Diseño y Construcción de Un Prototipo de Colector Solar Parabólico Tipo Disco Con Sistema de Seguimiento Solar

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Design and Construction of a Prototype of Solar Parabolic

Collector Disk Type with Solar Tracking System

By: M.Sc. Alarcón Alexander, E.E López Andrea, E.E Hortúa Jairo, and E.E Zámbrano Álvaro

Grupo de Compatibilidad e Interferencia Electromagnética- GCEM

Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Summary - This paper summarizes the process of Durante este proceso se realizaron los cálculos,
designing and building of a parabolic solar simulaciones, construcción y pruebas de
collector type disk, which will be used in future verificación de cada uno de los componentes
research to study the behaviour - features - the - construidos. Una vez ensamblados, se realizaron
effectiveness of this technology in the production pruebas para evaluar el funcionamiento del
of heat and electricity, for radiation conditions in sistema en conjunto, para las condiciones de
Colombia. Includes the analysis and verification radiación solar de la ciudad de Bogotá.
of disk geometric aspects, design and Los resultados demostraron que el sistema es
construction of a system of two-axis solar capaz de obtener hasta 5.42 kWh en un día, para
tracking and also building a data acquisition condiciones de radiación adecuadas.
system for recording and storing measurements
related to atmospheric variables. Key words: Solar thermal systems, solar collector,
direct radiation, solar tracker, thermal efficiency,
During this process, calculations, simulations, focus. Microcontroller.
construction and verification tests of each one of
the constructed components were performed. Palabras clave: Sistemas térmicos solares, colector
Once assembled, tests were conducted to evaluate solar, radiación solar directa, seguidor solar,
the performance of the overall system, for solar eficiencia térmica, foco, microcontrolador.
radiation conditions of Bogotá.

The results showed that the system is able to

collect up to 5.42 kwh in a day, in appropriate I. INTRODUCTION
radiation conditions. In recent years there has been an increase in
electricity consumption worldwide [1], driven by
population growth, the development of industry and
Resumen — Este documento resume el proceso de
the high demand for new technology devices. This
diseño y construcción de un colector solar
context has caused the dependence on fossil fuels,
parabólico tipo disco, que se usará en
generating a risk factor for the climate by emitting
investigaciones futuras para estudiar el
greenhouse gases that adversely affect the
comportamiento-las características- la
environment and accelerate climate change [2].
efectividad- de esta tecnología en la producción
Faced with this problem, was launched in search of
de energía térmica y energía eléctrica, para las
an energy solution applied to the utilization of solar
condiciones de radiación en Colombia. Incluye el
resource, finding that the solar concentrator systems
cálculo y verificación de los aspectos geométricos
represent a competitive choice for conversion and
del disco, diseño y construcción de un sistema de
generation of thermal and electric energy.
seguimiento solar en dos ejes y también, la
construcción de un sistema de adquisición de
datos para el registro y almacenamiento de In Colombia, progress has been made in the use of
mediciones relacionadas con las variables solar resource using photovoltaic, however solar
atmosféricas. thermal technology has not been explored as a source
of energy production, despite its high potential in the
power sector and industry, given its advantages and • AISI 304 for the collector structure, because it has
efficiency compared other renewable technologies. excellent resistance to corrosion, supports welding
processes without losing their properties and
Therefore, and due deepen these technologies and hardness is high.
evaluate solar thermal systems in the Colombian
context , a prototype capable of concentrating
• AISI 430T -BA for the disk collector, due to its high
sunlight on a small area to produce steam, which can
be used in production developed electricity or reflectivity, gloss, resistance to high temperatures and
thermal applications . oxidation.

