Removal of Formaldehyde

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Pol. J. Environ. Stud. Vol. 25, No.

1 (2016), 251-257
DOI: 10.15244/pjoes/60727

Original Research
Removal of Formaldehyde from Synthetic
Wastewater Using Natural
and Modified Zeolites

Dainius Paliulis

Department of Environmental Protection, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,

Saulėtekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania

Received: 13 October 2015

Accepted: 9 November 2015


Chemically modified and natural zeolite consisting of clinoptilolite and mordenite minerals (Sokirnica
Mine, Ukraine) was selected for testing the adsorption ability of formaldehyde. Modified zeolite was pro-
duced from natural zeolite by chemical activation with sulphuric acid (H2SO4) 2M at 95-98°C for six hours.
Synthetic wastewater was prepared by adding formaldehyde at concentrations equal to or higher than the
maximum allowable concentration (MAC) values: 1 MAC = 2 mg/l, 2 MAC = 4 mg/l, 3 MAC = 6 mg/l, 5
MAC = 10 mg/l, and 10 MAC = 20 mg/l. The effects of adsorption time (5 min, 10 min, 30 min, 60 min,
3 h, 5 h, 8 h, and 12 h) were examined for the selected formaldehyde concentrations. Adsorption efficiency,
adsorption capacity, and iodine numbers were evaluated for the selected adsorbents. The positive effect
of natural zeolite chemical modification was obtained in the range of 5.4 to 24.0%, with an average value
of 9.2 %. Iodine number was selected as a parameter for natural zeolite chemical modification with 2M
sulphuric acid evaluation. The iodine number before sorption was 154.3 mg∙g-1 and after modification was
164.5 mg∙g-1.

Keywords: formaldehyde, natural zeolite, modified zeolite, wastewater, adsorption

Introduction and glue manufacturing, disinfectant and preservative

production, chemical and petrochemical industry, textile
Formaldehyde is one of the most dangerous industrial processing, paper manufacturing, and wood processing use
wastewater organic components. According to a report formalin in aqueous solution consisting of approximately
on carcinogens, formaldehyde is the 25th most produced 37% formaldehyde [1]. Industries that produce or utilize
chemical in the U.S. with more than 5 million tons produced formaldehyde usually generate wastewater containing
each year. Formaldehyde is a toxic organic compound variable concentrations of this compound, ranging from
listed among the 45 organic substances that pose concerns a few to hundreds of milligrams per litre. Due to its
for environmental impact [1]. Various industries such as wide application across the world, there is a potential to
synthetic resin production, aquaculture industry, adhesive release a large amount of formaldehyde annually into the
environment through industrial effluents. Wastewaters
containing this substance are required to be treated in an
*e-mail: [email protected] effective and environmentally friendly process before the
252 Paliulis D.

