology This is multifactorial. Chronic hyperglycaemia
leads to new vessel formation; these vessels are fragile and
prone to bleeding.

Hypertensive retinopathy
This is graded as shown in Table 3.7.
Pathophysiology This results from systemic hypertension,
which causes accelerated arterial sclerosis and the above
changes. Changes can occur slowly with chronic hypertension
or acutely with malignant hypertension.

Central retinal artery occlusion

This is a rapid, painless, loss of vision with a milky-white
fundus and thin arteries.

Stage Features
1 Non-proliferative/background retinopathy: microaneurysms, hard
exudates, dot–blot haemorrhages
2 Maculopathy: changes occur in the macula
3 Proliferative retinopathy: neovascularisation, vitreous
haemorrhages, retinal detachment

Table 3.6  Staging diabetic retinopathy

Grade Features
1 Silver wiring (sclerotic vessels appear silvery)
2 Grade 1 plus marked deflection of veins as they cross arteries
(arteriovenous nipping)
3 Grade 2 plus flame haemorrhages and soft and hard exudates
4 Grade 3 plus papilloedema

Table 3.7 Grading of hypertensive retinopathy

42 Head and neck (cranial nerves)

Pathophysiology Central retinal artery occlusion results from

occlusion or inflammation of the central retinal artery, causing
nerve fibre ischaemia. Commonly, this arises from carotid artery
stenosis (i.e. amaurosis fugax).

Central retinal vein thrombosis

There are twisted retinal veins with widespread haemorrhages
and an ‘apocalyptic blood and thunder’ appearance.
Pathophysiology This is the result of thrombosis (from any
cause) in the major draining vein from the retina, which causes
engorged veins, oedema, haemorrhages and variable visual
loss. A narrow exit of the vein through the lamina cribrosa
predisposes to venous stasis and thrombosis.

This is a loss of a portion of the visual field. It differs from retinal
scotomas in that the defect persists when either eye is closed
in turn.
Pathophysiology Figure 3.2 elaborates on localising visual
field defects. In general, a homonymous hemianopia indicates
a retrochiasmal lesion.

Dilated pupil
This results from a failure to constrict to light. The following
can be distinguished:
• normal accommodation: relative afferent papillary defect
(RAPD) (i.e. retinal or optic nerve disease; Figure 3.9)
• slow accommodation: Holmes–Adie pupil
• failure of accommodation: IIIrd nerve palsy or drug effect.
Pathophysiology RAPD results from a failure to stimulate the
light reflex owing to retinal or optic nerve pathology, such
as optic neuritis in multiple sclerosis. The pupil will constrict
when light is shone in other eye. A Holmes–Adie pupil is
tonically dilated from degeneration of the ciliary ganglion. It
will accommodate slowly. A IIIrd nerve palsy will cause ptosis
and the eye will be ‘down and out’. If there is a ‘surgical cause’
Clinical features and pathophysiology 43

Figure 3.9  A left relative

afferent papillary defect.
(a) The left pupil constricts
on shining a torch in the
right eye, indicating an
intact afferent and efferent
limb. (b) The left pupil
is larger when the torch
is directly shone on it,
indicating a lesion in the
afferent limb

(i.e. posterior communicating artery aneurysm), there will be

pupillary involvement: a large unreactive pupil.

Constricted pupil
This results from a failure to dilate in low light. The following
can be distinguished:
• unreactive to light with normal accommodation: Argyll
Robertson pupil
• unreactive to light with no accommodation: likely drug effect
• small with a sluggish reaction to light is common in elderly
(senile meiosis)
• small, sluggish, ptosis, anhidrosis: Horner’s syndrome
Pathophysiology Senile meiosis is a common cause. Argyll
Robertson pupils are rare but indicate a midbrain lesion; causes
include diabetes and syphilis. Horner’s syndrome is caused by
a lesion in the sympathetic supply to the eye, causing tonic
constriction. Lesions can be in the hypothalamus, medulla,
cervical cord, superior cervical ganglion or carotid artery. Stroke
is a common cause in the central nervous system; a Pancoast’s
tumour in the apex of the lung is an important peripheral cause.
In young people, it suggests carotid artery dissection.
44 Head and neck (cranial nerves)

Ptosis is weakness of the levator palpebrae superioris (eyelid
muscle), resulting in drooping of the eyelid. It can be partial,
full, unilateral or bilateral.
Pathophysiology This can be:
• bilateral, in which there is likely to be primary muscle or
neuromuscular junction disease (e.g. myopathy, myasthenia
• unilateral, owing to a lesion of the IIIrd nerve or nuclei.
If painful, the eye is ‘down and out’ and the ptosis is
accompanied by a large unreactive pupil, assume that
there is an expanding aneurysm until proven otherwise.
Diabetic infarction of the IIIrd nerve may spare the pupil

Down and out

In primary gaze, the eye appears to be depressed and abducted.
Pathophysiology This indicates IIIrd nerve palsy. Unopposed
action from the lateral rectus muscle (CN VI) and superior
oblique (CN IV) cause the eye to be depressed and abducted
(Figure 3.10).

Tilted head
The patient holds their head at an angle to avoid diplopia. This
may be subtle and the patient may not be aware of it.
Pathophysiology The patient’s posture can be indicative as
the head tilts away from the side of the affected IVth nerve.
This compensates for the failure of the superior oblique to
intort the eye.

Lateral rectus palsy

In lateral rectus palsy, the affected eye appears slightly
adducted. There is horizontal diplopia, and weakness in eye
Pathophysiology This results from failure of the lateral rectus
because of VIth nerve palsy, which leaves the eye partially
Clinical features and pathophysiology 45

Figure 3.10  (a) Left IIIrd nerve

palsy. (b) Left VIth nerve palsy.
(c) Internuclear ophthalmoplegia
on attempted right lateral gaze.
Left eye fails to adduct owing to a
a lesion in the left medial longitudinal
fasciculus. The left eye will adduct on

adducted owing to unopposed action of CN III and IV. This is a

false localising sign as the VIth nerve can be affected from any
cause of raised intracranial pressure since the nerve passes
over the clivus (depression in the base of the skull), where it is
vulnerable to compression (Figure 3.10).

Absent corneal reflex
This is a failure of the blink reflex on stimulation of the cornea.
Stimulation on one side should normally provoke blink on both
Pathophysiology This is due to a lesion in CN V, which will cause
loss of the afferent limb of the reflex arc with the loss of blink
on the affected side and on the contralateral side. The efferent
limb of the arc is mediated by the VIIth nerve. A lesion in the
VIIth nerve results in the loss of blink on the affected side but
preserved blink on the contralateral side.
46 Head and neck (cranial nerves)

Trigeminal neuralgia
This is a brief stabbing, shooting, electric shock-like pain in the
distribution of the trigeminal nerve. It is provoked by touching
the face, chewing or drinking.
Pathophysiology The neuralgia is caused by a lesion in the
trigeminal nerve or nuclei. It can be idiopathic or it can be
secondary to an ectatic superior cerebellar artery irritating the
trigeminal nerve root.

Brisk jaw jerk

Jaw jerk is usually mild or absent. A brisk jaw jerk suggests an
upper motor neuron (UMN) lesion affecting the trigeminal
nerve nuclei.
Pathophysiology There is disinhibition of the local reflex
circuitry in the brainstem because of degeneration of UMNs.
This is caused by any UMN lesion, e.g. stroke, but is often seen
in the context of motor neuron disease.

Clinical insight Facial asymmetry
Patients with Bell’s palsy frequently In facial asymmetry, there is
perceive themselves as having the
abnormality on the opposite side of a flattened nasolabial fold,
the face to the one actually affected. downturned mouth and there
An examining doctor may be led astray may be weakness of the eyelid
by listening to the patient telling them and a loss of forehead wrinkles.
which side is affected. Patients also
often report a subjective change in Pathophysiology This is
facial sensation, despite the Vth nerve caused by unilateral cortical
not being involved and a normal Vth
nerve examination. This may be due to
lesions (e.g. stroke), which
a change in muscle tone with the facial spare the forehead and eyelid
nerve palsy. as the brainstem nuclei to
Always record what you see as well as these receive bilateral cortical
what the patient says – even when they inner vation. Unilateral
do not agree.
brainstem or lower motor
neuron (LMN) lesions involve
the forehead and eyelid. Bell’s palsy (idiopathic inflammation of
the facial nerve) is usually dramatic in the apparent weakness.
Clinical features and pathophysiology 47

Conductive hearing loss
There is a subjective loss of hearing on the affected side. No vi-
bration is heard in the affected ear when a tuning fork is moved
in front of the ear in Rinne’s test (Rinne negative). Vibration is
heard louder in the affected ear in Weber’s test.
Pathophysiology In the presence of middle or external ear
pathology (e.g. wax), this results from air conduction in front
of the ear in Rinne’s test not being transmitted to the cochlear
nerve, but conduction through the skull is better so is heard
better in the affected ear.

Sensorineural deafness
There is subjective hearing loss on the affected side, vibration
is heard in the affected ear when the tuning fork is moved in
front of the ear in Rinne’s test (Rinne positive) and vibration is
heard louder in the unaffected ear in Weber’s test.
Pathophysiology This is caused by a lesion in the central
components of hearing (e.g. acoustic neuroma), which results
in failure of both air- and bone-conducted sound equally in
Rinne’s test and preservation of hearing in the normal ear in
Weber’s test.

Displaced uvula
The uvula deviates towards the normal side on saying ‘Ah’ in
unilateral Xth nerve palsy.
Pathophysiology This results from a lesion in the vagus nerve
causing weakness of the muscles elevating the soft palate.
An intact contralateral vagus pulls the soft palate towards the
normal side. In bilateral lesions, the uvula will not elevate at all.

Abnormal gag reflex

A lesion in the afferent limb (glossopharyngeal) or efferent
limb (vagus) results in loss of the gag reflex. An exaggerated
gag reflex, in which minimal stimulation causes violent gag,
48 Head and neck (cranial nerves)

occurs in UMN lesions affecting the IXth or Xth nuclei (e.g.

motor neuron disease).
Pathophysiology A unilateral lesion in the glossopharyngeal
nerve causes loss of sensation and loss of the motor component
on both sides. A unilateral lesion in the vagus nerve causes
intact sensation of the reflex, an absent motor component
on the affected side and a present motor component on the
unaffected side.

Laryngeal nerve palsy

There is hoarseness in unilateral laryngeal nerve palsy. With
bilateral lesions, there is aphonia or respiratory distress.
Pathophysiology The laryngeal nerves are a branch of
the vagus. They course down into the thorax, through the
mediastinum and back up into the neck. The right laryngeal is
vulnerable to trauma from thyroid surgery. The left laryngeal
is prone to compression from mediastinal tumours.

Weakness of trapezius or sternocleidomastoid
Patients present with weakness of shoulder elevation
(trapezius) or head rotation (sternocleidomastoid muscle
turns the head away).
Pathophysiology Unilateral weakness indicates neck trauma
or a mass in the jugular foramen. Bilateral weakness indicates
generalised peripheral neuropathy, muscle disease or motor
neuron disease.

Slow and spastic tongue
Patients have a small, immobile tongue; this may be associated
with dysarthria or dysphagia.
Pathophysiology There is an UMN lesion affecting the XIIth
nerve nuclei, which results in increased tone and weakness
of the tongue. It eventually wastes. Common causes include
motor neuron disease and stroke.
General observations 49

Wasted tongue
Unilateral LMN lesions of the XIIth nerve cause the tongue to
deviate towards the weaker side on protrusion. Wasting and
fasciculations occur secondary to denervation.
Pathophysiology Bilateral lesions can occur from motor neuron
disease or Guillain–Barré syndrome. Unilateral lesions result
from motor neuron disease, tumours in the cervical region or

3.4  General observations

The objective is to identify any gross abnormality of the head
or neck from the bedside. Specifically think of:
• syndromes (e.g. neurofibromatosis, dermatomyositis, shin-
gles, myotonic dystrophy, parkinsonism, Wilson’s disease,
Sturge–Weber syndrome)
• signs of non-neurological disease
• signs of generalised neurological disease
• head posture
• facial muscle tone, symmetry and ptosis
• nystagmus
• photo- or phonophobia
Clinical insight
Approach Patients often struggle to understand
The patient removes their every instruction of this examination,
so make sure your instructions are
outer garments. unambiguous and precise. Mirroring
the required movements or positions
Equipment yourself is often useful.
You will need an ophthalmo-
scope, Snellen chart, otoscope, pen torch, Neurotips, tuning fork,
tongue depressor, orange stick/throat swab, tendon hammer
and cotton wool swab for the remainder of the examination.

Use the following as a guide:
1. inspect the patient from the front and behind
50 Head and neck (cranial nerves)

2. look specifically for the features above and for any other
signs expected from the history
3. look for any scars, evidence of head injury or surgery to the
head or neck
4. test for neck stiffness

Key differential diagnoses

See Table 3.8 for key findings on general inspection.

What happens next?

The remainder of the neurological examination follows. The
cranial nerves can be conveniently assessed in groups based
on the part of the head being examined; think ‘nose, eyes, face,
ears, mouth and neck’.
Carry out a general physical examination.

3.5  The nose (CN I)

The objective is to identify and document any change or loss
in the patient’s sense of smell.

Finding Key differential

Meningism (neck stiffness, Meningitis, encephalitis, subarachnoid
photophobia, phonophobia) haemorrhage, migraine
Head drop Myopathy or myotonic dystrophy
Head rotated Torticollis
Head tilted VIth nerve palsy, skew deviation
Hemiplegia Cortical or brainstem stroke
Generalised wasting Myopathy, motor neuron disease, myelopathy
Ptosis Congenital, myasthenia gravis, Miller Fisher
syndrome, IIIrd nerve palsy
Facial asymmetry Stroke, Bell’s palsy, multiple sclerosis, migraine

Table 3.8  Key findings on general inspection

The nose (CN I) 51

Formal testing is rarely performed or informative. However,
particularly after head injury, the loss of sense of smell can have
a significant impact on some patients and it is not infrequently
a source of compensation claims.

No equipment is required for informal or screening assessment.
Three or four non-noxious smells should be presented to the
patient if formally testing smell, e.g. orange peel, coffee beans,
perfume and tobacco.

Use the following sequence:
1. ask: ‘Any change in your sense of smell or taste?’
2. for more formal assessment, present three or four easily
recognisable scents to the patient (see above). Occlude each
nostril in turn and ask the patient if they (1) smell anything
and (2) recognise the smell

Key differential diagnoses

Acquired anosmia is common and generally benign.
Common causes include
upper respiratory tract in-
fection and age-related loss;
Clinical insight
rare causes are parkinson- Impaired function of the olfactory
ism and frontal lobe mass nerve is usually noticed as a change
in how food tastes as well as how it
(unilateral). smells.

What happens next?

Complete the neurological examination. If there is a complaint
of a marked change in smell or taste, especially in a patient for
whom it has more serious implications (a chef or a sommelier
for example), this should be clearly documented in the medi-
cal records.
52 Head and neck (cranial nerves)

3.6  The eyes: part 1 (CN II and III)

(pupils, acuity, fields, fundi)
Fundoscopy is a vital skill that is fundamental to the assessment
of the neurological patient. Proficiency is only obtained with
much practice: persevere! It affords direct visual inspection of
the patient’s vasculature and nervous system and, as such, is
a uniquely informative bedside technique. There are virtually
no systemic diseases that cannot affect the eye, and so being
confident in fundoscopy is a benefit to those in all specialties.

The objective is to assess the optic nerve and the parasympa-
thetic function of the oculomotor nerve.

Guiding principle Carry out this part of the
Avoid the temptation to rush assessment in a darkened
fundoscopy and pupillary responses room if possible. Inform the
and move onto eye movements. It is patient that they will have a
worth performing this stage properly as
bright light shone into their
it allows assessment of the optic nerve,
midbrain, thalamus (lateral geniculate eyes, which they may find un-
nucleus), internal capsule, and parietal, comfortable. Ask the patient
temporal and occipital lobes and can be to fixate on a distant object
very helpful in localising pathology. just above their head height.
Dilate the pupils if required.

An ophthalmoscope, pen torch, Snellen chart, hat pin, Ishihara
plates and mydriatic drops are required.

To assess the pupils:
1. note the resting size, shape and symmetry of the pupils in
both dim and bright light
2. elicit the pupillary reflex in each eye in turn
The eyes: part 1 (CN II and III) (pupils, acuity, fields, fundi) 53

3. test the accommodation reaction. Ask the patient to fixate

on your finger held a few feet in front of their face. Move
your finger towards their nose and observe their pupils
4. test for a RAPD: shine a light in one eye and observe the
other. Then, move the light to the eye being observed and
note whether it elicits the same or less constriction. Repeat
on the other eye.

To assess the acuity:
1. use a Snellen chart. Normal
acuity is ‘6/6’ (metres) or Clinical insight
‘20/20’ feet. ‘6/12’ vision A relative afferent pupillary defect
would represent the ability is when a pupil appears to dilate in
to read at 6 metres what response to moving a light from the
can usually be read at 12 other eye onto it. It is caused by any
damage to the retina or optic nerve
metres, i.e. reduced acuity on the affected side. This results in
2. if the patient is unable to the observation that when a light is
read the largest lettering shone in the other, unaffected, eye
on the chart, test if they the strong bilateral effector arm of the
pupillary response causes a contralateral
can: (a) see the number
constriction of the other pupil. This is
of fingers you are holding normal.
up; (b) see hand move- When there is damage to the retina or
ment; or (c) perceive light. optic disc, moving the light onto the
affected eye will result in less stimulation
Colour vision of the afferent limb of the reflex and the
pupil will dilate compared with when
Colour vision can be abnor- the light is in the other eye.
mal before acuity and should
also be tested with Ishihara
plates (an online, bedside version can be accessed at http://
colorvisiontesting.com/ishihara.htm) if there are any concerns
about vision.

Accurate assessment of any visual field loss helps to localise
a lesion along the optic pathway. Lesions at particular sites
along the pathway produce characteristic patterns of visual
54 Head and neck (cranial nerves)

To assess the fields:

1. position your head in front of the patient’s and at the same
level. Ask them to close or cover one eye and close your own
eye opposite
2. move a red hat pin into the field of vision from outside of it,
asking the patient to say when they see the hat pin as red
3. repeat this in each of four quadrants for each eye, comparing
the patient’s field of vision with your own
4. assess the size of their blind spot
5. it is also convenient to test for visual neglect or extinction
at this stage.
Blind spot To assess the blind spot:
1. ask the patient to close one eye in turn
2. using the hat pin, find your own blind spot by holding it on
the horizontal midline and moving the pin slowly laterally
until the bright head of the pin disappears
3. if the examiner and patient’s heads are at the same level the
blind spots should be around the same spot
4. ask the patient to say when the pinhead disappears and
5. map out any enlarged blind spot or scotoma
Visual neglect To test for visual neglect, for each eye in turn:
• hold up a finger with each hand in two opposites of the
visual quadrants
• wiggle the left, then the right, then both fingers and ask the
patient to identify which moves
• in visual neglect the
patient will fail to detect
Clinical insight the movement on the
affected side
A common mistake in assessing fields
• in visual extinction the
and blind spots is to fail to present the
hat pin midway between the examiner movement will be initially
and the patient, thereby testing different detected when the finger
visual fields of each party. Ensure you test is moved on its own but
midway by standing two arm’s lengths then failed to be appreci-
back from the patient and presenting the
hat pin at arm’s length.
ated when both fingers
are moved simultaneously
The eyes: part 1 (CN II and III) (pupils, acuity, fields, fundi) 55

To examine the patient’s fundi, ask them to remain fixated on
a distant point:
1. using the ophthalmoscope light, check the red reflex in both
eyes from a distance
2. use your right eye to examine the patient’s right eye and
your left eye to examine the patient’s left eye
3. with your eye at the same level as the patient’s, approach
from about 20° laterally with one hand on their head with
your thumb on the bony orbital margin of the eye you are
4. approach their eye until the retina comes into focus. You
may need to get your head close enough that the ophthal-
moscope touches your finger on the patient’s orbit
5. identify an artery or vein and follow it back to the optic disc
6. examine the margins of the disc, checking that they are well
defined and that there is no swelling or cupping and note
its colour (an indistinct nasal margin is common)
7. examine the rest of the retina, taking each quadrant in turn
and specifically looking for features of diabetic or hyperten-
sive changes or any pigmentation
8. also note any signs of retinal detachment or artery or venous
occlusion or thrombosis
Ophthalmoscope adjustment The retina should come into
focus with the lens set at 0 and the optic disc at red 2. Black is
positive and focuses nearer; red is negative and focuses more
Removing spectacles for fundoscopy is preferred as it allows
closer examination but requires correction with the ophthalmo-
scope. Determine whether the patient is short or long sighted
and adjust the ophthalmoscope accordingly. If the examiner
also has a refractive error, it will either exaggerate the correction
required, if it is the same type of error as the patient, or partially
correct it, if it is the opposite. An approximate guide is to start
with the lens at +8, visualise the lens and anterior chamber of
the eye, and then move the lens down to 0 or below to bring
the fundus into focus.
56 Head and neck (cranial nerves)

Key differential diagnoses

If the pupils are unequal, determine whether one or both is
inappropriately large or inappropriately small.
Large pupils (mydriasis) The causes of a large pupil include:
• overactivity of the sympathetic system: some drugs of
abuse (especially those with serotonergic properties such
as ecstasy, cocaine and amphetamines)
• underactivity of the parasympathetic system: drugs (e.g.
anticholinergics); trauma to CN III (including aneurysm of the
posterior communicating aneurysm); Holmes–Adie syndrome
(damage to postganglionic fibres from viral or bacterial infec-
tion resulting in mydriasis, areflexia and hyperhidrosis). A
Holmes–Adie pupil should slowly constrict to accommodation
Small pupils (miosis) The causes of a small pupil include:
• underactivity of the sympathetic system: e.g. Horner’s syn-
drome of ptosis, miosis, anhidrosis and enophthalmos
• drugs: e.g. opioids, cholinergics, antipsychotics and organo-
• pontine lesions
• senile miosis
Light–near dissociation This occurs when a pupil reacts
to either light or accommodation but not both. There are a
number of causes:
• a large pupil unreactive to light but that slowly accommo-
dates is a Holmes–Adie pupil
• a small pupil unreactive to light but that accommodates is
an Argyll Robertson pupil (a sign of tertiary syphilis)
• tonic pupils are similar to Argyll Robertson pupils except
they are more common and accommodation is much slower
and not associated with syphilis
Relative afferent pupillary defect The causes include any
unilateral retinal disorder such as ischaemic optic neuropathy,
or unilateral optic neuritis, a common finding in multiple
sclerosis even in the absence of overt optic neuritis.
The eyes: part 1 (CN II and III) (pupils, acuity, fields, fundi) 57

Rapid monocular visual loss The causes include:
• retinal artery or vein occlusion
• ischaemic optic neuropathy
• optic neuritis
• giant cell arteritis
• migraine
Rapid binocular visual loss The causes include:
• bilateral occipital lobe lesions (infarction, haemorrhage or
• bilateral optic neuritis or papillitis (infection, inflammation
or infiltration)
• alcohol poisoning
• functional

Visual field defects

Concentric reduction of visual fields This can be caused by
retinal disease (such as retinitis pigmentosa), migraine or, if of
gradual onset, papilloedema.
Central scotoma or enlarged blind spot The causes of a central
scotoma include optic nerve inflammation or demyelination,
toxins or vascular disease.
Unilateral total visual field loss Total loss of sight in one eye
suggests an optic nerve or retinal lesion.
Bitemporal hemianopia This is temporal visual field loss on
each side, and can be caused by an optic chiasm lesion (e.g.
pituitary tumour).
Homonymous hemianopia This is where corresponding halves
of the field are lost on each side. Any lesion from behind the optic
chiasm to the occipital cortex, e.g. cortical stroke, can cause this.
If there is macular sparing (i.e. the patient can read or see a hat
pin in the midline) it suggests an incomplete occipital cortex
lesion as this area is supplied by more than one vessel. If there
is no macular sparing, it suggests a lesion in the optic radiation.
58 Head and neck (cranial nerves)

Homonymous quadrantanopia If the visual field loss is in

corresponding upper quadrants in both eyes, this indicates
a lesion in optic radiation in the temporal lobe. If the visual
field loss is in a lower quadrant, this indicates a lesion in optic
radiation in the parietal lobe.

Optic disc The optic disc can appear swollen with a loss of normal
shallow cup and clear rim and blurring of margins or pale:
• bilaterally swollen is most likely papilloedema
• unilateral swelling can be due to optic neuritis or papillitis
• pale with normal margins,
caused by optic atrophy
Clinical insight from, for example, optic
Clinically, papilloedema usually does neuritis
not have severe visual loss until later on, • pale with deep margins in
whereas papillitis presents with early and
severe loss of visual acuity. glaucoma
Blood vessels Look for
arteriosclerotic and diabetic changes:
• arteriosclerotic changes: arteriolar narrowing, arteriove-
nous nipping (veins narrow as arteries cross them), silver
wiring, flame haemorrhages (bleeding into the nerve fibre
layer) and exudates
• diabetic changes: macular oedema, neovascularisation,
cotton wool spots (retinal infarcts) and flame or dot–blot
haemorrhages (Table 3.6)

What happens next?

After carrying out the sequences listed above:
• the neurological and general examination should be com-
• change in acuity should be recorded and investigated
• any detected visual field loss should be formally mapped
using automated perimetry
• brain imaging should be carried out if there is loss of acuity
or visual field
The eyes: part 2 (CN III, IV, VI) 59

• findings from fundoscopy should be investigated appropri-

ately: treatment of hypertension; referral to ophthalmologists
for surveillance or treatment of diabetic retinopathy; brain im-
aging and lumbar puncture for papilloedema or optic neuritis

3.7  The eyes: part 2 (CN III, IV, VI)

The objective is to assess the integrity of control of eye move-
ments. This is mainly focused on testing the motor functions
of CN III, IV and VI (Table 3.9), including the whole neuroaxis
from muscle to cortical centres.

There are three main types of clinically relevant eye movements:
pursuit, saccadic and vestibulo-ocular:
• the occipital lobes direct control of pursuit (the slow eye
movements used to track objects)
• the frontal lobes direct saccadic eye movements (the rapid
movements from points of fixation)
• the cerebellar vestibular nuclei control the vestibulo-ocular
movements (which maintain fixation during head move-
Saccadic eye movements are useful in finely localising
lesions but pursuit movements form the bulk of this stage of
the examination.

