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The key takeaways are that a BACI design involves collecting data from both impacted and control sites before and after a potential stressor or impact occurs in order to evaluate environmental changes. Variations include the before-after design and control-impact design. Challenges in evaluating impact include natural variation, defining the spatial and temporal extent of impact, and determining which organisms and measurements to use.

A BACI design involves collecting data from both impacted and control sites before and after a potential stressor or impact occurs. It allows comparison of changes at impacted sites relative to control sites not affected by the stressor/impact. This helps account for natural variation and better detect impacts specifically due to the stressor/activity.

Variations of the basic BACI design include the before-after design, which only involves data collection before and after an impact without control sites, and the control-impact design, which only involves data collection from control and impacted sites after an impact occurs without before data.

BACI design

Eric P. Smith
Volume 1, pp 141–148


Encyclopedia of Environmetrics
(ISBN 0471 899976)

Edited by

Abdel H. El-Shaarawi and Walter W. Piegorsch

 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, 2002

BACI design impact [23]. Since 1970, studies of potential impacts
have increased beyond nuclear power plants and
include spills, and effluent studies as well as recov-
The purposes of impact assessment are to evaluate ery of systems. Although the data used to interpret
whether or not a stress has changed the environ- effects are quite varied, the methods for analysis are
ment, to determine which components are adversely often quite similar and involve comparison of impact
affected, and to estimate the magnitude of the effects. areas with control areas. When information is avail-
Evaluating change in environmental conditions is able prior to the potential impact, the design is often
often difficult, due to several factors. It is often referred to as a Before–After Control-Impact (BACI)
not clear which environmental component will be design. Several variations on the basic design have
affected by the stressor, what type of change will been proposed and are discussed below.
occur and what the exposure will be. Choices must
be made about where and when the potential effect
will occur (i.e. define the spatial and temporal extent), Before–After Design
what organisms will be affected (fish, plants, etc.),
what the exposure will be (magnitude, duration), what Green [8] described several types of designs that
any mitigating factors could be (what affects distri- might be useful for detecting changes in means asso-
bution of exposure) and how may these factors alter ciated with human activity. The simplest approach
exposure and effect. Change in the environment is involves collection of data prior to the activity and
natural and variation due to natural effects may be compares it with data after the activity. This corre-
great. For example, suppose an industrial plant wishes sponds to a before-after design (BA) (Figure 1a). In
to discharge treated effluent into a river. The spa- some instances, there may be no or little data prior
tial extent of the effluent is not constant and will to the activity. For example, in the case of a chem-
depend on the flow. The measurement of the effect ical spill, there may only be data on areas near the
may be difficult. Decisions need to be made about spill and most information is collected subsequent to
which organisms to measure and how the organisms the spill. In some instances, the data that are col-
will be affected. If fish are selected, their abundance lected are over a brief period (such as 12 monthly
may be limited by reductions in survival or avoidance observations before and after). The typical approach
of the affected area. Fish abundance may be increased to analysis is to treat the data as independent samples
due to compositional changes in predators and com- and to compare the samples using a two-sample test.
peting fish or increased prey (tolerant species might In other instances, there may be considerable data.
increase while intolerants decrease). Thus the defini- For example, with air pollution studies there may
tion of impact may be difficult. The view in impact be daily measurements for several years. The analyst
assessment has become ‘any change in means that is may choose a more sophisticated methodology such
correlatable to the start of some new human activity as intervention analysis.
must be considered an environmental impact’ [24]. Any difference found in the analysis is attributed
The evaluation of impact involves comparative to the activity. However, causal inference is diffi-
methods. Early approaches to impact assessment cult for this type of study since the data collected
involved the use of computer simulation models to are observational and rely on a number of assump-
predict the impact [22]. Decisions were then made tions. For the analysis to be valid, the change in
based on the soundness of those predictions [12]. the measurements must be due to the activity. How-
Much of the work involved the effect of nuclear ever, trends in environmental data are common and
power plants on fish and other organisms. As part of may or may not be due to human activity. Trends
plant operation, a large amount of water is removed may be the result of changes due to dry conditions,
from rivers or other water bodies to cool the plant. floods or other natural events (see Natural disas-
Fish may be harmed when passing through the cool- ters). The BA design is without controls with which
ing system and the warm water that is released to compare the site, and the measured changes may
from the plant may affect the area near where actually be widespread and due to causes other than
it is released. In the late 1970s, emphasis also the activity. Indeed, lack of a statistical effect may
focused on more empirical approaches for evaluating actually indicate an impact since natural trends may
2 BACI design

