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International Academic

International Academic Institute Journal of

for Science and Technology Organizational Behavior
International Academic Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource
Human Resource Management
Vol. 4, No. 1, 2017, pp. 9-21. Management
ISSN 2454-2210

Studying the Impact of Organizational Citizenship Behavior

on Organizational Effectiveness

Patiraj Kumaria, Shivani Thapliyalb

Professor, Department of Management Studies, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar, India.
Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar, India.

Organizational effectiveness is among the most complex and least tackled concept in the field of
organizational behavior. In order to achieve and sustain organizational effectiveness, it is very important
for an organization to understand the need of employees‟ discretionary efforts at the workplace. Earlier
theories identified organizational effectiveness with increased productivity, profitability, prompt services
and good morale of employees. However an organization can also be made effective by using such
system which handles the employees carefully and make them fully committed to organizational goals.
In the absence of the hardworking and dedicated employees, many organizations had not been where they
are today. It is most probable that the hardworking and dedicated employees were not only performing
their assigned duties or task but performing beyond the expectation of their employer to benefit the
organization as a whole. The extra role performance where an employee performs his duties beyond the
expectation of the employer has been termed as Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB).
The present study aims to examine the impact of organizational citizenship behavior on organizational
effectiveness in Jaiprakash Associate Ltd. (Cement Division), Noida. The study adopted a correlational
approach by considering organizational citizenship behavior as an independent variable and
organizational effectiveness as dependent variable. The sample of the study consists of 40 employees. For
analyzing the data, correlation and regression analysis have been applied. Result shows that among the
constructs of organizational citizenship behavior: altruism, sportsmanship and civic virtue have the
highest and significant correlation with organizational effectiveness. The impact of organizational
citizenship behavior on organizational effectiveness is also found to be significant.
The following paper is divided into five sections where the first section introduces the concepts under
study. The second section consists of literature review which unfolds the studies conducted in the last six
years on the relationship between key variables and other variables. The third section explains the
objectives of the study and research methodology consisting of hypotheses, sampling technique and
research instrument used for the study. The fourth section is of data analysis and interpretation and the
last section is about conclusion and discussion.
Keywords: Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Organizational Effectiveness and Employee

International Academic Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource management,
Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 9-21.

The nature of the present business scenario is much more unpredictable and complex than ever before.
After the introduction of liberalization, privatization and globalization, the competition in the present
business environment has increased in multifold. Today‟s work pressures of achieving the goals in the
shortest time, demands from an employee to perform beyond the requirements of his duties. When an
employee performs his duties beyond the requirements of an employer without expecting any reward in
return it is known as discretionary behavior. For the last two decades, discretionary behavior of
employees has been a major construct in the field of organizational behavior, thus it has received a great
deal of attention in the past studies (Organ & Ryan, 1995; Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Paine, & Bachrach,
2000). Discretionary behavior and organizational citizenship behavior have been considered as synonyms
for each other.

Now days, organizations have started attributing their success to its employees. In the absence of
hardworking and dedicated employees, many organizations had not been where they are today. It is most
probable that the hardworking and dedicated employees were not only performing their assigned duties or
task, but performing beyond the expectation of their employer to benefit the organization as a whole. The
extra role performance where an employee performs his duties beyond the expectation of the employer
has been termed as Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). Borman (2004) has defined OCB as
“participating in activities or actions that are not formally a part of the job description, but that benefit the
organization as a whole”. Organ (1988) considered organizational citizenship behavior as an important
factor for the survival of an organization.

Achieving effectiveness is the ultimate goal of every business entity. Employees are the main factor who
distinguishes the effective organizations from the ineffective ones by considering their organizations as
their home. According to Scott et al (2008), “effectiveness is the likelihood of achieving the
intended objectives of an activity, policy or other intervention”. Organizational effectiveness is the
concept of how effective an organization is in achieving its goals and objectives. Today‟s organizations
are facing immense pressure to demonstrate their effective management, achieve more with fewer
resources and to provide greater accountability to improve their effectiveness. Organizational
effectiveness is not always about the profitability or productivity of the organization. The sales numbers
or volumes are just the fractions of the part of organizational effectiveness. It is also about how well you
are managing the people of your organization. The present paper aims to examine the impact of
organizational citizenship behavior on organizational effectiveness in Jaiprakash Associate Ltd. (Cement
Division), Noida.

