CJ Series Analog IO Units Operation Manual For NJ Series CPU Unit - CJ1W AD0xx xxDA0xxxMAD42 PDF

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Machine Automation Controller

Analog I/O Units

Operation Manual
for NJ-series CPU Unit


Analog I/O Units

 OMRON, 2011
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or
by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover, because OMRON is
constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is subject to change without
notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual. Nevertheless, OMRON assumes no responsibility
for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in
this publication.

Thank you for purchasing an CJ-series Analog I/O Unit.
This manual contains information that is necessary to use with the NJ-series CPU Unit. Please read
this manual and make sure you understand the functionality and performance of the NJ-series CPU
Unit before you attempt to use it in a control system.
Keep this manual in a safe place where it will be available for reference during operation.

Intended Audience
This manual is intended for the following personnel, who must also have knowledge of electrical sys-
tems (an electrical engineer or the equivalent).
• Personnel in charge of introducing FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of designing FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of installing and maintaining FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of managing FA systems and facilities.
For programming, this manual is intended for personnel who understand the programming language
specifications in international standard IEC 61131-3 or Japanese standard JIS B3503.

Applicable Products
This manual covers the following products.
• CJ-series Analog I/O Units
• CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1/042
• CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C/042V
• CJ1W-MAD42

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 1

Thank you for purchasing an CJ-series Analog I/O Unit.
This manual contains information that is necessary to use with the NJ-series CPU Unit. Please read
this manual and make sure you understand the functionality and performance of the NJ-series CPU
Unit before you attempt to use it in a control system.
Keep this manual in a safe place where it will be available for reference during operation.

Intended Audience
This manual is intended for the following personnel, who must also have knowledge of electrical sys-
tems (an electrical engineer or the equivalent).
• Personnel in charge of introducing FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of designing FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of installing and maintaining FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of managing FA systems and facilities.
For programming, this manual is intended for personnel who understand the programming language
specifications in international standard IEC 61131-3 or Japanese standard JIS B3503.

Applicable Products
This manual covers the following products.
• CJ-series Analog I/O Units
• CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1/042
• CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C/042V
• CJ1W-MAD42

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 1
Relevant Manuals

Relevant Manuals
There are three manuals that provide basic information on the NJ-series CPU Units: the NJ-series CPU
Unit Hardware User’s Manual, the NJ-series CPU Unit Software User’s Manual (this manual), and the
NJ-series Instructions Reference Manual.
Most operations are performed from the Sysmac Studio Automation Software. Refer to the Sysmac Stu-
dio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No. W504) for information on the Sysmac Studio.
Other manuals are necessary for specific system configurations and applications.
Read all of the manuals that are relevant to your system configuration and application to make the most
of the NJ-series CPU Unit.
NJ-series User’s Manuals

Basic information

NJ-series Troubleshooting Manual

CJ-series Special Unit Operation

Manuals for NJ-series CPU Unit
EtherNet/IP Port User´s Manual
Instructions Reference Manual
EtherCAT Port User´s Manual
NJ-series CPU Unit Built-in

NJ-series CPU Unit Built-in

NJ-series CPU Unit Motion
Hardware User´s Manual

NJ-series Motion Control

Software User´s Manual

Control User´s Manual

NJ-series Instructions
NJ-series CPU Unit

NJ-series CPU Unit

Reference Manual

Introduction to NJ-series Controllers

Setting devices and hardware

Using motion control

Using EtherCAT

Using EtherNet/IP

Using CJ-series Units

Software settings
Using motion control

Using EtherCAT

Using EtherNet/IP

Using motion control

Using EtherCAT

Using CJ-series Units

Programming error processing

Testing operation and debugging

Using motion control

Using EtherCAT

Using EtherNet/IP

Use the
Troubleshooting and managing relevant
errors in an NJ-series Controller manuals for
according to
any error that


Using EtherCAT

Using EtherNet/IP

Using CJ-series Units

2 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
Manual Configuration

Manual Configuration
NJ-series CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W500)
Section Description
Section 1 This section provides an introduction to the NJ-series Controllers and their features,
Introduction and gives the NJ-series Controller specifications.
Section 2 This section describes the system configuration used for NJ-series Controllers.
System Configuration
Section 3 This section describes the parts and functions of the configuration devices in the NJ-
Configuration Units series Controller configuration, including the CPU Unit and Configuration Units.
Section 4 This section describes where and how to install the CPU Unit and Configuration Units
Installation and Wiring and how to wire them.
Section 5 This section describes the event codes, error confirmation methods, and corrections
Troubleshooting for errors that can occur.
This section describes the contents of periodic inspections, the service life of the Bat-
Section 6
tery and Power Supply Units, and replacement methods for the Battery and Power
Inspection and Maintenance
Supply Units.
The appendices provide the specifications of the Basic I/O Units, Unit dimensions,
Appendices load short-circuit protection detection, line disconnection detection, and measures for
EMC Directives.

NJ-series CPU Unit Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W501)

Section Description
Section 1 This section provides an introduction to the NJ-series Controllers and their features,
Introduction and gives the NJ-series Controller specifications.
Section 2 This section describes the variables and control systems of the CPU Unit and CPU
CPU Unit Operation Unit status.
Section 3 This section describes how to use I/O ports, how to create the slave configuration
I/O Ports, Slave Configuration, and and unit configuration and how to assign functions.
Unit Configuration
Section 4 This section describes the initial settings of the function modules.
Controller Setup
Section 5 This section describes the task system and types of tasks.
Designing Tasks
Section 6 This section describes programming, including the programming languages and the
Programming variables and instructions that are used in programming.
Section 7 This section describes simulation of Controller operation and how to use the results
Simulation, Transferring Projects to of simulation.
the Physical CPU Unit, and Opera-
Section 8 This section describes CPU Unit status.
CPU Unit Status
Section 9 This section describes the functionality provided by the CPU Unit.
CPU Unit Functions
Section 10 This section describes how to go online with the CPU Unit and how to connect to
Communications Setup other devices.
Section 11 This section describes the procedures that are used to actually operate an NJ-series
Example of Actual Application Pro- Controller.
Section 12 This section describes the event codes, error confirmation methods, and corrections
Troubleshooting for errors that can occur.
The appendices provide the CPU Unit specifications, task execution times, system-
Appendices defined variable lists, data attribute lists, CJ-series Unit memory information, CJ-
series Unit memory allocation methods, and data type conversion information.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 3
Manual Configuration

Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No. W504)

Section Description
Section 1 This section provides an overview and lists the specifications of the Sysmac Studio
Introduction and describes its features and components.
Section 2 This section describes how to install and uninstall the Sysmac Studio.
Installation and Uninstallation
Section 3 This section describes the basic concepts for designing an NJ-series System with the
System Design Sysmac Studio and the basic operating procedures.
Section 4 This section describes how to create programs with the Sysmac Studio.
Section 5 This section describes how to go online with a Controller.
Online Connections to a Controller
Section 6 This section describes how to debug the programs online on the Controller or debug
Debugging it offline with the Simulator.
Section 7 This section describes Sysmac Studio functions other than system design functions.
Other Functions
Section 8 This section describes how to reuse the programs that you create with the Sysmac
Reusing Programming Studio.
Section 9 This section describes the Support Software that is provided with the Sysmac Studio.
Support Software Provided with the
Sysmac Studio
Section 10 This section describes the error messages that are displayed when you check a pro-
Troubleshooting gram on the Sysmac Studio and how to correct those errors.
The appendices describe the following:
Driver Installation for Direct USB Cable Connection
Appendices Specifying One of Multiple Ethernet Interface Cards
Online Help
Simulation Instructions

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit
(Cat. No. W490) (This Manual)
Section Description
Section 1 This section provides a brief description of the features and the functionality of the
System Design Analog I/O Units and describes where and how to install the Units.
Section 2 This section provides the specifications of the CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1 Analog Input
CJ-series Analog Input Units Units, and describes how to wire and use the Units.
Section 3 This section provides the specifications of the CJ1W-AD042 Analog Input Units, and
CJ-series Analog Input Units describes how to wire and use the Units.
Section 4 This section provides the specifications of the CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C Analog
CJ-series Analog Output Unit Output Units, and describes how to wire and use the Units.
Section 5 This section provides the specifications of the CJ1W-DA042V Analog Output Units,
CJ-series Analog Output Unit and describes how to wire and use the Units.
Section 6 This section provides the specifications of the CJ1W-MAD42 Analog I/O Units, and
CJ-series Analog I/O Unit describes how to wire and use the Units.
Section 7 This chapter explains the operating procedure common among Analog Input Units,
Common Items Output Units and I/O Units.
Appendices ---

4 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
Manual Configuration

CS/CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual (Cat. No. W345)

Section Description
Section 1 This section provides a brief description of the features and the functionality of the
System Design Analog I/O Units and describes where and how to install the Units.
Section 2 This section provides the specifications of the CS1W-AD041-V1/081-V1/161 Analog
CS-series Analog Input Units Input Units, and describes how to wire and use the Units.
Section 3 This section provides the specifications of the CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1 Analog Input
CJ-series Analog Input Units Units, and describes how to wire and use the Units.
Section 4 This section provides the specifications of the CJ1W-AD042 Analog Input Units, and
CJ-series Analog Input Units describes how to wire and use the Units.
Section 5 This section provides the specifications of the CS1W-DA041/08V/08C Analog Output
CS-series Analog Output Units Units, and describes how to wire and use the Units.
Section 6 This section provides the specifications of the CJ1W-DA051/041/08V/08C Analog
CJ-series Analog Output Unit Output Units, and describes how to wire and use the Units.
Section 7 This section provides the specifications of the CJ1W-DA042V Analog Output Units,
CJ-series Analog Output Unit and describes how to wire and use the Units.
Section 8 This section provides the specifications of the CS1W-MAD44 Analog I/O Units, and
CS-series Analog I/O Unit describes how to wire and use the Units.
Section 9 This section provides the specifications of the CJ1W-MAD42 Analog I/O Units, and
CJ-series Analog I/O Unit describes how to wire and use the Units.
Appendices ---

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 5
Manual Structure

Manual Structure

Page Structure
The following page structure is used in this manual.

4 Installation and Wiring Level 1 heading

Level 2 heading
Level 2 heading 4-3 Mounting Units Level 3 heading
Gives the current
Level 3 heading 4-3-1 Connecting Controller Components headings.
The Units that make up an NJ-series Controller can be connected simply by pressing the Units together
and locking the sliders by moving them toward the back of the Units. The End Cover is connected in the
same way to the Unit on the far right side of the Controller.

A step in a procedure 1 Join the Units so that the connectors fit exactly.

Indicates a procedure. Connector
Hook holes

4-3 Mounting Units

4 Page tab
2 Gives the number

4-3-1 Connecting Controller Components

The yellow sliders at the top and bottom of each Unit lock the Units together. Move the sliders
toward the back of the Units as shown below until they click into place. of the main section.
Move the sliders toward the back
until they lock into place.




Precautions for Correct Use

Special information The sliders on the tops and bottoms of the Powe r Supply Unit, CPU Unit, I/O Units, Special I/O
Units, and CPU Bus Units must be completely locked (until they click into place) after connecting
Icons indicate the adjacent Unit connectors.
precautions, additional
information, or reference

Manual name NJ-series CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual (W500) 4-9

This illustration is provided only as a sample. It may not literally appear in this manual.

Special Information
Special information in this manual is classified as follows:

Precautions for Safe Use

Precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure safe usage of the product.

Precautions for Correct Use

Precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure proper operation and performance.

Additional Information
Additional information to read as required.
This information is provided to increase understanding or make operation easier.

Note References are provided to more detailed or related information.

6 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
Manual Structure

Precaution on Terminology
In this manual, “download” refers to transferring data from the Sysmac Studio to the physical Controller
and “upload” refers to transferring data from the physical Controller to the Sysmac Studio.
For the Sysmac Studio, synchronization is used to both upload and download data. Here, “synchronize”
means to automatically compare the data for the Sysmac Studio on the computer with the data in the
physical Controller and transfer the data in the direction that is specified by the user.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 7
Manual Structure

8 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
Sections in this Manual

Sections in this Manual

1 System Design
CJ-series Analog Input Units
2 (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)
CJ-series Analog Input Units
3 (CJ1W-AD042) 5

CJ-series Analog Output Unit

4 (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C) 6

CJ-series Analog Output Unit 7

5 (CJ1W-DA042V)

CJ-series Analog I/O Unit A

6 (CJ1W-MAD42)
7 Common Items

A Appendices

I Index

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 9

Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1

Relevant Manuals ...................................................................................................... 2

Manual Configuration ............................................................................................... 3

Manual Structure ....................................................................................................... 6

Sections in this Manual ............................................................................................ 9

CONTENTS............................................................................................................... 10

Read and Understand this Manual ........................................................................ 15

Safety Precautions .................................................................................................. 18

Precautions for Safe Use........................................................................................ 23

Precautions for Correct Use................................................................................... 29

Regulations and Standards.................................................................................... 32

Unit Versions ........................................................................................................... 35

Related Manuals ...................................................................................................... 37

Revision History ...................................................................................................... 38

Section 1 System Design

1-1 Features and Functions .......................................................................................................... 1-2
1-2 Mouting the Unit ...................................................................................................................... 1-7
1-2-1 Basic System Configuration ........................................................................................................ 1-7
1-2-2 Mounting Procedure.................................................................................................................... 1-8
1-2-3 Precautions ................................................................................................................................. 1-9
1-3 Function Applications ........................................................................................................... 1-10

Section 2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

2-1 Specifications .......................................................................................................................... 2-2
2-1-1 Specifications .............................................................................................................................. 2-2
2-1-2 Input Function Block Diagram ..................................................................................................... 2-4
2-1-3 Input Specifications ..................................................................................................................... 2-4
2-2 Operating Procedure ............................................................................................................... 2-7
2-3 Components and Switch Settings.......................................................................................... 2-9
2-3-1 Component Names ..................................................................................................................... 2-9
2-3-2 Indicators................................................................................................................................... 2-10
2-3-3 Unit Number Switches............................................................................................................... 2-11
2-3-4 Operating Mode Switch............................................................................................................. 2-11
2-3-5 Voltage/Current Switch.............................................................................................................. 2-12
2-4 Wiring ..................................................................................................................................... 2-13

10 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)

2-4-1 Terminal Arrangement .............................................................................................................. 2-13

2-4-2 Internal Circuit .......................................................................................................................... 2-14
2-4-3 Voltage Input Disconnection ..................................................................................................... 2-15
2-4-4 Input Wiring Example ............................................................................................................... 2-16
2-4-5 Input Wiring Considerations ..................................................................................................... 2-17
2-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit .................................................................................... 2-18
2-5-1 Outline of Data Exchange......................................................................................................... 2-18
2-5-2 Accessing from the User Program............................................................................................ 2-19
2-5-3 Allocating Device Variable for CJ-series Unit............................................................................ 2-20
2-6 Analog Input Functions and Operating Procedures .......................................................... 2-25
2-6-1 Input Settings and Conversion Values ...................................................................................... 2-25
2-6-2 Mean Value Processing ............................................................................................................ 2-27
2-6-3 Peak Value Hold Function......................................................................................................... 2-31
2-6-4 Input Disconnection Detection Function ................................................................................... 2-32

Section 3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

3-1 Specifications .......................................................................................................................... 3-2
3-1-1 Specifications.............................................................................................................................. 3-2
3-1-2 Input Function Block Diagram..................................................................................................... 3-3
3-1-3 Inputs Specifications................................................................................................................... 3-3
3-2 Operating Procedure ............................................................................................................... 3-7
3-3 Components and Switch Settings ......................................................................................... 3-9
3-3-1 Component Names..................................................................................................................... 3-9
3-3-2 Indicators .................................................................................................................................. 3-10
3-3-3 Unit Number Switches .............................................................................................................. 3-10
3-4 Wiring ..................................................................................................................................... 3-11
3-4-1 Terminal Arrangement .............................................................................................................. 3-11
3-4-2 Internal Circuit .......................................................................................................................... 3-12
3-4-3 Voltage Input Disconnection ..................................................................................................... 3-13
3-4-4 Input Wiring Example ............................................................................................................... 3-13
3-4-5 Input Wiring Considerations ..................................................................................................... 3-15
3-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit .................................................................................... 3-16
3-5-1 Outline of Data Exchange......................................................................................................... 3-16
3-5-2 Accessing from the User Program............................................................................................ 3-17
3-5-3 Allocating Device Variable for CJ-series Unit............................................................................ 3-18
3-6 Analog Input Functions and Operating Procedures .......................................................... 3-21
3-6-1 Input Settings and Conversion Values ...................................................................................... 3-21
3-6-2 Mean Value Processing ............................................................................................................ 3-23
3-6-3 Input Scaling Function .............................................................................................................. 3-25
3-6-4 Peak Value Hold Function......................................................................................................... 3-27
3-6-5 Input Disconnection Detection Function ................................................................................... 3-28

Section 4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit

4-1 Specifications .......................................................................................................................... 4-2
4-1-1 Specifications.............................................................................................................................. 4-2
4-1-2 Output Function Block Diagram .................................................................................................. 4-3
4-1-3 Output Specifications.................................................................................................................. 4-4
4-2 Operating Procedure ............................................................................................................... 4-6
4-2-1 CJ1W-DA021/041 ....................................................................................................................... 4-6
4-2-2 CJ1W-DA08V/08C ...................................................................................................................... 4-8
4-3 Components and Switch Settings ....................................................................................... 4-10
4-3-1 Component Names................................................................................................................... 4-10
4-3-2 Indicators .................................................................................................................................. 4-11

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 11

4-3-3 Unit Number Switches............................................................................................................... 4-11

4-3-4 Operating Mode Switch............................................................................................................. 4-12
4-4 Wiring ..................................................................................................................................... 4-13
4-4-1 Terminal Arrangement............................................................................................................... 4-13
4-4-2 Internal Circuit........................................................................................................................... 4-14
4-4-3 Output Wiring Example ............................................................................................................. 4-15
4-4-4 Output Wiring Considerations ................................................................................................... 4-16
4-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit .................................................................................... 4-17
4-5-1 Outline of Data Exchange ......................................................................................................... 4-17
4-5-2 Accessing from the User Program ............................................................................................ 4-18
4-5-3 Allocating Device Variable for CJ-series Unit ............................................................................ 4-19
4-6 Analog Output Functions and Operating Procedures ....................................................... 4-25
4-6-1 Output Settings and Conversion Values.................................................................................... 4-25
4-6-2 Output Hold Function ................................................................................................................ 4-28
4-6-3 Output Scaling Function (CJ1W-DA08V/08C Only) .................................................................. 4-29
4-6-4 Output Set Value Error .............................................................................................................. 4-31

Section 5 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA042V)

5-1 Specifications .......................................................................................................................... 5-2
5-1-1 Specifications .............................................................................................................................. 5-2
5-1-2 Output Function Block Diagram .................................................................................................. 5-3
5-1-3 Output Specifications .................................................................................................................. 5-4
5-2 Operating Procedure ............................................................................................................... 5-6
5-3 Components and Switch Settings.......................................................................................... 5-8
5-3-1 Component Names ..................................................................................................................... 5-8
5-3-2 Indicators..................................................................................................................................... 5-9
5-3-3 Unit Number Switches................................................................................................................. 5-9
5-4 Wiring ..................................................................................................................................... 5-10
5-4-1 Terminal Arrangement............................................................................................................... 5-10
5-4-2 Internal Circuit........................................................................................................................... 5-11
5-4-3 Output Wiring Example ............................................................................................................. 5-11
5-4-4 Output Wiring Considerations ................................................................................................... 5-12
5-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit .................................................................................... 5-13
5-5-1 Outline of Data Exchange ......................................................................................................... 5-13
5-5-2 Accessing from the User Program ............................................................................................ 5-14
5-5-3 Allocating Device Variables for CJ-series Unit .......................................................................... 5-15
5-6 Analog Output Functions and Operating Procedures ....................................................... 5-17
5-6-1 Output Settings and Conversion Values.................................................................................... 5-17
5-6-2 Output Hold Function ................................................................................................................ 5-18
5-6-3 Output Scaling Function............................................................................................................ 5-19
5-6-4 Output Setting Errors ................................................................................................................ 5-21

Section 6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-1 Specifications .......................................................................................................................... 6-3
6-1-1 Specifications .............................................................................................................................. 6-3
6-1-2 I/O Function Block Diagram ........................................................................................................ 6-5
6-1-3 Input Specifications ..................................................................................................................... 6-5
6-1-4 Output Specifications .................................................................................................................. 6-7
6-2 Operating Procedure ............................................................................................................... 6-9
6-3 Components and Switch Settings........................................................................................ 6-11
6-3-1 Component Names ................................................................................................................... 6-11
6-3-2 Indicators................................................................................................................................... 6-12
6-3-3 Unit Number Switches............................................................................................................... 6-13
6-3-4 Voltage/Current Switch.............................................................................................................. 6-14

12 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)

6-4 Wiring ..................................................................................................................................... 6-15

6-4-1 Terminal Arrangement .............................................................................................................. 6-15
6-4-2 Internal Circuit .......................................................................................................................... 6-15
6-4-3 Voltage Input Disconnection ..................................................................................................... 6-17
6-4-4 I/O Wiring Example................................................................................................................... 6-18
6-4-5 I/O Wiring Considerations......................................................................................................... 6-19
6-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit .................................................................................... 6-20
6-5-1 Outline of Data Exchange......................................................................................................... 6-20
6-5-2 Accessing from the User Program............................................................................................ 6-21
6-5-3 Allocating Device Variables for CJ-series Unit.......................................................................... 6-22
6-6 Analog Input Functions and Operating Procedures .......................................................... 6-26
6-6-1 Input Settings and Conversion Values ...................................................................................... 6-26
6-6-2 Mean Value Processing ............................................................................................................ 6-28
6-6-3 Peak Value Hold Function......................................................................................................... 6-31
6-6-4 Input Scaling Function .............................................................................................................. 6-32
6-6-5 Input Disconnection Detection Function ................................................................................... 6-34
6-7 Analog Output Functions and Operating Procedures ....................................................... 6-35
6-7-1 Output Settings and Conversion Values ................................................................................... 6-35
6-7-2 Output Hold Function................................................................................................................ 6-39
6-7-3 Output Scaling Function ........................................................................................................... 6-40
6-7-4 Output Setting Errors ................................................................................................................ 6-42
6-8 Ratio Conversion Function................................................................................................... 6-43

Section 7 Common Items

7-1 Adjusting Offset and Gain ...................................................................................................... 7-2
7-1-1 Adjustment Mode Operational Flow............................................................................................ 7-3
7-1-2 Input Offset and Gain Adjustment Procedures ........................................................................... 7-4
7-1-3 Output Offset and Gain Adjustment Procedures ........................................................................ 7-9
7-2 When Errors and Alarms Occur ........................................................................................... 7-14
7-2-1 Indicators and Error Flowchart ................................................................................................. 7-14
7-2-2 Alarms Occurring at the Unit .................................................................................................... 7-16
7-2-3 Errors in the CPU Unit .............................................................................................................. 7-19
7-2-4 Restarting Special I/O Units ..................................................................................................... 7-20
7-2-5 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................ 7-20
7-3 Event Logs ............................................................................................................................. 7-23
7-3-1 Overview of the Event Logs...................................................................................................... 7-23
7-3-2 Error Table ................................................................................................................................ 7-24
7-3-3 Error Descriptions ..................................................................................................................... 7-26

A-1 Dimensions ..............................................................................................................................A-2
A-2 Sample Programs ....................................................................................................................A-3
A-2-1 Upper and Lower-limit Alarm (Constant Monitoring) .................................................................. A-3
A-2-2 Upper and Lower-limit Alarm (with Standby Sequence) ............................................................. A-4
A-2-3 Scaling ........................................................................................................................................ A-7
A-2-4 Square Root Calculation........................................................................................................... A-10
A-2-5 Mean Value Processing ............................................................................................................ A-12
A-2-6 Limit .......................................................................................................................................... A-14
A-3 Functional Differences due to CPU Units (NJ/CJ-series) to be Connected .....................A-16
A-4 Correspondence Tables for Device Variables for CJ-series Units and Memory Addresses
for CJ-series Units...............................................................................................................A-17
A-4-1 CJ1W-AD041-V1 ...................................................................................................................... A-18
A-4-2 CJ1W-AD081-V1 ...................................................................................................................... A-21
A-4-3 CJ1W-AD042 ............................................................................................................................ A-25

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 13

A-4-4 CJ1W-DA021 ............................................................................................................................A-27

A-4-5 CJ1W-DA041 ............................................................................................................................A-28
A-4-6 CJ1W-DA08V/08C ....................................................................................................................A-30
A-4-7 CJ1W-DA042V ..........................................................................................................................A-34
A-4-8 CJ1W-MAD42 ...........................................................................................................................A-36


14 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
Read and Understand this Manual

Read and Understand this Manual

Please read and understand this manual before using the product. Please consult your OMRON representative
if you have any questions or comments.

Warranty and Limitations of Liability

OMRON's exclusive warranty is that the products are free from defects in materials and workmanship for a
period of one year (or other period if specified) from date of sale by OMRON.




In no event shall the responsibility of OMRON for any act exceed the individual price of the product on which
liability is asserted.



CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 15
Read and Understand this Manual

Application Considerations
OMRON shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes, or regulations that apply to the
combination of products in the customer's application or use of the products.

At the customer's request, OMRON will provide applicable third party certification documents identifying
ratings and limitations of use that apply to the products. This information by itself is not sufficient for a
complete determination of the suitability of the products in combination with the end product, machine,
system, or other application or use.

The following are some examples of applications for which particular attention must be given. This is not
intended to be an exhaustive list of all possible uses of the products, nor is it intended to imply that the uses
listed may be suitable for the products:

• Outdoor use, uses involving potential chemical contamination or electrical interference, or conditions or
uses not described in this manual.
• Nuclear energy control systems, combustion systems, railroad systems, aviation systems, medical
equipment, amusement machines, vehicles, safety equipment, and installations subject to separate
industry or government regulations.
• Systems, machines, and equipment that could present a risk to life or property.

Please know and observe all prohibitions of use applicable to the products.


OMRON shall not be responsible for the user's programming of a programmable product, or any
consequence thereof.

16 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
Read and Understand this Manual

Product specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and other

It is our practice to change model numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or when
significant construction changes are made. However, some specifications of the products may be changed
without any notice. When in doubt, special model numbers may be assigned to fix or establish key
specifications for your application on your request. Please consult with your OMRON representative at any
time to confirm actual specifications of purchased products.


Dimensions and weights are nominal and are not to be used for manufacturing purposes, even when
tolerances are shown.

Performance data given in this manual is provided as a guide for the user in determining suitability and does
not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of OMRON's test conditions, and the users must
correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual performance is subject to the OMRON Warranty and
Limitations of Liability.


The information in this manual has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no
responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical, or proofreading errors, or omissions.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 17
Safety Precautions

Safety Precautions

Definition of Precautionary Information

The following notation is used in this manual to provide precautions required to ensure safe usage of an
NJ-series Controller. The safety precautions that are provided are extremely important to safety. Always
read and heed the information provided in all safety precautions.
The following notation is used.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,

WARNING could result in death or serious injury. Additionally, there may be
severe property damage.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,

Caution may result in minor or moderate injury, or property damage.

Precautions for Safe Use

Indicates precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure safe usage of the product.

Precautions for Correct Use

Indicates precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure proper operation and performance.

18 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
Safety Precautions


The circle and slash symbol indicates operations that you must not do.
The specific operation is shown in the circle and explained in text.
This example indicates prohibiting disassembly.

The triangle symbol indicates precautions (including warnings).

The specific operation is shown in the triangle and explained in text.
This example indicates a precaution for electric shock.

The triangle symbol indicates precautions (including warnings).

The specific operation is shown in the triangle and explained in text.
This example indicates a general precaution.

The filled circle symbol indicates operations that you must do.
The specific operation is shown in the circle and explained in text.
This example shows a general precaution for something that you must do.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 19
Safety Precautions

During Power Supply

Do not touch any of the terminals or terminal blocks while the power is being
supplied. Doing so may result in electric shock.

Do not attempt to take any Unit apart. In particular, high-voltage parts are
present in the Power Supply Unit while power is supplied or immediately after
power is turned OFF. Touching any of these parts may result in electric
shock. There are sharp parts inside the Unit that may cause injury.

Fail-safe Measures

Provide safety measures in external circuits to ensure safety in the system if

an abnormality occurs due to malfunction of the CPU Unit, other Units, or
slaves or due to other external factors affecting operation. Not doing so may
result in serious accidents due to incorrect operation.

Emergency stop circuits, interlock circuits, limit circuits, and similar safety
measures must be provided in external control circuits.

The Controller outputs may remain ON or OFF due to deposition or burning

of the output relays or destruction of the output transistors. As a countermea-
sure for such problems, external safety measures must be provided to
ensure safe operation of the system.

The CPU Unit will turn OFF all outputs from Basic Output Units in the follow-
ing cases.
• If an error occurs in the power supply
• If the power supply connection becomes faulty
• If a CPU watchdog timer error or CPU reset occurs
• If a major fault level Controller error occurs
• While the CPU Unit is on standby until RUN mode is entered after the
power is turned ON
External safety measures must be provided to ensure safe operation of the
system even if the outputs turn OFF.

If external power supplies for slaves or other devices are overloaded or short-
circuited, the voltage will drop, outputs will turn OFF, and the system may be
unable to read inputs. Provide external safety measures in controls with mon-
itoring of external power supply voltage as required so that the system oper-
ates safely in such a case.

20 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
Safety Precautions

Fail-safe Measures

Unintended outputs may occur when an error occurs in variable memory or

in memory used for CJ-series Units. As a countermeasure for such prob-
lems, external safety measures must be provided to ensure safe operation of
the system.

Provide measures in the communications system and user program to

ensure safety in the overall system even if errors or malfunctions occur in
data link communications or remote I/O communications.

If there is interference in remote I/O communications or if a major fault level

error occurs, output status will depend on the products that are used.
Confirm the operation that will occur when there is interference in communi-
cations or a major fault level error, and implement safety measures.
Correctly set all of the EtherCAT slaves.

The NJ-series Controller continues normal operation for a certain period of

time when a momentary power interruption occurs. This means that the NJ-
series Controller may receive incorrect signals from external devices that are
also affected by the power interruption. Accordingly, take suitable actions,
such as external fail-safe measures and interlock conditions, to monitor the
power supply voltage of the external device as required.
You must take fail-safe measures to ensure safety in the event of incorrect,
missing, or abnormal signals caused by broken signal lines, momentary
power interruptions, or other causes. Not doing so may result in serious acci-
dents due to incorrect operation.

Voltage and Current Inputs

Make sure that the voltages and currents that are input to the Units and
slaves are within the specified ranges.
Inputting voltages or currents that are outside of the specified ranges may
cause accidents or fire.


Always confirm safety at the destination before you transfer a user program,
configuration data, setup data, device variables, or values in memory used
for CJ-series Units from the Sysmac Studio. The devices or machines may
perform unexpected operation regardless of the operating mode of the CPU

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 21
Safety Precautions


Do not touch any Unit when power is being supplied or immediately after the
power supply is turned OFF. Doing so may result in burn injury.


Be sure that all terminal screws and cable connector screws are tightened to
the torque specified in the relevant manuals. The loose screws may result in
fire or malfunction.

Online Editing

Execute online editing only after confirming that no adverse effects will be
caused by deviations in the timing of I/O. If you perform online editing, the
task execution time may exceed the task period, I/O may not be refreshed
with external devices, input signals may not be read, and output timing may

Using Analog I/O Units

With the CJ1W-AD042/-DA042V, always connect surge suppressors to

inductive loads in the system (e.g., magnetic contactors, relays, and sole-
noids). Always separate devices that generate surge from the Analog I/O
Faulty Unit operation may cause unexpected system operation.

22 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
Precautions for Safe Use

Precautions for Safe Use

Disassembly and Dropping

• Do not attempt to disassemble, repair, or modify any Units. Doing so may result in malfunction or fire.
• Do not drop any Unit or subject it to abnormal vibration or shock. Doing so may result in Unit malfunc-
tion or burning.

• The sliders on the tops and bottoms of the Power Supply Unit, CPU Unit, I/O Units, Special I/O Unit,
and CPU Bus Units must be completely locked (until they click into place) after connecting the adja-
cent Unit connectors.

• Always connect to a ground of 100  or less when installing the Units. A ground of 100  or less must
be installed when shorting the GR and LG terminals on the Power Supply Unit.

• Follow the instructions in this manual to correctly perform wiring.
Double-check all wiring and switch settings before turning ON the power supply.
• Use crimp terminals for wiring.
Do not connect bare stranded wires directly to terminals.
• Do not pull on the cables or bend the cables beyond their natural limit.
Do not place heavy objects on top of the cables or other wiring lines. Doing so may break the cables.
• Mount terminal blocks and connectors only after checking the mounting location carefully.
• Be sure that the terminal blocks, expansion cables, and other items with locking devices are properly
locked into place.
• Always remove any dustproof labels that are on the top of the Units when they are shipped before
you turn ON the power supply. If the labels are not removed, heat will accumulate and malfunctions
may occur.
• Before you connect a computer to the CPU Unit, disconnect the power supply plug of the computer
from the AC outlet. Also, if the computer has an FG terminal, make the connections so that the FG
terminal has the same electrical potential as the FG (GR) terminal on the Power Supply Unit. A differ-
ence in electric potential between the computer and Controller may cause failure or malfunction.
• If the external power supply to an Output Unit or slave has polarity, connect it with the correct polarity.
If the polarity is reversed, current may flow in the reverse direction and damage the connected
devices regardless of the operation of the Controller.

Power Supply Design

• Do not exceed the rated supply capacity of the Power Supply Units in the NJ-series Controller. The
rated supply capacities are given in the NJ-series CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual
(Cat. No. W500).
If the capacity is exceeded, operation may stop, malfunctions may occur, or data may not be backed
up normally for power interruptions.
Use NJ-series Power Supply Units for both the NJ-series CPU Rack and Expansion Racks.
Operation is not possible if a CJ-series Power Supply Unit is used with an NJ-series CPU Unit or an
NJ-series Power Supply Unit is used with a CJ-series CPU Unit.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 23
Precautions for Safe Use

• Do not apply voltages or connect loads to the Output Units or slaves in excess of the maximum rat-
• Surge current occurs when the power supply is turned ON. When selecting fuses or breakers for
external circuits, consider the above precaution and allow sufficient margin in shut-off performance.
Refer to the relevant manuals for surge current specifications. Refer to the NJ-series CPU Unit Hard-
ware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W500) for surge current specifications.
• If the full dielectric strength voltage is applied or turned OFF using the switch on the tester, the gener-
ated impulse voltage may damage the Power Supply Unit. Use the adjustment on the tester to gradu-
ally increase and decrease the voltage.
• Apply the voltage between the Power Supply Unit's L1 or L2 terminal and the GR terminal when test-
ing insulation and dielectric strength. You do not have to disconnect the LG and GR terminals to per-
form these tests.
• Do not supply AC power from an inverter or other device with a square-wave output. Internal temper-
ature rise may result in smoking or burning. Always input a sinusoidal wave with the frequency that is
given in the NJ-series CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W500).
• Install external breakers and take other safety measures against short-circuiting in external wiring.

Turning ON the Power Supply

• It takes up to approximately 10 to 20 s to enter RUN mode after the power is turned ON. During that
time, outputs will be OFF or will be the values specified in the Unit or slave settings, and external
communications cannot be performed. Use the RUN output on the Power Supply Unit, for example, to
implement fail-safe circuits so that external devices do not operate incorrectly.
• Configure the external circuits so that the power supply to the control system turns ON only after the
power supply to the Controller has turned ON. If the power supply to the Controller is turned ON after
the control power supply, temporary errors may result in incorrect control system signals because the
output terminals on Output Units may momentarily turn ON when power supply is turned ON to the

Actual Operation
• Check the user program, data, and parameter settings for proper execution before you use them for
actual operation.

Turning OFF the Power Supply

• Never turn OFF the power supply to the Controller when the BUSY indicator is flashing. While the
BUSY indicator is lit, the user program and settings in the CPU Unit are being backed up in the built-
in non-volatile memory. This data will not be backed up correctly if the power supply is turned OFF.
Also, a major fault level Controller error will occur the next time you start operation, and operation will
• Do not turn OFF the power supply or remove the SD Memory Card while SD Memory Card access is
in progress (i.e., while the SD BUSY indicator flashes). Data may become corrupted, and the Control-
ler will not operate correctly if it uses corrupted data. To remove the SD Memory Card from the CPU
Unit while the power supply is ON, press the SD Memory Card power supply switch and wait for the
SD BUSY indicator to turn OFF before you remove the SD Memory Card.
• Do not disconnect the cable or turn OFF the power supply to the Controller when downloading data
or the user program from Support Software.
• Always turn OFF the power supply to the Controller before you attempt any of the following.
• Mounting or removing I/O Units or the CPU Unit
• Assembling the Units
• Setting DIP switches or rotary switches
• Connecting cables or wiring the system
• Connecting or disconnecting the connectors

24 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
Precautions for Safe Use

The Power Supply Unit may continue to supply power to the rest of the Controller for a few seconds
after the power supply turns OFF. The PWR indicator is lit during this time. Confirm that the PWR
indicator is not lit before you perform any of the above.

• Confirm that no adverse effect will occur in the system before you attempt any of the following.
• Changing the operating mode of the CPU Unit (including changing the setting of the Operating
Mode at Startup)
• Changing the user program or settings
• Changing set values or present values
• Forced refreshing
• Always sufficiently check the safety at the connected devices before you change the settings of an
EtherCAT slave or Special Unit.
• If two different function modules are used together, such as when you use CJ-series Basic Output
Units and EtherCAT slave outputs, take suitable measures in the user program and external controls
to ensure that safety is maintained in the controlled system if one of the function modules stops. The
relevant outputs will stop if a partial fault level error occurs in one of the function modules.
• Always confirm safety at the connected equipment before you reset Controller errors with an event
level of partial fault or higher for the EtherCAT Master Function Module.
When the error is reset, all slaves that were in any state other than Operational state due to a Con-
troller error with an event level of partial fault or higher (in which outputs are disabled) will go to Oper-
ational state and the outputs will be enabled.
Before you reset all errors, confirm that no Controller errors with an event level of partial fault have
occurred for the EtherCAT Master Function Module.
• Always confirm safety at the connected equipment before you reset Controller errors for a CJ-series
Special Unit. When a Controller error is reset, the Unit where the Controller error with an event level
of observation or higher will be restarted.
Before you reset all errors, confirm that no Controller errors with an event level of observation or
higher have occurred for the CJ-series Special Unit. Observation level events do not appear on the
Controller Error Tab Page, so it is possible that you may restart the CJ-series Special Unit without
intending to do so.
You can check the status of the _CJB_UnitErrSta[0,0] to _CJB_UnitErrSta[3,9] error status variables
on a Watch Tab Page to see if an observation level Controller error has occurred.

Battery Backup
• The user program and initial values for the variables are stored in non-volatile memory in the CPU
Unit. The present values of variables with the Retain attribute and the values of the Holding, DM, and
EM Areas in the memory used for CJ-series Units are backed up by a Battery. If the Battery is not
connected or the Battery is exhausted, the CPU Unit detects a Battery-backup Memory Check Error.
If that error is detected, variables with a Retain attribute are set to their initial values and the Holding,
DM, and EM Areas in memory used for CJ-series Units are cleared to all zeros. Perform thorough
verifications and provide sufficient measures to ensure that the devices perform safe operation for the
initial values of the variables with Retain attributes and the resulting operation.

• Forced refreshing ignores the results of user program execution and refreshes I/O with the specified
values. If forced refreshing is used for inputs for which I/O refreshing is not supported, the inputs will
first take the specified values, but they will then be overwritten by the user program. This operation
differs from the force-set/reset functionality of the CJ-series PLCs.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 25
Precautions for Safe Use

• You cannot upload or download information for forced refreshing with the Sysmac Studio.
After downloading data that contains forced refreshing, change to RUN mode and then use the Sys-
mac Studio to perform the operation for forced refreshing.
Depending on the difference in the forced status, the control system may operate unexpectedly.
• Do not specify the same address for the AT specification for more than one variable.
Doing so would allow the same entity to be accessed with different variable names, which would
make the user program more difficult to understand and possibly cause programming mistakes.

General Communications
• When you use data link communications, check the error information given in the status flags to make
sure that no error has occurred in the source device. Write the user program to use the received data
only if there is no error. If there is an error in the source device, the data for the data link may contain
incorrect values.
• Unexpected operation may result if inappropriate data link tables are set. Even if appropriate data link
tables have been set, confirm that the controlled system will not be adversely affected before you
transfer the data link tables. The data links start automatically after the data link tables are trans-
• All CPU Bus Units are restarted when routing tables are transferred from Support Software to the
CPU Unit. Restarting these Units is required to read and enable the new routing tables. Confirm that
the system will not be adversely affected by restarting before you transfer the routing tables.
• Tag data links will stop between related nodes while tag data link parameters are transferred during
Controller operation. Confirm that the system will not be adversely affected before you transfer the
tag data link parameters.

EtherNet/IP Communications
• All related EtherNet/IP nodes are reset when you transfer settings for the built-in EtherNet/IP port
(including IP addresses and tag data links settings). This is performed to read and enable the set-
tings. Confirm that the system will not be adversely affected by resetting nodes before you transfer
the settings.
• If EtherNet/IP tag data links (cyclic communications) are used with a repeating hub, the communica-
tions load on the network will increase. This will increase collisions and may prevent stable communi-
cations. Do not use repeating hubs on networks where tag data links are used. Use an Ethernet
switch instead.

EtherCAT Communications
• Make sure that the communications distance, number of nodes connected, and method of connection
for EtherCAT are within specifications.
Do not connect EtherCAT communications to EtherNet/IP, a standard in-house LAN, or other net-
works. An overload may cause the network to fail or malfunction.
• Malfunctions or unexpected operation may occur for some combinations of EtherCAT revisions of the
master and slaves. If you disable the revision check in the network settings, use the Sysmac Studio to
check the slave revision settings in the master and the actual slave revisions, and then make sure
that functionality is compatible in the slave manuals or other references. You can check the actual
slave revisions from the Sysmac Studio or on slave nameplates.
• After you transfer the user program, the CPU Unit is restarted. Communications with the EtherCAT
slaves are cut off for up to 45 seconds. During that period, the slave outputs behave according to the
slave settings.
Before you transfer the user program, confirm that the system will not be adversely affected.
• If the Fail-soft Operation parameter is set to stop operation, process data communications will stop
for all slaves when an EtherCAT communications error is detected in a slave. For this reason, if Servo
Drives are connected, the Servos for all axes will be turned OFF. Make sure that the Fail-soft Opera-
tion parameter setting results in safe operation when a device error occurs.

26 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
Precautions for Safe Use

• EtherCAT communications are not always established immediately after the power supply is turned
ON. Use the system-defined variables in the user program to confirm that communications are estab-
lished before attempting control operations.
• If frames sent to EtherCAT slaves are lost due to noise or other causes, slave I/O data is not commu-
nicated, and the intended operation is sometimes not achieved. If noise countermeasures are
required, use the _EC_InDataInvalid (Input Data Disable) system-defined variable as an interlock
condition in the user program.
Refer to the NJ-series CPU Unit Built-in EtherCAT Port User’s Manual (Cat. No. W505) for details.
The slave outputs behave according to the slave settings. Refer to the manuals for the slaves for
• When an EtherCAT slave is disconnected, communications will stop and control of the outputs will be
lost not only for the disconnected slave, but for all slaves connected after it. Confirm that the system
will not be adversely affected before you disconnect a slave.
• If you disconnect the cable from an EtherCAT slave to disconnect it from the network, any current
communications frames may be lost. If frames are lost, slave I/O data is not communicated, and the
intended operation is sometimes not achieved. Perform the following processing for a slave that
needs to be replaced.
Program the _EC_InDataInvalid (Input Data Disable) system-defined variable as an interlock con-
Set the Impermissible Number of Continuous Timeouts setting in the EtherCAT master to at least
Refer to the NJ-series CPU Unit Built-in EtherCAT Port User’s Manual (Cat. No. W505) for details.

Motion Control
• Confirm the axis number carefully before you perform an MC Test Run.
• The motor is stopped if communications are interrupted between the Sysmac Studio and the CPU
Unit during an MC Test Run. Connect the communications cable between the computer and CPU
Unit securely and confirm that the system will not be adversely affected before you perform an MC
Test Run.
• Always execute the Save Cam Table instruction if you change any of the cam data from the user pro-
gram in the CPU Unit or from the Sysmac Studio. If the cam data is not saved, the previous condition
will be restored when the power is turned ON again, possibly causing unexpected machine operation.
• The positive drive prohibit input (POT), negative drive prohibit input (NOT), and home proximity input
(DEC) of the Servo Drive are used by the MC Function Module as the positive limit input, negative
limit input, and home proximity input. Make sure that the signal widths for all of these input signals are
longer than the control period of the MC Function Module. If the input signal widths are shorter than
the control period, the MC Function Module may not be able to detect the input signals, resulting in
incorrect operation.

Battery Replacement
• The Battery may leak, rupture, heat, or ignite. Never short-circuit, charge, disassemble, heat, or incin-
erate the Battery or subject it to strong shock.
• Dispose of any Battery that has been dropped on the floor or otherwise subjected to excessive shock.
Batteries that have been subjected to shock may leak if they are used.
• UL standards require that only an experienced engineer replace the Battery. Make sure that an expe-
rienced engineer is in charge of Battery replacement.
• Apply power for at least five minutes before changing the Battery. Install a new Battery within five
minutes (at 25C) of turning OFF the power supply. If power is not supplied for at least 5 minutes, the
saved data may be lost.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 27
Precautions for Safe Use

Unit Replacement
• We recommend replacing the Battery with the power turned OFF to prevent the CPU Unit’s sensitive
internal components from being damaged by static electricity and to prevent malfunctions. The Bat-
tery can be replaced without turning OFF the power supply. To do so, always touch a grounded piece
of metal to discharge static electricity from your body before you start the procedure.
After you replace the Battery, connect the Sysmac Studio and clear the Low Battery Voltage error.
• Make sure that the required data, including the user program, configurations, settings, variables, and
memory used for CJ-series Units, is transferred to a CPU Unit that was replaced and to externally
connected devices before restarting operation.
Be sure to include the routing tables, network parameters, and other CPU Bus Unit data, which are
stored in the CPU Unit.

• Dispose of the product and Batteries according to local ordinances as they apply.

• The following information must be displayed for all products that contain primary lithium batteries with
a perchlorate content of 6 ppb or higher when shipped to or transported through the State of Califor-
nia, USA.
Perchlorate Material - special handling may apply.
See www.dtsc.ca.gov/hazardouswaste/perchlorate.
• The CPU Unit contains a primary lithium battery with a perchlorate content of 6 ppb or higher. Place
the above information on the individual boxes and shipping boxes when shipping finished products
that contain a CPU Unit to the State of California, USA.

28 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
Precautions for Correct Use

Precautions for Correct Use

Storage, Mounting, and Wiring

• Do not operate or store the Controller in the following locations. Operation may stop or malfunctions
may occur.
• Locations subject to direct sunlight
• Locations subject to temperatures or humidity outside the range specified in the specifications
• Locations subject to condensation as the result of severe changes in temperature
• Locations subject to corrosive or flammable gases
• Locations subject to dust (especially iron dust) or salts
• Locations subject to exposure to water, oil, or chemicals
• Locations subject to shock or vibration
• Take appropriate and sufficient countermeasures when installing the Controller in the following loca-
• Locations subject to strong, high-frequency noise
• Locations subject to static electricity or other forms of noise
• Locations subject to strong electromagnetic fields
• Locations subject to possible exposure to radioactivity
• Locations close to power lines
• Before touching a Unit, be sure to first touch a grounded metallic object in order to discharge any
static build-up.
• Install the Controller away from sources of heat and ensure proper ventilation. Not doing so may
result in malfunction, in operation stopping, or in burning.
• An I/O bus check error will occur and the Controller will stop if an I/O Connecting Cable’s connector is
disconnected from the Rack. Be sure that the connectors are secure.
• Do not allow foreign matter to enter the openings in the Unit. Doing so may result in Unit burning,
electric shock, or failure.
• Do not allow wire clippings, shavings, or other foreign material to enter any Unit. Otherwise, Unit
burning, failure, or malfunction may occur. Cover the Units or take other suitable countermeasures,
especially during wiring work.
• For EtherCAT and EtherNet/IP, use the connection methods and cables that are specified in the NJ-
series CPU Unit Built-in EtherCAT Port User’s Manual (Cat. No. W505) and the NJ-series CPU Unit
Built-in EtherNet/IP Port User’s Manual (Cat. No. W506). Otherwise, communications may be faulty.
• Use the rated power supply voltage for the Power Supply Units. Take appropriate measures to ensure
that the specified power with the rated voltage and frequency is supplied in places where the power
supply is unstable.
• Make sure that the current capacity of the wire is sufficient. Otherwise, excessive heat may be gener-
ated. When cross-wiring terminals, the total current for all the terminals will flow in the wire. When
wiring cross-overs, make sure that the current capacity of each of the wires is not exceeded.
• Do not touch the terminals on the Power Supply Unit immediately after turning OFF the power supply.
Residual voltage may cause electrical shock.
• If you use reed switches for the input contacts for AC Input Units, use switches with a current capacity
of 1 A or greater.
If the capacity of the reed switches is too low, surge current may fuse the contacts.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 29
Precautions for Correct Use

Error Processing
• In applications that use the results of instructions that read the error status, consider the affect on the
system when errors are detected and program error processing accordingly. For example, even the
detection of a minor error, such as Battery replacement during operation, can affect the system
depending on how the user program is written.

Unit Replacement
• If you replace a CPU Bus Unit or Special I/O Unit, refer to operation manual for the Unit for informa-
tion on the data required for individual Units and redo the necessary settings.
• The absolute encoder home offset is backed up with a Battery in the CPU Unit.
When you change the combination of the CPU Unit and Servomotor, e.g., when you add or replace a
Servomotor, define home again.
To restore the information without changing the CPU Unit-Servomotor combination, remove the abso-
lute encoder home offset from the data to restore.

Task Settings
• If a Task Period Exceeded error occurs, shorten the programs to fit in the task period or increase the
setting of the task period.

Motion Control
• Use the system-defined variable in the user program to confirm that EtherCAT communications are
established before you attempt to execute motion control instructions. Motion control instructions are
not executed normally if EtherCAT communications are not established.
• Use the system-defined variables to monitor for errors in communications with the slaves that are
controlled by the motion control function module. Motion control instructions are not executed nor-
mally if an error occur in slave communications.
• Before you start an MC Test Run, make sure that the operation parameters are set correctly.
• Do not download motion control settings during an MC Test Run.

EtherCAT Communications
• Do not disconnect the EtherCAT slave cables during operation. The outputs will become unstable.
• Set the Servo Drives to stop operation if an error occurs in EtherCAT communications between the
Controller and a Servo Drive.

