Water Cooled Chiller Plant With Economiser (VP) : Data Center
Water Cooled Chiller Plant With Economiser (VP) : Data Center
Water Cooled Chiller Plant With Economiser (VP) : Data Center
Water cooled
chiller plant with
economiser (vp)
Design Envelope
application guide
To support and sustain this paradigm shift, Armstrong has developed a suite of ad-
vanced fluid flow and HVAC offerings that we call ‘Design Envelope solutions’. Design
Envelope solutions integrating intelligent demand-based control to deliver optimal
performance and the lowest possible cost, both at commissioning and throughout their
full operating life.
This document is one of our Design Envelope Application Guides, a set of booklets that
discuss a broad range of real-world HVAC scenarios. In each scenario the use of Design
Envelope technology can result in tremendous improvements in performance of your
HVAC installation (compared to standard industry practice) and ultimately your building
- technically, financially, and environmentally.
The intent of this Application Guide is to present HVAC System designers with an
alternative to standard practices for design layout, configuration, and design calculations
and help you leverage the full potential of Armstrong Design Envelope solutions. Each
Application Guide addresses a specific system configuration for HVAC or data center
applications. The system configurations cover heating and cooling scenarios, including
circuit configurations ranging from all constant flow, to full variable flow and variable
speed plant configurations. The Application Guides will present piping arrangements,
valving requirements, de-coupler configurations, instrumentation locations, control
system options, and the associated impact on first cost and life-cycle costs. The full
series of application guides is available for download from Armstrong’s website at www.
application directory
9.561uk – All-variable water cooled chiller plant
9.562uk – Water cooled chiller plant (cp/vs)
9.563uk – Water cooled chiller plant with economiser
9.564uk – Ground source heat pump system (vp)
9.565uk – Condensing boiler plant (vp)
9.566uk – Condensing boiler plant (cp/vs)
9.567uk – Closed circuit heat pump system (vp)
district cooling
9.568uk – Water cooled central plant (all-variable)
9.569uk – Water cooled central plant (cp/vs)
9.570uk – Water cooled central plant (vp/vs)
data centres
This guide covers:
9.571uk – Water cooled chiller plant with economiser (vp)
9.572uk – Water cooled chiller plant (all-variable)
9.573uk – Water cooled chiller plant (cp/vs)
This application guide analyses a Water Cooled Chiller plant application details
for a Data Centre with the following features:
• Variable primary flow, Equipment Water-cooled chillers •
• Variable Condenser pumps, Economiser •
• an Economiser with plate & frame heat exchanger Use Data center •
• a Storage Tank Configuration Var. primary flow •
• Variable speed cooling tower Var. tower flow •
The paper also examines the effect of the pumps (in terms of
sizing) and the controls for the overall plant. With the utilisa- design envelope benefits summary
tion of Engineering principles and applying Armstrong Design
Envelope solutions, we will further examine the effect of these Design Envelope benefit Design Envelope savings
solutions in terms of first cost, life cycle cost and the effect on over conventional plant
the Environment in terms of Co2 emissions. Lowest installed cost 29%
An example will be provided for this application within this Lowest operating cost 23%
paper; this should provide the reader with a better under- Lowest environmental Annual reduction in ghg
standing of how the selections were completed and why one cost/impact emissions (tonnes): 182
option was selected over the other.
Lowest project and 4.5%
operating risk
Total Design Envelope
1st year savings
fig . 1 fig . 2
design envelope plant layout. conventional plant layout.