Concept of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)

The concept of Organizational Citizenship Behavior was first introduced by Bateman and Organ (1983).
After Bateman and Organ, the concept was refined and conceptualized by several researchers. According
to Organ (1988) organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) can be defined as "individual behavior that is
discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system and that in the aggregate
promotes the effective functioning of the organization". These are supporting or helping behavior, not
prescribed by the organization and there is no reward or punishment for this behavior. Organizational
citizenship behavior is crucial for an organization‟s success, so it is very important for an organization to
understand and engage its employees in OCBs.
Organ (1988) has determined five categories under OCB:
 Altruism: Helping others in organizational task.
 Sportsmanship: Avoiding complaining behavior or high tolerance.

International Academic Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource management,
Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 9-21.

 Conscientiousness: Performing one‟s duties beyond requirement.

 Courtesy: Treating others with respect.
 Civic virtue: Willing participation for the company‟s welfare.
However it is empirically tested that managers had faced difficulties in differentiating among the
dimensions of OCB provided by Organ (1988).
William and Anderson (1991), proposed another conceptualization for OCB. These authors categorized
OCB on the basis of direction of the behavior:
• OCBI: Behavior directed towards the benefit of another individual.
• OCBO: Behavior directed towards the benefit of organization.
Organizations neither survive nor prosper without its employees behaving as good citizens and engaged
in all sort of positive behavior.
According to Organ (1990) the discretionary or extra-role behaviors are performed by employees only
when social-exchange contract dominates over the economic contract between the employer and
employee, thereby motivating the employees to exhibit extra role behavior (Morrisson 1996; Tsui, Pearce,
Porter & Tripoli 1997).

Concept of Organizational Effectiveness (OE)

The concept of organizational effectiveness was an innovation in science of management. Organizational
effectiveness is composed of two terminologies: organization and effectiveness. Organization is generally
defined as a group of two or more people working in a structured manner to achieve some specific
objectives. According to Scott et al (2008), “effectiveness is the likelihood of achieving the
intended objectives of an activity, policy or other intervention”. By combining above definitions it can be
said that organizational effectiveness is the concept of how effectively an organization achieves its
predefined goals and how effectively it performed in the whole process of reaching its goals.
Most of the people think that effectiveness and efficiency are synonyms and can be used interchangeably
yet each of these terms have different meanings. Assuring the success of both of them is necessary as they
have an influence on each other. Organizational effectiveness is generally considered as an abstract
concept which is not easy to measure. For measuring organizational effectiveness, proxy measures are
used which represents organizational effectiveness. Organizational effectiveness is not always about the
profitability or productivity of the organization. The sales numbers or volumes are just the fractions of the
part of organizational effectiveness. It is also about how well you are managing the people of your
organization. Now the modern researchers are favoring the use of multiple criteria for measuring
organizational effectiveness. Apart from using the financial or monetary values, variables associated with
human element can also be used for measuring organizational effectiveness. Khurana (2013) provided
three important dimensions i.e. fairness in competition, organizational culture and job satisfaction for
measuring organizational effectiveness.
1. Fairness in Competition: Human capital is the major source of competitive advantage and in
order to get maximum of them it is important to treat them fairly. The elements of fairness are:
A) Procedural fairness
B) Distributive fairness
C) Interactional fairness

2. Organization Culture: According to Needle (2004), “organizational culture represents the

collective values, beliefs and principles of organizational members and is a product of such
factors as history, product, market, technology, and strategy, type of employees, management
style, and national culture”
3. Job Satisfaction: McPhee and Townsend (1992) defined job satisfaction as “a pleasurable or
positive emotional state, resulting from the perception of one‟s job as fulfilling or allowing the

International Academic Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource management,
Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 9-21.

fulfillment of one‟s important job values, providing these values are compatible with one‟s
physical and psychological needs”.

