What Would Mcluhan Say About The Smartphone

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Adam, I 2016 What Would McLuhan Say about the Smartphone?

Applying McLuhan’s
Tetrad to the Smartphone. Glocality, 2(1): 3, pp. 1–7, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/


What Would McLuhan Say about the Smartphone?

Applying McLuhan’s Tetrad to the Smartphone
Isabelle Adam*

In this essay, the smartphone as a new technology and medium is analysed with regards to its effects on
individuals and society. McLuhan’s tetrad serves as a framework for analysis, consisting of a set of four
effects to examine media in their historical context and present environment as well as the characteris-
tics and attributes of the medium itself. These effects include: enhancement, obsolescence, retrieval, and
The smartphone enhances the accessibility and convenience of the medium internet, which also accel-
erates the speed of real-time communication. Concerning obsolescence, the smartphone pushes feature
mobile phones aside as well as decreasing the use of personal computers and home printers. The smart-
phone retrieves the use of cameras and (e-)books, reviving the linear focus on the medium. When pushed
to its extremes, the smartphone transforms into a new form reversing its original characteristics, with
imaginable evolvements being devices of Augmented Reality, (e.g. GoogleGlass), that might render its
users oblivious to their surrounding environment and thus actually restricting human interaction instead
of facilitating communication.
To sum up, the smartphone facilitates many aspects of daily life and can be a very useful and enter-
taining tool. Nevertheless, possible negative implications and social effects should be considered, like the
extreme cases of “smartphone addiction” or less human interaction.

Keywords: McLuhan; tetrad; smartphone; technology; extension

1. Introduction & Background Who was McLuhan? Key terms and ideas
“The medium is the message. This is merely to say Marshall McLuhan (1911 – 1980) was a Canadian phi-
that the personal and social consequences of any losopher and a revolutionary thinker, who fundamen-
medium – that is, of any extension of ourselves – tally changed perceptions of media, communications,
result from the new scale that is introduced into our and technology. He recognised the technological and
affairs by each extension of ourselves, or by any new medial developments of the twentieth century as revolu-
technology.” tions, comparable to the invention of the print press in
 – Marshall McLuhan (The medium is the message, the fifteenth century. Advancing his ideas, he published
1964) various works – among the most famous are The Guten­
berg Galaxy (1962), Understanding Media (1964), and The
McLuhan believed that the introduction of new technolo- Medium is the Massage (1967) – which established him as
gies into a society has a determining effect on the organi- an important and often controversial figure in the field of
sation of that society, the perceptions of its members, and communication (Library and Archives Canada, 2007).
the way in which knowledge and information are stored McLuhan is famous for aphorisms like “the medium is
and shared. This paper is an effort to explore the personal the message” or “the medium is the massage”, as well as for
and social consequences of the smartphone, a new tech- coining the term “the global village”, and advancing the
nology that emerged in the last decade, following the ideas of “hot and cold media” and “media as extensions of
framework of McLuhan’s way to analyse media. how we man”. The expression “the medium is the message” is based
shape our tools and the way they shape us on McLuhan’s idea that not the content of a medium, but
its characteristics have an effect on the society in which it
is active. Media exert these effects by reshaping the ways
in which individuals, societies and cultures perceive and
* Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Windesheim
Honours College, Global Project and Change Management,
understand their environments. McLuhan paid particular
Zwolle, the Netherlands attention to the effects of media on our senses, since he
[email protected] believed that media affect us by manipulating the ratio
Art. 3, page 2 of 7 Adam: What Would McLuhan Say about the Smartphone? Applying McLuhan’s Tetrad to the Smartphone

Cover page picture: Mvaliab Social Media Marketing (2012). Marshall McLuhan. Retrieved from http://mvaliab.wordpress.

