Communication and Software: Hart Protocol Wirelesshart Profibus Foundation Fieldbus

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© Siemens AG 2012

Communication and Software

8/2 HART protocol
8/3 WirelessHART
8/7 FOUNDATION Fieldbus

WirelessHART Communication
8/8 Communication blocks
Maintenance Diagnostic Station

Process Device Manager


Siemens FI 01 · 2013
© Siemens AG 2012

Communication and Software

HART protocol

■ Overview ■ Integration
HART is a widely used communication standard for field Siemens field devices for process automation which are listed in
devices. Specification of HART devices takes place through the this catalog and can be controlled using HART:
HCF (HART Communication Foundation).
The HART standard expands the analog 4 to 20 mA signal for Measuring instruments for pressure
modulated, industry-proven, digital signal transmission. SITRANS P DS III
■ Benefits SITRANS P P500
• Service-proven analog measured value transmission
Measuring instruments for temperature
• Simultaneous digital communication with bidirectional data
• Possibility of transmitting several measured variables from SITRANS TH300
one field device (e.g. diagnosis, maintenance and process SITRANS TR300
• Connection to higher-level systems such as PROFIBUS DP
• Easy installation and startup
Use in conjunction with SIMATIC PDM SITRANS F M MAG 6000 19“ / IP67
• Cross-vendor operation of all HART devices by means of stan-
SITRANS F M MAG 6000 I / I Ex de
dardized parameter records
SITRANS F M Transmag 2
• HART field devices that are described by HART DD are inte-
grated in SIMATIC PDM through the HCF catalog. HART DD SITRANS F C MASS 6000 19“ / IP67 / Ex d
(Device Description) is standardized in SIMATIC PDM, multi- SITRANS F C FCT030
vendor and very widely used. Other HART field devices are in-
tegrated in SIMATIC PDM through EDD (Electronic Device De- SITRANS FUS060
scription) SITRANS FX300
• Easy operation and startup of field devices, also in Measuring instruments for level
hard-to-reach locations
Pointek CLS500
• Expanded diagnosis, evaluation and logging functions
■ Application SITRANS Probe LU
These devices can be connected in different ways:
• Using the distributed I/O system
- SIMATIC ET 200M with the HART modules SITRANS LR250
- SIMATIC ET 200iSP with the HART modules SITRANS LR260
or with analog modules 4 to 20 mA and a HART handheld
communicator SITRANS LR400
• Using a HART modem, with which a point-to-point connection SITRANS LR460

8 is established between the PC or engineering station and the

HART device
• Using HART multiplexers, which are contained in the HART
server of the HCF Positioners
Power supply units and isolation amplifiers

■ Selection and Ordering data Order No.

HART modem
• With RS 232 connection } 7MF4997-1DA
• With USB connection } 7MF4997-1DB
} Available ex stock

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© Siemens AG 2012

Communication and Software


■ Overview ■ Design
WirelessHART is the first international industry standard for wire- This section introduces the application types described in the
less communication at field level in the area of process automa- previous section in greater detail.
tion. Hence this is the first time users are provided with a stan-
dard for wireless communication at field level which ensures the The figure below shows a typical situation for the first application
interoperability of instruments and components from different type.
■ Benefits MDS

WirelessHART enables access to the following:

• Measuring and control values
• Parameters Industrial Ethernet
Controller without
of field devices with HART interface. These usually include pres- HART support
sure, temperature, level or flow transmitters or actuators.
WirelessHART allows for the following: SITRANS
• wireless transmission of measured values and their status AW200
• wireless parameterization and diagnosis of field devices 4 –20 mA

The WirelessHART adapter can be used to enable field devices IWLAN

with HART interfaces (that are designed for wired communica- IEEE802.11
tion) for wireless communication. This allows users to continue
using their proven devices while benefiting from and participate
in addition in advantages offered by wireless communication. 4–20 mA
■ Application HART

Looking at the large number of possible applications and config- Industrial

urations, we generally differentiate between two application Ethernet
types. Remote I/O station
w/o HART support
Background for the first type is the fact that according to esti-

mates forwarded by the HART Communication Foundation
(HCF), approximately 85 % of the over 30 million HART devices 4 –20 mA
in operation are used in an environment where only the 4 to
20 mA interface rather than the HART interface of the device is IE/WSN-
used on a system level. Generally, data on the device can only PA LINK
be read on site. This is of particular disadvantage with devices
that contain self-diagnostic functions - that’s what we call
"stranded diagnosis". The adapter is connected to the 4 to 20 mA loop, which is used
to transmit the measured value to the control system, or transmit
In these cases, a WirelessHART adapter can offer assistance. the setpoint to an actuator. The existing control system is not af-
Connected to the 4 to 20 mA loop, it allows central access to the
device based on wireless communication. It does not affect pro-
fected by the WirelessHART adapter.
The data, in particular diagnostic data from the devices is trans-
cess control systems which continue to receive the measured
value using the 4 to 20 mA loop. mitted to the IE/WSN-PA LINK via the connected adapter and the
WirelessHART network. The link provides this data to a diagnos-
Central access is enabled through a diagnostic station with tic and maintenance station with installed SITRANS MDS soft-
SIMATIC PDM and SITRANS MDS software. ware and SIMATIC PDM via an industrial Ethernet. Industrial
wireless LAN can be used to save on the installation costs re-
Main advantages: quired for Ethernet wiring. An extensive product portfolio of
• Increases the availability of the plant Scalance W components is available for this purpose.
• Increases plant transparency The functionality of related to the SITRANS MDS is described in
• Reduces costs due to employing a predictive rather than pre- great detail on page 8/9 of this catalog.
ventative maintenance concept
• Reduces travel time in larger systems based on central ac-
cess to field instrumentation
In the second application the 4 to 20 mA loop is omitted, all data in-
cluding measured process values and diagnostic information are
transmitted wirelessly to a process control system, for example.
Main advantages are:
• No planning and installation of data cables, resulting in signif-
icant cost reductions
• Higher system transparency due to additional and hitherto un-
feasible installation of measuring points
• Process optimization due to flexible, temporary and cost-ef-
fective measuring points via wireless communication
• Utilization of proven devices by using adapters
• The WirelessHART meshed network also makes it possible to
bridge longer distances

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© Siemens AG 2012

Communication and Software

The figure below shows a typical situation for the second appli-
cation type. ■ Function
The properties of WirelessHART can be summarized as follows:
• Simplicity in handling and engineering
• Secure communication
• Availability in network
Simplicity in handling and engineering
Industrial Ethernet • Utilize current tools, same workflow
The description of devices and adapter is carried out using
proven EDDL technology. SIMATIC PDM continues to be used
SITRANS as a tool.
• Multiple power supply options
Devices can be operated externally with 24 V DC, external or
integrated battery packs as well as solar cells. The option of
using energy from the process or the environment has been
SIMATIC ET 200 researched at universities and industry for some time. It is ex-
with HART support pected that results and products will be available in the me-
dium term.
• Reduced installation costs
IE/WSN- Depending on use, installation costs for data cables or power
PA LINK supply cables are not required.
• Coexists with other wireless networks
WirelessHART only uses the ISM band in the 2.4 GHz area,
since it is available across the globe. However, it is also used
by Industrial Wireless LAN (IWLAN), for example. For this rea-
son, a requirement to allow WirelessHART to co-exist with
DP/PA Wireless LAN networks was an absolute requirement when
LINK this technology was defined. This coexistence has been