Battery Replacement
• Be sure to install a replacement Battery within two years of the production date shown on the Battery
• Turn ON the power after replacing the Battery for a CPU Unit that has been unused for a long time.
Leaving the CPU Unit unused again without turning ON the power even once after the Battery is
replaced may result in a shorter Battery life.
• When you replace the Battery, use the CJ1W-BAT01 Battery Set.

30 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
Precautions for Correct Use

SD Memory Cards
• Insert the SD Memory Card all the way.
• Do not turn OFF the power supply to the Controller during SD Memory Card access. The files may be
If there is a corrupted file in the SD Memory Card, the file is automatically deleted by the restoration
function when the power supply is turned ON.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 31
Regulations and Standards

Regulations and Standards

Conformance to EC Directives

Applicable Directives
• EMC Directives
• Low Voltage Directive

 EMC Directive
OMRON devices that comply with EC Directives also conform to the related EMC standards so that
they can be more easily built into other devices or the overall machine. The actual products have
been checked for conformity to EMC standards.*
Whether the products conform to the standards in the system used by the customer, however, must
be checked by the customer. EMC-related performance of the OMRON devices that comply with EC
Directives will vary depending on the configuration, wiring, and other conditions of the equipment or
control panel on which the OMRON devices are installed. The customer must, therefore, perform the
final check to confirm that devices and the overall machine conform to EMC standards.
* Applicable EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) standards are as follows:
EMS (Electromagnetic Susceptibility): EN 61131-2 and EN 61000-6-2
EMI (Electromagnetic Interference): EN 61131-2 and EN 61000-6-4 (Radiated emission: 10-m regulations)

 Low Voltage Directive

Always ensure that devices operating at voltages of 50 to 1,000 VAC and 75 to 1,500 VDC meet the
required safety standards. The applicable directive is EN 61131-2.

 Conformance to EC Directives
The NJ-series Controllers comply with EC Directives. To ensure that the machine or device in which
the NJ-series Controller is used complies with EC Directives, the Controller must be installed as fol-
• The NJ-series Controller must be installed within a control panel.
• You must use reinforced insulation or double insulation for the DC power supplies connected to
DC Power Supply Units and I/O Units.
• NJ-series Controllers that comply with EC Directives also conform to the Common Emission Stan-
dard (EN 61000-6-4). Radiated emission characteristics (10-m regulations) may vary depending
on the configuration of the control panel used, other devices connected to the control panel, wir-
ing, and other conditions.
You must therefore confirm that the overall machine or equipment complies with EC Directives.

32 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
Regulations and Standards

Conditions for Conforming to EMC Directives

The following immunity test conditions apply to CS/CJ-series Analog I/O Units.
Overall Accuracy

Analog Input Unit CS1W-AD161 +4%/6%

CJ1W-AD041-V1/AD081-V1 +3%/6%

CJ1W-AD042 +6%/6%

Analog Output CJ1W-DA021/DA041 +4%/1%

CJ1W-DA08V/DA08C +4%/4%

CJ1W-DA042V +4.5%/4.5%

Analog I/O Unit CS1W-MAD44 +2%/1%

CJ1W-MAD42 +4%/4%

Use shielded twisted-pair cable to connect analog inputs and connect the shield on the input line to the
AG terminal.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 33
Regulations and Standards

Conformance to Shipbuilding Standards

The NJ-series Controllers comply with the following shipbuilding standards. Applicability to the ship-
building standards is based on certain usage conditions. It may not be possible to use the product in
some locations. Contact your OMRON representative before attempting to use a Controller on a

Usage Conditions for NK and LR Shipbuilding Standards

• The NJ-series Controller must be installed within a control panel.
• Gaps in the door to the control panel must be completely filled or covered with gaskets or other
• The following noise filter must be connected to the power supply line.

Noise Filter

Manufacturer Model
Cosel Co., Ltd. TAH-06-683

• Sysmac and SYSMAC are trademarks or registered trademarks of OMRON Corporation in Japan
and other countries for OMRON factory automation products.
• Windows, Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation in the USA and other countries.
• EtherCAT is a registered trademark of Beckhoff Automation GmbH for their patented technology.

• The SD logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC.

Other company names and product names in this document are the trademarks or registered trade-
marks of their respective companies.

34 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
Unit Versions

Unit Versions

Unit Versions
A “unit version” has been introduced to manage CPU Units in the NJ Series according to differences in
functionality accompanying Unit upgrades.

Notation of Unit Versions on Products

The unit version is given on the ID information label of the products for which unit versions are man-
aged, as shown below.
Example for NJ-series NJ501-@@@@ CPU Unit:

ID information label

Unit model Unit version

NJ501 - 1500 Ver.1.@@

PORT1 MAC ADDRESS: @@@@@@@@@@@@
PORT2 MAC ADDRESS: @@@@@@@@@@@@
Lot No. DDMYY@ xxxx

Lot number and serial number MAC address

The following information is provided on the ID information label.
Item Description
Unit model Gives the model of the Unit.
Unit version Gives the unit version of the Unit.
Lot number and Gives the lot number and serial number of the Unit.
serial number DDMYY: Lot number, @: For use by OMRON, xxxx: Serial number
“M” gives the month (1 to 9: January to September, X: October, Y: November, Z: December)
MAC address Gives the MAC address of the built-in port on the Unit.

Confirming Unit Versions with Sysmac Studio

You can use the Unit Production Information on the Sysmac Studio to check the unit version of the CPU
Unit, CJ-series Special I/O Units, CJ-series CPU Bus Units, and EtherCAT slaves. The unit versions of
CJ-series Basic I/O Units cannot be checked from the Sysmac Studio.

 CPU Unit and CJ-series Units

1 Double-click CPU/Expansion Racks under Configurations and Setup in the Multiview

Explorer. Or, right-click CPU/Expansion Racks under Configurations and Setup and select
Edit from the menu.
The Unit Editor is displayed for the Controller Configurations and Setup layer.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 35
Unit Versions

2 Right-click any open space in the Unit Editor and select Production Information.
The Production Information Dialog Box is displayed.

Simple Display Detailed Display

In this example, “Ver.1.0” is displayed next to the unit model.

The following items are displayed.
CPU Unit CJ-series Units
Unit model Unit model
Unit version Unit version
Lot number Lot number
Rack number, slot number, and unit number

 EtherCAT Slaves

1 Double-click EtherCAT under Configurations and Setup in the Multiview Explorer. Or, right-
click EtherCAT under Configurations and Setup and select Edit from the menu.
The EtherCAT Configuration Tab Page is displayed for the Controller Configurations and Setup

2 Right-click the master in the EtherCAT Configurations Editing Pane and select Display Produc-
tion Information.
The Production Information Dialog Box is displayed.

The following items are displayed.

Node address
Type information*
Serial number
* If the model number cannot be determined (such as when there is no ESI file), the vendor ID, product
code, and revision number are displayed.

36 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
Related Manuals

Related Manuals
The following manuals are related to the NJ-series Controllers. Use these manuals for reference.

Manual name Cat. No. Model numbers Application Description

NJ-series CPU Unit W500 NJ501-@@@@ Learning the basic specifi- An introduction to the entire NJ-series system is
Hardware User’s Manual cations of the NJ-series provided along with the following information on
CPU Units, including intro- a Controller built with an NJ501 CPU Unit.
ductory information, • Features and system configuration
designing, installation, and
• Introduction
maintenance. Mainly hard-
ware information is pro- • Part names and functions
vided. • General specifications
• Installation and wiring
• Maintenance and inspection
Use this manual together with the NJ-series
CPU Unit Software User’s Manual (Cat. No.
NJ-series CPU Unit Soft- W501 NJ501-@@@@ Learning how to program The following information is provided on a Con-
ware User’s Manual and set up an NJ-series troller built with an NJ501 CPU Unit.
CPU Unit. Mainly software • CPU Unit operation
information is provided.
• CPU Unit features
• Initial settings
• Programming based on IEC 61131-3 lan-
guage specifications
Use this manual together with the NJ-series
CPU Unit Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No.
Sysmac Studio Version 1 W504 SYSMAC- Learning about the operat- Describes the operating procedures of the Sys-
Operation Manual SE2@@@ ing procedures and func- mac Studio.
tions of the Sysmac Studio.
CJ-series Analog I/O W490 CJ1W-AD0@@-@@ Learning about the func- The functions and usage of the CJ-series Ana-
Units Operation Manual CJ1W-DA0@@@ tions and usage of CJ- log Input Units, Analog Output Units, and Ana-
for NJ-series CPU Unit series Analog Input Units, log I/O Units for using them in an NJ-series
(This Manual) Analog Output Units, and configuration are described.
Analog I/O Units for using
them in an NJ-series con-
CS/CJ Series Analog I/O W345 CS1W-AD041-V1/ Learning about the func- The functions and usage of the CJ-series Ana-
Units Operation Manual 081-V1/161 tions and usage of CJ- log Input Units, Analog Output Units, and Ana-
CS1W-DA041/08V/ series Analog Input Units, log I/O Units for using them in a CJ-series
08C Analog Output Units, and configuration are described.
Analog I/O Units.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 37
Revision History

Revision History
A manual revision code appears as a suffix to the catalog number on the front and back covers of the

Cat. No. W490-E1-01

Revision code

Revision code Date Revised content

01 July 2011 Original production

38 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)

System Design
This section describes the features and system configurations of the CJ-series Analog
I/O Units which you can connect to the NJ-series CPU Unit.

1-1 Features and Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

1-2 Mouting the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
1-2-1 Basic System Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
1-2-2 Mounting Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
1-2-3 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
1-3 Function Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 1-1
1 System Design

1-1 Features and Functions

CJ-series Analog I/O Units

Analog Input Unit Analog Output Unit Analog I/O Unit

CJ1W-AD041-V1 CJ1W-DA021 CJ1W-DA08V CJ1W-MAD42

CJ1W-AD081-V1 CJ1W-DA041 CJ1W-DA08C
AD081 DA041 DA08V MAD42


No. No. No. No.
1 1 1 1
x10 x10 x10 x10

0 0 0 0
x10 x10 x10 x10
1 2

1 2


CJ1W-AD042 CJ1W-DA042V

AD042 DA042V

B1 A1 B1 A1

No. No.
1 x10

0 x10

The CJ Series includes CJ1W-AD041-V1, CS1W-AD081-V1, and CJ1W-AD042 Analog Input Units that
convert analog signals to digital signals and transfer them to CJ-series CPU Units. It also includes
CJ1W-DA041, CS1W-DA021, CJ1W-DA042V, CJ1W-DA08V, and CJ1W-DA08C Analog Output Units
that convert digital data from CJ-series CPU Units into analog signals for output, and CJ1W-MAD42
Analog I/O Units that have both analog input and output function.
The main specifications are listed in the following table.
Analog input Analog output

Unit Maximum Conversion cycle

Maximum Input signal Output
input points range * signal range *
Analog CJ1W-AD041-V1 4 –10 to 10 V --- --- 1 ms/point
Input CJ1W-AD081-V1 8 0 to 10 V (Can be set to 250
Units 0 to 5 V s/point.)
1 to 5 V
4 to 20 mA
CJ1W-AD042 4 –10 to 10 V 20 s for 1 point
0 to 10 V 25 s for 2 points
–5 to 5 V 30 s for 3 points
1 to 5 V 35 s for 4 points
4 to 20 mA

1-2 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
1 System Design

1-1 Features and Functions

Analog input Analog output

Unit Maximum Conversion cycle

Maximum Input signal Output
input points range * signal range *
Analog CJ1W-DA021 --- --- 2 –10 to 10 V 1 ms/point
Output CJ1W-DA041 4 0 to 10 V
Units 0 to 5 V
1 to 5 V
4 to 20 mA
CJ1W-DA08V 8 –10 to 10 V 1 ms/point
0 to 10 V (Can be set to 250
0 to 5 V s/point.)
1 to 5 V
CJ1W-DA08C 8 4 to 20 mA
CJ1W-DA042V 4 –10 to 10 V 20 s for 1 point
0 to 10 V 25 s for 2 points
1 to 5 V 30 s for 3 points
35 s for 4 points
Analog I/O CJ1W-MAD42 4 –10 to 10 V 2 –10 to 10 V 1 ms/point
Units 0 to 10 V 0 to 10 V (Can be set to 500
0 to 5 V 0 to 5 V s/point.)
1 to 5 V 1 to 5 V
4 to 20 mA 4 to 20 mA

* You can separately set the input signal range or output signal range for each input or output.

Unit support for functions is shown in the following table.

Input Offset and
Peak Output Mean value Proportional
Unit disconnection gain Scaling
value hold hold processing conversion
detection adjustment
Analog CJ1W-AD041-V1 Supported. Supported. Not supported. Supported. Not supported. Supported. Not supported.
Input CJ1W-AD081-V1 Supported. Supported. Not supported. Supported. Not supported. Supported. Not supported.
CJ1W-AD042 Supported. Supported. Not supported. Supported. Not supported. Not supported. Supported.
Analog CJ1W-DA041 Not supported. Not supported. Supported. Not supported. Not supported. Supported. Not supported.
Output CJ1W-DA021 Not supported. Not supported. Supported. Not supported. Not supported. Supported. Not supported.
CJ1W-DA08V Not supported. Not supported. Supported. Not supported. Not supported. Supported. Supported.
CJ1W-DA08C Not supported. Not supported. Supported. Not supported. Not supported. Supported. Supported.
CJ1W-DA042V Not supported. Not supported. Supported. Not supported. Not supported. Not supported. Supported.
Analog CJ1W-MAD42 Supported. Supported. Supported. Supported. Supported. Supported. Supported.
I/O Units

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 1-3
1 System Design

 Input Disconnection Detection Function

You can use the input disconnection detection function for analog inputs within an input signal range
of 1 to 5 V (4 to 20 mA). Any input under 0.3 V (1.2 mA) will be regarded as a disconnection. For
details, refer to 2-6-4, 3-6-5 or 6-6-5.
Analog Input Unit CPU Unit

Detected Bit

 Peak Value Hold Function

The peak value hold function holds the maximum digital conversion value for every input (this
includes mean value processing). You can use this function with analog input. The following diagram
shows how digital conversion values are affected when the peak value hold function is used. For
details, refer to 2-6-3, 3-6-4 or 6-6-3.

Peak Value Hold Execution bit

 Output Hold Function

You can use the output hold function to hold the analog output value at any preset value during a
major fault level Controller error at the CPU Unit or when specified by the CPU Unit. When output
stops, you can select CLR, HOLD, or MAX for output. For details, refer to 4-6-2, 5-6-2 or 6-7-2.

Analog Output Unit CPU Unit

Output Enable
Flag OFF


1-4 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
1 System Design

1-1 Features and Functions

 Mean Value Function
You can use the mean value function to remove erroneous values that occur due to factors such as
noise that is included in analog inputs. The operating mean is taken without affecting the data
refresh cycle. For details, refer to 2-6-2, 3-6-2 or 6-6-2.
Analog Input Unit CPU Unit

Mean value
of "n" his-
tory buffers 1

 Ratio Conversion Function

The CJ1W-MAD42 Analog I/O Unit can output in analog format the results of analog inputs calcu-
lated for ratio and bias. For details, refer to 6-8.
Ratio and bias setting device

Ax +B Ratio and bias

 Offset and Gain Adjustment Function

You can adjust the A/D and D/A converter offset deviation and gain deviation for each input and out-
put. The offset and gain adjustments are made with the Unit set for the Adjustment Mode, and the
adjustment values are stored in the Unit's built-in non-volatile memory. For details, refer to 7-1
Adjusting Offset and Gain.

Analog Input Function Analog Output Function

(Input signal range: 0 to 10 V) (Output signal range: 0 to 10 V)
4000 (8000) 10 V
Gain Gain
adjustment Analog adjustment
Adjustable range Adjustable range

10 V 4000 (8000)
Offset adjustment Analog input Offset adjustment

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 1-5
1 System Design

 Scaling Function
With CJ1W-AD042 Analog Input Units (*1), CJ1W-DA08V/08C/042V Analog Output Units (*1), and
CJ1W-MAD42 Analog I/O Units, you can automatically convert input analog values and output ana-
log set values into user-specified units.
When upper and lower limit parameters are preset in the CPU Unit's initial setting parameters, within
a decimal range of 32,000 to +32,000, you can automatically convert input analog values and out-
put analog set values into user-specified industrial units. (*2)
*1 Only input scaling is supported by CJ1W-AD042 Analog Input Units.
Only output scaling is supported by CJ1W-DA08V/08C/042V Analog Output Units.
*2 With the CJ1W-DA08V/08C Analog Output Unit and CJ1W-MAD42 Analog I/O Unit, you can scale only for a
conversion cycle of 1 ms and a resolution of 4,000. The scaling function is not enabled for a conversion cycle of
250 s (500 s for the CJ1W-MAD42) and a resolution of 8,000.
Refer to 3-6-3, 4-6-3, 5-6-3, 6-6-4 or 6-7-3.

Conceptual Diagram of Scaling (CJ1W-MAD42 Only)

Analog I/O Unit CPU Unit

Input analog value Converted analog

(temperature, A/D conversion Scaling input value
flowrate, etc.) (in engineering units)

Analog output setting

Output analog value
D/A conversion Scaling value
(current, voltage)
(in engineering units)

Scaling setting value

Set when controller reset or Input scaling lower limit
Unit restarted Input scaling upper limit
Output scaling lower limit
Output scaling upper limit

1-6 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
1 System Design

1-2 Mouting the Unit

1-2 Mouting the Unit

1-2-1 Basic System Configuration
CPU Unit Analog Input Unit
Analog Output Unit 1
AD081 DA041
B1 A1 B1 A1

1-2-1 Basic System Configuration

No. No.
1 1
x10 x10

0 0
x10 x10

1 2

1 2

Temperature Regulator
Pressure Preamp (Temperature control)
Velocity Servo-
Flow rate controller
(Position control)
Variable speed
Voltage Trans- controller
Current ducer (Speed control)
Power Chart
Power factor recorder

Note The above diagram is an installation example for the CJ1W-AD081-V1 Analog Input Unit and CJ1W-DA041
Analog Output Unit.

Mounting Restrictions
CJ-series Analog I/O Units are Special I/O Units of the NJ-series Controllers.
You can mount these Analog I/O Units to the CJ-series CPU Rack or Expansion Racks. The number
of Analog I/O Units that you can mount to each Rack will depend on the current consumption of the
other Units in the Rack. The number of Analog I/O Units that you can mount to one Rack (i.e., a CPU
Rack or Expansion Rack) depends on the current consumption of other Units.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 1-7
1 System Design

1-2-2 Mounting Procedure

Analog I/O Units are connected as I/O Units at the location of the Configuration Unit, as shown
CPU Rack
AD081 DA041

No. No.
1 1
x10 x10

0 0
x10 x10

1 2

1 2

Power Supply Unit CPU Unit I/O Units (10 max.)

End Cover
(included with CPU Unit)

Use the following procedure to connect Analog I/O Units to a CJ-series Rack.

1 Align the connectors and press in firmly on the Units to connect them completely.
Hooks Hook holes

1-8 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
1 System Design

1-2 Mouting the Unit

Move the sliders on the top and bottom of the Unit to the lock position to secure the Units. The
sliders should click into place.
Move the sliders to the back
until they click into place.

Lock 1

1-2-3 Precautions
3 Attach an End Cover to the Unit on the right end of the Rack.

Precautions for Safe Use

The NJ-series function may not operate properly if the sliders are not locked firmly into place.

1-2-3 Precautions
• Be sure to turn OFF the power supply to the Controller before you install or disconnect Units or con-
nect lines.
• To reduce the risk of malfunction due to electrical noise, wire input and output lines in separate ducts
from high-voltage and power lines.
• Prevent wire clippings, cutting chips or other materials from getting inside the Unit. They could cause
scorching, failure, and malfunction. Pay particular attention to this during installation and take mea-
sures such as covering with a cover.
• If the Unit was shipped from the factory with the dust protection label on top of the unit, be sure to
remove that label before switching ON the power. The label prevents heat dissipation and could
cause a malfunction.
Remove the label after the
wiring is complete.


No. 1

1 2


CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 1-9
1 System Design

1-3 Function Applications

Function Application Section
Mean value processing Performs a smooth conversion when the input fluctuation is too extreme. 2-6-2, 3-6-2,
Example: Removes noise interference from data such as flow/pressure. 6-6-2

Peak value hold Holds the maximum value that was read. 2-6-3, 3-6-4,
Holds the data that is less than the maximum value. 6-6-3

Disconnection detection Detects disconnection of input signals. 2-6-4, 3-6-5,

Output hold function Holds the output signal at the previous value for certain conditions, such as 4-6-2, 5-6-2,
errors. 6-7-2
Holds the output signal in the lower-limit value or 0 V for certain conditions,
such as errors.
Holds the output signal in the upper-limit value for certain conditions, such
as errors.
Ratio conversion Uses the Analog I/O Unit as a gradient setting device for setting ratio and 6-8
Offset and gain adjustment Adjusts the offset and gain, and uses the I/O functions. 7-1

1-10 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
CJ-series Analog Input Units 2
This section explains how to use the CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1 Analog Input Units.

2-1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2

2-1-1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
2-1-2 Input Function Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
2-1-3 Input Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
2-2 Operating Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
2-3 Components and Switch Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
2-3-1 Component Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
2-3-2 Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
2-3-3 Unit Number Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
2-3-4 Operating Mode Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
2-3-5 Voltage/Current Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
2-4 Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
2-4-1 Terminal Arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
2-4-2 Internal Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
2-4-3 Voltage Input Disconnection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
2-4-4 Input Wiring Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16
2-4-5 Input Wiring Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
2-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18
2-5-1 Outline of Data Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18
2-5-2 Accessing from the User Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19
2-5-3 Allocating Device Variable for CJ-series Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20
2-6 Analog Input Functions and Operating Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25
2-6-1 Input Settings and Conversion Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25
2-6-2 Mean Value Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27
2-6-3 Peak Value Hold Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-31
2-6-4 Input Disconnection Detection Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-32

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 2-1
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

2-1 Specifications

2-1-1 Specifications

Item CJ1W-AD041-V1 CJ1W-AD081-V1

Unit type CJ-series Special I/O Unit
Isolation *1 Between inputs and internal signals: Photocoupler
(No isolation between input signals.)
External connection terminal 18-point detachable terminal block (M3 screws)
Current consumption 420 mA at 5 VDC
Dimensions (mm) *2 31  90  65 (W  H  D)
Weight 140 g max.
General specifications Conforms to general specifications for NJ Series.
Mounting position NJ-Series CPU Rack or NJ-Series Expansion Rack
Maximum number of Units Per CPU Rack or Expan- Power Supply Unit No. of mountable Units
sion Rack *3 NJ-PA3001 Max. 10 units on CPU Rack
Max. 10 units per Expansion
NJ-PD3001 Max. 3 units on CPU Rack
Max. 4 units per Expansion
Data exchange with the CPU Unit Data exchange with I/O ports
Refer to 2-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit.
Inputs Number of analog inputs 4 8
specifica- Input signal range *4 1 to 5 V
tions 0 to 5 V
0 to 10 V
–10 to 10 V
4 to 20 mA *5
Maximum rated input *6 Voltage Input: 15 V
Current Input: 30 mA
Input impedance Voltage Input: 1 M min.
Current Input: 250  (rated value)
Resolution *7 4,000/8,000 4,000/8,000
Converted output data 16-bit integer (INT)
Accuracy *8 232C Voltage Input: 0.2% of full scale
Current Input: 0.4% of full scale
0C to Voltage Input:0.4% of full scale
55C Current Input: 0.6% of full scale
A/D conversion cycle *9 1 ms/250 s *7 1 ms/250 s *7
Inputs Mean value processing Stores the last "n" sampling data in the buffer, and stores the mean value of
functions the conversion values. (Number of samplings: n = 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64)
Peak value hold Stores the maximum conversion value while the specified Peak Value Hold
Execution bit is ON.
Input disconnection detec- Detects the disconnection and turns ON the Disconnection Detected Bit. *10

*1 Do not apply a voltage higher than 600 V to the terminal block when you perform a withstand voltage test on
this Unit. Otherwise, internal elements may deteriorate.
*2 Refer to A-1 Dimensions for details on the Unit's dimensions.

2-2 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

*3 The maximum number of Analog Input Units that you can mount to one Rack depends on the current con-
sumption of other units that are mounted.
*4 You can set input signal ranges for each input.
*5 Use the voltage/current switch at the back of the terminal block to choose voltage input or current input.
*6 Use within the specified input range. Exceeding the specified range may result in failure.

2-1 Specifications
*7 With Analog Input Units, the resolution can be set to 8,000 and the conversion cycle to 250 s in the initial set-
ting parameter. Note that the settings for resolution and conversion cycle are changed simultaneously.
*8 The accuracy is given for full scale. For example, when resolution is 4,000, an accuracy of 0.2% means a
maximum error of 8 (BCD).
The default setting is adjusted for voltage input. To use current input, perform the offset and gain adjustments
as required.
*9 The A/D conversion cycle is the time it takes for an analog signal to be stored in the Analog Input Unit memory
as conversion data after it has been input. It takes at least one task period before the conversion data is read 2
by the CPU Unit.
*10 Line disconnection detection is supported only when the range is set to 1 to 5 V or 4 to 20 mA. If there is no

2-1-1 Specifications
input signal when the 1 to 5-V or 4 to 20-mA range is set, the Line Disconnection Flag will turn ON.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 2-3
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

2-1-2 Input Function Block Diagram

Analog Input Unit CPU Unit

I/O port
A/D Input dis- Mean value
Analog input 1 connection Peak value Ch1_RdAI
Conversion detection processing hold function Input 1 Conversion Data

Analog input 2 Same as above.

Analog input 3 Same as above.

Analog input 4 Same as above.

Analog input 5 Same as above.

Analog input 6 Same as above.

Analog input 7 Same as above.

Analog input 8 Same as above.

I/O refresh

Note There are only four analog inputs for the CJ1W-AD041-V1.

2-1-3 Input Specifications

If signals that are outside the specified range provided below are input, the conversion values (16-bit
integer) used will be either the maximum or minimum value.

Range: 1 to 5 V (4 to 20 mA)
Conversion value

Resolution: 4,000
(Resolution: 8,000)

Analog input signal

2-4 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

Range: 0 to 10 V
Conversion value

2-1 Specifications
Resolution: 4,000
(Resolution: 8,000)

2-1-3 Input Specifications

Analog input signal

Range: 0 to 5 V
Conversion value

Resolution: 4,000
(Resolution: 8,000)

Analog input signal

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 2-5
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

Range: 10 to 10 V

Conversion value

Resolution: 4,000
(Resolution: 8,000)

Analog input signal

2-6 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

2-2 Operating Procedure

2-2 Operating Procedure

Follow the procedures outlined below when using the Analog Input Unit.
There is no restriction regarding the sequence of "Programs and software settings" and "Hardware set-
ting and Rack assembly." These tasks may be carried out concurrently or in the reverse order.
Use Sysmac Studio to create and set programs.
For operations of Sysmac Studio, refer to the Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No.

 Programs and software settings 2

1 Create POU and global variables

Create Unit Configuration
• Create and register global variables and each POU.
• Create algorithms for each POU and register local variables of each POU.
• Register the Unit in the Unit Configuration on the CPU/Expansion Racks screen in Configura-
tion and Setup.
At this time, set both the device name and the unit number of the unit to be registered.
• Create device variable for CJ-series Unit by using I/O Map.

2 Create Unit initial setting parameters

Create the Unit settings by using Special Unit Setup Editing.
• Set the input numbers to be used.
• Set the input signal ranges.
• Set the number of mean value processing samplings.
• Set the conversion cycle and resolution.
(When the program is transferred, the items set here will be reflected in the initial setting

 Hardware setting and Rack assembly

1 Set the operating mode to Normal Mode.

Set DIP switch on the front panel to Normal Mode.

2 Set the voltage/current switch at the back of the terminal block.

3 Use the unit number switches on the front panel of the Unit to set the unit number.
Set the same unit number as in the Unit Configuration settings.

4 Mount and wire the Unit to either a CPU Rack or Expansion Rack.

5 Turn ON the power to the Controller.

At this time, an I/O Setting Check Error occurs when there is a Unit Configuration in the CPU
Unit which does not match the actual Unit Configuration. In this case, with the step Turn OFF the
power to the Controller, turn off the power to the Controller or reset the Controller to cancel the

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 2-7
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

 Program transfer and adjustment

1 Transfer programs, Unit Configuration and Setup and variable information.

2 Turn OFF the power to the Controller.

• Reset the Controller if adjusting offset and gain is not required.
The power need not be cycled.

3 Set the operating mode switch to Adjustment Mode.

Set DIP switch on the front panel to Adjustment Mode.

4 Turn the power to the Controller OFF and ON.

• The Special Unit is restarted and operates in the Adjustment Mode. In the Adjustment Mode,
the ADJ indicator flashes.
• Set the CPU Unit to PROGRAM mode.

5 Adjust the offset and gain.

Adjusting Offset and Gain is performed if the input must be calibrated for the connected device.

6 Turn OFF the power to the Controller.

7 Set the operating mode switch to Normal Mode.

Set DIP switch on the front panel to Normal Mode.

8 Turn the power to the Controller OFF and ON.

• The Special Unit is restarted and operates in the Normal Mode.
• In the Normal Mode, the ADJ indicator remains unlit.

 Main operation

1 Main operation
Read or write set values from the user program.
Acquire conversion value and status (disconnection detection and error flag)
Specify the peak value hold function.

2-8 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

2-3 Components and Switch Settings

2-3 Components and Switch Settings

2-3-1 Component Names


 Front
With Terminal Block With Terminal Block Removed

Terminal block

2-3-1 Component Names

Unit number


No. No.

x10 1 x10 1
23 23

switches switch

78 78


x10 0 x10 0
23 23



1 2

1 2


Terminal block

DIN Track
mounting pin
Operating mode switch Terminal block lock lever
(pull down to release ter-
minal block)

 Side

Expansion connector


CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 2-9
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

Additional Information

• Use a connector to attach the terminal block. Lower the lever at the bottom of the terminal
block to remove the connector.
• Normally keep the lever in the raised position. Confirm this before operation.



No. 1


1 2



2-3-2 Indicators
The indicators show the operating status of the Unit. The following table shows the meanings of the
Indicator Meaning Operating status
RUN Operating Lit Operating in Normal Mode.
(green) Not lit Unit has stopped exchanging data with
the CPU Unit.
ERC (red) Error Lit Alarm has occurred (such as disconnec-
detected by tion detection) or initial settings are incor-
Unit rect.
Not lit Operating normally.
ERH (red) Error in the Lit Error has occurred during data exchange
CPU Unit with the CPU Unit.
Not lit Operating normally.
ADJ (yel- Adjusting Flashing Operating in offset/gain Adjustment
low) Mode.
Not lit Other than the above.

2-10 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

2-3 Components and Switch Settings

2-3-3 Unit Number Switches
Use the unit number switches to set the specific unit number for each Special I/O Unit mounted in a
CPU Rack or Expansion Rack. The unit number must be the one registered in Unit Configurations.
Turn OFF the Controller before changing the unit number setting.
Switch setting Unit number
0 Unit #0

1 23 1 Unit #1
2 Unit #2
78 3 Unit #3

0 23 4 Unit #4
5 Unit #5

2-3-3 Unit Number Switches

6 Unit #6
7 Unit #7
8 Unit #8
9 Unit #9
10 Unit #10
to to
n Unit #n
to to
95 Unit #95

Additional Information

• If two or more Special I/O Units are assigned the same unit number, a "Duplicate Unit Num-
ber" major fault level Controller error is generated and the Controller will not operate.
• After correcting the unit number setting, cycle the power to the Controller.

2-3-4 Operating Mode Switch

The operating mode switch on the front panel of the Unit is used to set the operating mode to either
Normal Mode or Adjustment Mode (to adjust offset and gain).
Even if the Normal Mode is set, you can set Operating Mode Settings (*_MdCfg) to the Adjustment
Mode (16#C1) and transfer the data setup file to switch to the Adjustment Mode.
1 2


Pin number
1 2
OFF OFF Normal Mode
ON OFF Adjustment Mode

Note The default settings for SW1 and SW2 are both OFF.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 2-11
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

Precautions for Safe Use

Be sure to turn OFF the power of the Controller before operating the operating mode switch.

Precautions for Correct Use

• Do not set the pins to any combination other than those shown in the above table.
• Be sure to set pin 2 to OFF.

2-3-5 Voltage/Current Switch

Change the pin settings on the voltage/current switch located on the back of the terminal block to switch
the analog conversion input from voltage input to current input.

OFF: Voltage input
ON: Current input
Input 2

Input 1



x10 1

Input 4

x10 0

Input 3

Input 6

Input 5

1 2

Input 8

Input 7

Note There are only four inputs for the CJ1W-AD041-V1.

Precautions for Safe Use

Be sure to turn OFF the power to the Controller before you mount or remove the terminal block.

2-12 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

2-4 Wiring

2-4-1 Terminal Arrangement

2-4 Wiring
The signal names that correspond to the connecting terminals are as shown in the following diagram.

 CJ1W-AD041-V1
Input 2 (+) B1
A1 Input 1 (+)
Input 2 (–) B2 2
A2 Input 1 (–)
Input 4 (+) B3
A3 Input 3 (+)

2-4-1 Terminal Arrangement

Input 4 (–) B4
A4 Input 3 (–)
N.C. B6
A6 N.C.
N.C. B7
A7 N.C.
N.C. B8
A8 N.C.
N.C. B9
A9 N.C.

 CJ1W-AD081-V1
Input 2 (+) B1
A1 Input 1 (+)
Input 2 (–) B2
A2 Input 1 (–)
Input 4 (+) B3
A3 Input 3 (+)
Input 4 (–) B4
A4 Input 3 (–)
Input 6 (+) B6
A6 Input 5 (+)
Input 6 (–) B7
A7 Input 5 (–)
Input 8 (+) B8
A8 Input 7 (+)
Input 8 (–) B9
A9 Input 7 (–)

Additional Information

• Use the device variable for CJ-series Unit Input Use Settings (Ch#_InChUseCfg) to set the
analog input number that you can use.
• Use the device variable for CJ-series Unit Input Signal Range Settings (*_InRngCfg) to set the
input signal range for each analog input. The input signal range can be set separately for each
input number.
• The AG terminals are connected to the 0-V analog circuit in the Unit. Connect the input line
shield to improve noise resistance.

Precautions for Correct Use

Do not make any connections to the N.C. terminals.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 2-13
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

2-4-2 Internal Circuit

The following diagrams show the internal circuit of the analog input section.

 Input Circuit
15 kΩ 15 kΩ
Input (+) Input circuit
250 Ω and
1 MΩ conversion
15 kΩ 15 kΩ circuit
Input (–)
AG input switch
0 V) 1 MΩ
AG (common to all inputs)

 Internal Configuration


Photocoupler insulation

MPU External
Multi- terminal
A/D plexer
Bus RAM ROM converter and
interface amplifier

Oscillator Memory


+5 V Insulation-type

I/O Bus

2-14 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

2-4-3 Voltage Input Disconnection


2-4 Wiring
device #1

2-4-3 Voltage Input Disconnection

device #2

24 VDC

If the connected device #2 in the above example outputs 5 V and the power supply is shared by 2 chan-
nels as shown in the above diagram, approximately one-third of the voltage, or 1.6 V, will be input at
input 1.

When voltage inputs are used and a disconnection occurs, separate the power supply at the side of the
connected devices or use an insulating device (isolator) for each input to avoid the following problems.
When the power supply at the connected devices is shared and section A or B is disconnected, power
will flow in the direction of the broken line and the output voltage of the other connected devices will be
reduced to between a third to a half of the voltage. If 1 to 5 V is used and the reduced voltage output,
disconnection may not be detectable. If section C is disconnected, the power at the (-) input terminal will
be shared and disconnection will not be detectable.
For current inputs, you can share the power supply between the connected devices without causing any

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 2-15
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

2-4-4 Input Wiring Example


+ B1
Input 2 A1 +
− B2 Input 1
A2 −
+ B3
Input 4 A3 +
− B4 Input 3
A4 −
(*) A5
B6 (*)
Input 6 A6 +
− B7 Input 5
A7 −
+ B8
Input 8 A8 +
− B9 Input 7
A9 −

* There are only four inputs for the CJ1W-AD041-V1. Inputs 5 to 8 are not used.

The AG terminal need not be connected in normal conditions, but if noise is of concern, connect the
shielded wire for each input by one of the following methods:
• Connect the end of the shielded wire* on AD Unit side, to the AG terminals, as shown in the above
diagram. Use a wire that is 30 cm or shorter if possible. In this case, do not connect the end of the
shielded wire on output device side to any other device or FG.
• Ground the end of the shielded wire on AD Unit side to the FG on the control panel. In this case, keep
the AG terminal open and do not connect the end of the shielded wire on output device side to any
other device or FG.

Precautions for Safe Use

Crimp-type terminals must be used for terminal connections, and the screws must be tightened
securely. Use M3 screws and tighten them to a torque of 0.5 N·m.

Fork type

M3 screw 6.2 mm max.

Round type

6.2 mm max.

Precautions for Correct Use

• When you use current inputs, turn ON the voltage/current switches. Refer to 2-3-5 Volt-
age/Current Switch for further details.
• For inputs you do not use, set them to Not Used in the input number settings (refer to Setting
Use Settings and Input Signal Ranges in 2-6-1 Input Settings and Conversion Values).
If they are set to Used and actually not used, unintended conversion data may be input. To
prevent this, short-circuit the voltage input terminals (V+) and (V). Take note that, in the case
of a range from 1 to 5-V or 4 to 20-mA, short-circuiting (V+) and (V) causes the Disconnec-
tion Detected bit to turn ON.
• Do not connect anything to N.C. terminals shown in the wiring diagram on 2-4-1 Terminal

2-16 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

2-4-5 Input Wiring Considerations

When you wire inputs, apply the following points to avoid noise interference and optimize Analog Input
Unit performance.
• Use two-core shielded twisted-pair cables for input connecting lines.
• Route input cables separately from the AC cable, and do not run the Unit's cables near a main circuit

2-4 Wiring
cable, high voltage cable, or a non-PLC load cable.
• If there is noise interference from power lines (for example, the power supply is shared with electrical
welding devices or electrical discharge machines, or there is a high-frequency generation source
nearby) install a noise filter at the power supply input area.

2-4-5 Input Wiring Considerations

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 2-17
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

2-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit

2-5-1 Outline of Data Exchange

The CPU Unit and Analog Input Unit CJ1W-AD041-V1/AD081-V1 exchange operation data and initial
setting parameters via the I/O port generated for this Analog Input Unit.
The table and figure below show the data exchange method for each data type.
Data exchange type
AT specification How to access Timing of data
Unit data type Data contents
destination from user program exchange
Operation data Analog input conver- I/O port (operation Device variable for At I/O refreshing
sion value, etc. data) CJ-series Unit
Initial setting param- Analog input signal I/O port (initial set- Device variable for When the Controller
eters range, number of ting parameters) * CJ-series Unit is reset or the Unit
operational mean restarts
samplings, etc.
Unit Restart Bit, etc. Unit Restart Bit, etc. None System-defined vari- At I/O refreshing

* The initial setting parameters are retained in the CPU Unit by the battery even during power interruptions.

 Device Variable for CJ-series Unit

Device variables for CJ-series Unit are variables used for data exchange between a user program
and Special I/O Units. The user program uses device variables for CJ-series Unit to control the Ana-
log I/O Unit.
Analog Input Units
NJ-series CPU Unit CJ1W-AD081-V1

User program I/O port

[Operation Data]
Operation data Operation data Conversion values
Automatic creation of analog input, etc.
I/O refresh
Device variable for CJ-series Unit AT with Unit registration
I/O refresh
Device variable for CJ-series Unit Refer to Operation Data in
2-5-3 Allocating Device
Variable for CJ-series Unit.
[Initial setting parameters]
Initial setting parameters Initial setting parameters Analog input signal range,
Automatic creation number of operational mean
Device variable for CJ-series Unit AT with Unit registration samplings, conversion
specification Controller is reset cycle/resolution or
or operating mode, etc.
Unit restart
Refer to Initial Setting Parame-
ters in 2-5-3 Allocating Device
Variable for CJ-series Unit.

2-18 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

2-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit

2-5-2 Accessing from the User Program
The user program uses device variables for CJ-series Unit to control the Analog Input Unit.

 I/O port
An "I/O port" is a logical interface for data exchange by a CPU Unit with an Analog I/O Unit or other
configuration unit.
An I/O port has a unique predefined name for each unit model and function.
An I/O port is automatically created by preparing the Unit Configuration with Sysmac Studio.

 How to specify device variables for CJ-series Unit 2

Specify the AT specifications to I/O ports for device variables for CJ-series Unit with the I/O Map
from Sysmac Studio.

2-5-2 Accessing from the User Program

Specify the variable name for the AT specification with one of the following methods.
1. Select a variable already registered in the variable table
2. Input a new variable name
3. Automatically create a variable name with "Device variable creation"
When a device variable name for CJ-series Unit is assigned with method 2 or 3, the variable input by
Sysmac Studio is automatically registered in the variable table.

The following is the configuration of variable names created with automatic creation in method 3.

Name of device variable for CJ-series Unit

*_ Ch1_PkHdCmd

This is an I/O port name. The name identifies the unit

function, status and parameter.

This is the device name when this Unit is registered in

the Unit Configuration. (By default, a device name is
assigned from "J01" in the order of registration in the
Unit Configuration.) This identifies the individual unit.
For details on creation of device variables for CJ-series Unit, refer to Sysmac Studio Version 1 Opera-
tion Manual (Cat. No. W504).
There are two types of device variables for CJ-series Unit: "Operation Data" and "Initial Setting Param-
In the explanations from here on, the device name automatically created is used as the device variable
for CJ-series Unit, for example *_ Ch1_PkHdCmd.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 2-19
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

Switching Operating Mode

You can switch between the Normal Mode and Adjustment Mode (during offset and gain adjustments,
etc.) with the operating mode switch on the front panel of the Unit or Operating Mode Settings
You can also use Operating Mode Settings (*_MdCfg) to switch to the Adjustment Mode even when in
the Normal Mode.
Setting method Normal Mode Adjustment Mode
Set the front DIP switch

Set device variables for CJ- AND OR

series Unit "*_MdCfg"=16#00 "*_MdCfg"=16#C1

2-5-3 Allocating Device Variable for CJ-series Unit

Initial Setting Parameters

Perform Unit settings such as the analog input signal range, number of operational mean samplings,
Initial setting parameters settings are set from Special Unit Setup Editing of Sysmac Studio.
Unit settings can also be performed by setting the values in the device variables for CJ-series Unit.
Unit settings are reflected only when the Controller is reset, or when the Unit restarts. The initial set-
ting parameters are retained in the CPU Unit by the battery even during power interruptions.

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller
reset or when the Unit restarts.

2-20 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

2-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit

List of Initial Setting Parameters (common to both Normal Mode and
Adjustment Mode)

Name of device
variable for Type R/W Name Feature/reference page
CJ-series Unit
*_InChUseCfg WORD RW Input Use Settings Refer to 2-6-1 Input Settings and Bit
Conversion Values. Number
WORD-type variable that com-
bines the following BOOL-type
*_Ch1_InChUseCfg BOOL RW Input 1 Use Setting BOOL-type variable that specifies 00
*_Ch2_InChUseCfg BOOL RW Input 2 Use Setting each input for use setting. 01

2-5-3 Allocating Device Variable for CJ-series Unit

0: Not used.
*_Ch3_InChUseCfg BOOL RW Input 3 Use Setting 02
1: Used
*_Ch4_InChUseCfg BOOL RW Input 4 Use Setting 03
Ch5 to Ch8 are used only for
*_Ch5_InChUseCfg BOOL RW Input 5 Use Setting AD081-V1. 04
*_Ch6_InChUseCfg BOOL RW Input 6 Use Setting 05
*_Ch7_InChUseCfg BOOL RW Input 7 Use Setting 06
*_Ch8_InChUseCfg BOOL RW Input 8 Use Setting 07
*_InRngCfg WORD RW Input Signal Range Settings Refer to 2-6-1 Input Settings and Conversion
*_Ch1_AveCfg UINT RW Input 1 Number of Samplings Refer to 2-6-2 Mean Value Processing.
for Mean Value Processing 0: Number of samplings 2
*_Ch2_AveCfg UINT RW Input 2 Number of Samplings 1: No mean value processing
for Mean Value Processing
2: Number of samplings 4
*_Ch3_AveCfg UINT RW Input 3 Number of Samplings 3: Number of samplings 8
for Mean Value Processing
4: Number of samplings 16
*_Ch4_AveCfg UINT RW Input 4 Number of Samplings
5: Number of samplings 32
for Mean Value Processing
6: Number of samplings 64
*_Ch5_AveCfg UINT RW Input 5 Number of Samplings
for Mean Value Processing Ch5 to Ch8 are used only for AD081-V1.

*_Ch6_AveCfg UINT RW Input 6 Number of Samplings

for Mean Value Processing
*_Ch7_AveCfg UINT RW Input 7 Number of Samplings
for Mean Value Processing
*_Ch8_AveCfg UINT RW Input 8 Number of Samplings
for Mean Value Processing
*_MdCfg BYTE RW Operating Mode Settings Refer to 2-3-4 Operating Mode Switch.
16#00: Normal Mode
16#C1: Adjustment Mode
*_ResolutionCfg BYTE RW Resolution/Conversion Time Refer to Conversion Cycle/Resolution Setting
Settings in 2-6-1 Input Settings and Conversion Val-
16#00: 4,000 resolutions/1 ms cycle
16#C1: 8,000 resolutions/250 s cycle

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 2-21
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

Operation Data
Operation data includes data such as analog input conversion value, etc. Operation data is exchanged
constantly during I/O refreshing.

List of operation data (during Normal Mode)

Name of device
variable for Type R/W Name Feature/reference page
CJ-series Unit
*_Ch1_RdAI INT R Input 1 Conversion Data Refer to 2-6-1 Input Settings and Conver-
*_Ch2_RdAI INT R Input 2 Conversion Data sion Values.
Input 5 to 8 are used only for AD081-V1
*_Ch3_RdAI INT R Input 3 Conversion Data
*_Ch4_RdAI INT R Input 4 Conversion Data
*_Ch5_RdAI INT R Input 5 Conversion Data
*_Ch6_RdAI INT R Input 6 Conversion Data
*_Ch7_RdAI INT R Input 7 Conversion Data
*_Ch8_RdAI INT R Input 8 Conversion Data
*_PkHdCmd WORD RW Peak Value Hold Execution Set- Refer to 2-6-3 Peak Value Hold Bit
tings Function. Number
WORD-type variable that com-
bines the following BOOL-type
*_Ch1_PkHdCmd BOOL RW Input 1 Peak Value Hold Execu- BOOL-type variable that instructs 00
tion each input for execution of peak
*_Ch2_PkHdCmd BOOL RW Input 2 Peak Value Hold Execu- value hold. 01
tion 0: Do not perform peak value
*_Ch3_PkHdCmd BOOL RW Input 3 Peak Value Hold Execu- 02
tion 1: Perform peak value hold
*_Ch4_PkHdCmd BOOL RW Input 4 Peak Value Hold Execu- Ch5 to Ch8 are used only for 03
tion AD081-V1.

*_Ch5_PkHdCmd BOOL RW Input 5 Peak Value Hold Execu- 04

*_Ch6_PkHdCmd BOOL RW Input 6 Peak Value Hold Execu- 05
*_Ch7_PkHdCmd BOOL RW Input 7 Peak Value Hold Execu- 06
*_Ch8_PkHdCmd BOOL RW Input 8 Peak Value Hold Execu- 07
*_SensErr BYTE R Disconnection Detected Refer to 2-6-4 Input Disconnec- Bit
tion Detection Function. Number
BYTE-type variable that com-
bines the following BOOL-type

2-22 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

2-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit

Name of device
variable for Type R/W Name Feature/reference page
CJ-series Unit
*_Ch1_SensErr BOOL R Input 1 Disconnection Detected BOOL-type variable that checks 00
*_Ch2_SensErr BOOL R Input 2 Disconnection Detected each input for disconnection. 01
0: No disconnection
*_Ch3_SensErr BOOL R Input 3 Disconnection Detected 02
1: Disconnection
*_Ch4_SensErr BOOL R Input 4 Disconnection Detected 03
Ch5 to Ch8 are used only for
*_Ch5_SensErr BOOL R Input 5 Disconnection Detected AD081-V1. 04
*_Ch6_SensErr BOOL R Input 6 Disconnection Detected 05
*_Ch7_SensErr BOOL R Input 7 Disconnection Detected 06
*_Ch8_SensErr BOOL R Input 8 Disconnection Detected 07
*_UnitErr BYTE R Error Flags Refer to 7-2-2 Alarms Occurring Bit
at the Unit. Number

2-5-3 Allocating Device Variable for CJ-series Unit

BYTE-type variable that com-
bines the following BOOL-type
*_AveErr BOOL R Mean Value Processing Setting 0: No error 03
Error 1: Error in initial setting parame-

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 2-23
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

List of Operation Data (during Adjustment Mode)

Name of device
variable for Type R/W Name Feature/reference page
CJ-series Unit
*_AdjCh BYTE RW Inputs to Be Adjusted Refer to 7-1 Adjusting Offset and Gain.
*_AdjOfs BOOL RW Offset Flag Setting and instruction flag for input adjust-
*_AdjGain BOOL RW Gain Flag
*_AdjDwn BOOL RW Adjustment Value Down Flag
*_AdjUp BOOL RW Adjustment Value Up Flag
*_AdjSet BOOL RW Adjustment Value Set Flag
*_AdjClr BOOL RW Adjustment Value Clear Flag
*_AdjPV INT R Conversion value for adjust-
*_AdjUnitErr BYTE R Error Flags Refer to7-2-2 Alarms Occurring Bit
at the Unit. Number
BYTE-type variable that com-
bines the following BOOL-type
*_AdjAveErr BOOL R Mean Value Processing Setting 0: No error 03
Error 1: Error in initial setting parame-
*_AdjInErr BOOL R Input Value Adjustment Range 0: No error 04
Exceeded 1: Input outside adjustable range
*_AdjInNoErr BOOL R Input Value Adjustment Number 0: No error 05
Setting Error 1: Setting "*_AdjCh" is out of
*_AdjMemErr BOOL R Non-volatile Memory Error 0: No error 06
1: Adjustment data could not be
written properly
*_AdjMd BOOL R Starting Adjustment Mode 0: Running in the Normal Mode 07
1: Running in the Adjustment

2-24 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

2-6 Analog Input Functions and Operating

2-6 Analog Input Functions and
Operating Procedures

2-6-1 Input Settings and Conversion Values

Setting Use Settings and Input Signal Ranges

 Input Use Settings 2
Analog Input Unit converts only the analog inputs specified among input numbers 1 to 8 (1 to 4 for

2-6-1 Input Settings and Conversion Values

AD041-V1). The Unit skips samplings with unused input.
Accordingly, the conversion cycle per unit is calculated by conversion cycle  used input points.
For the conversion cycle setting, refer to 2-6-2 Mean Value Processing on page 2-27.
Use the Input # Use Setting (*_Ch#_InChUseCfg) to set the analog inputs to be used.

