Candidate Information Sheet 2017 V2

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How did you find out about Eastwest Bank career opportunities?
Walk-In Campus Recruitment Employee Referral Corporate Website Facebook ✘ Others
Headhunter/Agency Job Fair ✘ Applicant Referral Jobstreet ✘ LinkedIn

Position/s applied for Target Start Date Expected Salary

Willing to accept provincial assignment?

3 Yes, at: No

Last Name First Name Middle Name

Nickname Gender Citizenship

Male Female
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) Age Place of Birth Height Weight
2 x 2 photo

Civil Status If married, date of marriage

Single Married Separated Annulled Widowed

Religion Tax Status Language/s Spoken

1 2

TIN SSS Number Pag-Ibig Number PhilHealth Number

Residence Type Talents/ Hobbies Email Address

Owned Rented Living with Parents Mortgaged

Current Address Contact Numbers (Landline and Mobile)

House # / Street

Barangay / Subdivision / Village

Town / City Province

Permanent Address Contact Numbers (Landline and Mobile)

Office Address Office Phone Number

List down three (3) previous places of residence
Inclusive dates Address

Dates Attended
Education Attainment Name of School/ Location Degree and Course Awards Received
From To

Grade School

High School


Graduate School

Are you a graduate of a Bachelor's

Yes, graduated on (mm/yyyy): No
Degree (4 yr./5 yr. course)?

Date Taken Professional Exam/s Taken Passed (Y/N) Rating License Number

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WORK EXPERIENCE (Start from most recent Employer)
Company Position Date (mm/yyyy) Salary Reason for Leaving
From Beg

To End

From Beg

To End

From Beg

To End

From Beg

To End
Please provide last immediate supervising officer in each previous employer

Still Employed with Previous

Name/Company Employer? (Y/N) Company/ Address Contact Number

Please provide three (3) character references who are not your relatives and you've known three (3) years or longer

Name Occupation Company/ Address Contact Number



Title Sponsored by Date Attended



What type of work are you best qualified for?

What type of work do you like to get into eventually?

During exigencies, the Bank may transfer employees to another

unit or store. Please specify your preferred stores/locations.

Please use additional sheet if necessary.

Date of Civil
Relation Name Birth Status Address Occupation Employer/School


Sibling 1
(include self & 2
use separate
sheet if 3


Child 1
(use separate 2
sheet if
necessary) 3

Person to notify in case of emergency Address Contact Number Relationship

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Relatives and friends/acquaintances currently employed by EastWest Bank

Name Department/ Store Position Relationship

Are you currently holding a position in public office?
Yes No

If yes, please provide the following details:

Position/ Designation: Elected position Appointed position

Barangay/ District/ Municipality/ City/ Province:

Duration of term:

Are you planning to run for public office?

Yes No

If yes, please provide public office position: When are your planning to run for public office:

Have you ever been investigated/charged by your previous employer/s for any violation
Yes No
of company policies?

If yes, please provide details:

Have you been ever been discharged from previous employment?

Yes No

If yes, please provide details:

Have you ever gone on AWOL? (Absence without leave) Yes No

If yes, please provide details:

Have you ever been charged, accused, indicted or tried for violation of any law,
Yes No
ordinances, rules and regulations, etc.?

If yes, please provide details:

Do you have any existing account/s, credit card/s and/or loan/s

(personal/salary/housing/auto with EastWest Bank and other financial institutions? If Yes, provide None

details below

For Loans only

Type of Account
Financial Bank/ Creditor (savings/checking) / Account No./ Loan
Institution Company Type of Loan Reference No. Monthly Monthly Due
(ipersonal/ salary/housing/auto) Term of Loan Outstanding Obligation
Amortization Date


Other Banks/

Do you have any unpaid bills (credit card/loan/utilities, etc.) that are currently past
Yes No
If yes, please provide details:

Are you suffering or have suffered any major ailments during the past five (5) years? Yes No

If yes, please provide details:

Describe any physical defect or disabilities that you may have

Have you previously applied or been employed with Eastwest Bank? Yes No

If yes, please provide details:

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Please sketch location of residence address in relation to nearest transportation ride / major road or landmark. You may use a separate sheet if necessary.

View on Google Maps


I hereby authorize EastWest Bank to inquire on all statements made in this application, conduct thorough background and credit investigation and
contact all employers listed to gain access to my employment record. I declare that I have never been charged or convicted by final judgement of a
court for violation of banking laws or for a crime involving moral turpitude. I do not have any relatives until the 2nd degree of affinity/consanguinity
(parents, children, parents-in-law, children-in-law, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, grandparents-in-law, grandchildren-in-law,
brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law). If applying for an officer position, I hereby further declare that I possess all the qualifications and none of the
disqualifications for bank officers under the Manual of Regulations for Banks. I understand and agree that any malicious information,
misrepresentation, concealments or omission of material facts in this application which tends to mislead will be sufficient ground for my immediate
dismissal/ termination at the time discovered.

Furthermore, in the course of my employment with EastWest Bank, I understand and agree with the following:

1. I am duty-bound not to divulge confidential information which I may gain access to any outside and/or unauthorized party under penalty of
dismissal and possible court action.
2. I may only engage in any business/employment or accept secondary employment similar to the bank’s business, whether on full-time or part-
time basis only upon the written approval of the Bank’s President and CEO.
3. I may only engage in any business or accept secondary employment of any nature with any external company/ institution, whether on full-time
or part-time bases only upon the written approval of the highest approving officer of my assigned unit / COO.
4. I authorize EastWest Bank to conduct a thorough investigation on my financial status through information involving assets, liabilities, sources of
income, lifestyle, and the like.
5. I shall submit myself, upon request, for physical and medical examination to EastWest Bank's physician or accredited clinic/hospital.
6. I hereby certify that I do not have outstanding loans with the Bank prior to hiring. In the event that I have existing loans, I shall commit that my
existing (credit card/personal/salary/housing/auto) loans with Eastwest Bank that I have prior to hiring will remain updated. I further commit to
avoid any delay and shall pay in full the monthly amortization at all times, while I am under the employ of Eastwest Bank.

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Signature over Printed Name Initials Date Accomplished

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