Data center water-cooled chiller with desi gn env e lo p e
economiser (vpf, vtf) appli cati o n g ui de
plant layout
design envelope vs. conventional
Design Envelope plant Conventional plant
Modular approach 2110 kw, design day 3x1055kW chillers
• Chilled water pumps to be Design Envelope (if wbt = 20°c
redundancy can be secured with 3 pumps) wse operation < 4.4°c
wse approach 1.7°c
• Condenser water pumps to be Design Envelope (if
wse delta 2.8°c
redundancy can be secured with 3 pumps)
chwst = 8.8°c
• Economiser to be Armstrong Plate and Frame hx
chw delta = 6.7°c
• Controls: opti-visor™ chiller 100% = 5.9 cop
chwp head = 43m
cwp head = 24m
cw delta = 5.6°c
In chilled water plants, a water-side economiser uses the example, in a forty-story building the pump need not over-
evaporative cooling capacity of a cooling tower to produce come the static pressure due to those forty stories. The pump
chilled water and can be used instead of the chiller during is typically located upstream of the chiller, however it may be
the winter months. This "free" cooling of the chilled water anywhere in the system, provided that the pump:
can dramatically reduce the energy consumption that would 1. Meets the minimum pump net positive suction-head re-
normally come from operating the chiller. A plate-and-frame quirements. That is, the system pressure at the pump inlet
heat exchanger can be used for efficient heat transfer and must be both positive and high enough to allow the pump
to separate the water from the cooling tower and the chilled to operate properly;
water to prevent cross-contamination. 2. Maintains the minimum dynamic pressure head at critical
Economisers are best suited in climates where the wet bulb system components (usually the chiller). If the dynamic
temperature is lower than 13°c for 3,000 hours or more. pressure head is not high enough at these components,
The pre-cooling coils and water-to-water heat exchangers proper flow will not be established through them;
used as part of a water economiser system should have a 3. Accommodates the total pressure (static head plus dy-
water-side pressure drop of less than 5m, or a secondary loop namic head) on system components such as the chillers’
should be created so that the coil or heat exchanger pressure evaporator, valves, etc.
drop is not seen by the circulating pumps when the system is 4. Should not exceed the chiller barrel pressure limits (usually
in the normal cooling (non-economiser) mode. on larger building with high pressure systems).
Water-side economisers can be integrated with the chiller Selecting the pumps for a large or strategic project should be
or non-integrated. Integrated water-side economisers are more than simply looking at existing drawings and enter-
generally considered the better option because they can pre- ing the flow & head from the pump schedule. For original
cool the water before it reaches the chiller. Non-integrated project selections or to check that the schedule produces the
water-side economisers run in place of the chiller when condi- best customer lcc (Life Cycle Cost) look at pump numbers in
tions allow. parallel one number less or more than the specified number.
We shall examine this later in the paper when we compare A better combination than specified should be discussed with
traditional control systems versus a dedicated plant control. the system designer for the best customer value.
In addition, using variable speed drives on cooling tower fan One of the many Design Envelope values is that there is
motors and water pump motors is beneficial during times generally inherent increased flow & head capability, above
when the heat rejection load is lower. the design conditions, to the maximum speed and /or motor
The purpose of the chilled-water pump is to circulate chilled size. One use for this extra capability for customer value is
water within the loop. Generally, the pump must overcome to review the added flow capability at the design head. By
the frictional pressure losses caused by the piping, coils, and understanding the maximum flow there is a possibility that
chiller and the pressure differential across open control valves N+1 flow (The flow that the number of operating and standby
in the system. The pump, while working at the system static pumps, should one pump fail) may be produced by the
pressure, does not need to overcome this static pressure. For number of operating pumps only. For example, the maximum
desi g n en v e lope Data center water-cooled chiller with
a p p li cat i on guid e economiser (vpf, vtf)
Design Envelope model flow at the design head is 150% of enced. Both controllers will also sequence parallel primary
the design flow, then 3-pumps will produce the equivalent of variable pumps based on best efficiency staging. This is all
3+1 selected conventional pumps, saving the pump, motor, achieved through advanced control sequences listed below:
controls, piping, sg, ftv costs + electrical & labor for installing 1 Demand based control
that unit. The required added flow capability ratio will reduce
2 Natural curve sequencing
as the number of operating pumps increase.
3 Equal marginal performance principal.
Effect of condenser-water flow rate
In order to calculate the savings, an energy audit (or energy
Since the condenser is a heat exchanger, it is sensitive to wa-
analysis) can be completed with a plant configuration shown
ter flow rate. For example, excessive flow may result in high
at the beginning of this guide.
water velocity, erosion, vibration, or noise, while insufficient
flow reduces heat transfer efficiency and causes poor chiller Using the following conditions:
performance. Therefore, condenser-water flow through the • A
ssumed building load profile (building load vs. hours of
chiller should be kept within a specific range of limits, except operation)
during transient start up. • S
pecific regional weather data and wet bulb temperatures
However, the same selection thoughts applied to the chilled vs load.
