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The elimination endplay ♠ A2

♥ AJ954
Advanced declarer play is more an art than a ♦ 76
science. There are coups, squeezes, and endplays, ♣ Q987
with goofy names like ‘winkle squeeze’ and ‘den- ♠ QJ1098 ♠ K7654
tist coup,’ invented so that after pulling one off ♥ KQ ♥ 32
by accident and having it explained by the local ♦ 543 ♦ AK2
expert bridge player, you can say to your friends: ♣ AJ4 ♣ K102
‘I thought I was done for, until I caught Sharon ♠3
in a double wombat. Boy was she livid!’ We’ll ♥ 10876
start with the elimination endplay. Put yourself ♦ QJ1098
in West’s shoes for this deal: ♣ 653
This play succeeds because declarer is able to
♠ QJ1098 ♠ K7654 void himself in hearts and diamonds before forc-
♥ KQ ♥ 32 ing the opponents to win the lead. It is crucial
W E to clear the hearts before the diamonds: if we
♦ 543 ♦ AK2
♣ AJ4 ♣ K102 play on diamonds first, the opponents can cash
the ♥A and put declarer back in with a heart in
the end position.
West North East South
1♠ Pass 2NT† Pass Can the defense do anything to prevent this?
4♠ Pass Pass Pass If they attack the diamond suit three times, be-
fore declarer has shed his hearts, the endplay will
† Jacoby. fail. In this example, North can play diamonds
whenever he is on lead, but since he has only two
diamonds, the endplay cannot be stopped. Even
North leads the ♦7. It appears that we need to if the defense manage to thwart the possibility
guess the location of the ♣Q to avoid losing one of an endplay (if North had a third diamond, for
trick in each suit. No reason to be hasty about it: example), West can always fall back on taking
we take the ♦A and play a spade. North takes the club finesse, so this line of play is superior to
the ace and returns a spade to the king, leaving trying to guess the position of the ♣Q.
us with
An endplay often sets up when declarer and
♠ J109 ♠ 765 dummy have near mirrored distributions, so that
♥ KQ ♥ 32 both can void themselves of side suits simultane-
W E ously. Test your understanding with this one:
♦ 54 ♦ K2
♣ AJ4 ♣ K102
♠ A2 ♠ K43
♥ A102 ♥ KJ9
We play the ♥K, to which North wins the ace W E
♦ AQJ1097 ♦ 86543
and returns a heart. Now we cash the ♦K and ♣ AQ ♣ 32
exit our last diamond, leaving
West North East South
♠ J109 ♠ 765 2♣ 2♠ Pass Pass
♥ —– ♥ —– 3♦ Pass 5♦ Pass
♦ —– ♦ —– Pass Pass
♣ AJ4 ♣ K102
The lead is the ♠Q. Upon seeing the dummy,
you make a mental note not to berate your part-
Whoever wins the lead will be forced to lead ner after the hand. Plan the play. (Note: assum-
into our two-way club tenace, or surrender a ruff ing South is not void in spades, there is a 100%
and sluff, providing our 10th trick. Here is full line of play!)

