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APPI Pilot

Association of Paragliding Pilots and Instructors

Version 1.2
Pilot Manual
1- Equipment

Association of Paragliding Pilots and Instructors

© APPI 2010 / 2014
All rights reserved.
Portions of the Appendix of this section may be reproduced by APPI Members for use in APPI-sanctioned training, but not
for resale or personal gain. No other reproduction is allowed without the express written permission of APPI.

1.1 - Component parts of the paraglider

The canopy, which consists of the upper and lower part of the sail, forms a semi-rigid airfoil inflated forward by a flow of air
through cell openings. The contoured shape of the canopy is achieved through cell walls and intercellular walls. The more
there are the more the surface of the paraglider will approach the shape of the desired profile.

Figure 1-1: The most important parts of a paraglider are the canopy, the suspension lines and the
The cell-bearing walls divide the canopy into cells and intercellular non-bearing walls divide these
cells into cell boxes. The cell walls are mainly used to give a regular distribution of the load of the
lines to the upper surface. The largest load is at the forward half of the wing at the point of
attachment of the suspension lines. At this point one tries to prevent the deformation of cell walls by
the construction of reinforcements called ‘Flares’. In flight, these partitions are mostly required
during a spiral dive.
Openings in the cell and intercellular walls (’evens’) allow a balance of pressures between the cells
and the boxes and ensure a homogeneous distribution of the pressure within the entire surface of the
glider. They also perform an important function, namely the inflation of closed cells at the wing tip
during takeoff or flight. The lateral stabilizers reduce the loss of lift at the wing tip and stabilize the
glider in slow flight.
Figure 1-2: Front view of paraglider.
The wing and the pilot are connected one to another by a harness. Numerous and
fine lines are attached to cell walls and evenly distribute the load on the canopy,
these lead down to webbed risers which are connected to the harness by carabiners
or maillons. Many line branches help maintain the profile of the wing. On the other
hand, a large number of suspension lines means greater air resistance and poorer
vision during sorting before take off.

Figure 1-3: Side view of the canopy of a paraglider.

The first row of front lines (A lines) and the second row (B lines)
bear together about 80% of the load. It is for this reason that on
certain models of paragliders, these lines are thicker than the lines
C and D. The A lines are connected to the front risers and the B lines
to the risers of the second row through quick links. The lines C and
D and possibly even a fifth series of lines (E), are either assembled
in a rear riser, or distributed on each side to a third and fourth riser.
Unlike those of old, modern gliders have at least three risers on
each side.

They thus offer, compared to the models with two elevators, two main advantages: it
allows paragliders to perform certain important flight maneuvers such as the B-stall
or big ears; besides, the installation of a system of acceleration is possible (see later
in this chapter). On the upper part of the rear risers the brake handles are fixed
with the aid of pressure or Velcro bandages. From these handles the brake line
passes through a grommet or a pulley (to reduce friction) and branches into several
lines that fix onto the trailing edge of the canopy.
Figure 1-4: Leading edge.
The openings of the cells are located on the lower part of
the profile.

1.2 - Concepts and definitions

1.2.1 Real and projected surface
Real surface F is measured from the canopy extended on the ground. It is always bigger than the projected surface which
one measures from a parallel projection of the inflated paraglider on a horizontal plan.

1.2.2 The span

Figure 1-4: The projected surface and the span (also projected).
The span S’ is the distance between the ends of the paraglider on
the transverse axis. One can also measure the span of a paraglider
on the ground or in projection.
1.2.3 The drag ratio g (finesse)
The drag ratio g gives a characteristic of the aircraft flight performance. It indicates at what maximum distance per unit of
height, a glider in smooth air can fly.

horizontal distance
Drag ratio =
vertical distance

1.2.4 The load

The load is
adding to
the weight Harness 3 kg
of the
Rescue 2 kg
pilot, the
total Helmet 0.5 kg
weight of
all its Instruments 0.5 kg
equipment. Clothing 3.5 kg
paraglider Shoes 1.5 kg
itself is not Accessories, wallet... 0.5 kg
taken into

Equipment 11.5 kg
Pilot 65 kg

Total load 76.5 kg

Every ratified paraglider has a manufacturer placard providing both maximum and minimum load allowed. This should be
on the canopy normally sewn into the centre cells or at the wing tip.
The weight and volume of a folded paraglider plays an important role in alpine use. The economy of weight is achieved
mainly by using finer fabrics but this makes the life of the wing shorter.

1.2.5 The total weight of flight

The weight of a paraglider and the total suspended load gives the total weight of flight P.

1.2.6 The wing load

total weight in flight P

Wing load =
projected area F

The burden of a paraglider in relation to its surface is an important criterion when selecting a wing. The wing load
influences the flight characteristics and represents a compromise between conflicting demands. It oscillates in modern
paragliders from 2, 5 to 4 kg/m2 and may vary from one type to another. The flight performance is only slightly influenced
by wing load. However, a small and a large wing load generally have a negative influence on drag ratio.

too small Wing load too high

lower Speed higher

softer Handling more direct

lower Stability (to the closure) higher

higher Tendency to parachuting and starts to spin smaller

lower Sink rate higher

more cushioned Response when closing more sudden

slower Loss of altitude faster

1.2.7 The Chord

Is the measurement of distance between the leading edge and trailing edge.

1.2.8 The aspect ratio

The span divided by the mean (average) chord gives the aspect ratio or the square of the span divided by the surface.
It is a measure of the aerodynamic qualities of a wing.

span * span span

Aspect ratio = =
surface mean chord

1.3 - The camber

By camber one means the adjustment of the inclination of the paraglider (line profile) with the relative wind or rather the
trajectory (angle of attack).

Figure 1-5: Angle of attack (incidence)

The length of the suspension lines on this subject is crucial. They
determine the radius of curvature of the canopy and affect flight

short lines (about 5-6m) long lines (about 7-8m)

strongly curved cap less curved cap

position of center of gravity high position of center of gravity low

small pendulum oscillations during rapid cornering inversion large pendulum oscillations during rapid cornering inversion

The camber is an integral part of the design of a paraglider and should only be modified by specialists. Changes of as little
as one cm have an effect on flight behavior.

shortening the lines A or lengthening the lines D lengthening the lines A or shortening the lines D
smaller angle of attack larger angle of attack

profile and behavior in flight changing

rise of the wing on takeoff easier rise of the wing on takeoff harder

more frequent front closures less frequent front closures

reduced tendency to parachuting increased tendency to parachuting

higher speed slower speed

A correctly cambered paraglider, without the use of brakes in a flat-land flight, can reach the speed of 30 to 40 km/h in a
straight line.

the glider flying too slowly the glider flying too fast
the danger of parachuting and stalling increases higher speed during takeoff and landing

reserve of speed too little headwind increased rate of falling

In flight the different rows of suspension lines are charged in different ways. The pulling force on the front lines (lines A
and B) is four times greater than the one on the rear lines (lines D) which are, themselves, lightly charged. For this reason,
and by a process of lengthening and shortening of both sides, the camber may change over time. We can identify these
changes by the appearance of new folds in the canopy or flight behavior.
If the wing is reluctant to launch and is hanging back the D line sheathing may have shrunk. Gently and consistently re
stretching the D lines between two people can improve the launching characteristics.
We can also check the length of one side against the other. For instance hold the two A lines together and compare.
If in doubt the paraglider should be controlled by the manufacturer and, if necessary, a new ’trimming’ should be made or
the glider re-lined.

1.3.1 Adjustment of brake lines

Figure 1-6: Setting the brake lines

The main brake line lengths of a paraglider are the same as on the
sample that has been used for the certification test flights. These
line lengths have been fine tuned by test pilots, and it should not be
necessary to adjust them.
In soaring flight, it is common to fly with your hands through the
brake handles with a half a wrap on the brakes. However, care
should be taken to release the wraps fully in any extreme situation.
If you do need to make adjustments to suit your harness, body and
flying style, we strongly recommend that you test fly the glider with
every 2cm of adjustment. There should be a minimum of 10cm of
free brake travel when the glider is flown hands-off. This prevents
the brakes being applied unintentionally when the speed system is
fully engaged.

Caution: If the brakes have too tight a setting, the paraglider is flying too slowly. The result is a greater risk of stalling
or the parachute dropping, and a smaller reserve of speed in the wind.
Too long brake lines decrease, by consequence, their effectiveness and make the paraglider too soft. This can be hard
when landing in the sense that one can not sufficiently slow down the paraglider. On the other hand, during flight in
turbulent air, a big displacement of the brake control is necessary to prevent or correct the closure of the sail. If your
brakes are long you can take a wrap of the brake line around your hands for the final flare if needed in light winds.
We recommend a double fishermans or a bowline knot for the brake handle attachment.

1.4 - Acceleration system and trims

Varying the flight speed, by changing the geometry of suspension lines.

IMPORTANT: Using the accelerator decreases the angle of attack and can make the glider more prone to collapse. If it
does collapse it may turn a lot more violently. If you do get a collapse then release the speed bar. Avoid using the
accelerator near the ground or in turbulence.

Figure 1-7: Modifying the shape of the profile by pulling the

lines B and C.
Figure 1-8: Decrease the angle of attack.

Tip: Modern paragliders are usually adjusted to ensure the best possible glide without using brakes though you should
always keep contact with the paraglider and fly actively. However, despite a loss of performance, an increase in flight
speed can be helpful in certain situations. Thus in upwind flight or strong sink one can improve overall performance by
accelerating the glider.

1.4.1 The risers

The risers are an integral part of the construction of a paraglider.

With the current wings, usually the rear and the penultimate row
risers are adjustable. Good knowledge of the system is essential for
safe and reasonable handling.

Risers pulled slow flight wide angle of attack - behind the profile is curved downward
shorter displacement of controls - low tendency to frontal closures
increased tendency to parachuting and stalling

Risers released fast flight small angle of attack - the rear profile is curved upwards
longer displacement of controls - strong tendency to frontal closures
lower tendency to parachuting and stalling

Left risers released, right risers pulled the glider turns right

Right risers released, left risers pulled the glider turns left

1.4.2 Foot accelerator

Image from Wikipedia.
With an acceleration system on foot, the pilot, by pressing an accelerator
connected to the risers A and B, can increase the speed by 10 km/h. Usually the
B lines are drawn and cause a flattening of the profile and a decrease in air
resistance. Simultaneously the tendency to frontal closures increases.
The speed system increases the maximum speed by lowering the angle of attack
with a pulley guided,
foot-operated system.

1.4.2 Setting up your Foot Accelerator

It is important to have your accelerator system correctly routed through your harness and attached to the risers with the
supplied Brummel hooks. The length of the speed bar should be initially adjusted while on the ground, sitting in the harness
so that the legs are fully extended at the point of full accelerator travel. It is helpful to have an assistant hold the risers taut
while making this adjustment. If in doubt about this procedure, consult your instructor or dealer.

Figure 1-9: Operation of an

accelerator system in action with
the feet. In a first phase the lines B
and C are tensioned, then this is
the angle of attack which is

Risers Accelerator

Actuation by hand with the feet

independent of the posture of the driver: request an elongated body position: prolonged use
can be used for a long time with low can become very physical
Attitude of the pilot energy expenditure

Speed range reduced adjustable speed very gradually within a wide range

Disabling the risers active: briefly interfere the control passive: no obstacle the piloting

Restrictions can not be used with skis

Once set up, test the full range of the accelerator in calm flying conditions: ensure that both risers are pulled evenly during
operation. Check that when your speed system is pressed fully that there is still slack in your brakes. If your brakes are too
short they may be pulled when the speed system is pressed.
Fine-tuning can be completed when you are back on the ground.

1.4.3 Operating the speed system

When operating the speed system smoothly and slowly press the
bar. Allow the paraglider to gain speed, don’t pull the brakes whilst
pressing the speed bar. You can keep in contact with the glider by
resting your hands on the back risers. Smoothly and slowly release
the bar to avoid the wing pitching backwards. If the air is turbulant
or you get a collapse then release the bar.

1.4.4 Trim tabs

The trim tabs are an integral part of most Tandem, Paramotor and Competition paragliders. Good knowledge of the system
is essential for safe handling. Read your paraglider manual.
Paramotor paragliding use the trim to compensate the motor rotation by using it more on one side The risers have trim tabs
to adjust cruise speed during powered flight.

1.5 - The paraglider

The considerable number of types of gliders may be classified into three distinct categories:
● the paragliders for school and beginners,
● the intermediate-performance gliders,
● the high performance of competition gliders.

1.5.1 The paragliders school and beginners

The beginner needs a sound wing in any situation which must be easy to maneuver. The characteristics of takeoff, flight
and landing are important and relegate performance to second place.

1.5.2 The intermediate-performance gliders

From the beginner to the experienced thermal pilot, the class of intermediate paragliders meets most pilots of free flight.
These paragliders offer a safe and trouble free use in normal flight and have, at the same time, good performances.
A minimum sink rate of 1.1 to 1.3 meters per second and a drag ratio of 6-7, make distant flights possible. Anyone who flies
with an intermediate wing should fly regularly and master the style of active flight (see chap. 5).

1.5.3 The high performance of competition gliders

Paragliders of high performance and competition should be reserved for very experienced pilots who fly frequently.
Even if, thanks to several years of development, the ’performance’ gliders have a large reserve of safety, one must not
forget that they require, as before, more demanding steering than paragliders of intermediate category.
A drag ratio of 8 or more, a minimum sink rate of about 1m/s has no interest but in competition or for ambitious long
distance flights.

Caution: A beginner or occasional pilot flying a high performance or competition glider is taking a high risk as he does
not have the necessary skills to react correctly without over reacting during turbulent conditions

1.5.4 Choice of paraglider

A paraglider whatever the level of performance to which it belongs, must first provide enjoyment. That is why it must be
adapted to the capabilities of the pilot.

Although gliders of beginner category have a potential performance which one could not dare dream about a few years ago,
too many pilots are exceeded by such a highly capable wing. The following example illustrates and puts into perspective the
notion of drag ratio and sink rate.
● If you fly in a straight line a distance of 1 km with a paraglider of drag ratio 6, you lose 22m in height compared to a
glider of drag 7 and 19m more compared to a glider of drag ratio 8.
● In the center of an average thermal column in the Alps, the air mass rises with a speed of 5m/s. How does it act on the
rate of ascent of an intermediate paraglider with a sinking rate of about 1.2 m/s, compared to a high performance glider
of sink rate 1.0 m/s?
A performance paraglider rises up about 5% faster. Instead of taking 4 min. 23 sec. it takes 13 sec. less, which means a
time of 4 min. 10 sec.

What is highlighted by this difference of time is mainly the fact that a good control of thermal balance helps
further in obtaining a good rate of climb no matter what high-performance paraglider.

1.5.5 The certification tests

Warning the Certification means security not performance !!!
The certification test is an optional control of the flight ability of a type of paraglider. The framework of requirements for a
wing to be approved by , is fixed by the APPI itself. With the exception of Germany with DHV, all European countries have
developed certification tests for common emergency parachutes and gliders. The gliders are submitted by European
standards (CEN) to three tests:
● Test shock: the paraglider is accelerated to 60km/h by a vehicle and is then suddenly catapulted in to the air, which
corresponds to a load of 600 kg. If it resists this abuse without damage, the test is successful.
● Test scalability: The glider is gradually accelerated by a car until the pull on suspension lines is eight times more than the
value of the maximum load placed on the manufacturer wafer. If no damage has been suffered by the glider, the test is
● Flight test: There are 4 different categories: A, B ,C et D or 1, 1-2, 2 and 3 with DHV
❍ Class StandardA: includes beginner and intermediate wings. It’s in this class that the requirements are more rigorous.
17 flight configurations (eg. spin) are tested from takeoff to landing. During these flight figures and also after
provoked incidents, the glider must find itself a normal flight situation. The test is successful if after the 17 flight
configurations, the requirements, clearly defined, are met.
❍ Class PerformanceB: includes the top of the intermediate class wings and the wings of the high class performance. The
requirements for the flight behavior and flight patterns are less stringent than in standard class.
❍ Class CompetitionC: In this category, one only tests the conduct in a tuck, an asymmetrical stall or a spin.

Manufacturers must test their wing in a class that they themselves have chosen. If the glider meets the criteria, it will be
certified, otherwise the approval will be refused.
One recognizes a certified paraglider by the store approval pasted on a sticker in the midle of the glider or in the edge.
An exhaustive list of all currently approved types of gliders can be obtained at:
All the glider certify EN is by independent center :
● Academy (site web)

● Air Turquoise (site web)

● Aerotest (FFVL)


The approval gives to a new model of paraglider an information on its behavior in flight and ensures that it has been built
according to the standards. ( Glider Manual must be read before flight )
It is mandatory to fly during an APPI examination with a certified wing, and in other cases this is strongly recommended.
Concerning the flight behavior and the load allowed, the unapproved gliders can deviate significantly from the certification
If we can have DHV1 class A competition glider then I take it, but commercially nobody will buy it !!!
Company have to create DHV1-2 for commercial purpose as pilot do not want to buy School Glider !
Class 1 or DHV1
The new generation of basic glider have great and excellent performance.
APPI pilot should fly CEN class A or DHV1 glider
The best glider is the glider making you feeling good .
APPI Advanced Pilot can fly CEN class B or DHV2 Glider
APPI Advanced pilot with Performance or Acro training certification can use CEN class C glider
APPI tandem pilot have to fly with Approved glider
APPI give life time maximum of 5-6 year for any glider with regular control .

1.6 - The harness

As well as paragliders, harnesses have been under considerable
The light harnesses, which were widely used in the beginning of the sport,
are now only occasionally used by climbers to save space and weight.
Similarly, the pure seat steering harnesses, which allow the pilot, from his
position, to act directly on the canopy, have almost disappeared. Modern
harnesses, with the possibility of manual adjustment from the lying or
sitting position, are on the market today.

They allow comfortable flight for several hours. Here are some characteristics to consider when choosing a harness:
● An anatomical board deep enough so that the thighs are fully supported.
● An easy adjustment from sitting to lying position and vice versa.
● Accessories (eg. pulleys) provided for accelerating system.
● A suitable fastening system (in the shoulder) for the installation of a reserve parachute, and possibly a parachute
container under the harness or in the lower back part.
● A storage area with sufficient space for a backpack, etc.
● A pocket provided for back protection or the airbag.
● One No forget line (Obligation for tandem Passenger)

Some characteristics of the construction of a harness play an important role in the flight behavior and the paragliding
safety: height of suspension; seat board; width of suspension; triangulation.

Instability Stability

Suspension height low (25-35 cm) high (40 cm)

Board large tight

Suspension width long distance small distance

Triangulation no triangulation or triangulation with a flat geometry triangulation with a tilted geometry

The nature and the adjustment of these four characteristics determine whether a harness will be unstable and appropriate
to steering with the body weight and therefore more demanding in flight (seat steering harness), or if priority is given to
stability and security.

1.6.1 Adjustment and setting of the harness

Whether or not the triangulation is installed and its adjustment - large or tight geometry - has a decisive influence on the
flight behavior.

Triangulation tight Triangulation released

Movements of the canopy are transmitted to the pilot in a damped manner immediately relayed to the pilot

less perceptible, stability and security in strongly perceptible, unstable in

Turbulences turbulence turbulence
Triangulation tight Triangulation released
the triangulation decreases the tilting movement strong tilting movement on the side
of the pilot on the side and produces an effect when consistent closures
Behavior during closures against

Piloting by body weight impossible possible

During the adjustment of the chest strap or triangulation, the attachment points of the harness must be maintained at a
width approximately equal to the width of the board seat. If the interval is too small it can be critical because it creates
instability in the bond glider-pilot around the vertical axis.
Due to a low leverage, the impulse to turn the pilot with the canopy (mainly during negative turns - spin) is small. The
unfortunate result that may happen is a vertical twisting of risers and suspension lines (Twist).

Distance between the points of attachment Distance between the points of attachment
short long

Danger of twist bigger lower

Turbulences less noticeable highly noticeable

Figure1-4: Extended position in the harness. This position delays

the rotation of the pilot around the vertical axis: attention during
a quick turn!
The danger of twist also comes from a lying position in the harness.
The high torque is opposed to the rotation. In addition, in this
position, the vision is obscured and during takeoff there is a high
risk of tipping over backwards.
The distance between the seat board and the point of attachment of
the harness to the risers affects flight behavior.

High attachment points Low attachment points

Turbulences less noticeable more noticeable

Acceleration on takeoff leaning forward more difficult less difficult

The adjustment of thigh straps determine whether one wishes to be comfortably seated in the harness straight away after
takeoff or if one prefers to use their hands.

Caution: Release the brake controls close to the ground may, in case of closures, have fatal consequences (see also Chap.

1.6.2 APPI points

- T safe line obligation for passenger (tandem flight).
- In snow or sandy area be careful of the clipping obstruction.
- Respect the 5 APPI check process before every take off.
- In case of ventral rescue (close your harness before), the rescue have to fixed to the
top (shoulder of the Harness).
- Control the under line of your harness , possibility of friction with your seat
(specially carbon seat).
- Carbon seat have to be protect with side tape or any soft materiel.
- APPI not accept side rescue pocket and Head back rescue pocket with handle to the
- Back and under seat rescue pocket are recommended .

Caution: APPI do not accept Under pocket closed style as there have been accidents where the reserve has been trapped
if the seatboard snaps.
In case of under seat rescue the Acceleration and comfort line have to come back to the seat if not in use, (elastic or
security clip attache to the rescue).
APPI recommend in ventral Rescue only Light rescue.
APPI do not accept knots in the connection harness / rescue (direct connection or carabiner).
APPI give a maximum 10 year life for any harness.

1.7 - Building Materials

Paragliders are essentially submitted to tensile forces. The tensile strength is therefore one of the most important criteria
for the construction of a glider. Generally, it is admitted on this subject that when loads go up to the limit of stretch, or
rather to the maximum tensile strength, the materials will no longer return to their exact original condition.

1.7.1 The wing

The paraglider wing is woven with polyamide fibers or polyester. Its weight is between 30-80 g/m2. The resistance to
tearing in both tissues decreases slightly with use but with configuration loads of normal flight, the wing remains quite
suitable after 250 to 300 flight hours. The main source of weakening, especially for polyamide fabrics, is due primarily to
harmful UV radiation.
When damaged, it’s the spread resistance to tearing that comes into play. Although the Rip-Stop weaving technique is used
on the paraglider fabric, the spread resistance to tearing is considerably smaller than the primer resistance to tearing. It is
by inserting, at regular spaces, a thicker wire that the spread resistance to tearing is improved. The weaving Rip-Stop is
recognized by the characteristic squared fabric. It is in the bias direction (diagonally) that the acting loads more easily
distort the weaving structure. These same forces act on the walls between cells and can cause a change in the profile. For
this reason, the extended performances of extreme flight maneuvers are not recommended.
To ensure that paragliders’ fabrics are the most impermeable to air and water and mechanically resistant, they are
impregnated with additional synthetic resin (eg. Silicone, Mylar). In addition, we can reduce by a specific impregnation the
UV sensitivity and the elasticity. For some parts of the canopy, which especially should not undergo deformation,
manufacturers use items made of Mylar (Flares, intercellular partitions). The polyamide fabric, being smoother, is better to
absorb the impregnation than the polyester fabric. But the mechanical stress causes tiredness to both materials equally.
Tips: Gently and appropriate treatment can significantly increase the lifetime of a glider. In this context, we do not
unnecessarily expose a glider in the light of the sun, as UV rays strongly tired polyamide tissues in particular. The
impregnation is damaged mainly by:
● Rubbing and scraping
● Storage in a wet state
● Cleaning with harsh detergents
● UV (sunlight)
● Do not drag the canopy on the ground. The seams also wear out very quickly. Wherever possible, unfold its wings on a
soft surface.

It’s not just the loss of tissue resistance to aging that appears to be a problem but also the increase of the tissue porosity
(air permeability). We can control this phenomenon ourselves by performing a mouth suction on the upper surface in the
largest profile area.

Tips: A permeable to air cap shows a change in flight behavior, for example a greater tendency to parachuting and a
smaller speed range.