There is currently a boom in the construction of B. Design Criteria Prototype

solar plants in the world as technology has improved
and offers efficiencies reaching 30% in systems of The specification of the collectors is usually made
power generation [3 ], [4 ] . Colombia, its based on the thermal energy and the maximum
geographical location and the radiation conditions, temperature obtained in focus collector, however, in
allows the implementation of this technology, this case we chose to design the collector from a
however it is important to evaluate the performance
known diameter, for later to study the technology and
of these systems with the weather conditions and the
characteristics of our country solar radiation because evaluate the thermal behavior with the atmospheric
they are different from other countries where it has conditions of Colombia. Due to that, this is a test
been developed. Because of these issues and the device, the design criteria used are geometrical and
absence of this technology in Colombia, it was they are shown as follows:
considered necessary to build this test device.
• Diameter of 1.5 m concentrator disc type.
In order to develop the prototype, geometry • Radio receiver (receiver) equal to 0.015 m.
calculations of the concentrator disk, thermal analysis
The 1.5m diameter selected is an option that allows
and system efficiency were carried out. With the
satisfying the energy needs at small scale which is
above results the design of the collector was
adequate for the purposes of the project.
developed as shown below.
Additionally, the radio receiver is within the
recommended range for this type of applications,
A. Selection of materials.
ensuring a high concentration ratio [7].
For the prototype design an analysis requirements of The literature indicates that diameters below 1 m
materials according to their physical and optical provide very small focal images, causing a reduction
properties as they are: reflectivity, hardness, in the concentration ratio, which results in a lower
corrosion resistance, tensile strength, elasticity, and temperature at the focus.
resistance to high temperature was done. Besides
mechanical, optical and thermal and acquisition costs C. Geometric calculations for the design of
factors were taken into account because of these concentrator disk
factors depends on the operation and lifetime of the
The solar concentrator is the most important element
of a generation solar thermal system because of
allows concentrating the sunlight on a small area,
From the study of reflective materials for solar
increasing the temperature to reach values close to
concentrators [5], [6] and the study of the technical
750 degrees Celsius [5] for this type of technology.
formats of the same specifications, two different
Based on the design criteria, the focal point at a
types of steel were selected:
distance of 0.42 m is determined, allowing
calculating and defining the curvature of the manifold oD
∅ = 2arctg (rad)
in a simple way, facilitating the manufacture and 4f
cleaning of the disk collector.
Equation 1: Opening angle
Figure 1 shows the geometry of the parabolic solar
Obtaining an opening angle of 83.5 °, which
collector type disk and the calculating aspects in the
represents the value of the angle formed by the focal
line and which connects the focal point with the edge
of the parabola.

2) Edge Ratio (Er) or maximum distance between the

focal point and the end of the paraboloid.

er = = 0.75 mts
1 + cos∅

Equation 2: Edge Ratio

Figure 1: Geometry of the parabolic solar collector
3) C concentration ratio is defined as the relation
type disk.
between the opening area (Oa) and the area of the
The calculations reports are of the collector are receiver (Ra), and indicates the factor or portion in
presented with the geometric factors as follows: which the concentration of sunlight in the receiver is
intensified. Parabolic disc collectors are
TABLE I characterized by having a much greater relation of
VARIABLES USED IN THE GEOMETRIC concentration than other solar systems concentrators.
Abbrevi r Equation 3: Relation of concentration
ation Variable Value
Opening Diameter Where Oa is the opening area, and is calculated as:
oD (m) 1,50
f Focus f (m) 0,42 πDa2
Oa =
Ratio stirling engine 4
a head (m) 0,02
cone angle α angular Equation 4: Opening Area
α sun-earth (degrees) 0,27
Obtaining an opening area: 1.76 m². To calculate the
cone angle α angular 4,65E-
α sun-earth (rad) 03 area of the receiver the opening angle, the radius of
Deviation speculate the hall, the edge radius and angle sustained by the
δ (degrees) 3,00 sun as seen from Earth are considered; where the sun
Deviation speculate is seen as a circular disc subtending an angle α of 32
δ (rad) 0,05 'or 0.53 ° as shown in Figure 2:

