Looking Back To Electric Cars: September 2012

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Looking back to electric cars

Conference Paper · September 2012

DOI: 10.1109/HISTELCON.2012.6487583


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1 author:

Massimo Guarnieri
University of Padova


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Looking Back to Electric Cars
Massimo Guarnieri, Member IEEE

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale – Università di Padova, via 8 Febbraio, 2 – 35122 Padova

Abstract — Very early experimental electric cars appeared

just after electromagnetism was discovered, in 1820. During the
nineteenth century they underwent improvements, staying in II. AUTOMOBILES BEFORE ELECTRICITY
advance of internal combustion engines. A breakthrough came
with the inventions of the rechargeable battery and of powerful If we look back to our far history, we can realize that man
and efficient electric motors, around 1870. Electrics peaked has always been fascinated by speed and our first attempts to
around the turn of the century, when they hold 38% of the move faster than a galloping horse date way back in the past,
automobile market in the US, compared with 40% of steam and long before motors were built. Wind was the first energy
22% internal combustion. Their decline started in the second
decade of the twentieth century when the internal combustion
source other than muscles to be exploited for motion. In fact,
engine had a major boost, thanks to important advancements in presumably around the beginning of the third millennium B.C.
the infrastructure, product and production technologies. ancient Egyptians harnessed it with sails to thrust their
papyrus-made keel-less ships upstream the river Nile. First
Index Terms — Electric, car, automobile, DC motor, wind-propelled sailing chariots, capable of high speeds over
rechargeable battery.
land, were reported in China in the VI century AD. In Europe
a similar vehicle was made only one millennium later by the
Flemish mathematician and polymath Simon Stevin (1548/49-
I. INTRODUCTION 1620). It was used for amusing prince Maurice of Nassau with
One of the major symbols of modern civilization is the racing along the sandy Dutch beaches between Scheveningen
automobile that over a century has allowed an unprecedented and Petten and was reported to run faster than horses.
personal mobility. As a confirmation of its position in our Before Stevin other European technicians had conceived
culture, today’s cars are not just tools that help us in our daily more complex self-propelled cars. A very early design was
transfers, but also status symbols of social success, with envisaged by Italian engineer Guido da Vigevano (~1280-
luxury models made by brands such as Rolls-Royce and ~1349). In 1331 he sketched in his Texaurus regis Francie a
Mercedes-Benz and of technological perfection, with racing windmill-powered battle car for king Philip VI of France who
vehicles developed by manufacturers such as McLaren and was planning a crusade that was actually never done (Fig. 1).
Ferrari. The latter’s headquarters are about 180 km from the As far as we know this was the first idea in Europe for a
venue of this conference, a distance that road vehicles derived vehicle not reliant on muscle power.
from its competition models could cover in less than half an Around 1478 also Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) designed
hour. Car technology is closely related to its conventional a self-moving car, i.e. an automobile, for stage uses (Fig. 1).
motor, the internal combustion engine (ICE), especially in the Comprehensive studies of his drawings in the Codex
Otto and Diesel designs, to the extent that automobile and ICE Atlanticus have recognize that this car was powered by large
in our imagination are fused into a unique concept. coiled springs located in cylindrical drum-like casings. Spring
However in recent years increasing attention to drive had just appeared in Europe, with early use in much
environmental pollution and concern about the depletion of oil smaller devices such as portable clocks around 1440.
reserves worldwide have raised attention to electric and hybrid Leonardo’s automobile was the very first stored-energy
cars, which are seen as viable alternatives to gasoline-powered internally propelled vehicle. It is believed that Leonardo
vehicles. Many countries are funding important research actually built and used it, but it was too ahead of its time and,