Muscle Nerve Primary action

Superior rectus III Elevation in abduction
Inferior rectus III Depression in abduction
Medial rectus III Adduction
Inferior oblique III Elevation in adduction
Lateral rectus VI Abduction
Superior oblique IV Depression in adduction

Table 3.9  The muscles and nerves of eye movements

60 Head and neck (cranial nerves)

Ensure that you are directly in front of the patient at eye level
and that you give clear instructions and ask them to report the
development of any double
Clinical insight vision.
Patients with a head tilt often adopt
subtly unusual postures over time, to the Equipment
point where they may not realise they This part of the examination
have diplopia until they are asked to requires a hat pin and circular
straighten up.
card to cover each eye in turn.

1. check the position of the patient’s head; straighten their
head if needed
2. check the resting position of the eyes
3. note any deviation, resting eye movements (Table 3.10) or
ptosis. Note whether they persist or worsen in each direction
of gaze
4. perform the cover test to detect latent strabismus. Cover
and then quickly uncover each eye in turn, having asked

Deviation Description
Skew deviation Eyes held in different vertical planes (i.e. one
higher than the other)
Strabismus Eyes not in alignment
Movement Description
Nystagmus Involuntary spontaneous movements. See
Chapter 6
Opsoclonus Rapid, unpredictable horizontal and vertical eye
Saccadic oscillations Can be very small (benign) or larger
(pathological) back-to-back saccades
Ocular flutter Second saccade occurs in the opposite direction
after the main saccade
Square wave jerks Inappropriate saccades removing the eye from
its target, followed by refixation

Table 3.10  Eye deviations and resting movements

The eyes: part 2 (CN III, IV, VI) 61

the patient to fixate on your nose. If either eye has to

move to fixate as it is uncovered, there is a latent strabis-
mus (divergent if it has to adduct; convergent if it has to
5. examine visual pursuit. Remind the patient to report any
diplopia. Hold the hat pin in front of the patient and move
it in a large H shape. This tests the eye movements in the
‘pure’ directions, in which each direction is largely controlled
by one muscle and nerve
6. note any nystagmus (a few beats at the extremes of gaze is
common; if it is pathological, nystagmus will be evident at
less than the extreme of gaze)
7. note whether there is full
range of movement in Clinical insight
each direction for each
eye (if there is reduced Where there is double vision, the false
image is the one which is paler, more
range, estimate whether peripheral, less opaque and belongs to
there is one-quarter, one- the paretic eye – these are the four p’s.
half or three-quarters Separation of images is greatest in the
range of movement). Note direction of action of the paretic muscle.
any double vision When the false image is rotated or
misaligned vertically, the paretic muscle is
8. Assess saccadic eye move- likely to be either of the oblique muscles
ments. Ask the patient to or of the superior or inferior recti.
keep their head still and
look up, down, left then right.

Assessing saccades
To assess saccades, note whether the eyes move together in the
saccades and whether there are any abnormal movements at
the end of saccades. Abnormal movements such as nystagmus
and opsoclonus can be more evident at the end of saccadic eye
movements. An internuclear ophthalmoplegia may also be more
evident on saccades.
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia is a disorder of conjugate
gaze characterised by impaired adduction in the affected eye
and nystagmus in the abducting eye during lateral gaze or lat-
eral saccades. It is caused by a lesion in the medial longitudinal
fasciculus (MLF) ipsilateral to the eye with impaired adduction.
62 Head and neck (cranial nerves)

Adduction will be normal with convergence as this does not

involve the MLF (Figure 3.10).

Key differential diagnoses

These are summarised in Table 3.11.

What happens next?

MRI is usually indicated in the presence of any eye movement
abnormalities and is substantially better than CT imaging, which
offers relatively poor views of the brainstem and posterior fossa.
Consider referral for formal neuro-ophthalmological assessment.

3.8  The face (CN V, VII)

The purpose of this part of the examination is to assess the
functions of cranial nerves V and VII. CN V is largely sensory and
parasympathetic but with some minor motor function. CN VII
is largely motor but with sen-
Clinical insight sory and parasympathetic
function too.
Distinguishing between a central and
peripheral CN VII lesion is clinically very Approach
important as ischaemic central lesions
are common causes of the former, and Inform the patient that you
Bell’s palsy is a common peripheral will gently touch the very
cause. corner of their eye with a tiny
piece of cotton wool. This is
usually uncomfortable for them. Check whether they are wear-
ing contact lenses before doing so.

This requires a cotton wool swab, a Neurotip, tuning fork,
universal containers with warm and cold water and a tendon

Inspect for:
1. wasting of the masseter or temporalis muscles
2. flattening of the nasolabial folds
The face (CN V, VII) 63

Lesion Features Causes

Generalised Bilateral Myopathy
muscle or Multiple muscles Myasthenia gravis
neuromuscular Eyelids and facial muscle Lambert–Eaton myasthenic
junction involvement syndrome
Variable weakness Myotonic dystrophy
Fatigability in myasthenia
gravis (weakness worsens
with repetition)
Third nerve Eye ‘down-and-out’ Aneurysm
palsy (unopposed lateral rectus Tumour
and superior oblique action) Orbital lesion/mass, trauma
Ptosis Diabetes
Dilated unreactive pupil Migraine
with preserved consensual Basilar infarction (midbrain)
Fourth nerve Head tilt away from the side Idiopathic
palsy of the lesion Trauma
Impaired depression in Raised intracranial pressure
adduction Pontine infarction
Impaired intorsion of eye
Sixth nerve Impaired abduction Idiopathic
palsy Convergent strabismus Trauma
Raised intracranial pressure
Basilar infarction
Conjugate gaze Internuclear Lesion in MLF from multiple
abnormalities ophthalmoplegia sclerosis or brainstem
Supranuclear palsy infarction
Impaired voluntary vertical
movements found in PSP and
lesions in the dorsal midbrain
Skew deviation One eye held higher than Midbrain or posterior fossa
other lesion, usually infarction
Vertical diplopia
Opsoclonus Rapid, involuntary, Midbrain lesion
Idiopathic or tumour in
multi­directional saccadic
movements children
Inflammatory or
paraneoplastic in adults
Macrosaccadic Large saccadic movements Cerebellar lesions
oscillations overshooting target

Table 3.11  Key eye movement disorders and differential diagnoses. MLF, medial
longitudinal fasciculus. PSP, progressive supranuclear palsy
64 Head and neck (cranial nerves)

3. presence of forehead wrinkles

4. spontaneous blinking or facial expressions

After carrying out the initial inspection (above), assess CN V
as follows.
Assess sensory component Three main divisions each supply
a different portion of the head: the ophthalmic division, the
maxillary nerve and the mandibular nerve. Test each in turn
on both sides:
1. use a Neurotip (be gentle!) or the end of a clean paperclip
(if no Neurotips are available) to assess pain perception
2. other modalities are difficult to test as vibration tends to be
felt diffusely and proprioception is not really possible! Use a
universal container with warm and one with cold water to
test temperature if needed
3. touch the tip to the forehead (V1) on each side, asking the
patient whether it feels sharp and to compare the sensation
on both sides. Repeat just lateral to the cheekbones (V2) and
then either side of the chin (V3)
4. if an area of altered sensation is detected map it out in more
detail. Remember that the C2 dermatome begins near the back
of the head and the area below the angle of the jaw is also C2/3
and should be normal in lesions of the trigeminal nerve
Assess motor function To do this:
1. ask the patient to clench their teeth and feel the jaw for
muscle bulk
2. ask them to keep their mouth open while you attempt to shut
it. In unilateral lesions the jaw will deviate towards the weak side
3. test the jaw jerk. Ask the patient to loosely open their mouth
and place the tip of your thumb gently on their chin. Tap
your thumb on the joint softly with a tendon hammer to
elicit any jaw jerk

Both motor and sensory functions of the facial nerve need to
be assessed.
The face (CN V, VII) 65

CN VII motor function Ask the patient to:

1. lift their eyebrows (frontalis muscle)
2. screw their eyes tight shut (orbicularis oculi)
3. smile, then show their teeth
4. puff their cheeks and then whistle (buccinator and orbicu-
laris oris)
5. demonstrate the movements if the patient fails to under-
6. observe for any asymmetry and test the strength of the
movements with gentle pressure when possible
7. ask the patient whether they have become more sensitive
to loud noises, which may indicate the hyperacusis of
stapedius muscle weakness
CN VII sensory function
(chorda tympani branch) - Clinical insight
taste Ask the patient: Bell’s phenomenon is a normal
1. whether they have had phenomenon in which closure of the
any change in their sense eyelid results in upward movement of
the eyeball. It can be seen if one holds a
of taste. This is usually patient’s eyelid open and asks them to
sufficient. It can be more attempt to close their eyes. In patients
formally assessed using with a CN VII nerve palsy that results
drops of sugar, vinegar in impaired eyelid closure, asking the
and salt on each side of patient to close their eyes will result
in Bell’s phenomenon being apparent
the anterior two-thirds of without having to hold the eyelid open.
the tongue in turn
2. whether they have dry
eyes. The greater petrosal nerve supplies parasympathetic
activity to the lacrimal glands (among other functions).
Damage to the facial nerve may cause a decrease in tear

Corneal reflex (CN V and VII)

Finally, test the corneal reflex with a fine wisp of cotton wool:
1. ask the patient to look up and to the right. Dab the wool
into the lower corner of their left eye, being careful not to
touch the conjunctivae. Repeat on the right, having asked
them to look up and to the left
66 Head and neck (cranial nerves)

2. the afferent limb is carried by the ophthalmic division of

the trigeminal nerve, and the efferent by the facial nerve
innervation of orbicularis oculi
3. the reflex is consensual, meaning that if it is triggered on
one side it should occur on both
4. palpate the parotid glands for any masses because these
can cause damage to the facial nerve as it passes through it
People used to wearing contact lenses may have a reduced
corneal reflex but should have one. If testing in one eye elicits
blinking in the other eye alone then the sensory component
of the stimulated eye is intact but the motor arc of the reflex
to that eye has failed, i.e. there is a lesion in CN VII on that
side. If testing in one eye fails to elicit any reflex but testing
the other eye elicits a motor response in the first eye then
the first eye has an intact motor arc but the sensory arc in
it has failed, i.e. there is a CN V lesion on the side failing to
elicit any response.

Key differential diagnoses

CN V motor lesion
CN V motor lesions cause:
• wasting or weakness: muscle disease such as myotonic dys-
trophy, some muscular dystrophies, motor neuron disease
• positive jaw jerk: indicates an UMN lesion; causes include
stroke or motor neuron disease

CN V sensory lesion
Table 3.12 shows likely lesion locations to account for common
types of CN V sensory loss.

CN VII motor lesion

Upper motor neuron lesions (e.g. stroke) These will often ‘spare
the forehead’ because the LMNs of the facial nerve to frontalis
(and sometimes orbicularis oculi) receive UMN input from both
the ipsilateral and contralateral nuclei in the pons. Sometimes, a
very subtle droop of the mouth is all that is apparent.
The ears (CN VIII) 67

Area of trigeminal nerve sensory loss Lesion location

Any one division Postganglionic
All divisions Ganglionic or preganglionic
V1 Cavernous sinus or orbital fissure
V2 Facial or skull fractures
V3 Basal tumours
Dissociated sensory loss Brainstem

Table 3.12  Trigeminal nerve sensory loss and likely location of lesions

Lower motor neuron lesions (e.g. Bell’s palsy) These will often be
fairly dramatic with full involvement of all the muscles, including
frontalis and orbicularis oculi, because the lesion is at the final
point of input to the muscle (i.e. the innervating motor neurons).
Bilateral lesions These may represent muscle disease rather than
nerve involvement, or be caused by Guillain–Barré syndrome,
sarcoidosis, Lyme disease or tuberculosis, although these are all
rare conditions. Other causes include tumours (including parotid
tumours), syrinx and multiple sclerosis. Trigeminal neuralgia
will cause paroxysms of intense electric shock-like pain in the
distribution of the trigeminal nerve.

What happens next?

Obvious Bell’s palsy or typical trigeminal neuralgia may not
need brain imaging. Most lesions involving the trigeminal or
facial nerves will require MRI of the posterior fossa and brain-
stem. Acute lesions should be assumed to be brainstem or
cortical infarctions and investigated promptly.

3.9  The ears (CN VIII)

The objective is to assess the auditory and vestibular functions
of the vestibulocochlear nerve.
68 Head and neck (cranial nerves)

Vestibular assessment is indicated if there are symptoms
suggestive of vertigo, dizziness, nystagmus, posterior
circulation involvement or a cerebellopontine angle lesion.
Gross auditory dysfunction may be evident from the history
taking. Specific symptoms or other findings may indicate more
detailed testing if a lesion is suspected.

This part of the examination requires an otoscope and a 256- or
516-Hz tuning fork.

To test the auditory nerve:
1. inspect the head and external ear for any scars, hearing
devices or local lymphadenopathy
2. inspect the internal auditory canal with the otoscope
3. visualise the tympanic membrane, which should be con-
cave, free from excessive wax and with a light reflex on the
anterior–inferior portion. Note any exudate or growth such
as a cholesteotoma
4. cover one ear and whisper a number in the other from about
60 cm away. Repeat on the other side
5. Rinne’s test and Weber’s test should be performed if there
are any reported symptoms or signs of hearing loss

Rinne’s test
Rinne’s test is performed as follows:
1. place the tuning fork on the mastoid process
2. when the patient cannot hear it, move it in front of the ear
on the same side
3. ask if they can hear the tone
4. vibration on the mastoid tests bone conduction
5. air conduction is tested when the tuning fork is in front of
the ear
Normally, the tone should be heard when the tuning fork is
moved in front of the ear (Rinne positive):
The ears (CN VIII) 69

• with sensorineural hearing loss air conduction remains bet-

ter than bone conduction
• with conductive loss the tone is not heard in front of the ear
(Rinne negative)

Weber’s test
Weber’s test is performed as follows:
1. place the tuning fork on the centre of the patient’s forehead
2. ask if they hear it more in one ear
3. normally it is heard equally in both ears
4. with sensorineural loss, the tone is heard better in the unaf-
fected ear
5. with conduction loss, the tone is better heard in the affected

The vestibular nerve

Next, assess the vestibular nerve. This should include assess-
ment of gait (see Chapter 2), nystagmus (see Chapter 6) and
bedside tests of vestibular function: Hallpike’s test and the
head turning test.
Hallpike’s manoeuvre
This is a test to induce vertigo and confirm benign paroxysmal
positional vertigo (BPPV):
1. ask the patient to sit on the bed so that their body and head
can be lowered backwards over the edge.
2. turn their head to one side.
3. lower their head backwards over the edge.
4. ask them to keep their eyes open and to look at your eyes.
Observe for any nystagmus. The onset of this may be delayed
so wait at least 30 seconds
Note any delay, the nature and direction of the nystagmus and
whether the it fatigues with repetition of the test. Rapid onset
and persistent nystagmus indicates a central vestibular lesion,
whereas a peripheral lesion is indicated by fatigable nystagmus
with a delayed onset.
Head turning test This tests for a vestibular lesion. Ask the
patient to stand with their eyes closed and march on the spot.
70 Head and neck (cranial nerves)

Note whether they turn to one side on the spot. This indicates
a vestibular lesion on that side.

Key differential diagnoses

Deafness: sensorineural
There are a wide range of causes, including noise; presbycusis,
otosclerosis, Ménière’s disease, tumours at the cerebellopontine
angle (e.g. acoustic neuroma), trauma, toxins, and infarction or
demyelination of the brainstem or nerve fibre.

Deafness: conductive
Common causes of conductive deafness include wax, otitis
media and other middle ear disease.

Vestibular lesion
Important causes include labyrinthitis; toxins; vestibular
neuronitis; infarction or demyelination of nuclei or nerve; and
tumour at the cerebellopontine angle.

What happens next?

Formal hearing tests should be arranged for acute or progres-
sive hearing loss not readily attributed to noise exposure or
presbycusis. Suspicion of a posterior fossa lesion will require
MRI, including high resolution imaging for a suspected cerebel-
lopontine angle tumour.

The Epley manoeuvre

BPPV can be treated at the bedside with repeated cycles of
the Epley manoeuvre, a technique to reposition the misplaced
otoconia from the semicircular canals to the utricle:
1. lie the patient flat on their back
2. turn the patient’s head to the symptomatic side (this will
have been the side lower down during a positive Hallpike’s
3. wait 1 minute
4. turn the patient’s head to face the ceiling for 1 minute
5. turn their head and body to face the direction opposite to
the first for 1 minute
6. sit the patient up
The mouth (CN IX, X, XII) 71

3.10  The mouth (CN IX, X, XII)

For convenience, the lower cranial nerves are not all tested in
order; rather, specific instructions are given that test key parts
of various nerves.

The purpose of this part of the examination is to assess the func-
tion of the lower cranial nerves. The IXth, Xth and XIIth cranial
nerves have similar origins, intracranial and initial extracranial
courses, and are commonly affected together.

Inform the patient that you will need to look in their mouth,
press down on their tongue and touch the back of their throat
and that they may find this uncomfortable.

To carry out this part of the examination, a tongue depressor,
‘orange stick’ or throat swab, and pen torch are required.

Carry out the following steps in turn:
1. ask the patient to open their mouth; inspect the palate and
tongue using a pen torch
2. note the position of the uvula and whether there is any
deviation (CN X)
3. look for fasciculations or wasting of the tongue (CN XII)
4. ask the patient to say ‘Ah’ and watch for elevation of the uvula
(CN X). This should be central. Unilateral lesions of the vagus
nerve will draw the uvula to the normal side and bilateral
lesions will result in no movement
5. ask them to protrude their tongue straight out (it will deviate
to the weak side) and then to move it back and forth; note
any stiffness or slowness (CN XII)
6. ask the patient to speak, noting any dysarthria (CN IX, X or
XII) or hoarseness (CN X)
7. have them cough (CN X) and swallow some water (CN IX, X
and XII)
72 Head and neck (cranial nerves)

8. test the gag reflex using the tongue depressor and the throat
swab. Touch the back of the pharynx on each side, observing
for a contraction of the soft palate. Ask the patient if they
felt the touch on each side
9. the afferent limb is carried by the sensory fibres of the glos-
sopharyngeal (CN IX) via the nucleus solitarius and the spinal
trigeminal nucleus. The efferent is carried by the motor fibres of
the vagus (X). Note an absence or exaggeration of the gag reflex
10. taste on the posterior third of the tongue can be tested to
examine the function of the CN IXth nerve; however, unless an
isolated CN IX lesion is suspected it is not commonly performed

Key differential diagnoses

The IXth and Xth nerves are commonly affected together and it
is useful to describe the findings and determine whether there
is a central or peripheral cause.

Clinical insight Common findings are:
• dysarthria
Autonomic functions of CN IX and X: • dysphonia
The carotid reflex is central to blood
pressure homeostasis. CN IX mediates
• deviated uvula
the afferent limb from baroreceptors • abnormal gag reflex
monitoring blood pressure in the • poor cough
carotid bodies and carotid sinus,
whereas many efferent responses are Central
mediated via the vagus. It is difficult
Important central nervous
to detect subtle dysfunction clinically
but the carotid reflex can be assessed system causes include:
by an ECG recording of heart rate • lateral medullary infarc-
(HR): tion
• respiration: HR should vary <10 beats • syrinx
per minute (b.p.m.) at rest
• standing: HR should increase by • tumours
>10 b.p.m. • motor neuron disease
• Valsalva manoeuvre: increase in HR
• carotid massage: decrease in HR Peripheral
• lying and standing blood pressure Important peripheral causes
should differ by no more than
30 mmHg systolic or 15 mmHg
diastolic • tumours (e.g. metastasis
at the jugular foramen)
The neck (CN XI) 73

• aneurysms
• basal meningitis
• peripheral nerve disorders (e.g. Guillain–Barré syndrome)
• glossopharyngeal neuralgia
• mediastinal pathology can involve the vagus nerve

What happens next?

Patients with lower cranial nerve lesions should have a formal
assessment by qualified speech and language therapists and
an ear, nose and throat surgeon to determine the nature and
extent of their speech and swallow disturbances. Imaging of
the posterior fossa is indicated. Electromyography (EMG) is
indicated if motor neuron disease is suspected.

3.11  The neck (CN XI)

This part of the examination assesses the function of the ac-
cessory nerve (XI).

CN XI is a purely motor nerve that innervates the sternocleido-
mastoid and trapezius muscles. General inspection of the neck
is appropriate at this stage and palpation for lymphadenopathy
should also be performed.

Inspect the neck, looking for:
• head drop suggestive of muscle disease/dystrophy
• fasciculations or wasting of sternocleidomastoid or trape-
• any scars or swellings
Following the inspection:
1. ask the patient to shrug their shoulders. Push down on them
to assess strength
2. ask them to turn their head to the right and then attempt to
straighten it. This tests the left sternocleidomastoid muscle.
Repeat for the other side
3. palpate for any lymphadenopathy
74 Head and neck (cranial nerves)

Key differential diagnoses

These are classified as central or peripheral, or relating to any
observed lymphadenopathy.

These include:
• medullary infarction
• syrinx
• motor neuron disease
• high cervical injury

These include:
• neck trauma, including surgery
• muscle disorders/dystrophies
•  peripheral neuropathies
•  motor neuron disease

This includes the following:
• any cause of cervical lymphadenopathy
• lymph nodes may directly compress the accessory nerve
• lymphadenopathy in the context of neurological dysfunc-
tion may indicate a paraneoplastic syndrome

What happens next?

Spinal cord and brain imaging is indicated in lesions of CN XI.
Nerve conduction or EMG is also helpful. Lymphadenopathy
should be investigated in the usual manner. In the context
of suspected paraneoplastic syndromes this should include
biopsy; a breast examination and gynaecological assessment
in women; a testicular examination in men; a chest radiograph;
and usually CT of the chest, abdomen and pelvis and consid-
eration of a positron emission tomography (PET) scan.

3.12  System summary

A summary of cranial nerve examination is given in Table 3.13.
System summary 75

General inspection Syndromes

Generalised neurological disease
Generalised non-neurological disease
CN I: the nose Ask about smell and taste
CN II and III: the eyes 1 Pupils
CN III, IV and VI: the eyes 2 Resting position
Cover test
CN V and VII: the face Facial sensation
Muscles of mastication
Jaw jerk
Muscles of facial expression
Corneal reflex
Palpate parotids
CN VIII: the ears Otoscopy
Rinne’s and Weber’s tests
Hallpike’s and head turning test
CN IX, X and XII: the mouth Uvula
Gag reflex
CN XI: the neck Sternocleidomastoid

Table 3.13  Summary of cranial nerve examination


Upper limbs 4
4.1 Objectives
Examination of the upper limbs aims to further identify any
neurological deficit, localise it and aid in determining the
underlying pathological process.
There is a traditional routine that neurologists follow:
• general inspection
• tone
• power
• reflexes
• co-ordination
• sensation
Think: To (tone) Postpone (power) Reflexes (reflexes)
Constitutes (co-ordination) Sacrilege (sensation).
There are three aims of this stage of the examination:
1. identify any syndrome or obvious abnormalities from
general inspection
2. determine whether there is an upper motor neuron (UMN)
or lower motor neuron (LMN) lesion
3. determine whether the lesion is cortical, spinal, root,
peripheral nerve or muscle
Step 3 is the one at which most get lost, but some sound anatomy
and a systematic examination routine are all that is required.

4.2  Anatomy and physiology review

Table 4.1 summarises the major functions of the main nerves
of the upper limb. All the major nerves of the upper limb have
both a motor and a sensory component. Figure 4.1 shows the

Upper and lower motor neurons

The motor system comprises UMNs and LMNs. The LMN is the
a-motor neuron in the anterior horn of the spinal cord which

Nerve Root Cord of plexus Sensory Key muscles Muscle action

Axillary C5/6 Posterior Patch on shoulder Deltoid Abducts arm
Radial C6/7 Posterior Dorsolateral arm and Triceps Extends elbow
Upper limbs

forearm Extensor digitorum Extends fingers

Abductor pollicis longus Abducts thumb
Musculocutaneous C5/6 Lateral Lateral forearm Biceps Flexes elbow
Median C8/T1 Lateral and medial Lateral 2/3 of the Pronator teres Pronates forearm
palm and 3½ digits Flexor carpi radialis Flexes and abducts wrist
Flexor pollicis longus Flexes distal phalanx of thumb
Opponens pollicis Opposes thumb
Flexor digitorum profundus Flexes distal phalanx of index
I and II and middle fingers
Ulnar C8/T1 Medial Medial 1/3 of the Flexor carpi ulnaris Abducts little finger
palm and dorsum of 1st dorsal interosseous Abducts index finger
the hand. Little finger 2nd palmar interosseous Adducts index finger
and medial ½ ring Adductor pollicis Adducts thumb
finger Flexor digitorum profundus Flexes distal phalanx of ring
III and IV and little fingers

Table 4.1  Summary of the main upper limb peripheral nerve origins and functions
Anatomy and physiology review 79



C2 C4

C3 C5
C4 T1
C5 T2 T2

T3 T3

T4 T4

T2 T5 T5
T8 T7

T9 T8
T10 T9
C6 T11 T10
T1 T11
L1 L1



Figure 4.1  Sensory dermatomes

innervates the muscle fibre. The UMN is the cell or cells directly
involved in supplying input to the LMN (e.g. the pyramidal cells
in layer V of the motor cortex).
The LMN is the final output structure to the muscle. Thus if
its cell body, nerve root or peripheral nerve is damaged there
80 Upper limbs

is no other way for the muscle to be activated and it loses its

tonic activation and trophic support. The muscle then becomes
flaccid, it wastes and the reflex arc is broken.
The UMN is part of a more complex afferent supply to the LMN.
Damage to the UMNs, in the spinal cord, brainstem, cerebellum
or cortex, leads to increased tonic activation of the a-motor
neuron (probably through local disinhibition in the spinal cord),
which remains intact and capable of muscle activation. The
muscle becomes spastic and very sensitive to reflex stimulation.
It is however weak and may atrophy with time through disuse.