water pumps can be applied to the selection of condensing • T
he building design conditions (tonnage, number of chill-
water pumps. ers, size of each chiller, type of each chiller, etc.),
Considering Controls … The tool can estimate savings between a Base-Case configu-
Armstrong can offer two control panels for chilled water plant ration vs. and a Final-Case configuration. For more informa-
control; ipc11550 and the Opti-Visor. tion on the tool please contact Armstrong Project Engineering
Both employ the demand-based control methodology which Group – Technical Support.
is able to further enhance tower performance with sequences
to trade off lower leaving tower water temperature against
chiller lift for the load and weather situation being experi-
water cooled data center chiller plant With an all variable speed plant, we can estimate the opti-
with economiser and stor age tank visor can perform around 5.9 cop (or better) with annual sav-
base case installation ings of around 329,800 kWh. Converting to electricity cost,
we could estimate that savings to be around £12,989.
Utah, USA
Please note that the opti-visor does not include program-
Technical details: ming for free-cooling. That must be completed by bms. The
• Three variable speed Chillers that produce chilled water (3 weather data for Salt Lake City, Utah shows a drop below
x 1055 kW units), design day tonnage of 2110 kw of cooling 4.4°c wbt for 2 months (Dec, and Jan). Essentially, the opti-
visor will not be operating for this time, since it was indicated
• Four Zones of Loads with differential pressure sensors,
that mechanical cooling will not be in operation under tem-
often satisfied by coils, that transfer heat from air to water
peratures < 4.4°c wb. The savings generated are thus for only
• Four chilled-water distribution pumps (n+1) and pipes that 10 months of the year.
send chilled water to the previously mentioned loads
Looking at Table (1), we can summarise the above analysis.
• Four condenser-water pumps (n+1), pipes, and three
Table (1) Summation of Chiller Plant Analysis
variable speed cooling towers that reject heat
• Controls that coordinate the operation of the mechanical
components together as a system. We will assume a typi- Item Qty £
DE plant ($)
cal capacity based control strategy operated by a Building
Chiller pumps 4 £ 26,438
Management System (bms). System VFDs 4 Incl
Cond water pumps 4 £23,782
• Water side economisers to precool some or all of the
CW VFDs 4 Incl
return water in a chilled water loop with the cooling tower, Elbow & spool 4 Incl
substantially reducing or even eliminating the need for Check valve & Isolation 4 Incl
mechanical cooling at low temperature periods. Through Controls £ 78,768
the use of plate and frame heat exchanges the building heat
Total installed cost £ 111,732
is transferred from the chiller water loop into the cooling
tower loop and then dissipated to the atmosphere. -£ 21,949
DE savings -33,438
• Storage tank to offset some energy consumption expense
during peek hour chilled water generation We can use the subsequent tables to analyse each area of
And now the addition of Design Envelope plant controls … importance in terms of Installed cost, life cycle costs and risk
We can simulate an annual energy consumption and create a
return on investment calculation on the savings.
desi g n en v e lope Data center water-cooled chiller with
a p p li cat i on guid e economiser (vpf, vtf)
Savings area Design Envelope plant installed Savings area Design Envelope plant
savings operating savings (annually)
Material & installation (£ 21,661) Energy £ 12,982
Time (labour) £ 9,734 Maintenance (£50/hour) £ 1,182
Power infrastructure 40 kW (54 hp) Reliability (increased availability) 20%
Space £ 22,974 Water £ 1,247
Civil structure £ 1,085 Operator labour (£50/hour) n/a
Commissioning & call backs £ 788 Target Mtce avoids failure
Total installed savings £ 12,986 (29%) (E*P)
Total operating savings £ 15,418 (23%)
The benefits of Armstrong Design Envelope pumps: The benefits of Armstrong Design Envelope pumps:
• The Vertical In-line design eliminates the need for inertia Considering the variable frequency drives are located on the
bases, housekeeping pads, and flex connectors and motors – as part of the Design Envelope feature, harmonics
reduces piping requirements. that may be produced with long cabling lengths are elimi-
• The Integrated intelligent controls eliminate separate nated.
mounting of variable frequency drive (vfd) as well as The Opti-Visor controller, tested at the factory also provides
procurement, installation (incl. wiring), calibration and risk mitigation compared to the conventional building man-
upkeep of differential pressure sensor. agement system (bms).
• The Vertical motor positioning requires up to 60% less
floor space compared to other pump configurations.
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