In order to achieve maximum output it is important that our human capital should be treated fairly,
working in a positive organizational culture and must be satisfied with their job. It will increase the
employee productivity which will ultimately result in increasing the organizational effectiveness.

Literature Review
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)
Leon and Finkelstein (2016) conducted a study to find out the relationship between organizational
citizenship behavior, citizenship motives and employee well-being. It was found that the perception of
organizational citizenship behavior as in role did not moderate the relationship between OCB, citizenship
motives and employee well being. It was also reported that OCB and citizenship motives were
significantly associated with well being.

Purba et. al (2015) investigated the mediating role of affective commitment on the relationship between
personality and organizational citizenship behavior in a non-western culture. Data was taken from the
employees of an Indonesian cement factory. It was found that affective commitment partially mediated
the relationship between extraversion and organizational citizenship behavior directed towards individual
(OCB-I) and organizational (OCB-O). Affective commitment was also found to partially mediate the
relationship between emotional stability and OCB-O.

Wei (2014) conducted a study to find the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and job
performance considering human capital as the moderator of their relationship. It was found that
organizational citizenship behavior directed towards the organization as well as to the individual has a
positive effect on employees‟ job performance. It was also reported that the experiential human capital
lessen the positive effect of organizational citizenship behavior on job performance.

Kataria et. al (2013) suggested that inclusion of organizational citizenship behavior enhanced the
relationship between employee engagement and organizational effectiveness. It has been proved that
OCB has a positive relationship with organizational effectiveness.

Paille (2012) examined the relationship between employee retention and organizational citizenship
behavior. The study suggested that relationship between citizenship behavior and intention to search and
between citizenship behavior and intention to leave were significantly different.

Bush and Jiao (2011) conducted a study to find out the impact of OCB on performance evaluation system
and employee‟s reaction and found that formally considering OCB in performance evaluation had no
significant impact on employee‟s reactions in terms of satisfaction with the performance rating.

Wei et al. (2010) investigated and found a significantly positive relationship between high performance
HR practices and organizational citizenship behavior. They also established a relationship between
psychological climate and OCB considering job satisfaction as a mediator.

Podsakoff and Mackenzie (2009) have suggested that organizational citizenship behavior has a significant
influence on performance quality and financial performance of an organization.

Organizational Effectiveness (OE)

International Academic Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource management,
Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 9-21.

Schoraj and Llaci (2015) conducted a study on motivation and its impact on organizational effectiveness
in Albanian organizations. It was found that financial remuneration of employees contributed motivating
employees. Communication between the supervisor and the subordinate is also one of the factors which
contribute most in motivating the employees. In Albanian business organization, satisfaction at work does
not make any contribution in motivating an employee.
Khawaja et al. (2014) examined strategic human resource management and organizational effectiveness
in Pakistani organizations. According to the researchers, organizations need to differentiate their
performance and strategy from other organizations and by improving the resources, organization can gain
competitive advantage. Highly effective and efficient organizations are considered as successful entities.
Bartuseviciene and Sakalyte (2013) suggested in their study that effective yet inefficient organization
might survive but ineffective yet efficient organization would bankrupt slowly.

Luxmi (2012) conducted a study on organizational effectiveness for employees in public and private
sector industry and concluded that except the work force satisfaction dimension, private sector
organizations were better than public sector in all dimensions of organizational effectiveness.

Malik, Ghafoor and Naseer (2011) conducted a study in four cities of Pakistan and found that employee
performance and motivation had a significant impact on organizational effectiveness. He also concluded
that man and women were performing equally beyond their gender differences and organizational
effectiveness was the key component of organizational success.

Zheng (2010) suggested in his study that organizational effectiveness governed the extent to which an
organization perceives its goals or the policy objectives of the organization. There were several
approaches proposed by previous studies and one of them is resource based approach according to which
organizational effectiveness has several indicators such as knowledge and technology, raw material,
human resource (Anantadjaya, 2009), financial resources (Anantadjaya, 2007; Henri, 2004) or the
organization‟s ability to respond to the changes.