achieved by constantly changing the channels and hence fre-

quencies. This is also called "channel hopping".
SITRANS SITRANS Moreover, individual channels can be completely disabled
P280 TF280 through so-called "blacklisting", for example if they are locally
• Support of star-shaped and meshed network topologies
WirelessHART is integrated into SIMATIC systems parallel to the Networks can be built in both a star-shaped as well as meshed
wire-connected devices with HART or PROFIBUS interfaces. In structure. The advantage of star-shaped networks with a gate-
this case, the 4 to 20 mA line to the control system is not re- way as the centre is that it allows for fast update cycles. How-
quired: all data, i.e. process values, parameters, diagnostic in- ever, the range of the network is limited to a maximum of ap-
formation and functions, is supplied to the automation system on prox. 200 m without obstacles between the gateway and the
a wireless basis. This is mainly useful for replacement and ex- devices.
pansion measures related to existing systems, and of course The advantage of meshed networks is their greater range,
8 also new systems, but also for temporary and mobile measure-
since each participant in the network is also a repeater and
forwards the data of remote participants towards the gateway.
The disadvantage: increased transmission times for data be-
The field devices are standard instruments with connected tween the field device and the gateway.
adapters, or those with integrated wireless communication.
• Faster commissioning
In principle, a differentiation needs to be made between wireless Once the device is installed, it can usually be commissioned
communication and the power supply for the devices. right away, since the usual waiting time for completing the in-
stallation of the cables does not apply in this case.
When installing a field device, the planning and installation of the
data cable to the control system is usually considered a signifi- • Self-organizing and self-healing networks
cant cost driver. This factor is greatly reduced when using wire- WirelessHART networks are automatically organized, built and
less communication. administered by the Network Manager. Engineering is usually
not required.
When using 4 to 20 mA/HART field devices with adapters, the The Network Manager is implemented in the IE/WSN-PA LINK,
question of powering up always arises - in contrast to battery- the WirelessHART gateway from Siemens.
powered field devices with integrated wireless modules. It calculates the optimal connection routes between the net-
It is important to distinguish between two and four-wire devices work participants and defines an alternative path that can be
here. Under certain circumstances, the SITRANS AW200 used in the case of disruptions in advance. In that sense, the
adapter can take over the supply of a connected two-wire de- network can be considered self-healing.
vice. The power consumption of the field device plays an impor- In addition, the Network manager also defines the channels or
tant role here. If it is too high, an additional power supply be- frequencies to be used for all communication.
comes necessary. If more than one device is connected to the Statistics regarding communication are compiled automati-
SITRANS AW200 adapter, an additional power supply is re- cally and are available to users.
quired. • Security - always active
All designated mechanisms with regard to security are avail-
Four-wire devices always require an additional power supply. able automatically, and do not require any engineering.
• Make changes in the network without the need for configura-
tion. The Network Manager automatically adds and withdraws
participants to/from the network.

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Communication and Software

Secure communication Availability in network
• Encryption - All information is automatically encrypted with • Communication based on IEEE 802.15.4-2006
128 bit AES prior to transmission Wireless communication takes place on the basis of a proven
• Specific keys for each data packet industry standard. It allows for very minimal power consump-
• Data integrity - Each data packet is checked for changes or
damage during transport. • Utilization of ISM band (2.4 GHz)
This band can be used worldwide without incurring additional
• Device authentication costs.
Each device must know the network identification number as
well as the join key. Otherwise the Network Manager does not • Channel hopping overcomes disruptions
include it in the network. Disruptions are usually limited to a small frequency range.
By constantly changing the channel, it is possible to overcome
• Channel Hopping the effects of such disruptions and hence increase the net-
The channel which is used will be changed according to the work’s reliability.
Network manager’s specifications after each telegram. This
provides an added level of security against spying activities. • Channel Black Listing permanently blocks disrupted chan-
• Failed authentification report When operating another network at the same location, the
Each unsuccessful attempt by a participant to join the network channels occupied by that network can be blocked in the
will be recorded and made available to the user. WirelessHART network.
• Self-healing network
This aspect has already been discussed
• Redundant communication paths
The Network manager automatically calculates redundant
communication paths. This significantly increases the level of

Software Overview
Applications 1 and 2 will require the following software products
Component Products Order No.
Maintenance Diagnostic Station SITRANS MDS
SIMATIC PDM and Options
SIMATIC PDM Basic (4 Tags) 6ES7 658-3AX16-0YA5
Extend Basic to 128 Tags 6ES7 658-3XA16-2YB5
Application type 1

Extend Basic to up to 512 Tags 6ES7 658-3XB16-2YB5

Extend Basic to up to 1,024 Tags 6ES7 658-3XC16-2YB5
Extend Basic to up to 2,048 Tags 6ES7 658-3XD16-2YB5
SIMATIC PDM service (128 Tags) 6ES7 658-3JX16-0YA5
SIMATIC PDM Option HART Mux 6ES7 658-3EX16-2YB5
HART OPC Server V3.2 Included in SIMATIC PDM1) 8
WirelessHART gateway IE/WSN-PA LINK with integrated non-removable antenna 6GK1 411-6CA40-0AA0
WirelessHART adapter SITRANS AW2002) 7MP3112-1AA00-0AA0
Process control system SIMATIC PCS 7
SIMATIC S7/SIMATIC PCS 7 function blocks for communicating with 9AE4110-3AA00
Application type 2

WirelessHART devices using the IE/WSN-PA LINK

WirelessHART gateway IE/WSN-PA LINK with integrated non-removable aerial2) 6GK1 411-6CA40-0AA0
Field devices SITRANS AW2002) 7MP3112-1AA00-0AA0
SITRANS AW2102) 7MP3111-...
SITRANS P2802) 7MP1120-...
SITRANS TF2802) 7MP1110-...
You can also contact your Siemens contact person.
Other versions and accessories can be found in the product descriptions of this catalog.

■ More information
More detailed information on the required WirelessHART
software and hardware components can be found in the
FI 01 catalog or at

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© Siemens AG 2012

Communication and Software


■ Overview ■ Function
Today, distributed automation solutions based on open field PROFIBUS PA expands PROFIBUS DP with near-process com-
buses are state-of-the-art in large areas of the manufacturing ponents for the direct connection of actuators and sensors.
industry and process engineering. It is only with field buses that For PROFIBUS PA the RS 485 transmission technique was
the functional benefits of digital communication can be put to full replaced by a different technique optimized for intrinsically safe
use, e.g. better resolution of measured values, diagnosis options application. Both techniques are internationally standardized in
and remote parameterization. IEC 61158.
PROFIBUS is today’s most successful open field bus with a large PROFIBUS PA uses the same communication protocol as
installed base for a wide range of application. Standardization to PROFIBUS DP; the communication services and telegrams are
IEC 61158 / EN 50170 provides you with future protection for identical.
your investment. For PROFIBUS PA the data and energy supply for the field
devices can be directed through a 2-wire line.
■ Benefits
• A uniform modular system from the sensor into the control ■ Integration
level enables new plant concepts Siemens field devices for process automation which are listed in
• Problem-free exchangeability of field devices, including from this catalog and can be controlled using PROFIBUS:
different manufacturers, that comply with the standard profile
• Networking of transmitters, valves, actuators etc.
Measuring instruments for pressure
• Implementation of intrinsically safe applications through use of
the field bus in hazardous areas SITRANS P DS III PA
• Easy installation of 2-wire lines for joint energy supply and SITRANS P300
data transmission Measuring instruments for temperature
• Reduced cabling costs through savings of material and instal- SITRANS TH400
lation time
• Reduced configuration costs through central, simple
engineering of the field devices (PROFIBUS PA and HART with SITRANS F M MAG 6000 19“ / IP67
SIMATIC PDM, also cross-vendor) SITRANS F M MAG 6000 I / I Ex de
• Fast and error-free installation SITRANS F M Transmag 2
• Lower service costs thanks to simpler wiring and plant struc- SITRANS F C MASS 6000 19“ / IP67 / Ex d
ture plus extensive diagnosis options
• Greatly reduced commissioning costs through simplified loop
check Measuring instruments for level
• Scaling/digitizing of the measured values in the field device Pointek CLS200
already, hence no rescaling necessary in SIMATIC PCS 7 Pointek CLS300
■ Application SITRANS LR200
PROFIBUS is suitable for fast communication with distributed SITRANS LR250