Variable name Type

*_Ch#_InChUseCfg BOOL
0: Not used
1: Used
An input number from 1 to 8 is included in place of # in the variable name.
You can also perform batch settings with Input Use Setting (*_InChUseCfg).

Variable name Type Setting

*_InChUseCfg WORD 16#0000 to 16#00FF
(To 16#000F for AD041-V1)

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00

Input 8

Input 7

Input 6

Input 5

Input 4

Input 3

Input 2

Input 1

0: Not used
1: Used

Additional Information

The input conversion value set to "Not used" will be "0" at all times.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 2-25
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

 Input Signal Ranges

For input numbers 1 to 8 (1 to 4 for AD041-V1), select from four types of input signal ranges: 10 to
+10 V, 0 to 10 V, 1 to 5 V/4 to 20 mA, and 0 to 5 V. Use the Input Signal Range Settings
(*_InRngCfg) to set the used input signal ranges.

Variable name Type Setting

*_InRngCfg WORD 16#0000 to 16#FFFF
(To 16#00FF for AD041-V1)

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Input 8

Input 7

Input 6

Input 5

Input 4

Input 3

Input 2

Input 1
00: −10 to 10V Use the voltage/current switch to switch
01: 0 to 10 V between input signal ranges 1 to 5 V and
10: 1 to 5 V/4 to 20 mA 4 to 20 mA.
11: 0 to 5 V

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller
reset or when the Unit restarts.

Reading Conversion Values

Analog input conversion values are output to the device variable for CJ-series Unit Input # Conversion
Data (*_Ch#_RdAI) shown below.

Variable name Type

*_Ch#1_RdAI INT
An input number from 1 to 8 is included in place of # in the variable name (1 to 4 for AD041-V1).

2-26 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

2-6 Analog Input Functions and Operating

Conversion Cycle/Resolution Setting
You can switch the conversion cycle and resolution with Resolution/Conversion Time Settings
This setting is common to analog inputs 1 to 8 (1 to 4 for AD041-V1).

Variable name Type Setting
*_ResolutionCfg BYTE 16#00: 4,000 resolutions/1 ms cycle
16#C1: 8,000 resolutions/250 s cycle

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination.

2-6-2 Mean Value Processing

• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller is
reset or when the Unit restarts.

2-6-2 Mean Value Processing

The Analog Input Unit can compute the mean value of the conversion values of analog inputs that were
previously sampled several times. Mean value processing involves an operational mean value in the
history buffers, so it has no effect on the data refresh cycle. (The number of history buffers that you can
set to use mean value processing is 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64.)
Conversion data Buffer 1

Buffer 2

Buffer 3
(Mean value Conversion value
Buffer 4 Input # Conversion Data (*_Ch#_RdAI)

Buffer n


Additional Information

• The first conversion data is stored for all buffers for the set number of mean value processing
immediately after data conversion has begun and after a disconnection is restored.
• When mean value processing is used together with the peak value hold function, the mean
value will be held.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 2-27
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

Use Input # Number of Samplings for Mean Value Processing (*_Ch#_AveCfg) to set whether to per-
form the mean value processing and the number of samplings in the case the process is performed.
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_AveCfg UINT 0: Mean value processing with 2 samplings
1: No mean value processing
2: Mean value processing with 4 samplings
3: Mean value processing with 8 samplings
4: Mean value processing with 16 samplings
5: Mean value processing with 32 samplings
6: Mean value processing with 64 samplings
Variable (name) # is input number 1 to 8 (1 to 4 for AD041-V1).

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller is
reset or when the Unit restarts.

Additional Information

• The history buffer moving average is calculated as shown below. (In this example, there are
four buffers.)

1 With the first cycle, data 1 is stored in all the history buffers.

Data 1

Data 1
(Mean value Conversion value
Data 1

Data 1

Mean value = (Data 1 + Data 1 + Data 1 + Data 1)  4

2 With the second cycle, data 2 is stored in the first history buffer.

Data 2

Data 1
(Mean value Conversion value
Data 1

Data 1

Mean value = (Data 2 + Data 1 + Data 1 + Data 1)  4

2-28 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

2-6 Analog Input Functions and Operating

3 With the third cycle, data 3 is stored in the first history buffer.

Data 3

Data 2
(Mean value Conversion value
Data 1

Data 1

Mean value = (Data 3 + Data 2 + Data 1 + Data 1)  4

4 With the fourth cycle, data 4 is stored in the first history buffer.
Data 4

2-6-2 Mean Value Processing

Data 3
(Mean value Conversion value
Data 2

Data 1

Mean value = (Data 4 + Data 3 + Data 2 + Data 1)  4

5 With the fifth cycle, data 5 is stored in the first history buffer.

Data 5

Data 4
(Mean value Conversion value
Data 3

Data 2

Mean value = (Data 5 + Data 4 + Data 3 + Data 2)  4

• When a disconnection is restored, the mean value processing function begins again from step

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 2-29
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

Additional Information

• If the mean value processing function is used, the delay in the conversion data in comparison
to changes in the input signals will be as shown below.
• Specify "no mean value processing" to follow conversion of a rapid change in input signals.

For V = 20 V (10 to 10 V)

Input signal 1-ms Conversion cycle/4,000 Resolution

to the Unit (V) Using One Word
t = n + (2 to 3)
Using m Words (1  m  8)
No mean value processing (n = 1) or 2 samplings (n =
t = n x (m + 2)
Time (ms) Number of samplings = (4  n  64):
t = (n  2) x m + 10.5
250-s Conversion cycle/8,000 Resolution
Conversion data
Using One Word
t = n + (2 to 3) x 1/4
Using m Words (1  m  8)
No mean value processing (n = 1) or 2 samplings (n =
t = n x (m + 2) x 1/4
Time (ms) Number of samplings = (4  n  64):
t = {(n  2) x m + 10.5} x 1/4
t: Delay

 Response Time at 1-ms Conversion cycle/4,000 Resolution

Unit: ms
64 32 16 8 4 2 1
8 506.5 250.5 122.5 58.5 26.5 20 10
7 444.5 220.5 108.5 52.5 24.5 18 9
6 382.5 190.5 94.5 46.5 22.5 16 8
5 320.5 160.5 80.5 40.5 20.5 14 7
4 258.5 130.5 66.5 34.5 18.5 12 6
3 196.5 100.5 52.5 28.5 16.5 10 5
2 134.5 70.5 38.5 22.5 14.5 8 4
1 67 35 19 11 7 5 3

 Response Time at 250-s Conversion cycle/8,000 Resolution

Unit: ms
64 32 16 8 4 2 1
8 126.625 62.625 30.625 14.625 6.625 5 2.5
7 111.125 55.125 27.125 13.125 6.125 4.5 2.25
6 95.625 47.625 23.625 11.625 5.625 4 2
5 80.125 40.125 20.125 10.125 5.125 3.5 1.75
4 64.625 32.625 16.625 8.625 4.625 3 1.5
3 49.125 25.125 13.125 7.125 4.125 2.5 1.25
2 33.625 17.625 9.625 5.625 3.625 2 1
1 16.75 8.75 4.75 2.75 1.75 1.25 0.75

2-30 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

2-6 Analog Input Functions and Operating

 Symbols
m: Number of input words used in initial setting parameters
n: Average number of samplings set for the input number for which to find the response time

 Calculation Example
The following example calculations are for a resolution of 8,000 with an application of inputs 1 and 8,

64 samplings set for input 1, and no mean value processing set for input 8.
• Response time for input 1: t = {(64  2)  2 + 10.5}  1/4 = 34 (ms)
• Response time for input 8: t = 1  (2 + 2)  1/4 = 1 (ms)

2-6-3 Peak Value Hold Function 2

The peak value hold function holds the maximum digital conversion value for every input (this includes

2-6-3 Peak Value Hold Function

mean value processing). You can use this function with analog input. The following diagram shows how
digital conversion values are affected when the peak value hold function is used.
Digital conversion value

Conversion value when

the peak value hold
function is used

Peak value hold

t (Time)

The peak value hold function is executed with the device variable for CJ-series Unit Input # Peak Value
Hold Execution (*_Ch#_PkHdCmd) shown below.
Peak value hold of the conversion value is performed while this variable is "1".

Variable name Type Setting

*_Ch#_PkHdCmd BOOL 0: Do not perform peak value hold
1: Perform peak value hold
An input number from 1 to 8 is included in place of # in the variable name (1 to 4 for AD041-V1).

You can also perform batch settings with the device variable for CJ-series Unit Peak Value Hold Execu-
tion Settings (*_PkHdCmd) shown below.

Variable name Type Setting

*_PkHdCmd WORD 16#0000 to 16#00FF
(To 16#000F for AD041-V1)

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Input 8

Input 7

Input 6

Input 5

Input 4

Input 3

Input 2

Input 1

Additional Information

• When mean value processing is used together with the peak value hold function, the mean
value will be held.
• As long as the peak value hold function is executing, the peak value hold will be held even in
the event of a disconnection.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 2-31
2 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD041-V1/081-V1)

2-6-4 Input Disconnection Detection Function

When an input signal range of 1 to 5 V (4 to 20 mA) is used, you can detect input circuit disconnections.
The detection conditions for each of the input signal ranges are shown in the following table. The cur-
rent/voltage level will fluctuate according to the offset/gain adjustment.
Voltage/current for disconnection
Input signal range
1 to 5 V Less than 0.3 V
4 to 20 mA Less than 1.2 mA

The disconnection detection status of each input is output to the device variable for CJ-series Unit Input
# Disconnection Detected (*_Ch#_SensErr) shown below.

Variable name Type Setting

*_Ch#_SensErr BOOL 0: No disconnection
1: Disconnection
An input number from 1 to 8 is included in place of # in the variable name (1 to 4 for AD041-V1).

You can also perform batch readout with the device variable for CJ-series Unit Disconnection Detected
(*_SensErr) shown below.

Variable name Type

*_SensErr BYTE
Bit 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Input 8

Input 7

Input 6

Input 5

Input 4
Input 3

Input 2

Input 1

The respective bit turns ON when a

disconnection is detected for a given
input. When the disconnection is
restored, the bit turns OFF.

Additional Information

The conversion value during disconnection is 0.

2-32 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
CJ-series Analog Input Units
This section explains how to use the CJ1W-AD042 Analog Input Units.

3-1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2

3-1-1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
3-1-2 Input Function Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3-1-3 Inputs Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3-2 Operating Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
3-3 Components and Switch Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
3-3-1 Component Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
3-3-2 Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
3-3-3 Unit Number Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
3-4 Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
3-4-1 Terminal Arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
3-4-2 Internal Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
3-4-3 Voltage Input Disconnection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
3-4-4 Input Wiring Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
3-4-5 Input Wiring Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15
3-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
3-5-1 Outline of Data Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
3-5-2 Accessing from the User Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
3-5-3 Allocating Device Variable for CJ-series Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
3-6 Analog Input Functions and Operating Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21
3-6-1 Input Settings and Conversion Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21
3-6-2 Mean Value Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23
3-6-3 Input Scaling Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25
3-6-4 Peak Value Hold Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27
3-6-5 Input Disconnection Detection Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 3-1
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

3-1 Specifications

3-1-1 Specifications

Unit model CJ1W-AD042

Unit type CJ-series Special I/O Unit
Isolation *1 Between inputs and internal signals: Digital isolator (No isolation between input
External connection terminal 18-point detachable terminal block (M3 screws)
Current consumption 520 mA at 5 VDC
Dimensions (mm) *2 31  90  65 (W  H  D)
Weight 150 g max.
General specifications Conforms to general specifications for NJ Series.
Mounting position NJ-series CPU Rack or NJ-series Expansion Rack
Maximum number of Units Per CPU Rack or Power Supply Unit No. of mountable Units
Expansion Rack NJ-PA3001 Max. 7 units on CPU Rack
*3 Max. 9 units per Expansion Rack
NJ-PD3001 Max. 7 units on CPU Rack
Max. 9 units per Expansion Rack
Data exchange with CPU Unit Data exchange with I/O ports
For details, see 3-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit
Inputs Number of analog 4
specifica- inputs
tions Input signal range *4 1 to 5 V/0 to 10 V/5 to 5 V/10 to 10 V/4 to 20 mA *5
Maximum rated input *6 Voltage Input: 15 V
Current Input: 30 mA
Input impedance Voltage Input: 1 M min.
Current Input: 250 (typical)
Resolution 1 to 5 V 1/10,000 (full scale)
0 to 10 V 1/20,000 (full scale)
5 to 5 V 1/20,000 (full scale)
10 to 10 V 1/40,000(full scale)
4 to 20 mA 1/10,000(full scale)
A/D conversion data 16-bit integer (INT)
Accuracy 25C Voltage Input: 0.2% of full scale
Current Input: 0.4% of full scale
0 to 55C Voltage Input: 0.4% of full scale
Current Input: 0.6% of full scale
Conversion cycle *7 20 s for 1 point, 25 s for 2 points, 30 s for 3 points, 35 s for 4 points
Input Mean value processing Stores the last "n" sampling data in the buffer, and stores the mean value of the
functions conversion values.
(Number of samplings: n = 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512)
Peak value hold Stores the maximum conversion value (includes value after mean value process-
ing) while the specified Peak Value Hold Execution bit is ON.
Scaling Set values in any specified Unit within a range of ±32,000 as the upper and lower
limits to allow A/D conversion to be executed and analog signals to be output
using the set values as full scale.
Input disconnection Detects a disconnection and turns ON the Disconnection Detected Bit. *8

3-2 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

*1 Do not apply a voltage higher than 600 VAC to the terminal block when you perform a withstand voltage test on
this Unit. Otherwise, internal elements may deteriorate.
*2 For the dimensions, refer to A-1 Dimensions.
*3 The maximum number of Analog Input Units that you can mount to one Rack depends on the current con-
sumption of other units that are mounted.
*4 You can set input signal ranges for each input.
*5 To use a current input, connect the positive current input terminal and positive voltage input terminal with the
enclosed short bar.
*6 Use within the specified input range. Operation of the Unit outside these specifications may result in failure.

3-1 Specifications
*7 The A/D conversion cycle is the time it takes for an analog signal to be stored in the Analog Input Unit memory
as conversion data after it has been input. It takes at least one task period before the conversion data is read
by the CPU Unit.
*8 Line disconnection detection is supported only when the range is set to 1 to 5 V or 4 to 20 mA. If there is no
input signal when the 1 to 5-V or 4 to 20-mA range is set, the Line Disconnection Flag will turn ON.

3-1-2 Input Function Block Diagram 3

Analog Input Units CPU Unit

3-1-2 Input Function Block Diagram

I/O port
Input Peak
A/D Mean value
Analog input 1 discon-
Scaling value Ch1_RdAI
Conversion nection hold
Input 1 Conversion Data

Analog input 2 Same as above.

Analog input 3 Same as above.

Analog input 4 Same as above.

I/O refresh

3-1-3 Inputs Specifications

If signals that are outside the specified range provided below are input, the conversion values (16-bit
integer) used will be either the maximum or minimum value.

Range: 1 to 5 V
Conversion value


Resolution: 10,000


1V 5V Analog input signal

0.8 V 5.2 V

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 3-3
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

Range: 0 to 10 V
Conversion value


Resolution: 20,000


0V +10 V Analog input signal

−0.5 V +10.5 V

3-4 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

Range: 5 to 5 V
Conversion value


3-1 Specifications
0 Resolution: 20,000


+5 V Analog input signal

−5 V 0V
−5.5 V +5.5 V

3-1-3 Inputs Specifications

Range: 10 to 10 V
Conversion value

0 Resolution: 40,000


−10 V 0V +10 V Analog input signal

−11 V +11 V

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 3-5
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

Range: 4 to 20 mA
Conversion value


Resolution: 10,000


4 mA 20 mA Analog input signal

3.2 mA 20.8 mA

3-6 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

3-2 Operating Procedure

Follow the procedures outlined below when using the Analog Input Unit.
There is no restriction regarding the sequence of "Programs and software settings" and "Hardware set-

3-2 Operating Procedure

ting and Rack assembly." These tasks may be carried out concurrently or in the reverse order.
Use Sysmac Studio to create and set programs.
For operations of Sysmac Studio, refer to the Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No.

 Programs and software settings

1 Create POU and global variables

Create Unit Configuration 3
• Create and register global variables and each POU.
• Create algorithms for each POU and register local variables of each POU.
• Register the Unit in the Unit Configuration on the CPU/Expansion Racks screen in Configura-
tion and Setup.
At this time, set both the device name and the unit number of the unit to be registered.
• Create device variable for CJ-series Unit by using I/O Map.

2 Create Unit initial setting parameters

Create the Unit settings by using Special Unit Setup Editing.
• Set the number of analog inputs to be used.
• Set the input signal ranges.
• Set the number of mean value processing samplings.
• Set upper and lower limits for scaling.
(When the program is transferred, the items set here will be reflected in the initial setting param-

 Hardware setting and Rack assembly

1 Use the unit number switches on the front panel of the Unit to set the unit number.
Set the same unit number as in the Unit Configuration settings.

2 Mount and wire the Unit to either a CPU Rack or Expansion Rack.

3 Turn ON the power to the Controller.

At this time, an I/O Setting Check Error occurs when there is a Unit Configuration in the CPU
Unit which does not match the actual Unit Configuration. In this case, reset the Controller in step
2 Reset the Controller or restart the Unit of the following process to cancel the error.

 Program transfer

1 Transfer programs, Unit Configuration and Setup and variable information.

2 Reset the Controller or restart the Unit.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 3-7
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

 Main operation

1 Main operation
• Read or write set values from the user program.
Acquire conversion value and status (disconnection detection and error flag)
• Specify the peak value hold function.

3-8 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

3-3 Components and Switch Settings

3-3 Components and Switch Settings

Procedure Examples

3-3-1 Component Names

Front Side
With Terminal Block Slider
B1 A1

90 1

x10 1

Unit number 78

3-3-1 Component Names


x10 0


Terminal block

Terminal block lock Slider

lever (pull down to
release terminal block)
DIN Track mounting pin

Additional Information

• Use a connector to attach the terminal block. Lower the lever at the bottom of the terminal
block to remove the connector.
• Normally, the lever should be in the raised position.


No. 1


CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 3-9
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

3-3-2 Indicators
The indicators show the operating status of the Unit. The following table shows the meanings of the
Indicator Meaning Indicator status Operating status
RUN (green) Operating Lit Operation normal.
Not lit Unit has stopped exchanging
data with the CPU Unit.
ERC (red) Error detected Lit Alarm has occurred (such as
by Unit disconnection detection) or
initial settings are incorrect.
Not lit Operating normally.
ERH (red) Error in the Lit Error has occurred during
CPU Unit data exchange with the CPU
Not lit Operating normally.

3-3-3 Unit Number Switches

Use the unit number switches to set the specific unit number for each Special I/O Unit mounted in a
CPU Rack or Expansion Rack. The unit number must be the one registered in Unit Configurations.
Turn OFF the Controller before changing the unit number setting.
Unit number
Switch setting Unit number
MACH 78 0 0

No. 1 1
10 1
2 2
3 3
4 4

0 23
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
to to
n n
to to
95 95

Additional Information

• If two or more Special I/O Units are assigned the same unit number, a "Duplicate Unit Num-
ber" major fault level Controller error is generated and the Controller will not operate.
• After correcting the unit number setting, cycle the power to the Controller.

3-10 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

3-4 Wiring

Precautions for Safe Use

Always connect surge suppressors to inductive loads in the system (e.g., magnetic contactors,
relays, and solenoids). Always separate devices that generate surge from the Analog Input Unit.
Faulty Unit operation may cause unexpected system operation.

3-4 Wiring
If inductive loads are connected to output signals from Relay Contact Output Units, connect a surge
suppressor in an AC circuit and a diode in a DC circuit close to the inductive load to absorb the counter-
electromotive force.

Inductive Inductive
load load

3-4-1 Terminal Arrangement

Output Output
Unit Unit

Connect a surge suppressor in an AC circuit and a diode in a DC circuit.

3-4-1 Terminal Arrangement

The signal names that correspond to the connecting terminals are as shown in the following diagram.

Current input 2 (+) * B1

A1 Current input 1 (+) *
Voltage input 2 (+) B2
A2 Voltage input 1 (+)
Current input 4 (+) * B5
A5 Current input 3 (+) *
Voltage input 4 (+) B6
A6 Voltage input 3 (+)
N.C. B9
A9 N.C.

* To use a current input, connect the positive current input terminal and positive voltage input terminal
with the enclosed short bar.

Additional Information

• The number of analog inputs that can be used is set in the device variable for CJ-series Unit
Input Use Setting "*_InChUseCfg".
• Set the input signal range for each analog input with the device variable for CJ-series Unit
Input Signal Range Settings "*_Ch#_InRngCfg".
• The AG terminals are connected to the 0-V analog circuit in the Unit. Connect the input line
shield to improve noise resistance.

Precautions for Correct Use

Do not make any connections to the NC terminals.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 3-11
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

3-4-2 Internal Circuit

The following diagrams show the internal circuit of the analog input section.

 Input Circuit

Current input (+)

250 W
2.2 kW
Voltage input (+) Input circuit
510 kW
2.2 kW conversion
Input (−) circuit

510 kW
(analog 0 V)
(common to all inputs)

 Internal Configuration

Input External connection

Digital isolator

Bus A/D Input

interface RAM ROM
converter circuit

Oscillator Oscillator volatile
+15 V

+5 V Insulating Regulator +5 V
converter −15 V

I/O Bus

3-12 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

3-4-3 Voltage Input Disconnection

device 1

3-4 Wiring
device 2 3

3-4-3 Voltage Input Disconnection

24 VDC

When voltage inputs are used and a disconnection occurs, separate the power supply at the side of the
connected devices or use an insulating device (isolator) for each input to avoid the following problems.
When the power supply at the connected devices is shared and section a or b is disconnected, power
will flow in the direction of the dotted line and the output voltage of the other connected devices will be
reduced to between a third to a half of the voltage. If 1 to 5 V is used and reduced voltage occurs, dis-
connection may not be detectable. If section c is disconnected, the power at the negative input terminal
will be shared and disconnection will not be detectable.
For current inputs, you can share the power supply between the connected devices without causing any

3-4-4 Input Wiring Example

Wiring Example for a Voltage Input

Input 2
Input 1


Input 4
Input 3


CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 3-13
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

Wiring Example for a Current Input

Input 2 Input 1


Input 4
Input 3


* Connect the positive current input terminal and positive voltage input terminal with the enclosed short bar.
The AG terminal need not be connected in normal conditions, but if noise is of concern, connect the
shielded wire for each input by one of the following methods:
• Connect the end of the shielded wire* on AD Unit side, to the AG terminals, as shown in the above
diagram. Use a wire that is 30 cm or shorter if possible. In this case, do not connect the end of the
shielded wire on output device side to any other device or FG.
• Ground the end of the shielded wire on AD Unit side to the FG on the control panel. In this case, keep
the AG terminal open and do not connect the end of the shielded wire on output device side to any
other device or FG.

Precautions for Safe Use

Crimp terminals must be used for terminal connections, and the screws must be tightened
securely. Use M3 screws and tighten them to a torque of 0.5 N·m.

M3 screw

Fork type Round type

6.2 mm max. 6.2 mm max.

Precautions for Correct Use

• For inputs you do not use, set them to Not Used in the input number settings (refer to Setting
Inputs and Signal Ranges in 3-6-1 Input Settings and Conversion Values).
If they are set to Used and actually not used, unintended conversion data may be input. To
prevent this, short-circuit the voltage input terminals (V+) and (V). Take note that, in the case
of a range from 1 to 5-V or 4 to 20-mA, short-circuiting (V+) and (V) causes the Disconnec-
tion Detected bit to turn ON.
• Do not connect anything to N.C. terminals shown in the wiring diagram on page 3-4-1 Terminal

3-14 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

3-4-5 Input Wiring Considerations

When you wire inputs, apply the following points to avoid noise interference and optimize Analog Input
Unit performance.
• Use two-core shielded twisted-pair cables for input connecting lines.
• Route input cables separately from the power cables (e. g., AC and three-phase lines) and do not run
the Unit's cables near a main circuit cable, high voltage cable. Do not insert these cables into the
same duct.
• If there is noise interference from power lines (for example, the power supply is shared with electrical
welding devices or electrical discharge machines, or there is a high-frequency generation source

3-4 Wiring
nearby) install a noise filter at the power supply input area.

3-4-5 Input Wiring Considerations

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 3-15
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

3-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit

3-5-1 Outline of Data Exchange

The CPU Unit and Analog Input Unit CJ1W-AD042 exchange operation data and initial setting parame-
ters via the I/O port generated for this Analog Input Unit.
The table and figure below show the data exchange method for each data type.
Data exchange type
AT specification How to access Timing of data
Unit data type Data contents
destination from user program exchange
Operation data Analog input conver- I/O port (operation Device variable for At I/O refreshing
sion value, etc. data) CJ-series Unit
Initial setting param- Analog input signal I/O port (initial set- Device variable for When the Controller
eters range, operational ting parameters) * CJ-series Unit is reset or the Unit
mean samplings, restarts
Unit Restart Bit, etc. Unit Restart Bit, etc. None System-defined vari- At I/O refreshing

* The initial setting parameters are retained in the CPU Unit by the battery even during power interruptions.

 Device Variable for CJ-series Unit

Device variables for CJ-series Unit are variables used for data exchange between a user program
and Special I/O Units. The user program uses device variables for CJ-series Unit to control the Ana-
log I/O Unit.
Analog Input Units
NJ-series CPU Unit CJ1W-AD042
User program I/O port

[Operation Data]
Operation data Operation data Conversion values
Automatic creation of analog input, etc.
I/O refresh
Device variable for CJ-series Unit AT with Unit registration
I/O refresh
Device variable for CJ-series Unit Refer to Operation Data in
3-5-3 Allocating Device Vari-
able for CJ-series Unit.
[Initial setting parameters]
Initial setting parameters Initial setting parameters
Analog input signal range,
Automatic creation
Device variable for CJ-series Unit operational mean
AT with Unit registration
specification samplings, etc.
Controller is reset
Unit restarts Refer to Initial Setting Parame-
ters in 3-5-3 Allocating Device
Variable for CJ-series Unit.

3-16 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

3-5-2 Accessing from the User Program

3-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit

The user program uses device variables for CJ-series Unit to control the Analog Input Unit. Use device
variables for CJ-series Unit with AT specification for the I/O port, which is explained below.

 I/O port
An "I/O port" is a logical interface for data exchange by a CPU Unit with an Analog I/O Unit or other
configuration unit.
An I/O port has a unique predefined name for each unit model and function.
An I/O port is automatically created by preparing the Unit Configuration with Sysmac Studio.

 How to specify device variables for CJ-series Unit

Specify the AT specifications to I/O ports for device variables for CJ-series Unit with the I/O Map
from Sysmac Studio. 3
Specify the variable name for the AT specification with one of the following methods.
1. Select a variable already registered in the variable table

3-5-2 Accessing from the User Program

2. Input a new variable name
3. Automatically create a variable name with "Device variable creation"
When a device variable name for CJ-series Unit is assigned with method 2 or 3, the variable input by
Sysmac Studio is automatically registered in the variable table.

The following is the configuration of variable names created with automatic creation in method 3.

Name of device variable for CJ-series Unit

*_ Ch1_PkHdCmd

This is an I/O port name. The name identifies the unit

function, status and parameter.

This is the device name when this unit is registered in

the Unit Configuration. (By default, a device name is
assigned from "J01" in the order of registration in the
Unit Configuration.) This identifies the individual unit.

For details on creation of device variables for CJ-series Unit, refer to Sysmac Studio Version 1 Opera-
tion Manual (Cat. No. W504).
There are two types of device variables for CJ-series Unit: "Operation Data" and "Initial Setting Param-
In the explanations from here on, the device name automatically created is used as the device variable
for CJ-series Unit, for example *_ Ch1_PkHdCmd.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 3-17
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

3-5-3 Allocating Device Variable for CJ-series Unit

Initial Setting Parameters

Perform Unit settings such as the analog input signal range, number of operational mean samplings,
Initial setting parameters settings are set from Special Unit Setup Editing of Sysmac Studio.
Unit settings can also be performed by setting the values in the device variables for CJ-series Unit.
Unit settings are reflected only when the Controller is reset, or when the Unit restarts. The initial setting
parameters are retained in the CPU Unit by the battery even during power interruptions.

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller
reset or when the Unit restarts.

List of Initial Setting Parameters

Name of device variable for

Type R/W Name Feature/reference page
CJ-series Unit
*_InChUseCfg USINT RW Input Use Settings Refer to Setting Inputs and Signal
Ranges in 3-6-1 Input Settings
and Conversion Values.
0: No inputs used.
1: 1 input used.
2: 2 inputs used.
3: 3 inputs used.
4: 4 inputs used.
*_Ch1_InRngCfg USINT RW Input 1 Input Signal Range Set- Refer to Input Signal Ranges in 3-
ting 6-1 Input Settings and Conver-
*_Ch2_InRngCfg USINT RW Input 2 Input Signal Range Set- sion Values.
ting 0: 10 to +10 V
*_Ch3_InRngCfg USINT RW Input 3 Input Signal Range Set- 2: 0 to 10 V
ting 3: 4 to 20 mA
*_Ch4_InRngCfg USINT RW Input 4 Input Signal Range Set- 6: 5 to +5 V
ting 7: 1 to 5 V

3-18 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

Name of device variable for

Type R/W Name Feature/reference page
CJ-series Unit

3-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit

*_Ch1_AveCfg UINT RW Input 1 Number of Samplings for Refer to 3-6-2 Mean Value Pro-
Mean Value Processing cessing.
*_Ch2_AveCfg UINT RW Input 2 Number of Samplings for 0: No mean value processing
Mean Value Processing 1: Number of samplings 2
*_Ch3_AveCfg UINT RW Input 3 Number of Samplings for 2: Number of samplings 4
Mean Value Processing 3: Number of samplings 8
*_Ch4_AveCfg UINT RW Input 4 Number of Samplings for 4: Number of samplings 16
Mean Value Processing
5: Number of samplings 32
6: Number of samplings 64
7: Number of samplings 128
8: Number of samplings 256
9: Number of samplings 512
*_Ch1_Scl_L_Cfg INT RW Input 1 Scaling Lower Limit Refer to 3-6-3 Input Scaling 3
*_Ch1_Scl_H_Cfg INT RW Input 1 Scaling Upper Limit Function.
32000 to +32000
*_Ch2_Scl_L_Cfg INT RW Input 2 Scaling Lower Limit

3-5-3 Allocating Device Variable for CJ-series Unit

Set lower limit  upper limit.
*_Ch2_Scl_H_Cfg INT RW Input 2 Scaling Upper Limit
(Can also set lower limit >
*_Ch3_Scl_L_Cfg INT RW Input 3 Scaling Lower Limit upper limit.)
*_Ch3_Scl_H_Cfg INT RW Input 3 Scaling Upper Limit
*_Ch4_Scl_L_Cfg INT RW Input 4 Scaling Lower Limit
*_Ch4_Scl_H_Cfg INT RW Input 4 Scaling Upper Limit

Operation Data
Operation data includes data such as analog input conversion value, etc. Operation data is exchanged
constantly during I/O refreshing.

List of Operation Data

Name of device
variable for Type R/W Name Feature/reference page
CJ-series Unit
*_Ch1_RdAI INT R Input 1 Conversion Data Refer to 3-6-1 Input Settings and Conversion
*_Ch2_RdAI INT R Input 2 Conversion Data Values.

*_Ch3_RdAI INT R Input 3 Conversion Data

*_Ch4_RdAI INT R Input 4 Conversion Data
*_PkHdCmd WORD RW Peak Value Hold Execution Refer to 3-6-4 Peak Value Hold Bit
Settings Function. Number
WORD-type variable that com-
bines the following BOOL-type
*_Ch1_PkHdCmd BOOL RW Input 1 Peak Value Hold Exe- BOOL-type variable that instructs 00
cution each input for execution of peak
*_Ch2_PkHdCmd BOOL RW Input 2 Peak Value Hold Exe- value hold. 01
cution 0: Do not perform peak value hold
*_Ch3_PkHdCmd BOOL RW Input 3 Peak Value Hold Exe- 1: Perform peak value hold 02
*_Ch4_PkHdCmd BOOL RW Input 4 Peak Value Hold Exe- 03

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 3-19
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

Name of device
variable for Type R/W Name Feature/reference page
CJ-series Unit
*_SensErr BYTE R Disconnection Detected Refer to 3-6-5 Input Disconnection Bit
Detection Function. Number
BYTE-type variable that combines
the following BOOL-type variables:
*_Ch1_SensErr BOOL R Input 1 Disconnection BOOL-type variable that checks 00
Detected each input for disconnection.
*_Ch2_SensErr BOOL R Input 2 Disconnection 0: No disconnection 01
Detected 1: Disconnection
*_Ch3_SensErr BOOL R Input 3 Disconnection 02
*_Ch4_SensErr BOOL R Input 4 Disconnection 03
*_UnitErr BYTE R Error Flags Refer to 7-2-2 Alarms Occurring at Bit
the Unit. Number
BYTE-type variable that combines
the following BOOL-type variables:
*_SclErr BOOL R Scaling Data Setting Error 0: No error 00
*_CfgErr BOOL R Input Signal Range Setting 1: Error in initial setting parameters 01
Error or Error in Number of
Inputs Setting
*_AveErr BOOL R Mean Value Processing Set- 03
ting Error
*_MdErr BOOL R Error in Setting of Conversion 04
*_ConvMd BOOL R Direct Conversion Mode * 0: Cyclic Conversion Mode 05
1: (Direct Conversion Mode)
*_ConvErr BOOL R A/D Conversion Error 0: No error 06
1: A/D conversion error

* The Direct Conversion Mode cannot be used with the NJ-series CPU Unit. On the Special Unit Setup Editing of
Sysmac Studio, set "Conversion Mode Setting" to "Cyclic Conversion Mode".

3-20 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

3-6 Analog Input Functions and Operating Procedures

3-6 Analog Input Functions and
Operating Procedures

3-6-1 Input Settings and Conversion Values

Setting Inputs and Signal Ranges

 Number of Inputs
The Analog Input Unit performs conversion processing only for the specified number of analog
inputs. Use Number of Analog Inputs Used (*_InChUseCfg) to set the analog inputs to be used.
Variable name Type Setting
*_InChUseCfg USINT 0: No inputs used.

3-6-1 Input Settings and Conversion Values

1: One input used (input 1 used).
2: Two inputs used (inputs 1 and 2 used).
3: Three inputs used (inputs 1, 2, and 3 used).
4: Four inputs used (inputs 1, 2, 3, and 4 used).
The sampling interval per Unit changes according to this setting.
To use 1 point: 20 s, to use 2 points: 25 s, to use 3 points: 30 s, to use 4 points: 35 s

Additional Information

The conversion value for unused analog input number will be 0 at all times.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 3-21
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

 Input Signal Ranges

You can set each of inputs 1 to 4 to one of the following input signal ranges:
10 to 10 V, 0 to 10 V, 4 to 20 mA, 5 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V. Use Input # Input Signal Range Settings
(*Ch#_InRngCfg) to set the used input signal ranges.

Variable name Type Setting

*_Ch#_InRngCfg USINT 0: 10 to +10 V
2: 0 to 10 V
3: 4 to 20 mA
6: 5 to +5 V
7: 1 to 5 V
An input number from 1 to 4 is included in place of # in the variable name.

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller is
reset or when the Unit restarts.

Reading Conversion Values

Analog input conversion values are output to the device variable for CJ-series Unit Input # Conversion
Data (*_Ch#_RdAI) shown below.

Variable name Type

*_Ch#_RdAI INT
An input number from 1 to 4 is included in place of # in the variable name.

3-22 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

3-6 Analog Input Functions and Operating Procedures

3-6-2 Mean Value Processing
In Cyclic Conversion Mode, the Analog Input Unit can compute the mean value of the conversion values
of previously sampled analog inputs. Mean value processing involves an operational mean value in the
history buffers, so it has no effect on the data refresh cycle. (The number of history buffers that you can
set for mean value processing is 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, or 512.)

Conversion data Buffer 1

Buffer 2

Buffer 3 (Mean value

processing) Conversion value

Input # Conversion Data (*_Ch#_RdAI)

Buffer 4

3-6-2 Mean Value Processing

Buffer n


Additional Information

• The first conversion data is stored for all buffers for the set number of samplings for mean
value processing immediately after data conversion has begun and after a disconnection is
• When mean value processing is used together with the peak value hold function, the peak
mean value will be held.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 3-23
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

Use Input # Number of Samplings for Mean Value Processing (*_Ch#_AveCfg) to set whether to per-
form the mean value processing and the number of samplings in the case the process is performed.

Variable name Type Setting

*_Ch#_AveCfg UINT 0: No mean value processing
1: Mean value processing with 2 buffers
2: Mean value processing with 4 buffers
3: Mean value processing with 8 buffers
4: Mean value processing with 16 buffers
5: Mean value processing with 32 buffers
6: Mean value processing with 64 buffers
7: Mean value processing with 128 buffers
8: Mean value processing with 256 buffers
9: Mean value processing with 512 buffers
An input number from 1 to 4 is included in place of # in the variable name.

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller is
reset or when the Unit restarts.

Additional Information

• The mean value is calculated as shown in the following diagram. (In this example, there are
four buffers.)

1 With the first cycle, data 1 is stored in all the history buffers.
Data 1

Data 1
(Mean value Conversion value
Data 1

Data 1

Mean value = (Data 1 + Data 1 + Data 1 + Data 1)  4

2 With the second cycle, data 2 is stored in the first history buffer.
Data 2

Data 1
(Mean value Conversion value
Data 1

Data 1

Mean value = (Data 2 + Data 1 + Data 1 + Data 1)  4

3-24 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

3-6 Analog Input Functions and Operating Procedures

3 With the third cycle, data 3 is stored in the first history buffer.
Data 3

Data 2
(Mean value Conversion value
Data 1

Data 1

Mean value = (Data 3 + Data 2 + Data 1 + Data 1)  4

4 With the fourth cycle, data 4 is stored in the first history buffer.

Data 4

Data 3
(Mean value Conversion value
Data 2
processing) 3

Data 1

3-6-3 Input Scaling Function

Mean value = (Data 4 + Data 3 + Data 2 + Data 1)  4

5 With the fifth cycle, data 5 is stored in the first history buffer.
Data 5

Data 4
(Mean value Conversion value
Data 3

Data 2

Mean value = (Data 5 + Data 4 + Data 3 + Data 2)  4

• When a disconnection is restored, the mean value processing function begins again from step

3-6-3 Input Scaling Function

When upper and lower limits (within a range of 32,000 to +32,000) are preset, analog input values can
then be automatically converted into a user-specified industrial unit, with the upper and lower limits
taken as full scale based on that resolution value.

Additional Information

• The upper limit is normally set to be greater than the lower limit, but it is also possible to set
the lower limit to be greater than the upper limit for reverse scaling.
• Actual A/D conversion is executed at up to 5% to +105% of full scale.

Precautions for Correct Use

If the scaling upper limit equals the scaling lower limit, or if the scaling upper limit or scaling lower
limit is outside the range of 32,000, a scaling data setting error will occur and scaling will not be
executed. Normal operation is performed without scaling if both the upper and lower limits are
set to 0.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 3-25
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

 Setting Upper and Lower Limits for Scaling

The input scaling upper and lower limit values are set with the following initial setting parameters.

Variable name Type Setting

*_Ch#_Scl_L_Cfg INT Scaling lower limit (32,000 to +32,000)
*_Ch#_Scl_H_Cfg INT Scaling upper limit (32,000 to +32,000)
Variable (name) # is input number 1 to 4.

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller is
reset or when the Unit restarts.

Example Setting 1
Set the following conditions for scaling 0 to 10 V signal of input 1 in set value of 0 to 10,000:
Set Input 1 Scaling Lower Limit (*_Ch1_Scl_L_Cfg) to 0.
Set Input 1 Scaling Upper Limit (*_Ch1_Scl_H_Cfg) to +10,000.
The following diagram shows the correspondence between input signals and converted scaling val-

Offset upper limit 10,500 (2904)

Scaling upper limit 10,000 (2710)

Scaling line

Scaling lower limit 0 (0000)

Offset lower limit −500 (FE0C)
+10.0 V
-0.5 V
+10.5 V

The conversion results

Input signal range shown in parentheses are
16-bit binary data.
0V 0
10 V 10,000
0.5 V 500
10.5 V 10,500

3-26 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

3-6 Analog Input Functions and Operating Procedures

Example Setting 2 (Reverse Scaling)
Set the following conditions for scaling 0 to 10 V signal of input 2 in set value of 10,000 to 0:
Set Input 2 Scaling Lower Limit (*_Ch2_Scl_L_Cfg) to +10,000.
Set Input 2 Scaling Upper Limit (*_Ch2_Scl_H_Cfg) to 0.
The following diagram shows the correspondence between input signals and converted scaling val-

Offset lower limit 10,500 (2904)

Scaling lower limit 10,000 (2710)
Scaling line

Scaling upper limit 0 (0000)

Offset upper limit −500 (FE0C) 3
-0.5 V +10.0 V
+10.5 V

3-6-4 Peak Value Hold Function

The conversion results
Input signal range shown in parentheses are
16-bit binary data.
0V 10,000
10 V 0
0.5 V 10,500
10.5 V 500

3-6-4 Peak Value Hold Function

The peak value hold function holds the maximum digital conversion value for every input (this includes
mean value processing).

Digital conversion value

Conversion value
when the peak value
hold function is used

Peak value hold


The peak value hold function is executed with the device variable for CJ-series Unit Input # Peak Value
Hold Execution (*_Ch#_PkHdCmd) shown below.
Peak value hold of the conversion value is performed while this variable is "1".

Variable name Type Setting

*_Ch#_PkHdCmd BOOL 0: Do not perform peak value hold
1: Perform peak value hold
An input number from 1 to 4 is included in place of # in the variable name.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 3-27
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

You can also perform batch settings with the device variable for CJ-series Unit Peak Value Hold Execu-
tion Settings (*_PkHdCmd) shown below.

Variable name Type Setting

*_PkHdCmd WORD 16#0000 to 16#000F

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00

Input 4

Input 3

Input 1
Input 2
Additional Information

• When mean value processing is used together with the peak value hold function, the peak
mean value will be held.
• If an input signal range is 1 to 5 V or 4 to 20 mA and a disconnection occurs when the peak
value hold function is enabled, the conversion value will be +32767.
When the disconnection is restored, the peak value hold function will be executed by using the
previous peak value.

3-6-5 Input Disconnection Detection Function

When an input signal range of 1 to 5 V or 4 to 20 mA is used, you can detect input wiring disconnec-
tions. The detection conditions for each of the input signal ranges are shown in the following table.
Voltage/current for discon-
Input signal range
nection detection
1 to 5 V Less than 0.3 V
4 to 20 mA Less than 1.2 mA

The disconnection detection status of each input is output to the device variable for CJ-series Unit Input
# Disconnection Detected (*_Ch#_SensErr) shown below.

Variable name Type Setting

*_Ch#_SensErr BOOL 0: No disconnection
1: Disconnection
An input number from 1 to 4 is included in place of # in the variable name.

You can also perform batch readout with the device variable for CJ-series Unit Disconnection Detected
(*_SensErr) shown below.

Variable name Type

*_SensErr BYTE
Bit 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Input 4

Input 3

Input 1
Input 2

The corresponding bit turns ON when a disconnection is detected for a given input.
When the disconnection is restored, the bit turns OFF.

3-28 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

3-6 Analog Input Functions and Operating Procedures

Additional Information

The conversion value during disconnection is +32767.

3-6-5 Input Disconnection Detection Function

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 3-29
3 CJ-series Analog Input Units (CJ1W-AD042)

3-30 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
CJ-series Analog Output Unit
This section explains how to use the CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C Analog Output Units.

4-1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2

4-1-1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
4-1-2 Output Function Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
4-1-3 Output Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
4-2 Operating Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
4-2-1 CJ1W-DA021/041 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
4-2-2 CJ1W-DA08V/08C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
4-3 Components and Switch Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
4-3-1 Component Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
4-3-2 Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
4-3-3 Unit Number Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
4-3-4 Operating Mode Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
4-4 Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13
4-4-1 Terminal Arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13
4-4-2 Internal Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
4-4-3 Output Wiring Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15
4-4-4 Output Wiring Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16
4-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17
4-5-1 Outline of Data Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17
4-5-2 Accessing from the User Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18
4-5-3 Allocating Device Variable for CJ-series Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19
4-6 Analog Output Functions and Operating Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-25
4-6-1 Output Settings and Conversion Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-25
4-6-2 Output Hold Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-28
4-6-3 Output Scaling Function (CJ1W-DA08V/08C Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29
4-6-4 Output Set Value Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-31

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 4-1
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

4-1 Specifications

4-1-1 Specifications

Item CJ1W-DA021 CJ1W-DA041 CJ1W-DA08V CJ1W-DA08C

Unit type CJ-series Special I/O Unit
Isolation Between outputs and internal signals: Photocoupler *1
(No isolation between output signals.)
External connection terminal 18-point detachable terminal block (M3 screws)
Current consumption 5 VDC, 120 mA max. 5 VDC, 140 mA max.
External power supply *2 24 VDC +10%, 15% (inrush current: 20 A max., pulse width: 1 ms min.)
140 mA max. 200 mA max. 140 mA max. 170 mA max.
Dimensions (mm) *3 31  90  65 (W  H  D)
Weight 150 g max.
General specifications Conforms to general specifications for NJ Series.
Mounting position NJ Series CPU Rack or Expansion Rack
Maximum number of Units Per CPU Rack or Power Supply Unit No. of mountable Units
Expansion Rack *4
NJ-PA3001 Max. 10 units on CPU Rack
Max. 10 units per Expansion Rack
NJ-PD3001 Max. 10 units on CPU Rack
Max. 10 units per Expansion Rack
Data exchange with CPU Unit Data exchange with I/O ports
For details, see 4-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit.
Number of analog outputs 2 4 8
Output Specifications

Output signal range *5 1 to 5 V/4 to 20 mA 1 to 5 V 4 to 20 mA

0 to 5 V 0 to 5 V
0 to 10 V 0 to 10 V
10 to +10 V 10 to +10 V
Output impedance 0.5  max. (for voltage output)
Max. output current (for 1 12 mA (for voltage output) 2.4 mA ---
point) (for voltage output)
Maximum permissible load 600  (current output) --- 350 
Resolution 4,000 (full scale) 4,000/8,000 *9
Data setup file 16-bit integer (INT)
Accuracy 25C Voltage output: 0.3% of full scale 0.3% of full scale 0.3% of full scale
*6 Current output: 0.5% of full scale
0C to 55C Voltage output: 0.5% of full scale 0.5% of full scale 0.6% of full scale
Current output: 0.8% of full scale
D/A conversion cycle *7 1.0 ms/point max. 1.0 ms or 250 s max. per point
Output Outputs the specified output status (CLR, HOLD, or MAX) under any of the following circumstances.
Output functions

hold • When the Conversion Enable Bit is OFF *8

• In Adjustment Mode, when a value other than the output number is output during adjustment
• When an output set value error occurs and CPU Unit operations stop
Scaling Set values in any specified Unit within a range of ±32,000 as the Available only when using conversion cycle of 1ms
function upper and lower limits to allow A/D conversion to be executed and and resolution of 4,000.
analog signals to be output using the set values as full scale. Set value in any specified Unit within a range of
(With the CJ1W-DA08V/DA08C, this function is enabled only for a ±32,000 as the upper and lower limits to allow D/A
conversion cycle of 1.0 s and a resolution of 4,000.) conversion to be executed and analog signals to
be output using the set values as full scale.

*1 Do not apply a voltage higher than 600 V to the terminal block when you perform a withstand voltage test on
this Unit.

4-2 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

*2 Select a 24-VDC power supply based on the surge current. The following OMRON power supplies are recom-
S82K-05024: 100 VAC, 50 W
S82K-10024: 100 VAC, 100 W
*3 Refer to A-1 Dimensions for details on the Unit's dimensions.
*4 The maximum number of Analog Output Units that you can mount to one Rack depends on the current con-
sumption of other units that are mounted.
*5 You can set output signal ranges for each output.
*6 The accuracy is given for full scale. For example, an accuracy of 0.3% means a maximum error of 12 at a
resolution of 4,000. For the CJ1W-DA021/041, the accuracy is at the default setting for a current output. When
you use a voltage output, adjust the offset and gain as required.
*7 The A/D conversion cycle is the time it takes for an analog signal to be stored in the Analog Output Unit mem-
ory as conversion data. It takes at least one task period before the conversion data is read by the CPU Unit.

4-1 Specifications
*8 The Output Conversion Enable Flag turns OFF when the CPU Unit shifts from RUN Mode to PROGRAM
Mode, as well as when the Controller is reset including when the power turns ON.
*9 The resolution can be set to 8,000 and the conversion cycle to 250 s initial setting parameter for CJ1W-

4-1-2 Output Function Block Diagram

Analog Output Unit CPU Unit

4-1-2 Output Function Block Diagram

I/O port
Analog output 1 D/A
Output value hold Conversion Scaling Ch1_WrAO

Output 1 Set Value

Analog output 2 Same as above.
Analog output 3 Same as above.
Analog output 4 Same as above.
Analog output 5 Same as above.
Analog output 6 Same as above.
Analog output 7 Same as above.
Analog output 8 Same as above.

(With the CJ1W-DA021, output 1 and output 2 can I/O refresh

be used; with the DA041, outputs 1 to 4 can be
used.) Scaling can only be used with DA08V/08C.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 4-3
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

4-1-3 Output Specifications

If the set value is outside the specified range provided below, an output setting error will occur, and the
output specified by the output hold function will be output.

Range: 1 to 5 V (4 to 20 mA)
Analog output signal

5.2V (20.8mA)
5V (20mA)

1V (4mA)
0.8V (3.2mA)

Set value
-200 Resolution: 4,000/8,000 +4200
(-400) (+8400)
0 4000
( ): Values in parentheses are for a resolution of 8,000. Only the CJ1W-

Range: 0 to 10 V
Analog output signal



Set value
-200 Resolution: 4,000/8,000 +4200
(-400) (+8400)
0 4000
( ): Values in parentheses are for a resolution of 8,000. Only the

4-4 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

Range: 0 to 5 V
Analog output signal


4-1 Specifications
Set value
-200 Resolution: 4,000/8,000 +4200
(-400) (+8400)
0 4000
( ): Values in parentheses are for a resolution of 8,000. Only the 4

4-1-3 Output Specifications

Range: 10 to 10 V
Analog output signal




0 Set value
-2200 Resolution: 4,000/8,000 +2200
(-4400) (+4400)
-2000 +2000
(-4000) (+4000)
( ): Values in parentheses are for a resolution of 8,000. Only the

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 4-5
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

4-2 Operating Procedure

Follow the procedures outlined below when using the Analog Output Unit.
There is no restriction regarding the sequence of "Programs and software settings" and "Hardware set-
ting and Rack assembly." These tasks may be carried out concurrently or in the reverse order.
Use Sysmac Studio to create and set programs.
For operations of Sysmac Studio, refer to the Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No.
The setting procedure and setting order differ between CJ1W-DA021/041 and CJ1W-DA08V/ 08C.

