A Study On Customer Satisfaction With Special Reference To The Chennai Silks, Erode

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ISSN:2321-0346 - ONLINE ISSN:2347-1670 - PRINT -IMPACT FACTOR :4.311





Professor and Head , Department of Management Science, Kongu Arts and Science
College(Autonomous), Erode.
M.phil research scholar, Department of Management Science, Kongu Arts and Science
College(Autonomous), Erode


The project is to study about to what extent the customers of The Chennai Silks are satisfied
with the products and services offered. The project revolves around defining and explaining deep,
elaborating topics like customer satisfaction, effective marketing, customerization, consumer
behavior, consumers and buyers, customer survey, factors affecting customer satisfaction, defining the
need of study knowing and stating the problem so found from the survey. The ways of data collection
is both primary and secondary data. Analysis of data through percentage analysis, chi square test and
ranking method. From a survey of fact finding inquiries to the convince sampling method and sample
size of 120 the result of the project has lead to certain findings and suggestions. From this study it
was identified that The Chennai Silks is able to satisfy consumer wants and needs. The advertisement
plays a major role in providing a good support to The Chennai Silks. From the purchase frequency it
is clear that the sales has been boosted up by the fair contribution of different variants. The Chennai
Silks has been successful in knowing the customer's demand and availing the products to suit the
various customer groups.

Key Words: Customer Satisfaction, Consumers, Buyers and Advertisement.


All business firms have realized that marketing is a core element of management philosophy
and the key to its success. The success lies in focusing more and more on the customer. That is, it is
the customer who will decide where the firm is heading. Thus the challenge before the marketer is to
ensure that they satisfy every customer.

"Customerization" refers to the process in which all the employees of the firm are required to
interact directly with the Customer and end user. They can have access to every person and function
within the organization, be involved in designing and fine tuning of key product and processes and
tune every interaction with the customer into a platform of interaction communication so as to add
value and increase customer satisfaction.

According to John. E.Swan and Linda Jones Combs, "the customer satisfaction is the
relationship between the customer expectation and the products perceived performance. If the product
matches expectation, the customer is satisfied if it exceeds them, the customer is highly satisfied".

The founder of The Chennai silks Kulandaivel Mudaliar entered the business in 1962.
However its first textile shop was started in Tirupur in 1991 as 'Kumaran Silks' with his hard work,
later renamed as 'The Chennai Silks' in 2001.

An Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed, Online and Print International Research Journal
www.icmrr.org 1 [email protected]
ISSN:2321-0346 - ONLINE ISSN:2347-1670 - PRINT -IMPACT FACTOR :4.311
Literature Review
1. Corazon L. Magpayo (2011) highlighted the importance of working capital management
and financial leverage on thefirms‟ financial performance is emphasized in this study to bring
attention of business leaders to the obvious but is often neglected. The next step is to look into the
best practices of top performing companies. What working capital management strategies may be
implemented to minimize investment in current assets, at the same time maximize use of financial
leverage at the firm‟s acceptable financial risk appetite and concluded that aggressive working capital
management policy reflected in low investments in current asset influences net income positively.

2.Wajahat Ali and Syed Hammad Ul Hassan (2010) study of 37 listed companies in the OMX
Stockholm Stock Exchange showed no significant relationship between profitability and working
capital management policy when grouped as aggressive, defensive or conservative based on cash
conversion cycle. The ratio of current asset to total assets of the observations in this study was another
possible proxy variable for working capital management, but the data failed the tests of normality.
Because of this limitation, dummy variables were used instead to capture the effect of working capital

management policy on profitability.

3. Amarjit Gill, Nahum Biger, Neil Mathur (2010) the finding indicates that slow collection of
accounts receivables is correlated with low profitability. Managers can improve profitability by
reducing the credit period granted to their customers.Regarding the average days of accounts payable
previous studies reported negative correlation of this variable and the profitability of the firm. They
found no statistically significant relationship between these variables.

4. Karamjeet Singh and Firew Chekol Asress (2010) concluded that firms which have
adequate working capital in relation to their operational size are performed better than those firms
which have less than the required working capital in relation to their operational size. If firms actual
working capital is below the required working capital in relation to their operational size, firms are
forced to produce below their optimal scale and this create problem to run day to day activities
smoothly, so this lead firms to generate low eturn on their investment.

5. Saswata Chatterjee (2010) focused on the importance of the fixed and current assets in the
successful running of any organization. It poses direct impacts on the profitability liquidity. For this
purpose 30 United Kingdom based companies were selected which were listed in the London Stock
exchange. The data were taken of three years 2006-2008. It analyzed the impact of the working
capital on the profitability. The dimensions of working capital management included in this research
which is quick ratios, current ratios C.C.C, average days of payment, Inventory turnover, and A.C.P
(average collection period. on the net operating profitability of the UK companies.

6. Dong (2010) reported that the firms‟ profitability and liquidity are affected by working
capital management in his analysis. Pooled data are selected for carrying out the research for the era
of 2006-2008 for assessing the companies listed in stock market of Vietnam. He focused on the
variables that include profitability, conversion cycle and its related elements and the relationship that
exists between them. From his research it was found that the relationships among these variables are
strongly negative. This denote that decrease in the profitability occur due to increase in cash
conversion cycle. It is also found that if the number of days of account receivable and inventories are
diminished then the profitability will increase numbers of days of accounts receivable and inventories.

An Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed, Online and Print International Research Journal
www.icmrr.org 2 [email protected]
ISSN:2321-0346 - ONLINE ISSN:2347-1670 - PRINT -IMPACT FACTOR :4.311
7.Mohammad Neab and Noriza BMS (2010) worked on crating the relationship between
Working Capital Management(WCM) and performance of firms. For their analysis they chose the
Malaysian listed companies. They administered the perspective of market valuation and profitability.
They used total of 172 listed companies from the databases of Bloomberg. They randomly selected
five year data (2003-2007). They found that there is a negative relationship between working capital

variables and the firm‟s performance.

8. Zariyawati et al. (2009) investigated the relationship between CCC and profitability for the
Malaysian firms for the period

1996-2006. And their findings are consistent with the aforementioned studies.

9. Uyar (2009) using ANOVA and correlation analysis. The results showed retail/wholesale
industry has shorter Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) than manufacturing industries. Furthermore, study
found significant negative correlation between CCC and profitability as well as between CCC and
firm size.

Statement of the problem

A few decades ago it was very difficult to find the various clothing products of such a huge
range under one roof of every one's taste and preference. But it was a huge new concept to the local
markets which was bought in by The Chennai Silks in the year 2001 which offers products from the
entire nation. The factors which are influence the customer to buy more and more at the place. The
various demand and needs of customers towards the modernized purchase has to be considered and to
be improved by The Chennai Silks has to covered in this study.

Objectives of the study

1. To find out the level of customer satisfaction regarding quality, prices, availability and
service offered by The Chennai Silks.

2. To find out the factors influencing the customer satisfaction.

3. To find out the advertisement effectiveness of The Chennai Silks.

4. To suggest suitable measure to improve the customer satisfaction of The Chennai Silks.

Research Methodology

The study is based on both primary and secondary data. The primary data is collected through
a well structured questionnaire through the variables of customer satisfaction. The secondary data is
collected from journals, articles and magazines. The researcher circulated 120 questionnaires in a
convenient sampling method.

Data Analysis

The data has been analyzed mainly using the following methods:
1. Percentage analysis.
2. Ranking methods.

An Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed, Online and Print International Research Journal
www.icmrr.org 3 [email protected]
ISSN:2321-0346 - ONLINE ISSN:2347-1670 - PRINT -IMPACT FACTOR :4.311
1.Percentage Analysis
The data gathered for the study is also presented in terms of percentage. The Percentage are
calculated to the total of the subject. The processed data was analyzed and interpreted in the chapter
„Analysis and interpretation‟.

No. of. Respondents

Percentage of Respondents = ______________________ X 100

Total respondent

2.Ranking method:

Henry Garret Ranking Method is used to find the dominating factor which influences the
employees morale. The factor taken for this study is manager's relations, working conditions, job
security, reward and recognition and delegation of authority and responsibility.

Limitations of the study:

1.This study is confined only to Erode city.

2.The validity of response from the respondents is questionable due to their Bias.

3.The details given by the respondents are considered as true and the study results are based
on this/ assumption.

Data analysis and interpretation

Table No:1: Influenced factors in The Chennai Silk

S.No Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage(%)

1 Price 30 25

2 Service 20 17

3 Quality 30 25

4 Availability 10 8

5 Discount 20 17

6 Novelty 6 5

7 Promotions 4 3

Total 120 100

Source: Percentage data

The above table shows that 25% of the respondents are influenced by price, 17% of the
respondents are influenced by service, 25% of the respondents are influenced by quality, 8% of the

An Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed, Online and Print International Research Journal
www.icmrr.org 4 [email protected]
ISSN:2321-0346 - ONLINE ISSN:2347-1670 - PRINT -IMPACT FACTOR :4.311
respondents are influenced by availability, 17% of the respondents are influenced by discount, 5% of
the respondents are influenced by novelty and 3% of the respondents are influenced by promotions.

It shows that majority of respondent says that price is the most influencing factorr.

Table No:2:Effective advertisement media

S.No Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Radio 20 17

2 Tv 60 50

3 Newspaper& Magazine 30 25

4 Posters & Banners 10 8

Total 120 100

Source: Percentage data

The Above Table Shows That 17% Of The Respondents Said That Radio Is The More
Effective Media, 50% Of The Respondents Said That Tv Is The More Effective Media, 25% Of The
Respondents Said That News Paper And Magazine Is The More Effective Media And 8% Of The
Respondents Said That Posters And Banners Is The More Effective Media.

It Shows That Majority Of Resopondent Chossing Tv As Most Effective Media Of


Table No:3:Area of brand ambassador

S.No Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Film Star 60 50

2 Sports Persons 30 25

3 Politicians 20 17

4 Industrialist 10 8

Total 120 100

Source: Percentage data

The above table shows that 50% of the respondents are said flm star is more benefical, 25% of
the respondents are said sports person are more benefical, 17% of the respondents are said politicians
are more benefical and 8% of the respondents are said industrilist are more benefical.