wastewater can be discharged into the environment [2]. Materials and Methods
Wastewater treatment may include mechanical,
biological, and physical-chemical methods. Selection Materials
of a wastewater treatment method depends on pollutant
origin. One wastewater treatment using physical-chemical In this work, natural zeolite (Sokirnica Mine, Ukraine)
methods is adsorption, which has the advantages of being and chemically modified natural zeolite were used for
fast, cheap, and universal [3]. For removing organic formaldehyde removal from wastewater.
pollutants from water, different low-cost materials are used
as adsorbents, including agricultural products, industrial Determination of Dry Bulk Density
wastes [4], bentonite [5], human hair, sheep wool [6], and
activated carbon [7], etc. Determination of dry bulk density is based on dry
Different treatment methods of wastewater matter weight and the occupied volume ratio using a
contaminated with formaldehyde are used in practice: standard measuring container (ISO 567:1995. Coke-
oxidation [1, 8], membrane separation [9], electro- Determination of bulk density in a small container). This
coagulation [10], and adsorption [11, 12]. Currently a experiment was carried out with a fraction of adsorbent
high number of experimental studies where natural, modi- with diameter in the range 1-2 mm. Dry bulk density is
fied, or synthetic adsorbents used for removal of heavy inversely related to porosity of adsorbent; the lower the
metals from water are carried out, but there is still not dry bulk density value the more porous the adsorbent is.
enough data about adsorbent usage for removing organic
compounds (e.g., formaldehyde) from water. Sorbents are Adsorbent Modification
insoluble substances that attach to and keep pollutants in
their molecular structure (absorbents) or in their porous The adsorbent was mixed with 2.0 M solution of sul-
and capillary surface (adsorbents) [13]. phuric acid in the ratio mineral: reagent (1:4 W:V), and
Zeolite is one of the most popular natural adsorbents heated at 95-98ºC for 6 hours. Then it was washed with
with valuable physicochemical properties, such as high deionized water to neutral pH and filtered. The precipitate
cation exchange capacity (CEC), cation selectivity, and high was dried at 105ºC to constant weight [24].
void volume. The use of zeolite minerals in environmental
applications is gaining increasing interest mainly due to Adsorption Capacity Evaluation
their properties and the simplicity of its modification [14].
Zeolite is a natural aluminosilicate [15]. Zeolite consists Adsorption capacity and iodine number were selected
of various oxides: Al2O3, TiO2, Fe2O3, MgO, CaO, Na2O, for evaluation of natural zeolite and chemically modified
K2O, and H2O [16], with the main part consisting of SiO2. zeolite. An iodine number was estimated by mixing
According to [15], zeolites are ecologically clean, inert, 200 mg of the adsorbent with 0.02 N iodine solution,
and non-toxic materials. However, not all of the adsorbents shaken occasionally, left overnight, and then estimated by
have sufficient adsorptive capacity in the natural state [17]. titration against standard Na2S2O3 [25].
Natural zeolites were adopted for the removal of heavy
metals [18] and ammonium [19], and for the adsorption of Effect of Initial Concentration
Ba2+ ions as well as sulphate ions [20]. One natural zeolite on Formaldehyde Removal
(i.e., clinoptilolite) has thermo and chemical stability-
efficient adsorption, ion exchange, and catalyst properties. Recommended pH values of the treated wastewater
The pore size is in the range of 0.45-0.6 nm. These pores range from 6.5 to 8.5. For that reason the solutions were
are highly effective in ion exchange reactions [21]. prepared with a 7.0 pH solution. pH was measured with a
Adsorbents are characterized by high adsorptive capacity, Mettler Toledo Seven Multi pH meter. 0.1 M NaOH and
good selectivity, easy regeneration, mechanical strength 0.1 M HNO3 were used to adjust pH.
of particles, filtration capacity, and catalytic activity [17]. The maximum allowable concentration (MAC)
Synthetic sorbents usually are more efficient than natural of formaldehyde in wastewater, which is allowed to
sorbents [22], which are activated or modified in order to discharge to surface waters, is 2.0 mg/l (regulation on
acquire the appropriate physical-chemical, catalytic, and wastewater management, Official Gazette, No. 110-4522,
adsorptive properties. The following activation methods 2007). Therefore, in the present research we selected
have found wide application: thermal and hydrothermal concentrations of formaldehyde equal to or higher than
treatment, and treatment with chemical substances the MAC values: 1 MAC = 2 mg/l, 2 MAC = 4 mg/l, 3
[17, 23]. In the present research, adsorption efficiency, MAC = 6 mg/l, 5 MAC = 10 mg/l, and 10 MAC = 20 mg/l.
adsorption capacity, and iodine number were evaluated The experiments of static formaldehyde adsorption from
for the natural zeolite (Sokirnica Mine, Ukraine) and aqueous solution are performed by mixing an adsorbent
chemically modified natural zeolite. sample with the formaldehyde concentration solution on
The aim of this work was to compare the usage of a 1:100 ratio of adsorbent and solution mass (i.e., 1 g of
natural and chemically modified zeolites for removing adsorbent and 100 ml of aqueous solution) using capped
formaldehyde from wastewater and to determine the impact bottles (100 ml). The suspensions were filtered thorough a
of different contact times at different concentrations. 0.45 µm glass filter and the concentration of formaldehyde
Removal of Formaldehyde from... 253