4-2-1 CJ1W-DA021/041
 Programs and software settings
1 Create POU and global variables
Create Unit Configuration
• Create and register global variables and each POU.
• Create algorithms for each POU and register local variables of each POU.
• Register the Unit in the Unit Configuration on the CPU/Expansion Racks screen in Configura-
tion and Setup.
At this time, set both the device name and the unit number of the unit to be registered.
• Create device variable for CJ-series Unit by using I/O Map.

2 Create Unit initial setting parameters

Create the Unit settings by using Special Unit Setup Editing.
• Set the output numbers to be used.
• Set the output signal ranges.
• Set the output hold function.
(When the program is transferred, the items set here will be reflected in the initial setting

 Hardware setting and Rack assembly

1 Set the operating mode switch on the front panel of the Unit to Normal Mode.

2 Use the unit number switches on the front panel of the Unit to set the unit number.
Set the same unit number as in the Unit Configuration settings.

3 Mount and wire the Unit to either a CPU Rack or Expansion Rack.

4 Turn ON the power to the Controller.

At this time, an I/O Setting Check Error occurs when there is a Unit Configuration in the CPU
Unit which does not match the actual Unit Configuration. In this case, in steps 2 and 6 Turn the
external power OFF/Turn OFF the power to the Controller of the following process, turn off the
power to the Controller or reset the Controller to cancel the error.

5 Turn ON the power to the external devices.

 Program transfer and adjustment

1 Transfer programs, Unit Configuration and Setup and variable information.

2 Turn the external power OFF.

4-6 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

Turn OFF the power to the Controller. (Reset the Controller from Sysmac Studio if adjusting off-
set and gain is not required. The power need not be cycled.)

3 Set the operating mode switch to Adjustment Mode.

Set DIP switch on the front panel to Adjustment Mode.

4 Turn the power to the Controller OFF and ON.

Turn the external power back ON.
• The Special Unit is restarted and operates in the Adjustment Mode. In the Adjustment Mode,
the ADJ indicator flashes.

4-2 Operating Procedure

• Set the CPU Unit to PROGRAM Mode.

5 Adjust the offset and gain.

Adjusting Offset and Gain is performed if the output must be calibrated for the connected device.

6 Turn the external power OFF.

Turn OFF the power to the Controller.

7 Set the operating mode switch to Normal Mode.

Set DIP switch on the front panel to Normal Mode. 4
8 Turn the power to the Controller OFF and ON.

4-2-1 CJ1W-DA021/041
Turn the external power back ON.
The Special Unit is restarted and operates in the Normal Mode.
In the Normal Mode, the ADJ indicator remains unlit.

 Main operation

1 Main operation
• Read or write set values from the user program.
• Write set values.
• Start and stop the conversion output.
• Obtain an error flag.
Note Turn external power ON or OFF while the Controller power is ON, or turn both power supplies
ON or OFF at the same time. Do not turn the external power ON or OFF while the Controller
is OFF.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 4-7
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

4-2-2 CJ1W-DA08V/08C
 Programs and software settings
1 Create POU and global variables
Create Unit Configuration
• Create and register global variables and each POU.
• Create algorithms for each POU and register local variables of each POU.
• Register the Unit in the Unit Configuration on the CPU/Expansion Racks screen in Configura-
tion and Setup.
At this time, set both the device name and the unit number of the unit to be registered.
• Create device variable for CJ-series Unit by using I/O Map.

2 Create Unit initial setting parameters

Create the Unit settings by using Special Unit Setup Editing.
• Set the output numbers to be used.
• Set the output signal ranges (Not required for the CJ1W-DA08C).
• Set the output hold function.
• Set the conversion cycle and resolution.
• Set the scaling function.
(When the program is transferred, the items set here will be reflected in the initial setting param-

 Hardware setting and Rack assembly

1 Use the unit number switches on the front panel of the Unit to set the unit number.
Set the same unit number as in the Unit Configuration settings.

2 Mount and wire the Unit to either a CPU Rack or Expansion Rack.

3 Turn ON the power to the Controller.

At this time, an I/O Setting Check Error occurs when there is a Unit Configuration in the CPU
Unit which does not match the actual Unit Configuration. In this case, reset the Controller in
steps 2, 4, and 7 Reset the Controller or restart the Unit to cancel the error.

4 Turn ON the power to the external devices.

 Program transfer and adjustment

1 Transfer programs, Unit Configuration and Setup and variable information.

2 Reset the Controller or restart the Unit.

3 Set Operating Mode Settings (*_MdCfg) to the Adjustment Mode (16#C1) and transfer the data
setup file.
Set the operating mode switch to Adjustment Mode.

4 Reset the Controller or restart the Unit.

• The Special Unit is restarted and operates in the Adjustment Mode. In the Adjustment Mode,
the ADJ indicator flashes.
• Set the CPU Unit to PROGRAM Mode.

4-8 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

5 Adjust the offset and gain.

Adjusting Offset and Gain is performed if the input must be calibrated for the connected device.

6 Set Operating Mode Settings (*_MdCfg) to the Normal Mode (16#00) and transfer the data
setup file.
Set the operating mode switch to Normal Mode.

7 Reset the Controller or restart the Unit.

4-2 Operating Procedure

The Special Unit is restarted and operates in the Normal Mode.
In the Normal Mode, the ADJ indicator remains unlit.

 Main operation

1 Main operation
• Read or write set values from the user program.
• Write set values.
• Start and stop the conversion output.
• Obtain an error flag.

4-2-2 CJ1W-DA08V/08C
Note Turn external power ON or OFF while the Controller power is ON, or turn both power supplies
ON or OFF at the same time. Do not turn the external power ON or OFF while the Controller
is OFF.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 4-9
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

4-3 Components and Switch Settings

4-3-1 Component Names

CJ1W-DA08V Front Side
With Terminal Block Slider

Unit number

x10 1

x10 0

Expansion connector
1 2


Terminal block

Terminal block lock lever

(pull down to release
Operating mode switch terminal block)
(not applicable to
DA08V) DIN Track mounting pin

Additional Information

• Use a connector to attach the terminal block. Press down on the lever at the bottom of the ter-
minal block to remove the connector.
• Normally, the lever should be in the raised position.


No. 1

1 2


4-10 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

4-3-2 Indicators
The indicators show the operating status of the Unit. The following table shows the meanings of the
Indicator Meaning Indicator Operating status

4-3 Components and Switch Settings

RUN Operating Lit Operating in Normal Mode.
(green) Not lit Unit has stopped exchanging data with
the CPU Unit.
ERC (red) Error Lit Alarm has occurred (such as disconnec-
detected by tion detection) or initial settings are incor-
Unit rect.
Not lit Operating normally.
ERH (red) Error in the Lit Error has occurred during data exchange
CPU Unit with the CPU Unit.
Not lit Operating normally.
ADJ (yel- Adjusting Flashing Operating in offset/gain Adjustment
low) Mode. 4
Not lit Other than the above.

4-3-2 Indicators
4-3-3 Unit Number Switches
Use the unit number switches to set the specific unit number for each Special I/O Unit mounted in a
CPU Rack or Expansion Rack. The unit number must be the one registered in Unit Configurations.
Turn OFF the Controller before changing the unit number setting.
Switch setting Unit number
0 Unit #0
1 Unit #1

2 Unit #2

1 23
3 Unit #3
4 Unit #4
78 5 Unit #5

6 Unit #6
10 0
7 Unit #7
8 Unit #8
9 Unit #9
10 Unit #10
to to
n Unit #n
to to
95 Unit #95

Additional Information

• If two or more Special I/O Units are assigned the same unit number, a "Duplicate Unit Num-
ber" major fault level Controller error is generated and the Controller will not operate.
• After correcting the unit number setting, cycle the power to the Controller.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 4-11
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

4-3-4 Operating Mode Switch

The operating mode switch on the front panel of the Unit is used to set the operating mode to either
Normal Mode or Adjustment Mode (to adjust offset and gain).
In the case of CJ1W-DA08V/08C, you can set Operating Mode Settings (*_MdCfg) to the Adjustment
Mode (16#C1) and transfer the data setup file to switch to the Adjustment Mode. Refer to Switching
Operating Mode in 4-5-2 Accessing from the User Program.

 CJ1W-DA021/041
1 2


Pin number Mode

1 2
OFF OFF Normal Mode
ON OFF Adjustment Mode

Note The default settings for SW1 and SW2 are both OFF.

Precautions for Safe Use

Be sure to turn OFF the power of the Controller before operating the operating mode switch.

Precautions for Correct Use

• Do not set the pins to any combination other than those shown in the above table.
• Be sure to set pin 2 to OFF.

4-12 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

4-4 Wiring

4-4-1 Terminal Arrangement

The signal names that correspond to the connecting terminals are as shown in the following diagram.

 CJ1W-DA021
Voltage output 2 (+) B1
A1 Voltage output 1 (+)
Output 2 (–) B2
A2 Output 1 (–)
Current output 2 (+) B3

4-4 Wiring
A3 Current output 1 (+)
N.C. B4
A4 N.C.
N.C. B5
A5 N.C.
N.C. B6
A6 N.C.
N.C. B7
A7 N.C. 4
N.C. B8
A8 N.C.
0V B9

4-4-1 Terminal Arrangement

A9 24 V

 CJ1W-DA041
Voltage output 2 (+) B1
A1 Voltage output 1 (+)
Output 2 (–) B2
A2 Output 1 (–)
Current output 2 (+) B3
A3 Current output 1 (+)
Voltage output 4 (+) B4
A4 Voltage output 3 (+)
Output 4 (–) B5
A5 Output 3 (–)
Current output 4 (+) B6
A6 Current output 3 (+)
N.C. B7
A7 N.C.
N.C. B8
A8 N.C.
0V B9
A9 24 V

 CJ1W-DA08V (Voltage Output)

and CJ1W-DA08C (Current Output)

Output 2 (+) B1
A1 Output 1 (+)
Output 2 (−) B2
A2 Output 1 (−)
Output 4 (+) B3
A3 Output 3 (+)
Output 4 (−) B4
A4 Output 3 (−)
Output 6 (+) B5
A5 Output 5 (+)
Output 6 (−) B6
A6 Output 5 (−)
Output 8 (+) B7
A7 Output 7 (+)
Output 8 (−) B8
A8 Output 7 (−)
0V B9
A9 24 V

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 4-13
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

Additional Information

• Use the device variable for CJ-series Unit Output Use Setting (*_Ch#_OutChUseCfg) to set
the analog output number that you can use.
• Set the output signal range for each analog output with the device variable for CJ-series Unit
Output Signal Range Setting (*_OutRngCfg). The output signal range can be set separately
for each output number.
• The N.C. terminals are not connected to internal circuit.
• We recommend the following external power supplies.
Maker Model number Specifications
OMRON S82K-05024 100 VAC, 50 W
S82K-10024 100 VAC, 100 W

4-4-2 Internal Circuit

The following diagrams show the internal circuit of the analog output section.

 Voltage Output Circuit

Voltage output section

Output AMP
switch and Voltage
conversion output (+)
output (–)

AG (common to all outputs)

 Current Output Circuit

Current output section

AMP output (+)
and con- AMP
circuit output (−)

4-14 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

 Internal Configuration


Photocoupler insulation
Bus D/A plexer External
RAM ROM converter and

Oscillator Memory

4-4 Wiring
+15 V

Regulator +5 V
+24 V Insulation-type
DC-to-DC 4
External power −15 V
supply (24 VDC)

4-4-3 Output Wiring Example

I/O Bus

4-4-3 Output Wiring Example


Output 2 + B1
A1 + Output 1
(voltage output) – B2
A2 – (voltage output)
Output 4 A4
– B5
(current output) + A5 – Output 3
A6 + (current output)
0V B9
A9 24 VDC

power supply

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 4-15
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

Precautions for Safe Use

Crimp terminals must be used for terminal connections, and the screws must be tightened
securely. M3 terminal screws are used. The applicable tightening torque is 0.5 N·m.

Fork type

6.2 mm max.
M3 screw

Round type

6.2 mm max.

Additional Information

To minimize output wiring noise, ground the output signal line to the input device.

4-4-4 Output Wiring Considerations

When you wire outputs, apply the following points to avoid noise interference and optimize Analog Out-
put Unit performance.
• Use two-core shielded twisted-pair cables for output connecting lines.
• Route output cables separately from the power cables (e. g., AC and three-phase lines) and do not
run the Unit's cables near a main circuit cable or a high voltage cable. Do not insert these cables into
the same duct.
• If there is noise interference from power lines (for example, the power supply is shared with electrical
welding devices or electrical discharge machines, or there is a high-frequency generation source
nearby) install a noise filter at the power supply input area.
• Use a separate power supply for the external power supply from the one used for Basic I/O Units. If
the same power supply is used, noise may cause Units to malfunction.

4-16 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

4-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit

4-5-1 Outline of Data Exchange

4-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit

The CPU Unit and Analog Output Unit CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C exchange operation data and initial
setting parameters via the I/O port generated for this Analog Output Unit.
The table and figure below show the data exchange method for each data type.
Data exchange type
AT specification How to access Timing of data
Unit data type Data contents
destination from user program exchange
Operation data Analog output set- I/O port (operation Device variable for At I/O refreshing
ting values, etc. data) CJ-series Unit
Initial setting param- Analog output sig- I/O port (initial set- Device variable for When the Controller
eters nal range, output ting parameters) * CJ-series Unit is reset or the Unit
status when conver- restarts
sion stops, etc.
Unit Restart Bit, etc. Unit Restart Bit, etc. None System-defined vari- At I/O refreshing

4-5-1 Outline of Data Exchange

* The initial setting parameters are retained in the CPU Unit by the battery even during power interruptions.

 Device Variable for CJ-series Unit

Device variables for CJ-series Unit are variables used for data exchange between a user program
and Special I/O Units. The user program uses device variables for CJ-series Unit to control the Ana-
log I/O Unit.
NJ-series CPU Unit Analog Output Unit

User program I/O port

[Operation Data]
Operation data Operation data Set values of analog
Automatic creation output, etc.
I/O refresh
Device variable for CJ-series Unit AT with Unit registration
I/O refresh
Device variable for CJ-series Unit Refer to Operation Data in
4-5-3 Allocating Device
Variable for CJ-series Unit.
[Initial setting parameters]
Initial setting parameters Initial setting parameters
Analog output signal
Automatic creation
Device variable for CJ-series Unit range, output status
AT with Unit registration
specification when conversion stops,
Controller is reset
Unit restarts
Refer to Initial Setting Parame-
ters in 4-5-3 Allocating Device
Variable for CJ-series Unit.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 4-17
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

4-5-2 Accessing from the User Program

The user program uses device variables for CJ-series Unit to control the Analog Output Unit. Use
device variables for CJ-series Unit with AT specification for the I/O port, which is explained below.

 I/O port
An "I/O port" is a logical interface for data exchange by a CPU Unit with an Analog I/O Unit or other
configuration unit.
An I/O port has a unique predefined name for each unit model and function.
An I/O port is automatically created by preparing the Unit Configuration with Sysmac Studio.

 How to specify device variables for CJ-series Unit

Specify the AT specifications to I/O ports for device variables for CJ-series Unit with the I/O Map
from Sysmac Studio.
Specify the variable name for the AT specification with one of the following methods.
1. Select a variable already registered in the variable table
2. Input a new variable name
3. Automatically create a variable name with "Device variable creation"
When a device variable name for CJ-series Unit is assigned with method 2 or 3, the variable input by
Sysmac Studio is automatically registered in the variable table.

The following is the configuration of variable names created with automatic creation in method 3.

Name of device variable for CJ-series Unit

*_ Ch1_ConvCmd

This is an I/O port name. The name identifies the unit

function, status and parameter.

This is the device name when this unit is registered in

Unit Configuration. (By default, a device name is
assigned from "J01" in the order of registration in the
Unit Configuration.) This identifies the individual unit.

For details on creation of device variables for CJ-series Unit, refer to Sysmac Studio Version 1 Opera-
tion Manual (Cat. No. W504).
There are two types of device variables for CJ-series Unit: "Operation Data" and "Initial Setting Param-
In the explanations from here on, the device name automatically created is used as the device variable
for CJ-series Unit, for example *_ Ch1_ConvCmd".

4-18 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

Switching Operating Mode

You can switch between the Normal Mode and Adjustment Mode (during offset and gain adjustments,
etc.) depending on the model as follows.

4-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit

Model Setting method Normal Mode Adjustment Mode
CJ1W-DA021/041 Set the front DIP switch

CJ1W-DA08V/08C Set device variable for CJ-series *_MdCfg=16#00 *_MdCfg=16#C1


4-5-3 Allocating Device Variable for CJ-series Unit

Initial Setting Parameters

Perform unit setting such as output use setting, analog output signal range, etc. 4
Initial setting parameters settings are set from Special Unit Setup Editing of Sysmac Studio.

4-5-3 Allocating Device Variable for CJ-series Unit

Unit settings can also be performed by setting the values in the device variables for CJ-series Unit.
Unit settings are reflected only when the Controller is reset, or when the Unit restarts. The initial setting
parameters are retained in the CPU Unit by the battery even during power interruptions.

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller
reset or when the Unit restarts.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 4-19
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

List of Initial Setting Parameters (common among models, for both

Normal Mode and Adjustment Mode)

Name of device variable

Type R/W Name Feature/reference page
for CJ-series Unit
*_OutChUseCfg WORD RW Output Use Settings Refer to Setting Outputs and Bit
Signal Ranges in 4-6-1 Output Number
Settings and Conversion Val-
WORD-type variable that com-
bines the following BOOL-type
*_Ch1_OutChUseCfg BOOL RW Output 1 Use Setting Variable to specify usage in 00
*_Ch2_OutChUseCfg BOOL RW Output 2 Use Setting Unit of bits per output. 01
0: Not used
*_Ch3_OutChUseCfg BOOL RW Output 3 Use Setting 02
1: Used
*_Ch4_OutChUseCfg BOOL RW Output 4 Use Setting 03
Ch3 and Ch4 are used only for
*_Ch5_OutChUseCfg BOOL RW Output 5 Use Setting DA041/08V/08C. 04
*_Ch6_OutChUseCfg BOOL RW Output 6 Use Setting Ch5 to Ch8 are used only for 05
*_Ch7_OutChUseCfg BOOL RW Output 7 Use Setting DA08V/08C. 06
*_Ch8_OutChUseCfg BOOL RW Output 8 Use Setting 07
*_OutRngCfg WORD RW Output Signal Range Setting Refer to Output Signal Ranges in 4-6-1
Output Settings and Conversion Values.
*_Ch1_HdMdCfg USINT RW Output 1 Output Status When Refer to 4-6-2 Output Hold Function.
Conversion Stops 0: CLR
*_Ch2_HdMdCfg USINT RW Output 2 Output Status When 1: HOLD
Conversion Stops
2: MAX
*_Ch3_HdMdCfg USINT RW Output 3 Output Status When Ch3 and Ch4 are used only for
Conversion Stops DA041/08V/08C.
*_Ch4_HdMdCfg USINT RW Output 4 Output Status When Ch5 to Ch8 are used only for DA08V/08C.
Conversion Stops
*_Ch5_HdMdCfg USINT RW Output 5 Output Status When
Conversion Stops
*_Ch6_HdMdCfg USINT RW Output 6 Output Status When
Conversion Stops
*_Ch7_HdMdCfg USINT RW Output 7 Output Status When
Conversion Stops
*_Ch8_HdMdCfg USINT RW Output 8 Output Status When
Conversion Stops

4-20 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

List of Initial Setting Parameters (DA08V/DA08C unique parameters)

Name of device variable for

Type R/W Name Feature/reference page
CJ-series Unit
*_Ch1_Scl_L_Cfg INT RW Output 1 Scaling Lower Limit Refer to 4-6-3 Output Scaling

4-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit

*_Ch1_Scl_H_Cfg INT RW Output 1 Scaling Upper Limit Function (CJ1W-DA08V/08C
Only) on page 4-29.
*_Ch2_Scl_L_Cfg INT RW Output 2 Scaling Lower Limit
32000 to +32000
*_Ch2_Scl_H_Cfg INT RW Output 2 Scaling Upper Limit
Set lower limit  upper limit. (Can
*_Ch3_Scl_L_Cfg INT RW Output 3 Scaling Lower Limit also set lower limit > upper limit.)
*_Ch3_Scl_H_Cfg INT RW Output 3 Scaling Upper Limit
*_Ch4_Scl_L_Cfg INT RW Output 4 Scaling Lower Limit
*_Ch4_Scl_H_Cfg INT RW Output 4 Scaling Upper Limit
*_Ch5_Scl_L_Cfg INT RW Output 5 Scaling Lower Limit
*_Ch5_Scl_H_Cfg INT RW Output 5 Scaling Upper Limit
*_Ch6_Scl_L_Cfg INT RW Output 6 Scaling Lower Limit
*_Ch6_Scl_H_Cfg INT RW Output 6 Scaling Upper Limit
*_Ch7_Scl_L_Cfg INT RW Output 7 Scaling Lower Limit
*_Ch7_Scl_H_Cfg INT RW Output 7 Scaling Upper Limit

4-5-3 Allocating Device Variable for CJ-series Unit

*_Ch8_Scl_L_Cfg INT RW Output 8 Scaling Lower Limit
*_Ch8_Scl_H_Cfg INT RW Output 8 Scaling Upper Limit
*_MdCfg BYTE RW Operating Mode Settings Refer to Switching Operating
Mode in 4-5-2 Accessing from the
User Program.
16#00: Normal Mode
16#C1: Adjustment Mode
*_ResolutionCfg BYTE RW Resolution/Conversion Time Set- Refer to Conversion Cycle/Reso-
tings lution Setting (CJ1W-DA08V/08C
Only) in 4-6-1 Output Settings
and Conversion Values.
16#00: 4,000 resolutions/1 ms
16#C1: 8,000 resolutions/250 s

Operation Data
Operation data includes data such as analog output conversion values, etc. Operation data is
exchanged constantly during I/O refreshing.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 4-21
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

List of Operation Data (during Normal Mode)

Name of device variable

Type R/W Name Feature/reference page
for CJ-series Unit
*_Ch1_WrAO INT RW Output 1 Set Value Refer to Writing Set Values in 4-6-1 Out-
*_Ch2_WrAO INT RW Output 2 Set Value put Settings and Conversion Values.
Ch3 and Ch4 are used only for
*_Ch3_WrAO INT RW Output 3 Set Value
*_Ch4_WrAO INT RW Output 4 Set Value
Ch5 to Ch8 are used only for DA08V/08C.
*_Ch5_WrAO INT RW Output 5 Set Value
*_Ch6_WrAO INT RW Output 6 Set Value
*_Ch7_WrAO INT RW Output 7 Set Value
*_Ch8_WrAO INT RW Output 8 Set Value
*_ConvCmd WORD RW Conversion Enable Settings Refer to Starting and Stopping Bit
Conversion in 4-6-1 Output Number
Settings and Conversion Val-
WORD-type variable that com-
bines the following BOOL-type
*_Ch1_ConvCmd BOOL RW Output 1 Conversion Enable BOOL-type variable that speci- 00
fies each output for conversion
*_Ch2_ConvCmd BOOL RW Output 2 Conversion Enable 01
*_Ch3_ConvCmd BOOL RW Output 3 Conversion Enable 0: Stop conversion output 02
*_Ch4_ConvCmd BOOL RW Output 4 Conversion Enable 1: Start conversion output 03
*_Ch5_ConvCmd BOOL RW Output 5 Conversion Enable Ch3 and Ch4 are used only for 04
*_Ch6_ConvCmd BOOL RW Output 6 Conversion Enable DA041/08V/08C. 05
Ch5 to Ch8 are used only for
*_Ch7_ConvCmd BOOL RW Output 7 Conversion Enable DA08V/08C. 06
*_Ch8_ConvCmd BOOL RW Output 8 Conversion Enable 07
*_MVErr BYTE R Output Set Value Error Refer to 4-6-4 Output Set Value Bit
Error. Number
BYTE-type variable that com-
bines the following BOOL-type
*_Ch1_MVErr BOOL R Output 1 Output Set Value BOOL-type variable that 00
Error checks each output for error
*_Ch2_MVErr BOOL R Output 2 Output Set Value 01
Error 0: No error
1: Setting error
*_Ch3_MVErr BOOL R Output 3 Output Set Value 02
Error Ch3 and Ch4 are used only for
*_Ch4_MVErr BOOL R Output 4 Output Set Value 03
Ch5 to Ch8 are used only for
*_Ch5_MVErr BOOL R Output 5 Output Set Value 04
*_Ch6_MVErr BOOL R Output 6 Output Set Value 05
*_Ch7_MVErr BOOL R Output 7 Output Set Value 06
*_Ch8_MVErr BOOL R Output 8 Output Set Value 07

4-22 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

Name of device variable

Type R/W Name Feature/reference page
for CJ-series Unit
*_UnitErr BYTE R Error Flags Refer to 7-2-2 Alarms Occur- Bit
ring at the Unit. Number
BYTE-type variable that com-
bines the following BOOL-type

4-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit

*_SclErr BOOL R Scaling Data Setting Error Used only for DA08V/08C. 00
0: No error
1: Error in initial setting param-
*_HdErr BOOL R Output Hold Setting Error 0: No error 02
1: Error in initial setting param-
*_MdErr BOOL R Conversion Time/Resolution Used only for DA08V/08C. 04
or Operation Mode Setting 0: No error
Error 1: Error in initial setting param-

List of Operation Data (during Adjustment Mode)

4-5-3 Allocating Device Variable for CJ-series Unit

Name of device variable
Type R/W Name Feature/reference page
for CJ-series Unit
*_AdjCh BYTE RW Outputs to Be Adjusted Refer to 7-1 Adjusting Offset and Gain.
*_AdjOfs BOOL RW Offset Flag Instruction setting and flag for output
*_AdjGain BOOL RW Gain Flag
*_AdjDwn BOOL RW Adjustment Value Down Flag
*_Adjup BOOL RW Adjustment Value Up Flag
*_AdjSet BOOL RW Adjustment Value Set Flag
*_AdjClr BOOL RW Adjustment Value Clear Flag
*_AdjPV INT R Conversion value for adjust-
*_AdjUnitErr BYTE R Error Flags Refer to 7-2-2 Alarms Occur- Bit
ring at the Unit. Number
BYTE-type variable that com-
bines the following BOOL-type
*_AdjSclErr BOOL R Scaling Data Setting Error Used only for DA08V/08C. 00
0: No error
1: Error in initial setting param-
*_AdjHdErr BOOL R Output Hold Setting Error 0: No error 02
1: Error in initial setting param-
*_AdjMdErr BOOL R Conversion Time/Resolution Used only for DA08V/08C. 04
or Operation Mode Setting 0: No error
Error 1: Error in initial setting param-

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 4-23
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

Name of device variable

Type R/W Name Feature/reference page
for CJ-series Unit
*_AdjOutNoErr BOOL R Output Value Adjustment 0: No error 05
Number Setting Error 1: "*_AdjCh" is outside setting
*_AdjMemErr BOOL R Non-volatile Memory Error 0: No error 06
1: Adjustment data could not
be written properly
*_AdjMd BOOL R Starting Adjustment Mode 0: Running in the Normal Mode 07
1: Running in the Adjustment

4-24 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

4-6 Analog Output Functions and

4-6 Analog Output Functions and Operating Procedures

Operating Procedures

4-6-1 Output Settings and Conversion Values

Setting Outputs and Signal Ranges

 Output Numbers
The Analog Output Unit converts only the analog outputs specified among output numbers 1 to 8 (1
to 4 for CJ1W-DA041, or 1 and 2 for CJ1W-DA021), and skips unused outputs.
Accordingly, the conversion cycle per unit is calculated by conversion cycle  used output points.
For the conversion cycle setting, refer to Conversion Cycle/Resolution Setting (CJ1W-DA08V/08C Only) on
page 4-27.
Use the Output # Use Setting (*_Ch#_OutChUseCfg) to set the analog outputs to be used.
Variable name Type Setting

4-6-1 Output Settings and Conversion Values

*_Ch#_OutChUseCfg BOOL 0: Not used
1: Used
An output number from 1 to 8 is included in place of # in the variable name.
(1 to 4 for DA041 and 1 to 2 for DA021)
You can also perform batch settings with Output Use Setting (*_OutChUseCfg).
Variable name Type Setting
*_OutChUseCfg WORD 16#0000 to 16#00FF
(To 16#000F for DA041 and 16#0003 for DA021)

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Output 8

Output 7

Output 6

Output 5
Output 4

Output 3

Output 2

Output 1

0: Not used
1: Used
The output value of the output number set to "Not used" will be 0 V.

 Output Signal Ranges

You can select any of four types of output signal range (–10 to 10 V, 0 to 10 V, 1 to 5 V, 4 to 20 mA,
and 0 to 5 V) for each of the outputs (only voltage output for the CJ1W-DA08V). (The output signal
range for the CJ1W-DA08C is 4 to 20 mA only.) To specify the output signal range for each output,
use Output Signal Range Setting (*_OutRngCfg).

Variable name Type Setting

*_OutRngCfg WORD 16#0000 to 16#FFFF

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 4-25
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00

Output 8

Output 7

Output 6

Output 5

Output 4

Output 3

Output 2

Output 1

00: −10 to +10 V DA041

01: 0 to 10 V
10: 1 to 5 V/4 to 20 mA
11: 0 to 5 V DA021
• For CJ1W-DA021/041, change the terminal connections to switch the output signal range 1 to 5 V and the
output signal range 4 to 20 mA.
• For CJ1W-DA08V, only the voltage output is valid. The output signal range 4 to 20 mA is invalid.
• For CJ1W-DA08C, only the output signal range 4 to 20 mA is valid. The voltage output is invalid.

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller is
reset or when the Unit restarts.

Writing Set Values

Use the device variable for CJ-series Unit Output # Set Value (*_Ch#_WrAO) shown below to set ana-
log output setting.
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_WrAO INT Refer to 4-1-3 Output Specifications.
An output number from 1 to 8 is included in place of # in the variable name (1 to 4 for DA041 and 1 to 2 for DA021).

Additional Information

If the set value has been written outside the setting range, an output setting error will occur, and
the value set by the output hold function will be output.

4-26 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

4-6 Analog Output Functions and Operating Procedures

Conversion Cycle/Resolution Setting (CJ1W-DA08V/08C Only)
You can switch the conversion cycle and resolution with Resolution/Conversion Time Settings
This setting is common to analog output 1 to 8.
Variable name Type Setting
*_ResolutionCfg BYTE 16#00: 4,000 resolutions/1 ms cycle
16#C1: 8,000 resolutions/250 s cycle

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller is
reset or when the Unit restarts.

Starting and Stopping Conversion

4-6-1 Output Settings and Conversion Values

To start conversion of analog output, there is the need to set used output to conversion enable with the
device variables for CJ-series Unit Output # Conversion Enable (*_Ch#_ConvCmd) shown below.
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_ConvCmd BOOL 0: Conversion disable
1: Conversion enable
An output number from 1 to 8 is included in place of # in the variable name (1 to 4 for DA041 and 1 to 2 for DA021).
You can also perform batch settings with the device variable for CJ-series Unit Conversion Enable Set-
tings (*_ConvCmd) shown below.

Variable name Type Setting

*_ConvCmd WORD 16#0000 to 16#00FF
(To 16#000F for DA041 and 16#0003 for DA021)

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Output 8

Output 7

Output 6

Output 5
Output 4

Output 3

Output 2

Output 1

0: Conversion disable
1: Conversion enable

Additional Information

• The analog output when conversion is stopped will depend on the output signal range setting
and output hold setting. Refer to Output Signal Ranges on page 4-25 and 4-6-2 Output Hold
• Conversion will not begin under the following conditions even if the Conversion Enable is
turned ON. Refer to 4-6-2 Output Hold Function.
• In Adjustment Mode, when something other than the output number is output during
• When there is an output setting error

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 4-27
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

• When a major fault level Controller error occurs at the CPU Unit
• When the CPU Unit changes from the RUN Mode to PROGRAM Mode, all output for the
device variable for CJ-series Unit *_ConvCmd will change to the status of conversion disabled.
This also happens when the Controller is reset including when the power is turned ON. This
output status is set by the output hold function.

4-6-2 Output Hold Function

The Analog Output Unit stops conversion under the following conditions and outputs the value set for
the output hold function.

1 When the Conversion Enable Bit is OFF

Refer to Starting and Stopping Conversion in 4-6-1 Output Settings and Conversion Values.

2 In Adjustment Mode, when something other than the output number is output during adjustment
Refer to 4-3-4 Operating Mode Switch.

3 When there is an output setting error

Refer to 4-6-4 Output Set Value Error.

4 When a major fault level Controller error occurs.

You can select CLR, HOLD, or MAX for the output status when conversion stops.
signal range
0 to 10 V –0.5 V (Min. –5% of Voltage that was output 10.5 V (Max. +5% of
full scale) just prior to stopping. full scale)
–10 to 10 V 0.0 V Voltage that was output 11.0 V (Max. +5% of
just prior to stopping. full scale)
1 to 5 V 0.8 V (Min. –5% of Voltage that was output 5.2 V (Max. +5% of
full scale) just prior to stopping. full scale)
0 to 5 V –0.25 V (Min. –5% of Voltage that was output 5.25 V (Max. +5% of
full scale) just prior to stopping. full scale)
4 to 20 mA 3.2 mA (Min. –5% of Current that was output 20.8 mA (Max. +5%
full scale) just prior to stopping. of full scale)

The above values may fluctuate if offset/gain adjustment is applied.

Set the output hold function with Output # Output Status When Conversion Stops (*_Ch#_HdMdCfg).
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_HdMdCfg USINT 0: CLR
2: MAX
An output number from 1 to 8 is included in place of # in the variable name. (1 to 4 for DA041 and 1 to 2 for DA021)

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller is
reset or when the Unit restarts.

4-28 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

4-6 Analog Output Functions and Operating Procedures

4-6-3 Output Scaling Function (CJ1W-DA08V/08C Only)

When upper and lower limits are preset within a decimal range of 32,000 to 32,000, D/A conversion of
analog output setting values is performed with the upper and lower limits taken as full scale.
This scaling eliminates the previous need to provide a numeric conversion program. It is only enabled,
however, for a conversion cycle of 1 ms and a resolution of 4,000. It is not enabled for a conversion
cycle of 250 s and a resolution of 8,000.

Additional Information

• The upper limit is normally set to be greater than the lower limit, but it is also possible to set
the lower limit to be greater than the upper limit for reverse scaling.
• Actual D/A conversion is executed at up to 5% to +105% of full scale. If values that exceed
this range are set, an output setting value error will occur and the output hold function will

Precautions for Correct Use

• If the scaling upper limit equals the lower limit, or if the scaling upper limit or lower limit is out-
side the range of 32,000, a scaling data setting error is generated and the Controller will not

4-6-3 Output Scaling Function (CJ1W-DA08V/08C Only)

• If both the upper limit and lower limit are 0, scaling is not performed.

 Setting Upper and Lower Limits for Output Scaling

Use the initial setting parameters shown below to set the output scaling upper and lower limit values.
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_Scl_L_Cfg INT Scaling lower limit (32,000 to +32,000)
*_Ch#_Scl_H_Cfg INT Scaling upper limit (32,000 to +32,000)
Variable (name) # is output number 1 to 8 (1 to 4 for DA041 and 1 to 2 for DA021)

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller is
reset or when the Unit restarts.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 4-29
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

 Example Setting 1
If the output 1 signal of 0 to 10 V is to be scaled to a set value of 0 to 10000, set as follows:
Set Output 1 Scaling Lower Limit (*_Ch1_Scl_L_Cfg) to 0.
Set Output 1 Scaling Upper Limit (*_Ch1_Scl_H_Cfg) to +10,000.
The following diagram shows the correspondence between output signals and converted scaling val-

+10.5 V
+10 V

Scaling line

−0.5 V 0

Output set value Output signal

0 0V
+10,000 10 V
500 0.5 V
+10,500 10.5 V

 Example Setting 2 (Reverse Scaling)

If the output 2 signal of 0 to 10 V is to be scaled to a set value of 10000 to 0, set as follows:
Set Output 2 Scaling Lower Limit (*_Ch2_Scl_L_Cfg) to +10,000.
Set Output 2 Scaling Upper Limit (*_Ch2_Scl_H_Cfg) to 0.
The following diagram shows the correspondence between output signals and converted scaling val-
+10.5 V
+10 V

Scaling line

−0.5 V 0

−500 +10000

Conversion result Output signal

+10,000 0V
0 10 V
+10,500 0.5 V
500 10.5 V

4-30 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

4-6 Analog Output Functions and Operating Procedures

4-6-4 Output Set Value Error
Acquire the error status of the analog output setting value with the device variable for CJ-series Unit
Output # Output Set Value Error (*_Ch#_MVErr) shown below.
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_MVErr BOOL 0: No error
1: Setting error
An output number from 1 to 8 is included in place of # in the variable name. (1 to 4 for DA041 and 1 to 2 for DA021)
You can also perform batch readout with the device variable for CJ-series Unit Output Set Value Error
(*_MVErr) shown below.
Variable name Type

Bit 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Output 8

Output 7

Output 6

Output 5

Output 4

Output 3

Output 2

Output 1

4-6-4 Output Set Value Error

Additional Information

The output for an output number at which a setting error occurred will be output according to the
output hold function.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 4-31
4 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA021/041/08V/08C)

4-32 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
CJ-series Analog Output Unit
This section explains how to use the CJ1W-DA042V Analog Output Units.

5-1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2

5-1-1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 5
5-1-2 Output Function Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
5-1-3 Output Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
5-2 Operating Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
5-3 Components and Switch Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
5-3-1 Component Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
5-3-2 Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
5-3-3 Unit Number Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
5-4 Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
5-4-1 Terminal Arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
5-4-2 Internal Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11
5-4-3 Output Wiring Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11
5-4-4 Output Wiring Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12
5-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13
5-5-1 Outline of Data Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13
5-5-2 Accessing from the User Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14
5-5-3 Allocating Device Variables for CJ-series Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-15
5-6 Analog Output Functions and Operating Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17
5-6-1 Output Settings and Conversion Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17
5-6-2 Output Hold Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-18
5-6-3 Output Scaling Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-19
5-6-4 Output Setting Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-21

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 5-1
5 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA042V)

5-1 Specifications

5-1-1 Specifications

Unit model CJ1W-DA042V

Unit type CJ-series Special I/O Unit
Isolation Between outputs and internal signals: Digital isolator (No isolation between output
signals.) *1
External connection terminal 18-point detachable terminal block (M3 screws)
Current consumption 400 mA max. at 5 VDC
Dimensions (mm) * 2 31  90  65 (W  H  D)
Weight 150 g max.
General specifications Conforms to general specifications for NJ Series.
Mounting position NJ Series CPU Rack or Expansion Rack
Maximum number of Units Per CPU Rack or Power Supply Unit No. of mountable Units
Expansion Rack *3 NJ-PA3001 Max. 10 units on CPU Rack
Max. 10 units per Expansion Rack
NJ-PD3001 Max. 10 units on CPU Rack
Max. 10 units per Expansion Rack
Data exchange with the CPU Unit Data exchange with I/O ports
For details, refer to 5-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit.
Output Number of analog outputs 4
Output signal range *4 1 to 5 V
tions 0 to 10 V
10 to 10 V
Output impedance 0.5  max.
Maximum permissible load resis- 5 k min. (per output)
Resolution 1 to 5 V 1/10,000 (full scale)
0 to 10 V 1/20,000 (full scale)
10 to 10 V 1/40,000 (full scale)
Set data 16-bit integer (INT)
Accuracy 25C 0.3% (full scale)
0 to 55C 0.5% (full scale)
Conversion period *5 20 s for 1 point, 25s for 2 points, 30 s for 3 points, 35s for 4 points
Output Output hold function Outputs the specified output status (CLR, HOLD, or MAX) under any of the follow-
functions ing circumstances.
• When the Conversion Enable Bit is OFF. *6
• Output Set Value Error, major fault level Controller error of the CPU Unit
Scaling Setting values in any specified unit within a range of 32,000 as the upper and
lower limits allows D/A conversion to be executed and analog signals to be output
with these values as full scale.

*1 Do not apply a voltage higher than 600 V to the terminal block when you perform a withstand voltage test on
this Unit. Otherwise, internal elements may deteriorate.
*2 Refer to A-1 Dimensions for Unit dimensions.
*3 The maximum number of Analog Input Units that you can mount to one Rack depends on the Power Supply
Unit mounted.
*4 You can set output signal ranges for each output.
*5 Conversion time is the time required for converting and outputting the CPU Unit data. At least one task period
is required for CPU Unit data to be read into an Analog Output Unit.

5-2 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
5 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA042V)

*6 The Output Conversion Enable Flag turns OFF when the CPU Unit shifts from RUN Mode to PROGRAM
Mode, as well as when the Controller is reset including when the power turns ON. The output status specified
according to the output hold function will be output.

5-1-2 Output Function Block Diagram

Analog Output Unit CPU Unit

I/O port

D/A Ch1_WrAO
Analog output 1 Conversion Output value hold Scaling Output 1 Set Value

Analog output 2 Same as above.

Analog output 3 Same as above.

5-1 Specifications
Analog output 4 Same as above.

I/O refresh

5-1-2 Output Function Block Diagram

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 5-3
5 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA042V)

5-1-3 Output Specifications

If the set value is outside the specified range given below, an output setting error will occur, and the out-
put specified by the output hold function will be output.

Range: 1 to 5 V
Analog output signal

5.2 V

0.8 V
Set value
0 +10,000
−500 +10,500
Resolution: 10,000

Range: 0 to 10 V
Analog output signal

+10.5 V
+10 V

−0.5 V

+20,000 Set value

−1,000 +21,000
Resolution: 20,000

5-4 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
5 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA042V)

Range: -10 to 10 V
Analog output signal

+11 V
+10 V


−10 V
−11 V

5-1 Specifications
−20,000 0 Set value
−22,000 Resolution: 40,000 +22,000

5-1-3 Output Specifications

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 5-5
5 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA042V)

5-2 Operating Procedure

Follow the procedures outlined below when using the Analog Output Unit.
There is no restriction regarding the sequence of "Programs and software settings" and "Hardware set-
ting and Rack assembly." These tasks may be carried out concurrently or in the reverse order.
Use Sysmac Studio to create and set programs.
For operations of Sysmac Studio, refer to the Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No.

 Programs and software settings

1 Create POU and global variables

Create Unit Configuration
• Create and register global variables and each POU.
• Create algorithms for each POU and register local variables of each POU.
• Register the Unit in the Unit Configuration on the CPU/Expansion Racks screen in Configura-
tion and Setup.
At this time, set both the device name and the unit number of the unit to be registered.
• Create device variable for CJ-series Unit by using I/O Map.

2 Create Unit initial setting parameters

Create the Unit settings by using Special Unit Setup Editing.
• Set the number of analog outputs to be used.
• Set the output signal ranges.
• Set the output hold function.
• Set upper and lower limits for scaling.
(When the program is transferred, the items set here will be reflected in the initial setting

 Hardware setting and Rack assembly

1 Use the unit number switches on the front panel of the Unit to set the unit number.
Set the same unit number as in the Unit Configuration settings.

2 Mount and wire the Unit to either a CPU Rack or Expansion Rack.

3 Turn ON the power to the Controller.

At this time, an I/O Setting Check Error occurs when there is a Unit Configuration in the CPU
Unit which does not match the actual Unit Configuration. In this case, reset the Controller in step
2 Reset the Controller or restart the Unit of the following process to cancel the error.

 Program transfer

1 Transfer programs, Unit Configuration and Setup and variable information.

2 Reset the Controller or restart the Unit.

5-6 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
5 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA042V)

 Main operation

1 Main operation
Read or write set values from the user program.
• Write set values.
• Start and stop the conversion output.
• Obtain an error flag.

5-2 Operating Procedure


CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 5-7
5 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA042V)

5-3 Components and Switch Settings

5-3-1 Component Names

Front Side
With Terminal Block Slider

90 1

x10 1

Unit number 78
90 1

x10 0


Terminal block

Terminal block lock lever (pull

down to release terminal block) Slider

DIN Track mounting pin

Additional Information

• Use a connector to attach the terminal block. Press down on the lever at the bottom of the ter-
minal block to remove the connector.
• Normally put the lever in the raised position. Confirm this before operation.


No. 1


5-8 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
5 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA042V)

5-3-2 Indicators
The indicators show the operating status of the Unit. The following table shows the meanings of the
Indicator Meaning Indicator Operating status
RUN (green) Operating Lit Operation normal.
Not lit Unit has stopped exchanging data with
the CPU Unit.

5-3 Components and Switch Settings

ERC (red) Error Lit Initial settings are incorrect.
detected by Not lit Operating normally.
ERH (red) Error in the Lit Error has occurred during data exchange
CPU Unit with the CPU Unit.
Not lit Operating normally.

5-3-3 Unit Number Switches

Use the unit number switches to set the specific unit number for each Special I/O Unit mounted in a
CPU Rack or Expansion Rack. The unit number must be the one registered in Unit Configurations.
Turn OFF the Controller before changing the unit number setting. 5
Unit number Switch Unit
switches setting number

5-3-2 Indicators
0 Unit #0

No. 1 Unit #1
1 23
2 Unit #2
3 Unit #3
78 4 Unit #4

5 Unit #5
10 0
6 Unit #6
7 Unit #7
8 Unit #8
9 Unit #9
10 Unit #10
to to
n Unit #n
to to
95 Unit #95

Additional Information

• If two or more Special I/O Units are assigned the same unit number, a "Duplicate Unit Num-
ber" major fault level Controller error is generated and the Controller will not operate.
• After correcting the unit number setting, cycle the power to the Controller.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 5-9
5 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA042V)

5-4 Wiring

Always connect surge suppressors to inductive loads in the system (e.g., magnetic contactors,
relays, and solenoids). Always separate devices that generate surge from the Analog I/O Units.
Faulty Unit operation may cause unexpected system operation.

If inductive loads are connected to output signals from Relay Contact Output Units, connect a surge
suppressor in an AC circuit and a diode in a DC circuit close to the inductive load to absorb the counter-
electromotive force.

Inductive Inductive
load load

Output Output
Unit Unit

Connect a surge suppressor in an AC circuit and a diode in a DC circuit.

5-4-1 Terminal Arrangement

The signal names that correspond to the connecting terminals are as shown in the following diagram.
Output 2 (+) B1
A1 Output 1 (+)
N.C. B3
A3 N.C.
Output 4 (+) B4
A4 Output 3 (+)
N.C. B6
A6 N.C.
N.C. B7
A7 N.C.
N.C. B8
A8 N.C.
N.C. B9
A9 N.C.

Additional Information

• Use the device variable for CJ-series Unit Output Use Settings (*_OutChUseCfg) to set the
number of analog outputs that you can use.
• Set the output signal range for each analog output with the device variable for CJ-series Unit
Output Signal Range Setting (*_Ch#_OutRngCfg). The output signal range can be set sepa-
rately for each output number.

Precautions for Correct Use

Do not make any connections to the N.C. terminals.

5-10 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
5 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA042V)

5-4-2 Internal Circuit

The following diagrams show the internal circuit of the analog output section.

 Output circuits

Output Voltage output

circuit and
Voltage output

(common to all outputs)

 Internal Configuration

5-4 Wiring
Output External connection
MPU Digital isolator
Bus D/A Output

RAM ROM Converter
interface circuits
Oscillator Oscillator volatile

5-4-2 Internal Circuit

+15 V
+5 V Insulating Regulator +5 V
converter −15 V

I/O Bus

5-4-3 Output Wiring Example

Output 2
Output 1

Output 4
Output 3

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 5-11
5 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA042V)

Precautions for Safe Use

Crimp terminals must be used for terminal connections, and the screws must be tightened
securely. M3 terminal screws are used. The applicable tightening torque is 0.5 N·m.

M3 screw

Fork type Round type

6.2 mm max. 6.2 mm max.

Additional Information

To increase noise resistance for analog output wiring, ground the shield on the output signal
cable at the input device.

5-4-4 Output Wiring Considerations

When you wire outputs, apply the following points to avoid noise interference and optimize Analog Out-
put Unit performance.
• Use two-core shielded twisted-pair cables for output connecting lines.
• Route output cables separately from the power cables (e. g., AC and three-phase lines) and do not
run the Unit's cables near a main circuit cable, high voltage cable. Do not insert these cables into the
same duct.
• If there is noise interference from power lines (for example, the power supply is shared with electrical
welding devices or electrical discharge machines, or there is a high-frequency generation source
nearby), install a noise filter at the power supply input area.

5-12 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
5 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA042V)

5-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit

5-5-1 Outline of Data Exchange

The CPU Unit and Analog Output Unit CJ1W-DA042V exchange operation data and initial setting
parameters via the I/O port generated for this Analog Output Unit.

5-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit

The table and figure below show the data exchange method for each data type.
Data exchange type
AT specification How to access Timing of data
Unit data type Data contents
destination from user program exchange
Operation data Analog output set- I/O port (operation Device variable for At I/O refreshing
ting values, etc. data) CJ-series Unit
Initial setting param- Analog output sig- I/O port (initial set- Device variable for When the Controller
eters nal range, output ting parameters) * CJ-series Unit is reset or the Unit
status when conver- restarts
sion stops, etc.
Unit Restart Bit, etc. Unit Restart Bit, etc. None System-defined vari- At I/O refreshing

* The initial setting parameters are retained in the CPU Unit by the battery even during power interruptions. 5
 Device Variable for CJ-series Unit

5-5-1 Outline of Data Exchange

Device variables for CJ-series Unit are variables used for data exchange between a user program
and Special I/O Units. The user program uses device variables for CJ-series Unit to control the Ana-
log I/O Unit.
NJ-series CPU Unit Analog Output Unit

User program I/O port

[Operation Data]
Operation data Operation data Set values of analog
Automatic creation output, etc.
I/O refresh
Device variable for CJ-series Unit AT with Unit registration
I/O refresh
Device variable for CJ-series Unit Refer to Operation Data in
5-5-3 Allocating Device
Variables for CJ-series Unit.
[Initial setting parameters]
Initial setting parameters Initial setting parameters
Analog output signal
Automatic creation
Device variable for CJ-series Unit range, output status
AT with Unit registration
specification when conversion stops,
Controller is reset
Unit restarts
Refer to Initial Setting Parame-
ters in 5-5-3 Allocating Device
Variables for CJ-series Unit.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 5-13
5 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA042V)

5-5-2 Accessing from the User Program

The user program uses device variables for CJ-series Unit to control the Analog Output Unit. Use
device variables for CJ-series Unit with AT specification for the I/O port, which is explained below.

 I/O port
An "I/O port" is a logical interface for data exchange by a CPU Unit with an Analog I/O Unit or other
configuration unit.
An I/O port has a unique predefined name for each unit model and function.
An I/O port is automatically created by preparing the Unit Configuration with Sysmac Studio.