of our senses. Based on this, he also formulated the ideas ony services (calling and texting) is able to perform similar
of “hot media” which are media that are high in defini- functions as a computer, capable of running all kinds of
tion and do not ask high participation of the audience, e.g. applications (“apps”) as well as providing internet access. A
film, and “cool” media which ask more participation due smartphone typically has a relatively large screen (if larger
to lower definition, like newspapers, for example (Library than five inches it is often called a “phablet”), one or two
and Archives Canada, 2007; McLuhan, 1964; World’s Fair (video-)cameras, and is either operated by tipping with
Design, 2009). the fingers on a high-resolution touchscreen or by using a
Furthermore, McLuhan was a visionary; many say that miniature keyboard.
he predicted the internet thirty years before it was actually Around two billion people in the world use a smart-
introduced. He used the term “global village” to describe phone (Statista, 2016) and the number is growing steadily
his observation that an electronic nervous system was as it is the fastest growing segment in the mobile device
rapidly integrating the world, and this metaphor can be market (Gigaom, 2013). Especially in Western countries,
seen as an appropriate description of our present media the penetration of smartphones among mobile phone
age. Calling it an “electronic nervous system” derives from users is high, between 40% (e.g. France, USA) to 50% (e.g.
McLuhan treating technologies and artefacts as exten- UK, Spain) (MobiThinking, 2013), but other countries are
sions of our bodies and minds. (Agethen, n.d.; Andrews, catching up. Smartphone owners use it for various pur-
1995; Living Internet, 2000; McLuhan, 1964) poses; the most common usages are browsing the internet
It is remarkable that he advocated these ideas in the or using an application, messaging and e-mailing, seeking
early 1960s, when television was still in the early stages entertainment and social networking, as well as accessing
of its development and the commercial use of personal news and information (data apply to the USA, Europe, and
computers and internet was some decades in the future. Japan) (MobiThinking, 2013).
At a later stage of his life, McLuhan developed a scientific In line with the spread of the smartphone, other mobile
model summing up his ideas, the tetrad. It is applicable and wearable computing devices have become popu-
as a tool of analysis to any technology or artefact, which lar. Tablet computers have similar functions as smart-
will be done with the smartphone in the course of this phones but usually have a screen larger than nine inch
essay. Creating tetrads of our everyday technologies and and are normally not intended for telephony services.
studying the tools we use to organise our daily lives can Among the most popular wearable devices are accesso-
increase awareness of our environment and give a bet- ries (e.g. watches, glasses) incorporating technology such
ter understanding of how we shape our tools and the as activity trackers, touchscreens, and applications. The
way they shape us (another important idea of McLuhan) increasing spread of such devices is shaping a “culture of
(Kappelmann, 2001; Kornberger, 2011). wearables” which add to the use of smartphones and cre-
ate augmented reality (as discussed later).
What is a smartphone? Definition and usage Around 90% of smartphone owners use their smart-
An official definition of the term smartphone does not phone throughout the day (Go-Gulf, 2012) and for
exist, but in the context of this essay, a smartphone is many users, it has become such an inherent part of their
understood as a mobile phone that next to normal teleph- daily routines that they cannot imagine life without a
Adam: What Would McLuhan Say about the Smartphone? Applying McLuhan’s Tetrad to the Smartphone Art. 3, page 3 of 7

