Fisiologi Hewan 1 Acara Macrobrachium Sp.

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By :
Name : Mellya Rizki Pitriani
Student ID : B1B017031
Group : VIII
Subgroup :1
Assistant : Siti Masrifah




A. Background

Receptors are neurons or specialized ephithelium cells, which consist of cells

themselves or in groups with other cell types in organs, such as sensory organs (eyes
and ears). Receptors detect changes in some of the internal environment variables of
animals in each homeostasis control. Ecteroreceptors detect stimuli from outside the
body, such as pressure, heat, light and chemicals. Interoreceptors detect stimuli from
the body, such as blood pressure and body position. Receptor cells convert stimulus
energy into changes in membrane potential, then deliver signals to the nervous
system (Ville et al., 1988).
The sense of touch on shrimp (Macrobrachium sp.) is very important in various
activities, such as finding food and avoiding attacks from various predators. The
sense of touch is located in the special hairs on various places in the body. The sense
of sight may have a small role, because facet eyes are almost useless to recognize
forms except knowing something that moves. Shrimps are not able of reacting to
sound waves because shrimps are difficult to distinguish taste and odor reactions
called chemoreceptors, which are spread throughout the body surface (Radiopoetro,
Shrimp (Macrobrachium sp.) is used as an object of observation to determine
the function of the chemoreceptors and including invertebrates that are included in
the Arthropoda phylum of Crustaceae class, easily found in Indonesian waters.
Chemoreceptors are senses stimulated by various chemical ions or molecules in the
form of gases or liquids. These chemoreceptors include the sense of smell, the sense
of taste and also the receptors that regulate the concentration of oxygen and carbon
dioxide (Ville et al., 1988).

B. Purpose

The objective of this laboratory activity is to know the chemoreceptor functions

of fresh water shrimp (Macrobrachium sp.).

A. Material

The materials that used in this practical class are fresh water shrimp
(Macrobrachium sp.), pellets, and Tubifex sp.
The tools that used in this practice are aquarium, stopwatch, and scissors.

B. Methods

The methods that used in this activity are:

1. The aquarium is filled with clean freshwater.
2. The ablation (eye/antenulla/ total) on shrimp is done.
3. The shrimp is put in the aquarium.
4. The food is served in the aquarium.
5. The movement of antenna is observed.
6. The duration that has been needed by the shrimp to do a movement is written.

A. Result

Table 3.1. The Result of Chemoreceptor in Shrimp Entourage VII

Treatment Time Flicking Withdraw Wiping Rotation Feeding
Antenulla 10’ (1) 29” (2x) 36”(206x) 8’30”(2x) 47”(5x) 3’46”(34x)
Ablation 10’ (2) 5’50” (1x) 13”(352x) 50”(29x) 4’10”(11x) 17”(27x)
Eye 10’ (1) 7’04”(3x) 19”(152x) 35”(11x) - 8’34”(5x)
Ablation 10’ (2) 6’55”(2x) 18”(180x) 1’11”(43x) 10”(1x) 8’10”(3x)
Total 10’ (1) 6’15”(8x) 6’40”(3x) 7’12”(2x) - -
Ablation 10’ (2) - 3’54”(3x) 2’11”(1x) 2’(1x) -
10’ (1) 2’03”(8x) 2’03”(25x) 7”(1x) 2’34”(13x) 3’19”(1x)
10’ (2) 8’(1x) 2”(44x) 5’04”(11x) 3’(8x) 1’05”(2x)
10’ (1) 1’(8x) 0’(34x) 2’(1x) - -
10’ (2) 1’(9x) 0’(105x) 4’(1x) 0’(2x) -