programs aimed at developing and perfecting the technology as often in such cases, had no developments.
of electric cars, including advanced high-efficiency motors, The thought of powering a car with steam was conceived
high-energy-density long-lasting batteries, of both the before Thomas Newcomen and James Watt had built their
rechargeable cell and fuel-cell types, and innovative power steam engines. The first idea of this kind was a toy car
management and control systems with regenerative breaking. designed by the Flemish Jesuit missionary Ferdinand Verbiest
When we consider electric cars in this framework, they appear (1623-1688) while staying in China around 1672, who
to our eyes as advanced technologies in comparison with resorted to the steam-turbine proposed by Italian engineer
conventional ICEs. Nevertheless more that a century ago Giovanni Branca (1571-1640) in 1624 in his mechanical
electric cars, in advance on gasoline, were already running. treatise Le Machine: volume nuovo et di molto artificio…
electricity [1]. In a similar way as had happened for elastic
energy and pressure, early attempts at building electric-
propelled cars appeared just a few short years after Ørsted’s
seminal achievement.
As early as 1822 English mathematician and physicist Peter
Barlow (1776-1862) was able of producing the continuous
rotation of a spiked disc by the interaction between a magnetic
field and an electric current. However the Barlow’s wheel,
how it is known, was a crude set-up not suitable for
developing useful mechanical actions.
Even earlier, stronger electrodynamic forces were obtained
with the electromagnetic multiplier (the first coil), built in
1820 by German physicist Johann S. C. Schweigger (1779-
1857). In 1825 English physicist and inventor William
Sturgeon (1783-1850) was able to obtain even stronger
mechanical actions by adding the electromagnetic multiplier
with an iron core (the first electromagnet) that was capable of
Figure 1. Drawing of Guido da Vigevano’s of windmill-powered
battle car, from Texaurus regis Francie (1331) and drawing of
lifting a nine pounds weight (4 kg). In 1828 American
Leonardo da Vinci’s spring-driven stage car, from Codex Atlanticus scientist Joseph Henry (1797-1878) improved the device by
(around 1478). insulating its coil with silk ribbon and tightly winding it
around the core. By using such electromagnets he was later
As a matter of fact, as soon as technological progress capable of lifting bodies as heavy as one ton. The way was
provided motors capable of generating mechanical power, paved for producing forces suitable for motion.
inventors began to devise the way to exploit them for
powering vehicles. This was the case of Nicolas-Joseph
Cugnot (1725–1804), the French army engineer officer who
around 1770 first built a real car (a tricycle 7.25 m long In fact, early rudimentary electric motors were constructed
travelling at 4km/h) propelled by a steam engine, that was and soon used to move cars. In 1827 Slovak-Hungarian priest
intended for transporting cannons. Apart from exhibiting Ányos Jedlik (1800-1895) built the first crude but viable
inadequate breaking system and stability problems, the car electric motor, provided with stator, rotor and commutator,
was prone to the low efficiency and the poor power-to-weight and the year after used it to power a tiny car (Fig. 2). A few
ratio of its steam engine, even when compared with the years later, in 1835, professor Sibrandus Stratingh (1785-
primitive standards of the day (Watt developed his “higher- 1841) of University of Groningen, the Netherlands, built a
efficient” condenser engine only in 1774). Better performance small scale electric car (Fig. 3) and a Robert Anderson of
was obtained in 1784 by British Richard Trevithick (1771- Scotland is reported to have made a crude electric carriage
1833) with his small “high-pressure” steam locomotive, that sometime between the years of 1832 and 1839.
profited of recent progresses in steel and steam technologies.
In 1807, just after hydrogen productions had become viable,
the French-Swiss inventor François Isaac de Rivaz (1752-
1828) constructed the first successful albeit primitive ICE, fed
with a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, and the following
year used it to power the forerunner of ICE automobiles.
However it remained unique for decades, particularly after
Carnot’s thermodynamic theory of 1824 had highlighted the
fundamental shortcoming of this kind of engine.