1.7.2 The suspension lines

In order to obtain an optimal distribution of the load on the canopy, in the modern construction of paragliders, suspension
equipment with a total length of 200-500m is used. With such a length of suspension, the thickness of the lines has a
considerable influence on the drag. It is the core wrapped construction that best meets the requirements of a large load
resistance, a small diameter and low elasticity. Most of the time, a core of woven aramid (Kevlar) or polyethylene
(Dyneema) is surrounded by a coat of polyester to protect it from light and mechanical stress. The disadvantage of this core
wrapped construction is the fact that any nucleus lesion can be hidden under a intact sheath. This is called white rents, and
they can occur because of a too thin sheath or as a result of humidity and frost exposure.
The breaking strength of new suspension lines of 1-2 mm in diameter which are currently used, is around 60 to 130 daN
(kp). In the modern construction of paragliding, different thicknesses of lines are used in the same model. 3-4 basic lines of
1.5 - 2 mm thick and 5-7m in length which branch into a large number of shorter and finer lines that are attached to the
canopy. The greatest resistance to the air of the thick lines is compensated by their smaller number. On the other hand,
thicker lines are less likely to tangle and are, on the ground, much more pleasant to order and sort out than the thin ones.
If the atmospheric factors (humidity, cold, UV radiation) cause relatively little injury to the breaking force, bending and
especially crushing enormously weaken the lines. At this point, the lines Dyneema are better than Kevlar lines. On the other
hand, the aramid lines (Kevlar), when heavily loaded, almost do not stretch. The polyethylene lines (Dyneema), by contrast,
may grow 0.5% to 1% depending on the load exerted.
Tips: In daily use you should observe the following:
● The Dyneema lines are identified by their white core. Their melting point is below 200 ° C. They are less susceptible to
bending and to UV radiation than the Kevlar lines but they are more elastic.
● The aramid lines have a brown-yellow core. The melting point of Kevlar is above 500 ° C. They are very sensitive to
bending but they resist to elongation.
● The suspension can be permanently damaged by crashes. That is why one should never pull on the hangers. The
suspension lines can also get seriously damaged on stony ground.
● When unfolding the wing one should check that no suspension will remain hanging during the inflation of the wing.
Never pull the wing suddenly.
● The sheathed core manufacturing, due to the differences in the core (Kevlar, Dyneema) and sheath (polyethylene)
materials, are submitted to a lengthening and shortening phenomenon.
Variable loads that act on the different rows of the lines can therefore change the trim. So it is the length of the lines
that one checks first as the behavior changes with aging (eg difficult inflation, slow gliding, deep stall tendency).
● Use only original pieces to replace suspension lines. Loop attachments make it easier when changing the lines.

1.7.3 The harness

Straps of polyester or polyamide are used for harnesses and risers. They have a very great resistance, but their weakness
lies at the seams.

1.7.4 Closures, carabiners and connectors

The connection between the harness and risers is done either through steel carabiners or aluminum connectors. One uses
carabiners if you want to fix permanently the harness and risers; on the other hand aluminum connectors allow rapid
separation of the harness after the flight.

Connectors Aluminum carabiners

Using Permanently attaching Fixing the time of flight

Connectors Aluminum carabiners
When checking the harness, either both risers are The canopy may be extended regardless of the
Benefits correct either no harness. It is possible to attach just before takeoff

Just before takeoff when the wing is disturbed by a The risk of having a twist of lines and a turn of the
Disadvantages gust of wind, the harness has to be removed harness is higher

One must make sure that the binding of risers and connectors occurs across the full width of the latter. The loops of the
harness are also made of steel or aluminum.

1.8 - Care and Maintenance

1.8.1 Inspection and repairs
The glider and the harness should be subject to regular monitoring of their condition (most manufacturers recommend a
control plant each year):
● The wing
❍ Check the air porosity. The most loaded part in flight is on the upper surface of the edge. The experienced pilot
recognizes the wing signs of aging (especially an increase in porosity) by changes in flight behavior: the paraglider is
inclined to drop, the air flow picks up sooner and speed range becomes smaller.
❍ Small lacerations can be repaired by sticking self-adhesive tape Rip-Stop on both sides, taking care to round the
corners. Large lacerations should be repaired by the manufacturer.
● The sewing
❍ Check the seams of the canopy, the risers and the harness.
❍ The defective seams can be repaired with nylon thread.
Note: Too tight points perforate the fabric and make it lose its strength!
● The Suspension lines
❍ Measure the length of the base lines. A change in the length of suspension lines of more than 1 cm exceeds the
tolerance allowed and can cause both a change of profile and of flight behavior. They should therefore be changed.
❍ Replace the lines when snagged or torn apart.
● Carabiners: Periodically check the thread. One screws on a carabiner by hand and ends with a one quarter turn of key.
● The risers: Replace faulty elevators.
● The harness: Only specialists should repair defective harnesses.
Check the friction point with the Seat (specially carbon one) and the Harness principal strap

Example of slotted carabiner.

1.8.2 Cleaning
Gliders should only be cleaned if it is essential. The dirt goes away with use. Very dirty wings should be washed with warm
water and possibly with a very mild detergent.
Warning : The harsh chemicals can damage the fabric or dissolve the impregnation.
If a glider has been in contact with dirty water or sea water, rinse immediately with fresh water and put it to dry.

1.8.3 Storage
Store paragliding gear only when completely dry and in a dry place. It takes several days to completely dry the harness and
the suspension lines.

Caution: Do not dry in direct sun light! Dry equipment can remain stored for several months in its bag. When storing or
transporting in the trunk of a car, make sure the equipment is not in contact with oil, benzene, strong detergents or
antifreeze products and that it is not subjected to excessive heat (Specially riser in Dynema).

1.9 - Instruments
1.9.1 The variometer

The current variation instruments are multifunctional and have a very modern electronic
instrumentation. Its most important function is the visual and audible indication of the
rate of ascent or descent and altitude. This calculation is based on the physical principle
of the loss of air pressure with increasing altitude. The measurement of atmospheric
pressure is via an aneroid capsule. This flat metal box and vacuum air registers the
tiniest variations in pressure and instantly transcribes them at high altitude. However
the signs of altitude are perpetually subject to variations as the pressure of the air varies
not only with altitude but also with temperature and with weather conditions.
So during the day, with the warming of the soil due to sunlight or approaching an area of
low pressure, the air pressure drops.

Volume of the aneroid

capsule Air pressure The altimeter
⇒ Descent decreases increases drops (the indicated altitude is too
⇒ cooling low)
⇒ approaching a high pressure
⇒ Ascent increases decreases rises (the indicated altitude is too
⇒ warming high)
⇒ approaching a zone of low

An altimeter is characterized by the following features:

● An unbreakable and moisture resistant case.
● Easy to handle even with gloves.
● Easily readable data at first glance, too much information on a small space can lead to confusion.
● A clear acoustic tone of ascent which is easily recognizable.
● A temperature compensation, which means the large changes in the pressure sensor due to changes in temperature,
must be compensated by the correction values.
● A mechanical stabilization (eg. a threshold reaction of 100cm means that changes in altitude of less than 100cm will not
be marked) prevents a too shaky operation in case of choppy conditions.
● Adequate and safe body fixings.

The barographs record and trace graphically the chronological progression of the static pressure during a flight. The
barograms are used as authentication for flights (to record flights).

1.9.2 The anemometer

The anemometer is used to measure the wind speed on the ground. The same
instrument can be used in flight to measure its own speed relative to the
surrounding air mass. Care must be taken to position the propeller a sufficient
distance from the body or other accessories and in the exact direction of
movement, otherwise the results obtained will be false due to turbulence.

1.10 - Personal equipment

1.10.1 Clothing

It is advisable to wear sturdy clothes and to cover the whole

body which might, in case of failed takeoff or emergency landing,
protect small wounds.
The same goes for gloves.
For longer flights, it is essential to have gloves and warm
windproof clothes.

1.10.2 The shoes

In paragliding, sprains and torn ligaments in the ankle are by far the most frequent
injuries. The best way to prevent that is to wear strong shoes with ankle support.

1.10.3 The helmet

The helmet is mainly to protect the pilot in a fall at takeoff or landing. It

should protect the head and have a good resistance on impact. Be certified
However it should not interfere with movement, vision or hearing. The
lightweight helmets meet these requirements.
Heavy helmet can be dangerous for the neck in Acro training and are not
Helmet with back profile are not recommended as they do not increase
performance , and pouch your helmet on your face in case of rescue use.
Full face helmet , are good for cold air , but affect your vision and wind

1.11 - Rescue
1.11.1 The reserve

The reserve parachute is an increasingly standard piece of equipment in the field of

paragliding. It may be a life saver in certain situations of distress.
Use: The rescue system operates if the situation, in relation to altitude, proves to be
uncontrollable in a relatively short period of time. This applies primarily to collisions
between aircraft. They represent the greatest danger in the air and require immediate
release of the reserve parachute. Its use is also required when the lines are ’twisted’ as
a result of a spin and the glider enters an uncontrolled spiral dive.
Systems: The reserve parachutes with a round canopy represent, for normal use in the
field of paragliding, the best solution. They are not steered as those of a "Cut-away"
system are, but can be operated at low altitude above the ground. Moreover, they are
less expensive than other systems in the assembly, installation and maintenance.

Construction: The most used models are the parachutes with a round canopy with a middle string. Using one or more
central suspension lines, the central peak of the canopy is pulled down. This type of construction offers the advantage,
when compared to a traditional round canopy, of having a lower sink rate but however a poorer stability against tilting. The
double canopies have a shorter opening time compared to single ones. The reserve parachutes are folded and compressed
according to a very precise scheme in a container house (pod). This container protects the suspension lines from possible
snags and the whole of it must be thrown laterally when the reserve parachute is released. With traction on the lines, the
canopy opens gradually.
Materials: The reserve parachutes are subjected to high demands in the matter of solidity. Unlike paragliders, here the
material must offer some elasticity. For the construction of emergency parachutes the same materials are used as for
paragliders: nylon for the canopy and polyester or polyamide in some cases for the lines. These materials are mostly
sensitive to UV and moisture. After landing in water, the reserve parachute should be spread out to dry for at least 72
hours as it is mainly the lines that take a long time to dry. Due to the high frequency of flights at low altitude, in addition to
the reliability, the speed of opening of a reserve parachute is a very important criterion. The opening time of current
emergency parachutes is about 1 sec. There are several factors that affect the opening time. Thus a small area and a high
speed at the opening, has a positive influence as well as a low porosity of the fabric and a frequent periodic folding.
Size: The reserve parachute should be neither too large nor too small. An open reserve parachute should have a sink rate
of around 5-6m/sec. A higher sink rate increases the risk of injuries at landing; a lower sink rate increases the opening
time. A speed of 5-6m/sec. is obtained by jumping from a wall 1.8m high.
Fixing: Body position during ground impact greatly determines, during a distress landing with a reserve parachute, the
risk of injury. A straighten and release position, clenched legs and arms by your sides are, in this situation, very important
(see 4.9.3 roll-ball technique). This basic condition is obtained by a specific fixing of the reserve parachute to the harness.
The central suspension line (or rather its extension) should be fixed to the harness in a symmetrical way as high as
possible. This is to ensure a straightened position of the body.
Location on the harness: It is essential that the handle to release the reserve parachute is in the pilot’s visual field and is
easily accessible. The four locations that are used all have advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages Disavantages
Release handle in the Can be drawn with both Possible impetus while Complicated placing of the
Lap fixing visual field hands throwing harnes

Side Release handle in the The reserve parachute Possible impetus while Can only be drawn with one
fixing visual field can be easily dismantled throwing hand (left or right)
Fixing The reserve parachute The reserve parachute The release handle is Can only be drawn with one
under does not interfere acts as shock absorber not immediately in the hand (left or right)
seat cushion visual field
The reserve parachute The release handle is not Can only be drawn with Less impetus at the start due
Back does not interfere, all is immediately in the visual one hand (left or right) to the long bond handle-
fixing well placed field container

Advantages Disavantages

Folding: Even when not in use, the emergency parachutes are

exposed to changes in temperature and humidity. It may happen
with time that the thin material of the canopy sticks and slows
considerably the opening or even makes it impossible to open.
Therefore it is strongly recommended to regularly ventilate and fold
up again the reserve parachute at intervals of about six months (the
recommendation of APPI is every 6 months). The folding of the
emergency parachute may be executed by any certified rescue
Pilot Manual
2- Aerodynamics

Association of Paragliding Pilots and Instructors

© APPI 2010 / 2014
All rights reserved.
Portions of the Appendix of this section may be reproduced by APPI Members for use in APPI-sanctioned training, but not
for resale or personal gain. No other reproduction is allowed without the express written permission of APPI.

2.1 - The reaction force

A basic principle of physics.
Whenever the material is accelerated, a reaction force occurs.

Example - Testing: We place a thin plate in a flow of air particles. If the

plate is placed through the flow, the particles hit the plate on one side and
bounce being deflected. For every change of impetus of a particle, a
corresponding force acts on the plate: the reaction force. This force acts on
the plate and generates a component that is not in the flow direction: the
dynamic lift.
The other side of the plate ’’is lacking’’ of deflected particles, which means
there is a depression on that side. This creates a vortex volume called: the
drag flow.

In contrast to a plate, a wing profile that deflects an air flow does not
produce a high vortex volume and so a high lift and a low resistance follow.

2.2 - Stream tubes

A flow process that can be roughly represented by parallel trajectories, is known as laminar flow. On the contrary if
whirlwinds occur, the flow is called turbulent.
When the flow parameters, such as speed or pressure, are in a given place and time and are constant, it is called steady
flow and the particles trajectories are called streamlines. All particles move in the direction of streamlines.
A bundle of streamlines is called stream tube.

2.2.1 Speed and section

Changing the geometry of a stream tube causes changes in the air flow
speed. Indeed, in all places and per unit of time, the same volume of
particles must flow. So, when there is a narrowing the speed increases
(Venturi effect).
Example: When the wind blows consistently in a valley with a regular
section, its speed increases at the place where the valley tightens.

2.2.2 Static pressure and dynamic pressure

Inside a still tube of air, there is the same pressure in all directions. The
barometers A and B indicate the same values.

But when the air moves along the tube with some speed, it forms a stream
tube. The B indicator measures a pressure higher than A . A always shows
the same pressure as in still air. The difference is obviously caused by the
movement of air. The additional pressure is called dynamic pressure. A
measures the static pressure.

2.2.3 The Bernoulli law

If we don’t take into account the losses due to friction,

the Bernoulli law applies to a stream tube:

Static pressure (p) + Dynamic pressure (q) = Constant

This constant is called the total pressure or ``impact’’

pressure (measured by the barometer B).
The flow theory gives a simple equality to the dynamic
pressure q:

p.v2 p: air density

v: flow speed

As speed increases, the dynamic pressure also increases

and the static pressure decreases.

Testing the Bernoulli law: Pick two cards or pictures and pass a sharp edge 3 or 4 times on them. Hold gently both
cards in front of the mouth with the rounded sides one in front of the other. The more you blow strongly between the two
cards and the more the distance between them decreases. Due to tightening, the flow speed increases and the static
pressure between the cards decreases and becomes lower than the static pressure outside.

2.2.4 Stagnation point

A streamline point with zero speed is called stagnation point. It is this point (S) on the
streamline that is perpendicular to the body found; from there the flow is divided on both
sides of the body.
On a paraglider, the leading edge opening is in the area of the stagnation point. Thus the internal pressure corresponds to
the total pressure. The higher the flow velocity will be and the higher will be the pressure in the glider.

2.3 - The flow around the profile

If the air flow speed is too low, a wing will not produce any lift. The
trailing edge may be so quickly surrounded by the flow that no
deflection of the stream appears.

At a higher flow speed, the sharp trailing edge is no longer

surrounded by the flow and a turbulence is formed, the attached
vortex. This turbulence detaches from the flow stream that no
longer runs in the general flow direction but takes the direction of
the profile rear. The air flow is then deflected and according to the
reaction force principle, the wing produces a dynamic lift.

2.3.1 The profile drag

The formation of the attached vortex would be a problem only at takeoff if the phenomenon would stop here but this is not
the case. Small whirlwinds are continuously formed and form a separation whirly layer between the upper surface flow and
that of the lower surface. The formation of these whirlwinds (shape drag) with the forces of surface friction, defines the
profile drag.

2.3.2 The lift distribution on the wing profile

On the wing upper surface, the streamlines are closer to

each other than on the lower surface. This presupposes a
higher speed, which is indeed the case. According to
Bernoulli, there is a depressionon the upper surface of the
wing, and an overpressure on the lower one.
With an angle of attack of about 10°, 2/3 of the total lift are
produced by the upper surface depression and only 1/3 by
the lower surface overpressure. The pressure distribution in
the profile depth shows that most of the lift is located on
the wing front.
The pressures are forces per surface unit. These forces act
perpendicularly to the profile surface.

2.3.3 The angle of attack and stall

The line that connects the most prominent point of a profile

with the one located the furthest back is called the profile
chord. With the flow direction it forms the angle of attack
(or angle of incidence).

An asymmetric profile with an angle of attack of 0° is still deflecting

airflow and producing lift. Only with a negative angle of attack (e.g.,
-4°) the lift becomes zero.

With the increase of the angle of attack, the stagnation point moves
on the wing lower surface towards the trailing edge. The leading
edge opening should always match with the stagnation point
location (see 2.2.4).

When the angle of attack is increased beyond a critical value (magnitude 15° - 20°), the flow
is detached from the upper surface: stall . Between the detached airflow and the wing, the
air is turbulent, the drag increases dramatically and the lift weakens. The point on the
profile where the flow of air is detached is called the separation point .
The gliders are manufactured in such a way that the flow drops first to the wing tip. This is achieved by providing a
substantially higher angle of attack to the end parts of the wing. When a wing has several sections with different angle of
attacks is called the spin of a wing.

2.4 - The flow around the wing

So far, only the air flow at the profile level has been studied as if it
was a two-dimensional flow, or in other words, as if the wing had a
infinite span.

The air deflection connected with the production of

speed which is in the flow direction dynamic lift, can be represented by a speed component
that has not the same direction as the original flow speed.
According to the principle of the reaction force, it’s not
just the value of this component that is decisive for the lift
speed which is not in intensity but also the amount of air (air mass) per unit of
the flow direction time that undergoes this change of speed, that is to say
this also depends on the span.

speed of stream deviated

As the span is not infinite, compensatory flows from the lower to the
upper surface appear at the wing tips. This causes a reduction in
the lift at the wing tips.

Compensatory flows do not only diminish the lift, but they also
produce marginal whirlwinds.

2.4.1 The induced drag

Behind the wing and over the whole span there is a velocity component that
has not the same direction as the flow (a ``descent’’). The resulting speed of
the deflected air is greater than that of the air flow. Thus, the air mass
behind the wing has a greater kinetic energy. The continuous physical work
needed to keep it (formation of marginal vortices included), is manifested by
an additional resistance: the induced drag.
It’s not the span that we need to consider for a good ratio of lift and induced
drag, but the ratio of span and profile depth (average): the larger the span,
the smaller the induced drag.

2.4.2 The total drag

The total drag of a wing consists on the profile drag (shape drag and friction drag) and induced drag. However, beyond the
wing, a glider consists on other sources of drag that do not produce lift (pilot, suspension lines).

profile drag about 20%

induced drag about 40%

lines about 20%

pilot about 20%

● A wing that generates lift, also produces drag.

● The larger the aspect ratio, the smaller the induced drag.
● Every wing produces also drag profile.
● The lift produces ``vortex furrows’’ behind each wing.

Advice: do not fly too close behind another glider!

2.5 - Lift and drag formulas

A body in a flow undergoes some forces. In the flow theory, a force that acts perpendicular to the flow direction is called lift
and the one that acts parallel to the flow direction, is called drag.
The two forces are dependent on following factors:

- The flow - Density of air p

- Velocity v
- The body - Exposed surface S (size)
- Coefficient c (shape)
p.v2 p.v2
lift : Fl = cz. .S drag : Fd = cx. .S
2 2

2.5.1 Air density and speed

The lift and the drag vary proportionally to the air density and proportionally to the speed square. Air with density reduced
by half (e.g., at 6600 m) produces half the drag and lift. Double speed creates a lift and drag four times larger.

Tip - mountain flight (example):

At 4000 m the air density is 2/3 of the one at sea level. As a result of such conditions at this altitude, the lift and drag are
also reduced to 2/3. To get the same lift and drag as at sea level a greater speed is needed. So the factor is not 3/2 = 1,5
but only 3/2 = 1,22. A speed of about 20\% larger is required (at take-off as well).

2.5.2 Exposed surface (of frontal area) and shape coefficient

The exposed surface is the surface projected in the flow direction,

that is to say, the effective surface perpendicular to the flow
direction. For bodies that have the same shape (same coefficient)
the resistance varies in the same proportion as the projected
Doubled surface → doubled resistance.

cx Depending on the object shape, the air undergoes different disturbances. With an
= increasing vortex volume, the shape drag also increases. Moreover, because of
1.3 friction on the object surface, extra drag appears. These influences, including the
cx flow situation, are represented, for every object, by the coefficient Cx.
= In the left image: All objects have a circular section.

2.5.3 Exposed surface and wing coefficients

The exposed surface is the wing surface. The projected surface
varies indeed with the angle of attack, although this factor is
already included in the coefficients.
The Lilienthal Polar Diagram, represents the ratio between the lift
and drag coefficient. Each point on the curve corresponds to a
specific angle of attack. The curve tends to the right because when
there is an increase of the angle of attack, the drag coefficient Cx
does not vary in the same proportion as the lift coefficient Cz, but
much faster. Although the simultaneous brake traction on a
paraglider does not only vary the angle of attack but also the
profile, this parameter remains roughly exact.

Lift coefficient Drag coefficient Lift/drag ratio

Unbreaked flight 0.6 0.1 6

Breaked flight 1.6 0.5 3.2

2.6 - Gliding flight

2.6.1 Forces balance in gliding flight
Inertia law: Every body preserves its immobility state or uniform rectilinear motion, as long as some forces do not push it to

The result of all forces acting on the wing is called the resultant
aerodynamic force. Its applying point is called the center of
Since a paraglider flies with no motorized force it always reaches,
in a straight flight (according to inertia law), a balance between the
resultant aerodynamic forces (RAF) and the total weight Fp.
This balance is called: the stationary flight.
The resultant aerodynamic force has two components, the lift (Fz)
and the drag (Fx).
The drag acts in the air flow direction, and the lift perpendicular to
this one.
The flow direction is opposite to the trajectory.

The total weight can be considered the result of two components

which are the forces opposed to drag and lift. The component
opposed to the drag is called the thrust (Fs). The force opposed to
the lift has no particular name.

2.6.2 Glide angle and ratio

The angle between the trajectory and the horizontal is called the
glide angle. It’s the same angle as between the flight speed (V) and
horizontal velocity (Vh).

The resultant aerodynamic force and the lift form the same angle as the glide angle.
Because of angles equality, the proportions of these angles, respectively their values, must be equal as well:

horizontal speed lift

vertical speed drag

This proportion is called ratio.

The formulas for lift and drag are the same except for their respective coefficient (see 2.5). Therefore the lift-drag
proportion is the same of lift coefficients -drag coefficients proportion.
It can be summarized as follows:

horizontal speed lift lift coefficient

ratio = = =
vertical speed drag drag coefficient

Tip: A paraglider of ratio 6 has a lift coefficient 6 times larger than the drag coefficient (for a corresponding angle of
attack) and so the lift is 6 times larger than the drag. Moreover, since the horizontal speed is 6 times the vertical speed,
the paraglider can fly (in still air) for a drop of 1000 m 6 km away.

Example of ratio and corresponding glide angle:

Ratio 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Glide angle 26.8 18.4 14 11.3 9.5 8.1 7.1

Tip: When changing the total weight during flight, the set of forces and speeds change in the same proportion. A greater
total weight causes a higher flight speed. The ratio remains theoretically unchanged. But practice shows that due to
aerodynamic elasticity (because the glider does not form a rigid but a flexible airfoil), the profile and, consequently, the
ratio, change when there is a change of weight. It is for this reason that pilots of different weights don’t fly that far from
one another with the same kind of gear and under identical conditions.

When using the brakes, the angle of attack increases and the drag coefficient becomes larger (see 2.5.3) than the lift
coefficient. The result is a different ratio and, due to drag increase, a smaller speed. If we strongly pull brake controls,
critical angle of attack is exceeded and the air flow drops (stall see 2.3.3.). Indeed, with the critical angle of attack is also
given the corresponding speed and we have then what is known as the minimum flight speed that is just before the stall

2.6.3 The speeds polar curve

The speeds polar curve represents the proportion between the horizontal speed and the vertical speed. It also informs on
the ratios and describes all possible gliding flights, but it is not valid for turning flights. The polar is a function of the
paraglider and the load. When the wing load is given, the speeds polar and the Lilienthal polar are reciprocal.