The strip squeeze
♠ A54 ♠ 7
Last time, we whetted our taste buds with ♥ —– ♥ —–
the endplay, that dastardly technique of forcing W E
♦ K2 ♦ J6
your opponents to impale themselves on their own ♣ —– ♣ 76
tricks. This time, we look at the strip squeeze: the
idea is to force an opponent to discard something If North has the ♦Q and no more clubs, then
they don’t want to. The squeeze play is so named our contract is secure. We lead the ♠A and an-
for the British duke who, after falling victim to other spade to North: with any luck, he is forced
a primitive version of the squeeze executed by a to lead a diamond away from his ♦Q, while we
well-known Italian professional during the finals of ready our cell phone to get a picture of the steam
the 1929 Pont Tournoi International Duplicate in coming out his ears. Here was the full deal:
Monaco, attempted to strangle the declarer. Let’s
♠ KQJ1098
see how high we can raise our opponents’ blood
♥ 54
pressure with this deal:
♦ Q109
♣ 98
♠ A54 ♠ 32 ♠ A54 ♠ 32
♥ KQJ1098 ♥ 76 N
W E ♥ KQJ1098 ♥ 76
♦ AK2 ♦ J65 W E
♦ AK2 ♦ J65
♣ 2 ♣ A76543 S
♣ 2 ♣ A76543
♠ 76
West North East South ♥ A32
2♠† Pass Pass ♦ 8743
4♥ Pass Pass Pass ♣ KQJ10
The ‘strip’ part, where we cashed our clubs and
† Weak. hearts, was necessary to take away North’s safe
exit cards: if we try to give North the lead in
Your leisurely worries about missing slam are spades while he still has clubs, he will exit in clubs
replaced by a familiar feeling of panic after north and leave us stranded. Looking back, it was when
leads the ♥4 and you see the dummy. South takes we played off our final ♥ that North found himself
the ♥A and returns a heart, ruining your hopes in a pickle, holding KQJ10♠ Q10♦: if he pitches
of ruffing a spade in dummy; North follows with a spade, he can be endplayed, while pitching a di-
the 5♥. After taking the last trump, on which amond leaves the ♦Q unguarded. Of course, the
North discards a spade, you have to find a way to onus is on declarer to realize his opportunity: in
avoid two spade losers and a diamond loser with this case, the bidding is a big hint to the distribu-
this remaining: tion.
Whatever happened to that British duke? He
♠ A54 ♠ 32 was banned from playing any form of bridge for
♥ 1098 ♥ —– life, and thereafter devoted himself to understand-
♦ AK2 ♦ J65 ing every possible form of the squeeze technique,
♣ 2 ♣ A7654 so that he might set the broken shards of his pride
back into one piece. Here is a puzzle from his
Rather than hoping for the ♦Q to drop, it is archive:
better to try and catch North in a spade−diamond
squeeze. We cash the ♦A, all following (and no ♠ QJ10987 ♠ AK6
♦Q appearing); now comes the ♣A and a ♣ ruff, ♥ AJ ♥ 543
North following to both rounds. It seems that ♦ AQ2 ♦ K43
our squeeze may have worked, though we can’t ♣ A2 ♣ Q543
be sure. Did you catch it? We then cash our re-
maining hearts, pitching clubs from dummy, while The contract is 6♠, and North leads the ♥K.
North discards spades, and are left with: Plan the play.

The trump coup spades are breaking: after a heart to the queen, we
run the ♠10, but West discards a diamond: we are
Of all the tools declarer has available, the trump
down to
coup is among the rarest and most delicate. Like
flying pigs, quantum computing, and a three-way ♠ Q5
with Beyoncé and Jessica Alba, a naturally occur- ♥ A4
ing trump coup is something most of us will never ♦ 765
see. The situation where it arises is simple enough: ♣ A4
lacking enough trumps to take a finesse, we use an-
other suit to take the finesse for us. A trump coup
is more like a squeeze than an endplay: after strip-
ping an opponent of safe exit cards, we force him to
play a trump that might otherwise have won a trick. ♠ AJ94
The endposition looks something like the following ♥ K2
(spades are trump, and West is out of them): ♦
♣ J32

♥A What now? (Stop: before you keep reading, see if
♦ 109 you can work out where this is going.)

♠ K6


If we use dummy’s remaining trumps to finesse
♠ AQ
the ♠K, then we won’t have any trumps left in the
dummy to ruff a club. So we ruff a diamond back to

hand, play a club to the ace, and exit a club, leaving

♠ Q5
We must win all three tricks, and have the lead
♥ Q4
in our own hand. When we lead a heart to the ♥A
♦ 109
and a diamond off dummy, East is forced to ruff,

effectively finessing his ♠K, even though the dummy
has no trumps remaining! N

The easy part is this last step: in practice, getting S

down to the above position is the hard part. Let’s
♠ AJ9
see an example:
♥ K3
♠ Q105 ♦
♥ AQ4 ♣J
♦ A7654
♣ A4 Suppose East wins and returns a heart. We win
N in hand, ruff our last club, and take a second spade
finesse. Now, assuming East has a heart remaining,
S we cash our last heart and play a diamond off the
board, completing the coup. The position with three
♠ AJ9432 cards to play is (nearly) identical to the example
♥ K32 endposition above.
♦ 2
♣ J32 In this hand, declarer must hope for the right dis-
tribution: otherwise there is no way to make the
The contract is 6♠ by South, and West leads the contract. Ruffing diamonds was necessary to shorten
♦K; we win the ♦A, and ruff a second diamond in declarer’s trumps: declarer must come down to the
hand (this will be important later), East signalling same distribution as East for the coup to work.
high low. We had better figure out whether or not