Musculocutaneous nerve
Key anatomy of the musculocutaneous nerve:
• roots C5/6
• lateral cord of the brachial plexus
• sensory: lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm (lateral
forearm from the elbow to the wrist)
• motor: biceps brachii (flexes supinated forearm), brachialis
(synergist to biceps)

Axillary nerve
Key anatomy of the axillary nerve:
• roots C5/6
• posterior cord of the brachial plexus
• sensory: patch on the lateral aspect of the shoulder
• motor: deltoid (abducts the upper arm)

Radial nerve
Key anatomy of the radial nerve:
• divides after the antecubital fossa to give the posterior
interosseous nerve (PIN) and superficial radial nerve
• roots C5–8 (mostly C6/7)
• posterior cord of the brachial plexus
• sensory: posterior cutaneous nerve of the arm (dorsolateral
aspect of the upper arm), posterior cutaneous nerve of the
forearm (dorsolateral surface of the hand)
• motor: extensor muscles of the upper limb. Key muscles
include: triceps (radial; extends forearm, C7), extensor carpi
Anatomy and physiology review 81

radialis longus (radial;

extends and abducts the
Clinical insight
hand at the wrist, C6), Radial nerve palsy results in:
• wrist drop
extensor carpi ulnaris (PIN;
• weakness of thumb extension
extends and adducts the • numbness over the dorsolateral
hand at the wrist, C7), aspect of the hand
extensor digitorum (PIN; Causes include compression in the axilla,
extension of the fingers at humeral fracture or compression from
the metacarpophalangeal
joints, C7), abductor pollicis
longus (PIN; abducts the thumb at the carpometacarpal
joint, C7)

Median nerve
Key anatomy of the median nerve:
• anterior interosseous nerve (AIN) branches off after the
antecubital fossa. The palmar sensory branch divides before
the carpal tunnel
• roots C6–T1 (mostly C8/T1)
• lateral and medial cords of the brachial plexus
• sensory: palmar sensory branch – the lateral aspect of the
palm from the lateral half of the base of the ring finger to
the proximal phalanx of the thumb; portion through carpal
tunnel – palmar surface of the first, second and lateral half
of the third fingers, dorsal aspect of the same and the distal
phalanx of the thumb
• motor: all flexors in the forearm except flexor carpi ulnaris
and part of flexor digitorum profundus. Key muscles include:
pronator teres (median; pronates the forearm, C6/7), flexor
carpi radialis (median; flexes and abducts the hand at the wrist,
C6/7), flexor pollicis longus
(AIN; flexes the distal Clinical insight
phalanx of the thumb, C8),
LOAF is a useful mnemonic for the main
flexor digitorum profundus motor functions of the median nerve:
I and II (AIN; flexes the L first and second Lumbricals
distal phalanx of the index O Opponens pollicis
and middle fingers, C8), A Abductor pollicis brevis
F Flexor pollicis longus
abductor pollicis brevis
82 Upper limbs

Clinical insight (median; abducts the thumb

at right angles to the palm, T1),
Carpal tunnel syndrome (entrapment opponens pollicis (median;
at the wrist):
• numbness or paraesthesias in the opposes the thumb and little
thumb, first and second fingers finger, T1), first and second
• may progress to weakness in fine lumbricals (median; extends
movements of the hands the finger at the proximal
• thenar muscles may atrophy
interphalangeal joint, T1).
Median nerve entrapment above the
• pain above the elbow or forearm Ulnar nerve
• weakness in pronation Key anatomy of the ulnar
• medial cutaneous nerves of the arm and forearm branch
off at the proximal medial cord of the brachial plexus.
Dorsal and palmar cutaneous braches leave in the forearm.
Deep motor and superficial terminal branches enter the
• roots C8/T1
• medial cord of the brachial plexus
• sensory: little finger and medial half of the ring finger, and
the palmar and dorsal aspects of the hand below the little
finger and the medial half of the ring finger
• motor: ‘ulnar flexing’ and most of the small muscles of the
hand. Key muscles include: flexor digitorum profundus III and
IV (flexes the distal phalanx of the ring and little fingers, C8),
flexor carpi ulnaris (abducts the little finger, C8), flexor digiti
minimi (flexes the little finger at the metacarpophalangeal
joint, T1), first dorsal interosseous (abducts the index finger,
T1), second palmar interosseous (adducts the index finger,
T1), adductor pollicis (adducts the thumb at right angles to
the palm, T1)
Clinical insight Brachial plexus
Ulnar nerve palsy:
The brachial plexus is a
• numbness or paraesthesia in the ring
and little finger network of nerves formed
• weakness of finger abduction from the cer vical roots
• symptoms worsened by elbow flexion and T1 as they re-sort to
• causes: compression in the ulnar form the peripheral nerves
groove, wrist or palm
(Figure 4.2).
Anatomy and physiology review 83

It is organised so that:
• five roots join to form three trunks (upper, middle,
• three trunks split/join to form three cords (lateral, posterior,
• three cords split/join to form the five major peripheral nerves
• In addition to the muscles innervated by the major
peripheral nerves ultimately formed from the trunks and
cords, there are additional smaller nerves that branch off
cords and trunks and aid in localisation

Sensory function
The sensory function in the limbs can be divided into four
1. pain (assessed by pin-prick testing (PP))
2. temperature (T°C)
3. joint position sense (JPS)
4. vibration sense (Vib)
Pain and temperature fibres decussate in the spinal cord via the
anterior commissure at the level they enter it and are carried in
the contralateral lateral columns (Figure 4.3). JPS and Vib are



Trunks C6
Divisions C7
Nerve C8
Lateral cord T1
Posterior cord
Musculoskeletal Medial
nerve cord
Axillary nerve
Radial nerve
Median nerve
Ulnar nerve

Figure 4.2  Brachial plexus

84 Upper limbs

Ventral horn: Lateral Dorsal

cell bodies of LMN columns columns

a b c
Posterior cord Anterior Lateral
syndrome cord syndrome cord syndrome

d e f
Central cord lesion

Figure 4.3  Spinal cord anatomy and lesions. (a) Ventral horn: cell bodies of lower
motor neurons. (b) Lateral columns (blue) receive pin-prick (PP) and temperature
(T°C) sensation input from the contralateral body via fibres crossing the midline
through the anterior commissure. (c) Dorsal columns (blue) receive joint position
sense (JPS) and vibration sense (Vib) from the ipsilateral body via fibres that cross
at the medulla. (d) Posterior cord syndrome. Loss of JPS and Vib below the lesion.
(e) Anterior cord syndrome. Loss of PP and T°C sensation and weakness below the
lesion. (f ) Lateral cord syndrome. Loss of ipsilateral JPS and Vib and contralateral
PP and T°C sensation and weakness below the lesion. (g) Central cord lesion.
Disruption of the crossing PP and T°C fibres supplying the lateral columns

carried in the ipsilateral dorsal columns and decussate at the

level of the medulla. ‘Light touch’ is sensed via a combination
of lateral and dorsal columns and is not a clinically useful
examination method.
Clinical features and pathophysiology 85

4.3  Clinical features

and pathophysiology
General inspection
Assess patient for:
• abnormal posture: e.g. pyramidal distribution of weakness
where there is greater weakness in the arm extensors than in
the flexors leading to a flexed elbow and wrist. This indicates
an UMN lesion, e.g. cortical stroke
• wasting: guttering of the interosseous muscles; flattening of
the thenar or hypothenar eminences. This indicates a LMN
lesion or chronic UMN lesion
• fasciculations: spontaneous single muscle fibre contractions
appearing as rippling of muscles. These indicate denervation
and re-innervation of the neuromuscular junction, usually
from LMN lesions
• pronator drift: one arm will slowly pronate when the arms
are in front and the eyes closed. This is quite a sensitive
marker of an UMN lesion in the corticospinal tract
• syndromic appearance: remember the more common

Patterns of weakness
These include:
• UMN lesion: typically this produces increased tone, hyper-
reflexia and spastic weakness
• LMN lesion: usually produces reduced tone, low or absent
reflexes and flaccid weakness
• neuromuscular junction: relatively rare, this will give
characteristic fatigable weakness in myasthenia gravis
(i.e. weakness gets worse on repetitive movements) or
facilitation in Lambert–Eaton myasthenic syndrome (i.e.
weakness improves after a few contractions). It tends to
affect highly active muscles, including the extraocular
muscles. Reflexes and sensation are generally normal
86 Upper limbs

• muscle: can be similar to a LMN lesion with wasting, reduced

tone and reflexes reduced in proportion to weakness. There
is huge variation; distribution may be more proximal, with
pain, cramps, spasms or muscle tenderness
• functional: weakness variable,‘non-anatomical’, often muscles
‘give way’ with an initially normal effort that suddenly fails,
may have normal reflexes and sensory findings. ‘Functional
overlay’ can complicate the clinical presentation of genuine
or long-standing weakness

Patterns of sensory disturbance

Pain is usually mentioned in the history. Its nature can reflect
its cause:
• neuropathic pain is usually described as sharp, stabbing,
shooting, lancing, electric shocks, etc.
• radicular pain has the distribution of a nerve root
• radiculopathy is when there are also sensory signs or motor
• small fibre peripheral neuropathies can be painful in the
typical nerve distribution or glove-and-stocking pattern
• brachial plexitis is a rare, probably autoimmune, condition
in which there is acute shoulder pain followed by multifocal
LMN weakness in the affected arm
• central pain describes a form of neuropathic pain presumed
to come from lesions in the central nervous system (CNS), e.g.
thalamic pain is a neuropathic-type pain in a hemi-sensory
distribution secondary to lesions (usually infarcts) in the
sensory thalamus

‘Tingly bits’are a common complaint in the neurologist’s clinic. The
causes range from anxiety or functional disorders to peripheral
nerve, root and spinal cord lesions. They are rarely - despite
patient’s fears – a presentation of central lesions such as tumours.
Patients may describe pins and needles, watery sensations,
sharp sensations, tightness, burning, heaviness, etc. The
distribution is often helpful:
Clinical features and pathophysiology 87

• glove and stocking may be early peripheral neuropathy

(progresses) or anxiety (fluctuates; may also be perioral
during hyperventilation)
• typical peripheral nerve distribution in a peripheral nerve
• dermatomal distribution, along with pain, indicates nerve
root lesions or spinal cord lesions such as transverse myelitis
or multiple sclerosis
• hemi-sensory distribution may represent a thalamic lesion
or sensory cortical lesion or simple partial seizure or migraine
• non-anatomical distribution indicates functional disorders.
The closer to a recognisable anatomical distribution the
more a structural cause should be sought

Sensory loss
Careful attention to the pattern and modalities of sensory loss
on examination can greatly aid localisation. Causes of sensory
loss include:
• peripheral nerve/plexus: ‘trapped nerves’ give sensory loss
in the whole nerve distribution below the lesion
• polyneuropathies are
usually length dependent, Clinical insight
meaning that the longer
Severe polyneuropathies can look
nerves (distal sensation) like a spinal cord lesion if the more
are affected first, leading proximal peripheral nerves are affected.
to the classic glove-and- A spinal cord lesion will give a spinal
stocking distribution level where there is complete loss of
• stroke will typically cause affected modalities below the lesion,
whereas even a severe polyneuropathy
sensory loss rather than will usually spare a region of sensation
positive phenomena such in a strip running down the midline of
as pain or paraesthesia the back.
• nerve root: sensory loss This is because the paraspinal cutaneous
nerves are among the shortest nerves
may be in only one or
and last to be affected in a neuropathy.
two modalities at first but Therefore, when a spinal lesion is
is usually associated with clinically suspected always check
radicular pain sensation down the spine itself to
• dorsal column: lesions exclude a severe length-dependent
here cause a loss of JPS
88 Upper limbs

and Vib sensation below and ipsilateral to the side of the

lesion (contralateral if the lesion is above the decussation in
the medulla). Patients may complain of ataxia or clumsiness
• lateral column: lesions here cause a loss of PP and T°C
sensation below and contralateral to the side of the
lesion. Patients may complain of injuring or burning their

4.4  General observations

The objective of the general observations is to identify any
neurological syndromes or obvious weakness, deformity,
abnormal posture, wasting or fasciculations.

The patient undresses to their underwear to enable full
assessment of their muscles and nerves. Instruct women to
keep their bra on.

In generally assessing the upper limb, observe from in front
and then behind. Look for:
1. asymmetry in posture of the upper limbs, e.g. contracted
spastic hemiplegia
2. muscle wasting, particularly the first dorsal interosseous
and the thenar and hypothenar eminences
3. fasciculations: these may be evident only after prolonged
4. pronator drift: ask the patient to ‘put your hands out in front
of you, palms up, and close your eyes’

Key differential diagnoses

Key differentials include:
• abnormal posture of one arm: dystonia, simple partial
seizure, hemiplegia
• muscle wasting: a LMN lesion causes denervation of muscle
and atrophy. Long-standing UMN lesions can eventually
cause wasting through disuse
Tone 89

• fasciculations: benign (e.g. young patient, after exercise), motor

neuron disease, any cause of denervation (i.e. LMN lesion)
• pronator drift: corticospinal tract lesions will cause the
affected limb to pronate and flex at the elbow

What happens next?

The next step is to examine tone.

4.5 Tone
The purpose of this part of the examination is to identify any
pathologically increased or decreased tone.

To assess the tone of the upper limb:
1. take the patients hand as though to shake it
2. tell them ‘let me take the weight of your arm’
3. flex and extend and rotate the arm at the wrist, elbow and
shoulder at variable speed
4. ask the patient to ‘open and close your other fist’ to
accentuate any increased tone

Key differential diagnoses

These are as follows:
• increased tone indicates increased tonic activation of an
intact LMN. Can also be normal or from anxiety
• spasticity is a velocity-dependent increase in tone (i.e. the
arm becomes stiffer the faster it is moved) and indicates an
UMN lesion
• spasticity with superimposed tremor occurs in parkinsonism.
It is described as ‘cog-wheeling’
• reduced tone indicates decreased tonic activation of
muscles. This generally indicates a LMN or muscle lesion
• hyperacute UMN lesions can sometimes cause flaccid
weakness (e.g. cerebellar infarct or, rarely, cortical infarcts)

What happens next?

The next step is to examine power.
90 Upper limbs

4.6 Power
This stage is used to examine the strength of individual muscles
and thereby indirectly peripheral nerve, brachial plexus, nerve
root and CNS function.

The patient is asked to move their arms into various positions
and then the examiner attempts to overcome their strength.
Table 4.2 shows how muscle strength is graded.

The sequence tests the muscles in turn in a logical order to
assess a number of muscles from each major peripheral nerve
and nerve root. The verbal instructions are given in Table 4.3, as
is the muscle being tested, the innervating nerve, the supplying
brachial plexus cord and the major root. Figures 4.4–4.7
demonstrate a useful order in which to test the key muscles.
Note that there is some variation in nerve root and plexus
contributions to peripheral nerves.

Testing muscle strength

To test muscle strength, firstly, instruct, demonstrate or move
the patient’s limb into the position where the muscle being

Grade Description
0 No movement
1 Perceptible flicker of muscle contraction
2 Movement only if gravity eliminated
3 Can overcome gravity but not resistance
4 Can be overcome by examiner
5 Normal strength

Table 4.2  Medical Resarch Council (MRC) power grade. Sometimes grade 4 is
designated 4+ when there is considerable but not full strength, and designated
4– when easily overpowered.
Instruction Muscle Muscle action Nerve Plexus cord Root
Lift your elbows up and out Deltoid Shoulder abduction Ax P C5/6
Make arms like a boxer Biceps brachii Elbow flexion MS L C5/6
Make arms like a boxer Triceps Elbow extension R P C7
Make fists and cock your wrists back Extensor carpi radialis longus Wrist extension and abduction R P C6
Make fists and cock your wrists back Extensor carpi ulnaris Wrist extension and adduction R P C7
Keep your fingers out straight Extensor digitorum Finger extension R P C7
Stick your thumbs out to the side Extensor pollicis brevis Thumb abduction R P C7
Grip my finger tips Flexor digitorum profundus Flexion of distal phalanx Md L, Ml C8
I and II
Bend your thumbs Flexor pollicis longus Flexion of thumb Md L, Ml C8
Touch your thumbs to the base of your Opponens pollicis Thumb opposition Md L, Ml T1
little finger
Spread your fingers wide Flexor carpi ulnaris Finger abduction U Ml C8
Spread your fingers wide 1st dorsal interosseous Finger abduction U Ml T1
Keep your fingers together 2nd palmar interosseous Finger adduction U Ml T1
Keep your thumb on your palm Adductor pollicis Thumb adduction U Ml T1

Table 4.3  Sequence of instructions for examining power in the upper limbs. Ax, axillary nerve. L, lateral. Md, median nerve. Ml, medial. MS,
musculoskeletal nerve. P, posterior. R, radial nerve. U, ulnar nerve.
92 Upper limbs

Figure 4.4  Assessment of the power

of the axillary and musculoskeletal
nerves. (a) Deltoid, C5/6, axillary. (b)
Biceps, C5/6, musculoskeletal

tested is ‘isolated’ and needs to be active in order to maintain

that position (e.g. the ‘boxer’ position to test biceps brachii).
Next tell the patient ‘Don’t let me move your arm/hand/thumb,
etc.’. Attempt to overcome the muscle.
If the patient is too weak to maintain the muscle in the initial
position, reposition the limb so that the muscle can contract
without fighting against gravity, e.g. if the patient cannot
contract biceps with the arm hanging by their side, hold the
elbow and forearm up so that they can attempt to contract it
in the horizontal plane. If too weak still, observe for any flicker
of a movement in the muscle.
Grade the muscle strength.

Key differential diagnoses

It is helpful to divide weakness into either flaccid (reduced tone)
or spastic (increased tone) weakness.

Flaccid weakness
Flaccid weakness can be caused by:
• myopathy: proximal weakness is classic for most muscle
diseases. An exception is inclusion body myositis, which
Power 93

a b

c d

Figure 4.5  Assessment of the

power of the radial nerve. (a) Triceps,
C7, radial. (b) Extensor carpi radialis
longus, C6, radial. (c) Extensor carpi
ulnaris, C7, radial. (d) Extensor
digitorum, C7, radial. (e) Extensor
pollicis brevis, C7, radial

occurs in the over 50s and presents with progressive distal

arm and proximal leg weakness
• neuromuscular junction: diseases affecting the
neuromuscular junction include myasthenia gravis and
Lambert–Eaton myasthenic syndrome (Table 4.4)
• neuropathy: flaccid weakness distal to the portion of the
nerve affected. The longer a nerve is the more likely it is to be
affected by a systemic process (e.g. inflammation, vasculitis,
diabetes). This means that neuropathies are usually length
dependent, and that the more distal muscles are affected
94 Upper limbs

Figure 4.6  Assessment of the

power of the median nerve. (a) Flexor
digitorum profundus I and II, C8,
median. (b) Flexor pollicis longus, C8,
median. (c) Opponens pollicis, T1,

first. Localised nerve entrapment gives rise to characteristic

patterns of weakness
• radiculopathy: damage to the cervical spinal or motor nerve
roots will cause radicular pain and weakness in the muscles
innervated from that level. The typical features of cervical
radiculopathies are shown in Table 4.5

Spastic weakness
The causes of spastic weakness are:
Power 95

a b

c d

Figure 4.7  Assessment of the power of the ulnar nerve. (a) Flexor carpi ulnaris,
C8, ulnar. (b) First dorsal interosseous, T1, ulnar. (c) Second palmar interosseous,
T1, ulnar. (d) Adductor pollicis, T1, ulnar

• spinal cord injury: flaccid weakness at the level of the

injury due to damage to the exiting motor neuron itself;
however, this may be very difficult to detect clinically.
Muscles innervated from the spinal cord below the level
will have increased tone but be weak or completely
• cortical lesions: increased tone in the contralateral muscles.
Typically, the arm extensors become weaker than the arm
flexors, leading to an adducted arm, flexed at the elbow and
the wrist

What happens next?

If there is any suggestion of a nerve or root lesion, examine the
brachial plexus to further localise the lesion. Table 4.6 shows
the relevant muscles, nerves, plexus and roots to test.
Then, move on to test the reflexes.
96 Upper limbs

Clinical features MG LEMS

Weakness Fluctuating, flaccid Insidious, flaccid
Muscles affected Ocular, bulbar, Proximal limbs
Associated conditions Thymoma Small cell lung cancer
Thymic hyperplasia (60%)
Autoimmune disease
Antibodies Anti-nicotinic Anti-P/Q type voltage-
acetylcholine receptors, gated calcium channels
Effect of repeated Fatigability May be improvement
muscle contraction
Slow repetitive nerve Progressive decrement Progressive decrement
stimulation in CMAP in CMAP
Fast repetitive nerve Progressive decrement Increase in CMAP
stimulation in CMAP (facilitation)
Other features – Autonomic dysfunction
Main treatments Cholinesterase Tumour removal
inhibitors 3,4-diaminopyridine
Thymectomy Immunosuppression

Table 4.4  Summary of key clinical and laboratory features of myasthenia gravis
(MG) and Lambert–Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS). CMAP, compound
muscle action potential.

4.7 Reflexes
This part of the examination is used to elicit reflexes and
determine whether they are absent, reduced, normal or
increased (hyper-reflexic).

Various muscle tendons are tapped to test their reflexes. The
patient is positioned with their hands on their lap so that the
upper limb muscles are relaxed and elbows slightly bent.
Reflexes 97

Intervertebral Spinal Pain/ Motor deficit Reflex

disc affected root sensory lost
(between affected changes
C4 (C4 and C5) C5 Shoulder, Deltoid, Supinator
lateral upper supraspinatus,
arm infraspinatus
C5 (C5 and C6) C6 Lateral Biceps, Biceps
aspect of brachioradialis
the forearm,
C6 (C6 and C7) C7 Dorsal Triceps, Triceps
aspect of extensor
the forearm, muscles of wrist
middle finger and fingers
C7 (C7 and T1) C8 4th and Intrinsic –
5th digits muscles of the
and medial hand, thumb
aspect of the flexor

Table 4.5  Clinical features of cervical intervertebral disc herniations

Reflex testing requires a tendon hammer.

Tricep, bicep and supinator reflexes should be tested:
1. tap the tendon of triceps on each arm (C7)
2. tap the tendon of biceps on each arm (C6)
3. tap the tendon of supinator on each arm (C5)
4. if any reflex cannot be elicited, ask the patient to clench their
teeth tight and then retest the reflex (reinforcement).

Key differential diagnoses

1. an absent or reduced reflex is one where a reflex is not
elicited after reinforcement. This suggests a LMN lesion, but
it may be normal in athletic individuals
98 Upper limbs

Instruction Muscle Nerve Plexus Main

Put your hand Rhomboids Dorsal Superior trunk C5
behind your back scapular
and push out
Lift your arm up Pectoralis Lateral Lateral cord C5
to the side and major, pectoral
push forward clavicular
Lift your arm up Subscapular Teres major Posterior cord C5/6/7
to the side and
push down
Pull your elbows Infraspinatus Suprascapular Superior trunk C5
into your waist
and turn your
arms out
Pull your elbows Pectoralis Lateral and Lateral cord C6/7
into your waist major, medial and inferior
sternocostal pectoral trunk
Push your hands Serratus Long thoracic Superior and C5/6/7
out in front anterior middle trunks
Cough for me Latissimus Thoracodorsal Posterior cord C7

Table 4.6  Instructions for examining power in the brachial plexus

2. hyper-reflexia suggests an UMN lesion. It may be present in

anxious individuals.

What happens next?

The next step is to test co-ordination.

4.8 Co-ordination
To assess co-ordination in the upper limb:
1. ask the patient to ‘Touch your nose with your right index finger’
2. ask them to ‘Touch my finger with yours’ while holding your
finger at a distance forcing them to fully extend their arm
Sensation 99

3. then ask them to ‘Go back and forth quickly’

4. observe for any past pointing or intention tremor
5. repeat on other arm
6. ask the patient to ‘Clap your right hand on top of your left’
7. when they start clapping, say ‘Now flip your hand over each
time you clap’
8. observe how quickly and smoothly they manage this
To properly assess for dysmetria or an intention tremor, ensure
the patient fully extends their arm when performing the nose-
finger test.

Key differential diagnoses

Poor co-ordination usually reflects cerebellar injury or, less
commonly, a marked loss of proprioception. The following
features suggest a cerebellar lesion:
• dysmetria: overshooting target
• intention tremor: tremor beginning as finger approaches
• dysdiodochokinesia: disorganised clapping movements

What happens next?

Finally, move on to test sensation.

4.9 Sensation
The purpose of this part of the examination is to assess the
sensory function of the peripheral nerves, nerve roots and
spinal cord supplying the upper limbs.

The patient has their sensation tested with their outer garments
removed. Inform the patient that you are going to test their
sense of touch in a number of ways, including with a dull pin
tip that will not break their skin. Tell them that you are going
to ask them whether the PP is sharp or dull and to compare it
between sides.
The principles of the sensory examination are to:
• start distally and work proximally
100 Upper limbs

• test each major peripheral nerve

• test each major dermatome
• test both lateral and dorsal columns of the spinal cord
• map out any area of sensory change encountered

This requires a Neurotip, tuning fork and universal containers
with hot and cold water.

Test the function of the lateral and dorsal columns in turn

Lateral columns
These are tested with either PP (pain) or hot and cold water (T°C):
1. touch the patient’s sternum or forehead with the tip of the
Neurotip to show the patient what it feels like
2. touch each of the following areas and ask ‘Does it feel sharp
or dull?’:
• dorsum of the hand in the area of the radial nerve (radial;
• medial aspect of the middle finger (median; C7)
• medial aspect of the little finger (ulnar; C8)
3. then touch it to each of the remaining dermatomes:
• medial surface of the forearm (T1)
• lateral surface of the forearm (C6)
• medial surface of the arm (T2)
• lateral aspect of the shoulder (axillary; C5)
4. repeat on the other side
5. if there are any abnormalities, repeat on the other side asking
the patient to tell you if it feels the same on both sides
6. if there are any abnormalities, move in a proximal direction
and retest until sensation returns to normal
7. in place of PP you can use hot and cold water in universal
containers, touching the skin in the above sequence, asking
if it is hot or cold

Dorsal columns
These are tested with a tuning fork (vibration) or joint
movement (JPS).
Sensation 101

To examine vibration sense:
1. tap the tuning fork
2. place on the patient’s clavicle and tell the patient ‘This is
what it feels like, can you feel it buzzing?’
3. tap before each placement
4. place the tuning fork on:
• distal phalanx of the thumb (radial; C6)
• distal phalanx of the middle finger (median; C7)
• distal phalanx of the little finger (ulnar; C8)
5. then test the remainder of the major dermatomes:
• medial epicondyle of the elbow (T1)
• lateral epicondyle of the elbow (C6)
• bony head of the humerus (C5)
• sternal edges (T2)
6. repeat on other side
7. If there are any abnormalities, repeat on the other side asking
the patient to tell you if it feels the same on both sides
8. If there are any abnormalities, move in a proximal direction
and retest until sensation returns to normal
Alternatively, In place of vibration you can test proprioception
by moving joints:
1. isolate the joint by placing fingers proximally and distally
2. ask the patient to close their eyes and tell you if the joint
moves up or down
3. move the joint up or down - normally even tiny movements
are appreciated
4. take care to place fingers to the sides of the joints rather than
on top as you will otherwise stimulate pressure receptors
rather than joint position sense
5. start at the distal joints and move proximally until there is
normal perception of movement

Key differential diagnoses

These include:
• mononeuropathy: loss of multiple modalities in the
distribution of a recognisable peripheral nerve
102 Upper limbs

• polyneuropathy: typically, this is length dependent (distal

nerves are affected first), leading to a ‘glove-and-stocking’
loss of sensation. It often affects multiple modalities
• brachial plexopathy: usually multiple modalities. The
distribution may look like multiple peripheral nerves or
nerve roots
• radiculopathy: usually multiple modalities. The distribution
is in the pattern of one or more recognisable dermatomes.
Often, there is spontaneous pain in the affected dermatome
or pain elicited by PP or a vibrating fork
• myelopathy: lesions in the spinal cord itself can give rise
to more complex sensory findings (Figure 4.3). Features
suggestive of a spinal lesion include: (1) dissociated sensory
loss, i.e. differential loss of dorsal column and lateral column
modalities, and (2) sensory level, i.e. a point above which
sensation returns to normal
Table 4.7 summarises the various spinal cord syndromes.