1) Opening diameter (Od) and the maximum angle

that defines (∅):
With the values of Aa, Ar and applying Equation 3,
we proceed to calculate the relation of the
concentration of parabolic solar collector disc type:

1.76 m2
C= = 4555
0,00038 m2

Where C is the maximum concentration obtained in a

parabolic concentrator with flat receiver; however in
Equation 3 does not take into account the angular
spread in the receiver caused by the inappropriate
solar tracking (minimum displacement angle very
large or very large time of positioning), the poor
quality of the surface polishing and the curvature
Figure 2: Dimension of image in the parabolic inadequate collector surface. The following figure
solar collector type disc. outlines the reasons previously exposed:

From Figure 2 it is known that a = 0.015 m (ratio of

the receiver), c is the hypotenuse formed between the
focus and the point B and ∅ = 83.5 °. The following
relationship between the points B, C, E is also noted:

Figure. 3: Geometric relation points BCE

Figure 4: Factors that affect the diameter of
h receiver
Where is half of the contact surface of the cylinder
receiver and is equals to. Having in mind the angular dispersion and the
specular deviation (3 degrees) the relation of
= 0,0021 m maximum concentration would be:
Therefore the contact surface of the receiver cylinder Cmaxr = 4476
is: With the relation of maximum real concentration, the
h = 0.00412 m optimum focal length (of) can be obtained, so that the
highest possible concentration is achieved. Once
The area of the receiver can be determined by the calculations done the optimal focal distance was
following equation: obtained:

Ar = 2πah of = 0,416 m

Equation 5: Area of the receiver Table II presents the obtained results from the
geometric calculations of the hub.
With the values a and h, applying equation 5 we have:

Ar = 0.000388 m ^ 2 = 388mm ^ 2
TABLE II The simulation is done throwing 500,000 lines
GEOMETRIC RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS representing the sun lights; (the program allows
launching more than 15,000,000 ray), due to make
Φ Opening angle (rad) 1,46 viewing them in the focus of the collector. Figures 5
Opening angle and 6 show the behavior of the rays incident on the
𝜙 (degrees ) 83,52 collector and are reflected on the receiver:
Re radius edge (m) 0,75
Contact Surface
Stirling ( theoretical )
h (m ) 4,12E-03
Receiver area ( m2)
Ra (m2) 3,88E-04
Opening area ( m2)
Oa (m2) 1,76
concentration ratio
Cmax (theoretical) 4.555,67
concentration ratio
Cmaxr (real) 4.475,97 Figure 5: Behaviour of the parabolic solar
optimal focal distance collector type disc to the launching of the sun
Fo (m) 0,42 lights.

D. Checking the disc geometry

In occasion to verify the geometric parameters of the

solar collector and check the impact of the sun's rays
into focus, drive simulation software in TONATIUH
was performed. This application developed by the
National Renewable Energy Centre (CENER in
Spanish) [14] allows to simulate solar concentration
systems combining ray tracing with Monte Carlo
Figure 6: Receiver of the parabolic solar collector
method. The simulation is done shooting rays from a
type disc after the incidence of the sun lights on it
simulated solar source and observing the interactions
between rays and surfaces of the system for the built
prototype. According to the simulation, it was found that the
To simulate the hub was necessary to introduce geometric parameters (opening diameter, focal
geometrical parameters of focal length (fo = 0.416 m) length) previously calculated are correct and ensure
maximum and the minimum ratio of the hub (0.75 m the correct incidence of sunlight on the receiver. With
and 0 m) and indicate the active face of the these results we can confirm that the made design is
component. It was also necessary to define the suitable from the geometrical point of view.
reflectivity of the material, the speculate deviation
and solar radiation in the area, which was taken from E. Calculation of optical and thermal factors
the solar radiation atlas published by the UPME [15 ] Once known the geometric factors required for the
In the case of Bogotá, the average daily radiation used hub disc, the optical efficiency and the thermal
was efficiency is evaluated, taking into account the
characteristics of the material selected for the
kWh kWh
3.5 m2 a 4 . construction.
 Theoretical optical efficiency no = ρc τv ρS = 0.49