I/Os (PROFIBUS DP) in production automation as well as for
communication tasks in process automation (PROFIBUS PA). SITRANS LR260
It is the first field bus system that meets the demands of both SITRANS LR400
areas with identical communication services.
The transmission technique of the PROFIBUS PA is tailored to
the needs of the process industry. Interoperability between field
devices from different manufacturers and remote parameteriza- Electropneumatic positioners
tion of the field devices during operation are guaranteed by the SIPART PS2
standardized communication services.
Acoustic sensor for pump monitoring
Using SIMATIC PDM (Process Device Manager), a uniform and
cross-vendor tool for configuring, parameterizing, commission-
ing and diagnosis of intelligent process devices on the
PROFIBUS, it is possible to configure a wide variety of process PROFIBUS DP
devices from different manufacturers using one uniform graphi- Flowmeters
cal user interface.
SITRANS F M MAG 6000 19“ / IP67
PROFIBUS PA can just as readily used in standard environments
as well as hazardous areas. For use in hazardous areas,
PROFIBUS PA and all connected devices have to be designed SITRANS F C MASS 6000 19“ / IP67
with type of explosion protection Ex [i]. SIFLOW FC070 (via ET200M)
The uniform protocol of PROFIBUS DP and PROFIBUS PA Measuring instruments for level
enables the two networks to be interlinked, thus combining time-
based performance with intrinsically safe transmission. SITRANS LUC500
HydroRanger 200
MultiRanger 100/200
SITRANS Probe LU 01, LU 02, LU 10
Acoustic sensor for pump monitoring

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© Siemens AG 2012

Communication and Software


■ Overview ■ Function
Today, distributed automation solutions based on open field FOUNDATION Fieldbus enables the direct connection of actua-
buses are state-of-the-art in large areas of the process engineer- tors and sensors.
ing industry. It is only with field buses that the functional benefits
of digital communication can be put to full use, e.g. better reso- FOUNDATION Fieldbus is based on a transfer optimized for in-
lution of measured values, diagnosis options and remote trinsically safe application. The transfer technology is interna-
parameterization. tionally standardized in IEC 61158.

Like PROFIBUS PA, the FF bus (FOUNDATION Fieldbus) is an For FOUNDATION Fieldbus the data and energy supply for the
open field bus with a large installed base for a wide range of ap- field devices can be directed through a 2-wire cable.
plication. Standardization to IEC 61158 / EN 50170 provides you FOUNDATION Fieldbus enables device-to-device communica-
with future protection for your investment. tion ("control in the field").

■ Benefits ■ Integration
• A uniform modular system from the sensor to the connection Siemens field devices for process automation which are listed in
to the control level enables new plant concepts this catalog and can be controlled using Foundation Fieldbus:
• Problem-free exchangeability of field devices, including from
Measuring instruments for pressure
different manufacturers, that comply with the standard profile
• Networking of transmitters, valves, actuators etc.
• Implementation of intrinsically safe applications through use of SITRANS P DS III FF
the field bus in hazardous areas Measuring instruments for temperature
• Easy installation of 2-wire cables for joint energy supply and SITRANS TH400 FF
data transfer
Electropneumatic positioners
• Reduced cabling costs through savings of material and instal-
lation time.
• Reduced configuration costs through central, simple engi- Flowmeters
neering of the field devices, also cross-vendor SITRANS F M MAG 6000
• Fast and error-free installation SITRANS F M MAG 6000 I
• Lower service costs thanks to simpler wiring and plant struc- SITRANS F C MASS 6000
ture plus extensive diagnosis options
Level meters
• Greatly reduced commissioning costs through simplified loop
check SITRANS LR250
• Scaling/digitizing of the measured values in the field device al- SITRANS LR560
ready, hence no rescaling necessary in SIMATIC PCS 7

■ Application
The transfer technology of the FOUNDATION Fieldbus is tailored
to the needs of the process industry. Interoperability between

field devices from different manufacturers and remote parame-
terization of the field devices during operation are guaranteed
by the standardized communication services.
FOUNDATION Fieldbus can just as readily be used in standard
environments as in hazardous areas. For use in hazardous ar-
eas, FOUNDATION Fieldbus and all connected devices have to
be designed with type of explosion protection Ex [i].

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© Siemens AG 2012

Communication and Software

WirelessHART Communication
Communication blocks

■ Overview ■ Function
The function blocks cyclically communicate with the
IE/WSN-PA LINK via Modbus TCP/IP. Process values of
WirelessHART devices as well as their status are read and made
available at the function block outputs. Furthermore, selected
Industrial Ethernet
status information of the IE/WSN-PA LINK is also made available
at another building block. This information includes connection
status, condition of the wireless network and other diagnostics.
Precondition of the usage of these communication blocks is a
SIMATIC S7-300 TCP/IP connection, engineered in NetPro in the Engineering Sta-
tion of Simatic PCS 7. Currently this requires a CP343 or a

WirelessHART adapter ■ Configuration

The standard S7 or PCS 7 engineering tools CFC, KOP, FUP can
be used for the communication block engineering. Connection
planning is done in NetPro. A configuration example for config-
uring the IE/WSN-PA LINK makes it easy to assign the
WirelessHART devices to the communication blocks which need
to be engineered.
Communication block
■ More information
The WirelessHART communication blocks implement the com- You can obtain function blocks and technical support for inte-
munication between S7/PCS 7 automation systems and Wire- grating the IE/WSN-PA LINK in PCS 7 at the following address:
lessHART field devices. They communicate via the
IE/WSN-PA LINK using the Modbus TCP/IP protocol. Preconfig- Siemens AG
ured communication blocks simplify the engineering process. Industry Sector
Symbols and face plates are included in the delivery for use with Industry Solutions Division
SIMATIC PCS 7 OS or SIMATIC WinCC. Industrial Technologies
Roland Heid
Siemensallee 84
■ Benefits 76187 Karlsruhe
A library, which can be installed, offers pre-fabricated blocks Germany
and hence an easy way to integrate WirelessHART devices into Tel: +49 721 595-6380
the SIMATIC automation world. E-Mail: [email protected]

Simple configuration thanks to: ■ Selection and Ordering data

• Prefabricated function blocks for IE/WSN-PA LINK and Wire-
lessHART devices Order No.

• SIMATIC PCS 7 OS or SIMATIC WinCC symbols and face S7/PCS 7 function blocks for 9AE4110-3AA00
plates are included communicating with

WirelessHART devices using
• Configuring help for IE/WSN-PA LINK in line with function the IE/WSN-PA LINK
S7-300 or S7-400,
• Output of quality codes for respective process values including face plate
• Analysis of IE/WSN-PA LINK diagnostic information

■ Application
WirelessHART communication blocks are used where SIMATIC
automation systems communicate with WirelessHART devices
via the IE/WSN-PA LINK gateway.

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Communication and Software

WirelessHART Communication
SITRANS MDS - Maintenance Diagnostic Station

■ Overview ■ Design
SITRANS MDS uses SIMATIC PDM project data to read and
display diagnostic data from accessible devices.