Cord syndrome Pain and JPS and Motor

temperature vibration loss weakness
Complete Bilateral below Bilateral below Severe
lesion lesion Bilateral below
Anterior Bilateral below Intact Severe
lesion Bilateral below
Posterior Intact Bilateral below Milder
lesion Bilateral below
Lateral Contralateral Ipsilateral below Mild or severe
below lesion lesion Ipsilateral below
Central Bilateral at level Intact Unaffected until
of lesion advanced

Table 4.7  Summary of clinical features of spinal cord syndromes. JPS, joint
position sense.
System summary 103

What happens next?

Move on to examine the lower limbs.

4.10  System summary

A summary of upper limb examination is given in Table 4.8.

Inspection Syndrome, posture, fasciculations, wasting,

pronator drift
Tone Spasticity, flaccid, cog-wheeling
Power Deltoid
Extensor carpi radialis longus
Extensor carpi ulnaris
Extensor digitorum
Extensor pollicis longus
Pronator teres
Flexor digitorum profundus i and ii
Flexor pollicis longus
Opponens pollicis
Flexor carpi ulnaris
1st dorsal interosseous
2nd palmar interosseous
Adductor pollicis
Reflexes Tricep, bicep, brachioradialis
Co-ordination Finger nose, dysdiodochokinesia
Sensation Pin-prick and vibration
Radial, medial, ulnar nerves

Table 4.8  Examination of the upper limb


Lower limbs 5
5.1 Objectives
Examination of the lower limbs is very similar in approach to that
of the upper limbs. The same sequence of examining tone, power,
reflexes, co-ordination and sensation is followed and the same
general rules about upper motor neuron (UMN) and lower motor
neuron (LMN) lesions and patterns of spinal cord injury apply.

5.2  Anatomy and physiology review

Table 5.1 summarises the motor functions of the major nerves
in the lower limbs. Think of them as four major nerves: gluteal,
femoral, obturator and sciatic. The sciatic can be further
subdivided into three: the
proximal portion supplying
the hamstrings; the common
Clinical insight
peroneal nerve supplying Testing the function of the pudendal
nerve is important when assessing for
the foot extensors; and the possible cauda equina syndrome. This
tibial nerve supplying the is compression of the cauda equina,
foot flexors. usually from a prolapsed disc below L4.
The pudendal ner ve Compression of the supply to S2–4 will
is relatively small but is disrupt the function of the pudendal
nerve, leading to:
important in the control of • loss of anal tone: assessed per rectum
bowel and bladder function. • bladder dysfunction: usually retention
It originates from neurons in with overflow incontinence; assessed
Onuf’s nucleus in the spinal by postvoiding bladder scan and
cord and is derived from
• saddle anaesthesia: assessed by blunt
the roots of S2–4. It carries pin-prick
sensory information from • sexual dysfunction (e.g. erectile
the perineum and perianal dysfunction; assessed in the history)
region and controls the anal
and bladder sphincters.
106 Lower limbs

Nerve Root Key muscles Muscle action

Gluteal L4/5 Gluteus maximus Hip extension
Gluteus medius and Internal rotation of thigh
minimus and hip abduction
Femoral L1/2 Iliacus Hip flexion
L3/4 Quadriceps femoris Knee extension
Obturator L2/3 Adductor brevis, longus Adduction of lower limb
and magnus, gracilis
Sciatic: S1 ‘Hamstrings’ Knee flexion
Sciatic: L5/S1 Peroneus longus and brevis Eversion of the foot
common L4 Tibialis anterior Dorsiflexion of the foot
peroneal L5/S1 Extensor digitorum longus Dorsiflexion of the toes
and brevis
Extensor hallucis longus Dorsiflexion of the distal
phalanx of the big toe
Sciatic: S1/2 Gastrocnemius Plantarflexion of the foot
tibial L4/5 Tibialis posterior Inversion of the foot
nerve S1/2 Flexor digitorum and Flexion of the toes
S1/2 hallucis longus
Small muscles of the foot ‘Cupping’ of the toes

Table 5.1  Summary of the major motor functions of the peripheral nerves in
the lower limbs

Upper and lower motor neurons

Lesions affecting the lower limbs can be divided into UMN and
LMN lesions, as discussed in Chapter 4.

Gluteal nerve
Key anatomy of the gluteal nerve:
• The superior gluteal nerve supplies gluteus medius (GluMe)
and minimus (GluMi); the inferior gluteal nerve supplies
gluteus maximus (GluMax)
• roots L4/5
• sensory: none
• motor: GluMax is a powerful hip extensor; GluMe and GluMi
internally rotate and abduct the thigh
Anatomy and physiology review 107

Femoral nerve Clinical insight

Key anatomy of the femoral
Femoral neuropathy:
nerve: • weakness of hip flexion and knee
• roots: L1–4 extension
• sensory: the medial and • knee often ‘gives way’ when standing
intermediate cutaneous or walking
nerves of the thigh supply • loss of reflex at the knee
• sensory loss over the anterior thigh
sensation to the anterior and knee and medial aspect of the
aspect of the thigh and lower leg
k nee and the medial • causes include diabetes, hip or
aspect of the knee; the pelvis fractures, femoral artery
catheterisation, and compression
saphenous nerve supplies
from retroperitoneal tumours
sensation to the medial
aspect of the lower leg to
the ankle
• motor: iliacus is a powerful hip flexor; the quadriceps extend
the knee

Obturator nerve
Key anatomy of the obturator nerve:
• roots: L2/3
• sensory: supplies sensation to the medial aspect of the thigh
• motor: adductors of the lower limb

Sciatic nerve
Key anatomical features of the proximal portion (from the
origin to the division of the tibial and common peroneal nerves):
• roots: L5/S1/S2
• sensory: the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh
originates at the same level as, and travels close by, the
sciatic nerve. It supplies the posterior aspect of the thigh
• motor: the ‘hamstrings’ flex the knee

Common peroneal
The common peroneal nerve gives rise to the superficial and
deep peroneal nerves at the head of the fibula. Key anatomical
features include:
• roots: L4/L5/S1
108 Lower limbs

• sensory: superficial peroneal supplies the dorsum of the

foot except the web space between the first and second
toes, which is supplied by the deep peroneal nerve
• motor: the superficial peroneal supplies peroneus longus
and brevis (foot eversion); the deep peroneal supplies tibialis
anterior (foot dorsiflexion), extensor digitorum longus
and brevis (toe dorsiflexion), and extensor hallucis longus
(dorsiflexes the distal phalanx of the great toe)

Key anatomical features of the tibial nerve:
• roots: L4–S2
• sensory: the sural nerve and the plantar nerves supply the
lateral aspect and the sole of the foot, respectively
• motor: gastrocnemius plantarflexes the foot; tibialis
posterior inverts the foot;
flexor digitorum and hallucis
Clinical insight longus flex the toes; the small
Common peroneal neuropathy: muscles of the foot ‘cup’ the
• foot drop, weak foot eversion but toes
spared inversion
• sensory loss over the dorsum of the
foot and anterior and lateral aspects The lumbosacral plexus
of the leg The lumbosacral plexus is
• causes include trauma at the head of the lower limb equivalent
the fibula, chronic crossing of legs,
prolonged squatting, knee trauma
of the brachial plexus. The
anatomy is more complex
than in the brachial plexus
and a working knowledge
Clinical insight of it is a specialist area.
Retroperitoneal tumours can
Tibial neuropathy:
cause compressive lesions, as
• weakness of plantarflexion
• loss of sensation on the sole of the foot can local nerve infarction or
• causes: trauma or surgery in the inflammation.
popliteal fossa or ankle, entrapment
at the posterior tarsal tunnel (pain Intervertebral discs
and numbness at the ankle and sole),
diabetes Key anatomy of intervertebral
Clinical features and pathophysiology 109

• ver tebral bodies are

named in sequence: C1–
Clinical insight
C8, T1–T12, L1–L5 and Sciatic neuropathy:
S1–S5 • weakness of knee flexion
• weakness of dorsiflexion and
• intervertebral discs are plantarflexion of ankle
named after the vertebral • foot drop, weakness of foot inversion
body above and below: and eversion
e.g. the L4/5 disc occurs • loss of ankle reflex
• loss of sensation over the sole and
between L4 and L5
dorsum of the foot, with sparing of
• in the cervical region, spinal the medial aspect
roots C1–7 exit above their • causes include hip surgery or
named vertebral body (i.e. fracture, compression from tumour
the C4 root exits above the or haemorrhage, entrapment at
the piriformis muscle, diabetes,
C4 body, at the C3/4 disc) inflammation, and infection
and root C8 exits below C7
(there is no C8 vertebral
• in the thoracic and lumbar regions the roots exit below their
named vertebral body (i.e. the L5 root exits below L5, at the
L5/S1 disc)

5.3  Clinical features and

The important general abnormal findings for general inspection,
patterns of weakness and sensory disturbance for the lower
limbs are the same as described for the upper limbs in Chapter 4.

Intervertebral disc prolapse

The relation between the prolapsed disc level, exiting nerve
root at that level, and the root compressed when the disc
prolapses is shown in Table 5.2.

Cervical and thoracic disc prolapse

Discs prolapse posterolaterally and compress the nerve root
exiting at that same level, i.e. a C5/6 disc prolapse compresses
the exiting C6 root. Thoracic disc prolapses are rare
110 Lower limbs

Prolapsed disc Exiting root Compressed root

C1/2 C2 C2
C2/3 C3 C3
C3/4 C4 C4
C4/5 C5 C5
C5/6 C6 C6
C6/7 C7 C7
C7/T1 C8 C8
L1/2 L1 L2
L2/3 L2 L3
L3/4 L3 L4
L4/5 L4 L5
L5/S1 L5 S1

Table 5.2  Relation between the prolapsed disc level, exiting nerve root at that
level, and the root compressed by the prolapse

Clinical insight Lumbar disc prolapse

These also usually prolapse
Disc prolapses: an easy way to
posterolaterally. Owing to
remember the disc levels, exiting roots
and which root is compressed is: the relative height of the
• the compressed root is always the lumbar vertebral bodies, a
second number in the disc level name prolapsed lumbar disc does
(e.g. L2/3 disc herniation compressesnot compress the nerve root
root L3; C4/5 disc herniation
compresses root C5)
exiting at the same level (e.g.
• the exiting root is the second numberan L5/S1 disc prolapse does
not compress the exiting L5
for cervical discs (at the C4/5 disc level
the C5 root exits) but the first number
disc) because the nerve root
for lumbar discs (at the L2/3 disc level
exits higher than the prolapse.
the L2 root exits)
Instead, it compresses the
descending nerve root that
exits at the next level (e.g. an L5/S1 disc prolapse compresses
the descending S1 root, which exits at S1/2).
General observations 111

5.4  General observations

The purpose of this part of the examination is to identify any
characteristic features of neurological disease affecting the
lower limbs.

Ask the patient to remove their outer garments.

In generally assessing the lower limb, observe from in front and
then behind. Look for:
1. asymmetry in posture of the lower limbs
2. muscle wasting, particularly tibialis anterior and the
3. foot deformities such as pes cavus
4. fasciculations: these may be evident only after prolonged

Key differential diagnoses

These include:
• abnormal posture of one leg: dystonia, simple partial seizure,
• muscle wasting: LMN lesions lead to denervation of muscle
and muscle atrophy. Long-standing UMN lesions can
eventually cause wasting through disuse
• foot deformities: may point to a hereditary sensorimotor
• fasciculations: these may be benign (e.g. young patient,
after exercise) or from motor neuron disease or any cause
of denervation (i.e. LMN lesion)

What happens next?

The next step is to examine tone.
112 Lower limbs

5.5 Tone
The aim of this part of the examination is to identify any
pathologically increased or decreased tone.

To examine tone:
1. ask the patient to lie flat on the couch
2. roll their legs at the thigh, watching the ankle
3. pull up sharply behind the knee, dragging the heel up the
4. normally, the foot will wiggle quite freely at the ankle when
you roll the thighs and the ankle will drag up the surface of
the couch when the knee is jerked up.

Key differential diagnoses

Tone can be found to be increased or decreased:
• increased tone is suggested by an ankle that appears fixed
in position when the thigh is rolled or when the heel comes
off the couch upon jerking the knee. This indicates increased
tonic activation of an intact LMN, i.e. an UMN lesion. It can
be pathological, normal or from anxiety
• reduced tone indicates decreased tonic activation of
muscles. Hyperacute UMN lesions can sometimes cause
flaccid weakness (e.g. cerebellar infarct or, rarely, cortical
infarcts). Generally, this indicates a LMN lesion

What happens next?

Next, examine power.

5.6 Power
This part of the assessment examines the strength of individual
muscles, thereby assessing muscle function and indirectly
peripheral nerve, nerve root, spinal cord and cortical function.
Power 113

The general principles of assessing power in the upper limbs
(Chapter 4) apply here too. The aim is to grade the muscle
strength (see Table 4.2).

The sequence tests the muscles in turn in a logical order to assess
a number of muscles from each major peripheral nerve and
nerve root. The verbal instructions are given in Table 5.3, as is the
muscle being tested, the innervating nerve and the major root.
Figures 5.1–5.4 demonstrate the key muscles to test. There is
some variation in nerve root contributions to peripheral nerves.

Key differential diagnoses

UMN lesion
The differential diagnosis is between a lesion in the cortex and
one in the spinal cord. The following may help differentiate them:
• a hemispheric lesion tends to result in a weak, spastic lower
limb with the leg held in extension at the hip, knee and ankle
• a spinal lesion will cause UMN signs below the level affected.
The examiner will be able to ‘get above the lesion’, e.g. a
lesion at T2 will cause UMN signs in the legs but a normal
examination of the arms
• a spinal lesion also the­oretically causes LMN signs at the
level of the lesion since it will destroy the cell body of the
motor neurons at this level. However, this may be difficult
to detect clinically

LMN lesion
The differential diagnosis is fairly wide and is between muscle,
mononeuropathy, polyneuropathy, plexus and root. The
following may help differentiate them:
• myopathy. This will give the following:
– LMN signs
– proximal weakness with difficulty standing or squatting
– usually symmetrical
– often also tender muscles

Instruction Muscle Muscle action Nerve Root

Lift your leg up Iliacus/psoas major Hip flexion Femoral L1/2
Push your leg into the couch Gluteus maximus Extension at the hip Inferior gluteal L5/S1
Lower limbs

Don’t let me separate your legs Adductors Adduction at the hip Obturator L2/3
Bend your knee, don’t let me turn your Gluteus medius and minimus Internal rotation of the Superior gluteal L4/5
leg out thigh
Bend your knee, don’t let me bend it Quadriceps Extension at the knee Femoral L3/4
Bend your knee, don’t let me straighten Hamstrings Flexion at the knee Sciatic S1
Push your foot down Gastrocnemius Plantarflexion at the ankle Tibial S1/2
Turn your foot in Tibialis posterior Inversion of the foot Tibial L4/5
Curl your toes Small muscles of the foot Cupping of the foot Tibial S1/2
Point your foot towards your head Tibialis anterior Dorsiflexion at the ankle Deep peroneal L4
Point your big toe towards your head Extensor hallucis longus Extension of the toe Deep peroneal L5
Turn your foot out Peroneus longus and brevis Eversion of the foot Superficial peroneal L5/S1

Table 5.3  For each instruction ask the patient to position their limb as described and tell them ‘Don’t let me move it’ before applying an antagonistic
Power 115

a b

Figure 5.1  Assessment of power

around the hip. The arrow indicates
the direction of force exerted by the
examiner. (a) Iliacus, L1/2, femoral.
(b) Gluteus maximus, L5/S1, inferior
gluteal. (c) Adductors, L2/3, obturator

a b

Figure 5.2  Assessment of power

around the knee. The arrow indicates
the direction of force exerted by
the examiner. (a) Gluteus medius
and minimus, L4/5, superior gluteal.
(b) Quadriceps, L3/4, femoral.
(c) Hamstring, S1, sciatic
116 Lower limbs

a b

Figure 5.3  Assessment of power

of the muscles of the tibial nerve.
The arrow indicates the direction
of force exerted by the examiner.
(a) Gastrocnemius, S1/2, tibial.
(b) Tibialis posterior, L4/5, tibial.
(c) Small muscles of the foot, S1/2,

a b

Figure 5.4  Assessment of power of

the muscles of the peroneal nerve.
The arrow indicates the direction
of force exerted by the examiner.
(a) Tibialis anterior, L4, deep peroneal.
(b) Extensor hallucis longus, L5, deep
peroneal. (c) Peroneus longus and
brevis, L5/S1, superficial peroneal

Reflexes 117

• mononeuropathies show
weakness in a pattern
Clinical insight
attributable to a single The hallmark of nerve root disease is
the progression from radicular pain,
through radicular sensory loss to
• polyneuropathies show radicular weakness. Radicular pain is
weak­ness in muscles inner­ usually the first symptom of nerve root
vated by several peripheral compression. The radiation of the pain
nerves. Typically, distal is usually indicates the level of origin:
worse than proximal and it Nerve Pain radiation
is usually symmetrical root
• sacral plexopathies are affected
C5 Shoulder
essentially unilateral C6 Lateral forearm and thumb
polyneuropathies with C7 Dorsum of hand and
muscles affected from middle finger
multiple nerves C8 Medial forearm, medial two
• a root lesion is most readily L1 Groin
identified by the distribution L2 Medial thigh
of pain; however, if there is L3 Knee
L4 Inner calf
involvement of the ventral L5 Outer calf and great toe
or spinal root, weakness will S1 Lateral foot and sole
also be seen. This will be in S2 Posterior thigh
muscles not restricted to a
single peripheral nerve but
to a recognisable spinal Clinical insight
level Getting above the lesion: when signs
of weakness (or sensory disturbance) are
What happens next? found in the arms or legs a helpful strategy
Move on to test the reflexes. is to attempt to ‘get above the lesion’. This
means finding the level of the nervous
system above which function is normal.
5.7 Reflexes Since lesions in the central nervous system
or peripheral nervous system will cause
Objective weakness or sensory disturbance distally,
The aim of this part of the the level at which power returns to normal
examination is to elicit indicates that the lesion is below this.
reflexes and determine
whether they are absent, reduced, normal or increased (hyper-
118 Lower limbs

During the examination, various muscle tendons are tapped
to test their reflexes.

A tendon hammer is required.

To assess lower limb reflexes and clonus:
1. ask the patient to lie flat on the couch
2. take the weight of each leg in turn by lifting under the knee
3. tap the patellar tendon for the knee jerk (L3/4)
4. with legs flat tap the medial aspect of the knee where the
adductors attach; watch both legs for adduction: crossed
adductor reflex (L2–5)
5. flex the knee slightly, turn the foot outward and hold it
dorsiflexed, tap the Achilles tendon: the ankle jerk (S1/2)
6. stroke the lateral sole of the foot upwards and across to the
ball of the foot, observing the initial direction of movement
of the great toe: the plantar reflex
7. check for clonus by:
• gently rolling the ankle briefly then forcefully holding it
• observe any rhythmic plantarflexion of the ankle
• more than four beats is likely to be pathological
8. if any reflex cannot be elicited, ask the patient to grip
their hands together and pull hard (reinforcement) as you

Key differential diagnoses

These are:
• absent or reduced knee or ankle reflex: this is only absent
if the reflex is not elicited after reinforcement. It indicates a
LMN lesion, but may be normal in athletic individuals
• hyper-reflexia: indicates an UMN lesion, but may be present
in anxious individuals
Co-ordination 119

• crossed adductor reflex present; this is abnormal and

indicates an UMN lesion
• flexor plantar reflex (downward): this is normal
• extensor plantar reflex (upward): indicates an UMN lesion
• persistent clonus: indicates an UMN lesion

What happens next?

The next stage is to test co-ordination.

5.8 Co-ordination
The next step is to assess the co-ordination of the lower

Ask the patient to:
1. ‘lift your heel off the couch’
2. ‘touch it to your other knee’
3. ‘run it down your shin’
4. ‘lift it up and do it again’
5. ‘tap out a rhythm with your heel’

Key differential diagnoses

Poor co-ordination usually reflects cerebellar injury or, less
commonly, a marked loss of proprioception. The following features
suggest a cerebellar lesion:
• dysmetria: overshooting the target
• intention tremor: tremor beginning as the heel approaches
the target
• dysdiodochokinesia: disorganised movements
Proprioceptive loss can also cause tremor or dysmetria but this
tends to be less dramatic.

What happens next?

The final step in this part of the examination is to test
120 Lower limbs

5.9 Sensation
The purpose of the final step in this part of the examination is
to assess the sensory function of the peripheral nerves, nerve
roots and spinal cord supplying the lower limbs. See Figure 5.5
for the dermatomes of the lower limbs.

The patient has their sensation tested with their outer
garments removed. Women should keep their bra on. Inform

Figure 5.5  Dermatomes

of the lower limb
Sensation 121

the patient that you are going to test their sense of touch in
a number of ways, including with a dull pin tip that will not
break their skin. Tell them that you are going to ask them
whether the pin-prick is sharp or dull and to compare it
between sides.
The principles of the sensory examination are to:
• start distally and work proximally
• test each major peripheral nerve
• test each major dermatome
• test both lateral and dorsal columns of the spinal cord
• map out any area of sensory change encountered

This requires a Neurotip, tuning fork and universal containers
with hot and cold water.

Test the function of the lateral and dorsal columns in turn.

Lateral columns
These are tested with either pin-prick (PP) (pain) or hot and
cold water (temperature (T°C)):
1. touch the patient’s sternum or forehead with the tip of the
Neurotip to show the patient what it feels like
2. touch each of the following areas and ask ‘Does it feel sharp
or dull?’:
• lateral aspect of the last toe (sural nerve; S1)
• dorsal aspect of the great toe (superficial peroneal nerve;
• web space between the great toe and second toe (deep
peroneal nerve; L5)
• medial aspect of the tibia (saphenous nerve; L4)
• anterior aspect of the knee (femoral nerve; L3)
• lateral aspect of the thigh (lateral cutaneous nerve of
the thigh; L2)
• popliteal fossa (posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh; S2)
3. this is usually sufficient to screen in a general examination.
However, if cauda equina syndrome is suspected, also ensure
to check perianal and perineal sensation:
122 Lower limbs

• buttocks (inferior lateral clunical nerve; S3)

• perianal (pudendal nerve; S4/5)
4. if there is an area of abnormal sensation that persists up
to L2, higher dermatomes must be tested until an area of
normal sensation has been detected, i.e. the upper limit of
the lesion has been detected. For this, test:
• hips (L1)
• level of the umbilicus (T10)
• halfway between the umbilicus and nipples (T7)
• level of the nipples (T4)
• lower border of the clavicle (T2)
5. repeat on the other side
6. if there is an abnormality at a level, repeat on the other side
asking the patient to say if it feels the same on both sides
7. in place of PP, you can use hot and cold water in universal
containers, touching the skin in the above sequence, asking
if it is hot or cold

Dorsal columns
These are tested with a tuning fork (vibration) or joint
movement (JPS):
To examine vibration sense:
1. tap the tuning fork
2. place on the patient’s clavicle, or forehead if a high thoracic
lesion is possible, and tell the patient ‘This is what it feels like,
can you feel it buzzing?’
3. tap before each placement
4. place the tuning fork on:
• lateral maleolus (sural nerve; S1)
• distal interphalangeal joint of the great toe (superficial
peroneal nerve; L5)
• mid-tibia (saphenous nerve; L4)
• tibial plateau (femoral nerve; L3)
• hip (L1)
5. if there is an area of abnormal sensation that persists up
to L1, higher dermatomes must be tested until an area of
Sensation 123

normal sensation has been detected, i.e. the upper limit of

the lesion has been detected. For this, test:
• rib at the level of the umbilicus (T10)
• rib halfway between the umbilicus and nipples (T7)
• rib at the level of the nipples (T4)
• clavicle (T2)
6. repeat on the other side
7. if there are any abnormalities, repeat on the other side asking
the patient to tell you if it feels the same on both sides
8. if there are any abnormalities, move in a proximal direction
and retest until sensation returns to normal
Alternatively, In place of vibration you can test proprioception
by moving joints:
1. isolate the joint by placing fingers proximally and distally
2. ask the patient to close their eyes and tell you if the joint
moves up or down
3. move the joint up or down - normally even tiny movements
are appreciated
4. take care to place fingers to the sides of the joints rather than
on top as you will otherwise stimulate pressure receptors
rather than joint position sense
5. start at the distal joints and move proximally until the patient
has normal perception of movement

Key differential diagnoses

These include:
• mononeuropathy: loss of multiple modalities in the
distribution of a recognisable peripheral nerve
• polyneuropathy: this will typically be length dependent,
meaning that the distal nerves are affected first, which leads
to a ‘glove-and-stocking’ loss of sensation. This often affects
multiple modalities
• sacral plexopathy: usually multiple modalities. The distribution
may look like multiple peripheral nerves or nerve roots
• radiculopathy: usually multiple modalities. The distribution
is in the pattern of one or more recognisable dermatomes.
124 Lower limbs

Often, there is spontaneous pain in the affected dermatome

or pain elicited by PP or vibrating fork
• myelopathy: lesions in the spinal cord itself can give rise
to more complex sensory findings (see Figure 4.3). The
following indicate a spinal cord lesion: (1) dissociated
sensory loss, i.e. differential loss of dorsal column and lateral
column modalities, and (2) sensory level, i.e. a point above
which sensation returns to normal
See Table 4.7 for a summary of the clinical features of cord

What happens next?

