Jurnal Castor

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Applications

ISSN 0976-2639.Online ISSN 2278 – 6023

Vol 3, Issue 3, 2012, pp 375-379


Srinu Naik. S* and K. Anand Kishore

Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology,

Warangal-506 004, Andhra Pradesh, India.
*Corresponding author: Email: [email protected] Tel: +91-09885165333

[Received-18/03/2012, Accepted-21/05/12]

Emulsions are commonly used in many major chemical preparations. Certain medicinal agents having an unpleasant
taste and odour can be made more palatable for oral administration in the form of emulsions, which are otherwise
difficult to take. An Emulsion is a liquid preparation containing two immiscible liquids, one of which is dispersed
as minute globule into other, which are made miscible by the addition of a third substance known as surfactants or
emulsifying agent. This work is aimed to investigate the effect of different types of surfactants like Sodium stearate
Glycerol mono stearate, Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate and Benzalkonium chloride at various concentrations on the
stability of liquid paraffin and castor oil emulsions. The obtained data are also correlated with the physical
properties of emulsions such as viscosity, surface tension, globule size with temperature and time. The results
suggests that 3% of glycerol mono stearate and 5% dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate offer high stability within the
temperature range of 30 to 60 0C and time of 42 days (6 weeks) in the preparation of liquid paraffin emulsions,
where as 3% glycerol mono stearate and 5% sodium stearate in the preparation of castor oil. Surface tension and
globule size are remaining unchanged for the said conditions.

Keywords: Emulsions, Surfactants, Viscosity, Liquid paraffin emulsion

[I] NTRODUCTION substance, surfactants are added to the system. A

An Emulsion is a liquid preparation containing surface active agent (surfactant) possesses
two immiscible liquids, one of which is dispersed approximately an equal ratio between the polar
as minute globule into other. The liquid that is and non-polar portions of each molecule. When
broken up into globule is called the dispersed placed in an oil-water system, the polar groups
phase or internal phase and the liquid in which are attracted to or orient toward the water, and the
the globules are dispersed is known as continuous non-polar groups are oriented toward the oil. The
or external phase. When two immiscible liquids surfactant molecules lower the interfacial tension
used to prepare like pharmacy, medicinal between the oil and water and form a stable
compounds it is very difficult to make them as a phase.Surfactants are classified as cationic,
single phase for long period, therefore the third anionic and nonionic based on the type of polar

group on the surfactant. Nonionic emulsions are and brij 35 in a ratio of 52:48 and 5 or 4 % w/w
most popular due to their low toxicity, ability to span 60 and brij 35 in a ratio of 43:57 would
be injected directly into the body, and gives a satisfactory stable emulsions of jojoba oil,
compatibility with many drug ingredients. liquid paraffin and isopropyl myristate
Cationic emulsions are also used in certain respectively.
products due to their antimicrobial properties. Several studies have been reported for formation
A number of investigations are reported in the of emulsions using different surfactants with
literature on the preparation of emulsions using varying concentration for medical and
different surfactants. An extensive review has pharmaceutical applications, which includes,
been carried out by Laurier L. Schramm et al., investigations on the preparation of multiple
2003 [1], have reported an overview on the emulsions with Tetronic®908 and Abil®EM90
Surfactants and their applications. Navid Saleh et surfactant [6], preparation of water-in-oil
al. 2005 [2], directed their investigation on emulsions using a PTFE
Trichloroethylene-in-water Pickering emulsions (Polytetrafluoroethylene) [7], rheology and
with greater than 6-month stability were stabiligy of water-in-oil-in-water multiple
produced with highly charged PSS brushes emulsions containing span 83 and tween 80 [8],
grafted at high density from silica particles. All preparation of secondary emulsions of fish oil in
emulsions were water-continuous, suggesting that water with polymer/emulsion-mixing ratio [9],
these particles produce noninvertible emulsions. preparation and characterization of salbutamol
These grafted particles were readily dispersed sulphate loaded ethyl cellulose microspheres
and colloidally stable in water, so particle using water-in-oil-emulsion technique [10],
flocculation prior to emulsification played no oxidative stability and rheological properties of
role. Muhammad Salman et al. 2008 [3], have oil-in-water emulsions with walnut oil [11] and
reported the preparation of paraffin and bee wax water-in-oil and ethanol-in-oil emulsions by
emulsion and suggest that stearic membrane emulsification [12].
acid/triethanolamine and oleic
acid/triethanolamine are suitable emulsifier and [II] MATERIALS AND METHODS
forms a stable emulsion at room temperature and 2.1. Materials
can stored at ordinary temperature in any Synthetic surfactants, anionic: Sodium
environment. Shukla Jill B et al. 2010 [4], given Stearate(SS), Dioctyl Sodium Sulfosuccinate
a complete overview of self micro-emulsifying (DSS), cationic: Benzalkonium Chloride (BC)
drug delivery systems (SMEDDS), self micro and nonionic: Glyceryl Mono Stearate (GMS) are
emulsifying drug delivery systems are isotropic used to prepare liquid paraffin and castor oil
mixtures of oil, surfactant, co-surfactant and drug emulsions with and without additives like
with a unique ability to form fine oil in water glycerol with benzoic acid as preservative at
micro emulsion upon mild agitation. Mostafa different concentrations of 1%, 3%, 5% and 8%
Shahin et al. 2011[5] was determined respectively.
experimentally using different methods and 2.2. Dry Gum Method (4:2:1)
suggested the best non ionic surfactant for the The Dry gum method is used to prepare the
preparation of jojoba oil, liquid paraffin, primary emulsion of liquid paraffin oil, water,
isopropyl myristate with the mixture of span 60 and GMS emulsifier. The primary emulsion is
and brij35. The emulsions prepared with a formed from 4 parts oil, 2 parts water, and 1 part
surfactant blend composed of 3 % w/w span 60 emulsifier. The 4 parts oil and 1 part emulsifier
and brij 35 in a ratio of 36:64, 4 % w/w span 60 represent their total amounts for the final
emulsion. In a mortar, the 1 part GMS with