smartphone anymore. This is demonstrated in the current sion will sum up the results as well as providing a personal
trend of creating a “quantified self” through self-tracking statement about the tetrad as a tool of analysis.
by applications on the smartphone: people incorporate
the smartphone’s technology in their daily life to acquire 2. The Tetrad Model
data about themselves. There is a wide variety of applica- “The tetrad  – a hermeneutic tool he [McLuhan]
tions that gather data on aspects of a person’s life, such believed could be used to perform exegeses on all
as health or fitness status (e.g. number of steps taken, human artefacts.”
monitoring sleep patterns) or daily activities (e.g. nutri- – Gordon A. Gow (Spatial Metaphor in the Work
tion tracking). Users of such self-monitoring technology of Marshall McLuhan, 2011)
often seek to enhance some desired behaviour or improve
personal performance in areas of fitness, productivity, or In his work Laws of media, published posthumously by his
caloric intake, for example. In some application, an extra son Eric in 1988, McLuhan summed up his theses about
motivational factor is the possibility to share their data on media and their effects and designed a tetrad as a model
social media (e.g. the route and number of kilometres one to display them, which is a dynamic tool for exploring the
has been running) or to be able to gain virtual points and “grammar” of media (McLuhan & McLuhan, 1988; Zöllner,
compete with friends (gamification) (Singer, 2011). 2011). The array of a tetrad allowed him to display the
The previous facts presented demonstrate the signifi- effects of media on a society by splitting them into four
cance that the smartphone has gained for many of us in simultaneously presented categories. McLuhan believed
daily live. Therefore, analysing and exploring the effects of that it was necessary to examine figure (the medium) and
the smartphone as a medium by using McLuhan’s tetrad ground (the context) together at the same time, since they
can give an important insight and better understanding were interdependent and –related. According to him,
of this everyday tool, the surrounding environment, and media should be examined in their historical context and
how it shapes (“massages”) us. present environment (especially in relation to technolo-
gies that precedented them) as well as in the character-
Outline of the essay istics and attributes of the medium itself. By examining
Following this introduction into the topic, the reader will these figure-ground-relations, a critical view on culture
be introduced to McLuhan’s tetrad, provided with expla- and society could unfold (Gow, 2011; Horton High School,
nations of the tetrad’s background as well as the four dif- n.d.; McLuhan & McLuhan, 1988).
ferent aspects it includes. Subsequently, the tetrad model As can be seen in Figure 1, the tetrad is thus divided
will be applied to the smartphone and finally, the conclu- into two areas (ground and figure) with two parts each.

Figure 1: The McLuhan Tetrad. Source: Mvaliab Social Media Marketing (2012).
Art. 3, page 4 of 7 Adam: What Would McLuhan Say about the Smartphone? Applying McLuhan’s Tetrad to the Smartphone

