Gestalt Insight Learning

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Gestalt Theory


 Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka, Wolfgang Kohler

 Learning as a result of organization of perception by
the learner (insight)
 Advocated that the organism perceives the whole
and not the parts
 Dissatisfied with the approach of behaviourists
 Gestalt is German word means- Pattern, form, or
 We react to our own pattern when we face problems

 A thing cannot be understood by the study of its

parts but only by the study of it as a whole
 According to gestalt psychology the primary factors
that determine group are (Law of organization)
 Proximity: Nearness, if elements are near to each other then
chance of to be grouped
 Similarity: If elements are similar in specialities they become a
 Simplicity: items tend to be organized into simple figures
according to symmetry, regularity, and smoothness

 Learning is purposive, exploratory, and

 Neither trail and error, nor SR bond.
 Learner-
 Seeing the whole situation/perception
 Evaluating the relationship
 Intelligent Decision
Learning through

 Perception of the whole situation

 Perceptual reorganization
 Aaahaa experience-intelligent decision

 They use insight for the same

Stages of learning

 Survey of the problem

 Hesitation or pause to see the problem
 Repeated trails without insight
 Transition to sharpen the attempt
 Rethinking about the goal
 Appearance of critical point after insight
 Repetition and adaption as a response

 Chimpanzees

 Sultan in a cage- banana hung on the roof part- a

box- Jumped- failed- Sudden idea- use of box to
jump from
 Second experiment- many boxes were required to
reach banana- Learned arrangement
 Third- Banana Outside- two sticks- one was hollow
so that the other can be put onside to make it
lengthy-Tried one and another- failed- finally joined

 Confirmed the role of intelligence and cognitive

abilities in higher order learning like problem
solving and making patterns or association

 Problem identification-organization of
perceptual field- Insight

 Insight is a good observation, perception of

situations as a whole or perception of those parts of
the situation that provide the goal- Woodworth
Learning is based on

 Experience- past experience is helpful

 Intelligence- capacity is a matter
 Learning situation- situation and the availability of
the options are relevant
 Initial efforts of the organism in form of trial and
error is relevant
 Repetition and generalization- finally

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