 How to specify device variables for CJ-series Unit

Specify the AT specifications to I/O ports for device variables for CJ-series Unit with the I/O Map
from Sysmac Studio.
Specify the variable name for the AT specification with one of the following methods.
1. Select a variable already registered in the variable table
2. Input a new variable name
3. Automatically create a variable name with "Device variable creation"
When a device variable name for CJ-series Unit is assigned with method 2 or 3, the variable input by
Sysmac Studio is automatically registered in the variable table.

The following is the configuration of variable names created with automatic creation in method 3.

Name of device variable for CJ-series Unit

*_ Ch1_ConvCmd

This is an I/O port name. The name identifies the unit

function, status and parameter.
This is the device name when this unit is registered in
the Unit Configuration. (By default, a device name is
assigned from "J01" in the order of registration in the
Unit Configuration.) This identifies the individual unit.

For details on creation of device variables for CJ-series Unit, refer to Sysmac Studio Version 1 Opera-
tion Manual (Cat. No. W504).
There are two types of device variables for CJ-series Unit: "Operation Data" and "Initial Setting Param-
In the explanations from here on, the device name automatically created is used as the device variable
for CJ-series Unit, for example "*_ Ch1_ConvCmd".

5-14 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
5 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA042V)

5-5-3 Allocating Device Variables for CJ-series Unit

Initial Setting Parameters

Perform Unit settings such as output usage setting, analog output signal range, etc.
Initial setting parameters settings are set from Special Unit Setup Editing of Sysmac Studio.
Unit settings can also be performed by setting the values in the device variables for CJ-series Unit.

5-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit

Unit settings are reflected only when the Controller is reset, or when the Unit restarts. The initial setting
parameters are retained in the CPU Unit by the battery even during power interruptions.

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller
reset or when the Unit restarts.

List of Initial Setting Parameters 5

Name of device variable for
Type R/W Name Feature/reference page

5-5-3 Allocating Device Variables for CJ-series Unit

CJ-series Unit
*_OutChUseCfg USINT RW Number of Analog Outputs Used Refer to Number of Output in 5-6-
1 Output Settings and Conversion
*_Ch1_OutRngCfg USINT RW Output 1 Output Signal Range Refer to Output Signal Ranges in
Setting 5-6-1 Output Settings and Con-
*_Ch2_OutRngCfg USINT RW Output 2 Output Signal Range version Values.
Setting 0: 0 to 10V
*_Ch3_OutRngCfg USINT RW Output 3 Output Signal Range 3: 10 to +10V
Setting 6: 1 to 5V
*_Ch4_OutRngCfg USINT RW Output 4 Output Signal Range
*_Ch1_HdMdCfg USINT RW Output 1 Output Status When Refer to 5-6-2 Output Hold Func-
Conversion Stops tion.
*_Ch2_HdMdCfg USINT RW Output 2 Output Status When 0: CLR
Conversion Stops 1: HOLD
*_Ch3_HdMdCfg USINT RW Output 3 Output Status When 2: MAX
Conversion Stops
*_Ch4_HdMdCfg USINT RW Output 4 Output Status When
Conversion Stops
*_Ch1_Scl_L_Cfg INT RW Output 1 Scaling Lower Limit Refer to 5-6-3 Output Scaling
*_Ch1_Scl_H_Cfg INT RW Output 1 Scaling Upper Limit Function.
32000 to +32000
*_Ch2_Scl_L_Cfg INT RW Output 2 Scaling Lower Limit
Set lower limit value  upper limit
*_Ch2_Scl_H_Cfg INT RW Output 2 Scaling Upper Limit
*_Ch3_Scl_L_Cfg INT RW Output 3 Scaling Lower Limit (Can also set lower limit value >
*_Ch3_Scl_H_Cfg INT RW Output 3 Scaling Upper Limit upper limit value.)
*_Ch4_Scl_L_Cfg INT RW Output 4 Scaling Lower Limit
*_Ch4_Scl_H_Cfg INT RW Output 4 Scaling Upper Limit

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 5-15
5 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA042V)

Operation Data
Operation data includes data such as analog output setting values, etc. Operation data is exchanged
constantly during I/O refreshing.

List of Operation Data

Device variables for

Type R/W Name Feature/reference page
CJ-series Unit name
*_Ch1_WrAO INT RW Output 1 Set Value Refer to Writing Set Values in 5-6-1 Output Set-
*_Ch2_WrAO INT RW Output 2 Set Value tings and Conversion Values.

*_Ch3_WrAO INT RW Output 3 Set Value

*_Ch4_WrAO INT RW Output 4 Set Value
*_ConvCmd WORD RW Conversion Enable Settings Refer to Starting and Stopping Con- Bit
version in 5-6-1 Output Settings and Number
Conversion Values.
WORD-type variable that combines
the following BOOL-type variables:
*_Ch1_ConvCmd BOOL RW Output 1 Conversion Enable BOOL-type variable that specifies 00
*_Ch2_ConvCmd BOOL RW Output 2 Conversion Enable each output for conversion enable. 01
0: Stop conversion output
*_Ch3_ConvCmd BOOL RW Output 3 Conversion Enable 02
1: Start conversion output
*_Ch4_ConvCmd BOOL RW Output 4 Conversion Enable 03
*_MVErr BYTE R Output Set Value Error Refer to 5-6-4 Output Setting Errors. Bit
BYTE-type variable that combines the Number
following BOOL-type variables:
*_Ch1_MVErr BOOL R Output 1 Output Set Value BOOL-type variable to check the error 00
Error status in Unit of bits per output
*_Ch2_MVErr BOOL R Output 2 Output Set Value 0: No error 01
Error 1: Setting made
*_Ch3_MVErr BOOL R Output 3 Output Set Value 02
*_Ch4_MVErr BOOL R Output 4 Output Set Value 03
*_UnitErr BYTE R Error Flags Refer to 7-2-2 Alarms Occurring at Bit
the Unit. Number
BYTE-type variable that combines the
following BOOL-type variables:
*_SclErr BOOL R Scaling Data Setting Error 0: No error 00
*_CfgErr BOOL R Output Signal Range Set- 1: Error in initial setting parameters 01
ting Error or Error In Num-
ber of Outputs Used Setting
*_HdErr BOOL R Output Hold Setting Error 02
*_MdErr BOOL R Error in Setting of Conver- 04
sion Mode
*_ConvMd BOOL R Direct Conversion Mode * 0: Cyclic Conversion Mode 05
1: (Direct Conversion Mode)

* The Direct Conversion Mode cannot be used with the NJ-series CPU Unit. On the Special Unit Setup Editing of
Sysmac Studio, set "Conversion Mode Setting" to "Cyclic Conversion Mode".

5-16 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
5 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA042V)

5-6 Analog Output Functions and

Operating Procedures

5-6 Analog Output Functions and Operating Procedures

5-6-1 Output Settings and Conversion Values

Setting Outputs and Signal Ranges

 Number of Output
The Analog Output Unit performs conversion processing only for the specified number of analog out-
puts. Use Number of Analog Outputs Used (*_OutChUseCfg) to set the number of analog outputs.
Variable name Type Setting
*_OutChUseCfg USINT 0: No outputs used.
1: One output used (output 1 used).
2: Two outputs used (outputs 1 and 2 used).
3: Three outputs used (outputs 1, 2, and 3 used).
4: Four outputs used (outputs 1, 2, 3, and 4 used).
• In Cyclic Conversion Mode, set fewer analog outputs to shorten the conversion period for analog out- 5
puts (20 s for 1 point, 25 s for 2 points, 30 s for 3 points, 35 s for 4 points).
• Output numbers that you do not use will be output at 0 V.

5-6-1 Output Settings and Conversion Values

 Output Signal Ranges
You can set each of outputs 1 to 4 to one of the following output signal ranges: 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, or
10 to 10 V.
Use Output # Output Signal Range Setting (*_Ch#_OutRngCfg) to specify the output signal range
for each output.
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_OutRngCfg USINT 1: 0 to 10V
3: 10 to +10V
6: 1 to 5V
An output number from 1 to 4 is included in place of # in the variable name.

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller is
reset or when the Unit restarts.

Writing Set Values

Use the device variable for CJ-series Unit Output # Set Value (*_Ch#_WrAO) shown below to set the
analog output setting values.
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_WrAO INT Refer to 5-1-3 Output Specifications.
An output number from 1 to 4 is included in place of # in the variable name.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 5-17
5 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA042V)

Starting and Stopping Conversion

To begin analog output conversion, it is necessary to set the output used to conversion enable with the
device variable for CJ-series Unit Output # Conversion Enable (*_Ch#_ConvCmd) shown below.
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_ConvCmd BOOL 0: Conversion disable
1: Conversion enable
An output number from 1 to 4 is included in place of # in the variable name.
You can also perform batch settings with the device variable for CJ-series Unit Conversion Enable Set-
tings (*_ConvCmd) shown below.
Variable name Type Setting
*_ConvCmd WORD 16#0000 to 16#000F
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00

Output 4

Output 3

Output 2

Output 1
Additional Information

• The analog output when conversion is stopped depends on the output signal range setting and
output hold function setting. Refer to Output Signal Ranges on page 5-17, 5-6-2 Output Hold
• Conversion will not begin under the following conditions even if the Conversion enable function
is turned ON, and the output hold function will operate. Refer to 5-6-4 Output Setting Errors.
1. When there is an output setting error.
2. When a major fault level Controller error occurs.
• When the CPU Unit changes from the RUN Mode to PROGRAM Mode, all output for the
device variable for CJ-series Unit *_ConvCmd will change to the status of conversion disabled.
This also happens when the Controller is reset including when the power is turned ON. The
output status at this time depends on the output hold function.

5-6-2 Output Hold Function

The Analog Output Unit stops conversion under the following conditions and outputs the value set for
the output hold function.

1 When the Conversion Enable Bit is OFF in Cyclic Conversion Mode

Refer to 5-6-1 Output Settings and Conversion Values.

2 When there is an output setting error

Refer to 5-6-4 Output Setting Errors on page 5-21.

3 When a major fault level Controller error occurs

5-18 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
5 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA042V)

You can select CLR, HOLD, or MAX for the output status when conversion stops.
Output signal CLR HOLD MAX
1 to 5 V 0.8 V (5% (full scale)) Voltage that was 5.2 V (5% (full scale))

5-6 Analog Output Functions and Operating Procedures

output just prior
to stopping.
0 to 10 V 0.5 V (5% (full scale)) Voltage that was 10.5 V (5% (full
output just prior scale))
to stopping.
10 to 10 V 0.0 V Voltage that was 11.0 V (5% (full
output just prior scale))
to stopping.

Use Output # Output Status When Conversion Stops (*_Ch#_HdMdCfg) to set the output hold function.
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_HdMdCfg USINT 0: CLR
2: MAX
An output number from 1 to 4 is included in place of # in the variable name.

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety 5
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller is

5-6-3 Output Scaling Function

reset or when the Unit restarts.

5-6-3 Output Scaling Function

When upper and lower limits are preset within a decimal range of 32,000 to 32,000, D/A conversion of
analog output setting values is performed with the upper and lower limits taken as full scale.
This scaling eliminates the previous need to provide a numeric conversion program.

Additional Information

• The upper limit is normally set to be greater than the lower limit, but it is also possible to set
the lower limit to be greater than the upper limit for reverse scaling.
• Actual D/A conversion is executed at up to 5% to +105% of full scale. If values that exceed
this range are set, an output setting value error will occur and the output hold function will

Precautions for Correct Use

If the scaling upper limit equals the lower limit, or if the scaling upper limit or lower limit is outside
the range of 32,000, a scaling data setting error is generated and the Unit will not operate.
Operation is performed without scaling if both the upper and lower limits are set to 0 (the default

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 5-19
5 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA042V)

 Setting Upper and Lower Limits for Output Scaling

Use the initial setting parameters shown below to set the output scaling upper and lower limit values.
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_Scl_L_Cfg INT Scaling lower limit (32,000 to +32,000)
*_Ch#_Scl_H_Cfg INT Scaling upper limit (32,000 to +32,000)
An output number from 1 to 4 is included in place of # in the variable name.

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller is
reset or when the Unit restarts.

 Example Setting 1
If the output 1 signal of 0 to 10 V is to be scaled to a set value of 0 to 10000, set as follows:
Set Output 1 Scaling Lower Limit (*_Ch1_Scl_L_Cfg) to 0.
Set Output 1 Scaling Upper Limit (*_Ch1_Scl_H_Cfg) to +10,000.
The following diagram shows the correspondence between output signals and converted scaling val-

+10.5 V
+10.0 V

Scaling line

−0.5 V 10,000

Conversion result Output signal

0 0V
10,000 10 V
500 0.5 V
10,500 10.5 V

5-20 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
5 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA042V)

 Example Setting 2 (Reverse Scaling)

If the output 2 signal of 0 to 10 V is to be scaled to a set value of 10000 to 0, set as follows:
Set Output 2 Scaling Lower Limit (*_Ch2_Scl_L_Cfg) to +10,000.

5-6 Analog Output Functions and Operating Procedures

Set Output 2 Scaling Upper Limit (*_Ch2_Scl_H_Cfg) to 0.
The following diagram shows the correspondence between output signals and converted scaling val-

+10.5 V
+10.0 V
Scaling line

0V 0
−0.5 V
−500 10,000


Conversion result Output signal

10,000 0V
0 10 V 5
10,500 0.5 V
500 10.5 V

5-6-4 Output Setting Errors

5-6-4 Output Setting Errors
Use the device variable for CJ-series Unit Output # Output Set Value Error (*_Ch#_MVErr) shown
below to acquire the error status of the analog output setting value.
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_MVErr BOOL 0: No error
1: Setting error
An output number from 1 to 4 is included in place of # in the variable name.
You can also perform batch readout with the device variable for CJ-series Unit Output Set Value Error
(*_MVErr) shown below.
Variable name Type

Bit 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Output 4

Output 3

Output 2

Output 1

Additional Information

The voltage for an output number at which a setting error occurred will be output according to the
output hold function.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 5-21
5 CJ-series Analog Output Unit (CJ1W-DA042V)

5-22 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
CJ-series Analog I/O Unit
This section explains how to use the CJ1W-MAD42 Analog I/O Unit.

6-1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3

6-1-1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
6-1-2 I/O Function Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
6-1-3 Input Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
6-1-4 Output Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
6-2 Operating Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
6-3 Components and Switch Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11
6-3-1 Component Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11
6-3-2 Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12
6-3-3 Unit Number Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13
6-3-4 Voltage/Current Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14
6-4 Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
6-4-1 Terminal Arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
6-4-2 Internal Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
6-4-3 Voltage Input Disconnection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17
6-4-4 I/O Wiring Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18
6-4-5 I/O Wiring Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-19
6-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-20
6-5-1 Outline of Data Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-20
6-5-2 Accessing from the User Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-21
6-5-3 Allocating Device Variables for CJ-series Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-22
6-6 Analog Input Functions and Operating Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-26
6-6-1 Input Settings and Conversion Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-26
6-6-2 Mean Value Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-28
6-6-3 Peak Value Hold Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-31
6-6-4 Input Scaling Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-32
6-6-5 Input Disconnection Detection Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-34
6-7 Analog Output Functions and Operating Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-35
6-7-1 Output Settings and Conversion Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-35
6-7-2 Output Hold Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-39
6-7-3 Output Scaling Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-40
6-7-4 Output Setting Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-42

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 6-1
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-8 Ratio Conversion Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-43

6-2 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-1 Specifications

6-1-1 Specifications

Item CJ1W-MAD42
Unit type CJ-series Special I/O Unit
Isolation Between I/O and internal signals: Photocoupler
(No isolation between I/O signals.)
External connection terminal 18-point detachable terminal block (M3 screws)
Current consumption 580 mA max. at 5 V DC
Dimensions (mm) *1 31  90  65 (W  H  D)
Weight 150 g max.
General specifications Conforms to general specifications for NJ Series.
Mounting position NJ-series CPU Rack or Expansion Rack
Maximum number of Units Per CPU Rack or Expansion Power Supply Unit No. of mountable Units

6-1 Specifications
Rack *2
NJ-PA3001 Max. 7 units on CPU Rack
Max. 8 units per Expansion Rack
NJ-PD3001 Max. 7 units on CPU Rack
Max. 8 units per Expansion Rack
Data exchange with CPU Units Data exchange with I/O ports
For details, refer to 6-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit.

*1 Refer to A-1 Dimensions for details on the Unit's dimensions.

*2 The maximum number of Analog I/O Units that you can mount to one Rack depends on the current consump-
tion of other units that are mounted.

6-1-1 Specifications
• Input Specifications and Functions
Item Voltage input Current input
Number of analog inputs 4
Input signal range *1 1 to 5 V 4 to 20 mA *2
0 to 5 V
0 to 10 V
–10 to 10 V
Maximum rated input (for 1 point) 15 V 30 mA
Input impedance 1 M min. 250  (rated value)
Resolution 4,000/8,000 (full scale) *6
Converted output data 16-bit integer (INT)
Accuracy *4 25C 0.2% of full scale
0C to 55C 0.4% of full scale
A/D conversion cycle *5 1.0 ms/500 s max. per point
Mean value processing Sampling data for the past N times is stored in the buffer and the average value is stored as the con-
version value. (Number of samplings: N = 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64)
Peak value hold Stores the maximum conversion value while the specified Peak Value Hold Execution bit is ON.
Scaling Enabled only for conversion cycle of 1 ms and resolution of 4,000. Setting any values within a range
of 32,000 as the upper and lower limits allows the A/D conversion result to be output with these val-
ues as full scale.
Input disconnection detection Detects the disconnection and turns ON the Disconnection Detected Bit.

*1 You can set input and output signal ranges for each input and output.
*2 Use the voltage/current switch at the back of the terminal block to choose voltage input or current input.
*3 Operate the Analog I/O Unit according to the input specifications provided here. Operating the Unit outside
these specifications will cause the Unit to malfunction.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 6-3
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

*4 The accuracy is given for full scale. For example, when the resolution is set to 4,000, an accuracy of 0.2%
means a maximum error of 8.
*5 The A/D conversion cycle is the time it takes for analog signals to be stored in the internal memory of the CPU
Unit to be converted and output. It takes at least one task period for data to be read into the CPU Unit.
*6 The resolution can be set to 8,000 and the conversion cycle to 250 s in the initial setting parameter.

• Output Specifications and Functions

Item Voltage output Current output
Number of analog outputs 2
Output signal range *1 1 to 5 V 4 to 20 mA
0 to 5 V
0 to 10 V
–10 to 10 V
Output impedance 0.5  max. ---
Maximum external output cur- 2.4 mA ---
rent (for 1 point)
Maximum allowed load resis- --- 600 
Resolution 4,000/8,000 (full scale) *5
Set data 16-bit integer (INT)
Accuracy *2 25C 0.3% of full scale 0.3% of full scale
0C to 55C 0.5% of full scale 0.6% of full scale
D/A conversion cycle *3 1.0 ms/500 s max. per point
Output hold function Outputs the specified output status (CLR, HOLD, or MAX) under any of the following circumstances.
• When the Conversion Enable Bit is OFF *4
• In Adjustment Mode, when a value other than the output number is output during adjustment
• When an output setting error occurs and CPU Unit operations stops
Scaling Enabled only for conversion cycle of 1 ms and resolution of 4,000. Set values in any specified Unit
within a range of 32,000 as the upper and lower limits to allow D/A conversion to be executed and
analog signals to be output using the set values as full scale.
Ratio conversion function Stores the results of positive and negative gradient analog inputs calculated for ratio and bias as
analog output values.
Positive gradient: Analog output = A  Analog input + B
(A = 0 to 99.99, B = 8,000 to 7FFF hex)
Negative gradient: Analog output = F – A  Analog input + B
(A: 0 to 99.99, B = 8,000 to 7FFF hex,
F: Output signal range maximum value

*1 You can set input and output signal ranges for each input and output.
*2 The accuracy is given for full scale. For example, when the resolution is set to 4,000, an accuracy of 0.3%
means a maximum error of 12.
*3 The D/A conversion time is the time it takes for data from the CPU Unit to be converted and output. It takes at
least 1 task period for the CPU Unit data to be read by the Analog Output Unit.
*4 The Output Conversion Enable Flag turns OFF when the CPU Unit shifts from RUN Mode to PROGRAM
Mode, as well as when the Controller is reset including when the power turns ON. The specified output status
is output in accordance with the output hold function.
*5 The resolution can be set to 8,000 and the conversion cycle to 250 s in the initial setting parameter.

6-4 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-1-2 I/O Function Block Diagram

Analog I/O Unit CPU Unit

A/D I/O port

Mean value Peak
Analog Input 1 Con- ction
processing Scaling Ch1_RdAI
version Detection value hold
Input 1 Conversion Data

Analog Input 2 Same as above.

Analog Input 3 Same as above.
Analog Input 4 Same as above. Ratio
I/O port

Analog output 1 Output D/A

value hold Conversion Scaling Ch1_WrAO
Output 1 Set Value

Analog output 2 Same as above.

I/O refresh

6-1 Specifications
6-1-3 Input Specifications
If signals that are outside the specified range provided below are input, the conversion values used will
be at either the maximum or minimum value.

 Range: 1 to 5 V (4 to 20 mA)
Conversion value 6

6-1-2 I/O Function Block Diagram



1V/4mA 5V/20mA Analog input signal

0.8V/3.2mA 5.2V/20.8mA

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 6-5
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

 Range: 0 to 10 V
Conversion value




0V +10V Analog input signal

−0.5V +10.5V
( ): Values in parentheses are for a resolution of 8,000.

 Range: 0 to 5 V
Conversion value




0V +5V Analog input signal

−0.25V +5.25V
( ): Values in parentheses are for a resolution of 8,000.

 Range: 10 to 10 V
Conversion value


0(0) Resolution:


−10V +10V Analog input signal

−11V +11V

6-6 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-1-4 Output Specifications

If the set value is outside the specified range provided below, the output setting will be fixed at the max-
imum or the minimum value.

 Range: 1 to 5 V (4 to 20mA)
Analog output signal

5.2V (20.8mA)
5V (20mA)

1V (4mA)

6-1 Specifications
0.8V (3.2mA)

Set value
−200 Resolution: 4,000/8,000 +4200
(−400) (+8400)
0 +4000
( ): Values in parentheses are for a resolution of 8,000.

 Range: 0 to 10 V 6
Analog output signal


6-1-4 Output Specifications



Set value
−200 Resolution: 4,000/8,000 +4200
(−400) (+8400)
0 4000
( ): Values in parentheses are for a resolution of 8,000.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 6-7
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

 Range: 0 to 5 V
Analog output signal


Set value
−200 Resolution: 4,000/8,000 +4200
(−400) (+8400)
0 4000
( ): Values in parentheses are for a resolution of 8,000.

 Range: 10 to 10 V
Analog output signal




0 Set value
−2200 Resolution: 4,000/8,000 +2200
(−4400) (+4400)
−2000 +2000
(−4000) (+4000)
( ): Values in parentheses are for a resolution of 8,000.

6-8 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-2 Operating Procedure

Follow the procedures outlined below when using the Analog I/O Unit.
There is no restriction regarding the sequence of "Programs and software settings" and "Hardware set-
ting and Rack assembly." These tasks may be carried out concurrently or in the reverse order.
Use Sysmac Studio to create and set programs.
For operations of Sysmac Studio, refer to the Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operation Manual (Cat. No.

 Programs and software settings

1 Create POU and global variables

Create Unit Configuration
• Create and register global variables and each POU.

6-2 Operating Procedure

• Create algorithms for each POU and register local variables of each POU.
• Register the Unit in the Unit Configuration on the CPU/Expansion Racks screen in Configura-
tion and Setup.
At this time, set both the device name and the unit number of the unit to be registered.
• Create device variable for CJ-series Unit by using I/O Map.

2 Create Unit initial setting parameters

Create the Unit settings by using Special Unit Setup Editing.
• Set the I/O numbers to be used.
• Set the input and output signal ranges.
• Set the number of mean value processing samplings.
• Set the output hold function.
• Set the scaling function.
• Set the ratio conversion usage, the ratio set value, and the bias value.
• Set the conversion cycle and resolution.
(When the program is transferred, the items set here will be reflected in the initial setting

 Hardware setting and Rack assembly

1 Set the voltage/current switch at the back of the terminal block.

2 Mount and wire the Unit to either a CPU Rack or Expansion Rack.

3 Use the unit number switches on the front panel of the Unit to set the unit number.
Set the same unit number as in the Unit Configuration settings.

4 Turn ON the power to the Controller.

At this time, an I/O Setting Check Error occurs when there is a Unit Configuration in the CPU
Unit which does not match the actual Unit Configuration. In this case, reset the Controller in
steps 2, 4, and 7 Reset the Controller or restart the Unit of the following process to cancel the

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 6-9
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

 Program transfer and adjustment

1 Transfer programs, Unit Configuration and Setup and variable information.

2 Reset the Controller or restart the Unit.

3 Set Operating Mode Settings (*_MdCfg) to the Adjustment Mode (16#C1) and transfer the data
setup file.
Set the operating mode switch to Adjustment Mode.

4 Reset the Controller or restart the Unit.

• The Special Unit is restarted and operates in the Adjustment Mode. In the Adjustment Mode,
the ADJ indicator flashes.
• Set the CPU Unit to PROGRAM Mode.

5 Adjust the offset and gain.

Adjusting Offset and Gain is performed if the input must be calibrated for the connected device.

6 Set Operating Mode Settings (*_MdCfg) to the Normal Mode (16#00) and transfer the data
setup file.
Set the operating mode switch to Normal Mode.

7 Reset the Controller or restart the Unit.

The Special Unit is restarted and operates in the Normal Mode. In the Normal Mode, the ADJ
indicator remains unlit.

 Main Operation
1 Main Operation
• Read or write set values from the user program.
• Start and stop conversion output.
• Specify the peak value hold function.
• Obtain disconnection detection and error flag.

6-10 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-3 Components and Switch Settings

6-3-1 Component Names

 Front
With Terminal Block With Terminal Block Removed

ERH Terminal block

6-3 Components and Switch Settings



No. No.
x10 1 x10 1
23 23

78 78


switch x10 0 x10 0
23 23



Terminal block
(M3 screws)
DIN Track
mounting pin
Terminal block lock lever
(pull down to release

6-3-1 Component Names

terminal block)

 Side


Expansion connector


CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 6-11
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

Additional Information

• Use a connector to attach the terminal block. Lower the lever at the bottom of the terminal
block to remove the connector.
• Normally put the lever in the raised position. Confirm this before operation.


No. 1


6-3-2 Indicators
The indicators show the operating status of the Unit. The following table shows the meanings of the
LED Meaning Indicator Operating status
RUN (green) Operating Lit Operating in Normal Mode.
Not lit Unit has stopped exchanging data with the
CPU Unit.
ERC (red) Error Lit Alarm has occurred (such as disconnection
detected detection) or initial settings are incorrect.
by Unit Not lit Operating normally.
ERH (red) Error in the Lit Error has occurred during data exchange
CPU Unit with the CPU Unit.
Not lit Operating normally.
ADJ (yellow) Adjusting Flashing Operating in offset/gain Adjustment Mode.
Not lit Other than the above.

6-12 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-3-3 Unit Number Switches

Use the unit number switches to set the specific unit number for each Special I/O Unit mounted in a
CPU Rack or Expansion Rack. The unit number must be the one registered in Unit Configurations.
Turn OFF the Controller before changing the unit number setting.
Unit number Switch Unit
switches setting number
0 Unit #0
1 Unit #1

1 23 2 Unit #2
3 Unit #3

6-3 Components and Switch Settings

4 Unit #4

5 Unit #5
10 0
6 Unit #6
7 Unit #7
8 Unit #8
9 Unit #9
10 Unit #10
to to
n Unit #n
to to
95 Unit #95
Additional Information

6-3-3 Unit Number Switches

• If two or more Special I/O Units are assigned the same unit number, a "Duplicate Unit Num-
ber" major fault level Controller error is generated and the Controller will not operate.
• After correcting the unit number setting, cycle the power to the Controller.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 6-13
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-3-4 Voltage/Current Switch

Change the pin settings on the voltage/current switch located on the back of the terminal block to switch
the analog conversion input from voltage input to current input.

MAD42 OFF: Voltage input

ERC ON: Current input


x10 1


x10 0

Input 2


Input 1



Input 4

Input 3

Precautions for Safe Use

Be sure to turn OFF the power to the Controller before you mount or remove the terminal block.

6-14 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-4 Wiring

6-4-1 Terminal Arrangement

The signal names that correspond to the connecting terminals are as shown in the following diagram.

Voltage output 2 (+) B1

A1 Voltage output 1 (+)
Output 2 (–) B2
A2 Output 1 (–)
Current output 2 (+) B3
A3 Current output 1 (+)
N.C. B4
A4 N.C.
Input 2 (+) B5
A5 Input 1 (+)
Input 2 (–) B6
A6 Input 1 (–)
Input 4 (+) B8
A8 Input 3 (+)
Input 4 (–) B9
A9 Input 3 (–)

6-4 Wiring
Additional Information

• You can set the analog I/O numbers you use and each I/O signal range of analog I/O from the
Special Unit Setup Editing of Sysmac Studio.
• They can also be set through a setting of appropriate values in the corresponding device vari- 6
ables for CJ-series Unit. The analog I/O numbers to be used are set in Input and Output Use
Settings (*_ChUseCfg) and the I/O signal ranges for analog I/Os are set in Range Settings

6-4-1 Terminal Arrangement

(*_RngCfg). The setting can be made for each I/O number.
• The AG terminal (A7, B7) is connected to the 0-V analog circuit in the Unit. Connect shielded
input lines to improve noise resistance.
• The N.C. terminals (A4, B4) are not connected to internal circuit.

6-4-2 Internal Circuit

The following diagrams show the internal circuit of the analog I/O section.

 Internal Circuit
15 kΩ 15 kΩ

Input (+) Input circuit

250 Ω and
1 MΩ conversion
15 kΩ 15 kΩ circuit
Input (–)
AG input switch
0 V) 1 MΩ
AG (common to all inputs)

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 6-15
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

 Output Circuit

Output AMP
switch and Voltage
conversion output (+)
output (–)

AG (common to all outputs)

 Current Output Circuit

Output AMP
switch Current
and con- AMP output (+)
output (–)

 Internal Configuration
Photocoupler insulation

MPU plexer
converter and
amplifier External-
Bus ly con-
RAM ROM nected
interface terminal
A/D plexer
converter and
amplifier INPUT

Oscillator memory

+15 V

Regulator +5 V
5V Insulation-type
−15 V

I/O Bus

6-16 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-4-3 Voltage Input Disconnection

device #1

device #2

6-4 Wiring
24 VDC

6-4-3 Voltage Input Disconnection

If the connected device #2 in the above example outputs 5 V and the power supply is shared by 2 chan-
nels as shown in the above diagram, approximately one-third of the voltage, or 1.6 V, will be input at
input 1.
When voltage inputs are used and a disconnection occurs, separate the power supply at the side of the
connected devices or use an insulating device (isolator) for each input to avoid the following problems.
When the power supply at the connected devices is shared and section A or B is disconnected, power
will flow in the direction of the broken line and the output voltage of the other connected devices will be
reduced to between a third to a half of the voltage. If 1 to 5 V is used and reduced voltage output, dis-
connection may not be detectable. If section C is disconnected, the power at the (–) input terminal will
be shared and disconnection will not be detectable.
For current inputs, you can share the power supply between the connected devices without causing any

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 6-17
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-4-4 I/O Wiring Example

Output 2 CJ1W-MAD42
(Voltage output)
Shield B3
Input 2 A3 Input 1
(Voltage input) B4 (Current input)
+ B5
A5 +
− B6
Shield A6 −
A7 Shield
B8 *

The input AG terminal need not be connected in normal conditions, but if noise is of concern, connect
the shielded wire for each input by one of the following methods:
• Connect the end of the shielded wire * on AD Unit side, to the AG terminals, as shown in the above
diagram, use a wire that is 30 cm or shorter if possible. In this case, do not connect the end of the
shielded wire on output device side to any other device or FG.
• Ground the end of the shielded wire on AD Unit side to the FG on the control panel. In this case, keep
the AG terminal open and do not connect the end of the shielded wire on output device side to any
other device or FG.
To increase noise resistance for analog output wiring, ground the shield on the output signal cable at
the input device.

Precautions for Safe Use

Crimp terminals must be used for terminal connections, and the screws must be tightened
securely. M3 terminal screws are used. The applicable tightening torque is 0.5 N·m.

Fork type

M3 screw 6.2 mm max.

Round type

6.2 mm max.

Precautions for Correct Use

• When current inputs are used, pins IN1 to IN4 of the voltage/current switch must be set to ON.
Refer to 6-3-4 Voltage/Current Switch for further details. Also set the voltage and current
ranges in the device variable for CJ-series Unit Range Settings (*_RngCfg) and Voltage/Cur-
rent Input Switch (*_RngVICfg). Refer to 6-7-1 Output Settings and Conversion Values.
• For inputs you do not use, set them to Not Used in the input number settings (refer to Setting
Inputs and Signal Ranges in 6-6-1 Input Settings and Conversion Values).
If they are set to Used and actually not used, unintended conversion data may be input. To
prevent this, short-circuit the voltage input terminals (V+) and (V). Take note that, in the case
of a range from 1 to 5-V or 4 to 20-mA, short-circuiting (V+) and (V ) causes the Disconnec-
tion Detected bit to turn ON.

6-18 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-4-5 I/O Wiring Considerations

When you wire inputs, apply the following points to avoid noise interference and optimize Analog I/O
Unit performance.
• Use two-core shielded twisted-pair cables for external connecting lines.
• Route I/O cables separately from the power cables (e. g., AC and three-phase lines) and do not run
the Unit's cables near a main circuit cable or a high voltage cable. Do not insert these cables into the
same duct.
• If there is noise interference from power lines (for example, the power supply is shared with electrical
welding devices or electrical discharge machines, or there is a high-frequency generation source
nearby) install a noise filter at the power supply input area.

6-4 Wiring

6-4-5 I/O Wiring Considerations

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 6-19
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit

6-5-1 Outline of Data Exchange

The CPU Unit and Analog I/O Unit CJ1W-MAD42 exchange operation data and initial setting parame-
ters via the I/O port generated for this Analog I/O Unit.
The table and figure below show the data exchange method for each data type.
Data exchange type
AT specification How to access Timing of data
Unit data type Data contents
destination from user program exchange
Operation data Analog input conver- I/O port (operation Device variable for At I/O refreshing
sion values, analog data) CJ-series Unit
output setting val-
ues, etc.
Initial setting param- Analog input signal I/O port (initial set- Device variable for When the Controller
eters range, analog out- ting parameters) * CJ-series Unit is reset or the Unit
put signal range, etc. restarts
Unit Restart Bit, etc. Unit Restart Bit, etc. None System-defined vari- At I/O refreshing

* The initial setting parameters are retained in the CPU Unit by the battery even during power interruptions.

 Device Variable for CJ-series Unit

Device variables for CJ-series Unit are used for data exchange between a user program and Special
I/O Units. The user program uses device variables for CJ-series Unit to control the Analog I/O Unit.
NJ-series CPU Unit Analog I/O Unit

User program I/O port

[Operation Data]
Operation data Operation data Conversion values of
Automatic creation analog input
I/O refresh
Device variable for CJ-series Unit AT with Unit registration Set values of
specification analog output, etc.
I/O refresh
Device variable for CJ-series Unit Refer to Operation Data in
6-5-3 Allocating Device
Variables for CJ-series Unit.
[Initial setting parameters]
Initial setting parameters Initial setting parameters
Automatic creation Analog input signal range,
Device variable for CJ-series Unit AT with Unit registration analog output signal range,
specification etc.
Controller is reset
Unit restarts
Refer to Initial Setting Parame-
ters in 6-5-3 Allocating Device
Variables for CJ-series Unit.

6-20 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-5-2 Accessing from the User Program

The user program uses device variables for CJ-series Unit to control the Analog I/O Unit. Use device
variables for CJ-series Unit with AT specification for the I/O port, which is explained below.

 I/O port
An "I/O port" is a logical interface for data exchange by a CPU Unit with an Analog I/O Unit or other
configuration unit.
An I/O port has a unique predefined name for each unit model and function.
An I/O port is automatically created by preparing the Unit Configuration with Sysmac Studio.

6-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit

 How to specify device variables for CJ-series Unit
Specify the AT specifications to I/O ports for device variables for CJ-series Unit with the I/O Map
from Sysmac Studio.
Specify the variable name for the AT specification with one of the following methods.
1. Select a variable already registered in the variable table
2. Input a new variable name
3. Automatically create a variable name with "Device variable creation"
When a device variable name for CJ-series Unit is assigned with method 2 or 3, the variable input by
Sysmac Studio is automatically registered in the variable table.

The following is the configuration of variable names created with automatic creation in method 3.
Name of device variable for CJ-series Unit

6-5-2 Accessing from the User Program

*_ Ch1_ConvCmd

This is an I/O port name. The name identifies the unit

function, status and parameter.
This is the device name when this unit is registered in
the Unit Configuration. (By default, a device name is
assigned from "J01" in the order of registration in the
Unit Configuration.) This identifies the individual unit.
For details on creation of device variables for CJ-series Unit, refer to Sysmac Studio Version 1 Opera-
tion Manual (Cat. No. W504).
There are two types of device variables for CJ-series Unit: "Operation Data" and "Initial Setting Param-
In the explanations from here on, the device name automatically created is used as the device variable
for CJ-series Unit, for example "*_ Ch1_ConvCmd".

Switching Operating Mode

You can switch between the Normal Mode and Adjustment Mode (during offset and gain adjustments,
etc.) with Operating Mode Settings (*_MdCfg).
Variable name Type Setting
*_MdCfg BYTE 16#00: Normal Mode
16#C1: Adjustment Mode

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 6-21
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-5-3 Allocating Device Variables for CJ-series Unit

Initial Setting Parameters

Perform Unit settings such as output usage setting, analog output signal range, etc.
Initial setting parameters settings are set from Special Unit Setup Editing of Sysmac Studio.
Unit settings can also be performed by setting the values in the device variables for CJ-series Unit.
Unit settings are reflected only when the Controller is reset, or when the Unit restarts. The initial setting
parameters are retained in the CPU Unit by the battery even during power interruptions.

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller
reset or when the Unit restarts.

List of Initial Setting Parameters (common to both Normal Mode and

Adjustment Mode)

Name of device
variable for CJ-series Type R/W Name Feature/reference page
*_ChUseCfg BYTE RW Input and Output Use Settings Refer to Input Numbers in 6-6-1 Bit
Input Settings and Conversion Number
Values, 6-7-1 Output Settings
and Conversion Values.
BYTE-type variable that com-
bines the following BOOL-type
*_Ch1_OutChUseCfg BOOL RW Output 1 Use Setting BOOL type variables to specify 00
usage per output and input.
*_Ch2_OutChUseCfg BOOL RW Output 2 Use Setting 01
0: Not used
*_Ch1_InChUseCfg BOOL RW Input 1 Use Setting 04
1: Used
*_Ch2_InChUseCfg BOOL RW Input 2 Use Setting 05
*_Ch3_InChUseCfg BOOL RW Input 3 Use Setting 06
*_Ch4_InChUseCfg BOOL RW Input 4 Use Setting 07
*_RngCfg WORD RW Range Settings Refer to 6-6-1 Input Settings and Conversion
Values, 6-7-1 Output Settings and Conversion
*_RngVICfg WORD RW Voltage/Current Input Switch
*_Ch1_AveCfg UINT RW Input 1 Number of Samplings Refer to 6-6-2 Mean Value Processing.
for Mean Value Processing 0: Number of samplings 2
*_Ch2_AveCfg UINT RW Input 2 Number of Samplings 1: No mean value processing
for Mean Value Processing 2: Number of samplings 4
*_Ch3_AveCfg UINT RW Input 3 Number of Samplings 3: Number of samplings 8
for Mean Value Processing 4: Number of samplings 16
*_Ch4_AveCfg UINT RW Input 4 Number of Samplings 5: Number of samplings 32
for Mean Value Processing 6: Number of samplings 64

6-22 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

Name of device
variable for CJ-series Type R/W Name Feature/reference page
*_Ch1_Scl_L_Cfg INT RW Output 1 Scaling Lower Limit Refer to 6-7-3 Output Scaling Function.
*_Ch1_Scl_H_Cfg INT RW Output 1 Scaling Upper Limit 32000 to +32000
*_Ch2_Scl_L_Cfg INT RW Output 2 Scaling Lower Limit Set lower limit value  upper limit value. (Can
also set lower limit value > upper limit value.)
*_Ch2_Scl_H_Cfg INT RW Output 2 Scaling Upper Limit
*_Ch3_Scl_L_Cfg INT RW Input 1 Scaling Lower Limit Refer to 6-6-4 Input Scaling Function.
*_Ch3_Scl_H_Cfg INT RW Input 1 Scaling Upper Limit 32000 to +32000
*_Ch4_Scl_L_Cfg INT RW Input 2 Scaling Lower Limit Set lower limit value  upper limit value. (Can
also set lower limit value > upper limit value.)
*_Ch4_Scl_H_Cfg INT RW Input 2 Scaling Upper Limit

6-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit

*_Ch5_Scl_L_Cfg INT RW Input 3 Scaling Lower Limit
*_Ch5_Scl_H_Cfg INT RW Input 3 Scaling Upper Limit
*_Ch6_Scl_L_Cfg INT RW Input 4 Scaling Lower Limit
*_Ch6_Scl_H_Cfg INT RW Input 4 Scaling Upper Limit
*_Ch1_HdMdCfg USINT RW Output 1 Output Status When Refer to 6-7-2 Output Hold Function.
Conversion Stops 0: CLR
*_Ch2_HdMdCfg USINT RW Output 2 Output Status When 1: HOLD
Conversion Stops 2: MAX
*_UseRatioBias BYTE RW Ratio Conversion Use Setting Refer to 6-8 Ratio Conversion Function.
16#00: Not used
16#01: Positive gradient conversion
16#10: Negative gradient conversion
16#11: Not used
*_Ch1_Cfg_Const_A WORD RW Loop 1 Ratio Conversion Con- Refer to Specifying Ratio Set Value and Bias
stant A in 6-8 Ratio Conversion Function.

6-5-3 Allocating Device Variables for CJ-series Unit

*_Ch1_Cfg_Const_B INT RW Loop 1 Ratio Conversion Con-
stant B
*_Ch2_Cfg_Const_A WORD RW Loop 2 Ratio Conversion Con-
stant A
*_Ch2_Cfg_Const_B INT RW Loop 2 Ratio Conversion Con-
stant B
*_MdCfg BYTE RW Operating Mode Settings Refer to Switching Operating Mode in 6-5-2
Accessing from the User Program.
16#00: Normal Mode
16#C1: Adjustment Mode
*_ResolutionCfg BYTE RW Resolution/Conversion Time Refer to Conversion Cycle and Resolution
Settings Setting in 6-6-1 Input Settings and Conver-
sion Values.
16#00: 4,000 resolutions/1 ms cycle
16#C1: 8,000 resolutions/500 s cycle

Operation Data
Operation data includes data such as analog input conversion value, analog output setting, etc. Opera-
tion data is exchanged constantly during I/O refreshing.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 6-23
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

Operation Data (during Normal Mode)

Name of device
variable for CJ-series Type R/W Name Feature/reference page
*_Ch1_WrAO INT RW Output 1 Set Value Refer to Setting Use Settings and Output Sig-
nal Ranges and Writing Set Values in 6-7-1
*_Ch2_WrAO INT RW Output 2 Set Value
Output Settings and Conversion Values.
*_Ch1_RdAI INT R Input 1 Conversion Data Refer to Reading Conversion Values in 6-6-1
Input Settings and Conversion Values.
*_Ch2_RdAI INT R Input 2 Conversion Data
*_Ch3_RdAI INT R Input 3 Conversion Data
*_Ch4_RdAI INT R Input 4 Conversion Data
*_ConvPkHdCmd BYTE RW Peak Value Hold and Output BYTE-type variable that com- Bit
Conversion Enable Settings bines the following BOOL-type Number
*_Ch1_ConvCmd BOOL RW Output 1 Conversion Enable Refer to Starting and Stopping 00
Conversion in 6-7-1 Output Set-
*_Ch2_ConvCmd BOOL RW Output 2 Conversion Enable 01
tings and Conversion Values.
0: Stop conversion output
1: Start conversion output
*_Ch1_PkHdCmd BOOL RW Input 1 Peak Value Hold Exe- Refer to 6-6-3 Peak Value Hold 04
cution Function.
*_Ch2_PkHdCmd BOOL RW Input 2 Peak Value Hold Exe- 0: Do not perform peak value hold 05
cution 1: Perform peak value hold
*_Ch3_PkHdCmd BOOL RW Input 3 Peak Value Hold Exe- 06
*_Ch4_PkHdCmd BOOL RW Input 4 Peak Value Hold Exe- 07
*_MVSensErr BYTE R Set value Errors and Discon- BYTE-type variable that com- Bit
nection Detected bines the following BOOL-type Number
*_Ch1_MvErr BOOL R Output 1 Output Set Value Refer to 6-7-4 Output Setting 00
Error Errors.
*_Ch2_MvErr BOOL R Output 2 Output Set Value 0: No error 01
Error 1: Setting error
*_Ch1_SensErr BOOL R Input 1 Disconnection Refer to 6-6-5 Input Disconnec- 04
Detected tion Detection Function.
*_Ch2_SensErr BOOL R Input 2 Disconnection 0: No disconnection 05
Detected 1: Disconnection
*_Ch3_SensErr BOOL R Input 3 Disconnection 06
*_Ch4_SensErr BOOL R Input 4 Disconnection 07
*_UnitErr BYTE R Error Flags Refer to 7-2-2 Alarms Occurring Bit
at the Unit. Number
BYTE-type variable that com-
bines the following BOOL-type

6-24 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

Name of device
variable for CJ-series Type R/W Name Feature/reference page
*_SclErr BOOL R Scaling Data Setting 0: No error 00
Error/Ratio Conversion Use 1: Error in initial setting parame-
Setting Error ters
*_RatioCfgErr BOOL R Ratio Set Value Error 01
*_HdErr BOOL R Output Hold Setting Error 02
*_AveErr BOOL R Mean Value Processing Set- 03
ting Error
*_MdErr BOOL R Conversion Time/Resolution 04
or Operation Mode Setting

6-5 Exchanging Data with the CPU Unit

List of Operation Data (during Adjustment Mode)

Name of device
variable for CJ-series Type R/W Name Feature/reference page
*_AdjCh BYTE RW Input and Outputs to Be Refer to 7-1 Adjusting Offset and Gain.
Adjusted Instruction setting and flag for I/O adjust-
*_AdjOfs BOOL RW Offset Flag ments.

*_AdjGain BOOL RW Gain Flag

*_AdjDwn BOOL RW Adjustment Value Down Flag
*_AdjUp BOOL RW Adjustment Value Up Flag 6
*_AdjSet BOOL RW Adjustment Value Set Flag
*_AdjClr BOOL RW Adjustment Value Clear Flag

6-5-3 Allocating Device Variables for CJ-series Unit

*_AdjPV INT R Conversion value for adjust-
*_AdjUnitErr BYTE R Error Flags Refer to 7-2-2 Alarms Occurring Bit
at the Unit. Number
BYTE-type variable that com-
bines the following BOOL-type
*_AdjSclErr BOOL R Scaling Data Setting 0: No error 00
Error/Ratio Conversion Use 1: Error in initial setting parame-
Setting Error ters
*_AdjRatioCfgErr BOOL R Ratio Set Value Error 01
*_AdjHdErr BOOL R Output Hold Setting Error 02
*_AdjAveErr BOOL R Mean Value Processing Set- 03
ting Error
*_AdjInMdErr BOOL R Conversion Time/Resolution 04
or Operation Mode Setting
*_AdjIONoErr BOOL R Input/Output Value Adjust- 0: No error 05
ment Number Setting Error 1: "AdjCh" is outside setting
*_AdjMemErr BOOL R Non-volatile Memory Error 0: No error 06
1: Adjustment data could not be
written properly
*_AdjMd BOOL R Starting Adjustment Mode 0: Running in the Normal Mode 07
1: Running in the Adjustment

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 6-25
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-6 Analog Input Functions and

Operating Procedures

6-6-1 Input Settings and Conversion Values

Setting Inputs and Signal Ranges

 Input Numbers
The Analog I/O Unit converts only the analog inputs specified among input numbers 1 to 4 and skips
unused inputs for sampling.
Accordingly, the conversion cycle per unit is calculated by conversion cycle  used input points.
For the conversion cycle setting, refer to Conversion Cycle and Resolution Setting on page 6-28.
Use Input # Use Setting (Ch#_InChUseCfg) to set the analog inputs to be used.
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_InChUseCfg BOOL 0: Not used
1: Used
An input number from 1 to 4 is included in place of # in the variable name.
In addition to output usage specification, you can also perform batch settings with Input and Output
Use Settings (*_ChUseCfg).
Variable name Type Setting
*_ChUseCfg BYTE 16#00 to 16#F3

Bit 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Output 2

Output 1
Input 4

Input 3

Input 2

Input 1

0: Not used
1: Used

 Input Signal Ranges

You can select any of four types of input signal range (10 to 10 V, 0 to 10 V, 1 to 5 V, and 4 to 20
mA) for each of the inputs (i.e., input numbers 1 to 4). To specify the input signal range for each out-
put along with the output range, use Range Settings (*_RngCfg).
Variable name Type Setting
*_RngCfg WORD 16#0000 to 16#FF0F
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Output 2

Output 1
Input 4

Input 3

Input 2

Input 1

00: −10 to 10 V
01: 0 to 10 V
10: 1 to 5 V/4 to 20 mA
11: 0 to 5 V

6-26 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

Voltage/Current Range Setting

When 1 to 5 V/4 to 20 mA is selected for the input signal range settings, set the 1 to 5V or 4 to 20 mA
range for both the output voltage and current settings with Voltage/Current Input Switch (*_RngVICfg).
Variable name Type Setting
*_RngVICfg WORD 16#00 to 16#F3

15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00

6-6 Analog Input Functions and Operating Procedures


Output 2

Output 1
Input 4

Input 3

Input 2

Input 1
0: Voltage: 1 V to 5 V
1: Current 4 mA to 20 mA

Additional Information

For the input signal ranges 1 to 5 V and 4 to 20 mA, it is necessary to set the voltage/current
switch according to the setting made with the device variables for CJ-series Unit.

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination. 6
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller is
reset or when the Unit restarts.

6-6-1 Input Settings and Conversion Values

Reading Conversion Values
Analog input conversion values are output to the device variable for CJ-series Unit Input # Conversion
Data (*_Ch#_RdAI) shown below.
Variable name Type
*_Ch#_RdAI INT
An input number from 1 to 4 is included in place of # in the variable name.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 6-27
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

Conversion Cycle and Resolution Setting

For the CJ1W-MAD42, you can set the conversion cycle and resolution with Resolution/Conversion
Time Settings (*_ResolutionCfg). This is common to all analog input and output settings.
Variable name Type Setting
*_ResolutionCfg BYTE 16#00: 4,000 resolutions/1 ms cycle
16#C1: 8,000 resolutions/500 s cycle

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller is
reset or when the Unit restarts.