Industrial Ethernet
Controller without
HART support

4 –20 mA

Maintenance Diagnostic Station
SITRANS MDS for flexible and automated diagnostic process- 4–20 mA
ing: Wireless
• Central display of diagnostic information from HART devices, HART
which was only readable on site until now.
• Adjustable updating period for each device Industrial
• Clear visualization of diagnostic status of all devices
Remote I/O station
• Simply transfer of SIMATIC PDM configuring data w/o HART support
• Windows-based application

■ Benefits 4 –20 mA

SITRANS MDS in cooperation with SIMATIC PDM increases sig- IE/WSN-

nificantly the transparency of a plant.
The main advantages of SIMATIC MDS are as follows:
• Increase transparency of the plant by reading diagnostic infor- ■ Integration
mation from accessible devices and providing a well-orga-
nized representation of this information SITRANS MDS is installed on a PC together with SIMATIC PDM.
Only the stand-alone version is used in this case.
• Representation of diagnostic status of a device as in

SIMATIC PCS 7 or NAMUR NE 107 (switchable)
• Ease of use through use of SIMATIC PDM project data
■ Configuration
• The update cycle for the diagnostic status can be uniformly Configuration required for SITRANS MDS is adopted from
set as the default value for all devices ... SIMATIC PDM. Only the project name must be entered.
• ... as well as for each device individually Very few other entries are required, such as the definition of
update periods.
■ Application
SITRANS MDS increases the transparency of a plant by centrally
collecting diagnostic information, directly from the accessible
field devices. In principle, all devices that are integrated in
SIMATIC PDM can be included in the collecting process.
SITRANS MDS can be used where the installed automation sys-
tem does not support an integrated acyclic communication of
parameters and diagnostic information with the devices. In the
case of HART devices, this applies to 85% of all installed
The modern SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system allows for
this type of continuous communication from the engineering sys-
tem up to the devices. It also features a decidedly higher perfor-
mance asset management system. The use of SIMATIC MDS
therefore does not make sense in a SIMATIC PCS 7 environment
and is hence not approved for that purpose.

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Communication and Software

WirelessHART Communication
SITRANS MDS - Maintenance Diagnostic Station

■ Technical specifications
SITRANS MDS Maintenance Diagnostic Station
Operating system Microsoft Windows XP
professional SP2/SP3
Additionally required software
SIMATIC PDM as of V 6.05 and
• SIMATIC PDM Basic (4 Tags) 6ES7 658-3AX16-0YA5
• SIMATIC PDM service (128 Tags) 6ES7 658-3JX16-0YA5
• SIMATIC PDM Option HART Mux 6ES7 658-3EX16-2YB5
Additional options to increase
number of measuring points
PC hardware 600 MHz
256 MB *)
XGA 1024 x 768
16 Bit color depth
*) main memory of at least
512 MB is recommended
Up-to-date information can be
found in the description for

■ Selection and Ordering data

SITRANS MDS is a software package which is delivered together
with the IE/WSN-PA LINK for Version 1.0.

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Communication and Software

Process Device Manager SIMATIC PDM

■ Overview
SIMATIC PCS 7 engineering station Device on
with SIMATIC PDM the workbench

Plant bus

S7-400 S7-400

PROFIBUS DP fieldbus Up to 12 Mbit/s HART protocol

RS 232/RS 485
(IM 153-2 pro 200iSP multiplexer
with HART

Possible connection point
of a PG/PC with
PS2 TH400 LR 250 P DS III SITRANS F M PS2 (stand-alone operation)

Configuration options with SIMATIC PDM

SIMATIC PDM (Process Device Manager) is a universal, vendor- SIMATIC PDM supports the operative system management in
independent tool for the configuration, parameter assignment, particular through:
commissioning, diagnostics and servicing of intelligent field de- • Uniform presentation and operation of devices
vices (sensors and actuators) and field components (remote
I/Os, multiplexers, control-room devices, compact controllers), • Indicators for preventive maintenance and servicing
which in the following sections will be referred to simply as de- • Detection of changes in the project and device
vices. • Increasing the operational reliability
Using one software, SIMATIC PDM enables the processing of • Reducing the investment, operating and maintenance costs
more than 2 500 devices from Siemens and over 200 vendors • Graded user privileges including password protection
worldwide on one homogeneous user interface.
When used in SIMATIC PCS 7, SIMATIC PDM is integrated in the
The user interface satisfies the requirements of the
VDI/VDE GMA 2187 and IEC 65/349/CD directives. Parameters
and functions for all supported devices are displayed in a con-
asset management of the process control system.
You can change directly to the SIMATIC PDM views from the 8
diagnostics faceplates in the Maintenance Station.
sistent and uniform fashion independent of their communica-
tions interface. Even complex devices with several hundred pa- The Process Device Manager provides more detailed informa-
rameters can be represented clearly and processed quickly. tion for all devices described by means of an Electronic Device
Using SIMATIC PDM it is very easy to navigate in highly complex Description (EDD), e.g.:
stations such as remote I/Os and even connected field devices. • Detailed diagnostics information (manufacturer information,
From the viewpoint of device integration, SIMATIC PDM is the information on error diagnostics and troubleshooting, further
most powerful open device manager available in the world. De- documentation)
vices which previously were not supported can be easily inte- • Information on changes (audit trail report)
grated in SIMATIC PDM at any time by importing their device de- • Parameter information
scriptions (EDD). This provides security for your investment and
saves you investment costs, training expenses and follow-up

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SIMATIC PDM Process Device Manager

■ Application
Components Product packages
SIMATIC PDM stand-alone SIMATIC PDM system-integrated
Minimum Basic Application-specific configurations
configu- configu-
ration ration
Single Point Basic Service
V6.1 V6.1 V6.1 V6.1 V8.0 V6.1 V8.0 FF V8.0
SIMATIC PDM TAGs1) in product package 1 4 128 128 100 128 100 100
SIMATIC PDM expansion options
TAG - 128 TAGs cannot be o – – – – – –
options - 512 TAGs expanded
- 1 024 TAGs
- 2 048 TAGs
PowerPacks - 128 to 512 TAGs o o o – o – –
- 512 to 1 024 TAGs
- 1 024 to 2 048 TAGs
- 2 048 to unlimited TAGs
Count Relevant - 10 TAGs – – – o – o o
Licenses - 100 TAGs
- 1 000 TAGs
SIMATIC PDM Basic n n n n n n n
SIMATIC PDM Extended – – – n – n n
SIMATIC PDM integration in STEP 7/PCS 7 o o n n n n n
SIMATIC PDM routing via S7-400 o o o o n n n
SIMATIC PDM communication – – – o – o n
SIMATIC PDM communication via o o o – o – –
standard HART multiplexer
Table with SIMATIC PDM product structure
n Product component is part of the product package
o Optional product component for the product package; order additive
– Product component is not relevant for the product package or not available

8 1) For definition of TAG, refer to sections "SIMATIC PDM TAGs for SIMATIC PDM V8.0" and "TAG options/PowerPacks for SIMATIC PDM V6.1".
Customer-oriented product structure Product packages for SIMATIC PCS 7
The customer-oriented products structure of SIMATIC PDM The following product packages permit the integration of
helps you to adapt the scope of functions and performance to SIMATIC PDM in the engineering system (engineering toolset)
your individual requirements. You have the following options: and Maintenance Station of the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control
• Use of the minimum configuration SIMATIC PDM Single Point system:
• Selection of one of the application-specific product • SIMATIC PDM PCS 7
configurations: • SIMATIC PDM PCS 7-FF (also supports the configuration of
- SIMATIC PDM Service the FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1)
- SIMATIC PDM PCS 7 Product packages for other TIA applications
- SIMATIC PDM PCS 7-FF • SIMATIC PDM stand-alone service tool for operation on a
• Creation of your own desired configuration using optional mobile computer on PROFIBUS or with direct connection to
product components based on the SIMATIC PDM Basic con- the device, optionally as:
figuration (see table). - SIMATIC PDM Single Point for processing of a single field
device via a point-to-point coupling
Application environment - SIMATIC PDM Service for enhanced servicing, including
modification logbook and lifelist detailed diagnostics
SIMATIC PDM belongs to the SIMATIC products, which in the
context of Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) can be used in the • SIMATIC PDM S7 for integration in a SIMATIC S7 configuration
SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system and in other applica- environment
tions. • SIMATIC PDM Basic as the basis for an individual
SIMATIC PDM configuration

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SIMATIC PDM Process Device Manager
Selection criteria
The current range of solutions comprises products of SIMATIC
PDM versions 6.1 and 8.0. In addition to considering the
environment of use and the functional and performance features
(for details, see section "Design"), also observe the different
system requirements of these SIMATIC PDM versions when
selecting the product (see section "Technical specifications").