● Point T: ``trim speed’’ - gliding flight with no brakes applied; displays in normal position
● Point A: ``accelerated flight’’ - maximum speed
● Point F: maximum ratio - can be graphically determined by tracing a tangent to the polar from the origin 0.
● Point M: minimum sink rate - M is the polar peak point
● Point D: ``minimum speed’’ - pulling the brakes causes stall

Tip: Using a vario and an anemometer, one can, by flying in an absolutely calm air mass, determine the polar values.

2.7 - The turning wing

2.7.1 Set in turn (described in a reference system at rest)
When pulling a single brake control, the lift and drag coefficients as well as lift and
drag, increase in one half of the wing.
The resultant of this half of the wing is larger than the unbraked side.
Therefore the total resultant has a horizontal component directed towards the
turning center.
The glider tilts and starts turning.
The pilot mass, according to the inertia law, would tend to go straight down but it is
driven in turning by the horizontal component; it follows an inclination of the all

Pulling and holding the brake control, the tilt increases until it reaches a uniform
turning flight (it’s called uniform turning flight when the vertical speed is constant
and the movement projects a circular motion with constant rotational speed onto the
horizontal plan).
There is no balance of forces.
The weight (Fp) is compensated by the vertical component (-Fp) of the resultant
aerodynamic forces (RAF).
The horizontal component provides the circular motion.

Because of the horizontal component, the resultant aerodynamic force is greater than in gliding flight. It is possible, despite
the coefficients change, with an automatically increased speed. (An increase of minimum speed).

2.7.2 The turning wing (description in a rotating system)

The pilot receives a centrifugal force (Fc) when the wing is turning.
The centrifugal force resultant (Fc) and the weight is called the apparent weight (Fa). The relation between the
apparent weight and the weight is called the load factor. (The pseudo unit G is sometimes used as a load factor
unit, e.g., 2G.)
Figure 2-34: Example of load factor: Fa: Weight apparent, Fp: Weight, Fc: Centrifugal Force.

2.8 - Stability and Instability

An aircraft disturbed in its uniform motion can react in different ways:
● Stable: After disturbance (e.g., after an extreme maneuver interruption or after tuck), it returns, oscillating, to its
original motion.
● Indifferent: It remains in its new movement (e.g., a twist that does not stop).
● Unstable: The imbalance is increasing. The aircraft rolls away from its original position (e.g., a wing auto-rotating faster
and faster).

A safe aircraft is recognized by its high self-stability. The glider gets its stability mainly from the low position of its gravity
center. As a result, strong forces act on the horizontal and the cross axis which place the system, after a flight control or
imbalance, again in its original situation. Stability is other dependent of the wing load (see 1.2.6).

Tip: Attention near the ground . Despite the high stability, abrupt maneuvers can cause strong pendular movements
along with an increasing sink rate and tuck danger.

axis: horizontal
stability : lateral
movement: rolling
axis: transversal
stability : longitudinal
movement: pitching
axis: vertical
stability : the way
movement: yaw
Pilot Manual
3- Weather part I

Association of Paragliding Pilots and Instructors

© APPI 2010 / 2014
All rights reserved.
Portions of the Appendix of this section may be reproduced by APPI Members for use in APPI-sanctioned training, but not
for resale or personal gain. No other reproduction is allowed without the express written permission of APPI.

3.1 - Introduction
Apart from the choice of land and equipment, it is important to know the weather conditions to safely fly a paraglider.
This chapter gives an insight to the basic principles of meteorology.

This theoretical information can be put into practice in different ways:

• by checking several meteorological services at home.
• by a wise observation of the weather when going to the flying site
(increasing wind for example), as sometimes there are different conditions
• by questioning the locals. Don’t be shy to ask information about the specific
weather of the area, they can provide important information.
• by a systematic observation of the weather and know the forecast, make a
personal weather analysis and prediction and comparing it to the actual
weather evolution.

3.2 - The atmosphere

The air layer surrounding the Earth is called the atmosphere. It goes to an altitude of 1000 kilometers and then melts in
the outer space with no definite boundary.

The atmosphere is composed of different layers called

All the weather phenomena happen in the lowest layer, the
Toward the outside, this layer is in contact with the
The boundary between these two layers is called the
tropopause, a very efficient inversion layer that does not
allow moisture to pass. For this reason clouds almost don’t
exist in the stratosphere, only horizontal flows.

The ozone layer, at an altitude of about 50 km,

prevents much of the harmful UV rays (ultraviolet)
of reaching the Earth’s surface.
This protective belt is strongly affected by
pollution: gases, such as engine exhaust gases,
eventually create holes on it.
The troposphere reaches an altitude of 6 kilometers
at the poles, 11 kilometers in mid latitudes and
rises until around 16 kilometers at the equator.

3.3 - The air

The air mass: This name is given to a certain part of
the atmosphere which has always the same criteria of
temperature and humidity. (For example: the Arctic air nitrogen 78%
mass). oxygen 21%
Pure air is a gas mixture consisting mainly of 20% carbon dioxide
oxygen and 80% nitrogen. and rare gases

Oxygen is a vital gas for breathing. Carbon dioxide (C02) lets the sunlight energy pass through but holds the heat re-
emitted by Earth (greenhouse effect). If there is too much C02 in the air, there will be a general warming of the Earth’s
surface. This will involve long-term changes in climate.
In addition, microscopic particles, called condensation nuclei shear, are suspended in the air. They come from the
combustion residues, pollen and sea sprays. They play an important role in the condensation phenomenon that we will see
3.3.1 Atmospheric pressure
Just like any other body under Earth’s magnetic influence, the weight of air exerts pressure on the soil surface. This
pressure depends on the thickness of the air column above the measuring point. The higher the altitude the lower the
pressure is. But because the air is compressible this pressure decrease is not linear but exponential. At 3000 meters the
pressure has decreased by one third to be no more than half at 5500 meters and a quarter at 11,500 meters.
● Unit of measure: kilopascals (kPa)
● Average pressure at sea level (standard atmosphere): 101.3 kPa
● Measuring instrument: barometer

When paragliding at high altitudes you must monitor the effect on your health and mental fitness. High altitude sickness
can occur. As altitude increases, the concentration remains the same but the number of oxygen molecules per breath is
reduced. At 12,000 feet (3,658 meters) the barometric pressure is only 483 mmHg, so there are roughly 40% fewer oxygen
molecules per breath. In order to properly oxygenate the body, your breathing rate (even while at rest) has to increase.
This extra ventilation increases the oxygen content in the blood, but not to sea level concentrations. Since the amount of
oxygen required for activity is the same, the body must adjust to having less oxygen. In addition, for reasons not entirely
understood, high altitude and lower air pressure causes fluid to leak from the capillaries which can cause fluid build-up in
both the lungs and the brain. Continuing to higher altitudes without proper acclimatization can lead to potentially serious,
even life-threatening illnesses.
If you are paragliding and finding you are climbing quickly to very high altitudes you must watch yourself carefully to see
how you are reacting. If you start to feel unwell then it is time to go down. Also make sure you are properly hydrated as you
can cause long term damage to your body
The paraglider will fly faster and more dynamically at higher altitudes. Take offs and landings will be faster, any incidents
that happen will be quicker but your reactions may be slower.

Special features: Isobars are lines of equal pressure on

weather maps. The measuring stations are located at
different altitudes (example: Geneva and Jungfrau). To get
comparable results, the measured pressure is converted by
calculation to a standard level, which may be the sea level
for instance.
In this drawing, the units are represented Hectopascals
Figure 3-3: Graphical representation of the average air
pressure at different altitudes above sea level.

3.3.2 Density
Density is the mass per unit of volume, i.e., the number of air molecules per cubic meter. It depends mainly on temperature
and pressure. Like almost all the materials, the air expands as it warms. Thus we have more particles in a cubic meter of
cold air than in a warm one. This is the reason why the same volume of air is lighter if it is warm than if it’s cold. We will
return to this theme in the thermals.

With a decrease in pressure, there is a decrease in density.

Thus the density of air also decreases with altitude. At 6600
meters the density is only by half compared to that of sea level.
• Unit of measure: kg / m3
• Average density at sea level (standard atmosphere): 1,225 kg
/ m3

hot air cold air

Links with practice:

Given the lower density, flying at high altitude means flying faster and therefore, during takeoff, you will have to run
faster. On the other hand the altitude flight allows for stronger winds.

3.3.3 Air humidity

The water is in the form of three states: solid, liquid, gas.

→ fusion → evaporation →
melting point: boiling point:
solid 0°C liquid 100°C gaseous
(ice) (water) (vapor)

← crystallization point: ← dewpoint: ←

0°C 100°C
crystallization condensation

Latent Heat Energy:

If a substance is changing from a solid to a liquid, for example, the substance needs to absorb energy from the surrounding
environment in order to spread out the molecules into a larger, more fluid volume. If the substance is changing from
something with lower density, like a gas, to a phase with higher density like a liquid, the substance gives off energy as the
molecules come closer together and lose energy from motion and vibration.
If water is changed from a Solid to a liquid, or from a liquid to a gas then latent heat energy is absorbed from the
atmosphere. If water is changed from a gas to a liquid, or from a liquid to a solid latent heat energy is released into the
One might think there is evaporation or, in the reverse, condensation only occurs when reaching 100°C. But this is not the
case in meteorology, as we will see.
Water vapor as a gas contains more energy (heat) that liquid water because the change from solid to gaseous state releases
energy. It is the same between liquid water and ice. We can say that the condensation and crystallization emit energy in the

—> —> —> —>

water vapor water ice

condensation crystallization
(gaz) (liquid) (solid)

Unlike the energy return during fusion and evaporation because these transformations of states require energy.

⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒

ice water water vapor

fusion evaporation
(solid) (liquid) (gaz)

In weather phenomena the water changes from liquid to gas state without reaching the boiling point. We experience this
phenomenon everyday through sweating. Sweat drops appear on the skin surface and evaporate thereby cooling the
immediate environment of the epidermis, implying a decrease in body temperature. In nature, water (lakes, seas, rivers)
and soil humidity evaporate below 100°C by the fact that the air soaks up this moisture depending on its temperature as a
more or less tight sponge. For every air mass three types of humidity will be referred:
● Saturation humidity (SH)
Is the maximum amount of moisture (grams per cubic meter) that an air mass can contain at a given temperature.
❍ Unit of measure: g (water vapor) / m3 (air) at a °C temp
❍ Application: by experimental curve
Depending on temperature and pressure an air mass contains more or less water vapor.

Fig. 3-9: Water vapor curve: It shows the maximum grams of water a cubic
meter can contain at a given temperature. As there are fewer particles of air in
a cubic meter of warm air than in a cold one, we can imagine it has more free
space for water particles. Using the sponge example again, we can say it soaks
up more if it has an airy texture.
● Absolute humidity (AH)
It is the quantity of water actually contained in an air mass.
❍ Unit of measure: g (water) / m3 (air)
❍ Application: by measuring instruments such as the hair hygrometer, psychrometer or, in altitude, the radiosondes.

● Relative humidity (RH)

It is the ratio between absolute and saturation humidity.
❍ Unit of measure: ratio in %
❍ Application: by formula AH: SH x 100
❍ Average at sea level (standard atmosphere): 70%

Dewpoint: It is the temperature at which a cooling air mass reaches 100% of relative humidity. If saturated air cools again
the relative humidity remains at 100%, but microscopic water droplets appear, they gather and form a cloud. Since every
ascending air mass has its own dew point, the height of cloud bases varies.

Example: 1m3 of air at a temperature of 10 ° C may contain at most 9.5 g of water vapor (along curve of water vapor).

temperature: 10°C 10°C

absolute humidity: 9.5g 4.75g
relative humidity: 100% 50%

3.3.4 Temperature
The air is mainly heated in contact with the earth’s surface which gets the majority of the sun’s energy. In fact, the soil gets
warm with the absorption of solar radiation and transfers this heat to its environment in different ways:
⇒ by Conduction: Through direct contact heat is transferred through the vibration of molecules in a substance. As
something gets warmer, it begins to increase the vibration and movement of the molecules that it consists of. Only the air
layer surrounding the soil is warmed by conduction.

⇒ by Radiation: heat propagation in wave form. The heat

absorbed by the soil during the day spreads into the
atmosphere during the night by radiation. On an overcast
day this cooling is lower than in a clear one as the clouds
form a shield that returns this radiation to the earth.
⇒ by Convection: The transfer of heat from a warmer
region to a cooler one by moving air from the heated area
to the unheated area. The vertical movements of air masses
happen by convection.
⇒ by Advection: horizontal movement of air masses. A
moist air mass moving horizontally towards a cold surface
will create advection fog.

● Unit of measure: °C (Celsius)

● Average at sea level (standard atmosphere): 15°C
● Measuring instruments: thermometer (it should never be exposed to direct sunlight or to direct contact with objects
that could influence the measurement). In altitude radiosondes are used.
● Vertical thermal gradient:
The temperature variation according to altitude is called the vertical thermal gradient (sometimes called standard
temperature gradient). Because air is a poor conductor temperature decreases with altitude. Till the tropopause the
temperature, that normally decreases, may either remain stable (isothermal) or increase (thermal inversion).
● Average rate (standard atmosphere - Environment Adiabatic Lapse Rate - EALR): 0,65°C / 100 m

• Curve of a homogeneous stable air (standard temperature

Regular decrease of temperature with altitude (negative
temperature gradient)

When the temperature increases with altitude, this is called inversion.

• Inversion on the ground:

A cloudless sky allows the heat to radiate since the sunset. As a
result, the air layers near the ground cool down. As we already saw,
because the air is a poor conductor, the cooling is only on the lower
layers. In comparison with the standard curve the temperature
increases with altitude and only from a certain altitude it cools

Upward inversion layer

In a warm front there is, at a certain altitude, a warmer air layer than that
prevailing on the ground. It has a high relative humidity that makes the
air in this layer to heat instead of cooling and then it decreases again from
a certain altitude (See fronts explanation)
Downward inversion layer

When unsaturated air descends from high altitudes, it warms 1°C

per 100 meters (see explanation on adiabatic). During this descent
its relative humidity decreases. The absolute humidity remains
constant, but with the warming it moves away from its dew point. In
most cases this descent (subsidence) stops by the presence of a
layer of cold air on the ground. At this limit we find typical clouds of
this situation, namely the stratus. Above this barrier layer we have a
good horizontal visibility. One can often notice this situation during
the winter high pressures.

Inversion in altitude: ●


This is an air layer whose temperature does not change with

altitude, so its temperature gradient is 0°C / 100 m. Links with
Inversions and isothermal are air stable layers. They are a thermal
barrier because the warm rising air loses its relative advantage of
heat and thus ceases to rise.

The two curves in this graphic show the

temperature evolution in the atmosphere. These
temperatures are measured by radio sensors,
dropped in specific locations, which continuously
send, to very high altitude, data to the ground
● Environment Adiabatic Lapse Rate - EALR Average rate of cooling is 0,65°C / 100 m. But this will vary considerable
on a daily basis. Till the tropopause the temperature, that normally decreases, may either remain stable (isothermal) or
increase (thermal inversion).

● The adiabatic temperature gradient

The adiabatic temperature gradient expresses the change in temperature within an ascending or descending air mass.
Adiabatic means: without heat exchange with the outside environment. The higher an air mass rises, the lower the
pressure is, so the air expands and therefore it cools. On the opposite, if the air mass descends, it compresses and thus it

Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate - DALR

As the air humidity is not saturated, i.e. with a relative humidity

below 100%, the ascending air mass cools down by 1°C / 100
meters above sea level.

Saturated Adiabatic Lapse Rate - SALR (or moist adiabatic)

If ascending air reaches its dew point, i.e. 100% relative humidity, it
will have too much water vapor compared to its temperature, there
is an excess of moisture that will condense. We are witnessing the
formation of clouds. When water vapor condenses, it releases latent
heat energy, that is the reason why its cooling is lower than the 1°C
/ 100 m of dry adiabatic. This value fluctuates with the temperature
of the dewpoint. The average is around 0.6°C / 100 m.

In addition we must differentiate if the air is saturated or not because there are two types of adiabatic temperature ●


As we already know, warm air can hold more moisture than cold air. The warmer an air mass is when it reaches the dew
point, the larger the amount of condensed water vapor and the more latent heat energy is released from condensation.
When an air mass reaches its dewpoint.
dewpoint moist adiabatic temperature gradient
high low
low high

⇒ The higher the dewpoint temperature of a rising air mass, the

lower is the Saturated adiabatic temperature gradient.
⇒ The lower the dewpoint temperature of a rising air mass, the
greater is the Saturated adiabatic temperature gradient.
⇒ Thus the saturated adiabatic lapse rate varies between 0.4°C and
0.9°C / 100 m.
⇒ The saturated and dry adiabatic describe temperature changes in
an ascending or descending air.
⇒ At the condensation level or dew point, the cooling of ascending
air passes from dry adiabatic gradient to humid.
⇒ Descending air masses that get warm by dry adiabatic involve
dissolution of the clouds.
⇒ The dry adiabatic temperature gradient is 1°C / 100 m.
⇒ The average value of humid adiabatic temperature gradient is
0,6°C / 100 m.

⇒ When an air mass rises (less pressure) the volume increases (expansion) and therefore its temperature decreases.
⇒ Conversely when an air mass descends (high pressure) the volume decreases (compression) and therefore its
temperature increases.
● The state of the atmosphere:
By comparing the curve of the atmosphere with the adiabatic one, it’s possible to determine the atmosphere stratification
with its stability or instability characteristics or indifferent situations. This technique of graphical representation of the
atmosphere layers is called emagram.

● Unstable layer in the atmosphere:

An unstable equilibrium happens if the atmosphere part within which an air mass is rising cools down more than the
ascending air. The state curve is less inclined than the adiabatic one. The temperature difference between ambient air
and ascending air increases so steadily that the bubble continues to rise and accelerate. The dry-unstable equilibrium,
where the atmosphere cools down more than 1°C / 100 m, is found almost exclusively in the layers near the ground.
Links to practice: The unstable layers of the atmosphere mean in practice:
1. that the thermal improves with altitude
2. that the thermal is short
3. A rapid formation of clouds means a threat of storm

● stable layer in the atmosphere

The state curve of the atmosphere being steeper than the adiabatic one, the ascending air cools down faster than the air
mass in which it operates. The thermal relative heat advantage decreases and when its temperature reaches that of the
ambient air this one stops.

Links to practice: The stable layers of the atmosphere mean in practice that:
1. thermal quality decreases with altitude
2. the thermal does not rise very high
3. there is little or virtually no clouds, then called blue thermal (the dry ascending air doesn’t cool down enough to reach
its condensation level).

● neutral layer in the atmosphere

The state curve and the adiabatic one are parallel. The ascending air evolves always at the same speed.
Links to practice: The neutral layers of the atmosphere mean in practice that:
● the thermal is often steady and quiet till high altitudes
● there is little cloud formations
● the thermal holds often for long
This situation is unfortunately very rare

Example: (This explanation is in relation with the graphic below)

⇒ Lets suppose that at the ground (400 m / sea) a specific surface heats a volume of air at 25°C. The ambient air mass has
the following characteristics: temperature 20°C, absolute humidity 6 g / m3, relative humidity 26%.
⇒ Given its caloric advantage this volume will start to rise
⇒ When rising it cools down according to dry adiabatic curve (1°C / 100 m)
⇒ At 2400 meters this ascending air mass has 5°C, it reaches its dew point or 100% of relative humidity (the 6 grams of
water vapor saturate a cubic meter at this temperature according to the diagram)
⇒ We find the cloud base at this altitude
⇒ At this altitude this thermal bubble still has a caloric advantage of 1.5°C on the surrounding air mass so it continues to
⇒ It is now advancing according to the moist adiabatic curve as there is condensation (energy release) and cloud
⇒ Its cooling is then only 0.6°C / 100 m
⇒ As up to 3200 meters the caloric advantage is in favour of the air bubble, the ascent becomes faster.
⇒ We’re talking about the unstable humid layer
⇒ At 4000 meters the ascending air mass loses its caloric advantage and stops rising
⇒ The upper limit of the cloud is reached
⇒ If the unstable humid layer had gone to high altitude, we would have an ascent to the tropopause and the formation of a

value of the
rising air mass thermal
over the
saturating relative air mass
humidity humidity

3g 100% 0°C

4g 100% 2.8°C

4.5g 100% 3.3°C

5.5g 100% 2.6°C

3g 100% 1.5°C

6g 70% 2°C

6g 55% 3°C

6g 42% 4°C

6g 33% 4.5°C

6g 26% 5°C

3.4 - The clouds

When the air cools to the dew point, there is cloud formation. Water vapor condenses around condensation nuclei. It is this
formation of small and light water droplets or ice crystals floating in the air that make the cloud visible.
This cooling until condensation occurs in different ways:
● Orographic lift ⇒ orographic clouds ⇒ orographic rains
● Frontal lift ⇒ frontal clouds ⇒ regular rains during warm fronts ⇒ front storms during cold fronts
● Thermal lift ⇒ thermal clouds ⇒ thermal storms
● Earth’s surface radiation on clear nights ⇒ fog or dew ⇒ drizzle or frost
● Contact with cold surfaces ⇒ advection fog ⇒ drizzle or frost

We differentiate two kinds of cloud types:

• Heaped clouds (cumulus)

They are synonymous of unstable layers in the atmosphere: warm
air rises, the cold gets down ⇒ vertical movements of air ⇒ unstable
Photo 3-1: Cumulus. Cloud of fine weather; if it evolves to rain
situation, we talk about overdevelopment.

• The stratum-shaped clouds (stratus)

They are synonymous of stable layers in the atmosphere: no
tendency to mix, for instance: fog in the valleys and beautiful
weather in the mountains.
Photo 3-2: Stratus.
Fig. 3-28: Another distribution of
clouds according to altitude.
Troposphere is divided in three
ranges: strato (up to 2-3 km), alto
(up to 5-7 km) and cirro (up to 13

Photo 3-3: Cirrus. Photo 3-4: Cirrocumulus.

Photo 3-5: Cirrostratus. Photo 3-6: Altocumulus.

Photo 3-7: Altostratus. Photo 3-8: Stratocumulus.

Photo 3-9: Nimbostratus. Photo 3-10: Cumulonimbus with piliouscloud.

Photo 3-12: Cumulonimbus

Photo 3-11: Cumulus.
CB = storm cloud that can cause hail.

Photo 3-13: Lenticulars. Photo 3-14: Lenticulars.

3.5 - The fog
3.5.1 Radiation fog
During the night, the ground cools the lower air layers to their condensation level. Clear skies, little wind and air
temperature near the dew point make fog formation easier. This is often the case in autumn and winter when high-pressure
situations occur. Its dissolution during the day is due to wind and sunlight.

3.5.2 Advection fog

It is formed when humid air layers near the ground go on a cooler surface and cool down to the dew point. This happens in
the mountains along the glaciers.

Photo 3-15: Upper limit of the fog layer.

Flying in a sea of fog represents danger of life due to the complete
loss of orientation and sense of balance. It is also not allowed by law
(Paragliders fly by VFR Visual Flight Rules: Clear of cloud, in sight
of the ground and flight visibility of 1500m).

Photo 3-16: Lower limit of the fog layer.

It’s called fog when visibility is less than one kilometer, between 1
and 5 km is called mist.

3.6 - Precipitation
Definition: The different forms by which the solid or liquid water contained in the atmosphere falls or settles on the
earth’s surface (rain, fog, snow, hail, dew).
Droplets gather together and become heavier and heavier until reaching a weight that the updraft is not able to maintain in
suspension. At this time they fell as rain. If pressure and temperature allow crystallization, it snows. Due to very strong
suck phenomena in the clouds (CB), the droplets are often propelled at high altitudes where they freeze. When they come
down, new ice crystals or droplets stick on their melting outer layer. If they are aspirated again and this operation is
repeated many times hailstones are formed.

Photo 3-17: Nimbostratus

NS = cloud of persistent and
general rains
Pilot Manual
4- Weather part II

Association of Paragliding Pilots and Instructors

© APPI 2010 / 2014
All rights reserved.
Portions of the Appendix of this section may be reproduced by APPI Members for use in APPI-sanctioned training, but not
for resale or personal gain. No other reproduction is allowed without the express written permission of APPI.

4.1 - The fronts

Fronts belong to meteorological situations that prevail in low pressure systems. (See Polar Front). When two air masses of
different origin, and therefore different temperature, meet, we see most of the time clouds and rains is this well defined
limit known as: front.

4.1.1 Warm Front

If a mass of warm air rushes into a mass of cold air, it glides
upwards along the cold air; this makes the air mass cool down and
brings it to its dew point. The warm front involves persistent clouds
and rain.
4.1.2 Cold Front
If a mass of cold air crushes into a warm air mass, being heavier it
seeps in the warm air and, as if it was a lever arm, lifts it vertically;
this cools down the air mass and leads it to its dew point. The cold
front implies stormy clouds and rain.

