Mobile Data Collection Tools For ASGM Overview

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Mobile Data Collection Tool

for National ASGM Overview

User Guide

Working Draft

23 November 2017

United Nations Institute for Training and Research

Chemicals and Waste Management Programme
Copyright © United Nations Environment Programme, 2017
Produced by
UN Environment Global Mercury Partnership
The tool was developed for UN Environment by Juha Ronkainen, United Nations Institute for Training and
Research – UNITAR
Cover photo: Juha Ronkainen/UNITAR

Table of Contents
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 ... Scope and Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 ... Methodological Aspects ................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 ... Process Overview ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
2 Sign-up for a Free Server ....................................................................................................................................... 6
3 Upload the Form Onto Your Server ................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 ... Upload the form .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 ... Deploying the form ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
4 Configure Your Android Data Collection Device .......................................................................................... 8
4.1 ... What do you need? ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
4.2 ... Install the ODK Collect Application ........................................................................................................................... 9
4.3 ... Install the form into your mobile device.................................................................................................................. 9
5 Collect Data............................................................................................................................................................... 10
5.1 ... Necessary Device Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 10
5.2 ... Using the device on the field....................................................................................................................................... 10
5.3 ... Navigating in the form ................................................................................................................................................. 10
5.4 ... Upload the collected data............................................................................................................................................ 11
6 Manage Data Collection ....................................................................................................................................... 11
6.1 ... View the data .................................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.2 ... Add additional data points using the browser .................................................................................................. 13
6.3 ... Add missing information of gold production and mercury usage ............................................................ 14
6.4 ... Share the data .................................................................................................................................................................. 15
7 Make a Map and Download the Data ............................................................................................................. 16
7.1 ... Make a Map........................................................................................................................................................................ 16
7.2 ... Download the Data......................................................................................................................................................... 17
8 Further Considerations: Geospatial analysis ............................................................................................. 17
9 Making Your Own Form ...................................................................................................................................... 18

1 Introduction
1.1 Scope and Purpose
Collecting field data is often necessary to prepare the national Artisanal and Small-scale Gold
Mining (ASGM) sector overview. The United Nations Institute for Training and Research
(UNITAR) has developed a mobile data collection tool to accompany the two methodologies
developed by the Artisanal Gold Council (baseline estimates) and UNITAR (socio-economic
research methodology). The development of this tool has been funded by UN Environment
Global Mercury Partnership, as a part of the National Action Plan (NAP) Global Component.
The tool is a tailor-made electronic form to be used with KoBo Toolbox. The Kobo Toolbox is
a free data collection solution available for Android mobile devices. It has been developed by
the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative with support from UN OCHA.
The tool has three main functions:

1. Combine location data with basic site-specific information to build a map

2. Contextualize and manage the pictures taken at the mining site
3. Manage data collection from distance and share the progress with key stakeholders

The aim of this manual is to give the reader tailored instructions how to use the tool for the
national ASGM overview, and not all aspects of KoBo Toolbox are covered. Readers are
encouraged to look at support pages at for further
instructions. All feedback to develop the tool further is welcome1.

1.2 Methodological Aspects

When preparing the national ASGM sector overview, countries are relying on two available

• Baseline Estimates for the Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining Sector - A Toolkit
and Guide by The Artisanal Gold Council (AGC), Draft version, 2017
• Generic methodology for the socio-economic ASGM study, United Nations Institute
for Training and Research (UNITAR), Draft version, 2017

These two methodologies combined provide a comprehensive approach to generate nuanced

understanding of the ASGM sector in a given country.

Both methodologies have their own paper forms and ways to process the data. The tool
provides a way to combine location data with key characteristics of the studied mining sites,
thus enriching the data analysis and reporting.

1Please send your questions and feedback to UNITAR ([email protected]).

2 In addition to the methodologies mentioned, there is a document ‘WHO guidance on addressing health aspects
in the context of developing National Action Plans under the Minamata Convention on Mercury, Draft version,
March 2017’, but it is not yet publicly available at the time of this writing.