■ Design
Function and performance characteristics SIMATIC PDM
Single Basic Service S7 PCS 7
V6.1 V6.1 V6.1 V6.1 V8.0 V6.1 V8.0 FF V8.0
TAGs contained 1 4 128 128 100 128 100 100
Project: Create online n n n n n n n n
Project: Create offline – n n n n n n n
Project: Usable TAG extensions – n n n n n n n
Project: Network view – n n n – n – –
Project: Plant view – n n n n n n n
Project: Export/import devices – n n n – n – –
Project: HW Config – o o n n n n n
Project: Utilization of SIMATIC PDM options – n n n n n n n
Project: Integration in STEP 7/PCS 7 – o o n n n n n
Communication: HART modem n n n n – n – –
Communication: HART interface n n n n – n – –
Communication: PROFIBUS n n n n n n n n
Communication: FF H1 – – – – o – o n
Communication: Modbus n n n n – n – –
Communication: SIPART DR n n n n – n – –
Communication: SIREC n n n n – n – –
Communication: Ethernet – n n n – n – –
Devices: Export/import parameters n n n n n n n n
Devices: Comparison of values n n n n – n – –
Devices: Comparison of values of two
– n n n – n – – 8
Devices: Saving parameters – n n n n n n n
Devices: Logbook (Audit Trail) – o n n n n n n
Devices: Calibration report – o n n – n – –
LifeList: Export Scan – n n n – n – –
LifeList: Device diagnostics – o n n – n – –
LifeList: Define scan area – o n n – n – –
LifeList: Save scan – o n n – n – –
LifeList: Scan from HW Config – o o n – n n n
Communication: S7 routing – o o o o n n n
Communication: HART multiplexer – o o – – – – –
Function: HART SHC mode (increased com- – n n n n n n n
munication speed)
Function: "HART-Long TAG" – – – – n – n n

Overview of functions and performance for SIMATIC PDM

n Product component is part of the product package
o Optional product component for the product package, can be purchased separately
– Product component is not relevant or not available for the product package

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SIMATIC PDM Process Device Manager
Product packages and options for SIMATIC PCS 7 Product packages for other TIA applications
The following SIMATIC PDM product packages are intended for SIMATIC PDM Single Point V6.1
local operation in an engineering system for SIMATIC PCS 7.
The main functional differences of these product packages can This low-cost minimum configuration with handheld functionality
be seen at a glance in the "Overview of functions and perfor- is tailored to processing exactly one field device via a point-to-
mance for SIMATIC PDM" table. point coupling.

SIMATIC PDM PCS 7 V6.1 The following types of communication are thus possible:
The SIMATIC PDM PCS 7 V6.1 product package is designed for
projects with up to 128 TAGs. It extends the functionality of • HART communication (modem, RS 232)
SIMATIC PDM Service V6.1 with routing from the central • Modbus
engineering system to the devices in the field and integrates
SIMATIC PDM in the SIMATIC PCS 7 configuration environment All device functions are supported as defined in the device
by means of HW Config. description. These functions include:
• Unlimited selection of devices/management of device catalog
SIMATIC PDM PCS 7 V6.1 can be extended with the option
"Communication via standard HART multiplexer" (see under • Configuration and diagnostics in accordance with the device
Optional product components for SIMATIC PDM V6.1) and description
SIMATIC PDM PowerPacks (see under TAG options/PowerPacks • Exporting and importing of parameter data
for SIMATIC PDM V6.1). • Device identification
SIMATIC PDM PCS 7 V8.0 and SIMATIC PDM PCS 7-FF V8.0 • Lifelist
SIMATIC PDM PCS 7 V8.0 and SIMATIC PDM PCS 7-FF V8.0 • Print function for parameter list
focus on functions different from those of SIMATIC PDM PCS 7 SIMATIC PDM Single Point V6.1 cannot be expanded with
V6.1 (for details, see the table "Overview of functions and perfor- respect to functions nor with TAG options/PowerPacks.
mance for SIMATIC PDM"). They additionally support projects
with the type of communication "FOUNDATION Fieldbus". The SIMATIC PDM Basic V6.1
required functionality is already integrated in SIMATIC PDM
PCS 7-FF V8.0. SIMATIC PDM PCS 7 V8.0 can be appropriately Provided the system requirements are met, SIMATIC PDM Basic
expanded if required using the option "SIMATIC PDM Communi- V6.1 can be used for stand-alone operation on any computers
cation FOUNDATION Fieldbus". (PCs/notebooks) with local connection to bus segments or direct
connection to the device. The product package contains all
SIMATIC PDM PCS 7 V8.0 and SIMATIC PDM PCS 7-FF V8.0 are functions required for operation and configuration of the devices
initially provided with 100 TAGs. This quantity can be further and it enabled for the following communication modes:
cumulatively expanded with sets of 10, 100 or 1 000 SIMATIC • PROFIBUS DP/PA
PDM TAGs (quantity option with SIMATIC PDM V7.0 or higher).
• HART communication (modem, RS 232 and via PROFIBUS)
functionally-compatible successors to SIMATIC PDM PCS 7
V6.x, and are not downward-compatible. The two product • SIREC bus
packages require installation of SIMATIC PCS 7 V8.0 and higher. • SIPART DR
When selecting a product, note that it is not possible to operate • Ethernet
multiple SIMATIC PDM versions at the same time. As basic module for individual configuration, SIMATIC PDM
"SIMATIC PDM Communication FOUNDATION Fieldbus" option Basic V6.1 can be expanded with all optional product compo-
8 This option expands the functionality of SIMATIC PDM PCS 7
V8.0 to the functional scope of the SIMATIC PDM PCS 7-FF
nents, TAG options and PowerPacks for SIMATIC PDM V6.1.
Without TAG expansion, SIMATIC PDM Basic V6.1 can manage
projects with up to 4 TAGs. Use of the following functions
product package V8.0. As a result, SIMATIC PDM can commu- requires at least 128 TAGs:
nicate in a SIMATIC PCS 7 configuration environment with field
devices on the FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 over the FF Link. • Change log
• Calibration report
• Detailed diagnostics in the lifelist
A TAG corresponds to a SIMATIC PDM object, which represents
individual field devices or components within a project, e.g. SIMATIC PDM Service V6.1
measuring instruments, positioners, switching devices or remote This is a configured product package especially for mobile use
I/Os. TAGs are also relevant for diagnostics with the lifelist of in servicing for projects with up to 128 TAGs. It offers service
SIMATIC PDM. In this case, TAGs are considered to be all recog- engineers all functions of SIMATIC PDM Basic V6.1 and special
nized devices with diagnostics capability, whose detailed service functions such as change log, calibration report and
diagnostics is effected through the device description (EDD). detailed diagnostics in the lifelist.
The SIMATIC PDM PCS 7 V8.0 and SIMATIC PDM PCS 7-FF V8.0 SIMATIC PDM Service V6.1 can be expanded by the functional
product packages generally support projects with up to options "Integration in STEP 7/PCS 7", "Routing via S7-400" and
100 TAGs. The number of TAGs can be further increased with "Communication via standard HART multiplexer" (see under
10, 100, or 1 000 TAGs (which can be accumulated) for larger "Optional product components for SIMATIC PDM V6.1") as well
projects whenever required. as by SIMATIC PDM PowerPacks (see under "TAG
options/PowerPacks for SIMATIC PDM V6.1").