The experiment performed in 1820 by Danish physicist and

Figure 2. Jedelik’s toy electric car, 1828 (courtesy of Museum of
chemist Hans Christian Ørsted (1777-1851) by observing the Hungarian Electrical Engineering.)
deflection of a compass needle in proximity to an electrical
current not only marked the discovery of electromagnetism, Around the same period, early experimental electrical cars
i.e. the interaction of electric and magnetic fields, but also were moving on rails, too. In 1835 American blacksmith and
highlighted the possibility of obtaining mechanical actions inventor Thomas Davenport (1802-1851) built a toy electric
much stronger than electrostatic ones by means of dynamic locomotive. It was powered by a primitive electric motor he
had constructed the year before, derived from Henry’s coal in a steam locomotive (at that time steam railways were
electromagnets. Scottish entrepreneur and inventor Robert in full expansion).
Davidson (1804-1894), following the fad for electricity of the Therefore those early electric cars could not achieve the
day, started experimenting on electric motors in 1827 and success their inventors had hoped. Nonetheless they could run,
created the first real size electric locomotive dubbed and their development was ahead of ICE vehicles, which made
“Galvani” in 1842. It was tested on the Edinburgh-Glasgow a lonely and uncertain appearance in 1826 with the
line that same year, at a speed of 4 mph with no passengers unfortunate car of American inventor Samuel Morey (1762-
nor goods on board. This four-wheeled vehicle was powered 1843) and would take a substantial step forward only in 1863
by disposable batteries, like all other electric vehicles of that with the motors developed by Belgian engineer Étienne Lenoir
time. The same solution was adopted by American electrical (1822-1900).
experimenter Charles Grafton Page (1812-1868), when in
1851 he made a locomotive powered by his reciprocating
electrical engine. Conducting rails opened the possibility to
place the batteries apart from the car: the use of rails as Practical rechargeable batteries were lacking in the mid 19th
conductors was patented in 1840 in the UK and in 1847 in the century. In fact, they would be recharged with the only
United States. available generators of the time, namely primary cells, with a
costly, inefficient and useless operation.
Viable dynamos appeared in the late 1860s, thanks to a
series of developments that occurred in the two previous
decades. Among the most outstanding we can cite; i) the
battery-powered electromagnet excitation conceived by
Danish engineer Sören Hjorth (1801-1870) in 1851 (patented
in 1854), that allowed a higher excitation field; ii) the solid
iron rotor introduced by prominent German entrepreneur and
inventor Werner Siemens (1816-1892) in 1856, that further
increases the excitation field; iii) the ring armature conceived
by Italian scientist Antonio Pacinotti (1841-1912) in 1860
(published in 1963), that produced stronger and smoother
currents with commutation exempt from dangerous sparks; iv)
the self-excitation (produced by the dynamo itself, thus getting
rid of the external power supply), introduced by Jedlik in
1861; v) the self-starting self-excited dynamo of Siemens
Figure 3. Stratingh’s small electric car, 1835 (courtesy of
University of Groningen.) appeared in 1867; vi) the dynamo built in France by Belgian
electrician Zénobe Gramme (1826-1901) in 1869, where he
merged all previous advancements, obtaining the first
A. Limitations of early electrics electromechanical generator capable of power as high as
All those first generation electrical carriages were unsuitable steam machines.
for practical exploitation. Their motors were based on the Those electromechanical generators, typically powered by
same basic scheme, consisting of combined electromagnets steam engines, could produce for the first time virtually
automatically operated in sequence by primitive commutators, unlimited electric energy at costs much lower than primary
resulting in poor efficiency and power. The only available electrochemical cells so that they paved the way for the spread
generators were early electrochemical cells based on the of electricity in many different fields. When they became
depolarized type developed in 1829 by the French scientist available, also the first practical rechargeable cell appeared,
Antoine-César Becquerel (1788-1878), the zinc-platinum cell namely the lead-acid accumulator constructed in 1859 by