Table 3.2. The Result of Chemoreceptor in Shrimp Entourage VIII

Treatment Time Flicking Withdraw Wiping Rotation Feeding
Antenulla 10’ (1) 58”(5x) 2’30”(4x) 3’37”(1x) 53”(4x) 3’02”(1x)
Ablation 10’ (2) 1’42”(16x) 18”(4x) 4’50”(2x) 24”(14x) 4’(3x)
Eye 10’ (1) 1”(4x) 1’02”(4x) 1’27”(5x) 2’30”(1x) -
Ablation 10’ (2) 10”(15x) 26”(6x) 1’8”(9x) 3’04”(9x) 7’32”(2x)
Total 10’ (1) 1’30”(3x) - 2’09”(3x) 1’30”(6x) -
Ablation 10’ (2) 2’12”(4x) 2’43”(7x) 55”(7x) 8”(10x) 1’52”(5x)
10’ (1) 34”(7x) 19”(5x) 1’14”(2x) 57”(2x) 40”(4x)
10’ (2) 14”(6x) 4”(13x) - 1’54”(7x) 5’30”(1x)
10’ (1) - 4’01”(3x) 1’06”(1x) - 22”(1x)
10’ (2) 1’53”(2x) 2’10”(6x) 2’36”(1x) - 1’42”(1x)
B. Discussion