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SIMATIC PDM Process Device Manager
SIMATIC PDM S7 V6.1 Optional product components for SIMATIC PDM V6.1
SIMATIC PDM S7 V6.1 is a product package for projects with up The functionality of a product package based on SIMATIC PDM
to 128 TAGs and is configured for the use of SIMATIC PDM in a V6.1 can be further increased by means of the following optional
SIMATIC S7 configuration environment. In addition to SIMATIC product components. In the "SIMATIC PDM product range"
PDM Service V6.1, it also offers functions for integration in the table, you can see at a glance which options can be used for
hardware configurator (HW Config) of STEP 7 (corresponds to expanding the different product packages.
the option "Integration in STEP 7/PCS 7").
SIMATIC PDM option: Integration in STEP 7/PCS 7
SIMATIC PDM S7 V6.1 can be expanded by the functional
options "Routing via S7-400" and "Communication via standard This option is used for the integration of SIMATIC PDM in a
HART multiplexer" (see under "Optional product components for SIMATIC S7 or SIMATIC PCS 7 configuration environment.
SIMATIC PDM V6.1") as well as by SIMATIC PDM PowerPacks SIMATIC PDM can then be started directly from the hardware
(see under "TAG options/PowerPacks for SIMATIC PDM V6.1"). configurator (HW Config) in STEP 7/SIMATIC PCS 7.

SIMATIC PDM S7 V8.0 SIMATIC PDM option: Routing through S7-400

Similar to SIMATIC PDM S7 V6.1, SIMATIC PDM S7 V8.0 is also If you want to use SIMATIC PDM in a central SIMATIC PCS 7/S7
designed for use in a SIMATIC S7 configuration environment, but engineering system for system-wide configuration, parameter
differs functionally (for details see the table "Overview of assignment, commissioning, and diagnostics of the devices in
functions and performance for SIMATIC PDM") and due to the the field, you will need the "SIMATIC PDM routing via S7-400"
number of TAGs it features (100 TAGs included). SIMATIC PDM option in addition to the "SIMATIC PDM integration in
S7 V8.0 is therefore not a functionally compatible successor to STEP 7/PCS 7" option. From the central engineering system it is
SIMATIC PDM S7 V6.1. thus possible to reach every EDD-configurable device in the
field plant-wide through the various bus systems and
SIMATIC PDM S7 V8.0 requires the installation of STEP 7 remote I/Os. Possible processing functions are, for example:
V5.5+SP2. When selecting a product, note that SIMATIC PDM S7 • Read diagnostics information from the device
V8.0 is not backwards compatible, and multiple SIMATIC PDM
versions cannot be operated simultaneously. • Modify device settings
• Adjust and calibrate devices
SIMATIC PDM S7 V8.0 can be expanded with the functional
options "Routing via S7-400 V8.0" and "SIMATIC PDM Communi- • Monitor process values
cation FOUNDATION Fieldbus" and with cumulative sets of 10, • Generate simulation values
100 or 1 000 SIMATIC PDM TAGs (quantity option with SIMATIC • Re-configure devices
PDM V7.0 or higher). The functions of the "Routing via S7-400
V8.0" option are comparable to those of the option with same SIMATIC PDM option:
name described in the following section "Optional product Communication via standard HART multiplexer
components for SIMATIC PDM V6.1", page 2/21. The "SIMATIC
PDM Communication FOUNDATION Fieldbus" enables SIMATIC This option permits SIMATIC PDM to use the HART OPC server
PDM to communicate via the FF Link with field devices on the for communication with HART field devices via HART multi-
FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 in a SIMATIC S 7 configuration plexers.
environment. TAG options/PowerPacks for SIMATIC PDM V6.1
A TAG corresponds to a SIMATIC PDM object, which represents
individual field devices or components within a project, e.g.
measuring instruments, positioners, switching devices or remote
I/Os. TAGs are also relevant for diagnostics with the lifelist of

SIMATIC PDM. In this case, TAGs are considered to be all recog-
nized devices with diagnostics capability, whose detailed
diagnostics is effected through the device description (EDD).
In contrast to PowerPacks, TAG options are only suitable for
individual SIMATIC PDM product configurations on the basis of
SIMATIC PDM Basic V6.1. Using the SIMATIC PDM TAG options
for SIMATIC PDM V6.1, SIMATIC PDM Basic V6.1 can be
expanded from 4 TAGs to 128, 512, 1 024 or 2 048 TAGs, and
with the help of an additive PowerPack for SIMATIC PDM V6.1
even to unlimited TAGs.
With the PowerPacks for SIMATIC PDM V6.1, product packages
based on SIMATIC PDM V6.1 can be provided with additional
TAGs. PowerPacks are available for TAG expansion to 512,
1 024, 2 048 and unlimited TAGs.
Demonstration software
SIMATIC PDM V6.1 and SIMATIC PDM V8.0 are also available
with demo software for demonstration purposes. Online commu-
nication and storage functions are not available with the demo

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Communication and Software

SIMATIC PDM Process Device Manager

■ Function ■ Integration
Device integration
SIMATIC PDM supports all devices described by EDD
(Electronic Device Description). EDD is standardized to
EN 50391 and IEC 61804. Internationally it is the most widely
used standardized technology for device integration. At the
same time, it is the guideline of the established organizations for
• PROFIBUS (PNO: PROFIBUS user organization)
• HART (HCF: HART Communication Foundation)
• FF (Fieldbus Foundation)
The devices are integrated in SIMATIC PDM through a
company-specific EDD, through the current HCF catalog, or
through the current Fieldbus Foundation catalog. To achieve
improved transparency, they can be managed in project-
specific device catalogs.
PROFIBUS devices are described in the EDD in terms of
functions and construction using the Electronic Device
Description Language (EDDL). Using this description,
SIMATIC PDM automatically creates its user interface with the
specific device data. The range of devices of the catalog
integrated in SIMATIC PDM can be updated and expanded
simply by importing the manufacturer's device-specific EDD.
Fieldbus Foundation provides pre-defined device descriptions
(standard DD) for the basic functions of specific field device
types. The basic functions are implemented using various
standard function and transmission blocks.
Contact addresses
Siemens AG, Automation and Drives,
Technical Support
SIMATIC PDM, parameter view and trend window
Core functions
• Adjustment and modification of device parameters Tel.: +49 180 50 50 222
Fax: +49 180 50 50 223
• Comparing (e.g. project and device data) E-mail: Please fill in a Support Request on the Internet
• Plausibility testing of data input (see below for address)
• Device identification and testing Asia/Pacific
• Device status indication with operating modes, alarms and Tel.: +86 1064 719 990
Fax: +86 1064 747 474
• Simulation E-mail: [email protected]
• Diagnostics (standard, detailed) America
• Export/import (parameter data, reports)
Tel.: +1 423 262 2522
• Commissioning functions, e.g. measuring circuit tests of Fax: +1 423 262 2200
device data E-mail: [email protected]
• Device replacement (lifecycle management)
Support Request
• Global and device-specific modification logbook for user
operations (audit trail) You can also obtain corresponding support over the Internet per
Support Request:
• Device-specific calibration reports
• Graphic presentations of echo envelope curves, trend
displays, valve diagnosis results etc.
• Presentation of incorporated manuals
• Document manager for integration of up to 10 multimedia files

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SIMATIC PDM Process Device Manager

■ Technical specifications
Hardware • PG/PC/notebook with processor corresponding • PG/PC/notebook with processor corresponding to
to operating system requirements operating system requirements
Operating systems (alternative) • Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 • Microsoft Windows XP Professional 32-bit
• Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard 32-bit
• Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 32/64-bit
• Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 64-bit
Integration in STEP 7/PCS 7 • STEP 7 V5.3+SP2 • SIMATIC PCS 7 V8.0
• STEP 7 V5.4+SP5 • STEP 7 V5.5+SP2
• STEP 7 V5.5 or V5.5+SP1/SP2
• SIMATIC PCS 7 V7.1 or V7.1+SP1/SP2/SP3