The tool contains three different sections:

1. Name and contact details

2. General Site Characteristics
3. Detailed data collection
a. Extraction (digging)
b. Processing (Crushing, milling, sluicing, amalgamation)
c. Cyanide Leaching
d. Health and Socio-economic Assessment
e. Environmental Impact Assessment

Sections 1, 2 and 3(a, b, c) lend directly from the methodology developed by the Artisanal
Gold Council, whereas the section on Health and Socio-economic assessment is based on
UNITAR’s Generic methodology for the socio-economic ASGM study as well as the draft
guidance by WHO3.

Section 3(e) on environmental impact assessment has been added to remind the research
team that key information on overall environmental impact should be included in the
National ASGM Overview4.

ASGM, as mining in general, can have manifold environmental impacts, including on5,6,7:

• Population (e.g. impact on standard of living, impact on livelihood)

• Flora and fauna (e.g. deforestation)
• Land, water and air (e.g. soil contamination)
• Landscape (e.g. land degradation)
• Climate (e.g. CO2 emissions)

A thorough environmental impact assessment would require more than observation and an
interview-based survey. However, as established by Obiri S, Mattah PAD, Mattah MM, et al.,
people living in the mining area have remarkably accurate understanding of the pollution of
their environment. 8 Therefore, interviewing people on aspects such as water quality and

3 Ibid.
4Section 4.2, UN Environment: Developing a National Action Plan to Reduce, and Where Feasible, Eliminate Mercury
Use in Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining Working Draft August 17, 2015. Available at
ce=1&isAllowed=y, accessed 17 November 2017.
5 Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW): Guidebook for Evaluating Mining Project EIAs, 2010. Available

at, accessed 16 November 2017.

6 Ministry of Employment and Economy: Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure for Mining Projects in

Finland, 2015. Available at, accessed
16 November 2017.
7 Mozhgon Rajaee, Allison K. Yee, Rachel N. Long, Elisha P. Renne, Thomas G. Robins, Niladri Basu, Pulmonary

function and respiratory health of rural farmers and artisanal and small scale gold miners in Ghana, In
Environmental Research, Volume 158, 2017, Pages 522-530, ISSN 0013-9351. Available at, accessed 16 November 2017.
8 Obiri S, Mattah PAD, Mattah MM, et al. Assessing the Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of Artisanal

Gold Mining on the Livelihoods of Communities in the Tarkwa Nsuaem Municipality in Ghana. Basu N, Keane S,

deforestation are valuable leads to better understand the environmental impact of mining in
the focus area. Subsequently, this information can be enriched by other methods such as
satellite analysis on deforestation.9,10

1.3 Process Overview

Using the tool is intended to be simple. The typical sequence for utilizing the tool contains
seven steps:
1. Sign-up for a free server
2. Upload the tailored form into your own server
3. Configure your Android data collection device
4. Collect the data
5. Manage data collection
6. Make a Map and Download the data

2 Sign-up for a Free Server

2.1 Choosing Your Server
One of the best things about the tool is that it is entirely free. The first thing you need to do is
to sign up for a free server account at There are two secure
and free server options available:

Figure 1: Sign-up for a free server

Moher PB, eds. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2016;13(2):160. Available at, accessed 16 November 2017.
9 UNITAR-UNOSAT: Satellite Mapping of Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia,

UN Environment 2017. Available at

maps/ID/OT20151123IDN/UNOSAT_Central_Kalimantan_Report_Feb2016o.pdf, accessed 17 November 2017.
10 Kenneth J Davis: Satellite Image Time Lapse of Artisanal Mining in Peru, Blog post, 12 March 2014. Available at, accessed 17
November 2017.

The first one, provided by UN OCHA, is a dedicated server for humanitarian organizations.
The server provided by KoBoToolbox is hosted by the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative11, and
that is the one you should use. There is an option of hosting your own server, however this
requires specific IT skills on server configuration and maintenance.

2.2 Data Protection

As in all data collection, ensuring data protection is of paramount importance, and needs to
be guaranteed at every step of the data process, including data collection, storage and sharing.
Therefore, do ensure adequate anonymization, use a secure server and clearly define data
sharing protocols.