4.1.3 Occlusion
At the end of a low pressure system, the cold front overtakes often
the warm front, this is called occlusion. Depending on the
temperatures in conflict, the occlusion may have a warm or a cold
front character.
Hazards: severe turbulence!

Occlusion warm front character Occlusion cold front character

4.2 - High and low pressure systems

4.2.1 Thermal origin of high and low pressures

The suns rays travel in straight lines to the earth. The angle of attack of the
sun’s rays is more perpendicular to the Earth’s surface at the Equator than
at the poles. The suns rays are hotter where they hit the earth directly at
the equator. They hit the earth at a low angle at the poler regions making
them more spread out and giving less heat.
The warming of the Earth’s surface is not only due to the sun’s rays but also
to the type of surface. Snow reflects the sunlight whilst a ploughed field
absorbs the heat of the sun and gives off radiation, heating the air above.
Being different, the warming of the Earth’s surface creates different
pressures. In warm places the air heats up expands and rises, the pressure
and density in these places are lower than the air above cold surfaces.

● Low pressure (cyclone): warm air rises ⇒ it cools ⇒ it reaches its dew point ⇒ cloud formation ⇒ bad weather. Air flows
in an anti clockwise direction in the Northern hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. In a low pressure
the air masses above are moving apart causing a vacuum which is filled from the air rising below.
● High pressure (anticyclone): the air masses above are coming together, cold air sinks and spirals downwards.
(Clockwise in the Northern hemisphere, anti clockwise in the Southern; this phenomenon is called “subsidence” ⇒ in
downward movement this air warms by compression along the dry adiabatic temperature curve ⇒ clouds dissolution ⇒
stable, sunny weather.
● Pressure gradient - the airflow will try to move from a high pressure area to a low pressure to fill it.

4.2.2 General circulation of the wind on the planet

As we have seen, the Earth’s surface is heated more strongly at the equator
than at the poles. So there reigns a low pressure system because air masses
rise. A small part of this air continually rising is taken to high altitude and
moves poleward. Most of this air sinks to 30 degrees latitude, part of it goes
back to the South in order to replenish the equator ascent, and the other
part goes up towards the North.
Therefore, at 30° latitude, there is a constant subsidence that generates fine
weather with little wind, and we understand better the existence of the
famous Azores anticyclone. Due to the Coriolis force caused by the
rotation of the Earth, the air masses do not move in a straight line but
always with a rightward movement in the Northern Hemisphere. This
originates the steering “trade winds” in the tropics, the “westerly winds”
under our latitudes and the “polar easterlies” beyond 60° north latitude.
These last winds greatly influence our weather, especially during winter
because the cold air masses come into conflict with warmer air masses,
causing front situations.
Fig. 3-37: Wind circulation on the planet.

4.2.3 The dynamic low pressures

The temperature differences between oceans and continents and between warm and cold oceans, influence the general
circulation of air. Some warm and humid air masses come in contact with others which are cold and dry. At about 60
degrees north latitude there is a clear dividing line between the cold winds from the east and the warm winds from the
West. This line is called the polar front. The different air masses entangle like gears along this boundary.

Fig. 38 & 39: Development of low dynamic pressures: gear of air masses.
1: Polar Wind from East: cold; 2: Wind from West: warm; 3: Polar front-line 60° N

Within the low pressure system, the air of surrounding high pressures comes to fill the vacuum. Two air masses of different
temperatures will begin to rotate clockwise (since the air is deflected to the right at high pressure systems because of the
Coriolis effect, by the gear phenomenon the flow goes towards left on the low pressures). The sinking of a warm air wedge
in the interior of cold air causes a decrease in the barometric pressure. Two fronts are therefore put in place, a warm front
that moves slowly (about 20 to 25 km / h or 10 to 15 kts) (kts = knots) as it relies on a dense air, and a cold front advancing
faster (about 35 to 50 km / h or 20 to 40 kts) as it relies on a less dense mass of warm air. After a day or two we can already
observe the advance of the cold front.

Fig. 3-40: The low pressure center Fig. 3-41: Sectional view of Fig. 3-40
1: cold sector; 2: cold front; 3: short rains, storms; 4: warm sector; 5: warm front; 6: Persistent rains

Fig. 3-42: Occlusion Fig. 3-43: Sectional view of Fig. 3-42

T: low pressure area; 1: cold; 2: cold front; 3: warm front; 4: precipitation

Ahead of the cold front, there is a great danger of severe turbulence. After 3 or 4 days an occluded front may occur, the
cold front has overtaken the warm front, the pressures get in balance and the whole pressure system loses its force.
Dissolution: the warm sector being pushed upwards and the cold taking place below it, there is no more reason to have
masses of rising air. Moreover the pressures are balanced with neighboring anticyclone systems. The cycle is completed.

Fig. 3-44: Dissolution Fig. 3-45: Sectional view of Fig. 3-44

1: cold, East polar wind; 2: warm, West wind
Fig. 3-46: typical clouds during a passage
of a polar front wave.

Photo 3-15: Cirrus clouds announced a

warm front approaching. They gradually
become denser and become a layer of
cirrostratus .

Photo 3-16: This layer becomes thicker

and the ceiling falls. Altostratus are
formed. Cloud base goes down again. We
observe the first rains. Altostratus become
Photo 3-17: Nimbostratus Rainfall
becomes more important and lasting
several hours. Shreds of stratus clouds
cover the sky. After the passage of the
warm front rainfall decreases ....

Photo 3-18: The air temperature rises. We

are now in the warm sector.
Stratocumulus Lightweight move across
the sky.

Photo 3-19: We can notice magnificent

storm clouds of summer cold front..
Photo 3-20: After a relatively short time,
the sky is completely covered. Storms and
turbulence accompanying the passage of
the cold front. The wind turns west to east.

Photo 3-21: The sky cleared in the polar

air behind the cold front. This promotes the
formation of cumulus. Sunny moments
interspersed with scattered showers and
residual thunderstorms..

Photo 3-22: Towards evening and also

with the arrival of time trolling, the
cumulus become flatter, then become
stratocumulus which disappear slowly.
The lull due to the high pressure happens,
will be more or less long before the arrival
of a new wave of the polar front.

4.3 - The wind

The wind is the result of the re-balancing of pressure systems. Air masses always move from surfaces of high pressure to
surfaces of low pressure.
4.3.1 Wind Speed
● Unit of measure: node, KT (= nautical mile per hour), m / sec (or km / h), 1 nautical mile = 1.852 km
● Equivalence of knots into km / hour (approximate formula): (kts x 2) 10%
● Measuring instrument: anemometer. For measurements at high altitude, radio sensors are used.
● Graphical symbols in synoptic weather maps: The long line indicates the origin on the map, North always on the top.
The perpendicular line gives the velocity of the latter (large perpendicular line = 10 knots, small = 5 kts).

Example: - Southwest wind, 15 kts

- north wind, 30 kts

Links with practice - caution : the average is given in the wind speed data. Therefore one must always count on gusts 1.5
times higher than the given speed.
Example: Weather Information: west wind 30 km / h, maximum gust peak possible: 45 km / h.

The greater are the differences of pressure and the tighter are the isobar lines on the weather map and the stronger is the

difference of 5 hPa / isobar wind speed

600 km light breeze 2 Beaufort 5 kts

500 km moderate wind 4 Beaufort 13 kts

400 km moderate wind 5 Beaufort 18 kts

300 km strong wind 6 Beaufort 24 kts

200 km violent wind 7 Beaufort 30 kts

500 km storm 9 Beaufort 44 kts

gaps between isobaric lines indications wind

small big pressure drop strong

big uniform pressure distribution low

degrees m / s Trees km / indication kts wind

Beaufort h conditions

1 0.3 motionless 1 wind direction indicated 1 low

- - by the smoke -
0.5 5 3

2 1.6 rustling leaves 6 perceptible wind on your 4 low

- - face -
3.3 11 6
3 3.4 movements of thin 12 flags begin to float 7 low
- branches - -
5.4 19 10

4 5.5 movements of all 20 Uprising isolated papers 11 moderate

- branches - and dust -
7.9 28 15

5 8.0 movements of small 29 scum on water 16 moderate

- trees - -
10.7 38 21

6 10.8 movements of large 39 ringing in the vicinity of 22 strong

- trees - power lines and -
13.8 49 telephone 27

• Influence of landforms on wind speeds: the speed of the air flow is

accelerated on the ridges by the Venturi phenomenon.

Links with practice: ●

- Precautions when starting on a ridge: with strong wind one must takeoff downstream and keep a safe distance from
the ridge and peaks around because after takeoff one can be lifted up until the altitude of the ridge and be dragged along
the leeward side.
- When flying over a ridge we can expect stronger winds.
- The topographic narrowing of a valley also has a direct effect on the increase of the wind speed (see the Venturi effect).

4.3.2 Wind Direction

It is always shown the source of the wind and not its direction. A west wind comes from the west and hits the east slopes.
Just like the mountain wind comes from the mountains and goes toward the valley. Southwest wind with a speed of 36 km /
h is abbreviated in weather forecast jargon like: 225/20 (225° ⇒ SO, 20 kts ⇒ 36 km / h).
Under the influence of the only force of pressure, the air
would move only perpendicular to the isobar lines, ranging
from high to low pressures, as rain on the slope of a roof.
The most important force among the forces acting on the
air is the Coriolis force. It prints a curve shape in any
trajectory due to the rotation of the Earth. This force is
perpendicular to the movement. Deviation takes place
toward the right of the trajectory in the Northern
Hemisphere and to the left in Southern Hemisphere. When,
in a particular place, the wind reaches a constant speed and
direction, which occurs daily on vast extensions of our
planet, there is no more acceleration of air masses. This
means there is a balance between the pressure force and
the Coriolis force. The wind and the Coriolis force being
perpendicular, the wind is by this time “parallel” to the
isobars. In fact, there is always a certain angle between the
isobars and the wind direction, otherwise the high pressure
systems would never rush in to fill the area of lower air

4.3.3 he Coriolis effect

The Earth rotates at equator with a velocity of 1666 km / h. The Earth’s rotation with 40,000 kilometers from west to east
lasts 24 hours. At the same time the air particles of the atmosphere are also accelerated to this speed of 1666 km / h.
Conversely, the speed of the Earth’s rotation at the poles is 0 km / h.

The Coriolis force acts when an air mass changes its latitude
degree, meeting air masses that move faster or slower than it. This
can be shown according to the following example: A passenger
descending from a moving train has to run a few meters before
stopping for he has stored the train speed (inertia). The same
happens with the air particles moving from one point towards the
poles, they carry with them a greater rotation speed and are ahead
of the Earth’s rotation as the passenger who jumped from the
moving train and, for a moment, goes faster than the train to stop
afterwards. This gives the Northern Hemisphere winds the
tendency to turn right and in the Southern Hemisphere the
tendency to turn left. Similarly, the air particles that start from the
pole towards the Equator have almost zero velocity at the start. The
Earth turning from West towards the East follows exactly the same
tendency to turn right.

4.3.4 Turbulence
If the laminar flow of an air mass is disturbed, there is formation of turbulence. This turbulence has two causes:
• Friction: it refers to dynamic mechanical turbulence. Depending
on the shape and nature of the soil, the air masses from the lower
layers are hindered, disrupted and deflected. Much less turbulence
is expected over flat terrain such as a lake, than over an irregular
field. In addition, near the ground, the air meets multiple barriers in
different forms that cause eddies taken then by wind and resulting
in a disturbed and turbulent atmosphere.

Links with Practice: Avoid downwind landings close to trees or


• Temperature: it refers to thermal turbulence. When an air

bubble is rising, it disrupts the flow of air of the prevailing wind.
Moreover, it creates a depression above the ground which tends to
balance itself by sucking the surrounding air.

• Downwind situation:
Rotors are created on the leeward side of objects such as houses,
trees, etc. ... it may even be hills or the whole mountains.

Links with practice: On the leeward side of a ridge, without relevant thermal, it is possible to notice a headwind.
Warning: this is a deceptive wind because it is due to a rotor effect and immediately after takeoff the wind suddenly
descends the slope. For this reason, one must always consider the general direction of the wind. This must be considered
for instance at an exposed point at the top of the ridge under which we want to take off. In addition, during the ascent to
the flight site, one must constantly observe the wind evolution.
The rotors increase in size and strength in proportion to the wind
speed increase. These rotors can reach several hundred meters in
The shape of the downwind ground also plays a role on the rotors
strength. The steeper the downwind ground, the stronger is the
turbulence. The strongest turbulences are generated when the
windward and leeward slopes are steep.

Links with practice: Downwind turbulences responsible for wing tuck can occur with measured wind speeds of only 10
km / hour.

Wind situations:

A windward side, exposed to wind, can also create critical rotors as

those found in the leeward side. They are due to topographic
changes, including:
- the foot of the cliff

- depressions

- terrace

Wind-shear situation:
Vertical: it is a change in the wind direction and strength when
catching altitude. The wind decrease or increase with the altitude is
called wind gradient. In the lower layers up to 300 meters above
areas with high terrain roughness, there may be differences of more
or less 20 knots per 100 meters. In general, we can say that in a
plain surface the wind is weaker but more turbulent, given the
ground obstacles, than the one reigning 300 meters above.

Horizontal: when two valleys meet (see diagram), or when two

winds, one local and one dominant (see leeward thermal), meet,
turbulence is generated.

4.3.5 Slope lift

We talk of a dynamic wind when an air mass collides frontally with an obstacle and can not avoid it laterally. Thus the air
must move above the obstacle and causes an ascent in its center.
Both dominant winds and valley winds can cause dynamic lift on the slope. Whatever its origin, the differences in the
character of this lift are minimal. Apart foehn, all winds with a speed of about 30 km / h are conducive to the soaring
practice (dynamic lifts technique). But just as the wind speed, if not more, slope plays an important role. To optimize a
slope flight it is therefore necessary to take into account:

• the orientation and width of the slope

The best wind is created when the air mass hits the slope
The wider the slope, the more the air masses must avoid it
perpendicularly over a large area and the easier it is to use this
slope for soaring practice.

• the height of the slope

At the foot of the slope, where the wind speed is low, the upward surface
is too little usable. With the altitude of the slope, the rising wind
increases its speed and volume.
• the slope profile
If the wind hits frontally one side, it accelerates in the hollows that
suck the air and reduces at the rough surfaces that repel it. When
the wind comes from the side the opposite phenomenon happens,
which is easily noticed on ridges and passes.

• the slope inclination

The size of the usable dynamic lifts depends on the slope
inclination. With less inclination, the ascending area is more
expanded in depth and the wind speed is lower. On a hill for
instance, the good usable ascents are slightly ahead of the

The weaker the inclination of the slope, the more the lift
lies ahead of the peak.

The steeper the slope, the narrower is the lifting area and the
stronger is the wind.
On a cliff like slope the lift lies ahead of the peak.

• the surface state of the slope

The surface state (texture) of the slope refers to the vegetation
disposal and arrangement at the soil surface. If the slope has a
regular inclination and a smooth texture one can find the best lifts
at a distance of 10 to 20 m from the ground.

If, on the contrary, the ground is irregular the best lifts are at a
greater distance and are smaller. This is explained by the presence
of turbulence very near the ground which reduces the wind speed.
Links with practice: Increase the safety distance in regard to the
slope and other aircraft.

• the breaks in the slope profile

Breaks in the slope profile disrupt the updraft flow along the slope.
We talk of temporary takeoff lift, if the slope becomes more regular
the lift reattaches to the slope.
On the contrary, large terraces keep away the slope lifts.

4.4 - The thermal

4.4.1 Origin

The Earth’s surface gets warm by the sun differently depending on

the nature of its surface (see 4.4.5).
Above the heated surfaces an air layer is formed which reduces its
density by the temperature increase and forms a bubble which
tends to rise.
This process is more active when the wind is low.

Because of friction at the start, this bubble remains close to the


By a continuous warming, this bubble grows up, the repelled cold

air descends along the bubble and therefore raises it.
The pulse is triggered either by wind or vibration or by a continuous
The higher the temperature difference between the bubble and the
surrounding air, the faster the thermal bubble is rising.

At the bubble edges the warm air mixes with the cooler surrounding
air, and this causes turbulence.
Thus, by expanding, the bubble grows continuously with altitude
but it cools down too.

The upward rate in the center of the bubble is almost the double
from the one at the edges.

The rising bubble of warm air draws the surrounding air at its base, thus forming a
This helps the next bubble to rise and if the thermal conditions are good the upward
flow of air is continuous forming a thermal column.
The diameter of this column is 20 to 200 meters near the ground and nearly the twice
in altitude.
Several columns can come together to create large upward areas.
4.4.2 Cloud Formation
When rising warm air reaches its condensation level, it forms a
cloud. The released condensation energy gives the bubble even
more upward force.
Cumulus clouds formed by days of fine weather are reliable
indicators of the thermal location.
A sufficiently formed cumulus cloud can draw the air directly from
below even if there is no more warm air coming from the soil

area & size

types of clouds horizontal - vertical lifetime forcefulness

Cu humilis 50 - 500 m 0.5 - 2 km 20 min. until 3 m / sec

Cu congestus 0.5 2 km 2 - 5 km 40 min. until 12 m / sec

Cb 2 - 20 km 3 - 12 km 100 min. until 30 m /sec

Photo 3-26: cumulus humilis : small cloud formations growing

into balls with sharp and clear edges which testify a rising thermal
activity. If the base of this formation is convex one can expect
extremely strong thermals.

For an induction of the thermal process and thus the formation of clouds, there must be a precise temperature on
the ground. It depends on the atmospheric state curve and on the relative humidity of the air near the ground.
If one knows the trigger temperature (= state curve + 3 to 5 °C) on the ground and the dew point temperature of
the air mass it is possible to determine the altitude of the clouds basis by the approximate formula:
H = 125 x (Trigger temperature - dew point temperature).
In other words, for each Celsius degree of temperature rising on the
ground, the cloud base rises 125 meters.
It is possible that the difference between the temperature of the
rising air bubble and the dew point temperature of this air bubble is
so large that clouds never form during the day.
This is called thermal blue. They are difficult to locate but there are
still great to use.

4.4.3 Upward force of the wind

The average force of the updraft increases more or less linearly till
the cloud base. If the cloud base is at 2000 meters, the average
ascent rate here is twice as large as at 1000 meters.
The best ascent rates are in the lower third of the convection area
and also just below the cloud base (due to the condensation heat
released) where the cloud is darker and convex.

Warning : during unstable weather conditions or in stormy

situations, harmless cumulus clouds can quickly turn into
dangerous storm clouds. There may be a sucking of more than 10
m/s to several hundreds of meters below the base. In such a
situation, it is very difficult to cope with a glider since even in very
tight spirals only 15 m/s are reached. The result is a real danger of
life if one gets sucked into such a storm cloud. The pilot loses all
sense of orientation, is lacking of oxygen and no longer controls his
vehicle due to strong turbulence and hail.
Links with practice : Caution and suspicion are needed when:
• the ascent rate under the cloud exceeds 5 m/s,
• the ascent area is wide and calm under the cloud, it can mean
very high aspirations,
• the cloud is dark, convex in the middle with curved edges.

One should know that when getting away from the cloud, one is still
rising for some time.
This is the reason why a straight flight in a 5 m/s ascent gives a
flight line of 30° up.
One should not go up till the cloud base but move away from it
considering its size.

4.4.4 Thermal detachment

Without wind, a thermal bubble can develop peacefully.

After enough warming it separates from the ground and rises

The bubble detachment is due among others to:

• tremor (eg. flying objects landing)
• temperature variations between different soil textures (eg. cloud shadows on the ground, forests, snow-
ground boundaries, lakes, roads, etc ...)
If the wind is low thermal bubbles leave the ground and go up near
the place of origin.
The best locations for these separations are:
• forest edges respectively vegetation changes,
• change in the country profile,
• slits in the mountain slopes and on ridges in general.

Strong wind takes the thermal off the ground before it is sufficiently
This creates a chopped up thermal, broken, difficult to use.

Good thermals develop in places sheltered from the wind.

Thus the right places for taking off will always be downwind on the
edge of forests, buildings, hills, mountains, etc...
Warning : If one exploits the thermal downwind, one can spiral till
the boundary between the upward thermal and the prevailing
altitude wind. This contact zone is turbulent and is called wind-
shear zone .

4.4.5 Factors influencing the thermal

• Inclination of the slope, aspect and position of the sun:

Surfaces perpendicularly touched by sun’s rays get the maximum
solar energy. Regarding the slopes, the south-facing slope (sunny
slope of a mountain) inclined at 45° does not get more than 70% of
this maximum energy while the north-facing slope (mountain side
exposed to North, ie. to shadows) gets only a scattered energy. On
an annual average the South Southwest slopes are the sunniest and
warmest. Compared with a North slope, a eastern slope is 20%
warmer, a western slope 30% and a southern slope 40% warmer.
• Orography:
The concave surfaces such as valleys are, at an annual average,
20% cooler than plains.
Convex shapes such as ridges or domes are 10% warmer.
The main reasons for these differences are:

- The fact that there is more shade in concave than in convex
- The fact that the cold air flowing overnight in valleys and
hollows stays on the ground and creates a temperature inversion.
This inversion must first of all be dissipated by the first sun’s rays
before it allows the start of thermal activity.
Normally inversions get dissipated in the late morning. After clear
nights, if one wants to do thermal flight it is better to fly in the
second half of the day.

● Soil texture (soil type).

❍ Absorption and reflection:
A portion of the solar rays is directly returned to space by the atmosphere and the Earth’s surface. The remaining part
is absorbed and converted into heat. The greater the possibility of absorption of this energy by the soil, the better will
be the basic conditions for thermal release.

Absorptive capacity of some textures of soil types

Wheat fields high and dry 95%

Asphalt 92%

Black soil, coniferous forests 90%

Absorptive capacity of some textures of soil types
Land without vegetation, grass, deciduous snowy forest 85%

Wheat fields 80%

Sand 70%

Snow 30%

Basic rules: The shadier and darker the exposed surface to sunlight, the greater its absorption capacity will be. The
clearer and smoother the exposed surface to sunlight, the lower its absorption capacity will be.
❍ Heat conductivity and heat retention capacity:
Soils with a high conductivity and heat retention capacity will warm up slowly but they also render slowly the stored
heat, ie long after the end of sunshine. Conversely, a low conductivity and heat absorption capacity means that the
surface warms up quickly by sun radiation and cools down quickly, too.

Thermal inertia of different textures of soil types

Arable and dry soils 0 - 15 min.

Concrete, asphalt, houses, etc ... 1 - 2 hrs.

Scree, rocks 11.5 - 21.5 hrs.

Low vegetation 2 3 hrs.

❍ Comparison of thermal capacity air - water:

Conduction Water Air

very good bad

The following correlation was obtained:

Water capacity in the soil Air capacity in the soil Heating of soil surface
low high strong

high low low

This explains the absence of thermal activity in a day of fine weather, when there was more than 5 l of precipitation per m2
the previous day.
As water has a great capacity to retain the heat, large surfaces of water such as lakes and oceans get this heat very slowly
and keep it for a very long time. This is evident in autumn, when the land surface cools down strongly and it is possible to
find weak upward surfaces over large areas above the relatively warm lakes. But generally, there is almost no thermal on
water. The amount of water contained in vegetation varies greatly, the more it is green, the more it contains. A recently cut
meadow, for instance, is not conducive to thermals while the same field, the next day, with a dry and isolating hay layer can
become a real thermal oven.
Summary of thermal properties of different soils.
The best surfaces for thermal flight are at the top of the table and the less usable are at the bottom.

Soil texture Properties Warming Inertia Features

Asphalt + dry good 1 - 2 hrs. long and continuous thermal
Concrete + good absorption slow
Pebbles - relatively good conduction
+ presence of air in the soil very good short
Dustwallow drained + good absorption fast

+ presence of air in the soil good short the closer we get to the product
+ good absorption fast maturing planted, the more thermal will
Farmland be good
Soil texture Properties Warming Inertia Features
+ mown very different hay is excellent when dry and ventilated
- unmown
+ lean
Grasslands - greasy

Bushes + ventilated moderately good 2 - 3 hrs.

