Meralco Metering2 PDF

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This is a general overview of the policies, standards and guidelines of Meralco’s existing Service
Standards on Customer-Owned Poles. For the complete standards including drawings and
specifications, please contact our Technical Support Engineers at your nearest Meralco Business

Meralco developed particular guidelines for the installation of customer-owned poles so as to avoid
deficient, substandard and hazardous service entrance installations in the field. These guidelines
specifically cover applications for single-phase service of residential customers that will use socket-
type meter only.

Types of Customer-Owned Pole

• Service Entrance Pole. A customer-owned pole which carries the service drop and the
applicant's service entrance installations.
• Load side Pole. A customer-owned pole after the service entrance pole intended to carry load
side conductors.

For safety and visibility reasons, poles situated in public areas may be painted with zebra-like stripes.
For load side poles, the applicant shall comply with all the provisions of the latest edition of the
Philippine Electrical Code (PEC),

Meralco’s metering facilities shall be installed at the side of the service entrance pole where they could
be accessed for reading, maintenance and inspection. The service equipment is installed after the
electric meter and shall conform to prevailing standards of Meralco on service equipment. An electric
meter shall not be installed at the back portion of the service entrance pole where it would be
inaccessible for reading, maintenance and inspection.

A maximum of four (4) meters may be installed in one service entrance pole.

The meter base/socket shall be installed using tox with metal screw for a concrete pole. The line side
service entrance conduit shall not extend more than 0.3-m (!') from the top of the service entrance pole
and shall have a strap or clamp for every 760-mm (2.5') interval. Use of plastic clamp or support is not

The pole shall be located at a place designated by Meralco, either :

• Within or along the customer's property line within the 30-m length of the service drop; or
• Outside the customer's property provided all the necessary right-of-way clearances are
secured from the lot owners concerned. This right-of-way form shall be properly executed and
duly notarized.

Pole Height

The pole shall be tall enough to meet the applicable minimum vertical clearance of service drop,
service point and the point of attachment over grounds (please refer to table below).

Pole Strength

The pole, its steel reinforcements and concrete footing shall be strong enough to withstand a minimum
horizontal pull of 70 kg service drop and wind loads, under maximum conditions, without leaning.
Types of Pole

Concrete Pole

A concrete pole shall be allowed both for temporary and permanent service. It shall have a minimum
size of 150 mm x 150mm (6"x 6"). A round concrete pole shall have a minimum diameter of 150 mm
(6"). A tapered pole, on the other hand, shall be 150 mm x 150 mm in dimension or 150 mm diameter
for a round pole at its smallest portion. Pre-fabricated concrete pole is allowed and shall have a
smooth finish.
Wood Pole

A wood pole shall be allowed both for temporary or permanent service. The wood pole shall be made
of any of the following varieties: Apitong, Yakal, Philippine Mahogany, Mayapis, Almon, Bagtikan,
Manggachapui. Manggasinoro, Nato, or an equivalent specie. The applicant or his representative shall
submit a proof or certification of purchase (i.e., official receipt) to ensure that the appropriate type of
wood is used. Only solid lumber is allowed; a combined-lumber type is not acceptable.

Wood poles shall have a minimum dimension of 150 mm x 150 mm (6"x 6"). A round, wood pole type
shall have a minimum diameter of 150 mm (6"), is of good lumber and has smooth surface. It shall be
supported by a concrete foundation and held by a mounting strap, made of galvanized flat bar bolted
to the lumber through 16 mm diameter machine bolts.
Other Materials

Other materials being considered for use as service entrance pole shall first pass through an
assessment process by Meralco.

Poles Designed with Provisions for Cables of other Utilities

A service entrance pole may be used to carry the service entrance of a customer-owned
communication cable. It shall have a minimum size of 150 mm x 150 mm (6"x 6") and a smooth finish.
It shall be tall enough to obtain the applicable vertical clearance of communication cables and service
drops over ground and the clearance requirement between communication cables and service drops
as stated in Table 2:
The required minimum distance between the points of attachments of service drop and communication
cable at the pole shall be 1000 mm. Meralco service drops running above and parallel to
communication service drops shall have a minimum separation of 300 mm at any point.

Pole Maintenance – the Customer’s Responsibility

The customer shall be responsible for the maintenance of the pole to ensure its structural integrity and
safety. He shall also maintain the ground where the pole stands to ensure the firmness of the pole
foundation and prevent the pole from leaning. This is very important especially for areas prone to
floods, soil erosion and landslides.

The customer shall also maintain the required clearances of service drop whenever there is an
increase in the height of the ground level. Wood poles shall be treated with environment-friendly
preservatives to prolong their useful life. The customer shall replace the pole when it is no longer fit to
carry the service drop and other attachments.

“Sa Meralco, may liwanag ang buhay.”

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