Aktivitas Antioksidan Seldri
Aktivitas Antioksidan Seldri
Aktivitas Antioksidan Seldri
Journal of Evidence-Based
Complementary & Alternative Medicine
A Review of the Antioxidant Activity 2017, Vol. 22(4) 1029-1034
ª The Author(s) 2017
Plants are an important source of natural active products that are different, based on mechanism and biological properties. Celery
(Apium graveolens L) is a plant from the apiaceae family and phenolic and antioxidant compounds of this plant have been studied by
several scientists. The aim of this study was to review systematically the antioxidant activity of celery. Required articles were
searched from databases such as Science Direct, PubMed, Scopus, and Springer. Keywords used in this study were Apium
graveolens L, celery, antioxidant, free radical, leaf, and seed. Out of 980 collected articles (published in the period 1997-2015),
9 studies finally met the inclusion criteria and were considered. Celery, because of compounds such as caffeic acid, p-coumaric
acid, ferulic acid, apigenin, luteolin, tannin, saponin, and kaempferol, has powerful antioxidant characteristics, to remove free
radicals. It is clear that celery, with different compounds and diverse concentration can have varied healing effects. It is suggested
that the next studies concentrate on other therapeutic and industrial attributes of celery.
Apium graveolens L, celery, antioxidant, free radical, leaf
Received May 30, 2016. Received revised November 6, 2016. Accepted for publication January 7, 2017.
Use of medicinal plants to treat common ailments has been Therefore, the highest quality celery is found growing in cold
prevalent since ancient times and different parts of the plants and mild environments.17 The parts that are used in this plant
were used for public health. The use of natural treatments is include seeds, leaves, and essential oils.18 Among the phyto-
cost-effective.1,2 Since ancient times, plants have been impor- chemical compounds of celery, one can mention carbohy-
tant in reducing pain and today the focus is on their role and drates, phenols such as flavonoids, alkaloids, and steroids.19
ability in healing and their treatment properties for various Presence of compounds such as limonene, selinene, frocou-
diseases.3-5 Many studies have shown the positive effects of marin glycosides, flavonoids, and vitamins A and C are the
various herbs and medicinal plants on infertility,6 hormone reason that celery is the most widely used plant in traditional
disorders,7 liver disorders,8 anemia,9 renal diseases,10 and medicine.20 Some main constituents of celery with chemical
neurologic and mental disorders.11 structures are shown in Figure 2.
Flavonoids and other phenolic compounds spread widely in Celery can prevent cardiovascular diseases,21 jaundice, liver
plants, and their diverse biological activities such as antioxidant and lien diseases,22 urinary tract obstruction,18 gout,22 and rheu-
effects have been investigated in many studies such as coronary matic disorders.23 Research on rats shows that ethanol extracts of
heart diseases,7,12 diabetes,13 and cancer.14 Medicinal herbs have celery leaves increases spermatogenesis24 and also improves
fewer side effects than chemical drugs and their antioxidant attri- their fertility.15,25,26 Celery reduces glucose, blood lipids,7,27 and
butes decrease the toxicity of these drugs.7 Today herbal drugs are
used as an alternative to chemical drugs and the main reason is
their low level of side effects compared with chemical drugs.15 1
Student Research Committee, Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences,
Celery (Apium graveolens L) is a plant from the apiaceae Sanandaj, Iran
family, and is one of the annual or perennial plants that grow Student Research Committe, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical
throughout Europe and the tropical and subtropical regions of Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran
Africa and Asia16 (Figure 1).
Corresponding Author:
In India, approximately 40 000 tons of celery are produced Nahid Daraei, MSc, Department of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Ahvaz
and 29 250 tons are exported each year. Celery for its growth Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran.
needs high levels of moisture, but requires lower temperature. Email: [email protected]
Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License
(http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further
permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/open-access-at-sage).