How Organizational Citizenship Behavior is related to Organizational Effectiveness: Development

of a Conceptual Model
On the basis of extensive literature and analysis of previous models we have proposed a model depicting
the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and organizational effectiveness.

International Academic Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource management,
Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 9-21.

Fig. 1 Model Depicting Conceptual Model of Relationship Between Organizational Citizenship

Behavior and Organizational Effectiveness.

Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) refers to “individual behavior that is discretionary, not directly
or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and in the aggregate promotes the efficient and
effective functioning of an organization” (Organ et al., 2006). Organizational citizenship behavior has
been studied extensively as it is very important for organizational functioning. Employee‟s extra role
behavior enables managers to devote more time on strategic activities, better utilization of organizational
resources, making organizations a better place to work and thereby resulting in smooth running of the
business. Infact, employee retention increased job satisfaction and lower absenteeism are some of the
contributors of organizational citizenship behavior towards organizational performance and effectiveness
(Chughtai & Zafar, 2006; Podaskoff & Mackenzie, 1997). Organ (1988) has determined five categories
under OCB:
• Civic virtue: It explains the willing participation of an employee for the company‟s welfare.
• Altruism: It is helping other employees in organizational task.
• Conscientiousness: When an employee perform his duties beyond the job requirement.
• Courtesy: Treating others with respect
• Sportsmanship: Employee avoiding complaining behavior or have a high tolerance level.
Presently, the fully changed scenario of business is dominating the organizations and has increased the
need of valuable generation of employees, a new generation of employees which are known as
„organizational soldiers‟. These employees identify their organization as their home and perform beyond
the expectations of the employer for reaching the organizational goal. Certainly these employees are the
main factor which differentiates the effective organizations from the ineffective ones.
Creating and designing effective organizations is very important (Handa & Adas, 1995). Katz and Kahn
(1966), defined organizational effectiveness as “the maximization of return to the organization by all
means”. Mott (1972) defined organizational effectiveness as “the ability of an organization to mobilize its
centres of power, for action, production and adaptation. Effective organizations are those that tend to
produce more and adapt more easily to environmental and internal problems than do other similar
organizations.” Khurana (2013) determined three important dimensions i.e. fairness in

International Academic Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource management,
Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 9-21.

competition(Procedural fairness, distributive fairness and interactional fairness) organizational culture

and job satisfaction for measuring organizational effectiveness.

Blakely et al. (2005) conducted a research and found that when employees perceive their superior‟s
behavior as fair, the possibility of OCB increases. Bidarian and Jafari (2012) in a study found a positive
and significant relationship between procedural fairness and interactional fairness. Organ (1990)
explained the relationship between OCB and distributive justice using Adams equity theory. Spector and
Che (2014) also examined and found that distributive justice is positively correlated with organizational
citizenship behavior.

Darsana (2013) investigated the relationship between organizational culture, organizational citizenship
behavior and employee performance and found that the influence of OCB on organizational culture is
positive and significant. Effective organizations should have a culture that encourages employees to
exhibit organizational citizenship behavior.

On the basis of literature review, it has been found that employees who perform beyond the job
requirement, enjoy their work and are proud of their association with the organization. And these feelings
and contributions lead to job satisfaction (Ko, 2008). Many studies support the positive and significant
relationship between OCB and job satisfaction (Feather& Rauter, 2004; Ko, 2008; Chang and Chang,
2010; Williams & Anderson, 1991).

Research methodology
The population, sample and sampling

The population under study is the employees of Jaiprakash Associate Ltd. (Cement Division), Noida.
Total of 50 questionnaires were distributed among full time employees and received 40 usable responses;
response rate is 80%. Purposive sampling technique is used to collect data. The Statistical Package for
Social Science (SPSS) version 20 is used to test the hypotheses and to determine the relative association
between the variables under study.