Receptors in physiology are structures in the nervous system that are sensitive to
sensory stimuli. It is divided into 6 based on its stimulus type: Chemoreceptors are
senses that are stimulated by various chemical ions or molecules (Storer, 1975). This
one functions to recognize the taste and aroma because it is sensitive against chemical
compounds in feed, liquid and air, besides chemoreceptors also play a role in vision
control for non-aquatic animals have functioning visual organs (Muliati et al., 2018).
Thermoreceptors may reflect the energy required to maintain the high levels of ongoing
activity and to transduce sensory stimuli into action potentials. Its structure of
functionally defined cold thermoreceptors in skin and sclera (Alamri et al., 2018).
Mechanoreceptors are sensory organs stimulated by a kinetic energy. The sense
organs that fall into this category are organs that monitor internal functions such as
muscle tension or joint position, and muscle tension or joint position, as well as the
sense of touch, balance and hearing. Photoreceptors are senses that respond to
electromagnetic energy and photon forms. The senses are included in the photoreceptor
response, namely the organ of sight (Storer, 1975). Photoreceptor is located to restores
visual responses in end-stage retinal degeneration, but has also been assessed in non-
degenerate retinas (Singh et al., 2016). Magnetoreceptors are receptors of animals that
detect magnetic fields, from molluscs and insects to sea turtles and birds, many animals
use the Earth’s magnetic field to guide their movements over spatial scales from a few
metres to entire ocean basins. Thus, whereas receptors for senses such as vision and
olfaction must be in direct contact with the environment to work, magnetoreceptors may
be located almost anywhere inside an animal’s body (Lohmann, 2016).
Electroreceptors are The vertebrate lateral line system comprises a
mechanosensory division, with neuromasts containing hair cells that detect local water
movement and an electrosensory division, with electrosensory organs that detect the
weak, low-frequency electric fields surrounding other animals in water (primarily used
for hunting) (Baker et al., 1998). Chemoreceptors are senses stimulated by various
chemical ions or molecules in the form of gases or liquids. These chemoreceptors
include the sense of smell, the sense of taste and also the receptors that monitor oxygen
and carbon dioxide concentrations (Gordon, 1982). There are two types of
chemoreceptors which are to recognize stimuli that come from sources that are far from
the body, in the form of hair on an antenna with a very low threshold value or a stimulus
in the form of low concentrated gases. Secondly to recognize the stimulus coming from
a close source, in the form of the maxillary palpus and often in torsion with a high
threshold value. So, to determine the location of the stimulus based on the concentration
of the stimulus in the form of gas can find out the proximity of stimuli (Ville et al.,
Shrimp is equipped with organs that function to find food. Shrimp has 3 main
receptor organs, namely the medial and lateral antennula and the dactylus propondus
segment from the foot of the road that is physiologically almost the same. These organs
function to feel and smell. There are 2 pairs of the first road legs and the lateral
antennula receptors that are not equipped with feather eathethaces have a chemical
orientation function. The part of the antenna and antennula around the mouth of the
shrimp is usually covered by fine hairs that function as olfactory devices (Devine &
Jelle, 1982). Shrimp taste senses are very important role in various activities, for
example in finding food and avoiding obstacles. The sense of touch is located in special
hairs at various places in the body. The sense of sight may have a very small role
because the facet eye is barely functioning to recognize form except to know something
that moves. Shrimp do not react to sound waves. Shrimp are difficult to distinguish taste
and smell reactions called chemoreceptors that are spread throughout the body
(Radiopoetro, 1977). According to Green (1967), the chemoreceptor function in shrimp
(crustaceans), is as follows: As a sense of smell, plays a role in finding and finding
food, to determine the position of the body, as a medium of communication between
animals that captures the chemical stimulus in the form of pheromones from the
opposite sex.
Based on this practical class, comparison betweeen 2 entourage of shrimps food
pellet from entourage VII and Tubifex sp. from entourage VIII show different results.
First, the respond of pellet food. Normal treatment shows that shrimp’s responds are
normal. Whereas in antenulla ablation treatment shrimp causes too much responses
compared to other treatments such as eye ablation and total ablation. Based on the
number of movements carried out, the shrimp with antenullary ablation gives so many
responses. Second, the response of Tubifex sp. food. Control treatment shows the
normal response except in wiping and flicking which do not respond at all. Meanwhile,
in antenulla ablation shows the highest amount of responses compared to eye ablation
and total ablation. Nevertheless, the shrimps that feed with pellet show more response
than those who are feed with Tubifex sp. This is not in accordance with the reference,
antenulla ablation should not give that much response because the organ that functions
as a receptor has been lost. The intact antenulla in normal shrimp causes the shrimp to
receive stimulation from its environment so that it requires a short time to detect feed
(Roger, 1978).
Antenullated shrimps that have been unable to do flicking, wipping, withdrawing,
rotation and can only respond to feed. This proves that the importance of antenulla in
response to its activity. Shrimps with eye ablation treatment can still perform
movements such as flipping, wipping, withdrawing, rotation and approaching feed.
Whereas shrimp with total ablation cannot do any movement except approaching feed.
Flicking, wipping, and withdrawing on control shrimps dominate antenullary motion. In
the treatment of total and antenullary ablation, no movement occurs because the organ
that functions as a receptor has been lost (Radiopoetro, 1977). Antenulla in shrimp is a
sensor structure that can move to seek protection, eat, and find partners and avoid
predators. Therefore, shrimps that are not treated with ablation will respond to feed
(Storer, 1975).
The speed of approaching feed is affected by several factors, namely the amount
of feed given, the velocity of the water flow, the condition of the receptor organ, etc.
The more food is given, the more the chemical molecules are distributed, so that the
stimulus is more quickly received by the shrimp. The faster the water flow, the faster
the aroma or chemical compounds that the receptor receives and the fast food detected
by shrimp. The condition of the receptor organ affects the reception of the stimulus. If
the receptor organ is functioning properly (there is no damage) then the stimulus will be
fast or well received (Harfaz & Galun, 1987).
Sharks can track at a speed of 1 m / s, which is significantly less than what they
can afford (> 3 m / s), despite the potentially competitive nature of food tracking among
nearby animals . this speed (10 cm / 100 ms) is suitable for resolving patches of spacing
on the order of 10 cm. Likewise, a reduction in walking speed during tracking has also
been observed in shrimps, shrimps stop tracking if the distance of the patch is greater
than 10 cm. This shows that in order to obtain the same feed information, swimmer
animals are faster in order to develope greater time resolution (Gardiner & Atema,

Based on the result can be concluded that chemoreceptor function in shrimp

(crustaceans), is as follows: As a sense of smell, plays a role in finding and finding
food, to determine the position of the body, as a medium of communication between
animals that captures the chemical stimulus in the form of pheromones from the
opposite sex.

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