1030 Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine 22(4)
Aqueous extract Root and leaves In vivo 1.5 mg/kg – Celery root juice increased antioxidative capacity, ie, 38
reduced glutathione content
– The total antioxidative capacity (FRAP) in liver
– Celery leaf juice increased GSH content, but did not
influence FRAP in liver homogenate
Aqueous extract Seed In vivo 60 mg/kg – n-Butanol extract of celery seed (B) or insulin (I) 39
therapy moderated blood glucose within normal
range, enhanced body weight gain and normalized the
activities of all antioxidant enzymes
Ethanolic extract Leaves In vivo and 50-600 mg/mL – Apiin had a remarkable scavenging activity on MDA 40
in vitro and LPF.
– Promoted TAOC and significantly enhanced the
activities of SOD, GSH-Px, and CAT
Methanolic and Leaves In vitro 70% and 50% – Increased TAOC 36
Ethanolic extract All of the parts In vitro — – Excellent free radical–scavenging activities 41
— Leaves In vitro 0, 25, 50, 100, – Has potential as a natural antioxidant and thus 42
200, and 500 inhibits unwanted oxidation process
mg/0.05 mL
Methanolic, diethyl Seeds In vitro 20, 40, 60 and – Among the different extract tested methanol extract 43
ether, and 80 mg/mL showed the highest antioxidant activity
aqueous extracts
Methanolic, ethanol, — In vitro — – Antioxidant activity was observed 44
and hexane
Aqueous extract Seeds In vitro 50, 100, and – Exhibited antioxidant activity 45
150 ppm
Abbreviations: CAT, catalase; FRAP, ferric reducing antioxidant power; GSH, reduced glutathione; GSH-PX, glutathione peroxidase; LPF, lipofuscin; MDA,
malondialdehyde; SOD, superoxide dismutase; TAOC, total antioxidant capacity.
1032 Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine 22(4)
this study, flavonoid from leaves was extracted and purified that the isolated oil from celery has natural antioxidant capac-
and then its ethanol extract of celery, by column chromatogra- ity. The above information shows that the major compounds of
phy and crystallization were produced. This product was iden- celery can have a key role as a natural antioxidant.42 A study
tified as apiin by liquid chromatography/electrospray was carried out by Shanmugapriya and Ushadevi43 in 2014 on
ionizations/mass spectrometry and its antioxidant activities in Apium graveolens seed extract antioxidant activity. First,
in vitro inhibition of DPPH_, superoxide mg/mL for O2_ and celery seed extracts with solvents such as ethanol, ether, and
hydroxyl radical (OH_) were activated. The IC50 value was water were prepared. Then the activity of celery seeds was
68.0 mg/mL for DPPH, 0.39 mg/mL for O2_ and 48.0 mg/mL analyzed using the DPPH assay method. Among the various
for the OH_. Also, the antioxidant activity was evaluated in extracts under assessment, methanol extract had the highest
murine models in vivo. All the data, including the contents of antioxidant activity. In the density of 80 mg/mL of extracts,
MDA, lipofuscin (LPF) activities of SOD, glutathione perox- methanol extract had the maximum antioxidant activity,
idase, CAT, and total antioxidant capacity (TAOC) in serum, 63.28% + 0.86%, while this activity for diethyl ether extract
brain, and heart were assessed. Results showed that apiin has was 54.04% + 0.21%, and for the aqueous extract was 52.97%
significant inhibitory activity of MDA and LPF, to strengthen + 0.64%. Similarly in the entire concentration of methanol
TAOC, and it dramatically enhances the activity of SOD, GSH extract of the plant, the seed had highest antioxidant activity.
peroxidase, and CAT.40 Other extracted luteolin and flavonoids reduced reactive oxy-
gen, but on the other hand increased SOD enzymes that had
protective effects against damages. So it can be concluded that
In Vitro Studies these compounds may be responsible for antioxidant activity of
In a study conducted in 2008 by Yildiz et al,36 essential anti- celery seeds.43 In 2015, Uddin et al44 investigated the activities
oxidant compounds of celery leaves were evaluated. In this of celery antioxidant phytochemical compounds by photoche-
study, the TAOC by the method of CUPRAC (cupric ion reduc- mical screening in presence of flavonoid, tannins, saponins,
ing antioxidant capacity) and ABTS (2,20 -azino-bis(3-ethyl- and showed the absence of terpenoids. Total methanol content
benzothiazoline-6-sulfonate)) spectrophotometry and TAOC (63.46 + 12.00 mg gallic acid equivalent [GAE]/g) was
relationship with high-performance liquid chromatography slightly higher. Fraction for ethanol was (36.60 + 12.28 mg
(HPLC) were measured. In the subsequent levels, CUPRAC GAE/g) and for hexane fraction (34.86 mg + 6.96 GAE/g).