Research tools
A) Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A scale with 24 items developed by Podsakoff and colleagues
(1990) based on Organ‟s (1988) five dimensional taxonomy was used for measuring Organizational
Citizenship Behavior. The scale covered questions about five important areas used to measure
organizational citizenship behavior are as follows:

1. Altruism
2. Sportsmanship
3. Conscientiousness
4. Courtesy
5. Civic Virtue
The overall Organizational Citizenship Behavior measure exhibited adequate internal consistency (α =

B) Organizational Effectiveness: A scale with 15 items developed by Poonam Khurana (2013) was used
for measuring Organizational Effectiveness. The scale covered questions about three important areas used
to measure organizational effectiveness are as follows:

1. Fairness in competition

International Academic Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource management,
Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 9-21.

2. Organizational Culture
3. Job satisfaction

The overall Organizational Effectiveness measure exhibited adequate internal consistency

(α = 0.77).

The Analysis of Data

To find out the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and organizational effectiveness,
Pearson‟s moment correlation and to test the impact, linear regression is applied.

Table 1: Correlation Matrix (N=40)

1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Altruism 1

2. Sportsmanship .705** 1

3. Conscientiousness .548** .549** 1

4. Courtesy .498** .385* .728** 1

5. Civic Virtue .715** .705** .716** .513** 1

6. Organizational .500** .529** .495** .410** .506** 1


Notes : *p =.05; **p=.01

Table 1 represents the Pearson‟s correlation coefficient of the variables under study. According to Table 1
there is a significant relationship between altruism and organizational effectiveness with the calculated
correlation value as 0.50 (significant at 0.01 level). Sportsmanship is also found to be correlated with
organizational effectiveness with the significance value as 0.529, conscientiousness as 0.495, courtesy as
0.410 and civic virtue as 0.506 (all significant at 0.01 level). Hence the alternative hypotheses 1, 2, 3, 4
and 5 are accepted. Correlation between the second dimension of organization citizenship behavior i.e
sportsmanship and organizational effectiveness has been found to be most favorable (significant at 0.01
Further, in order to know how much variance will be explained in organizational effectiveness by
organizational citizenship behavior, regression analysis was applied.

Table 2: Model Summary Table

Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of

Square the Estimate
1 .574a .330 .312 4.409

Table 2 provides the R and R2 values. The R value represents the simple correlation value and is 0.574
which indicates a moderate degree of correlation between organizational citizenship behavior and

International Academic Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource management,
Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 9-21.

organizational effectiveness. The R2 value indicates how much of the total variation in the dependent
variable, i.e. organizational effectiveness, can be explained by the independent variable which is
organizational citizenship behavior. According to table 2, 33% of the variation in organizational
effectiveness can be explained by the organizational citizenship behavior.

Table 3: ANOVA Table

Model Sum of Df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression 738.749 1 738.749 18.680 .000b
1 Residual 363.151 38 19.441
Total 1101.900 39
a. Dependent Variable: OE
b. Predictors: (Constant), OCB

According to table 3, the significance value (p value) is less than 0.05 (p<.05) so it is accepted that the
impact of organizational citizenship behavior on organizational effectiveness is significant. Hence
alternative hypothesis 6 is also accepted.

Table 4: Coefficients Table

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 16.346 11.059 1.478 .148
OCB .539 .125 .574 4.322 .000
a. Dependent Variable: OE

According to table 4, the value of Beta that is 0.539 means that One unit increase of organizational
citizenship behavior will bring 0.539 increase in organizational effectiveness.
A=16.346 is the average of organizational effectiveness when organizational citizenship behavior is zero.
The regression equation derived from table 5 is as follows:
Organizational Effectiveness= 16.346+ 0.539 (organizational citizenship behavior)
Above linear equation shows that 1% organizational citizenship behavior will bring 53.9% change in
organizational effectiveness.

There is a significant positive relationship between the effects of talent management of staffs in different
branches of Refah Kargaran Bank. In the context of the present results with the results of teaching and
colleagues (2012) matched. Talent management strategy has a significantly positive effect on the
performance of its faculty members. The research findings match with Mehravani H. (2011).