Trump uppercut and a diamond to partner’s ♦A in the end, for down
one. Here was the full deal:
This week, we’ll take a break from the decep-
tive, selfish practices of declarer play, and focus on
♠ 9876
the finer points of cooperative defensive play. The
♥ Q8643
‘trump uppercut’ is a form of trump promotion,
though a more apt name would be the ‘trump one-
♣ A
two punch,’ since there are two steps to the execu-
♠ 1032 ♠ K4
tion: one defender ruffs high, forcing declarer to ruff N
♥ AK92 ♥ 107
with a high trump trick − the right side jab − and W E
♦ 974 ♦ A32
in doing so promotes one of partners trumps to a S
♣ 432 ♣ QJ10987
winner − the left side cross. (The term ‘Trump up-
♠ AQJ5
percut’ should be reserved for when Donald Trump
♥ J5
sucker punches Angela Merkel during the second
♦ 10865
year of his presidency.)
♣ K65
As West, you hold ♠1032 ♥AK92 ♦974 ♣432, and
the auction goes Lets take a moment and look at the situation from
East’s point of view. After dutifully signalling high
West North East South low in hearts, partner led us another heart, which
Pass 1♥ 2♣ 2♠ (it seems) he expects us to ruff. Since partner holds
Pass 3♠ Pass 4♠ the ♥AK, declarer must have all the other missing
Pass Pass Pass points, so East can be reasonably sure his ♠K is
dead in the water. Hoping for an uppercut seems
like the best play. Even if, by some fluke, partner
After some thought, you decide that the ♥A is
has the ♠A or ♠Q, the contract will be set no matter
the safest lead, despite partner’s club bid, and down
what, so it cannot lose to ruff with the ♠K. Note also
comes the dummy:
that declarer’s discard of the ♥J to the second trick
♠ 9876 makes it likely that he started with two hearts; and
♥ Q8643 even if he has a third heart, it won’t matter which
♦ KQJ trump we ruff with.
♣ A
♠ 1032 Suppose you hold ♠KJ ♥Q5432 ♦QJ105 ♣32 as
N East, and hear the following auction:
♥ AK92
♦ 974 West North East South
♣ 432 3♣ Pass Pass 3♠
Pass Pass Pass
Partner plays the ♥10 and declarer the ♥5 to the
first trick; partner’s ♥10 looks like a singleton or Partner leads the ♣A and you see the following:
doubleton, so there is no reason not to cash another
heart, and all follow to the ♥K (declarer playing the ♠ 9876
♥J). Now what? If partner doesn’t have a minor suit ♥ KJ6
trick coming, it seems there is no hope of setting the ♦ 87632
contract. Even worse, if partner has a spade honor, ♣ Q2
it won’t win a trick, since declarer can finesse East ♠ KJ
in trumps. N
♥ Q5432
We could lead another heart for partner to ruff, ♦ QJ105
but what will that accomplish? Declarer will just ♣ 32
overruff whatever East chooses to ruff with. But if
partner does have a high spade, he can force declarer
to ruff high, which will promote our ♠10! So we After the ♣K, all following, partner plays a third
lead another heart, which partner ruffs with the ♠K, club, dummy playing a low spade. Plan your defense.
taken by declarer with the trump ace. Declarer can How would your plan change the ♥2 was changed to
cash two top spades, but has to lose a trump to us the ♠2?

The simple squeeze Pressing the GIB button, I was surprised to see
One afternoon, I sat down for lunch and picked that EW can make 7♠ on any lead! Let’s see
up ♠AQJ43 ♥A ♦AQJ4 ♣AJ5 on BBO as West how that can be done double-dummy: as the title
(with robot partner and opponents), and opened would suggest, it will be through a simple squeeze,
2♣ in the first seat. The bidding proceeded: against North in the red suits. Since we can see all
the hands, we start by playing all our trumps and
West North East South the ace of hearts, and then collect all the clubs,
2♣ Pass 3♣ Pass ending in dummy. Before the last club is played,
3♠ Pass 4♠ Pass this is the position (South’s hand is irrelevant):
4NT Pass 5♣ Pass ♠ —–
5NT Pass 6♣ Pass ♥K
6♠ Pass Pass Pass ♦ K9
♣ —–
North led the ♠7, and I had the following pic- ♠ —– ♠ —–
ture to consider: ♥ —– ♥Q
♦ AQJ ♦6
♣ —– ♣K
♠ AQJ43 ♠ K1096
♥ A ♥ Q5 When East plays the ♣K, West lets go the J♦,
W E and North is squeezed. If he pitches the ♥K, our
♦ AQJ4 ♦ 62
♣ AJ5 ♣ K10843 ♥Q is established; and if he pitches a diamond,
the ♦A drops the ♦K and our ♦Q becomes the
13th trick.
After South followed with a spade to the first Try your skills with this example:
trick, there was nothing to do, as far as I could
tell: one of the finesses had to come home, and I
could ruff a diamond in dummy. A small point: ♠ Q82 ♠ AKJ10976
since the club finesse can be taken through either ♥ A2 ♥3
opponent, the diamond finesse should be taken ♦ AKQ8 ♦ 32
first, since it will determine the location of the ♣ A542 ♣ Q63
♦K, which might help locate the ♣Q. Of course, I
wouldn’t be telling you this story if that plan was
successful: both the ♦K and ♣Q were with North, You are West, and the contract is 7NT. North
and I chose to finesse the ♣Q through South, so I leads the ♥K. You will make the contract if the
was down 1. ♣K is singleton, or if some opponent has ♦J109
tripleton, both of which are highly unlikely. Can
Can declarer do anything else? Of course, I you see a way to improve your chances?
could have chosen to take the club finesse through
North to make 6♠. Here was the full deal:
♠ 7
♥ KJ1064
♦ K97
♣ Q762
♠ AQJ43 ♠ K1096
♥ A ♥ Q5
♦ AQJ4 ♦ 62
♣ AJ5 ♣ K10843
♠ 852
♥ 98732
♦ 10853
♣ 9