Heath delayed

+ cleared and dry soil moderately good 2 - 3 hrs. in winter, no snow and bare branches
Coniferous forest delayed can provide thermal

- high evaporation bad

Deciduous forest - shading

Wet marshes - high evaporation bad

- important reflection none

Snow and glaciers - cold

Water - high conduction very slow

The constant search for suitable thermal flight surfaces according to the table above is the key to long flights especially in
the lowlands. If flying in mountain it is the constant search for a suitable topography and land exposure to sunlight that
allows long-distance flights.

• Cloud coverage:
When we want to determine the amount of clouds in the sky, the sky
is divided into octars (eight equal parts) and then the number of
octars occupied by clouds on the observation site is registered.
These details are useful because cloud shadows on the ground
reduce the thermal activity.

If the sky is covered over its half (5/8), the thermal is almost
blocked. In addition, dust and smog adversely affect the formation
of thermals.

Cloud streets are an exception as they are very stable ascending zones and are thermally
efficient even if clouds obstruct 5/8 of the sky.
A cumulus layer blocking 1/8 to 3/8 of the sky is ideal.
In this case almost all the clouds are indicators of exploitable
upward movements.

Solar rays are attenuated by:

Cirrus 10 - 15 % Altostratus 40 - 60 %

Cirrostratus 20 - 25 % Fog 80 % +

Cirrus and cirrostratus weaken the thermal development and altostratus suppress them almost completely.

Links with practice :

If the clouds cover the sun for a short while, it is best to fly on surfaces with high heat conductivity since they will
dissipate their stored heat.

• Wind:
In still air, the heat source lies vertically to the cloud.
The air rises vertically. It is therefore preferable to spiral in the
thermal by making regular circles.
In this case the best upward rate is in the centre under the cloud.

In the presence of wind, the thermal column bends.

If the wind is too strong it can break it.
Good thermals can only develop if the wind gradient is less than 3
km/h per 100 m altitude.
If the wind gradient increases continuously, the thermal column is
located upwind in relation to the cloud.

Links with practice:

By north wind thermals can be found on the northern slopes.
They are taken by the wind, as is the case in the Pre Alps where, on north wind situation, there are often excellent
thermal flight conditions.

Cloud or thermal streets form if near the ground a light wind with a
good gradient (increasing the speed with altitude) is blowing under
an inversion layer.
The distance between the cloud streets is 2 times ½ the height of
their base.
In between two of them there are downdrafts.

• Advection:
A horizontal air supply with a different temperature influences the
thermal duration and strength.

A supply of cold air aloft (recognizable by the upper winds rotation to the left) in the
convective system, strengthens and lengthens the thermal.
In reverse order, a supply of warm air aloft (recognizable by the
upper winds rotation to the right) coming from South-West,
weakens the thermal because the advantage in temperature of an
air bubble rising weakens faster in the warm air arriving. It follows
• the thermal weakens its intensity,
• the thermal rises lower,
• the thermal stops faster.

The supply of cold air near the ground reduces greatly the thermal
Sea and large lakes have a stabilizing influence on their immediate
environment, which has a negative effect on thermal activity.
The warm air supply near the ground is almost inexistent.

4.4.6 Duration of thermal

● Start of the thermal:
In the mountains just after sunrise, the first upward winds occur on steep slopes facing east. But for a flight in thermal
conditions to be possible, one must still wait 2 to 3 hours. In valleys and plains one must wait at least 5 hours because the
barrier inversion due to clear nights must be previously dissolved. If the thermal starts early in the morning at the
beginning of a high pressure, it will begin each day a little later because of the change in the air mass.
● End of the thermal:
In the mountains, always on steep slopes facing west, the thermal can last, possibly with a supply of cold air aloft, until
sunset. The latter usually stops one or two hours before sunset. As a rule: the later the thermal starts, the sooner it stops
in the evening.

The thermal is hindered by:

● a supply of cold air near the ground,
● a supply of warm air aloft, for example a warm front arriving,
● a strong wind,
● shading by the presence of clouds in formation.

Links with practice :

If the upward wind is stopped by shade, it’s worth waiting to take off when radiation is active again and new upward
winds occur.

4.4.7 Lee thermal

In a general situation when a low pressure wind is blowing, one can
thermalling downwind in good updrafts without any downwashes or

On the contrary, if the wind is strong, wind-shears appear in the

border zone between the pressure wind and the upward wind.

Links with practice :

Caution : If the downwind thermal is stopped because of insufficient radiation, one must wait that rotors and downdrafts
invade the leeward side.

4.4.8 Thermal organization by local winds

• Valley winds and mountain winds:

In summer, the upper eastern slopes warm up early in the morning,
the ground being often dry, devoid of forest and the angle of
incidence of sun’s rays perpendicular to the slope.
So the air near the slopes warms up, expands and begins to climb.

Around noon, all the valley slopes are warmed by the sun that
reached its zenith.
At the same time cold air lakes that were formed overnight
completely disappeared by this time. Upward thermal winds are
now blowing on all slopes except on the northern faces.
If the rising air masses cool down enough to reach the temperature
of their dew point, small cumulus clouds will be formed over the
Above the middle of wide valleys air masses come down again to
partially equalize the pressures.

But as all slopes evacuate ascending air, the pressure equalizing is

done by an input of air drawn into the Middle-Country in order to
allow this continuous supply of thermals.
This creates the valley wind. This generally strong valley wind
disturbs the formation of thermals in the centre of the valley which
explains why thermals at the base of the valleys are always very

In the afternoon, the eastern slopes are the first to cool down then
the southern ones and the western slopes in the evening.
The air near the ground colds down too.
Being heavier, it begins to flow along the slopes.
But this cold air coming down meets the warm air in the valley and
it causes a thermal detachment (A) on the shaded side of the valley.

Since all slopes have downward wind, the system reverses and, for
a fixed period of time, there are thermals in the centre of the valley
which are called inversion thermals or sometimes evening
Links with practice :
When choosing the take off site one must take into account the
orientation of the slopes that have more or less thermals depending
on the time of the day.
Later in the evening, the valley bottom has cooled to the same
temperature as the mountain slopes.
The evening thermal stops.
Then the air goes down overnight along the valley till the plain at 5
to 10 km/h, what is known as the mountain wind.

Land breeze and sea breeze (lake):

As we have seen repeatedly, with the first rays of the sun land
surfaces warm up and the thermal is created.
The rising air masses must be replaced by fresh air.
This one comes from the sea or large lakes nearby.
This thermal compensation is called: sea breeze or lake breeze.
This wind blows till the evening when the land surface cools down.

But as these surfaces cool faster than the surrounding wet surfaces,
the flow reverses and the air will rise above the water and the
compensation will be done from the land.
At this moment we talk of land breeze.

4.5 - Typical weather situations

Note: These weather conditions are given as an example for Switzerland.

4.5.1 West situation

• Occurrence: very often, especially in spring and autumn.
• Weather: turbulent and unstable especially in the vicinity of cold fronts.
• Wind: caution during autumn storms; in the winter, gusts and shears in the vicinity of fronts.
4.5.2 East situation
• Occurrence: especially in summer and winter.
• Weather: in winter, altitude fog and in summer good weather without
precipitation, up to 200 meters high haze often with less than 10 kilometres
of visibility.
• Wind: from the North - Northeast dry, because of the canalization
between the Jura and the Pre Alps the wind is stronger in the region of Lake
Links with practice : excellent flying conditions, especially on exposed
slopes of the Pre Alps.

4.5.3 Foehn situation

The foehn is a known and dangerous phenomenon to general aviation in the
• Occurrence: low pressure in the West and high pressure over the Gulf of
• Weather: fine north of the Alps and rainy to the south.
• Wind: extremely strong gusts up to 130 km / h in the foehn valleys.
Wind up to 180 km / h on the Alps ridge. Strong turbulence and
powerful downdrafts.

Photo 3-23: Typical foehn clouds:

Lenticulars (saucer shaped). These local
clouds show that air masses are moving
fast in altitude.
Photo 3-24: Foehn wall

Photo 3-25: Hole Foehn, regime

characterized by a band of blue sky and,
downstream of the phenomenon of "blown"
clouds resulting a strong wind. Photo

● Formation: conditions for a situation of south foehn in the Alpine valleys.

Switzerland is in a warm area and

a cold front enters the Jura.
Between North and South an
important difference in pressure is
created. Moist Mediterranean air
glides on a lake of cold air south of
the Alps and rises onto the Alps
slopes cooling down according to
the dry adiabatic lapse rate until it
reaches its dew point. Clouds are
formed and the air continues its
ascent this time according to the
saturated adiabatic lapse rate.
There is heavy rain in the Southern

The air arriving at the Alps summit has lost its moisture and descends on the Northern flanks of the Alps ridge. There, it
warms by compression according to the dry adiabatic lapse rate. So we have a warm dry wind that dissolves completely the
clouds above the Pre Alps and the Middle-Country. That is what is commonly called the “foehn hole”. The resulting wind is
the seat of important rotors, it is due to the accumulation of the large pressure difference between South and North (strong
wind), the perpendicular hitting on the Alps chain (turbulent wind) and the canalization in the valleys (acceleration and
deflection of winds that can hit at 180° at a valley confluence).
4.5.4 High pressure situation
• Weather: normally fine, often severe haze. Caution, from autumn to
spring there is often fog till the ground with well defined upper limit in
altitude. In summer, with the high pressure decrease, there are heat
thunderstorms in high mountains.
• Wind: almost quiet.
Links with practice : The beginning of a high pressure promotes the
formation of thermal updrafts. The air masses that sink in the centre of high
pressure (subsidence) get warm by compression in dry adiabatic. It follows
that the higher the high pressure, the warmer will the lower layers be and
therefore the worse will the thermal developments be.

4.5.5 Barrier situation

• Weather: very bad in the North with lots of rainfall.
• Wind: usually low to moderate.
Links with practice : in barrier situation north of the Alps, there is good
weather in the South due to North foehn phenomenon. This situation is not
conducive to paragliding because the wind is strong with turbulence.

4.5.6 Low pressure situation

• Weather: bad over a large area with abundant and continuous rainfall.
• Wind: low.
4.5.7 Barometric marsh situation
• Occurrence: uniform distribution of pressure across all Europe,
especially in summer.
• Weather: fine in the morning becoming stormy by noon. Risk of heat
thunderstorms in the afternoon. Heat haze with upper layer from 3000 to
4000 meters.
• Wind: low except close to thunderstorms.

4.6 - Thunderstorms
● Occurrence: Uniform distribution of pressure over a large area, moist air mass with unstable layers of the atmosphere.

Links with practice :

Caution , thunderstorms can develop, respectively move very quickly. If, according to weather forecast, storms are
expected, the greatest caution is needed in flight. Weather evolution should be continuously watched over.

● Observations:
❍ Before the storm: especially during the summer months, cumuliform developments can turn very quickly into
❍ At the start: danger, strong gusty winds, waterspouts, torrential rain, thunder and lightning, sometimes even hail.
● Air mass thunderstorm:
❍ Strong rising thermal winds can create an over development in the afternoon. Cumulus congestus become anvil-shaped
❍ Location on a specific place.
❍ Duration: 1 to 2 hours.
● Orographic thunderstorm:
❍ Air is forced up by the relief, if it arrives at the unstable and moist layers the air mass “hyper develops” and forms a
❍ Local situation.
● Frontal thunderstorm:
❍ A mass of cold air comes into contact with a warm air mass (cold front), like a lever this air mass raises the warm air,
the latter ``hyper develops’’ and forms a cumulonimbus.
❍ It spreads over several kilometres.
❍ Do not occur only in summer.
Special feature: this kind of storm can occur both day and night.

For a CB to grow, warm and moist air must rise. When this mass of air reaches its dew point, a large amount of water vapor
is condensed. The higher the temperature the larger can be the amount of moisture to condense and thus a very large
quantity of energy will be released by this change of state. So that during its continuous rising, this air mass hardly cools
down. If in addition this air evolves in an unstable atmosphere (large temperature gradient), the temperature difference in
the cloud between the ascending air mass and the ambient air mass increases even more. This results in an over
development of the cloud until the height of the tropopause which, by its temperature inversion, will stop this uncontrolled
ascent that began at 500 meters, at about 10 to 12000 meters in altitude.
Photo 3-27: Clouds in the form of small
towers ( altocumulus castellanus ) are a
sign of an emerging stormy conditions.

Photo 3-28: The first cumulus create later

in the morning ... ) Cumulus humilis ).

Photo 3-29: ... it grew gradually in altitude

( altocumulus mediocris ) ...
Photo 3-30: ... and develop during the
afternoon mighty clouds... ( Cumulus
congestus ).

Photo 3-31: With its frayed upper edges,

cumulus congestus continues its
metamorphosis into becoming a storm
cloud (cumulonimbus calvus). In its final
phase of development with its particular
anvil shape ( cumulonimbus capillatus )

Links with practice:

Warning, the flight or suck in a CB represents a real danger of life by:
● the paragliding damage due to extreme turbulence,
● oxygen deficiency from 4500 meters,
● frostbite due to very low temperatures,
● physical injuries due to lightning and hail.

Wind flow within a cumulonimbus cloud. Danger : You have to beware of strong winds greatly descendants in the area of
The figures indicate in m / s the rate of ascent + or descent - of the air mass.

4.7 - Weather information

● World Meterological Organization: world wide forecast information,
● World Forecast Report By BBC,
● Weather Offices by Country,
● DaylightMap: cloud layer live information,
● XC Skies: worldwide Specific Soaring Forecast,
● Météociel: European weather forecast in french,
● Previmétéo: great Website, weather report in Europe, country by country,
● Meteoblue: weather close to you.
Pilot Manual
5- Technique part I

Association of Paragliding Pilots and Instructors

© APPI 2010 / 2014
All rights reserved.
Portions of the Appendix of this section may be reproduced by APPI Members for use in APPI-sanctioned training, but not
for resale or personal gain. No other reproduction is allowed without the express written permission of APPI.

5.1 - Preparing for flight

Important factors to consider for a typical flying day are:
• Physical health and mental state of mind.
• Currency.
• Meteorology - Forecast, wind Strength and direction.
• Choice of flying site. Contact local club, school or local pilots.
Also some knowledge and inspections are needed:
• Check your equipment is airworthy, batteries in instruments, gloves, boots jacket.
(see chap. Material).
• The regulations and restrictions of airspace.
• Rules of conduct.

5.1.1 Physical health and Mental state of mind.

You must asses yourself every time before you go to fly. Are you
physically fit enough and mentally stable enough to make the
necessary correct decisions that paragliding requires. Even a cold
can have a bad effect on your decision making process and your
ears can be damaged if you are flying at high altitude.
5.1.2 State of mind.
If you have had an emotional upset your judgement can also be
impaired. You have to monitor yourself and trust that you can make
sound judgements otherwise you are taking unnecessary risks.

5.1.3 Currency

Currency makes a big difference in paragliding. Keep a log book and check the last
time you were flying. Think about the type of flying you are planning to do. If it has
been a long time since you last flew then go ground handling or onto the training
hill to brush up on your skills and feel confident before going to the take off.
If you learnt in a different country or really don’t feel confident in your skills APPI
recommends going to a school for some refresher training. Also if you are planning
to fly a thermic site then fly in the morning or late afternoon when conditions are
calm. There may be a local club you can join that can help you.
You have to judge your skill level honestly. Accidents can be avoided by following
the correct procedure and having good technique.

5.1.4 Meteorology

The analysis and evolution of the general weather situation is the

center of a conscientious preparation of flight. The decisive criteria
are the wind strength, direction and cloud cover. One source of
information for weather forecasts is the internet. There are many
different sources it is best to use a few and cross reference them.
You must make an individual weather analysis and prediction then
monitor the development on a daily basis from when you first begin
to learn to paraglide.
• Wind: Paragliding is very dependant on wind strength. It depends
on the flying site what max wind strength is safe to fly in. It also
depends how gusty the wind is. Coastal sites can be flown in a
stronger wind as the airflow is laminar from the sea. High in the
mountains the same strength wind would be very turbulent and too
dangerous to fly in.If the wind strength doubles the turbulence is
four times as much.During a stable high pressure situation or a
uniform distribution of pressure, true winds are generally low. The
enabling conditions for launching are in this case related to the
development of thermal activity.

The exposure of the launching slope is decisive for the starting time of
thermal activity: on the eastern slopes thermals start already early in the
morning; on the southern slopes during the morning and on western and
northern slopes around noon. For evening flights, on the contrary, the
western and northern slopes are the most favorable due to their longer
exposure to sunlight.
When the weather forecast announces winds of 10 to 15 km / h, this has
consequences on the choice of the launching area: the higher the takeoff
place the more important it is to match its orientation with the general
direction of the wind. Accurate wind forecasts can be obtained on the day of
flight through weather forecasts and the current wind information through

• Cloud coverage:
The unstable layer of the atmosphere and the high humidity in days
of sunshine, help the cloud formation. If cloud base is low the take
off may be covered may be before noon and the clouds may only
dissolve in the evening with the weakening of the thermal activity.
For this reason, the much coveted high bases are an important
aspect when choosing the launching place. Over development of
cumulus can lead to storms these can form very quickly in mountain
areas and arrive without warning. As well as knowing the forecast it
is important to constantly monitor the weather on take off and
whilst flying for yourself.

• Precipitation: Flying in the rain or snow is not advised. The wing can fill up with
water and the wing will react differently. Also gust fronts can appear with
showers.Paragliding material deteriorates quickly if it gets wet.In a warm front the
rain appears with the wind strength steadily increasing.

5.1.5 Terrain
The ideal preparation of a flight in a new region involves:
● Contacting the local club school or local pilots for advice.
● A flying plan adapted to the conditions.
● Recognition of the landing site.
● Information on potential hazards.

• The landing zone:

There is a lot of information available online. Before you arrive in
the area it is best to contact the local school, club or local pilots to
find out about local conditons and flying sites, rules and
regulations.If you do this research in advance it will save you a lot
of time and effort on a flyable day. In the alps Tourist boards have a
lot of paragliding information.

The difficulty level of a flying site depends on the conditions and the pilot’s experience. When examining the landing site ●

one must imagine the wind direction on the ground and what obstacles should be taken into account, according to the flight
directions, allowing for wind hazards.
In addition, make sure it is allowed to land on the concerned place (ask local pilots or the owner). Find out if there is a set
approach. As far as possible it is recommended to always use the official site.

• The flight plan:

This includes information on power lines and cables
that are difficult to detect in flight (especially important for
slope soaring), and contains the possible logical itinerary of
Whatever the circumstances, reaching the landing site by
flying into a strong head wind should be avoided.
By strong wind (frequent valley wind increasing with the
loss of altitude) it may be impossible to reach an upwind
landing area even with a fast wing.

• The launching place:

The difficulties of a launching place will be described later. At the
preparation time at home, it is recommended to observe the
- Snow and humidity can change the soil conditions.
- Many takeoff places in the mountains are rocky and usable only
covered with snow.
- On a steep and snowy launching place there may be a great
danger of slipping, even avalanche.
- The wet grass can also be very slippery.

5.1.6 Airspace restrictions and requirements

• Temporary and local restrictions of airspace and danger areas.
• Contact the National Paragliding Association for requirements and where to
get information on airspace restrictions.
• Division of airspace; mandatory radio.
• The hours of military flying.
• The rules of air navigation.
• Traffic lights.
• Obligations.

5.1.7 Paragliding and the environment

Wildlife protection:
Paragliding meets all the requirements of a friendly environment air sport. The move towards a sport for the masses
undoubtedly increases the conflict with conservationists and landowners. To avoid site restrictions, the elaboration of a few
rules of conduct is essential.
It should be noted that a comprehensive study on the influence of free flight on the wildlife behavior was conducted by the
Federal Office of Environment and Forests in Switzerland. A practical guide was created to advice paragliding pilots in the
hope that they freely adapt their flying habits to the mandatory protection of wildlife.

• Chamois and ibex:

It has been clearly demonstrated that glider pilots, by bad conduct, can strongly
disturb the chamois and ibex above forest boundaries and the golden eagles near
their nests.
During the day, chamois and ibex occupy quiet areas above the tree line where they
graze and rest. In winter they concentrate preferably on the south-facing slopes.
During this season, chamois and ibex live on their fat reserves, the snow covering
the pastures, and many individuals do not survive. It is in late spring (Mai or June)
that bearing goats will give birth.

• Golden eagles:
The main species of birds to be disturbed by free-flight pilots are the golden eagles.
This species usually hunts above the tree line but builds its nest in rocky areas
below the tree line. The golden eagle lays its eggs between March and April and
flights near the nest during this period may cause problematic reactions. The eagles
are mature at 5 years and live as a couple on a territory they will defend all their
lives. Young non-breeding eagles occupy the free spaces between nesting

Recommendations to pilots: ●

Livestock Avoid landing in fields with livestock. Especially when they have young. Avoid flying sites with sheep during ●

lambing time.
● Use the launching places, the flight routes and landing places recommended by clubs and free flight schools.
● Choose a trajectory that allows flying in open space at the right altitude.
● Do not fly over territories where the human being is absent above the upper limit of forests.
● Keep away from eagle nests in the spring.
● Respect the reserve areas and fly over them with only sufficient altitude. Game are first disturbed by a low flight above
ridges and peaks, as well as by sudden appearances in the immediate vicinity of their settlements.
● Especially in winter game should not be disturbed. Therefore, forest areas bordering winter sports areas as well as
steep sunny slopes and cliffs, should be avoided since that is where game grazing places are most often located.

• The landing place:

- Whenever possible, always use the official landing place.
- If there is no official place available, ask permission from the landowner.
- When landing on tall grass, one must pick up the glider and immediately leave
the field by the shortest way. Never fold the glider in tall grass. Contact the owner
to inform him about damages (trampling the fields, damage to fruit crops, fences,
etc.) and, if necessary, to pay the appropriate compensation.

5.2 - Launching
5.2.1 Daily Inspection

This inspection should be done every day before flying. An annual airworthiness inspection should be done by a
proffesional. More thorough periodic inspections should be done on all equipment and should be performed if any thing has
Canopy: As you spread out your paraglider inspect the material for rips and tears. Inspect inside the cells looking for
internal damage. Check the placard to make sure the paraglider is suitable. It must be of the right type and you must be
within the weight range. (remember it is all up flying weight - the weight of you plus all the equipment)
Lines: Run your hands up the lines to check for damage. If the line is damaged the inner core of the line will show through
as a white fluffy material. Check the maillons that attach the lines to the risers. Check the brake line runs through the
pulley cleanly and the knot is secure. Untangle any lines.
Harness: Check the harness is in an airworthy condition, that the straps do not have any excessive wear and tear.
Periodically check the webbing under the seat board to ensure it is not worn. Check the buckles and Karabiners. (They
should be replaced every 3 years)
Reserve: Check the reserve pin is in place and the handle is secure.
Caution : If the reserve pin is not checked it may deploy accidently and cause an accident. The reserve should be repacked
every 6 months and should be less than 10 years old.

5.2.2 Preparing for takeoff

Untangling of lines and control of
risers, start from the harness.
Tending the lines facilitates

● Spread the canopy in an arc. With the leading edge open its entire length. Position the cell openings in the direction of
● Separate left and right risers. Step back to put tension in the lines and disentangle them.
● Take one set of risers. Check the A risers are on the front.
● Separate the brake lines from the other suspension lines. Pull the brake lines down and to either side to put tension on
them check for knots and position the canopy.
● Tension and check the other lines starting with the D’s and finishing with the A’s.
Caution: There should be no suspension lines under the canopy. Check the lines lay on top of the wing tips. If the lines
are very tangled go to the canopy and take the outermost A line beside the cell openings. Trace it back towards the risers
and pull everything through. If this has not fully untangled them then go to the next A line and do the same.
● You can prepare the canopy with the harness attached or you can wear it and attach it after the wing is laid out. (This
option is preferable on a busy site)
● If the harness is attached pick it up by one shoulder strap and see the risers are running straight, turn the harness into
position. Check the reserve pin is in place and the handle secure.
● If unattached lift the harness by the shoulder. Look at the paraglider leading edge, ensure the lines are clear all the way
to the front risers. Attach the risers to the Karabiners. Check they have closed properly. The front A risers are in front,
the rear risers behind.

It is important that the central cells inflate first. Otherwise the

wingtips may launch first and it becomes very difficult to correct it.
• Put the harness near the trailing edge to avoid disturbing the
canopy shape, carefully prepared, by involuntarily pulling any
stretched line.
• Check the reserve pin is securely in place and the handle velcro is
secure. Pick the harness up by the shoulder straps and put it on.

● Always fasten the leg straps first. Check they are secure.

Warning: Taking off with the leg straps open represents a danger of life due to the possibility of slipping through the
harness. To avoid this, it is recommended never to fully open the leg straps but just to loosen them when you get rid of
the harness. With the leg straps not tightened enough one may need one hand to help sitting comfortably.