The optical efficiency of the collector indicates the Equation 6: Optical Efficiency
percentage of penetration of sunlight on the collector
The average temperature obtained in the receiver in
cover and the percentage to be absorbed, which
the solar collector is calculated with this.
depends on the geometry of the system, the
concentration factor and the materials selected for the  Thermal calculations
construction. To calculate the optical characteristics
of the selected material (AISI 430T -BA), are used. Knowing the optical efficiency and the characteristics
They are presented in Table III. of the material collector efficiency the thermal
efficiency of the collector is calculated; including
TABLE III maximum temperature expected [11], [12], [13], [16],
CONSTRUCTION OF THE DISC HUB AND From the parameters in Table IV, the collector
CALCULATION OF OPTICAL EFFICIENCY thermal calculations were made, obtaining as a result
the values in Table V.
0.85 Absorptance receptor
1 Transmittance of glass that covers PARAMETERS USED IN CALCULATING
the receiver (if any). In this case THERMAL COLLECTOR IN ACCORDANCE
does not exist, then it is equal to 1 WITH THE MATERIAL USED IN THE
0.572 concentrator reflectivity CONSTRUCTION OF THE DISC COLLECTOR
S 0.999 Shape factor calculated Symbol Value Description

0.5 Emissivity of the

receiver ( rolled steel )

0.4 Range of maximum

The shape factor (S) refers to the portion of the hub thermal efficiency of
opening area which is not shaded by the receiver; and the solar concentrator
is given by: (40% - 60%)
Oa − At Stefan -Boltzmann
S= σ 5.67*10-8 constant (W/m2*K4)
Thermal conductivity of
Equation 6: Shape Factor Kair 0,02 air (W/m*K)
Dout 0,03 diameter receiver (m)
where At represents the fraction of the hub opening
Vair 0,83 Wind speed (m/s)
area which is not shaded by the receiver Dynamic viscosity of
µair 1,83E-05 air (N*s/m2)
At = Aa- receiver based area = 1.76 m2
Ρair 1,20 Density of air (kg/m3)
Equation 7: Fraction of opening area not shaded Air temperature (ºC)
Tair 19,50
by the receiver Tamb 20 ºC environment
The optical efficiency calculated with the data given temperature
and equation 8 shows an efficiency of 49 %, [8], [9], Tsol 5726.84 Near temperature of the
ºC sun
Kinematic viscosity of
γair 1,52E-05 air (m2/sec)
Re 1.643,80 Reynolds number
average heat loss The structure comprises a base, an arch, a focal
UL 19,85 coefficient (W/m2*K) support and a concentrator disc as shown in Figure 8.
convection coefficient Such structure has an approximate weight of 68 kg.
Hw 17,00 (W/m2*K)
coefficient of radiation
Hr 2,84 (W/m2*K)

The following are the results of the thermal analysis

Calculated Figure 8: Parts of the solar collector
Symbol value Description
Trm 161.97 ºC average temperature in The construction of the collector was started with the
the receiver modeling of the parts in the SOLIDWORKS
software, then the same were manufactured with the
Qopt 710 W Power absorbed by the selected materials, the welding and assembly

Qloss 1.09 W Energy losses from the

receiver to the process was performed and finished with electrostatic
painting process to get, join and obtaining the device
Qout 708.9 W useful energy delivered shown in Figure 9.

ninst 48,5% instantaneous thermal


F. Graphical representation of the collector

Based on the dimensions and geometric calculated

above, the prototype was designed on
SOLIDWORKS software, considering the
Figure 9: Prototype of parabolic solar collector
characteristics of the parabola and focus as well as the
disk type
dimensions and materials as presented in Figure 7.