■ Ordering data
SIMATIC PDM belongs to the SIMATIC products which can be Order No.
used both in the context of SIMATIC PCS 7 and in the extended
context of Totally Integrated Automation (TIA). The product Optional product components
packages offered for different fields of application differ with
regard to functionality, ordering data, and type of delivery. SIMATIC PDM communication 6ES7 658-3EX16-2YB5
To provide a better overview and to avoid faulty ordering, the via standard HART multiplexer
ordering data for SIMATIC PCS 7 are listed separately. 6 languages (German, English,
French, Italian, Spanish,
Ordering data for SIMATIC PCS 7 applications Chinese), software class A, runs
with Windows XP Professional/
SIMATIC PDM V6.1 Server 2003, floating license for
1 user
Order No. Delivery package: License key
Product packages memory stick, Certificate of
License including Terms and
SIMATIC PDM PCS 7 V6.1 6ES7 658-3LX16-0YA5 Conditions
Complete package for integration
into the engineering toolset of the PowerPacks for
SIMATIC PCS 7 engineering SIMATIC PDM PCS 7 V6.1
system SIMATIC PDM PowerPack
6 languages (German, English, for expanding the TAGs of
French, Italian, Spanish, SIMATIC PDM PCS 7 V6.1
Chinese), software class A, Software class A, runs with
runs with Windows XP Profes- Windows XP Professional/Server
sional/Server 2003 2003
Floating license for 1 user, with Floating license for 1 user
• Integration in STEP 7/PCS 7
• Routing via S7-400
Delivery package: License key
memory stick, Certificate of 8
• 128 TAGs License including Terms and
Delivery package: License key
memory stick, Certificate of • From 128 TAGs to 512 TAGs 6ES7 658-3XB16-2YD5
License including Terms and • From 512 TAGs to 1 024 TAGs 6ES7 658-3XC16-2YD5
Conditions; software SIMATIC • From 1 024 TAGs to 2 048 TAGs 6ES7 658-3XD16-2YD5
PDM V6.1 and device library on • From 2 048 TAGs to unlimited 6ES7 658-3XH16-2YD5
CD/DVD number of TAGs
Demonstration software
SIMATIC PDM Demo V6.1 6ES7 658-3GX16-0YC8
Without online communication
and storage functionality
6 languages (German, English,
French, Italian, Spanish,
Chinese), software class A, runs
with Windows XP Profes-
sional/Server 2003
Delivery package: SIMATIC PDM
V6.1 software and device library

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© Siemens AG 2012

Communication and Software

SIMATIC PDM Process Device Manager
SIMATIC PDM V8.0 Order No.
Order No. Optional product components
Product packages
SIMATIC PDM Communication 6ES7 658-3QX08-2YB5
SIMATIC PDM PCS 7 V8.0 6ES7 658-3LD08-0YA5 FOUNDATION Fieldbus V8.0
Complete package for integration 5 languages (German, English,
into the engineering toolset of the French, Italian, Spanish), software
SIMATIC PCS 7 engineering class A, runs with Windows XP
system Professional 32-bit, Windows 7
5 languages (German, English, Ultimate 32/64-bit, Windows
French, Italian, Spanish), software Server 2003 R2 Standard 32-bit or
class A, runs with Windows XP Windows Server 2008 R2
Professional 32-bit, Windows 7 Standard 64-bit, floating license
Ultimate 32/64-bit, Windows for 1 user
Server 2003 R2 Standard 32-bit or Delivery package: License key
Windows Server 2008 R2 memory stick, certificate of
Standard 64-bit license
Floating license for 1 user, with SIMATIC PDM TAGs for SIMATIC
• SIMATIC PDM Basic and PDM PCS 7/PCS 7-FF V8.0
• Integration in STEP 7/PCS 7 SIMATIC PDM TAGs
• Routing via S7-400 TAG licenses for expanding
• 100 TAGs SIMATIC PDM product packages
Note: V7.0 or higher, can be accumu-
SIMATIC PDM PCS 7 V8.0 lated, software class A, floating
requires the installation of license for 1 user
SIMATIC PCS 7 as of V8.0! Delivery package: License key
Delivery package: License key memory stick, certificate of
memory stick, certificate of license
license; SIMATIC PDM V8.0 • 10 TAGs 6ES7 658-3XC00-2YB5
software and device library on • 100 TAGs 6ES7 658-3XD00-2YB5
DVD • 1 000 TAGs 6ES7 658-3XE00-2YB5
SIMATIC PDM PCS 7-FF V8.0 6ES7 658-3MD08-0YA5 Demonstration software
Complete package for integration
into the engineering toolset of the SIMATIC PDM Demo V8.0 6ES7 658-3GX08-0YT8
SIMATIC PCS 7 engineering Without online communication
system and storage functionality
5 languages (German, English, 5 languages (German, English,
French, Italian, Spanish), software French, Italian, Spanish,
class A, runs with Windows XP Chinese), software class A, runs
Professional 32-bit, Windows 7 with Windows XP Professional 32-
Ultimate 32/64-bit, Windows bit, Windows 7 Ultimate 32/64-bit,
Server 2003 R2 Standard 32-bit or Windows Server 2003 R2
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 32-bit or Windows
Standard 64-bit, floating license Server 2008 R2 Standard 64-bit
for 1 user, with Delivery package: SIMATIC PDM

• SIMATIC PDM Basic and V8.0 software and device library
Extended on DVD
• Integration in STEP 7/PCS 7
• Routing via S7-400
• Communication FOUNDATION
• 100 TAGs
requires the installation of
SIMATIC PCS 7 V8.0 or higher.
Delivery package: License key
memory stick, certificate of
license; SIMATIC PDM V8.0
software and device library on

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Communication and Software

SIMATIC PDM Process Device Manager
Selection and order data for Order No.
TIA applications with SIMATIC PDM V6.1
SIMATIC PDM S7 V6.1 6ES7 658-3KX16-0YA5
Order No. Product package for use in a
SIMATIC S7 configuration
Product packages environment, with
Minimum configuration • SIMATIC PDM Basic V6.1
• Integration in STEP 7/PCS 7
SIMATIC PDM Single Point V6.1 6ES7 658-3HX16-0YA5 • 128 TAGs
for operation and configuration of 6 languages (German, English,
one field device; communication French, Italian, Spanish,
via PROFIBUS DP/PA, HART Chinese), software class A, runs
modem or Modbus, including with Windows XP Professional/
1 TAG Server 2003, floating license for
cannot be expanded with respect 1 user
to functions or with TAG Delivery package: License key
option/PowerPack memory stick, Certificate of
6 languages (German, English, License including Terms and
French, Italian, Spanish, Conditions; software SIMATIC
Chinese), software class A, runs PDM V6.1 and device library on
with Windows XP Professional/ CD/DVD
Server 2003, floating license for
1 user Optional product components
Delivery package: License key
memory stick, Certificate of Integration in STEP 6ES7 658-3BX16-2YB5
License including Terms and 7/SIMATIC PCS 7
Conditions; software SIMATIC only required for integration of
PDM V6.1 and device library on SIMATIC PDM into HW Config
CD/DVD 6 languages (German, English,
Basic configuration for French, Italian, Spanish,
individual product packages Chinese), software class A, runs
with Windows XP Professional/
SIMATIC PDM Basic V6.1 6ES7 658-3AX16-0YA5 Server 2003, floating license for
Product package for operator 1 user
input and configuration of field Delivery package: License key
devices and components, memory stick, Certificate of
communication via License including Terms and
(modem, RS 232, PROFIBUS),
SIREC bus, SIPART DR, Modbus Routing via S7-400 6ES7 658-3CX16-2YB5
or Ethernet, including 4 TAGs 6 languages (German, English,
6 languages (German, English, French, Italian, Spanish,
French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese), software class A, runs
Chinese), software class A, runs with Windows XP Professional/
with Windows XP Professional/ Server 2003, floating license for
Server 2003, floating license for 1 user
1 user Delivery package: License key
Delivery package: License key memory stick, Certificate of