● Fasten the chest strap and check the setting. (The chest strap is generally 42 cm, The setting the glider was tested at
should be written on the placard on the canopy).
● Put the risers on the forearms, towards the rear, grab the control line and check both sides if the brake line:
❍ is not twisted and goes from the rear riser through the eyelet and behind the elbow,
❍ goes from there till the trailing edge without being tangled. Disentangling the control lines and checking the risers
start from the harness. Spreading the lines makes the control easier.

Carry out the 5 point check (always do it in the same order so as not to forget anything)
1. Equipment laid out into wind in an arc, lines untangled, reserve pin in place, brakes and front risers in hands
2. All buckles fastened – harness, helmet, carabiners
3. Wind strength, direction, thermic cycle, weather
4. Take off stop line decision point. Turn direction
5. Airspace all clear above behind and around (Must be done just before launching).

5.2.3 Take off in 4 phases

1. Inflation good timing/ right speed/ look ahead
2. Control with the break/ efficient visual check
3. Decision to take off or stop by safety stop line
4. Acceleration leaning on chest strap, keep running, contact point good trajectory

Inflate: Hold the front risers, arms relaxed. Step forward until the lines become just
tense without moving the canopy. Make sure both arms feel the same even tension
by stepping to either side. This ensures you are in the center of the canopy and
facing into the wind.
Look ahead fix a point in the distance directly into the wind keep looking at this as
you inflate the wing.
Step smoothly forward, the amount of energy you give the glider will change
depending on the wind strength and the steepness of the terrain. Smoothly inflate
the canopy with the minimum energy required this will prevent the glider
overshooting. The pull must come from the carabiners on the harness not from your
Control: Once overhead the risers will tug upwards this is the point to let go of the
front risers and pull on the necessary amount of brake to control the glider and
prevent it overflying. Until the glider is above and t risers released the pilot can not
perform any correction with brake controls. For this reason it is mandatory to follow
the glider, even if the flight direction should not be completely respected. If this is
not feasible because the launching site is too small, the flight must be suspended.
If the glider pulls to one side then side step diagonally forward to center yourself
under the canopy. Look ahead to a fixed point will help you to do this. Do not look
over your shoulder as you pull the glider up as it will pull unevenly to one side.
Check the canopy: Hold the glider with the brakes and maintain pressure on the
waist strap by leaning forward as you check the wing is fully inflated and the lines
are untangled.

Decide: You must have a prearranged decision line on the take off -
this is the point to abort if you are in any doubt that the launch will
be successful.
STOP if you need to abort then stop running, fully brake one or
both sides depending on the steepness of the slope. A wrap may be
required depending on the length of the brakes. Step backwards to
take the tension off the lines.

Accelerate: Lengthen your stride and accelerate progressively. Maintain the contact with the glider whilst allowing it to gain its
speed. Keep running into the Sky.
Maintain contact with the brakes as you glide clear away from the hill with your legs down prepared to run, keep one leg
stretched forward and one leg tucked underneath. Once well clear of the terrain keep your head forward and lift your knees and
smoothly sit in your harness whilst keeping contact with the glider.
Make the 3 point in flight check look from one carabiner up the lines on one side along the length of the Glider
down the lines to the other carabiner then go for your predecided flight plan :
Blocked brakes cause, most of the time, the abortion of an uncontrolled take-off and dangerous flight situations. That’s
why, when checking the 5 points, one must absolutely control whether the brake lines are free from the rear risers handle
and pass through the eyelets and from there till the trailing edge without being blocked.
The wing rises more or less rapidly depending on the type of wing and wind conditions. Slow wings (only hold the front
risers both sides) usually require a stronger impetus than fast wings (hold on both sides the front risers of the first and
second row).
Errors and corrections
● The canopy closes in the middle:
❍ Cause: The canopy is spread in a poorly laid out or the central cells did not open. Next time pull the brake controls
down more to either side when laying out the glider to create a nice arc into wind.
❍ Correction: Pull the brake control briefly and vigorously and release them immediately, then hold again the front
risers and continue inflating.
● The canopy does not rise in the right direction
❍ Cause: Not facing into wind, uneven tension on the hands.
❍ Correction: Look into wind and step forward keeping even tension side step forward to move under glider.
● The paraglider closes along the leading edge
❍ Cause: Pulling your hands forward on the risers or launching too vigorously.
❍ Correction: Pull with the harness no tension in your arms.
Visual inspection and brakes control. Acceleration until the feet no longer touch the ground

Repositioning under a wing that goes awry and only after the climb phase,
move in the direction of desired takeoff

● Control corrections:
Before takeoff, check if:
❍ All cells are open and filled (visual inspection of the canopy). If it is not the case, pump with both brakes until the
entire leading edge is open (Pumping: by successive fits and starts, pull simultaneously the brake cords until the hips
height, then release them).
❍ The glider is moving in the intended direction. If it is not the case, correction is done by quiet but decisive maneuvers.

● Non-existent or too fast control of the wing: On steep ground and according to the circumstances, even a partially
open canopy or one with tangled suspension lines, rises up quickly. For this reason, do not pull the wing violently, in
order to have time for the canopy control. Step forwards gently and be ready to brake a lot to prevent the wing
● Ineffective correction maneuvers: Many incidents during takeoff are due to insufficient steering corrections on the
ground. Mainly on small launching places, the risk of collisions with obstacles just after the wing rises and the danger to
touch the ground at low altitude, due to abrupt maneuvers, can have unfortunate consequences. The way to fix this is to
stop on time or to do a lot of slalom exercises on the ground (at the training school).


- Smoothly accelerate keeping in contact with the

wing and loading the chest harness keep the wing
pitch stable as you run. Depending on the type of
paraglider and on the slope gradient, slow down
the wing (less on flat ground than on sloping
terrain) and speed up until the feet are off the
- After a few meters away from the ground,
slowly release the brake controls so that the glider
picks up speed (if they are released too quickly, the
glider clearly picks up speed and pitches forward,
losing height in a very short period of time =
imminent danger of touching the ground and
especially in flat terrain).

Caution : Under no circumstances should you jump or sit in the harness before actually flying = great danger of injury
(mainly on the back). It can also cause an assymetric collapse that pendulums you into the hill.

● The glider leading edge closes:
Cause ⇒ The glider has accelerated forward. The action on the brakes was too weak and / or the pilot does not run with
enough energy (make large strides).
● The canopy falls behind the pilot:
Cause ⇒ Too much brake applied:
● The pilot takes off but touches the ground just afterwards:
⇒ Cause: Too strong action on the brakes and / or too sudden release of controls just after takeoff.
Caution : Releasing the brake controls immediately after take-off in
order to sit comfortably in the harness, is frequently linked to risk of
accident in case of assymetric collapse. For this reason wait until
there is a sufficient distance from the slope. Never let go the two
brakes, you should be able to sit comfortably by lifting your kness
and sitting back, if necessary keep both brakes in one hand above
the head and keep looking ahead to stay on a good trajectory, use
the free hand to sit comfortably.
Acceleration: Smooth acceleration with a long stride is the best
way to takeoff quick and safely, especially on less sloping ground,
one must takeoff with high speed and slightly drawn brakes. A body
position leaning forward, loading the chest strap with the hands
back is a great help in order to accelerate. Caution: If you brake
too abruptly, you will inevitably retouch the ground despite a
possible short flight phase.

5.2.4 Launching interruption

In the paragliding field, the launching interruption is a daily practice. Experienced pilots are not immune to it either. It is
more reasonable and safer to stop launching on time than trying to do it at any price. A successful launching interruption
occurs without the pilot’s fall and especially without risk of injury. The interruption may occur, depending on the
circumstances, already in the inflation phase or later in the control and correction phase, but in any case before the
acceleration. Interrupted takeoffs in the acceleration phase are not considered as takeoff interruptions but failed takeoffs.
According to the quality and size of the land they are linked to a substantial risk of injury.
The point of no return for an aborted take-off is set accordingly to the land, the experience and the situation. On a vast
meadow without any obstacle, one can try longer to correct a wing in a bad situation during the run. On the other hand,
such attempts on uneven rocky terrain involve a significant risk of injury that can easily be avoided by a controlled
launching interruption. In all cases it is recommended to consider, right before launching, which part of the launching field
is to be used for maneuver corrections and at which limit the launching will be aborted ⇒ Stop line.

The Stop line: It must only be crossed if the phase of

correction is over and we are about to take off.

● On a gently sloping ground, both brake controls are simultaneously drawn just like during landing.
● On sloping ground, only one brake control is drawn and launching is aborted by a rotation movement of the wing toward
the slope. By the simultaneous action of the brakes there is the danger of being lifted. It is strongly recommended
before takeoff to identify which side will be used for the launching interruption (⇒ obstacles, stones, etc. By crosswind,
perform the maneuver upwind).

5.2.5 Launching conditions --- launching decision

Two factors determine the launching conditions:
● The terrain:
An ideal launching site has the following characteristics:
❍ A flat space to unfold the wing,
❍ a slope whit gradual gradient,
❍ and with a flat end,
❍ 10° - 20° of gradient,
❍ good terrain quality,
❍ no barriers on the sides and especially not on the slope line.

The ideal takeoff terrain. In these circumstances, we can try to

take off without risk of injury, even with a slight tailwind.

● The wind:
The ideal wind blows:
❍ Exactly on the slope line,
❍ laminar and steady,
❍ at 10-20 km / h.

It is only on the site and launching location that one can decide if it is feasible or not. Only there terrain and wind are
estimated. The most important criterion of the decision is to establish whether the take-off may be interrupted without
danger or not.

At particularly favorable wind conditions and an ideal ground,

takeoff breaks on cliff, under certain conditions are possible without
danger, as takeoffs with a light tailwind.

Warning : An attempt to takeoff with bad wind conditions and an unfavorable land can be very dangerous!
5.2.6 Special launching situations
● Tailwind:
The take-off in a slight tailwind is also possible under certain conditions. Due to the downwind component the glide angle
increases. Tailwind should be therefore compensated by a higher launching speed. The result is a risk of launching
failure. That is why the field should be flat, wide and unobstructed. The wing will try to overfly you need to hold enough
brake to prevent it whilst accelerating.

Warning : A launching attempt with tailwind on unfavorable ground must be avoided!

Summary flat takeoff Sloping takeoff

⇒ Slow takeoff run ⇒ low speed takeoff
⇒ Eventually difficulties in accelerate ⇒ Short takeoff distance
Beware: danger of being dragged back! The land Beware: involuntary and uncontrolled
Headwind of 25 km/h ahead of the wing must be free of any obstacles. inflation possible!

⇒ Average speed of takeoff ⇒ Average speed of takeoff

⇒ Average distance of takeoff ⇒ Short distance of takeoff
Headwind of 14 km/h ⇒ Ideal ⇒ Ideal

⇒ Fast takeoff run ⇒ Fast takeoff run

⇒ Long distance takeoff ⇒ Average distance of takeoff
Beware: to undertake only on regular ground and
without obstacle.
Spread the canopy so that it is inflated as fast as
No wind or light tailwind possible

The glide angle varies depending on wind conditions: headwind improves it, tailwind makes it worse.

● Crosswind:
With crosswind of 10 km/h or more, the wing is inflated into wind (and not in the slope line as usual). Only after the visual
inspection the wing is deflected for the forward run, in the chosen takeoff direction.

Assisted takeoff.
Inflating a wet glider is difficult. Assistance may in this case
be necessary. An inexperienced external assistance must be
informed to release the wing at the right time. With a wet
canopy or by downwind, if you want to succeed to take off,
it is strongly recommended to have a run fastest as possible
and to climb the wing abruptly.

● Strong wind launch and reverse launch:

In windy conditions, from 15 km / h or more, there is the risk, during the inflation phase, of being dragged backwards.
One can significantly reduce this risk by turning the back to the wind and facing the glider in relation to the canopy. The
land ahead of the spread out paraglider should be regular and free of obstacles.
Lifting one set of lines over his head the pilot turns 180° toward the glider from which the two risers come and cross in
front of the body.

● Reverse launch:The following basic exercises of a reverse launch develop the interaction ability between the wing and
the use of brake controls. For safety reasons, they should only be undertaken in an open and unobstructed ground, until
they are completely dominated.

Tips: In strong winds, the wing which is kept folded is spread very little. This reduces the surface area exposed to the
wind and the danger of falling back upon an unexpected inflation where the risk of a sudden gust ccarry the wing and the

Inflation front wing with the method of crossing the arms.

● Brakes:Take the brakes first. To take the correct brake start by the carabiner and follow the rear riser to take the brake
line. Turn round to forward launch position to check you are doing it right. Make sure the risers cross at the body and not
at the lines as this can cause line damage. Whichever way you are planning to turn then put that foot back on that side
that way if you launch accidently you will turn the correct way.

● Controlling and stabilizing the inflated wing:

The purpose of this exercise is to maintain for a few minutes, over oneself and under control, the inflated canopy and
perform a few steps in every direction. A wing oscillation is corrected by an action on the brakes, the rear drop of the
wing is caught up by releasing the brakes and by an eventual traction on the front risers. The parallel position of the arms
allows, during this phase, more efficient corrections and is also simpler because it does not cause reversal movements.
The hands control opposite sides. Brake the high side and side step to the high side whilst keeping tension and loading in
the harness. Try inflating the canopy with the harness alone. Step back quickly and bend your knees to load the harness.

● Turning around:
Check your turn direction. When the glider is stable take a step back into wind and turn round control th ewing again.
Warning: Turning on the wrong direction represents, on a reverse launch, a very great danger = brake controls may
block! It is highly recommended to always rotate in the same direction (e.g., left) and then turn on the opposite direction

• Towed launch:
As far as we have personal experience and adequate
equipment, the winch offers the paraglider pilot the
possibility to fly safely even in a flat region. There are two
different operating systems:
- Pay-in towing: the cable is unwound from a stowed
winch before launching and wound during the winching by
pulling a drive motor.
- Pay out-towing: is fixed on a vehicle; the cable is
unwound from a drum during the winching and the traction
force is adjusted by means of a brake.
The release handle device should be attached to the pilot’s
harness at breast height, as close as possible to the body.
Generally, all the gliders that do not tend to deep stall are
suitable for towed flight. Warning : To winch with a fixed
rope without any pulling fuse, by fixing a rope to a tree or
winching by strong wind, carries a high risk of accident.

Boat towed launch: Here winching is done by boat.

• Ski launch:
From a technical point of view ski launch does not differ
fundamentally from the feet launch. Ski take-offs are more
difficult on a slightly sloping terrain or by low headwind
because one can not make good traction or rather a good
acceleration. Similarly, the lateral displacement under a
wing that leans on the side during the inflation is made
more difficult.
- The preparation before takeoff is the same as for
running takeoff. For the wing not to slip on a slope, one can
cover with snow a few places along the leading edge.
- Whenever possible, put the sticks in the backpack so
that during the inflation no suspension lines hang on to it
(expandable batons are great).
- In order to take a little momentum, stand near the
trailing edge, across the slope. To launch put quickly the
skis into the slope line. On a slightly sloping terrain the Ski flying: It’s in winter, with stable high pressures, that it is possible to perform the
inflation can be difficult because it is not possible to gain quietest flights. Above the common stratus layer (inversion, see chap. 3 Weather) good
visibility and ideal temperatures can be expected most of the time.
5.3 - Gliding flight
5.3.1 Straight flight
When gliding, and according to the polar curve, the different doses of action on the brakes have different corresponding
sink rates and horizontal speeds. Each glider has its own polar curve. It changes with the load. The polar diagram shown
here is from a modern intermediate class paraglider.

Figure 4-7: Polar diagram speed of a medium class glider

Brakes Hands position Horizontal speed Sink rate Drag ratio

Accelered High 13.3 m/s 3.1 m/s 4.3

0% High 9 m/s 1.2 m/s 7.5

20 % Shoulder 8 m/s 1.1 m/s 7.2

50 % Chess 7.2 m/s 1.2 m/s 6

100 % Hip 5.3 m/s 2.2 m/s 2.4

Table 4-1: Some values of polar speeds with the hands (brakes) position
● Flight with brakes released: With brake controls released, a horizontal speed of 9 m / s (32.4 km / h) is reached. The
sink rate is around 1.2m / s. The drag ratio calculated from these two values 7.5 (9 / 1.2) corresponds to the optimal
gliding flight in still air.
● Minimum sink rate: By slowing slightly (about 20%) the sink rate can still be slightly reduced. Simultaneously, the
horizontal speed decreases slightly because the lift is also deteriorating.
● Maximum flight speed: Using a foot accelerator and / or releasing the trims, the horizontal speed can be increased,
depending on the model, of 5 -10 km / h. Despite a significantly increased sink rate and a decreased lift one can fly a
greater distance with headwind (see next chapter).
● Minimum flight speed: With a strong action on the brake controls - almost 100% - one flies on stall limit (see chap. 2
aerodynamics). While the sink rate slightly increases, the horizontal speed decreases about half. Flying with a strong
action on the brake controls, the flight trajectory straightens and for this reason experienced pilots use the brakes in the
final, aiming a precision landing (see 4.9.4 landing at the target). Warning: if you exceed the minimum flight speed (over
100% action on the brakes) stall or deep stall occurs (see 4.6.3 or 4.5.5 later in this chapter).

5.3.2 Braking technique

● Lower the arms along the body, do not hold them out aside.
❍ Leverage effect decreased ⇒ less strength is required and provides better coordination.
❍ Specific pinpoint of positions on the body to memorize the specific positions of the brakes (e.g., 100\% brake controls
❍ Body position more calm and stable.
❍ Less risk of injury if sinking.

● Sudden movements with brake controls cause a pendulum motion due to the inertia difference between the canopy and
the pilot.

Figure 4-8: Forward pendulum movement of the pilot when using the brakes after a quick or accelerated flight. Caution :
In an extreme case, the angle of attack can increase so much that the air flow picks up dynamic stall. Canopy swing during
a sudden stop on brake action (e.g., after stall). Caution: In an extreme case, the glider is powered on the upper surface for
a moment and closes along the leading edge.

Braking at full speed → the pilot leans forward

In slow flight, during a sudden stop of the action on the brakes → the glider stalls and take speed

Caution : Near the ground, operate brake controls in a smooth and thoughtful way.

5.4 - Tactical flight in the wind

5.4.1 Wind influence on the trajectory
Airspeed is significant for the pilot when he is advancing in an unmoving air mass. From the moment the wind has an
influence on the flight it is the speed according to the ground which becomes interesting. It is called ground speed. A tail,
cross or head wind has an effect on the lift but not on the sink rate. Ascents or descents alter both the lift and the sink rate.

Figure 4-9: Calm wind

Horizontal speed: 30 km/h
Sink rate: 5 km/h (= 1.3 m/s)
Ground speed (yellow): 30 km/h
Lift: 30/5 = 6
Flight duration for 1000 m high: 12
min 49 sec

Figure 4-10: Headwind 15 km/h

Horizontal speed: 30 km/h
Sink rate: 5 km/h (= 1.3 m/s)
Ground speed (yellow): 15 km/h
Lift: 15/5 = 3
Flight duration for 1000 m high: 12
min 49 sec

Figure 4-11: Tailwind 10 km/h

and downward 3 km/h
Horizontal speed: 30 km/h
Sink rate: 8 km/h
Ground speed (yellow): 40 km/h
Lift: 40/8 = 5
Flight duration for 1000 m high: 8
min 40 sec
5.4.2 Optimizing the drag ratio in the wind
According to the polar speed diagram the maximum lift is achieved by flying without action on brake controls (the polar
tangent coming from the origin, see 2.6.3). This is valid only in calm conditions. Just as ground speed is subject to the wind
influence, max.\ lift is dependent on brake doses.

Figure 4-12: Under the influence of wind, the unchanged polar curve with its respective brake positions moves according
to the wind speed and in its direction. The tangent touches now the polar on the right 0% brake position. This means lift
can be improved by speeding up (by releasing the trims or using the acceleration system). But it is only 4.2 while it is 7.5 in
nil wind.
With ascending or tailwind, is possible to fly with the best lift by slowing slightly to achieve the speed close to the sink rate.
On the contrary, with descending or head wind, acceleration optimizes the flight distance.

5.4.3 Tactical flight with crosswind

With crosswind it is also possible to optimize the lift by flying faster. Simultaneously, one must determine the (actual)
direction to follow, or rather the course, in order to win, as quickly as possible, the target point.

Figure 4-13: If with crosswind the point of landing

is always targeted, the flight trajectory has a curve
shape because of the drift.

The drift correction angle is determined by the strength and direction of the crosswind. The larger are the crosswind
components and the larger is the drift and the correction angle as well. The opposite occurs with the flight speed: the faster
the flight and the smaller are the drift and the drift correction angle.
Figure 4-14: If one wants to fly from A to B via the
shortest way, an imaginary flight direction must be
followed, oblique to the wind ⇒ crab flying. The
drift is compensated with the drift correction
angle. This angle is the angle between the
longitudinal axis of the glider and the ground

Figure 4-15: With crosswind, if always flying

straight ahead in the same direction, one is derived
from the previously planed flight direction (⇒ drift)
and will pass lee side of the fixed point.

5.4.4 Flying over an obstacle

To realize, during the flight, if the glide angle is enough to fly over a given obstacle, one should observe the field on the
background above the highest point of the obstacle.

Figure 4-16: Determining the glide angle

during flight: the lift is enough to fly over the

If it is always possible to see more ground over the obstacle, it can be flown over.
Figure 4-17: Determining the glide angle
during flight: lift is insufficient for flying over the

If more and more ground is disappearing behind the obstacle, then lift is not enough to fly over the obstacle. A way to avoid
it or an emergency landing must be considered.

Figure 4-18: Starting position. Just above the

forest, there is a pile of rocks.
Figure 4-19: Between the pile of rocks and the
forest, more land is still appearing ⇒ the forest may
be flown over.

Figure 4-20: The pile of rocks approaches the

forest ⇒ the glide angle is not enough to fly over it.
Figure 4-21: In nil wind and with a height of
1000 m ground, one can, with a lift 7 paraglider,
fly in all directions at 7 km away.
Under the wind influence, the circle of
attainable points (the lift cone) moves in the
wind direction. It must be taken into account
that to reach the point A, the point A’ must be
aimed (because of the drift).
By optimizing the lift, it is then possible to
increase the radius of action by flying faster
upwind and slowing down with the wind at the
back. Thus the area of attainable points has an
elliptic shape.
Pilot Manual
6- Technique II

Association of Paragliding Pilots and Instructors

© APPI 2010 / 2014
All rights reserved.
Portions of the Appendix of this section may be reproduced by APPI Members for use in APPI-sanctioned training, but not
for resale or personal gain. No other reproduction is allowed without the express written permission of APPI.

6.1 - Flight maneuvers

Important : All the maneuvers described in this chapter can and should be carried out with the brake controls in your

Never let your glider take you down. Look where you want to go and to the horizon.

6.1.1 Turns
Look, Lean, Turn.
If you want to turn right. Look; check the airspace is clear, fix a point on the horizon. Lean putting your weight on the
right hand side of the harness. Partly release the left brake but keep contact to stop it diving. Gently and progressivly
pull the right brake line, the speed of the right half of the wing decreases whilst the other half accelerates forward.
The weight shift and outside brake controls the speed and radius of the turn and how much of a bank angle is created.
The paraglider reacts differently at different speeds.
● Turns started in full speed are characterized by a large radius of the turn, a strong bank and a clear sink rate increase.

● Dynamic turn. Slow the wing to the carabiners, look, lean and turn by fully releasing the outside brake. Stop the turn
once it is facing the point you choose. It is possible to enter a spiral dive from this turn so start with a 90 degree turn,
then move onto 180 degree, then 360 degree.

● Turns made in very slow flight configuration can cause the canopy to stall on one side resulting in a spin. To prevent this
from happening whilst flying at slow speed never pull one brake lower instead look, lean then release one side to initiate
the turn.

• Losing height with figure of 8 turns on the base leg. Fly near minimum sink.
Initiate the turn look, fix a point, lean and start to release the opposite brake whilst
pulling the brake gently on the side you want to turn to. As the glider starts to turn
put your weight on the opposite side to keep the glider flat and stop it from diving.
Look back to your landing point as you go away from it if you are sinking you can
release the brake to come quickly back to final if you are still climbing you can carry
on going away. Make all your turns flat and try to prevent the wing from

● Hill soaring. Weight shifting away from the slope whilst hill soaring is safer. If the glider collapses it will turn away from
the slope, it is also more efficient creating more lift and keeps the speed lower as the wing is facing into the wind. Use the
brakes to maneuver the glider closer to the slope. To turn away just release the brake your weight shift is already over so
the wing will turn quickly.