3 Upload the Form Onto Your Server

3.1 Upload the form

The tool is essentially a tailor-made form, which can be
distributed in Microsoft Excel (xls) format If you don’t have the
form in xls format yet, you must download and save it to your
own computer. 12 Once logged in to the server, just click the
button ‘new’ in the left-hand corner of the screen, choose
‘upload’ and select the xlsl file from the location you have saved
it. Do not edit the xls file directly. Figure 2: Upload the form

3.2 Deploying the form

You should now see a view as below and the only thing to do is to ‘deploy’ the form. By
deploying the form, you make it available for data collection using mobile devices. You can
view the form by clicking the ‘eye’ icon as seen below.

Figure 3: Deploy the form

11 Find out more at

12 The form and this guidance document are available for download at

4 Configure Your Android Data Collection Device

4.1 What do you need?

You only need a relatively new smartphone or a tablet using the Android operating system
2.1 or more recent13. It is advisable to steer away from the cheapest devices, which may pose
problems in the field due to short battery life and limited memory, as well as from the most
expensive ones, which constitute an unnecessary budget increase for your data collection and
may pose a risk to data collectors carrying them in contexts where expensive mobile devices
are attracting attention. You only need a mid-range device with GPS, Wi-Fi and camera
functionalities with a power bank14. You do not want to run out of battery in the middle of
your field visit, so it is also important to invest in a power bank to accompany the mobile
device. Having a device with a mobile internet connection is an advantage, as you can then
send your data for validation on a daily basis.

Figure 4: Mid-range mobile device with a power bank

13 Android version 2.1 ‘Éclair’ was released in January 2010.

14 E.g. a Power bank with capacity of 6000mAh

4.2 Install the Data Collection Application
The compatible application to be used for data collection
is the ODK Collect application which can be freely
downloaded from the Android Market15.

Figure 5: Install ODK Collect

4.3 Install the form onto your mobile device

Once you have installed the ODK Collect application,
downloading the tool onto your mobile device is easy:

1. Open the ODK Collect Application

2. Click and choose ‘General Settings’
3. Click ‘Server’
4. Enter the server URL and your username
and password
5. Return to home screen and open ‘Get Blank
Form’, then download
6. Return home screen and open ‘Fill Blank Form’
7. Choose the form and start collecting data

Figure6: Home Screen of ODK Collect

15As it currently stands (November 2017) the Kobo Collect application lacks one key functionality and thus
cannot be recommended. ODK Collect provides an option to choose the image quality to be uploaded, which is
necessary in areas lacking good internet coverage.

5 Collect Data
5.1 Necessary Device Settings
Before starting data collection, you should ensure that
the device is using the right settings. For this, open the
General settings in KoBo by clicking the symbol of
three dots in the right-hand corner and selecting ‘General
Settings’ as done in previous Step already. Select ‘Form
management’ and you should see the view as in Figure 7.

There are two16 important settings you should check:

1. Keep the ‘Auto send’ option ‘Off’ as you might like

to go back to some of your forms before uploading
them to the server17.
2. Choose the most suitable photo file size for your
purposes from XX. You have three options
a. Medium (2048px)
b. Small (1024px)
a. Very small (640px). Figure 7: Form management

Make your choice depending on your network conditions.

By default, photos are uploaded in their native resolution,
however this may cause problems in contexts with weak
network connection. Option ‘Small (1024px)’ should work
fine in most cases even in the rural areas.

5.2 Using the device on the field18

You are now all set for the data collection. We recommend
you to fill-out the form at each mining site you are visiting.
By ‘mining site’, we mean an extraction site or processing
site as it has been defined in Baseline Estimates for the
Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining Sector - A Toolkit
and Guide by The Artisanal Gold Council (AGC).