Lesions localising to the muscles or peripheral nerves should be
investigated with nerve conduction studies. Suspected nerve
root or spinal cord lesions are best investigated with MRI of
the spine to show soft-tissue injury, such as prolapsed discs
and myelopathy. A CT of the spine is helpful if significant bony
disease (e.g. fracture) is suspected.

5.10  System summary

Neurological examination of the lower limb is summarised in
Table 5.4.

Inspection Syndromes, posture, fasciculations, wasting, feet

Tone Spastic, flaccid
Power Gluteus maximus, adductors, iliacus, quadriceps, gluteus
medius/gluteus minimis, hamstrings, gastrocnemius,
tibialis posterior, small muscles of the foot, tibialis anterior,
extensor hallucis longus, peroneus longus and brevis
Reflexes Knee, crossed adductor, ankle, plantars, clonus
Co-ordination Heel–shin, tap rhythm
Sensation Pin-prick: (1) outer foot, great toe, medial tibia, knee, lateral
thigh, popliteal fossa, buttocks, perianal, perineum; (2)
thoracic region if indicated
Vibration: (1) lateral malleolus, great toe, mid-tibia, tibial
plateau, hip; (2) ribs and sternum if indicated

Table 5.4  Examination of the lower limb


Cerebellum 6
6.1 Objectives
The gross motor functions of the cerebellum are tested dur-
ing several other stages of the neurological examination, e.g.
in looking for nystagmus in the cranial nerve examination or
testing co-ordination in the limb examination. Nonetheless,
a systematic approach to examining cerebellar function is
needed when the history or initial examination indicates
cerebellar disease.

6.2  Anatomy and physiology review

The functions of the cerebellum remain incompletely
understood. Its role in the fine control of movements is the
most clinically relevant; however, it is also involved in a wide
range of higher functions, including emotion and cognition.
The main clinical manifestations of cerebellar disease can
be remembered by the acronym VANISHD: Vertigo, Ataxia,
Nystagmus, Intention tremor, Speech disturbance, Hypotonia
and Dysdiodokokinesia. This can also be used as the basis for
an examination routine.
The cerebellum is located in the posterior fossa and contains
over half of the neurons of the brain. It has a unique and uniform
arrangement of cells that constitute basic circuits repeated
many millions of times. It can be divided into different regions
based on gross anatomy, which also corresponds to the origin
of the major inputs and outputs.
The cerebellum forms the feed-forward control over
movements, smoothing out movements initiated elsewhere
and ensuring the intended movement is accurately performed.
There are three anatomically distinct areas: the anterior lobe,
the posterior lobe and the flocculonodular lobe (Figure 6.1).
The cerebellum has three functionally distinct areas, each with
distinct inputs and outputs:
126 Cerebellum

Spinal and trigeminal inputs

Corticopontine inputs Vestibular

Intermediate part
of hemisphere Vermis

Lateral part of Anterior lobe


Fastigial nucleus
Interposed nucleus
Dentate nucleus
lobe Vestibular inputs
and outputs

Figure 6.1  The structural and functional inputs and outputs of the cerebellum

• the central vermis receives spinal, trigeminal, vestibular and

visual inputs and projects to regions controlling the axial
trunk and head
• the intermediate part of the hemispheres receives mainly
spinal and trigeminal inputs and projects to lateral
descending systems of motor control of the trunk and
• the lateral part of the hemispheres receives corticopontine
inputs and projects to the motor and premotor cortices of
the limbs and hands and feet
Each area is also associated with specific nuclei:
• the vermis with the fastigial nuclei
• the intermediate areas with the interposed nuclei
• the lateral areas with the dentate nuclei.
The anatomical flocculonodular lobe receives mainly vestibular
inputs and projects back to the vestibular nuclei and is closely
involved in eye movements.
Clinical features and pathophysiology 127

6.3  Clinical features

and pathophysiology
Cerebellar disease from many causes tends to produce the same
range of symptoms and signs. These can be remembered with
the acronym VANISHD.

This is the sensation of the environment spinning while
stationary – like ‘stepping off a roundabout’. Patients may not
be familiar with this meaning of the word, and so care should
be taken to fully determine the nature of any dizziness, faintness
or unsteadiness that they report.

Ataxia is objective dysfunction of balance. Ataxia is truncal
when it affects the posture of the trunk. This is evident even
while sitting upright. Appendicular ataxia is when a limb is
affected. Ataxia may be evident on walking, when a patient will
tend to fall to the affected side of a unilateral lesion.

Nystagmus is the inability to maintain gaze fixation. There is a
slow phase of eye movement away from the target followed
by a rapid saccade to correct it. The direction of the fast phase
is the direction of nystagmus (i.e. if the slow phase is to the left
then the fast correction is back to the right and it is described
as right-beating nystagmus).
Nystagmus may be normal (physiological) or abnormal from
peripheral lesions (i.e. to the
vestibular system) or central Clinical insight
lesions. It can occur at rest; be
Peripheral nystagmus tends to be
gaze evoked; or be position unilateral (i.e. it occurs mainly when
evoked. Central lesions (e.g. looking in one direction) with the fast
in the cerebellum) tend phase pointing away from the lesion.
to produce spontaneous In central nystagmus, the fast phase
tends to change so that it occurs in the
nystagmus at rest, whereas direction of gaze.
peripheral lesions tend to be
128 Cerebellum

evoked by position. Nystagmus can be described as horizontal,

vertical or rotational.

Intention tremor
This is a tremor that increases as the limb approaches the
target. Similar symptoms such as dysmetria (overshooting or
undershooting a target) and impaired check (failure to stop
a limb movement appropriately) also commonly occur in
cerebellar lesions.

Speech disturbance
Typically, cerebellar lesions result in a dysarthria with intact
semantics. There may also be scanning speech in which there
are pauses between words or syllables.

Decreased tone can occur in acute cerebellar lesions.

This is the inability to accurately perform rapidly alternating
movements. As with many of the clinical abnormalities of
cerebellar disease, it is thought to be due to poor co-ordination
of agonist and antagonist muscles.

6.4  General observations

The objective of general observation is to identify any gross
signs of cerebellar disease and any potential causes.

The patient should undress to their under garments.

In generally assessing cerebellar function:
1. observe the patient from in front and then behind
2. look for foot deformities, hypothyroid facies or evidence of
chronic liver disease

3. feel the pulse

4. auscultate the carotids
5. palpate the abdomen, particularly looking for an enlarged
or irregular liver edge

Key differential diagnoses

Key differentials include:
• pes cavus and cerebellar signs may indicate Friedreich’s
ataxia, an autosomal recessive genetic disorder
• atrial fibrillation or carotid bruits may indicate cerebrovascular
disease as a cause of cerebellar disease
• hepatomegaly or evidence of chronic liver disease indicates
chronic ethanol use as a cause of cerebellar disease
• craggy hepatomegaly indicates disseminated malignancy,
which could include posterior fossa metastases or a
paraneoplastic cerebellar syndrome.

What happens next?

Next, follow the VANISHD routine explained below.

The purpose is to systematically review the major clinical
abnormalities found in cerebellar disease: Vertigo, Ataxia,
Nystagmus, Intention tremor, Speech disturbance, Hypotonia
and Dysdiodokokinesia.

Tell the patient that their ability to perform a range of
movements will be assessed.

Assess the patient for features of cerebellar dysfunction using
the acronym VANISHD as a guide

Vertigo is a symptom and therefore should have been clarified
in the history.
130 Cerebellum

To assess for ataxia:
1. ask the patient to sit upright in the chair with their back
forward from the chair back
2. note any oscillations in the trunk, neck or head
3. ask them to stand. Note the position of their feet (i.e. any
broad-based stance)
4. ask them to walk to the end of the room, turn and come
5. note the pattern of the gait and whether they fall to one side

Closely check for nystagmus:
1. ask them to sit again
2. ask them to look at your nose. Note any nystagmus in
primary gaze
3. test their range of eye movements again, noting the
presence and fast-phase direction of any nystagmus

Intention tremor
An intention tremor should have been detected as part of the
examination of the limbs but can be retested here:
1. ask them to touch their nose with their forefinger, and then
to touch your finger; ensure that the patient has to fully
stretch their arm out to reach the target
2. test both sides
3. note whether they miss the target and whether a tremor
emerges as their finger approaches the target
4. also test for impaired check by (1) asking the patient to
hold their arms up like a boxer and to resist your pull;
(2) pull against their biceps; (3) release suddenly, noting if
their flexed arm pulls back in an exaggerated manner

Speech is usually evident from the initial examination, but ask
them (1) to describe the room, looking for dysarthria or scan-
ning speech and (2) to say ‘Ah’, ‘Gah’, ‘But’

Take the patient’s arms and legs in turn and check for tone if
not already assessed

Dysdiodochokinesia can be demonstrated:
1. ask the patient to clap one hand on top of the other, turning
it from front to back each time
2. demonstrate this for them
3. note any slowed or poorly co-ordinated efforts
4. check their heel–shin co-ordination as described in
Chapter 5

Key differential diagnoses

Detecting the presence of any of the VANISHD symptoms or
signs indicates a cerebellar lesion. Unilateral lesions tend to
produce ipsilateral signs in contrast to cerebral lesions. There are
distinct ‘cerebellar syndromes’ comprising a constellation of
these symptoms that point to a particular anatomical location
of the lesion. These are summarised in Table 6.1.

Syndrome Location of lesion Predominant clinical

Rostral vermis Anterior lobe/rostral Broad-based gait
syndrome vermis Truncal ataxia
Caudal vermis Posterior or Vertigo
syndrome flocculonodular lobe Staggering gait
Truncal ataxia
Hemispheric Cerebellar hemisphere Limb ataxia
syndrome Intention tremor

Table 6.1  Cerebellar syndromes. Lesions of the vermis tend to cause more
truncal ataxia than limb ataxia, and fewer obvious limb signs. Lesions in the
hemispheres cause a greater range of symptoms and include prominent limb
signs ipsilateral to the lesion
132 Cerebellum

Cerebellar disease has many underlying causes, both de-

velopmental/hereditary and acquired. It is useful to establish
the time course of symptoms to help narrow the differential

Developmental or hereditary
Key causes include Arnold–Chiari and Dandy–Walker malforma-
tions and the hereditary ataxias.
Arnold–Chiari malformation This is often asymptomatic or can
present with headaches or nystagmus.
Dandy–Walker malformation This may present with hydro-
cephalus or delayed development in childhood. Other features
such as nystagmus commonly occur.
The hereditary ataxias These include a large number of rare
autosomal dominant and recessive conditions:
• the most common autosomal dominant conditions are the
spinocerebellar ataxias, which are chronic, progressive
conditions. There is usually a family history and genetic
testing for mutations (which are usually CAG trinucleotide
repeats) is available
• the most common autosomal recessive condition is
Friedreich’s ataxia. This is a chronic, progressive disease
with onset between infancy and the twenties. There is often
areflexia of the ankles, cardiomyopathy and diabetes in up
to one-quarter of cases
Acquired There are a wide range of acquired causes of
cerebellar disease, including vascular, toxic, neoplastic, infective
and autoimmune pathologies.
Vascular Posterior circulation syndrome ischaemic strokes
commonly cause cerebellar signs:
• the posterior inferior cerebellar artery is the most commonly
affected and infarction in this territory causes sudden
onset vertigo, nystagmus, dysarthria, Horner’s syndrome
(ipsilateral), facial sensory loss (ipsilateral), trunk and limb
sensory loss (contralateral) and limb ataxia (ipsilateral)

• haemorrhage into the cerebellum accounts for 10% of

intracerebral haemorrhage. This causes headache in addition
to cerebellar symptoms and commonly causes decreased
consciousness and may lead to life-threatening hydrocephalus
Toxins Alcohol is the most common toxic cause. Chronic
overuse can lead to Wernicke’s (ataxia, acute confusion, eye
movement disorder) or Korsakoff’s syndromes (a chronic
amnesic state).
Benzodiazepines, phenytoin, carbamazepine, chemo­
therapeutic drugs and lithium are the more common drugs
associated with dysarthria and ataxia.
Tumours In children medulloblastomas, astrocytomas and
ependy­momas are relatively common primary tumours found
in the cerebellum. In adults, cerebellar tumours are usually
metastases. Paraneoplastic syndromes causing cerebellar syn-
dromes are well described and are usually the result of small
cell lung carcinoma or breast cancer.
Infective or immune There are many infective or immune
causes, including:
• encephalitis from any cause can result in an initial
cerebellar syndrome but usually progresses to a more florid
encephalitic picture
• autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis are a common
cause in young people and are typically of a subacute nature
• up to 10% of patients with coeliac disease have neurological
involvement and this can include a slowly progressive
cerebellar syndrome

What happens next?

The next step is to examine higher cortical function. Cerebellar
syndromes require investigation with MRI as CT poorly
visualises the posterior fossa.
Patients with cerebellar disease not readily explained by
vascular causes or alcohol usually require careful and extensive
investigation. Revisiting the family history is an ideal place to
start and it may be helpful to actually see and examine family
134 Cerebellum

6.6  System summary

A summary for examining for cerebellar disease is given in
Table 6.2.

General observation Inspect body and feet

Palpate pulse, auscultate carotids
Palpate abdomen
Ataxia Sitting
Nystagmus Primary gaze
Gaze evoked
Intention tremor Reassess with finger–nose test
Test for impaired check
Speech Note any dysarthria or scanning speech
Hypotonia Assess tone in limbs
Dysdiodochokinesia Test alternating clapping
Test heel–shin.

Table 6.2  Cerebellar examination


Higher 7
cortical function

7.1 Objectives
Examination of higher cortical function is an important
component of the neurological assessment. Although it is less
useful for fine localisation, it is very helpful in determining the
impact of a disease process on a patient’s cognitive processes
and for assessing its progression over time. Two commonly
used bedside tests of cognition are the Mini-Mental State
Examination (MMSE) and the Revised Addenbrooke’s
Cognitive Examination (ACE-R). These test the five basic
cognitive domains, which are discussed below.

The mini-mental state examination

The MMSE is a widely used and quick method to screen for
cognitive dysfunction. This is often all that is needed in patients
without significant cognitive impairment and provides an
assessment of:
• orientation
• registration (immediate
Clinical insight
memory) Patients vary greatly in their background
education and cultures. This should be
• short-term memory
borne in mind when examining cognitive
• language function. A subtle decline in calculation
The UK National Institute for skills in a mathematics professor may
Health and Clinical Excellence be far more significant than in someone
(NICE) classifies the degree who left school aged 15. Similarly, some
cultural groups may find some of the
of cognitive impairment testing unusual or be uncomfortable
according to the MMSE score being asked such questions and their
as follows: responses can be easily mis-interpreted.
25–30 normal Mood disorders, particularly depression,
or medications affecting the CNS can
21–24 mild
also impact on the ability of a patient to
10–20 moderate perform well in cognitive assessment.
<10 severe
136 Higher cortical function

The Revised Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination

The ACE-R is a more in-depth procedure used for more detailed
screening and to monitor medium- to long-term changes in
cognitive function. It is also more reliable at distinguishing
between different subtypes or dementia, such as Alzheimer’s
disease, frontotemporal dementia and supranuclear palsy. As
it takes at least 10 minutes, a more brief screening such as the
MMSE is performed initially to see if the ACE-R is indicated. It
is freely available online at http://www.stvincents.ie/dynamic/

7.2  Anatomy and physiology review

Cognitive processes depend upon many interconnected
cortical and subcortical structures distributed throughout the
brain. Bedside cognitive examinations are not designed to
tease out precise anatomical regions; language function is the
exception, and is discussed below.
A practical categorisation of higher cognitive functions is to
divide them into five major domains:
1. attention and orientation
2. language
3. visuoperceptual function and calculation
4. memory
5. executive function

Attention and orientation

These functions are ‘basic’ to other cognitive functions: a basic
level of attention and awareness is required for language,
memory, etc. It relies on a distributed network of cerebral areas,
including the mesial temporal lobes.

Language is such a defining feature of our human nature that
the complexity of neural computations that it requires is easily
overlooked. Indeed, language is perhaps the most complex
function of the most complex structure in the universe. In
recent years a ‘dual stream model’ of language processing has
Anatomy and physiology review 137

emerged. This proposes that speech recognition depends on

neural circuits in both:
• the superior temporal lobes (the ventral stream)
• the frontoparietal–temporal circuit in the left hemisphere
in the majority of people (the dorsal stream).
Broca’s area is a cortical area on the dominant (left in most
people) inferior frontal gyrus. It is part of the dorsal stream
in the above model.
Wernicke’s area was historically considered to be a cortical
area on the dominant superior temporal gyrus. In the dual
stream model this area is part of the ventral stream and both
hemispheres contribute to this aspect of speech (Figure 7.1).

Visuoperceptual function and calculation

This includes functions such as spatial organisation, praxis
(planning) and calculations. The phenomenon of ‘neglect’
consists of a specific deficit in this domain. The underlying
brain regions involved remain controversial, but the parietal
lobes and the parietal-temporal junction of the non-dominant
hemisphere (usually the right) are important.

There are many types of memory. It is helpful to distinguish
between short-term memory (or working memory) and long-

Figure 7.1  The dual stream model of language function. There is a bilateral
ventral stream underlying speech recognition and a dorsal stream involved with
speech production. BA, Broca’s area; WA, Wernicke’s area; PMcx, premotor cortex;
Acx, auditory cortex; ATL, anterior temporal lobe; ITL, inferior temporal lobe
138 Higher cortical function

term memory as they depend on different neuroanatomical

substrates. It is also useful to be able to assess both verbal and
visual memory. Again, the neuroanatomical regions involved
in memory are legion; however, the hippocampus and other
mesial temporal lobe structures are crucial for the formation
of declarative memories and, in particular, working memory.

Executive function
This term refers to some of the ‘higher’ cortical functions such as
abstraction, inhibition, planning and other social behaviours.
The frontal lobes and basal ganglia appear crucial for such

7.3  Clinical features

and pathophysiology
Attention and orientation
Deficits in attention and memory can be caused by a wide
range of pathologies:
• delirium: general metabolic derangement (e.g. from
infection, drugs, hypoxia) is likely to cause globally impaired
neuronal function. Patients will be disorientated in time and
place and unable to attend to stimuli or interact normally.
This tends to fluctuate
• dementia: attention and orientation are also markedly
abnormal in the dementias. However, this tends not to be
associated with the fluctuating level of consciousness seen
in delirium
• psychiatric disorders: depression can cause a so-called
pseudo-dementia, largely due to reduced attention
and concentration leading to poor functioning in other
domains. Mania and other psychopathology can appear
as impaired attention or orientation (e.g. flight of ideas,

Because of the complexity of language and the multitude of
brain regions underlying its various aspects, it is possible to
Clinical features and pathophysiology 139

distinguish many different types of language deficits. Many of

them are associated with specific anatomical regions.

Language comprehension
appears to be bilaterally
Clinical insight
localised along the superior Wernicke’s aphasia: damage to
Wernicke’s area in the superior temporal
temporal gyrus. Deficits in gyrus can cause a type of aphasia
language comprehension are known as Wernicke’s or receptive
particularly socially isolating. aphasia. The patient appears unable
Receptive aphasia is to understand language (i.e. cannot
the inability to understand follow instructions), but is easily able to
generate words and sentences even if
language and is also known these are grammatically and semantically
as Wernicke’s aphasia or meaningless.
posterior aphasia.

Dyslexia is a developmental reading disorder which is usually
evident in early childhood. Alexia refers to the acquired inability
to read in someone previously able to. It is often found along
with dysphasias and is associated with frontal and parietal

An inability to write is called agraphia. This is usually seen in
dominant parietal lobe lesions.

Deficits in speech include:
• dysphonia: patients with parkinsonism often display a slow,
monotonous and quiet speech
• dysarthria: this is a deficit in speech articulation. There is
no deficit in speech content. It may be caused by a lesion
in the motor cortex, internal capsule, brainstem, cerebellum
or cranial nerves
• dysphasia: receptive dysphasia is the inability to understand
speech; expressive dysphasia is also known as Broca’s or
anterior aphasia and is impairment of the ability to generate
140 Higher cortical function

speech not caused by a dysarthria. Depending on the

location and extent of the lesion the problems can range
from minor (e.g. a subtle nominal dysphasia with difficulty
finding specific names of
Clinical insight objects) to major (e.g. broken
speech with great difficulty in
Broca’s aphasia: damage to Broca’s area
in the dominant inferior frontal gyrus can communicating at all)
cause an expressive dysphasia. Speech Significant language defi-
comprehension is intact, but patients cits are found in some of the
are unable to say what they want to say, dementias as well as in many
resulting in non-fluent, broken speech.
types of localised lesions.
Patients are usually aware of the deficit
and are often frustrated. Stroke is a major cause of lan-
A useful mnemonic for distinguishing guage problems in Western
Broca’s from Wernicke’s aphasia is: Broca’s populations. In these popula-
aphasia displays Broken (non-fluent) tions, a sudden onset expres-
speech and anatomically is found Before
(anteriorly) Wernicke’s area. Wernicke’s
sive or receptive dysphasia
aphasia displays Watery (fluent) speech. strongly suggests a stroke or
transient ischaemic attack.

Visuoperceptual function and calculation

Impaired visuoperceptual function and calculation manifests
• poor spatial organisation
• neglect
• impaired praxis
• problems with simple arithmetic and everyday tasks such
as shopping
These tasks require a baseline level of attention and
concentration and so can be impaired when other cognitive
domains are primarily affected.
Testing this domain involves:
• drawing tasks
• copying multistep movements or procedures
• arithmetic
These can be impaired in most global encephalopathies, but
in terms of dementias tend to be mildly impaired in Alzheimer’s
disease and more severely affected in corticobasal degeneration
and dementia with Lewy bodies.
Bedside testing of cognitive domains 141

They are also commonly impaired in non-dominant

hemisphere strokes, giving rise to the common features in
these patients of neglect and dyspraxia.

The lateral temporal lobes are crucial sites for semantic memory
processes. Memory can appear falsely impaired owing to poor
concentration in depressive states. Alzheimer’s disease, dementia
with Lewy bodies and frontal–temporal dementia all exhibit
profound memory deficits. Progressive supranuclear palsy is
typically associated with well preserved memory function, and
can thereby be distinguished from other neurodegenerative

Executive function
Deficits in executive functioning often cause substantial
impairment in an individual’s ability to work and to participate
normally in social activities. Deficits in this domain may not be
apparent on initial discussion or history taking. Basic tests of
executive function examine:
• initiation
• abstraction
• set-shifting
Executive functioning tends to be affected in most degenerative
cognitive processes. In many ways it defines a dementing
process; however, it may be quite well preserved in mild
cognitive impairment.

7.4  Bedside testing of

cognitive domains
The purpose of this part of the examination is twofold:
1. to perform a brief screen of the five basic cognitive
2. to elicit a number of cortical release signs or ‘primitive
142 Higher cortical function

The following approach assesses each of the five domains in turn.

Some elements of it are in common with the ACE-R and MMSE
but it includes slightly more detailed assessment than either.

Firstly, ask the patient whether they are naturally left or right
handed. Then tell the patient that you are going to test their
memory and speech with some very simple questions that will
get a bit more difficult.

This stage of the examination requires paper, pen, a photograph
and a newspaper.

Examine cognitive function by domain:
• orientation
• attention
• language
• visuoperceptual function and calculation
• memory
• executive function
• cortical release signs (primitive reflexes)

Ask the patient the:
• time (hour, day of week, month, year)
• place (ward, building, town, country)
• person (their name, age and date of birth)

Test attention by asking the patient to:
• recite the months of the
Clinical insight year backwards
When testing a patient’s ability to repeat
• spell WORLD backwards
a span of digits, remember to write • repeat back 7–9 sequen-
down the numbers for yourself to check tially longer numbers (a
whether they are right! test of digit span memory)
Bedside testing of cognitive domains 143

Assess language function for:
• lack of comprehension (receptive dysphasia)
• poor articulation (dysarthria)
• problems expressing or word finding (expressive dysphasia)
To assess language, test the patient’s abilities of:
• conversation: note the length, word choice, articulation and
fluency of speech during the consultation
• language function: asking the patient to describe the
picture in Figure 7.2
• comprehension: ask them the following: ‘What colour are
daffodils?’ (yellow); ‘What do we call a small seat without a
back? (stool); and ‘Close your eyes and stick out your tongue’
• naming: ask them to name a few objects close to hand (e.g.
pen, belt, cup)
• repetition: ask them to repeat: ‘baby’; ‘hippopotamus’;
‘education’; a name and address (e.g. ‘Peter Godfrey, 14
Woodbean Avenue, Durham’) and tell them to try to remember
• writing: ask them to write a short, sensible, sentence

Visuoperceptual function and calculation

Spatial organisation Ask the patient to:
• draw a clock face, showing ‘a quarter past six’
• copy the cube shown in Figure 7.3
• point to all the letter Bs in Figure 7.4
• name the fragmented letters in Figure 7.5

Figure 7.2  Picture

used to assess language
function. Patients should
be asked to describe
the photograph. Visual
memory is then tested
later by having the patient
recall the picture
144 Higher cortical function

Figure 7.3  Visuospatial

functions. The cube
is used to assess for a
constructional dyspraxia.
Ask the patient to copy
this. They should include
each side and each angle.
Have the patient bisect the
line. In visual neglect they
may place the midpoint off
to one side

Figure 7.4  Ask the

patient to count the
number of letter Bs. Note
any neglect. There are 11

Figure 7.5  Ask the patient

to name these letters. Z, M
and Y are shown partially

Neglect Ask the patient to mark the exact mid-point of the

horizontal line in Figure 7.3.
Praxis Ask the patient to:
• copy a series of hand positions
• demonstrate how they would ‘Hammer a nail in’, ‘Brush their
teeth’, ‘Shave’
• if motor deficits allow, ask them to take off and/or put on
their shirt or cardigan
Bedside testing of cognitive domains 145

Calculation Ask the patient to perform some basic arithmetic.