This results into a set of four effects which according to study presented by Bohannon (2011) suggest that people
McLuhan are inevitable and apply universally, namely use the internet as a “personal memory bank” (Bohannon,
enhancement, obsolescence, retrieval, and reversal 2011), which is called the Google-effect. People delegate
(Hempell, 1966; McLuhan & McLuhan, 1988). These four their memory demands to devices like the smartphone,
elements are in a complementary relationship and can be since an answer to nearly any question can usually be
translated into four questions: found on the internet (thanks to Google, Wikipedia etc.),
which is always at hand with a smartphone. In addition,
1. What does the medium improve or enhance, make memories are shared on the internet due to social media
possible or accelerate? (Facebook, twitter, youtube etc.), creating a collective
Every medium enlarges, amplifies or intensifies an memory.
existing one and/or a capability of the user, since it In addition, smartphones can also operate applications
is an extension of the person. that support the memory, for example, the “Shazam”
2. What is pushed aside or obsolesced by the me- application recognises songs, the calendar application
dium? reminds one of appointments, and the navigator helps
Every medium renders an existing, formerly one find a way. This has also given rise to the so-called
significant medium to a less relevant status. Thus, “cloud”, which describes the synchronisation of informa-
that medium performs a transition from figure to tion between devices, thus, information are delocalised
ground. and are accessible from anywhere, which increases the
3. What does the medium retrieve that has become users’ flexibility (Media Studies Portal, 2011). Therefore,
obsolescent earlier? the smartphone enhances the access to information as an
Every medium recovers a medium which had lost extension of our memory through its portability and dif-
prominence or was once lost and is now brought ferent services (applications and internet).
back in a new form. Thus, that medium performs a Secondly, the smartphone enhances the multi-sensory
transition from ground to figure. usage of this medium, as it adds a haptic dimension to
4. When pushed to its extremes, what does the me- the given audio-visual sensorium of internet, movies etc.,
dium flip into? since one operates it with the fingers; and on the touch
When pushed to the limits of its potential, every of one fingertip, a whole world of possibilities opens
medium transforms into a new form that reverses up. Additionally, the smartphone fosters innovation and
its original characteristics (Eriksen, 1996; Hemp- creativity in regards to services and products (e.g. applica-
ell, 1996; Horton High School, n.d.; Library and tions) that address all kinds of consumer needs. Moreover,
Archives Canada, 2007; Ohler, 2010). it accelerates the speed of real-time communication by its
omnipresence and connectivity (which also increases the
3. Applying McLuhan’s Tetrad to the pressure on users to be available).
Having introduced McLuhan’s ideas, defined the key terms What does the smartphone obsolesce?
and explained the tetrad model, this section will provide Since the rise of smartphones, the “normal” feature
an application of McLuhan’s tetrad to the medium smart- mobile phones1 become increasingly obsolete. The num-
phone. Following the division of the tetrad into the four ber of sales has decreased and the market does not show
components enhancement, obsolescence, retrieval, and a need to develop or invest in this branch. There are
reversal, each aspect will be examined in a separate sub- still many owners of feature phones in the world, espe-
section. cially in developing countries, but researchers predict
that the smartphone will also reach them in the future
What does the smartphone enhance? as its price decreases (MobiThinking, 2013). Alongside
Firstly, the smartphone enhances the accessibility and that, the smartphone makes the personal computer (PC)
convenience of the medium internet, since it is a light- take a backseat, also caused by the increasing use of
weight portable device that is constantly in reach of its laptops and tablets. The smartphone imitates many of
owner, who often carries it in his pocket every day. This is a PC’s functionalities and is often more convenient to
supported by the fact that the speed of wireless internet use due to its portability and accessibility. Nevertheless,
transmission (smartphone) has become nearly as fast as the smartphone alone will not render the PC obsolete,
broadband transmission (computer) (Harrell, 2013). The while the laptop might be able to significantly reduce
users’ appreciation of the increased accessibility of inter- its usage.
net is reflected in the usage preferences of a smartphone, Another technology that becomes less relevant due to
as using the internet is among the most popular purposes the smartphone is the home printer, as one’s papers are
(MobiThinking, 2013). accessible on the device, the need to print work mate-
The reason why the access to and usage of internet rial, directions, or schedules diminishes (Twiford, 2011).
has become so important can also be argued based on Furthermore, as already mentioned in the previous sub-
McLuhan’s concepts of media as extensions of our body, section, the smartphone reduces the necessity to work
since the internet (and thus also the smartphone) can be from one location, because it removes one’s ties to a PC or
seen as an extension of our memory. The findings of a network, as well as the eliminates the need to memorise
Adam: What Would McLuhan Say about the Smartphone? Applying McLuhan’s Tetrad to the Smartphone Art. 3, page 5 of 7