in the filtrates as well as in the initial solutions was Evaluation of Dry Bulk Density
determined by applying the photocolorimetric method
measuring optical density at λ = 584 nm in 1 cm length A 1-2 mm fraction of adsorbent was chosen for
cells. Also, formaldehyde was determined in the blank experimental research. Sorption of ammonium depends
solution to adjust possible contamination of chemical on sorbent fraction. According to Croatian scientists
reagents. [27], a fraction in the range of 1-2 mm was the most
effective. The value of zeolite dry bulk density was
Effect of Sorption Time on Removal 0.87±0.05 g/cm3.
of Formaldehyde
pH Evaluation
The sorption time is assessed by analysing the static
formaldehyde sorption from the aqueous solution. The pH is one of the most important parameters controlling
aim of these experiments was to determine the time the adsorption process [28]. The effect of the pH of the
when the balance of adsorption is achieved. Durations of solution on the adsorption of formaldehyde on natural
5 min, 10 min, 30 min, 60 min, 180 min, 300 min, 480 zeolite was determined. The pH of the solution was
min, and 720 min were selected for adsorption research. controlled by the addition of 0.1 M NaOH and 0.1 M HNO3.
The samples were placed on an A. C. Gerhardt GmbH According to surface wastewater management regulation
& Co.KG Rotoshake RS12 elution shaker and shaken at requirements (by order of the minister of the environ-
room temperature of 20-22ºC. Batch studies were used ment, No. D1-193 (Official Gazette, 2007, No. 42-1594)
to determine the equilibrium time for the adsorption wastewater discharged to the environment must have a pH
of formaldehyde by adsorbent. All samples with 1 g of within the range 6.5-8.5. Experiments were carried out
adsorbent were added to the formaldehyde solution at with different solutions of pH: 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, and 8.5.
the same pH (7.0) and shaken for the above-mentioned However, according to preliminary experimental results
period of time. The samples were filtered (using glass no significant effect of pH on formaldehyde sorption was
filter with 0.45 µm pores) and the filtrate formaldehyde determined. Therefore, pH 7.0 was used for testing both
concentrations were measured. natural and modified zeolite.

Statistical Analysis
Effect of Contact Time, Initial Formaldehyde
Each analysis was prepared and analyzed in triplicate. Concentration, and Zeolite Modification
The average of the results and standard deviations values
were calculated. The experimental results of adsorptions at various
formaldehyde concentrations (2-20 mg/l) with different
contact times (5 min, 10 min, 30 min, 60 min, 180 min, 300
Results and Discussion min, 480 min, 720 min) in pH 7 solution are presented in
Figs. 1-5. Concentration of formaldehyde in solution was
Characterization of the Adsorbent determined by applying the photocolorimetric method.
As can be seen in Fig. 1, formaldehyde sorption
Natural zeolites are widely used adsorbents due to efficiency of modified zeolite is higher than natural
their resistance to aggressive media, and their selectivity zeolite. The highest efficiency in 2 mg/l formaldehyde
of alkali, alkaline earth, and some heavy metal cations solution was after 12 hours (95.0%). To compare it with
[14]. The wide usefulness of zeolite is a result of their ion natural unmodified zeolite sorption efficiency (84.5 %), it
exchange and adsorption properties, and high chemical can be seen that modified zeolite is more effective than
and mechanical stability. The chemical composition
of the chosen adsorbent is (%): SiO2-71.5, Al2O3-13.1,
Fe2O3-0.9, TiO2-0.2, CaO-2.1, MgO-1.07, P2O5-0.03, Table 1. Main physical properties of used natural zeolite [15].
K2O+Na2O-5.03, F-0.025, As-0.002, Pb-0.002, and
Porosity 34%
Cu-0.002 [15]. The quantity of trace elements in natural
zeolite is (g/t): Mn-242, Zn-45, Ga-20, Th-12, Rb-110, Density 2.370 kg/dcm³
Y-22, Zr-235, Nb 22, and Ba-232 [15]. The chemical
Radionuclides activity to 144.5 Bg/kg
nature and pore structure usually determines sorption
activity. The main physico-chemical properties of the Specific surface about 144 m²/g
natural zeolite are listed in Table 1. Natural zeolite Mechanical strength, compressive 150 kg/cm²
consists of 90% clinoptilolite, and the other part con-
sists of mordenite (up to 10 %). Clinoptilolite’s chemical Clinoptilolite up 90%
formula is (K2,Na2,Ca)3∙Al6Si30O72∙21H2O. Mordenite’s Abrassion up 4%
chemical formula is (Na2, Ca)4∙Al8Si40O96∙28H2O [26].
CEC 1.5 mg.ekv/g
The exact chemical formula of natural zeolite depends on
mine place. Humidity 4%
254 Paliulis D.