To test the patient’s memory, ask them:
• to recall the name and address from earlier
• to describe the picture you showed them
• ‘who is the Prime Minister?’; ‘what were the dates of the
Second World War?’; and ‘who was the US President who
was assassinated in 1963?’
• to name a few famous people shown in a newspaper

Executive function
Proverbs Have them explain the following proverbs:
• ‘strike while the iron is hot’
• ‘the apple never falls far from the tree’
• ‘it is always darkest before the dawn’
Fluency Have them name as many words as possible that begin
with the letter C in 60 seconds.

Cortical release signs

Cortical release signs are generally insensitive, non-specific
and not a formal part of any cognitive testing. However, when
they occur in the clinical context of other frontal lobe signs or
a history suggestive of cognitive impairment, they can be a
useful pointer to frontal lobe dysfunction.
Grasp reflex Stroke the patient’s palm with your finger or end
of the tendon hammer:
• normal: no grasp
• abnormal: hand involuntarily grips
Palmomental reflex Stroke the thenar eminence with the end
of the tendon hammer; observe the ipsilateral chin:
• normal: no chin movement
• abnormal: ipsilateral twitching of mentalis muscle
Pout reflex Press firmly with your index finger on the patient’s
closed lips:
• normal: little resistance from lips
146 Higher cortical function

• abnormal: patient involuntarily pushes lips in a pouting or

kissing movement

Key differential diagnoses

Establishing handedness enables identification of the most
likely dominant hemisphere. Approximately 90% of right-handed
people and 70% of left-handed people have the major speech
centres in their left hemispheres, i.e. the left hemisphere is
the dominant hemisphere. So although the left is dominant
in the majority of people, it is not uncommon for left-handed
individuals to have a dominant right hemisphere. This is
particularly important to be aware of when assessing speech
The value of assessing cognitive function lies in being able
to recognise particular patterns of impairment across the dif-
ferent cognitive domains and interpreting these in light of the
clinical context.
There are several common or important cognitive
syndromes that will show deficits on bedside testing and that
may be distinguished by the relative deficiencies in particular
domains (Table 7.1).

Mild cognitive impairment

Patients have subjective memory problems with some deficits
on formal testing. Patients are able to function normally day
to day with preserved general cognitive function. Each year,
around 15% of patients with mild cognitive impairment
develop Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease
This has slow onset and gradual progression of memory loss
with impairment in other cognitive domains with time. Often,
patients have language problems, apraxias or executive

Vascular dementia
There is often executive dysfunction initially. There is also a
characteristic stepwise pattern of abrupt declines in cognitive
function in the presence of cerebrovascular disease.
Bedside testing of cognitive domains 147

Syndrome Domains affected Domains spared

Depression All may be impaired, –
especially attention
Mild cognitive Mainly attention Visuospatial, language,
impairment and short-term executive function may be
memory normal initially
Alzheimer’s disease Marked attention, Eventually all cognitive
orientation and domains become affected
memory deficits.
Language and
visuospatial also
Progressive Executive function Language and visuospatial
supranuclear palsy markedly impaired; sometimes impaired
Dementia with Lewy Short-term memory Most other domains spared
bodies and executive until late
Frontotemporal Memory and Subtypes include patients
dementia executive function with deficits primarily in
Corticobasal Executive function, Most domains eventually
degeneration language and impaired
Multiple system Memory and Most other domains spared
atrophy executive function until late

Table 7.1  Predominant deficits found in major subtypes of dementia.

Frontotemporal dementia
This can be either behavioural dominant or language dominant:
• behavioural-dominant patients show changes in personality
and executive function
• language-dominant patients show expressive dysphasia
Both show memory impairment and characteristic preservation
of visuospatial function.
148 Higher cortical function

Dementia with Lewy bodies

Patients have parkinsonism and cognitive dysfunction.
There are characteristic fluctuations in attention and
orientation, which may be mistaken for delirium. Visual and
auditory hallucinations are common, as is a history of sleep

Progressive supranuclear palsy

There is cognitive dysfunction in combination with signs and
symptoms of supranuclear palsy, including vertical gaze palsy,
pseudobulbar palsy and rigidity.

Corticobasal degeneration
Patients have cognitive dysfunction together with signs
and symptoms of corticobasal degeneration, including
asymmetrical rigidity. Cognitive impairment typically includes
limb apraxia and neglect.

What happens next?

CT or MRI of the brain may be indicated. In dementias there
will often be marked cortical atrophy, reflecting progressive
loss of neuronal tissue. A MMSE or ACE-R test can be
documented to help assess
disease progression.
Clinical insight More detailed and lengthy
There are two types of dementia: ‘neat’ cognitive examinations can
or ‘messy’. Although this oversimplifies be helpful if the presenting
a complex spectrum, it highlights the features are atypical or very
way dementias tend to present: either
with typical memory decline followed
subtle. In more advanced
by other domains (‘neat’) or by unusual dementias, however, they
behavioural changes, usually reflecting are not always helpful in
early executive dysfunction (‘messy’). improving the practical
management of the patient.

7.5  System summary

A summary of higher cortical function examination is given
in Table 7.2.
System summary 149

Orientation Time, place, person

Attention Months backwards
WORLD backwards
Digit span
Language Note conversational speech
Describe picture
Comprehension: simple questions
Name objects
Repetition: ‘baby’, ‘hippopotamus’, name and address
Write a short sentence
Visuospatial function Clock face showing a specified time
and calculation
Copy cube
Point to the letter Bs
Name fragmented letters
Neglect: line bisect
Praxis: copy hand positions, pantomime actions,
Basic arithmetic
Memory Recall name and address from above
Executive function
Describe picture from above
Cortical release signs
Questions: Prime Minister, Second World War, US
President assassination
Famous faces from a newspaper
Fluency: words beginning with C

Table 7.2  Summary of higher cortical function assessment


Autonomic 8
nervous system
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) comprises the
sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions in a diffuse
network of central and peripheral connections that mediate
homeostatic control of much of the body’s ‘vegetative functions’.
The sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions generally act
antagonistically to allow fine control over functions such as
heart rate, blood pressure, respiration and a host of other core
physiological functions.

8.1 Objectives
Both central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous
system lesions can affect the ANS. Often, the dysfunction
is subtle and difficult to detect clinically owing to the large
moment-to-moment and interindividual variation in many of
the affected physiological parameters. However, it is essential
to be aware of some simple bedside tests that can help in
assessing the ANS.
The process explained in this chapter does not need to be
carried out routinely in every patient; rather, it is required only
in those with known neurological disease likely to involve the
ANS or in those with relevant symptoms or signs from the
history and remainder of the examination.

8.2  Anatomy and physiology review

The specific effects of the autonomic nervous system on
selected organ systems are shown in Table 8.1 and Figure 8.1.
Figure 8.2 shows the relation of the sympathetic chain and
spinal cord.
The sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways both com-
prise preganglionic and postganglionic neurons:
152 Autonomic nervous system

Target organ Sympathetic Parasympathetic

stimulation stimulation
(adrenergic) (muscarinic)
Eye: pupillary dilator α1 dilates pupil M3 contracts pupil
Eye: ciliary muscle β2 relaxes M3 contracts
Mouth Stimulates thick saliva Stimulates watery
Gastrointestinal tract Decreases Increases
Lungs β2 relaxes bronchioles M3 contracts
Heart Increases rate, contractility Decreases rate,
Vascular smooth α1 constricts, β2 relaxes M3 relaxes
Arteries to skin α1 constricts –
Bladder detrusor β2 relaxes M3 contracts
Urethral sphincters α1 contracts M3 relaxes

Table 8.1  Major functions of the autonomic nervous system. α, alpha-

adrenergic receptors. β, beta-adrenergic receptors. M3, muscarinic receptors

• the preganglionic neurons have their cell bodies in the CNS

and project to the postganglionic neurons
• the postganglionic neurons are located outside the CNS and
mediate the effects on target organs

Sympathetic nervous system

The sympathetic pathways:
• have postganglionic neurons mostly found in the
sympathetic chain
• outflow emerges from spinal cord levels T1–L2 (‘thoracolumbar’)
• broadly act in the ‘fight or flight’ response to increase
efficient skeletal muscle energy supply, oxygen exchange,
heart rate, etc.
Anatomy and physiology review 153

Parasympathetic Sympathetic


CN III Dilates Pupil


salivary C1 Reduces salivary
C2 gland secretions
C4 Superior
C5 Cervical
CN X Middle
C6 ganglia
C7 Inferior
Decreases heart rate C8
And contractility T1 Increase heart rate
T2 and contractility
Constricts bronchi T3 Dilates bronchi
smooth muscle T4 smooth muscle
Decreases peristalsis
Increases peristalsis and T6
and gastric secretions
gastric secretions
T8 Stimulates
T9 gluconeogenesis
Increases bile secretions T10
T11 Stimulates release of
T12 adrenaline and
L1 noradrenaline
L3 Relaxes bladder
L5 Sympathetic chain
Contracts S3
bladder S4

Figure 8.1  Summary of major functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic

components of the autonomic nervous system. The parasympathetic supply
originates from the cranial nerves and caudal spinal cord. The sympathetic supply
is derived mainly from the thoracic spinal cord and the sympathetic chain
154 Autonomic nervous system

Dorsal root

Pre- ganglionic
sympathetic neuron
Motor neuron Dorsal root ganglia

Ventral root
Post- ganglionic
sympathetic neuron

Sympathetic chain
Spinal nerve
Grey communicating
White communicating
Peripheral nerve
Sympathetic chain

Figure 8.2  The sympathetic chain. Preganglionic fibres originating in the

intermediolateral cell column of the spinal cord send efferent axons through the
ventral root, spinal nerve and white communicating ramus (myelinated fibres) to
the sympathetic chain ganglia. Here the axons ascend and descend, project to
target organ postganglionic neurons and also synapse locally on postganglionic
sympathetic neurons within the ganglia. These send efferents via the grey
communicating ramus (unmyelinated) to join the peripheral nerve

Parasympathetic nervous system

The parasympathetic pathways:
• have postganglionic neurons mostly found near or in their
target organs
• outflow emerges from CN III, VII, X and S2–4 (‘craniosacral’)
• broadly act to ‘rest and digest’: promote blood flow to
the gastrointestinal tract and to oppose the sympathetic
Clinical features and pathophysiology 155

8.3  Clinical features

and pathophysiology
Some important abnormal findings to be aware of include:
• livido reticularis: dusky cyanosis of the skin caused by
swollen venules producing a characteristic blue lacy pattern.
This has a wide differential diagnosis but may indicate
dysfunction of control of the blood vessels
• cold peripheries: wide differential diagnosis, but may
indicate chronic sympathetic denervation (which leads to
upregulated receptors and chronic increased constriction
in response to circulating catecholamines)
• warm peripheries: wide differential diagnosis, but a warm,
red extremity may indicate an acute loss of sympathetic tone
• anhidrosis (lack of sweating): indicates a sympathetic lesion
in the supply to the affected area
• blood pressure: this normally increases at least 10 mmHg
on sustained handgrip. Less than this may indicate a central
or peripheral sympathetic lesion
• postural hypotension:
– a drop of 20–30 mmHg systolic blood pressure (BP) on
standing is abnormal
– the normal small drop and small rise in diastolic BP is
mediated by the IXth cranial nerve sensing a drop in BP
at the carotid sinus and causing a compensatory increase
in heart rate
– failure of this reflex indicates sympathetic or para­
sympathetic dysfunction from a wide range of causes
• heart rate variability: the heart rate is a reflection of the
fine balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic
interplay. The following abnormalities may indicate an ANS
– resting tachycardia (underactive parasympathetic)
– loss of postural increase in heart rate (HR) (should
increase by at least 10 beats per minute on standing)
156 Autonomic nervous system

– no change in HR with the Valsalva manoeuvre (should

increase during, and then slow after, Valsalva)
• skin erythema: skin blanching or erythema following
mechanical pressure may be lost in peripheral lesions of
the sympathetic system, or heightened in complex regional
pain syndrome or below a spinal cord lesion
• bladder:
– urgency: may be from frontal lobe lesions, chronic spinal
cord lesions, overflow from peripheral neurogenic
bladder (e.g. cauda equina syndrome)
– retention: may be from acute spinal cord lesions or from
peripheral neurogenic bladder
• bowel: reduced anal tone or decreased perianal sensation
(saddle anaesthesia) suggests a cauda equina lesion

8.4 History
The objective of the history is to elicit specific details relevant to
autonomic dysfunction. These may have been missed because
the patient fails to think they are significant or the doctor does
not think to ask.

Tell the patient that you need to ask some questions relating
to how the brain and nerves control some bodily functions.

Work through the major functions of the ANS, checking for
important symptoms of dysfunction. Key questions are:
1. ‘any faint spells? What about on standing/coughing/
2. ‘any changes to your skin?’
3. ‘do you get hot or sweaty flushes?’
4. ‘any change in your bladder function? Any incontinence?
Are you finding it more difficult to pass urine?’
5. ‘are your bowels moving normally?’
Bedside examination and tests 157

6. ‘can you feel it when you wipe after a bowel motion?’

7. ‘any problems during sexual intercourse?’ (clarify whether
there is failure of erection (parasympathetic) or failure of
ejaculation (sympathetic))
8. ‘what medications are you taking?’

8.5  Bedside examination and tests

The purpose of this stage of the examination is to identify
any major autonomic dysfunction. There is substantial
interindividual variation in the parameters assessed, making
these tests somewhat difficult to interpret. However, they are
nonetheless useful bedside tests.

Tell the patient you need to monitor their heart rate and blood
pressure while they perform a few minor acts including lying,
standing, straining and squeezing a ball.

This requires an ECG machine, BP cuff and extra sphygmo­
manometer, and a pen torch.

Follow the sequence:
1. look at the skin
2. feel the skin (temperature, oedema, etc.)
3. examine the pupils
4. attach the ECG machine and record the following: (a)
lying pulse and BP; (b) standing pulse (initially and at 2–3
minutes) and BP (at 2–3 minutes); (c) heart rate variability
during deep breathing (compare shortest and longest RR
interval over 10 deep breaths); and (d) heart rate variability
during Valsalva
5. ask the patient to squeeze the spare sphygmomanometer
continuously and measure the BP at 2 minutes
158 Autonomic nervous system

Key differential diagnoses

These include:
• pupil abnormalities: see Chapter 3
• postural hypotension/loss of postural tachycardia: this has
many causes and is often multifactorial, especially in the
elderly. It may indicate a sympathetic lesion (e.g. Guillain–
Barré syndrome, diabetic
Clinical insight neuropathy or multisystems
Back pain and urinary incontinence/ atrophy)
retention is often assumed to be caused • skin: cold peripheries
by cauda equina syndrome until indicate a chronic
proven otherwise. This may be a safe
sympathetic lesion;
way to approach such patients but do
not forget to take a proper history and warm, red peripheries
examination in your haste. or affecting a single limb
Renal tract pathology (e.g. pyelonephritis indicate acute loss of
with back pain and dysuria) is often sympathetic tone. This
mistaken for cauda equina syndrome.
Even patients in obvious septic shock have
can result from complex
been treated as such. Take a thorough regional pain syndrome
account of any change in bladder function, or an acute sympathetic
examine anal tone yourself and properly lesion from any cause (e.g.
assess for perianal sensation. Guillain–Barré syndrome,
brachial plexopathy)
• Valsalva manoeuvre: lack of an increase in heart rate
during the manoeuvre indicates a sympathetic lesion; lack
of a decrease in heart rate after the manoeuvre indicated a
parasympathetic lesion
• peripheral neurogenic bladder: this will have the following
– typically painless urinary retention
– with or without overflow incontinence
– there may be other signs of cauda equina syndrome such
as faecal incontinence, saddle anaesthesia, radicular pain
in the legs and weakness of ankle dorsiflexion
– causes include cauda equina syndrome and diabetic
• spinal cord bladder: this will have the following features:
– acute: urinary retention and overflow
– chronic: small volume automatic voiding
System summary 159

• cortical bladder: control of voiding is normally regulated

via the cingulate gyrus and paracentral gyrus. Lesions
here (stroke, demyelination, hydrocephalus) can cause
unawareness of a distended bladder and overflow urination.

What happens next?

A bedside bladder scanner is useful to detect any retention and
determine whether incontinence is from overflow. CT or MRI of
the brain and spinal cord may be indicated depending on the
history and examination findings. More detailed assessment of
urinary dysfunction is possible via urodynamics, and a urology
referral should be made if there is no clear cause.

8.6  System summary

A summary of examination of the autonomic nervous system
is shown in Table 8.2.

History Bladder, bowels, syncope, skin, sweating, sensation, sex,

Inspection Skin
Bedside tests Lying and standing pulse and blood pressure
Heart rate variability (lying, standing, breathing, Valsalva,
hand grip).

Table 8.2  Summary of assessment of the autonomic nervous system


Examining the 9
stroke patient
Every junior doctor should be competent in the recognition,
initial assessment and management of acute stroke. It is a
common and serious condition that requires immediate
management decision-making.
Despite the need for a speedy assessment, the history
remains crucial and must be carried out properly and ap-
propriate collateral history sought where needed. Most hos-
pitals now have an acute stroke service and they should be
contacted early for discussion of appropriate investigations
and management.

9.1 Objectives
Assessing the patient with acute onset of focal neurological
symptoms requires a balance between speed and thorough-
ness to ensure:
• symptoms and signs are confirmed
• stroke risk factors are identified
• the lesion is broadly localised
• suitability for thrombolysis is established

9.2  Anatomy and physiology review

Many are apprehensive of assessing the stroke patient as they
are convinced a detailed knowledge of neuroanatomy and
arterial territories is required. Although this helps with fine
localisation and in rarer presentations, only a broad knowledge
is required.
The widespread implementation of the Oxford classification
system allows a pragmatic approach to classifying stroke in the
acute setting. This classification groups strokes into four main
162 Examining the stroke patient

categories based on the clinical features. This allows broad

localisation of pathology to the:
• carotid arteries
• vertebrobasilar arterial system
• deep perforating arteries
• superficial cortical vessels
These broad divisions are helpful in directing immediate and
long-term investigations and management and inform the
prognosis. The classification is shown in Table 9.1.
The Oxford system is based on clinical features but these
correlate with typical blood vessel dysfunction. Thus dis-
turbances in blood flow in the carotid arteries (the anterior
circulation) lead to TACS or PACS, while disturbances to flow
in the vertebrobasilar vessels (the posterior circulation) leads

Syndrome Features
Total anterior circulation All of:
syndrome Motor or sensory deficit*
Higher cortical dysfunction
Partial anterior circulation Two of:
syndrome Motor or sensory deficit
Higher cortical dysfunction
Lacunar syndrome One of:
Pure motor deficit*
Pure sensory deficit*
Sensorimotor deficit*
Ataxic hemiparesis
Without any of:
Higher cortical dysfunction
Posterior circulation syndrome symptoms
Posterior circulation Any of:
syndrome Isolated homonymous hemianopia
Bilateral motor or sensory deficit
Brainstem signs
Cerebellar signs

Table 9.1  The Oxford stroke classification system. *Affecting face, arm and leg.
Clinical features and pathophysiology 163

Anterior circulation
Anterior cerebral
Posterior circulation
Middle cerebral


Internal carotid

Figure 9.1  The anterior and posterior circulations refer to the circulation derived
from the internal carotid arteries (anterior; dark blue) and the vertebrobasilar
arteries (posterior; grey)

to POCS. Figure 9.1 illustrates the division of the anterior and

posterior circulations. Figure 9.2 shows the circle of Willis and
major arteries.

9.3  Clinical features and

Stroke is defined as the sudden onset of focal neurological
symptoms which localise to a vascular territory or territories,
lasting more than 24 hours.
Transient ischaemic attacks (TIAs) last less than 24 hours
by definition but most last less than a few hours. The risk of a
further stroke after a TIA is high (8–12% 7-day risk; 18% 30-day
risk) and should therefore be investigated promptly.
There are many causes, however:
• most strokes are ischaemic (80%): atherothromboembolism,
cardioembolism and small vessel disease constitute the
majority of causes of ischaemic stroke
164 Examining the stroke patient

Anterior Anterior circulation

communicating Anterior
artery cerebral
artery Middle
Internal carotid artery

Posterior Posterior cerebral artery

communicating artery
Superior cerebellar artery
Pontine perforators

Basilar artery

Anterior inferior
cerebellar artery
Vertebral artery
Anterior spinal artery Posterior inferior
cerebellar artery
Posterior circulation

Figure 9.2  The circle of Willis and major cerebral arteries. The hyphenated line
divides the anterior and posterior cerebral circulations.

• haemorrhagic stroke is sufficiently common that empirical

treatment of suspected stroke without brain imaging is unsafe
Major risk factors for ischaemic stroke are shown in Table 9.2.
Smoking and diabetes also double the risk.

Risk factor Relative risk

Hypertension (systolic over 160) 7
Age (over 75) 5
Atrial fibrillation 5
Previous transient ischaemic attack/stroke 5
Ischaemic heart disease 3

Table 9.2  Major risk factors for ischaemic stroke

Clinical features and pathophysiology 165

The hallmark of neurological problems caused by stroke

is the sudden loss of neurological function. Loss of vision,
speech problems, numbness and weakness are typical
whereas positive phenomena such as visual flashes or par-
aesthesia are unusual. The Oxford classification describes
four syndromes:
• lacunar syndrome
• partial anterior circulation syndrome
• total anterior circulation syndrome
• posterior circulation syndrome

Lacunar syndrome
A lacunar infarct occurs in the deep penetrating arteries of the
thalamus, corona radiata or internal capsule. Lacunar syndrome
consists of:
• pure motor deficit
• pure sensory deficit
• or both
• it must involve two or more of the face, arm and leg
• no other new neurological symptoms are present

Partial anterior circulation syndrome

A partial anterior circulation syndrome (PACS) occurs when
part of the anterior circulation (the vasculature derived from
the internal carotid arteries) is occluded. It differs from a total
anterior circulation syndrome (TACS) in the extent of brain that
is ischaemic and is usually from a more distal occlusion than a
TACS. It consists of two of the following:
• motor or sensory deficit (from occlusion of the middle
branch of the middle cerebral artery (MCA))
• higher cortical dysfunction (from occlusion of the middle or
anterior branch of the MCA)
• hemianopia (from occlusion of the posterior branch of the

Total anterior circulation syndrome

A TACS occurs when the whole of the anterior circulation is
occluded. There is a ‘full house’ of symptoms:
166 Examining the stroke patient

• motor deficit
• sensory deficit
• homonymous hemianopia
• higher cortical dysfunction

Posterior circulation syndrome

A posterior circulation syndrome (POCS) is caused by an infarct
in the territory supplied by the arteries derived from the
vertebral and basilar arteries. This presents with:
• an isolated hemianopia
• brainstem signs (e.g. cranial nerve palsies)
• cerebellar ataxia
The spectrum of clinical findings can be wide and confusing
when there is brainstem
Clinical insight involvement as there are
many motor, sensory and
Cranial nerve involvement is a general
cranial nerve tracts and
indicator of posterior circulation
involvement. nuclei close together in this
region (see Table 3.3).

Hemispheric dominance
The left hemisphere is dominant and houses language function
in 95% of right-handed people and 70% of left-handed people.
Along with the expected weakness, hemianopia, etc. on the
contralateral side of the body, a stroke in each hemisphere
usually results in quite typical higher cortical dysfunction
(Table 9.3).

Dominant (usually left) Non-dominant (usually right)

Clinical features Aphasia, poor right Extinction, neglect, poor
conjugate gaze, left conjugate gaze, spatial
difficulty reading, disorientation
writing or calculating
Patient insight Usually present Usually absent

Table 9.3  Clinical features of dominant and non-dominant hemisphere strokes

Stroke history 167

9.4  Stroke history

The purpose of this examination is to establish the range
of symptoms, identify the timing of onset as accurately as
possible, identify risk factors, identify any clear cause, identify
other comorbidities and determine suitability for thrombolysis.

Patients are often dysphasic, disorientated or otherwise unable
to give a reliable history. It is imperative to obtain a collateral
history from family or eye witnesses in order to establish clearly
the timing of onset and any contraindications to thrombolysis.
Telephone family members or witnesses if needed and, if
there is time (e.g. while waiting for a referral to arrive in the
emergency department), contact their relevant healthcare
providers such as GP or other physician to establish premorbid
state, comorbidities or recent interventions. However, do not
delay the rest of the assessment for this.

Key information to establish in a stoke history is:
1. the time of onset
• if the patient is unable to clarify, this must be assumed
to be the time last known to be well
• for patients waking up with stroke symptoms this must
be assumed to be when they went to sleep
2. which symptoms are present
• weakness, numbness, speech problems, visual disturbance,
swallowing problems, ataxia, vertigo
3. whether symptoms are improving, worsening or are static
4. risk factors present:
• age
• hypertension
• diabetes
• smoking
• atrial fibrillation
168 Examining the stroke patient

• ischaemic heart disease or peripheral vascular disease

• hyperlipidaemia
• alcohol
• family history
5. premorbid state and comorbidities:
• level of independence
• employment
• social activities
• heart disease
• gastrointestinal (GI) disease, especially liver disease and
upper or lower GI bleeding
• respiratory disease
• neurological disease, including migraine

Thrombolysis contraindications
Presentation Onset unclear or more than 3.5 hours ago
Seizure since onset
Invasive/surgical procedure in previous 3 weeks
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Symptoms minor or improving
Significant premorbid dependence.
Bleeding disorder Previous intracranial bleeding
Active bleeding
Active peptic ulcer or gastrointestinal bleeding;
Current anticoagulation use
Cranial disorders Stroke in the preceding 3 months
Head or facial trauma in the preceding 3 months
Structural cerebrovascular disease
Cardiovascular Aortic dissection
Severe hypertension
Diabetic retinopathy

Table 9.4  Contraindications to thrombolytic therapy

Stroke neurological examination 169

6. medication history:
• full drug history, including recreational drugs
• particularly use of antiplatelet drugs or anticoagulation
• use of insulin or antihyperglycaemic drugs
7. contraindications to thrombolysis (see Table 9.4)

Key differential diagnoses

The history may suggest a typical TACS, PACS, POCS or lacunar
syndrome. Other conditions may closely mimic ischaemic
stroke and include:
• haemorrhagic stroke: there is no absolute way to
differentiate but this more commonly presents with
headache than ischaemic stroke
• hypoglycaemia can occur in patients with known
diabetes on medical therapy
• complicated migraine: patients may have atypical
features for stroke, such as positive visual phenomena
or paraesthesia, and a history of migraines
• hyper or hypocalcaemia
• sepsis, especially in elderly, may cause focal neurological

What happens next?

