Performance Appraisal: No. Matrikulasi: No. Kad Pengnealan: No. Telefon: E-Mel: Pusat Pembelajaran

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NO. MATRIKULASI : 831209145612001

NO. KAD PENGNEALAN : 831209145612

NO. TELEFON : 01131737109

E-MEL : [email protected]


1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 2
1.1. Organization’s Background......................................................................................... 2
2. Description of ways of utilising customer database ........................................................... 3
3. Identification and discussion on way(s) of utilising customer database ............................ 4
4. Recommendations of steps to improve the management of customer database utilisation 6
5. reference ............................................................................................................................. 9


This assignment is based on an evaluation carried on an organization in order to identify their

current performance appraisal mechanism used to evaluate its employee’s work performance.
This assignment mainly consists an introduction of the selected organization followed by their
performance appraisal system and a depth analysis of their performance appraisal system with
respect to the relevant performance appraisal model. Furthermore, based on the evaluation
carried out, suggestions and recommendation will be provided to improve their current
appraisal system and a brief conclusion of whole essay is followed to end the assignment.

1.1. Organization’s Background

Ministry of Health (MOH) is a government organization established in order for the health,
well-being and social protection of the people of the Republic of Maldives. Its mission is to
provide accessible and quality healthcare services and drug rehabilitation services and to
strengthen the mechanisms for protecting the rights of the children, women, and persons with
disabilities of the Maldives. Ministry of Health’s vision is to make the Maldives a good model
society of socially protected and healthy individuals who are aware, who value their family ties
and live a healthy satisfying lives (Ministry of Health, 2016).

Ministry of Health is one of the largest government bodies that includes more than 8000
employees of both local and foreign. Ministry of Health consists of various departments and
186 Government health facilities across the country. Departments include; Health Protection
Agency and Maldives Food and Drug Authority. Health facilities includes Regional hospitals,
Atoll hospitals and Health centres.


Companies capture data in many ways from many sources. Some processes are highly technical
in nature, while others are more deductive although these methods often employ sophisticated
software. The core job of analytics is to help companies gain insight into their customers.
Following that, the companies can optimize their marketing and deliver a better product.
Analytics gives businesses the quantitative data they need to make better, more informed
decisions and improve their services.

Quality user experience is an essential part of any business wanting to operate within the
services industry. Netflix is a perfect example of the opportunities that can be created by
focusing a company’s efforts into obtaining the right information to perpetually refine their
customer’s user experience.

As of July 2018, Netflix has 130 million worldwide streaming subscribers. (Bulygo, 2019).
Having this large user base allows Netflix to gather a tremendous amount of data. With this
data, Netflix can make better decisions and ultimately make users happier with their service.
This is a huge difference from traditional television networks. They don’t have the privilege of
a comprehensive user database that perfectly comprises their user demographic in order to
accurately predict future products.

Netflix collects their user data and pushes them into a recommendation algorithm that they
develop, which took into account the suggestions based on what the user watch, rather than just
the ratings given which is generally what other entertainment provider did. In order to
successfully assess and satisfy the demands of their customers, the algorithm incorporates all
of these variables to create a network of connectors that categorises the results accordingly.

In spite of the vastness of Netflix’s clientele database, there has been a positive response to the
algorithm, with approximately “75 percent of what people watch on Netflix (as a result of) the
site’s recommendations” (Kleinman, 2013).


Let’s take for example, the user is watching a show like “Arrested Development”. The show
contain several episodes ranging from several season. Netflix is able to see if the user manage
to actually finish all episode of the series. If they do not, Netflix will track down at which
episode they stopped watching. A statistic will then be made on how many users who started
Arrested Development from season 1 and finished it to the end of season 3. For example, the
percentage is 70%. This statistic will then be followed up by determining the common cut off
point for each user, the activity of the user that stops watching, weather they begin a new series,
how long is the gap before they actually starts to watch the series again. These data is needed
to summarise the idea of the overall engagement of this show.

However, these are only some of the immensely huge data that Netflix tracks from its user
database. Below are some of other examples:

 When the user pause, rewind, or fast forward

 What day the user watch content (Netflix has found people watch TV shows during the
week and movies during the weekend.)
 What time the user watch content
 Location of the user (zip code)
 What device the user use to watch
 When the user pause and leave content (and if the user ever come back)
 The ratings given (about 4 million per day)
 Searches (about 3 million per day)
 Browsing and scrolling behaviour

This data is the used to see user trends to understand engagement at a deeper level. If Netflix
saw that 70% of users watched all seasons available of a now cancelled show, that may provoke
some interest in restarting a brand new season for the show. They know there’s a good chance
users will watch the new season.