made in 1830 by Welsh lawyer and chemist William R. Grove French physicist Gaston Planté (1834-1889). The improved
(1811-1896), and the improved double electrolyte depolarized model developed in 1881 by French chemist Camille
cell introduce in 1836 by the English chemist and physicist Alphonse Faure (1840-1898) achieved great success in the
John Daniell (1790-1845). A more viable model was proposed following decades.
in 1841 by German chemist Robert W. E. Bunsen (1811- DC electric motors were developed at around the same time
1899), who replaced the platinum electrode with a carbon one. as generators, still before the reversibility principle was
Even so, those primary batteries had to be disposed of once annunciated by Siemens in 1867 and demonstrated by
exhausted, thus resulting expensive energy sources. It was Pacinotti in 1869 and then by Gramme in 1873. Those
calculated and demonstrated that the consumption of zinc in advancements pushed DC motors towards maturity and
such batteries was forty times more expensive than burning together with rechargeable batteries they were ready to
provide a major boost to electric vehicles [2]-[5].
VI. EARLY PRACTICAL ELECTRICS He became famous later for building railways, particularly the
Brighton and Rottingdean Seashore Electric Railway along the
A. British electrics coast of the English Channel that was in service between 1896
and 1901. In the same 1888 Immisch & Company of London
Electric advancements in Great Britain started in the 1870s,
built an electrical four passengers dos-à-dos dogcart which
with Robert Davidson who in 1873, thirty-one years after his
was belt driven by an Immisch motor. Established in 1882, the
electric locomotive, built an electric car that is often referred
company was led by Moritz Immisch (1838-1903), an Anglo-
to as the first working electric road vehicle. However it was
German who was in business with Volk. In 1889 the London
still powered with disposable iron/zinc batteries, thus resulting
Electric Cab Company started a regular taxi service with 3 HP
burdened with excessive operational costs and unsuitable for
cars which boasted fast exchange for their 40 cell batteries and
industrial exploitation. In 1882 William E. Ayrton (1847-
other advanced features. But the enterprise ceased two years
1908) and John Perry (1850–1920) built a light electric
later, burdened with a number of technical problems,
tricycle powered by a 0.5 HP motor fed by 10 Planté cells,
including excessive battery weight.
hampered by the excessive weight of the batteries.
In 1884 Thomas Parker (1843-1915) built a more successful B. French- Belgian electrics
electric car, that was fed by the rechargeable batteries made by
The development of electrics was much more impressive in
his company Elwell-Parker Ltd, which had been set up two
French. As early as 1881 French electrician Gustave Trouvé
years earlier (Fig. 4). Parker was a prominent British pioneer
(1839-1902) presented at the first Paris Exposition
of the electrical propulsion: he electrified London
Internationale d'Électricité an electrical tricycle powered by a
Underground in 1890 and installed overhead tramways in
Faure’s battery, while Charles Jeantaud (1843-1906) built his
Liverpool and Birmingham. His 1896 electric bus featured a
first electric vehicle using a Gramme motor and a similar
series/parallel motor control system and hydraulic brakes.
battery. A few years later a number of pioneers were making
the first commercial electrical cars. They were conceived as
carriages whose horses had been replaced with electric
motors, so that they looked like horseless carriages. It was a
common aspect of the self-propelled vehicles of the day since
no dedicated automobile arrangement had yet been conceived.
Belgian gun maker Pieper started constructing electric
carriages in 1889 and his son Henri in 1896 made the Auto-
Mixte, the first known parallel hybrid car, which was able to
operate in one mode at a time. The first commercially
successful electric, able to carry six passengers at 16 km/h,
was made in 1893 by Paul Pouchain. Jeantaud produced
Figure 4. Electric car by Thomas Parker, 1884 (source
electrical cars from 1893 to 1906 and Louis Antoine Krieger
http://www.telegraph.co.uk) (1868-1951) of Paris from 1894 (Fig. 6). The latter introduced
the first regenerative braking system, i.e. electromagnetic
braking with energy recovery, a solution under development
in many present programs on electric cars.