the natural one. Modification of natural zeolite positively Fig. 3 shows sorption efficiency comparison between
affected sorption capacity of natural zeolite [23]. Chemical natural and modified zeolite in 6 mg/l formaldehyde
and thermal treatments of zeolite result in cation migration solution. In this concentration of formaldehyde solution,
and thus affect the cation location and pore opening the observed tendency was the same with a sorption
[22]. Fig. 2 shows a tendency for sorption efficiency to efficiency higher when zeolite was modified with
be higher when zeolite is modified with sulphuric acid sulphuric acid. After 8-12 hours, when sorption efficiency
in 4 mg/l formaldehyde solution. After 12 hours, when was highest, modified zeolite reached 53.7% efficien-
sorption efficiency was highest, modified zeolite reached cy, whereas the efficiency of natural zeolite was 49.3%.
73.0% efficiency, and natural zeolite 68.5% efficiency. Therefore, modification of natural zeolite increased
Therefore, modification of natural zeolite increased sorption efficiency.
sorption efficiency. Fig. 4 shows a sorption efficiency comparison between
natural and modified zeolite in 10 mg/l formaldehyde
solution. As can be seen, modified zeolite reached higher
sorption efficiency than natural zeolite. The same tendency
was observed for the lower concentration (i.e., 2, 4, and 6
mg/l) of formaldehyde solutions. After 8-12 hours, when
sorption efficiency was highest, modified zeolite reached
32.2% of efficiency, whereas the efficiency of natural
zeolite was 30.2%. Therefore, modification of natural
zeolite increased sorption efficiency.
After 8-12 hours, when sorption efficiency was high-
est, modified zeolite reached 21.4% efficiency and natural
zeolite 19.7 % efficiency; modification of natural zeolite
increased sorption efficiency. Fig. 5 shows sorption
efficiency comparison between natural and modified
Fig. 1. Sorption efficiency comparison between natural and zeolite in 20 mg/l formaldehyde solution. In this solution
modified zeolite in 2 mg/l formaldehyde solution. sorption efficiency was the lowest because of the

Fig. 2. Sorption efficiency comparison between natural and Fig. 4. Sorption efficiency comparison between natural and
modified zeolite in 4 mg/l formaldehyde solution. modified zeolite in 10 mg/l formaldehyde solution.