35 35

30 30

Environmental variable
Environmental variable

25 25

20 20

15 15

10 10
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
(a) Time (b) Time

40 40
Environmental variable

Environmental variable

30 30

20 20

10 10
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
(c) Time (d) Time

Figure 1 Plots of patterns at site(s) describing different situations for impact assessment. (a) Example data profile for
before–after analysis. Dashed line indicates time of activity. (b) Example data profile for BACI analysis, assuming no
impact. (c) Example data profile for BACI analysis given an impact. (d) Example data profile for BACIP assuming impact.
Lines indicate pairs of samples

be interrupted by the activity or the activity may cre- Table 1 ANOVA table for BA model. Mean squares are
ate changes in the variance structure rather than the denoted by MS and defined as the SS/df
mean structure. Source SS df F
A statistical model for the analysis of data, Xik , is
Period: SSBA 1 MSBA /MStimes
Xik D  C ˛i C ki 1 Sampling times SStimes tB C tA  2
Total SSTotal tB C tA  1
where  is the overall mean, ˛i is the effect of
period (i D before or after), and ki represents ANOVA table is presented in Table 1 and provides
times within period (k D 1, 2, . . . , tA , for i D after for useful extensions of the model and approach.
and k D 1, 2, . . . , tB for i D before). Ideally, the times should be selected at random;
The analysis may be based on either a two-sample however, the intervals of sampling are typically
comparison test (e.g. two-sample t-test) or in terms of chosen to be fixed for convenience. Natural cycles
an analysis of variance (ANOVA) table. A skeletal such as seasonality may then confound the analysis.
BACI design 3

Before–After Design with Multiple Sites ANOVA, given in Table 3. This model has gener-
ally been referred to as the BACI model. Figure 1(b)
A variation on this design is to sample a number illustrates the situation where there is no effect while
of sites rather than a single site before and after the Figure 1(c) illustrates the impact case.
activity. A common approach is to select M sites in
the impact area and sample these in both periods.
Thus, there are MtB C tA  observations. A practical Before–After Control-Impact Design
problem is whether to view the sites as replicates or The above design treats the study as a fully-designed
subsamples. How they are viewed may depend partly experiment. However, impact and control stations are
on the purpose of the experiment and the nature of not randomly assigned to the locations. There is only
the potential impact. If focus is on the extent of the one treatment area. Hurlbert [10] criticized the anal-
impact, then the sites are typically selected according ysis of data from impact studies as being statistically
to a preset scheme and viewed as replicates. If they incorrect because of this problem. An alternative is
are selected purely at random, then they are typically to recognize that the impact site represents a treat-
viewed as subsamples. Table 2 displays the ANOVA ment that the researcher cannot control. One tries
for the assessment, treating the sites as subsamples. to assess changes in the site due to the potential
In this case, they are used to improve estimation of impact. Thus the approach is based on comparing
the effect at the different times and only affect the test before and after. To account for problems of nat-
through the estimate of the mean squares for times. ural change, the impact area is paired to another
Green [8] suggested extending this design to in- area, which is referred to as the control area. This
clude information from a control site. There are two approach was suggested by Eberhart [3] and referred
sites or locations, one designated as the control site to as the control–treatment pairing (CTP) design (see
and the other as the impact site or site where the activ- also [1]). The approach was popularized by Stewart-
ity is thought to have an influence. In addition, data Oaten et al. [21] and became known as the BACI
are collected at both locations before and after the model, although it is better to refer to it as a BACI
activity. Thus, there are a total N observations with paired (BACIP) model to avoid confusion with the
multiple observations over time or space. Green sug- unpaired design.
gested analyzing the resulting data using a two-factor The layout described in [21] follows. It is assumed
known when the potential impact or activity will
Table 2 ANOVA table for the BA design with subsam-
occur. Sampling is carried out on tB occasions before
pling the occurrence of the impact treatment and tA occa-
sions after. Suppose the variable of interest is denoted
Source SS df F by X. The data are Xijk , with i referring to the period,
Period: SSBA 1 MSBA / j the occasion and k the location of the site. The
Before–After MStimes
Sampling times SStimes tB C tA  2 Table 4 Data for the paired BACI design
Replicate sites SSE M  1tB C tA 
Total SSTotal MtB C tA   1 Sampling
Period occasion Control Impact
1 X111 X121
Table 3 ANOVA table for two-factor BACI design 2 X121 X122
Source SS df F Before Ð
Period: SSBA 1 Ð
Before–After tA X11tA X12tA
Location: Con- SSCI 1 tA C 1 X21tA C1 X22tA C1
trol–Impact tA C 2
Interaction SSBACI 1 MSBACI /MSE Ð
BA ð CI After Ð
Error SSE N4 Ð
Total SSTotal N1 N D tB C tA X21tA CtB  X22tA CtB 
4 BACI design

