Vastu Shanti Puja

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Vastu means the dwelling of humans and Gods.

Vastu shastra is an ancient science which helps one get

the benefits freely offered by the basic elements of the universe.
These basic elements are Akash (SKY), Prithvi (EARTH), Paani (WATER), Agni (FIRE), and Vayu

Vaastu Shanti worship is originally a worship of lord and deity of directions, five elements of nature as
well as natural forces and other related stuffs.

We perform Vaastu Shanti (worship of deity and lord of nature and their elements and natural forces as
well as lord and deity of directions and environment) to remove any type of Vaastu dosha whether it’s a
land and building, nature or environment, by Vaastu shastra worship to avoid major changes and
demolition in the structure of building.

We must do Vaastu shanti in the following circumstances to avoid adverse effect (circumstances) by
nature and environment. There is also a sanketik Vaastu Shanti worship method, in this method we
follow some unavoidable part of recorded Vaastu Shanti worship, its symbolic Vaastu Shanti worship
instead of recorded Vaastu Shanti worship.
Vastu Shastra prescribes certain best practices to be followed when constructing a Home. Also Vastu
Puja by the various Vastu Shanthi Mantras has been prescribed in the Holy Vedas to be followed before
a person starts inhabiting on his/her home. The common procedures (paddhathi) and Mantras in
Grahapravesha Puja (Also referenced as Vastu Puja. In addition to that the Vastu Puja also incorporates
effective mantras from ancient works. The paddhathi (procedure) for Vastu Puja that we follow is
perhaps the most detailed and elaborate one possible and is exactly the one recommended by the Vedas.
The Vasthu Puja is perhaps the best of all Vastu remedies available today. Your Vasthu consultant
might have told you to make major modifications in your house because your Vastu Kubera Moola is
improper as per the existing construction. The basic reason why your consultant is suggesting the same
is because the Vasthu devatha as such is not happy with the existing structure. Rather than trying to
impress Vashu devatha by making major modifications, the vedik services Vasthu Puja makes an
everlasting impact on Vasthu Purusha yantras as well generated by the Homa will be placed precisely in
those points where the construction is not in conformity with the accepted laws of Vastu Shastra. Vastu
Shanthi Puja by vedik services is many times more effective in countering and nullifying any malefic
Vastu influences and promoting wealth, peace and prosperity in the House. The nature of
the Vastu Puja demands that we see plan of your home and that the Puja is done there on the day of
the Grihapravesha. This is necessary as we will inspect different aspects of your House, look for
anomalies as per Vastu Shastra and suggest expert affordable remedies and also include
compensatory Vastu Mantras for each anamoly identified in our elaborate puja paddhathi. You will
never need to worry about Vastu of your Home ever again.

Vastu Shanti is a religious and spiritual process of worship of Vaastu Purush. Purush means Energy,
Soul, and Shakti; thus Vaastu Purush is the protector, soul and Lord of the house. The primary
objectives of Vaastu Shanti are:

To remove any land, structure, and interior arrangement faults or the Vastu Doshas

To ask for forgiveness for any direct or indirect harm to the Nature and other living beings while
construction of the house
To pacify any forces that may disturb the overall happiness of future occupants
To request Vastu Purush to protect the home and the occupants from natural calamities
To solicit His blessings to bring health, wealth and prosperity to the occupants
To resolve proper use of the house and to convert it into Home.

Vastu in Sanskrit means nature, a surrounding or environment or Prakriti. The word “Vaastu” denotes
anything existing such as house, shelter building etc. Ancient sages of India laid down several
principles for constructing buildings taking advantage of the nature, the Panach Maha Bhootas, ( Earth,
Space, Air, Fire and Water), Gravitational and Magnetic effects and rotational influences of Sun, Moon,
Earth and other planets on the life in Earth. These principles, called Vastu Shastra, were evolved over
thousands of years out of experience and foresight of ancient Sages of India and are very valuable for
the well being of man-kind. The primary objective of Vastu Shastra is to bring balance and harmony
between man, nature and his buildings and thereby ensuring peace, prosperity and happiness.

The Vastu Purush Mandala is the magic diagram (yantra) and the form (rupa) of the Vastu Purush.The
birth of Vastu Purush is narrated in Matsya Purana.. In an encounter with a Rakshasa called
Andhikasur, Lord Shiva became tired and exhausted, and he began to sweat profusely. A man was born
out of the drops of Lord Shiva’s sweat. He looked very cruel. He was very hungry and began to make
penance to appease Lord Shiva and to get a boon from him. Lord Shiva was pleased with his penance
and appeared before him. The devotee prayed to Lord Shiva, “Oh Lord! Please permit me to eat away
all the three worlds.” Lord Shiva granted his prayer. He got possession of all the three worlds and was
about to eat the terrestrial world. The celestial beings, Brahma, Shiva, and the demons were terrified
and they caught hold of the devotee and encircled him. Forty-five deities caught hold of the devotee
and pressed him down. This Devotee has been in that position ever since that time. Lord Brahma
blessed him and said that he would be the deity of all the plots and constructions, and offerings would
be made to him. In return, Vastu Purusha is said to be taking care of the inmates of the building.

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