5.3 Navigating in the form

Using the form is simple: You can move forward and
backward in the form by swiping the screen to left or right
with your finger. A few questions are mandatory, such as Figure 8: Giving your name is mandatory

16 If short in space, select option ‘Delete after send’ as well.

17 You can edit saved forms by clicking ‘Edit Saved Forms’ at the home screen.
18 It is generally advisable to carry a few paper copies of the form along with you when collecting data, in case

something happens to your electronic device. You can find the form at the end of this document.

your name, preventing you from proceeding until you have answered those questions. You
can also move rapidly around the form by clicking the ‘arrow’ button, as shown in the Figure

The tool contains three different sections:

1. Name and contact details

2. General Site Characteristics
3. Detailed data collection
a. Extraction (digging)
b. Processing (Crushing, milling,
sluicing, amalgamation, etc.)
c. Cyanide Leaching
d. Environmental Impact Assessment
e. Health and Socio-economic

Note that locating yourself using GPS might take

some minutes, as your device is trying to capture
signals from satellites. During that time the accuracy
begins to approach 6m, but you may stop the
process any time by clicking ‘Save GeoPoint’ when
the desired accuracy has been acquired. In ideal
conditions, the accuracy can be up to 6 metres

Also note that GPS doesn’t work indoors, so find an

open spot at the center of the mining site where you Figure 9: Using GPS
record your location.

5.4 Upload the collected data

To upload your data, you only need to open ‘Send Finalized Form’, select the form or forms
you have been working on and click ‘Send Selected’. Please note that this requires an Internet

You can edit your saved forms using the option ‘Edit Saved Forms’, before uploading them, in
case you want to change something. To enable others (e.g. project manager) to see the
collected data and to minimize the risk of data loss if something should happen to your mobile
device, you should try to send your collected data at the end of each day.

6 Manage Data Collection

6.1 View the data
When logged in to the server, the user must select the form they are interested in. In case you
are using KoBoToolbox for the first time, you should now have only one deployed form

available, namely ‘MobileDataCollectionFormForASGMOverview’. When you select ‘DATA’
you will be given different options to view your data:

• Reports (Quick glance analysis of the data)

• Table
• Gallery (Photos)
• Map (Locations of the mining sites on a map)
• Downloads (You can download your data in various formats, including Excel. We
speak more about this in Step 7.)

Figure 10: Use 'DATA' view to manage data collection

6.2 Add additional data using the browser
You may also want to add mining sites to the database without actually visiting the sites based
on literature reviews or data available by the government officials. This can be also done at
the KoBo server as you can see below.

Figure11: Add data using browser

6.3 Add missing information of gold production and mercury usage
As gold production and mercury use are calculated using the detailed field forms provided as
a part of the methodology for baseline estimates, you can add that information later to the
database using either the ‘Table’ or ‘Map’ view19: Just open the data (Table) or click the data
point (Map), and the form will be opened as illustrated in Figure 13. Click ‘Edit Submission
Data’ and you are free to edit all submitted data or add new information. Just remember to
submit the form once you are done to make these changes permanent.

Figure 13: Click 'Edit Submission Data' to add missing information or to edit submitted data.

19 For example, you can add the data on gold production and mercury use once you are back in your office.

6.4 Share the data
The data collected is available only for authorized person. The server uses a security
certificate to ensure all the data sent to the server are private. Sharing the data with the
project steering committee or with key stakeholders can be done easily at the form settings
by turning on the ‘Sharing by link’ option, as shown below.

Figure14: Turn on 'Sharing by link" to share your data

By enabling sharing by link, you can simply share the blue link to anyone to give them access
to your data. Please note that users receiving the link can only view and comment on the data.
They do not have permission to alter the data or the project settings, nor can they submit new

7 Make a Map and Download the Data
7.1 Make a Map
Even though KoBoToolbox server does not offer sophisticated tools for analysis, a simple map
can easily be generated. In addition to only showing the locations of the mining sites you can
illustrate some of the key characteristics by opening ‘View By’. For example, you can illustrate
where certain ‘worst practices’ are present or where operations are licensed as seen below.
Suitable background map can also be chosen. The prepared map can be saved simply by
taking a screen shot.

Figure15: Example data: Licensed Gold mines in Geneva, Switzerland and Frankfurt, Germany

7.2 Download the Data
To analyze the gathered information with other tools, such as MS Excel, SPSS, or QGIS, you
can download the data and pictures by selecting ‘Data’, ‘Downloads’ and then selecting the
needed data format. Data can be downloaded in typical xls format and pictures can be
downloaded compressed in a zip format.

Figure16: Available formats to download the data

To download the data in a format suitable for tools such as MS

Excel, you should select export type ‘xls’ and then select Value
and header format as ‘XML values and headers’. This makes the
downloaded data much cleaner to use.