data table for the study is given in Table 4 with Now form differences between the pairs:
example data in Table 6. Figure 1(d) illustrates the
paired design where the vertical lines indicate the Dik D XiCj  XiIk D  C i C εik 3
The structure of the problem is somewhat sim- where  is the mean difference between control and
ilar to one from the analysis of repeated measure- impact, i is the change in difference from before
ments. In a typical repeated measures design, units to after, and εik is the error associated with the
are selected and would be assigned to a treatment differences.
(e.g. control or impact). Measurements are then Here X represents the ecologically relevant vari-
made on each unit before and after the activity. In able, e.g. the abundance of an organism. In many
the case of the BACIP design, there is a single cases the data are first log transformed and the
site with multiple times. Thus each site pair-by- analysis may be thought of as an analysis of ratios of
time combination is treated as a unit. An important abundance in the control area vs. the impact area.
assumption is that there is independence among these The differences, Dik , may then be compared for
combinations [19]. the before period with the after period using a two-
Given the validity of the assumptions, the model sample test. If there is no impact, the differences
that is implied is in the before period should be similar to those in
the after period. If a two-sample t-test is used then
Xijk D  C ˛i C ki C ˇj C ˛ˇij C εijk 2 the result is equivalent to the test of interaction [19,
24]. This approach has been referred to either as the
where  is the overall mean, ˛i is the effect of paired BACI design (BACIP, [4]) or the BACI paired
period (i D before or after), ki represents times
within period k D 1, 2, . . . , tA , for i D after and
Table 6 Data on fish collected to assess a possible
k D 1, 2, . . . , tB for i D before, ˇj is the effect of
impact. The first 12 observations correspond to the
location (j D control or impact), ˛ˇij is the inter- before period while the second 13 are after the plant is
action between period and location, and εijk repre- online
sents the remaining error.
Time Year Control Impact Difference
The ANOVA table for this experiment is given in
Table 5. Stewart-Oaten et al. [21] suggested a simple 1 75 1 1 0
way to view the analysis of this data. Note that the 2 75 0 1 1
test on the interaction may be obtained in a simple 3 75 0 0 0
4 75 2 6 4
manner in some circumstances. Suppose that the data
5 75 47 103 56
are collected based on pairs of observations. For 6 75 63 36 27
example, in a river a site downstream of a potential 7 75 78 6 72
impact is paired with a control site (upstream of the 8 75 16 143 127
potential impact). Then there are N pairs of samples 9 75 143 145 2
with some before the effect and some after the effect. 10 75 28 9 19
11 75 4 15 11
12 75 0 2 2
Table 5 ANOVA table for the BACIP design 13 76 3 1 2
Source SS df F 14 76 28 108 80
15 76 51 117 66
Period: SSBA 1 16 76 17 41 24
Before–After 17 76 19 23 4
Times within SStBA tB C tA  2 18 76 40 44 4
period 19 76 1 4 3
Location: Con- SSCI 1 20 76 2 0 2
trol–Impact 21 77 0 0 0
Interaction SSBACI 1 MSBACI /MSE 22 77 0 0 0
BA ð CI 23 77 2 26 24
Error SSE tB C tA  2 24 77 2 4 2
Total SSTotal 2tB C tA   1 25 77 4 10 6
BACI design 5