For optimum functioning of the parabolic solar

collector disk type, it must be ensured that the
radiation impinges perpendicularly with respect to
the disk surface and be evenly reflected to the
receiving element, where the energy is concentrated
Figure 7: Design of the parabolic solar collector in the form of heat. To achieve this requires a system
disc type that allows the collector track the sun from sunrise in
the “EAST " until sunset on the " WEST " , ensuring B. Methodology used for the design of the tracker
reception of a greater amount of energy radiated
during day. To control position was decided to work with a
mechanism of horizontal - vertical movement that is
controlled by a microcontroller, depending on the
A. Criteria and parameters in the design of the angle of the sun's height or zenith angle the day of the
solar tracker year, the azimuth angle, the latitude of location and
time of day [18].

The design criteria used are defined taking into The method used to track the sun's path is tracked by
account that the system must have low power means of equations, because it allows predicting the
consumption and should capture as much radiation as specific position of the sun and not dependent on
possible, defining duty cycles where the collector climatic variation such as cloud cover, which can
orientation is corrected with respect to the position of affect the detection system when positioning blocks
the sun every 15 minutes. This indicates that there is optical sensors.
an error in the angle of incidence of the rays with
respect to the concentrator, because the sun will In the method of positioning with equations the zenith
continue its tracking while the collector will maintain and azimuth angles of the sun are calculated through
a fixed position in these 15 minutes. the declination angle of the earth throughout the year,
the latitude of the place, date and time of day. With
Aspects required for solar tracker are: the previous, the process to follow was as shown in
the diagram below.

• Movement on two axes (x, y)

• Power supply for DC engines. I. Calculation of zenith and azimuth angles of the sun

• Ease of construction.
II. Identification circuit elements
• Accuracy of movement
III. Design of the plant control and electronic circuit

Besides, other factors were considered as follows:

IV. Programming of the microcontroller

• Reduction of mechanical stress of the engines: Figure 10: Routine employed in the design of the
Due to avoid overexertion (mechanical and solar tracker
electrical) of the engines.
• Stability of the structure before the movement:
The system must be hardy enough to maintain
position and support the weight of the disk.
• Electronic Circuit Protection: Inside the C. Control System of the solar tracker
electronic circuit a system of protection against
overcurrent and overvoltage should be included. Based on the above methodology, a routine was
programmed in a microcontroller using PIC C
• Control of the collector position: The system software to execute the movement of the system
must have an item to know the collector position according to the zenith and azimuth angles , and using
and adjust it according to the schedule of a control the information obtained from a real-time clock, an
system. accelerometer and a magnetic compass , the two
• Speed control of engines: The movement of the engines are controlled and the collector is positioned
solar concentrator should be slow. correctly. In this routine the microcontroller reads the
date, time clock real time, and other variables with a
sampling rate of 64ms. With these data and calculated Auto Mode: The disk rotates based on the position
information from the zenith and azimuth angles, the control.
order to the engines is given to move to a suitable These modes of operation are displayed on a Liquid
angle. Crystal Display (LCD). In the LCD menu is also
possible to observe the time and angle values
Since the motors are moving faster than is required, a presented when manually calibrate the accelerometer.
system of pulse-width modulation (PWM ) was
implemented ,which operates at a frequency of 5 kHz
, with a variable duty cycle , which enables switching V. CONSTRUCTION OF SOLAR TRACKER
of the engines, decreasing the rotational speed . After
placing the collector in the correct angle, the The mechanical positioning system comprises a
accelerometer and magnetic compass indicate that the pulley ratio (1 to 10 in the "y" axis and 1 to 14 in the
proper position was reached, hence the collector "x" axis), achieving a smooth movement of the
stops. The positioning of the collector will take place engine, and reducing mechanical stress on the same.
every 15 minutes, with an angle of 3 º.
The mechanisms of horizontal and vertical motion of
the solar tracker are presented below:

Figure 11: Diagram of the System Control

Figure 11 shows the control diagram where the Figure 3: Parts of Solar tracker
performance of the positioning system is shown in
which logic programming PIC is defined. The basis
for the positioning control of the collector is zenith
A. Verification and Performance Tests
and azimuth angles of the sun. From these angles a
proportional integral control [21] was implemented From the tests conducted in solar tracking system, it
[19], due to a quick response from the system, was observed that the average consumption of the
reducing the steady-state error, overshoot and noise moto- redactor of the cimutal movement is 1.5 A (33
[21], [22]. W) and the azimuthal motion 1 A (22 W). Similarly,
With the input angle, the microcontroller executes the to verify position control during the morning, it was
programmed routine, allowing movement of the plant observed that between 10 am to 2 pm the solar
by the H Bridge and engines. To observe the position collector moved in an average of 37 °, which
of the plant (collector), the system is fed by means of corresponds to the programmed into the
the signals from the accelerometer and magnetic microcontroller for these movements. Power
compass. consumption in this time slot was 59.19 Wh.
The solar tracker was designed to operate in two
ways: The following graph shows the behavior of the solar
• Manual mode: In this option you can move the puck tracking system:
collector by pushbuttons.
The data acquisition system consists of three
elements, a system that reads and conditions the
sensor signals, a communication system that sends
information to the computer and a computational tool
to visualize and evaluate the recorded information.

The criteria established for the data acquisition

system are:

• USB communication.
• Application programming language C #
Figure 4: Theoretical and practical behavior of the • Sampling rate of 200ms.
solar tracking system • User- friendly Interface
• Storing data using an Excel file.

According to the above and based on the theoretical B. Selection of sensors

angles calculated, it was found that the average error
in degrees was 6.8 %, as shown in Table VI. Initially the range of variation of environmental
variables was defined and based on these the most
suitable sensor was selected for each case, obtaining
TABLE VI the elements (sensors - transducers) given in Table
10:0 11:0 12:0 TO MEASURE.
0 0 0 1:00 2:00
Data / Time a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. Variable Range to be Seleccionado
Theoretical data measure Sensor
(degrees) 60 75 87 75 60 Temperature [0ºC-150ºC] Sensor LM35DZ
Practical [0ºC-350ºC] Thermocoupla PT
information 100
(Grades)) 57 69 75 67 55 Illuminance [0 Lux-100 Sensor LX1972
Error (Degrees) 3 6 12 8 5 Lux]
X axis [0º-180º] Magnetic compass
Position CMPS10
Y Axle [0º-90º] Accelerometer
Position MMA7361L

VI. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Once identified using sensors, simulation and
DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM assembly of signal conditioning system was made
according to the recommended circuits in datasheet to
In the design of the data acquisition system the major check the operation.
variables involved in the operation of the prototype, Similarly, the operation of the pic was simulated.
such as temperature and disk position (x, y -axis) Based on the work routine and scheduled task
were determined. sequence

Design Criteria data acquisition system C. Construction of the data acquisition system
After having clear these design criteria , the Visual
Studio 2008 software was selected with the
complement of Measurement Studio Plug ( National
Instruments software tool ) to make the application,
because it allows to program in the C# language, has
a friendly graphical interface , contains different
types of libraries, tools and test and measurement
Also, in this process the USB communication with
the microcontroller was established by the HID
protocol, which takes advantage of modern operating
systems, because it does not require the installation of Figure 15: Location of the elements of the
drivers for USB communication with the prototype
Finally the design of the graphical interface was made
and the application was programmed in C #
programming language, considering conversions and
equations required for the application (temperature,
position angles, brightness, etc.).
This application allows displaying in real time of the
temperature (internal and external) and the angle
position of the collector as shown in Figure 14. Figure 16: Developed electronic cards for the
power stages and control of the prototype


The prototype function tests were performed in the

Ricaurte neighbourhood in Bogotá from the month of
January 2013 The schedule selected was the interval
between 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, because this time
offers the best conditions of solar radiation in Bogotá.