Srinu Naik. S and K. Anand Kishore 376


different concentrations of 1%, 3%, 5% and 8% using the GMS and DSS surfactants with 1%,
respectively was crushed with the 4 parts of 3%, 5% and 8% concentrations. The samples
liquid paraffin oil and triturate thoroughly until were maintained at room temperature (300C),
the product becomes creamy white and then the 2 350C, 400C, 450C, 500C, 550C and 600C. As the
parts water are added all at once to form a temperature is increase, the momentum of
primary emulsion and then the additive, glycerol molecules increases causing an increase in the
as added to the primary emulsion and additional kinetic energy of molecules, due to this random
water incorporated to produce the required movement occurs which leads to internal
volume. collision, which intern causes agglomeration of
2.3. Wet Gum Method like particles and continuous agglomeration
In this method, the proportions of oil, water, and causes phase separation.
emulsifier are the same (4:2:1), but the order and All the samples have shown a decreasing trend
techniques of mixing are different. The 1 part for viscosity as the temperature increased, but the
surfactant with different concentrations of 1%, samples containing 3% Glyceryl mono stearae
3%, 5% and 8% for SS, DSS and BC is triturated and 5% Dioctyl sodium sulfosccinate are good
with 2 parts water to form mucilage; then the 4 enough to withstand the increase in temperature.
parts liquid paraffin oil is added slowly, in
portions, while triturating. After all the oil is
added, the mixture is triturated for several
minutes to form the primary emulsion.
The above methods also carried out for castor oil
emulsion with the same concentrations and for
each samples viscosity, surface tension and
globule size were measured at different
temperatures with 5 0C intervals from 30 0C to 60
C and also the viscosity of the samples are kept
for observation with a time interval of one week
for a period of one and half month.
2.4. Analytical methods Fig: 1. Variation in viscosity with temperature at different
Viscosity of the samples was measured using concentrations of GMS
Brooke field viscometer, Interfacial tension with Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 represents the comparison of
Tensiometer and the average globule size was variation in viscosity with time of liquid paraffin
estimated with microscope. emulsion using the surfactants GMS and DSS of
1%, 3%, 5% and 8% concentrations. The
[III] RESULTS AND DISCUSSION samples were maintained for oneday, 1st week,
Generally, solubility (the ability to leave its own 2nd week, 3rd week, 4th week, 5th week and 6th
and break out of the emulsion) increases as week respectively and viscosity was measured for
temperature increases. Once this inversion all samples at room temperature. All the samples
begins, the emulsion becomes unstable and have shown a decreasing trend as time is
breaks apart. The specific temperature at which progressed, but in the case of BC and SS at all
this destabilization takes place is known as the concentrations the decrease was observed to be
“phase inversion temperature.” Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 more than either GMS or DSS. Samples
are the comparison of variation in viscosity with containing 3% GMS and 5% DSS as surfactants
temperature of liquid paraffin emulsion sample were found to be more viscous and they are able

Srinu Naik. S and K. Anand Kishore 377


to retain the viscous nature even the time is


Fig: 2. Variation in viscosity with temperature at Fig: 4. Variation in viscosity with time at different
different concentrations of DSS concentrations of DSS
As the time progressed the attraction between
globules tend to oppose the force given by
surfactant, which is responsible for the formation
of emulsion. Therefore beyond a certain time
depending on the strength of the surfactant the
emulsion starts splitting.
Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 have shown the variation of
viscosity with temperature of liquid paraffin
emulsion using the surfactants BC, GMS, DSS
and SS of concentrations 3% and 5%. The
samples containing 3% GMS and 5% DSS are
good enough to withstand even the increase in
temperature, but the samples containing the same
concentrations of BC and SS are shown more
Fig: 5. Comparison in viscosity variation with temperature at
decrease and also separated into two phases in the 3% concentration of different surfactants
range of 50- 55 0C compare to GMS and DSS.

Fig: 3. Variation in viscosity with time at different Fig: 6. Comparison in viscosity variation with temperature at
concentrations of GMS 5% concentration of different surfactants

Srinu Naik. S and K. Anand Kishore 378


[IV] CONCLUSION O/W emulsions of three different oils,

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