series (BACIPS) design [7]. An extension of this Table 8 Summary statistics and tests using paired data
design is to take multiple measurements at each time. approach for example data
These would be viewed as subsamples and would Period N Mean SD SE
add another error term to the ANOVA table [26,
Table 1a]. After 13 16.07 26.82 7.44
Before 12 7.08 47.75 13.78
The difference approach is valuable since sev-
eral extensions are possible. Rather than viewing the Variances t df P value
study as a design and ANOVA problem, the differ- Unequal 0.57 17.0 0.5734
encing may be viewed as a covariate model. Mathur Equal 0.59 23.0 0.5631
et al. [13] used a covariate model to study the effects
of a nuclear power plant on fish. In addition to using
a control site as a covariate, they also consider tem- also not significant (S D 175, z D 1.01, p D 0.3124).
perature and river flow. Thus a model for the analysis Hence the results suggest that although there appear
might be to be differences in the means (of about 9 fish on
the average), there is large variation in the counts
XiIj D ˇ0 C ˇ1 XiCj C Zj 4 and hence the difference is not great enough to be
The analysis of the data would use methods from
linear regression analysis (see Linear models).
Models with Measurements Over Space
Example Samples of fish were taken for a period and Time
of 12 months before and 13 months after a nuclear
power plant began operations; see Table 6. The power Models and designs applied in the area of nuclear
plant is cooled by water that is drawn from a river. power plant assessment often use a paired design
When the water exits the plant, its temperature is but are more complex as additional factors are often
elevated. The concern is that the warmed water will included in the model. For example, Skalski and
adversely affect the abundance and composition of McKenzie [17] describe the design for the assessment
fish below the plant. of the Zion nuclear power plant. Sites in the impact
zone were selected and paired with sites outside the
The ANOVA table for this experiment is given zone. Factors affecting the pairs included: Ai D status
in Table 7. The test on interaction indicates that the (preoperational or operational), i D 1, 2; Bj D time
effect is not significant. If the assumptions of the of sampling, j D 1, . . . , 12; Ck D site pair depth,
model are met, this would suggest lack of an impact k D 1, 2, 3; Dl D relative position of the pairs (north
or that the impact is small given the variation in the or south of the plant), l D 1, 2.
data. The results of an analysis based on using a t-test In this case the spatial location of the sites is
are given in Table 8. The test of equality of variances relevant and is treated as a factor rather than as
indicates the variances are not significantly different subsampling. The analysis was based on a factorial
at the 5% level. In Table 8 note that there is little ANOVA that included main effects and interactions
difference in the test of differences between after and of the four factors. The dependent variable was the
before regardless of equality of variance. If a rank log of the ratio of abundances.
sum test [9] is used to analyze the data, then the test is In another example, Thomas et al. [23] described
a study on the potential effects of a power plant on
Table 7 ANOVA for BACIP example benthic fauna in the Connecticut River near the Had-
dam Neck nuclear power plant. Data were collected
Source df MS F P value
using grab samples at a total of nine locations, before
Before–After 1 2565 0.93 0.3438 and after the plant started operating. The data were
ErrorA 23 2574 collected at irregular intervals (generally on a weekly
Control–Impact 1 1673 2.28 0.1444 basis) with less data collected during the cold months.
Interaction 1 252 0.34 0.5631 The analysis was run separately for each month and
ErrorB 23 733
Total 49
considered the following factors: Ai D status (pre-
operational or operational), i D 1, 2; Bj D time of
6 BACI design