Perform a modified (stroke) neurological examination and a
general examination.

9.5  Stroke neurological examination

The aim of the stroke neurological examination is to identify
neurological signs in order to classify the stroke syndrome,
broadly localise the lesion and allow immediate management

This is essentially a general neurological examination
aimed at eliciting the major signs required to classify the
170 Examining the stroke patient

This requires a tendon hammer, pen torch, hat pin, Neurotip
and tuning fork.

To perform a focused stroke examination:
1. assess the Glasgow Coma Scale score
2. orientation: ask the month and the patient’s age
3. commands: ask the patient to open and close their eyes,
then grip and release with their non-paretic hand
4. assess cranial nerves III, IV, VI: note any cranial nerve or gaze palsy
5. assess for visual defects: tested with the hat pin, confrontation
or visual threat as appropriate
• hemianopia
• visual neglect
• visual extinction
6. assess for weakness: face, arms, legs
7. limb ataxia: test finger–nose pointing and heel–shin co-
8. sensation: test pin-prick sensation or withdrawal to pain
• face
• arms
• legs
• sensory extinction or neglect
• further assess vibration sense when there is clinical
suspicion of a brainstem lesion
9. language: ask the patient to describe what you are wearing,
name items and read a sentence
10. dysarthria: ask the patient to repeat words
11. test the limb and plantar reflexes

Key differential diagnoses

It should be possible to identify the stroke syndrome and classify it
within the Oxford classification or localise it further. Hypoglycaemia
must be excluded in all patients as it can cause sudden onset focal
neurological deficits. Migraine can uncommonly cause unusual
transient neurological deficits and can mimic stroke. It is not always
possible to clinically differentiate this from true stroke.
Stroke general examination 171

What happens next?

Next, perform a brief general examination.

9.6  Stroke general examination

This examination is used to identify evidence of any predisposing
factors, extent of coexistent disease and complications of
stroke. These include:
• evidence of stroke risk factors (Table 9.2)
• evidence of complications of stroke such as aspiration
• evidence of contraindications to thrombolysis (retinopathy,
peptic ulcer, GI bleeding)

This requires a stethoscope and an ophthalmoscope.

The key body system areas to examine are cardiovascular,
respiratory and gastrointestinal.

Assess the following:
• heart rate and rhythm (e.g. atrial fibrillation)
• murmurs (e.g. septic emboli from endocarditis)
• blood pressure (hyper- or hypotension, aortic dissection)
• bruits (poor correlation with carotid artery atheroma)
• fundoscopy (diabetic or hypertensive retinopathy)
• peripheral pulses (vascular disease)

Assess the following:
• respiratory rate (sepsis, pneumonia)
• focal chest signs (aspiration)

Assess the following:
172 Examining the stroke patient

• peripheral stigmata of liver disease

• abdominal tenderness may reflect peptic ulcer disease or
mesenteric ischaemia
• per rectum bleeding

What happens next?

Obtain an ECG and a blood glucose reading. Discuss the patient
with the acute stroke team regarding their suitability for
thrombolysis and further management. If thrombolysis is being
considered, an immediate CT brain scan is required to exclude

A CT scan should be performed quickly to exclude haemor-
rhage. Note that a CT may be normal early on or in posterior
circulation syndrome infarcts. MRI is far more sensitive and is
indicated if the CT is normal or in posterior circulation syn-
dromes. However, this takes longer than CT and is not usually
available in the acute setting.
An acute ischaemic stroke may appear normal or it may be
evident as:
• sulci effacement: cortical sulci lose definition owing to
subtle oedema
• loss of grey–white differentiation: oedema can cause subtle
loss of distinction between grey and white matter, especially
the lentiform nucleus of the basal ganglia and the cortical
ribbon of the insular cortex
• dense middle cerebral artery (MCA): an occluded MCA can
appear hyperdense on CT, as can an occluded basilar artery

9.7 Thrombolysis
Alteplase is the treatment of choice for thrombolysis:
• it is licensed for acute ischaemic stroke within 3.5 hours of
onset, although some centres use it beyond this time in a
trial setting
Thrombolysis 173

• its benefit is in disability at 3 months, rather than an acute

reversal of symptoms (which is often seen in both treated
and untreated stroke patients)
• the degree of benefit reduces with time from onset, so that
even though 3.5 hours is seen as a time limit the benefit at
this stage is marginal
The decision to thrombolyse is one that should be made by
an experienced stroke consultant who can weigh the risks and
benefits for the individual patient.

The risks and benefits of thrombolysis must be explained to
the patient or next of kin by a physician experienced with its
use. A consultant stroke physician should be consulted prior to

This requires intravenous access and a syringe driver.

Alteplase is administered as follows:
1. total dose is 0.9 mg/kg to a maximum of 90 mg
2. initial bolus is 10%
3. remainder infused over 1 hour
4. patient is nursed in a devoted acute stroke unit experienced
in monitoring thrombolysis patients

What happens next?

A repeat CT brain scan is indicated 24 hours after thrombolysis
to detect any evolution of infarct or haemorrhage.

9.8  System summary

Table 9.5 summarises the examination of a stroke patient.
174 Examining the stroke patient

History Time of onset, symptoms, progression, risk

factors, premorbid disease, medications,
contraindications to thrombolysis
Neurological assessment Glasgow Coma Scale score
Visual defects
Limb ataxia
General examination
Bedside investigations
(ECG blood glucose)
Discussion with acute
stroke team
CT or MRI brain scan

Table 9.5  Summary of the examination of a stroke patient


Examining the 10
coma patient

10.1 Objectives
Key objectives in examining a person in a coma are to assess
the level of consciousness, localise the lesion and detect any
signs of the aetiology. This chapter assumes that the patient
has been resuscitated following standard advanced life support
or advanced trauma life support procedures and is otherwise

10.2  Anatomy and physiology review

Normal consciousness requires an intact cerebral cortex and
ascending brainstem reticular activating system (RAS). The RAS
includes the midbrain reticular formation, the tegmentum and
the thalamus. Cholinergic and adrenergic neurons ascend from
these nuclei and form extensive connections with the thalamus,
which in turn forms diffuse thalamocortical connections.

10.3  Clinical features

and pathophysiology
Lesion localisation in unconscious patients can be difficult.
However, there are a few general principles that allow
identification of diffuse, hemispheric or brainstem lesions.

Brainstem lesions
Damage to the brainstem can cause decreased consciousness
along with specific more focal symptoms. The presence of
otherwise normal brainstem function (e.g. reflexes) therefore
points towards a diffuse or cortical cause of decreased
Signs indicating brainstem involvement include the
176 Examining the coma patient

Clinical insight Eyes

The position of the eye and
Remember CAP to help you localise
a lesion in relation to a hemiparesis:
the presence of abnormal
Cortical lesions look Away from the spontaneous movements
Paretic limb. Therefore, look at the can help localise a lesion.
patient: if they have a gaze paresis
looking away from the paretic limb, Resting eye position There
the lesion must be in the cortex in are a number of key findings:
the contralateral hemisphere; if they • in a gaze paresis from a
are looking towards the limb, it is a pontine lesion the patient
brainstem lesion.
will be looking towards
a hemiparesis and away
from the lesion
• in a gaze paresis from a hemisphere lesion the patient will
be looking away from a hemiparesis and towards the lesion.
Dysfunction of the frontal eye fields removes the normal
tonic drive of eyes, thereby allowing the intact hemisphere
to draw the eyes towards it
• downgaze suggests a dorsal midbrain or thalamic lesion,
or CN III, IV or VI lesions. It can also be caused by raised
intracranial pressure: a so-called ‘false localising sign’
Spontaneous eye movements There are a number of key
• slow roving horizontal eye movements suggest intact
pontine and midbrain circuits and imply cortical damage
• ocular bobbing (downward jerking of eyes) suggests loss
of horizontal gaze mechanisms at the base of the pons

Pupil’s can be:
• bilateral pin-point: small, unreactive pupils suggest a
pontine lesion or opiates
• bilateral mid-position: 4–6 mm, unreactive pupils suggest
a midbrain lesion
• bilateral dilated: large, unreactive dilated pupils suggest
anticholinergic poisoning or a preterminal stage of
Clinical features and pathophysiology 177

• unilateral dilated: suggests CN III palsy, e.g. from uncal

• normal: metabolic causes other than opiate or anticholinergic
poisoning generally do
not affect the pupils Clinical insight
Remember the localisation of abnormal
Ocular reflexes pupils as: Pin-Point Pupils are Pontine or
These are used when there oPiate; Mid-position pupils are Midbrain.
are no spontaneous eye
movements to help determine
whether the brainstem is intact. There are two main reflexes:
• oculocephalic reflex (doll’s eyes reflex)
– ‘positive’ if intact; the patient’s eyes will show slow
conjugate deviation to the contralateral side when their
head is turned (eyes appear to maintain fixation on a
– ‘negative’ suggests brainstem involvement
• oculovestibular reflex (caloric testing)
– this is performed if the oculocephalic reflex is negative;
cold water is instilled into the ear canal and the patient’s
response observed over 1–2 minutes; this is repeated on
the other side after 5 minutes
– ‘positive’ if intact; the patient’s eyes will show slow
conjugate deviation towards the instilled side
– ‘negative’ suggests brainstem involvement
– if the unconscious state is factitious then caloric testing
will show nystagmus with the fast phase away from the
instilled ear

Breathing pattern
The patient is likely to be ventilated; nonetheless, the
spontaneous breathing pattern is informative. Ataxic breathing
is a variable amplitude and rate and suggests lower brainstem

Cortical lesions
Diffuse damage to either or both cerebral hemispheres from
any cause can result in impaired consciousness. The key to
178 Examining the coma patient

identifying the lesion here is the posture and direction of

gaze paresis.

Once admitted to hospital, the comatose patient has meticulous
nursing care directed towards avoiding bedsores. This involves
readjusting posture, so it is often difficult to interpret the
‘natural’ posture of the patient. The following may suggest the
location of the lesion:
• parietal lobe posture: the patient neglects the affected side
and may have their arm or leg in an awkward position
• decorticate posture: in this the patient’s:
– contralateral arm is flexed
– contralateral foot is slightly extended
– eyes are deviated away from the paresis and towards the
hemispheric lesion
• brainstem hemiparetic posture: in this the patient will have:
– Ipsilateral arm and/or leg paresis
– eyes looking towards the lesion and paresis
• decerebrate posture: the patient’s arms and legs are extended
and internally rotated and this indicates a brainstem lesion

10.4  General observations

General observations will help to:
• determine the patient’s level of consciousness
• identify the posture of the patient
• establish the degree and range of physiological support
• give clues to the underlying cause

Assuming that the patient has been resuscitated and is stable,
proceed to determine the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score first
to determine how co-operative the patient will be.

This requires a stethoscope.
General observations 179

Perform a targeted general examination:
1. in an examination situation ask the examiner whether the
patient is otherwise stable and has had their cervical spine
2. determine their GCS score (Table 10.1)
3. note any intravenous infusions, including sedatives
4. inspect the patient
– skin: cyanosis, pallor, cherry redness, jaundice, petechiae,
uraemic frost
– skull: blood in the ear canal, Battle’s sign, racoon eyes,
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
– temperature: pyrexia, hypothermia
– meningism: resistance to passive neck flexion and

Component Score
Eyes open
Spontaneously 4
To verbal stimulation 3
To pain 2
Never 1
Best verbal response
Orientated and converses 5
Disorientated and converses 4
Inappropriate words 3
Incomprehensive sounds 2
No response 1
Best motor response
Obeys commands 6
Localises pain 5
Withdraws to pain 4
Flexes to pain 3
Extends to pain 2
No response 1
Total 15

Table 10.1  The Glasgow Coma Scale

180 Examining the coma patient

– breathing pattern: note the ventilator settings, Cheyne–

Stokes respiration, ataxic, hyperventilation
– posture
5. general examination
– pulse, blood pressure, heart sounds
– respiratory rate, breath sounds, oxygen saturations

Key differential diagnoses

These include:
• meningitis/encephalitis: rash, fever, meningism
• seizure: sedation for status epilepticus, lateral tongue bitten,
may have post-ictal hemiparesis, incontinence
• poisoning: there are a wide range of haemodynamic signs
depending on the poison. Opiates may cause pin-point
pupils, low respiratory rate and needle tracks
• trauma: there may be signs of: (1) head injury; (2) base of
skull fracture – bruising around the eyes (racoon eyes) or
behind the ears (Battle’s sign), CSF leak from the ear or nose;
and (3) fracture of long bones or ribs
• metabolic: there are a myriad of clinical signs, including:
(1) uraemic frost in renal failure, jaundice and stigmata
of liver disease in hepatic encephalopathy; and (2) sepsis
may progress to encephalopathy or require sedation and
• stroke: decorticate or decerebrate posture

What happens next?

Next, move on to examining the eyes and reflexes.

10.5  Eyes and reflexes

This examination determines whether the brainstem is involved
or remains intact.

Ensure that the C-spine has been cleared of any injury by asking
the examiner or checking X-rays or CT scans.
Eyes and reflexes 181

This requires a pen torch, tendon hammer, cotton wool and a
syringe with cold water.

To examine the eyes and reflexes of a patient in a coma:
1. note any gaze paresis
2. note any spontaneous eye opening or eye movements
3. open the patient’s eyelids if they are closed and observe
4. ask the patient to look up, down, left, right
5. oculocephalic reflexes: turn the patient’s head to the right,
left, up and down and observe whether their eyes move
6. test the blink reflex
7. note the resting pupil sizes
8. elicit the pupillary reflexes
9. examine tone in the limbs
10. elicit triceps, biceps, knee, ankle and plantar reflexes
11. elicit caloric reflexes if the above fails to demonstrate an
intact brainstem.

Key differential diagnoses

Gaze paresis and eye movements
Signs of eye deviation and movement can indicate the location
of the lesion:
• eyes deviated towards
the hemiparetic side: the Clinical insight
patient’s eyes look towards The locked-in syndrome occurs
the side of a brainstem when the ventral pons is damaged
lesion but the anterior portion is spared. The
descending corticospinal tracts are
• eyes deviated away from damaged and completely paralyse
the hemiparetic side: the the patient but the reticular activating
patient’s eyes look away system is intact and the patient is
from the side of a cerebral conscious. There is variable sparing
of ocular movements, typically with
hemisphere lesion
preserved upgaze or eyelid movements,
• eyes below the midline: meaning that the patient can
this suggests a midbrain communicate through blinking or eye
lesion movements
182 Examining the coma patient

• skew deviation (one eye lower than the other): there is a

medulla or pontine lesion ipsilateral to the down eye or basal
ganglia or thalamic lesion contralateral to the down eye
• both eyes adducted: this indicates a bilateral VIth nerve palsy
from raised intracranial pressure
• occular bobbing: this indicates a pontine lesion
• tracking: the patient will track movement in the horizontal
plane if the midbrain is intact

Pupil signs and their associated lesions are given above in
section 10.3.

Tone and limb reflexes

A number of signs can indicate the location of the lesion:
• Normal: there is a diffuse toxic or metabolic cause
• cortical lesion: weakness is worse contralateral to the lesion.
Reflexes are brisk. The patient may be acutely flaccid and
then spastic
• cerebellar lesion: often quadriplegic. Reflexes are brisk. The
patient may be acutely flaccid and then spastic

Oculovestibular reflexes
These can indicate whether the brainstem is involved or not:
• intact reflex suggests that some basic function of the
brainstem remains
• absent reflexes suggests that the brainstem is involved and
carries a very poor prognosis

What happens next?

Direct investigations towards determining the underlying

10.6  System summary

Examination of a patient in a coma is summarised in Table 10.2.
System summary 183

Inspection Check C-spine

Glasgow Coma Scale score
Intravenous infusions and physiological support
Patient: skin, skull, neck, mouth, temperature,
breathing, posture
General examination Cardiovascular
Eyes and reflexes Gaze paresis
Eye movements
Oculocephalic reflexes
Blink reflex
Pupillary reflexes
Limb tone
Limb reflexes
Oculovestibular reflexes.

Table 10.2  Examining a patient in a coma


The neurological 11
in 4 minutes

11.1 Objectives
There is seldom a good reason not to perform a brief neuro­
logical examination on any patient admitted to hospital for
any cause. Even in those without any neurological symptoms
it is important to establish and document baseline gross
neurological function and potentially detect any significant
In a busy outpatient setting, many consultant neurologists
only need to perform a very brief screening examination. This
is because they usually already know the diagnosis from the
history (or so they would have you believe!) and are expert at
interpreting any signs that are present.
The following is a simple ordered list of the important
steps to include in such screening examinations. The detailed
techniques are all covered in previous chapters. This may seem
like a lot to do on every patient but, once well rehearsed, such
a screening can be done in 2–3 minutes.

11.2 Sequence
A summary of the sequence of performing a neurological
screening examination is given in Table 11.1.
186 The neurological screening examination in 4 minutes

Handedness ‘Are you left or right handed?’

Orientation ‘What is the year? Month? Day? Date? Where are you?
‘Whom did Prince William marry?’
Gait Ask the patient to walk to the end of the room and back
Speech Ask them to touch their left cheek with their right thumb
Ask them to say ‘yellow lorry’ and ‘happy hippopotamus’
Neck stiffness Ask the patient to flex, extend and rotate their neck to
assess for meningism.
CN II–XII Assess the patient’s pupils
Assess their fields
Check their fundi for papilloedema
Assess their range of eye movements
Assess their sensation on the face and their strength of
teeth clenching
Check their facial movements: ‘lift your eyebrows, close
your eyes tight, show me your teeth’
Look in their mouth and observe their palate
Ask them to cough
Upper limb Tone
Power: deltoids, biceps, triceps, wrist extension, finger
extension, finger abduction, finger flexion, opponens
Reflexes: biceps, triceps, suppinator
Co-ordination: finger–nose pointing
Sensation: pin-prick and vibration
Lower limb Tone
Power: hip flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, knee
flexion and extension, ankle dorsiflexion and plantarflexion
Reflexes: knee, ankle, plantars
Co-ordination: heel–shin
Sensation: pin-prick and vibration

Table 11.1  A neurological screening examination


The neurological 12
examination in

12.1 Objectives
The aim of undergraduate clinical examinations is to ensure
a basic standard of competency and to offer students an
opportunity to demonstrate particular aptitude. Both of these
will only be developed through practice: there is no substitute
for rehearsing the examination routine on real patients. Examin-
ers do not often expect nuanced skill or the ability to discuss
the more subtle points of the neurological examination. Rather,
they want to see students who have a clear grasp of a basic,
but thorough, examination routine.
For those students with a keen interest in neurology or
a wish to excel in the clinic examination, the key is to be
sufficiently practised in the routines described here to be
able to carry them out correctly and quickly in order to spend
more time on questions with the examiners. Spending time
attempting to elicit fine points of the examination is less
impressive than finishing quickly, having a sensible summary
and differential, and then being able to discuss investigations
and management.
So the key to basic competency is practice, and the key to
standing out is even more practice! In the immediate run-up to
examinations it is often helpful to pair up and examine a fellow
student repeatedly until the routine is slick, fast and second
nature. Of course, without seeing real patients beforehand,
any real signs found in the actual examination will prove more
difficult to interpret.
188 The neurological examination in undergraduate exams

12.2  Common conditions

in examinations
The conditions which examiners like to offer students are those
that are common, stable and with clear signs. You are unlikely to
be offered the patient with meningitis, coma (although students
have been known to be taken to ITU for their examination!) or
subarachnoid haemorrhage. However, examiners are also
known for their fondness for rare syndromes, so you may also
see patients with neurofibromatosis, acromegaly (with bilateral
carpel tunnel syndrome) or polymyositis.
Conditions commonly seen in examinations that students
need to be very familiar with include:
• neurofibromatosis
• Friedreich’s ataxia
• multiple sclerosis
• headache history
• stroke
• seizure history
• Guillain–Barré syndrome
• myasthenia gravis
• Parkinson’s disease
• Bell’s palsy
• polymyositis

12.3  Examination instructions

Even a brief neurological screening examination can take
up most of the time allowed in an examination setting, so
examiners often ask for a very limited part of the examination
to be performed, e.g. ‘Please examine sensation in this
patient’s legs’ or ‘Please examine this patient’s eyes’. This can
be disarming for students who have rehearsed routines as a
whole rather than as modular components, but this is common
in examinations and is to be expected. If the instructions seem
unclear, feel free to ask for clarification, e.g. ‘Would you like me
to examine all aspects of the eyes or just movement?’
Questions and answers 189

12.4  Questions and answers

After presenting the findings, the student will be asked a series
of questions. Typically, the examiners will start off with fairly
basic questions about differential diagnosis, investigation
and management. Answers should be brief and sensible: give
common conditions first rather than obscure conditions. It
is worth knowing two or three differential diagnoses for the
presentations commonly encountered along with the initial
Examiners will ask increasingly difficult questions to find
the limit of the student’s knowledge. Since they usually know
a lot more than the student being examined, this often ends
with the student answering ‘I don’t know’ to a question. The
temptation is then to feel that one has done poorly in the
examination; however, this is the inevitable endpoint and
simply means the examiners were testing as far as they could
go. Do not be discouraged!
A final point is to be aware of current recommendations
from the relevant driving license authority (e.g. the Driver
and Vehicle Licensing Agency in the U.K. (www.dvla.gov.uk))
on conditions such as stroke/transient ischaemic attack and
seizures as examiners often ask about these.
Further reading
Clinical neurology
Brazis PW, Masdeu JC, Biller J. Localization in Clinical Neurology, 5th edn. Philadelphia:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006.
Brust J. Current Diagnosis and Treatment: Neurology. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006.
Manji H, Wills A, Kitchen N, Dorward N, Connelly S, Mehta A. Oxford Handbook of
Neurology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
The Guarantors of Brain. Aids to Examination of the Peripheral Nervous System, 4th edn.
Philadelphia: Saunders, 2000.

Haines DE. Neuroanatomy: An Atlas of Structures, Sections and Systems. Philadelphia:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003.
Hirsch M, Kramer T. Neuroanatomy: 3-D Stereoscopic Atlas of the Human Brain. Berlin:
Springer, 1999.

Basic neuroscience
Cooper JR, Bloom FE, Roth RH. The Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology, 8th edn.
New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.
Kandel E, Schwartz, JH, Jessell TM. Principles of Neural Science, 4th edn. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2000.
Shephard GM. The Synaptic Organization of the Brain, 5th edn. New York: Oxford
University Press, 2004.

Burton, N. Psychiatry, 2nd edn. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
Folstein MF, Folstein SE, McHugh PR. “Mini-mental state”. A practical method for grading
the cognitive state of patients for the clinician. J Psychiatr Res 1975;12:189–98.

Mind–brain philosophy
Eccles JC, Popper K. The Self and Its Brain. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2003.
Note: Page numbers in bold or italic refer to tables or figures respectively.