Figure 5. Electric tricycle by Magnus Volk, 1888 (source


An electric car powered by 28 cells and able to run at a good

13 km/h was built in 1886 by Ward Radcliffe and two years Figure 6. A France made Krieger electric landaulet in Washington,
later Magnus Volk (1851–1937), a British engineer of German D.C., circa 1906, owned by senator George P. Wetmore (Courtesy of
descent, had some success with his electric tricycle (Fig. 5). Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division.)
The early electric car producers raced in a series of followed by a bike (1885) and a four wheel car (1886), both
competitions, mainly in France, which promoted major by Gottlieb Daimler (1834-1900). It was only in 1899 that
technical improvements. On 18 December 1898 an electric Austrian celebrated engineer Ferdinand Porsche (1875-1951)
Jeantaud Duc driven at 63.13 km/h by French car racer Gaston built an electric. It was his first automobile and featured very
de Chasseloup-Laubat (1867-1903) set the first official land advanced solutions, with a hub-motor at each driving wheel
speed record. A series of records were then broken within a (Fig. 8). Three years later he presented an innovative hybrid
few months by Gaston and his rival Belgian Camille Jenatzy car with all four wheels electrically driven.
(1868-1913), who on 29 April 1899 drove his missile-shaped
electric Jamais Contente (Never Satisfied) at 105.88 km/h
(Fig. 7). That was the first time ever a land vehicle broke the
100 km/h barrier. The final aim of those races was to
galvanize and conquer the rising market of individual self-
propelled cars. In the age of positivism the wealthy class of
the Belle Époque was allured by those devices powered by
electricity, the dominant high–tech of the time, and capable to
run much faster than horses and even steam locomotive.
France soon became the largest automobile maker in the
world, and was surpassed by the US only in 1904.

Figure 8. Ferdinand Porsche’s electric car of 1899, with hub-motor

at each driving wheel (source: http://stuttcars.com)
D. American electrics
Effective electrics in the US emerged a little later than in
Europe. In 1884 Andrew L. Riker (1868-1930), then sixteen,
made a naive electrical bike by providing a bicycle with an
electric motor and a battery. Five years later he formed the
Riker Motor Vehicle Company, one of the very first in
America, which exploited his electric motors. Electric
tricycles were built in 1886 by N. S. Possons of Cleveland for
Figure 7. Camille Jenatzy with his wife on the victory parade on 1 the Brush Electric Co (OH) to demonstrate their improved
May 1899 after the 100 km/h record-breaking run on 29 April 1899 rechargeable lead acid battery, and in 1888 by Philip Pratt of
(source Wikimedia Commons.) Boston (MA). The first successful US four wheeled electric
car, capable of transporting 6 passengers at 22 km/h, was
C. Gernam electrics made in 1890 by William Morrison, in Des Moines (IA), using
his lead battery (Fig. 9).
Remarkably, electrical cars were retarded in Germany,
where the leading electrical company, Siemens & Halske, was
promoting public rather than individual transportation. At the
1879 Berlin Industrial Exhibition they presented the first
effective electrical tramway, capable of transporting 6
passengers. Based on their efficient drum-type DC motors of
1872 (2.2 kW, 150 V, fed by the rails), it forerun the world’s
first operative electrical streetcar line (7.5 kW, 180 V, 2.5 km)
that was put into service in 1881 in Lichterfelde, near Berlin.
The following year the first overhead trolleybus became
operational in Halensee, another Berlin suburb.
For individual self-propelled cars, at that time Germans
engineers seemed more interested in ICE motors. After the
first prototype gasoline car made in 1870 by Siegfried Marcus
(1831-1898), in 1885 Karl Friederich Benz (1844-1929) built
the first vehicle specifically designed for an ICE motor, Figure 9. First successful US electric car by William Morrison,
actually a tricycle very similar to a horseless dogcart. It was 1890 (source: http://greenopolis.com)
The 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago ranging (30-60 km), even though the introduction of
decreed the success of electricity in America and paved the exchangeable battery service around 1910 alleviated the
way to the expansion of the electric car market in the recharging problems.
following two decades, while the first American car races At that time individual self-propelled cars were used on
attracted public interest. The growth of the US industry was urban streets, which had started to be paved in the first half of
then impressive, boosted by the spread in the 1880s of the century in continental Europe and from the 1870s in the
Edison’s DC commercial electric networks, which formed the Great Britain and in the US. Electric cars were ideal for
infrastructure for recharging batteries. wealthy city customers who could afford to pay for luxurious
A large number of electric car companies were established. electric vehicles more than twice the cost of gasoline cars.
In 1896 the Pope Manufacturing Co, the leading maker of Henry Ford (1863-1947) for himself and his relatives chose
bicycles, put on the market the first practical American three luxurious Detroit Electric cars and so did John Davison
electric car, designed by Hiram Percy Maxim (1869-1936). To Rockefeller (1839-1937) for his wife. Electric cars reached
exploit the growing market they formed the Electric Vehicle peak production in 1912, when they could be priced at $1750-
Company, which in 1897 introduced in New York and 3000, against the $650 for a basic gasoline Ford Model T.
Philadelphia the first electric cab service of the US. By the At that time the poor state of intercity roads prevented the
turn of the century they were the first US manufacture of transit of heavily motorized carriages. But later, while the car
electric cars. Other major producers were Anthony Electric, market was rapidly expanding, technological, economical and
Baker, Detroit, Studebaker, Columbia, Anderson, Bailey, environmental conditions changed, too. By the 1920s paved
Chapman, Rausch & Lang, Waverly, Woods, and Edison (Fig. highways started connecting American cities. The emergence
10). For this rising market the same Thomas Edison (1847- of such easily passable long-distance roads promoted cars
1931) developed the lighter alkaline nickel-iron battery in the capable of greater ranges, while the discovery of large crude
first years of the twentieth century. oil reserves in Texas, Oklahoma and California caused
gasoline prices to fall, making competitive the operational cost
of ICE cars. At the same time they became cheaper and
cheaper. Starting from the original $850 of the 1908 base
Model T, prices fell dramatically after Ford introduced the
assembly lines: by 1915 his cars were priced from $440 and
by 1916 from $360 (something like $7200 today). At the same
time ICE vehicles became more reliable and comfortable,
thanks to technological advancements. Eventually the problem
of their difficult start was solved with the electric starter which
was first applied to a Benz car in England in 1896 and was
brought to full industrialization in the US by Charles Kettering
in 1912, initially for a luxurious Cadillac.