sampling j D 1, . . . , 12, i D 2; Ck D site (upstream effect is a pulse, then using a large number of times
control, downstream control, exposed), k D 1, 2, 3; is not effective and will wash out the effect. Thus,
Dlk D station within site l D 1, 2 for k D 1, l D testing the early period after the activity starts may be
1, . . . , 4 for k D 2, and l D 1, 2, 3 for k D 3; Gm D warranted. Underwood provides examples of various
substrate type (sand or silt) m D 1, 2. types of hypotheses about impacts that may be tested.
Another variation on the BACI model that is Stewart-Oaten and Bence [20] have criticized the
commonly applied is the asymmetrical BACI design additional control sites as being inefficient relative to
suggested by Underwood [24]. The BACIP model the BACIP approach. Because measurements must be
uses temporal variation as the measure of variability made at additional control sites, this draws resources
for evaluating change. Measurements in time are used away from the impact site. As a result, the test for an
as the units. For the above methods, model-dependent impact also has lower power.
analysis is required to separate confounding factors
(time and space) from potential impact effects. An
extension is to use multiple sites for each impact site. Other Variations
Thus, instead of having a single control site, L  1 There are numerous variations on the basic model
control sites and one impact site are used (for a total that deal with different study designs and issues.
of L sites); see Table 9. Note that the sites are chosen Roberts [16] examined the effect of sewage treatment
to reflect locations similar to the impact site. plants over time using a BACI model. Data were
Underwood [26] argues that the locations are collected every six days on occurrences of fecal col-
selected at random and should be considered a ran- iform bacterial contamination. A factorial approach
dom factor (see Random effects). He further sug- was used with an extension of the basic model,
gests that the test of interaction is a general test which incorporated a periodic regression. Roberts
and that alternative tests based on contrasts may be also discussed estimates of change using a covari-
of greater interest for specific types of disturbance. ate approach. Various extensions of the basic model
For example, one may partition the BA ð CI sum of were presented in [5] which discussed variance com-
squares into components associated with before (B ð ponents and ANOVA designs for a variety of possible
CI) and after (A ð CI). Similarly, the error may be models. Power analysis for designs of the type con-
partitioned as the sum of squares for error and inter- sidered here were presented in [6] and [15].
action associated with times within period by control- Another extension of the basic model is to include
impact [T(BA) ð CI]. Underwood [25] discusses par- additional impact sites. This can be quite useful when
titioning this to test for an impact given interaction the potential impact is expected to vary over space.
amongst the control sites over time (e.g. abundances When the focus is primarily on the spatial extent,
at some control sites go up while others go down). the design would involve selecting sites at varying
Underwood focuses on different types of tests distance from the source of the impact. This is often
available through this design approach that may be called a gradient design. Discussion and an example
valuable for different types of impacts. If the impact of this design is presented in [4].
Skalski and Robson [18] discuss detection of
Table 9 ANOVA table for asymmetric BACI design impact using data from mark–recapture studies (see
Source SS df F Capture–recapture methods). For example, in the
assessment of effects of power plant intakes on fish,
Period: SSBA 1 fish are marked and sent through the intake. Estimates
Times within SStBA tB C tA  2
of survival may then be calculated based on recovered
period marks. Skalski and Robson describe how the analysis
Locations: Con- SSCI L1 of mark–recapture information may be evaluated for
trols–Impact a variety of impact assessment designs. They also
Interaction SSBACI L1 MSBACI / discuss power analysis and study design.
BA ð CI MSE Multivariate extensions of the BACI approach
Error SSE L  1 are presented in [11], which describes an approach
ðtB C tA  2
Total SSTotal N1
based on reducing the multivariate observations via
methods such as canonical correspondence analysis,
BACI design 7