Other than that, through their analytics of the user database, Netflix can calculate how much
content users need to watch in order to be less likely to cancel. For example, the statistic shows
that if the user to watch at least 15 hours of content each month, they are 75% less likely to
cancel. If the hours drop below 5, there is a 95% chance that the user will cancel.
From this data, Netflix can now focus on how to encourage users to watch at least 15 hours of
content per month. This is the real question that may finally affect the user experience and
customer satisfaction.


At the rate of operation Netflix is in and where it’s heading, Netflix should improve the
algorithm to provide movie recommendations that truly match the user taste. Netflix has spent
13 years learning viewers' disparate tastes so it can point out movies they might enjoy. It has
become good enough to figure out which romantic comedies might still appeal to subscribers
who favor action flicks.

With a much more accurate recommendation, Netflix can direct people to movies and TV
shows it already has. This will keep customers happy and help limit how much Netflix has to
spend to obtain rights to additional online video. If they get it wrong however, customers will
be more inclined to search for something and become frustrated when they can't find it. That's
a real concern because Netflix's online library doesn't offer as comprehensive a video selection
as the DVD service the company wants to phase out.

The streaming service is investing in other optimization methods to keep user engageds.
Among the methods are carefully designed thumbnails, trailers that play automatically as user
hover over with audio, and reminders to watch something else when the user reach the end of
a season. Talking to Fast Company‘s Elizabeth Segran, Netflix’s global manager for creative
services Nick Nelson acknowledged that “if you don’t capture a member’s attention within 90
seconds, he or she will likely lose interest and move on to another activity.” (Staff, 2016). This
is why the company is investing in ways to capture the user through the way content is
presented, from colour and shape to text positioning.

Other than these methods, some other recommendation could be suggested to increase the
engagement even more. Concentrating on what the customer’s feedback could be the core of

First recommendations is to reinstate ratings and reviews. There are several other reviewing
websites on the internet that the user can use however, Netflix already have a huge pool of
dedicated customers. Letting them vote and let others see the average stars and the reviews of
a certain show will develop a sense of loyalty and exclusivity to their sevice, thus increasing

Second recommendation would be to allow people to “follow” other Netflix users–whoever
they are, friends or reviewers they trust. Allow your clients to set their own recommendation
lists that other people can then subscribe to, much like how Spotify’s user-customized playlist
is. This step can make it easy for people to share titles right in the platform or on social media,
making it easier for other users to try new series or movies on the platform that is being
recommended by other users.

Lastly, Netflix should offer a smarter way to dive in and explore the content of their service. A
good search engine with listed results would be ideal, with filters like “Added date,” “Minimum
user rating,” “Director,” or “Actor/Actress.” This will eventually become a good data to collect
in order to further improve their algorithm to increase engagement.


Millions of people worldwide stream more than two billion hours’ worth of video from Netflix
each month. Over the past eleven years, Netflix has grown from offering online movies to a
few thousand members to the point where its streaming services last year accounted for 43
percent of peak downstream traffic in the US alone. For every person watching movies or TV
through Netflix, the service spawns even more information describing what is being watched
and how. Netflix can handle the billions of instances of viewing data generated each day, but
the firm believes it will need to re-architect its systems to keep pace with ever increasing

This paper has provided an idea of how Netflix makes informed decisions based on user data.
Clearly, data cannot make every decision; there are some situations where intuition has to take
over. For instance, data could not predict that a show/movie would be a success. In these cases,
decisions are heavily based on the people and team behind the idea of the show. Whether
Netflix can make a successful show with little to no data is yet to be seen.

Analytics and data can give an insight for companies to run a better business and offer a
superior products. Companies with a large and well segregated data have an advantage over
companies that run on intuition or “what feels right” based on the shareholders opinions.


B. Zach. (2019, February 15). How Netflix Uses Analytics To Select Movies, Create Content,
& Make Multimillion Dollar Decisions. Retrieved March 12, 2019, from

Company Profile. (n.d.). Retrieved March 12, 2019, from


Kleinman, A. (2013). How Netflix Gets Its Movie Suggestions So Right. Available:
suggestions_n_3720218.html?section=australia Last accessed 12th March 2019

M. Iqbal. (2019, February 27). Netflix Revenue and Usage Statistics (2018). Retrieved March
13, 2019, from

P. David (January 25, 2007). "A Stream of Movies, Sort of Free". The New York Times. ISSN
0362-4331. Archived from the original on March 22, 2016. Retrieved March 12, 2019.

S. Writer. (2016, May 4). How Netflix grabs your attention with images. Retrieved March 13,
2019, from

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