● Wind Gradient - Feel the need the need for speed! As you drop through the wind gradient the wind decreases and can
become more turbulent near the ground. This can result in the stall point being higher making it easier to stall or spin the
wing whilst the brakes are still high. To prevent this try to do your manouvering whilst high and on your straight final
glide give full speed to the glider whilst keeping contact with the wing. Look far ahead to judge your height above the
ground. Stand up with legs down, your body will create extra drag and your undercarriage is ready.

Avoid doing tight low level turns as these can result in the pilot penduluming to meet the ground. If you need to turn low
make flat turns and use weight shift alone.
Watch your ground track as you turn this will show you the wind drift. Look down and do a 360 degree turn this enables
you to choose your landing approach when there is no wind sock in the landing area.

Figure 4-22: The tracing of the turns on the ground: According to the wind
direction, the projection on the ground of a 360 ° turn varies ⇒ very important in
the preparation of the flip.

6.1.2 The spiral dive

Spiral dives can be disorientating due to the excessive speeds and G-forces.
Learn how to exit a spiral before trying to do a fully locked in spiral dive. Turn until you feel the speed start to build, one or
two tight 360’s then exit. Exit by fixing a point and looking on the horizon, putting your weight even on the harness and
pulling the brakes evenly. Some gliders can remain in a stable spiral dive. Normally the fault lies in the pilot looking down
and weight shifting to one side, or the wrong setting on the chest harness.
Never let your glider take you down, you decide by looking where you want to go. Always look on the horizon.
To initiate a spiral progressivly increase the bank angle the centrifugal force will build up. The leading edge will rotate and
face the ground.
In a tight 360 the sink rate may reach values up to 15 m / s. Because of centrifugal force, the load due to the pilot and
equipment greatly increases so that the load factor can be up to 3g.
One should get out of tight spirals with a sufficient height above the ground and slowly release the action on brake controls
if one wants to avoid large pendulum swings.
6.1.3 The wingover
The wingover concept applies to turn reversals that manage to give the glider a bank over 90° for a brief moment. During
this phase the pilot is at the same height, and in extreme cases higher, than the paraglider. It’s a very good exercise for
strengthening your confidence in the own wing and to improve the feeling. The wingover should be done with sufficient
height and never recklessly.
Practise first with weight shift alone. It is all about timing when you are at the top of the wing over put your weight on the
other side. Once the pressure is at the maximum add some brake. You may need to use both brakes to prevent the glider
deflating at the top. It takes a lot of time and practice to do good wing overs. Bad timing can result in large assymetrics so
gradually build up the height and only practise with sufficient height above the ground. A good way to get the timing right
is to do small wing overs first with big ears and weight shift only.

6.1.4 B-Line stall

Pulling down simultaneously both B risers causes the most damped form of stall. It is hard at first to pull down, it must be
done evenly and and insure only the B risers are pulled. The paraglider gradually loses speed until the canopy makes a
small seesaw motion backwards which precedes the stall. (Do not let go at this point as the glider will do a huge dive)
Maintain the stall for a t least 4 seconds to allow you to fall back under the glider.
In a B-Line stall, the horizontal velocity is zero. Sometimes one flies slightly backwards and slowly turning on its axis. (If it
is turning evenly release the risers a little you are pulling too much. The sink rate may reach 8 m / sec. The pilot’s attention
during this phase should be paid to the airspace below.
In a B-Line stall the profile depth is greatly reduced; the rows of C and A suspension lines approach one of the other.
To recover from stall, the risers are quickly moved upwards with the hands, causing a slight wing swing and resuming
normal flight. Caution: If one has a hesitant movement during this technique, the danger of deep stall is increased. If you
release unevenly you may enter a spin. If one hand starts to go up then release both.

6.1.5 Stall
The glider goes into stall when going below the minimum speed. At the stalling moment the canopy characteristically
swings back and the pilot has a pendulum movement forward. Warning: During this phase it is of prime importance to keep
down the brake controls until hanging again under the wing. Lock your arms. Keep your body rigid and tuck your legs
under the harness. If brake controls are suddenly released, the canopy performs a violent swing and may, with a fast wing
in particular, dive dangerously forward.
Figure 4-16: Stall. If the brakes are simultaneously pulled
beyond 100%, the canopy will deflate significantly and the
paraglider has no more horizontal speed.

During a stall, the sink rate increases around 6 - 8 m / s and the horizontal speed is zero.
To exit, it is recommended to slowly move the brake controls upward until the glider enters the wing tips will look like
backwards big ears and the wing will fly backwards. Once the glider has stabilised in back fly then release the brakes fully
and keep your hands up, allow the wing to surge and take its airspeed. If it surges too much you can pull brakes to stop the
dive whilst it is ahead of you but always release them fully again.

6.1.6 Backfly
Back fly is a very good maneuver to learn under S.I.V instruction as you can use it to get out of a cravats. It is also the point
that acro pilots return to between maneuvers.
Unlike B-stall, and back fly the full stall is a sharp and shaking maneuver with little practical use.

6.1.7 The front stall

The front stall is triggered by pulling the two innermost A lines. The flight speed decreases and the wing tips head forward,
horseshoe shaped. The sink rate increases to 6 - 8 m / s and simultaneously the horizontal speed becomes zero. By pulling
both brake controls, the front stall gives way to a normal flight configuration without too much of a swing.
Photo 4-17ff: The front stall. With this operation a sink rate similar to brake stall is reached.

6.1.8 Big ears

By folding down the wingtips, a sink rate of 3 - 5 m / s is achieved by reducing the horizontal speed. Due to the decrease in
surface area, the wing load and the glider stability increase. This flight maneuver is convenient, for instance, to descend
quickly if you see the weather is going to change or to avoid going into clouds.
To pull the big ears one should pull the outer A lines, a lot of gliders have split A risers to allow you to pull them easily.
Reach up and pull them down one at a time. Make sure it is folding and you have the front outer A riser. One must be
careful not to pull all the front riser otherwise front tuck may occur. It’s possible to pull very big big ears by pulling two
outer A lines on each side. by using weight shift it is possible to turn with the big ears folded down. Do not enter a spiral as
this can overload the lines resulting in line failure.
To fully open the wing again you release the big ears one at a time. You can pump them one at a time. Do not pump them
together as this can result in a deep stall. They should be released 200 foot up.
Photo 4-18: Big ears. This maneuver is especially suitable well for crossing a turbulent zone.

6.1.9 Big ears with speed system

Pull big ears, establish them, then press the speed bar having previously placed the speed bar on your foot ready for use.
Push the speed bar smoothly let it stabilise. When you want to release it then release the speed bar first let the speed
stabilise then release the big ears one at a time. You may want to use this as when you put the big ears on the glider is
slower with an increased angle of attack. Pushing the speed bar decreases the angle of attack and gives you speed to
descend if you need to forward as well as go down. Do not use this low to the ground as it can result in a assymetric

6.2 - Dangerous situations

6.2.1 Tuck
An asymmetric tuck is the most common dangerous flight configuration. If there are few cells closing, the pilot, in some
cases, does not notice anything. Most of the time a light action on brake controls is enough to completely reopen the wing.
But during a more than 50% tuck, the flow of air drops out on one side and the glider begins to turn and goes into a spin
out of control the stalling side.
The most urgent objective for the driver is then to stabilize the glider to prevent starting on autorotation. For that one must
pull the brake control on the opposite side with an intensity that depends on how important is the tuck so that the glider
can maintain the direction planned ⇒ Counter with brakes.
Caution: The countering action on the brake control must be restraint. A too strong action on the brake can lead to stall on
the open side of the wing causing spin with the shut glider!
When the wing does not open by countering with the brake control, the shut side should be pumped vigorously. The entire
clearance of available brake controls will be exploited then.
Front tucks (collapse of the entire leading edge) are generally rarer and less problematic than asymmetrical tucks. One
comes out of it by a vigorous action on both brake controls.

Photo 4-19: Tucks. They become especially dangerous if

one is pumping the shut side instead of trying to stabilize
the glider by countering with the opposite brake control.
Caution: on slope soaring. In general, if the side to the
slope is shut immediately get away from the slope.
Figure 4-20: Front tucks. They are less frequent and less dangerous than asymmetrical tucks.

6.2.2 Spin
Spins are quick rotations around the vertical axis with a unilateral stall in which the inner wing part of the turn rotates
back, negative, that is to say that the air flow comes from backwards.
The result is a high torque which prevents the pilot, due to its inertial motion, of following this rotation = Twist (twist
among the risers). In a twist the brake controls are generally blocked until one gets out of it.
The main cause of a negative spin is, most of the time, a too slow speed during a turn (e.g., thermal flight in turbulent
conditions = one must therefore fly fast and skillfully). Similarly by going suddenly into a turn or tight spiral, a spin can
occur. A negative spin is particularly dangerous if it’s not recognized right away and stopped immediately by a release on
brake controls so that the glider can gain speed. The spin is recognized by a sudden decrease in tension on the inner brake
control of the turn.
The surest way out of a stabilized spin is a complete stall, although sometimes a countering action with brake control is
enough. A strong dive of the canopy is often inevitable.

6.2.3 Deep stall

This form of stall is apparently difficult to recognize. The lower surface is less tight and bulged up among the line
attachments, but anyway the wing remains completely open. Yet during stall, the flow around the wing is not correct. The
paraglider, despite brake controls completely relaxed, has a very low horizontal speed, but a high sink rate, around 4 - 5 m
/ s. Deep stall can be detected by the absence of wind on the face and the softness on brake controls manifested by a lack
of maneuverability.
All gliders can go on deep stall due to a poor base adjustment, or because rear trimmers are too drawn. Various factors can
increase the tendency to deep stall, signs of wear such as the increase of air porosity on the fabric (mainly on the leading
edge area of the upper surface) or the lengthening and shortening phenomenon of the suspension lines.
In normal flight configuration, deep stall occurs, rarely, by slowly releasing the brake controls. It may also occur in very
slow flight configuration or during a too hesitant B-Line stall exit.
If there is enough height available, one can come out of deep stall by speeding (for instance, draw the front risers or
release the rear trimmers). The paraglider picks up speed generating a moderate dive. This may, close to the ground, cause
injuries. Therefore there is no attempt to escape from deep stall near the ground (approx. 10 - 20 m high) and, if
necessary, a roll may be performed when landing (see 4.9.5).

6.2.4 The tangled lines

In certain circumstances, a glider with knots in the lines is still able to fly. In case, a strong pull on the lines involved is not
sufficient to release them, one should fly in the fewest possible maneuver to the landing site or an emergency place.
Depending on the knot location a paraglider reacts differently:
● A knot on the right front ⇒ increases tuck danger on the right side.
● A knot on the left rear ⇒ the paraglider flies using brakes on the left side thus turning left. By a countering action on the
right brake control, one can try to fly straight. Care must be taken in this case for the glider not to drop out.

Caution: Avoid as much as possible turns on the right ⇒ spin possible.

6.2.5 The brake controls blocked

Instead of brake controls, it’s possible to steer the glider with the rear risers or with only the D lines. This technique
requires more strength and greater vigilance as the control clearance until stall is substantially shorter.
Caution: shortening the rear risers of 10 - 20 cm is already causing stall sometimes. Landing can also be achieved without
problem with the rear risers.
Caution: approach with no brakes applied and about 1 m above the ground just pull the two risers in a regulated way to
flare out (cf.4.9).

6.3 - Special flight situations

6.3.1 Flying in turbulence - the active flight
Turbulence can be unpleasant, but they are inevitable and part of the flight domain. The most cautious pilot is not immune
to it. Fly in thermals, for instance, means almost inevitably flying in a turbulent air mass. Only someone who masters such
conditions can be pleased to fly in a strong thermal. The key to it is called the active flight.
According to the theoretical bases on aerodynamics (see Chapter 2. Aerodynamics), current paragliders fly the most stable
way when gliding with no brakes applied because this is the way its surface can register the highest dynamic pressure. We
also know that a wing profile with a stronger camber supports a larger negative angle of attack and therefore also more
downwind. By acting on the brakes, it can give the glider more camber and accordingly the wing is less prone to collapse
when using the brakes. These two conflicting requirements can only be taken into account simultaneously on an active
flight style.
The active flight is: see to the maximum dynamic pressure thus flying as much as possible without action on brake
controls but at the same time, if the wing threatens to collapse, to adequately use the brakes. Fly actively does not mean
immediately stopping all aerofoil movements by using the brakes. When crossing a turbulent area, for example, the glider
often begins to oscillate on the cross or horizontal axis. In these cases, one should fly without tension, with a slight action
on the brakes and without intending to counter all the swings.
To feel absolutely all the wing reactions, it is necessary to pull slightly on brake controls all the time. So, a constant work
on brake controls is essential in order to minimize tuck risk. Experience has shown that at least 80\% of incidents are, a
priori, avoidable through active flight. Similarly, it is important to behave wisely when flying. In turbulent conditions, the
horizontal and vertical distances from obstacles should be increased and the speed adapted.

6.3.2 The quick descent

Gliders of the present intermediate class have a minimum sink rate a little over 1 m / s and in proportion a small horizontal
speed. This is barely enough to move away from imminent danger (e.g., cloud suck). That’s why a rapid and controlled loss
of altitude is something very important in paragliding. The spiral dive is the most effective way to lose height as quick as
possible. It allows reaching sink rates of more than 10 m / s. In addition, it is easy to trigger and stop at any moment and it
is feasible for a long time as long as there is no problem with vertigo or nausea. We can possibly reduce these two
phenomena by looking at an object that is also turning (variometer, canopy). There is another alternative: a spiral to lose
altitude with a collapsed wingtip. In this way a high sink rate is reached with a smaller centrifugal force.
The different stall techniques (mainly B-stall) are, indeed, also popular as a means of descent but their sink rate of 6 - 8 m /
s relegate them behind those of spiral dives. If one thinks that in a good thermal the variometer can sometimes indicate a
rise rate of 5 m / s and beyond, we will easily understand the need to perform spiral dives.

Summary Benefits Disadvantages

⇒ Despite a high rate of fall, there remains a ⇒ Possibility only an average fall
Big ears horizontal speed ⇒ At the exit, there is a danger of parachuting

⇒ Very high sink rate keeping all the flight ⇒ Delicate in turbulent air
The spiral dive, characteristics ⇒ Strong centrifuging effect on the body
headwind of 14 km/h ⇒ The canopy is not distorted

⇒ High sink rate without body burden ⇒ A formal symmetrical action can be depending
B-Line stall ⇒ No problem during the exit on the model difficult to perform
6.3.3 Mountain Flight

The mountain flying is demanding. A great alpine and aeronautical experience and good knowledge on weather conditions
are required. The chances of success here depend even more on a careful observation of the local weather and analysis of
the general weather situation. The stable high pressure situations are particularly suitable. They are characterized by little
wind and a moderate cloud development. Despite this, the general direction of the wind should not be ignored for the
choice of flight area (exposure of the launching place).
Takeoff is without any doubt the most delicate phase in the paragliding domain and is made even more difficult by several
● Terrain:
The more we go up in altitude and more the suitable takeoff places become scarce. One must be content most of times
with a stony soil. In addition, it increases the risk of injury on aborted or missed takeoff. Consequently, a perfect take-off
technique and good wind conditions become more important.
● Wind:
❍ In general, thermal and true winds increase with the altitude. From 25 km / h takeoff becomes already difficult
without external assistance.
❍ Assessing the general wind direction can be made more difficult by the presence of large rotors. Winds are stronger in
exposed areas (ridge, summit, pass) and for this reason, these kind of sites are often inappropriate. However, it is
easier to assess the situation in these places where the winds are less disturbed than in a sheltered area.
● Air density:
❍ In altitude, the lowest density of air must be compensated by a higher takeoff speed. So the take-off distance will be
❍ The decrease in the density of air with altitude also has effects on human body which adapts well to changing
conditions to an altitude of about 4000 m, as long as the pilot is in good health. It is not always the case (e.g., during
cooling etc.). Decision-making and response capacities can then be greatly changed.
❍ With the altitude, the oxygen content of air decreases. Symptoms of a lack of oxygen may be a state of euphoria and
decreased judgment ability (altitude sickness). The decrease of physical capacity due to deficient oxygen supply of the
body can be substantially reduced by regular training of physical fitness and altitude acclimatization.
● Cold:
Temperatures below the limit of well-being increase the oxygen demands and reduce the performance capacities. One
must also think that in general, when flying, wind exerts an additional cooling effect on the body. Thus a wind around 30
km / h (which corresponds roughly to an average speed of flight) with a temperature of 0°C cools down the body with the
same intensity as quiet air at -10°C.

6.4 - Slope soaring and thermal flight

6.4.1 Dynamic soaring flight

• Technique: Fly in eights and with a slight action on the

Always turn away from the slope and where the lift is
stronger. This way it is possible to compensate the highest
sink rate of the turn. Sites with a thermal or a nozzle effect
have the strongest lifts.
Caution: Don’t steer the glider facing the slope.

• Distance to the slope: Soaring flight (flying in dynamic

wind) often requires flying near the ground. Despite this a
safe distance must be kept which may vary according to the
pilot experience. It must be borne in mind that maintaining
the same distance to the slope, the safety margin is slightly
smaller on a flat ground than on a steep slope ⇒ fly near an
impressive cliff has no more risk than flying over flat

• Turbulence: The lift on dynamic slope is often relatively

laminar (e.g., the north wind). Despite this, turbulent zones
are caused by the landform. Thus these areas are near
uneven terrain and great caution is required on a soil that
is not flat = increase distance from the ground! Mechanical
turbulences are predictable and they may, by a judicious
choice of track, be considerably reduced.
Caution: in case of tuck, first get away from the slope and
only after undertake the operation to reopen the canopy.
• Flying over ridges: due to the nozzle effect, there is on
mountain ridges a higher wind speed whose horizontal
component increases while crossing ridges or summit.
Caution: When flying over ridges one should not be
dragged lee side of the ridge. In high winds, do not takeoff
on ridges or summits but sufficiently below!

● Flying lee side: If despite all precautions you are dragged lee side, try as much as possible to turn in lift areas. When
rise rate decreases, return upwind by trying to fly over the turbulence area as high as possible (eventually pulling the
ears if there is sufficient height).

6.4.2 Thermal flight (see concepts of meteorology Chap. 3, Weather)

• Searching the thermal: The source of the clouds is an

indicator. Therefore the thermal is found along an
imaginary line between the triggering point (location where
thermals rise from the ground and enter the free
atmosphere) and the cloud. A powerful thermal is always
around an area of turbulent air. That’s why during a calm
flight, turbulence normally indicates the presence of a

• With blue thermal: (without the formation of cumulus

clouds) and a low flying height, one should head towards
the possible triggering places and thermal sources, taking
into account the influence of wind. Planning a promising
route before takeoff is strongly recommended. This said,
birds spiraling are the most reliable thermal indicators.
• Entering the thermal: If entering full force in a lift area, the
leading edge is raised and the glider loses speed, so releasing the
action on the brakes prevents the angle of attack of becoming too
large and going down below the minimum flight speed. Then,
during 3 to 4 seconds, fly in a straight line to ensure the spiral will
be performed inside the thermal column. Only after these
maneuvers one must resolutely turn the preferred side or in the
direction dictated by the ground. If other gliders are already
turning in the same pump (thermal column), adopt their rotation
If touching the thermal with only half wing, the glider is raised on
this half (and in some cases the opposite side collapses). The pilot
responds by veering on the side of the raised wing. If these steering
techniques are not performed, the glider itself will leave the lifting
area (usually followed by a significant sink rate).

● Flying in the thermal: In a powerful thermal, steering maneuvers and tight turns are often used to ``center’’. In weaker
and wider thermals turns made with the minimum sink rate speed and gentle maneuvers are required instead.
Caution: Do not fly too slowly ⇒ spin! At low altitude there are often only weak and small thermals, while higher the best
lifting areas are only hardly accessible. In such situations, there is often nothing else to do than flying patiently in circles
at the same altitude and wait for the next triggering.

• Going out the thermal: When leaving from a powerful lift, there is a
downward turbulent marginal zone. The glider must then be accelerated.
Through an enhanced action on the brakes, the risk of front tuck is reduced.
Beginning pilots often live thermal flying in a more brutal way than the
experienced pilots. Many times they are not properly centered in the lift and
they always fall in the turbulent peripheral zone of the thermal bubble.

● Flying in a “swarm”: By a measure of respect when flying together in a thermal, the most basic principles are the rules
of flight and concentration. Considerable attention should be paid to the vertical safety distance. This reduces the danger
of collision in case of collapse.

6.4.3 Long distance flight - cross country flight

In addition to favorable weather conditions, physical abilities and suitable techniques, it is essential, for long-distance
flights, to have great experience and a good tactical flight. Following are some recommendations:
• Whenever possible, always fly above the ridges as slope
thermals and thermal columns often range in short time
• When there is a crossing (transition), try to gain a
sufficiently safe height in order to attach the thermal as
high as possible in the next mountain.
• Succeeding a valley crossing requires a very high flight
altitude at departure. Wind plays a crucial role here: a
tailwind of 20 km / h improves drag ratio over 10, a
headwind of same intensity reduces it by half or even less.
In general, ascents are exploited to their maximum height.
If in altitude a contrary draft prevails, it can still exist a
proper flight altitude lower down.

Warning: watch the weather development.

Warning: while slope soaring in unknown territory: be careful with wood cables below the tree line and above this limit
with hay cables.

6.5 - The landing

On landing, the wind has the same importance as on takeoff.
For this reason landings are always made whenever possible, into the wind. But nevertheless, landing with a slight tailwind
can be performed without problems.

Landing with... Headwind Tailwind

Approach angle Steeper Flatter

Speed landing Lower Higher

Figure 4-34: Determining wind direction: If there is no windsock or flag

or smoke to indicate wind direction, it can be determined by the drift, from
where the wind blows, by performing a 360°.
6.5.1 Preparing the S-turn
If there is enough height available, it is recommended to perform a prior survey of the landing place to observe the
windsock. If there is not, an indication of wind direction may be given by smoke or flags and eventually also by drift when
performing a 360°. The starting point of the turn is determined according to the wind. It is called altitude loss area
(destruction area) and is always “into wind” and next to the targeted landing point. In the area of loss in altitude, the
exceeding height is eliminated by performing controlled 360° in the same sense of rotation of the final turn.

6.5.2 The landing turn

Landing turn is a procedure used in all aeronautics matters; it provides an organized landing process and offers good
conditions for its accuracy. If there are no specific rules, the flip will be made to the left. According to the wind and the size
of the landing site (the stronger the wind or the larger the landing place and the higher will be the height) the turn begins
between 50 - 100 m in height.

Warning: Trimmers or acceleration system should be set in neutral position before the start of the turn. An accelerated
paraglider undergoes, in turbulence, faster collapses, while a trimmed wing increases the risk of stall or deep stall.

Figure 4-35: The landing turn

A: Loss of altitude area
G: Tailwind
Possibility of adjustments:
hG If we are too high
tG If we are too low
Q: The base
Possibility of adjustments:
hQ If we are too high
tQ If we are too low
E: Final
Possibility of adjustments:
More or less braking action

Flying with a little action on the brakes during the turn is an advantage. Slow speed allows more time for distributing and
estimating the height. Turns and any corrective maneuvers are quietly done so that pendulum movements do not cause loss
of approach vision and altitude control. There are the following correction opportunities:

We note that in... Tailwind Base Final

Extend elements of the landing Extend the base or possibly Brake the glider to reduce its
...if we are too high turn repeat it glide angle

Shorten the elements of the shorten the base or squarely Brakes off and slowly flare
...if we are too low landing turn remove out

When the conditions of the landing place allow, in nil wind, a big turn with a long final is done. If the wind is stronger, it is
done shorter lee side behind the targeted point (by no means behind the landing site). Simultaneously the turn starts
relatively high because one can easily lose height at the final by acting on the brakes (see chap. 4.4.1). No correction
maneuver should be undertaken in the last 3 seconds before landing.

6.5.3 Landing Technique

Shortly before touching the ground the glider speed is reduced by an action on the brake controls. The softest landings are
therefore possible if brakes are pulled completely after a flight brakes released or even accelerated wing ⇒ flare. This
technique, whatever it may be, must be executed and measured in the right time otherwise crash is expected when landing.
Flare is also dependent on the wind and wing performance. The more efficient is the paraglider and / or the (head) wind is
stronger, and lower and later one will flare out.
During flare, there is a pendulum movement of the pilot somewhat forward. He must therefore be careful not to fall behind.
To land properly, one must leave the sitting position in the harness and set upright at the appropriate time.
After landing, pick up glider and immediately leave the landing place, thus coming out the way of the following pilots.
Photo 4-21: Usually, during landing, brakes are already used a few meters above the ground and then, at about 1 m,
brakes are fully pulled in a measured way.