and using Monte Carlo tests to evaluate signifi- [9] Hollander, M., & Wolfe, D.A. (1973). Nonparametric
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of ecological field experiments, Ecological Monographs
on a gradient model and discuss design and power 54, 187–211.
analysis. [11] Kedwards, T.J., Maund, S.J. & Chapman, P.F. (1999).
Although the BACI approach is typically pre- Community-level analysis of ecotoxicological field
sented as a means for testing if an impact occurs, studies: II. Replicated design studies, Environmental
it is really a model that tests if a change has occurred Toxicology and Chemistry 18, 158–166.
(see Change, detecting). As pointed out by [14], [12] Mapstone, B.D. (1995). Scalable decision rules for
environmental impact studies–effect size, Type I and
the model may also be used to evaluate restoration
Type II errors, Ecological Applications 5, 401–410.
projects and test if sites are improving (see Re- [13] Mathur, D., Robbins, T.W. & Purdy, E.J. (1980).
storation, environmental). Assessment of thermal discharges on zooplankton in
Discussion of impact assessment for accidents is Conowingo Pond, Pennsylvania, Canadian Journal of
given in [27], which describes a variety of approaches Fisheries and Aquatic Science 37, 937–944.
for evaluating effects from accidents such as oil spills. [14] Michener, W.K. (1997). Quantitatively evaluating
Beyers [2] summarizes much of the concern in using restoration experiments: research design, statistical
analysis, and data management considerations, Restora-
these studies from a causal perspective. He cautions
tion Ecology 5, 324–337.
against using just a test statistic to infer causation [15] Millard, S.P. & Lettenmaier, D.P. (1984). Optimal de-
and suggests a set of rules for combining the test sign of biological sampling programs using the analysis
with other evidence to make a stronger argument for of variance, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 22,
causation. 637–656.
[16] Roberts, E.A. (1993). Seasonal cycles, environmental
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[17] Skalski, J.R. & McKenzie, D.H. (1982). A design of
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[3] Eberhardt, L.L. (1976). Quantitative ecology and impact (BACI): Comments and concerns, Canadian Journal of
assessment, Journal of Environmental Management 4, Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50, 627–637.
27–70. [20] Stewart-Oaten, A. & Bence, J.R. (2001). Temporal and
[4] Ellis, J.I. & Schneider, D.C. (1997). Evaluation of spatial variation in environmental assessment, Ecologi-
a gradient sampling design for environmental impact cal Monographs 71, 305–339.
assessment, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment [21] Stewart-Oaten, A., Murdoch, W.W. & Parker, K.R.
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[5] Evans, J.C. & Coote, B.G. (1993). Matching sampling cation in time? Ecology 67, 929–940.
designs and significance tests in environmental studies, [22] Swartzman, G., Deriso, R. & Cowan, C. (1977).
Environmetrics 4, 413–437. Comparison of simulation models used in assess-
[6] Faith, D.P., Humphrey, C.L. & Dostine, P.L. (1991). ing the effects of power-plant-induced mortality on
Statistical power and BACI designs in biological moni- fish populations, in Proceedings of the Conference
toring: comparative evaluation of measures of commu- Assessing Effects of Power-plant-induced Mortality on
nity dissimilarity based on benthic macroinvertebrate Fish Populations, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, May 3–6,
communities in Rockhole Mine Creek, Northern Terri- W. van Winkel, ed., Pergamon Press, London.
tory, Australia, Australian Journal of Marine and Fresh- [23] Thomas, J.M., Mahaffey, J.A., Gore, K.L. &
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[7] Glasby, T.M. (1997). Analysing data from post-impact biological impact at nuclear power plants, Journal of
studies using asymmetrical analyses of variance: a case Environmental Management 7, 260–290.
study of epibiota on marinas, Australian Journal of [24] Underwood, A.J. (1991). Beyond BACI: experimen-
Ecology 22, 448–459. tal designs for detecting human environmental impacts
[8] Green, R.H. (1979). Sampling Design and Statistical on temporal variations in natural populations, Aus-
Methods for Environmental Biologists, Wiley, Chich- tralian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 42,
ester. 569–587.
8 BACI design

[25] Underwood, A.J. (1992). Beyond BACI: the detection Approaches and assumptions, Ecological Applications
of environmental impacts on populations in the real, 5, 1069–1083.
but variable, world, Journal of Experimental Marine
Biology and Ecology 161, 145–178.
[26] Underwood, A.J. (1994). On beyond BACI: sampling
(See also Bioabundance; Ecological statistics;
designs that might reliably detect environmental distur- Ecological study design; Impact, environmental;
bances, Ecological Applications 4, 3–15. Rivers, canals and estuaries)
[27] Wiens, J.A. & Parker, K.R. (1995). Analyzing
the effects of accidental environmental impacts: ERIC P. SMITH

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