Figure 10. T. A. Edison with an electric car in 1913 (source Thus, it was an electrical device that allowed ICE cars to
Wikimedia Commons.) fully spread throughout the market and finally overwhelm
electrics. After 1920 electric vehicles gradually disappeared,
remaining still popular for limited range services such as golf
carts in the US and milk delivery in Great Britain. Their
Around 1900-1910 electric cars reached the highest success. revival had to wait at least half a century.
In America the steam car had captured 40% of the car market,
the electric car 38%, and the gasoline car 22%. These three REFERENCES
technologies had different pros and cons. The steam engine
was well established, powerful, fast, and reliable, but suffered [1] Precy Dunsheath: A History of Electric Power Engineering,
Cambridge, MA: The M.I.T. Press, 1976.
long start-up times (25-45 min), short range due to the need [2] E. H. Wakefield, History of the Electric Automobile Hybrid
for water refilling and required skilled operators. Gasoline Electric Vehicles, Washington DC: SAE International, 1998.
cars were noisy, smelly, unreliable, fickle, heavily vibrating, [3] D. Kirsch, The Electric Vehicle and the Burden of History,
had gear changes difficult to operate, and were difficult and Piscataway Township NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2000.
dangerous to crank-start. Conversely, electric cars were silent, [4] G. Mom, The Electric Vehicle: Technology and Expectations in
the Automobile Age, New York NY: Johns Hopkins University
odorless, reliable, simple to drive, and easy to start. They were
Press, 2004.
suitable for women (they were often named “women’s cars”), [5] C. D. Anderson, J. Anderson, Electric and Hybrid Cars: A
but were expensive, slow (24-32 km/h). They were also low History, Jefferson NC: McFarland & C., 2004.

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