Between talent management talents, retention of management, career development, retention and
performance of the financial and non-financial organizations, there is a significant positive correlation.
The study findings Nabil Hajj et al (2011) also matched the relationship between talent management and
employee performance in public hospitals. Using talent management will ensure that each employee, with
special talents and abilities will be put to good work. Talent management as a management tool, due to

International Academic Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource management,
Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 9-21.

employee empowerment and a kind of flexibility is ensured in accordance with the changing market
conditions. Due to the fact that talent management is a part of human resource management focuses on
talent agency. More detailed and more directly on the management of a particular group of individuals‟
.the right people in the right roles is an important tool for integrating activities and goals of the
organization. Another finding of this study is that talent management of the staffs of Refah Kargaran
Bank is desirable. T value observed in the (ɑ =0.01) is significant. Thus, the null hypothesis that the lack
of difference between the samples mean and mean exclusion fitted. The research team concluded that the
current situation in the company‟s talent management was assessed well. The Bank of Tehran welfare
workers, managers, talent management process some respect. The managers in the staff selection process
try to take advantage of those who have sufficient knowledge and ability to be an expert.

Other results showed that the performance of bank branches in Tehran welfare workers is desirable. T
value observed at the surface (ɑ =0.01) is significant. Thus, the present status of employee performance is
above average which is statistically significant. Other results showed that the performance of different
aspects of talent management of employees of Refah Kargaran bank branches in Tehran. The results are
in correlation with the findings of Taleghani et al (2012) .talent management strategy, has a significantly
positive effect on the performance of its faculty members. The research results are in correlation with
findings of Mehravani H. (2011) there is a positive and significant relationship among talent
management, retention of management, career development, retention and performance of financial and
non-financial organizations.

If the mangers of Refah Kargaran Bank try to attract good and suitable employees, the will set the suitable
condition for attracting experts and professional staffs. Attracting different experts can not only replace
old manpower with new ones but also it can be suitable for development. With the combination of
programs and options business planning and employment tools, managers can actively support talent
attraction. Talent management system, database information available to date suggests topic this enables
banks too quickly and easily identify and talents needed .Therefore, the discovery potential of such
functions integrated talent management are keys to being effective if it leads. If there is a good and
suitable system in different branches of Refah Kargaran bank to identify professional and talented people,
of course the people will enter the organization that can do their responsibilities the best and will have
better performance.


Every organization is striving hard to achieve competitive advantage over others. Presently the research in
behavioral science has been dominated by the emergence of organizational citizenship behavior as it is
the key to success. Employees exhibiting such behavior are also considered as the good soldiers of the
organization and to survive in this competitive environment every organization needs such soldiers. For
achieving this, organizations need to have a good understanding of the practices which gives rise to
citizenship behavior.
The findings of the present study indicate that altruism, sportsmanship, conscientiousness, courtesy and
civic virtue are positively and significantly (p<0.05) correlated with organizational effectiveness (table
no. 1 of correlation matrix) which means hypotheses 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are accepted. The correlation value
of organizational citizenship behavior with organizational effectiveness is 0.57 and statistically there is a
significant relation between these two variables.
The positive impact of organization citizenship behavior on organizational effectiveness has been
supported by different studies (Castro, 2004; Turnipseed and Rassuli, 2005). Also organizational
citizenship behavior (OCB) has been considered to be one of the most important factors influencing
organizational effectiveness (Organ, Podsakoff & MacKenzie 2006). The overall correlation between

International Academic Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource management,
Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 9-21.

organizational citizenship behavior and organizational effectiveness is found to be 0.57 and 33% of the
variation in organizational effectiveness can be explained by organizational citizenship behavior (table
no. 2 of model summary).
The impact of organizational citizenship behavior on organizational effectiveness is found to be
significant as shown in table no. 3. From the coefficients table no. 4 it was found that 1 percent change in
organizational citizenship behavior will bring 53.9 % of variation in organizational effectiveness. From
the above discussion it can be concluded that organizational citizenship behavior forms an important
factor in creating the overall effectiveness of an organization. In order to achieve and sustain
organizational effectiveness, it is very important for the managers and the organization as a whole to
understand the need of employees‟ discretionary efforts at the workplace.


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