Downloading pictures is a straight forward, as typical operating

systems being used automatically know how to open
Figure 17: Choose the correct
compressed ZIP folders. Please note that the excel file makes header format
references to the pictures using the unique file names of the

8 Further Considerations: Geospatial analysis

There are multiple reasons why it is important to conduct further spatial analysis on where
gold mining takes place in a country. In its simplest form, you might like to know whether
mining activities are taking place in protected areas, or if there are lakes or rivers nearby.
Additionally, it is illustrative to see where is the nearest school or a health care center, as it
tells us about the general living conditions of miners and their families. The extent to which
this kind of data is available and accessible to the public depends on the country and context.

There are plenty of ways to conduct geospatial analysis, and two different approaches are
briefly introduced here: MapX is a service developed jointly by UN Environment, the World
Bank and GRID-Geneva, whose mission is to ‘support the sustainable use of natural resources

20To link the pictures at the KoBo Toolbox server to your Excel file, you can to follow instructions available at
the KoBo Toolbox support forum:
photo-collection, accessed 17 November 2017.

by increasing access to the best available geospatial information, technology and monitoring
tools.’ You can access MapX at Whether the analysis is done by
yourself or by hiring a GIS analyst, there are plenty of tools available such as ArcGIS (paid)
and QGIS (free), to name a few.

9 Making Your Own Form

Finally, it is highly possible that depending on your context you might consider customizing
the standard form provided. 21 Therefore, the form has been licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This license lets you remix, tweak, and build
upon the provided form even for commercial purposes, as long as you credit UNITAR and UN
Environment and license your new form under the identical terms. For customizing the form,
follow instructions outlined in the KoBo Toolbox user portal. 22 We would also highly
appreciate, if you would send us a copy of the new form you created for our reference and

21 Detailed instructions on how to build or edit a form can be found at, accessed 17
November 2017
22 To view a copy of this license, visit
23 Please send your copy at [email protected]

Mobile Data Collection Tool For ASGM Overview (23112017)

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) has developed a mobile data collection tool to accompany the
two methodologies developed by the Artisanal Gold Council (baseline estimates) and UNITAR (socio-economic research
methodology). The development of this tool has been funded by UN Environment Global Mercury Partnership, as a part of the
National Action Plan (NAP) Global Component.

Copyright: This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this
license, visit

Produced by UN Environment Global Mercury Partnership Acknowledgements The tool was developed for UN Environment by
Juha Ronkainen, United Nations Institute for Training and Research – UNITAR.

Name, contacts

Name of the reporter

Email address of the reporter

What is the date?


Please begin by giving some mandatory details.

Data quality:

Quality primary data based on interviews and observations conducted during the site visit

Quality secondary data based on a scientific study or trusted report

Uncertain and incomplete scoping data

General Site Characteristics

When collecting data, respect the principle of ANONYMITY of information obtained from people who are interviewed on the
sites: Never write down names and ask permission if you are taking pictures where people can be recognised. Be sensitive
and respectful.

The following group of questions are about general characteristics of the mining site

What is the name of the mining site?

What is the exact location of the mining site?
GPS coordinates can only be collected when outside.

latitude (x.y °) longitude (x.y °) altitude (m) accuracy (m)

What is the region?

What is the closest community called?

Contact details for the mining site?

How are miners organized?


Small informal groups




Please explain:

Is the operation licensed?



How many days the mining site is active per year?

General description of the mining site:

» Population and Baseline Estimates

The following three questions can be filled on site based on interviews, but the reported figures must be corrected based on
the research on baseline estimates.

What is the estimated work force in the mining site?

How many kilograms of 24 karat gold is produced annually?

Do they use mercury?



How many kilograms of mercury is consumed annually?

Detailed data collection

At this mining site, data was collected on the following aspects (Select all that apply.)

Extraction (digging)

Processing (crushing, milling, amalgamation etc.)

Cyanide Leaching

Environmental Impact Assessment

Socio-economic and health Assessment

» Extraction
The following group of questions is about extraction

What is the ore extraction method? (You can select more than one.)