6-6-2 Mean Value Processing

In Cyclic Conversion Mode, the Analog Input Unit can compute the mean value of the conversion values
of analog inputs that are previously sampled several times. Mean value processing uses operational
mean values in the history buffers. It has no effect on the data refresh cycle. (The number of history
buffers that can be set for mean value processing is 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, or 512.)
Conversion data Buffer 1

Buffer 2

Buffer 3
(Mean value Conversion value
Buffer 4 Input # Conversion Data (*_Ch#_RdAI)

Buffer n


Additional Information

• The first conversion data is stored for all buffers for the number of mean value processing set
immediately after data conversion has begun and after a disconnection is restored.
• When mean value processing set is used together with the peak value hold function, the mean
value will be held.

6-28 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

Use Input # Number of Samplings for Mean Value Processing (*_Ch#_AveCfg) to set whether to per-
form mean value processing and the number of samplings
in the case the process is performed.
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_AveCfg UINT 0: Mean value processing with 2 samplings
1: No mean value processing
2: Mean value processing with 4 samplings
3: Mean value processing with 8 samplings

6-6 Analog Input Functions and Operating Procedures

4: Mean value processing with 16 samplings
5: Mean value processing with 32 samplings
6: Mean value processing with 64 samplings
An input number from 1 to 4 is included in place of # in the variable name.

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller is
reset or when the Unit restarts.

Additional Information

The history buffer moving average is calculated as shown in the following diagram. (In this exam-
ple, there are four buffers.)
1 With the first cycle, Data 1 is stored in all the history buffers.

6-6-2 Mean Value Processing

Data 1

Data 1
(Mean value Conversion value
Data 1

Data 1

Mean value = (Data 1 + Data 1 + Data 1 + Data 1)  4

2 With the second cycle, Data 2 is stored in the first history buffer.
Data 2

Data 1
(Mean value Conversion value
Data 1

Data 1

Mean value = (Data 2 + Data 1 + Data 1 + Data 1)  4

3 With the third cycle, Data 3 is stored in the first history buffer.
Data 3

Data 2
(Mean value Conversion value
Data 1

Data 1

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 6-29
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

Mean value = (Data 3 + Data 2 + Data 1 + Data 1)  4

4 With the fourth cycle, the Data 4 is stored in the first history buffer.
Data 4

Data 3
(Mean value Conversion value
Data 2

Data 1

Mean value = (Data 4 + Data 3 + Data 2 + Data 1)  4

5 With the fifth cycle, Data 5 is stored in the first history buffer.
Data 5

Data 4
(Mean value Conversion value
Data 3

Data 2

Mean value = (Data 5 + Data 4 + Data 3 + Data 2)  4

• When a disconnection is restored, the mean value processing function begins again from step

Additional Information

• When the mean value processing function is used, the delay to refresh converted data for
input signal changes is as shown in the following diagram.
• Specify "no mean value processing" to follow conversion of a rapid change in input signals.

Input signal For V = 20 V (10 to 10 V)

to the Unit (V) When Resolution is 1 ms/4,000
• For One Word
t = n + (2 to 3)
• For m Words (1 < m  4)
No mean value processing (n = 1) or 2 samplings (n = 2):
t = n  (m + 2)
Time (ms) Number of samplings = n (4  n  64)
t = (n  2)  m + 10.5
Conversion data When Resolution is 500 s/8,000
• For One Word
t = [n + (2 to 3)]  1/2
• For m Words (1 < m  4)
No mean value processing (n = 1) or 2 samplings (n = 2):
t = n  (m + 2)  1/2
Number of samplings = n (4  n  64)
Time (ms) t = [(n  2)  m + 10.5]  1/2

t: Delay

6-30 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

 Response Time for a Resolution of 1 ms/4,000

Unit: ms
m n
64 32 16 8 4 2 1
4 258.5 130.5 66.5 34.5 18.5 12 6
3 196.5 100.5 52.5 28.5 16.5 10 5
2 134.5 70.5 38.5 22.5 14.5 8 4

6-6 Analog Input Functions and Operating Procedures

1 67 35 19 11 7 5 3

 Response Time for a Resolution of 500 s/8,000

Unit: ms
m n
64 32 16 8 4 2 1
4 129.25 65.25 33.25 17.25 9.25 6 3
3 98.25 50.25 26.25 14.25 8.25 5 2.5
2 67.25 35.25 19.25 11.25 7.25 4 2
1 33.5 17.5 9.5 5.5 3.5 2.5 1.5

The above response times are not affected by the number of analog I/O points that are used.

 Symbols
m: Number of input words used in initial setting parameters
n: Average number of samplings set for the input number for which to find the response time
 Calculation Example

6-6-3 Peak Value Hold Function

The following example calculations are for a resolution of 8,000 with an application using inputs 1
and 4, 64 samplings set for input 1, and no averaging set for input 4.
• Response time for input 1: t = {(64  2)  2 + 10.5}  1/2 = 67.25 (ms)
• Response time for input 4: t = 1  (2 + 2)  1/2 = 2 (ms)

6-6-3 Peak Value Hold Function

The peak value hold function holds the maximum digital conversion value for every input (this includes
mean value processing).
Digital conversion value

Conversion value when

the peak value hold
function is used

Peak value hold

t (Time)
The peak value hold function is executed with the device variable for CJ-series Unit Input # Peak Value
Hold Execution Settings (*_Ch#_PkHdCmd) shown below.
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_PkHdCmd BOOL 0: Do not perform peak value hold
1: Perform peak value hold
An input number from 1 to 4 is included in place of # in the variable name.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 6-31
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

In addition to output conversion enable, you can also perform batch settings with the device variable for
CJ-series Unit Peak Value Hold and Output Conversion Enable Settings (*_ConvPkHdCmd) shown
Variable name Type Setting
*_ConvPkHdCmd BYTE 16#00 to 16#F3

Bit 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00

Output 2

Output 1
Input 4

Input 3

Input 2

Input 1
0: Do not perform peak value hold
1: Perform peak value hold
0: Output conversion disable
1: Output conversion enable

Additional Information

• When mean value processing is used together with the peak value hold function, the mean
value will be held.
• As long as the peak value hold function is executing, the peak value hold will be held even in
the event of a disconnection.

6-6-4 Input Scaling Function

When upper and lower limits (within a range of 32,000 to +32,000) are preset, analog input values can
then be automatically converted into a user-specified industrial unit, with the upper and lower limits
taken as full scale based on that resolution value.
The scaling function is enabled for only a conversion cycle of 1 ms and a resolution of 4,000 (and not for
a conversion time of 500 s and a resolution of 8,000).

Additional Information

• The upper limit is normally set to be greater than the lower limit, but it is also possible to set
the lower limit to be greater than the upper limit for reverse scaling.
• Actual A/D conversion is executed at up to 5% to +105% of full scale.

Precautions for Correct Use

• You cannot use the scaling function when the ratio conversion function is used.
• If the scaling upper limit equals the lower limit, or if the scaling upper limit or lower limit is out-
side the range of 32,000, a scaling data setting error is generated and the Unit will not oper-
ate. Operation is performed without scaling if both the upper and lower limits are set to 0.

 Setting Upper and Lower Limits for Input Scaling

Use the initial setting parameters shown below to set the input scaling upper and lower limit values.
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_Scl_L_Cfg INT Scaling lower limit (32,000 to +32,000)
*_Ch#_Scl_H_Cfg INT Scaling upper limit (32,000 to +32,000)
The I/O number from 1 to 6 is included in place of # in the variable name (Output: 1 to 2, Input: 3 to 6).

6-32 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

 Example Setting 1
If the input 1 signal of 0 to 10 V is to be scaled to 0 to 10000, set as follows:
Set Input 1 Scaling Lower Limit (*_Ch3_Scl_L_Cfg) to 0.
Set Input 1 Scaling Upper Limit (*_Ch3_Scl_H_Cfg) to +10,000.
The following diagram shows the correspondence between input signals and converted scaling val-
Offset upper limit 10500

6-6 Analog Input Functions and Operating Procedures

Scaling upper limit 10000

Scaling line

Scaling lower limit 0

Offset lower limit −500 0V
−0.5 V
+10.5 V
+10.0 V

Input signal Conversion result

0V 0
10 V 10,000
0.5 V 500
10.5 V 10,500

 Example Setting 2 (Reverse Scaling) 6

If the input 2 signal of 0 to 10 V is to be scaled to 10000 to 0, set as follows:
Set Input 2 Scaling Lower Limit (*_Ch4_Scl_L_Cfg) to +10,000.

6-6-4 Input Scaling Function

Set Input 2 Scaling Upper Limit (*_Ch4_Scl_H_Cfg) to 0.

The following diagram shows the correspondence between input signals and converted
scaling values.
Offset lower limit 10500
Scaling lower limit 10000

Scaling line

Scaling upper limit 0 0V

Offset upper limit −500

+10.5 V
−0.5 V +10 V

Input signal Conversion result

0V 10,000
10 V 0
0.5 V 10,500
10.5 V 500

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 6-33
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-6-5 Input Disconnection Detection Function

When an input signal range of 1 to 5 V (4 to 20 mA) is used, you can detect input circuit disconnections.
The detection conditions for each of the input signal ranges are shown in the following table.
Range Current/voltage *
1 to 5 V 0.3 V max.
4 to 20 mA 1.2 mA max.

* The current/voltage level will fluctuate according to the offset/gain adjustment.

The disconnection detection status of each input is output to the device variable for CJ-series Unit Input
# Disconnection Detected (*_Ch#_SensErr) shown below.
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_SensErr BOOL 0: No disconnection
1: Disconnection
An input number from 1 to 4 is included in place of # in the variable name.
In addition to output set value error, you can also perform batch readout with the device variable for CJ-
series Unit Set value Errors and Disconnection Detected (*_MVSensErr) shown below.
Variable name Type
*_MvSensErr BYTE

Bit 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Output 2
Output 1
Input 4
Input 3
Input 2
Input 1

0: No disconnection
1: Disconnection
0: No error
1: Output setting error

Additional Information

The conversion value during a disconnection will be 0.

6-34 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-7 Analog Output Functions and

Operating Procedures

6-7-1 Output Settings and Conversion Values

6-7 Analog Output Functions and Operating Procedures

Setting Use Settings and Output Signal Ranges
 Output Use Settings
The Analog I/O Unit converts only the analog outputs specified among output numbers 1 and 2 and
skips converting unused outputs.
Accordingly, the conversion cycle per unit is calculated by conversion cycle  number of output used.
For the conversion cycle setting, refer to Conversion Cycle and Resolution Setting on page 6-37.
Use the Output # Use Setting (*_Ch#_OutChUseCfg) to set the analog outputs to be used.
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_OutChUseCfg BOOL 0: Not used
1: Used
An input number from 1 to 2 is included in place of # in the variable name.
In addition to input use setting, you can also perform batch settings with Input and Output Use Set-
tings (*_ChUseCfg).
Variable name Type Setting 6
*_ChUseCfg BYTE 16#00 to 16#F3

6-7-1 Output Settings and Conversion Values

Bit 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Output 2

Output 1
Input 4

Input 3

Input 2

Input 1

0: Not used
1: Used

Additional Information

• The output value of the output number set to "Not used" will be 0 V.
• This value will be 500 s when the setting is for 500 s and a resolution of 8,000.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 6-35
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

 Output Signal Ranges

You can select any of four types of output signal range (10 to 10 V, 0 to 10 V, 1 to 5 V/4 to 20 mA,
and 0 to 5 V) for each of the outputs (i.e., output numbers 1 to 4). To specify the output signal range,
also set the input signal range with Signal Range Settin gs (*_RngCfg).
Variable name Type Setting
*_RngCfg WORD 16#0000 to 16#FF0F

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00

Output 2

Output 1
Input 4

Input 3

Input 2

Input 1
00: −10 to 10 V
01: 0 to 10 V
10: 1 to 5 V/4 to 20 mA
11: 0 to 5 V

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller is
reset or when the Unit restarts.

Voltage/Current Range Setting

When 1 to 5 V/4 to 20 mA is selected for the output signal range settings, set the 1 to 5 V or 4 to 20 mA
range for both the input voltage and current settings with the Voltage/Current Input Switch
Variable name Type Setting
*_RngVICfg BYTE 16#00 to 16#F3

15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Output 2

Output 1
Input 4

Input 3

Input 2

Input 1

0: Voltage: 1 V to 5 V
1: Current 4 mA to 20 mA

6-36 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

Writing Set Values

Use the device variable for CJ-series Unit Output # Set Value (*_Ch#_WrAO) shown below to set the
analog output setting values.
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_WrAO INT Refer to 6-1-4 Output Specifications.
Variable name # is output number 1 to 2

6-7 Analog Output Functions and Operating Procedures

Additional Information

If the set value is written outside the specified range, an output setting error will occur and output
hold function will activate.

Conversion Cycle and Resolution Setting

You can use Resolution/Conversion Time Settings (*_ResolutionCfg) to set the conversion cycle and
resolution for the CJ1W-MAD42. This setting is common to all analog input and output settings.
Variable name Type Setting
*_ResolutionCfg BYTE 16#00: 4,000 resolutions/1 ms cycle
16#C1: 8,000 resolutions/500 s cycle

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety 6
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller is

6-7-1 Output Settings and Conversion Values

reset or when the Unit restarts.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 6-37
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

Starting and Stopping Conversion

To begin analog output conversion, it is necessary to set the output used to conversion enable with the
device variable for CJ-series Unit Output # Conversion Enable Settings (*_Ch#_ConvCmd) shown
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_ConvCmd BOOL 0: Conversion disable
1: Conversion enable
An output number from 1 to 2 is included in place of # in the variable name.
In addition to input peak value hold, you can also perform batch settings with the device variable for CJ-
series Unit Peak Value Hold and Output Conversion Enable Settings (*_ConvPkHdCmd) shown below.
Variable name Type Setting
*_ConvPkHdCmd BYTE 16#00 to 16#F3

Bit 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00

Output 2

Output 1
Input 4

Input 3

Input 2

Input 1
0: Do not perform peak value hold
1: Perform peak value hold
0: Output conversion disable
1: Output conversion enable

(n = 2000 + unit number × 10)

Additional Information

• The analog output when conversion is stopped will differ depending on the output signal range
setting and output hold setting. Refer to Output Signal Ranges on page 6-36, 6-7-2 Output
Hold Function.
• Conversion will not begin under the following conditions even if the Conversion Enable Bit is
turned ON.
1. In Adjustment Mode, when something other than the output number is output during adjust-
2. When an output setting value occurs.
3. When a major fault level Controller error occurs at the CPU Unit.
• When the CPU Unit changes from the RUN Mode to PROGRAM Mode, all output for the
device variable for CJ-series Unit *_ConvCmd will change to the status of conversion disabled.
This also happens when the Controller is reset including when the power is turned ON. The
output status at this time depends on the output hold function.

6-38 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-7-2 Output Hold Function

The Analog Output Unit stops conversion under the following circumstances and outputs the value set
by the output hold function.

1 When the Conversion Enable Bit is OFF.

Refer to 6-7-1 Output Settings and Conversion Values.

6-7 Analog Output Functions and Operating Procedures

2 In Adjustment Mode, when something other than the output number is output during adjustment.
Refer to 6-5-2 Accessing from the User Program.

3 When there is an output setting error.

Refer to 6-7-4 Output Setting Errors on page 6-42.

4 When a major fault level Controller error occurs.

5 When there is an input disconnection during ratio conversion.

You can select CLR, HOLD, or MAX for the output status when conversion is stopped.
Output signal CLR HOLD MAX
0 to 10 V –0.5 V Voltage that was output just prior to stop. 10.5 V
(Min. –5% of full scale) (Max. +5% of full scale)
–10 to 10 V 0.0 V Voltage that was output just prior to stop. 11.0 V
(Max. +5% of full scale)
1 to 5 V 0.8 V Voltage that was output just prior to stop. 5.2 V
(Min. –5% of full scale) (Max. +5% of full scale)
0 to 5 V –0.25 V Voltage that was output just prior to stop. 5.25 V
(Min. –5% of full scale) (Max. +5% of full scale)
4 to 20 mA 3.2 mA Voltage that was output just prior to stop. 20.8 mA

6-7-2 Output Hold Function

(Min. –0.5% of full scale) (Max. +5% of full scale)

The above values may fluctuate if offset/gain adjustment has been applied.
Use Output # Output Status When Conversion Stops (*_Ch#_HdMdCfg) to set the output hold function.
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_HdMdCfg USINT 0: CLR
2: MAX
An output number from 1 to 2 is included in place of # in the variable name.

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller is
reset or when the Unit restarts.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 6-39
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-7-3 Output Scaling Function

When upper and lower limits (within a range of 32,000 to +32,000) are preset, analog output setting
values with the upper and lower limits taken as full scale are converted from digital to analog.
This scaling eliminates the previous need to provide a numeric conversion program. It is only enabled,
however, for a conversion cycle of 1 ms and a resolution of 4,000 (and not for a conversion cycle of 500
s and a resolution of 8,000.)

Additional Information

• Besides setting the upper limit > lower limit, it is also possible to set the lower limit < upper
limit. (Reverse scaling is supported.)
• Actual D/A conversion is executed at up to 5% to +105% of full scale.
• You cannot use the scaling function when the ratio conversion function is used.
• If the scaling upper limit equals the lower limit, or if the scaling upper limit or lower limit is out-
side the range of 32,000, a scaling data setting error is generated and scaling cannot be exe-
cuted. Operation starts normally when both the upper and lower limits are set to 0000 (the
default values).

 Setting Upper and Lower Limits for Output Scaling

Use the initial setting parameters shown below to set the output scaling upper and lower limit values.
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_Scl_L_Cfg INT Scaling lower limit (32,000 to +32,000)
*_Ch#_Scl_H_Cfg INT Scaling upper limit (32,000 to +32,000)
The I/O number is included in place of # in the variable name (Output = 1 to 2, Input = 3 to 6)

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller is
reset or when the Unit restarts.

6-40 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

 Example Setting 1
If the output 1 signal of 0 to 10 V is to be scaled to a set value of 0 to 10000, set as follows:
Set Output 1 Scaling Lower Limit (*_Ch1_Scl_L_Cfg) to 0.
Set Output 1 Scaling Upper Limit (*_Ch1_Scl_H_Cfg) to +10,000.

The following diagram shows the correspondence between output signals and converted
scaling values.

6-7 Analog Output Functions and Operating Procedures

+10.5 V
+10 V

Scaling line

−0.5 V 0

Output set value Output signal

0 0V
10,000 10 V
500 0.5 V
10,500 10.5 V

 Example Setting 2 (Reverse Scaling) 6

If the output 2 signal of 0 to 10 V is to be scaled to a set value of 10000 to 0, set as follows:
Set Output 2 Scaling Lower Limit (*_Ch2_Scl_L_Cfg) to +10,000.

6-7-3 Output Scaling Function

Set Output 2 Scaling Upper Limit (*_Ch2_Scl_H_Cfg) to 0.

The following diagram shows the correspondence between input signals and converted
scaling values.
+10.5 V
+10 V

Scaling line

−0.5 V 0

−500 10000

Conversion result Output signal

10,000 0V
0 10 V
10,500 0.5 V
500 10.5 V

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 6-41
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-7-4 Output Setting Errors

Use the device variable for CJ-series Unit Output # Output Set Value Error (*_Ch#_MVErr) shown
below to acquire the error status of the analog output setting value.
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_MVErr BOOL 0: No error
1: Setting error
An output number from 1 to 2 is included in place of # in the variable name.
In addition to input disconnection detected, you can perform batch readout with the device variable for
CJ-series Unit Set value Errors and Disconnection Detected (*_MVSensErr) shown below.
Variable name Type
*_MvSensErr BYTE

Bit 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00

Output 2
Output 1
Input 4
Input 3
Input 2
Input 1

0: No disconnection
1: Disconnection
0: No error
1: Output setting error

Additional Information

The voltage for an output number at which a setting error occurred will be output according to the
output hold function.

6-42 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-8 Ratio Conversion Function

The Analog I/O Unit has a ratio conversion function that enables it to perform analog-to-analog conver-
sions by itself, without use of the PLC. It can use either Loop 1 (input number 1  output number 1) or
Loop 2 (input number 2  output number 2).
Input 1  Ratio bias calculation  Output 1
Input 2  Ratio bias calculation  Output 2
The relationship between the analog input and the analog output is expressed by the following conver-
sion equations.

 Positive Gradient Conversion

(Analog output) = A  (Analog input) + B

6-8 Ratio Conversion Function

Analog output
Y A=


Analog input
A: Ratio set value 0 to 99.99 (BCD)
B: Bias 32768 to +32767
The following example is for an I/O signal range of 10 to 10 V.
Constant A: 0050 (0.5)
Constant B: +400 (400/4000 resolutions  20V = 2.0V)
Analog input: 10 to 10 V
Analog output = 0.5  (10 to 10 V) + 2.0 V
= 3.0 to 7.0 V

Additional Information

You cannot use the scaling function simultaneously with the ratio conversion function.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 6-43
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

 Negative Gradient Conversion

(Analog output) = F – A x (Analog input) + B
Analog output


Analog input
F: Output signal range maximum value
A: Ratio set value 0 to 99.99 (BCD)
B: Bias 32768 to +32767
The following example is for an I/O range of 0 to 10 V.
Constant A: 1000 (10.0)
Constant B: +200 (200/400010V=0.5V)
F: 10 V
Analog input: 0 to 1 V
Analog output = 10 V – 10  (0 to 1 V) + 0.5 V
= 10.5 to 0.5 V

Specifying Ratio Conversion Function

To specify the use of Loop 1 and Loop 2 and their I/O relationships, set Ratio Conversion Use Setting
Variable name Type Setting
UseRatioBias BYTE 16#00 to 16#FF

Bit 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Loop 2

Loop 1

00: Not used

01: Use positive gradient conversion
10: Use negative gradient conversion
11: Same as 00 above

Additional Information

The response time of ratio conversion (input-to-output conversion) is 850 s for a resolution of
4,000 and 420 s for a resolution of 8,000.

6-44 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

Specifying Ratio Set Value and Bias

Set the initial setting parameters shown below for ratio conversion constant A (ratio set value) and ratio
conversion constant B (bias value).

 Ratio conversion constant A

Loop # Ratio Conversion Constant A (*_Ch#_Cfg_Const_A)
Variable name Type Setting
*_Ch#_Cfg_Const_A WORD 16#0000 to 16#9999 (0.00 to 99.99)
Variable name # is Loop 1 to 2

 Ratio conversion constant B

Loop # Ratio Conversion Constant B (*_Ch#_Cfg_Const_B)
Variable name Type Setting

6-8 Ratio Conversion Function

*_Ch#_Cfg_Const_B INT 32768 to +32767
Variable name # is Loop 1 to 2

Precautions for Safe Use

• When initial setting parameters are set and transferred from Sysmac Studio, Sysmac Studio
checks whether or not the Unit must be restarted. Restart the Unit after confirming the safety
of the connected destination.
• The contents of initial setting parameters will be transferred to the Unit when the Controller is
reset or when the Unit restarts.
Additional Information

• During use of the ratio conversion function, the device variable for CJ-series Unit Input # Con-
version Data (*_Ch#_RdAI) of the input conversion value outputs the calculation result.
• If the Conversion Enable Flag is set to "disabled", the analog output value will be sent accord-
ing to the output hold function.
• If an input cable is disconnected, the calculation result will become 0, and the analog output
value will be output according to the output hold function.
• If the ratio conversion result exceeds the output signal range, the calculation result and analog
output value are scaled out to the upper limit or lower limit, whichever corresponds to the
direction of the limit exceeded by the ratio conversion result.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 6-45
6 CJ-series Analog I/O Unit (CJ1W-MAD42)

6-46 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
Common Items
This chapter explains usage common among Analog Input Units, Output Units and I/O

7-1 Adjusting Offset and Gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2

7-1-1 Adjustment Mode Operational Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
7-1-2 Input Offset and Gain Adjustment Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4
7-1-3 Output Offset and Gain Adjustment Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
7-2 When Errors and Alarms Occur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14
7-2-1 Indicators and Error Flowchart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14
7-2-2 Alarms Occurring at the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16
7-2-3 Errors in the CPU Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-19 7
7-2-4 Restarting Special I/O Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-20
7-2-5 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-20
7-3 Event Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-23
7-3-1 Overview of the Event Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-23
7-3-2 Error Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-24
7-3-3 Error Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-26

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 7-1
7 Common Items

7-1 Adjusting Offset and Gain

You can use these functions to calibrate inputs or outputs according to the devices that are connected.

 [Input Calibration Function]

When the resolution is set to 4,000, this function takes an output device's offset voltage (or current)
and gain voltage (or current) as the analog input conversion data 0 and +4000 (or +2000 when the
range is 10 V).

For example, when used in a range of 1 to 5 V, a range of 0.95 to 4.98 V may be output even if the
external device specifications are for 1 to 5 V.
In such cases, when the external device outputs an offset voltage of 0.95 V, the conversion data at
the Analog Input Unit will be 50 at the resolution of 4,000. When a gain voltage of 4.98 V is output,
the conversion data will be +3980.
With the offset and gain adjustment functions, the values are converted from 0.95 V to 4.98 V to 0 to
+4000 respectively (instead of 50 to 3980).

Output device offset and gain Converted data before Converted data after
voltage adjustment adjustment
100.0 50 (100) 0
500.0 +3980 (+7960) +4000 (+8000)
Resolution: 8,000

 [Output Calibration Function]

This function adjusts output voltages according to input device offset values and gain values, and
takes the presently set values of the Unit to be 0 and +4000 (or +2000 when the range is 10 V)

For example, assume that the specifications for an external input device (such as a display device)
are 100.0 to 500.0. If voltage is output by the Analog Output Unit at a set value of 0000, and the
actual display at the external input device shows not 100.0 but 100.5, you can adjust the output volt-
age (lowered in this case) so that the display will show 100.0, and you can set the set value (5 in
this case) when the display shows exactly 100.0 to 0.

Similarly, for the gain value, if the Analog Output Unit outputs voltage at a set value of +4000, and
the actual display at the external input device shows not 500.0 but 500.5, you can adjust the output
voltage (lowered in this case) so that the display will show 500.0, and you can set the set value
(+3995 in this case) when the display shows exactly 500.0 to +4000.

Display at external input device Set value before adjustment Set value after adjustment
100.0 5 (10) 0
500.0 +3995 (+7990) +4000 (+8000)
Resolution: 8,000

7-2 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
7 Common Items

7-1-1 Adjustment Mode Operational Flow

The following diagram shows the flow of operations when using the Adjustment Mode to adjust offset
and gain.

Turn ON the Controller

Set the operating mode switch to

Adjustment Mode.
The method of switching to the Adjustment Mode varies
depending on the model.
Refer to the section of each model.
Restart the Unit.
To adjust another I/O number

Set the adjustment I/O number.

To adjust the same I/O number

7-1 Adjusting Offset and Gain

Offset Adjustment Gain Adjustment

"*_AdjOfs" = "1" "*_AdjGain" = "1"

Input adjustment Output adjustment Input adjustment Output adjustment

Adjustment Adjustment
Input sampling value setting Input sampling value setting

Add inputs so that Operate "*_AdjDwn" Add inputs so that Operate "*_AdjDwn"
conversion value or conversion value is or
becomes 0. "*_AdjUp" maximized. "*_AdjUp"
"*_AdjSet" = "1" ⇒ "0" "*_AdjSet" = "1" ⇒ "0"

7-1-1 Adjustment Mode Operational Flow

"*_AdjOfs" = "0" "*_AdjGain" = "0"

Set the operating mode switch to

Normal Mode.
The method of switching to the Normal Mode varies
depending on the model.
Refer to the section of each model.
Restart the Unit.

Precautions for Correct Use

• Set the CPU Unit to PROGRAM Mode when the Analog I/O Unit is used in Adjustment Mode.
If the CPU Unit is in RUN Mode, operation of the Unit stops, and the input and output values
that existed immediately before this stoppage will be retained.
• To make adjustments, be sure to perform both the offset adjustment and gain adjustment at
the same time.

Additional Information

You can perform input adjustments more accurately in conjunction with mean value processing.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 7-3
7 Common Items

7-1-2 Input Offset and Gain Adjustment Procedures

Specifying Input Number to be Adjusted

Use the device variable for CJ-series Unit Inputs to Be Adjusted (*_AdjCh) shown below to specify the
input number to be adjusted.
Variable name Type Setting
*_AdjCh BYTE 16#21 to 16#28

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

I/O specification Input to be adjusted

2: Input 1 to 8

Bits Used for Adjusting Offset and Gain

Use the device variables for CJ-series Unit shown below to adjust offset and gain.
Variable name Type Function
*_AdjOfs BOOL Offset Flag
*_AdjGain BOOL Gain Flag
*_AdjSet BOOL Adjustment Value Set Flag: Confirm the adjustment (off-
*_AdjClr BOOL Adjustment Value Clear Flag: Cancel the adjusted value cur-
rently set and restore the original adjusted value.

7-4 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
7 Common Items

Offset Adjustment
The procedure to adjust the analog input offset is explained below. As shown in the following diagram,
the offset is adjusted by sampling inputs so that the conversion value becomes 0.

Input signal range:

0 to 10 V

0 10 V
Offset adjustment input range
The following example uses input number 1 adjustment.

1 Set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Inputs to Be Adjusted (*_AdjCh) to 16#21. (Adjustment

7-1 Adjusting Offset and Gain

of input 1)

2 Set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Offset Flag (*_AdjOfs) to 1.
The device variable for CJ-series Unit Conversion value for adjustment (*_AdjPV) will monitor
the analog input's digital conversion values while the Offset Flag is ON.

3 Check whether the input devices are connected.

Voltage input Current input
A1 + A1 +
A2 - A2 -
A5 Input 1 A5 Input 1
For current input, check that the voltage/current switch is ON.

7-1-2 Input Offset and Gain Adjustment Procedures

4 Input the voltage or current so that the conversion value becomes "0". The following table shows
the offset adjustment voltages and currents to be input according to the input signal range.
Input signal range Input range "*_AdjPV" monitor value
0 to 10 V 0.5 V to +0.5 V
10 V to +10 V 1.0 V to +1.0 V
200 to +200
1 to 5 V 0.8 V to 1.2 V
(400 to +400)
0 to 5 V 0.25 V to +0.25 V
4 to 20 mA 3.2 mA to 4.8 mA
(Values in parentheses are for a resolution of 8,000.)

5 After you input the voltage or current so that the conversion value for the analog input terminal is
0, set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Adjustment Value Set Flag (*_AdjSet) to 1, and then
return it to 0.
While the device variable for CJ-series Unit Offset Flag (*_AdjOfs) is set to 1, the offset value
will be saved to the Unit's non-volatile memory when Adjustment Value Set Flag (*_AdjSet)
turns ON.

6 To finish the offset adjustment, set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Offset Flag (*_AdjOfs)
to 0.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 7-5
7 Common Items

Precautions for Correct Use

• Do not turn OFF the power supply or restart the Unit while the Adjustment Value Set Flag is
ON (while data is written to the non-volatile memory). Otherwise, illegal data may be written in
the Unit's non-volatile memory and "Non-volatile Memory Error" may occur when the power
supply is turned ON or when the Unit is restarted, which will cause a malfunction.
• To make adjustments, be sure to perform both the offset adjustment and gain adjustment at
the same time.

Additional Information

• You can overwrite the non-volatile memory 50,000 times.

• While the Offset Flag or the Gain Flag is ON, the present conversion data displays in device
variable for CJ-series Unit Conversion value for adjustment (*_AdjPV).
If the Offset Flag is OFF, the value immediately before you turned the bit OFF is held.

Gain Adjustment
The procedure to adjust the analog input gain is explained below. As shown in the following diagram,
the gain is adjusted by sampling inputs so that the conversion value is maximized.
Gain adjustment
+4000 input range

Input signal range:

0 to 10 V

10 V

The following example uses input number 1 adjustment.

1 Set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Inputs to Be Adjusted (*_AdjCh) to 16#21. (Adjustment
of input 1)

2 Set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Gain Flag (*_AdjGain) to 1.
The device variable for CJ-series Unit Conversion value for adjustment (*_AdjPV) will monitor
the analog input's digital conversion values while the Gain Flag is ON.

3 Check whether the input devices are connected.

Voltage input Current input
A1 + A1 +
A2 - A2 -
A5 Input 1 A5 Input 1

For current input, check that the voltage/current switch is ON.

7-6 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
7 Common Items

4 Input the voltage or current so that the conversion value is maximized (+4000 or +8000 (for a
resolution of 8,000)). The following table shows the gain adjustment voltages and currents to be
input according to the input signal range.
Input signal range Input range "*_AdjPV" monitor value
0 to +10 V 9.5 V to 10.5 V +3800 to +4200 (+7600 to +8400)
10 V to +10 V 9.0 V to 11.0 V +1800 to +2200 (+3600 to +4400)
1 to 5 V 4.8 V to 5.2 V +3800 to +4200 (+7600 to +8400)
0 to 5 V 4.75 V to 5.25 V +3800 to +4200 (+7600 to +8400)
4 to 20 mA 19.2 mA to 20.8 mA +3800 to 4200 (+7600 to +8400)
(Values in parentheses are for a resolution of 8,000.)

5 After inputting the voltage or current so that the conversion value is maximized (+4000 or +8000
(for a resolution of 8,000)), set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Adjustment Value Set Flag
(*_AdjSet) to 1 , and then return it to 0.
While the device variable for CJ-series Unit Gain Flag (*_AdjGain) is set to 1, the gain value will
be saved to the Unit's non-volatile memory when Adjustment Value Set Flag (*_AdjSet) turns

7-1 Adjusting Offset and Gain

6 To finish the gain adjustment, set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Gain Flag (*_AdjGain) to

Precautions for Correct Use

• Do not turn OFF the power supply or restart the Unit while the Adjustment Value Set Flag is
ON (while data is written to the non-volatile memory). Otherwise, illegal data may be written in
the Unit's non-volatile memory and "Non-volatile Memory Error" may occur when the power
supply is turned ON or when the Unit is restarted, which will cause a malfunction.
• To make adjustments, be sure to perform both the offset adjustment and gain adjustment at 7
the same time.

7-1-2 Input Offset and Gain Adjustment Procedures

Additional Information

• You can overwrite the non-volatile memory 50,000 times.

• While the Offset Flag or the Gain Flag is ON, the present conversion data will be displayed in
the device variable for CJ-series Unit Conversion value for adjustment (*_AdjPV).
If the Gain Flag OFF, the value immediately before you turned the Bit OFF is held.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 7-7
7 Common Items

Clearing Offset and Gain Adjusted Values

Follow the procedure outlined below to return the offset and gain adjusted values to their default set-

The following example uses input number 1 adjustment. (The unit number is 0.)

1 Set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Inputs to Be Adjusted (*_AdjCh) to 16#21. (Adjustment
of input 1)

2 Set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Adjustment Value Clear Flag (*_AdjClr) to 1.
Regardless of the input value, the device variable for CJ-series Unit Conversion Value for
Adjustment (*_AdjPV) will monitor 0.

3 Set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Adjustment Value Set Flag (*_AdjSet) to 1 and return
it to 0.
While the device variable for CJ-series Unit Adjustment Value Clear Flag (*_AdjClr) is set to 1,
the adjustment value will be cleared and reset to the default offset and gain values when Adjust-
ment Value Set Flag (*_AdjSet) turns ON.

4 To finish clearance of adjustment values, set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Adjustment
Value Clear Flag (*_AdjClr) to 0.

Precautions for Correct Use

Do not turn OFF the power supply or restart the Unit while the Adjustment Value Set Flag is ON
(while data is written to the non-volatile memory). Otherwise, illegal data may be written in the
Unit's non-volatile memory and "Non-volatile Memory Error" may occur when the power supply is
turned ON or when the Unit is restarted, which will cause a malfunction.

Additional Information

You can overwrite the non-volatile memory 50,000 times.

7-8 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
7 Common Items

7-1-3 Output Offset and Gain Adjustment Procedures

Specifying Output Number to be Adjusted

Use the device variable for CJ-series Unit Outputs to Be Adjusted (*_AdjCh) shown below to specify the
output number to be adjusted.
Variable name Type Setting
*_AdjCh BYTE 16#11 to 16#18
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

I/O specification Input to be adjusted

1: Output 1 to 8

Bits Used to Adjust Offset and Gain

7-1 Adjusting Offset and Gain

Use bit operation of the device variables for CJ-series Unit shown below to adjust offset and gain.
Variable name Type Function
*_AdjOfs BOOL Offset Flag
*_AdjGain BOOL Gain Flag
*_AdjDwn BOOL Adjustment Value Down Flag: Decrease the adjusted value
by one resolution.
*_AdjUp BOOL Adjustment Value Up Flag: Increase the adjusted value by
one resolution.
*_AdjSet BOOL Adjustment Value Set Flag: Confirm the adjustment (off-
set/gain). 7
*_AdjClr BOOL Adjustment Value Clear Flag: Cancel the adjusted value cur-
rently set and restore the original adjusted value.

7-1-3 Output Offset and Gain Adjustment Procedures

Offset Adjustment
The procedure to adjust the analog output offset is explained below. As shown in the following diagram,
the set value is adjusted so that the analog output reaches the standard value (0 V/1 V/4 mA).
10 V

Output signal range:

0 to 10 V

Offset adjustment output range
The following example uses output number 1 adjustment.

1 Set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Outputs to Be Adjusted (*_AdjCh) to 16#11. (Adjust-
ment of output 1)

2 Set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Offset Flag (*_AdjOfs) to 1.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 7-9
7 Common Items

3 Check whether the output devices are connected.

Current output
Voltage output +
A1 + -
A2 -
Output 1 A3

4 Monitor the device variable for CJ-series Unit Conversion value for adjustment (*_AdjPV) and
check the output value while the Offset Flag is ON.

5 Change the output value so that the output voltage reaches the standard value. You can adjust
the output value within the indicated ranges in the following table.
Possible output voltage/
Output signal range Output range
current adjustment
0 to 10 V 0.5 to +0.5 V
10 V to +10 V 1.0 to +1.0 V
200 to +200
1 to 5 V 0.8 to 1.2 V
(400 to +400)
0 to 5 V 0.25 to +0.25 V
4 to 20 mA 3.2 to 4.8 mA

Use bit operation of the device variables for CJ-series Unit shown below to adjust the output
Variable name Type Function
*_AdjDwn BOOL Adjustment Value Down Flag: Decrease the adjusted value
by one resolution.
*_AdjUp BOOL Adjustment Value Up Flag: Increase the adjusted value by
one resolution.

With both the Up Flag and Down Flag, the output changes by one resolution every 0.5 second
while the flag is ON. If the Bit remains ON for 3 seconds, the output changes by one resolution
every 0.1 seconds.

6 Check the 0-V/1-V/4-mA output, and then set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Adjustment
Value Set Flag (*_AdjSet) to 1 and then return it to 0.
While the device variable for CJ-series Unit Offset Flag (*_AdjOfs) is set to 1, the offset value
will be save to the Unit's non-volatile memory when Adjustment Value Set Flag (*_AdjSet) turns

7 To finish the offset adjustment, set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Offset Flag (*_AdjOfs)
to 0.

Precautions for Correct Use

• Do not turn OFF the power supply or restart the Unit while the Adjustment Value Set Flag is
ON (while data is written to the non-volatile memory). Otherwise, illegal data may be written in
the Unit's non-volatile memory and "Non-volatile Memory Error" may occur when the power
supply is turned ON or when the Unit is restarted, which will cause a malfunction.
• To make adjustments, be sure to perform both the offset adjustment and gain adjustment at
the same time.

Additional Information

You can overwrite the non-volatile memory 50,000 times.

7-10 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
7 Common Items

Gain Adjustment
The procedure to adjust the analog output gain is explained below. As shown in the following diagram,
the set value is adjusted so that the analog output is maximized (to 10 V/5 V/20 mA).

10 V Gain adjustment
output range

Output signal range:

0 to 10 V

0 +4000

The following example uses output number 1 adjustment.

1 Set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Outputs to Be Adjusted (*_AdjCh) to 16#11. (Adjust-

7-1 Adjusting Offset and Gain

ment of output 1)

2 Set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Gain Flag (*_AdjGain) to 1.

3 Check whether the output devices are connected.

Current output
Voltage output +

A1 A2 -
A2 - A3
Output 1
4 Monitor the device variable for CJ-series Unit Conversion value for adjustment (*_AdjPV) and
check the output value while the Gain Flag is ON.

7-1-3 Output Offset and Gain Adjustment Procedures

5 Change the output value so that the output voltage reaches the standard value. You can adjust
the output value within the indicated ranges in the following table.
Possible output voltage/
Output signal range Output range
current adjustment
0 to 10 V 9.5 to 10.5 V +3800 to +4200 (+7600 to +8400)
10 V to +10 V 9 to 11 V +1800 to +2200 (+3600 to +4400)
1 to 5 V 4.8 to 5.2 V +3800 to +4200 (+7600 to +8400)
0 to 5 V 4.75 to 5.25 V +3800 to +4200 (+7600 to +8400)
4 to 20 mA 19.2 to 20.8 mA +3800 to +4200 (+7600 to +8400)
(Values in parentheses are for a resolution of 8,000.)

Use bit operation of the device variables for CJ-series Unit shown below to adjust the output
Variable name Type Function
*_AdjDwn BOOL Adjustment Value Down Flag: Decrease the adjusted value
by one resolution.
*_AdjUp BOOL Adjustment Value Up Flag: Increase the adjusted value by
one resolution.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 7-11
7 Common Items

With both the Up Flag and Down Flag, the output changes by one resolution every 0.5 second
while the Bit is ON. If the Bit remains ON for 3 seconds, the output changes by one resolution
every 0.1 seconds.

6 Check the 10-V/5-V/20-mA output, and then set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Adjust-
ment Value Set Flag (*_AdjSet) to 1 and then return it to 0.
While the device variable for CJ-series Unit Gain Flag (*_AdjGain) is set to 1, the gain value will
be saved to the Unit's non-volatile memory when Adjustment Value Set Flag (*_AdjSet) turns

7 To finish the offset adjustment, set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Offset Flag (*_AdjOfs)
to 0.

Precautions for Correct Use

• Do not turn OFF the power supply or restart the Unit while the Set Flag is ON (while data is
written to the non-volatile memory). Otherwise, illegal data may be written in the Unit's non-
volatile memory and "Non-volatile Memory Error" may occur when the power supply is turned
ON or when the Unit is restarted, which will cause a malfunction.
• To make adjustments, be sure to perform both the offset adjustment and gain adjustment at
the same time.

Additional Information

You can overwrite the non-volatile memory 50,000 times.

Clearing Offset and Gain Adjusted Values

Follow the procedure outlined below to return the offset and gain adjusted values to their default set-
The following example uses output number 1 adjustment.

1 Set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Outputs to Be Adjusted (*_AdjCh) to 16#11. (Adjust-
ment of output 1)

2 Set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Adjustment Value Clear Flag (*_AdjClr) to 1.
Regardless of the output value, the device variable for CJ-series Unit Conversion value for
adjustment (*_AdjPV) will monitor 0.

3 Set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Adjustment Value Set Flag (*_AdjSet) to 1 and return
it to 0.
While the device variable for CJ-series Unit Adjustment Value Clear Flag (*_AdjClr) is set to 1,
the adjustment value will be cleared and reset to the default offset and gain values when Adjust-
ment Value Set Flag (*_AdjSet) turns ON.

4 To finish the clearance of adjustment values, set the device variable for CJ-series Unit Adjust-
ment Value Clear Flag (*_AdjClr) to 0.

7-12 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
7 Common Items

Precautions for Correct Use

Do not turn OFF the power supply or restart the Unit while the Adjustment Value Set Flag is ON
(while data is written to the non-volatile memory). Otherwise, illegal data may be written in the
Unit's non-volatile memory and "Non-volatile Memory Error" may occur when the power supply is
turned ON or when the Unit is restarted, which will cause a malfunction.

Additional Information

You can overwrite the non-volatile memory 50,000 times.

7-1 Adjusting Offset and Gain


7-1-3 Output Offset and Gain Adjustment Procedures

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 7-13
7 Common Items

7-2 When Errors and Alarms Occur

7-2-1 Indicators and Error Flowchart

If an alarm or error occurs in the Analog Input, Analog Output or Analog I/O Units, the ERC or ERH indi-
cators on the front panel of the Unit will light.
Front panel of Unit


LED Meaning Indicator Operating status

RUN (green) Operating Lit Operating in Normal Mode.
Not lit Unit has stopped exchanging data with the CPU
ERC (red) Error detected by Unit Lit Alarm has occurred (such as disconnection
detection) or initial settings are incorrect.
Not lit Operating normally.
ERH (red) Error in the CPU Unit Lit Error has occurred during data exchange with
the CPU Unit.
Not lit Operating normally.
ADJ (yellow) Adjusting Flashing Operating in offset/gain Adjustment Mode.
Not lit Other than the above.

7-14 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
7 Common Items

Troubleshooting Procedure
Use the following procedure for troubleshooting the Unit errors.
Error occurs.

Yes Yes
Is the ERC indicator Is the RUN indicator An alarm occurred at the Unit.
lit? lit?
(Refer to 7-2-2 Alarms Occurring at the Unit.)
No No

Check whether the initial settings for the Unit

are set correctly.
(Refer to 7-2-2 Alarms Occurring at the Unit.)

Yes Yes
Is the ERH indicator Is the RUN indicator Error detected by CPU Unit.
lit? lit?
Refer to 7-2-3 Errors in the CPU Unit.
No No

7-2 When Errors and Alarms Occur

Check whether the unit number is set correctly.
Refer to 7-2-3 Errors in the CPU Unit.
Is the RUN indicator
Refer to 7-2-5 Troubleshooting.


Error in internal circuit has

occurred, preventing
operation from continuing.
Refer to 7-2-4 Restarting
Special I/O Units.


7-2-1 Indicators and Error Flowchart


Cycle the power supply

to the PLC.

Error Noise or other disturbances may cause
cleared? malfunctions. Check the operating

The Unit is damaged.

Replace the Unit.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 7-15
7 Common Items

7-2-2 Alarms Occurring at the Unit

When an alarm occurs at the Unit, the ERC indicator lights and the error information is output to the
device variable for CJ-series Unit.

 ERC and RUN Indicators: Lit

ERH : Lit
ADJ : Not lit

The ERC and RUN indicators will light if an error occurs while Unit operation is normal.
The alarm information is output to the device variable for CJ-series Unit shown below.
These alarm flags will turn OFF automatically when the error is cleared.

Variable name
Alarm name Error contents I/O status Countermeasure
(applicable model)
*_Ch#_MVErr Output Set Value The output setting Output value set Correct the set value.
(DA0@1/DA08@/DA0 Error range was by output hold
42V/MAD42) exceeded. function.
*_Ch#_SensErr Disconnection A disconnection Conversion data The inputs may be
(AD0@1-V1/AD042/ Detected was detected. * becomes 0. disconnected.
MAD42) Restore any discon-
nected inputs.
*_AdjMemErr (Adjustment A Non-volatile Output status • Operate the Adjust-
(AD0@1-V1/DA0@1/ Mode) Non-vola- Memory Error immediately prior ment Value Set
DA08@/MAD42) tile Memory Error occurred while in to error held. Flag again.
Adjustment Mode. • If the error persists
even after rewriting
the adjustment
value, replace the
*_ConvErr A/D Conversion An error occurred Values immedi- • If the error persists
(AD042) Error in the A/D con- ately prior to error even after the
verter or in A/D held. No data is power supply is
conversion. changed. cycled or the Unit is
restarted, check for
a source of noise in
the environment.
• If the error persists
even when there is
no source of noise,
replace the Unit.

* Disconnection detection operates for input numbers used with a range of 1 to 5 V (4 to 20 mA).

7-16 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
7 Common Items

 ERC Indicator and RUN Indicator: Lit, ADJ Indicator: Flashing

ERC : Lit
ERH : Flashing
ADJ : Not lit

This alarm will occur in the case of incorrect operation while in the Adjustment Mode.
The alarm information is output to the device variables for CJ-series Unit shown below.

Variable name
Alarm name Error contents I/O status Countermeasure
(applicable model)
*_AjdInErr (Adjustment In Adjustment Conversion data If you make the
(AD0@1-V1) Mode) Conver- Mode, you cannot that corresponds adjustment by means
*_AdjInMdErr sion Time/Resolu- adjust offset or to the input signal of a connected input
(MAD42) tion or Operation gain because is monitored in the device, first adjust the
Mode Setting input value is out device variable for input device before
Error of the permissible CJ-series Unit adjusting the Analog

7-2 When Errors and Alarms Occur

range for adjust- "*_AdjPV". I/O Unit.
*_AdjInNoErr (Adjustment In Adjustment Values immedi- • Check whether the
(AD0@1-V1) Mode) Input Value Mode, you cannot ately prior to error device variable for
*_AdjOutNoErr Adjustment Num- perform adjust- held. No data is CJ-series Unit
ber Setting Error ment because the changed. "*_AdjCh" is set
Output Value specified input or correctly.
*_AdjIONoErr Adjustment Num- output number is • Check whether the
(MAD42) ber Setting Error not set for use or input or output num-
Input/Output Value because the ber to be adjusted
Adjustment Num- wrong input or out- is set for use by
ber Setting Error put number is means of the DM
specified. setting.

 ERC Indicator: Lit, RUN Indicator: Not Lit

7-2-2 Alarms Occurring at the Unit

ERH : Lit
ADJ : Not lit

The ERC indicator will light when the initial settings for the Unit are not set correctly.
The alarm information is output to the device variables for CJ-series Unit shown below.
These alarm flags will turn OFF when the error is cleared and the Unit is restarted.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 7-17
7 Common Items

Variable name
Alarm name Error contents I/O status Countermeasure
(applicable model)
*_SclErr Ratio Conversion The I/O number Conversion does Check the setting
(AD042/DA08@/ Use Setting Error for the ratio con- not start and data ranges of initial set-
DA042V/MAD42) (MAD42 only) version function becomes "0". ting parameters spec-
*_AdjSclErr has been to be not ified in the section of
used. each model and cor-
Scaling Data Set- There is a mis- rect the settings.
ting Error take in the upper
or lower limit set-
ting when scaling
is used.
The set value is
exceeded, the
upper limit equals
the lower limit (not
0000), etc.
*_RatioCfgErr Ratio Set Value Data outside the
AdjRatioCfgErr Error setting range was
(MAD42) specified for the
ratio set value with
the ratio conver-
sion function.
*_HdErr Output Hold Set- The wrong output
(DA0@1/DA08@/ ting Error status for when
DA042V/MAD42) conversion is
*_AdjHdErr stopped has been
*_AveErr Mean Value Pro- The wrong num-
(AD0@1-V1/AD042/ cessing Setting ber of samplings
MAD42) Error has been specified
*_AdjAveErr for mean value
*_CfgErr Input Signal The setting for the
(AD042/DA042V) Range Setting number of analog
Error or Error in inputs used or the
Number of Inputs input signal range
Setting is wrong.
Output Signal The number of
Range Setting analog outputs
Error or Error In used or output sig-
Number of Out- nal range setting
puts Used Setting is wrong.
*_MdErr Conversion The conversion
(DA08@/MAD42) Time/Resolution cycle/resolution
or Operation Mode setting or Opera-
Setting Error tion Mode setting
is incorrect.
*_MdErr Error in Setting of The conversion On the Special Unit
(AD042/DA042V) Conversion Mode mode setting is Setup Editing of Sys-
wrong. mac Studio, set "Con-
version Mode Setting"
to "Cyclic Conversion

7-18 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
7 Common Items

7-2-3 Errors in the CPU Unit

When errors occur in the CPU Unit or I/O bus, and I/O refresh with the Special I/O Unit is not performed
correctly resulting in the Unit malfunctioning, the ERH indicator will light.