A Arnold–Chiari malformation, 132

Abducens nerve (VI), 29, 31 Astrocytomas, cerebellar tumour, in
cranial nerve of eye muscle, 28 children, 133
Abnormal gag reflex, in CN IX Asymmetry
assessment, 47–8, 72 contracted spastic hemiplegia, 88
Abnormal movement, 3, 14, 20–1 in lower limb observation, 111
athetosis, 15, 22 Ataxia, 127
chorea, 15, 22 assessment, 130
myoclonus, 15, 22 cerebellar causes, 24
tics, 15, 21 Ataxia telangiectasia, 12
tremor, 14, 21 and gait, 18
Abnormal posture, 13, 20, 85, 88 Ataxic breathing, 177
Accessory nerve (CN XI), 30, 36, 37, 73 Attention and orientation, 136
Accommodation reflex, 36, 38 delirium, 138
Acquired anosmia, 51 dementia, 138
Acromegaly, 12, 188 dementia with Lewy bodies, 148
and gait, 17 psychiatric disorders, 138
Action tremor, 14 Auditory nerve test, 68
in abnormal movement diagnosis, 21 Rinne’s test, 68–9
Acuity, 53 Weber’s test, 69
rapid binocular visual loss, 57 Autonomic nervous system (ANS), 151
rapid monocular visual loss, 57 assessment, 159
Adductor pollicis, 78, 91, 95 bedside examination, 157–8
Adrenergic stimulation see Sympathetic parasympathetic nervous system, 154
nervous system sympathetic nervous system, 152–3
Afferent limb, 28, 33, 66, 72
of light reflex, 36, 37 B
Agraphia, in dominant parietal lobe Balance problems, 3
lesions, 139 Romberg’s test, 23
Alexia, 139 and vestibular system, 10
Alteplase, 172–3 Basal ganglia
Alzheimer’s disease, 136, 140, 146, 147 connections, 12
Aneurysms, peripheral nervous system for executive functions, 138
causes, 73 extrapyramidal system, 10–11
Anhidrosis, 43, 56 Basal meningitis, peripheral nervous
as ANS abnormality, 155 system causes, 73
Ankle, reflex, 109, 113, 118 Bell’s palsy, 12, 46, 188
Antalgic gait, 24 cranial nerve syndrome, 39
Appendicular ataxia, 127 and gait, 17
Argyll Robertson pupil, 43, 56 lower motor neuron lesions, 67
194 Index

Bell’s phenomenon, 65 Central CN VII lesion

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo from peripheral CN VII lesion, 62
(BPPV), 69 Central nervous system (CNS) lesions
Bicep muscles, 78 and ANS, 151
in power assessment, 91, 92 Central pain, 86
in reflex assessment, 97 Central retinal artery occlusion, 41–2
Bitemporal hemianopia, 57 Central retinal vein thrombosis, 42
Blood pressures, 151, 159 Central scotoma, 57
as ANS abnormality, 155 Cerebellar syndromes, 131
autonomic functions of CN IX, 72 acquired causes, 132–3
in cardiovascular assessment, 171, 180 developmental or hereditary causes,
Blood vessels 132
arteriosclerotic changes, 58 Cerebellopontine angle
diabetic changes, 58 acoustic neuroma, 70
and livido reticularis, 155 cranial nerve syndrome, 39
Brachial plexitis, 86 lesion, 68
Brachial plexopathy, 102, 158 Cerebellum, 11
Brachial plexus, 80, 81, 82–3, 83 anatomy and physiology, 125–6
and lumbosacral plexus, 108 cerebellar syndromes, 131
power examination, 98 clinical features and pathophysiology,
Brachioradialis, 97 126–8
Bradykinesia, 14 examination, 134
and parkinsonism, 17, 21 general observations, 128–9
Brainstem hemiparetic posture, 178 structural and functional, 126
Brainstem lesions, 175 VANISHD, 129–33
breathing pattern, 177 Cervical intervertebral disc herniations
eyes, 176 clinical features of, 97
ocular reflex, 177 Charcot–Marie–Tooth diseases, 13
pupil, 176–7 and gait, 17
Brainstem syndromes, 40 Chronic liver disease, 128, 129
Broca’s aphasia, 139, 140 Clinical skills, in neurology
Broca’s area, 137, 140 consultation, 1
Buccinator, 65 ethicolegal considerations, 7–8
Bulbar palsy neurological examination, 4–5
cranial nerve syndrome, 39 neurological history, 1–4
patient presenting, 6
C summarising case, 5–6
Caloric testing see Oculovestibular reflex tool kit, of junior doctors, 6–7
Carotid reflex, 72 Clonus, reflex, 118
Carpal tunnel syndrome, 82 Coeliac disease, in cerebellar syndrome,
Cauda equina syndrome, 105, 121–2, 133
156 Cog-wheeling, 89
as ANS abnormality, 158 Cold peripheries, as ANS abnormality,
Caudal vermis syndrome, 131 155, 158
Cavernous sinus syndrome Colour vision, 53
cranial nerve syndrome, 39 Coma patient, examination, 183
Index-D 195

brainstem lesions, 175–7 Cranial nerves (CNs) II–XII, 186

cortical patterns, 177–8 cough, 71, 156
eyes and reflexes, 180–2 eye movement, 29, 59–60, 63, 176, 181
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score, 178, facial movement, 19
179 facial sensation, 46, 75
Common peroneal neuropathy, 108 field defects, 28, 53–4, 57
Conjugate gaze abnormalities, 63 fundi for papilloedema, 58
Cortical atrophy, 148 palate, 71
Cortical bladder, as ANS abnormality, pupil, 42–3, 52–3, 56, 176–7, 182
159 Cranial nerves (CNs) III, IV and VI
Cortical release signs, 141, 145 down and out, 44
grasp reflex, 145 lateral rectus palsy, 44–5
palmomental reflex, 145 ptosis, 44
pout reflex, 145–6 in stroke assessment, 170
Corticobasal degeneration, 140, 148 titled head, 44
Corticospinal tract, 10 Cranial nerves (CNs) IX, X, 47–8
in pyramidal system, 10 abnormal gag reflex, 47–8
Cranial nerve (CN) II, pathophysiology, 38 displaced uvula, 47
central retinal artery occlusion, 41–2 laryngeal nerve palsy, 48
central retinal vein thrombosis, 42 Cranial nerves
diabetic retinopathy, 38, 41 examination summary, 75
hemianopia, 42 location of, 31
hypertensive retinopathy, 41 see also Head and neck
pale disc, 38 Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
swollen optic disc, 38 in abnormal movement diagnosis, 22
Cranial nerve (CN) V
absent corneal reflex, 45 D
brisk jaw jerk, 46 Dandy–Walker malformation, 132
motor lesion, 66 Deafness
sensory lesion, 66 conductive, 70
trigeminal neuralgia, 46 sensorineural, 70
Cranial nerve (CN) VII Decerebrate posture, 178
bilateral lesions, 67 Declarative memories, 138
cranial asymmetry, 46 Decorticate posture, 178
lower motor neuron lesions, 67 Deltoid muscles, 78, 91
sensory lesion, 66 in power assessment, 92, 97
upper motor neuron lesions, 66–7 Dementia with Lewy bodies, 140, 148
Cranial nerve (CN) VIII Dermatomal distribution, in
conductive hearing loss, 47 paraesthesia, 87
sensorineural deafness, 47 Dermatomes, 79, 101
Cranial nerve (CN) XI of lower limb, 120
trapezius, weakness of, 48 Dermatomyositis
Cranial nerve (CN) XII and gait, 18
slow and spastic tongue, 48 Deviated uvula, in CN X palsy, 72
wasted tongue, 49 Diabetic retinopathy, 38, 41
Cranial nerve syndromes, 39 staging of, 41
196 Index

Displaced uvula, 47 Eye movement

Doll’s eyes reflex see Oculocephalic reflex disorders, 63
Dominant hemisphere strokes, 166 muscles and nerves of, 59
Dopa-responsive dystonia, 20 muscles involved in, 33
Dorsal column, 87–8, 100, 122 resting movements, 60
proprioception, 101, 123 types of, 59
vibration, 101, 122–3 Eyes, in coma patients
Dorsal column–medial lemniscus resting position, 176
pathway, 9, 10 spontaneous movement, 176
Double vision, 5, 60, 61
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency in F
the U.K., 189 Facial asymmetry
Driving restrictions, 8 in head and neck, diagnosis, 50
Dry eyes, 65 see also Lacrimation, in CN Facial nerve (VII), 31, 34
VII assessment cranial nerve of face, 29
‘Dual stream model’, 136–7 for facial expression muscles, 27, 34
Dysarthria, 39, 72, 128, 139 innervations, 66
Dysdiodochokinesia, 99, 128, 131 and tear production, 65
as cerebellar lesion indication, 119 Facial sensation, in CN VII assessment,
Dyslexia, 139 29, 39, 46, 75
Dysmetria, 99 Fasciculations, 13, 85, 88, 89
as cerebellar lesion indication, 119 in lower limb observation, 111
Dysphasia, 139 Femoral nerve, 105, 107
expressive dysphasia, 139–40 iliacus, hip flexor, 107
nominal dysphasia, 140 peripheral nerve, of lower limb, 106
receptive dysphasia, 139 Femoral neuropathy, 107
Dysphonia, 72, 139 Finger nose, 103
Dystonia First dorsal interosseous, 78, 91
in abnormal posture diagnosis, 20 Flaccid, 92–4, 112 see also Reduced tone
and tremor, 14 myopathy, 92–3
Dystonic posture neuromuscular junction, 93
testing for, 19, 20 neuropathy, 93–4
radiculopathy, 94
E Flexor carpi ulnaris, 78, 91
Efferent limb, of light reflex, 36, 37 Flexor digitorum, 108
Encephalitis, 50, 180 Flexor digitorum profundus I and II,
in cerebellar syndrome, 133 78, 91
Ependymomas, in children, 133 Flexor digitorum profundus III and IV, 78
Epley manoeuvre, 70 Flexor pollicis longus, 78, 91
Extensor carpi radialis longus, 80–1, Flocullonodular lobe, 11
91, 93 Focal dystonia, 14
Extensor carpi ulnaris, 81, 91, 93 Foot deformities
Extensor digitorum, 91, 93 in lower limb observation, 111
Extensor hallucis longus, dorsiflexes of Foot drop, 16, 108, 109
great toe, 106 Fourth nerve palsy, 63
Extensor pollicis brevis, 91, 93 Friedreich’s ataxia, 129, 188
Index-H 197

Frontalis muscle, 65 H
Frontal–temporal dementia, 141 Haemorrhagic stroke, 164, 169
Frontotemporal dementia, 147 Hallpike’s manoeuvre, 69
Fundi, in CN II assessment, 58 Hallucis longus flex, 108
Fundoscopy, 52, 55 Handedness, 186
ophthalmoscope adjustment, 55 Head and neck, 27
CN I (olfactory nerve), 27
G CN II (optic nerve), 28, 38–42
Gag reflex test, for mouth, 72 CN III, IV and V (eye muscle nerve), 29,
Gait, 186 31, 44–5
abnormal posture and movements, CN IX (glossopharyngeal nerve), 34–6,
18–22 47–8
assessment, 22–5, 27 CN V (trigeminal nerve), 31, 46
asymmetrical gait, 16–17 CN VII (facial nerve), 31, 34
basal ganglia/extrapyramidal system, CN VIII (vestibulocochlear nerve), 34,
10–11, 12 47
broad-based symmetrical gait, 15–16 CN X (vagus nerve), 36, 47–8
in CN VIII assessment, 75 CN XI (accessory nerve), 36, 48
cerebellum, 11 CN XII (hypoglossal nerve), 36, 48–9
functional gait, 17 ears, CN VIII, 67–70
general inspection, 12–16, 27 eyes, CN II and III, 52–8
narrow-based symmetrical gait, 16 eyes, CN III, IV and VI, 59–62
pyramidal system, 10 face, CN V and VII, 62–7
sensory input, 9–10 mouth, CN IX, X, XII, 71–3
Gastrocnemius, plantarflexes, 108 neck, CN XI, 73–5
Gaze paresis, 181 nose, CN I, 50–1
Generalised wasting papillary reflexes, 36–8
in head and neck, diagnosis, 50 pupil, 42–3
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score Head drop, 50, 73
in coma patient, 178, 179 Head rotated, 50
in stroke assessment, 170 Head tilted, 50
Glaucoma, 58 Head turning test, in CN VIII assessment,
Global encephalopathies, 140 69–70
Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX), 34–6 Headaches, 3, 132, 133
lower cranial nerves, mouth, 30 haemorrhagic stroke, 169
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia history of, 188
peripheral, 73 Heart rate variability
Glove and stocking, in paraesthesia, 87 as ANS abnormality, 155–6
Gluteal nerve, 105, 106 Heel–shin, co-ordination, 119
peripheral nerve, of lower limb, 106 Hemiballismus, 11
Gluteus maximus (GluMax), 106 Hemiplegia
Gluteus medius (GluMe), power, 106 in head and neck, diagnosis, 50
Gluteus minimis (GluMi), power, 106 in gait assessment, 16, 23
Guillain–Barré syndrome, 5, 39, 49, 73, Hemi-sensory distribution, in
158, 188 paraesthesia, 87
198 Index

Hemispheric syndrome, 131 Ischaemic stroke, 132

Hepatomegaly, 129 causes of, 163
Hereditary ataxias, 132 major risk factors, 164
Heredodegenerative dystonia, 14 Ishihara plates, 7, 52, 53
Higher cortical function
attention and orientation, 136, 138 J
cognition domain, bedside testing, Jaw jerk test, for CN V assessment
141–8 motor function diagnosis, 64
executive function, 138, 141 Jugular foramen syndrome
language, 136–7, 138–40 cranial nerve syndrome, 39
memory, 137–8, 141
Mini-Mental State Examination K
(MMSE), 135 Knee, power assessment, 115
Revised Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Knee reflex, 106, 113, 118
Examination (ACE-R), 136 Korsakoff’s syndromes, 133
summary of, 149
visuoperceptual function and L
calculation, 137, 140–1 Lacrimation, in CN VII assessment, 34,
Hip, in power assessment, 115 65, 75
History taking, 1 see also Neurological Lacunar syndrome, 162, 165
history Lambert–Eaton myasthenic syndrome
Holmes–Adie pupil, 42, 56 fatigable weakness in, 85
Homonymous hemianopia, 57 key clinical and laboratory features of,
Homonymous quadrantanopia, 58 96
Horner’s syndrome, 43 Language, 138–9
Huntington’s disease assessment, 143
in abnormal movement diagnosis, 22 comprehension, 139
and gait, 18 reading, 139
heredodegenerative dystonia, 14 speech, 139–40
Hyperacute UMN lesions, 89 writing, 139
Hypertensive retinopathy, 41 Laryngeal nerve palsy, 48
grading of, 41 Latent strabismus
Hypoglossal nerve (XII), 36 eye deviation, 60
lower cranial nerves, mouth, 30 Lateral column, 88, 100, 121–2
Hypomimia, 19 Lateral medulla syndrome see
Wallenberg syndrome
I Lateral medullary infarction
Increased tone, 89 central nervous system causes, 72
Infections, 3, 39, 56 Lateral pons
Intention tremor, 99, 128, 130 brainstem syndrome, 40
as cerebellar lesion indication, 119 Left nerve palsy, 45
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia, 45, 61, 63 Levator palpebrae superioris
Intervertebral disc prolapse, 108 ptosis, 44
lumbar disc prolapsed, 109 Livido reticularis
servical and thoracic disc prolapsed, as ANS abnormality, 155
108–9 LOAF, 81
Index-M 199

Locked-in syndrome, 181 Mediastinal pathology, peripheral

Long-term memory, 137–8 nervous system, 73
Loss of consciousness, 3 Medulla, in sensory input, 9
Lower limbs, 105, 186 Medulloblastomas, cerebellar tumour, in
co-ordination, 119 children, 133
examination of, 124 Memory, 3, 137–8, 141
femoral nerve, 107 deficits in, 138
gluteal nerve, 106 and dementia, 147
intervertebral disc prolapse, 109–10 mini-mental state examination, 135
intervertebral discs, 108–9 testing of, 145
lower motor neurons, 106 Meningism, in head and neck, diagnosis,
lumbosacral plexus, 108 50, 179
obturator nerve, 107 Midbrain tegmentum, brainstem
power, 112–17 syndrome, 40
reflexes, 117–19 Midline lesions, for ataxia, 24
sciatic nerve, 107–8 Mild cognitive impairment, 146
sensation, 120–4 Mini-mental state examination (MMSE),
tone, 112 135
upper motor neurons, 106 Mononeuropathy, 101
Lower motor neurons (LMNs), 106, 113 Motor neuron disease, 39
ankle reflex, 118 central nervous system causes, 72, 74
mononeuropathies, 117 fasciculations, 89, 111
myopathy, 113 Multiple sclerosis, 133, 188
polyneuropathies, 117 in cerebellar syndrome, 133
root lesion, 117 optic neuritis in, 42, 56
sacral plexopathies, 117 in scissoring, 23
weakness pattern, 85 Muscarinic stimulation see
Lumbosacral plexus, 108 Parasympathetic nervous system
Lymphadenopathy, 68, 73 Muscle examination, in upper limb, 86
in CN XI assessment, 74 Muscle wasting, 88
in CN XII assessment, 49 in lower limb observation, 111
see also Wasting
M Muscles of mastication, in CN V
Magnetic gait, 16 assessment, 29
Major cerebral arteries Muscles of peroneal nerve, power
circle of Willis and, 164 assessment, 116
Mandibular (V3) division, 31 Muscles of tibial nerve, power
distribution of, 34 assessment, 116
Masseter muscles, 62 Myasthenia gravis, 188
Maxillary (V2) division, 31 fatigable weakness in, 85
distribution of, 34 and gait, 17
Medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF), 61 key clinical and laboratory features of, 96
Medial medulla syndrome, brainstem Myelopathy, 102, 124
syndrome, 40 Myopathy, 44
Medial pons, brainstem syndrome, 40 in flaccid weakness, 92–3
Median nerve, 78, 81–2, 83, 100, 101 in gait assessment, 24
Median nerve entrapment, 82 in LMN lesion, 113
200 Index

Myotonic dystrophy type 1 Oculocephalic reflex, 177

and gait, 17 Oculomotor nerve (III), 29
cranial nerve of eye muscle, 28
N Oculovestibular reflexes, 177, 182
Nasolabial folds, 62 Olfactory nerve (I), 27
Neck stiffness, 50, 186 cranial nerve of nose and eye, 28
Nerve root disease, 117 Onuf’s nucleus, 105
Nerve root, 87 Ophthalmic (V1) division, 31
Neuroacanthocytosis, distribution of, 34
heredodegenerative dystonia, 14 Ophthalmoscope, 6
Neurofibromatosis, 188 Opponens pollicis, 78, 91
and gait, 18 Opsoclonus, resting eye movement,
Neurogenic bladder, as ANS abnormality, 60, 63
156, 158 Optic atrophy, 58
Neuroimaging, patient expectation, 8 Optic disc, in CN II assessment, 58
Neurological history, 1–2 Optic nerve (II), 28
drug history, 4 cranial nerve of eye, 28
family history, 4 distribution of, 34
meeting patient, 2 Optic neuritis, 58
neurological systems review, 2–3 Orbicularis oculi, 65
past medical history, 3 Orbicularis oris, 65
psychiatric history, 4 Orientation, 186
social history, 3 Otoscope, in CN VIII assessment, 68, 75
systems review, 4 Oxford classification system, of stroke,
Neurological screening examination, 161–2
186 lacunar syndrome, 162, 165
Neurology consultation, 1 partial anterior circulation syndrome,
aims, 1–2 162, 163, 165
Neurology toolkit, of junior doctors, 7 posterior circulation syndrome, 162,
Neuromuscular junction lesion, 63 163, 166
Neuromuscular junction, 85, 93 total anterior circulation syndrome
Neuropathic pain, 86 (TACS), 162, 163, 165–6
Non-anatomical distribution, in
paraesthesia, 87 P
Non-dominant hemisphere strokes Pain, in upper limb assessment, 86
141, 166 Pale disc, 38
Non-neurological disease, 13 Papillitis see Optic neuritis
Nystagmus, 40, 49, 61, 127–8, 130 Papilloedema, 38, 58
resting eye movement, 60 Paraesthesia, in upper limb assessment,
O Paraneoplastic syndromes, 133
Obturator nerve, 105, 107 Parasympathetic nervous system, 151,
adductors, of lower limb, 107 154
peripheral nerve, of lower limb, 106 components of, 153
Ocular flutter, resting eye movement, 60 preganglionic and postganglionic
Ocular reflexes, 177 neurons, 151
Index-R 201

Parietal lobe posture, 178 Ptosis

Parkinson’s disease, 188 in head and neck, diagnosis, 50
in abnormal movement diagnosis, Pudendal nerve, 105
20–1 Pupil abnormalities
and gait, 17 as ANS abnormality, 158
in gait assessment, 23 Pupil, 52–3, 56, 176–7
and tremor, 21 accommodation reaction test, 53
Parotid glands, in CN V assessment, constricted pupil, 43
66, 75 dilated pupil, 42–3
and facial nerves, 35 large pupils, 56
Partial anterior circulation syndrome light-near dissociation, 56
(PACS), 162, 163, 165 RAPD, 53
Peripheral nerve, 83 relative afferent pupillary defect, 56
distribution, in paraesthesia, 87 small pupils, 56
in lower limbs, 106 Pupillary reflex arc, 33
in sensory examination, 100, 121 Pupillary reflexes, 36
Peripheral nervous system lesions accommodation reflex, 38
and ANS, 151 light reflex, 36–7
Peripheral nystagmus, 127 Pursuit eye movement, in CN III, IV and VI
Peroneus longus and brevis, 106 assessment, 61
Pin-prick (PP) testing, 7, 83, 121, 170 occipital lobes in, 59
Plantar reflex, 118, 170, 181 Pyramidal system, 10
Polymyositis, 188
Polyneuropathies, 87, 102, 117, 123 Q
Poor co-ordination, 99, 119, 131 Quadriceps muscle, 114, 115
Poor cough, in CN X assessment, 72 Queen Square Screening Test for
Poor heel walking, 24 Cognitive Deficits, 7
Posterior aphasia see Receptive aphasia
Posterior circulation syndrome, 162, R
163, 166 Radial nerve, 78, 80–1, 83
Postural hypotension, 21 power assessment of, 93
as ANS abnormality, 155, 158 Radicular pain, 86
Presenting patients, 6 Radiculopathy, 86, 102
Primary dystonia, 14 Ramsay–Hunt syndrome
Primitive reflexes, 141 cranial nerve syndrome, 39
Progressive supranuclear palsy, 141, Receptive aphasia, 139
148 Red reflex, 55
Pronator drift, 13, 85, 88, 89 Reduced tone, 89
Pronator teres, 78 Relative afferent papillary defect (RAPD),
Proprioception, sensation, 101, 123 42, 43, 53
Pseudobulbar palsy Resting eye movement, in CN III, IV and
cranial nerve syndrome, 39 VI assessment, 60
Pseudo-dementia Resting tachycardia, as ANS abnormality,
and depression, 138 155
Psychogenic tremor, 14 Resting tremor, 14
in abnormal movement diagnosis, 21 in abnormal movement diagnosis, 21
202 Index

Reticular activating system (RAS), 175 Snellen chart, 49, 52, 53

Revised Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Snellen pocket chart, 7
Examination (ACE-R), 136 Social behaviours, 138
Rinne’s test, 47 Spasticity, 89, 92, 94–5, 112
in CN VIII assessment, 68–9 cortical lesions, 95
Romberg’s test, in gait assessment, 23 spinal cord injury, 95
Rostral vermis syndrome, 131 see also Increased tone
Speech problems, 3
S Speech, 186
Saccades, in CN III, IV and VI assessment, Spinal cord anatomy, and lesions, 84
61 Spinal cord bladder, as ANS abnormality,
Saccadic eye movement, 61 158
frontal lobes in, 59 Spontaneous nystagmus, 127–8
Saccadic oscillations, resting eye Square wave jerks, resting eye
movement, 60, 63 movement, 60
Saddle anaesthesia, as ANS abnormality, Stapedius muscle weakness, hyperacusis
156 of, 65, 75
Sciatic nerve, 105, 107 Stereognosis, 7
common peroneal nerve, 107–8 Sternocleidomastoid muscle, in CN XI
‘hamstrings’ flex, 107 assessment, 73
peripheral nerve, of lower limb, 106 Stroke, 87, 188
tibial nerve, 108 in abnormal posture diagnosis, 20
Sciatic neuropathy, 109 Stroke patient, examination, 161
Scissoring, in gait assessment, 23 examination of, 174
Scute stroke, 5 history, 167–9
Second palmar interosseous, 78, 91 neurological examination, 169–70
Secondary dystonia, 14 thrombolysis, 172–3
Segawa’s disease see Dopa-responsive Sturge–Weber syndrome
dystonia and gait, 17
Segmental dystonia, 14 Suspected multiple sclerosis
Seizures, 3 case summarizing, 5
history, 188 Suspected myasthenia gravis, 4, 6
Semantic memory, 141 Suspected simple migraine, 4
Senile meiosis, 43 Swallowing, in CN IX, X and XII
Sensorineural deafness, 47 assessment, 72, 75
Sensory input, 9–10 Swollen optic disc, 38
Sensory loss, 87–8 Sympathetic nervous system, 151,
Sensory symptoms, 3 152–3
Short-term memory, 137 components of, 153
Sixth nerve palsy, 63 preganglionic and postganglionic
Skew deviation, eye deviation, 60, 63 neurons, 151
Skin erythema, as ANS abnormality, 156 Symptom, time course, 2
Skin problems, 3 Syndromic appearance, 85
Small fibre peripheral neuropathies, 86 Syrinx
Small muscles of foot, 108 central nervous system causes, 72
Index-V 203

T Trigeminal nerve (V), 31

Tap rhythm, co-ordination, 119 cranial nerve of eye muscle, 28
Taste, in CN VII assessment, 29, 34, 65, cranial nerve of face, 29
72, 75 distribution of, 34
Temporalis muscles, 62 sensory loss, lesion location, 67
Test for retropulsion, in gait assessment, Tropicamide, 6
23 Tuberous sclerosis, and gait, 18
Third nerve palsy, 63 Tumours, 63, 133
Throat swabs, 7 central nervous system causes, 72
Thrombolytic therapy, contraindications lower motor neuron facial nerve l
to, 168 esions, 35
Tibial nerve, 108 peripheral nervous system causes, 72
Tibial neuropathy, 108 Tuning forks, 7
posterior tarsal tunnel, 108
Tibialis anterior, foot dorsiflexion, 106, U
108, 116 Ulnar nerve, 78, 82, 83, 101
in muscle wasting, 111 Upper limb examination, 186
Tibialis posterior, 108 axillary nerve, 80
‘Tingly bits’, 86 brachial plexus, 82–3
Tolosa–Hunt syndrome coordination, 98–9
cranial nerve syndrome, 39 functional assessment, 86
Tone and limb reflexes, 182 median nerve, 81–2
Tongue motor neurons, 77–80
in CN IX assessment, 30 musculocutaneous nerve, 80
in CN VII assessment, 29 peripheral nerve, 78
in CN XII assessment, 30 power, 90–5
slow tongue, 48 radial nerve, 80–1
wasted tongue, 49 reflexes, 96–8
Tongue depressors, 7 sensation, 99–102
Tonic pupils, 56 sensory disturbance, patterns, 86–8
Total anterior circulation syndrome sensory function, 83–4
(TACS), 162, 163, 165–6 system summary, 103
Transient ischaemic attacks (TIAs), 163 tone, 77
major risk factors, 164 ulnar nerve, 82
Trapezius muscle, in CN XI assessment, weakness patterns, 85–6
73 Upper motor neurons (UMNs), 106,
Tremor 113
in abnormal movement diagnosis, 21 crossed adductor reflex, 119
action tremor, 14 extensor plantar reflex, 119
and Parkinson’s disease, 21 hyper-reflexia, 118
psychogenic tremor, 14 persistent clonus, 119
resting tremor, 14 weakness pattern, 85
testing for, 19
Tricep muscles, 78 V
in power assessment, 91, 93 Vagus nerve (X), 36
in reflex assessment, 97 lower cranial nerves, mouth, 30
204 Index

Valsalva manoeuvre, as ANS abnormality, homonymous hemianopia, 57

158 homonymous quadrantanopia, 58
VANISHD (Vertigo, Ataxia, Nystagmus, unilateral total visual field loss, 57
Intention tremor, Speech disturbance, visual neglect, 54–5
Hypotonia and Dysdiodokokinesia), Visual problems, 3
125, 129 Visuospatial functions, 144
ataxia, 127, 130 von Recklinghausen’s disease see
dysdiodokokinesia, 128, 131 Neurofibromatosis
hypotonia, 128, 131
intention tremor, 128, 130 W
nystagmus, 127–8, 130 Wallenberg syndrome, brainstem
speech disturbance, 128, 130 syndrome, 40
vertigo, 127, 129 Warm peripheries, as ANS abnormality,
Vascular dementia, 146 155
Vermal cerebellar lesions, for ataxia, 24 Wasting, 13, 49, 85, 88
Vermis, 11 Weak toe walking, 24
Vestibular lesion, 70 Weakness, 3
Vestibular nerve, 69 pyramidal distribution of, 13
Vestibular system, 10 Weber syndrome, brainstem syndrome,
Vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII), 34 40
cranial nerve of ears, 29 Weber’s test, 47, 69
Vestibulo-ocular eye movement, Wernicke’s aphasia see Receptive aphasia
cerebellar vestibular nuclei in, 59 Wernicke’s area, 137
Vibration, sensation, 83, 101, 122–3 Wernicke’s syndromes
Visual field, in CN II assessment, 53–4 Wilson’s disease
bitemporal hemianopia, 57 in abnormal movement diagnosis, 22
blind spot, 54 and gait, 18
central scotoma, 57 heredodegenerative dystonia, 14
concentric reduction of, 57 Working memory, 137, 138 see also
defects, localization, 32 Short-term memory

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