things, for example, phone numbers, facts, or addresses the smartphone, people started to fear losing touch with
(Bohannon, 2011). current events or missing out on something when not
checking the smartphone constantly.
What does the smartphone retrieve? This is becoming an increasingly common habit that
The smartphone retrieves various media that had lost can be harmful to a person’s social live, as a study by
prominence and brings them back in a new form. One Oulasvirta, Rattenbury, Ma, and Raita showed (2011).
example is the camera, which nowadays is part of every Several other studies, such as done study by Cheever et
smartphone and taken for granted by the users. In con- al. (2014), proved that heavy and moderate smartphone
trast to the cameras that were already used in earlier users felt significantly more anxious over time when being
feature phones, these are usually of high resolution and separated from their device due to a dependency linked
provide high quality pictures. In the past, many people to constant smartphone use. This phenomenon has been
owned a camera, but usually did not take it with them dubbed “nomophobia”, an abbreviation of “no-mobile-
everywhere. Since the rise of the smartphone, cameras phone phobia”, and is predominantly evident in young
are omnipresent and smartphone owners use the pos- people as they are the most heavy smartphone users
sibility to take pictures (and eventually share them via (Walsh, White & Young, 2010; Roberts, Yaya & Manolis,
social media) a lot. 2014).
Furthermore, next to watching movies on a smart-
phone, reading books has also become increasingly popu- 4. Conclusion
lar for those who do not use an electronic book (e-book) or Of course, one cannot say with certainty what McLuhan
tablet. The kindle2 application for smartphones is among would say about the smartphone and all the other new
the top downloads from the smartphone app stores and technologies of the last decades. However, following his
e-books sales are seriously competing with print book key concepts and the tetrad model as a framework offers
sales (Milliot, 2013). Reading on the smartphone also an understanding and interpretation of the smartphone
retrieves the same posture of interaction as books do, as a new medium in the context of our cultural and
namely the private consumption with a linear focus on technological evolution. Additionally, the tetrad allows
the smartphone, rendering the reader in an isolating posi- one to reflect the past and to try to predict – or at least
tion. This can also be seen in the decline of actual phone speculate – about future developments.
calls and thus voice usage, going along with a rise in text Therefore, it has become clear that the smartphone
and picture messaging (MobiThinking, 2013). According facilitates many aspects of daily life and can be a very use-
to McLuhan, the invention of the book followed by the ful and entertaining tool, especially due to its portability,
visual dominant era of the print age had a similar effect access to internet and recover of media like the camera,
(McLuhan, 1964). book and film. In the technological evolution, the smart-
phone can be seen as a mating (or combination) of the
What does the smartphone flip into? feature phone and the PC. One does not know where the
When pushed to the limits of its potential, the smart- next step of that evolution will lead us, but inventions and
phone will transform into a new form that reverses its technologies like the GoogleGlass and Augmented Reality
original characteristics. One imaginable “evolvement” of are realistic future developments. However, the explora-
the smartphone would be a device, like the already exist- tion of the smartphone based on McLuhan’s tetrad has
ing GoogleGlass, that creates Augmented Reality. Aug- also revealed its possible negative implications and social
mented Reality describes the supplementation of a real- effects, in extreme leading to a “smartphone addiction”
world environment with computer-generated input, like or high pressure to be permanently available, which can
sound, graphics, or GPS data (Bonsor, n.d.). The Google­ negatively affect one’s real social life. Future research in
Glass, for example, provides similar functionalities and this field could reveal the magnitude of those problems
services as a smartphone, but without the user having to and help develop interventions and solutions, maybe even
use his hands, as one operates it through voice commands in cooperation with smartphone developers.
instead of a touchscreen (Google, 2013). Although McLuhan developed the tetrad three decades
From a socio-psychological perspective, the smartphone ago, it is universal in nature and therefore still applica-
could flip from a medium that was meant to facilitate ble to present and future technological developments.
communication and human interaction to something Its value is also constituted in the concept of bringing
that actually restricts it. Since it is a medium that is very four laws together, and thus, looking simultaneously
consuming and engaging to its user, it might render one at the past, present, and future, as well as the charac-
oblivious to one’s surrounding environment, endangering teristics of the medium itself and its context. Naturally,
real-life relationships and face-to-face interaction (Media multiple interpretations are possible when applying the
Studies Portal, 2011). It is a very common picture nowa- tetrad, since one’s interpretation is always based on own
days to see a group of people being together, with every thoughts and perceptions. To sum up, it is a unique tool
member staring at the screen of his smartphone instead for “exploring the grammar of media”, as McLuhan put it
of interacting with each other. This might also be rooted (McLuhan & McLuhan, 1988), that serves to reveal a better
in the compulsion many smartphone users feel, because, understanding of the smartphone’s influence and role in
as the ease and speed of connectivity accelerated through our society.
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Adam: What Would McLuhan Say about the Smartphone? Applying McLuhan’s Tetrad to the Smartphone Art. 3, page 7 of 7

How to cite this article: Adam, I 2016 What Would McLuhan Say about the Smartphone? Applying McLuhan’s Tetrad to the
Smartphone. Glocality, 2(1): 3, pp. 1–7, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/glo.9

Published: 03 March 2016

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Glocality is a peer-reviewed open access journal published by Ubiquity Press. OPEN ACCESS

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