6.5.4 Landing in the target

Precision landings depend on the knowledge of the own paraglider (ex. the perfect knowledge of the 100% position of brake
controls, the response speed of controls etc.) and a good sense of anticipation. Landing at the target is prepared if possible
with a long final and about 50% brake. To estimate the angle of descent, one tries to determine if and how the target point
moves by fixing it:

Figure 4-36: the target point moves downward

⇒ The look aims lower.
⇒ The flight path is too flat.
⇒ The flight is too long
Correction: brake more.
Caution: risk of stall.
Figure 4-37: the target point moves upwards
⇒ He look aims higher.
⇒ The flight path is too steep.
⇒ The flight is too short
Correction: brake less

Figure 4-22: In final it is possible to obtain a steeper trajectory by braking

strongly: Beware of stall danger!
Flying near the stall point should be exercised at high altitude and used
near the ground only when one is truly mastering the wing.

6.5.5 Landing in special situations

• Landing in strong wind: With a wind of 30 km / h and more, the smallest distraction can have as a
result being dragged behind the landing ground with the consequence of not being able to reach it
anymore. Once one realizes a strong wind prevails upon landing, the location of the altitude loss area is
chosen clearly on the windward side of the landing site and in no case should the turn around it be done
the leeward side. During the turn one should count on a strong drift in the turns and a small advance in
the final. That’s why one turns much earlier (about the height of the landing point) at the base than in nil
wind. The final is shortened.
Figure 4-38: Loss of altitude and turn in strong wind: to lose altitude, eights, and not the 360°, are
done upwind. The tailwind phase disappears. At the base veer the glider into the wind and the leading
edge towards the aimed point.
Caution: In spring and summer, on sunny days, strong valley wind should be expected which gradually increases with the
loss of altitude and may reach 30 - 40 km / h near the ground!
Caution: Maintain a sufficient distance from obstacles ⇒ turbulences are present throughout the height of obstacles and till
the ground!
During landing slightly use the brakes just above the ground. Immediately after landing, deflate the wing by an appropriate
operation (pull down the lines B or C)!
● Landing with a tailwind: Certain situations may arise when one must land with a tailwind.
The causes may be:
❍ The wind suddenly turns 180° during the final.
❍ One has misinterpreted the windsock.
❍ Just before, a pilot misinterpreted the direction of the wind on the ground and landed with a slight tailwind, etc.
In these cases it is necessary to better adapt to the situation and if necessary accept landing with a tailwind. The
highest landing speed can be reduced to its maximum by an abrupt action on brake controls at full speed 2 m from the
ground. On ground free of obstacles, landing with a light tailwind is no great danger.
It is strongly recommended not to carry out violent maneuvers near the ground. One may lose height in an
uncontrolled manner and hit the ground in a pendulum movement ⇒ great danger of injury!
● Landing with a high sink rate (e.g., deep stall etc.):
From a sink rate of about 5 m / s it is practically no longer possible to make an upright landing on feet. In this case the
following procedure is recommended:

Rolling technique:
● Tighten the legs and feet, let your knees relaxed.
● Look far away, not to the ground.
● Tighten the arms along the body.
● At the impact, roll on the hip and shoulder. Caution: Do not hold on the ground with the hands ⇒ big danger of injury!

● Landing on a slope:
❍ On a highly steep field one lands across (parallel to) the slope. During flare pull the brake control downhill more
strongly because the glider has a tendency, at the very end, to spontaneously face the slope.
❍ On a slightly steep slope one can just as well land facing the slope or back to the slope.
Landing up the slope makes landing precision easier but makes a smooth landing more difficult. Landing down the
slope makes landing precision more difficult and smooth landing easier.

6.5.6 Landing in unfamiliar territory - emergency landing

Landing outside is more difficult than landing on a place acknowledged beforehand. Yet sometimes it is unavoidable to have
to choose and decide about a landing site in flight. The sooner it is done and more time there is to assess the wind and
obstacles and determine an appropriate approach. With wind, the barriers upwind causing turbulence should be at least
100 m away and the ground should be as flat as possible.
● Landing in a tree: If landing in a tree is unavoidable, use the brakes just before hitting the tree as in a normal landing.
Then protect the head with the arms and cross the legs. If you have a choice, choose conifers because of their downward
and more elastic branches than the broad-leaved trees.
Caution: the greatest danger does not lie in landing itself but in the risk of falling from the tree during the ensuing
descent! Therefore, in case of doubt, it is better to wait for assistance from another person without releasing from the
If wishing to free a paraglider from a tree with the least possible damage, release all the quick links and knots of the
brake lines and then pull the canopy from the side, downward.
● Landing on water: The most important thing when landing in water is being able to separate from glider and harness as
soon as possible. For this reason, throw, if possible even during the flight, the backpack and shoes and open the chest and
leg straps. Upon arrival in water only use the brake controls slightly so that the leading edge falls into the water first,
before the pilot. In this way the air does not go out the canopy and the glider does not sink immediately. Then get away
from the glider by swimming against the current.
Caution: Water landings with current are the most dangerous. The current sweeps away the wing and pilot instantly.

6.5.7 Folding
According to the paragliding folding method spread out the wing as for the takeoff and then fold each side several times
until the middle. Then fold up from the trailing edge.
Photos 4-23: Folding
6.6 - Behavior in case of accident
6.6.1 General Measures
● Take a step back, consider what steps to take.
● Bringing rescue.
❍ Master the consequences of the accident, do not endanger others. Assess fall hazards. Never touch a power line before
the power is cut.
❍ Do not aggravate the condition of the injured person during transportation and protect the injured parts. If suspecting
a back injury, do not carry the person yourself unless it is an extreme emergency. Avoid as much as possible to move
the injured person or prevent her from that; put her in position or undertake the evacuation. The symptoms of spine
injuries are back pain, loss of sensitivity on the limbs and inability to move them.
❍ Arrange transport, if necessary, by third persons.
● First Aid.
● Assistance.
● Protect the injured from weather factors (cold, humidity, direct sunlight).
● Never leave the injured alone.
● If the injured may need an operation, do not give him any food or drink.
● Organize and control the transport.
● Inform family members and eventually retrieve the glider.

6.6.2 Rescue with the helicopter

One can often save precious minutes when alarming immediately, via telephone, the central local Air Rescue.
● Conditions:
❍ Enough visibility (no fog).
❍ Flat landing platform and at least 4x4 m.
❍ Area with a diameter of 24 m without obstacle.

● Guidance: stand on the edge of the landing area, both arms raised and back upwind.
• Distress signals:

● Fold the glider: The helicopter rotors generate strong gusts near the ground and can carry in the air the glider left on
the ground or clothing and blankets. This can bring significant risk to the injured person and the team of rescuers.

• Suspension of flights in the accident area: A white or yellow cross on red background
placed on the ground indicates a ban on landing. It can be considered when recruiting a
helicopter that all the flights within a radius of 1 km around the intervention site must be

● Approach a helicopter always by front in the pilot’s visual field and bending down.

6.6.3 Personal Accident

● Assess the safety degree; separate from harness and glider if there is no risk of falling.
● If no assistance is necessary, bend the paraglider as quick as you can to avoid a third concerned person from triggering
the alarm.
● If a self-rescue is not possible, activate a visual or acoustic signal 6 times per minute. The answer is given by 3 signals per
● Protect yourself from the cold.
● Await rescue.

6.6.4 The paragliding pharmacy

A small pharmacy takes only little space and can pay a tremendous service in case of accident. The basic equipment should
- Quick dressings,
- gauze bandages,
- elastic bandage,
- triangular sheet,
- adhesive tape,
- a pair of scissors,
- survival blanket,
- rescue cord,
- whistle,
- pain relief.

Issues Signs and symptoms Condition Emergency action

- Do not respond Unconscious 1. If sufficient breathing, lateral recovery
- Seems asleep (hug, never Danger of position
shake to not aggravate existing asphyxiation 2. Thermal protection (also below),
injuries) moisture and heat protection
Does he/her - Does not react 3. Continuously monitoring, special care in
respond? lesions in the spine and skull

- Rapid breathing, shallow, Respiratory arrest or Immediately reanimate (mouth to nose,

irregular, with rail, suffocating respiratory failure mouth to mouth)
- Face (especially lips) and the Acute danger of 1. Pull the head back gently, press the
tip bluish fingers suffocation lower jaw against the upper jaw and lower
- No visible and noticeable lip against the upper lip
respiratory movement 2. Carefully inject air into the nose,
- Inspiration and expiration not observe the expiration (look, listen) then
audible or visible (check 12 to 15 breaths per minute
approaching your ear near the 3. In case of high resistance and / or lack
Does he/her mouth or nose of the injury) of expiration, improve the position of the
breathes?? head, remove clogging substances

- Venous hemorrhage: flow drop The blood supply of 1. Lay patient

by drop or high flow vital organs is 2. Maintain elevated body part that bleeds
- Arterial hemorrhage: spurted threatened 3. In case of insufficient hemostasis,
corresponding to heartbeat or in Bloodstream fails, perform finger pressure in the direction of
streams risk of shock the heart
- Mixed hemorrhage (arterial 4. Compressive bandage with a soft
and venous) are common padding (fabric, the highest and narrowest
- Consider internal hemorrhages possible) and attach it, in case of
- Pay attention to blood emergency double it
absorbed by clothing 5. If the compressive bandage is not
enough, press the wound with your fingers
or fist
Does he/her 6. The injured part should be elevated and
bleeds? left alone

- Rapid pulse and low noticeable State of shock 1a. In principle, when unknown causes, put
- Pale skin, cold and clammy Bloodstream fails the wounded in a horizontal position
- Apathy or amazing agitation, 1b. If the cause of shock is certainly heavy
excitation bleeding or severe fluid loss (eg when
- Shallow or accelerated burning): elevate the legs about 30cm
breathing 1c. Do not raise the upper body injured
shocked and conscious with respiratory
failure, chest injury (without bleeding in
the respiratory tract), skull injuries, or
His/her pulse is 2. Protect from cold, moisture and heat,
normal? reassure and monitor
Pilot Manual
7- Legislation

Association of Paragliding Pilots and Instructors

© APPI 2010 / 2014
All rights reserved.
Portions of the Appendix of this section may be reproduced by APPI Members for use in APPI-sanctioned training, but not
for resale or personal gain. No other reproduction is allowed without the express written permission of APPI.

7.1 - Structuring of airspace

Important: Rules may vary according to countries, so it is very important before flying in a country you do not know, you
learn about the rules in force in that country.
Important: Local site rules can override international or a country’s rules, so for a new site that you do not know, you
must check with a local paragliding school on the current rules for this site. Indeed, these may vary according to the
environment, proximity to airport, or free flight activities allowed on this site.

The world’s navigable airspace is divided into three-dimensional segments, each of which is assigned to a specific class.
Most nations adhere to the classification specified by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and
described below, though they might use only some of the classes defined below, and significantly alter the exact rules and
requirements. Similarly, individual nations may also designate Special Use Airspace with further rules for reasons of
national security or safety (Source wikipedia).

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), is a specialized agency of the United Nations. It codifies the
principles and techniques of international air navigation and fosters the planning and development of international air
transport to ensure safe and orderly growth. Its headquarters are located in the Quartier International of Montreal,
Quebec, Canada.
On March 12, 1990, ICAO adopted the current airspace classification scheme. The classes are fundamentally defined in
terms of flight rules and interactions between aircraft and Air Traffic Control (ATC). Generally speaking, the ICAO
airspaces allocate the responsibility for avoiding other aircraft, namely either to ATC (if separation is provided) or to the
aircraft commander (if not).
Some key concepts are:
● Separation: Maintaining a specific minimum distance between an aircraft and another aircraft or terrain to avoid
collisions, normally by requiring aircraft to fly at set levels or level bands, on set routes or in certain directions, or by
controlling an aircraft’s speed.
● Clearance: Permission given by ATC for an aircraft to proceed under certain conditions contained within the clearance.
● Traffic Information: Information given by ATC on the position and, if known, intentions of other aircraft likely to pose a
hazard to flight.
● Flight Rules: Aircraft can operate under Visual flight rules (VFR) or Instrument Flight Rules (IFR). There is also an
intermediate form, Special visual flight rules (SVFR).
● Visual flight rules (VFR) are a set of regulations under which a pilot operates an aircraft in weather conditions
generally clear enough to allow the pilot to see where the aircraft is going. Specifically, the weather must be better than
basic VFR weather minima, i.e. in visual meteorological conditions (VMC), as specified in the rules of the relevant aviation
authority. The pilot must be able to operate the aircraft with visual reference to the ground, and by visually avoiding
obstructions and other aircraft.
● Instrument flight rules (IFR) permit an aircraft to operate in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) in contrast to
VFR. They are also an integral part of flying in class A airspace.
● The ICAO definition of Special visual flight rules (SVFR) is a VFR flight cleared by air traffic control to operate within
a control zone in meteorological conditions below visual meteorological conditions.

ICAO adopted classifications:

Note: These are the ICAO definitions. Country specific adaptations exist (such as "two-way communications" instead of
"clearance" for Class C in the US).
● Class A: All operations must be conducted under IFR. All aircraft are subject to ATC clearance. All flights are separated
from each other by ATC.
● Class B: Operations may be conducted under IFR, SVFR, or VFR. All aircraft are subject to ATC clearance. All flights are
separated from each other by ATC.
● Class C: Operations may be conducted under IFR, SVFR, or VFR. All aircraft are subject to ATC clearance (country
specific variations notwithstanding). Aircraft operating under IFR and SVFR are separated from each other and from
flights operating under VFR, but VFR flights are not separated from each other. Flights operating under VFR are given
traffic information in respect of other VFR flights.
● Class D: Operations may be conducted under IFR, SVFR, or VFR. All flights are subject to ATC clearance (country
specific variations notwithstanding). Aircraft operating under IFR and SVFR are separated from each other, and are given
traffic information in respect of VFR flights. Flights operating under VFR are given traffic information in respect of all
other flights.
● Class E: Operations may be conducted under IFR, SVFR, or VFR. Aircraft operating under IFR and SVFR are separated
from each other, and are subject to ATC clearance. Flights under VFR are not subject to ATC clearance. As far as is
practical, traffic information is given to all flights in respect of VFR flights.
● Class F: Operations may be conducted under IFR or VFR. ATC separation will be provided, so far as practical, to aircraft
operating under IFR. Traffic Information may be given as far as is practical in respect of other flights.
● Class G: Operations may be conducted under IFR or VFR. ATC separation is not provided. Traffic Information may be
given as far as is practical in respect of other flights.

Classes A–E are referred to as controlled airspace. Classes F and G are uncontrolled airspace.
The table below provides an overview of the above classes, and the specifications for each.
Class Controlled IFR SVFR VFR ATC Clearance Separation Traffic Information

A Controlled Yes No No Required Provided for all flights N/A

B Controlled Yes Yes Yes Required Provided for all flights N/A

C Controlled Yes Yes Yes Required Provided for all IFR/SVFR Provided for all VFR

Controlled Yes Yes Yes Required Provided for IFR/SVFR to other Provided for all IFR and VFR

Controlled Yes Yes Yes Required for IFR Provided for IFR/SVFR to other Provided for all IFR and VFR
E and SVFR IFR/SVFR flights where possible

Uncontrolled Yes No Yes advisory only Provided for IFR/SVFR to other Provided where possible if
F IFR/SVFR where possible requested

Uncontrolled Yes No Yes Not provided Not provided Provided where possible, if
G requested

More information about the classes used in each country on wikipedia.

7.1.1 Controlled airspace

Controlled airspace is airspace of defined dimensions within which ATC (Air Traffic Control) services are provided. The
level of control varies with different classes of airspace. Controlled airspace usually imposes higher weather minimums
than are applicable in uncontrolled airspace. It is the opposite of uncontrolled airspace.
Controlled airspace is established mainly for three different reasons:
● high-volume air traffic areas, e.g. near airports
● IFR traffic under ATC guidance
● security, e.g. ADIZ

Controlled airspace usually exists in the immediate vicinity of busier airports, where aircraft used in commercial air
transport flights are climbing out from or making an approach to the airport, or at higher levels where air transport flights
would tend to cruise. Some countries also provide controlled airspace almost generally, however in most countries it is
common to provide uncontrolled airspace in areas where significant air transport or military activity is not expected.
Controlled airspace is classes A to E, in order of decreasing ATC regulation of flights. Flight under instrument flight
rules (IFR) is allowed in all controlled airspace (some countries also permit IFR in uncontrolled airspace); flight under
visual flight rules (VFR) is permitted in all airspace except class A.

Figure 5-1: Airway (AWY), Terminal Manoeuvring

Area (TMA) or Terminal Control Area (TCA) and
Control Traffic Region (CTR). The Control traffic Region
CTR extend around an airport from the ground to a
determined height. The surface and the height of these
areas are defined on aeronautical charts. Above for airports
of a certain size, there is the Terminal Manoeuvring Area
whose volume is also defined on aeronautical charts. It is
here that meet the airway, the upper limit is very often at
flight level 195 (FL 195 = around 5950 m / sea).

● Class C airspace (CHARLY)

❍ Flights only allowed with radio equipment and transponder (radar echo amplifier) and authorization of competent air
traffic control service (ATC clearance)
❍ IFR and VFR traffic (Visual flight rules, which includes paragliders)

Figure 5-2: Class C airspace

This example includes:
- The entire air space above flight level FL195
- Some areas of the air space above flight level FL100
- The Terminal Control Areas and the Control Traffic

● Class D airspace (DELTA)

❍ Flights only allowed with radio equipment and authorization of competent air traffic control service (ATC clearance)
❍ IFR and VFR traffic (Visual flight rules, which includes paragliders)

Figure 5-3: Class D airspace

This example includes:
- Inside the mountainous region, the entire air space
between flight levels FL130 (or FL150) and FL195 (3950m -
5950m) except AWY and TMA which are part of the C space
- Outside the mountainous region, parts of the airspace
(AWY) between flight levels FL100 and FL195 (3050m -
5950m) including CTR and TMA

● Class E airspace (ECHO)

❍ Flights authorized considering the distance from cloud, as well as the limitation of visibility. This latter is generally 5
kilometers to flight level FL100 and 8 km between flight levels FL100 and FL115 (3050m - 3500m).

Figure 5-4: Class E airspace

This example includes:
- Inside the mountainous region, the entire air space
between 600m GND and the flight level FL115 except CTR,
AWY and TMA which are part of the C or D space.
- Outside the mountainous region, the entire air space
between 600m GND and the flight level FL115 except CTR,
AWY and TMA which are part of the C or D space.

7.1.2 Uncontrolled airspace

Uncontrolled airspace is airspace where an Air Traffic Control (ATC) service is not deemed necessary or cannot be
provided for practical reasons. According to the airspace classes set by ICAO, class G airspace is uncontrolled. It is the
opposite of controlled airspace.
However ATC may provide basic information services in uncontrolled airspace to aircraft in radio contact. Flight in
uncontrolled airspace will typically be under VFR. Aircraft operating under IFR should not expect separation from other
traffic: however in certain uncontrolled airspace this might be provided on an ’as far as is practical’ advisory basis.
Classe G is uncontrolled area, which means that it can fly without radio guidance.
● Class G airspace (GOLF)
❍ Flights authorized, taking consideration the distance from cloud and the limitation of visibility. This latter is usually 1.5
kilometers and continuous view of the ground.

Figure 5-5: Class G airspace

This example includes:
- The entire air space between the ground and 600m GND
except CTR and TMA which are part of the C or D space
and a radius of 5 kilometers around aerodromes and 2.5
kilometers around heliports.

7.1.3 Limitation of airspace

Regardless of the structure of the uncontrolled airspace, there are areas where the traffic is subject to restrictions. The
duration and extent of these areas can vary. There is 3 types:
● Restricted areas
These are areas in which an aeronautical activity can be done according to a special regulation (eg near airports where
you have to respect certain altitudes).
● Prohibited areas
These are areas whose duration is limited and in which any unspecified aviation activity is prohibited (for example at
● Hazardous areas
These are areas in which an aeronautical activity is dangerous by the presence of other aircraft or gliders in large
numbers. May be distinguished three:
❍ Free flight areas
Outside the hours of military flight, the minima of vertical and horizontal distances from cloud are reduced for for all
kinds of gliders.
❍ Flying area in the clouds
Temporarily defined area in which the pilots of glider equipped and trained for this purpose may fly in the clouds
(which is normally forbidden for paragliders)
❍ Military zones

7.2 - Flight rules

Free flight such paragliding is regulated by the rules of VFR (visual flight rules).

7.2.1 Visual flight rules VFR

Minima of horizontal visibility as well as clearances from clouds fluctuate depending on the altitude (relative to sea level) or
height (from the ground) of flight and airspace which the pilot operates.
From the ground to a distance of 900 meters (FL30), the pilot must have a horizontal visibilty of 1.5 km and permanent
view of the ground.
Beyond 900 meters, it must meet a lateral distance from clouds of 1.5 km and vertical distance of 300 meters. Otherwise
the lateral distance of visibility must be 5 km.
In free flight areas, the minima can be reduced to 100 meters laterally and 50 meters vertically.
Figure 5-6: minima of visibility and distance from clouds to respect into space E and G, within and outside area
free flight.

7.2.2 Rules Priorities in flight

Important: Remember that safety is your first rule, staying aloft comes after.
Pilots not taking their right-of-way will confuse others.

Pilots thermalling near a ridge: In most countries, ridge soaring rules typically prevails over courtesy to thermalling pilots.

Figures 5-7: Flight rules in free space.

Crossovers: priority to the right

Coming face to face: avoidance by the right, which means that

whoever the slope on the left gives priority by shifting to the right
until the other has passed

Ridge soaring: turn rather than overtake

Head on near ridge: Pilot with ridge in his right has priority

Overtaking: either side, left or right, with good clearance

Converging: Pilot on the right has priority

Thermalling: Turn in the same direction as upper pilot.

Upon entry into the thermal, the pilots already installed should not
be disturbed.
When overtaking, the pilot mounts the faster must enlarge its
circles and overtake from outside.

Landing: Lower pilot has priority

Priority rules
In air law, there are several categories of aircraft which is a priority based on its avoidance possibilities. The craft less
maneuvering will always have priority over the more maneuvering. Hang gliders, paragliders and sailplanes are as defined
in the regulations at the same level, among them, the most powerful gives priority. In all cases you must give way to an
aircraft in distress. Non-compliance with rules of air traffic is only allowed if security reasons dictate.
Reference rules in force in some countries
Country Link

USA USHPA Part 100 basic safety recommendations

Europe Aerial collision avoidance rules in Europe

Switzerland FSVL - Air rules

France Aviation regulations applicable to free flight

Italy Guide for visiting pilots

Germany Rules

7.3 - The paragliding license

In some countries, a license and/or an insurance is required to fly autonomously. In all cases, a pilot must inquire in a local
school to meet legal requirements.
In some countries, APPI is recognized as the official education system, and therefore allows you to fly with your APPI
license (if a license is required).
APPI certification awarded to a pilot is internal to the APPI system, and shows no particular right in the country where the
activity is done, unless APPI is recognized by the legal authority managing free flight in that country. Check with the local
federation if such an agreement exists.

In all cases, your paragliding activity (solo, tandem, instruction) must comply with the laws of the country in
which it is performed.

7.3.1 APPI theoretical examination

The APPI theoretical examination should be performed under the supervision of an APPI instructor.
Any member affiliated APPI has access to theoretical exams online, and must train to the examination on the APPI website.
More than 800 questions are online, and are subdivided into 6 categories: Aerodynamic, Meteorology, Legislation,
Equipment, Flight practice and Tandem flight.
Any affiliated APPI instructor can print exam questions for students.

7.3.2 APPI practical examination

The APPI practical examination should be performed under the supervision of an APPI instructor.
It should be done once the theory test successfully completed.

7.3.3 APPI license by equivalence

I you are already a confirmed pilot or instructor, in some conditions you can get your APPI license by equivalence.
Check which federations allow you APPI equivalence.
Should your issuing federation not qualify for equivalence, you will need to be validated by an APPI Instructor.

7.3.4 Insurance
APPI strongly recommends its members to be insured to paraglide, and in case of an accident, APPI does not accept any
All EU Schools and EU tandem pilots must hold Third Party Liability Insurance.

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