The dummy reversal to embark on a dummy reversal. After winning
One evening at my local bridge club, I picked up the spade lead, I played the ♦K, losing to North’s
♠A32 ♥AK432 ♦432 ♣AK as East, and opened ace, who returned a spade to my ace. I followed
1♥ in the third seat. The bidding proceeded: with the ♥A and a heart ruff, ♣A and another
heart ruff, and finally the ♣K and a third heart
ruff, leaving
West North East South
Pass Pass 1♥ Pass
1♠ Pass 2NT Pass ♠ —– ♠3
3♣ Pass 3♠ Pass ♥ —– ♥K
4♠ Pass Pass Pass ♦ 54 ♦ Q3
♣ J4 ♣ —–

Unhappy as I was to have my contract stolen This is the position with only 2 more tricks to
− and by my own partner no less! − I obediently collect (we have only lost the ♦A). We now cash
put down the dummy when North led the ♠Q, our red suit tricks: assuming the spades split 3-2,
and sat back in my chair. It had been a stressful there will be one trump remaining, so either the
week: clients from a real estate deal in Hong Kong ♥K and ♦Q both hold, giving us 10 tricks, or an
were getting antsy to close, Liz had taken the kids opponent ruffs one of them, setting up our small
to her mother’s for the weekend, leaving nothing spade.
but a vaguely passive agressive post-it note, all
while my personal assistant had been on vacation The breakdown: we didn’t have the timing to
in Morocco. Granted, diplomacy had never been take care of our losers in hand, so we chose to
my strong suit, but I was starting to suspect a play dummy’s hand as the master hand. For the
conspiracy. beginner, ruffing dummy’s cards isn’t supposed to
help: only losers in the master hand matter. Ad-
So perhaps I could welcome a moment’s respite. vanced declarers count winners, not losers: in this
As luck would have it, my paranoia was confirmed hand, the dummy reversal line of play can see two
when partner uttered a lame excuse about a fam- spades, five hearts, two clubs and a diamond (10),
ily emergency and scuttled away to make a phone while the ‘usual’ line has four spade tricks, two
call, leaving me to play the hand so as not to incur hearts, one diamond, and two clubs (9).
the wrath of the director upon realizing we had to
play a late board. Here is what I had to deal with When my partner returned to the table, I
(now sitting West): proudly told him of my success with the dummy
reversal. He was not impressed: ‘Don’t be stupid.
♠ K7654 ♠ A32 Just because the dummy had to take over for de-
♥5 ♥ AK432 clarer doesn’t make it a dummy reversal.’ Not
W E receiving any assistance from my opponents, who
♦ K54 ♦ Q32
♣ J432 ♣ AK were discussing the advantages of trump leads, I
emitted the loudest sigh I could muster and pre-
We may as well assume the spades are break- pared to move for the next round.
ing, since otherwise two spade losers and two di-
amonds will be enough to hang us. (The astute See if you can figure out the winning line on this
reader will note that we could bank on two dia- hand:
mond tricks coming home, but that is an unnec-
essary long shot.) Even still, the spade lead seems ♠ A75 ♠ J82
to spell doom: we needed both little spades to ruff ♥ AKQ103 ♥ J987
our club losers! We might get away with one club W E
♦2 ♦ A743
ruff, but unless the ♣Q drops, the opponents will ♣ AKQ3 ♣ 92
take a club, two diamonds and a spade.

Having read the title of this column, I decided The contract is 6♥, and North leads the ♦K.

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