spectrophotometric methods of TAOC assay and copper (II)- Flavonoid content in methanol extract was 56.95 + 7.14 mg
neocuproine (2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline) were used as quorcetin/g and lowest of this content in methyl extract was
the chromogenic oxidant in the laboratory. Antioxidant com- 29.2 + 3.15 mg quercitin/g. The activity of FRAP was ana-
pounds in celery plant extract by HPLC were analyzed on one lyzed as higher in comparison with other extracts. Generally, it
column of C18 and then it was measured. TAC was measured was concluded that the celery plant has antioxidant character-
by HPLC in the 41% to 57% of celery leaves compounds (in istics.44 Naglaa et al,45 in 2015, investigated the Apium grave-
different levels of hydrolyses). According to data from HPLC it olens seeds, and the objective of this study was to evaluate the
was shown that the celery leaves have antioxidant properties.36 antioxidant activity of essential oil of the celery seed. First the
Yao et al,40 in 2010, analyzed the structure of phenolic com- chemical compounds of essential oils were obtained by hydro-
pounds and phenolic activities of 11 antioxidant celery culti- distillation and were analyzed by gas chromatography/mass
vars. The major phenolic acids in extracts included caffeic acid, spectrometry. The most prevalent essential oil was limonene.
p-coumaric acid, and ferulic acid, while the identified flavo- The antioxidant activities of volatile oils extracted from the
noids included apigenin, luteolin, and kaempferol. The total celery and seeds powders were assessed by the Rancimat appa-
phenol content was measured by using the Folin-Ciocalteu ratus and DPPH. Results from this test explained that all essen-
method, and the TAOC with the help of DPPH and ABTS tial oils having different concentrations had antioxidant activity
radicals were investigated. and this means that the entire added essential oils, whether
Apigenin was the main flavonoid in this sample, and the added individually or mixed, possessed an antioxidant effect.
most abundant phenolic acid was p-coumaric acid. Studied Overall, this research showed that essential oils and natural
plants had high levels of phenolic compounds and antioxidant antioxidant can be used in industrial food and drugs.45
capacity. Generally, there was a positive correlation between
total flavonoid contents and antioxidant activity, total phenolic
acids or total phenolic were observed in this study.41 In another
study conducted in 2012 by Nagella et al,42 chemical com- This study investigated further the properties of celery leaves
pounds and antioxidant activity of essential oils isolated from and seeds. Celery, because of compounds such as caffeic acid,
celery leaves were investigated. First, the celery leaves were p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, apigenin, luteolin, tannin, sapo-
distillated and they were analyzed by gas chromatography/ nin, and kaempferol, has powerful antioxidant characteristics,
mass spectrometry and essential oils of leaves were removed. while different compounds of this plant with diverse concen-
A total of 73.72% of leaf content were essential oils. In the next tration can have different healing effects. It is suggested that
step, the essential oils, isolated from the leaves of celery to the next studies concentrate on other therapeutic and industrial
inhibit the DPPH radical, were studied and the results showed attributes of celery.
Kooti and Daraei 1033
Acknowledgements independent risk factor for chronic kidney disease. Evid Based
The authors of the present article would like to express their sincere Complement Alternat Med. 2014;2014:972958. doi:10.1155/
gratitude to all those who have supported them during the research. 2014/972958.
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WK and ZA were involved with study concept, design, and critical (anxiety and depression)—a review. Asian Pac J Trop Med. 2014;
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12. Kooti W, Moradi M, Ali-Akbari S, Sharafi-Ahvazi N, Asadi-
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13. Kooti W, Farokhipour M, Asadzadeh Z, Ashtary-Larky D, Asadi-
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14. Asadi-Samani M, Kooti W, AE, Shirzad H. A systematic review
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