During testing the operation of data acquisition

Figura 2: Graphical user interface of the system, the temperature measurement system and the
application in Visual Studio (C #) positioning control of the disk along the two axes was
Then the location of the elements of the parabolic disk
solar type collector and the electronic circuit The following graphs show the behavior of the
developed for the system is presented. temperature in the focus of the collector in the most
representative tests.

In the test carried out on March 26 (Figure 17), the

temperature reached by the container placed at the
focus is displayed. The maximum temperature
reached was 138.22 ° C. The values presented in the
graph correspond to the data stored by the data
acquisition program, which are updated every 30 A. Heat losses in the receiver as a function of
seconds. temperature

Assuming a constant environmental temperature of 20

º C, constant air temperature and speed, average direct
radiation of 826.68 W/m2 (This corresponds to an
average of direct radiation in the Chapinero
neighborhood) and based on data temperature reached
in the test, it was observed that the heat losses in the
receiver will increase with increasing temperature
(increasing the amount of energy radiated or
transferred to the environment because of the
Figure 17: Temperature measurement in focus.
temperature difference) thereon. Such behavior may
March 26
be observed in Figure 19:

In the test on April 3 (Figure 18), the maximum

temperature obtained occurred at 10:33 reaching
144.8 ° C; however, the temperature was affected by
cloud cover. A sudden cloud cover increased
markedly decreased temperature, decreasing to 26.13
º C in 18 minutes. This indicates that although the
device allows for high temperature, the environmental
conditions do not allow taking advantage of the
radiation properly, so it is not a technology that can be
implemented in Bogotá. Figure 19: Heat losses in the receiver depending
on the temperature in the same

B. Useful energy delivered depending on the

temperature in the receiver.

Now to calculate the useful energy, it appears that this

behaves inversely to heat losses in the receiver;
increasing temperature decreases the useful energy.
Such behavior may be observed in Figure 20.
Figure 18: Temperature measurement in the focus.
April 3


According to the tests, the maximum temperature

obtained with the parabolic dish type solar collector
was 144.8 ° C. Based on calculations, the theoretical
expected temperature was 161.97 ° C; the above it
follows that the error rate is 10.6 %. This error may be
due to the small spaces between the steel sheets hub
Figure 20: Useful energy delivered as a function of
disc, causing the diversion of some rays out of focus.
the temperature in the receiver
C. Instantaneous thermal efficiency depending on you can set the amount of thermal energy in a day is
the temperature of the receiver. 5.21 kWh.

However, the variation of the slope with respect to the IX. CONCLUSIONS
useful energy (Figure 21) is not significant was - The theoretical thermal efficiency calculated
verified by analyzing results, the instantaneous instantaneous solar concentrator is 48.5 % and the
thermal efficiency of the system is proportional to the optical efficiency is 49 %, which allows
useful energy delivered. contemplating the conversion of thermal energy into
electricity by means of this system.
- With the highest temperature recorded during the
test (144.8°C) in the prototype, the proper geometrical
design and proper selection of materials, which
together allow to obtain a suitable concentration factor
and a significant temperature, close to the values was
verified expected (161.97 °C) .
- During testing, comparative verifying theoretical
calculations were performed with respect to the
expected values recorded, resulting in a 10.6 % error
Figure 21: Instantaneous thermal efficiency in temperature with an approximate average of 826.68
depending on the temperature in the focus W/m2 direct radiations.

D. Thermal energy estimated from the records of - The instant system thermal efficiency is proportional
solar radiation to the useful energy delivered, but the variation of the
slope relative to the useful power is not significant.
In order to estimate the amount of energy that could
- The positioning system disc collector by means of
be harnessed in a day, records of direct radiation equations is appropriate because it provides a good
between 8 am and 3:20 pm were used. The energy in system performance and no significant deviations.
this time interval is equivalent to the area under the
curve of the graph of sunlight (Figure 22). - With peak temperature (114.8 ° C) and the steam
produced, it is possible the coupling of a steam turbine
for converting thermal energy to electricity.


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