 ERH and RUN Indicators: Lit

ERH : Lit
ADJ : Not lit

The ERH and RUN indicators will light if an error occurs in the I/O bus causing a WDT (watchdog
timer) error in the CPU Unit, resulting in incorrect I/O refresh with the Unit.
Correct the cause of error and then reset the Controller or cycle the power.

7-2 When Errors and Alarms Occur

Error Error contents Input status Output status
I/O bus check error An error occurred during Conversion data becomes Output value set by output
data transmission with the 0000. hold function.
CPU Unit.
CPU Unit monitoring No response from CPU Maintains the condition Status from before error is
error (see note) Unit during fixed period. existing before the error. maintained.
CPU Unit WDT error An error was generated in Changes to undefined Output value set by output
CPU Unit. state. hold function.

 ERH Indicator: Lit, RUN Indicator: Not Lit

ERH : Lit

7-2-3 Errors in the CPU Unit

ADJ : Not lit

The unit number for the Unit has not been set correctly.

Error Error contents Input status Output status

Duplicate Unit Number The same unit number Conversion does not start The output value will be 0
has been assigned to and data becomes 0000. V.
more than one Unit or the
unit number was set to a
value other than 00 to 95.
I/O Setting Check The Special I/O Units reg-
Error istered in the Unit Config-
uration in the CPU Unit
are different from the ones
actually mounted.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 7-19
7 Common Items

7-2-4 Restarting Special I/O Units

To restart operation after you change initial setting parameters or remove the cause of an error, perform
the following to restart the Unit:
Initial setting parameters are reflected after restart.
• Reset the Controller from Sysmac Studio.
• Restart from Sysmac Studio when initial setting parameters are transferred from Sysmac Studio.
• Turn the Controller power supply OFF and ON to reset the Controller.
• Issue a ResetUnit instruction to restart from the program.
• Restart with system-defined variables. (Restart from 0 to 1.)
Variable name Type
_CJB_SIO**Restart BOOL 00 to 95 appears in place of ** to indicate the unit number.

Precautions for Correct Use

• If the error is not cleared even after restart, then replace the Unit.
• Input data will be 0000 and output will be 0 V or 0 mA during restart.

7-2-5 Troubleshooting
The following tables explain the probable causes of troubles that may occur, and the countermeasures
for dealing with them.

Troubleshooting for Analog Input

 Conversion Data Does Not Change

Probable cause Countermeasure Page

The input is not set to be used. Set the input to be used. Refer to 2-6-1 Input Settings and Con-
version Values.
Refer to 3-6-1 Input Settings and Con-
version Values.
Refer to 6-6-1 Input Settings and Con-
version Values.
The peak value hold function is in Turn OFF the peak value hold Refer to 2-6-3 Peak Value Hold Function.
operation. function if it is not required. Refer to 3-6-4 Peak Value Hold Function.
Refer to 6-6-3 Peak Value Hold Function.
The input device does not work, Use a tester to check for changes ---
the input wiring is wrong, or there in the input voltage or current.
is a disconnection.
Use Unit's error flags to check for Refer to 2-6-4 Input Disconnection
a disconnection. Detection Function.
Refer to 3-6-5 Input Disconnection
Detection Function.
Refer to 6-6-5 Input Disconnection
Detection Function.

7-20 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
7 Common Items

 Value Does Not Change as Intended

Probable cause Countermeasure Page

The input device's signal range Check the specifications of the Refer to 2-6-1 Input Settings and Con-
does not match the input signal input device, and match the input version Values.
range for the relevant input num- signal range settings. Refer to 3-6-1 Input Settings and Con-
ber at the Unit. version Values.
Refer to 6-6-1 Input Settings and Con-
version Values.
The offset and gain are not Adjust the offset and gain. Refer to 7-1 Adjusting Offset and Gain.
The voltage/current switch is not Turn ON the voltage/current Refer to 2-3-5 Voltage/Current Switch.
turned ON during use of the 4 mA switch. Refer to 6-3-4 Voltage/Current Switch.
to 20 mA range.
The ratio conversion function is Correct the conversion settings. Refer to 6-8 Ratio Conversion Function.
set to be used, so the calculation
results are monitored.

 Conversion Values are Inconsistent

7-2 When Errors and Alarms Occur

Probable cause Countermeasure Page
The input signals are affected by Change the shielded cable con- Refer to 2-4-4 Input Wiring Example.
external noise. nection to the Unit's COM termi- Refer to 3-4-4 Input Wiring Example.
nal. Refer to 6-4-4 I/O Wiring Example.
Insert a 0.01-F to 0.1-F ---
ceramic capacitor or film capaci-
tor between the input's (+) and (–)
Increase the number of mean Refer to 2-6-2 Mean Value Processing.
value processing samplings. Refer to 3-6-2 Mean Value Processing.
Refer to 6-6-2 Mean Value Processing.

Troubleshooting for Analog Output

7-2-5 Troubleshooting
 Analog Output Does Not Change

Probable Cause Countermeasure Page

The output is not set to be used. Set the output to be used. Refer to 4-6-1 Output Settings and Con-
version Values.
Refer to 5-6-1 Output Settings and Con-
version Values.
Refer to 6-7-1 Output Settings and Con-
version Values.
The output hold function is in Turn ON the Output Conversion Refer to 4-6-2 Output Hold Function.
operation. Enable Bit. Refer to 5-6-2 Output Hold Function.
Refer to 6-7-2 Output Hold Function.
The conversion value is set out- Set the data within the range. Refer to 4-6-1 Output Settings and Con-
side of the permissible range. version Values.
Refer to 5-6-1 Output Settings and Con-
version Values.
Refer to 6-7-1 Output Settings and Con-
version Values.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 7-21
7 Common Items

 Output Does Not Change as Intended

Probable Cause Countermeasure Page

The output signal range setting is Correct the output signal range Refer to 4-6-1 Output Settings and Con-
wrong. setting. version Values.
Refer to 5-6-1 Output Settings and Con-
version Values.
Refer to 6-7-1 Output Settings and Con-
version Values.
The I/O specifications of the out- Change the output device. Refer to 4-1-1 Specifications.
put device do not match those of Refer to 5-1-1 Specifications.
the Unit (e.g., input signal range, Refer to 6-1-1 Specifications.
input impedance).
The offset or gain is not adjusted. Adjust the offset or gain. Refer to 7-1 Adjusting Offset and Gain.
The ratio conversion function is Correct the conversion settings. Refer to 6-8 Ratio Conversion Function.
set to be used.

 Outputs are Inconsistent

Probable Cause Countermeasure Page

The output signals are affected by Change the shielded cable con- ---
external noise. nection (e.g., the grounding at the
output device).

7-22 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
7 Common Items

7-3 Event Logs

7-3-1 Overview of the Event Logs

You use the same methods to manage all of the events that occur on the NJ-series Controller. (The
events include errors and information.) You can use the Sysmac Studio or an NS-series PT to confirm
current Controller events and the logs of events that have occurred. These logs are called event logs.
Controller errors that occur for this Unit are also reported as events in the NJ-series CPU Unit.
Refer to the NJ-series CPU Unit Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W501) for details on the event logs
in an NJ-series CPU Unit. Refer to the NJ-series Troubleshooting Manual (Cat. No. W503) for details on
Controller errors, confirmation methods, and corrections.
Check current Controller
events and the event log
of past events.

Sysmac Studio NJ-series CPU Unit CJ-series

PLC Function Motion Control EtherCAT Master EtherNet/IP
Event source Errors in
Module Function Module Function Module Function Module
Special Units

User program
Create User-defined
Error instruction:

7-3 Event Logs

Event logs SetAlarm

NS-series PT Create User-defined

instruction: SetInfo

Backup battery
Check current Controller
events and the event log slave
of past events.

7-3-1 Overview of the Event Logs

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 7-23
7 Common Items

7-3-2 Error Table

The errors that may occur for this Unit are listed below. Event levels are given in the table as follows:
Maj: Major fault level
Prt: Partial fault level
Min: Minor fault level
Obs: Observation
Info: Information
Refer to the NJ-series Troubleshooting Manual (Cat. No. W503) for all of the event codes that may
occur in an NJ-series Controller.

Event code Event name Meaning Assumed cause Reference
Maj Prt Min Obs Info
04600000 hex A/D Conver- An error occurred in • There is a source of noise  page 27
sion Error A/D conversion. nearby.
• A/D converter failed.
04620000 hex Non-volatile An error occurred in • There is a source of noise  page 27
Memory non-volatile mem- nearby.
Error ory. • Non-volatile memory failed.
34800000 hex Mean Value There is a mistake • There is a mistake in the setting  page 28
Processing in the setting of the of the number of samplings for
Setting Error number of sam- mean value processing.
plings for mean
value processing.
34830000 hex Scaling Data There is a mistake • The upper or lower limit data for  page 28
Setting Error in the scaling data scaling is outside the setting
settings. range. Or, the maximum value
and minimum value are not 0
and they are the same.
34840000 hex Input Signal There is a mistake • The settings of the input signal  page 29
Range Set- in the input signal range or the setting of the num-
ting Error or range setting or in ber of analog inputs that are
Error in Num- the number of used is incorrect.
ber of Inputs inputs setting.
34850000 hex Mean Value There is a mistake • There is a mistake in the setting  page 30
Processing in the setting of the of the number of samplings for
Setting Error number of sam- mean value processing.
plings for mean
value processing.
34860000 hex Error in Set- There is a mistake • The specification of the Cyclic  page 30
ting of Con- is the Conversion Conversion Mode or Direct
version Mode Mode setting. Conversion Mode is not correct.
34870000 hex Output Hold There is a mistake • The setting for output status  page 31
Setting Error in the output hold when conversion stops is incor-
setting. rect.
34890000 hex Conversion There is a mistake • There is a mistake in the con-  page 31
Time/Resolu- in the conversion version time/resolution or oper-
tion or Oper- time/resolution or ation mode setting.
ation Mode operation mode set-
Setting Error ting.
348A0000 hex Output Signal There is a mistake • There is a mistake in the output  page 32
Range Set- in the output signal signal range setting or in the
ting Error or range setting or in number of outputs setting.
Error In Num- the number of out-
ber of Out- puts setting.
puts Used

7-24 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
7 Common Items

Event code Event name Meaning Assumed cause Reference
Maj Prt Min Obs Info
38010000 hex Scaling Data There is an error in • The upper or lower limit data for  page 32
Setting the scaling data scaling is outside the setting
Error/Ratio setting or ratio con- range. Or, the maximum value
Conversion version use setting. and minimum value are not 0
Use Setting and they are the same.
Error • The I/O number for ratio con-
version is set to Not used in the
I/O specifications.
38020000 hex Ratio Set There is a mistake • A value other than 16#0000 to  page 33
Value Error is the ratio setting 16#9999 (0.00 to 99.99) was
for ratio conversion. specified for the ratio conver-
sion A constant for ratio conver-
64780000 hex Input Discon- The input is discon- • Input wiring is broken.  page 33
nection nected. • Input wiring disconnection
64790000 hex Output Set The output setting • An output set value setting is  page 34
Value Error is out of range. out of range.
34810000 hex Input Value In Adjustment • In Adjustment Mode, the input  page 34
Exceeded Mode, the input value exceeded the range for
Adjustment value exceeded the which adjustment is possible,
Range in range for which so the offset and gain cannot
Adjustment adjustment is possi- be adjusted.
Mode ble.
34820000 hex Input Number The input number • The input number that was  page 35

7-3 Event Logs

Specification specified in Adjust- specified in Adjustment Mode is
Error in ment Mode is not not enabled.
Adjustment enabled or the input • The setting of the Adjustment
Mode number is wrong. Input Number (device variable
*_AdjCh) is incorrect, so adjust-
ment is not possible.
34880000 hex Output Num- The output number • The output number that was  page 35
ber Specifi- specified in Adjust- specified in Adjustment Mode is 7
cation Error ment Mode is not not enabled.
in Adjustment enabled or the out- • The setting of the Adjustment
Mode put number is

7-3-2 Error Table

Output Number (device variable
wrong. *_AdjCh) is incorrect, so adjust-
ment is not possible.
348C0000 hex I/O Number The I/O numbers • The I/O numbers that were  page 36
Specification specified in Adjust- specified in Adjustment Mode
Error in ment Mode are not are not enabled.
Adjustment enabled or the I/O • The setting of the Adjustment
Mode numbers are wrong. I/O Number (device variable
*_AdjCh) is incorrect, so adjust-
ment is not possible.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 7-25
7 Common Items

7-3-3 Error Descriptions

This section describes the information that is given for individual errors.

Controller Error Descriptions

The items that are used to describe individual errors (events) are described in the following copy of an
error table.

Event name Gives the name of the error. Event code Gives the code of the error.
Meaning Gives a short description of the error.
Source Gives the source of the error. Source details Gives details on Detection Tells when the
the source of the timing error is detected.
Error attributes Level Tells the level of Recovery Gives the recov- Log category Tells which log
influence on con- ery method.*2 the error is saved
trol.*1 in.*3
Effects User program Tells what will hap- Operation Provides special information on the operation that results
pen to execution of from the error.
the user pro-
System-defined Variable Data type Name
variables Lists the variable names, data types, and meanings for system-defined variables that provide direct error notification,
that are directly affected by the error, or that contain settings that cause the error.
Cause and cor- Assumed cause Correction Prevention
Lists the possible causes, corrections, and preventive measures for the error.
Attached This is the attached information that is displayed by the Sysmac Studio or an NS-series PT.
Precautions/ Provides precautions, restrictions, and supplemental information.

*1 One of the following:

Major fault: Major fault level
Partial fault: Partial fault level
Minor fault: Minor fault level
*2 One of the following:
Automatic recovery: Normal status is restored automatically when the cause of the error is removed.
Error reset: Normal status is restored when the error is reset after the cause of the error is removed.
Cycle the power supply: Normal status is restored when the power supply to the Controller is turned OFF and then back
ON after the cause of the error is removed.
Controller reset: Normal status is restored when the Controller is reset after the cause of the error is removed.
Depends on cause: The recovery method depends on the cause of the error.
*3 One of the following:
System: System event log
Access: Access event log
*4 One of the following:
Continues: Execution of the user program will continue.
Stops: Execution of the user program stops.
Starts: Execution of the user program starts.

7-26 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
7 Common Items

Error Descriptions

Event name A/D Conversion Error Event code 04600000 hex

Meaning An error occurred in A/D conversion.
Source PLC Function Module Source details CJ-series Unit Detection Continuously
Error attributes Level Minor fault Recovery Cycle the power Log category System
Effects User program Continues. Operation Immediately previous values are held in the Unit and data
is not updated.
System-defined Variable Data type Name
None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction There is a source of noise nearby. Implement noise countermeasures. Use the Unit away from sources of
noise. Implement noise countermea-
A/D converter failed. If the above cause does not apply, None
replace the Unit.
Attached None
Precautions/ AD042: If conversion can be performed normally, A/D conversion will be performed with the A/D Conversion Error Flag
Remarks turned ON.

7-3 Event Logs

Event name Non-volatile Memory Error Event code 04620000 hex
Meaning An error occurred in non-volatile memory.
Source PLC Function Module Source details CJ-series Unit Detection Continuously
Error attributes Level Minor fault Recovery Cycle the power Log category System
Effects User program Continues. Operation The Unit will stop if this error is detected in self-diagnosis
when the power supply is turned ON. Operation continues
if the error occurs during operation.

7-3-3 Error Descriptions

System-defined Variable Data type Name
None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction There is a source of noise nearby. Implement countermeasures if there Use the Unit away from sources of
are nearby sources of noise. noise. Implement noise countermea-
Non-volatile memory failed. If the above cause does not apply, None
replace the Unit.
Attached None
Precautions/ None

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 7-27
7 Common Items

Event name Mean Value Processing Setting Error Event code 34800000 hex
Meaning There is a mistake in the setting of the number of samplings for mean value processing.
Source PLC Function Module Source details CJ-series Unit Detection At power ON,
timing Controller reset,
or restart
Error attributes Level Minor fault Recovery Error reset Log category System
Effects User program Continues. Operation Conversion will not start for the Unit and the data will be 0.
System-defined Variable Data type Name
None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
There is a mistake in the setting of the Correct the number of average sam- Set the number of average samplings
number of samplings for mean value plings to a value between 0 and 6. to a value between 0 and 6.
processing. Change the setting, and then restart
the Unit.
Attached None
Precautions/ None

Event name Scaling Data Setting Error Event code 34830000 hex
Meaning There is a mistake in the scaling data settings.
Source PLC Function Module Source details CJ-series Unit Detection At power ON,
timing Controller reset,
or restart
Error attributes Level Minor fault Recovery Error reset Log category System
Effects User program Continues. Operation Conversion will not start at the Unit. The output will be 0 V
for D/A conversion, and the data will be 0 for A/D conver-
System-defined Variable Data type Name
None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
The upper or lower limit data for scal- Correct the set values of the scaling Set the set values of the scaling
ing is outside the setting range. Or, upper limit and scaling lower limit so upper limit and scaling lower limit so
the maximum value and minimum that they are within the setting range. that they are within the setting range.
value are not 0 and they are the Set the ranges so that the upper limit Set the ranges so that the upper limit
same. does not equal the lower limit. does not equal the lower limit.
Attached None
Precautions/ None

7-28 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
7 Common Items

Event name Input Signal Range Setting Error or Error in Number of Event code 34840000 hex
Inputs Setting
Meaning There is a mistake in the input signal range setting or in the number of inputs setting.
Source PLC Function Module Source details CJ-series Unit Detection At power ON,
timing Controller reset,
or restart
Error attributes Level Minor fault Recovery Error reset Log category System
Effects User program Continues. Operation Conversion will not start for the Unit and the data will be 0.
System-defined Variable Data type Name
None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction The settings of the input signal range • If you set the number of analog • If you set the number of analog
or the setting of the number of analog inputs to use in device variable inputs to use in device variable
inputs that are used is incorrect. *_InChUseCfg, set the value to *_InChUseCfg, set the value to
between 0 and 4. between 0 and 4.
• If you set the input signal range in • If you set the input signal range in
device variable *_Ch#_InRngCfg, device variable *_Ch#_InRngCfg,
set the value to 0, 2, 3, 6, or 7. set the value to 0, 2, 3, 6, or 7.
0: 10 to 10 V 0: 10 to 10 V
2: 0 to 10 V 2: 0 to 10 V
3: 4 to 20 mA 3: 4 to 20 mA
6: 5 to 5 V 6: 5 to 5 V
7: 1 to 5 V 7: 1 to 5 V
“#” in the variable name is the input “#” in the variable name is the input
number. number.

7-3 Event Logs

Attached None
Precautions/ None

7-3-3 Error Descriptions

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 7-29
7 Common Items

Event name Mean Value Processing Setting Error Event code 34850000 hex
Meaning There is a mistake in the setting of the number of samplings for mean value processing.
Source PLC Function Module Source details CJ-series Unit Detection At power ON,
timing Controller reset,
or restart
Error attributes Level Minor fault Recovery Error reset Log category System
Effects User program Continues. Operation Conversion will not start for the Unit and the data will be
0000 hex.
System-defined Variable Data type Name
None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction There is a mistake in the setting of the Correct the number of average sam- Set the number of average samplings
number of samplings for mean value plings to a value between 0 and 9. to a value between 0 and 9.
processing. Change the setting, and then restart
the Unit.
Attached None
Precautions/ None

Event name Error in Setting of Conversion Mode Event code 34860000 hex
Meaning There is a mistake is the Conversion Mode setting.
Source PLC Function Module Source details CJ-series Unit Detection At power ON,
timing Controller reset,
or restart
Error attributes Level Minor fault Recovery Error reset Log category System
Effects User program Continues. Operation Conversion will not start at the Unit. The output will be 0 V
for D/A conversion, and the data will be 0 for A/D conver-
System-defined Variable Data type Name
None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
The specification of the Cyclic Con- Set the Conversion Mode in the Spe- Set the Conversion Mode in the Spe-
version Mode or Direct Conversion cial Unit Setup to Cyclic Mode. cial Unit Setup to Cyclic Mode.
Mode is not correct. This error will not occur with A5 hex This error will not occur with A5 hex
(Direct Conversion Mode), but the (Direct Conversion Mode), but the
Direct Conversion Mode cannot be Direct Conversion Mode cannot be
used with an NJ-series Controller. used with an NJ-series Controller.
Attached None
Precautions/ None

7-30 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
7 Common Items

Event name Output Hold Setting Error Event code 34870000 hex
Meaning There is a mistake in the output hold setting.
Source PLC Function Module Source details CJ-series Unit Detection At power ON,
timing Controller reset,
or restart
Error attributes Level Minor fault Recovery Error reset Log category System
Effects User program Continues. Operation Conversion will not start for the Unit and the output will be
0 V.
System-defined Variable Data type Name
None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction The setting for output status when Correct the setting of the Output Sta- Set the Output Status When Conver-
conversion stops is incorrect. tus When Conversion Stopped sion Stopped (device variable
(device variable *_Ch#_HdMdCfg) to *_Ch#_HdMdCfg) to 0, 1, or 2.
0, 1, or 2. 0: CLR (Output 0 or minimum
0: CLR (Output 0 or minimum value of range.)
value of range.) 1: HOLD (Hold output value prior
1: HOLD (Hold output value prior to stop.)
to stop.) 2: MAX (Output maximum value of
2: MAX (Output maximum value of range.)
range.) “#” in the variable name is the output
“#” in the variable name is the output number.
Attached None

7-3 Event Logs

Precautions/ None

Event name Conversion Time/Resolution or Operation Mode Setting Event code 34890000 hex
Meaning There is a mistake in the conversion time/resolution or operation mode setting.
Source PLC Function Module Source details CJ-series Unit Detection At power ON,
timing Controller reset,
or restart

7-3-3 Error Descriptions

Error attributes Level Minor fault Recovery Error reset Log category System
Effects User program Continues. Operation Conversion will not start at the Unit. The output will be 0 V
for D/A conversion, and the data will be 0 for A/D conver-
System-defined Variable Data type Name
variables None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
There is a mistake in the conversion • If you set the conversion time and • If you set the conversion time and
time/resolution or operation mode set- resolution in device variable resolution in device variable
ting. *_ResolutionCfg, set the value to *_ResolutionCfg, set the value to
16#00 or 16#C1. 16#00 or 16#C1.
16#00: 1 ms with resolution of 16#00: 1 ms with resolution of
4,000 4,000
16#C1: 250 s with resolution of 16#C1: 250 s with resolution of
8,000 8,000
• If you set the operation mode in • If you set the operation mode in
device variable *_MdCfg, set the device variable *_MdCfg, set the
value to 16#00 or 16#C1. value to 16#00 or 16#C1.
16#00: Normal Mode 16#00: Normal Mode
16#C1: Adjustment Mode 16#C1: Adjustment Mode
Attached None
Precautions/ None

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 7-31
7 Common Items

Event name Output Signal Range Setting Error or Error In Number of Event code 348A0000 hex
Outputs Used Setting
Meaning There is a mistake in the output signal range setting or in the number of outputs setting.
Source PLC Function Module Source details CJ-series Unit Detection At power ON,
timing Controller reset,
or restart
Error attributes Level Minor fault Recovery Error reset Log category System
Effects User program Continues. Operation Conversion will not start for the Unit and the output will be
0 V.
System-defined Variable Data type Name
variables None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
There is a mistake in the output signal • If you set the number of analog out- • If you set the number of analog out-
range setting or in the number of out- puts to use in device variable puts to use in device variable
puts setting. *_OutChUseCfg, set the value to *_OutChUseCfg, set the value to
between 0 and 4. between 0 and 4.
• If you set the output range in device • If you set the output range in device
variable *_Ch#_OutRngCfg, set the variable *_Ch#_OutRngCfg, set the
value to 1, 3, or 6. value to 1, 3, or 6.
1: 0 to 10 V 1: 0 to 10 V
3: 10 to 10 V 3: 10 to 10 V
6: 1 to 5 V 6: 1 to 5 V
“#” in the variable name is the out- “#” in the variable name is the out-
put number. put number.
Attached None
Precautions/ None

Event name Scaling Data Setting Error/Ratio Conversion Use Setting Event code 38010000 hex
Meaning There is an error in the scaling data setting or ratio conversion use setting.
Source PLC Function Module Source details CJ-series Unit Detection At power ON,
timing Controller reset,
or restart
Error attributes Level Minor fault Recovery Error reset Log category System
Effects User program Continues. Operation Conversion will not start at the Unit. The output will be 0 V
for D/A conversion, and the data will be 0 for A/D conver-
System-defined Variable Data type Name
variables None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
The upper or lower limit data for scal- Correct the set values of the scaling Set the set values of the scaling
ing is outside the setting range. Or, upper limit and scaling lower limit so upper limit and scaling lower limit so
the maximum value and minimum that they are within the setting range. that they are within the setting range.
value are not 0 and they are the Set the ranges so that the upper limit Set the ranges so that the upper limit
same. does not equal the lower limit. does not equal the lower limit.
The I/O number for ratio conversion is Set the I/O for use. Set the I/O for use.
set to Not used in the I/O specifica-
Attached None
Precautions/ None

7-32 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
7 Common Items

Event name Ratio Set Value Error Event code 38020000 hex
Meaning There is a mistake is the ratio setting for ratio conversion.
Source PLC Function Module Source details CJ-series Unit Detection At power ON,
timing Controller reset,
or restart
Error attributes Level Minor fault Recovery Error reset Log category System
Effects User program Continues. Operation Conversion will not start at the Unit. The output will be 0 V
for D/A conversion, and the data will be 0 for A/D conver-
System-defined Variable Data type Name
variables None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
A value other than 16#0000 to Correct the ratio conversion A con- Set the ratio conversion A constant for
16#9999 (0.00 to 99.99) was speci- stant to between 16#0000 and ratio conversion to between 16#0000
fied for the ratio conversion A con- 16#9999 (0.00 to 99.99). and 16#9999 (0.00 to 99.99).
stant for ratio conversion.
Attached None
Precautions/ None

Event name Input Disconnection Detected Event code 64780000 hex

Meaning The input is disconnected.

7-3 Event Logs

Source PLC Function Module Source details CJ-series Unit Detection Continuously
Error attributes Level Minor fault Recovery Error reset Log category System
Effects User program Continues. Operation The conversion value will be 0 or 32767 depending on the
model of Analog I/O Unit. Operation will continue and the
conversion value will return to normal when the connec-
tion is restored.
System-defined Variable Data type Name 7
None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention

7-3-3 Error Descriptions

Input wiring is broken. Check the wiring for any inputs for Check to see if the wiring is broken.
which the I/O Disconnection Detec-
tion error indicates a disconnection to
see if the line is broken. Replace the
cable if necessary.
Input wiring disconnection Check the wiring for any inputs for Confirm that the wiring is connected
which the I/O Disconnection Detec- securely.
tion error indicates a disconnection to
see if the lines are connected
securely. Reconnect any lines with
faulty connections.
Attached Attached information 1: Input number where error was detected
Precautions/ Check the manual of the Unit for information on the conversion value when an error occurs.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 7-33
7 Common Items

Event name Output Set Value Error Event code 64790000 hex
Meaning The output setting is out of range.
Source PLC Function Module Source details CJ-series Unit Detection Continuously
Error attributes Level Minor fault Recovery Error reset Log category System
Effects User program Continues. Operation The output values of the Unit will follow the output hold
System-defined Variable Data type Name
None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
An output set value setting is out of Correct the program so that the out- Make sure the set value does not
range. put set value is within range. exceed the setting range.
Attached Attached information 1: Output number where error was detected
Precautions/ None

Event name Input Value Exceeded Adjustment Range in Adjustment Event code 34810000 hex
Meaning In Adjustment Mode, the input value exceeded the range for which adjustment is possible.
Source PLC Function Module Source details CJ-series Unit Detection When adjust-
timing ment is started
Error attributes Level Observation Recovery --- Log category System
Effects User program Continues. Operation The Unit stores the data converted from the input signal in
device variable *_AdjPV.
System-defined Variable Data type Name
variables None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
In Adjustment Mode, the input value Adjust the input device so that the Adjust the input device in advance so
exceeded the range for which adjust- input value does not exceed the range that the input value does not exceed
ment is possible, so the offset and for which adjustment is possible. the range for which adjustment is pos-
gain cannot be adjusted. sible.
Attached None
Precautions/ None

7-34 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
7 Common Items

Event name Input Number Specification Error in Adjustment Mode Event code 34820000 hex
Meaning The input number specified in Adjustment Mode is not enabled or the input number is wrong.
Source PLC Function Module Source details CJ-series Unit Detection When adjust-
timing ment is started
Error attributes Level Observation Recovery --- Log category System
Effects User program Continues. Operation The Unit retains the immediately previous input values
and does not update the data.
System-defined Variable Data type Name
None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
The input number that was specified Correct the use setting of the input Set the use setting of the input that is
in Adjustment Mode is not enabled. that is specified by the Adjustment used for adjustment to enable using
Input Number (device variable the input.
*_AdjCh) to enable using the input.
The setting of the Adjustment Input Correct the Adjustment Input Number Set the Adjustment Input Number
Number (device variable *_AdjCh) is (device variable *_AdjCh) to between (device variable *_AdjCh) to between
incorrect, so adjustment is not possi- 16#21 and 16#24 for the CJ1W- 16#21 and 16#24 for the CJ1W-
ble. AD041-V1 and to between 16#21 and AD041-V1 and to between 16#21 and
16#28 for other Units. 16#28 for other Units.
Attached None
Precautions/ None

7-3 Event Logs

Event name Output Number Specification Error in Adjustment Mode Event code 34880000 hex
Meaning The output number specified in Adjustment Mode is not enabled or the output number is wrong.
Source PLC Function Module Source details CJ-series Unit Detection When adjust-
timing ment is started
Error attributes Level Observation Recovery --- Log category System
Effects User program Continues. Operation The output from the Unit is 0 V or 0 mA.
System-defined Variable Data type Name
variables None --- ---

7-3-3 Error Descriptions

Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction The output number that was specified Correct the use setting of the output Set the use setting of the output that
in Adjustment Mode is not enabled. that is specified by the Adjustment is specified by the Adjustment Output
output Number (device variable Number (device variable *_AdjCh) to
*_AdjCh) to enable using the output. enable using the output.
The setting of the Adjustment Output Correct the setting of the Adjustment Set the Adjustment Output Number
Number (device variable *_AdjCh) is Output Number (device variable (device variable *_AdjCh) to within the
incorrect, so adjustment is not possi- *_AdjCh) to within the following range. following range.
ble. CJ1W-DA021: 16#11 to 16#12 CJ1W-DA021: 16#11 to 16#12
CJ1W-DA041: 16#11 to 16#14 CJ1W-DA041: 16#11 to 16#14
CJ1W-DA08V/DA08C: 16#11 to CJ1W-DA08V/DA08C: 16#11 to
16#18 16#18
Attached None
Precautions/ None

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) 7-35
7 Common Items

Event name I/O Number Specification Error in Adjustment Mode Event code 348C0000 hex
Meaning The I/O numbers specified in Adjustment Mode are not enabled or the I/O numbers are wrong.
Source PLC Function Module Source details CJ-series Unit Detection When adjust-
timing ment is started
Error attributes Level Observation Recovery --- Log category System
Effects User program Continues. Operation The Unit retains the immediately previous input values
and does not update the data. The output from the Unit
will be 0 V or 0 mA.
System-defined Variable Data type Name
None --- ---
Cause and Assumed cause Correction Prevention
correction The I/O numbers that were specified Correct the use setting of the Set the use setting of the input/output
in Adjustment Mode are not enabled. input/output that is specified by the that is specified by the Adjustment I/O
Adjustment I/O Number (device vari- Number (device variable *_AdjCh) to
able *_AdjCh) to enable using the enable using the input/output.
The setting of the Adjustment I/O Correct the Adjustment I/O Numbers Set the Adjustment I/O Numbers
Number (device variable *_AdjCh) is (device variable *_AdjCh) to 16#11, (device variable *_AdjCh) to between
incorrect, so adjustment is not possi- 16#12, or between 16#21 and 16#24. 16#11, 16#12, or between 16#21 and
ble. 16#24.
Attached None
Precautions/ None

7-36 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)


A-1 Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2

A-2 Sample Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3
A-2-1 Upper and Lower-limit Alarm (Constant Monitoring) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3
A-2-2 Upper and Lower-limit Alarm (with Standby Sequence) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4
A-2-3 Scaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-7
A-2-4 Square Root Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
A-2-5 Mean Value Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-12
A-2-6 Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-14
A-3 Functional Differences due to CPU Units (NJ/CJ-series) to be
Connected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-16
A-4 Correspondence Tables for Device Variables for CJ-series Units and

Memory Addresses for CJ-series Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-17
A-4-1 CJ1W-AD041-V1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-18
A-4-2 CJ1W-AD081-V1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-21
A-4-3 CJ1W-AD042 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-25
A-4-4 CJ1W-DA021 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-27
A-4-5 CJ1W-DA041 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-28
A-4-6 CJ1W-DA08V/08C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-30
A-4-7 CJ1W-DA042V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-34
A-4-8 CJ1W-MAD42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-36

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) A-1

A-1 Dimensions
CJ-series Units: CJ1W-AD041-V1/AD081-V1/AD042,
CJ1W-DA021/DA041/DA08V/DA08C/DA042V, CJ1W-MAD42
• CJ-series Unit
89 Terminal Block Dimensions
2.7 65


x10 1


90 x10 0

1 2



Note The appearance varies with the model.

A-2 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)

A-2 Sample Programs

A-2-1 Upper and Lower-limit Alarm (Constant Monitoring)

 Outline
Comparisons are made to the upper and lower limits of the A/D conversion values or D/A output val-
ues from the beginning of operation. If they fall outside the specified range, the Alarm Flag will turn
In this example, the upper limit is 3,900 and the lower limit is 100.

Upper limit

Lower limit

Alarm Flag

 Unit Settings

A-2 Sample Programs

Name Setting target Setting contents
Unit Configuration CPU/Expansion Racks in Configura- Mount CJ1W-AD081-V1 in slot 0 of the
tion and Setup of Sysmac Studio CPU Rack.
Device name of this unit J01
Unit number Unit number switch and Unit Config- Unit number 0 (101:0, 100:0)
uration (CPU/Expansion Racks
screen in Configuration and Setup of
Sysmac Studio)

Operating mode Operating mode switch Normal Mode
Initial setting parameters
Resolution/conversion time Initial setting parameters 4000/1 ms

A-2-1 Upper and Lower-limit Alarm (Constant Monitoring)

Use settings Use input 1.
Input signal range settings 0 to 10 V

 Defined-variables
System-defined variable
Name Data type Factory setting Comments Contents
P_On BOOL --- Always ON Flag ON when the power is supplied.

User-defined variables (To be defined before or when creating a program)

Allocated address
Name Data type Factory setting Contents
OverUnder- BOOL False --- Alarm Flag indicating value is
Limit outside the range of upper/lower
MinLimit INT 100 --- Sets the lower limit.
MaxLimit INT 3900 --- Sets the upper limit.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) A-3

Device variables for CJ-series Unit (Create them on the I/O Map screen after the Unit Configuration
is created.)
Name Data type Factory setting Comments Contents
address (AT)
J01_Ch1_RdAI INT --- IOBus://rack#0/ Input 1 Indicates the input 1
slot#0/Ch1_RdAI Conversion Data A/D conversion

 Program Example
P_On ZoneCmp
EN Out

MinLimit MN

J01_Ch1_RdAI In
MaxLimit MX

A-2-2 Upper and Lower-limit Alarm (with Standby Sequence)

 Outline
Comparisons are made to the upper and lower limits of the A/D conversion values or D/A output val-
ues after the value falls within the range between the upper limit and lower limit following the begin-
ning of operation. If they fall outside the specified range, the Alarm Flag will turn ON.
In this example, the upper limit is 3,900 and the lower limit is 100.

Upper limit

Lower limit

Alarm Flag

A-4 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)

 Unit Settings
Name Setting target Setting contents
Unit Configuration CPU/Expansion Racks in Configura- Mount CJ1W-AD081-V1 in slot 0 of the
tion and Setup of Sysmac Studio CPU Rack.
Device name of this unit J01
Unit number Unit number switch and Unit Config- Unit number 0 (101:0, 100:0)
uration (CPU/Expansion Racks
screen in Configuration and Setup of
Sysmac Studio)
Operating mode Operating mode switch Normal Mode
Initial setting parameters
Resolution/conversion time Initial setting parameters 4000/1 ms
Use settings Use input 1.
Input signal range settings 0 to 10 V

 Defined-variables
System-defined variable
Name Data type Factory setting Comments Contents
P_On BOOL --- Always ON Flag ON when the power is supplied.

User-defined variables (To be defined before or when creating a program)

Allocated address

A-2 Sample Programs

Name Data type Factory setting Comments
OverUnder- BOOL False --- Alarm Flag indicating value is
Limit outside the range of upper/lower
MinLimit INT 100 --- Sets the lower limit.
MaxLimit INT 3900 --- Sets the upper limit.
Wait_Seq BOOL False --- Indicates that the value has

entered the range of upper/lower
limits once after the start of oper-
CmpOut BOOL False --- Indicates the results of compari-

A-2-2 Upper and Lower-limit Alarm (with Standby Sequence)

son between the upper and
lower limits.

Device variables for CJ-series Unit (Create them on the I/O Map screen after the Unit Configuration
is created.)
Name Data type Factory setting Comments Details
address (AT)
J01_Ch1_RdAI INT --- IOBus://rack#0/ Input 1 Indicates the input 1
slot#0/Ch1_RdAI Conversion Data A/D conversion

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) A-5

 Program Example
P_On Wait_Seq
MinLimit MN CmpOut
J01_Ch1_RdAI In

MaxLimit MX

Wait_Seq CmpOut OverUnderLimit

A-6 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)

A-2-3 Scaling

Using the Scaling Functions

This function is supported only by the CJ1W-MAD42, CJ1W-DA08V/08C/042V, and CJ1W-AD042.

 Outline
A pressure sensor is connected to analog input 1 of CJ1W-MAD42. The pressure sensor outputs an
analog signal of between 4 and 20 mA for a pressure between 0 and 500 Pa. Therefore, for a 4 to
20-mA input, a value of 0 to 500 in industrial units for the pressure in Pa is directly set. The analog
input scaling function of the CJ1W-MAD42 is used here. Therefore, scaling in the user program is
not required to convert the solution value 0000 to 4000 to the industrial units value 0000 to 500.

 Unit Settings
Name Setting target Setting contents
Unit Configuration CPU/Expansion Racks in Configuration Mount CJ1W-MAD42 in slot 0 of the
and Setup of Sysmac Studio CPU Rack.
Device name of this unit J01
Unit number Unit number switch and Unit Configura- Unit number 0 (101:0, 100:0)
tion (CPU/Expansion Racks screen in
Configuration and Setup of Sysmac
Operating mode Initial setting parameters Normal Mode

A-2 Sample Programs

Resolution/conversion time 4000/1 ms
Use settings Use input 1.
Input signal range settings 1 to 5 V/4 to 20 mA
Voltage/current input switch Current: 4 to 20 mA
Input 1 scaling lower limit 0

Input 1 scaling upper limit 500

Not Using the Scaling Function

A-2-3 Scaling
 Outline
Use broken line approximation instructions to convert A/D conversion values (400 to +4400) to
temperature data (15 to +315C).
• The following example uses a resolution of 4,000 and an input signal range of 1 to 5 V where 1 to
5 V is scaled to 0C to 300C.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) A-7


( Y)

(X1,Y1)−200 0 4000 4200

0.8V 1V 5V 5.2V

( X)

 Unit settings
Name Setting target Setting contents
Unit Configuration CPU/Expansion Racks in Configura- Mount CJ1W-AD081-V1 in slot 0 of the
tion and Setup of Sysmac Studio CPU Rack.
Device name of this unit J01
Unit number Unit number switch and Unit Config- Unit number 0 (101:0, 100:0)
uration (CPU/Expansion Racks
screen in Configuration and Setup of
Sysmac Studio)
Operating mode Operating mode switch Normal Mode
Initial setting parameters
Resolution/conversion time Initial setting parameters 4000/1 ms
Use settings Use input 1.
Input signal range settings 0 to 5 V

 Defined-variables
System-defined variable
Name Data type Factory setting Comments Contents
P_On BOOL --- Always ON Flag ON when power is supplied.

User-defined variables (To be defined before or when creating a program)

Name Data type Factory setting Comments
Data_Temp INT 0 Indicates data after temperature
ScaleData ARRAY[0..1,0..1] OF INT [-200, -15, 4200, 315] Indicates data to be scaled.

Device variables for CJ-series Unit (Create them on the I/O Map screen after the Unit Configuration
is created.)
Name Data type Factory setting Comments Contents
address (AT)
J01_Ch1_RdAI INT --- IOBus://rack#0/ Input 1 Indicates the input 1
slot#0/Ch1_RdAI Conversion Data A/D conversion

A-8 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)

 Data Array Setting

Broken line data array
ScaleData[0,0] X1: −200
ScaleData[0,1] Y1: −15 Data is converted to a straight line with input value
ScaleData[1,0] X2: +4200 −200 converted to −15 and input value +4200 converted to +315.
ScaleData[1,1] Y2: +315

 Program Example
P_On PWLApprox

J01_Ch1_RdAI In Data_Temp

ScaleData [0,0] Line

UINT#2 Num

A-2 Sample Programs

A-2-3 Scaling

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) A-9

A-2-4 Square Root Calculation

 Outline
Data expressed as quadratic curves, such as thermocouple inputs, is converted and output to linear
data (0000 to +4000).

 Unit settings
Name Setting target Setting contents
Unit Configuration CPU/Expansion Racks in Configura- Mount CJ1W-AD081-V1 in slot 0 of the
tion and Setup of Sysmac Studio CPU Rack.
Device name of this unit J01
Unit number Unit number switch and Unit Config- Unit number 0 (101:0, 100:0)
uration (CPU/Expansion Racks
screen in Configuration and Setup of
Sysmac Studio)
Operating mode Operating mode switch Normal Mode
Initial setting parameters
Resolution/conversion time Initial setting parameters 4000/1 ms
Use settings Use input 1.
Input signal range settings 0 to 10 V

 Defined-variables
System-defined variable
Name Data type Factory setting Comments Contents
P_On BOOL --- Always ON Flag ON when power is supplied.

User-defined variables (To be defined before or when creating a program)

Name Data type Factory setting Comments
SCLOut INT 0 Raised value corresponding to the negative portion (5%)
MulOut DINT 0 Multiplies the raised value by 4,400.
SqrOut LREAL 0.0 Calculates the square root.
Ch1_AI LREAL 0.0 Returns the raised portion (5%) and extracts the square

Note Ch1_AI is the LREAL data type. After the data conversion, perform type conversion if neces-
Device variables for CJ-series Unit (Create them on the I/O Map screen after the Unit Configuration
is created.)
Name Data type Factory setting Comments Details
address (AT)
J01_Ch1_RdAI INT --- IOBus://rack#0/ Input 1 Indicates the input 1
slot#0/Ch1_RdAI Conversion Data A/D conversion

A-10 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)

 Program Example
P_On +

J01_Ch1_RdAI In1 SCLOut

INT#200 In2


SCLOut In1 MulOut

DINT#4400 In2


MulOut In SqrOut


SqrOut In1 Ch1_AI

REAL#200 In2

A-2 Sample Programs

A-2-4 Square Root Calculation

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) A-11

A-2-5 Mean Value Processing

 Outline
Data is taken for the set number of samplings and the mean value is calculated.

 Unit settings
Name Setting target Setting contents
Unit Configuration CPU/Expansion Racks in Configura- Mount CJ1W-AD081-V1 in slot 0 of the
tion and Setup of Sysmac Studio CPU Rack.
Device name of this unit J01
Unit number Unit number switch and Unit Config- Unit number 0 (101:0, 100:0)
uration (CPU/Expansion Racks
screen in Configuration and Setup of
Sysmac Studio)
Operating mode Operating mode switch Normal Mode
Initial setting parameters
Resolution/conversion time Initial setting parameters 4000/1 ms
Use settings Use input 1.
Input signal range settings 0 to 10 V

 Defined-variables
System-defined variable
Name Data type Factory setting Comments Contents
P_First_RunMode BOOL --- First RUN Period When the PROGRAM Mode
Flag changes to the RUN Mode, the
result will become TRUE for
only one task period.

User-defined variables (To be defined before or when creating a program)

Name Data type Factory setting Comments
Sample BOOL False Mean value acquisition command
StartSample BOOL Mean value acquisition processing start
EndSample BOOL Mean value processing completion flag
Buff ARRAY[0..64] OF INT [65(0)] Mean value processing data buffer
SmapmleCount UINT Mean value processing data acquisition
Average INT 0 Mean value

Device variables for CJ-series Unit (Create them on the I/O Map screen after the Unit Configuration
is created.)
Name Data type Factory setting Comments Details
address (AT)
J01_Ch1_RdAI INT --- IOBus://rack#0/ Input 1 Indicates the input 1
slot#0/Ch1_RdAI Conversion Data A/D conversion

A-12 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)

 Program Example
Initialization of mean value processing data buffer and counter

P_First_RunMode Clear
Buff InOut InOut


INT#0 In Out SmapmleCount

Acceptance of mean value processing instruction

StartSample EndSample Sample


Perform mean value processing

A-2 Sample Programs

Sample MOVE ArySHL
J01_Ch1_RdAI In Out Buff[0] Buff[0] InOut InOut
UINT#65 Size
UINT#1 Num

+ = EndSample

SmapmleCount In1 SmapmleCount SmapmleCount In1
UINT#1 In2 UINT#64 In2

A-2-5 Mean Value Processing

Buff[1] In Average
UINT#64 Size

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) A-13

A-2-6 Limit
 Outline
If the output value range is exceeded, the output voltage is held when the Conversion Enable Bit
turns OFF.
In this example, the upper limit is 3,900 and the lower limit is 100.

Upper limit

Set value
Lower limit
Actual output value

When program is started

 Unit settings
Name Setting target Setting contents
Unit Configuration CPU/Expansion Racks in Configura- Mount CJ1W-DA08V in slot 0 of the
tion and Setup of Sysmac Studio CPU Rack.
Device name of this unit J01
Unit number Unit number switch and Unit Config- Unit number 0 (101:0, 100:0)
uration (CPU/Expansion Racks
screen in Configuration and Setup of
Sysmac Studio)
Operating mode Initial setting parameters Normal Mode
Resolution/conversion time 4000/1 ms
Use settings Use output 1.
Output signal range settings 0 to 10 V
Output 1 output status when HOLD
conversion stops

 Defined-variables
System-defined variable
Name Data type Factory setting Comments Contents
P_On BOOL --- Always ON Flag ON when power is supplied.

User-defined variables (To be defined before or when creating a program)

Name Data type Factory setting Comments
MinLimit INT 100 Sets the lower limit.
MaxLimit INT 3900 Sets the upper limit.
OutData INT 0 Indicates the output 1 set value.

A-14 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)

Device variables for CJ-series Unit (Create them on the I/O Map screen after the Unit Configuration
is created.)
Name Data type Factory setting Comments Contents
address (AT)
J01_Ch1_WrAO INT IOBus://rack#0/ Output 1 Set Value Indicates the
slot#0/Ch1_WrAO output 1 D/A
J01_Ch1_ConvCmd BOOL IOBus://rack#0/ Output 1 Conver-
slot#0/ConvCmd/ sion Enable

 Program Example
P_On ZoneCmp
EN Out
MinLimit MN
OutData In
MaxLimit MX


OutData In Out J01_Ch1_WrAO

A-2 Sample Programs

A-2-6 Limit

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) A-15

A-3 Functional Differences due to CPU

Units (NJ/CJ-series) to be
This unit can be used with NJ-series CPU Units.
If this unit is used with the NJ Series, some functions become unavailable compared to when it is used
with the CJ-series.
The following explains how each function of this unit changes when a CJ-series CPU Unit is connected,
compared to when an NJ-series CPU Unit is connected.

Functional Difference

Type Functional Difference

Analog Input Units CJ1W-AD041-V1/AD081-V1 There is no difference.
CJ1W-AD042 The direct conversion function using the AIDC
instruction cannot be used.
Analog Output Units CJ1W-DA021/DA041/DA08V/DA08C There is no difference.
CJ1W-DA042V The direct conversion function using the
AODC instruction cannot be used.
Analog I/O Units CJ1W-MAD42 There is no difference.

A-16 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)

A-4 Correspondence Tables for Device

Variables for CJ-series Units and
Memory Addresses for CJ-series

A-4 Correspondence Tables for Device Variables for CJ-series Units and Memory
If this Unit is used with an NJ-series CPU Unit, the user program uses device variables for CJ-series
Unit that reference the CJ-series Unit memory to use the functions.
Correspondence for word addresses, bit numbers and device variables of the CJ-series Unit between
the I/O memory of the CJ-series CPU Unit and CJ-series Unit memory of the NJ-series CPU Unit is
shown below.
Start address of the words allocated in CIO Area: n = 2000 + Unit number  10 (Unit number: 0 to 95)
Start address of the words allocated in DM Area: m = D20000 + Unit number  100 (Unit number: 0 to
Set the unit number switches on the front panel of the Unit to set the words that are allocated to each
Analog I/O Unit in the Special I/O Unit Area in the CIO Area and DM Area.

Addresses for CJ-series Units


10 1


0 23

Words allocated in Special I/O Unit Words allocated in Data Memory Area
Switch No. Unit No.
Area in CIO Area in DM Area
0 Unit #0 CIO 2000 to CIO 2009 D20000 to D20099
1 Unit #1 CIO 2010 to CIO 2019 D20100 to D20199

2 Unit #2 CIO 2020 to CIO 2029 D20200 to D20299
3 Unit #3 CIO 2030 to CIO 2039 D20300 to D20399
4 Unit #4 CIO 2040 to CIO 2049 D20400 to D20499
5 Unit #5 CIO 2050 to CIO 2059 D20500 to D20599
6 Unit #6 CIO 2060 to CIO 2069 D20600 to D20699
7 Unit #7 CIO 2070 to CIO 2079 D20700 to D20799
8 Unit #8 CIO 2080 to CIO 2089 D20800 to D20899
9 Unit #9 CIO 2090 to CIO 2099 D20900 to D20999

n Unit #n CIO 2000 + (n  10) to CIO 2000 + (n  D20000 + (n  100) to D20000 + (n 

10) + 9 100) + 99 words

95 Unit #95 CIO 2950 to CIO 2959 D29500 to D29599

Additional Information

• If two or more Special I/O Units are assigned the same unit number, a "Duplicate Unit Num-
ber" major fault level Controller error is generated and the Controller will not operate.
• After correcting the unit number setting, cycle the power to the Controller.