memory stick, Certificate of License including Terms and
License including Terms and Conditions
Conditions; software SIMATIC Communication via standard 6ES7 658-3EX16-2YB5
PDM V6.1 and device library on HART multiplexer
CD/DVD 6 languages (German, English,
Application-specific French, Italian, Spanish,
configurations Chinese), software class A, runs
with Windows XP Professional/
SIMATIC PDM Service V6.1 6ES7 658-3JX16-0YA5 Server 2003, floating license for
Product package for stand-alone 1 user
users for servicing, with Delivery package: License key
• SIMATIC PDM Basic V6.1 memory stick, Certificate of
• 128 TAGs License including Terms and
6 languages (German, English, Conditions
French, Italian, Spanish,
Chinese), software class A, runs
with Windows XP Professional/
Server 2003, floating license for
1 user
Delivery package: License key
memory stick, Certificate of
License including Terms and
Conditions; software SIMATIC
PDM V6.1 and device library on

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© Siemens AG 2012

Communication and Software

SIMATIC PDM Process Device Manager
Order No. Selection and order data for
TIA applications with SIMATIC PDM V8.0
TAG options/PowerPacks for
SIMATIC PDM V6.1 Order No.
SIMATIC PDM TAG option Product packages
for TAG expansion, additive to
SIMATIC PDM Basic V6.1 SIMATIC PDM S7 V8.0 6ES7 658-3KX08-0YA5
Software class A, runs with Product package for use in a
Windows XP Professional/Server SIMATIC S7 configuration
2003, floating license for 1 user environment, with
• SIMATIC PDM Basic and
Delivery package: License key
memory stick, Certificate of
• Integration in STEP 7/PCS 7
License including Terms and
• 100 TAGs
• Up to 128 TAGs 6ES7 658-3XA16-2YB5 5 languages (German, English,
French, Italian, Spanish), software
• Up to 512 TAGs 6ES7 658-3XB16-2YB5 class A, runs with Windows XP
• Up to 1 024 TAGs 6ES7 658-3XC16-2YB5 Professional 32-bit, Windows 7
• Up to 2 048 TAGs 6ES7 658-3XD16-2YB5 Ultimate 32/64-bit, Windows
Server 2003 R2 Standard 32-bit or
Windows Server 2008 R2
for TAG expansion, for any
Standard 64-bit, floating license
SIMATIC PDM V6.1 product for 1 user
Software class A, runs with
SIMATIC PDM S7 V8.0 requires
Windows XP Professional/Server the installation of STEP 7
2003, floating license for 1 user
Delivery package: License key
Delivery package: License key
memory stick, Certificate of memory stick, certificate of
License including Terms and
license; SIMATIC PDM V8.0
software and device library on
• From 128 TAGs to 512 TAGs 6ES7 658-3XB16-2YD5 DVD
• From 512 TAGs to 1 024 TAGs 6ES7 658-3XC16-2YD5
Optional product components
• From 1 024 TAGs to 2 048 TAGs 6ES7 658-3XD16-2YD5
• From 2 048 TAGs to unlimited 6ES7 658-3XH16-2YD5 Routing via S7-400 V8.0 6ES7 658-3CX08-2YB5
number of TAGs 5 languages (German, English,
French, Italian, Spanish), software
Demonstration software class A, runs with Windows XP
SIMATIC PDM Demo V6.1 6ES7 658-3GX16-0YC8 Professional 32-bit, Windows 7
Without online communication Ultimate 32/64-bit, Windows
and storage functionality Server 2003 R2 Standard 32-bit or
Windows Server 2008 R2
6 languages (German, English, Standard 64-bit, floating license
French, Italian, Spanish, for 1 user
Chinese), software class A, runs
with Windows XP Profes- Delivery package: License key
sional/Server 2003 memory stick, certificate of
Delivery package: SIMATIC PDM
8 V6.1 software and device library
SIMATIC PDM Communication
FOUNDATION Fieldbus V8.0
6ES7 658-3QX08-2YB5

5 languages (German, English,

French, Italian, Spanish), software
class A, runs with Windows XP
Professional 32-bit, Windows 7
Ultimate 32/64-bit, Windows
Server 2003 R2 Standard 32-bit or
Windows Server 2008 R2
Standard 64-bit, floating license
for 1 user
Delivery package: License key
memory stick, certificate of

8/20 Siemens FI 01 · 2013

© Siemens AG 2012

Communication and Software

SIMATIC PDM Process Device Manager
Order No.
TAG licenses for expanding
SIMATIC PDM product packages
V7.0 or higher, can be accumu-
lated, software class A, floating
license for 1 user
Delivery package: License key
memory stick, certificate of
• 10 TAGs 6ES7 658-3XC00-2YB5
• 100 TAGs 6ES7 658-3XD00-2YB5
• 1 000 TAGs 6ES7 658-3XE00-2YB5
Demonstration software
SIMATIC PDM Demo V8.0 6ES7 658-3GX08-0YT8
Without online communication
and storage functionality
5 languages (German, English,
French, Italian, Spanish,
Chinese), software class A, runs
with Windows XP Professional 32-
bit, Windows 7 Ultimate 32/64-bit,
Windows Server 2003 R2
Standard 32-bit or Windows
Server 2008 R2 Standard 64-bit
Delivery package: SIMATIC PDM
V8.0 software and device library
on DVD

■ More information
All SIMATIC PDM product variants and combinations with
Version 6.0 can be upgraded to Version 6.1 per SIMATIC PDM
SIMATIC PDM configurations in accordance with SIMATIC PDM
7.0, and suitable for integration in a SIMATIC PCS 7/SIMATIC S7
configuration environment can be upgraded to V8.0 per
SIMATIC PDM Upgrade Package. A requirement for installation
of the corresponding SIMATIC PDM V8.0 Upgrade Package is
either SIMATIC PCS 7 V8.0 and higher (SIMATIC PDM 8
PDM S7).
A Software Update Service in the form of a subscription is also
offered for SIMATIC PDM.
For further information, see catalog ST PCS 7.

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© Siemens AG 2012

Communication and Software


■ Overview ■ Technical specifications

Current Version 3.1
• Compatible with 3.6, 4.0, 4.1
PACTware versions
• Compatible with Windows XP, 7
• Certified by FDT group Yes

Free DTM software can be downloaded from:
Click on Support in the collateral list on the right side of the web
page, and choose Software downloads.

SITRANS DTM provides an easy way for Field Device Tool (FDT)/
Device Type Manager (DTM) users to parameterize Siemens
Instruments using international standards.

■ Benefits
• Same look and feel for all Siemens field instruments
• Support for Quick start wizards and other dialog boxes
• Quick overview using table and tree views
• Online and offline configuration
• Conformity to IEC profiles for HART and Profibus

■ Application
Electronic Device Description (EDD) is a proven way to describe
the behavior and functionality of field instruments and other
automation components.
For many years, EDD-based tools such as SIMATIC PDM from

8 Siemens or handheld communicator have been used success-

fully in the process industry. Some years ago, an additional tech-
nology called FDT / DTM with the same approach was intro-
duced to the market. To support the FDT DTM Technology for
Siemens devices, the software SITRANS DTM has been devel-
oped which combines both technologies, EDD and FDT.
SITRANS DTM uses EDDs as the device description and
provides the DTM interface to allow the integration of our field
instruments into FDT-frame applications.
The following field instruments are currently available in
Additionally, the SIPART PS2 FF has a DTM.

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