It shows that majority of the respondent are chosen bebeficial brand ambassador as film star.

An Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed, Online and Print International Research Journal
www.icmrr.org 5 [email protected]
ISSN:2321-0346 - ONLINE ISSN:2347-1670 - PRINT -IMPACT FACTOR :4.311
Table No:4:Knowledge source about The Chennai Silks

S.No Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Advertisement 60 50
2 Friends& Relatives 30 25
3 Sales persons 10 8
4 Directly 20 17
Total 120 100
Source: Percentage data

The above table shows that 50% of the respondents know the chennai silks by advertisement,
25% of the respondents know the chennai silks by friends and relatives, 8% of the respondents know
the chennai silks by sales persons, 17% of the respondents directly know the chennai silks.
It shows that majority of the respondent chosen knowledge source as advertisement.

Table No:5:Prevailing complaints retrials system

S.No Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Good 60 50
2 Average 48 40
3 Bad 12 10
Total 120 100
Source: Percentage data
From the above table that 50% of the respondents are said prevailing complaints retrials system is
good, 40% of the respondents are said prevailing complaints retrials system is average and 10% of the
respondents are said prevailing complaints retrials system is bad.

It shows that majority of the respondent are saying that prevailing of complaints retrival is good.

Table No:6:The Henry garret ranking method for attracting customer

S.No Factors Total Rank

1. Silk sarees 11325 I
2. Shirt material 11298 II
3. Party wear 11279 III
4. Accessories 11277 IV
5. Ready made Formal shirt 11227 V
6. Trendy wear 11223 VI
7. Fancy sarees 11183 VII
8. Kids wear 11181 VIII
9. Salwar kamez 11173 IX
10. Designer sarees 11171 X
11. Suits and Blazers 11166 XI
12. Sharwani 11137 XII
Source: Percentage data

An Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed, Online and Print International Research Journal
www.icmrr.org 6 [email protected]
ISSN:2321-0346 - ONLINE ISSN:2347-1670 - PRINT -IMPACT FACTOR :4.311
It is known from the above table that the respondents gave 1st rank for Silk sarees, 2nd rank
for Shirt material , 3rd rank for Party wear, 4th rank for Accessories, 5th rank for Ready made Formal
shirt, 6th rank for Trendy wear ,7th rank for Fancy sarees, 8th rank for Kids wear, 9th rank for Salwar
kamez, 10th rank for Designer sarees, 11th rank for Suits and Blazers and last rank for Sharwani.


1. Most of the respondents are purchasing due to quality and price of the product.
2. 50% of the respondents are suggesting TV is the suitable media for Advertising.
3. 50% of the respondents are suggesting film stars to use in the Chennai silks Advertisement.
4. Maximum of the respondents came to know about Chennai silks through Advertisement.
5. 50% of the respondents opinion about complaints retrial system is good.
6. It is observed from the table that shirt material ,silk sarees ,and party wear are category which
attract the customers more.


Based on the information obtained from the present study the following suggestions are made to
enhance the company performance.

1. The company may increase the availability of the product variety.

2. Through giving more offers, discounts and complements the sales of The Chennai Silks may
be increased.
3. The company may increase the sales through reducing the product price without
compromising on quality.
4. The company may increase the sales through motivating the online purchasing.
5. The company may open more delivery counters for customer and also concentrate
replacement and altering section.
6. The company should give training to salesman because some of the respondents are felt that
poor response and services to the sales representatives.
7. The company should improve parking facilities as most of the respondents felt that parking
area is small and not proper.


From this study it was identified that The Chennai Silks is been able to satisfy consumer
wants and needs. The advertising are playing a major role in providing a good support to The Chennai
Silks. From the purchase frequency it is clear that the sales has been boosted up by the fair
contribution of different variants. The Chennai Silks has been successful in knowing the customer's
demand and availing the products to suit the various customer groups.

The various factors which are influencing the customer satisfaction are considerably showing
good results. The results show the acceptance of specifically designee structure and products by
consumer group.


1. Rajan Nair.N, “Marketing”, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.

2. Philip Kolter, “Marketing Management”, Prentice Hall of India , New Delhi Second Edition

An Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed, Online and Print International Research Journal
www.icmrr.org 7 [email protected]
ISSN:2321-0346 - ONLINE ISSN:2347-1670 - PRINT -IMPACT FACTOR :4.311
3.Gupta. S.P, “Statistical methods”, Sultan Chand & Sons publishers, New Delhi.
4.Kothari. C.R, “Research Methods”. Wishwa Prakashan, Second Edition 1998.
5.William G.Zikmund , Micheal.D Amico, Basic Marketing, West Publication, 1996.
6.Neeru Kapoor, "Principles of Marketing", Learning Private Limited.
7.Dr.Sharma.D.D ,"Marketing Research ", Sultan Chand and Sons ,Third Edition, New Delhi.
8.Donald R. Cooper and Pamela .S. Schindler, "Business Research Method" ,Sixth Edition,
Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.




An Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Refereed, Online and Print International Research Journal
www.icmrr.org 8 [email protected]

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