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) A-17

A-4-1 CJ1W-AD041-V1

Special I/O Unit CIO Area (in Normal Mode)

NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
I/O I/O memory address
CIO No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
Output n 00 to 15 *_PkHdCmd Peak Value Hold Execution WORD
(CPU to this Settings
Unit) 00 *_Ch1_PkHdCmd Input 1 Peak Value Hold Exe- BOOL
01 *_Ch2_PkHdCmd Input 2 Peak Value Hold Exe- BOOL
02 *_Ch3_PkHdCmd Input 3 Peak Value Hold Exe- BOOL
03 *_Ch4_PkHdCmd Input 4 Peak Value Hold Exe- BOOL
Input n+1 00 to 15 *_Ch1_RdAI Input 1 Conversion Data INT
(This Unit to n+2 00 to 15 *_Ch2_RdAI Input 2 Conversion Data INT
n+3 00 to 15 *_Ch3_RdAI Input 3 Conversion Data INT
n+4 00 to 15 *_Ch4_RdAI Input 4 Conversion Data INT
n+9 00 to 07 *_SensErr Disconnection Detected BYTE
00 *_Ch1_SensErr Input 1 Disconnection BOOL
01 *_Ch2_SensErr Input 2 Disconnection BOOL
02 *_Ch3_SensErr Input 3 Disconnection BOOL
03 *_Ch4_SensErr Input 4 Disconnection BOOL
08 to 15 *_UnitErr Error Flags BYTE
11 *_AveErr Mean Value Processing Set- BOOL
ting Error

Special I/O Unit CIO Area (in Adjustment Mode)

NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
I/O I/O memory address
CIO No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
Output n 00 to 07 *_AdjCh Inputs to Be Adjusted BYTE
(CPU to this n+1 00 *_AdjOfs Offset Flag BOOL
01 *_AdjGain Gain Flag BOOL
02 *_AdjDwn Adjustment Value Down Flag BOOL
03 *_AdjUp Adjustment Value Up Flag BOOL
04 *_AdjSet Adjustment Value Set Flag BOOL
05 *_AdjClr Adjustment Value Clear Flag BOOL

A-18 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)

NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
I/O I/O memory address
CIO No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
Input n+8 00 to 15 *_AdjPV Conversion value for adjust- INT
(This Unit to ment
CPU) n+9 00 to 07 *_SensErr Disconnection Detected BYTE
00 *_Ch1_SensErr Input 1 Disconnection BOOL

A-4 Correspondence Tables for Device Variables for CJ-series Units and Memory
01 *_Ch2_SensErr Input 2 Disconnection BOOL
02 *_Ch3_SensErr Input 3 Disconnection BOOL
03 *_Ch4_SensErr Input 4 Disconnection BOOL
08 to 15 *_AdjUnitErr Error Flags BYTE
11 *_AdjAveErr Mean Value Processing Set- BOOL
ting Error
12 *_AdjInErr Input Value Adjustment BOOL
Range Exceeded
13 *_AdjInNoErr Input Value Adjustment Num- BOOL
ber Setting Error
14 *_AdjMemErr Non-volatile Memory Error BOOL

Addresses for CJ-series Units

15 *_AdjMd Starting Adjustment Mode BOOL

Special I/O Unit DM Area (common to both Normal Mode and

Adjustment Mode)

CJ-series I/O memory address NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
DM No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
D(m) 00 to 15 *_InChUseCfg Input Use Settings WORD

00 *_Ch1_InChUseCfg Input 1 Use Settings BOOL
01 *_Ch2_InChUseCfg Input 2 Use Settings BOOL
02 *_Ch3_InChUseCfg Input 3 Use Settings BOOL

A-4-1 CJ1W-AD041-V1
03 *_Ch4_InChUseCfg Input 4 Use Settings BOOL
D(m+1) 00 to 15 *_InRngCfg Input Signal Range Settings WORD
00 to 01 Input 1 Input Signal Range
02 to 03 Input 2 Input Signal Range
04 to 05 Input 3 Input Signal Range
06 to 07 Input 4 Input Signal Range
D(m+2) 00 to 15 *_Ch1_AveCfg Input 1 Number of Samplings UINT
for Mean Value Processing
D(m+3) 00 to 15 *_Ch2_AveCfg Input 2 Number of Samplings UINT
for Mean Value Processing
D(m+4) 00 to 15 *_Ch3_AveCfg Input 3 Number of Samplings UINT
for Mean Value Processing

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) A-19

CJ-series I/O memory address NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
DM No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
D(m+5) 00 to 15 *_Ch4_AveCfg Input 4 Number of Samplings UINT
for Mean Value Processing
D(m+18) 00 to 07 *_MdCfg Operating Mode Settings BYTE
08 to 15 *_ResolutionCfg Resolution/Conversion Time BYTE

A-20 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)

A-4-2 CJ1W-AD081-V1

Special I/O Unit CIO Area (in Normal Mode)

NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
I/O memory address

A-4 Correspondence Tables for Device Variables for CJ-series Units and Memory
CIO No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
Output n 00 to 15 *_PkHdCmd Peak Value Hold Execution WORD
(CPU to this Settings
Unit) 00 *_Ch1_PkHdCmd Input 1 Peak Value Hold Exe- BOOL
01 *_Ch2_PkHdCmd Input 2 Peak Value Hold Exe- BOOL
02 *_Ch3_PkHdCmd Input 3 Peak Value Hold Exe- BOOL
03 *_Ch4_PkHdCmd Input 4 Peak Value Hold Exe- BOOL
04 *_Ch5_PkHdCmd Input 5 Peak Value Hold Exe- BOOL
05 *_Ch6_PkHdCmd Input 6 Peak Value Hold Exe- BOOL

Addresses for CJ-series Units

06 *_Ch7_PkHdCmd Input 7 Peak Value Hold Exe- BOOL
07 *_Ch8_PkHdCmd Input 8 Peak Value Hold Exe- BOOL

App A-4-2 CJ1W-AD081-V1

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) A-21

NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
I/O I/O memory address
CIO No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
Input n+1 00 to 15 *_Ch1_RdAI Input 1 Conversion Data INT
(This Unit to n+2 00 to 15 *_Ch2_RdAI Input 2 Conversion Data INT
n+3 00 to 15 *_Ch3_RdAI Input 3 Conversion Data INT
n+4 00 to 15 *_Ch4_RdAI Input 4 Conversion Data INT
n+5 00 to 15 *_Ch5_RdAI Input 5 Conversion Data INT
n+6 00 to 15 *_Ch6_RdAI Input 6 Conversion Data INT
n+7 00 to 15 *_Ch7_RdAI Input 7 Conversion Data INT
n+8 00 to 15 *_Ch8_RdAI Input 8 Conversion Data INT
n+9 00 to 07 *_SensErr Disconnection Detected BYTE
00 *_Ch1_SensErr Input 1 Disconnection BOOL
01 *_Ch2_SensErr Input 2 Disconnection BOOL
02 *_Ch3_SensErr Input 3 Disconnection BOOL
03 *_Ch4_SensErr Input 4 Disconnection BOOL
04 *_Ch5_SensErr Input 5 Disconnection BOOL
05 *_Ch6_SensErr Input 6 Disconnection BOOL
06 *_Ch7_SensErr Input 7 Disconnection BOOL
07 *_Ch8_SensErr Input 8 Disconnection BOOL
08 to 15 *_UnitErr Error Flags BYTE
11 *_AveErr Mean Value Processing Set- BOOL
ting Error

A-22 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)

Special I/O Unit CIO Area (in Adjustment Mode)

NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
I/O I/O memory address
CIO No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
Output n 00 to 07 *_AdjCh Inputs to Be Adjusted BYTE

A-4 Correspondence Tables for Device Variables for CJ-series Units and Memory
(CPU to this n+1 00 *_AdjOfs Offset Flag BOOL
01 *_AdjGain Gain Flag BOOL
02 *_AdjDwn Adjustment Value Down Flag BOOL
03 *_AdjUp Adjustment Value Up Flag BOOL
04 *_AdjSet Adjustment Value Set Flag BOOL
05 *_AdjClr Adjustment Value Clear Flag BOOL
Input n+8 00 to 15 *_AdjPV Conversion value for adjust- INT
(This Unit to ment
CPU) n+9 00 to 07 *_SensErr Disconnection Detected BYTE
00 *_Ch1_SensErr Input 1 Disconnection BOOL
01 *_Ch2_SensErr Input 2 Disconnection BOOL
02 *_Ch3_SensErr Input 3 Disconnection BOOL

Addresses for CJ-series Units

03 *_Ch4_SensErr Input 4 Disconnection BOOL
08 to 15 *_AdjUnitErr Error Flags BYTE
11 *_AdjAveErr Mean Value Processing Set- BOOL
ting Error
12 *_AdjInErr Input Value Adjustment BOOL
Range Exceeded
13 *_AdjInNoErr Input Value Adjustment Num- BOOL
ber Setting Error

14 *_AdjMemErr Non-volatile Memory Error BOOL
15 *_AdjMd Starting Adjustment Mode BOOL

A-4-2 CJ1W-AD081-V1
Special I/O Unit DM Area (common to both Normal Mode and
Adjustment Mode)

CJ-series I/O memory address NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
DM No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
D(m) 00 to 15 *_InChUseCfg Input Use Settings WORD
00 *_Ch1_InChUseCfg Input 1 Use Setting BOOL
01 *_Ch2_InChUseCfg Input 2 Use Setting BOOL
02 *_Ch3_InChUseCfg Input 3 Use Setting BOOL
03 *_Ch4_InChUseCfg Input 4 Use Setting BOOL
04 *_Ch5_InChUseCfg Input 5 Use Setting BOOL
05 *_Ch6_InChUseCfg Input 6 Use Setting BOOL
06 *_Ch7_InChUseCfg Input 7 Use Setting BOOL
07 *_Ch8_InChUseCfg Input 8 Use Setting BOOL

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) A-23

CJ-series I/O memory address NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
DM No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
D(m+1) 00 to 15 *_InRngCfg Input Signal Range Settings WORD
00 to 01 Input 1 Input Signal Range
02 to 03 Input 2 Input Signal Range
04 to 05 Input 3 Input Signal Range
06 to 07 Input 4 Input Signal Range
08 to 09 Input 5 Input Signal Range
10 to 11 Input 6 Input Signal Range
12 to 13 Input 7 Input Signal Range
14 to 15 Input 8 Input Signal Range
D(m+2) 00 to 15 *_Ch1_AveCfg Input 1 Number of Samplings UINT
for Mean Value Processing
D(m+3) 00 to 15 *_Ch2_AveCfg Input 2 Number of Samplings UINT
for Mean Value Processing
D(m+4) 00 to 15 *_Ch3_AveCfg Input 3 Number of Samplings UINT
for Mean Value Processing
D(m+5) 00 to 15 *_Ch4_AveCfg Input 4 Number of Samplings UINT
for Mean Value Processing
D(m+6) 00 to 15 *_Ch5_AveCfg Input 5 Number of Samplings UINT
for Mean Value Processing
D(m+7) 00 to 15 *_Ch6_AveCfg Input 6 Number of Samplings UINT
for Mean Value Processing
D(m+8) 00 to 15 *_Ch7_AveCfg Input 7 Number of Samplings UINT
for Mean Value Processing
D(m+9) 00 to 15 *_Ch8_AveCfg Input 8 Number of Samplings UINT
for Mean Value Processing
D(m+18) 00 to 07 *_MdCfg Operating Mode Settings BYTE
08 to 15 *_ResolutionCfg Resolution/Conversion Time BYTE

A-24 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)

A-4-3 CJ1W-AD042

Special I/O Unit CIO Area

NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
I/O memory address

A-4 Correspondence Tables for Device Variables for CJ-series Units and Memory
CIO No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
Output n 00 to 15 *_PkHdCmd Peak Value Hold Execution WORD
(CPU to this Settings
Unit) 00 *_Ch1_PkHdCmd Input 1 Peak Value Hold Exe- BOOL
01 *_Ch2_PkHdCmd Input 2 Peak Value Hold Exe- BOOL
02 *_Ch3_PkHdCmd Input 3 Peak Value Hold Exe- BOOL
03 *_Ch4_PkHdCmd Input 4 Peak Value Hold Exe- BOOL
Input n+1 00 to 15 *_Ch1_RdAI Input 1 Conversion Data INT
(This Unit to n+2 00 to 15 *_Ch2_RdAI Input 2 Conversion Data INT
n+3 00 to 15 *_Ch3_RdAI Input 3 Conversion Data INT

Addresses for CJ-series Units

n+4 00 to 15 *_Ch4_RdAI Input 4 Conversion Data INT
n+9 00 to 07 *_SensErr Disconnection Detected BYTE
00 *_Ch1_SensErr Input 1 Disconnection BOOL
01 *_Ch2_SensErr Input 2 Disconnection BOOL
02 *_Ch3_SensErr Input 3 Disconnection BOOL
03 *_Ch4_SensErr Input 4 Disconnection BOOL

08 to 15 *_UnitErr Error Flags BYTE
08 *_SclErr Scaling Data Setting Error BOOL

A-4-3 CJ1W-AD042
09 *_CfgErr Input Signal Range Setting BOOL
Error or Error in Number of
Inputs Setting
11 *_AveErr Mean Value Processing Set- BOOL
ting Error
12 *_MdErr * Error in Setting of Conversion BOOL
13 *_ConvMd * Direct Conversion Mode BOOL
14 *_ConvErr A/D Conversion Error BOOL

* The Direct Conversion Mode cannot be used with the NJ-series CPU Unit. On the Special Unit Setup Editing of
Sysmac Studio, set "Conversion Mode Setting" to "Cyclic Conversion Mode".

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) A-25

Special I/O Unit DM Area

CJ-series I/O memory address NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
DM No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
D(m) 00 to 07 *_InChUseCfg Number of Analog Inputs USINT
D(m+1) 00 to 07 --- * Conversion Mode Setting ---
D(m+2) 00 to 07 *_Ch1_InRngCfg Input 1 Input Signal Range USINT
D(m+3) 00 to 07 *_Ch1_AveCfg Input 1 Number of Samplings UINT
for Mean Value Processing
D(m+4) 00 to 15 *_Ch1_Scl_L_Cfg Input 1 Scaling Lower Limit INT
D(m+5) 00 to 15 *_Ch1_Scl_H_Cfg Input 1 Scaling Upper Limit INT
D(m+6) 00 to 07 *_Ch2_InRngCfg Input 2 Input Signal Range USINT
D(m+7) 00 to 07 *_Ch2_AveCfg Input 2 Number of Samplings UINT
for Mean Value Processing
D(m+8) 00 to 15 *_Ch2_Scl_L_Cfg Input 2 Scaling Lower Limit INT
D(m+9) 00 to 15 *_Ch2_Scl_H_Cfg Input 2 Scaling Upper Limit INT
D(m+10) 00 to 07 *_Ch3_InRngCfg Input 3 Input Signal Range USINT
D(m+11) 00 to 07 *_Ch3_AveCfg Input 3 Number of Samplings UINT
for Mean Value Processing
D(m+12) 00 to 15 *_Ch3_Scl_L_Cfg Input 3 Scaling Lower Limit INT
D(m+13) 00 to 15 *_Ch3_Scl_H_Cfg Input 3 Scaling Upper Limit INT
D(m+14) 00 to 07 *_Ch4_InRngCfg Input 4 Input Signal Range USINT
D(m+15) 00 to 07 *_Ch4_AveCfg Input 4 Number of Samplings UINT
for Mean Value Processing
D(m+16) 00 to 15 *_Ch4_Scl_L_Cfg Input 4 Scaling Lower Limit INT
D(m+17) 00 to 15 *_Ch4_Scl_H_Cfg Input 4 Scaling Upper Limit INT

* The Direct Conversion Mode cannot be used with the NJ-series CPU Unit. On the Special Unit Setup Editing of
Sysmac Studio, set "Conversion Mode Setting" to "Cyclic Conversion Mode".

A-26 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)

A-4-4 CJ1W-DA021

Special I/O Unit CIO Area (in Normal Mode)

NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
I/O memory address

A-4 Correspondence Tables for Device Variables for CJ-series Units and Memory
CIO No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
Output n 00 to 15 *_ConvCmd Conversion Enable Settings WORD
(CPU to this 00 *_Ch1_ConvCmd Output 1 Conversion Enable BOOL
01 *_Ch2_ConvCmd Output 2 Conversion Enable BOOL
n+1 00 to 15 *_Ch1_WrAO Output 1 Set Value INT
n+2 00 to 15 *_Ch2_WrAO Output 2 Set Value INT
Input n+9 00 to 07 *_MVErr Output Set Value Error BYTE
(This Unit to 00 *_Ch1_MVErr Output 1 Output Set Value BOOL
CPU) Error
01 *_Ch2_MVErr Output 2 Output Set Value BOOL
08 to 15 *_UnitErr Error Flags BYTE
10 *_HdErr Output Hold Setting Error BOOL

Addresses for CJ-series Units

Special I/O Unit CIO Area (in Adjustment Mode)

NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
I/O I/O memory address
CIO No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
Output n 00 to 07 *_AdjCh Outputs to Be Adjusted BYTE
(CPU to this n+1 00 *_AdjOfs Offset Flag BOOL

01 *_AdjGain Gain Flag BOOL
02 *_AdjDwn Adjustment Value Down Flag BOOL
03 *_AdjUp Adjustment Value Up Flag BOOL

A-4-4 CJ1W-DA021
04 *_AdjSet Adjustment Value Set Flag BOOL
05 *_AdjClr Adjustment Value Clear Flag BOOL
Input n+8 00 to 15 *_AdjPV Conversion value for adjust- INT
(This Unit to ment
CPU) n+9 08 to 15 *_AdjUnitErr Error Flags BYTE
13 *_AdjOutNoErr Output Value Adjustment BOOL
Number Setting Error
14 *_AdjMemErr Non-volatile Memory Error BOOL
15 *_AdjMd Starting Adjustment Mode BOOL

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) A-27

Special I/O Unit DM Area (common to both Normal Mode and

Adjustment Mode)

CJ-series I/O memory address NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
DM No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
D(m) 00 to 15 *_OutChUseCfg Output Use Settings WORD
00 *_Ch1_OutChUseCfg Output 1 Use Setting BOOL
01 *_Ch2_OutChUseCfg Output 2 Use Setting BOOL
D(m+1) 00 to 15 *_OutRngCfg Output Signal Range Setting WORD
00 to 01 Output 1 Output Signal Range
02 to 03 Output 2 Output Signal Range
D(m+2) 00 to 07 *_Ch1_HdMdCfg Output 1 Output Status When USINT
Conversion Stops
D(m+3) 00 to 07 *_Ch2_HdMdCfg Output 2 Output Status When USINT
Conversion Stops

A-4-5 CJ1W-DA041

Special I/O Unit CIO Area (in Normal Mode)

NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
I/O I/O memory address
CIO No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
Output n 00 to 15 *_ConvCmd Conversion Enable Settings WORD
(CPU to this 00 *_Ch1_ConvCmd Output 1 Conversion Enable BOOL
01 *_Ch2_ConvCmd Output 2 Conversion Enable BOOL
02 *_Ch3_ConvCmd Output 3 Conversion Enable BOOL
03 *_Ch4_ConvCmd Output 4 Conversion Enable BOOL
n+1 00 to 15 *_Ch1_WrAO Output 1 Set Value INT
n+2 00 to 15 *_Ch2_WrAO Output 2 Set Value INT
n+3 00 to 15 *_Ch3_WrAO Output 3 Set Value INT
n+4 00 to 15 *_Ch4_WrAO Output 4 Set Value INT
Input n+9 00 to 07 *_MVErr Output Set Value Error BYTE
(This Unit to 00 *_Ch1_MVErr Output 1 Output Set Value BOOL
CPU) Error
01 *_Ch2_MVErr Output 2 Output Set Value BOOL
02 *_Ch3_MVErr Output 3 Output Set Value BOOL
03 *_Ch4_MVErr Output 4 Output Set Value BOOL
08 to 15 *_UnitErr Error Flags BYTE
10 *_HdErr Output Hold Setting Error BOOL

A-28 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)

Special I/O Unit CIO Area (in Adjustment Mode)

NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
I/O I/O memory address
CIO No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
Output n 00 to 07 *_AdjCh Outputs to Be Adjusted BYTE

A-4 Correspondence Tables for Device Variables for CJ-series Units and Memory
(CPU to this n+1 00 *_AdjOfs Offset Flag BOOL
01 *_AdjGain Gain Flag BOOL
02 *_AdjDwn Adjustment Value Down Flag BOOL
03 *_AdjUp Adjustment Value Up Flag BOOL
04 *_AdjSet Adjustment Value Set Flag BOOL
05 *_AdjClr Adjustment Value Clear Flag BOOL
Input n+8 00 to 15 *_AdjPV Conversion value for adjust- INT
(This Unit to ment
CPU) n+9 08 to 15 *_AdjUnitErr Error Flags BYTE
13 *_AdjOutNoErr Output Value Adjustment BOOL
Number Setting Error
14 *_AdjMemErr Non-volatile Memory Error BOOL
15 *_AdjMd Starting Adjustment Mode BOOL

Addresses for CJ-series Units

Special I/O Unit DM Area (common to both Normal Mode and
Adjustment Mode)

CJ-series I/O memory address NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
DM No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
D(m) 00 to 15 *_OutChUseCfg Output Use Settings WORD
00 *_Ch1_OutChUseCfg Output 1 Use Setting BOOL

01 *_Ch2_OutChUseCfg Output 2 Use Setting BOOL
02 *_Ch3_OutChUseCfg Output 3 Use Setting BOOL
03 *_Ch4_OutChUseCfg Output 4 Use Setting BOOL

A-4-5 CJ1W-DA041
D(m+1) 00 to 15 *_OutRngCfg Output Signal Range Setting WORD
00 to 01 Output 1 Output Signal Range
02 to 03 Output 2 Output Signal Range
04 to 05 Output 3 Output Signal Range
06 to 07 Output 4 Output Signal Range
D(m+2) 00 to 07 *_Ch1_HdMdCfg Output 1 Output Status When USINT
Conversion Stops
D(m+3) 00 to 07 *_Ch2_HdMdCfg Output 2 Output Status When USINT
Conversion Stops
D(m+4) 00 to 07 *_Ch3_HdMdCfg Output 3 Output Status When USINT
Conversion Stops
D(m+5) 00 to 07 *_Ch4_HdMdCfg Output 4 Output Status When USINT
Conversion Stops

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) A-29

A-4-6 CJ1W-DA08V/08C

Special I/O Unit CIO Area (in Normal Mode)

NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
I/O I/O memory address
CIO No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
Output n 00 to 15 *_ConvCmd Conversion Enable Settings WORD
(CPU to this 00 *_Ch1_ConvCmd Output 1 Conversion Enable BOOL
01 *_Ch2_ConvCmd Output 2 Conversion Enable BOOL
02 *_Ch3_ConvCmd Output 3 Conversion Enable BOOL
03 *_Ch4_ConvCmd Output 4 Conversion Enable BOOL
04 *_Ch5_ConvCmd Output 5 Conversion Enable BOOL
05 *_Ch6_ConvCmd Output 6 Conversion Enable BOOL
06 *_Ch7_ConvCmd Output 7 Conversion Enable BOOL
07 *_Ch8_ConvCmd Output 8 Conversion Enable BOOL
n+1 00 to 15 *_Ch1_WrAO Output 1 Set Value INT
n+2 00 to 15 *_Ch2_WrAO Output 2 Set Value INT
n+3 00 to 15 *_Ch3_WrAO Output 3 Set Value INT
n+4 00 to 15 *_Ch4_WrAO Output 4 Set Value INT
n+5 00 to 15 *_Ch5_WrAO Output 5 Set Value INT
n+6 00 to 15 *_Ch6_WrAO Output 6 Set Value INT
n+7 00 to 15 *_Ch7_WrAO Output 7 Set Value INT
n+8 00 to 15 *_Ch8_WrAO Output 8 Set Value INT
Input n+9 00 to 07 *_MVErr Output Set Value Error BYTE
(This Unit to 00 *_Ch1_MVErr Output 1 Output Set Value BOOL
CPU) Error
01 *_Ch2_MVErr Output 2 Output Set Value BOOL
02 *_Ch3_MVErr Output 3 Output Set Value BOOL
03 *_Ch4_MVErr Output 4 Output Set Value BOOL
04 *_Ch5_MVErr Output 5 Output Set Value BOOL
05 *_Ch6_MVErr Output 6 Output Set Value BOOL
06 *_Ch7_MVErr Output 7 Output Set Value BOOL
07 *_Ch8_MVErr Output 8 Output Set Value BOOL
08 to 15 *_UnitErr Error Flags BYTE
08 *_SclErr Scaling Data Setting Error BOOL
10 *_HdErr Output Hold Setting Error BOOL
12 *_MdErr Conversion Time/Resolution BOOL
or Operation Mode Setting

A-30 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)

Special I/O Unit CIO Area (in Adjustment Mode)

NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
I/O I/O memory address
CIO No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
Output n 00 to 07 *_AdjCh Outputs to Be Adjusted BYTE

A-4 Correspondence Tables for Device Variables for CJ-series Units and Memory
(CPU to this n+1 00 *_AdjOfs Offset Flag BOOL
01 *_AdjGain Gain Flag BOOL
02 *_AdjDwn Adjustment Value Down Flag BOOL
03 *_AdjUp Adjustment Value Up Flag BOOL
04 *_AdjSet Adjustment Value Set Flag BOOL
05 *_AdjClr Adjustment Value Clear Flag BOOL
Input n+8 00 to 15 *_AdjPV Conversion value for adjust- INT
(This Unit to ment
CPU) n+9 08 to 15 *_AdjUnitErr Error Flags BYTE
13 *_AdjOutNoErr Output Value Adjustment BOOL
Number Setting Error
14 *_AdjMemErr Non-volatile Memory Error BOOL
15 *_AdjMd Starting Adjustment Mode BOOL

Addresses for CJ-series Units

Special I/O Unit DM Area (common to both Normal Mode and
Adjustment Mode)

CJ-series I/O memory address NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
DM No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
D(m) 00 to 15 *_OutChUseCfg Output Use Settings WORD
00 *_Ch1_OutChUseCfg Output 1 Use Setting BOOL

01 *_Ch2_OutChUseCfg Output 2 Use Setting BOOL
02 *_Ch3_OutChUseCfg Output 3 Use Setting BOOL
03 *_Ch4_OutChUseCfg Output 4 Use Setting BOOL

A-4-6 CJ1W-DA08V/08C
04 *_Ch5_OutChUseCfg Output 5 Use Setting BOOL
05 *_Ch6_OutChUseCfg Output 6 Use Setting BOOL
06 *_Ch7_OutChUseCfg Output 7 Use Setting BOOL
07 *_Ch8_OutChUseCfg Output 8 Use Setting BOOL

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) A-31

CJ-series I/O memory address NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
DM No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
D(m+1) 00 to 15 *_OutRngCfg Output Signal Range Setting WORD
00 to 01 Output 1 Output Signal Range
02 to 03 Output 2 Output Signal Range
04 to 05 Output 3 Output Signal Range
06 to 07 Output 4 Output Signal Range
08 to 09 Output 5 Output Signal Range
10 to 11 Output 6 Output Signal Range
12 to 13 Output 7 Output Signal Range
14 to 15 Output 8 Output Signal Range
D(m+2) 00 to 07 *_Ch1_HdMdCfg Output 1 Output Status When USINT
Conversion Stops
D(m+3) 00 to 07 *_Ch2_HdMdCfg Output 2 Output Status When USINT
Conversion Stops
D(m+4) 00 to 07 *_Ch3_HdMdCfg Output 3 Output Status When USINT
Conversion Stops
D(m+5) 00 to 07 *_Ch4_HdMdCfg Output 4 Output Status When USINT
Conversion Stops
D(m+6) 00 to 07 *_Ch5_HdMdCfg Output 5 Output Status When USINT
Conversion Stops
D(m+7) 00 to 07 *_Ch6_HdMdCfg Output 6 Output Status When USINT
Conversion Stops
D(m+8) 00 to 07 *_Ch7_HdMdCfg Output 7 Output Status When USINT
Conversion Stops
D(m+9) 00 to 07 *_Ch8_HdMdCfg Output 8 Output Status When USINT
Conversion Stops
D(m+18) 00 to 07 *_MdCfg Operating Mode Settings BYTE
08 to 15 *_ResolutionCfg Resolution/Conversion Time BYTE
D(m+19) 00 to 15 *_Ch1_Scl_L_Cfg Output 1 Scaling Lower Limit INT
D(m+20) 00 to 15 *_Ch1_Scl_H_Cfg Output 1 Scaling Upper Limit INT
D(m+21) 00 to 15 *_Ch2_Scl_L_Cfg Output 2 Scaling Lower Limit INT
D(m+22) 00 to 15 *_Ch2_Scl_H_Cfg Output 2 Scaling Upper Limit INT
D(m+23) 00 to 15 *_Ch3_Scl_L_Cfg Output 3 Scaling Lower Limit INT
D(m+24) 00 to 15 *_Ch3_Scl_H_Cfg Output 3 Scaling Upper Limit INT
D(m+25) 00 to 15 *_Ch4_Scl_L_Cfg Output 4 Scaling Lower Limit INT
D(m+26) 00 to 15 *_Ch4_Scl_H_Cfg Output 4 Scaling Upper Limit INT
D(m+27) 00 to 15 *_Ch5_Scl_L_Cfg Output 5 Scaling Lower Limit INT
D(m+28) 00 to 15 *_Ch5_Scl_H_Cfg Output 5 Scaling Upper Limit INT
D(m+29) 00 to 15 *_Ch6_Scl_L_Cfg Output 6 Scaling Lower Limit INT
D(m+30) 00 to 15 *_Ch6_Scl_H_Cfg Output 6 Scaling Upper Limit INT
D(m+31) 00 to 15 *_Ch7_Scl_L_Cfg Output 7 Scaling Lower Limit INT

A-32 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)

CJ-series I/O memory address NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
DM No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
D(m+32) 00 to 15 *_Ch7_Scl_H_Cfg Output 7 Scaling Upper Limit INT
D(m+33) 00 to 15 *_Ch8_Scl_L_Cfg Output 8 Scaling Lower Limit INT
D(m+34) 00 to 15 *_Ch8_Scl_H_Cfg Output 8 Scaling Upper Limit INT

A-4 Correspondence Tables for Device Variables for CJ-series Units and Memory
Addresses for CJ-series Units
App A-4-6 CJ1W-DA08V/08C

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) A-33

A-4-7 CJ1W-DA042V

Special I/O Unit CIO Area

NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
I/O I/O memory address
CIO No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
Output n 00 to 15 *_ConvCmd Conversion Enable Settings WORD
(CPU to this 00 *_Ch1_ConvCmd Output 1 Conversion Enable BOOL
01 *_Ch2_ConvCmd Output 2 Conversion Enable BOOL
02 *_Ch3_ConvCmd Output 3 Conversion Enable BOOL
03 *_Ch4_ConvCmd Output 4 Conversion Enable BOOL
n+1 00 to 15 *_Ch1_WrAO Output 1 Set Value INT
n+2 00 to 15 *_Ch2_WrAO Output 2 Set Value INT
n+3 00 to 15 *_Ch3_WrAO Output 3 Set Value INT
n+4 00 to 15 *_Ch4_WrAO Output 4 Set Value INT
Input n+9 00 to 07 *_MVErr Output Set Value Error BYTE
(This Unit to 00 *_Ch1_MVErr Output 1 Output Set Value BOOL
CPU) Error
01 *_Ch2_MVErr Output 2 Output Set Value BOOL
02 *_Ch3_MVErr Output 3 Output Set Value BOOL
03 *_Ch4_MVErr Output 4 Output Set Value BOOL
08 to 15 *_UnitErr Error Flags BYTE
08 *_SclErr Scaling Data Setting Error BOOL
09 *_CfgErr Output Signal Range Setting BOOL
Error or Error In Number of
Outputs Used Setting
10 *_HdErr Output Hold Setting Error BOOL
12 *_MdErr * Error in Setting of Conversion BOOL
13 *_ConvMd * Direct Conversion Mode BOOL

* The Direct Conversion Mode cannot be used with the NJ-series CPU Unit. On the Special Unit Setup Editing of
Sysmac Studio, set "Conversion Mode Setting" to "Cyclic Conversion Mode".

Special I/O Unit DM Area

CJ-series I/O memory address NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
DM No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
D(m) 00 to 07 *_OutChUseCfg Number of Analog Outputs USINT
D(m+1) 00 to 07 --- * Conversion Mode Setting ---
D(m+2) 00 to 07 *_Ch1_OutRngCfg Output 1 Output Signal Range USINT
D(m+3) 00 to 07 *_Ch1_HdMdCfg Output 1 Output Status When USINT
Conversion Stops

A-34 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)

CJ-series I/O memory address NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
DM No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
D(m+4) 00 to 15 *_Ch1_Scl_L_Cfg Output 1 Scaling Lower Limit INT
D(m+5) 00 to 15 *_Ch1_Scl_H_Cfg Output 1 Scaling Upper Limit INT
D(m+6) 00 to 07 *_Ch2_OutRngCfg Output 2 Output Signal Range USINT
D(m+7) 00 to 07 *_Ch2_HdMdCfg Output 2 Output Status When USINT

A-4 Correspondence Tables for Device Variables for CJ-series Units and Memory
Conversion Stops
D(m+8) 00 to 15 *_Ch2_Scl_L_Cfg Output 2 Scaling Lower Limit INT
D(m+9) 00 to 15 *_Ch2_Scl_H_Cfg Output 2 Scaling Upper Limit INT
D(m+10) 00 to 07 *_Ch3_OutRngCfg Output 3 Output Signal Range USINT
D(m+11) 00 to 07 *_Ch3_HdMdCfg Output 3 Output Status When USINT
Conversion Stops
D(m+12) 00 to 15 *_Ch3_Scl_L_Cfg Output 3 Scaling Lower Limit INT
D(m+13) 00 to 15 *_Ch3_Scl_H_Cfg Output 3 Scaling Upper Limit INT
D(m+14) 00 to 07 *_Ch4_OutRngCfg Output 4 Output Signal Range USINT
D(m+15) 00 to 07 *_Ch4_HdMdCfg Output 4 Output Status When USINT
Conversion Stops
D(m+16) 00 to 15 *_Ch4_Scl_L_Cfg Output 4 Scaling Lower Limit INT

Addresses for CJ-series Units

D(m+17) 00 to 15 *_Ch4_Scl_H_Cfg Output 4 Scaling Upper Limit INT

* The Direct Conversion Mode cannot be used with the NJ-series CPU Unit. On the Special Unit Setup Editing of
Sysmac Studio, set "Conversion Mode Setting" to "Cyclic Conversion Mode".

App A-4-7 CJ1W-DA042V

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) A-35

A-4-8 CJ1W-MAD42

Special I/O Unit CIO Area (in Normal Mode)

NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
I/O I/O memory address
CIO No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
Output n 00 to 07 *_ConvPkHdCmd Peak Value Hold and Output BYTE
(CPU to this Conversion Enable Settings
Unit) 00 *_Ch1_ConvCmd Output 1 Conversion Enable BOOL
01 *_Ch2_ConvCmd Output 2 Conversion Enable BOOL
04 *_Ch1_PkHdCmd Input 1 Peak Value Hold Exe- BOOL
05 *_Ch2_PkHdCmd Input 2 Peak Value Hold Exe- BOOL
06 *_Ch3_PkHdCmd Input 3 Peak Value Hold Exe- BOOL
07 *_Ch4_PkHdCmd Input 4 Peak Value Hold Exe- BOOL
n+1 00 to 15 *_Ch1_WrAO Output 1 Set Value INT
n+2 00 to 15 *_Ch2_WrAO Output 2 Set Value INT
Input n+5 00 to 15 *_Ch1_RdAI Input 1 Conversion Data INT
(This Unit to n+6 00 to 15 *_Ch2_RdAI Input 2 Conversion Data INT
n+7 00 to 15 *_Ch3_RdAI Input 3 Conversion Data INT
n+8 00 to 15 *_Ch4_RdAI Input 4 Conversion Data INT
n+9 00 to 07 *_MVSensErr Set Value Errors and Discon- BYTE
nection Detected
00 *_Ch1_MVErr Output 1 Output Set Value BOOL
01 *_Ch2_MVErr Output 2 Output Set Value BOOL
04 *_Ch1_SensErr Input 1 Disconnection BOOL
05 *_Ch2_SensErr Input 2 Disconnection BOOL
06 *_Ch3_SensErr Input 3 Disconnection BOOL
07 *_Ch4_SensErr Input 4 Disconnection BOOL
08 to 15 *_UnitErr Error Flags BYTE
08 *_SclErr Scaling Data Setting BOOL
Error/Ratio Conversion Use
Setting Error
09 *_RatioCfgErr Ratio Set Value Error BOOL
10 *_HdErr Output Hold Setting Error BOOL
11 *_AveErr Mean Value Processing Set- BOOL
ting Error
12 *_MdErr Conversion Time/Resolution BOOL
or Operation Mode Setting

A-36 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)

Special I/O Unit CIO Area (in Adjustment Mode)

NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
I/O I/O memory address
CIO No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
Output n 00 to 07 *_AdjCh Input and Outputs to Be BYTE

A-4 Correspondence Tables for Device Variables for CJ-series Units and Memory
(CPU to this Adjusted
Unit) n+1 00 *_AdjOfs Offset Flag BOOL
01 *_AdjGain Gain Flag BOOL
02 *_AdjDwn Adjustment Value Down Flag BOOL
03 *_AdjUp Adjustment Value Up Flag BOOL
04 *_AdjSet Adjustment Value Set Flag BOOL
05 *_AdjClr Adjustment Value Clear Flag BOOL
Input n+8 00 to 15 *_AdjPV Conversion value for adjust- INT
(This Unit to ment
CPU) n+9 08 to 15 *_AdjUnitErr Error Flags BYTE
11 *_AdjAveErr Mean Value Processing Set- BOOL
ting Error
12 *_AdjInMdErr Conversion Time/Resolution BOOL
or Operation Mode Setting

Addresses for CJ-series Units

13 *_AdjIONoErr Input/Output Value Adjust- BOOL
ment Number Setting Error
14 *_AdjMemErr Non-volatile Memory Error BOOL
15 *_AdjMd Starting Adjustment Mode BOOL

Special I/O Unit DM Area (common to both Normal Mode and

Adjustment Mode)

CJ-series I/O memory address NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
DM No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type

A-4-8 CJ1W-MAD42
D(m) 00 to 15 *_ChUseCfg Input and Output Use Settings BYTE
00 *_Ch1_OutChUseCfg Output 1 Use Setting BOOL
01 *_Ch2_OutChUseCfg Output 2 Use Setting BOOL
04 *_Ch1_InChUseCfg Input 1 Use Setting BOOL
05 *_Ch2_InChUseCfg Input 2 Use Setting BOOL
06 *_Ch3_InChUseCfg Input 3 Use Setting BOOL
07 *_Ch4_InChUseCfg Input 4 Use Setting BOOL
08 to 09 *_UseRatioBias Loop 1 Ratio Conversion Use BYTE
10 to 11 Loop 2 Ratio Conversion Use

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) A-37

CJ-series I/O memory address NJ-series device variable for CJ-series Unit
DM No. Bit No. Variable name Description Data type
D(m+1) 00 to 15 *_RngCfg Range Settings WORD
00 to 01 Output 1 Output Signal Range
02 to 03 Output 2 Output Signal Range
08 to 09 Input 1 Input Signal Range
10 to 11 Input 2 Input Signal Range
12 to 13 Input 3 Input Signal Range
14 to 15 Input 4 Input Signal Range
D(m+2) 00 to 07 *_Ch1_HdMdCfg Output 1 Output Status When USINT
Conversion Stops
D(m+3) 00 to 07 *_Ch2_HdMdCfg Output 2 Output Status When USINT
Conversion Stops
D(m+6) 00 to 15 *_Ch1_AveCfg Input 1 Number of Samplings UINT
for Mean Value Processing
D(m+7) 00 to 15 *_Ch2_AveCfg Input 2 Number of Samplings UINT
for Mean Value Processing
D(m+8) 00 to 15 *_Ch3_AveCfg Input 3 Number of Samplings UINT
for Mean Value Processing
D(m+9) 00 to 15 *_Ch4_AveCfg Input 4 Number of Samplings UINT
for Mean Value Processing
D(m+10) 00 to 15 *_Ch1_Cfg_Const_A Loop 1 Ratio Conversion Con- WORD
stant A
D(m+11) 00 to 15 *_Ch1_Cfg_Const_B Loop 1 Ratio Conversion Con- INT
stant B
D(m+12) 00 to 15 *_Ch2_Cfg_Const_A Loop 2 Ratio Conversion Con- WORD
stant A
D(m+13) 00 to 15 *_Ch2_Cfg_Const_B Loop 2 Ratio Conversion Con- INT
stant B
D(m+18) 00 to 07 *_MdCfg Operating Mode Settings BYTE
08 to 15 *_ResolutionCfg Resolution/Conversion Time BYTE
D(m+19) 00 to 15 *_Ch1_Scl_L_Cfg Output 1 Scaling Lower Limit INT
D(m+20) 00 to 15 *_Ch1_Scl_H_Cfg Output 1 Scaling Upper Limit INT
D(m+21) 00 to 15 *_Ch2_Scl_L_Cfg Output 2 Scaling Lower Limit INT
D(m+22) 00 to 15 *_Ch2_Scl_H_Cfg Output 2 Scaling Upper Limit INT
D(m+27) 00 to 15 *_Ch3_Scl_L_Cfg Input 1 Scaling Lower Limit INT
D(m+28) 00 to 15 *_Ch3_Scl_H_Cfg Input 1 Scaling Upper Limit INT
D(m+29) 00 to 15 *_Ch4_Scl_L_Cfg Input 2 Scaling Lower Limit INT
D(m+30) 00 to 15 *_Ch4_Scl_H_Cfg Input 2 Scaling Upper Limit INT
D(m+31) 00 to 15 *_Ch5_Scl_L_Cfg Input 3 Scaling Lower Limit INT
D(m+32) 00 to 15 *_Ch5_Scl_H_Cfg Input 3 Scaling Upper Limit INT
D(m+33) 00 to 15 *_Ch6_Scl_L_Cfg Input 4 Scaling Lower Limit INT
D(m+34) 00 to 15 *_Ch6_Scl_H_Cfg Input 4 Scaling Upper Limit INT
D(m+35) 00 to 07 *_RngVICfg Voltage/Current Input Switch WORD

A-38 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) Index-1


A/D conversion data ...............................................2-2, 3-2 ERC ............................................................................. 7-14

A/D Conversion Error .................................................. 7-16 ERH ............................................................................. 7-14
Accuracy ........................................... 2-2, 3-2, 4-2, 5-2, 6-4 Error in Number of Inputs Setting ................................ 7-18
ADJ .............................................................................. 7-14 Error In Number of Outputs Used Setting ................... 7-18
Adjusting ...................................................................... 7-14 Error in Setting of Conversion Mode ........................... 7-18
Adjusting Offset and Gain ............................................. 7-2 External power supply ................................................... 4-2
Adjustment Mode .......................................................... 7-3
Adjustment Value Clear Flag .................................. 7-4, 7-9 F
Adjustment Value Down Flag ........................................ 7-9
Adjustment Value Set Flag ..................................... 7-4, 7-9 FG .............................................................2-16, 3-14, 6-18
Adjustment Value Up Flag ............................................. 7-9
Adjustment values setting ............................................. 7-3 G
AG terminal ...............................................2-16, 3-14, 6-18
Alarm ........................................................................... 7-14 Gain Adjustment ...................................................7-6, 7-11
Allowed load resistance ................................................. 6-4 Gain Flag ................................................................7-4, 7-9
Gain voltage .................................................................. 7-2
Bias ............................................................................. 6-45
Broken line approximation instruction ...........................A-7 History buffer .............................................2-27, 3-23, 6-28
HOLD ..........................................................1-4, 4-28, 6-39
Calibrate ........................................................................ 7-2
Clearing gain adjusted values ..............................7-8, 7-12 I/O bus check error ...................................................... 7-19
Clearing offset adjusted values ............................7-8, 7-12 I/O Function Block Diagram ........................................... 6-5
CLR .............................................................1-4, 4-28, 6-39 I/O Map ................................... 2-19, 3-17, 4-18, 5-14, 6-21
Conceptual Diagram of Scaling ..................................... 1-6 I/O port ................................... 2-19, 3-17, 4-18, 5-14, 6-21
Conversion cycle .................................................... 2-2, 3-2 I/O Setting Check Error ............................................... 7-19
Conversion Cycle and Resolution Setting ..........6-28, 6-37 Industrial units ............................................................... 1-6
Conversion Cycle/Resolution Setting ................. 2-27, 4-27 Input Calibration ............................................................ 7-2
Conversion disable ....................................4-27, 5-18, 6-38 Input Disconnection Detection ........... 1-4, 2-32, 3-28, 6-34
Conversion enable .....................................4-27, 5-18, 6-38 Input Function Block Diagram ................................2-4, 3-3
Conversion period ......................................................... 5-2 Input impedance .....................................................2-2, 3-2
Conversion Time/Resolution (in Adjustment Mode) .... 7-17 Input Numbers ............................................................. 6-26
Conversion Time/Resolution or Operation Mode Setting Input Scaling .......................................................3-25, 6-32
Error .......................................................................... 7-18 Input signal range ...................................................2-2, 3-2
Conversion value for adjustment ......... 7-5, 7-6, 7-10, 7-11 Input signal range setting ..........................2-26, 3-22, 6-26
CPU Unit monitoring error ........................................... 7-19 Input Signal Range Setting Error ................................. 7-18
CPU Unit WDT error .................................................... 7-19 Input Specifications ....................................................... 6-5
Current/voltage for disconnection detection ................ 6-34 Input Use Settings ....................................................... 2-25
Input Value Adjustment Number Setting Error (in
D Adjustment Mode) .................................................... 7-17
Input/Output Value Adjustment Number Setting Error (in
Device Variable for CJ-series Unit Adjustment Mode) .................................................... 7-17
.............................................. 2-18, 3-16, 4-17, 5-13, 6-20 Inputs Specifications ..................................................... 3-3
Dimensions ....................................................................A-2 Inputs to Be Adjusted ......................................7-4, 7-5, 7-6
Disconnection Detected .............................................. 7-16 Internal Configuration ............. 2-14, 3-12, 4-15, 5-11, 6-16
Duplicate Unit Number ................................................ 7-19

Loop ............................................................................ 6-43

Index-2 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)

M Peak Value Hold Execution Settings ........................... 6-31

Permissible load resistance ....................................4-2, 5-2
MAX .............................................................1-4, 4-28, 6-39
Max. output current ....................................................... 4-2 R
Maximum external output current .................................. 6-4
Maximum number of Units ...................... 2-2, 3-2, 4-2, 5-2 Ratio bias calculation .................................................. 6-43
Maximum rated input .............................................. 2-2, 3-2 Ratio Conversion ..................................................1-5, 6-43
Mean Value ................................................................... 1-5 Ratio conversion constant A ........................................ 6-45
Mean Value Processing ................... 2-27, 3-23, 6-28, A-12 Ratio conversion constant B ........................................ 6-45
Mean Value Processing Setting Error ......................... 7-18 Ratio Conversion Use Setting Error ............................ 7-18
Memory Addresses for CJ-series Unit .........................A-17 Ratio Set Value ............................................................ 6-45
Mounting position .................................... 2-2, 3-2, 4-2, 5-2 Ratio Set Value Error ................................................... 7-18
Mounting Procedure ...................................................... 1-8 Reading Conversion Values ......................2-26, 3-22, 6-27
Mounting Restrictions .................................................... 1-7 Restarting .................................................................... 7-20
Restarting Units ........................................................... 7-20
N RUN ............................................................................. 7-14

Noise ........................................................................... 7-15 S

Non-volatile memory ..................................................... 1-5
Non-volatile Memory Error (in Adjustment Mode) ....... 7-16 Scaling ................................................................... 1-6, A-7
Normal mode ................................................................. 7-3 Scaling Data Setting Error ........................................... 7-18
Number of Analog Inputs Used ................................... 3-21 Special Unit Setup Editing ...... 2-20, 3-18, 4-19, 5-15, 6-22
Number of Analog Outputs Used ................................ 5-17 Square Root Calculation .............................................A-10
Number of mean value processing .....................2-28, 3-24 Standby Sequence ........................................................A-4
Number of samples for mean value processing .......... 6-29 Starting and Stopping Conversion .............4-27, 5-18, 6-38
Number of sampling ..................................2-28, 3-24, 6-29 Switching Operating Mode ........................2-20, 4-19, 6-21
System-defined variable .............................................. 7-20
Offset Adjustment ................................................... 7-5, 7-9
Offset and Gain Adjustment .......................................... 1-5 Unit Configuration ................... 2-19, 3-17, 4-18, 5-14, 6-21
Offset Flag .............................................................. 7-4, 7-9 Upper and Lower-limit Alarm ................................. A-3, A-4
Offset voltage ................................................................ 7-2
Operating ..................................................................... 7-14 V
Operating Mode Switch ......................................2-11, 4-12
Operation Mode Setting Error (in Adjustment Mode) .. 7-17 Voltage Input Disconnection ......................2-15, 3-13, 6-17
Output Calibration ......................................................... 7-2 Voltage/current for disconnection detection ........2-32, 3-28
Output Function Block Diagram ..............................4-3, 5-3 Voltage/Current Range Setting ...........................6-27, 6-36
Output Hold ..........................................................1-4, 4-28 Voltage/Current Switch .......................................2-12, 6-14
Output Hold Setting Error ............................................ 7-18
Output impedance ...........................................4-2, 5-2, 6-4 W
Output Numbers .......................................................... 4-25
Output Scaling ....................................................4-29, 6-40 Words allocated in CIO Area .......................................A-17
Output Set Value Error ....................................... 4-31, 7-16 Words allocated in DM Area ........................................A-17
Output Setting Errors ................................................... 6-42 Writing Set Values .....................................4-26, 5-17, 6-37
Output signal range .........................................4-2, 5-2, 6-4
Output Signal Range Setting .....................4-25, 5-17, 6-36
Output Signal Range Setting Error .............................. 7-18
Output Specifications ......................................4-4, 5-4, 6-7
Output Status When Conversion Stops .............. 4-28, 6-39
Output Use Settings .................................................... 6-35
Output Value Adjustment Number Setting Error (in
Adjustment Mode) .................................................... 7-17
Outputs to Be Adjusted ........................................7-9, 7-11

Peak Value Hold ................................ 1-4, 2-31, 3-27, 6-31

Peak Value Hold Execution ................................2-31, 3-27

CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490) Index-3

Index-4 CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W490)
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