Open pit


What is the type of ore in the mining site? (You can select more than one.)

Soft rock

Hard rock

Is extraction a separated activity with a separate working groups?



Take or add a photo of the extraction method

If possible, try to characterise the host ore. E.g. Fine grains or flakes in alluvial deposits. Grains or microscopic particles
embedded in rock minerals.
If possible, take a picture of the ore being extracted

General notes on extraction

» Processing
The following group of questions are about processing

Based on the information given earlier, at this site same teams work on extraction and processing. This means, that you don't
need to answer certain questions on group sizes anymore.

Select the processing steps used at the mining site:





Mercury amalgamation

Direct Smelting

Cyanide leaching

If possible, take a photo of crushing

If possible, take a photo of milling

If possible, take a photo of sluicing

If possible, take a picture of amalgam burning

If possible, take a picture of direct smelting

Select the applicable statement for the processing system:

Ore is concentrated using sluices etc. before mercury amalgamation is done (concentrate amalgamation).

100% of ore is brought into contact with mercury without concentrating it first (whole ore amalgamation).
Do they burn the amalgam in residential area?



Are retorts used?



What happens to the tailings?

They are treated and managed properly

They are released to water or land

They are further treated with cyanide (see additional questions)

General comments on processing

» Cyanide Leaching
The following questions are about cyanide leaching in sediment, ore or tailings to which mercury has been added in this
mining site.

Do they first remove the mercury before applying cyanide in sediment, ore or tailings?



What happens to the tailings?

They are stored, treated and managed properly

They are released to water or land

If possible, take a picture of the cyanide leaching site or process

General comments on cyanide leaching

» Environmental Impact Assessment

The following questions are about environmental impact. Questions on tailings management, and mercury and cyanide usage
have been asked elsewhere in this form, but they should be taken into account when environmental impact is assessed.
» » Group

How have living conditions in the vicinity changed due to the mining activity?




Please explain

How have the color and smell of water bodies changed due to mining activity?




How is the drinking water quality?




Are there large water bodies such as rivers or lakes close to the mining site?



How has the amount of forests around the mining site changed due to mining activity?

Decreased (deforestation)



» » Farmland

How has the amount of farmland around the mining site changed due to the mining activity?




Please explain

How would you describe the possible land degradation or land disturbance due to the mining activity?

Land is seriously degraded and disturbed

Some marks of land degradation can be seen, but nothing major

Land seems to be intact due to the mining activity

Take a picture to illustrate the condition of the land.

General comments on environmental impact

» Socio-economic and Health Assessment

The following questions are about the socio-economic and health related information collected during the site visit. The first
set of questions is about socio-economic questions.

What motivates miners to mine gold?

Poverty (there are no other possibilities)

Neutral available choice (They earn pretty much the same as other community members)

Wealth (They earn significantly more than other community members)

After observing and interviewing miners, the majority of them seem to be

Living in absolute poverty (e.g. not enough food)

Living in relative poverty (when compared to the general population)

Doing fine

To what extent does ASGM contributes to economic development in the community?


a little bit

a lot

It is the main driver of the local economy.

Are there children (<17) working at the mining site?



Based on observation, what is the percentage of children of the total workforce in the mining site?
In which gold mining activities do children typically engage






Mercury amalgamation

Direct Smelting

Cyanide leaching

Other services

Is there a school in the mining community?



Are there women working at the mining site?



Based on observation, what is the percentage of women of the total workforce in the mining site?

In which gold mining activities do women typically engage






Mercury amalgamation

Direct Smelting

Cyanide leaching

Other services

Are there women in child bearing age working at the mining site?



Are pregnant women allowed to participate in gold mining?


Indicate to what extent does the ASGM community have access to basic services?

Access to information about gold and mercury prices and trade;

Access to basic training (on mining techniques, safety, administration, hygiene, etc.);

Access to alternatives to mercury;

Access to credit;

What other socio-economic aspects are of relevance on this mine-site?

The following questions are about the health-related information collected.

Do miners have access to health care? (Distance, cost etc.)



What (if any) obvious occupational health risks are observed at the mining site besides mercury use?

What are the major health concerns (if any) among miners at the mining site?

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