Fig. 3. Sorption efficiency comparison between natural and Fig. 5. Sorption efficiency comparison between natural and
modified zeolite in 6 mg/l formaldehyde solution. modified zeolite in 20 mg/l formaldehyde solution.
Removal of Formaldehyde from... 255

saturation of zeolite. However, modified zeolite reached capacity of zeolite increased when contact time increased.
higher sorption efficiency than natural zeolite. Modified Initial concentration of formaldehyde also affected the
zeolite reached highest efficiency in 2 mg/l formaldehyde adsorption capacity of zeolite. The highest adsorption
solution after eight hours of contact time (95.0%). After capacity was reached after 8-12 hours of contact time with
longer contact time, sorption did not change because of the a formaldehyde concentration in solution of 20 mg/l.
saturation of zeolite. In addition, we noted that sorption The adsorption characteristics of any zeolite are
efficiency decreased when concentration of formaldehyde dependent upon the detailed chemical/structural makeup
in solutions was increased. In all cases modified zeolite of the adsorbent. The Si/Al ratio, cation type, number, and
reached higher sorption efficiency than natural zeolite. location are particularly influential in adsorption. These
The equilibrium data that are shown in figures 1-5 re- properties can be changed by several chemical treatments
veal that the percentage of adsorption efficiency decreased to improve separation efficiency of raw natural zeolite. Acid
with increases in initial formaldehyde concentration, but treatment is used to change the hydrophilic/hydrophobic
the actual amount of formaldehyde adsorbed per unit properties for adsorption of various ions or organics [26].
mass of zeolite increased with increases in formaldehyde Chemical treatment can be applied by using acids,
concentration, i.e., the adsorption is highly dependent on bases, or salts. Modified natural zeolites are widely used
initial concentration of formaldehyde. This is because at for wastewater and air treatment [14, 17, 29].
lower concentrations the ratio of the initial number of The efficiency of water treatment by adsorbents
formaldehyde molecules to the available surface area is depends on the type and quantity of the used zeolite, the size
low. Subsequently, the fractional adsorption becomes distribution of zeolite particles, the initial concentration
independent from the initial concentration. However, of contaminants (cation/anion), pH value of the solution,
at high concentration the available sites of adsorption the ionic strength of the solution, temperature, pressure,
becomes fewer and hence the percentage removal of contact time of system zeolite/solution, and the presence
formaldehyde is dependent upon the initial concentration. of other organic compounds and anions. Ion exchange and
Equilibrium have established at 8-12 hours for all adsorption properties of natural zeolites in comparison
formaldehyde concentrations. Adsorption capacity of with other chemical processes have the advantage of
natural zeolite and chemically modified natural zeolite removing impurities at relatively low levels [23].
in different formaldehyde solutions is displayed in According to experimental research results, consistent
Table 2. As can be seen in Table 2, the adsorption structural changes were observed for the adsorbent. When

Table 2. Adsorption capacity of natural zeolite and chemically modified natural zeolite in different formaldehyde solutions.
Natural zeolite
Contact time, Adsorption capacity, Adsorption capacity, Adsorption capacity, Adsorption capacity, Adsorption capacity,
min mg/g (2 mg/l) mg/g (4 mg/l) mg/g (6 mg/l) mg/g (10 mg/l) mg/g (20 mg/l)
5 0.011 0.015 0.012 0.017 0.034
 10 0.028 0.025 0.036 0.040 0.042
30 0.043 0.041 0.046 0.072 0.081
 60 0.048 0.093 0.08 0.134 0.127
180 0.106 0.161 0.147 0.177 0.221
 300 0.165 0.224 0.215 0.235 0.276
480 0.166 0.274 0.296 0.302 0.393
720 0.169 0.274 0.294 0.302 0.393
Chemically modified natural zeolite
5 0.012 0.016 0.013 0.018 0.037
 10 0.03 0.031 0.039 0.045 0.045
30 0.047 0.046 0.049 0.078 0.088
 60 0.051 0.101 0.086 0.145 0.139
180 0.12 0.18 0.162 0.192 0.233
 300 0.183 0.245 0.231 0.266 0.299
480 0.19 0.291 0.319 0.322 0.429
720 0.19 0.292 0.322 0.322 0.428
256 Paliulis D.

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